#i have a home warranty and it is SHIT
grey-lark · 9 months
I've been without AC for over a month now, which I know was already late but I'm still sorry about saying I'd get the next chapter out sooner. I've lately been mostly devoting my energy to being an angry puddle on the floor rather than writing
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Someone in my neighbourhood has a ratty old pickup truck. It’s honestly not that old – a Ford from the late nineteen-eighties – but it’s great. Old trucks have a fantastic combination of traits. On one hand, you have an old vehicle, with its rustic charm, temperamental behaviour, and hot gear oil smells of unknown origin. And on the other, you have a vehicle that doesn’t need to be babied. You can still drive it down to the local brick emporium and chuck some bricks in the back. Nobody is wiping it down with a diaper or taking it to the Amelia Island Concours.
It is also difficult in my neighbourhood to find another old-car deviant. Most of the folks who were forced to maintain and daily drive an old shitbox have been evicted or moved away on their own, ideally closer to a parts store. Naturally, I wanted to talk to this truck-owning person. Maybe they wanted to be friends, or they could help hold the flashlight while I tried to work, or they could use the authentic blue-collar-ness of their pickup truck to lure the cops away from whatever dirtbag shit I was up to in the middle of the night.
In order to try and find the home of this truck, I started driving around the neighbourhood. This is harder than you’d think, because low speeds make the transmission in my Volare freak out, and slow 90-degree turns will spill some of its seeping automatic transmission fluid right onto the exhaust. I can only take a few minutes of this at a time, before I have to merge onto the highway and drive fast enough for the wind to blow the fire out. As a result, I never saw the truck while I was driving, only when I was on my driveway or walking to get the mail.
My pickup-shaped phantom is still out there, somewhere. I may never encounter them the legitimate way, but I’ve got a plan: laying a trap. There’s one thing that old Ford truck owners can’t resist, and that’s a bottle of power-steering stop leak. I’ve placed it in the middle of the street, and it’s only a matter of time before the owner has to pull over and hop out. Wait, someone’s stopping. God damn it, that’s a new F150. Get away from there, you bourgeois asshole! You’re probably still under warranty!
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fuck-customers · 8 months
I work for a call center that services water heaters and hoo boy, the stories I could tell you. 
First of all, you'd think it would be common sense that you have to actually be standing next to the appliance that you're asking for help with so that we can get the info we need to get started (No, I cannot help you with a water heater in Florida if you are calling from FRANCE), and they will find new and inventive ways to look everywhere except where you told them the serial number was located.  I've learned that I have to specifically tell them to bring the phone with them to the unit or they will put it down and walk away for several minutes leaving you in awkward silence.  And that's before we even get into the actual problems. 
Attempting to return the unit to the store despite the bold print label on the front of the tank that says "STOP!  DO NOT RETURN THIS UNIT" and lists our phone number and then will claim that the label isn't there when we bring it to their attention.
Not bothering to read the manual and then complaining when we tell them their electric unit needs a different breaker switch. 
We ask for pics of the exhaust venting and it looks like a 90's screensaver (gee I wonder why your carbon monoxide detector is going off). 
Customers who physically cut the tank open to prove that the leak isn't repairable and then complain when we tell them they've voided their warranty. 
I once got a person who called to complain that they didn't like the indicator light on the gas valve flashing to indicate that it was working properly. 
another guy stopped in the middle of installing his unit to turn the water back on and flooded his basement. 
Another one waited TWO YEARS to tell us that the part we sent him didn't fix his problem and then demanded a replacement. 
The ones that just go "yes yes yes yes" when you tell them to turn off the breaker switch and then complain that they got shocked when they open the panel on the front of the tank. 
They actually won't let me troubleshoot anymore, not because I did anything wrong, but because too many customers complained when I pointed out to them how they caused their own problems. 
It's not uncommon to get a caller who just goes "MY NIPPLES (the fittings where the pipes attach) ARE BURNING HOT AND LEAKING ALL OVER THE PLACE!  AND MY AY-NO (mispronunciation of anode) ROD IS MAKING MY WATER SMELL LIKE SHIT!  IT SHOT OUT LIKE A ROCKET AND GOT STUCK IN THE CEILING!"
Bottom line, there should be a mandatory government-subsidized class for new homeowners so that they know how to take care of their homes.
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frostedpuffs · 8 months
got a flat tire on the way to work
i have a spare!
i do not know how to change a tire.
youtube it!
i do not have a car jack.
i just bought these damn tires 2 days ago
call boss and say i got a flat. boss asks "when can you come in"
i don't fucking know
boss angry.
at least it happened close to a dunkin. i got iced coffee.
my tummy hurts.
call my insurance. apparently i do not have roadside assistance. i could also not add roadside assistance to my account today because it is a sunday and my agent's office is closed. will have to pay out of pocket for any help
how much is help? $95 to have someone come out to put my spare on
no thank you.
call family members. all busy
call friends. all busy
all of my coworkers are at work because it is a sunday, which is full staff day
finally call mom. mom is very angry about being woken up but begrudgingly comes to meet me anyway. she tries to get her insurance company to help
no help
mom decides to call the POLICE STATION???? HUH????????
for some reason they send a cop out. he cannot get the flat tire off since it is screwed on so tight.
begrudgingly i pay for the $95 tire assistance
cancel the roadside assistance! get my money back!
stranger puts the spare tire on!
the spare tire is almost flat.
i leave, turn my hazards on, and make it to the nearest gas station to put air in the spare
out of order.
make it to the next gas station
get air in tire
the spare tire has a hole and doesn't hold air
call my insurance to see how much they charge to tow
no thank you
the mechanic i got my tires from is a mile away. i have a warranty on the tires
get a different tire. everything is fine
get to work
everything at work goes wrong. it is so busy. a client yells at me a lot
find out a coworker I've been nothing but nice to has been talking mad shit about me and spreading rumors about things that are untrue
get out of work late
decide to order myself pizza and a salad to make up for the shit day
get home and realize they got my order wrong
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threadsun · 8 months
Maybe it wasn't my best idea.
Giving him a cellphone.
I mean, my budget can allow it. I had to give up my weekly, day off, take out order. And cancel that tv subscription I never use.
And having a literal ghost hovering over my shoulder at work, interjecting commentary and jokes while I tried to be serious at work is not great.
But this...
This was something else.
I had hoped that the phone would ease the separation anxiety. Or the games would occupy his time. Maybe even some research and Google searches would keep him distracted long enough, learning about th modern day. There had to be at least 30 unread messages waiting to bombard me when I finally go on break.
Make that 31....
"You're certainly popular today!" My coworker commented, half heartedly wiping at the toppings counter, only succeeding in spreading the graham cracker crumbs into the sprinkle tin. "Group chat?"
"No... Just a friend."
"Uh huh... Well, clock out for your break, see what all the fuss is about. Might be important."
I highly doubt that, but thanks anyway. It's an effort to keep the words behind my teeth. Shuffling out the back door, I finally unlock my phone, and read the novel awaiting me.
I hope you have a good day, Sunshine!
Make sure you drink plenty of water!
Is anyone giving you trouble? I can be there in no time!
Someone texted me about my cars extended warranty?
Look at this cute picture I took of the pigeons outside!
Do you want me to cook you dinner tonight? I'm sure you're tired after working so hard today.
I miss you Sunshine, I hope you're not lonely without me.
There were a few pictures interspersed between the texts, and oh, look, he discovered memes.
I'm good, Jack. Works been slow. Lots of cleaning.
Barely a minute passed after sending my text, when my phone started ringing.
"Hi, Sunshine!" I could picture that blinding smile of his when I answered the call.
"Hey, Jack."
"I hope you're not calling me while you're working, that's against the rules." It's playful, his scolding, and I roll my eyes but smile.
"Nope, on my break. Listen, I appreciate you checking up on me, but your blowing up my phone dude."
"Oh... I'm sorry. I just miss you, is all." Great, now I feel like an ass.
"Your fine, just... maybe take the enthusiasm down a notch? I don't really get calls, or messages like that. And in the past if I do, it's usually something important or life threatening." Which led to my previous blunder of answering *his* call....
"Alright, Sunshine, I'll try to only send you things if it's important."
"I'll message you when I'm on my breaks, okay? Then you can blast my phone with pictures of birds."
"Weren't they the cutest?!" I spend the next few minutes listening to the golden retriever man gush about the birds starting to build a nest on my window ledge, before letting him know I need to get back to work.
"Aaaw, that's too bad. Well, the sooner you get in, the sooner you get home! I'll make you something tasty for dinner tonight!"
I guess having an undead houseguest isn't too bad
Uber prices were way to high to justify a ride, but the walk home isn't long, and the sky was still light enough to be safe.
I can hear Jack's worried tone in my head. Fretting.
That was probably him now.
The preview of the text popped up on my phone.
An old hook-up, one from after.... After.
Back in the city, wanna meet up?
With a nice picture, nothing but steam and a towel.
... Could be fun.
Unlocking my phone, I peruse my saved photos, looking for the batch of pictures I took one night, half drunk and barely dressed up, black lace and fishnets bought during Halloween. Sending it, I wait for him to respond....
Only to see pictures of a half built nest on a brick ledge above my semi debauched photo.
I have never sprinted so fast in my life.
