#i guess this is a sex education blog now as well lmao
truthundressing · 3 years
@femrry , @momrryrights and @harrymegirlfriend tagged me to answer these 20 questions, thank youuu💖💫🌻
💌 what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Eli (pronounced ee-lie 🥰)
💌 when is your birthday?
7th january babyy
💌 where do you live?
engerland :/
💌 three things you’re doing right now?
um answering these, watching netflix and trying to read a paper for my stats class
💌 four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
well the onedee fandom has a chokehold on me :/ , maybe sex education and im always gonna be a phannie :)
💌 how is the pandemic treating you?
good actually, i think i got through my personal worst of it so thats a really good feeling to look back on how far ive come🥰
💌 song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Talata - Mahmood (specifically the phrase 'uhh piccolina' loops in my head constantly)
💌 recommend a movie
Gods own country. Yorkshire gays my beloved <3
💌 how old are you?
💌 school, university, occupation, other?
my 2nd yr of uni
💌 do you prefer hot or cold?
💌 name one fact others may not know about you.
uhm🧍i cant whistle.
💌 are you shy?
💌 do you have any preferred pronouns?
💌 any pet peeves?
ppl that use the phrase 'preferred pronouns'.......
💌 what’s your favourite “dere” type?
idk lmao
💌 rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be.
like an 8, m pretty content atm🥰
💌 what’s your main blog?
this one!
💌 list your side blogs and what they’re used for.
i have a eurovision countdown one but i abandoned it so🧍none i guess :/
💌 is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
i am SOO SHIT at messaging first but it doesnt mean i dont wanna talk to ppl :/
taggingggg @1800louis , @anapologethicc and @goingstrongsue 💕 (again idk whos done this so no pressure djfjdjd)
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hartigays · 4 years
i was tagged by: @sofuckingchuffed thank u angel!! 💕💖💓
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions! don’t look at them, and don’t cheat. then tag some people.
the punisher
stranger things
law and order: svu
sex education
teen wolf
who is your favorite character in 2? steve harrington
who is your least favorite character in 1? agent orange. annoying egghead bitch
what is your favorite episode of 4? either 1x08 or 2x07
what is your favorite season of 5? season 3 (both 3a and 3b slapped)
who is your favorite couple in 3? oh god there rlly aren’t many canon couples but i did like olivia/tucker well enough (enemies to friends to lovers amirite??)
what is your favorite episode of 1? 1x10 (virtue of the vicious) bc so much kastle content 😗✌️
what is your favorite episode of 5? 6x09 (memory found) bc thiam content,,, the cop car scene was pure gold
what is your favorite season of 2? season 2. aka the last season of stranger things nothing else happened after that. no i don’t take criticism
how long have you watched 1? i mean it ended after 2 seasons lmao so since the beginning and i still rewatch every now and then (season 1 only tbh season 2 was a mess)
how did you become interested in 3? i’ve been watching svu since i was like 7 or 8 years old wrjdjsdjf it was always on in the afternoons when i came home from school and i was just obsessed with it and i still am
who is your favorite actor in 4? gillian anderson and connor swindells
which do you prefer- 1, 2, or 5? i mean, i don’t necessarily have a preference bc i love them all so much, but i guess i’ll go with stranger things since i technically have an entire blog and ao3 account dedicated to it shdjdkd
which show have you seen more episodes of- 1 or 3? i mean definitely svu because there are literally 450+ episodes of svu LMAO
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? probably lily my alien queen. or ruby (but mayhaps that’s just bc i wanna give her a smooch or perhaps 500 smooches)
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? actually yeah??? sex education and the sex crimes division would kinda be a perfect match lmao
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple: maybe madani and lieberman ?? i dunno i don’t rlly feel like there are any potential couples that wouldn’t make sense. like they might be weird cause they haven’t interacted or smth but other than that most pairings would make at least some sort of sense
