#i know that this isn’t the lok complaining blog
comradekatara · 5 months
lok needed more fun little gimmick episodes. can you believe they never pulled off a single heist??
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dumbjockgirl · 2 years
To everyone that makes it their entire life/online existence to hate a show and spread that hate, claim that their side isn’t heard, etc. this isn’t specific to SPoP, as I’ve seen it in LoK and SU, but for example SPoP:
There are other shows for you to watch and spend your time loving so dearly instead of complaining and hating that one, let people enjoy things
I promise you that everyone knows and thought about everything you have said or thought. Maybe not everything, but the gist. It’s not— There’s a difference between ‘critical’ and critical thinking. Critical thinking involves, I like to say, thorough and deep thought including all possible reasons and questions etc., think Socrates and other philosophers.
A ‘critical’, which just call yourself critic because that’s what it is, is completely different. It’s holding the highest standards and expectations and being upset they aren’t met and deciding things for yourself and creating your version of everything to be how you wanted it, this going Out Of Character. There is no character development here, there is only ‘well she’s like that so she will never have a better life which involves getting over herself or certain things’. It’s putting one single character on a pedestal and declaring they can’t do anything wrong. That bad things only happen to them and they don’t deserve it. That nobody else on the show or whatever is good enough for them so you make a character for them, or choose one from a completely different show( early LoK days of Asami Sato x Nightwing) and put them together. We love AUs, but it’s not an AU for these that hate this show so much, it’s The Way it Should Be.
We do so much critical thinking about everything that happens in these shows, those of us who actually enjoy it. We go so deep. For example, we get really deep into how Catra has treated people and how she has treated Adora. Dive into her feelings, dive into how CATRA is just as abused as ADORA but not always the same way. How Adorable has been unintentionally abusive and not as good a friend as she tries because it goes BOTH ways sometimes. One person isn’t always the victim, they can do both and you have to keep that in mind when you think why things have happened. They both get through it because they only did these things because that’s all they knew.
Even in a nice ‘utopia’ like Brightmoon, Glimmer was still a little abusive or manipulative when Bow wanted to go to the prom with Perfuma when they went as friends all the time. Glimmer and Catra learned they can have more friends and so can their beloved have more friends. It’s a whole thing that if you just hate it all, you wouldn’t even notice it, you’ll just think wow they treat the one character like shit they’re just horrible nothing else.
If they don’t learn immediately, like in SU, that they shouldn’t do something then it will be a big thing later. Like when Pearl lied about Peridot having rebuilt the signal to transmit a message so she and Garnet can fuse again, she learned towards the end that she shouldn’t have done that and that it was selfish and manipulative. She didn’t get immediate forgiveness, either, which getting would be totally unrealistic.
For the most part, it’s about learning that something you did was wrong whether it’s immediate or later because recovery isn’t a straight line. Don’t spend your life or even part of it just hating things and making the world know it. For example, I hate MLP and I don’t have a blog dedicated to it, I don’t even make posts about it, I just block and move on. It would be ironic to hate even a specific couple and put a pic of that couple in a kinda gay situation as the header of my blog when I hate it. It’s like the show didn’t teach the hater/anti anything at all.
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rudysrings · 4 years
Someday Soon
A/N: So the blog I started for my atla writing isn’t showing up in the tags. big sad. i’ll just put them on my main i guess. guess i write for atla now oop. I’ll write for pretty much anybody bc I do be a simp for atla and lok. Also the title sucks bc this is something i just wrote when it was simping for zuko hours, and i just felt like posting.
Warnings: er angst and fluff and allusions to sex i guess? it’s pretty PG ngl...
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this gif is super overused but don’t lie you love it : D ;)
Okie here we go!
You found yourself seeking out the banished prince, despite the Gaang’s instant rejection of him. It had been too long since you had seen him, spoken with him, touched him.
You surprisingly felt no anger anymore, only sorrow for what you had lost. You knew nothing would ease that pain other than the presence of the boy himself.
You were grateful to Toph for understanding, for showing you the way and leaving you to speak alone.
He was asleep when you found him. You were surprisingly unprepared for that outcome.
