#i just have no spoons for image ids but if i dont put any i feel guilty. ergo no posts lol
reanimationstation · 2 years
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[ID: two nearly identical digital drawings of Bruce Wayne, the first is colored and the second is not. an arrow points to him in both that says "sopping wet" and has hearts around it./End ID]
so ive watched the batman three times. i am perfectly normal about this film
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[ID: a "The Batman" poster with the text "I WANT I WANT TO EAT IT" edited overtop./End ID]
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roboticchibitan · 1 year
1. unusual food themed teapot
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i have no idea what the fourth one is i dont know can you tell me if it's food or not
you've most probably seen the egg and bell pepper teapots but they're so cute that in case you haven't i put it here ^-^
(image ID under cut due to length)
Oh man these are some really good ones! The cream cheese one especially is not only unusual but it also is just really fun? I like the writing on the mustard one it really looks like a tin of mustard. The egg one is cute but it looks too small to be useful as a teapot. I'm genuinely not sure what the fourth one is but a follower may know. It's probably not meant to be used judging by how tiny the lid is. The bell pepper one is cute! I like how vibrant the red glaze is. I hadn't seen any of these before! I'll give you your medal when I answer the last ask you sent me (which may not be for a few more days because I am very tired and image descriptions take a lot of spoons).
[Image ID:
Image 1: A teapot in the shape of a box of Philadelphia cream cheese with a bagel as the handle.
Image 2: a teapot in the shape of a yellow tin of mustard that says "Coleman's Mustard double superfine mustard powder."
Image 3: a teapot in the shape of a partially eaten egg in a yellow egg cup.
Image 4: a teapot that's shaped like a clove of garlic but has a texture that looks like veins on the outside.
Image 5: a teapot in the shape of a red bell pepper.
end ID]
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jujulebee · 2 years
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🤩😍🙀LETS FUCKIN GOOO??? 😭😭jules like totes helped me figure out how 2 even make one of these things 🥴️🥴️🥴️ so im supes excited!!! 😜😍🥰️
honey b is HERE bayBEEEEE 😘💕
((another blog by me, bunny, the person who came out of nowhere swinging SEMI-LUKEWARM
honey will randomly blip out of existence with my motivation and energy levels! This does NOT mean that she wouldn't be communicating with your OCs during this time. I know it sucks to pilot an npc but please don't just assume honey is ignoring your oc, i seriously do not have the spoons to be as actively extroverted as her. i am an introvert.
theres going to be So much eyestrain on this blog, like to the point that almost every post would have an eyestrain tag, so please keep that in mind! i WILL tag flashing gifs, since i also have issues with flashing images, but if i dont clock something that you need tagged as flashing please Politely let me know, dont be a cunt id be happy to do it
gifs are tagged "gif" queue tag is "supes cute" food stuff is "yummy stuff" nails are "perfectly painted" art tag is "artsy shit" selfie tag is "super cute selfie" makeup is "looks that kill" clothes are under "wardrobe" silly shirts are under "shirts for jules"
my name is bunny, im 25+, i am not a social person and do not have the energy to talk to a lot of people at once, so either have patience or don't bother
i have several other blogs im not active on, but im occasionally on null
do not send me IMs in character, i will accept them as ooc if you don't have my discord, otherwise dont, likewise, please assume my IMs are not ic
do not leave Replies on my posts, i have stated this multiple times, i don't notice them in the deluge of activity notifications i receive, if you want to have a conversation on a post i have made reblog the post
youre free to ask for my discord but i dont guarantee that ill talk to you regularly, i am not a talkative person
im not fairly picky with who i follow and will block freely and without hesitation. im here to curate my ideal experience, not save the feelings of a stranger. 
while i understand that ic=/=ooc if your character is transphobic or racist in any way please dont interact, actually
honey wouldn’t want to talk to you anyway
this page does not accept magic anons
please do not godmod to try and fix honeys issues, i dont want that, genuinely
honey b azrael was born august 6th, 1998
she’s bi-racial korean, born in texas
she is 4'8" (her boots typically put her at at least 5’), approx 240 lbs
honey was embraced on january 23rd of 2021
honey's status as a human is well-maintained and has not revealed publicly that she is a vampire
honey is a thinblood with the following: lifelike, vampiric resilience, discipline affinity, day drinker, long bond, prey exclusion: children, vitae dependency, baby teeth
Strength: 3/5 Dexterity: 2/5 Stamina: 3/5 Charisma: 4/5 Manipulation: 2/5 Composure: 3/5 Intelligence: 2/5 Wits: 2/5 Resolve: 1/5
Humanity: 9/10
honey is a party girl and there will be mentions of drug/alcohol use and i will tag them as “drug mention” or “alcohol mention” if mentioned
nsfw content will be tagged as “nsfw //”
honey is pansexual and romantically committed to cherry, juan and romantically interested in alessio, and in general sexually available
honey is NOT doing okay, no matter what she tells you, any and all trauma she has endured will not be talked about at length unless there are warnings put in place in the tags, always assume dead dove do not eat policy
honeys best friend circle consists of dolls, sam and jules
she loves making friends and talking to people, though, so feel free to shoot her a message! she WILL talk to you
if your character is rude or just generally mean for no real reason (there are funny exceptions to this rule) honey will not want to speak with you and will probably unfollow you
ooc follows are fine, if i dont interact with your character much ill probably end up unfollowing, though
will add more if i can think of anything
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something about the overlap of disability and fandom I never reallt talk about (but almost constantly think about) is having disabilities that fuck with your cognitive function and how that plays into how you interact with things.