overall, which show has the best storyline: 3 or 5? oh definitely svu. jeff davis gave us the most inconsistent shit with teen wolf 🥴
which has better theme music: 2 or 4? stranger things. it’s just too fuckin groovy
i’m tagging: @stevefuckingharrington @greyspilot @thesummerof84 @tracy7307 @gideongrace @grabmyboner @hoegrove @bentnotbroken1fanfiction @granpappy-winchester @bisexual-cupcake @brokebackmountains @thinger-strang and anyone else who wanna do this 😗✌️
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ruhroh17 · 6 years
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14,15, 22, 30, 37, 45, 47, 48, 55, 56, 57, 63, 72, 77, 81, 82, 96, 97, 103, 104, 106, 110, 114, 120, 133, 136, 144, 145, 149
Oh jeez haha1) Who was the last person you held hands with? I think my best friend. 4) Are you easy to get along with? I'd like to think so. No one’s said yet that I’m not so…5) If you were drunk, would the person you like take care of you? Well, since I don’t like anyone atm, I’m gonna say no. 6) What kind of people are you attracted to? Honest, kind, loyal, trustworthy, patient. 7) Do you think you’ll be in a relationship 2 months from now? Highly doubt it. 9) Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? No.10) Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Uhhh probably my dad. 12) What’re your 5 favorite songs right now? “All Night” by Steve Aoki & Lauren Jauregui, “You Dropped a Bomb on Me” by The Gap Band, “Revenge” by P!nk feat Eminem, “Too Good at Goodbyes” by Sam Smith, and “Why Don’t You Love Me” by Hot Chelle Rae feat Demi Lovato. 13) Do you like it when people play with your hair? Fucking love it. 14) Do you believe in luck & miracles? I guess. 15) What good thing happened this summer? Lots of things, but I guess graduating high school. 22) Where would you like to travel? The Netherlands. Somebody I wanna meet. 30) Do you ever want to get married? If I have somebody I could see myself with forever and think it’s a smart move for us, yes. 37) What do you say during awkward silences? Nothing. I am SO awkward. I probably caused it. 45) What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Yeesh deep. My desire to continue my education and hopefully find a career I like. 47) Have you ever been high? No, but I want to sometime in the near future. 48) Have you ever been drunk? No. I’m too young. I think my dad would kill me 😂55) Favorite blog? Don’t have one. 56) Favorite color? Blue. 57) Favorite food? Basically anything potatoes. And pasta. 63) Ever been in love? Yes. 72) What color are your towels? Strange question. They’re like a yellow-tan I guess. 77) Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla. 81) Favorite TV show? Shit that’s tough. Right now, I’d say it’s “Forensic Files” and “Chopped.”82) Favorite movie? “Ghostbusters” and “Goonies.”96) Favorite actress? Blake Lively and Zendaya. 97) Favorite actor? Dwayne Johnson. 103) Can you spell? Not to sound too egotistical, but I’m very good at it. 104) Do you miss anyone from your past? Can’t miss somebody you never had. 106) Ever broken someone’s heart? A little bit. They misunderstood and I wasn’t aware of that and yeah lmao. 110) Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Yes, but I didn’t realize how toxic they were. 114) Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes, numerous times. My family has always loved traveling. 120) Are you afraid of the dark? Only when it’s completely black. 133) Favorite song lyrics right now? Always gets to me (from “Piece By Piece” by Kelly Clarkson): “And she will never have to wonder her worth because unlike you I’m gonna put her first.”136) Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed. Always. 144) Dark, milk, or white chocolate? Neither. Chocolate by itself makes me a bit nauseous. 145) Tea or coffee? Also neither. I don’t like tea and I cannot have coffee (plus I don’t like it). 149) Do you believe in ghosts? Nope. There’s no proof.
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cooljazsheepie · 7 years
Webcomic Creator Interview with Kosmic of Feast for a King
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Hi, all! I usually don’t post my webcomic creator interviews on this account, but this one is special since the comic is explicitly NSFW. The creator, Kosmic, is super awesome though and deserved an interview anyway. Check it after the cut.
