#i have a timelapse video of me making this but it's way too big
sleepysebris · 4 months
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Anarchist gang secret santa!🦚 félix hanahaki for @bittersweetresilience 💜💜💜 inspired by their beautiful fic writing that always takes my breath away. materials: dip pen & acrylic ink, watercolor, and colored pencil
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thehotelpod · 6 months
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5.1 Merp and Burble
Our first Big Named Event arc! "BEHIND THE CURTAIN" which I'm almost certain I picked because we could do this cool ass curtain frame device. Izzy continues to bring the pain here with photo bashed curtains, a modified Madam Hotel horrifyingly cartooning about like bugs bunny to reveal our almost Trevor Henderson-like trail cam timelapse photo of Merp. He also gave me a number of color options on this one, maybe we'll have a section in The Guestbook Vol. II of bts sketches? I'll ask Izzy. This one holds a special place in my heart because Merp is, as devotees will recall, just Scary Slar.
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rest of the season under the cut! (it's long, you've been warned)
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5.2 It Watches and It Smiles
look! The curtain connects at the top! It's gonna be one long picture!
This monster was actually based on a 3 foot tall hard foam statue we had in our house growing up. It is actually scarier looking than you are imagining, made every one of my cousins cry, and is not only something I had nightmares about but also one of the main reasons so much of my horror is "something weird is Over There but looking at you". Full disclosure, one of the reasons I put this monster in this episode was so that Izzy would have to draw a postcard of it and maybe someone would recognize it and tell me what the hell it is because I have not so much as a single photograph of it. BUT then Izzy showed me this drawing, which almost completely hides the monster but it's just so so good I couldn't pass it up. The implied shape and DYNAMITE bloody palm fronds make this look so much like a 90s book cover I fell in love right away. We always try to keep those season and episode numbers in the postcards now too, but I think we forget sometimes?
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5.2 Nothing Can Kill That Which Glowers
LOOK AT THIS ONE. Madam Hotel rotting in the reflection of the bubble (she was supposed to show up more in those episodes and sort of be in the process of rotting but she ended up being a single light instead.), I'm crazy about the Owner here, Izzy loves to always keep a little monster in the mix when he draws the Staff. And miss Manager POPS like an 80s music video. Lot's of subtle layers and textures here that can get overlooked, but just like the lake the Owner sinks into, it deepens the longer you linger (did you find the episode number?)
I also like to remind everyone that 'That Which Glowers' is the Grimace and this episode title is a reference to the Clerks cartoon.
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5.4 We Are...Watching You...
But are you really LOOKING at it? Do you SEE Izzy's MIND? Lined up you get back to back Managers mirroring each other as well as Madam Hotel in the wings of the now completed curtains--these doubles ALSO frame what is hopefully implied to be the Lobby Boy's hand reaching for his Manager. All of this duality and connection not only reinforces what we know about the characters and show already but set up beautifully the new mirrors about to arrive...
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5.5 The Bellhop
THERE SHE IS! There's my goblin girl. You get the bloody vision of the Hotel as Hop sees it as well as the framing for a triptych of the New Crew, each on their own floor. The New Crew stands apart from the Staff in that they have canonical designs immediately, so there tends to be less variation on their fan designs. However there was like ONE WEEK or so before this episode dropped where people were drawing Hop ALL KINDS OF ways. She's one of my favorite designs Izzy's done for the show and I think it's partially because she looks a little like ET.
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5.6 The Concierge
Shut up. Shut UP. Look at those colors. Look at that face. Look at those shoulders. Look at those colors! THE COLORS DUKE! THE COLORS!!!! and those printing spots breaking up the lines, all layered over starlight?! It should be, at this point, very hard for Izzy to outdo himself but...he just keeps on outdoing it. We jump down a floor here and the Concierge has slightly more brick surrounding him than the Bellhop did so my pattern recognizers in the crowd can probably guess what's coming next--
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5.6 The Auditor
It's been pointed out that Aud has gotten the most detailed description of the main characters on the show. I try to always keep it vague so everyone can imagine whatever they like , but the Auditor is so weird I just wanted to play a little. I saw this scary looking, lonely monster begging to be seen in all white surrounded by nothing. Even the brick and mortar of the Hotel doesn't seem to want to be around her much. One thing I love about Izzy's work is how well he combines whimsy and fun with actual scary imagery. She looks really scary. That is a scary looking monster he drew.
I also think she kind of looks like this alien from Star Trek IV (hey look Star Trek showed up)
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5.9 Tenaj Druh - 004 Moor
Oh how I wish I could have a full set of New Crew postcards from Izzy seeing season 1 from a different perspective (for that matter I'd love a full set of season 1 from Izzy, but one thing at a time). Getting to not only see Janet Hurd, but see the NEW CREW checking her in is so so exciting. And the Manager's TV's re-imagined as giant bloody eyeballs is expressed to it's grossest perfection here. Even the Goosebumps frame is tinted sickly green. (the rest of the season also has Goosebumps frames but I'm trying to show off Izzy's art I want you all to have a good look)
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5.10 Tnurb Yrrah - 002 Moor
this one's bonkers. The Hubble's ultra deep field on the left, brains on the right but both halves of one face with the broken illusion between them that is just the building of the Hotel herself?? It's got poster folds and teeth for doors! This is a really stunning one that I feel like deserves a little more attention than it gets. Also maybe I spoke too soon on the Goosebumps frame, I don't...this one doesn't have one but maybe I just saved that file somewhere weird.
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This is i think the first one we did that had a Goosebumps frame baked in. You can see the 5 and 11 on the clock give us our season and episode number, but that gets a little lost on the printed version so here it is in all it's glory. Love to get to see Judy here her FACE is so EXPRESSIVE and sharp. Notice how Izzy does NOT draw her with a gap tooth. Is that gap battle damage, or some aesthetic flourish the Hotel likes for her bodies? You'd have to ask Izzy. Also love getting to see him draw the things in her furnace room, which are like huge and imply a much larger elevator inside the box. Always reinforcing that boundaries and rules do not apply at the Hotel
they are also based on the family from Mac and Me
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what the fuuuck?? why are they so scary??? why are they like that?? why did they make this movie this way?? I was a child!
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5.12 The Reaper's Envy
Finishing up the season is this gorgeous party poster that would be right at home in the 90s. Other than the colors (THE COLOR!) I want to point out the confetti that breaks out of the border that also quietly includes some vermin (all up top, letting your eye drift down to the New Crew being reflected in what hopefully everyone assumed was Judy Blashy's eye. Of course we know now who's eye that is and what it's connected to (nothing its nothing it got cut out)
And that's season 5. Now we have entered the @filthyguts desert and must wait once again for the rains to return. I've got new ideas for season 6 that are gonna completely change how we do the art for the show and maybe we can even squeeze some button designs out of him when we launch the next wave of stuff we're launching.
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and 100 more times, but Izzy's art is a hugely important part of the show, a source of inspiration not only to the fans who listen but to me myself (especially in my lower moments) and I am so so happy that his art and his style has come to define the show.
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flower-biter · 17 days
8-14 April 2024
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The partial eclipse Monday afternoon was so cool! I took my lunch break late so I could go sit in the park to watch it. I got myself a fancy coffee from the cafe down the block and set up camp in a park by some rose bushes. I took a timelapse video of the shadows turning to crescents but it didn’t turn out as cool as I’d hoped. Mostly watched the eclipse through a pinhole projection until some other folks who came to the park offered me one of their extra pairs of eclipse glasses. Even a partial one is so cool to witness - the light got really weird, the birds and insects were clearly uneasy, and the temperature dropped a little bit. Just eerie, but also a great way to connect with people over how neat it is to be in this big space rock together.
Doctor friend who had to Google what’s in honey mustard? He admitted to looking at the eclipse with naked eyes. Sir. I just. I can’t.
Solidly meh at trivia night, but we did win a gift card for a bonus question about the guy who recently set a world record for number of squats in 24 hours (it’s over 26,000, which, OUCH).
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Work work work
I put down a deposit on my next tattoo! I’m nervous because I’m a baby about pain and this will be my biggest one yet, but I’m also excited. This is the artist; I love her style and am looking forward to wearing one of her pieces.
Haircut again. I welcome the fuzz and always feel so ✨clean✨. Buying my own clippers was a great idea, I love cutting it whenever I want (usually immediately after someone tells me how good it looks “now that it’s gotten longer.” Or in the words of my own father, “it looks better grown out, so you don’t look like such a dyke” [derogatory]) (filed under: phrases that make me buzz it another stop shorter just out of gay spite)
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Made a flower crown for the ren faire on Saturday! I gave up trying to find something “historical” and am just going to wear a pretty sundress that I can’t wear to work and therefore don’t have many other opportunities to wear.
Renaissance faire was fun! We pet some baby animals, saw some cool performers, got neat crafts from the vendors (pretty snake bone earrings, really nice-smelling handmade soap), and paid waaaay too much for a decidedly mediocre food truck döner. Got a terrible sunburn across my back and chest (why, oh why, did I wear a low-cut dress and no hat? Oh right, to try to be cute. Am now a cute itchy lobster for my hubris) despite the layers of sunscreen (but somehow, thankfully, my face was spared)
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…was fun up to a point. It was extremely crowded and I got hot and hangry and there was too much noise and people and I definitely had a meltdown coming on if I tried to stick it out. Thankfully the friend I went with - while she loves conventions and festivals and doesn’t really get why I need to get away - was very cool about me ducking out early and isn’t the type to take it personally that I’d had enough and needed space and quiet. It was also good that her mom and sister joined us, so she had another ride out of the faire and I wasn’t just abandoning her. Overall it was a good time, but I don’t think I’d go again.
Sunday was far more relaxed, we got to sleep in before heading to a nearby city for the day. Had a tasty brunch at a jazz bar, wandered around the cute little downtown (and encountered a sweet bookshop cat), then explored some historical gardens.
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a long, varied week. lots of thoughts. not enough reading. hopefully next week will be a bit more chill.
Lots of pictures this week -
eclipse crescent shadows | stormy skies on a walk | chinese snowball tree at tryon palace gardens | climbing roses at the gardens | butterball annoyed that I interrupted his nap | banana pudding gelato (my favorite!) at the shop near my office | derby the bookshop cat | feeling called out by some bookmarks | european columbine | ren faire | baby goats! | smol rabbit! | staff spotlit by the skylight at the jazz club | weird pepsi propaganda | tryon palace gardens
last week
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1ore · 2 years
Hey, sorry if this is a bit out of the blue, but can I ask what programs/brushes you use? I've been trying to learn how to paint digitally, but it often feels so sterile, and I really struggle with it. I envy how well you are able to achieve a traditional look with digital tools, and would love to learn your secret.
I'd love to see a tutorial/process video by you too honestly, but that's more just wishful thinking - I know you probably have a lot going on.
Cheers, either way! (And wish me luck)
oh my god. I went and did all that organizing and almost forgot to let you know! I put together a tag containing all of my resources/materials/art process stuff. It also has every timelapse video I've done. Each video has process rambling + lists of brushes / materials used in their YT descriptions.
I have a hard time talking about my process like I'm any kind of authority, but I tried to think about it a little and share whatever i've found helpful, answer questions I've been asked in the past or struggled with myself, etc.
Re: emulating traditional media specifically:
ok, first of all. Disclaimer: it's not all about the tools.
but if you're a hack like me it sure feels that way!!!!
When I moved from Photoshop to Clip Studio Paint, a big growing pain for me was finding real media tools that felt good to use. It's pretty obvious in the art I made during that time. Both the tools that ship with the program and the tools made by the community felt like they for completely different styles/workflows than mine. It was a struggle to adjust, and I'm still feeling it-- I don't feel like I have *my* sketch brush, or *my* workhorse painting brush. I miss my brick shithouse lineart every day ):
BUT. but. I've found some keepers along the way. Even the ones that aren't perfect analogs are still pretty great at what they're meant to do. If you're thinking about using Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint, then I can share those toolsets-- I list a few of them in my 'about', and I talk about them in more detail on those timelapse vids. I'm very picky about how my tools handle so they're probably not for everyone, but maybe you'll find something that makes digital art a little more bearable in there.
There's also a lot to be said for the little things, like slapping a paper texture on that bad boy and calling it a day. Even just applying textures to the canvas before you draw does a lot to make the drawing experience feel like it has... idk... warmth, dynamism. Tooth. It's cozier in there when I can see the paper. Admittedly it's been so long since I last looked at my sketchbook that the harsh fluorescent lights of the blank canvas no longer faze me, but it's still good for the eyes and the soul.
Other tools/programs:
Apart from the stuff I use(d) in my main workflow, I've also played with some other programs that are specifically geared towards emulating traditional media.
Realistic Paint Studio - Reasonably priced real media art program that has a decently beginner-friendly interface. This is probably the one program that came with brushes I genuinely liked, right out of the box. They feel good to use + the engine does a pretty nice job of emulating wet media in particular.
Some draws:
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^^^ This was a style emulation of the wonderful Fiachmara's art, and also a gift to her, featuring her character Gealach. Didn't originally intend on sharing this publicly, but I think it illustrates this program's knack for inks.
