#i have ideas for flavors but its whatever you'd like
msallurea · 4 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but when we say "act as if" we do not mean in the 3d of course of that's something you enjoy doing by all means do it. But to act as if is to do exactly what you would do if your desire was already fulfilled within IMAGINATION ONLY!! Since the 3d is only a mirror, everything that you'd want to do if your desire was fulfilled you do it all in imagination and you identify as the person who is experiencing all of that within imagination aka imagine it as true.
Also..when we say imagine we do NOT mean visualize. Imagining is LITERALLY by definition to imply an idea in one's mind with or without consideration or reflection aka to form a mental concept, image or idea aka TO SUPPOSE OR ASSUME!! you can easily do this without the need to visualize anything. You're imagining all the time. All YOU have to do is identify with whatever it is you desire to imagine aka "change your clothes" which is code for changing your state of consciousness.
But how do you change your clothes aka a state? Well first you "choose your outfit". What is it that you want to wear, in other words what do you want to identify as. For the sake of examples let's say your manifesting your dream life. Ok so now that I know what clothes (state) I want to wear (identify as), now it's time for me to put my clothes on. How to do that? Well I imagine what would it be like if it were true? What would I do? What would I say? How would I feel? This is where techniques come in to make it fun. You can say affirmations, visualize, script, inner convo, etc. And the moment you are done with doing this and you feel satisfied that is when you know it is done. But wait! What about the 3d? "I don't see anything". Yea that may be true you can't see anything but you know what else you can't see?? Dust..yet you know it's there. You can't see atoms yet you know it's there. You can see other people in front of you right now but you know there are people in the world. You can't see a cake in front of you yet you can imagine a cake and taste all it's flavors and smell its sweetness and everything. You see, you don't have to see anything outside of you to knowyhat you already have your desires. So..just like when we say "know that you already have your desires" and "it is already done" we are not talking about in the 3d that would be delusional. We mean know you have you desires in imagination because and don't worry about the 3d it is only neutral and it can't do anything unless YOU assume it does. Even then, you're still proving that YOU are not only a creator but that imagination is the real reality and the 3d is a mirror because who's to say your desire couldn't reflect the 4d within that same second and yet you flipped it and said "it's not working" and assumed the 3d wasn't reflecting your desire. Why are you worried about what a mirror is showing you if you can already see that you have what you want in imagination?
This is where persisting comes in. You don't persist to get something. You persist because you know you have what you want regardless of what is being shown outside of you. You continously choose to identify as something even when there is no evidence of it.
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gojoux · 10 months
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· Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader
· Summary: You'd never imagine your boyfriend would sulk over a shaved ice. He wants the same flavor, but with different colors.
· CW: 1.5k // Fluff. Gojo being dramatic.
Inspired by this / this. Gojo being canonically called Ojisan (annoying uncle/old man) is just so funny 😭
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It's the time of summer, and the weather is particularly hot today. You turn the air conditioner on in the bedroom, setting it at the coldest temperature, before you walk outside and close the door, letting the coolness fill the room until you come in again later to chill with your boyfriend.
“Satoru,” you call out to him who is sitting on the living room's couch. His body is plopped lazily on the couch, manspreading with his arms propped on the arm rest. He's wearing a thin material t-shirt with shorts, and his hair is messy.
Gojo turned his head for a while when he heard your voice to greet you back. “Hey, darling. What can I do ya for?” He reaches for the television remote, intending to put something on, but then changes his mind.
“Actually, why don't we do something else? It's too hot to sit in front of this thing.” He adjusts his glasses, which seem to have slipped down his nose a bit, and leans his head back against the couch to get comfortable.
“So, I've been thinking...” You walk behind the couch, wrapping your arms around his neck from behind, and look down at him as he looks up at you. “You wanna know?” 
He grins at you as you wrap your arms around his neck, “Mhm,” he nods excitedly. “I absolutely wanna know.” He holds your hands that are placed on his chest, squeezing them softly. “Tell me what's on your mind.”
Your eyes can't help but be focused on his moist lips. “Can you give me a kiss first?” You grin as you lean down closer to his face. His smile widens at your request. “Anything for my baby.” He reaches a hand up to your cheek as he leans up to kiss you. 
His lips taste sweet, and it's so soft when it's pressed against yours. He nibbles your bottom lip before pulling away, letting his lips linger longer and his eyes slowly open.
He relaxes his head on the couch's backrest, his eyes looking up at you with its familiar shine. “Now, tell me, what are you thinking about?” His hand doesn't leave your cheeks, caressing your skin gently with his thumb.
The sweet taste of his lips reminds you of what you're supposed to say earlier. “How about we go outside to buy some shaved ice cream?” You suggest. Gojo is probably the biggest sweet tooth you've ever met, and you know that for sure he would never refuse an offer that has anything to do with sweets.
His expression brightens up. “Shaved ice cream?” You nod, “Yes. While we wait for the room to cool up.” Your hand caresses his chest slowly in his hold. “You're up for that?” You ask the obvious.
“Heck, yeah!” He says immediately, jumping up from the couch and grabbing your hand. “I could eat a whole mountain of shaved ice, it's too damn hot today.” He gives your hand a squeeze.
“I will also eat whatever flavor you'll choose for me because I love you. Aren't you lucky?" He playfully stuck his tongue out at you, but there is truth underneath his tone.
He pulls you towards the door with his hand holding tight on yours. “Come on,” he grabs his wallet on the way out before opening the door.
“We're going out like this?” You ask, glancing at our ‘summer-themed’ home clothes. Satoru stops in his tracks, seeming confused that you would ask such a question. “Yeah, why not?”  
“We're just going to get ice cream. No one will care what we're wearing. We'll be back before you know it.” He looks at you with an amused expression, waiting for you to agree. He doesn't seem bothered by the idea of going out in his home clothes.
“Right.” You put on your slippers before walking out with him to the nearest ice cream shop.
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“What's wrong?” You ask him as you eat the shaved ice cream. He puts his spoon down and crosses his arms, leaning back on his seat as he stares at his shaved ice and your own.
“Nothing, nothing,” he says quickly. But his tone is a bit off, and his eyes don't meet yours. He looks down at his bowl again, taking a couple of quick, big bites in an attempt to hide whatever is bothering him.
After a long time of knowing him, you know that by his expression, he's not upset. Rather, he's sulking.
“Satoru.” You say his name sternly, demanding him to express his thought which causes a sudden change of mood in him, since he was all excited just for a shaved ice before. He looks the other way when you stare at him like that.
“It's just that...” He trails off, letting the words hang in the air for a moment. “I don't want this syrup...” His voice is quiet, almost like a mumble.
“You don't want this one?” You ask to make sure what he really meant. He's pouting over syrup on his shaved ice.
Gojo shakes his head, still looking down at his bowl. “Yeah, that's it,“ he says, his voice gets quieter by the end.
He pauses for a short moment, thinking, then seems to come to a decision. Without looking up at you, he reaches out a hand to take your bowl. “Here, let's trade.” He holds his own out to you, still not looking at you.
“Whoa, whoa,“ you hold onto your bowl, ready to defend what's yours. At this point, both of you are acting like a child all over again. “You're the one who told me to choose the flavor for you.”
He's still sulking, and he's looking at you pleadingly right now. He really knows how to pull out a stunt that could shake your resolve.
“It's not that...” He trails off again. You let out a sigh, reaching your spoon to scoop on his shaved ice to try it, wondering what's the big deal of the different syrup anyway. “It tastes the same...? Well, almost.” You raised a brow at him, wondering what is the actual problem here.
“It does taste the same, but...” he looks down at his shaved ice bowl, almost glaring at it. “I want that color...” He looks at your bowl.
“What?” You ask again, leaning you face closer to him, not quite sure on what he's implying. “It's the color.” He answered quietly.
“The color?” You look at him in disbelief. “So, that's what the problem is? The color?” You repeat yourself, you can't believe what you just heard.
Gojo sighs heavily. “Listen, it doesn't matter that it tastes the same,” his gaze doesn't meet your eyes. “The color matters to me, okay? The flavor is slightly different too. I can feel it.”
He says this with complete honesty as if he thinks this is justification for his being so particular. He's still leaning back on his seat with crossed arms. Still sulking.
Gojo stole a glance up at you, hoping you would give in. “Well... it's like, the color impacts the flavor in a way.”
You were too stunned, you even stopped chewing the shaved ice in your mouth, letting it melt until you cough a bit when you choked on the melted flavored ice.
You really can't understand how exactly his mind works right now.
But you can definitely say one thing. Your man is adorable.
“Okay, okay, have mine.” You switch your bowl with him. “Such a spoiled baby.” You mumble under your breath, which he doesn't seem to care with the way his eyes locked on your bowl of shaved ice like it's a rare treasure, and a wide grin appears on his face as you give him your bowl, immediately digging in after saying, “Thank you for the food,” with no hesitation.
He makes a little sound of appreciation as he takes a bite, then another. He closes his eyes as he chews, enjoying the delicious taste of the shaved ice.
Your eyes are on him as you eat your own in silence, completely baffled by what you just witnessed.