Unsure about waking him, you simply sat a few feet away in the cave, drawing your legs close to your chest as you shivered in the cold of the night. You must have been there for no more than a few moments when you felt Zuko pull you towards him. “Hey,” he greeted, pulling you into his warm embrace. You could tell that he had done so because he had seen you freezing half to death.
It was so easy, the two of you alone in that little cave, for you to pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist, that the harsh history between you was simply a bad dream.
You’d never felt so weak as you did then, not even when you were imprisoned, beaten down and your very identity ripped away. Because even then, you had known good from evil. But now, you were at war with yourself, unable to draw the line with his amber eyes melting away every ounce of your defiance.
Zuko held you close, but didn’t make any sudden moves, both out of awareness of your fragile disposition and out of pure respect for you. The last thing he wanted was to make you feel obligated to do something you would regret. Not that you would ever be so easily manipulated by anyone, but as selfish as it was, he secretly hoped that he made you as vulnerable as you made him.
You released a breath, not meeting his eyes as you straddled him timidly, the blush clear on your cheeks and neck. You were too absorbed in yourself to notice the same flush present on him.
“I wish I could just wake up from this nightmare,” you whispered. “This nightmare where you’re the bad guy, and you’ve hurt me in every way you can, and we can never be the same again.”
Zuko didn’t know why you were sharing this with him, opening yourself up after all this time, but he sure wasn’t complaining; he greedily licked up any piece of yourself you gifted him with.
“You’d think it would be easy to hate you, but Zuko,” you finally looked up at him, taken slightly aback by the emotion in his eyes. This was hurting him as much as it was you. “I just can’t seem to let you go.”
Zuko let a tear fall, blinking quickly as he spoke, “I-I don’t want you to let me go. Please. Everyone else except you and Uncle have already given up on me...just when I’m finally figuring out my destiny. And after what I’ve done to Uncle, he must hate me. I don’t--I need--as selfish as it is, I need your forgiveness. I can never take back what I did to you. I regret it every day. I understand if-if you can’t--”
The sight of your prince carrying all this guilt, feeling so alone and pleading with you for your forgiveness touched something within you that you thought you had managed to bury deep within yourself. Surging forward, you quieted that voice you adored so much with a kiss, drawing an mmph! from Zuko.
But he didn’t miss a beat, instantly winding around you on instinct, his mouth sliding over yours in just the right way, his hot tongue reminding you just how much you loved doing this.
You pulled away abruptly, afraid you’d forget what you were going to say if you let yourself get lost in him.
He looked up at you in question, his lips red and beautifully swollen from your kisses. “I forgive you, Zuko.” You felt a piece shift into place in your own heart as you said those words, a weight relieving itself from your chest.
You felt Zuko’s entire body sag with relief, his eyes twinkling with emotion, his lips parted in disbelief. “Spirits, I’m falling all in you...all over again,” Zuko said, his hot breath tickling your face.
His words encouraged your next move. You wound your arms around his neck, sliding forward on his lap to where you were chest to chest.
It seemed that even the moon didn’t want to encroach on your intimate moment, the moonlight somehow fading away, the infamous bright gold of Zuko’s eyes the only thing you could see clearly in the darkness of the cave.
You leaned back into him, your mouths colliding again. Your hands began to wander, slipping beneath his robe, seeking out the familiar contours you loved so dearly.
As your fingers began untying the knot that held his robes together, Zuko tensed, feeling the moment change as your focus shifted.
Zuko pulled away, dropping his lips to your ear to whisper, “Hey, hey, hey, slow down, y/n.”
You immediately stopped, your hands drawing back into yourself. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Zuko. I wanted--and I thought you wanted--”
Zuko chuckled, shaking his head. He brought your forehead to his, his eye glittering with mischief as he reassured you. “Trust me, angel, with you, I always want to.”
You blushed, unable to help the joy that filled your smile at his flattery. “But then, why…?” You trailed off.
“Why am I torturing myself?” Zuko asked, his expression full of mirth.
You nodded, smiling at his sudden lightheartedness. You had a feeling it might have something to do with getting your forgiveness. It had truly lightened his soul.
“Because even though I really, really, really want to, and you need to trust me on that, if we’re ever going to get on the right path again, I doubt this is the right way to start off?” He asked, as if looking for your input, too.
