#i have zero strategy for the bingo
katzanone · 2 years
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Es21PromptBingo 🍌 N4: Banana Split 🍌
... I mean who else was I supposed to give the banana theme to.
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duckprintspress · 3 years
How can I return to writing after a long hiatus?
This post is based on a conversation we had in the Duck Prints Press LLC Discord, and all contributors comments have been used/paraphrased/integrated into this post with permission. The people who contributed ideas to this post are: @nottesilhouette, @ramblingandpie, @arialerendeair, @tryslora, @deansmultitudes, @theleakypen, Owlish Intergalactic, myself (I’m @unforth), and one who preferred to remain anonymous.
Few things are harder than coming back to writing after a long period of not writing. Being creative takes a lot of energy, and starting after not doing so for a period of time takes even more energy. The writers on our Discord had a really productive discussion, where we talked about strategies we’ve each personally used to help us get our writing mojo back. None of these methods work for everyone, but if you haven’t written in a while, maybe one of these will work for you!
How to Revive that Creative Writing Spark:
doing sprints with a friend - knowing you’re all in it together can really help!
talking with writing buddies about what you’re each working on - the shared enthusiasm can be really helpful,
journaling, about daily life, or about dreams you’ve had - turning the dream into something coherent can be a great strategy (or, don’t bother, and just write it however crazily it took place!)
pick a random story you wrote in the past and read a chapter, paragraph, or 500 word segment - and look at it as a reader, say things you liked about it, praise it, emphasize the good things about your own writing.
transcribe a song with lyrics you find inspiring, or crack open a favorite book and transcribe a few paragraphs. You can even do it with something you’ve written yourself!
set a low-pressure, low-word count deadline - make it public, if you’re the kind of person that helps, or keep it to yourself.
sign up for a zero-consequence challenge, such as a bingo, or the Duck Prints Press #drabbledaysaturday prompts on Twitter - something where no one will mind if you don’t succeed, but you might find some inspiration.
create a small goal, either daily, weekly, or monthly - it can be a time frame (I’ll write for 5 minutes a day!) or a word count (I’ll write 1,000 words a month!) or even something tiny (I’ll write one sentence a day!) or a public sharing goal (post a ficlet a day!) and then do your best to stick to it, and reward yourself when you succeed.
open your ask box or otherwise solicit short prompts - for example, do a “three sentence” meme (”send me a pairing and a trope and I’ll write a three sentence fill”) or a story title meme (”send me a story title and I’ll write a little about the story I’d create with that title”) or an emoji prompt (”send me three emojis and I’ll write a ficlet”) or make your own fun one that will bring you joy (one of our writers created a “name two characters and I’ll make them kiss in six sentences or less” meme that helped them a lot)
participate in a prompt month, something with no consequences for failure but with prompts that can inspire daily ficlet.
write without editing, and just throw what you create out into the world - anything to get the words flowing.
challenge yourself to write a drabble day, no more and no less.
try changing how or when you write - get a nice journal and write by hand, or if that’s your normal, try writing in a word document instead.
write at different times of day, and see if it’s easier for you over breakfast, or after lights out, or during your lunch break, or by stealing a few minutes while you’re “on the clock” at work.
make an attempt at different formats of writing - if you usually write prose, try a poem; if you usually write really long things, try a drabble.
look out your window, or find a place you like, and just describe what you see.
do some free association exercises - for example, use a random word generator (I use this one sometimes) and then write literally whatever word comes into your head next - keep going until you fill the page, or until it starts to turn into a story, or just until you don’t feel like it any longer.
pick a random sentence (the person who suggested this often uses “Just write anything”) to be the start of a story, and “pants” your way through whatever comes next, without worrying about grammar, continuity, logic, or much of anything.
plan ahead - schedule your writing time and don’t let yourself put it off (rewards for success are always good!) and/or visualize exactly what you want to write ahead so you’re ready when you sit down.
if you get hit by inspiration, don’t put it off - even if all you do is scrawl a sentence in your phone or on scratch paper between other tasks, get it out of your head. Even a single sentence is a creation!
get out of the spaces where your usual things are - go to a park, or on a hike, or in your backyard, or even a different room in your own home, and bring a journal or phone or laptop, and see what strikes you.
pick That Thing You Haven’t Been Letting Yourself Write and ignore all the things you Think You Should Be Writing and just...write what brings you joy
fanfiction can be very helpful, especially in canon using canon-compliant ships/characterizations - there’s no need to do the heavy lifting. Even if you just write the characters going to a grocery store, or talking about what movie they want to watch, or arguing over take out - something short and sweet that’s just for fun, with no expectations for yourself or anyone else.
alternatively, if you’re the type who writes better for others and you’re feeling down - knock out anything, even something short, and post it, and take joy even in a single like or kudos. Knowing even one person out there loved what you wrote can really help.
Any or all of these may help you, but there’s one final one that I, at least, think is the most important of all - and that’s helped me most.
FORGIVE YOURSELF. You have work in progress up. It’s okay to leave them. You told someone you’d write something for them. It’s okay not to. You have a deadline looming. It’s okay to ask for more time, or to withdraw, or - in the end - it’s even okay to ghost. You think what you’ve made is bad. It’s okay if it’s bad. You’ll never be able to create when you’re raking yourself over the coals. Everyone in fandom has “been there” - has missed deadlines, has left challenges, has abandoned works in progress, have reneged on a promise to a friend to write something. Until you forgive yourself, you’ll never be able to create anything, and isn’t even a single sentence that isn’t on that Big Important Thing better than no sentences on anything?
Forgive yourself, and find that spark, inspiration, muse, whatever you want to call it - and write things that bring you joy.
We believe in you!
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holykillercake · 3 years
Piña Coladas 
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pairing: Marco x Reader
word count: 2k
summary:  You are loyal to your captain and your team, so you would do everything to win. Even shoot your boyfriend. 
highlight: ¨I don´t like when your tattoo is covered.¨
warning: implied smut
notes: Guys, I really want to thank each and every one of you for the love and support <3 Also, picture this as a crossover between laser tag and paintball!
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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¨Ok, assholes, listen up!¨ your freckled captain uttered loudly due to the music blasting outside of your headquarter. ¨They have Haruta and Speed Jiru, those sneaky bastards, so we´re gonna have to be careful here, ok? They also have an extra person compared to us! So focus the fuck up!¨
The Whitebeard Pirates made a strategic stop at the Sabaody Archipelago for provisions, which meant that it was time for the Division Commanders and Whitebeard´s left-hand and only daughter, you, to engage in your periodic Bubble Laser Tag battle. 
The teams were sorted out, and one would always have an extra member. The team captains were for the first time, Ace and Marco. And despite loving the First Division Commander, you were obliged to take a vow to serve and honor your team and your captain as long as the game ran. 