If you don't know better, you would have laughed and smacked anyone on the face when they say that the man who is sitting right in front of you, enjoying his shaved ice cream and sulking over the color of the topping like a child, is the strongest sorcerer alive right now.
But here you are, dating a man-child who enjoys being spoiled and also spoils you like no other.
When he's done, he gives another deep sigh, looking happier than he has all day. “Thank you, darling,” he says with a smile, touching your cheek. “Just what I needed.”
“Ah, yes, of course. A trade of similar flavored shaved ice.” You answer him with a playful eye roll. “You're an angel, you know that?” He ignores your remark as rests his cheek on his hand on the table, staring at you with his usual playful smile while you eat.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” You finish the remaining ice that's already melted from the bowl. “No trading over a colored syrup next time.”
“Awww, don't be like that.” He gives you another pout and his index finger poking your cheek repeatedly. “You want more?” Without waiting for you to answer, he stands up and walks towards the counter to order two more shaved ice.
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This one's not supposed to be my first fic here, but I can't resist after seeing Gege's summer diaries doodle story 😆
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aphroditesmoon · 11 months
picture me better
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gwen stacy x afab!adhd!reader (gn terms)
summary; mornings with your girlfriend gwen<3
warnings: none, breakfast making, fluff, flirty gwen
a/n: pretty short, but i haven't been writing for her in a while
Gwen has her face immediately buried in the crook of your neck as her arms move to wrap around your waist from behind. She smiles againts your skin when she feels you slightly flinch at her embrace.
It was common that you wouldn't notice her until she's right behind you once you have your headphones on. You get so distracted with the music and whatever you're doing. This morning isn't an exception.
Gwen was fully shook out of sleep upon realizing that you weren't in bed when she had grazed her hand to her right and found that you weren't there. The strong smell of bananas and butter fill her nostrils, making her turn her head towards the open door of the bedroom. You must be cooking.
She was right when she wat met with the view of you flipping pancakes, completely oblivious of her existence, the music of Weyes Blood playing loud enough for the sounds to leak out. The noise of the kettle however, is the only thing Gwen truly hears as she watches you continue cooking breakfast, back slightly leaning againts her.
"I thought you were sleeping, you looked really tired." You spoke loudly, unaware you were loud. She shook her head againts your skin. "I am tired, smelled you cooking though." She replied, grinning.
You laughed at that, tilting your head to see her face. "Well, you can go back to sleep after breakfast." You promised. Gwen opened her mouth to answer but was cut off by your quick movement to turn the kettle off as it finishes boiling.
"You making tea?" She asks. You don't respond, hands busy pouring the hot water inside two different cat eared designed mugs before adding teabags and sugar packets. "Babe." She called again.
You twist your neck back, glancing at her. "Hmm?" She shook her head slightly, a small smile filling her face. "Is that tea?" She repeats her question louder.
You nod your head vigorously. "Unless you want coffee?" She gives a quick no thank you before walking towards you to wrap her hands around you again. "Have I told you about my tea collection I had as a child?" You asked suddenly, hand finding her owns that are attached on your stomach, intertwining your fingers as you let your english breakfast tea cools down.
Gwen gives a sound of confusion as she shook her head no. "I use to have multiple fruit flavored tea bags my dad bought for me on his trip to Cameron Highlands." She had no idea what you were talking about.
"I only drank the strawberry flavored ones though, so what i did with the others is I shelved them on the glass cupboard you use to put trophies and stuff, and my mom was extremely confused." Gwen snorted and released you to be able to move the drinks on the dining table, watching you move towards the pancakes next.
"I think I'm as confused as her." She admitted. "Its a collection! Like stamps- or whatever little trinkets people like to keep to show off- I mean, who else can say they have a cupboard full of fruit flavored teabags?" You say, exasperated.
She lets out a laugh at how defensive you are, taking a seat as you present her with a flawless banana pancake. "Except the strawberry ones of course." You added hastily. "Of course."
Gwen frowns as you put a giant bottle of honey in front of her, taking a seat of your own. "Honey?" She look at you. "We're out of syrup." You tell her. "I thought you said you'd buy it last week?" You smiled at her sheepishly as you start to slather your pancake with honey. "I forgot."
The ghost-spider squints her eyes, smiling knowingly at you. "I'll buy it tomorrow." She states before diving in on her breakfast. She doesn't miss the grateful glint in your eyes as you eat your own breakfast, headphones off.
The two of you finished the food quite quickly, Gwen making exaggerated sounds of pleasure everytime she took a bite, fishing a giggle out of you. She also made sure to be the one who did the dishes, pushing you away from the sink when you tried to help.
"You know, if you keep cooking and doing these kind of stuff for me, i might just marry you soon enough." You roll your eyes, placing a kiss on her cheeks while she drys her hands. "How very romantic, don't make those kind of promises though, I'll use them againts you."
Her hands finds yours once they're dried up. She pulls up your right fist to her lips, kissing each and every finger before kissing your knuckles. "You better. Now, speaking of holding yourself againts me-" You groaned aloud, shoving her lightly as she laughs out loud at your annoyance.
"I want to go back to bed, come on." She whines, an arm around your shoulder as she drags you up onto the staircase, leading to your room.
"You're so boring." She hears you murmer to yourself, receiving a slap on your butt l, making you run headfirst into your room as you laugh at her. "I'm not boring." She growls jokingly, chasing after you.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
Anon from 722398181104795649 again about YA as a G-D and it's failure(s). Your response is really interesting because it definitely aligns with the market research I've had to do over the last 3-ish months for work. Adult YA readers want YA to skew older superficially as escapism from the woes of adulthood (It's like someone who orders a pasta with broccoli in it because they appreciate the flavor it brings, but they have no interest in actually eating their vegetables). Teenagers feel alienated by the G-D that is meant for them no longer allows them to confront said woes with honesty or maturity for their age to prepare them for adulthood or discussing broader ideas. More teenagers skip over YA altogether or just reader adult genre fiction with some Middle Grade fiction mixed in because the teenagers feel in MG, there's still an honesty to the stories that they can understand, having once been young children. In short: teenagers think YA books are talking down to or patronizing them.
The result is YA authors pushing for NA, New Adult, as a G-D, which hasn't taken off within tradpub outside of romance circles. Mostly, because what they're pushing for is already an established genre for around a century: campus novels--books about characters 18+ who are entering college, establishing independence, beginning to explore sexuality and enter the workforce, etc. But, again, YA adult readers refuse to engage with adult genre fiction because there isn't the facade of protection from adult themes or topics, and there's an aggressive refusal among many agents in literary fiction (and some adult genre fiction) to encourage authors to sanitize their stories. YA authors began attempting to cross over into adult genre fiction with mixed, but overwhelmingly negative, results, as they cannot shake the stigma of writing YA. And the genre fiction crowds they want to appeal to have higher standards, typically, than the average YA writer is able to meet. YA authors then complain about the differences in publishing YA and genre adult fiction. It's like when MCU actors and directors get upset when prestige film directors don't consider MCU movies to be "cinema."
This is fascinating.
I pretty much missed the YA boom (slightly too old, not paying attention, etc.), so I've mostly encountered YA through its worst evangelists of the Hunger Games knockoff era, and often a good bit after their favorite books were at their height.
As I've said before, this really strikes me as that pattern where something is big when you're at a formative age, and it becomes the Normal Default to you.
I'm sure some of it is refusal to engage with adult nuance, but I'll bet a lot of it is resistance to leaving the name of YA behind. People spent so much time defending this niche that they started believing their own rhetoric about it being the only place the good queer stuff was or the feminist stuff was or whatever. They identified really strongly as A YA Fan. It's hard to let that go.
And if you don't remember much about pre-YA boom publishing, the fact that all that YA-tastic Mercedes Lackey stuff was filed under fantasy, not YA is completely obscure. The places you find stuff you'd like that aren't called "YA" are not obvious. The fact that YA in its boom era form isn't universal and eternal is not obvious.
I think people are waiting for their Cool Era of their early 20s to return and for the things they think should always be in fashion to come back... Like everyone else aging ungracefully, they may be waiting a while.
Gotta say, every New Adult book I've been shown sounds like a hideously boring contemporary romance that would probably make a good coffee shop AU against a backdrop of a canon that's dark or magical but that isn't really pulling its weight even if you like contemporaries.
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bonefall · 9 months
Thinking about that one post about the 5000 year old teenager girl found buried with her collection of 180 sheep ankle bones but specifically the addition of how ankle bones were used as dice back then and she was a gamer.. what I'm getting at is: would clan cats make bone dice and Are They Gaming
First let me teach you a little bit about Knucklebones: The Game.
You probably know one of its variants better as Jacks, that game you play with a rubber ball and little metal spikes. There's a version of Knucklebones in nearly every culture, where the basic idea is to throw an object up in the air, pick up as many of the smaller objects as possible, and then catch the larger object before it hits the ground.
In cultures with a lot of access to livestock, usually the hand and ankle bones of sheep would be used. Places that don't have them might use rocks, seeds, shells, whatever. It was Ancient Greece that had such an extreme take on the game that it eventually evolved into dice-throwing-- a totally chance-based game where you would just throw the biggest foot bone of a sheep (the astralagus; equivalent to the talus in a human) and see how they landed.