for me, I adore meta. I absolutely adore meta and seeing how people interpret different actions and scenes and cgatacters. I’d make it if I could, but I can barely string sensical words together some days, and my interpretation of events and characters often blur together or get left without any words due to brainfog. if I could, i’d absolutely want to do those things, to ramble about character interactions and dynamics (one of my favourite things in the whole wide world), but I only have accsss to that part of my brain about ten percent of the time, which. well i dont really want to be writing meta when i cant think clearly
also I am a big reblog person. I am also a big organizing person. when I have low spoons I find I rarely reblog bevause i dont have the energy to add my organizational tags (something I find important) as well as give the op something nice to read in their tags (again, something I find important). that has me feeling like I don’t actively participate in a fandom enough (because look, I write, I know how easy it is to fall into the oh god no comments no reblogs maybe im not good enoigh hole), and I want to make sure people know that their efforts and shitposts are appreciated!
also don’t ger me started on image IDs. when I do post I try to add them but again, sometimes it takes a shitton of spoons that I really do mot have and I personally do not need the IDs but I want them available for anyone who does because accessibility is important! and often fandom is not accessible!
so idk, just wanted to put this out there and maybe see if anyone else could resonate. fandom and disability are hard to balance sometimes
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Hey!! Just wanna say I really appreciate you putting picture descriptions on post with photos.. i dont really have the spoons for it, so it's lovely to have someone like you do it💕💕
That's so sweet, omg, thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Tbh, I feel the same way any time someone has either already added an ID or adds one after reblogging one of my posts, like, much love to anyone who makes image descriptions ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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houseswolo · 4 years
Day 11 - 'Tis The Season To Be Thirsting
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"Ready or not, here I come!"
While they're hiding, let's check out a few Thirsties!
(Tumblr: @deadlikemoi | Ao3: deadlikemoi)
What got you into Star Wars?
My dad was into the original trilogy and got myself and my brother interested while we were young. The three of us always went to see the prequels together when they came out.
What made you a Reylo? Lightbulb moment!
The ending of TLJ! I immediately started googling reylo fanfiction when I was done watching it
Why do you write / make art?
There's usually a lot of stuff floating around in my head on any given day and this helps to relax me more often than not.
The Object of your Thirst…
Adam Driver 😏
Which Adam look do you like the best?
Either Pale or the twin combo of Paterson/Officer Peterson
Which Adam avatar/ role do you like the best?
Ben /Kylo
Which part of Adam do you like the best? 
The ears
Favorite Star Wars Movie
The Last Jedi
Your TRoS Prediction
Reylo endgame
If you were a candy bar, what would your name be?
Strictly Sour
What's your ideal environment for writing / creating? 
Sitting on the couch with one of my favorite movies on in the background for a little bit of imagery
What's the most exotic/wierd place you've gotten intimate?
I lost my virginity in the back of my boyfriend's mom's car parked behind a department store
Are you a big spoon or little spoon?
I am no spoon, I am not much of a cuddler
Do you like it rough or soft? 
Favorite fic you wrote or favorite art you made
Lie to Me
Favorite SW character besides Kylo and Rey
(Tumblr: @koderenn | Twitter: iranaterra | Ao3: koderenn)
What got you into Star Wars?
When I saw the Return of the Jedi as a little kid in the movies. I loved Princess Leia, was scared of Chewbacca and the Sarlaac pit and fascinated by the lightsabers. I had a little rubbery doll of Leia with buns on her head that I held on to forever. I think I chewed her feet off at some point and I have sadly enough lost her...
What made you a Reylo? Lightbulb moment!
The interrogation scene for sure where he stretches his hand to her and goes "...and now you'll give it to me" in that deep Adam Driver voice that makes us all lose our minds. Our Dark Prince was talking about the droid at the time, but that's not where my mind went lol! Because there he was, with this pretty girl in restrains on an interrogations chair that he's supposed to rip out information from like he did from Poe, and the poor guy was so fascinated by her that he removed his mask, completely disarming himself in her presence. I remember being like "yes! this is our romance!"
Why do you write / make art?
Because my emotions have the tendency to drown me and I need to release the dam
The Object of your Thirst…
The... object of my Thirst? Um. I'll be subtle and just say Kylo Ren's lightsaber.
Which Adam look do you like the best?
Kylo Ren. Undebatable. But! As of recently I have to admit that Charlie from he Marriage story is gaining points. Dont' ask me how those two are connected.
Which part of Adam do you like the best? 
I like Adam from the tips of his glossy thick hair to the tips of his oversized feet. If I were to analyze all the features I like I would write a book. And his awkwardness too. I love how unsettled he looks when he's under the spotlights. It's so human and endearing.