¨Y/N you´re the faster one here and the smallest, so I´m counting on you.¨ you saluted him ¨Izo, you´re the best sniper we have, so place your freckled butt in a strategic place and shoot the fuck out of those motherf-¨
¨OI, OI, OI, OI!¨ all of you shouted at Ace.
¨Calm down, cowboy! Don´t you think you´re taking this far too seriously?¨ 
¨No! Do you know when was the last time I was captain?! And do you know how many losses in a row I have?! This is my pride, Y/N! You´re with me or against me?!¨
You couldn´t face him without laughing, he was just so stupid sometimes. But you made sure to let him know that you were on his side - not that you had a choice, though. 
The teams were called The Bird Brains and The Freckled Butts. Yes, the captains chose each other´s team's name, and naturally, nothing good could come out of it. The worst part was having to run around with a tag that said ¨Freckled Butt¨ on your gear. 
In Ace´s team, you had, well, you, Thatch, Izo, Fossa, Namur, Blamenco, and Kingdew, and in Marco´s team were Vista, Haruta, Speed Jiru, Atmos, Curiel, Jozu, Blenheim, and Rakuyo. 
¨They will definitely use Jozu and Atmos as sacrificial lambs to get to us.¨ Thatch pointed out. 
¨Ok, so we´re leaving them to you, Izo.¨ Ace spoke.
¨I´m guessing Haruta and Jiru will be doing the same as Izo, hiding somewhere and making surprise attacks.¨
The rules were pretty simple:
1) No Devil Fruit ability could be used. Not after Ace almost burned the entire place to the ground once. 
2) You didn´t have to stay on the ground. You could use whatever you had at your disposal to climb the walls or even the ceiling. 
3) If the captain is out, the team is out. 
¨Ok. So, Thatch, you´ll cover for me; Namur will cover for Blamenco, and Kingdew will cover for Fossa. Izo and Y/N will go solo.¨ you furrowed your eyebrows.
¨Wait, I´m not covering Izo?¨
¨No, Y/N. You are our special pawn.¨ he said in a devilish and malicious tone. ¨I said I want a glorious victory this time. Your job will be to end this game as soon as possible.¨
¨Still not following, Fire-Fist.¨
¨We´ll make sure no one gets to you while you go find your birdie and end him!¨ he burst in a maniac laugh. 
¨You really think Marco is that stupid?!¨
¨No, but he´s a man, Y/N.¨ you gasped, outraged. 
You faced your crewmates, all of them smirking at you.
¨What are you now, a pimp?! Izo, say something, defend my honor!¨ 
¨I would Y/N, but not only he´s my captain today... he´s kinda right.¨
¨Besides, we´re all very familiar with you guys getting business done.¨ Thatch rested his arm on your shoulders. At this point, internal bleeding caused by severe embarrassment was killing you not so softly.
¨You know what? I think I´ll kill you all first!¨ you threatened the commanders.
The entire arena turned red, and a loud 10 seconds countdown began. You put your goggles down and tightened your grip on the gun, comrades doing the same.
¨We´re counting on you, Y/N. Put your freckled butt to work!¨ Ace said and stormed out before you could beat him. 
Still analyzing his request and your options available, you decided to stay hidden in the shadows. Head down, and powder dry - or paint wet. 
The music was so intense you could feel your lungs vibrating with every beat, sometimes knocking the oxygen out. The whole place was dark with colorful light beams flashing in every direction. 
After 5 minutes of resting in the shadows, you opted for what you thought would be the best thing to do, plus you had the benefit of being smaller than those brutes, so you fit in places they didn´t. 
And you just had found yourself the perfect spot right behind the stage lights at the top of the arena. Getting up there was a little tricky, the light rays almost blinded you - plus the risk of you being caught - and you were not sure you could hide there. Technically it was not against the rules.
¨If I were a hot birdie piña colada, where would I be?¨ you tried to channel into your lover´s brain.
That was actually a good hideout, you spot many of the commanders running around the field. You loved how they took it seriously as if their lives depended on it.  
A loud buzz played every time someone was eliminated, although they didn´t say from which team unless it was the captain. You´ve heard zero buzzes so far, showing how inspired and determined they were. 
You finally decided to follow your captain´s order when 10 minutes passed, and no one had gotten eliminated. Your stomach craved for food and you were really bored. 
You´d always choose the biggest arena since guys like Kingdew and Jozu wouldn´t fit in the normal one. So this one was larger, taller, and had more obstacles. Bubbles in all shapes and sizes, picturesque barricades, and tricky mirrors. Finding Marco was going to be tough... if you didn´t have a card in your sleeve. 
Again, it was not against the rules, and you wanted to eat something. Besides, this victory was more meaningful to Ace than to Marco. So you took your lover´s vivre card from your pocket and placed it on your palm, waiting for it to guide you. 
¨Bingo!¨ you spot a fluffy pineapple crown not so far from you. The problem was to reach him before he moved again. 
Your plan was not to shoot him from the distance, you knew better than that. You were going to approach, engage naturally and eliminate the target. Based on the field, the track he took so far, and his usual train of thought, you had a good guess of what he was planning to do.
The path he was taking led you to believe that he was advancing towards a barricade, a good place to hide, but that would offer him no visibility of his opponents. Was he planning to lay low while the rest of you killed each other? That didn´t sound like him. 
 The job that had been entrusted to you within the Whitebeard Pirates was to analyze each mission´s goal, come up with several different plans of approach - or attack - and predict the possible failures or setbacks. And you did all of that alongside Whitebeard himself, and all sixteen commanders. So, to guess the strategy Marco was going for would be easier than steal a child's candy.
Well, actually, you were able to guess his final destination, not his strategy. 
Without losing any more time, you ran and hid behind the barricade, waiting for your boyfriend to arrive. 
¨Whatever.¨ you thought.
¨Don´t shoot!¨ you squealed and threw both hands in the air.
¨Really, Y/N? This is how you play?¨ Marco asked, putting his gun down.
¨When I am hungry, yes!¨ you bent slightly, faking an exhausted state. 
¨What are you doing here, yoi?¨
¨Looking for Izo, I was supposed to cover for him.¨ you struggled with the weird sensation of lying to Marco. 
He hummed and leaned against the wall, wiping a bit of sweat off his forehead. The lightning was awful, but it was enough for you to see his messy hair and those lazy eyes that made you almost forget the mission. 
¨Why are you staring, yoi?¨ he gave you a smirk and a quick nod. 
¨Nothing. Uhm...¨ you bit your lip as the butterflies started to go insane inside of you ¨...it´s so rare to see you carrying a gun...¨
The first commander watched you with a raised eyebrow and a playful grin ¨Yeah, so?¨
The two of you entered a parallel universe, the lights changed according to the muffled beat of the music. And it was hot. Flaming hot, burning hot.