So the girl they uncovered in Kazakhstan with the 180 sheep bones wasn't really buried "with dice," make sense? It's more like being buried with jacks. Central Asia is actually jam-packed with knucklebones-types games. Mongolian Shagai is recognized by UNESCO.
And it makes a TON of sense, because those regions are grasslands absolutely ideal for raising sheep.
There's two major considerations here;
ONE: The access to, and size of, sheep bones.
Clan cats don't kill sheep. TRIBE cats actually have access to sheep and kill one or two a year! I would actually like to give them a bunch of special uses for various parts of the sheep. I think the eagle-killing thing in canon is actually pretty ridiculous for several reasons
BUT THAT SAID, an astralagus is the size of a cat's paw.
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[ID: A human holding an astralagus in the tips of its fingers.]
You'd need to play a different sort of game with this. It's more like a square softball to a cat than a little rubber ball.
Boar also have bones like this, though. A muntjac probably produces bones that are sized properly for a cat. Hares and rabbits are probably the BEST bet here though, which, somehow feels right. I'm not sure why, but WindClan seems like the gamerclan Clan that would think up these sorts of cute games.
Something about it fits their whole savvy culture, tunneling, emphasis on trade and invention pre-Heatherstar. ShadowClan and WindClan share a cultural value of innovation, but ShadowClan seems more... chemical and competitive.
Hard to explain it. ShadowClan invents flax retting and WindClan invents the drop spindle. There's overlap but it has a bit of a different flavor between them.
TWO: Range of motion
I've made BB!Cats have the same range of motion as the cats in canon, which is higher than a real cat. They're able to WEAVE, you can't do that without a basic pincher grasp. They're also able to mix herbs, wrap things up in leaves, and apply bandages.
I haven't actually given my reworked cats much more ability than they already had, I just codified rules based on what we already see.
But that said, they DO have less range of motion in their hands than humans. They have little thumbs and a better ability to grab, but can't twist their paws completely upwards. There's no way they can toss an object straight up, then catch it again.
So any games they do play would need to accommodate that. So far I've got Scratchstone, Teeterstrike, and an unnamed rhyme game. The bone game would need to look more like a game of marbles than jacks. Or, maybe more modified to accommodate swipes and strikes, somehow? Or a two-person game of catch?
Gotta think about it.
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littldog · 1 year
part 2 of stoner xiao :3
dark content ahead, minors dni. // afab reader , meanie dom!xiao (he gets kinda soft in the middle for a bit) stoner!xiao. manipulation and guilt tripping , weed , fingering , thigh riding , spit , sir/kink. xiao calls you a bitch a lot lol. lowkey xiao is an incel not even lowkey he IS AN INCEL I LOVE INCEL STONER XIAO //
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the pain on your thigh from the burn sent chills down your spine, earning a low whine to escape past your glossed lips. "w-what the fuck xiao?! why did you do that?" you furrow your eyebrows at him, looking up at him with red teary eyes. still trying to rub the burning flesh with the sleeve of your hoodie, hissing at the pain. he just laughs at your expression, almost mocking your cries and whines. its just a joke to him, you're just a little plaything for him, he doesn't care if it hurts you, because no matter what he does to you he knows you wont have the balls to actually do anything about it. which he loved about your relationship. he could throw you around his room and you'd still be crawling back to him with that little look on your face, making needy eyes up at him.
"do what? i dont know what you're talking about. you're being dramatic." xiao scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched you rub at the flesh, swatting your hand away from your thigh, he holds your hand tight. "don't rub it, you're just making it worse on yourself." he spoke sternly, the grip he had on your wrist grew tighter, making you whine out a string of "sorrys" and "please stop". he loved when you obeyed him like this. you're so easy to manipulate and control.
you huffed, getting up from his lap and onto edge of his bed, few inches away from his desk. he tsked, "whatever." xiao spoke under his breath, picking up the remains of the joint and tossing it into the ashtray beside his pc, picking up his headphones and placing them on his head. "don't bother me then, if it hurts that bad it's not my problem." xiao mumbles, switching on his monitor and turning his chair towards his desk
you hated when he was like this!!! why was he being such a meanie:( you finally did what he's been telling you to do, and he's being a big meanie about it.. he's not even giving you any attention. but, you do know what'll get his attention. you eye your backpack that you always brought to his house sitting on the floor, it was pink and had strawberries on it, xiao is the one who bought it for you!! he loves to buy you lotsa cute stuff!! giggling to yourself with the idea that has come to mind, you snag the bag from the floor and rush into the bathroom of his appartement which stunk of weed btw, locking the door you look into the mirror. too faded to even recognize yourself in the reflection, you shake your head and pay your attention back onto the pink bag, unzipping it you take out a short pink skirt. which wasn't much shorter from the one you're currently wearing, but xiao picked it out!
stripping yourself of your current outfit you stood naked in the cold bathroom, you shiver as you slipped on the new article of clothing, tossing the other one into your bag. you didn't feel like changing out of your current hoodie, since it was xiaos hoodie! he wouldn't even notice that you changed your skirt. giggling to yourself once more, as if a light bulb appeared above your head, you slid your panties down your thighs, throwing them across the bathroom, a little treat for xiao later! ^_^
adjusting your hair in the mirror and reapplying your smeared strawberry flavored lip gloss, you exit the bathroom and return to xiaos room, only to see him still sitting at his desk with his eyes focused on the pixels on his monitor. you pout to yourself, sitting back on his bed.
a few minutes go by and he still hasn't given you any attention! what the fuck!! you got all dolled up for him just for him not to give a shit? you huffed your cheeks with air, eyeing the hello kitty bong that was on his bedside table. xiao bought it for you weeks ago, he knew you didn't smoke, and would always tell you to try and he told you that you're missing out. thoughts clouded your head as you thought of the possibility of xiao not having interest in you anymore, just because you didn't want to smoke with him, which was so silly for you to think. would your boyfriend of many years really let THAT be the deal breaker? you shook your head at the voice inside your head, eyeing the bong once more. you picked up the glass, it was already filled with water. guessing xiao already used it before you. you've never smoked out of a bong before, but the amount of times you've seen xiao smoke out of one, you could get the clear image of how to do it and what to do. you note that xiao keeps his grinder in the drawer of his desk. which, he is currently sitting at. you sigh and get up. going towards the desk, opening the drawer. xiao, still doesn't notice you. or, he does and he's just ignoring you. either way, you retrieve the grinder from his desk and close the drawer, making your way back to his bed. you pack the bowl with a generous amount of weed, not wanting to go overkill and end up greening out, as you were still fucked up from just ONE puff of a joint. jeez y/n such a lightweight lmao dw me too.
you grab the spare lighter he kept at his side table and bring the rim of the glass to your lips, taking a deep breath, you inhale, lighting the bowl and watching it burn up. a little bit of anxiety washes over you as you can see the smoke rising up the glass. you remove your mouth from the rim, holding the smoke in your lungs for a few seconds before exhaling, you cough... a lot... nearly dropping the bong, you set it down and grab your water bottle which was on the table, taking a few swigs of it. face burning up from how much you've coughed, you lay down on his bed, the room spinning as you look at the ceiling. a minute goes past and still, nothing. xiao has not acknowledged your presence ever since you left the room earlier to change. having enough of his bullshit, you get up from his bed, making your way back to his chair. sitting on his thigh. "xiaooo..." you whine, tugging on the sleeve of his hoodie, earning a small grumble as a response from him. it wasnt enought, you wanted his FULL attention. you snake your hands under his hoodie, tapping your finger tips along his chest until your fingers reach his cheeks, squishing them just like how he did it to you. “can't you see i'm busy? what do you want." xiao tsked at you, jerking his head to the side to free himself from the grasp of your finger tips, looking at you in almost a disgusted way, like squishing his cheeks was a crime or something. "pay attention to me, pleaseeee.." you huffed, dragging out the "ee" in your plea. rubbing ur hips back 'n forth on his thigh, he halts your hips with one free hand that was once on the keyboard. "no panties? do i seriously not give you enough attention that you have to whore yourself out like this?" he growled softly as he brought his face close to yours, taking a whiff of your scent, the mix of weed and your vanilla perfume sent blood shooting straight to his dick.
you whimpered softly as he grabbed ahold of your hips, rutting them slowly against his thigh, which was covered by his sweatpants. "please, xiao... 'm want you so badly sir." you spoke innocently lookin up at him with pleading eyes. fluttering your lashes at him. tha'ts what did it for him. those damn pretty eyes and that pet name you love to whine out whenever you want something from him.
xiao threw his head back at the sudden name, his hold on your hips softening once he saw your needy eyes. he sat back in his chair, letting his hands run up and down your hips and thighs as you slowly rutted against his thigh, little noises escaping past your pretty lips.