It can also do most of the digital art cheats that I need to do in Clip-- it has analogs for the selection tool, layers, clipping masks, etc. It does not have a brush editor, so you need to be sure that you like the brushes it ships with. I also find that none of the brushes scale up large enough to accommodate absurdly large canvases (5000x5000px+ ) so you'll be stuck working at... well... normal canvas sizes. (Gealach above was about 2000 px wide before resizing-- pretty reasonable LOL)
My only real complaint is you can't export your art without the canvas texture applied to it. One time the textures bugged out on me, and I couldn't get them to fix themselves (you can see the carnage here, RIP.) I've been scared that it'll do that again to me someday, but it's been completely stable apart from this one random flub.
And hey, it's got an Actually Good Pencil Brush, so. There's that.
Rebelle 5 - hoo boy this is big $$$$$, but the brush engine in this one is just. bonkers yonkers cool for emulating real media, especially oil, acrylic, and watercolor. (I'm admittedly lukewarm on its charcoal and pencil brushes. You can create your own brushes, but there's not a huge community that's into making custom brushes yet.)
It's a mighty little art program as far as I can tell. Has most of the bells and whistles Clip does, which is a lot of things that programs like Realistic generally won't have, but are kinda necessary if you want to get into the weeds with like... Advanced Digital Art Skullduggery. (things like gradient maps and tools for ripping lineart from scanned drawings. I think that's honestly it, as far as things I do in clip that are clip-exclusive.)
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Rebelle asks you to think like a traditional artist when you're using its tools, particularly its watercolors. Ironically, I Do Not Like This! I want to have my cake (real media tools) and eat it too (dont want to use my brain). But I think it might appeal to you for bringing some of the process into the digital space. If nothing else, it's novel to watch the paint dry.
(thats a real mechanic in rebelle)
((its fantastic, but I am allergic to it (see point one) (((dont want to use my brain ): )))))
if you play with the demo and find that it scratches that real media itch for you, might be worth reaching out for a student discount or something like that. They have educator licenses and student licenses and generally seem like a pretty accommodating lot.
Another disclaimer: these are just the tools that I've played with recently and have used enough times to talk about. There's lots of other stuff out there that I've tried but didn't like, and it could very well be that I didn't like them for the same reasons that you'll love them. There's a ton of really good free/open source programs in particular that I feel like I would be using if I didn't already have my workspace carved out. Krita and MyPaint stick out in my mind. (MyPaint was my main program for a Long time in highschool. come remember my baby art with me. )
ok its 3 am I need to close this out:
I'm tapping my other disclaimer again. Tools are not the end-all-be-all of making digital art that emulates traditional media. Pieces like No Dominion and this pic of Dia and co. required some actual neurons to fire when I was figuring out how to tackle them. But for me, finding the right tools and creating the right workspace for myself was a stupidly big part of getting comfortable with digital art. I have to take care of the little QOL things like that before I can even begin to worry about the big things OTL
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linxkly · 2 years
Grians upload!!
my little liveblog for myself I’ve never done this before but it looks fun
- rip the audio quality but it’s not too terrible, I have a feeling I know what happened to the pesky webcam tho,,,
- Maui!! we love cat cameos
-omg the compasses grumbot is spitting out — for the other hermits??
- I am totally normal about this
- you might travel to another universe AND HES WORRIED ABOUT HIS FLOOR???
- that is,,, so many pumpkins my goodness
- look at my buildy boi, whizzing about in his spiffy timelapse
I’ve seen the kings vault challenge alr, so I’ll only really cover over bits concerning grian, also heads up his room is optional
- the silence in response to rens initial announcement is DEAFENING, and the cheering after he says he’s going to step down is amazing
- him missing the slime block and punching pearl off is peak sibling energy
- sorry ik he was dare to but jevin starting red light green light before the game even started is so funny
- grian not even doing the game in the first bit, opting to watch everyone else fail is me
- bdubs just gives up on his elaborate speech
- grian popping off on scars parkour?? we stan a king
- scar looks like a glorious porcupine
- BETRAYAL MOMENT will they choose to do grians room??
-they don’t wanna do it
-grian trying to explain his whole resistance assistance semantics to the group and they’re all like “mhmm sure traitor, but no”
- they’ve resorted to doing his room, which results in a very grian “YAY!”
- grians room!
- jevin doc and etho answering wrong on what is grians name for the example question rip
- vaflaphobia,,, what a word
- we love when false etho and gem are the big brain team they stay winning
- ethos’ “what’s third life” SIR-
- grian straight up making sure his side is stacked woweee
-the sheer chaos of the final fights cannot be described in words to fully exemplify their mayhem, you’d have to watch it to fully take it in
- you and me both g idk who is who they’re all in blue
- THE KING IS DEAD (rip rentheking)
- everyone’s just flicking the levers screw complicated red stone
- uh oh the diamonds are gone, where did they go?
- (im secretly hoping mumbo stole them)
- grian insisting ren will pay all them back
-ren just being so pathetically sad (in a lovable way) that they’re all like “noooo come back”
- ooh it’s nearly 8pm bst
- the hermits are trickling in slowly but surely
- ah yes. my favorite flavor of jam. Nifty.
anyways this was my little live-blogging experience, idk if anyone will read this but I had fun making it :)
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sjwilli4ms · 1 year
Writing Initiative #3 (week 5)
Which deliverable (3D, 4D, Reflective Piece) you are focussed on for next week’s presentation concepts to date
I’m focused mainly on my 3d for next week’s presentation. I’ll be completely candid, the only thing that is in my mind is a sculpture of some sort that has to do with texture. I’m definitely thinking of making a video for my 4d though, and I have BIG IDEAS.
I’m thinking of a music video cast to a song (because videos are the epitome of chronosynchronicity… they have a beginning, middle and end (duhhhhhhh!)) there’s a song currently in my head for everything, and that is ‘superstition’ by halfnoise. I’ve been listening to it a lot and that’s the song that is getting me the most inspired.
I’m also thinking of telling a story about coming out of a dark place using video and cast to ‘superstition’ also (can you tell that ‘superstition’ is the song scratching the itch in my brain?)
A timelapse(?) honestly this is the most basic out of all the ideas but I feel that its an easy way out… maybe too easy. I/ want to challenge myself
Cluster of textures, but porcelain
More of an installation piece 
Different colors
Thats just it, nothing too deep
this is the inspiration... just the look of texture but the feeling of clay:
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Since ive never made any sculptures before, I asked a few friends for some advice on how to get started and I need to go to above ground to Make everything happen.
Failures and successes My biggest failure was PROCRASTINATION… honestly, juggling other classes and work was making me put my 3d on the back burner, but I’m still doing research so I guess thats a plus. I’m definitely seeing more success in the work I’m putting in for my 4d as I’m trying to get the ball rolling on that.
Given your topic, which of the four assignments you fear/anticipate the most difficult Honestly, I think the assignments that i’ll have the most difficulty in are the 3d and the reflective piece as my brain is jelly rn *starts crying*
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kusogamesss · 1 year
3D Atlas
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Speaking strictly on 'Around the World,' the game portion of 3D Atlas, this is horrifically weak. The information presented in its trivia questions can be gleaned from the main program's statistics and multimedia videos. For every vexillological vexation there comes a quandary about orchid imports for three periphery states. Be asked to identify a country from its capital, then identify another from a collage. It is altogether boring at best. Points are converted to miles, and every three questions you trade in your miles to select a destination in your quest to circumnavigate the globe. Efficient travel relies on deeper geographic knowledge, but outside multiplayer (which I didn't even know the 3DO supported) it hardly matters.
Where 3D Atlas shines is as an early multimedia font of encyclopedic knowledge. Physically manipulating the globe is not the topic of interest, but the supplementary videos, renders, and tools. Abound in 3D Atlas is Marshall McLuhan's notion of the global village, making the planet metaphorically smaller through easy access to international knowledge and peoples. Though this often presents itself here, as elsewhere, in the exacerbation of differences between the Western world and that of the Other, that global-mindedness was a reality throughout the 1990s. It is thereby unapologetic in its effective appropriation of signifiers of the Other, believing this uncritical presentation to be more egalitarian and human-focused. That is all to say, those depictions in 3D Atlas are, at best, anthropologically and ethnographically disingenuous, at worst, a reinforcement of prejudice. By way of example, Afghanistan's country profile speaks only of colonialism and the nation's global position as a centre of conflict. Panama's touches on Manuel Noriega, political turmoil, and the Panama Canal. Former Soviet states might have a sentence devoted to pre-modern histories, but would convince the unaware 'player' that Soviet history constitutes their totality. The image for each country is a postcard typically comprised of traditional garb, a natural feature, and a cultural construct.
Overhead city views demonstrate the novelty of satellite imagery at the tail end of the 20th century. That high resolution photography of major population centres had been taken by the USSR, now collapsed, is passed off as cute and interesting, as if the technology would not continue to be used for malicious purposes following the Cold War, as if Western nations were not documenting that and more. Prior to the explosion of Big Data, a couple cities from way up high was the most people might reasonably expect to see. In 2023, it is as droll as most consider Google Earth to be.
In keeping with the resurgence of environmentalism in the 1980s into the 1990s, the Reports section of 3D Atlas is devoted to the perhaps overly simplistic concerns of the era. Acid rain, nuclear energy, overpopulation, and ozone abut water usage, global warming, and oil pollution. The now known to be entirely too optimistic projections therein seem quaint today. Mention is repeatedly made of treaties and protocols aiming to reduce emissions and environmental harm that we know had no effect. Were that not heartbreaking enough on its own, timelapses are available to show the spread of oil from the Exxon Valdez spill (so minuscule next to Deepwater Horizon and Ixtoc 1). Antarctic and Arctic sea ice presentations suggest a static nature of their maximum and minimum extents for the decades preceding record lows. The hopeful messages underlying these reports inflicts tremendous hurt on me today.
3D Atlas is functionally useless for its intended use case nearly thirty years following its release. It is sluggish, limited in scope, dry, and outdated. As a snapshot of a particular worldview for a particular time, it is a relic, a single piece in a larger puzzle of multimedia scholastic utopianism that naively saw knowledge as positive power.
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myhoneststudyblr · 3 years
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything | how to stop procrastinating series
[click images for high quality]
[transcript under the cut]
Other advice posts that may be of interest:
All About Procrastination
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
Common Study Mistakes
7 Strategies to Improve Concentration
Tip 11 - Video Yourself or Do a Timelapse
I actually discovered this strategy not that long ago but now it is absolutely one of my most valuable strategies. The best thing is that it is so simple to do!
It really works well because the video puts some pressure on you to look like you are studying. You can't stop in the middle to play with your pen or stare into space. You just have to keep going so you power through work.
It's also so satisfying when you are finished to see visual proof of how much you have completed!
Tip 12 - Accept that Some Days You are Going to Get Very Little Done
This may seem a little bit odd to put on a post that is meant to avoid getting nothing done but it’s actually a very important thing to remember.
Sometimes you need to take days off because otherwise, you are going to burn out. Some days you are just not going to be in the right mindset for studying because maybe you are exhausted after a big exam, or you have a headache or you feel unwell.
You just need to accept it, draw a line under it, take time for yourself, and resolve to work tomorrow once you feel a bit better. There is no shame in taking time to make sure you stay healthy.
If you can, try to get your quickest, easiest task done so you have some sense of accomplishment.
Tip 13 - "Churn It Out and F*@k Off!"
This was my mum’s motto when she was studying and working in academia. She recently told it to me when I was getting stressed about all the big tasks during online school.
Like I'm certain many of you are too, I am a perfectionist and I always want to hand in my very best work and put 100% into everything. But honestly that is impossible.
Some days you just need to get stuff done and if that isn’t your very best then it doesn’t matter too much because at least you did it. It's also probably better than you think it is. Once you get it done you can just forget about it and move on.
Tip 14 - Ask a Friend or Parent to Check Up on You
When you are studying by yourself, it can be hard to motivate yourself because you know that no one is actually going to check whether you made those notes or did the reading.
So ask a friend or someone you live with to check whether you’ve done the work or get them to read essays. You then get an external reason to study or do your tasks because you need to show them something.
Tip 15 - Rephrase How You Think of Tasks
When you think that ‘I need to do this task’ or ‘I have to get this done’, a lot of the time this causes unneeded stress and anxiety. Also, it makes it seem like you are being forced to do something and human beings generally don’t respond well to that.
So try to change your language when thinking about task into one that is more forgiving such as: ‘I choose to do this project so that I can go meet my friends tomorrow’ and ‘I choose to read this book now because it will help me in the lecture next week’. This is probably the most difficult strategy that I've shared and it will take a lot of practice . However, in the long term, it can help you change the way in which you view studying for the better.
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micer2012 · 2 years
Pearl n lizzie for the ask game? :o
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girls night girls night ok lets go !
PearlescentMoon - What alliances/duos are you hoping for? Are there any you don’t want to see?