 Your breath was slow but heavy, and your mouth ran dry with adrenaline on your veins. Not because of a stupid plan or stupid game but because he made you lose whatever control you had over your body and mind. 
You let go of the gun and raised your hand until your fingers touched the skin of his face, tracing a slow path to his parted lips. He watched you like you were a rare creature, an angel forgiving his sins or a siren taking his life. His large hand held yours, and he placed kisses on your fingers, the same fingers that would pull the trigger by the end of this. You wondered if he already knew. 
Marco hooked his finger on the belt holders of your jeans and turned you, making you hit the wall, and oxygen left your lungs in a puff. Didn´t take long until he attacked your neck, tasting your salty skin. Your fingers pulled his hair as your body arched involuntarily, cold shivers reaching every part of you. 
His eyes were soaked in lust when he stopped marking your neck and stared at you like a hungry predator. Your teary eyes traveled to his chest looking for his tattoo, but it was covered by the stupid gear. 
¨I don´t like when your tattoo is covered.¨ you spoke. 
He leaned to your ears and said in a whisper ¨Then uncover it.¨
He was teasing you, he knew what you were supposed to do and was torturing you. 
¨I-I can´t...¨ your voice came out weak ¨I... I have to-¨
¨What, yoi?¨ his grin was malicious.
¨I have to shoot you.¨ 
Marco leaned again, getting really close to your lips but never touching them. Instead, he took your paint gun and put it in your hand. You laughed, asking yourself if you truly believed you would be able to fool him. He gave a quick kiss before stepping back so you could end your mission. 
¨You really don´t mind letting Ace win?¨ 
¨Ace can have the victory.¨  he shrugged ¨I have something better, yoi¨
You blushed with his comment, and fireworks exploded in your chest.
¨I love you, bird brain.¨
¨I love you... freckled butt.¨ he laughed, probably embarrassed for the name he chose.
¨This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you.¨ you raised the gun to his gear. 
¨I hope so, yoi.¨
¨You know I´ll make you pay for this later, right, yoi?¨
¨I´d be disappointed if you weren´t planning to.¨
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murasaki-murasame · 2 years
Compared to the massive wall of text going over my recent gacha process over in GBF, there’s a lot less to talk about with Dragalia Lost, and yet on the other hand I feel much more positive about it, lmao. And aside from my gacha pulls I’ve also got stuff to say about recent updates and stuff.
Anyway I’ll just put it under a cut.
I think the only real summoning that’s happened since the last post I made was the zodiac banner where we got some free summons. I definitely don’t remember everything I got from that, but from what I remember, I got Cecile and Shingen from the free summons, which was cool. I dunno if I’ll ever complete the zodiac bingo since Nobunaga and Yoshitsune are going to be a massive pain to get in the future, but it’s nice to get new ones.
Then I decided to at least chase after Yukimura, since I’d rather not miss out on another zodiac, and she looked really fun. Thankfully I got her at around the 120 summons mark, and along the way I also got both Fudo Myo-o and my first copy of Gabriel in the same tenfold, which was a really funny coincidence. At that point I decided to just quit while I was ahead. I had enough to spark for Ciella without dipping into my reserves, but there’ll be opportunities to get her later. And I don’t really think she’ll be necessary to letting me break into endgame water content or anything, even though she does seem really strong.
Both Shingen and Yukimura seem really good in general, but they’re especially fun to play in Kaleidoscape. Especially Yukimura, who seems like by far one of the easiest and fastest units to use there.
And on that note, I’ve spent a lot of time with Kaleidoscape since it came out, and even though it’s not perfect, I’m really enjoying it. It’s a really fun way to test out different characters, and to give certain characters room to shine, although I’ve been avoiding anyone who I know wouldn’t work well in this mode.
There’s certain units who everyone says are good in this mode [because they are], like Yukimura and Basileus, but I want to shout out DY-Nevin as a surprisingly powerful unit in this mode. I dunno if it’s intentional or not, but the automatic skill charge in Kaleidoscape on each floor ignores his passive that reduces the effect of skill prep on his S1, which means that you can immediately press it and unlock his sigil. I think you can even do it if you die and have to retry a floor. So unlike even Basileus, he has absolutely zero ramp-time, and gets to immediately be a super strong unit with no real drawbacks.
I actually found him to be both easier and faster to use than Notte, who I also tried out. Maybe I just got unlucky with her, but I found her to be kinda slow, and surprisingly fragile. I think part of it is that normal mobs in that mode do so much damage that even Big Notte’s damage reduction doesn’t help much, whereas DY-Nevin [like with Yukimura or Gala Zethia] can still do damage while dodging a lot, so he feels a lot more durable than she is, despite not having any actual defense buffs.
I also found both Leif and Gatov to be major slogs to play, and they also both felt kinda frail. I think that was mostly just an issue of me not enjoying the process of switching stances for more than an hour.
I’ve used all of the rapid-fire manacasters [now that I have them all, after getting Cecile], and most of them were perfectly fine to use and felt very strong, but I must have gotten severely unlucky with my Gala Leonidas run, because that was the only time I’ve ever ended up not having the DPS to kill the floor 50 boss. It wasn’t even an issue of not having dispels, or not being tanky enough, I just couldn’t kill the Twins fast enough no matter how many times I retried and used different strategies, lol. But every time I’ve had a run with them as the boss since then, I’ve ended it with like a minute and a half or more on the clock, even with weaker characters.
Anyway, it’s a really fun mode, but some stuff needs to be ironed out. Like how much of a hassle it is to sort through your portrait prints, or to figure out at a glance what each one does.
Aside from that, I decided to skip Kimono Notte’s banner. At the moment I have a little over 300 summons [on top of my emergency reserves], but she’s not limited, and I already have both Luca and Thor, so it wasn’t a tempting banner. I might end up dream summoning her in the future, but she doesn’t really seem to be on the same tier as AO or even Sandalphon. I’m honestly surprised she doesn’t at least have overdamage, since light doesn’t have anyone with that yet. If she did, that’d make her way more tempting to me. But as it is, especially with the change to how she and Sandalphon work on AI, she doesn’t seem like a huge step up from Vixel and Hildegarde.
I’m probably gonna summon for Gala Emile if he comes out this month, though. I’m honestly really excited for him, lol. This has been a long time coming, after like three whole events and part of one adventurer story being centered on his redemption arc.
Water definitely feels like it needs some more good adventurers, so I’m curious to see what type of unit he ends up being. His new outfit makes him look like a wand or staff unit, but I’d lean toward wanting him to be a wand. We got Sandalphon really recently, and water just has a lot of healers in general, but Lily is basically the only water wand that anyone uses, so that’s a bigger niche that needs to be filled. Realistically he’ll probably have a unique attack combo so he could be literally anything, but I’m just focusing on what we can make guesses about, lol.
