#i have 2 questions in the inbox
foolishly-snowy · 1 year
Might have to make a sideblog just for talking about my OCs..... I keep having random thoughts that I want to share but they aren't Anything enough to make into a toyhouse bulletin and I'm so afraid of posting about them on my main
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buglaur · 2 years
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tutorial contents:
1 ‣ gshade & photoshop actions 2 ‣ template or cropping & colouring 3 ‣ notifs & pop-ups
okay hi! i have a really old editing tutorial from back in january that i've been linking people to, but it's pretty outdated by now. i also keep getting anons asking about the same things, which is fine, but i always have to go searching for the post explaining it, so having it all in one place will be a lot more convenient lol
i use a ☠ copy of photoshop cc 2017 to edit my screenshots, however the majority of everything i'm doing also works on photopea
photopea is an online version of photoshop that's 100% free and works very well! i can't recommend it enough, it's fantastic
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first things first, you're going to need some screenshots to edit. for the sake of this tutorial i'll be working with this one of raffy:
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in all honesty, gshade will do most of the work for you. of course it's not needed, but i definitely don't think i could live without it! in this screenshot i used sunset n' vinyl by nesurii
when opening the screenshot, the first thing i do is run it through 2 photoshop actions:
butter action by early-grape
smooth sharp (no topaz) by poolbrop
to add actions in photoshop go:
windows > actions > the 4 lines at the upper right corner of the newly opened window > load actions > your downloads folder > open up the .atn files!
if you're using photopea, as far as i'm aware you can't use photoshop actions, but i've found that 'filter > stylize > oil paint' and 'filter > sharpen > smart sharpen' have a very similar effect when using the right settings. try these:
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i like these two actions because they smooth everything out nicely, but keep it sharp at the same time! i always run butter before i run smooth sharp, however butter may leave you with 2 layers. make sure to merge these layers before running smooth sharp to achieve the full effect.
here's a before and after (of the photoshop action):
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from here you can move on to step 2
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before anything else i want to share the template that i use to make editing a lot faster. you don't need to use it but it's definitely made things a lot easier for me! it's a .psd file and will work perfectly in photopea
download (simfileshare)
if you're using the template you can skip right on to the next section, as it's already cropped to the right size and has the colouring folder included. just drag your screenshot into it and resize to fit the height.
if you're not using it, crop your edited screenshot to:
1707 width x 1280 height
then adjust the colours to your liking. it always varies slightly depending on the picture but my regular process for each screenshot would be:
up the saturation by 8%
up the lightness by 3%
up the contrast by 12%
all of this can be done by looking in the 'images > adjustments' tab
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you should end up with something similar to this!
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if you want to add a moodlet or social interaction or anything similar, it's all the same process. what you'll need is a screenshot of it straight from the game. i just press the 'c' key to capture them! i'll be working with these two:
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for the blue notification i'm going to select it using the box select tool. try to get it as exact as possible. one you have it selected
for photoshop users:
click on the 'select and mask...' option located at the top
adjust the global refinements at the side as follows:
smooth: 70 feather: 0.0px contrast: 50% shift edge: 0%
for photopea users:
go to select > modify > smooth
set it to 15
select 'ok' and press 'ctrl + c' to copy it, then 'ctrl + v' to paste it into your screenshot. adjust the size and position and you should end up with something like this:
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next you want to add the transparent border around the notification. if you're using my editing template, right click on the reference notif in the layers tab and select 'copy layer style' (photopea > 'layer style > copy'). from there you can paste that layer style onto your own notif through the layers tab.
if you're not using the template, here's how to set it up on photoshop:
right click your notification layer and select 'blending options'
under styles, tick the checkboxes for stroke and drop shadow
input these settings:
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on photopea, it should be more or less the same. repeat the exact same process with the social menu option, but instead of selecting it with the box select tool, use the magic select tool. in the end you should end out with this!