Lizzie - Are there any new members you’d really like to see?
im putting these 2 together. because.bec-
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i realize i dont think ive talked about them on tumbr. but ANY1 who knows me on discord knows that i am the sole individual iskizz lover
so. in skizz's 2016 Minecon vlog he talks about his time stayin with the hermits (for minecon they were all stayin in one big house). and he talks extensively about how much him and iskall just Clicked they were drinking and talking all night. iskall told him he had an Amazing and funny face and should do facecam more cause hes Hilarious and that's why skizz was doing a vlog in the first place. them,
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they both said how much they wanna collab again. and then for 5 years they haven't,,,,, OK. THERES ONE CLIP OF THEM IN A VIDEO
(0:42 - 1:05) do you see how good they are. in the literal 20 Seconds of interaction from them that we have on camera. please i need th,
skizz said this season he wants to be more. Assertive. not get stepped on like he was the past 2 seasons every single day of his life. i think iskall would be an AMAZING partner for that someone who he has comradery with and wants to protect who's ALSO playing WITH him in a way where they bounce off of eachother and i think as a duo? as a duo in 3l? bring out the worst (affectionate) in eachother
i. listen iskall was my favorite hermit when i first got into HC. and i still love her now but like... he's so silly nowadays. and that's GREAT but. but i miss when iskall was just like A Bit Of An Asshole. an assassin. like i'm thinkin on how he and ren used to have their dynamic too, i really think 3L/LL in GENERAL along with teaming with skizz. can bring out The Beast in him make her a force to be reckoned with again !!!! . i think iskall will help skizz be assertive while Still being someone to put his Trust and his Brotherhood into, some1 for him to Cling onto, and 3L/LL will let iskall be Aggressive and a Bit Of A Dick (AFFECTIONATE) again. THEY'D BE SUCH A DUOOO
them being on a team together would be Good also. BUT DUO......
ok. ok so MOST wanted new LLer is iskall . OTHERS. ok i love zed and i would Loovvvveeeeeee more zed and skizz content or ZITS. but. but i think zed is not joinin 3L/LL On Purpose i think he wouldn't like it.. he said he doesn't play among us because he doesn't like lying to his friends, so. he'd probably not like it but.it'd be HILARIOUS
OTHER.ALLIANCES. im just talkin skizz cause i Solely think about sk
SKIZZ/REN. GOOD. THEY'RE BROS. skizz/bdubs similarly is MWAH.
skizz/scar.skizz/scar ok this..this. this. this is REALLY interesting. bcuz skizz would absolutely let him Continue the Bit in the way bdubs does, he has a lot of respect for him i feel in the same way he has respect for bdubs.i think he'd be 100% ready to use himself as a Meatshield. as a Weapon to protect him and let him do his thing. but ..... but. but he has a really strong moral code and grian and joel don't. i .. i don't think he'd want scar to hurt or scam people, (or want to help participate himself) unless he was Incredibly Wronged. he'd have to JUSTIFY it in a way. scar doesn't he just does stuff for the kicks of it. and skizz would be On Board until. until he hurts innocents. also whenever scar is trying to scam someone he'd Realize what he's doin and go hohoohoohohoh in the background . while scar is still trying to talk and the other person would immediately know scars up to shit
skizz/pearl. Please.THIS IS ANOTHER ONE I'M REALLY HOPIN FOR skizz and pearl in legacy and among us. are SO good and cute SKIZZ ADMIRES HER SO MUCH.THINKS SHES ONE OF THE BEST PEOPLE IN WORLD they honestly have sibling energy. skizz did a whole timelapse building his shop and then just got out and went MAN. THIS SUCKS. PEARL CAN U HELPP U KNOW HOW TO BUILD
i think skizz in general would Greatly benefit from a Girlboss in the same way bdubs did in s1. SKIZZ LIZZIE WOULD BE GOOD he has.. ok skizz has this like. Respect for her when she went red in LL ITS. I DONT KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM BUT ITS.. THEYD BE GOOD
ok t..this might be Sacrilege also.... but i don't want imp n skizz duo in s3 of LL..... LISTEN. how they worked in 3l and ll is AMAZING how impulse was the thing to push skizz Off the Edge because of how much, after being kicked down repeatedly, he wanted his brother on his side, on the side of Good. and LL WHEN THEY KNEW.. IF NOBODY GOT ME IMP N SKIZZ GOT ME WHEN THEY WENT RED.. but. but i want them to Stay like that because. because i want skizz to interact with New friends. there are 10 years of imp n skizz duo content go watch those. i do . i watch them ExtensivelyJBHVCGKBX
ZombieCleo - If there was one thing you could take from a previous season to continue in this one, what would it be (an alliance, a storyline, an action that people remember, etc.)?
i am excited to see skizz and tangos arcs. i am excited to see them either break Out of their Cycle of being the martyr/Failed Gamemaster. or see them Continue to get worse and fail to break out KNJBHVCGGVHBJNKBHVX. I LOVE THEIR ARCSSSSS
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 years
JJ: Booktube
premise: dating jj and being a booktuber. 
Lets ignore the fact that JJ would be fired without a doubt from the FBI if this stuff actually happened and her life would be threatened by criminals.
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-She knew that you were really into books. 
-She just didn’t know how much. You two had met through tinder believe it or not, she was sick of being alone at night and didn’t want a fling. Luckily, you felt the same way and you two matched. 
-The team did know that she was on Tinder, but not that she had officially met someone. 
-Reid was sitting at a table on the plane, watching something on his laptop. But then she heard your voice, your upbeat, happy voice. She glanced back to see your bright and beautiful face holding a book. “What’re you watching?” JJ asked. Which grabbed the attention of Emily.
“A video on what books to read if you want to get into ‘young adult’ books.” Reid said, thoroughly focused on the beautiful woman on his screen. 
“She’s pretty.” Emily saw you. 
“She is.” Reid mumbled, blushing. 
“Who’s pretty?” Morgan said, leaning over the back of the seat, “oooh who’s the cute nerdy girl?” 
“A youtuber, and be nice.” JJ said crumpling a piece of paper and throwing it at him. 
“Her shirt literally says ‘Nerdy Bitch’, I think she knows she’s one. She's hot too.” 
-JJ quickly sent a picture of the screen to you. “My teammates think you’re pretty, have to say I agree.” 
“OMG, please tell me you aren’t watching my videos 😭” 
“I am now baby 😉” 
She huffed a small laugh at your response, then continued watching with Reid. 
-When she came home from that case, she wanted to hear all about your job, which you happily told her and tried to ignore your embarrassment over how she found out. 
-Since then she has been a loyal subbie. 
-You met the team and they were all very shocked that it was you that they were watching on their computer screen. They also all subscribed, and you had to make Rossi and Hotch youtube accounts because they didn’t know how. 
-Your viewers knew of her, knew how you always called her “Rapunzel,” and she always called you, “Flynn” in response. 
-But because you explicitly said you won’t be showing her because she asked you not to, you got hate comments for respecting your girlfriends privacy. 
-When she came over one night, she saw all of the publishing houses boxes on your front step. She knocked on your door because she saw that your car was in the driveway. She got her key out of her pocket and opened your door. Then, she carefully put all the boxes into your foyer, as well as her overnight bag and shut the front door. 
-What she saw next warmed her heart, you had fallen asleep on the couch with a book on your chest. She saw your tripod and camera, she realized you were filming a timelapse for a reading vlog. She remembered you telling her that you were filming one this week. 
-She decided not to turn off the camera, instead, she gently took the book off your chest, placed a bookmark to mark your spot. Then she crawled on top of you. You were laying on your back, she laid her head in the crook of your neck, she giggled as she felt you wake up. You wrapped your arms around her, “hey baby.” You croaked. 
-You felt her whisper against your skin, “you left the camera on, thought I’d give a little show of affection for those subscribers who think I’m a bad girlfriend.” 
You sighed, “please tell me you haven’t been reading the comments.” “No, well, sometimes I do. Garcia sees them and gets mad.”
“So she’s the commenter, TheBlackQueen causing fights on my channel. Gotcha.”
JJ laughed, “oh god, I didn’t know she was doing that.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve been liking her comments, not deleting them.” 
JJ laughed at that, then you continued, “you want me to get up and turn off the camera? It should turn off in…” she didn’t have to open her eyes to know that you were looking at the red light on the camera and the clock on the wall behind it. “Oh jeez, five minutes maybe, it has a 40 minute timer before it automatically turns off.” 
“No,” JJ shook her head, “I really need to just stay here, Y/N.” 
-When the video was posted, she saw the comments on it. There was not a negative one, of course there were ones making a comment about why JJ was just showing herself on Y/N’s channel. 
-After that, she was slowly showing herself in your videos more. Handing you something, delivering a package to your little library in your home. 
-She made a lot of appearances in your moving vlogs for your channel because you two moved in together. The kids also made a brief appearance but very vague, you didn’t show their faces. 
-She was memed within your fanbase because of the faces she pulled while you were moving books, and her helping you move them, she was like “????” 
-When she knew she wanted to propose to you, her and Garcia watched a couple of YouTube videos to learn how to use your camera, then they devised a plan to vlog the engagement together. The ring picking, her talking to the camera and introducing herself. “Hey as you can tell I am not Y/N, I’m her girlfriend, as you guys know we’ve been together for some time but I’m gonna propose to her!” She cheered, then the team in the background were like “finally!” and cheering as well. 
Then she broke down the plan to them, “so, we’re gonna go to our favorite greenhouse in D.C. I shot some footage of picking her ring, which I’ll have her insert here,,,,gah I’m no good at this.”  Then she continued, “so we have a friend who’s hiring some professional photography, which is exciting.” She did a lil shimmy, then Prentiss popped in, “hey! This is a friend of theirs and the reason our friend is hiring photographers is because we’re gonna be sobbing too much to take good photos, as well as he’s rich as fuck” 
Everyone laughed at that. 
“And, well, we’re going tonight, so wish me luck!” JJ gave an awkward peace sign to the camera and turned it off. 
-She then handed the camera to Garcia who would hide and record the footage, the photographers that Rossi hired posed as regular ole pedestrians. The others hid in bathrooms, waiting for the text saying that JJ did it. 
-JJ almost spilled the beans that she was nervous on the way over there to you. That would’ve ruined it. 
-Luckily, the part of the greenhouse that you two had your first kiss in was empty. The fairy lights were lit inside, it looked beautiful.
-They had a flower there that the greenhouse called “the wishing lilly.” The owner of the greenhouse says that those lilies bring good luck, he wished on it then his wife was pregnant with twins, then he won the lottery and managed to build the greenhouse into something bigger. 
-Per as tradition, you both closed your eyes to make a wish, but she opened hers and got down on the ground, Garcia quietly followed you guys in with the other photographers.
“Y/N..” she trailed off, you opened your eyes to find her kneeling on the ground, your eyes instantly filled with tears as your hands went up to your mouth. “Y/N, you are the light of my life, the Flynn to my Rapunzel, will you do me the honor and be my wife?”
“Yes!” You nodded and cried. She quickly stood up and pulled you into her arms. 
-Garcia started crying and shaking, “yay!” You looked up to see her there.
“Oh my god, hi, there’s a lot of people in here.” You said seeing the two photographers and Garcia. 
“Rossi hired photographers. And the team is waiting for a text to come in and congratulate us.” JJ laughed and leaned up to kiss your head. 
“Oh god, I look like a mess!” You laughed, yet cried at the same time.
“We both do, baby. Welcome to marriage.” She slid the ring on your finger, just in time for photos to begin. 
-At the end of the video, you made an introduction part for the subbies to meet JJ. Filled with questions and such to know her. Briefly mentioning her sons as well. 
-After you two got engaged, you started filming fiance challenges, (my fiance picks my next read, my fiance tries to guess the plot of books based off their covers). Hell, you two even do some baking and cooking videos. 
-Your marriage blew up on booktube, you two were The Lady Lovers on booktube, as you had been labeled. You both loved that there were so many people resonating with your love. You shared a pre wedding video talking about the insecurities you both had, and a talk about discovering sexuality when you’re in your mid thirties after a divorce from a man and having two kids. And you, someone who’s never been in a serious relationship, giving your advice to people. 
-It was a big video and an emotional one. But it resonated with a lot of people which you both were glad for. 
-Then your wedding video came out and everyone lost their shit. People were sending in love, there was a lot of adorable footage from the wedding, people crying. 
-You even incorporated books into the wedding decor. 
-While your career was quite different then JJ’s, people saw you as a perfect fit. You stayed home all the time, writing, putting videos up, writing reviews and partnering with brands on your channel, you were able to be there for the boys when she couldn’t be. She was all over the country constantly, she made it a point that every night before bed she’d watch one of your videos, and it helped that you sent videos to her of Henry and Michael. 
-You were the calm to her storm, where her life was hectic and constantly on the move, she knew she always had a home waiting for her. 
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jesspeonwrites · 4 years
Silencer AU: Part 25 (Epilogue)
It’s finally over! Timelapse: About a year. Thanks for sticking around for this one, and I should have more stuff coming. I’ll post when the masterlist gets updated, when I add links to the tumblr posts, and when it’s up on ao3. I’m also gonna ask for your guys’ input on what you want me to work on next, because I have like 12 WIPs to choose from.