I feel like one way or another he’s probably going to overlap a bit with some of water’s top meta units, since they already cover a lot of bases, even if most of them aren’t super powerful. I think the most rare type of utility he could provide would be freeze affliction, frostbite resistance reduction, or maybe even freeze resistance reduction. Other than that, as much as I’d like him to get overdamage since I don’t have Sandalphon [though I do have DY-Lily], he probably won’t. Hopefully he has high hit counts, though, since we need more options for that niche in water.
Usually gala units just enable high levels of team amps without giving them very quickly on their own, but it’d be nice if he ended up being a strength amp buffer on the level of someone like Isaac. It might not be necessary when S-Marishiten exists, but it’d be nice. He might use defense amps, especially to set him apart from Gala Elly, but that’d also kinda overlap with Sandalphon and Regina.
At the very least it’s probably safe to assume that he’ll be extremely good, and designed specifically for endgame content, since that’s what they’ve been doing for a fair while now. So he should be worth chasing after.
It’d be nice if I get him early and can save a full spark for Valentines, but I’m willing to spark him if I need to. I just hope Valentines doesn’t end up tempting me and I have to skip it, since those units are really annoying to get in the long run, lol.
I’m also curious to see if the event at the end of the month focusing on the royal family will lead to use getting a non-limited alt of one of them, or someone like Phares or Valyx. We also might get a welfare alt of one of them from the event itself, but it might just be a facility event, so we might not. I guess we might only get Gala Emile, since we seem to be entering the stage they mentioned of less new units each month, but it seems like a good opportunity for a new sibling alt.
Anyway, assuming we get a dream summon around the 3.5-year anniversary, I think my choice would be between K-Notte, S-Chelle, S-Leonidas, and Sandalphon. It really depends on who I think will benefit me more, so we’ll see how it goes. And if we get another free one, then my options would be a lot more limited since most of the units I want came out in the last year so they probably wouldn’t be on it, but I think I’d end up choosing either Faris or Formal Joachim. At this point I have so many ‘old’ units that the most meta pick would probably just be F-Joachim for his shared skill, lol.
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queenofbaws · 3 years
UD/MoM: Of Mummy Men & Bathtub Soup - 8
Chapter: 8/? Chapter title: Once a CREEP, always a CREEP Chapter summary: Conrad really, really, REALLY does not enjoy going to the gym. Author’s note: AHA! Nothing like a supernatural/paranormal AU square on a writing challenge bingo board to stir up some CREEPiverse shenanigans ;P Previous | Next ---
All it took was one whiff of the rec center’s stale, sweaty air to remind him why he never set foot in the place. Even at that time of night the entryway reeked of Speed Stick and Windex, and man alive he hoped the sudden dampness in the air was some kind of humidifying system they had rigged up and not a byproduct of all the pit-sweat these muscleheads were generating.
Thank sweet baby Jesus on high that Sam had been easy to find—the creepy (har-har) library wing had been one thing, but he if he spent too much longer here, he suspected he might have a full-blown gym class flashback and those were not the glory days he sought to relive, no sir, no ma’am, no thank you.
“No chance I could talk you into joining in on climbing class, huh?” Whatever slight resemblance to Julia he’d seen in Sam before had evaporated into the grimy, sweaty air (thank God); she couldn’t have looked less like his dear sister as she stood there in her gym junkie gear, only kind of paying attention to him while checking the buckles and straps of her harness.
“Uh, no. Hate to disappoint a lady, but I was born with this wacky gene that keeps me from doing shit like that.” His eyes climbed the rock wall for him—a monstrosity that went floor to ceiling as though tempting the Fates themselves to strike down anyone who strayed too high—and just looking at the thing with its outcroppings of brightly colored hand- and footholds caused his throat to squeeze shut to the size of a pinhole. “Doctors are calling it…oh, what was it again…ah, right, self-preservation.”
Sam flashed him a smile that was perfunctory at best. Warm, though. Oh, incredibly warm. There were a lot of things he didn’t (read: couldn’t) understand about Wash and his goons, but why they’d choose to hang with Sam wasn’t among them. Girl was like a living, breathing ray of sunshine for God’s sake, even when she was clearly none too jazzed about having to hit pause on her nightly routine of spitting in the face of gravity to have this chitchat.
Feeling those PE flashbacks coming on again, he dove right into it. “So I know this is probably weird, me showing up out of the blue, and I don’t want you to go and start assuming the wrong thing, but—”
“I know why you’re here.” Sam folded her arms across her chest as she fixed him with a look he was pretty comfortable calling ‘hawk-like,’ and found himself feeling, not for the first time, very much as though he were staring down the barrel of a loaded gun.
There was a reason he’d saved her for last. Wash’s shit he knew how to counter. Hartley and Brown’s shit he knew how to weasel his way through. Sam, though? Sam was still more or less a big ol’ question mark in the Bishop Playbook. Other than their ill-fated trip to the quote-unquote Mummy Mansion, he hadn’t had nearly enough time to get a solid read on her. There were just…so many variables. Uncertainties. And, c’mon, her reaction to his dimples wasn’t even close to what he’d hoped. He had yet to develop a Sam-Strategy, was the point, and until he could…well, this was going to be an uphill battle.
So he considered playing coy for all of point zero zero one seconds…and then, from somewhere deeper in the rec center came the sound of sneakers squeaking on a sealed wooden floor, and without warning he was back in freshman year gym class, wondering if he’d be able to fake an appendicitis attack convincing enough to excuse him from running the mile. His acting chops hadn’t come through for him then, and he sincerely doubted they’d come through for him now. Whatever else he knew about her, there was no question in Conrad’s mind that blondie here sniffed out Wash’s bullshit on the reg—he didn’t want to press his luck with her.
“Which one was it?” he asked, bracing himself for the worst.
“Ashley,” she said matter-of-factly, and when she moved her hands to her hips, she looked a bit more like JJ…but the self-satisfied smirk was purely a Washington influence.
It was not reassuring.
“Ashley, huh?” He could deal with the deets Ash had spilled, sure. Hartley would’ve played the whole thing up for yuks and there was no point in even trying to guess what Josh might’ve said, so in the grand scheme of things, he could handle Ashley’s exasperation. Her scorn. Her well-meaning but schoolmarm-ish concern. Sure he could. He absolutely could.
“Hey, so, uh…while I’d love to stand here all night and really just waste my belayer’s time,” Sam began, “Is there any chance we could get through this…now?” She shifted her weight from foot to foot as she waited, eventually taking to bringing one of her weird climbing shoes up to her hip to stretch her leg out. “I promise I’ll make this super easy—all you have to do is explain why I should convince the others to do this and we can move on.”