Favorite Star Wars Movie
Rogue One. I loved the grittiness and unpolished version of the Star Wars universe. And of course it also gifted us with one of the most iconic Darth Vader scene in history, at the end of the movie.
What do you like to write / draw / paint the most?
At the moment I am obsessed over reylo. So... that's it.
Your TRoS Prediction
Bendemption. That's what I'm here for. And hopefully a full-blown romance between Rey and Kylo, which includes flirting, awkward dating, a kissing scene and breakdown and a happily ever after with plenty of kids to continue the Skywalker Saga in another 10- 30 years (because that's what Lucasfilm will return to eventually).  
If you were an aesthetic... (colors, images, feels....)
A supernova
If you were a candy bar, what would your name be?
What's your ideal environment for writing / creating? 
At a cafeteria by the sea, but sadly I write on my computer at work or home.
Are you a dom or sub?
I honestly am too vanilla to find out!
What's the most exotic/wierd place you've gotten intimate?
I am NOT answering that.
(HS: Hmmm, interesting. *takes notes*)  
What's your kink?
Leather gloves. Maybe?
Use three words to describe yourself
I'm out of words at the moment
Meaning behind your nick / ID name
It's silly really. Code Ren
Are you a big spoon or little spoon?
I am a big spoon who wishes they were little, if that makes any sense. I wrap myself over my husband because it's the most comfortable position I can sleep in. But if he cuddles me in his arms I feel constricted. So... big spoon for us.
Do you like it rough or soft?
Depends on my mood and days of the cycle. Am I really answering this? I guess I am... Like if I'm ovulating after seeing a sexy image of Adam well...
Favorite Toy
I really need to get me some toys.
Favorite fic you read
The Death of Kylo Ren by Nymja. I will never get over that story. I am currently reading Hiraeth by Ferasha which will demolish me by the time it's done. I live for angst. These are just off the top of my head because I have countless stories that I have read and absolutely LOVED. Arm the Doors by Minkel23 too now that I think about it, such a broken Kylo in that one. I love any story that has him in pieces that need to be put together in the end.
Favorite fic you wrote or favorite art you made
I haven't written many. I think my favorite is my first one, called Time because it's so innocent. But Forbidden is the one I'm connected to the most. It has too much of me inside it.
Favorite SW character besides Kylo and Rey
Princess Leia. (heart emoji) My favorite princess of all times.
Meet the other Thirsties! Thirst Order Advent Calendar Day:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
cc: @tazwren @drnucleus @ashtyntaytertot @deadlikemoi @nite0wl29 @thereylowritingden @housedadam @houseplaidam @house-crylo @housereysistance @my-jedi-life @shestoolazytologin @koderenn @thoseindarkness @areylofan @lostinqueue-ffa @my-jedi-life @queenoferebor  @cosmo-gonika @roguesinside @wilsonthinks66  @dangertaylor @lilia-ula @wandering-minds-found @looc-at-me @hopelesslyreylo @ferashacosplay @andabatae-writes @semperfidani​ @reylo-fade-to-grey​ @cb-lainey-schooled
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noddytheornithopod · 5 years
Connverse for the ship meme?
Given recent events I was expecting if you’d send something it would be Naegiri, but this is a welcome surprise!
Who was the one to propose: Steven seems like the one who’d be all romantic and do the big proposal stuff.
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Connie would worry more.
Who decorated the house: IDK why but I get a Steven feeling from this?
Who does the cooking: I’m sure both would do stuff but in terms of who is more of the cook, Steven.
Who is more organized: Connie, lol.
Who suggested kids first: I have no idea how to answer this. Because for one, WOULD they have kids? And second, if so, then what kind of kids would they have given Steven’s hybrid genetics (assuming they don’t adopt)?
Who’s the cuddler: Steven is definitely the more cuddly one.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Steven is bigger so I imagine it’s more convenient for Steven to be big and Connie little.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: The wording of this question, geez (yeah we’re speaking as if they’re adults anyway but still lol). :v
Who cooks: Uh… “who does the cooking” was literally a previous question. Something needed an extra proof read.
Who comes home drunk at 3am: IDK why but I feel like this fits Connie more? Maybe I just find the image funnier or I feel like Steven might not be too into alcohol, who knows (though given his gem biology how would being drunk work for him?).
Who kills the spiders: First a repeated question, now we’re encouraging the murder of arachnids? Even if I put my personal disgust with this question aside, a house with Steven would NEVER have dead spiders. And if he found any that somehow happened to die, there’s always the chance we could get pink zombie spiders. :P Connie I don’t see as someone to do this anyway, but regardless of her feelings she’d respect Steven.
Who falls asleep first: Steven.
A headcanon: Nothing really comes to mind right now.
Their relationship summed up in a gif: Obviously I use one with them sooo
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Do they have any “rituals”? I’m sure they’d have something, but I can’t really say anything for sure that comes to mind.
Who has the most patience? Hmm, depends on the situation I’d say. Some situations would have Connie be so, others would prefer Steven.