And so, Paris entered their new not-normal. Finally safe from the threat of Hawkmoth, people returned to their lives free of worry about whether they could safely get angry and sad. The heroes made good on their weekly training sessions, appearing randomly across Paris and getting into heated fights with each other. At some point, someone mentioned reinstating patrols and looking out for petty criminals, to the overwhelming support of the other heroes. Paris had never been safer.
Adrien was unofficially adopted into the Dupain-Cheng family while Master Fu worked on finding a cure for his mother. Adrien had already accepted she was gone long before, so he wasn’t holding his breath. He was more than happy to help in the warm, inviting bakery downstairs and continue going to school. Marinette, through some fancy document-work orchestrated by Adrien, was given the role of head designer for Gabriel. More than a few underlings were, understandably, pissed that a 14-year-old was handed their dream job. They were a little less pissed when the memo sent out by Adrien was amended to explain that she only held the title for now because she was too young to run a giant company like this. Nathalie was the one who actually took over the business.
After a few years Kitty Section had managed to make a pretty big name for themselves and were offered the chance to go on tour with Jagged as his opening band, so Marinette bid Luka a tearful goodbye with the promise that they’d video chat often while he was away. Adrien ended up coming along as their pianist, which was all the more devastating for her. Her boyfriend and her partner, all the way across the ocean.
The bakery was awfully quiet, mused Marinette. A fresh batch of dough rolled underneath her palms. It was her attempt to distract herself from the emptiness. Adrien had chosen to stay with her and her family while Nathalie took over the mansion. Of course, Adrien held the deed to the house and was allowed in whenever he wanted, and hosted numerous parties for his friends (after approval from Nathalie, of course). The Gorilla moved between the houses, now that the press had died down and Adrien didn’t need constant paparazzi guarding.
Marinette pushed out another sigh, glancing at the clock. Their flight would be landing in about 6 hours, and everyone had promised to call. They’d all tried to convince her to come with as the head of their costume crew, but she still wasn’t ready to leave Paris without its Ladybug. And she couldn’t just ask Max for his Miraculous back or try to make him come along just to ferry people back and forth. He was in university now, he needed to work on getting his degrees. Multiple.
The day passed slowly, and after the 7 hour mark she was ready to give up on the video chat. She pushed herself away from her desk towards her sewing machine. The tour was ending back in Paris with a massive homecoming ball hosted at Le Grand Paris. Leave it to Chloe to give her ‘Adrikins’ the most lavish return ever.
She ran the silky pink fabric through her fingers, trying to decide what piece she would work on today when a bright light washed over her room. In an instant, she was flipping around with an improvised weapon. 
“Marinette!” Kitty Section poured out of Pegase’s portal and wrapped her in a hug, laughing and promising there was no trouble in America.
“I thought you guys were going to video chat me!” She fake-pouted through her smile.
“Well, we MAY have decided to surprise you with some help from Max. Maybe.” Luka winked, watching her face go bright red.
She burst into laughter and pulled everyone in for another hug. “How’s New York so far?”
“It’s so beautiful! There’s lights everywhere!!” Rose squealed, bouncing Marinette and Juleka up and down. She’d gotten much stronger.
“It’s pretty busy…”
“It’s amazing Marinette, you’d love it! There are shops everywhere, and everyone’s wearing the craziest outfits!” 
“You’re sure you don’t want to come with us?”
She sighed and nodded her head again. “I need to work on my designs. University won’t wait if I go on tour.”
“Come on Mari. One day. We’ll take you to see the sights, Jagged will never know. If anyone asks just say a lot of people tell you that you look like that designer girl.” Luka pulled her into his side as she giggled.
“I promise I’ll have you home before your parents wake up.” Max raised his hand. “Scouts honor.”
“You’re not a scout.” Ivan teased.
Juleka was the only one that noticed the glint in Marinette’s eye that meant she was coming up with a plan. “Maybe, and this is a BIG maybe…”
“What if all the heroes went and trained for a night? And then the whole class could go exploring? Is that alright, Max?”
“Aw man, she figured it out already!”
“That’s our Marinette, always a step ahead.”
Max chuckled and held out his hand. “We may have already gotten everyone over there and were planning to surprise-attack you. Y’know, turn the tables a little bit.”
“Aww, you guys!” Tears pricked up in the corners of her eyes as she laughed, throwing her arms around Max. “Thank you. For everything. You’re the best friends I could ever ask for.”
“Now let’s go! Hey, lover boy, no going easy on her since she’s your girlfriend, got it?” Ivan poked his finger into Luka’s ribs, causing the older boy to laugh.
“If I went easy on her she’d beat me to a pulp.”
“Would not!” Marinette defended herself.
“Would so! You fight dirty, m’lady.” Adrien teased and ruffled her hair.
“Bullies, all of you! Mutiny! Tikki, spots on!”
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criquette-was-here · 4 years
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Anonymous said:
When you create neighbourhoods what do you do and where do you start? I see these pictures of yours and other peoples neighbourhoods and always start my own but end up deleting them because I don’t like the way they look or don’t know what to do. Any advice?             
Hey, anon! I often get inspired by real places. It is good to have a concept at the very start. Some rough idea of what exactly you want to get. I’m kind of an old school and often use a piece of paper and a pencil to make a sketch of a future hood. Nowadays, there is a great application called Hood Planner by @greatcheesecakepersona​
Anonymous said:
would you ever make a timelapse video of you decorating your neighborhood??
That is a good question! I might do actually, since there is no frame rate drops issues in the timelapse approach ^__^ my laptop can deal with TS2 but it gets choppy if I try to record any video of it. 
Anonymous said:
feverfew is making me so nostalgic omg (I'm English, though I live in a big city I used to go to visit family in a much smaller town when I was a kid). i'm so excited to get to play it, but i'm also glad you're taking as much time as needed (both for your sake and so it turns out as great as possible)             
Hello, anon! Oh, I really appreciate this. I’ve been to UK few times, and I got really attached to some places over there. I know it’s a different thing to live in a place compared to just visiting, but human beings often fall in love with places they don’t belong. Let’s hope it wouldn’t get too long to finish Feverfew, so I could share it with you!
@shaundak21​ said:
has Anyone Converted your Regional airport set to light up yet? I've been keeping an eye out for it.
Hey Shaundak! I don’t think so. But that is a good idea though!
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almaasi · 5 years
GISH 2019 List of Items
Need a clean, rebloggable, printable, copy-pastable, bookmarkable reference for the GISH 2019 item list in case the official site goes down? I’ve got ya covered. Includes the item number, photo/video type, and point value. List will be updated as the hunt progresses. Good luck, Gishers~
[ see also: 2011 list // 2012 list // 2013 list // 2014 list // 2015 list // 2016 list // 2017 list // 2018 list]
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Misha Collins or GISH. I just love the bleeping bleep out of both. c:
ALL of the Items below should either be captured as "images" (which are photographs) or "videos". When you click “Submit," there will be instructions on how to submit the links to these images or videos. You should only use YOUTUBE for the videos and for images - you may upload them directly on our site.
bUnless otherwise specified, ALL VIDEOS must be NO LONGER than 14 seconds. If you’re a second or two over we’re not going to penalize you (we know how finicky youtube can be), but aim for 14 or under. They can be shorter if you wish!
1 / PHOTO / 21 POINTS / Make an Assbutt of yourself in public. Literally.
2 / PHOTO / 43 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Nothing caps off a good, hot summer day like a footlong s'mores eaten by two, Lady and the Tramp Style. (No hands may be used in the creation of or eating of the s'mores.) - Rae M.
3 / VIDEO / 57 POINTS / They say stepping on a LEGO is the greatest pain one can experience. We Gishers laugh in the face of pain. Make shoes entirely from LEGOs - no fluffy socks or insoles allowed- and demonstrate them in use. Post it to social media and tag the LEGO accounts and @GISH. - Deidra
4 / VIDEO / 59 POINTS / Hula hooping is hard, and you're just not ready to go it alone yet. Create a hula-hoop with training wheels for beginners and show it in use.
5 / PHOTO / 36 POINTS / At least 3 grownups working in an industrial mud-pie factory. They must be wearing hair nets. Supervising them is at least one tidy child under age 10 in a suit and carrying a clipboard.
6 / VIDEO / 28 POINTS / 7 out of 10 dentists and dental hygienists recommend Flossing, and they practice what they preach. Show us 7 out of 10 real dentists and dental hygienists flossing (not tooth-flossing. Dance-flossing.)
7 / VIDEO / 113 POINTS / SLOW-MOTION. It's time for the most elegant and beautiful of all affairs: the paintball ballet! 5 ballerinas playing paintball on pointe. They must all be pointe dancers; they can be wearing safety gear, but it must be pink and there must be tutus and pointe shoes.
8 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / It's summer, and that means it's time to do your civic duty. Take a swim in the jury pool -- complete with flotation devices, snorkel, etc.
9 / PHOTO / 34 POINTS / Bee-drinking poles are all the rage, but your neighborhood bees deserve to really unwind. Create a bee bar - a bee "saloon on a pole" using recycled bottle caps. Install it somewhere public. - Item Written By Misha's Mom
10 / PHOTO / 74 POINTS / A real matador in a real bullfighting ring with any of our GISH/gishwhes "flapes" (these are flags some Gishers purchase during registration). The bull is a Gisher, convincingly dressed as a bull.
11 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 31 POINTS / Listerine Mouse Wash.
12 / PHOTO / 43 POINTS / A child reading a bedtime story to the monster under their bed. The monster should be charmed and cozy and cuddled up.
13 / PHOTO / 36 POINTS / The machines are taking over, and now they're even infiltrating the dating sector. Your blind date tonight at a 4-star restaurant is a humanoid robot.
14 / VIDEO / 58 POINTS / Nothing can shake you up! Show us how you keep centered: meditating on a moving mechanical bull. Keep your chakras aligned! Fall off in less than 2 seconds and score 0 points.
15 / PHOTO / 80 POINTS / Create a "food truck" that sells something incongruous with food trucks. It could be delicious pesticides, microchips, shower caps or anything in between. It can't be compassion, empathy, or anything that "feeds the soul." As loathe as we are to say this: get creative. Your truck must advertise its wares with flashy signage.
16 / VIDEO / 66 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Clowns were the original glad-iators. Prove it with Roman clowns fighting in an actual Colosseum or ancient amphitheater in a knock-down, drag-out pie fight.
17 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / Trip the light fantastic. Literally. - Kelli R.
18 / PHOTO / 53 POINTS / You know that saying: "Christ on a paddleboard!" Well, it's used for a reason - Jesus walked on water and was an innovator in the Stand-Up Paddleboard world. Show Jesus on a stand-up paddleboard, with at least 3 disciples following him in a rowboat, canoe, or scull.
19 / VIDEO / 49 POINTS / The world is in desperate need of more Cheese Balls. Many more Cheese Balls. Many many many more Cheese Balls. Delivered as rapidly as possible. Build a functional Cheese Ball launching/delivery system and demonstrate it shooting cheese balls from a distance of least 30 feet away. You must be able to catch at least 1 in your mouth.
20 / PHOTO / 12 POINTS / A housecat happily flaunting a stylish mustache.
21 / PHOTO / 43 POINTS / You're a real dish. No, really. You and a friend, dressed as commemorative collector plates, donating platelets (that's what plates bleed).
22 / VIDEO / 291 POINTS / People always say, "GISH lights up the night!" Prove it. Get a bunch of drones with lights on them to spell out the word "GISH" in the night sky. The drones must serve as pixels in the sky, so you will need a lot of them. Probably at least 40.
23 / VIDEO / 41 POINTS / (Up to 20 seconds. You may use fast-motion or tight editing). When baking, measurements are vital to the culinary success of your creation. Small missteps will ruin your souffle. Of course, measuring cups and spoons, over time, change size and volume due to humidity and aging. Let's use a measuring device that you trust and know intimately: your mouth. First, figure out exactly how much volume is in you mouth and then use it to source and distribute all ingredients to bake a cake. You may not use any utensils or measuring devices. Grab whatever ingredients you use to make a cake and place them on your counter and then, without using your hands to measure or fill, fill your mouth with the appropriate amounts of each ingredient and then deposit in your cake dish.(Yes, this means you would need to "bob for flour" in your flour bag and then "mouth spout" it into your mixing bowl). Once the ingredients are all safely in the mixing bowl (again, delivered by your mouth), you are allowed to mix it with any device--as long as that device is a part of your face. Bake it and enjoy it with a loved one (without using your hands).
24 / VIDEO / 94 POINTS / Have a child under 8 years old create an original recipe, a la "Cooking Fast & Fresh with West". Record them inventing it, then executing their vision. It must be 100% child-led with an adult-only serving as sous chef. In a blatant cross-promotional stunt, the best recipes will be posted on my social media when my new book, "The Adventurous Eaters Club" hits bookstores. (BTW, you can pre-order now here.)