“Because you said you would!” Whoops. Wow. He hadn’t meant for that to come out so ‘let-me-speak-to-your-manager,’ but that was certainly how it had happened anyway.
That was a Mom-voice.
Mom’s voice lived somewhere inside of him.
Wasn’t that a mortifying thought.
Before he had the chance to pretend to be suitably abashed at the outburst, Sam let out a little breath through her nose. Not quite a sigh, but not not a sigh, either. “We did,” she ceded, “But…as I’m positive the others told you already…we don’t really do the ghost thing anymore. Not after what happened up at the lodge.”
He opened his mouth to object. And then…oh.
Oh and then it hit him. “Was it some kind of sex thing?” he asked, suddenly wide-eyed as the pieces fell into place, “Is that why everyone’s being so goddamn obtuse about everything?!” All at once it felt not just plausible but probable, the only real answer that came close to covering the way none of them wanted to go into detail about what had really happened up in the Pines. Of course! Of course! Shit, it was all so clear now: Three deeply, deeply repressed nerds and blondie go up to a nice, quiet, remote mountaintop resort where the vistas were scenic and the hot tub was just the right size for some kind of Dionysian revelry and—
Sam took an audible breath. Let it out. Blinked. “Conrad.” Her tone was flatter than a soda left out overnight. “It wasn’t a sex thing.”
Ah, but she was a fool—a downright fool!—if she thought she could throw him off the scent that easily. “Uh huh. Well let me ask you this, then, Sam…” He quirked his eyebrow fetchingly, cranking the wattage on that good ol’ Bishop smile until he worried he might blind any bystanders with its luminosity. “You say that like it means anything, but, c’mon, would you tell me if it had been?” To show he knew he had her, up went the second eyebrow.
Now, see, he thought she’d probably laugh. Maybe she’d roll her eyes. She’d, in all likelihood, call him an idiot. Point was, she’d do something to shut him up. But no. Oh no. Proving once and for all that yes, this one was Trouble with a capital-T, Sam cocked her head to the side, shrugged, and, without dropping his gaze, said, “Know what? I would.”
“You—wait.” He felt his brain scrambling to find some kind of suitably clever response, but uh…hmm. “You would?!” Yeah, not really all that clever, as it turned out.
That time Sam didn’t just smile, she beamed. “Sure!”
He had to remind himself that whoever this girl was, whatever the fuck her deal was, whatever truth she was living in her heart of hearts and soul of souls, she was, above anything else, someone who willingly spent her time with Washington. There was simply no predicting what someone so broken would or would not do.
Not totally sure where to go from there, Conrad just sort of eyed her warily, his smile feeling a bit creakier with each passing second she didn’t fold. Then, well aware that she and the ghouls would be having a real humdinger of a laugh at his expense when they were comparing their notes later, he made an admission: “I really don’t know you enough to figure out if you’re being serious.”
Her grin remained. “I know.”
This is just what he needed. This was precisely what he needed. Pulling this stupid, pointless prank was beginning to feel a whole hell of a lot like some kind of test from God—something to ground him, keep him humble, maybe teach him to respect others more…
Eugh, okay, he had to stop thinking like that. Gross.
Still smiling that inscrutable smile that made him think a little too much of Wash, Sam stretched her arms out behind her head, obviously growing impatient. “M’kay, so I can see this isn’t going anywhere, so how about I tell you why I think you want me to try and convince the gang to do this, huh?” She didn’t wait for him to answer. “I think you’re freaking out about your sister growing up while you’re still very content living the carefree life of a manchild, and I think the thought of everyone’s attention being on her for getting married and being happy instead of being on you for being…you is a concept both foreign and frightening to you. Mostly, though, mostly, I think you’re desperate for some kind of human connection that you can fall back on once you ‘lose’ your sister to her fiancé—which, by the way, just for what it’s worth, isn’t really how it works—and whether you want to admit it or not, that means Josh. And Chris. And Ashley. Mooostly Josh, though.”
There were those squeaking sneakers again. He was giving serious thought to bringing back the whole faking appendicitis plan.
The only change to blondie’s expression was a slight arching of her eyebrows, but man it sure felt like she was laughing at him. Quite a shift from the last conversation they’d had; this wasn’t quite how their little talk in the stairwell back at The Willows had gone. What a nightmare that had been at the time, but Jesus now that he was stuck in this situation, he thought he might actually trade a body part to zip back to that panicked look on her face, the stumble in her stride. Not an important body part, obvs, but like…his right ear? Sure. He’d trade his right ear to be the one holding the cards in this convo.
“How’d I do?”
“You,” he said, clinging to his own smile as a drowning man clung to a buoy, “Have been spending way too much time with Josh. That was some primo psychobabble bullshit, I’ll give you that much, but—”
“Yeah, been hanging around the psych building lately,” she said, cool as a cucumber. “Guess it’s rubbing off.” Sam waited another moment, then sniffed. “Not really telling me how close I was, though.”
He held her gaze. “Way too much time with Washington. One could even say an unhealthy amount of time.”
She shrugged one shoulder. “One could say anything.”
It struck him then, surrounded by the grunts of people doing jumping jacks and the distant (though somehow menacing) smell of chlorine encroaching on his personal space from some unseen lap pool, that he was getting awfully tired of others dissecting his motivations. These people were making him begin to feel like the human version of a puddle—shallow enough that they wouldn’t even wet the soles of their shoes if they walked through him. Was he really that much of an open book? That transparent? That predictable?!
“Oh my gosh, you’re acting like I asked you to yank your own teeth out!” Ah, there was that pesky resemblance to Jules again…funny how it seemed to pop out strongest when she was busting his chops. She seemed to be having the time of her life, Sam, like she was counting down the minutes until she could scurry back to Ghostbusters HQ and recount this whole debacle. They’d probably make popcorn for the occasion. “All I said was ‘tell me why I should do this,’ and you clam up like some kinda…clam.”
“What do you want me to say? That you’re right? That I’m just some sort of insecure kid having a temper tantrum because my little sister—my baby sister—is getting ready to go get married? Is that what you want?!”
“I mean, it would be a start.”
He barely heard her though, because now that he’d started talking the floodgates were open, baby, and those suckers only closed once the dam had been drained. “You know, I’m not the one being weird about this—you guys are the ones traipsing around trying to feed me some sort of cock-and-bull story about there being spooky ghosts up in Blackwood—”
Her hand seesawed in the air for a moment, accompanied by a vague wince. “Okay, but uh…the thing about that is that there actually were—”
“—one second you’re all like ‘No problem, Conrad! Thanks for being such a good sport when we acted like fuckwits and scared you when you were just trying to help us, Conrad! We’d be super stoked to help you put the fear of God into your sister’s uptight boyfriend, Conrad! You know us, we looove scaring other people for our own amusement, Conrad!’”