My legs are up distance like the devil himself was on my heels, ignoring the elevator, and taking the stairs two by two. I'm sure I'll get a noise complaint. Fumbling with my keys, the front door flung open, and I could just hear the clattering of dishes over my panting.
"Sunshine? Is everything- Oh!" I dove at him, manhandling his pockets until I found his phone in his back pocket. He didn't bother with a lock, and it was easy to find our chat, and delete the text. Hopefully before he had seen it. I close out the screen, holding his phone out, unable to meet his no doubt worried gaze. His forever gloved hands rested on my shoulders. "Did something happen? Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah... just, had to do something to yout phone. Update! Just... didn't want to forget. I'm super tired from work, and yeah, was afraid I'd forget." The lie was weak, and I knew my face was burning red, but Jack merely pulled me into a huge, resting his cheek on my head.
"Thank you for helping, but you didn't need to stress yourself! You look exhausted! Why not go on and take a shower, dinners almost ready and we can settle down and watch something together!" I nodded against his chest before backing away, averting my eyes. God that was embarrassing.
"Did you... have you been on your phone in the past like... twenty minutes?"
"Hmm? Oh, no, I've been busy cooking! Why? Was it the update?"
The relief made me feel light headed.
"Yeah. Update. I'm... gonna go shower. Dinner... smells great." I quickly made my exit, ready to sit in the shower and pretend this never happened. Thankfull it wasn't worse.
Maybe if I hadn't been so embarrassed, I would have noticed how hungry Jack looked.
Jack smiled, watching his Sunshine scamper away, the flush on her face bleeding down her neck.
He had just enough time to... Season his Sunshine's food before she had rushed into the apartment.
That little surprise he got was saved between photos of pigeons and bird nests.
But now, he wondered, who had she meant to send that lovely photo to?
And where was she hiding that beautiful outfit?
Oughhh love this!!!!
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ms0milk · 2 years
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s/o with an abusive ex
| ft. Sanemi, Mitsuri, and Rengoku 
a/n: thank you so much for your req!
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here's the thing
i just don’t think nems is above murder
so this abusive ex of yours doesn’t feel long for this world, ya feel me?
that ex called one too many times?
they just wont leave you alone?
they followed you when you went out?
showed up at your job?
did he hear you right?
sanemi is not patient, not forgiving, and not above confrontation
if they’re going to be piece of shit that doesn’t know when to quit
sanemi’s gonna submit that resignation letter on their behalf
they take the low road?
sanemi’s going to hell
if you come back to him from a long day out even a little shaken
he’s gonna scoop you right up in the doorway and deliver you straight to the bathtub to wash off the emotional grime
cuff his pants
roll up his sleeves
a therapeutic washcloth scrubbing your back and as much peace as he can manifest as he listens to you talk about your day
this man lives to make your life easy
which means when your ex steps out of line just once
and sanemi has to take out the trash
you’re none the wiser
a little blackmail here, a threat of physical violence there
sanemi and is friends will not let you suffer because of one person who’s too stupid to take no for an answer
if you’re willing to trust him with your fears from the past, he’ll always be ready to navigate the future with you
whatever you need
like any strong, beautiful woman
Mitsuri has been chased down by her fair share of inappropriate scumbags
and has gotten very good and defending herself
physically and emotionally
she knows exactly how it feels to be perceived as vulnerable and prides herself in her strength and her ability to protect
this applies to you too
the darling love of her life?
you got that extended warranty
24/7 support for life
she’s building your self confidence with spa days, body worship, and making sure you keep your weekly therapy appointment
so whenever your manipulative ass ex comes up
Mitsuri’s got her Listening Ears on
because she knows just how powerful an eager ear can be to someone processing trauma
i’m also pretty sure Mitsuri’s grappling with Sanemi for first place on the hashira sliding scale of “how easily they would get into a physical fight with someone who caused you pain”
because the day your ex decides to show their face in person??
and pull some nasty shit??
she was actually arrested for the absolute Bad Bitch Behavior she unleashed that day
i’m talking permanently broken noses and a visit from the adult tooth fairy
“i’m so sorry you had to see that baby”
is all she says when you finally manage to both get home in the evening
and you’re in tears because you have your girlfriend safe in your arms and not in some fucking cell while your sonofabitch ex gets to spend the night in the cushy hospital
but you’re not crying in anger
because you finally
for the first time since you met them
felt bigger than your ex today
“No more fights I promise! Please don’t cry– you y/n, it’s you only you, I only want to make you happy.”
she makes you feel happy and safe
does falling in love with this man ever end? will i ever reach the bottom of the depths of my love for him?
Rengoku is with you through it all
encouraging you to leave your dangerous relationship
protecting you while you gather your things
housing you when you have nowhere else to go
falling in love with you quietly as you build yourself back up
and he’ll be damned if he’s gonna let the asshole that started this whole problem backtrack your progress in any way
ex shows up at your house?
jokes on them, Rengoku’s stationed at the front gate while you finish the last of your chores inside
“You will be fighting with me today stranger, and I am the fight you will lose!”
he’s always all smiles
ex sends you message after message?
paper route be damned, the poor postman is getting escorted backwards to wherever the hell he picked this letter up
I don’t think Rengoku’s the type for premeditated violence
i think he’s a bit too aloof for that
his ego will never get the better of him
his testosterone will never best him
it’s always about you
“Your ex is here Y/n, would you like to walk past them together or would you like to leave?”
“You seem anxious, did something happen while you were out?”
“I’m here with you.”
“You're holding your head high today! You look beautiful like this!”
“You are not alone.”
your villainous ex can’t take away your value and so Rengoku’s going to do the best he can to make sure you see how much he worships your strength
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
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Bang Chan x Female reader
Word count: 8.5k 🤷🏻
A/N: 18+ only! With Chan's birthday quickly approaching you know I had to have a fic ready for my man! It's angsty cause it's me and Chan's a little slow on the uptake in this one but as always, he has a good heart and means well. If you enjoy reading this, please give it a like, reblog, comment, send an ask, whatever! Feedback is always appreciated! As per usual warnings and smut below the cut! Enjoy!
Warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY! Strong language/cursing, Mentions of FWB and casual sex, mentions of masturbating (m&f), mentions of sex toy use by f, piv sex (protection used), oral (m&f receiving), deep throating, throat fucking, slight breath play (if you squint), the slightest impact play (kinda but not really), hair pulling (a little), spitting (a little), cum eating (kinda), fingering, slight Chan dom/MC sub dynamic (IF YOU SQUINT), praise/pet names (it's Chan so you already know, baby girl, baby, beautiful, etc), name calling (slut like one time during sex), cum shot, slight exhibitionist tendencies (again kinda not really/there's other people in the same apartment but the couple aren't really thinking about that in the moment) I think that's everything but if I ever miss a warning, please let me know and I'll be sure to add it immediately.
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Chan walked through the front door of the apartment you shared with him, Jisung, and Minho. He was just getting home from being at the gym most of the afternoon. He was hot, sweaty and in dire need of a shower. He called out to see if anyone was home but got no reply and assumed you all must have been out. That was until Chan made his way down the hall and heard you talking in your room. He figured you must not have heard him since you were on a call. He walked up to your door seeing that it was slightly ajar, he was about to tap on it to let you know he was home and going to take a shower when part of your conversation stopped him before he could. 
“It’s becoming a serious problem. Every time I get off I’m picturing that it’s with Channie! His lips, his body, it’s killing me Kimmy! I’m gonna have to use the warranty on my vibrator cause it’s gonna burn out on me for sure if I keep at it like this. Don’t laugh it’s not funny! The worse it gets the more awkward I get around him! He’s so... ugh he’s so fucking sexy and he doesn’t know it or is at least humble enough to act like he doesn’t know it, like I didn’t want to fuck him bad enough already!” Chan couldn’t believe his ears! So that’s why you’ve been acting funny lately, because you’ve been masturbating to the thought of him, a lot apparently. You wanted to fuck him? He had always thought you were so sweet and sexy and his dick was rock hard at the idea of you coming and thinking of him.  
All the blood from his head rushed to his cock and his brain malfunctioned. He put his hand on his dick over his shorts and gave it a firm squeeze. Chan closed his eyes at the feeling and let out an involuntary moan, a moan that came out way too loud. He got nervous and thought you might find him out there listening in on you, so he quickly made his way to the bathroom to shower, jerk off, and pretend like he wasn’t eavesdropping, while you continued your phone conversation none the wiser that Chan had even come home let alone heard you. 
“But I can’t just fuck him. Of course I find him attractive, anyone with eyes would but its more than that for me girl, you know that. He’s just so unbelievably sweet and he’s dedicated to his art and the people he loves and he’s so funny, he’s always saying or doing something silly that makes me laugh, I don’t know... I think I’m in love with him Kimmy and it scares the shit out of me. I don’t want to keep making things more awkward and I need Channie in my life, even if that means just as friends and roommates. I can’t risk ruining that.” Just a few minutes pass and you heard the shower come on in the bathroom. 