25 / VIDEO / 68 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS) You've been bragging you can out-dunk a professional basketball player, and now it's time to prove it: go one-on-one for a 30-second milk-and-cookies dunk-off against a pro-baller. Your competitor must be a current or retired member of the NBA or WNBA. Bonus points if your competition is a household name. Post your video on social media tagging the player with #GISHDunkChallenge
26 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / Be a stand-in for me! Wearing a convincing Misha Collins mask, have a cup of tea with someone who still has a bonafide original Team 3 Rhino Hunt puzzle piece. The puzzle piece must be visible in the image. If you are on a team and you are a Team 3 Rhino Hunt puzzle piece holder, you MAY collaborate with other teams to help them out on this one. (I will still honor the tea-time for any unredeemed puzzle pieces. This offer never expires.)
27 / PHOTO / 46 POINTS / Food waste is a real problem in many countries. At the same time, food deserts are a problem, making it difficult for some people to get fresh, nutritious food. We're helping both problems in one fell swoop with our GISH Mobile Free Grocers! Get a grocery store to donate the day's "ugly" produce, day-old bread, and any other still-edible fresh foods to you, then go and distribute it as a GISH Mobile Free Grocer to people experiencing homelessness.
28 / PHOTO / 42 POINTS / The tooth fairy is sick and tired of waiting around to collect the teeth under kids' pillows, so she's gone rogue and has started taking them right out of their mouths to meet her quota. Obviously, she needs to be stopped! Create an effective anti-tooth fairy nighttime mouth guard and show it in use, successfully stopping the thieving fairy. -Ant G.
29 / VIDEO / 49 POINTS / (UP TO 20 SECONDS: You may speed up and edit video) The big trend in experience-based restaurants has you eating in total darkness, but these gimmicky restaurants charge a fortune. We're bringing it to the masses: Take a dinner date to an upscale restaurant - the fancier, the better - wear white. There must be a white linen tablecloth. Sit across from each other and feed each other dinner while both of you are blindfolded. You must be serving one another red wine too.
30 / VIDEO / 53 POINTS / The recorder is an under-appreciated instrument, with roots in ancient times. The depth of its mythical sirenic tones are magical and hypnotic. So what better place to play this divine woodwind than amongst the most beautiful sites in the world? Play the Kansas song "Carry on Wayward Son" at sunset on a recorder, overlooking one of the following: the Grand Canyon (Arizona, US), Angkor Wat (Cambodia), Machu Picchu (Peru), Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal (India), the Colosseum (Italy), Iguazu Falls (Brazil), Stonehenge (UK), Egyptian Pyramids or the Sphinx, Tikal (Guatemala), Angel Falls (Venezuela), Atacama Desert (Chile), Arashiyama Bamboo Grove (Japan), The Azores (Portugal), Boulders Beach (South Africa), Cappadocia (Turkey), Cliffs of Moher (Ireland), Disko Bay (Greenland), Lake Tekapo (New Zealand), Na Pali Coast (Hawaii, US), Sagrada Familia (Spain), Eiffel Tower (France), Reynisfjara (Iceland), Trolltunga (Norway), Ubud (Bali), Sydney Opera House (Australia), Banff National Park (Canada), Niagara Falls (New York or Ontario), Yellowstone (Wyoming), El Capitan (Yosemite), Statue of Liberty (Liberty Island), Eilean Donan Castle (Scotland), Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany), Matterhorn or Zermatt (Switzerland), or Chichen Itza (Mexico).
31 / PHOTO / 75 POINTS / In the past, stained glass windows usually depicted flowers or devotional symbols like angels and saints. But modern culture venerates a different group. Create a stained glass window of a Kardashian, famous Instagram Influencer, or similar personality with more than 4 million followers. It must be someone who is worshipped simply for being worshipped for being famous. You may not use anyone from the cast of Supernatural. Bonus points if it's installed in an actual cathedral.
32 / PHOTO / 43 POINTS / We're putting you in charge of Supernatural canon for the day. Paint a cannon with an elaborate SPN mural showcasing something that you think should be canon, with a caption like, "It's #SPN Cannon!"
33 / PHOTO / 24 POINTS / In the 2018 GISH Most Premiumerest Registration, we included a Misha Collins MishSqueezie stress ball. And though our concept artist did a great job, something got lost in translation and, well... Nailed it! But somewhere out there, there must be the guy that actually looks exactly like this stress ball. Find him and take a picture of him with the MishSqueezie.
34 / PHOTO / 81 POINTS / The Federation of Stormtroopers has been officially sponsored by the X Games this year. Let's see a highlight from one of their competitions with the stormtrooper participating in an extreme sport.
35 / VIDEO / 41 POINTS / A pop-up card that's for a blind child. Written in Braille, with pop-ups that can be understood completely by touch. Let's see it in action.
36 / PHOTO / 118 POINTS / Like many Americans, I've been trying to get supplies to the families and kids in detention center along the US border, and despite my C-List celebrity status, it's been tough. But we found a way. Go to SPNFamilyValues.com and follow the instructions there, then screenshot it and send that in as proof.
37 / VIDEO / 32 POINTS / I keep losing my stuff. Invent a Misha-proof AirPod-finding solution that is NOT a cord, because that defeats the entire point of AirPods - and one that works when they're not charged. Show it in use.
38 / PHOTO / 48 POINTS / Ugly Holiday sweaters are great, but with the climate crisis heating up the planet, we've got to branch out. Model your best ugly Holiday bathing suit or bikini made of repurposed ugly holiday sweaters. Model it at the beach with a caption touting the virtues of your "Global Warming Holiday Sweater."
39 / VIDEO / 108 POINTS / There's regular golf, and mini-golf, but where are all the maxi-golf courses? We want to see it all - the giant putters, the huge balls, and of course, the windmill.
40 / VIDEO / 45 POINTS / The world is heating up! Time for an old-fashioned kids game that we all know: Hot Planet. With at least 8 people in a public place, play a game of Hot Potato with a reddened globe of the planet Earth. Everyone must be wearing oven mitts and summer wear and not be fazed by the heat, except for one person who is dressed in a suit with a red tie and a Donald Trump mask. Trump isn't wearing mitts and his hands are covered in blisters and while he tries to hide it when the globe gets to his hands, it really hurts.
41 / VIDEO / 67 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS). A high-speed giant game of red rover played by at least 50 wedding guests. The bride must be the one flung across the field. The groom must be running after her holding her train. - Inspired by mdsteele47
42 / PHOTO / 95 POINTS / TWO PICTURES SIDE-BY-SIDE IN ONE IMAGE. I always feel a lot of guilt about the tattoo items in GISH. The first time I added one, I thought it was funny until I saw the tatts and then I felt a little bad. Of course, it gives me a rush of power when I see them in person, and many of them are actually very cool... So I have an idea that allows me to keep feeling powerful, but takes away all of my guilt: Get a tattoo of the encouraging message you wish your higher self had written to get you through the tough times. Because I know many of you already have inspiring tattoos, you must submit two images. The first is an image of you getting the tattoo when you are �-way done at the tattoo parlor, in the chair, holding a sign that reads, "GISH made me do it." The second image is of the finished tattoo. If you can, include your triumphant face. (Don't include more than 2 images in your submission. Just one image with two photos side by side.)
43 / VIDEO / 24 POINTS / Choose a sport you’ve never played before. Go do it with your coach: a child under the age of 10 who is an experienced participant. - Inspired by Coach Odette Padalecki
44 / PHOTO / 94 POINTS / Recreate a Civil War-era photograph with Captain America, Iron Man, and/or their respective sides using the Woodburytype photography technique. As always, no Photoshop allowed unless specified. This one does not allow it.
45 / PHOTO / 62 POINTS / Why have chain letters, when you can have chain mail? Create an intricate medieval knight’s suit of armor entirely out of junk mail, with chain mail comprised of chain letters. Must include a junk mail shield, sword, and a codpiece (to protect your "junk").
46 / VIDEO / 135 POINTS / Someone turned your local parking lot into your favorite childhood board game! Using sidewalk chalk or removable tempera, transform at least 5000 square feet of pavement into an enlarged version of your favorite childhood board game. Using a drone’s eye-view, show the whole board (complete with people costumed as game pieces playing).
47 / VIDEO / 141 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS) Garfield phones keep washing up on beaches in France. As you know, that’s because mermaids love cats, so there’s a mermaid call center operation down there selling these phones on QVSea. Show us the QVSea commercial for these phones, as pitched by a mer-spokesperson. Oh, and it should go without saying, but all of this is taking place underwater.
48 / VIDEO / 64 POINTS / A real barbershop quartet singing a passage from the Mueller Report in front of a federally elected political leader’s office.
49 / VIDEO / 48 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS) Talk to an elderly person over 80 and learn all about the best day of their life so far. Then, create a diorama of their best day in a small empty tin or box and give it to them. The video should show them briefly describing the memory and then you presenting them with the diorama. Make sure we get to see the diorama you made and their reaction, too.
50 / PHOTO / 59 POINTS / Write a formal, one-page letter to Gina Haspel, the current Director of the CIA. In it you must outline a plausible, one-page decoding of the fourth Kryptos. The letter must frame the description as an urgent matter and must seamlessly deploy the term “wild unicorn training centers around the globe”. Post a photo of your letter on social media and tag @CIA.
51 / PHOTO / 27 POINTS / Conspiracy theorists need to get with the times! Update the tinfoil hat to reflect technological innovations.
52 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / Create MAILWHES, The Most Amazing, Intimidating Letterbox The World Has Ever Seen: a mailbox so amazing, so intimidating, so horrifying that your mail carrier will never dare leave you another piece of junk mail again. There must be teeth around the mail slot or opening.
53 / VIDEO / 64 POINTS / FAST-MOTION. At my friend Philip’s wedding, Giles Duley, myself and a few other forward-thinking innovators devised a new product and we would like to beta test the concept with you. It’s called: SoupFace and it involves eating soup from a bowl made from a plaster mold of your face. First, make a plaster mold of your face. Fill it with warm soup. Consume the soup without using a utensil and when the soup is gone and your face is back in the wet mold. Lift the SoupFace mold off the table without using your hands. Reveal the mask beneath.
54 / VIDEO / 59 POINTS / As all diehard Supernatural fans know, “Assbutt” was a featured player in Season 5, Episode 22 of the show, but the episode ran long and Assbutt’s scene was left on the cutting room floor. Rectify this oversight by releasing the never-before-seen cut of this scene.
55 / PHOTO / 39 POINTS / TRIPTYCH. Dawid Planeta illustrates his depression as mysterious creatures. In a 3-panel illustration, show your biggest fear or struggle as a symbolic creature with which you gradually come to terms. Label it so we know what your creature represents.
56 / PHOTO / 73 POINTS / A lot of people use their cell phones while in the bathroom, which is really gross. We understand that it can get boring in there, though. Help people break society’s screen addiction with our new solution: Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter toilet paper! Re-create a verified social media account on a roll of toilet paper- images and all. Scroll away—but don’t read the comments. (They’re crap.) Install it in a public bathroom as a public service.
57 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / Send noods! There’s been an epidemic of people sending explicit noodle photos to unsuspecting people. We believe consent is important, and in this case, we consent—with some STRICT caveats: Recreate a TASTEFUL image of a famous nude painting or sculpture in noodles ONLY and then post it on social media tagged #SendNoods. Submit your actual image and a link to the tweet in your comments.
58 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 38 POINTS / Ask a child aged 5 or under what their greatest fear is. Create and photograph or film a scene of you and them conquering this fear together. - Kristin L.
59 / PHOTO / 28 POINTS / Cement your own joy.
60 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 244 POINTS / Angry birds. Flappy birds. Candy Crush. All those other games are so boring compared to GISH: The Game! Build an app game for the GISH App. It must feature a GISH mascot and integrate fully into the GISH App. Full specs for integration can be found here.
61 / PHOTO / 39 POINTS / (F)underwear.
62 / PHOTO / 72 POINTS / Each day, one member of your team must find one broken thing to upcycle and give to someone in need. Take a photo and, at the end of the Hunt week, submit a collage of the 7 now-useful items your team has gathered, refurbished, and donated. (You may not use a bicycle, but you may use a unicycle or tricycle.) - Inspired by Monica D.
63 / PHOTO / 38 POINTS / The ’80s are back, and we can’t escape all that goes with them: including stereoscopic images. Make a stereoscopic “Magic Eye” image of something that scares you as much as '80s fashion scares us.
64 / PHOTO / 62 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Outside a migrant detention center, lift a massive banner using balloons, drones, or telescoping poles at least 10 feet high with a message like, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong.” Be responsible with your balloons. Don’t let them fly away or burst and leave shards anywhere.
65 / PHOTO / 67 POINTS / An upscale art gallery opening at a landfill. All exhibits must be made from things found at the landfill. One professional art critic must be present to review the works.
66 / VIDEO / 256 POINTS / Plane air painting: A wing-walker on a biplane, painting a picture on a canvas of the landscape from their point of view. Show us the painting as it’s happening, and then the completed painting being held by the wing-walker.