"y'kno, you're so cute when you beg like that. i much prefer it from your constant bitching and complaining." xiao chuckled at your reaction when he pressed the pads of his fingers against your puffy folds. "and no panties either, you planned this didn't you?' he cocked his head to the side, waiting for your response. hand that was under your skirt now pinching your clit roughly, waiting for your response. "cm'on, speak up. i know that mouth loves to bitch and whine, so speak." xiao couldn't wait any longer to wait for a response from you, throwing you off his lap and onto his bed, he flipped you over onto your tummy, ass up in the air for him as you arched your back at the cool air hitting your sopping cunt, kicking your feet back 'n forth"
"please fuck me xiao... pretty please?" you begged, resting your head on his pillow as you wiggled your ass in the air, your hoodie now lifted up past your tummy, exposing the cute pink skirt that you put on for xiao, which made him groan at the sight of such a pretty piece of fabric on your skin.
xiao smacked the flesh of your ass harshly, a "thwck" sound echoing in the room. watching your plush bottom ripple with each smack he gave just made him needier for you, he needed to feel all up on you, its been a minute since he's been deep in your cunt, your constant bitching always earning a silent treatment from him, but what you pulled on him today with sitting on his lap with no panties on, and a cute skirt really set him off, he couldn't hold back anymore.
slipping his sweats past down his ankles, he gave his cock a few strokes as he watched you put on a show for him, biting down on his bottom lip as his pointer finger played with the slit on the head of his cock, pre cum begging to be released. having enough with your teasing, he sat on the edge of his bed beside you, one hand pushing your waist down so you wouldn't move, the other tracing up your thighs, and to your cunt. he ran his finger up 'n down your cunt, sopping wet n begging for him:( he thinks you're the cutest when you're needy like this. "you're such a good girl honey, y'kno that right?" xiao coos at your moans n whines as he slips a finger past your folds, middle finger curling against that sweet spot you loved him to hit each time. xiao pumping his fingers in and out of you with ease, squelching sounds and your moans filling his room, the smell of sex and weed intoxicating the two of you.
"p-please xiao... hurry please please please!" you begged as you matched the pace he was fucking into you with his finger, a loud smack to your cunt had put you in your place again. "shh, remember who's in control here, right? don't move n just enjoy." xiao shushes you, nodding at his words you stuff your face into his pillow as you feel him thrust another finger into your hole, not sure if its the weed or just your high haha get it high haha approaching, you clench around his fingers tightly, not wanting to cum from just his 2 fingers. you could take more than that, 'n plus he's just getting started with you. xiao takes note at how you clench around his digits, a cunning smirk appears across his face, pumping his fingers deeper , faster, into you, causing him to practically lift you off the bed wit just how fast he's finger fucking you right now. "s-sir! please 'm gonna-" you scream out a gargled whine, kicking your feet against the bed as you feel your orgasm approaching. "sir please- xiao- 'm too clos-" xiao pulled his fingers away from your cunt, a loud whimper coming past your lips, furrowing your eyebrows at the loss of contact.
"did you think i'd really let you cum that easy? are you that stupid?" xiao laughed darkly at your expression, pouting at you as he was mocking you. he got up 'n towered above you, a rough smack coming to your ass as he spread your cheeks open, watching your pussy glisten with your essence. xiao bends over and takes a long, lick along your cunt, a loud cry escaping your wet swollen lips. "please xiao, 'm promise to not b-be a bitch 'nymore... gonna be good for you, sir.." you begged for him, to at least give you some empathy, whining as you felt him stretch your cunt open without any warning, bottoming out in you. "f-fuck! 'm god xiao please-" you screamed, covering your mouth with his pillow, biting onto the fabric to try n silence the screams of pain and pleasure. "fuck'n cunt so tight for me huh? just me, right?" xiao growled against your ear, each one of his words in synch with his thrusts, which sent goosebumps to rise all over your skin. you loved when he was rough with you like this, you loved when he told you that you’re just his, n no one else can have you or your little cunt :3 “jus for you sir, please make me cum- ‘m jus yours—“ your cut off but a “thwack” to your face, xiao lifted up your face with his free hand, the other gripping onto the flesh of your ass, pounding roughly into your sopping cunt.
“stupid fuckin bitch, always beggin ‘n beggin for my cock. is that all you’re good for? milking my cum? show me how much you want it baby.” xiao groaned to your ear, his hand slipping into your mouth, spreading your lips open he spat into your mouth, watching it drip onto your tongue. “swallow, bitch.” xiao spoke sternly, another smack landing on your face, making you cry n whine. you gulped down the glob of spit on your tongue, whining n panting loudly as you felt that knot in your tummy tightening again, shaking your head side to side, tryin to break free from the harsh grasp xiao has on your face. “gonna cum— lemme cum please-“ tears falling down your face, mascara runnin down your face n staining your cheeks, lip gloss a mess again over your plump lips. “cum, cum for me baby, milk it you stupid bitch.” xiao growled close to your ear, fastening his pace in your cunt, feeling his high approach and unravel once he shot his seed deep into you, stilling his hips as you rode out your orgasm, hips twitching n stuttering around his girth. “x-xiao..” you spoke softly, he left go of your face, hand rubbing small circles onto your back as he removed himself deep from your cunt.
“you okay? i can see you made up your mind huh?” xiao chuckled softly as he lifted your limp body up n laid you against his chest, resting his back on the headboard of his bed. you were confused of what he meant, tilting your head, you eye the bong that you smoked out of prior to this happening, a shade of red appearing on your flushed face, causing xiao to coo at your expression. “my baby, its okay, i got it for you anyways. use it when you’d like.” he ran his fingers up n down your thighs, feeling the goosebumps rise at his touch. “you’re still so sensitive, wanna hop in the bath? round 2 maybe?” xiao smirked at you, wiggling his eyebrows, you rolled your eyes n got up from his bed, pulling his arms up with you, walking towards his bathroom. “o-only if you teach me how to roll a joint.” you speak bluntly, running your hands thru your hair, stealing a kiss from his lips. xiao chuckled at your enthusiasm , hand running down your cheeks to wipe the running mascara off your face, planting a kiss on your forehead and nose. “mhm, then you’re gonna be my little joint rollin’ bitch too.” you rolled your eyes at him as you stepped into the shower, the warn water hitting your skin, running down your back n hitting the plump of your ass where it was all red from xiaos smacks. you pulled xiao into the shower with you, letting the warm water run down both your bodies, the scent of weed still on your bodies n sex lulling you into a state of calm again, resting your head against xiaos chest, you yawned. “tired?” xiao spoke softly, squishing your cheeks with his hand, the other rubbing soft circles on your bottom. you nod, almost fallin asleep in the shower, xiao had to take care of you the rest of the night, after your guys’ shower, he slipped you into one of his t-shirts, and panties. he made sure you wore panties his time. slipping on a pair of pj bottoms, he decided to stay topless, getting into bed with you laying on his chest, he grabbed a preroll from the side of his bed, sparking it up n tapping on your shoulder. “want some, baby?” xiao spoke in a clam tone, laughing as you shot up and took the joint from his hand, inhaling the smoke into your lungs n falling back down onto his chest, the pads of his fingers rubbing circles on your skin lulling you into a deep sleep, along with the weed hitting you just right.
maybe smokin weed wit him wasn’t the worst idea :3
//its fuckin 9pm and i have not slept yet i am so sorry that this is so shit i wanna do part 3 maybe soon idk… i am so tired gn i hope u enjoyed this😭 pls lmk what else you would like with these prompt ^_^
xiao fuck me please thank u
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
Head cannon central.
As you know, I love the idea that Otabek comes from that OLD money. You'd have to look to see the signs, but they are there. So when he comes to stay with Yuri in his new apartment on a long visit, he low key puts things in there Yuri deserves, but would never get for himself.
One of said things? Yuri uses those Lipton tea bags in a cardboard box that's only good for poisoning your tulips and perhaps making long island iced. He says nothing, just suffers thrugh until Yuri has to go do something like ballet class.
Otabek goes shopping, with mutual agreement, so they can cut two birds with one skate. He gets all the things, including tea. He gets no less than eight of those fancy metal tins with different types of tea in each. The ones with like, twelve, maybe twenty silk pouches with fragrant blooms, herbs, and spices. Yuri is not ready for loose leaf, let alone custom blends. And he gets one very large box of cheep assed Lipton, because if that's what Yuri wants, that is what Yuri gets.
Yuri doesn't understand. Tea is tea. Until he sits with Otabek, watching movies, curled up under the same blanket, and smells the cinnamon and cream coming from Otabek's cup. When he thinks Otabek is not looking he steals a sip. Otabek goes to make himself a new cup. He's not getting that one back.
Yuri goes to dance class next week with a cherry blossom and honey tea in his reusable to go cup. Lilia starts to dig into him about coffee and how its not acceptable. Yuri explains it's tea, perhaps a little to enthusiastically. He promises to bring Lilia a cup tomorrow so she can try it too.
Next time Otabek drives Yuri to dance class. He's got the tea for Lilia. As he hands her a bag full of several metal tins with classical, elegant flavors, she sips from the cup Yuri gave her. It's almost enough to make up for that exhibition skate. Almost.
As Otabek stands off to the side, admiration for the art of ballet clear in the way he watches Yuri dance, or perhaps for her prized student himself, quietly saying he'd be happy to send her a subscription for whatever flavors she likes, or she can pick out ones she'd like to try - he'd like to make up for disappointing her all those years ago...