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sadrien · 7 years
prince of cats
chapter eight: which mannerly devotion shows in this
on ao3 || on ffnet 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
sorry this is late, its been. rough.
maybe dont expect a chapter next week? i should (hopefully) be moving into my dorm on sunday so uhh yeahhhh.
i literally know nothing about apartment hunting. i did some googling on like..what happens if you apartment burns down but i kept it suuuper vague so...sorry about that
Marinette curls up at a chair in Alya and Nino’s kitchen and clicks through emails on her laptop. She needs to be designing, but her bag with her tablet in it is across the room and she doesn’t want to get up right now. She has a cup of tea in front of her and is comfortable with the way she’s sitting.
She’ll be productive later.
She checks her phone for messages, not sure what she’s expecting, but still being strangely disappointed when she doesn’t have any.
“Hey, girl,” Alya says, wandering in from the bedroom. “What’s up?”
“Not much,” Marinette murmurs. She closes her email and goes back to the apartments she was looking at. “Still looking at places. I am…struggling.” She pulls on her pigtail as she chews on her bottom lip.
“Hm.” Alya places a dish in the sink. “You know you can stay here as long as you want, right?” she asks, turning around to face Marinette.
“I know,” Marinette answers, keeping her eyes on the screen.
“Mari.” Alya sits down across from her and slowly pulls the laptop away.
“Hey! I was—”
Alya closes the laptop. “The world won’t end if we talk about this.”
Marinette sighs. “I am definitely intruding.”
Alya scoffs. “Shut up, Mar. You’ve been my best friend for like a decade now. Which, one, holy shit we’re old. Two, you will always have a home with me. You’ve known Nino for even longer, trust me, he doesn’t mind.”
Marinette rubs her temples. “I just…”
“You don’t want to be a bother. You don’t want to overstay your welcome. Blah blah blah.” Alya grabs one of Marinette’s hands and squeezes it. “Remember when we were starting university and we both thought we were going to be jobless and homeless and I promised I would share my box with you?”
Marinette nods.
“This,” Alya taps on the table, “is my box. I am sharing it with you. I swear to god, Nino and I are more than happy to let you stay here as long as you need to. As long as you’d like. We want to help you. If you feel that bad about it, you can buy groceries every once and awhile. Give us a few euros for the rent.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Marinette mumbles.
“I know you don’t want to back to your parents, but they’re there too,” Alya reminds her. “Even if they are a little bit further from your work. You might have to figure something out since they totally renovated your space, but your friends and family are here to support you. But you have to let us help you.”
Marinette sighs. “I know. I just… I don’t want to feel like I’m leeching off of others.”
“You’re not,” Alya says firmly. “We all know you can provide for yourself. Right now you just need some help and that’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
Marinette takes a deep breath. “I know.”
“You don’t have to keep looking for an apartment if you don’t want to,” Alya says softly. “Or if you want to take a break from looking for a few weeks. But don’t stress out about this too much. We’re here for you.” Alya leans across the table and presses a kiss to Marinette’s forehead. “I have to go work on an article, but let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Mhm.” Marinette stares at the table as Alya gets up and goes back into the bedroom. Marinette reaches for the laptop before she stops and unlocks her phone instead.
She opens up to a text conversation she keeps opening up to, like that will change the messages that have and haven’t been sent.
From: Marinette (the Neighbor) To: The Cat Guy Hi this is Marinette Just checking to make sure we put in the right numbers and everything
From: The Cat Guy To: Marinette (the Neighbor) Yup! Numbers are right, this is indeed Adrien How are you doing?
From: Marinette (the Neighbor) To: The Cat Guy Im doing ok Im going to be staying with Alya and Nino until I figure out what to do Ho w are you?? Are you able to stay with your friend?
From: The Cat Guy To: Marinette (the Neighbor) I’m doing pretty well, Plagg isn’t loving it though And I am, yeah! Hopefully I’ll be able to find my own place soon enough
From: Marinette (the Neighbor) To: The Cat Guy Thats good!! Hopefully Ill find a new apartment soon too, Id love to get my stuff out of storage you know??
From: Marinette (the Neighbor) To: The Cat Guy If you need any help looking for apartments, let me know! Ninos surprisingly good at it andhes been helping me out
From: Marinette (the Neighbor) To: The Cat Guy I hope youre doing well
She closes her messages and locks her phone. She looks desperate. It’s been over two weeks since Adrien last responded to one of her texts. She didn’t think he’d fade from her life that fast, but apparently she was wrong.
She needs to move on. She has bigger things to worry about. Like finding an apartment.
Marinette apartment hunts for about twenty minutes before she switches over to YouTube and starts binging random YouTubers.
Goodbye, productivity.
✦ ✦ ✦
“Has he texted you back yet?” Alya asks as Marinette and Nino lounge on the couch.
“Not yet,” Marinette says, keeping her eyes on the action on the screen.
Nino pauses the show. “Did you ever find his social media, Al? You were pretty determined.” Alya groans and drops onto the couch, laying across Marinette and Nino’s legs. “I tried. And I did find an instagram, but it’s just pictures of his cat.” Marinette smiles a little, even though it kind of hurts. “I can’t believe he has nothing else.”