“Is that what we said?”
“And now you’re all going back on it, acting like it’s no big deal even though we had a verbal contract, and—” And then there were hands in his face. Multiple. Two whole hands all up in his face, forming a barrier between them.
“Okay, okay, all right, look.” That was not the tone of someone who had been moved by the plight of another. Not even slightly. This was where she was going to do what the others had done; this was where she was gonna drop him flat on his face and tell him to fuck off and send him away feeling like even more of an idiot than he had to start with. She’d trade stories with the other morons later that night about how pathetic and desperate and lame he was, not to mention how gut-bustlingly hi-larious it had been to send him on his way. He knew it. He felt it in his bones. But…
Just as he felt the last dregs of his hope start to gutter out like candles on a birthday cake someone’s dementia-laden great-grandmother had left out in the rain, Sam dropped her hands and he saw something cross her face. Something awful. Something terrifying.
He saw her smirking like Wash again. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
“You’re right,” she said slowly, that smirk of hers tucking itself away into a sugary sweet smile just a moment too late. He’d seen it. Oh, he’d seen it. “It was unfair of me to ask you to explain yourself. We did absolutely have a deal. We did. We did agree that we’d help you out with this, and we should stick to that!”
He watched her, wary. “…uh huh…y’don’t say…”
“Although technically,” dear sweet baby Jesus, she was even picking up on Josh’s fucking speech patterns, “It was sort of mostly Josh and the others who made that agreement. I was still really new to the group and all…so how about this.” She lifted her shoulders in a disinterested shrug before she rocked onto the balls of her feet and back down again, stretching her calves out. “Let’s make this a strictly businesslike venture, then—fifty dollars and I’m in.”
“I…” Conrad froze, his eyes searching her face for whatever punch line he was missing. He wasn’t finding it. The shadow of that smirk was haunting him like the fakey-fake ghosts the Scooby gang kept going on about, don’t get it twisted, but in terms of immediate pointing-and-laughing, she seemed on the up-and-up. “Wait, really?! That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Fifty bucks?!”
“Fifty bucks.”
Had the heavens themselves parted in that very moment to reveal a chorus of diaper-wearing angels strumming their harps and singing Hallelujah, he wouldn’t have blinked. The relief—the pure, uncut relief—of having such a straightforward way to end this bullshit once and for all flooded him nearly to the point of bursting out of his ears. “I can so do that,” he said as he grabbed his wallet from his pocket. He began to riffle through it, flipping through the bills tucked away inside. “Sheesh, that’s all you had to say! Should’ve just opened with that! Fifty bucks…I blow my nose with fifty bucks, I—ah, here!” Procuring a crisp, beautiful $50 bill, he reached out to Sam…
…who didn’t…take it…from him.
A second passed like that. Maybe two. Possibly even three. Sam let her eyes drop from his face to the bill before they made the trip in reverse. Then, God help him in this, his hour of need…the smirk returned with a vengeance from behind her saccharine smile.
“Oooh…” she said, her eyes narrowing as her smirk grew and grew, “No…oh, oh no…I think you misunderstood me.”
His relief soured into dread. He kept holding the $50 bill out to her, hoping (nay, praying) she’d just take it from him and pocket it. She didn’t. “Uh. Mis…misunderstood?”
She hummed a too-cheerful ‘mhm,’ and motherfucker, it was dawning on him that, new girl or not, she was just as much a CREEP as any of the others. “See, I did say it would take fifty dollars. I didn’t say that fifty dollars was for me.”
“O…kay…?” Man oh man was he glad blondes weren’t his thing. There was no way in hell he was making an attractive face as he braced for impact; he never would’ve been able to salvage this performance.
Sam shook her head and did nothing to hide how much joy this whole song and dance was bringing her. “I’ll do it if you give that fifty dollars…to Josh.” His confusion must’ve shown, because after a moment she added, “Y’know, the fifty dollars you owe him, Conrad? For your bet?”
His dread further morphed into disbelief. “I…that…you…” He watched her grin widen, and ugh! UGH! Oh, he bet she and Wash were real happy together, real cozy. Birds of a goddamn fucking feather. “That was months ago! Why would—”
“Aaand you still haven’t paid up, sooo…” She rocked on her feet again, the rubber soles of her sneakers squeaking brightly on the gym’s floor.
Conrad knew when he’d been beat. It wasn’t something he liked to admit (especially when Wash was involved), but that didn’t mean he was oblivious to it. For a long, long moment he sized Sam up, dropping his arms to his sides. “I should’ve known,” he muttered, “I should’ve known you’d be just as twisted as those three assholes. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, Sam. Did you know that? I had such high hopes for you. I thought maybe you’d balance them out, you’d help make them more human. Never in all my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined you’d be so…broken on the inside.”
Her only response was to continue smiling.
Rolling his eyes, he jammed the money back into his wallet and then the wallet back into his pocket, feeling all five stages of grief rain down onto him at once. “You’re absolutely getting off on this, aren’t you?”
“Oh, don’t be such a sore loser.” Sam beamed, reaching over to pat his shoulder in a display way too victorious to be comforting. “Look on the bright side! Now you get to hang out with us again!” Her eyebrows wiggled once, and he knew in no uncertain terms that this stupid plan had been a terrible idea from the start.
“This is what I get,” he said mostly to himself, “When they said karma’s a bitch, they weren’t fucking kidding…”
One last giggle and Sam turned back to the climbing wall. He took that as all the ‘goodbye’ he was going to get, so he turned as well, heading for the door.
“Hey! Conrad!”
He glanced over his shoulder, spotting Sam hooking a heavy nylon rope into her climbing harness.
“Friendly piece of advice? Put the money in a card first. Something cute, maybe with a puppy wearing a hat or something!” Her smirk could’ve cut through glass. “Classier that way, y’know? So you’re not just jamming cash in his face. I’m sure Josh’ll really appreciate the sentiment!”
So this was what Hell was like. He was never going to live this shit down.
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Before anything else, I would like to ask my brothers and sisters in Christ, IN ALL HONESTY, whether I erred in any way in the reply which I offered to this original post (there was also an intermediate reply which I did not include into the screenshots; either way it was OP who replied to me). (@ignorant-against-christians @anscathmarcach @doctorbluesmanreturns @bagheadautist @a-quiche-in-med @anotherpointlessargument @strawberry-milktea and anybody else who might need to chime in, please feel free to PM me if you prefer that to reblogging all this mess.)