Your shoulders dropped in realization. You smiled inwardly at his forethought; he must really care. Tears pricked your eyes. “You’re completely right, Zuko.”
You began to feel the weight of the emotional day you had had, pushing you down into Zuko’s chest as you felt the hot tears stream down your face, and you tried to stifle the noises escaping your mouth.
Zuko didn’t need to ask. He simply knew. You had always been good at reading each other, and Zuko knew you were bound to break sooner or later. While he admired your strength to no end, what really made Zuko fall in love with you was your ability to be vulnerable with him with such ease.
That didn’t mean he enjoyed seeing you cry.
He held you tightly, his hands trembling as he tried his best to comfort you, his face buried in your sweet-smelling hair and his own tears slipping out of his tightly shut eyes. He wished he could just say the words. He loved you. He loved you like in all the magical stories his mother would read to him when he was small, like his Uncle had loved his late wife, like the moon loved the tide--he loved you. The words tore at his chest from the inside, but he kept them caged inside.
As the sun rose on the two of you, and your sobs turned into sniffles, Zuko pressed one more kiss to your quivering lips, somehow saying everything you needed to hear. He loved you. He wouldn’t say it just yet, but you knew. He had always loved you. The two of you always found each other in spite of the odds, and you had found each other once again. This time, Zuko was determined to keep you together; it was time he put you first. As he lay his head against the stone wall of the cave, holding you to his steady heartbeat, Zuko felt hopeful. “We’ll be okay, angel.” Someday soon.
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Cambodia was a treasure. From the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat to the pristine Sunset beach to the fresh crab in Kep, Cambodia has shown us calm beauty, delicious food and a deep appreciation of history (good and bad).
We arrived on Christmas Day in Siem Reap and wandered around Pub Street until we found a great little restaurant where we had beef lok lak and chicken amok – the two most popular national dishes.  
After Skyping with both of our families the following day, we headed off to the National Museum to learn about the history of Cambodia, including the history of the Angkor temples. We are really glad we went to the museum first because seeing the temples made more sense after learning about them…
The next day we took a tuk-tuk to watch the (uneventful) sunrise at Angkor Wat with a million of our closest friends and then toured around the bigger temples. 
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It was an incredible day – these temples are unreal. 
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There is beauty around every corner – though I have to say that we both enjoyed the smaller temples without the hoards of people much better. The temples always seem a bit more magical without people.
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The following day we took a bicycle ride around the temples stopping at many of the smaller temples. Again, it was an amazing day. They are just wonders. 
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After we had a delicious Cambodian BBQ, we were then off to Battambang. 
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We rang in the new year riding the bamboo train and watching thousands upon thousands of bats come out of a cave at twilight. What a sight! We also hiked up some stairs to a temple on the hill where our guide fed the monkeys…
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Battambang was a quiet little town and we enjoyed our downtime. We also took a cooking class, which included shopping in the local market. 
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Battambang was a funky little town with outdoor ellipticals and iced coffee double bagged. We ordered iced coffee and iced thai green tea from a local cart... he gave it to us in plastic bags with a straw in it and that was inside a paper bag.... we laughed pretty hard. We also loved eating fresh fruit everywhere... I think we ate pineapple every day. 
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We then took the night bus to Sihanoukville, which was a trip because we got on after seemingly everyone else was already on board, and they were sleeper beds instead of seats (2 people per bed) and in our “bed” there was already someone sleeping there… so after having the bus man make the other guy find his actual bed, we snuggled into some already warm sheets. Delightful. We considered ourselves pretty fortunate because at least we like each other and, well, know each other. A guy we met at our hotel who was also traveling on this bus was lucky enough to snuggle next to a stranger… he said it was awful. The picture quality is terrible but you get the point....
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 But then we were in beautiful Sihanoukville where everything was beautiful except for the trash that filled the beach. This is a pretty typical party area and the beer bottles in the ocean proved it. But it was a stopping point for us to go to Koh Rong Samloem island on the west side where we were treated to virtually no people, blue ocean, fruit salads with passionfruit and perfect, perfect sand.  
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 We slept in a tent suspended from trees… which sounded so exciting and romantic when we booked it. Turns out Jared weighs more than I do so it was like a giant hammock. He kept telling me to move over… but every time I moved up, I just fell back down. Ha! And on the last night, we found out that the tent wasn’t waterproof! 