“Oh, shit someone is home Kimmy I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later!” You hung up and went to go look at the pile of shoes by the door to see who had come home while you were distracted on the phone. Black sneakers. Chan. Oh fuck. You hoped he hadn’t heard any of your conversation with your friend. Your door was mostly closed but you weren’t exactly being all that quiet since you thought you were home alone. You busied yourself by tiding up around the apartment a bit to try and get rid of the nervous energy you were feeling then decided to grab a snack and head back to your room before Chan got out of the shower.  
Chan came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was still dripping from the hot shower that he had attempted to jerk off in but he felt like a creep doing it, even though you had admitted to masturbating to the thought of him, he just couldn’t, so he had given up and washed up. Now he just wanted a bottle of water and then he was going to go to bed to hopefully sleep his painful hard on away. When Chan stepped into the kitchen, he stopped dead in his tracks. There you were in a big t-shirt and panties bent over at the waist in front of the fridge, one hand holding onto the door the other on your hip as you scanned the shelves for a bedtime snack. Your shirt had ridden up, your ass was peeking out, and you were the only bedtime snack Chan wanted at that moment. Without a neuron firing in his brain Chan walked up behind you, close enough that his body heat alerted you that he was there without actually touching you. You jumped, stood up, and spun around quickly finding yourself caged into the open fridge by Chan. 
“Jesus, Chan, you scared me.” Your words came out nervously and you couldn’t help but scan down his gorgeously sculpted body, beads of water running in paths along the lines of his muscles, a few slipping below the towel that did next to nothing to hide his... your eyes went wide when you noticed the slight tenting of Chan’s towel and you looked back up quickly, blushing, only to find Chan looking at you with something in his eyes you’d never seen before. It made you press your thighs together and you hoped he hadn’t noticed.
Chan leaned forward and you really had no idea what he was going to do next but the closer he got the more and more certain you were that he was leaning in to kiss you. You closed your eyes and Chan’s face stopped and inch or two away from yours. He grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge before standing back up, leaving your personal space again. When you felt Chan’s face move back away from you your eyes shot back open. Your ass was freezing from the open fridge, but your face was on fire from the embarrassment you felt thinking Chan was actually going to kiss you. Was he messing with you? Chan wasn’t usually like that with you, so why... 
“I heard you on the phone with Kimmy a bit ago.” Fuck he heard you!? You were mortified but tried to play it off like you didn’t know exactly what it was he was talking about. 
“Oh? What exactly did you hear?” You asked as you nervously started bouncing on one foot and then the other. Chan leaned in again but this time his pouty lips ghosted the shell of your ear. You could see steam coming off his body from the hot water evaporating in the cool air coming from the fridge. 
“Everything.” The word came out a breath and you could feel the warmth spread across your neck in complete  contrast to the fridge that was still standing open behind you. Chan saw you shiver and wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you close, your body pressed against his firm, wet, body. He pushed the fridge door closed and then backed you up against it. 
“I want you too y/n. We should do something about that don’t you think?” His lips hovered over your skin for just a moment before he started to gently kiss down your neck towards your shoulder. You let out a quick gasp at the contact. 
“Channie you... you...” You were trying to confirm that he really meant it, that he felt the same as you but you couldn’t form words when Chan’s lips continued pressing soft kisses against your skin, paying particular attention to the spots by your ear that seemed to make you squirm just a bit more than the other spots he gently suckled at. He pulled away and looked into your eyes. His were dark, pupils blown and filled with desire. 
“Let me make you feel good baby girl.” You moaned as you ran your fingers through Chan’s curls pulling him into a bruising kiss. Lips and teeth and tongue all fighting a war of passion. Chan’s strong hands gripped your ass tightly and you threw your arms around his neck as you continued to assault his plush lips with kisses and your teeth. Chan pulled away just enough to ask a very important question. 
“Yours or mine?” You kissed his lips again and again unable to get enough of the soft feeling of them against your own. 
“Uh, mine? It’s cleaner.” He laughed as he planted kisses and love bites down your jaw and neck before lifting you. You wrapped your legs around him as he carried you to your room. When Chan got to the side of your bed, he gently laid you down and hovered over you as he peppered kisses down your neck again. One of his hands traveled down your body and started to lift the hem of your shirt. 
“Can I take this off?” You nodded and Chan quickly pulled the shirt up and over your head leaving you topless in your panties underneath him. You wanted to be embarrassed but Chan’s reaction prevented that from being possible. He closed his eyes biting at his lip trying maintain his composure and he was still overwhelmed by you. By the feel of your soft skin, the smell of you surrounding him. You smelled like fresh laundry, and wild flowers and it made Chan dizzy. He thought he had to be dreaming; right? He just knew when he opened his eyes again, he would find himself in his bed laying in freshly washed sheets. Yet when he actually opened his eyes, he found that you were really underneath him, half naked, blushing and waiting for him to say or do something. 
“God you’re so fucking beautiful.” Chan leaned down and placed wet open-mouthed kisses against your chest and then your breasts before taking one of your nipples into his mouth and teasing it with his teeth and the tip of his tongue. You arched in to his touch as he focused entirely on one breast licking, nipping and sucking at the bud eagerly before moving to give your other a similar treatment. Your fingers wove through Chan’s hair as he started to work his way down your body from your breasts. Tender kisses down your tummy towards your core. He pressed a soft kiss on your panties before looking up at you again. 
“Can I get a taste of you baby girl?” His hands slid gently up and down your thighs and hips as he waited for your reply. 
“Please Channie, please.” You begged, breathy and wanting and he was not going to make you wait. He slid your panties down and off, seeing the glistening slick that was already coating your cunt. Chan leaned down and gently ran his tongue through your folds, groaning at the taste of you. 
“Fuck baby your so wet for me” He firmly slid his tongue through your folds again this time the tip of his tongue teasing your clit, making you squirm in his grasp. 
“Mmmm. You taste so good, wanna have my face buried in your pussy all night.” Chan’s tongue slid back into you dragging across your clit with purpose as he started to actually devour every bit of your pussy he could reach with his lips and tongue. He had you writhing in a matter of minutes, pulling at his hair, your hair, your breasts, the sheets, completely overwhelmed by the pleasure his mouth was inflicting on you.  
“Ch-Channie! Oh my god! Th-that feels so fucking good PLEASE don’t stop!! PLEASE don’t stop baby.” Chan shook his head no, indicating he had no intentions of stopping until you had melted entirely on his tongue. His pouty lips attached to your clit and he hummed against you holding you firmly down on the mattress when you started coming and thrusting uncontrollably.  
“Fuck! Fuck! I’m coming Channie Oh my god! Yes! Yes!” Chan eagerly licked every inch of your cunt clean until you couldn’t take any more and pulled away from him panting, your chest heaving. You looked down and even through your hazy, post orgasm, lust filled eyes you could see the obvious tent Chan had been sporting under that towel had gotten much bigger. You grabbed the corner of the towel that was tucked in and pulled it loose tossing it aside, leaving Chan completely naked on top of you. You chewed at your lip at the sight of him. The way the lines of his Adonis belt trailed and lead to his thick cock, firm and leaking, for you. You gathered spit in your mouth and licked your palm before you grabbed his shaft and slowly, gently, started stroking him. Chan’s eyes closed as he relished in the feeling of you touching him FINALLY. 
“That feels so fucking good baby girl, FUCK, so good.” He’d been hard for so long now it was a welcome sensation even if it was minimal contact. Your other hand pushed against Chan’s firm chest making him roll over on to his back. You straddled his legs, braced one hand on his firm abdomen and began to jerk him off more firmly. 
“Wanna, make you feel good too Channie.” You leaned down, your face hovering over Chan’s cock as you continued stroking it. Chan gently grabbed a hand full of your hair on each side of your head guiding your mouth towards his throbbing dick. 
“You are making me feel so good beautiful, now be a good girl and suck on me a little; won’t you?” You did as Chan asked and took the tip of his cock into your mouth, gently sucking as you swirled your tongue around him, collecting the salty precum he was still leaking. Chan gently pushed you further down his dick, never forcefully, just little by little until he felt the back of your throat constrict around his cock as you gagged a little. He eased up to give you control back but instead of pulling away from his cock for a breath like he thought you would do, you gagged yourself further with Chan’s dick, spit dripping from your mouth down his cock. 
“FUCK! FUCK!” Chan’s grip remained gentle as he slowly, softly, thrusted into your throat a couple of times. You did pull away after that, you took a deep breath and spit on Chan’s cock, stroking him from base to tip, with a twist of your wrist. 
“You don’t have to be gentle Channie, use me how you want, fuck my throat.” Chan thought he had to have died and gone to heaven. When your warm mouth enveloped his cock again, he did exactly as you asked. His grip on your hair tightened just enough to sting in a pleasurable way and Chan held your head in place as he lifted his hips and started thrusting up into your throat, drool continued to drip down his shaft, down his balls, with each thrust into your mouth.  
“God damn baby! You are such a good girl aren’t you? So fucking good at sucking my dick! So eager to choke on me.” You slurped and hummed around Chan’s cock in appreciation of the praise he was giving you. Chan bottomed out in your throat, your nose buried against him until he felt your throat tighten around the head of his cock, quickly pulling you off after, afraid he might blow his load if he didn’t. You gasped taking in as much air as you could, a string of saliva and precum still connecting your plump bottom lip and Chan’s cock. 
“That’s my good girl.” Chan tilted your head up and kissed you, his tongue sliding against yours. He started pecking little kisses to your lips. It was so sweet it made your heart swell. 