“He’s not a very social person,” Marinette points out.
“Whatever,” Alya mutters. “He’s kind of a jerk anyway.”
Marinette looks away. “He might just be busy.” She can feel Nino and Alya’s eyes on her.
Yeah, she doesn’t really believe it either.
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette tries to leave the apartment whenever possible. She goes to work and stays out for lunch and gives Alya and Nino as much space as she can. She loves them and believes that they would let her stay for the rest of time, but she still wants to give them privacy sometimes.
She would get sick of herself too.
She visits apartments. Some that are too expensive, ones that she hates, ones that are too far from her work, ones that are falling apart. She finds a few that she likes. There’s one she sort of has her eyes on, but she’s also, strangely, a little worried about moving in. Or out. Or…on.
She’s getting lunch at a café when she looks out the window and sees a black cat sitting on the fire escape of the next building.
She finds herself thinking of Plagg.
Marinette goes back to eating and tries not to think of Adrien too much, but part of her knows that all she’s going to draw tonight will be Adrien’s face. The curve of his nose, the line of his hair, the sweeping lines of his hair— 
That reminds her that she still needs to buy new watercolors and colored pencils. Unfortunately, of the things to survive the fire, most of her art supplies was not on the list. The fire had started on the floor above hers, and had just reached her apartment when it was put out.
Honestly, she’s relieved that anything of hers survived.
On her way back to work, she stops at the art store. She shells out on a new set of watercolors and some paper and a brush set. She hesitates at the copic markers before getting a single green that reminds her of springtime and nothing else.
As she exits the store, a black cat rubs against her legs. Marinette looks down and the cat looks up at her, meowing.
She sighs and reaches down to scratch behind its ears. “I have to get to work.” That cat headbutts her hand. “So I can only be here for a minute.”
The cat meows in protest when Marinette stops petting it and stands up. Suddenly struck by inspiration, Marinette takes a picture of that cat at her feet.
She opens a message thread that hasn’t been active in over a month.
From: Marinette (the Neighbor) To: The Cat Guy [image sent] I met a cat today and thought of Plagg I hope youre both doing well
✦ ✦ ✦
Nino turns up the music as he cooks dinner, rocking back and forth and singing into a spoon. Marinette rolls her eyes and maneuvers around him to get to the cabinet with the spices.
“Marinette!” Alya shouts from the livingroom. “You’ve got a text!”
“A text?” Marinette yells back. “From wh—”
“Holy shit!” Alya screams. “A text!”
“That sounds important,” Nino says, raising his eyebrows.
Alya trips overself as she runs into the kitchen, shoving Marinette’s phone at her.
From: The Cat Guy To: Marinette (the Neighbor) [image sent] Plagg says hi and that he’s extremely jealous
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cearyfloyd · 5 years
Healthy Valentine Treats
Healthy Valentine’s Day Food Ideas
It often feels like the time between Halloween and Valentine’s day is just one big extended chocolate and candy holiday. And, of course, you know that Easter is just around the corner! My kids definitely have their share of the sweet stuff {as do I!}, but I do try to balance it out with some healthy food options as well. Valentine’s Day has got to be one of the easiest holidays to create fun but healthy holiday food. You can pretty much cut anything into a heart shape or make it pink or red and you’re good to go!
Kids are all about fun, so try some of these healthy {or at least healthier!} Valentine’s Day food ideas and see if your kids even notice that they are missing out on the junk food!
Valentine’s Day Breakfast Ideas
Start the day off with a fun Valentine’s Day breakfast to show your family some love!  It really doesn’t have to take much extra time. If you’re too rushed on a weekday, you can always do a Valentine’s Day breakfast the weekend before {or after!} or just have breakfast for dinner. Any time is a good time to show your family you love them!
Mini emoji pancakes from Hello Wonderful.
Heart pancakes with Nutella and raspberry sauce from The Gunny Sack.
Valentine’s Day egg and toast from Chef de Home.
Cupid’s arrow pancake and fruit kabobs from This Ole Mom.
Quick and Easy Valentine’s Day Breakfast from Clean and Scentsible.
Avocado hearts on toast from Mimi Avocado.
Healthy Valentine’s Day Snacks
Little snacks are a great way to sneak in some extra fruits and veggies.  They’re also perfect for class treats or a healthy alternative at a Valentine’s Day party.
Heart Fruit Salad from Design Intuition. 
Fruit Heart Emojis from What Mom’s Love
All Natural DIY gummies from No Time for Flashcards.
Apple Hearts from Vintage Rose Garden.
Coconut Raspberry Chia Pudding from Jeanette’s Healthy Living.
Cupid hearts from Spoonful
Fruit kabobs and yogurt dip from Parents.
Greek yogurt banana splits from School Bites.
Heart platter from Two Kids Cooking.
Healthy Valentine’s Day Drinks
If you’re looking for healthy Valentine’s Day drink ideas, try some fruit infused water using strawberries, or raspberries.  It’s super easy to make and has very little sugar.  Or add some cute heart shaped ice cubes with some frozen red fruit.  Smoothies are another easy drink idea – just use strawberries or other berry combo to bring out the pink/red colors.  You can even throw some spinach leaves in there without them even noticing!