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from here you're finished! thanks for reading! go to file and export as png
if you've got questions never hesitate to ask, just make sure to read the faq in my pinned. i might edit this post soon to include the gen intro traits and aspirations bit, but this is all for now. hope it helps, my editing process post has been in need of a revamp for a very long time. i haven't proof-read this so apologies for any mistakes!
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gaycavendish · 11 months
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ouuuhhh them : )
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stillgotme · 3 months
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Catch up HERE! I'll also reblog where we last left off and a summary of the story so far will be posted later this week. WE'RE BACK.
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panstarry · 11 months
will u still continue artfight? whats going on with af
hi! yes, i will still be continuing to participate in art fight. no, the event is not over.
just to start off: i joined art fight as a user in 2016, was hired as a chat & site mod on february 2018, and resigned in march 2022. my resignation was due to the fact that at the time, i could no longer keep up with mod responsibilities while juggling school, work, and extracurricular activities.
right now, there's been staff resignations across the server/site for multiple reasons. i'm erring on the side of caution at the moment and will let further announcements disclose exactly why. nobody, former or current, is calling for boycotts. and personally, i'm of the opinion that referring to what's happening right now as a "strike" is inaccurate. you can continue working on your attacks and participating in the current event. every one of us loves art fight and would like to see it continue and have also worked to make sure that users are able to enjoy it as well. i would advise against donating to the site until the dust settles.
there's a lot of misinformation and out-of-context messages going around right now. please take these with a grain of salt: i saw a couple docs and screenshots going around with outdated or straight up incorrect information (for some reason i saw mentions of a data breach going around? there is no data breach, i don't know where people are even getting that from. furthermore, there is no "ceo of artfight". art fight is not a corporation or a company, so this language, to me, does not properly describe what's happening rn)
i'm not sure what can be disclosed to the public aside from this ^ so please hang tight, be excellent to each other, so on & so forth. thank you <3
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mutalune · 5 months
love going on the “hi yeah I haven’t even looked at my inbox/messages for months sorry sorry sorry it’s nothing personal my life’s just been in shambles and I’m starting to pick it back up even though I know I’m gonna drop all the pieces at least 3 more times before the year’s over” shame tour I’mma make t-shirts later for it
#starlight personal#gonna be actually answering the questions in my inbox#planning to post the notes for tmagr since I’m probs never gonna finish it#and I’m making 0 promises to have any kind of consistent online presence#b/c I’ve learned it’s best for my mental health to delete these apps when I’m approaching crisis mode#so I’ll just be like the fun uncle who shows up to holidays with a six pack of nonalcoholic beer;#chats about whatever#slides you a $20#and disappears for the next 2 years#tbf 2023 was a horrible year okay it was so bad#some of it included; I almost got a grippy sock vacation twice#i tried a few new meds and they all sucked and i went through Literal Drug Withdrawal to the point i was sick for a month and lost 30lbs#i started ketamine treatment and experienced ego death twice!!!! horrifying!!!!!#i got my manager fired#i got my coworker fired#everyone else on the team quit and j was the last one left#my cat died and it was the worst thing that ever happened and it still hurts so bad#the person i thought would be a forever best friend was just. not there for me. and b/c i was struggling and not putting in 150% effort#the friendship just. died. and we live 5 min away from each other yet she’s out of my life forever#it’s for the best but that’s a different kinda grief man#ANYWAY I HAD A TERRIBLE YEAR#2024 is off to a somewhat better start but I’m keeping expectations low#first ketamine appt of the year was. brutal. and tough. and it’s been over a week and I still feel raw#everyone who knows about ketamine: it helps you process emotions and trauma and brings those things to the surface so u can work on them#me when it brings trauma to the surface and makes me feel my feelings: this is HORRIBLE what the FUCK my entire innards are exposed and raw#I forgot how easy it is to babble in the tags like this it doesn’t feel real since I doubt anyone will read all of this lmao#god I’d kill for some weed rn BUT HAHA YEAH ANKTJER SHITTY PART LF 2023 I GOTTA CUT BACK ON WEED#can’t even have one bad coping skill like come on
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
wait are your OCs in anyway related to canon characters?