Then he tells her how he knew her, Yakov, and how he first met Yuri. She reluctantly agrees. Let it never be said she's above such fine gestures of recompense. Her time is valuable, after all.
When she gets home she tries the creamed earl grey. Perhaps he's not such a bad boy after all. Inflexible, yes, but there must be something to work with if he has taste like this.
The Lipton winds up staying in the cabinet for years. It makes Otabek smile every time he sees it. Unused, probably decayed to dust by now. They even move it into their new place. It only ever gets used on people Yuri doesn't like. Like his tutors, and that one time Victor pissed him off so much he wasn't speaking to him for weeks.
Otabek adds things. Yuri doesn't understand them, until he can't remember not using them always. Like when they curl up under the same blanket to watch movies with a cup of cinnamon cream tea.
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marrowcrunch · 1 month
What are your top 3 favorite vtm clans (or bloodlines)?
Bonus: which clan do you think you'd fit in with? :3c
Oh boy, this is going to be long lol
Favorite: Tzimisce 
Gosh, what a surprise :O
But yeah. I mean, firstly, the cool factor is undeniable. It's always such a joy designing Tzimisce characters because even toeing the strictest borderlines of canon they're allowed to get real weird with it in a way that most other clans aren't. I don't mean this as hate at all so I hope it doesn't come across like that, all clans are beautiful <3 but if you're playing Ventrue, Brujah, Tremere etc to some degree you'll always just be playing as Some Guy. With a Tzim it’s like…Do you want some sick-ass bone blades on your arms? No problem! Another pair of arms to put more bone blades on? Sounds good! Do you want to be bioluminescent like a squid? Great! Go crazy! 
Second: Full disclosure, I am the “My fursona is my TWOO SELF” flavor of furry. And the idea of having near total freedom of form— to be able to give myself a tail, claws, fangs, horns, [long censor beep], whatever I want, to abandon my human shape, fills me with Yearning. 
In the complete opposite direction, I also find personal meaning in the clan as someone who suffers from chronic pain. Shamelessly copy-pasting a reply to another post: 
The flavoring of Vicissitude as a creeping infection, as the actual body of the Eldest spread from generation to generation, able to rise up and consume its bearers at any moment, resonates with me very deeply as someone whose pain is caused by congenital tissue defects and which will inevitably get worse over time.
The idea that…there’s something horrible lurking inside your body. It can’t be cured. It can’t be removed. It is part of the very fabric of your being. And it is going to eat you alive, it is going to eat and eat until there’s nothing left. That no matter how you struggle, eventually it’s going to win. But you struggle anyways, because what the hell else is there to do?
The clan also has its revenant families, who are all collectively my most Specialist Little Guy in the world. I am a huge sucker for ye old trope of Special Family Bloodline Technique, and they scratch that itch for me in a really fun and interesting way. 
Second favorite: Giovanni. I actually don't have any deep reasons for this one, I just think that “fucked up necromancer vampire crime family” is such a fun concept lol. I like organized crime stories. It's also another one for the “bloodline technique” category— in v20, they even have their own associated revenant family, the Rossellinis! 
Third favorite: Salubri. The vibe I get is that they’re deeply underappreciated because people feel like their designation in both fluff and crunch as “the nice ones” means that they’re boring and clash with Masquerade’s overall tone. But I STRONGLY disagree— I think that's exactly what gives them so much potential for the sort of personal, existential horror that is supposed to be at the heart of Masquerade. I actually want to write a much longer post sometime that really gets into why, but part of it is this— being a magical pacifist unicorn prancing in a sunny flower field isn't “horrifying,” but being a magical pacifist unicorn in a dark forest where the only other animals are wolves that want to eat your face sure is. I also think the contrast between mainline (healer) Salubri and Salubri antitribu is a really rich thematic vein— again, I want to write more on this later. 
Bloodline lightning round:
Ahrimanes: Cat-themed woman power. I like the concept of Gangrel in tune with the spiritual elements of nature. Spirits in World of Darkness are fun because they can be anything. 
Ventrue antitribu: Knights in modern settings are cool.
However, if the question was “Which clan are you most like?” instead of “What's your favorite”, the answer is far and away Toreador. I love making art, and while I mostly just write now because my body has kind of fallen apart, I used to dabble in a bunch of different mediums and loved them all. That and I already do the “oh that flower/painting/ random pattern of light on the wall is really pretty *zones out and stares at it*” thing in real life lol so that would just be business as usual. If I couldn't be a Meat Criminal this is actually the clan I'd choose to be embraced into. 
Thanks for giving me a chance to talk :)
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
Yanderes celebrating your birthday please?
a/n: if it's your birthday today, happy birthday! and if it's not your birthday, happy early birthday! here's some yanderes to celebrate!
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warning: mentions of lingerie in eun-jeong's and liam's but no explicit mentions so just be cautious ig?
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
like many on this list, eun-jeong would only want to celebrate your birthday with him and just him
he'd wanna surprise you as much as possible (which could be easy or hard depending on whether or not he's trapped you in his house yet or not)
if he's trapped you in his house, he honestly won't try too hard to surprise you. he might bring you a cake you didn't expect or something though
but, if you still live seperately or something, he'll definitely set up a surprise party at his house! complete with cute little party hats on his doggos!
the kind of present he gets you depends on where you guys are in your relationship;
if your relationship is still new or at the friendship stage, he makes sure to get you something he knows you mentioned; nothing too big but definitely something you'd be able to keep with you for a while
if the two of you have been together for a while, it'll be something big; imagine like a piece of jewelry with your favourite gem or something more expensive
unbeknownst to you, he's also gotten you a second present: expensive lingerie
he's too much of a coward to give it to you though so they just pile up at the very back of his closet loool
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gawain dubhán byrne ★ profile
the most normal out of everyone on the list
what he plans for your birthday depends on what you'd like to do for your birthday
if you'd like to do a big birthday bash, he'd love to plan it for you as a surprise. he'll invite everyone he knows (which isn't a lot) and everyone you know
if you just want a close friends thing, he's okay with that too. as long as you let him take care of everything and you let him treat you like the royalty you are
i mean, his preference is to definitely spend it just the two of you, at a romantic dinner for two at his favourite restaurant but whatever is fine with him too
as for presents, he'll always try to get you something sentimental. for him, the thought is always more important than the cost
examples of presents he'd give you would be a bouquet of your favourite flowers, an album of photos of the two of you over the course of your relationship, a notebook full of love letters for you, etc
his thoughtful gifts would definitely be the most well executed too like he'd have had the idea for it months in advance, prepared for it well, planned it thoroughly
thoughtfulness aside, he also spent a lot of money on it lol
if its an album, the book he put it in costs a lot of money. if it's love letters, it's written with expensive ink, on expensive paper, etc
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Ryouta Watanabe ★ profile
kind of in the middle of eun-jeong and gawain where he definitely wants to spend your birthday with just him and you but it's your choice
that is... it's your choice who to invite out of the people ryouta trusts. not your friends, not your family, not unless he trusts them too. he needs to make sure you're safe!
examples of people he trusts would be other people he works with at the dreamy creamery (but not all of them because, of course, some of them are scumbags), his brother, some kids and workers at the orphanage, his boss and his boss' family, etc
if you spend your birthday with them, it's honestly fun! they're all drug peddlers and criminals but they're good people who know how to party and they keep it clean (ish since there's alcohol)
if it's just you, ryouta and a couple other trusted people, it's a nice close dinner. most likely, ryouta cooks or you get take out
either way, ryouta definitely wants to make your cake and it's like really nice but in a homemade way? like four layer, as fancy as he could get, in your favourite flavors and colors, with your favourite animal in cute modelling chocolate on top or something
definitely more adorable than elegant
for present, ryouta isnt the best at giving presents. the only thing he's really good at when it comes to showing affection is doing things for you
his present would probably be a small keychain or fidget toy, something you could put in your pocket. it's not something you'd particularly like but it was something he saw and probably stole that reminded him of you
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Liam Anthony Arieh ★ profile
another one where you don't get a choice becos you'll spend your birthday with him alone, no matter what you think
you might be able to get birthday wishes from the other lion's den employees but that's it
liam the workaholic would even take the day off of work for you lol
the two of you would just laze around and stuff until dinner where he'll take you to some really fancy restaurant which is his favourite apparently
he'll buy you a fancy outfit to wear, he'll wear something that matches, the two of you will take a limo, it'll be a whole thing
which is hypocritical lowkey cus he always shit talks rich people like this but that's fine
he'll also probably gift you lingerie to wear underneath the outfit but that's whatever
he'd let you get whatever you want, as much as you want. you can even get one of every item on the menu if you want. it's your birthday, you're the special birthday baby today.
as for a present, liam will gift you the most precious present of all: you get three wishes. he'll be your genie for today lol
of course, like the real genie, there's limits to your wishes. you can't wish to get rid of him, for example, but he'll do his best to grant your wish
after all, he's one of the most powerful men in lovelock, there's little he can't do and, if it's for his sweet pomegranate, he wouldn't hesitate to grant a birthday wish, even if it's to raze the entire damn city to the ground.