“You wanna ride my cock now baby girl? Hmm?” And hearing him say that made your pussy drip and clench. You bit at your fingernail and nodded. Your glistening, spit coated chin and the sweet innocent doe eyes you flashed at Chan were in total contrast to each other and made him melt. 
“Fuck! How are you that cute when you were just choking on my dick beautiful?” You blushed and Chan scooted up your bed, leaning against your head board patting his lap for you to climb on top of him again. You wiped your chin and crawled onto his lap. One of his hands rested on your hip as the other cupped your face and pulled you in for a kiss. It was tender, plump lips slotted together. Chan pulled away but his lips hovered closely to yours, his eyes still closed. 
“Do you have a condom? I happen to have left mine in my other towel.” You laughed and shook your head as you leaned over, grabbing a condom out of the drawer of your nightstand and handing it to Chan. You sat back on his firm thighs and watched intently with your lip between your teeth as he ripped the wrapper open and tossed it aside before grabbing his hard cock, pinching the tip of the condom and rolling it down his length. When he had the condom on, he held his dick up straight for you to line yourself up on. You hovered over him and started to slowly slide down his length taking him inside you. When you were fully seated on him you stopped and enjoyed the full feeling it gave you having him so deep inside you. His hands resting on your hips. 
“Fuck Channie! It’s so big baby!” Chan smiled at you and pressed kisses against your chest and shoulders as his thumbs rubbed circles on your skin. 
“Go on baby girl, ride me, take what you want.” Chan’s words ignited a fire inside you and you lifted your hips and sank down, taking him fully again, drawing a deep moan from his chest. 
“MMmm Channie yes let me here how good it feels.” You lifted your hips again, sank down, and started a steady rhythm riding Chan’s cock. 
“Ooh fuck beautiful you feel amazing! So warm and wet for me.” He smacked your ass and gripped your hips tightly, urging you to ride him faster, harder and you did until your legs started to give out on you. When you couldn’t give anymore Chan flipped you onto your back. He threw your knees over his shoulders and sank back into you. 
“FUCK Channie yes! Right there PLEASE don’t stop!” Chan rolled his hips thrusting into you harder and faster each time.  
“I’m-I’m... I’m gonna cum Channie, please you’re gonna make me cum... Channie! FUCK!” Chan nodded, sweat trailing down his face, curls sticking to his forehead, as he continued to drive into you chasing your orgasms like a drug addict chases their high. 
“Go on baby girl, let go for me. Cream all over my cock and tell me who’s fucking you so well, who’s making your toes curl baby girl!” Your eyes rolled back into your head as your climax came up on you quickly. 
“You Channie, fuck! You do! Channie, you fuck me so good! Channie!!!!” When you fell over the precipice with Chan it was like all of your other senses were dialed down and all you could feel was the overwhelming shocks of your orgasm tearing through your body. 
“That’s it baby girl, such a good girl. Can I cum on you beautiful? Want to paint you pretty thing. Please baby?” You nodded giving Chan consent to unload on you. 
“Yes, Channie wanna feel your warm cum on me. Cum for me Channie, give it to me!” Chan pulled out, removed the condom, and started stroking his cock hard and fast over your body as you continued to coach him towards his orgasm. 
“That’s it Channie stroke it for me, cum for me, you’re so sexy stroking on your cock like that for me, please give me your cum!” The first hot streak of cum shot out of Chan’s dick and landed across your lower belly, more followed streaking across your mound and thighs until he had completely unloaded on you. He sat back on his knees a moment with his head tipped back and eyes closed, panting, while he came down from his orgasm. When he had clarity again Chan climbed off of you, reached over and handed you some tissue from your night stand to clean up with. 
“Holy fucking shit! Why did we wait so long to do that?!” You laughed at Chan’s exclamation as you started to clean his cum off of you and you both tried to catch your breath.  
“I don’t know!” You replied as you wiped at his cum on your thighs. Chan ran his fingers through his curls that were still soaked, only now from sweat, and rolled over to the edge of the bed. He grabbed his towel, stood and wrapped it around himself as if he was getting ready to leave and go to his own room. You were immediately confused; he wasn’t staying with you? 
“Well... I mean if you ever want to do it again, I’m down. Like a roommates with benefits kind of situation? That’s cool with me.” He laughed and leaned down to playfully peck a kiss on your lips but you pulled away quickly. When he stopped and looked at you, your cheeks were flushed but not from your post orgasm glow and there were tears starting to well up in your eyes. 
“Hey hey... Wha-” You cut Chan off with one question. 
“What EXACTLY did you hear from my conversation with Kimmy?” Chan reached up to wipe away the first tears that had slipped from your eyes and you flinched away again. Seeing you react to him that way after what you both had just done together sent a pang of pain through Chan’s chest. 
“What did you hear Chan?” You asked again so he answered. 
“I heard you say that you thought I was sexy, that you thought about me when you got off a lot and that you wanted to fuck me. I heard you say you didn’t know what to do about it so, I thought well, I think you’re sexy too and-” You put a hand up stopping him. You shook your head as the tears continued to collect in your eyes and streak your face. 
“Is that all?” Chan nodded confused. 
“Well yea, and I figured...” Far, far, too late now, you realized the huge mistake you had just made. 
“Get out Chan.” The shock that was plastered on his face at your words and how cold they sounded, how painful they sounded for you to say to him. 
“Wait. Y/n. Just wait, tel-” 
“GET OUT CHRISTOPHER!” You screamed and choked back a sob. Stunned. That was the only word to describe Chan’s expression. He had never once heard you raise your voice like that and you had NEVER called him by his English name. It was almost exclusively Channie every now and then Chan but never Christopher. He went to open his mouth and you laid down on your bed and pressed your face into your pillow unable to control the sobbing any longer, pulling your blanket over yourself to cover up. 
“Please please please... please, just go PLEASE!” You cried and pleaded with him, begging him to leave you alone. Chan wanted to rip his heart out and give it to you if it meant he could take away the pain you were feeling at that moment. A pain that he was certain he had somehow caused, though he didn’t know how. He didn’t say another word. He did as you asked and left but he hated doing it. He hated leaving knowing you were hurting and alone. He didn’t know why you regretted sleeping with him so suddenly. Maybe post orgasm clarity hit and you felt like you had made a mistake sleeping with him when he mentioned you living together, he just didn’t know.  
Either way he felt awful that he’d come on so strongly and that he hadn’t stopped for two fucking seconds and made sure that you one hundred and ten percent wanted it too. He should have. God damn his horny brain. He should have stopped and gotten a firm yes, definite, verbal, consent, but he saw you there after he heard what you said on the phone to Kimmy and every rational thought went out of his head. Only he was to blame for this situation for thinking with his dick and not his brain.  
Chan went to bed but he hardly got a wink of sleep as he laid in the dark and worried about you in the next room. Were you still crying? Would you be able to rest okay? Chan worried all night like that and in the morning, he got up earlier than he normally would and headed out to the kitchen hoping to see you there. To get a chance to talk about the night before. He heard a bit of murmuring coming from the dining area and he was hopeful but when Chan rounded the corner it was only Minho and Jisung he saw having breakfast at the table. 
“Hey, either of you seen y/n this morning?” Both the men eating breakfast nodded their heads with mouths full of food. 
“She was leaving for work when Minho got up, something about going in early and staying late.” Jisung elaborated hording his pancakes in his cheeks as he talked. 
“Why, what’s up?” Chan shook his head and ran a hand through his curls. 
“Nothing, just need to talk to her about something.” Chan grabbed a bottle of juice from the fridge and stopped, lingering there with the door open, remembering what had happened there just the night before. He shook the thoughts away and then he headed back to his room to get ready for his day while Jisung and Minho eyed each other suspiciously.  
Get to work early, stay late, avoid Chan at all costs. Those were your goals for the foreseeable future. You made it about a third of a way through your day before your boss, who you would also consider a friend, told you to go home and take some time off. You had only cried whenever something reminded you of Chan. The problem with that was that everything reminded you of him. So, you took your boss’ advice and went home to take some time for yourself. When you got home you went to your room, closed the door, pulled out your old record player and your crate of albums and dusted it all off. You put on one of your old vinyl records and curled up in your blankets on the floor beside it as it played, allowing the scratchy sound of the music to itch your brain.  
When Chan got home from work that evening Minho and Jisung were already home and making dinner. They were worried about you now also. You had been in your room the entire time they had been home listening to your records and refusing to answer your door. They watched Chan closely as he walked towards your rooms wondering just what the fuck had happened between the two of you. When Chan got to your room, he pressed his ear against the door and heard music softly playing. He tapped at your door lightly. 
“Y/n? Can I...” The music, that Chan could now clearly hear was an Otis Redding album, got louder drowning out his voice. He sighed and walked away from your door, into his own room. He decided, as much as he wanted to talk things out, that he had to give you the time that you clearly needed.  
One day, two days, three days, you stayed barricaded in your room listening to albums, only coming out when the guys were gone and only to shower, grab water and whatever you could force yourself to eat, which wasn’t much. Every day that passed Chan got more worried. He had tried to text you and call when you wouldn’t answer to his knocking at your door but you had his number set to DND and every time he knocked the music would get turned up again. By this time Minho and Jisung knew something serious was up between the two of you, they didn’t know what, they just knew Chan had fucked up somehow, big time. They did everything they could to pull it out of him but all he would say was he didn’t know.  