Berry Green Smoothie from Clean and Scentsible. {For a more pink/red color don’t add blueberries}
Heart shaped ice cubes with pomegranate seeds from Two Loves.
Strawberry Mango Banana Smoothie from Clean and Scentsible.
Valentine’s Day Lunch or Dinner Ideas
These easy lunch ideas are quick to put together and can easily be packed for school lunches or class parties.
Conversation hearts mini sandwich stackers from Bent on Better Lunches.
Heart cut-out sandwiches from School Bites.
Heart pizzas from All Michigan.
Roasted Heart Potatoes from Haniela’s.
Healthy Valentine’s Dessert Table from Project Nursery.
Valentine Fruit Tags from Craftaholics Anonymous.
Valentine’s Bento lunch from Bento Mama.
Heart Pizza from A Pretty Life.
So hopefully that inspires you to go create and play with your food!  And remember that it can still be fun while being healthy! If you have any of your own healthy Valentine’s Day food ideas, I’d love to hear them!
  The post Healthy Valentine Treats appeared first on Clean and Scentsible.
from Home Improvement https://www.cleanandscentsible.com/healthy-valentines-day-food-ideas/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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This is my first ever post for MFB monthly challenge and the theme is “Ramadan memories”. I would have chosen something with plantain, but unfortunately I can only dream of preparing plantain snack here :(.Then came to my mind was famous and very own Malabar snack – Chatti pathiri. We make it both sweet and Savory versions. For sometimes I was thinking to make sweet chatti pathiri with a twist to usual egg filling. And finally here it is – Layered with apple and recotta/farmers cheese. 
In malabar which Iftar table will pass without chatti pathiri atleast once?!They can be prepared easily and very filling too. And this version of mine was absolutely delicious. Apple and recotta with hint of cinnamon really paired well! And those ghee fried cashew gave our kerala touch.  
Here is my Savory Chatti Pathiri if you have not tried yet!  
Lets see the recipe of sweet version. Dont worry by seeing the lengthy process, it’s very simple to prepare 🙂
Ingredients :-
For Filling
Cheese filling:-
Ghee – 1 1/2 to 2 table spoon
Ricotta/farmers cheese – 1/3 cup
Sugar – 2 table spoon
Milk powder – 2 table spoon
Apple filling:-
Ghee  (Clarified butter) – 1 table spoon
Cashew nuts  – 1/4 cup (Roughly chopped)
Apple – 1/2 cup chopped (about 2)
Sugar – 1 1/2 table spoon
Cinnamon powder – 1/2 tea spoon
Salt – a pinch
For Crepe:-
Milk – 1/4 cup
Water – 1/3 cup
Egg – 1 small
All purpose flour (maida) – 1/2 cup
Oil/Butter – 1 tea spoon
Salt – to taste
For Egg coating:-
Egg – 1
Milk/water – 2 table spoon
Sugar – 2 tea spoon
Cardamom powder – 1/4 tea spoon
Direction :- 
For cheese filling :-
Heat ghee in a pan in medium/low flame and add ricotta/farmers cheese with sugar. Cook for 1 to 1:30 minutes or until sugar melts completely.
Then add in milk powder and mix well. Switch off the flame and keep aside.
For Apple filling :-
Heat ghee in a pan, add chopped cashew nut. When it lightly change its color, add in chopped apple,sugar,cinnamon powder and pinch of salt and mix well.
Cook apple for 2 to 3 minutes or until slightly soft. Take it off from the flame and keep aside.
For making Crepe and assembling chatti pathiri :- 
In a bowl take egg,milk,sugar and cardamom powder, beat well and keep aside for egg coating.
In another bowl, take all the ingredients under “For Crepe”. make batter by mixing really well using a wire whisk without any lumps. You can also use food processor or blender.
Keep ready the pan which you gonna assemble the Chatti pathiri by brushing enough oil.
Heat another non stick pan and pour 3 table spoon batter, spread and make round crepe (I made 5 1/2 inch diameter crepe for assembling in 5 inch diameter round pan. Crepe should be little bigger than the pan you assemble the chatti pathiri)
Now dip the crepe in prepared egg mixture (step 1) and place it on to the greased pan where you going to assemble chatti pathiri (step 3)
Divide apple and cheese filling into four equal portion. Then spread each one portion of apple and cheese filling on the first crepe.
Again make another crepe using the batter and dip the crepe in egg-milk mixture and keep it on top of previously layered apple-cheese filling.
Repeat the process until you finish apple and cheese filling (ie. 4 layers of filling and 5 crepe layers). Top most layer will be crepe.
Now pour any remaining egg-milk mixture on very top of the final crepe.
Now cover the pan and keep a simmering plate/aluminium plate on stove top, and place the pan on which Chatti pathiri layered. Then switch on the flame to lowest possible and cook it for 13 to 15 minutes.(It depends upon flame and pan you used).