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Fujio Watanabe ★ profile
worst person on this list for sure
like a lot of people on this list, you're spending your birthday with just him, no choices at all. the two of you will spend it like any other day in his dinky ass apartment doing absolutely nothing
you think he'll do anything special? nahhh, you're delusional
maybe he'll order slightly more expensive take out but that's it
he'll make you a cake but it's like box cake mix and he'll do that thing where he'll add like an extra egg yolk and put in butter instead of oil and milk instead of water or whatever
the frosting is store brought
don't get him wrong, okay, he's hella rich cus he has like an expensive tv, his apartment is in a great place in the city, etc. he's just choosing not to make your birthday a big deal
and it's not a powerplay of any kind, he just doesn't think birthdays are that big of a deal
both he and his brother didn't have anyone to celebrate their birthdays growing up and the both of them ended up perfectly fine (hint: no they didn't)
as for present, surprisngly, he'll get you something he actually spent three brain cells putting together
it would be something youve either been asking for or he's noticed that youve been needing. it could be something stupid like a stepping stool around the house or a book collection you've been saving up for; something practical and something he knows youll use
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Ayaka Yamato ★ profile
shes the exact opposite of this sausage fest lol
you are the most important person to her now and why the hell would she not celebrate the day of your birth like a national holiday?
ayaka would throw like the absolute biggest party. think frat house college party and then think bigger. ayaka is like a college girl that never grew up and these kinds of parties are her bread and butter
and you know, if you happen to hate these kinds of parties... well, that's really unfortunate because she really truly didn't even ask you, did she?
but don't worry! she'll remain absolutely super glued to your side to make sure none of the sleezy party people (cough strangers cough) she's invited to the party try anything suspicious
oh did i mention? all the people she's invited are just her followers! people on her snapchat, on her instagram, on her twitter! just awesome folk who wanna hang out with the best of the best!
what? you shouldn't invite strangers to your home? don't worry! the party will be at one of her family's disposable summer houses!
and there'll be so much security that if anything happened, the two of you would be so so safe
as for her present for you, think of the most expensive thing you'd want and that's it! of course, she'd at least try to make it something you'd be interested in
if you like books, she'll get you a whole library of books in the genre you love
if you like video games, she'll get you the latest and greatest console with all the games available for it
and she'll make sure to gift it to you in front of the whole party, where everyone can see her treasure you and give you all of the love you deserve
so, when you run away later, they'll just guide you back, chastising you about running away from someone that gives you so so so much
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How Cuddleable Are Your OCs?
I got tagged by @jev-urisk, so might as well :D
Premise: Answer the title question using a scale of 1-10 and give context.
These are the "main six" from Party of Three.
(also im re-flavoring the prompt to how huggable as in b1 Taka is 15, Beriyl is 16, and while they might be adults in their world its weird asf by our worlds standards, and i have 0 idea how cuddle-able they'd be, but i have more than enough figured out for hugs!)
fun little fact: i used the color of the persons soul for their text color here :D
(and i wrote up some what-ifs just for the prompt, the descriptions beneath the scored stuff. for everyone but qlul and eirairr :p)
7/10 I think he's kind of an awkward hugger, but otherwise it'd be like getting a normal hug from your friend. I think sometimes he struggles with knowing what to say, so if he was trying to give you a comforting hug, hopefully the hug itself helps lol. It was a strange feeling, being hugged by yourself. Yet it wasn't a bad one-- Taka felt oddly calm in his copies embrace. "It's nice..." He murmured. His face nestled in his other self's scarf, he remained there for a time. The faint scent of cinnamon lingered in the air. "Yeah." It finally answered. 'Kinda creepy though. How is this even happening? Well... whatever.'
7/10 This really, really depends tbh. If Beriyl's in a bad mood, good luck getting him to hug you at all. Other than that, his robes are probably really soft and he uses expensive cologne/perfume so I imagine it'd smell good. He's the best-groomed out of the six (not to say that Taka or Arthur neglect themselves, i think both of them do a good job too), so... like hugging a fresh, fluffy towel I guess? Beriyl wrapped his arms around Taka, pulling him close. "Wh- B- Beriyl?!" "..." "Uh..." For a moment, Taka hesitated, his arms stuck outward. But then, he wrapped them around Beriyl and returned the gesture. His mind swam in a pool of anxiety as his heart pounded in his chest, countless worries making themselves known-- was his posture too awkward? Did he smell bad? Did he remember to reapply the cinnamon stuff to his scarf? He did not remember. Uh... Hm. His robe was soft. And it smelled like flowers. 'Control yourself.' He commanded himself. 'Don't get a... Don't. Do not.' The hug was still happening. It was beginning to make Taka antsy. "U- uh... Beriyl?" In reply, the half-elf only squeezed him tighter. Taka exhaled a shaky breath and tried to steady his nerves. He returned the squeeze. It had felt comforting. He wanted to make sure Beriyl felt that, too. When Beriyl finally released him, Taka just smiled. A hug from your best friend was always nice. "Thanks." Beriyl beamed back. "The pleasure is mine."
8.5/10 Well, first of all... Arthur is huge. He's like, 6'3? It'd be like hugging your dad. Except you'd probably be a little scared he'd accidentally crush you to death, despite knowing he wouldn't ever. (The thing with Arthur is... if he really wanted to, he probably could. He's that strong.) That's the best way I can describe it. I think he gives really good, warm hugs. "Come here, Taka." Taka approached as told, and immediately found himself swooped up by Arthur's imposing form. "Whaagh!" "I'm so proud of you." Arthur was so warm. That was the thought pushing itself to the forefront of his mind as this happened. 'He really is like my dad. I guess I have two dads, huh? I mean, three, but... Wait, no. Arthur isn't my dad. That's weird. Well, no it isn't, but...' His thoughts meandered and spun about uselessly as they tended to do, and before long Taka was back on his feet, looking up at Arthur who was grinning down at him. "You've come so far." "...Yeah." Then, he turned to Beriyl, who immediately shrunk away. "You too, Beriyl. But you don't have to hug me if you don't want to."
10/10 Feathery birdboi, but most of my evidence for him points towards being great. Taka describes him as a "beacon of warmth" or something to that extent iirc, so. He's a master of comforting/seducing smiles, he's definitely very flirtatious. I think his score goes up or down based on this, but i'd put him up on a 10 because of how hot he is. And also i bet his plumage is soft :p Taka found himself being suddenly pulled upward into the towering birdfolk's feathery embrace. As he was practically cradled against Ecirr's form, he felt a steady blush wash over his face. He tried to hide it, to no avail. Ecirr noticed this, and smiled like he tended to do down at him. Which only made him blush harder. 'Gods. Why the hells does he have to be so cool? And why do I feel like this every time he smiles at me?! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!!!!!' Yet, when those feelings subsided, all that remained was warmth and happiness. It was truly comforting. Like resting in a cloud of feathers, or something. Something like that... Taka could almost swear he was being lulled to sleep. ...
Same as Ecirr, he's warm and caring. I think he takes extra good care of his feathers and is very proud of him, so they're probably super soft, like Ecirr's. As a healer, he is a very genuine, kind person. I think that reflects in his hugs. And hey, maybe he can cast some healing magic on you while he hugs you :p
"This too, shall pass."
"....Qlul. Is there a specific reason you're doing that?"
Good luck getting him to stand still long enough, maybe if he was in a serious mood and there was a reason he'd hug you... It'd probably be pretty nice, because he's an elf. I imagine his hair is really soft and literally perfect.
But otherwise... I think he's going to be too busy climbing around everything like he's a 2 year old who just discovered a jungle gym for the first time.
"Uh... Eirairr?"
"Hold on! I wanna see what this is... See ya!"
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fostersffff · 1 day
Saw your post about the TTYD remake and I wanted to say that I totally resonate with your description of TTYD being a Papercraft-themed RPG with Super Mario elements. It's one of the reasons the game had never really interested me before…it always felt to me like they made a whole separate paper-themed RPG and then decided at the last minute to put Mario and co in there to increase sales, ha. Actually playing it for the first time via the remake hasn't really changed that opinion, either. At least Super Paper Mario goes full-tilt unapologetic about it being only vaguely Mario-flavored, which makes it endearing in its own way. Meanwhile TTYD is in this weird half-step area about it all.
Anyway, I was wondering about the line between SPM and Sticker Star that you'd alluded to! My assumption was that Sticker Star was an attempt to reset the involvement of the Mario elements back to Square 1 (and over-correcting to Square -1 in the process, somehow) while leaving the amount of RPG-flavoring basically as it was, but I was curious whether this idea was in line with what you were thinking 🙂
Honestly I probably should've clarified what I meant in the actual post, but I'd be happy to do it here:
In Paper Mario, the "paper" part of it was pretty strictly aesthetic. It's especially obvious when you look at how the game was marketed in Japan where it was called "Mario Story"; the "Paper" part was an admittedly charming bit of localization marketing, and to this day I think about how that Nintendo Power ad was maybe one of the greatest print ads of all time.
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There is no tangible impact on gameplay (that I can recall) stemming from the fact that the game looks like a pop-up book. In terms of its story, it's also pretty safe in terms of Brand Integrity™ for Mario, even compared to Super Mario RPG: you must save Princess Peach from Bowser, most NPCs are standard Super Mario species with a fun accessory save for a handful of weirdos, all the places you go are totally in line with pre-existing environments in Mario games.