Chan didn’t want to tell them you had slept together; he didn’t think they needed to know that, or that you would want them to know that. You very obviously regretted the decision whatever the reason was, so he wasn’t about to go around telling people what the two of you had done. On day five the guys all had the day off and had stuck around the apartment for the day. You still remained in you fortress. In the evening there was a knock at the door and when Chan answered it, he found your best friend Kimmy on the other side. 
“Okay are you holding her hostage or have you killed her already?” Chan looked at Kimmy perplexed as he stepped aside to allow her in. 
“What are you talking about?” Chan asked as Kimmy made her way further into the apartment. 
“That is the only two ways the love of my life would go five whole days without replying to any of my texts or calls.” Minho threw his head back towards the two people that were walking into the living area. 
“Oh, dip shit there has done something to send her off the deep end. She’s been playing her records and pretty much hasn’t left her room since she was sent home from work Monday. I only knew that happened because I’m her emergency contact and her boss called me to check in on her when she didn’t answer her phone calls either.” Kimmy looked at Chan who looked away biting at his lips and pulling at his curls frustrated. 
“What the FUCK did you do Chan?” Kimmy took a step towards him and he backed up putting his hands up in defense. 
“Look I don’t really know exactly okay! One minute I’m overhearing her talking to you about wanting to fuck me, the next we’re having the BEST sex of my life and then the next minute she’s kicking me out crying and won’t tell me why or how I can help. I have no fucking clue and all I want to do it fix it!” Minho’s eyes shot to Chan instantly when he heard the new piece of information that Chan had been withholding. 
“You and y/n had sex!? Why are you only just now mentioning that?!” Chan shook his head. 
“Because it isn’t really any of your business, clearly, she regrets it so why would I go around telling people if she wishes she hadn’t done it?! I only told Kimmy because she was who was talking to y/n on the phone about the whole thing.” Things weren’t adding up to Kimmy though. If Chan had overheard your conversation and you had slept together what happened? Why were you upset? 
“With as little explicit detail as possible run down the moments right before she kicked you out.” Chan nodded and started giving a break down. 
“Alright so we... finished. I was getting up to go to my room to get dressed and work on some songs that needed arranging and I assume she was about to go to bed since she worked the next day...” Kimmy cut Chan off mid story. 
“You didn’t stay after you had sex? You know sleep together for the night after that? Cuddle, whatever?” Chan shook his head with his brows furrowed in confusion. 
“No, I didn’t know protocol in a situation like that. I thought it might be weird for people who were just hooking up to cuddle or sleep together so I was giving her space. We live together so; I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable...” Kimmy cocked an eyebrow at Chan and put up a finger to halt his reply. 
“What do you mean people who were just hooking up? Obviously, you know that was WAY more than just sex for y/n.” Chan had the look of a confused puppy on his face and Jisung and Minho could not defend his density in that moment. 
“I... what now?” Kimmy clenched her fists and took a step towards Chan again. 
“Are you really telling me y/n was just a FUCK for you right now?!” Chan backed away shaking his head. 
“Don’t say it like that! It wasn’t like that! I thought she wanted to be like friends with ben-” Chan was cut off by a right hook from Kimmy.  
“You idiotic, selfish, asshole! Y/n is in LOVE with you! If you had ACTUALLY listened to our whole conversation or stopped to talk to her yourself instead of just thinking with your dick, you wouldn’t have caused this situation in the first place because y/n would have NEVER slept with you if she knew you didn’t care about her!” Chan held his cheek as his eyes narrowed at Kimmy’s words. 
“Hey! Who the fuck says I don’t care about her?! Just because I read the situation wrong doesn’t mean that I don’t fucking care! It DESTROYS me to know that I’ve done something like this and hurt her. I would understand if she never forgave me because I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself! I have worried about her every minute of the last five days and she's right behind that door and I miss her so much!” Tears were welling up in Chan’s eyes the more he went on. 
“Now, you’re telling me I made the one girl I care about most think I don’t care at all. That she didn’t matter to me. That she was something I thought could be thrown away after being used. I hurt her in an unforgivable way and she’s been alone with those ideas, those thoughts, for days!” Chan pulled at his curls with both hands as the tears he had been trying to hold back, fell. Kimmy’s shoulders slumped in defeat. She hadn’t banked on Chan actually being in love with you too when he first started to explain the situation. Now that he’d confessed that he cared about you also she had to get him to say it to you; but how?  
“If I can get y/n to talk to you; you’re going to make everything right and tell her how you feel?” Chan shook his head with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. 
“I’ll tell her everything I swear! I’ll make it right!” Kimmy pointed at Chan. 
“You fucking better because she’s probably gonna murder me for this. Come stand here in the bathroom.” Chan got up and followed Kimmy down the hall. He could hear the music from your room again. Kimmy lowered her voice. 
“Just follow my plan. Stay here out of sight until you get the signal.” Chan wanted to ask what plan, what signal? Before he could Kimmy was walking towards your door and knocking. 
“Angel. Light of my life. Love of my lifetime. Open up please.” Kimmy pressed her forehead against the door, one of her hands braced on the door frame as she waited to see if you would reply or better yet open up. Kimmy’s head perked up when she heard your music get turned down. 
“K-Kimmy?” Even though you couldn’t see her she nodded. 
“Yea pumpkin it’s me, open up, let me in.” You cracked the door just a bit and peeked out. You looked so worn out and she wondered how much sleep you had been getting. Your eyes were rimmed red and she wasn’t sure if it was from the crying, lack of sleep, or both and her heart sank. 
“Are the guys gone?” Kimmy gave a small nod. A small nod and a small lie. You opened the door all the way to let Kimmy in and turned to start walking towards your record player and the blankets on the floor. 
“Shut the door on your way in please, I don’t want any of the guys walking in, especially Chan.” Kimmy hesitated a moment when you said that but decided to bite the bullet and waved Chan over, harshly pointing for him to go in instead of her. He looked apprehensive but when Kimmy gave him a death stare, he knew he had to do it. No matter how hard it was, no matter if it hurt him. Chan had to. For you. He walked into your room, your back was still turned and he shut the door. When you heard the door click closed you went into trying to explain what happened to your friend. 
“Kimmy I’m so stupid I-” Chan cut you off. 
“No, you’re not I am.” You spun around wide eyed, Chan’s voice being the last you thought you would hear coming from behind you since you had just been told that him and the other two guys were gone. Kimmy and now Jisung and Minho were plastered to the door. Kimmy looked around at them and quickly became the voice of reason. 
“We should give them some privacy.” Her and Jisung stood up to head back towards the living room and Minho nodded with his ear to the door. 
“Yea... you’re right.” He agreed but made no movement away from the door. Kimmy smacked Minho on the head. 
“That means you too nosey!” Minho grimaced but stood up and followed Kimmy and Jisung away from the door to give you two your moment alone. Back in the room things got tense fast as soon as you realized what your best friend had done and that it was Chan in your room and not Kimmy. 
“Chan!? Wha-?! GET OUT!” Tears started to well up in your eyes as you turned back away from him. 
“GET OUT!! PLEASE!” Your voice dropped off lower as you continued to beg Chan. 
“Please. I-I... I can- I can’t Ch-Channie please.” You hiccuped and cried as you sunk to your knees with your face in your hands begging him to leave. He had to stay though he had to tell you. It might not fix it but he can’t let you go on thinking he doesn’t care, that you don’t mean more to him. 
“I can’t go y/n I can’t. I-” Chan choked back his own tears seeing you broken on the floor knowing he was the one that broke you like that. 
“I am SO sorry. I know it takes none of the pain I caused away, I know that, but I am truly sorry. I’m sorry for not stopping and actually communicating better with you before taking such a huge step in our friendship, our relationship. I’m sorry for making you think you weren’t worth more than a fuck to me when you are so fucking precious to me baby girl. I’m sorry I didn’t see how much you cared about me. I’m sorry I was too stupid and scared to tell you I cared about you. I’m so SO sorry for hurting you y/n.” Chan leaned his back against your door and slid down burying his head in his knees as he cried. There was no going back. He was certain of that. He’d fucked up too big on this one. He’d done what was easily the worst thing he’d ever done in his life and no amount of apologizing or wishing would take it back.  
When your hand smoothed down the curls on the back of Chan’s head he almost jumped out of his skin. He hadn’t realized you had gotten up and made your way over to him after confessing his feelings for you. He lifted his head and your other hand wiped tears away from his cheek while your tears still trailed down your own. 
“Do you really mean it Channie? You really actually care about me? L-like the way I care about you I mean?” You sniffled and you sounded so, unsure, shocked even. Like there was no possibility that could ever be the scenario and he was just messing with you. You knew he wasn’t but that would seem more likely than him actually caring for you in your mind. Chan’s hands cupped your face. 
“Baby girl, I am absolutely crazy for you. I am so in love with you y/n.” You leaned in and pressed your lips against his with your eyes closed tightly, afraid if you opened them, you’d find yourself waking from some dream. You pulled away, your lips hovering an inch away from Chan’s. 