And while I'm awaiting that, let's dive right into the last reply and give OP a much-needed reality check. (Translation: let's try to set some things straight for anybody who is willing to listen, since OP has already declared themselves sinless, infallible and above reproach.)
Where are my children growing up that you think they’re not going to be interacting with Christians and being exposed to Christian theology on a daily basis? Hell, my children will have multiple Christian family members, as well as several queer Christian honorary aunts and uncles. Also, you know, a Catholic-educated mom.
It isn't all that much of a good sign when literally the first paragraph in your reply is a mile-long appeal to false authority.
First of all, it is completely inane to consider my response as personally addressed to you. I didn't even reblog it from you or tag you.
Secondly, please accept this PSA: Having Christian friends does not make you an authority on Scripture. Nor does having a Catholic-educated (not even practicing Catholic) mum. In fact, if the state of millennial liberal "Christianity" online is any indication, it is very much a possibility that your "Christian friends" might very well be teaching you that "Yeah, basically atheists are right in all that they say about Christianity, but I'm a good Christian and I love Christ and I don't believe any of that outdated stuff that's in the New Testament!" in which case, yeah, the fact of the matter is that you WON'T be getting an accurate image of orthodox Christian theology from your friends, or from your mother who might very well have prayed her latest Rosary when she graduated high school.
You have completely misunderstood the point of this post if you think the above beliefs (which are overwhelmingly held and spread by Christians and ex-Christian atheists, not Jews) have the same negative effects on Christians that harmful beliefs about Jews have on us.
Right. So, in other words, you didn't want to draw attention to and decry anti-[whatever religion] slander and, in the course of that, also spread awareness of common anti-Judaism lies. You just wanted to compete in Oppression Olympics, and to virtue-signal your victimhood. Yeah, how dare I assume that you wanted the former just like any virtuous human being! HOW DARE I assume that you're not an intellectually dishonest SJW! THE HORROR!!!
Also, nice job pretending that you're "fair" and "not bigoted" when you try to blame CHRISTIANS for the ANTI-CHRISTIAN bigoted lies which are commonly propagated.
And again, the only reason that you think I blamed these beliefs on Jews is, as it seems, because you want me to mean that. Because you want to score oppression points. In reality, I made it perfectly clear that it is of no importance whether the person peddling anti-Christian slander is Jewish, atheist or whatever else; but that is something which either you missed entirely or you deliberately refuse to acknowledge.
Christians might not be uniquely bigoted, but you damn well are uniquely powerful in western countries, and with that comes unique responsibility, to paraphrase Uncle Ben.
Why didn't you just go the full "Check your Christian privilege, we live in a Christian hegemony, one can't be bigoted against Christians, a minority cannot oppress a majority, PREJUDICE PLUS POWER!" route from the get-go so we can know where we are standing, then?
This is a perfect example of why I shall always insist that
At the Oppression Olympics, nobody wins.
Because you looked at my response and you immediately saw not a complementing opinion (which it is), but a competing one. You saw an opponent, and in your mind you cannot be anything short of 100% right a priori, because of course it's a competition. Of course oppression and injustice are a zero-sum game.
Only in real life, THEY ARE NOT.
Any rational Christian, and any rational Jew, is horrified both by anti-Christian and by anti-Jewish bigotry. You, on the other hand, insist upon trying to find the "bigger victim" at all costs. And from your reply, it seems fairly certain that you had no rational reason to do that. You just wanted to downplay the injustices and slander which is aimed against Christians. It almost reads as if you vehemently refuse to even remotely sympathise.
By the way, I think that Devin Kelley, Chris Mercer, and Floyd Corkins (among others) might be some names which ought to debunk your opinion that anti-Christian bigotry has no tangible real-life effects.
Oh, but I forgot. "Prejudice plus power"...
I have every intention of teaching my children about different religions, but this reply was obviously in bad faith and just about jacking off your persecution complex as part of the poor, downtrodden 80% majority.
At this point, your rhetoric is barely distinguishable from an "AtheiSJW bingo" of sorts, or from the inane hate asks that we get at anti-christophobia...
I don't know why I expected any better. Maybe because I DARED to assume the best about you. Yeah, what a heinous thing to do...
And OF COURSE it must be true that I came into this in bad faith. Of course. Why? Because you say so. Because it's a JACKPOT for you. You've found before yourself the perfect chance to set the scene with me as "Le Mr. Evil Bigoted Christian" and score brownie points, and BY GOLLY you aren't going to let such an opportunity go to waste!! I mean, WHO EVEN CARES about such trivial technicalities such as TRUTH...
..........and in the wake of all this, you have the gall to accuse ME of playing Oppression Olympics???
Can your projection and intellectual dishonesty get any worse?
And the PERFECT FINALE of inimitable intellectual and moral superiority:
Do not interact with this post further.
Classic pigeon chess strategy. No comment needed.
Again, for what I have done amiss in this whole story, I apologise sincerely. My mistakes, however, do not bar me from calling out the errors of others and defending myself against unsubstantiated charges or pointing out their bigoted behaviour.
As for the potential few idiots who shall hasten to accuse of antisemitism (for whatever contrived BS reason their sick brains might conjure), do not even bother. Antisemitism is one of the many kinds of bigotry which I have decried in the past and shall continue to decry, and thus I do not automatically become guilty of the same bigotry just because I do not self-flagellate for being Christian and I refuse to bow down to your short-sighted, sociopathic cultural Marxist dogma of competitive victimhood.
God bless you all.
UPDATE: A few mere hours later and OF COURSE another Bingo square was checked off: I have been blocked. Should I pretend to be surprised?
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loydbelstead-blog · 4 years
Some Betting Terms Used During Poker Play
Compulsive gambling, is a problem in many people. Research has shown that It is a sort of impulse-control disorder. Gambling is incredibly similar to abusing drugs or alcoholics. The urge to gamble can be be extremely overwhelming. The urge can be so great that it affects friends, along with the compulsive gambler will stop at nothing, regardless of whether they are losing. Since the time gaming might be accessed over the click of your mouse while you're in the comfort of your own home, online casinos are actually gaining popularity since. You might be saved from using a strict and formal dress code in land established casinos where the vibe is simply too formal. It is also hard to drive into one because offline casino could be remote and even after going there, getting a place at the table might be difficult after negotiating the crowds. The most known strategy at roulette would be to double your bet every time you lose, and this could be the only (halfway) working method that I know. Most people bet on a field of an possibility of 1:2, other than there could be the zero. But this has a huge disadvantage. For example, in the event you bet on red like I do when I play this technique, each time shipped to you, you merely make money with the amount in the first bet you played. So you may need to double as much as an amount like 64 Euros, just to get back all the losses up to now and obtain a measly profit of just one buck, in the event it was your starting bet. Even if you can double around the table limit, it will lead you forever to obtain enough money to pay for a loss of revenue for the highest level. Before you manage this, you will have bombed often times before, losing most if not completely of one's money to bet at roulette. Reading through online gambling forums is the one other option to finding out what individuals consider various gambling sites. There you'll find out if US players have trouble while using payment systems for starters. You'll also find out if many players experienced bad experiences at certain sites. At the same time, you ought to know that individuals with ulterior motives post on forum sites, so you need to take any overwhelmingly positive or overwhelmingly negative posts having a grain of salt, particularly when they may be flanked by posts saying the other. Some of the best online gambling sites offer forums where people could possibly get together to go over any problems they are facing. When you play bingo web you imagine you do not comprehend the game properly, try to watch basic tutorials and start experiencing the game of bingo. In addition to this, daftar joker123 whenever you play bingo online, even be active in forums to possess knowing of the most up-to-date as well as the best gambling online sites. Internet is surely an awesome area for entertainment purposes and also to educate you in a wide section of fields.