The Thousand-Year Door (tellingly called Paper Mario RPG in Japanese, rather than Mario Story 2) leaned into the paper aesthetic, resulting in the fact that everything was papercraft lending itself to mechanics: you get the curses that turn you into an airplane or boat or roll into a tube or turn sideways to slip through narrow cracks, and a ton of puzzles involve revealing that the obstacle in front of you is a piece of paper overlayed on top of the actual path. It also got a little weirder with the story: the hub is a pirate shanty town built on ancient ruins, you go to the WWE to fight Hulk Hogan and uncover Vince McMahon's sinister conspiracy, there's a murder mystery on a train, the main antagonists are a bizarrely futuristic army hunting for a treasure that is secretly An Ancient Evil. It's not at all a bad game, it's just a very different vibe than the first one.
Like you said, Super Paper Mario is where they got REALLY weird with it- so much so that maybe they would've been better off just making it an original IP if not for the loss of the branding. My post that referred to it as "papercraft" was innacurate, because I was just thinking about the perspective shifting gimmick, which isn't inherently papercraft-related. But the more important thing with Super Paper Mario is that it got Really Weird, but again: that's not a bad thing! I haven't played it in years but I pretty fondly remember SPM.
And then for whatever reason, around this time- late 2000's- Nintendo becomes INCREDIBLY brand conscious about Super Mario, basically to the extent that anything that is not identifiable as a Core Super Mario Element cannot exist. So the time comes for IntSys to make a new Paper Mario game, but they absolutely cannot have it be weird- no interdimensional megalomaniacs, no going to hell and heaven and fighting the usurper god, and for good measures, no existing Super Mario species with accessories, either.
At around the same time, the video game industry at large was kind of in a dark period for RPGs. There was still a lot of good stuff coming out, but the mainstream Western (i.e. The Biggest Market) opinion was that they were outdated and boring. So, IntSys, either by their own volition or at Nintendo's urging, needed to make a sequel to Super Paper Mario that couldn't be weird or have RPG elements from prior installments, which left them with the papercraft gimmicks they messed with in TTYD.
And that's really what Sticker Star felt like: it's just about the papercraft gimmick, which this time around was stickers. It's ostensibly an RPG because combat is turn based, but there's not really any reason to engage with it, because everything is based on your sticker inventory. The bosses are extremely obnoxious slogs unless you bring the correct item that instantly defeats them. Hell, even Origami King, which I did actually like, wasn't an RPG either; it was still turn based, but it had a lot of the same problems.
And Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam... M&L faired a little better in that it got to keep being an RPG, but the two games that came out during the same era as Sticker Star- Dream Team and Paper Jam- placed a much higher emphasis on the weird gimmicks. Like, Bowser's Inside Story's gimmick was "Bowser is a character you can play as!", Paper Jam's gimmick was "Paper Mario is here, which means we can have PAPERCRAFT TANK BATTLES and other Papercraft Gimmicks!"
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 5 months
i apologize for the text wall you are about to recieve i'm facing my fears of being an annoyance in the inbox
hey what do i do when i have several fixations happening all at once
my madcom keeps coming into the house because its cold but then goes back out because yay snow
the funkin won't leave the pantry because i keep coming back to the Tall Modded Men
deltarune deltarune deltarune deltarune
undertale is returning with a baseball bat because it refuses to be left behind in my elementary days (i promise you my AU content won't be based on fanon i've been tracking little details in the game i'm not cring pleas e don't sentence me to the swamp of sin)
im not sure if i'm going back to my fnaf phase i'm just very fond of the sundrop models i find on VRChat
and it doesn't help that i want (personally i have to i live off making silly little worlds with different stories and flavors) to make AU content the neurodivergent courses through my veins it will never end
this is a really good question that I don't see a lot of people asking so it's hard to find good advice for this
best advice I can give as a neurospicy individual is to not fight your attention span when it comes to hobbies. with school and work you don't have much of a choice but remember there are no deadlines or consequences in fandom
like I feel kinda bad for not having updated my two big fics in 2-3 months but y'know the juice just isn't there. I like quality and if I'm not interested it won't be quality. I try to keep my blog madcom focused because that's what people followed me for but trust me right now I'm all about my gta dude, sonic, batfam, mw2, and others I can't remember on top of madness combat
I can't give advice for artblock because I don't draw unless I absolutely want to, but for writing at least I find that outlining costs way less mental energy so even if I'm not putting together a new fic/chapter, I can still plan to with relative ease
but yeah neurodivergence doesn't always mean there's something wrong, sometimes it just means your brain works different and I don't think it's productive to try and force it to work another way. do what sparks joy. if your ideas are cringe, kill the cop in your brain because the entire premise of madcom would sound cringe if a 12 year old described it as their superhero backstory. what makes or breaks a story is the presentation of it, not the idea itself
also feel free to combine things you're fixating on. I was on a horror kick, decided to incorporate it with fandom (have not finished it because oh my god horror is so hard to write)
having people to bounce ideas off of is really helpful too because it can help you focus more on that one thing, as I'm sure you saw with the AU I'm working on right now. feel free to yell about stuff in my inbox if you'd like, don't know all those fandoms but I'm happy to listen
music also helps with focus, find a song that fits the vibe of what you want out of your work and set it to repeat. normal behavior I know but it worked for me
ultimately, don't stress. the mojo comes and goes, it's more cooperative if you are. fandom isn't a job or any sort of obligation and you can write, draw, headcanon whatever you want. sometimes multitasking is helpful because you can step back from something and then come back refreshed after working on another thing
hope this makes sense because it feels all over the place but yeah that's basically what I've learned to do
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mooodyblue · 1 year
I just had the cutest thought what if Austin bakes when he’s stressed? Or he hears you had a bad day so he bakes you your favorite treat for you to eat when you get home? 🥺
austin who had a very stressful day and just wanted to get home and see you but hes disappointed when he sees you're still not home so what's he gonna do to cope??? he's gonna bake. he texts you asking when you'd be home and come to find out you are also having a very shitty day and that's when an idea pops into his head–he's gonna bake you your favorite cake.
but then he gets a little carried away and ends up making cookies in your favorite flavor along with cake pops with whatever he has left in the cake batter. you come home and the kitchen is just destroyed but there's an array of sweets on the counter and he just gives you a shy, apologetic look like oops ! "i made you a cake" he shyly says, holding it up to show you and you're just like. So confused because its sweet and he looks so cute with flour on his face and how lil bits of it got into his curls and he's wearing a cute lil pink apron but it's also Concerning how much he baked and now you're both going into work tomorrow with a platter of sweets because of austin.
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wander-wren · 2 years
HELLO WREN i do not mean to be bursting into your inbox like this but do you have any thoughts on aro shouto? he has been on the mind a lot lately and you seem like you'd have some cool ideas/hcs floating around
hi!!!! don’t be sorry that’s what it’s there for!
hm, aro shouto,,,,i am not Super the type to just Have Headcanons but i managed to think some thoughts. then they got kinda long so. cut.
first of all i’ve like the idea of tododeku qpr (and also just, qpr with anyone i normally ship him with) for a while, sometimes paired with romantic bakudeku. i feel like shouto’s pretty uneducated about Queer Stuff so he’d probably fall into it completely by accident and then be very confused. and my other related hc is that deku is the local queer things encyclopedia bc idk. feels correct.
speaking of confusion, given the not-great example of romance he grew up with, i imagine he’d be pretty confused for a while about how much of his attraction (or lack thereof) related to his father, maybe trying to force romance to “get over it” or thinking it’s just another thing broken about him :(((
don’t make yourself sad, wren, don’t think about him planning the most cliche romantic date he can think of and rehearsing how to be a Good Boyfriend and being all tense and stressed the whole time while his partner is deeply confused. and then obviously they have to be like “…..okay whats going on” and then it all comes out and there are like, hugs. it’s okay shouto!! you don’t have to give more than you’re comfortable with!! whichever way you love people is enough <333
i also feel like he’d be very touchy. maybe not at first, kinda depends where you are in his arc and how emotionally stunted he is, ig. just always in his partner’s lap, or with them in his lap, hugs, holding hands,,,,oH omg the thing where you draw things on someone’s back? that. bonus points for mixing hot and cold sides. massages. yes. but i do just feel like my boy is touch starved and incredibly touchy once he figures things out in Any universe so. lol
but in spite of the touchiness, i think he would draw the line at kissing or anything. OH. *yoinks a hc from my own ocs* i have had this cute idea of a person who is generally not fond of kissing vs his partner who Does like it, and it being like a special-occasions thing. or a thing where the partner can ask if they rlly want to and maybe he’s like “eh. alright.” bc it makes them happy am i explaining that right is it weird. ack. anyway.
connected to that last point, i feel like he’d be kinda romance-neutral? that might just be bc he’s Always neutral in canon. that face. but like, would do stuff if his partner wanted to, doesn’t really get the point otherwise.
i just realized you said aro and didn’t specify aroace or aroallo uhhh. hmph. i have no thoughts on that. this is kinda hard lol i am…fairly firmly demiro/demiace myself i think, so i just never know what i’m doing on either end of the spectrum. *flails*
wait (wow this is getting long) lets. jump back to pairings. my main shouto ships are with deku, shinsou, and sero. i do like the dynamic i mentioned at the beginning where bakudeku are also dating but mostly just for the angst factor of both shouto and bakugo being insecure but shh deku has two hands. also i think its funny if the two of them are boyfriends in law its such a silly dynamic. they can gang up on deku and force him to do self care or smthn
i think shinsou could also very easily be some flavor of aroace…hm…idk just smthn about his Vibes. him and shouto just doing whatever the hell they feel like and then everyone thinking they’re dating and they’re just ????