“I love you too Channie.” You started kissing him again, with more passion, and you climbed on his lap straddling his waist, a thigh on each side of his body as his hands found purchase on your waist. Your lips pressed against his jaw, his throat, and you started to push his shirt up exposing his firm torso. Chan stopped you. 
“Wait wait wait. We don’t have to-” You sat up straight with a small frown on your face and Chan sat up straighter too. 
“Y-you don’t want to-” Chan stopped that idea dead in its tracks. 
“NO! I mean yes! I want to! I do. I just don’t want to give you the wrong impression after everything that’s happened already. What I feel for you, it’s not just about sex baby. I REALLY need for you to know that. Do you understand?” You shook your head and pulled Chan in for another kiss. It started sweet and warm but quickly heated up into one burning with the anticipation you both felt. When you slid over Chan’s lap you could feel his growing erection pressing against you. Chan started kissing and nibbling at your neck and you tilted your head granting him better access, letting out a breathy moan. 
“W-will you stay with me tonight? I mean like sleep in here with me?” Chan stopped immediately. He held your face and looked deeply into your eyes. 
“Baby yes, yes, I will, I promise! I was an idiot the other night. No matter what the situation, even if it had been casual, I shouldn’t have gotten up and tried to leave right after we finished, while you were still cleaning up. That was incredibly stupid and disrespectful of me to do and I swear my intentions were good but it’s the road to hell that’s paved by those. I fucked up. Our first time should have been special. Our first time should have been me making love to you not fucking you and trying to leave you to clean my cum off yourself alone. I’m so sor-” Chan’s voice started to quiver as tears pricked his eyes again and you pushed your fingers against Chan’s lips. 
“It’s alright now Channie. I know, I just... just needed to hear you say you would is all.” You threaded your fingers through his hair as he nodded his understanding and your lips met again. 
“You can make it up to me, make love to me now Channie. Touch me baby.” Chan stood up with you in his arms and carried you over to your bed laying you down gently. He peeled his shirt off and climbed on top of you capturing your lips as his hands roamed your body and then removed your shirt. Pleased to find you braless, he cupped one of your breasts and pinched the nipple until it pebbled. Chan lazily made out with you, tongues gliding over each other's as his hand ventured further down your body until he slid his fingers in to the waist band of the pajama pants you were wearing and he stopped. 
“Is this okay?” You shook your head yes and bit at your lips as Chan’s fingers continued past your waist band and slid through your wet folds, starting at your entrance, gathering your arousal and then gently rubbing your clit. When your mouth fell open Chan took the opportunity to put his tongue in it again. Your lips latched onto his super soft plump ones and you wrapped your arms around Chan’s broad shoulders as two of his fingers slid inside you. 
“Fuck Channie! That feels really good baby!” Chan sucked and nibbled on your ear as he started finger fucking you slow and deep, curling his fingers until you... 
“THERE! F-FUCK! Right there Channie oh my fucking god don’t stop!” Chan smiled against your neck as his fingers drove you to the edge and over. 
“Cum for me baby girl let me see that pretty face you make when you melt for me.” And melt you did drenching Chan’s fingers in your cum as he worked you through your climax. 
“No one is as pretty as you are when you cum baby girl god damn.” Your whole body was flushed and you were panting as you pulled Chan on top of you and started kissing him again. 
“I need you Channie please.” Chan nodded he grabbed your pajama pants and pulled them down and off of you before standing and taking off his own pants and underwear and crawling back between your legs. Chan reached over for the drawer in your night stand that you had pulled a condom out of the last time. He opened it and fished one out, quickly putting it on and lining up with your glistening cunt. He hesitated, leaning down, his fingers tracing your face, pushing your hair away as he looked at you. 
“I love you y/n.” Chan kissed you and slowly pushed into you. You moaned out into his kiss from the pleasure of having him inside you again and the words that came out of his mouth just before claiming you. 
“Channie oh my god! I love you please, keep going!” Chan set a slow pace but fucked you deep as he peppered tender kisses across your face. 
“This is what you deserve baby girl, gentle touches, soft kisses. You’re so pretty, so soft, you take me so well jagiya.” Chan moved a bit faster as you started to thrust your hips against his. 
“You’re so good to me Channie, you’re treating me so sweetly. You make me feel so sexy, so good.” You pulled Chan down into another kiss and then brought your lips to his ear. 
“I love how sweet and gentle you’ve been treating me baby.” Your voice dropped to a whisper. 
“Now please, fuck me like I’m yours.” Chan looked at you and the sweet innocent face you were giving him moments before was long gone and was replace by want and lust. Chan sat back on his knees pulled you close by your hips and started to fuck you fast and hard. 
“God YES Channie! YES, like that! HARDER please!” Chan started thrusting into you even harder and you held onto him trying to ground yourself to something tangible.  
“I try to give it to you sweet and soft but you want me to fuck you huh? You want it hard huh?” Chan slammed into you faster the more worked up he got. 
“Yes, baby fuck me hard! Make me take your cock deep baby FUCK!” Chan smirked at you and started fucking you deeper. 
“You’re so sweet but you just want to be fucked like a slut don’t you baby girl. Are you my good little slut?” Something about the angle Chan was hitting now, and the way he called you HIS good little slut sent you flying into oblivion out of nowhere. You orgasm blindsided you like a linebacker. You couldn’t process the words in your head, they just came out as you rode through the waves of ecstasy Chan was sending you on. 
“Yes Channie, fuck yes, I’m your good little slut Channie. Want your cum! Where do you want to cum baby? Give it to me where ever you want!” Chan kept fucking you hard and deep for a moment longer dragging out your climax as long as possible before pulling out and pulling the condom off. He stroked the head of his cock as he twisted his wrist moaning at the sight of you fucked out beneath him. 
“Your mouth baby? Can I cum in your mouth?” You nodded as your eyes were completely fixated on Chan’s hand gliding up and down his pretty, flushed, cock. You propped yourself up on your elbows and Chan’s thighs started to tremble the closer he got to his orgasm. 
“I’m gonna cum baby girl, FUCK! I’m gonna cum!” You opened your mouth wide, sticking out your tongue. Chan pressed the head of his cock on your tongue and as the first stream of salty cum coated it you wrapped your lips around the head of Chan’s cock and sucked him dry while he shook and twitched through the aftershocks of his climax. Chan pulled his dick out of your mouth and he sat back on his feet looking down at you still propped on your elbows. You gave Chan a cute little smirk and then opened your mouth and let his cum and your spit dribble down your chin and onto your breasts. 
“Oh, FUCK baby girl! You are so dirty!” Chan leaned down and kissed your messy lips as he groped your cum covered breasts, smearing his seed around your nipples as he continued to devour your lips. Rutting against you already working his way towards round two. Only when you heard a knock at your bedroom door did you two stop and remember there were other people in the apartment and you two had just had very loud makeup sex. You cleared your throat and tried to sound as normal as possible when you answered. 
“Uh... yeaaa? What’s up?” You heard a throat clear and then Jisung spoke up. 
“I have been nominated, for some fucking reason...” Jisung said under his breath. 
“To be the one to ask if you guys want to quote ‘take a refuel break from your fuck session’, Minho’s words not mine, and have dinner with us before Kimmy leaves?” Your face burned red as you thought about everything they all must have just heard. Could you go out there and face them at the dinner table right after that? You looked at Chan who looked down at his already half hard cock and smirked at you before he shouted back to Jisung. 
Tags: @ughbehavior @caroline-ds-world @cb97percent @svintsandghosts @hwan-g @jquellen27
“No thanks the fuck session isn’t over just yet! Tell Kimmy y/n will call her tomorrow.” The disgusted groan that came from Jisung as he walked away could be heard easily through the door, but you couldn’t find it in you to care when Chan’s pouty lips were pressed against your skin again. When you both had finally exhausted yourselves and gotten cleaned up Chan crawled into bed under the covers with you, pulled you close and held you as you both fell asleep together, just like he promised. 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
*If I ever tag you and you don't want to be just let me know and I'll remove it!*
208 notes · View notes
yakdee · 10 months
Ramblings on Only Friends Ep. 1
Part 1/4
Table Keeper Gang WYA?!
Is that the same lounge/bathroom from Between Us? Gotta check that later
Love that the only thing Ray heard was that Sand was gonna pee on his head XD
Mew's first word to Top was "shit" and he's already locked in — he's gonna fall sooo hard lol
Open relationship and maybe poly rep? We love to see it
Idk how I feel about helping Mew lose his virginity being a group project
The intro is niceee and the vibe Mew is giving off is quite interesting
Ray's family got MONEY money — imagine having a spare house lying around to use for a school project lol
A lot talk about services I see *wiggles eyebrows*
Ray, sweetie ... your liver
Oof the tension between the boys at this table is something else and then we have our girl Chueam just vibing lol
Again with this "Mew needs to lose virginity " talk urghh
Love that Boson telling Top that Mew is a virgin backfired on his ass; that is none of Top's business until Mew wants it to be
How good is Top's dick game to have Boston low-key badmouthing Mew like this?
Ray, sweetie ... your life ... other people's lives
"What a burden to society" my new fave insult
Part 2/4
Oh, this is new — loving the honesty between Top and Mew
Mew may be a virgin, but he is far from a prude — love that they are showing us this side of him
Ray and Sand's relationship is gonna kill me
Again I say, DRAKE???!!!