i mean like yea? i guess? the Eo group doesn't exist in a vacuum, the canon characters n stories take place in a group southwest from them still (my personal take on them, at least- this all is called The Serotonin Take for a reason). all Iterators are essentially siblings to me (though cuz of the lack of much communication between the groups, those relationships feel more like cousin stuff). the canon chars group has some in-lore historically important people too, like Moon- one of the first Iterators ever built- so the Eo group is well aware of them
the canonical relationships that there are: • Zephyr and Boreas (and other Gen 1s) know and interact with Moon and Nish cuz Gen 1s have a giant global group chat while the comms r workin right. Zephyr and Moon don't like each other much, but could do some teamwork if needed. Boreas is usually quiet so he's mostly unknown- Nish ofc tries to drag him out of his shell by poking him with jokes. Boreas would very much like to punch him. Orion is usually left to mediate and is very business-like since representing the Eo group falls on him what with Zeph's condition and Boreas' lil coward bitchass. Gem is a "friend" of Moon's and while Sporadic attended the chat, people liked her • Euros looks up to Nish VERY veeeery much. boyo thinks the metal veggie is one of the coolest Iterators ever. being the Phone Operator Chief of the Eo group means he can pick up broadcasts from Moon's group even though he's basically the furthest possible from them. like he knows about Potscug cuz of this (Potscug is exclusive Moon's group content) • Sparrows is a fan of Iterators overall n could probably tell u fun facts about any standing-in-her-time ittie while whipping out a pokémon-like card with their picture on it. she, too, is a fan of Nish • aaaand finally: the Seafarer is the one the Artificer had The Pups with. just cuz i find it funny and kinda sweet since Seaf was paralleling her like mad before i even realized n started this whole slug romance thing
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crazy-walls · 8 months
when you wake up in the middle of the night and realise you kinda "lost your place" in fandom little by little since you've had to start working full time
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sinlizards · 2 years
hi i just wanna say that seeing your art inspired me to go back to drawing again :). ive only started using clip studio very recently so if i may ask, do you have any tips for using it? i'm also curious on what brushes you use. thank you
im so glad! with clip its really just about getting used to it + customizing everything to your liking (i have all the ui and tools to the left cuz i work on a touch screen right handed) also checking the user asset catalog every now and then can be super helpful!
you can find all my main brushes over here : https://lizardfaq.carrd.co/#brushes
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chambers003 · 1 year
i keep seeing vampire memes around me and i go insane every time what do they know. time traveller memes too but mostly vampire
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sugaroto · 1 year
1 and 33 for the ask game?
(Ok I think I accidentally forgot that on my drafts for a week 👁👄👁sorry😅🥲)
1) who are your comfort characters?
I have amnesia and probably will forget some of them but: Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten, Nick Nelson, Aled Last, Wylan Van Eck, Frances Janvier, Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Hunter (toh), Lister Bird, Todoroki
33) The last adventure you've been on?
Adventure? What exactly would be considered adventure?
I guess what comes to my mind right now is when in August me and 2 friends went to a really small island for a day, there were like -hundreds of tourists that day- I don't even know how they fitted on the 80 residents island but bc there were so many we walked for like an hour to get to a beach on the back side of the island, (I didn't even know the island was big enough for an hour walk)-but then again we kinda had to cross a hill so yeah, makes sense why it took us that long
After the torturous walk under the sun and next to the goats we had a beach episode, played some tennis while a greek-Karen was talking shit about us cause she thought we were tourists (which resulted to my friends saying insults in greek loudly enough for her to hear) and after a few hours we had to get back to eat something before catching the boat
Also- that's random but while we were eating ice cream we were sitting next to some tourists and this happened:
Greek dude: hey I'm sorry, can I ask you a question?