67 / VIDEO / 49 POINTS / A signer performing the National Anthem silently in sign language on a field at a stadium that seats more than 5,000, with a sizeable crowd of spectators.
68 / PHOTO / 42 POINTS / I’m not saying Jared Padalecki is a big softie, but here’s a portrait of him toasted onto a marshmallow. Just the way it should be.
69 / PHOTO / 40 POINTS / Nobody’s more devoted or grateful to firefighters than we are, except maybe a dalmatian. Or Smokey the Bear. Go to your local fire station dressed as a dalmatian or Smokey the Bear and create a relaxation station to thank them for their work. You can bring treats, offer mani-pedis, foot or shoulder massages, aromatherapy... You get the idea.
70 / PHOTO / 69 POINTS / Over the years, Jensen Ackles has been depicted in Skittles, but we all know his character Dean loves pie. Let's do a crossover: Bake a Skittles pie with a portrait of Jensen baked into the upper crust. Lattice work in the top crust should allow you to see the Skittles inside behind Jensen. Here’s some inspiration..
71 / VIDEO / 66 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Create a thạch rau câu (Vietnamese Jelly Cake) portrait of a classic movie monster. You may not use the blob. We must see the injection process and your completed jelly cake.
72 / VIDEO / 51 POINTS / In Chengdu, China, kung fu tea (long spout, performance tea pouring) is popular. But it was just a matter of time before it was appropriated by other cultures. Show us a barista performing the Mengding Mountain 18 Forms of Dragon Flying Postures Kung Fu Tea pour at a Starbucks.
73 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / An actual lumberjack working up on a tree with an impressive, long beard made out of googly eyes.
74 / VIDEO / 77 POINTS / (Up to 30 seconds) A stop-motion animation of a life-saving first aid technique (CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, etc.) featuring dolls or puppets in crisis.
75 / PHOTO / 178 POINTS / Danish artist Thomas Dambo creates massive wooden giants from recycled materials and installs them in Copenhagen forests. That’s great, but some giants prefer urban living. Build a hipster giant that’s at least 8’ (2.4m) tall from recycled materials and place it in the middle of a busy city or town.
76 / PHOTO / 22 POINTS / Not all insects aspire to just be insects. Some have ambitions and hobbies! Without harming it, get a live fly, beetle, roach or other insect to sit on a sheet of paper and doodle an environment around it showing it at its job or hobby.
77 / PHOTO / 75 POINTS / An actual space suit with a GISH 2019 patch on it next to the national flag.
78 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / The Enterprise wasn’t the only vehicle in the not-so-final frontier. Show us Star Trek covered wagons. Tweet your image to @WilliamShatner with the message “Admit it, Bill. This is how you really voyaged.” You may use Photoshop for this item. Submit your image, along with a LINK to your tweet in your submission comments for points.
79 / PHOTO / 72 POINTS / The insect world is under-appreciated, but they are tiny works of art. Create a realistic-looking, oversized detailed sculpture of an underappreciated arachnid or insect out of bread, ice, or marble, the way Michaelangelo would have done if he’d had the time. You may not make a dragonfly, ladybug, butterfly or any other insect that has already been socially normalized as “cute”. - Inspired by Kat F.
80 / PHOTO / 49 POINTS / The Wondersmith makes surprise, fantastical parties in the forests of Oregon, which we find lovely. Set up a surprise party for hikers at least ½ a mile from a rest area that’s clearly been created by forest-dwelling fairies and/or trolls (that’s you). Make sure it’s welcoming, and capture the moment you’re surprising them— both you and the hikers should be in the image. They must be real hikers and strangers to you—don’t bring in ringers, or you’ll anger the fairy queen.
81 / VIDEO / 43 POINTS / Love makes the world go round. Build a machine that uses love to spin a globe.
82 / PHOTO / 160 POINTS / COLLAGE. In the Western United States, there are mountain monograms, giant glyphs of letters that are often there for no discernable reason. Create your own Mountain Monograms out of natural materials to craft a message with purpose. Submit a photo of your glyph message that says something inspiring to the birds and planes that fly over it. Your message must be at least 2 words long, with each letter at least 6 feet tall and each letter must be on separate peaks. You may not do this on protected land.
83 / PHOTO / 37 POINTS / The London Zoo has a pair of penguins who are out and proud, but they didn’t get to march in Pride because they are penguins in a zoo. We think that’s just wrong. Dress up in penguin suits and march through your town with rainbow flags to show your support for Penguin and LGBTQIA+ Pride.
84 / VIDEO / 58 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. This means something… Subtractive food sculpture. Start with a block of cheese or a massive mountain of mashed potatoes and without using tools, eat your way to an ornate re-creation of a famous statue.
85 / PHOTO / 29 POINTS / You’ve heard of a scarecrow, but let’s see a straw-stuffed scarevolleyballplayer at the beach.
86 / VIDEO / 84 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS) In 2020, we’re gonna need a 30-second GISH ad worthy of airing during the Super Bowl, advertising the latest in summer refreshment: “GISH.”
87 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 45 POINTS / Misha doesn’t have a ton of skills other than “acting on camera”, but he does try hard. He’s also at a potential career transition point. Help him explore other career paths by creating a poster of him photoshopped doing another job you think he’d be suited for.
88 / VIDEO / 31 POINTS / Ben Ferencz started each dinner table conversation with his children by asking them, “What did you do today to make the world a better place?” Wake up tomorrow and take a specific, positive action to make the world a better/nicer/happier/prettier place with a child as your assistant. Then show us what you did.
89 / PHOTO / 34 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Some people long to have a picnic at the Longaberger Basket Building, and you and your friends are no different. But size matters! Enjoy a to-scale picnic on the grounds in front of the building- giant fruits and sandwiches, etc. No Photoshop just forced perspective.
90 / PHOTO / 58 POINTS / It’s an ineffable Good Omen to see Azrapahile and Crowley sharing a hot fudge sundae on Sunday. Post your picture on social media tagged #GoodOmens and @neilhimself. Bonus points if the sundae is eaten at a Sundae School in Cape Cod.
91 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / A Cairn Terrier. (His name is Rocky. He won’t come when he’s called.)
92 / VIDEO / 48 POINTS / One of our Gishers was able to help her mom act FAST and responded in time to help her with a stroke. Last we heard, her mom is okay, but she can’t play this year—so in her honor, it’s time for a quick refresher on recognizing a stroke. Do a rendition of “Head, Shoulders Knees and Toes” with some kind of lyrics like: “Face, Arms, Speech, Call in Time (don’t waste time)! Face, Arms, Speech, Call in Time (don’t waste time)! When someone’s had a stroke their life is on the line! Face, Arms, Speech, Call in Time (don’t waste time)!” with the appropriate movements. Include a link to the National Stroke Association and GISH on a final card of your video. Post it on social media tagged #GISH, @robbenedict, and @natstrokeassn. - Inspired by Nicole’s mom
93 / PHOTO / 41 POINTS / A Mom-and-Pop shop that sells Moms and Pops. (New and used.) Show a young child making a purchase.
94 / VIDEO / 36 POINTS / (AUDIO UP TO 90 SECONDS) We’re auditioning new anchors for G-ISH, GISH RADIO! Send us a clip of your team’s broadcast debut as you discuss the climate crisis’ effect on sea levels with a real, noted expert in the field.
95 / PHOTO / 63 POINTS / Tatsuya Tanaka creates miniature worlds with everyday objects. Her scenes are whimsical, which is how the world should be... but is not always how tiny-world actually is. Create a miniature, dismal and tragic scene using small reimagined objects.
96 / PHOTO / 15 POINTS / Write your resume as a haiku.
97 / PHOTO / 34 POINTS / 8554J46H+FH. You, the Carrot God, have summoned them.
98 / PHOTO / 95 POINTS / (GRID). The hot new trading card battle game is GISHémon! Create a trading card for each of your team mates with their photo and stats (location, Gisher type, powers, etc.) as the powerful kindness monsters they are. We must see each teammate’s unobscured face for it to count.
99 / PHOTO / 55 POINTS / Little known fact: when an avocado is fully ripe, it hatches. Show us the tiny, intricately carved creature sleeping inside (which you’ve carved from the pit).
100 / VIDEO / 24 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Write a phrase on a piece of wood of something negative you say about yourself to silence yourself or hold yourself back. Burn the wood and the phrase in a fireplace or fire pit. Use the ashes to write something affirming about your strong self on a sheet of white paper.
101 / PHOTO / 30 POINTS / The heir to the throne of France was known as the Dauphin, French for "dolphin". According to Donald Trump, the heir to the British throne is the Prince of... Whales? Illustrate a meeting of these two majestic undersea figures, with Macron and Prince Charles as their respective attendants. (This may be photoshopped or, for bonus points, live action.)
102 / VIDEO / 31 POINTS / Reach out to a senior in your family or community and ask them about a commercially made snack or dish from their childhood that brings them fond memories—something that just doesn’t exist anymore. Try to recreate it based on their description, then share your creation with them and record their assessment.
103 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / A carbon footprint on a globe.
104 / VIDEO / 58 POINTS / A motorized vehicle with cheese wheels. It can be a motorcycle, tricycle, or 4-wheel vehicle, but it must have cheese wheels made from actual cheese.
105 / VIDEO / 320 POINTS / Get Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, Jair Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson, or any other duplicitous, nationalistic high-ranking politician to tell the absolute, verifiable truth about any controversial and uncomfortable (for them) topic they normally lie to the public about. It must really be the real person, not an actor or someone in a mask. You must be able to verify the facts through a nonpartisan, independent source. (This may be our first truly impossible item.)
106 / PHOTO / 48 POINTS / A bacterial culture petri dish portrait of Jonas Salk. Tweet this to Melinda Gates thanking her for her work vaccinating children.
107 / PHOTO / 24 POINTS / Create a haiku for an animal on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species that tells of the animal’s plight and why we should protect it. Next to the haiku, include a hand-drawn picture or origami sculpture of the animal.
108 / PHOTO / 79 POINTS / Stonehenge was cool, but it just wasn't built with sustainability or environmental impact in mind, so now we're stuck with ancient druid clutter by the side of the road. As a modern druidic architect, you know better. Next to a highway, build an architecturally significant henge out of 100% recycled materials that represent our current culture. (Cardboardhenge, Styrofoamhenge, LaCroixCanhenge, etc). Stonehenge is 30’ (9.1m) tall, but don’t worry—yours can be as short as 1:3 scale—but it must include at least one dolmen.
109 / PHOTO / 96 POINTS / An elaborate hinged, Faberge-style Easter egg that opens to reveal Trump & Putin embracing.
110 / VIDEO / 21 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Play “the floor is lava” in front of the Osservatorio Vesuviano in Pompeii. If you can’t get to Pompeii, you can play it at any Olive Garden, as long as you get other diners to join in.
111 / PHOTO / 38 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. COLLABORATIVE. Swap-meet day! Use the GISH app to coordinate with at least 5 other Gishers in your area to meet up and hold a yard sale. Except, this is not a yard-sale, it’s a yard-giveaway: the GISH Community Bazaar. Bring as many items as you can bear to part with and set up shop. And remember, no money must change hands and no bartering! All items must be gifted to passers-by and everything must go!
112 / PHOTO / 24 POINTS / A jello mold with a funeral scene inside.
113 / VIDEO / 18 POINTS / COLLABORATIVE. In Uppsala, Sweden, there is a tradition called the Flogsta Scream. Every night at 10 pm, students at university stop what they are doing to let out a collective, primal scream from their rooftops and dorms. This tradition shouldn’t be exclusive to Sweden, so at 6PM on Friday, August 3rd, get together with as many Gishers and other humans as you can in a public setting and let out one deep, primitive, collective howl. 
PS: We’re still #sorrynotsorry, Sweden.
114 / PHOTO / 46 POINTS / The best part about being in the hospital is the couture. Hold a hospital gown fashion show in your local hospital to show off red-carpet-worthy hospital gowns of your creation. Glam it up and walk (or roll) the runway with any patients that might be able and willing to participate… and don’t forget the slip-proof socks!
115 / PHOTO / 48 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Bring an old bike back to life with a flourish—make it the most beautiful bike in the world. Give it to someone to someone in need. Submit photos of the bike before and after refurbishment, side-by-side. - Item Written By Misha’s Mom
116 / VIDEO / 40 POINTS / MONTAGE. Basic Training can be hell, and the military needs our support! Create a video of you and your team collecting and packing “basics” to send to a currently deployed serviceperson. The catch: your video should emulate a “basic training” montage from a movie-obstacles courses, bucket brigades, etc. (You must actually ship the goods, choosing ONLY from this list or a similar approved list for your country of origin: CLICK HERE) - Jennifer W.
117 / PHOTO / 45 POINTS / This year, we lost a beloved furry friend, Peter Mayhew (the actor who played Chewbacca). In honor of his memory, create a felted Chewbacca out of your pet’s hair.