Nick, baby ... what is you doing?
I was so happy when I found out that Samsung has a Repair Mode feature because this is my ultimate fear if I ever need to take my phone in for repair. Can you imagine???!
The cut to Top and Mew eating ice cream is sending me XDD
Again *clap clap* for the honesty and understanding
Top's game is indeed top tier but as I already said, he's gonna fall for Mew so so hard
Part 3/4
Ray, sweetie ... this is no way to thank your savior smh
Top seems genuinely intrigued by Mew, but we all know that he's just in it for the chase (for now, at least)
Imagine waking up in a strange place after blacking out, finding out the friend you have a crush on is on a date with some guy who's known by many as "Top Tier", and finally having your seatbelt decide not to work whe you're trying to go home ... I would need a drink tbh
I feel like that "1 year warranty" line between Nick and Boston will come back at some point
The chemistry between Neo and Mark is insane
Part 4/4
Boston and Ray side-eyeing Top and Mew during this montage, especially the shot in the photobooth is just lmaooo
I see that Chueam is the captain of the Top x Mew ship
Lighting cigarettes as a form of foreplay
So Top is genuinely interested in Mew
Again I ask, how good is Top's dick game to have Boston on his knees like this??? Stand up!!!
Ahhh public declarations/proposals my be-loathed
From table keeper to main character — we love to see it!
See y'all next week (if I have the time lol)
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fluffy-critter · 1 month
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hussyknee · 1 year
On a scale of one to ten, how fucked up is that I want to slap Mum when she whinges and moans in pain?
It's just. That maternity body pillow I bought her that gave her instant relief because it supported her head and elbows? Discarded because "I need to sleep without being trapped in that thing in the night." Bitch, the entire fucking point of it is so you won't roll over in your sleep, rotate your hip and damage it more. Then I ordered a memory foam wedge to keep her hips straight, and made her keep a cushion between her knees until it arrived next week. She moaned and groaned while I helped her and then didn't even try to keep it in place.
She asked me to buy a new blood sugar monitor while I was out. I realized as I was paying for it that I don't know how long it hasn't been working, where the warranty was and if the problem could just be incompatible batteries. I also had to buy a new blood pressure monitor because she had never gotten that replaced either. Came home and checked her BP to see it was high– because she had forgotten her after-breakfast meds. Grumbled that she didn't know what she was supposed to take, she can't read the prescription, no one will read it to her. This is unlikely, but my sister is in charge of her meds, and she might have elected not to because Mum is a retired surgeon and prone to taking prescribed meds and dosages as suggestions she can switch around at will. Healthcare professionals are the absolute worst patients in the world, but my mother is in a class of her own. But even if she didn't know her own prescription, all her medicine has been sorted into the pill organizer I bought her.
For fuck's sake, I bought her an easy-to-open water bottle to keep on her bed so she won't forget to hydrate as much as possible, and she never keeps the thing nearby. Then she complains her pain pills make her constipated.
She just needs to fucking get a grip and do the bare minimum to help herself. Granted, she's never done that in her life (hence the current situation), but this is beyond ridiculous. Bitch, you are in pain because you are doing fucking nothing to not be in pain. I've spent so much money on stuff to make her life easier and it keeps feeling like a waste. She's hellbent on getting the hip surgery done ASAP no matter what, but won't actually do anything to heal enough so she can get cleared for it. Not even the six weeks of bedrest she's determined not to complete will be enough if her BP and sugar won't go down, and the stress from lack of pain management keeps spiking both of those.
The most galling fucking thing is that I pretty much outlined this exact sequence of events. Over and over. I told her she can't keep overworking herself and then eating junk out of stress and not checking her sugar. She kept saying, "Then I'll drop dead! And you'll be rid of me! Then you need not be bothered by me any longer!" I was like, "You're not going to conveniently drop dead. Your stroke or heart attack will just leave you weak and nerve damaged. You'll go blind. And even if the first one won't leave you paralyzed, the second one will, or you'll inevitably fall and crack your head or break something important. You'll be disoriented and in agony for weeks or months, pissing and shitting yourself, and then you'll labour for weeks on a ventilator in the ICU before slipping away." Because that is how her own mother died. How my friend's mother died, how so many older people die. And she fucking knew that, but between her toddler brain that can't connect cause-and-effect, her Jesus fixation and her god complex, she never let herself think it would happen to her.
My friends want me to just tune her out, let her go to hell how she wants and focus only on keeping the house afloat. But the same hyperempathy that drove me to a mental breakdown when she let my brother's teeth rot in his head, is now going haywire around her pain. I wanted this fucking witch to suffer for what she put my brother through. I cursed her out to her face repeatedly, telling her she would endure tenfold what she subjected him to before she died. Now that's actually coming true, and all it does it make me hurt as well, for the same damn reason. Fuck my life.
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martyrbat · 1 year
will say with some hindsight (and now that im in bed and its done until tomorrow) that i don't think most higher ups in a company is used to autism audacity and its really funny to throw them off with it. i called a vice president's home phone. like her actual fucking ell phone. i argued with her for several hours and called out every fucking lie she attempted. i got transferred to someone ‘to voice my concerns to’ that was so far under her that i just hung up and then called her cell again IMMEDIATELY and said, verbatim, ‘im sorry if my direct approach is untraditional and making you uncomfortable, mrs [name]. but if you want to sneak around and stab people in the back, someone is going to turn around and confront you about the knife you just put in them. as i was saying—’ because?? okay she just killed me. she literally took away every penny we scraped by when we already havent had a paycheck in a month and have been relying on relatives to shoplifting because the nearest food bank is over a hour away and we dont have money for gas. hes either fired or quitting to try and find work so... whats the worse that can happen. i went around with her for HOURS about contracts, payrolls and pay sheets, warranties, and arguing for just basic fucking worker rights. then called other ppl (from different workers in the company to the distributors and garage workers to other drivers to swap info on their end and share what's we found out on ours because yea im gonna get people pissed and the whole thing is slimy with the different shit theyre telling ppl) just to confront her again at 9pm (this literally started at 6:30 in the fucking morning) like... okay autism audacity (and union lover).... i see u.
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eggplantmaniac420 · 1 year
so get this. its my day off. im just sitting in my house and for some reason i get the urge to look at my ducks. and as im looking something's really nagging at me. i suddenly realize they're not in a row. i dont know if they were always like that or if something knocked them out of the way or something. it doesnt matter. so im just sitting there like "shit, people are always saying its good to get those in a row." its my day off so of course i dont want to do it. i try to sit down and watch some movies but i cant stop thinking about. its pissing me off so bad i can barely concentrate. so i get up from the sofa and i start putting my ducks in a row. shit takes me hours. you wouldnt believe how how many ducks there were. do you have any idea how hard it is to get a single duck in row? let alone a fuckin flock of them? after a few hours my fuckin muscles are feeling weak, my bones are sore. im dreaming about a nice chicken dinner when im done with all this shit. thats how tired fucking tired i was. so fuckin beat i was dreaming about a chicken dinner. jesus christ. so i pick up the last duck, sighing with relief, and im about to put it in the row, when out of the corner of my eye i notice something on the bottom of the duck. im like what the fuckin shit is that. so i turn the duck over and there's a tiny little sticker. smallest shit you ever seen in your life. i get out my magnifying glass and start reading the fucker. right there, on the ass end of the duck, in print so fine a particularly quick amoeba could cross its width in a millisecond, written in an offensively inscrutable font, are the words "WARNING: WARRANTY VOID IF ALL DUCKS ARE PUT IN A ROW"
......... you might think i would be angry, but honestly i mostly just felt defeated. for a minute it seemed like all the air got sucked out of the room. all that work. for jack shit. i tried to bargain with myself that the maybe warranty wasn't actually that important but it was no use. i just couldn't help but think about my sister. she had all her little ducks in a row, and everything was dandy, at least for for a while. then one day - it was on new year's eve 1997 - a drunk driver coming home from a party struck a patch of ice. the driver swerved off an embankment, sending the car crashing through my sister's living room wall. one of her ducks was found crushed under the front left wheel. the duck was rushed to the hospital, but it was critically injured and never recovered. the duck spent 4 years in a vegetative stage, racking up millions of dollars in medical bills before finally succumbing to an infection caused by an improperly cleaned feeding tube. all the trauma and the debt and shit really ate away at her. she was down a duck too, and even if she wanted a new one she couldn't afford it what with all the debt. and when she called up the duck people about her duck insurance the first thing they asked was did she put them in a row. the fuckers. i think maybe that made her feel like she was responsible for their death because she was the one who put them where she did, which also meant she felt she was responsible for every terrible thing that had suddenly befallen their little family. i tried to get her to see a psych or something but she just wouldnt go no matter how much i begged. then last october she just disappeared one day out of nowhere. when the police searched her house it was nearly empty. turns out she had sold most of her possessions in the preceding weeks. the only things she seems to have taken with her were her clothes and some toiletries. they found her driver's license completely melted in the firepit outback. practically the only significant thing that she left behind were her ducks. they were still arranged in same row that they had been in since before the accident. i wish i could have taken them in, but its impossible for someone to take another person's ducks. sure sometimes you can borrow them, if you've got permission that is. but taking them into your own home? it cant be done. it's been more than a year now since she left and we still haven't heard a peep from her. i just hope she decides to come back while ma and pa still have some time left. you can imagine how they took it.
anyway, to get back to what i was saying earlier, what could i do? i wasn't about to violate the warranty. i knew what might happen. maybe i coulda just left the last duck out of the row but that somehow seemed in violation of the spirit of the thing to me, and let me tell ya, you do not want to fuck with the spirt of the thing. so, i did not only what i had to do, but i also what felt right to me. that's the only way to really keep your hands clean. i took my ducks out of a row. by the end of it i damn near passed out on the floor. the ducks weren't too happy about being moved around so much, but hey, i wasnt too happy about it neither. i was too tired to feel empathy anyway. so afterwards i lay down in bed and im abou to fall asle- oh hey look, here comes the waiter. do you know what you're gonna order? oh yeah? that sounds real tasty, bud. huh? me? well i think i could go for a chicken dinner myself, ive been working up a pretty big appetite. by the way, did you see the tonights special? have a look at the sign! its duck a l'orange! you think they put em' in a row back there?!?!? HAAAAAAAAAAhaaaaaahaaaahahahaaaaaa
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Arcane characters based on things I’ve said/ conversations I’ve had/ situations I’ve been in
Sevika: what if we just kill every person in here? Does that mean we can go home early?