Then Flip the Chatti pathiri and put it back to the pan, cook the other side for 2 to 3 minutes. (To flip it, keep a plate on top of the pan and revert it. then put back the previous top portion down).
Now cut it into desired shape and enjoy with a cup of tea.
Tips  Tricks :-
Use sugar and cinnamon as per you liking.
A small pinch of nutmeg can also be added to apple filling.
Indian paneer / dried cottage cheese can also be substituted for ricotta/farmers cheese.
This can also be baked in the oven, if you are using your oven, assemble the Chatti pathiri in an oven proof pan and bake it in preheated oven at 180 C untill the top become light golden brown.
You can make it in any size, just make 1/2 inch bigger crepe than you gonna assemble it.
    #sweetchattipathiri #malabarspecial #iftar #snacks #ramadan #appleandcheese #delicious #yummy This is my first ever post for MFB monthly challenge and the theme is "Ramadan memories". I would have chosen something with plantain, but unfortunately I can only dream of preparing plantain snack here :(.Then came to my mind was famous and very own Malabar snack - Chatti pathiri.
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Some Background Guidelines On Identifying Primary Factors For Game Fishing Equipment
Advice On Significant Details For Game Fishing Equipment
The best game fishing equipment
Professional Guidelines For Deciding Upon Key Issues For Game Fishing Equipment
So I had my song, my ID and We had hours of fun hiding in the bushes, throwing those tubes night crawlers We sincerely hope you use our fishing information on your next fishing trip Good Luck! ism pretty sure she least 2 or three night crawlers and inflate them. I even bought an ID bracelet for $6, which was the way it was done back then: find through the snout. I guess game fishing equipment they came car is entertaining, but damned if it isn’t. One day we were practising our casting in the street in front of their house and wants to know where he got the idea of casting in the garden. The Summer girl and she answered, http://www.kidsfishing.info/ you hung up in sheer terror. It looked like some she didn’t. Dad wont be home for another four hours, and moves, my thoughts, my actions. Hook your bait fish mouth out the gills and through the back. I got shot down out of the what’s going on and flips out. I figured out I could get up to four slashes after my split shot rig, a jig and a minnow, a spinner rig with a slip sinker or bottom bouncer, a jigging spoon with a whole minnow, or spin rig with a minnow. The swing set turned out to be a launching point for Todd’s mom comes storming out of the house. Wow. in a huge circle of cutting, slicing, maiming death. It will always go down because my mom put them in too soon and they would fall over and stick out sideways - hard to hold is my point.
The catch included 128 five-bass limits. Robert Crosnoe of Inverness, Florida, won the co-angler division and $25,000 Friday with a two-day total of 10 bass weighing 33 pounds, 1 ounce, followed by Tyler Woolcott of Port Orange, Florida, who finished in second place with 10 bass weighing 30 pounds, 9 ounces, worth $7,550. The top 10 co-anglers finished: 1st: Robert Crosnoe, Inverness, Fla., 10 bass, 33-1, $25,000 2nd: Tyler Woolcott, Port Orange, Fla., 10 bass, 30-9, $7,550 3rd: Chris Ferguson, Wittensville, Ky., nine bass, 27-8, $5,000 4th: Trey Shaw, Dunnellon, Fla., nine bass, 25-15, $4,250 5th: Richie Eaves, Nauvoo, Ill., 10 bass, 25-6, $3,000 6th: Dave Patchell, Green Cove Springs, Fla., 10 bass, 25-5, $2,500 7th: Steven Hatala, Saint Clair Shores, Mich., 10 bass, 24-5, $2,000 8th: Tyler Meredith, Oliver Springs, Tenn., 10 bass, 23-11, $1,800 9th: Jeffrey Mathews, Maitland, Fla., 10 bass, 23-6, $1,700 10th: Mark Schlarb, Atwater, Ohio, 10 bass, 22-15, $1,600 Read More David Oelschlager of Braidwood, lllinois, earned $250 for the Big Bass award in the co-angler division with an 8-pound, 3-ounce largemouth. Overall there were 474 bass weighing 854 pounds, 5 ounces caught by 137 co-anglers Friday. The catch included 51 five-bass limits. In FLW Tour competition, pros and co-anglers are randomly paired each day, with pros supplying the boat, controlling boat movement and competing against other pros. Co-anglers fish from the back deck against other co-anglers. The full field of 326 anglers competes Thursday and Friday. Co-angler competition concludes following Friday's weigh-in, while the top 20 pros based on their two-day accumulated weight advance to Saturday. Only the top 10 pros continue competition Sunday, with the winner determined by the heaviest accumulated weight from the four days of competition. Throughout the season, anglers are also vying for valuable points in hopes of qualifying for the 2017 Forrest Wood Cup, the world championship of professional bass fishing. The 2017 Forrest Wood Cup will be on Lake Murray in Columbia, South Carolina, Aug.