118 / VIDEO / 46 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. The LGBTQIA community struggles a lot with erasure. Make sure everyone feels seen: create a portrait of an iconic LGBTQIA person by first filling up a page with a rainbow of colored pencils or pastels, then use an eraser to lift out the negative space, leaving the colored portrait behind. Include a message letting them know they are seen and loved. Post it to social media and tag the person, if they’re on social media, then submit your portrait with the link (if any) in the comments. (This may be done in oil pastels as well.)
119 / PHOTO / 82 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Some people really do have eyes in the back of their head. Before and after images of a person with long hair, and then their head shaved and a recognizable portrait of their own face shaved onto the back of their own head. (Donate the hair to a non-profit organization that makes wigs for cancer patients.)
120 / PHOTO / 26 POINTS / Neil Armstrong stepped on to the Moon 50 years ago. To memorialize this amazing achievement, make your own “One Small Step” monument. Take a Giant Leap for mankind and put your foot somewhere it has never been before and probably should not go, then show us the resulting footprint.
121 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. You know those garden gnomes that dotted your grandmother’s backyard? Well, it’s been a while and now they have fallen on hard times. They have turned to a life of crime and misanthropy. Their little gnome hearts are filled with despair, hatred, and regret. Show us the before and after.
122 / VIDEO / 131 POINTS / The next time that Earth’s magnetic poles reverse themselves, your magnetic compass won’t be much help navigating. Fortunately, you remember a mention from a history class of a “south-facing chariot” [SFC] invented in China some 2500 years ago. To be better prepared for the coming magnetic mélange, you have decided to build a functioning SFC so that you can always find your way home. Of course, your SFC will be topped with an assbutt and your chariot will be modeled after a 1967 Impala.
123 / PHOTO / 81 POINTS / Everyone goes to visit the Southernmost Point in Key West, FL, but it really never gets to travel. We’re changing that. Make a 1:2 replica of the Southernmost Point and take it on holiday to the Westernmost, Northernmost, or Easternmost points of the US or any landmass. Take a photo with it at the nearest marker or tourist attraction to prove you were there, and submit with the location and coordinates in your comments.
124 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / Put your face somewhere it absolutely does not belong. Not a picture of your face. Your real face. In that place. Where it should NOT be! (Keep it clean. My mother will see this.)
125 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / Senator Ted Cruz is worried about pirates in space. Seriously. He is. Well, we are pretty sure that his fears are well-founded. Let’s prove it to him: Show us space pirates in action. Tweet your picture to him at @tedcruz (and be sure to use the #GISHSpacePirates hashtag!)
126 / VIDEO / 71 POINTS / Last year we asked you to put wings on something that absolutely should not fly and prove that it can. One team (Team Schnitzeljaeger) made a pizza box fly. For this year, make a pizza fly (sans box). You may not throw it in the air, drop it, or fling it. It must attain flight through some mechanical means. Just the pizza. Not the box. The pizza must fly from near ground level to at least 50’ high and must travel horizontally at least 100 feet by any means. Must be edible and consumed after it lands.
127 / PHOTO / 46 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. The Dalton Highway stretches 414 miles from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. About halfway along it, there is a roadside marker denoting crossing into the Arctic Circle. Send us a photo of you standing next to the marker. Having a moose in the picture is optional, but preferred. Being dressed as a moose is mandatory.
128 / PHOTO / 56 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. We’re creating the GISH International Forest! Go out and plant as many trees as you can and add your trees to THIS MAP. Once you plant them, you will become their stewards, so choose your location wisely: make sure you’re allowed to plant there and that the trees are native so they can flourish. Add a small, eco-friendly sign with GISH INTERNATIONAL FOREST, GISH.com and your team’s name on it. Submit your photo along with a screenshot of its place on the map and number of trees you planted in the comments. If you can’t plant a tree on your own for reasons of mobility, hospitalization, etc, a donation to OTP of at least one tree will suffice, but you still have to tell us approximately where they are and how many trees you planted and add them to our map.
129 / PHOTO / 44 POINTS / This year is the 150th anniversary of the first Transcontinental Railroad, which opened up rapid (for the time) access across the United States. The original event in 1869 was celebrated as the Central Pacific Railroad locomotive “Jupiter” and the Union Pacific Railroad locomotive #119 came nose-to-nose as a Golden Spike was driven into the final section of track. Well, we firmly believe that every good anniversary deserves cake! Recreate the Jupiter, or #119, or both, made entirely from cake.
130 / PHOTO / 26 POINTS / A cyanotype photo of junk-food wrapping or junk-food.
131 / VIDEO / 61 POINTS / You have accepted a new position with the Mars Tourism Bureau. To attract potential visitors to the wonderful Mars climate, you plan to inform them of the daily environmental trends. Create a 15-second video weather report, complete with temperature and wind descriptions and get a real weathercaster dressed as an alien to report it on local news during a live broadcast. 
Note: Your Mars weather information must be real and correct for the day you submit your video! We will be checking!
132 / VIDEO / 132 POINTS / A very large balance scale. (The kind of old-fashioned scale that we think of when we say, “the scales of justice.”) On one side, at least 5 very wealthy-looking people. On the other, at least 5 very impoverished-looking people. The scales are tipped in favor of the elite. Find a way to balance the scales.
133 / PHOTO / 22 POINTS / Everyone talks about “viral videos.” We think we know what those are. Share a GISH video of a biological (not technological) virus and get it to go “viral” with at least 1,000 likes. It must include GISH.com in the video and text to count. #ViralVirus
134 / VIDEO / 81 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS). It’s time for GIFF - the GISH International Film Festival! Create a 30-second horror film. Noted author Neil Gaiman tweeted: “You've got a week to rob a bank using only a rattlesnake, radioactive uranium and a bottle of whiskey.” “Jed here has a week to steal a battleship using a goat, a can of gold paint, and three resin models of Warren G. Harding. Go!" Use either prompt as the plot of your GIFF film. Post your film on social media and be sure to tag #GISH and @neilhimself, then submit the video and the link to your post in comments.
135 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 51 POINTS / The aliens have been in Area 51 for decades. Why do they stay? Because of all the amenities, of course. Show us the leisurely life of aliens at Area 51: the best Retirement Community in the Universe! We want to see elderly aliens playing shuffleboard, mahjong, and bingo, getting alien spa treatments, doing tai chi and pilates... You get the idea. Post your submission to social media tagged #GISH, #Area51 & #SocialSecurityCheXFiles
136 / PHOTO / 37 POINTS / COLLABORATIVE. Join the movement to cross-stitch what you care about: create a cross-stitch picket sign for a cause you believe in. Connect with at least 2 other teams and craft a protest march on a street corner. - Item Written By Misha’s Mom
137 / VIDEO / 38 POINTS / Megan Rapinoe reminds us all that despite equal skill, women are often not treated to a level playing field in business. Show us a team of female office workers playing soccer in traditional business attire opposite men with a ball that says “EQUAL PAY.” The women, of course, should score.
138 / PHOTO / 26 POINTS / The most stressful spa environment ever. - Lynette
139 / PHOTO / 126 POINTS / Recently, a mylar balloon from Disney’s Frozen was found on the bottom of the ocean floor… Clearly leftover from an undersea birthday party. Show us the underwater party, including the birthday person blowing out the candles on their cake. PS: Your mother doesn’t live there! DO NOT leave a mess or impact sea life.
140 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 37 POINTS / Now that Donald Trump is president, people around the world have squandered billions of man-hours talking/worrying/complaining about him. Have an economist calculate the cost to the global economy of these lost hours. They must show their work and be a professor of economics.
141 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / Part of your job for the Mars Tourism bureau is managing PR. Design a brochure or poster that convinces people to visit our timeshare at Scenic Mt. gishwhes (on Mars).
142 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / We just celebrated the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Prove it was faked.
143 / VIDEO / 91 POINTS / Thanks to modern technology, we can relax and watch TV virtually anywhere, even in the loo—but we still can’t kick back on the porcelain throne and relax while we do. Create a toilet recliner to solve this problem.
144 / PHOTO / 37 POINTS / You thought they said, “Get Out the GOAT.” Be the Greatest Of All Time by co-hosting a voter registration booth with a goat.
145 / PHOTO / 70 POINTS / Mary Poppins and the Demogorgon from Stranger Things both loved hanging around in the Upside down! Create a convincing image of you having upside-down high tea on the ceiling with Mary Poppins and a Demogorgon. Post it to social media and tag the Stranger Things accounts and GISH. - Inspired by TessaMac
146 / PHOTO / 53 POINTS / Every year, I send Gishers to visit my grandmother at Roland Park Place retirement home in Baltimore, Maryland, and this year is no different. Visit her retirement community (or any nursing home or community near you) and help the residents escape—metaphorically, of course. Take them on a tropical getaway by staging an impromptu beach party! Between the hours of 1 PM ET—3 PM ET on Monday, July 29 and Wed July 31 only, bring flower leis, small flowers, pre-packaged treats (nothing homemade), postcards with kind notes on them and/or a ukulele or guitar to sing with them. Ask them to reminisce about the happiest summer vacation they ever took. (PS: No bathing suits and leave the sand home, please. Hawaiian shirts are fine.)
147 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 73 POINTS / COLLABORATIVE. The evening of Sunday, July 28 is the event of the year: the #WeJustMetGala! Get together with Gishers in your area at your local museum in the strangest, fanciest attire you can create—go so all-out, you make Billy Porter jealous. Roll out the red carpet and a banner, then convince strangers passing by to pose with you for red carpet pictures. Be fabulous! We must see the museum in the background, and there must be paparazzi.
148 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / You know that this is the 50th anniversary of Woodstock. But did you know that Woodstock the bird from Peanuts first appeared 2 years earlier? In 1967? So actually Woodstock the bird is 52. He’s drunk a lot of beer over the years and can’t hide it, but he is vain, so he’s had lots of work done. Tons of collagen and botox. He wears a toupee. He dyes his feathers. Show us what he looks like today.
149 / PHOTO / 81 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. A Jackson Pollock paint-by-numbers kit: before, and after it’s been painted. (No cheating- follow the numbers!)
150 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / A ukiyo-e woodblock print depicting an image of your worst nightmare. (Caption it so we know what it is.)
151 / PHOTO / 21 POINTS / You know how they keep making movies out of games? Like the Pikachu movie? Or Battleship: The Movie? Why don’t they ever go after the real money and make poems out of these properties? Write Battleship the poem, or Pikachu the poem. Must be at least 10 lines long.
152 / VIDEO / 63 POINTS / Birthday wishes are getting fulfilled so much faster since we automated processing. Show us a Rube Goldberg machine that is activated by a child under 10 blowing out candles on a birthday cake, and ends with the thing they wished for being delivered into their hands.
153 / PHOTO / 41 POINTS / I said no more ponies in the living room, and I meant it! But unicorns are totally okay.
154 / VIDEO / 37 POINTS / It’s GISH University, Year 2! Each person on your team must attempt to learn a new skill they have never tried before and document the experience, including the first attempt.
155 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Thar’s plastic in them thar waters! A prospector panning for microplastics on a public beach. Craft jewelry from anything you collect and show it to us.
156 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Where do angels go for tea? To the sky garden, of course! Depict two angels having tea while seated on a cloud on the edge of the Liss Ard Sky Garden in Ireland. Photograph them from the central plinth so it appears they are hovering in the sky.
157 / PHOTO / 37 POINTS / A hand-made kite that looks just like the face of that famous person you look up to, high in the sky.
158 / VIDEO / 249 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Oceanic exploration shouldn’t just be for the elite. Companies are working on making exploration affordable, but we need something now. Drop a camera and a light in a tiny, weighted, protected housing with a window on a line (so you can pull it back up). Just outside the window a common object filled with air. Like an aluminum water bottle, or a balloon animal, or something made of styrofoam. Lower everything at least 1000 feet below sea level. The camera should be rolling so we can see at what point your object gets crushed by the pressure of the ocean. You cannot contract a submersible company and cannot pay for this to be done—this is a DIY project only. Oh, and keep it green: you must retract the line or you will be docked points. If you leave any piece of this in the ocean, including the line, we’re docking you points.
159 / VIDEO / 7 POINTS / Right a great American novel. This is not a typo.
160 / PHOTO / 51 POINTS / The lunar ticks are in the hall… Pink Floyd knew what was up. Show us what the lunar ticks on the dark side of the moon look like (you know, because you have a specimen preserved in a jar in your front hall.)
161 / VIDEO / 81 POINTS / Thirsty for a challenge? Build a puzzle jug. Show you building it, then someone else figuring it out and successfully drinking from it.
162 / PHOTO / 77 POINTS / GRID. Thomas Deininger makes amazing representational sculptures out of found objects. Using EVERY piece of non-recyclable, inorganic trash you generate during the Hunt, create a 3-dimensional, representational self-portrait. EVERY member of your team must do this.
163 / VIDEO / 39 POINTS / Paint a Jenga set red, white, and blue. On each one write a word or phrase from the constitution. Get a real US Republican and a Democratic Congressperson to play (State or Federal). See how many they can remove before this whole thing collapses.