Silco: hmm.. let me think about that.
Caitlyn: *staring at a girl’s ass*
Vi: *staring at the same girl’s ass, notices Caitlyn staring*
Vi: haha nice
Powder: ok so if you drive a car with your butt cheeks and get into an accident, when the airbags deploy would that be considered a spanking
Vi: you can spank people with inanimate objects like paddles and such so I’d say yes
Sevika: what the fuck
Jinx: I might get hate for saying this but it needs to be said- when courage the cowardly dog said AABBUUDABUBUBDABABABADU OWWWW OWIW OWW I really felt that, like on a personal level
Jayce: god made you in his image, you can’t change the lord’s work
Vi: well could he have made my image a little more rich? I got bills to pay and mouths to feed
Caitlyn: trauma dump?…… do people with ptsd shit a lot??
Jinx: *cackling maniacally* could you make huevos rancheros with bug eggs
Jinx: h-
Caitlyn: normalize ripping your glove off and smacking a bitch right in the mouth
Vi: my toxic trait is seeing something and automatically thinking I can do it too, like I bet I could tap dance.
Caitlyn: babe-
Vi: *starts shuffling and tapping her feet around* I know I don’t have shoes on but I bet I’m killing it right now
Viktor: if you think for a single. FUCKING. second,,,,,, that might get you somewhere in life
Jinx: it’s always “what’s up” and never “HOWS up” ,,,,,,, THAT PIXAR MOVIE HAS FEELINGS TOO
Jinx: ok so HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING if one wanted to snort cocaine out of a Twizzlers and then eat it to get rid of the evidence WOULD THAT or WOULD THAT NOT be smart
Ekko: ok so A LOT to unpack here-
Vi: heterosexuals?? in YOUR PC?????? It’s more likely than you think. Click the link below to find out more about this virus
Jinx: here’s my hot take for the night; pregnant women are a type of ravioli…..chew on that for a bit
Caitlyn: I don’t think I will chew on that at all but thank you
Vi: ummmm if the earth is flat then how’d my big round juicy ass fit on here
Caitlyn: fair point, fair point
Jayce: science question, do people with testicles slap them for self harm?
Vi: why are you asking ME
Jayce: I think I just had an amazing idea
Viktor: what is it this time
Jayce: you know those crinkled looking plastic tubes you get from the dollar store and you swing em around and they make that funny whooshing noise and they scrunch up small for storage
Viktor: yeah
Jayce: what if I was the first person to create a compact dildo that had sound effects built into-
Viktor: I’m gonna stop you right there, and maybe forever
Jayce: ahaha noooo don’t kill yourself *seductively bites lip* we’ve been trying to contact you about your car’s extended warranty
Caitlyn: don’t kill yourself babes!…. Kill someone else
Jinx: you know what I think,,,,,, and I don’t like it someone make it stop
Vi: G-L-A-M-OOoh aRe you holding a gun?
Jinx: if bigfeets exist why don’t we ever see the remains?
Sevika: for the last fucking time they don’t exist
Jinx: because they gotta die at some point, right? they’re definitely decaying around us we just can’t see where
Sevika: oh my god someone please shoot me
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pinkopalina · 1 year
i give up.
im going to kill myself. i cant keep doing this.
had a horrible weekend. i dont wanna get into it. it fucking sucked. ive been having nonstop issues with this fucking car. one part i need is gonna be 300 dollars. need a fuel cap from the dealer.
dropped wife off at work. debated on getting food, needed a car part from the dealer. went on way to dealer. curb check. tire popped on the road. phone on 2 percent while i call mom. parked at the dealer. cried and hurt myself cause this shit keeps happening to me. it wont stop. mom promised me good people would help me. tried to go inside to ask to charge my phone because i needed to call walmart and see if i have warranty on the tires. they wouldnt answer. went inside to ask for a charger. receptionist said no. salesman tried to help, everyone there has iphones. directed me to the service room. no but the auto lady said theres a charging station in the lobby. see the charging station but no wires. standing at the cashier booth for 8 minutes with this lady on the computer ignoring me. i say hello. she doesnt move for 30 seconds then comes up to me. i ee the charger but i dont know how it works and she shrugs and gives me that caucasian half smile when you dont give a fuck and says sorry all the cables got stolen. i dont have any for you. i have to uber home on my last percent desperately texting i have pink hair and a black coat and no charge. get home. forgot my fucking key in the car. have to go to the office for a spare.
im done. i cant do this anymore. i know the world didnt want me in it but god, this bad? im gonna cut myself and get really high after my interview today. which will probably lead nowhere. i dont believe there are good people anymore. i was trying to be but the world has killed off whatever in me i thought could be good. i'll take care of the rest at some point. im done.
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anerdyfeminist · 1 year
My car’s transmission died on a highway on 11/20. Thankfully I was able to safely get off at an exit at like 20-30 mph and was very close to home. It’s under extended warranty so I can have it fixed “for free” and has been at the dealership since. It’s going to be like 2 months to get it fixed. They have no loaner cars in the meantime.
My partner has a car we were about to sell because it’s a POS and we don’t really NEED two cars how we live now, but thank god we didn’t sell it yet. Aaaaand, it’s one of those “are you fucking kidding me?!?” things that we can’t just have selling his car work out, this shit HAS to happen. So unlucky and annoying on that front.
Anyway, problem is now that the car we have available is a POS and we need to get to Indy in December and we were counting on my car.
I’ve been so stressed about all of this esp because of car accident trauma stuff that comes with riding in a car that’s as low to the ground as my husband’s is, that even thinking about it makes me a teeeeeeensie panicky.
It sucks. A time when being rich sure would be convenient. Like 24/7 of the time.
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chaoticreation · 2 years
idk what to do anymore. Over $2200 was due for taxes on November 18th. Wasn't paid because we don't have it. Another $2000+ will be due in December.
My van's warranty expires December 3rd and it's $2500 to renew it.
If I lose my home because we can't pay taxes, I'll be living out of my van, which I can't afford to repair if I can't renew the warranty. Even if I don't lose my home, I live in a place with no public transit or deliveries. I can't afford to lose my only means of transportation. It'll be a death sentence.
Meanwhile, I still can't take Syd the Cockatiel ( @sydthetiel ) to the vet because they want money day of visit and I don't have it. I've gone through 3 nebulizers that haven't worked so I can't give her treatment. So it's only a matter of time before I lose her. I owe $2000 for Taz's medical bills because his pet insurance is pulling a bunch of bullshit with both of their claims.
I'm begging for help. If you can't donate to https://www.gofundme.com/.../help-disabled-mother-and-son... at the very least, SHARE THE SHIT OUT OF IT. EVERYWHERE, EVERY DAY. SHARE THIS POST.
I'm feeling so hopeless. I'm ready to give up.
Reasons I’m in this mess under the cut:
June - Well pump broke. Gov’t wouldn’t help, so we had to use our saved up tax money to pay to replace it. Me, Syd & Taz went two weeks without water. It cost over $2,000 to replace it, but also put a huge dent in my credit card because it meant I had to use bathrooms at gas stations and eat at restaurants. July - Taz had a sinus infection. Got him treated. He was getting better. August - Taz got seriously sick in a different way (but insurance won’t cover it because they’re claiming it’s preexisting conditions) and spent 3 days, 3 hours away from home. Strangers gave me money to eat because my Credit Card was in the process of being replaced after fraudulent charges were made on it. After we got home, he passed away. The ER bills were over $2,200 and another $200 for his cremation. September - Syd got sick. We’re at well over $1,000 for her, and insurance keeps claiming they don’t have the documents that we sent. I’ve since stopped taking her because I can’t afford it. I have no choice but to accept her death once she stops fighting. She’s trying hard. She deserves better than this. October - we were without heat for 2 weeks when the furnace broke. Thankfully, that was covered by HEAP. But I’m sure it didn’t help with the electric bill to run the space heater.
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