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 It was an adventure to say the least… But with sunset views like this, we can’t even begin to complain.
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After an awesome week filled with kayak trips, snorkeling, and no wifi, we headed back to Sihanoukville in order to do some laundry and then headed to our next destination, Kep. 
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Kep was probably our favorite town in Cambodia - just a sleepy, little coastal fishing village.
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We stayed at the most lovely guesthouse with views of the coast. We had a little bungalow and it was perfect. The owner was an amazing Cambodian woman – we drank Khmer tea every morning and evening before we went to bed and as we were leaving she gave us a bag of the tea because she didn’t know what we would do without it. And I loved her passion fruit smoothies – made with passion fruits from her tree – so she gave us passion fruits as we left too. Such a kind, kind woman and we absolutely loved our stay. If you ever find yourself in Cambodia, make a visit to Kep and sleep at the Treetop Bungalows. (and stay for more than 1 night!!)
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In Kep, we ate crab – because that is what you do in Kep. The first night, we had the traditional Green Pepper Crab made with Kampot Pepper – pepper grown right in the area. It was incredible.
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 The next night, we decided to do the market crab adventure. We got 1kg (2.2 lbs) of crab (pulled directly from the ocean) for $6! (and I think we got ripped off… crazy!) Then we had it boiled for $.50 and bought some sauce for $1. Then we found a place to sit, bought some beer and a pineapple smoothie, and sat down to eat our boiling hot crab. Again, I had really romantic notions of this but it turns out that the shit is still inside of them. So after getting past the weird green gook, the eyes and the literal shit, the crab was really yummy… ha! It was still an awesome experience and pretty hysterical as well.
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After Kep, we headed to Kampot where we went rock climbing. It was a lot of fun! It was my first time climbing outside and it was the perfect first-time experience.
 We then headed to Phnom Penh where we visited the Killing Fields and the Genocide Museum. If you haven’t read about the Khmer Rouge and what they did to their own people, please Google it. It’s a horrible part of the world’s history and the marks of the damage their reign and the genocide had on the Cambodian people are evident even today.
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 From 1975-1979, Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge regime took people from the city and forced them into labor camps all around Cambodia. Anyone associated with the old government, specifically men, was murdered. They killed anyone who was deemed intellectual (even people who wore glasses), the disabled, people who weren’t “full” Cambodian, etc. Most often, they murdered the entire family so that no one would take revenge on the new regime. From what we learned at the Killing Fields site, bullets were often expensive so they would line people up and kill them with farm tools, knives, etc.
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While starving their own people, giving them only a bowl of rice and water where you could literally count the grains of rice within it, they worked them literally to death. Children as young as 5 were made to work, or arguably worse, forced to train as a Khmer Rouge soldier. Life was somewhat better off for the rural farm workers but as Pol Pot became increasingly paranoid, he began targeting everyone.  
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 I read two books on the genocide while I was there, “First They Killed My Father” and a book with short stories written by survivors. In the short stories book, the author’s bio was included for each experience told. Most of them were living in America having been accepted as refugees after their families had been torn apart, many of them the sole survivors of their entire family. Their country had been ripped apart by violence and death surrounded them on a daily basis. All of the bios included their current occupation, many of them social workers helping rebuild their country, others having worked for the US Postal Service and other parts of the government – all of the stories were of productive members of society – grateful for the chance to rebuild their lives free of violence and free of starvation.  
Why do we build these museums? Why do we build memorials?
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So that history won’t be repeated.
 Over the last 9 months, I have realized my greatest fear. Will I hide behind my privilege and comfort when people are in need? 
From our standpoint, it’s time to remember that violence and hatred can be stopped by activism and by paying attention to what is happening around us. Democracies are not permanent structures and I know most of the people reading this blog are grateful for the stable and fortunate lives they currently possess. I urge you to look around at the people who are not feeling so stable or fortunate right now. What can we do to reach out and offer that helping hand?
This isn’t a post about being Anti-Trump or Anti-Republican. For anyone who knows us, we can’t live in Wyoming for 4-6 years and be an extreme liberal. We get the differences between the parties, between the disagreements, but what we see more are the similarities and the biggest similarity is that we are all human.
Let us not forget that.
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