164 / VIDEO / 223 POINTS / “Fake news” was bad enough, but it’s pervading all media now and we can’t believe anything we see. Create a Deep Fake of Misha Collins complimenting Donald Trump. (We put this item in at the last minute after Misha’s final read-through of the list, so he doesn’t know about it. Don’t tip him off. We just want to see his reaction. You know, because he loves Donald Trump so much. This must be actual, digital Deep Fake footage (google it), not you in a mask, and not just a voice over or clever edit, to count. Video must be at least 5 seconds in length.
165 / PHOTO / 42 POINTS / Apparently, once upon a time, the US government weaponized ticks. (Really.) Show us a pinboard with an example of a tiny, weaponized tick, complete with Rambo-style military gear and assault rifles.
166 / VIDEO / 43 POINTS / Love has no borders, and neither does fun. Show two people on opposite sides of an international border crossing or wall playing a game such as charades, Pictionary, or another game that does not require them to touch or pass goods across the border.
167 / VIDEO / 36 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Last year, we suggested Gishers melt a message into a glacier or iceberg with a laser and received lots of complaints. We now recognize that people melting words into icebergs for scavenger hunts is one of the biggest problems facing our environment today. Have a climate scientist calculate the volume of water produced by, let’s say, 10,000 people melting eleven 6’ tall letters, 2” deep in an iceberg. Then have them calculate the amount of water produced by the additional melting caused by a .5 degree global temperature increase. Show us the numbers and analysis so we know how bad Misha should feel.
168 / PHOTO / 28 POINTS / Check out a book from a local small-town library that hasn’t been checked out in at least 20 years. Submit a photo of you holding up the book with the stamped inner jacket showing the dates or other visual proof of this stellar feat.
169 / PHOTO / 159 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Tiny homes help those experiencing homelessness be a little safer and have dignity, but they’re hard to move around, and that presents a problem. Create blueprints for a Tiny Home that is durable and large enough for an adult to comfortably walk into through a door, yet can be folded down into a flat cart on with wheels for mobility and made of ultra-lightweight materials.
170 / PHOTO / 119 POINTS / Climb ev’ry mountain! Like most nuns, Mother Abbess was an avid climber. Show us a nun in a full habit, rappelling down a steep grade of mountain.
171 / VIDEO / 88 POINTS / (Up to 30 seconds) Get a well-known sportscaster to do a play-by-play for a real wedding.
172 / VIDEO / 40 POINTS / They say that to perform CPR, you should compress someone’s chest to the beat of “Staying Alive” by the BeeGees. Get CPR certification while dressed in 70s disco attire.
173 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / Gishers have become nationals of Westarctica and other micronations, but it’s time we claimed our own land. Since nobody else has done it, we’re officially claiming the Great Pacific Garbage Patch as New Gishlandia! Help us with our micronation building: Create a flag, a national anthem, a crest, a statue of our Founder or a propaganda poster (all material items should be constructed solely from plastic trash).
174 / VIDEO / 45 POINTS / The Gabra people of northern Kenya are a nomadic people who believe in living in balance with the environment and live by the tenet, “a poor man shames us all.” Mutual support is imperative in their culture, and no one is allowed to go without food, shelter, or hospitality—something the whole world could learn from. Take a page from the Gabra and go on a nomadic journey through your neighborhood, bringing with you as much food and water as you can carry along with cards with phone numbers and addresses for local shelters. Bring sustenance, hydration, and support to anyone in need you find, and document your journey including how far you traveled and how many people you helped along. Anyone appearing in the video must give permission.
175 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 41 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Do something you’ve always been told you can’t, or shouldn’t, do while at (or outside) the Forbidden Corner in Coverham, England.
176 / PHOTO / 68 POINTS / You look so festive with your “real avocado leather” purse or shoes made from avocado peels. - Inspired by Debbie M.
177 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / Remember FloJo? Florence Griffith Joyner a world-record-setting Olympic athlete whose long, intricately painted fingernails made her an 80s style legend. Times marches on, and now instead of FloJo, we’ve got BoJo—but style trends endure. Paint a portrait of Boris Johnson, FloJo style—on your excessively long acrylic pinky nail.
178 / VIDEO / 28 POINTS / When you want to say something sweet to your loved one, you always use s’mores code.
179 / VIDEO / 90 POINTS / Walking on water is so 2,000 years ago--but it’s a timeless tradition. Construct shoes that allow someone to walk on water. You may not be standing on anything that’s under the water and the water must be at least 6 feet deep. You must be in a lake, pond, river or ocean. NOT a swimming pool. You must take at least 6 steps. No stilts in the water. No super shallow water.
180 / VIDEO / 41 POINTS / Create a 6 ft by 6 ft painting using only your body, paint, and a white sheet for a canvas. Bonus points if you manage to create representational art. - Kamila B.
181 / VIDEO / 36 POINTS / On today’s segment of your cooking show, we learn how to make your world-renowned recipe for dessert haggis.
182 / PHOTO / 16 POINTS / You know that feeling, when there's a word on the tip of your tongue but you just can't seem to say it? Show us that word. On the tip of your tongue. - @baileysaurusrex
183 / VIDEO / 31 POINTS / My favorite poet, Mary Oliver, passed away recently. In tribute, make a video showcasing the top highlights of your team’s week and end it with the quote “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Inspired by The Plaid Fox
184 / PHOTO / 63 POINTS / We've seen the pictures of dogs catching treats by German photographer Christian Vieler. Let's see a high-speed photo of your teammate catching treats in the same style and photographic detail. -Kandace
185 / PHOTO / 28 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Hasan Minhaj rightly points out that there are many places in the US (and the world) with offensive names. We’re all for a good Assbutt, North Dakota or ****, Michigan, but if it’s racist or marginalizes a group we’re opposed. Find a place on the map or a street name that celebrates a known racist or slave-holder or war criminal or simply a place name that uses a derogatory term and petition to have it changed to an inoffensive alternative. If you’re in the US, this is where you can start and if you’re abroad, seek out your local organization that manages names of cities, towns, and locations. Submit a screenshot of your proposal, then put your petition here so other teams can sign yours. Finally, make sure you sign at least 5 other teams’ petitions (you’ll find all the petitions here.)
186 / VIDEO / 35 POINTS / It’s not just for fine dining anymore... At a fast-food establishment, get a grill cook to create a McAmuse-Bouche and serve it to a waiting, unsuspecting customer.
187 / VIDEO / 104 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. In Japan, there is a fad of polishing aluminum foil into a perfectly polished ball. You just topped that with your wad of aluminum foil-turned-perfectly polished bust of your favorite celebrity. Tweet an image of the final product to your celebrity crush tagging #GISH, then submit the image and include the link to the tweet in the comments section of your submission.
188 / PHOTO / 69 POINTS / A menstrual Pad-alecki. Create a menstrual product bust of Jared Padalecki... and make sure his hair really "flows." Then, donate at least an equal number of products to a women's shelter. (We don’t have to see you donating: just include your donations receipt somewhere in the image by your sculpture.)
189 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 49 POINTS / We're not saying the cast of Supernatural is hot, but your fumage portrait of a Supernatural actor or actress speaks for itself. Smokin'! (Be super careful with this one- and have a fire extinguisher at the ready just in case. Remember, GISH doesn't pay medical bills and you're not allowed to hurt yourself - or anyone or anything else. If you can't be sure of that, pick a different item. (Post your video to the actor depicted).
190 / PHOTO / 229 POINTS / Evolution of the selfie: A person with an iPhone taking a selfie next to a person with a point-and-shoot camera who is taking a photo of a person with a Polaroid camera who is taking a picture of a person with a 35mm camera who is taking a photo of a person with a daguerreotype camera taking a picture of a person with a camera obscura taking a picture of someone painting a self-portrait. This should be a single photo, not photos from each camera.
191 / PHOTO / 0 POINTS / We will post an ambitious charity item that we will all collaborate on together shortly. Get ready!
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uzdailjam · 4 years
This is a good game that unexpectedly hit hard. It didn't give me what I anticipated or wanted but it gave me something valuable. It takes a half hour to get through, has very simple mechanics to the point where it's more experience than game, has very pretty and complementary art and music (the soundtrack is a crucial part of the experience and it's an impressive technical achievement the way it adjusts what's playing to match your pace), and discovering the game's content & arc for yourself may give you some unexpected stuff to feel about. you can pick it up for a dollar right now and it's worth it very spoilery thoughts below
here's a full playthrough & interview with the creators https://youtu.be/VET-f4mgZ-M When it turned from summer to autumn I was hooked, the art is gorgeous and I was excited to see a full 4 season cycle of gameplay. I like those whole-year-timelapse videos of nature that people put together, but often they start in winter or spring and end in fall or winter. I don't want to end in fall or winter, that's a bummer! So the thought that this would conclude in the beauty and optimism of spring was a welcome thought, enough to make me satisfied and eager to see the rest. But this game is not so idyllic as it first seemed. There's a lot of open ended symbolism that unfolds, and the effect it makes on you is a reflection of the sort of thoughts you bring with you. It confronts you with some harsh stuff but in an honest and kind way and never loses its beauty or fun. A hawk divebombs your flock and you feel pretty powerless to dodge or escape and you must just endure, keep up the frantic heat of your own wings as winter turns into deeper winter. There are playful and curious artistic elements to the game that you can interact with as much as you want but ultimately it's about the flock; the flock is everything worth fighting for and in time even that too will be transient. But for now you can keep your flock together if you choose to; you wait for them, you risk for them, caught beyond their walls or islands or sent off by the tones of willowisps and if you seek them out and are patient and your flock stays with you, or you with them. There is a chapter that is peaceful in action but the landscape below is just a vague blur completely obscured by grey clouds. This is a hell of an effect because of its precision timing and context, and just one more example of how the game presents a series of very simple premises to provoke an emotional introspection but in a fair and generous way, without dictating or sermonizing or playing tricks. I yearned to see the landscape beneath the clouds but we never do in that chapter. In the next chapter your birds leave little trails in the clouds and you can faintly see the landscape below. There are breaks in the clouds so can just fly through those and see it clearly, but you might choose to look through these little easy to miss glimmers given to you by the beating of your own wings. Again, it leaves the impression of a mentor showing you something hard about the world but lovingly and honestly and without diminishing its potential for beauty and joy. Before the game enters its final chapter you already know bittersweetly that there will be no spring. You enter a thunderstorm and the wind that used to bring you together scatters you apart. For a time you can fight even these winds even something as big and uncaring as nature itself you can sneak past hard won still somehow along with those who have flown with you but at last in the darkness between crashes of lightning you are split apart and left alone. You leave the storm but your world is still and dark and solitary, even though your wings still flap. And then oh man holy wow that moment. When you are rejoined from the edges of night slowly by ones and twos your flock comes gliding back to your wing or you come back to theirs. That's the good stuff. And the place you finish is not the earth maybe not even the sky, it is strange and pretty and aches. Your flock leaves you but not violently this time, in sweet clear notes and it's not that they're gone. They have all been somewhere on winds of their own. I mean their flight and yours are both real even when they are not together. Now they are there ahead of you on the tree and you will join them there & you can fly again, to spring
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villy-woodturning · 4 years
Woodturning - DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME
This week is one of my favorite piece I ever turn an off-center lidded box with some tech and maple  and olive wood  the most amazing grain I ever see I love this wood this is my offcut of some other projects I got a new lathe bigger, stronger I need some adaptable thing to be able to put my chuck on it's in the mail. I will be able to turn big bowl big platter etc and much longer too. I'm gonna put a short timelapse video of the assembly i couple day Hope you like this video let me know in the comment section what do you think a big thanks to all of you who support the channel you are the best and you make it grow every day  it's a very big thing for me it's my anniversary of woodturning this week  one year I have start to turn wood and on my way for 50 years again 🤟🏼🤟🏼 thank you VILLY
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thebusinessofcraft · 5 years
Tutorial I still feel gross bigging myself up. Looking at the LEAN canvas.
Loads of illustrators (and other makers) on instagram show huge timelapse videos of their process so people can go OOH and AHH. Jess suggested this to me and I was just like NO MY DRAWINGS ARE STUPID NO ONE CARES.
Which is just a stupid thing to say. As I have been writing this I realise that it doesn’t matter that things don’t take me very long. In fact that’s something that I have embraced otherwise and why would people not want to see that? I remember seeing videos on Faye Moorhouse’s instagram like this: https://www.instagram.com/p/BtDwypchYxt/ It does the job - no one was ever under the illusion that they took a long time to draw. And presumably no one is with me. And that’s ok. I also talked about the fact that most of the work is in the weeks of ideation and planning. All the reading and researching and thinking, and you cant show a photo of that. But you can write a blog. A blog like a diary - if my USP is me, then people need to buy into me. It would be a good way to get my writing out there, and writing is as much a part of what I make as my drawings, so people should be able to read it.
Sometimes I forget that the things that I think are interesting in art are just good business too. I like watching videos of people make stuff, regardless of their simplicity, and I like reading what people write because I’m nosy. I like both those things as a viewer/customer, so it makes sense for me to do them as an artist/business.
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