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rochamclain8-blog · 5 years
How To put Games On A Kindle
How To place Games On A Kindle
This allows you to use the identical audio and video settings as used in your games, and due to this fact you may gain access to lots of HD content material like motion pictures and Tv exhibits. Nearly all of them, having mentioned that, are comfy for kids to create as soon as they play online video video games. It could be sensible to attach an adhesive to the play items since the board game shall be hanging on the wall. Creative play helps a toddler develop socially, emotionally, and bodily - all abilities that can profit a child later in life. It can profit your entire household by making the most of this additional space in your residence. The preschool games domino idea could be tailored to different matching actions. What this implies is that despite the existence of consoles, individuals are nonetheless enjoying games on their computer systems. But the risks are the identical as letting your baby walk to school, or go to a friends’ home - less so even, as a result of on-line, these folks do not need entry to your baby. And, you may notice how your little one can actually study math, music, physical coordination and even learn how to speak some basic Spanish language with Dora the Explorer.
Of course, smaller kids can use safety scissors, and you should utilize any type of paper you've got obtainable. If your youngsters are too young for tea, serve heated lemonade or sizzling chocolate. For younger children, these toys are usually more durable and easier to make use of than ones created for older children are. One good strategy to do that's to opt for toys that encourage interaction and foster studying expertise. The drag-and-drop card gameplay makes it completely good if you’re enjoying on a touchscreen laptop or considered one of Microsoft’s Surface tablets, but it additionally works flawlessly with a trackpad. Remember additionally that the go well with of a card has no significance in the game of Conflict. The purpose of the game is to attain ‘runs against your opponent, by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching 4 markers called bases which can be arranged at the corners of a ninety foot sq., known as a diamond. Now we talk of the engaging Nokia Lumia 925 deals which are quite irresistible in cost and gives.
Fear not, for we are right here to guide you in shopping for the most effective funds gaming laptops. Ship flowers is the very best place to order flowers on-line. We guarantee to give you the optimum help and greatest solution or support in the most affordable bargains! This isn't the main most important offer that Microsoft signed whereas utilizing the Workplace of Defense. Majority of the contemporary generation are more dependent on social media and most of them don’t know how one can expand their minds with out using technology. To craft items using a 3×3 grid, create a crafting desk, place it on the planet, and proper-click on it. Right-click on the Windows desktop background (not the beginning display screen) and choose NVIDIA Control Panel. Some college students like to start out their homework right after faculty. Or you may decide out for the AIO Colors Package, which is the same equipment however with quite a lot of intricate shade designs together with “Camouflage, “Crackle,” and ‘Dazzling.” The preferred design is the “Brushed Gunmetal” colorway. When Sonic 3 came out I was beyond stoked. Zynga appears to consider the potential income bump will more than offset any resulting decline in participation if users hunt down a more streamlined sport with which to whereas away their solitary hours.
Common Pogo sport titles include: bingo, bridge, pool, spades, Poppit, chess, slots, and more. Craps is a sport performed with two dice. In The Second Property Of Horizontal Levels have ever performed Minesweeper on the computer, it is sort of the same game. There are fairly a few options you've at hand while you wish to create distinctive recipes, however you may not be aware of them all. The principles are simple and the methods are countless - which makes Gulugufe an excessive amount of enjoyable. This e book introduces counting and addition from zero to twelve in a very simple form. Chemically wood ash avoids this whitening resolution precisely the exact precise identical trend industrial processes perform. Why pay Will This Fat Burner Get You Shredded ? to sit in a crowded theater and deal with teenagers and their cell phones, overpriced drinks and popcorn, and numerous ads and previews earlier than the movie even begins? The young men hastened to his help, The gentle Ah Zore maiden with the almond-formed eyes, little dwarf.
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dangerblock0-blog · 2 years
Play Online Casino Games For Fun And Money
By following these instructions, you can perform out your opponents on the table. There are the possibilities that whenever put your bet, the additional players can leave the table who're making efforts for a run and even flush. You won't be they avoid so, you need learn that they've something at their end which betters yours. It's sad that this needs for you to become publicly brought to the attention of the gaming industry, but because the majority players don't pick the phone and call their casinos to complain, somebody had to obtain on the ball by using a truthful tell-all. If you play, these items not win, if you do, count yourself lucky, and moment money and run to a different game. Almost all of the online casino strategy are offered for you play at it place. We know in proving best services and best games expertise. There are so very many causes of playing online and having ultimate fun. play online casino strategy in order to prevent getting into the crowd of real clubs and gabling areas. Play online but get the experience of real casino for nothing. You just have to the optimistic mindset while playing the casino games. Usually better individual a smart move also to be practical at gonna do it . time if you really need to have to play casino online. Who says video games are made for kids really only. Even, you can take advantage of such games at on-line casinos. Video poker 1 other very popular game for you to try his luck various other more cash with ease. In 메리트카지노 , the ultimate game is to draw one of the most powerful poker hand. Will get is a youtube video game, usually of the cases you were playing to the computer. Apart from that, there several slots tournaments which requite no entry purchase. You can participate in those contests for zero-cost. The free slots games are seen on sites fully dedicated to slots or on casinos' sites. A variety of the online casinos offer free chips for playing slot machine games. Later your winnings will be deposited in to the bonus merchant account. So, you'll ask- how do I win at online bingo? Stores know many people in a good craft casino who attribute their success in order to lucky shirt or lucky numbers. Nevertheless the truth is that winning bingo goes more deeply than just luck. Tend to be two many researches that secure the fact that online bingo is accessible many mathematical strategies. This casino offers 3D graphics. First, you register on the site and they're brought to an opening projection screen. This screen is an online dressing room where you're free to choose method you look, the clothes you for you to wear, and you will probably pick your screen named. After you complete this process, you will be taken towards the casino ground.
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