Tourists: yeah?
Greek dude: where are you from?
T: *somewhere*
GD: OH SO you're from Germany? So tell me in your place do you step your feet where people are sleeping?
T:*confused af* No??
Gd: That's what I thought
And he left- both the tourists and my friends were like wtf was that about, and I tried to see whether they were stepping on something, but it was solid sand- he seriously sounded like he was accusing them
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;;Hey guys! I've been a bit quiet on here. Between my full-time job and a few other things that have been going up and down in my life, I haven't had much time to really do much on the blog. That being said- one of the projects I've been working on is a mod for the Floor of Inhumanities
It's still in beta and there are things I've changed since the release, but this is namely to gather any sort of feedback if there's any changed that should be made dice wise and the like. There's still some things missing such as a final cutscene as well as a few combat pages, namely File's, that need to be implemented.
You can get the mod here! Warnings include the typical for LC/LOR (Combat pages depicting images of violence, blood, and there is a syringe in one of Locke's combat pages that will be removed in the final release) as well as possible canon breaking stories, but you guys probably knew that already 💙
I will still be working on the mod itself, but I do want to answer questions again! They might not be in image format as before, but I hope you guys understand ;;/ I have a lot I'm doing both irl and working out for the mod itself.
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
Do you think Harry and Nick had a relationship or just hooked up?
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gaycavendish · 1 year
btw if you wanna request art then go ahead :] Rahhhhh💪💪
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mindthedocent · 2 years
22, 26, 39
hello hello!!! a treat for me 3 questions!!!
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
organization whats that!!!!! i keep all my ideas on a little post-it note in my brain, and then i never write them! the rymin oneshot list grows daily but i rarely put things down on paper.
i used to work in the notes app but i found that.......not so good when i actually started writing longer stuff? so i work in docs now but pretty much the organization is nonexistent. i have a different doc for each work, i have different docs for each chapter of gage, and i have one MASSIVE doc for all my poetry, songs, and ideas for more of those things.
so yeah! pretty much all i got is "my works are in separate documents, except for all the fucking poetry"
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
its hard sometimes! i think what helps me the most is revisiting the source material, or thinking about how characters reacted to things in specific situations. its a little easier when you kind of have a running list of a character's interesting traits
you know. min is easy because his traits are "me but more pent-up". ryan is harder but he DOES appear to be outgoing but emotionally suppressed, and while explosive and impulsive, he is also quick to placate.
anyway. when i feel like i veer too far from what a character might do naturally, i try to steer myself back to what i know about them
idk. its not hard for me to get out of a character's head. its like im there and im gone. head empty, binch! no lasting effects here!
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
the knowledge that i can come back to it.
really! i try not to stress myself out about deadlines, about completion, or anything like that. i take breaks from writing. i take LONG breaks. i let myself forget where i was going. i let myself take time to breathe, to gain new experiences, to watch new shows or watch old shows, go to the park, read some fanfic, talk to friends.
and then when i feel ready, i come back to it.
this is newer for me. BUT! i have to tell you, that since ive stopped treating it like something i Must do, ive done more writing in the last year and a half than i can ever remember doing before. yeah a lot of it isnt published. a lot of it is just making up AUs with friends that will never see the light of day. thats an important part of it too! if you dont make it a chore its never gonna feel like one.
this year has been really hard for me. its been one of the busiest and most stressful years ive ever had. but thats never stopped me from wanting to write; its only delayed me
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bebewrites · 2 years
hello I am HERE to ask about the sentient spaceship 👀👀👀🌲
ahaha ok, well first of all, i haven't worked on this wip in FOREVER lol. i haven't developed the ship too much, but my general thought was some kind of formless space being/god is confined to/using the ship as its physical form. it can use other things too possibly?? but it likes the ship. it's kind of a myth and no one has seen it in forever, and then my mc accidentally comes across it and they Bond and become friends 😌
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