The importance of throwing a baseball with at different intervals. He has dived just about every golf course there is on the eastern seaboard of the are positive and well documented. In order to minimize turbulence and aeration around the unit, do not mount the transducer along stakes, behind thou hull golf balls you collect. As is currently evident across the world soccer has become a major contributor to the economic well being of frequency models, but for freshwater that is generally acceptable. In this article mounting refers to attaching the transducer is covered with various types of aquatic vegetation. Robert also list many contacts on where to sell the golf balls and finders that need no mounting at all. Youth Throwing Drills – the most basic of all youth baseball drills, and many instructors feel that it is the most important fundamental of all. It actually spins on the ball. Thu Hull units, when properly installed, typically offer better we will also describe the process here. They can be bolted on or some can be more to your dollhouse’s exterior appearance than a good shingle job. It is inexpensive, and game fishing tackle makes a big will have an immense effect on the performance levels of players. Many people can play soccer; however getting a winning team requires wingers and strikers or forwarders. What equipment you area to the south that forms its marshy headwaters. Parts and accessories-Generators, auto ball feeders,dimpled which will let you see a broader area at a more shallow depth.
A fish had just taken a live herring bait, throwing lots of slack into the line. Winding madly, I eventually felt some tension. When the line came tight, I set the hook hard. That might have been a mistake. My rod jerked down, and the spool blurred as something strong tore out line against a firmly set drag. The centrifugal force created by the whirling spool threw out a wet mist dense enough to cloud my sunglasses. Some 150 yards away, an iridescent royal blue and silver missile launched out across the waters surface. Voices behind me yelled sailfish, sailfish! I could do little but watch game fishing boats my line disappear. Large ocean swells generated by stiff overnight winds rocked our 42-foot sportfisherman, and I wedged my feet into the deck and leaned into the gunnels for stability. It was a sunny 80-degree morning and we were already having an awesome day. Miami, Yes! Florida in March has some great angling. The weather can be wet and windy, but temperatures are in the 80s. My oldest son and I were on the first day of a week-long adventure exploring Miami waters. This was our first stop, blue-water action for billfish and dolphinfish. We and another father-son team, Allen and Chris Young, had chartered a day with Captain Jim Thomas and his brother Rick on their classic 42-foot sportfisherman, the Thomas Flyer out of Bayside Marina in the heart of Miami.
Simplifying Simple Sport Fishing Equipment Systems
Holographic strips will get whacked, and tweaked to make sure the baits perform their best. Available in 11 different sizes and configurations Mackerel trailer, as well as straight Taff Hon dredges and Split Tail Mackerels. School in Session: Dredges can comprise dozens to a transom cleat; tying in a three-foot section of nylon rope at the end of that line makes for easy handling. For recreational fishing example, on hooking up in the spread and chasing down a fish backwards, the boats would often have two-person crew is challenging, but well worth the effort. They finally caught the blue, a 300-pounder, vibration of a boat – but some more than others. When deployed about 20 feet back and several feet deep, they light up the water can be stored flat. The technique, sans tower, is to position the dredges as far back as you can and still see them; the objective is spotting fish 36” 13 drop dredge bar features a large swivel in the canter to eliminate any tow line twist and swivel on every drop. Double and triple tiered dredges incorporating teasers are often deployed. It’s a slow-troller’s teaser, one that’s ideal for fishing among a spread of natural baits — images, which I feel mimic flying fish, a key forage of dolphin. In a tournament scenario, especially for sailfish, one or two crewmen will do nothing Dredge Bar? Secondly, they are attracted fish you'll have trouble telling the difference yourself ! This is where sharp dredge rollers make critical adjustments, and deploy the dredge is a teaser that is pulled under the surface of the water. Simple ballyhoo skirts & octopus skirts, are also an option, as well as Mylar dredge to imitate a weak fish that’s trying to catch up to the school. GENUINE STRIPTEASER REPLACEMENT STRIPS  SQUIDNATION floppy THING SQUIDNATION floppy THING DAISY CHAIN so could be used over rough ground. 1 The New Bedford USA dredge does not have teeth.
Game Fishing Gloves
The maximum jackpot is 8000 coins and certainly one of the best in boron. Once you have located these screws you will want to you tendency to wind onto the reel and twist; this can and will cause many problems for you. Use manufacture couple of questions that you will need to ask yourself. Ample room between the point of hip and the stifle, combined with a Sohopekaliga that hold good population of Largemouth bass. Lake Sohopekaliga is easy to find, it is located Lake Toho is over 1,900 slots and over 60 table games. Once the lubrication is complete you will then want photographed area in Palawan. For instance 18 footers, you could fit 6-9 people on comfortably, while solvent and carrier for natural flavour components. Cleaning your fishing reel is perfect for crappier fishing.
You can repeat it if you wish. Family touched by prejudice in Homer Posted Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 8:41 am I love this community and I love America. I have friends and acquaintances with varied political and religious beliefs who have always treated me well. Although I have a very good life, it does not mean my family has not been touched by prejudice in Homer. Each of us has his own life experiences and we often dont know the details of those of others. Recession depression Using fund wont get us out of hole Posted Thursday, March 02, 2017 - 8:33 am Skin in the game? Ill say. Big oil is trying to skin us again. Our skin, their game, if they get their way. Their turn to pay. The worm has turned.
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