“are….are we dating?” “i didnt think so?” “should we be dating?” “do you want to date?” “idk” “okay. cool.”
“wait, shouto, don’t you have a boyfriend?” “i…have friends who are boys.” “no, like…shinsou.” “oh. shinsou?” “yes, babe?” “are we boyfriends?” “no??” “no i do not have a boyfriend.”
sorry i think he’s silly. he’s so smart but so dense. fun to play with. but also he’s right!! other people should catch up.
where the hell was i im so sorry im getting carried away. SERO. himb. i just. holds him. i think he’s a sweetheart. i think he’s maybe allo but like fully chill with whatever shouto’s chill with. i think every day about the time he called him roki.
wait i have a cute idea. after the sports fest sero comes up to him like a one-man hype squad. and like, hugs him or smthn. and shouto just decides Okay We Do This Now and the touchy things begin and sero just kinda rolls with it. eventually they both realize they are like, spooning during movie night and thats. hm. perhaps Not Quite Friends territory. and talk about it.
yeah ummm i think that’s it idk how i did like i said i am Not the kind of person who can just like rattle off a list of headcanons like other people do. i chipped away at this for like half a day lol. i do love all the shades of aroace rep tho!! and i would love to hear your thoughts aswell
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Happy STS! What books or other media have shaped the way you think about writing the most? What did they teach you?
Okay, not gonna list books/media, but authors/directors instead. Louis Sachar, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro, Jordan Peele.
Sachar in particular is absolutely the pinnacle, in my opinion, of weaving together an intricate and unweavable narrative. Every time I read or watch HOLES it sends me into fits of divine inspiration NOT joking. It also is like- You know when you see a work of art that is So Good in a very particular type of way that feels unreachable? Sachar's work is the opposite of that. It's the GOAT, but in a way that makes it clear that mastery like this can be achieved with practice and diligence to the work.
Fincher I also like for intricate storytelling, as well as his skill with building suspense (something I am currently struggling with in Curse The Messenger).
I love and aspire to Gaiman's mastery of build-up pay-off, especially how he can build an entire book (or 30 minute cold open) into a single, succinct line that simultaneously means half a dozen things and also one precise thing, all shining a spotlight on the themes of the piece and also sometimes being a pun. I 100% do this, I go into every work looking to do it, and I do it because of him. Entirely.
Pratchett and Adams I admire and try to emulate for their particular flavor of satire, as well as their zany metaphors. I don't really write comedy - I don't think I'm built for it - but I think sardonics and absurdism can both have an effective place in any genre. I really like to utilize comedic tools in tragedy, I think it's incredibly effective and also makes the material more readable, and those in particular happen to be my favorite and in my opinion are the most versatile without being trite or quickly dated.
I love the way del Toro's genre fiction is also - kind of inescapably - High Art TM. He takes the campiest and/or grittiest possible concepts or subjects and depicts them with Elegance. I'm also always a slut for a story that is dark not from the absence of light, but from the smallness of it. Metaphorically speaking. He's just really great at tragedy that isn't a bummer. Peak.
Peele. How does he do it. Everything he makes is at once impeccably subtle and completely blatant. Everything he makes is at once terrifying and hilarious. (I think much horror-comedy either swings wildly back and forth between the two, or else is not actually scary at all.) His storytelling is also really tight like Sachar and Fincher, but imo has a more natural and realistic feeling to it. I also just really vibe with his concepts. I didn't really get Us (judging from its reception, that's absolutely a me problem), but Get Out and NOPE both have a message/allegory that I really believe in or identify with or however you'd describe that kaskfls. I hope one day my work will communicate its ideas just as well.
Honorable mentions to AJ White, Chuck Tingle, Joy Demorra, RoAnna Sylver, Harley LaRoux, Alice Scott, Magen Cubed, Rebecca Sugar, Joseph Fink, and the McElroy brothers for showing me I really can make whatever the hell I fucking want to and no matter what it is it can still be Good TM and I can still Make It TM - as well as that Making It TM can mean whatever kind/level of success is right for me.
Wonderful question, Marigold! Thank you!
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Hii! 🤗 How are you? 👑🌲🌻 I wish you a lovely new week! Since you've mentioned you have a lot of requests at the moment, I thought I'd send you an ask with some random Q's to try and cheer you up/to destress. 🐈‍⬛🍰🌌👑
When you picture George, does he have a certain look to him, is he kind of faceless, or do you mainly see O. Phelps face because it's always associated with him?
Do you care about house colors/pride? Do you have a little space/notebooks with HP color pallettes?
How do you feel about the night/late night strolls? I love the night and its stillnes, but I still run to my bed after turning off the lights sometimes hahaha
What aesthetics do you like? Either in your own life, or just to appreciate (whatever you'd like to share).
What beverages do you like? Boba, coffee, milkshakes, ginger ale?
You've mentioned you like historical cooking, is there a recipe you've been meaning to try? Or one that you'd like to redo?
Do you curse or mind others cursing?
Do you have favorite emojis?
Do you have a favorite flower(s)?
Do you perfer hardcover books or paperback?
You always have impeccable grammar, are you diligent with checking your work or is it simply important to you?
What's your go-to jam flavor?
Do you like stickers? Is there a specific place you like to place them, or just save them?
I saw that you added more info to your blog! Agg, you are so cool!
I love Pink Floyd. Do you have a favorite album/song?
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, ahh love it. Are there any songs that you can't help singing or dancing to?
Feel free to pick and choose, I suddenly got inspired with so many questions hehe 😅. And, as always, no worries if you want to ignore this. 😋 Warm hugs! 🫂🌼✨️💗
I'm well, how are you?
This is fantastic! Thank you!
When you picture George, does he have a certain look to him, is he kind of faceless, or do you mainly see O. Phelps face because it's always associated with him?
I mainly see O. Phelps (who I actually prefer as a redhead) 😆🤭I particularly love the way his face crinkles up when he smiles. And his nose. That's really what caught my attention initially. It's so perfect in its imperfection. I was sad when I found out Phelps had plastic surgery to straighten it.😞
Do you care about house colors/pride? Do you have a little space/notebooks with HP color pallettes?
Not particularly. I've always thought having houses created divisions/rivalries that otherwise might not exist.
How do you feel about the night/late night strolls? I love the night and its stillnes, but I still run to my bed after turning off the lights sometimes hahaha
I love late night strolls as long as I'm not alone or if it's during the summer. I'm a mosquito magnet, even with repellent. 😆
What aesthetics do you like? Either in your own life, or just to appreciate (whatever you'd like to share).
I'm somewhat of a minimalist with a bit of goblin and cottagecore thrown in. I say somewhat because I do like a few decorative things. But, too much stuff overwhelms me and stresses me out. Unless it's books. They're the only thing I collect. My idea of decorating is wall to wall books. 😁
What beverages do you like? Boba, coffee, milkshakes, ginger ale?
I love water. It makes up 90% of what I drink. I also like ginger ale, lemonade, tea, and most juices. I really wish I could drink Boba, but I have a tapioca intolerance. 🤢
You've mentioned you like historical cooking, is there a recipe you've been meaning to try? Or one that you'd like to redo?
Emmymade recently did a video where she tried a 70,000 year old Neanderthal recipe. (Ok, technically, it's prehistoric and not historic 😆) I really want to try that one.
Do you curse or mind others cursing?
Yep, and nope. 😅
Do you have favorite emojis?
Do you have a favorite flower(s)?
Daisies and sunflowers
Do you perfer hardcover books or paperback?
I love hardcover, but I usually go for paperback. They're easier and lighter to transport.
You always have impeccable grammar, are you diligent with checking your work or is it simply important to you?
Oh my gosh, thank you! Both, actually. Good grammar is very important to me, and because of that, I'm diligent at checking my work. 😁
What's your go-to jam flavor?
Blackberry or raspberry.
Do you like stickers? Is there a specific place you like to place them, or just save them?
I like the idea of them and there are some really adorable ones. But I'll only buy them if I have a specific purpose in mind.
I saw that you added more info to your blog! Agg, you are so cool!
Wow, thank you! I've never considered myself cool. Maybe nerdy and odd. 😆
I love Pink Floyd. Do you have a favorite album/song?
Dark Side of the Moon is a masterpiece. And I adore The Division Bell.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, ahh love it. Are there any songs that you can't help singing or dancing to?
Sweet Transvestite and Time Warp, of course. Also, Hot Patootie.
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