Me: Please introduce yourself.
Kosmic: My name is Kosmic and I make two comics currently, Feast for a King and Eggshells. Although I mostly focus on Feast for a King! Which is a really graphically violent/sexual story about man eating worms in a sci-fi setting. I started it in September 2014 and I’ve basically been working every day on it since then.
Me: What made you pick sci-fi?
Kosmic: I’ve always really loved sci-fi stuff!! Many of my favorite stories/movies are sci-fi or have some robot/alien elements to them. I think it’d be more accurate to say that sci-fi picked me because FFAK was inspired by a dream I had which had some very strong sci-fi elements and visuals. I think at the time when I started FFAK, I was also feeling really inspired by the first two Terminator movies and wanted to like, take the elements about that i found successful in those movies and include them in my own story! I liked how much the characters struggled and how hopeless it felt to face their enemies, but they kept going anyway despite being so afraid. I also had a bunch of stories/characters I worked on sometimes that was really just my own version of Trigun that I didn’t know what to do with and just...felt like building on more of that type of world. I think I first started those characters in like 2009 but they were basically just back-burner ideas for something eventually. I got a lot of story material like that!!
Me: Do you have a favorite part of the creative process when you're working on your comic?
Kosmic: Favorite part of he process...That is kinda difficult. There are so many parts that I enjoy that blend in with each other, it’s hard to determine when one step begins and the other ends. Brainstorming with music is always really nice, especially if it’s in the afternoon and I don’t have any responsibilities to worry about. I do a lot of self RP too. I can go anywhere in the story I feel like and just let my mind explore freely!! Its always very fun/exciting to discover things I didn’t expect or when some connection suddenly clicks that opens up new doors of ideas! SO.. daydreaming is my favorite part, I suppose. That feels kinda basic to say, but I can’t think of anything that tops it!
Me: Nooo. I totally get what you mean. Just letting ideas come to you is the best! You do color and black&white comics. Do you prefer one over the other?
Kosmic: I don’t really like the look of colored comics for the most part, honestly. I find it way too mentally distracting and I find it often takes me out of the story by making me too aware I’m reading something. So, I generally prefer the look of B&W comics when I’m the one reading. However! I personally find it boring to do for too long if I’m the one working!! I hate doing the same stuff for too long and black/white communicates a certain type of atmosphere to me, so after a while it can feel kinda stiff or limited when I don’t...really need to be?? I used to be determined to only use B/W ONLY EVER!!! and now I am allowing myself the freedom to experiment using some aspects of color to communicate my ideas and not worry about a consistent look too much lol. I sort of feel like my comics fall somewhere in the middle because they obviously DO use color but aren’t like  the ‘typical’ full color comic, I guess? I dunno. That’s how i interpret it anyway. I am breaking my own rules of what looks good!!! If I had to make a decision, it would still B&W over color. :3
Me: Do the colors you pick have a certain significance for the characters? Like I know you have several named after them and the worms are colored by status.  
Kosmic: Yes! Totally. They are super important! I have a whole color lore or color language I have built in the story. I dont really focus on like...every color in the rainbow though. Its mostly with basic default-y colors of Red/Yellow/Blue + Green. Red and Green being the most important ones I use in FFAK. I reflect a lot on their dynamic and parallel in several different ways with various designs and narratives, Crimson and Celadon’s relationship is also meant to be a direct translation of that conflict and bond I see with those two colors in the context of the story as well. Red and Green is like the ...PURE EXPRESSION OF LIFE AND DEATH!!! or something.
Me: For your worms, do you choose certain animals for them or you just go by whatever? Like how Paper is a bunny.
Kosmic: Nah, I mostly go by whatever and many worm designs are just improvised on the spot as these weird...animal chimera things. Paper is sort of an odd one out because she’s specifically very bunny-themed.
Me: Do you have a favorite character?
Kosmic: Crimson’s my absolute favorite character!! However... Knife is also very important. I guess he’s a close 2nd. I just have put a staggering amount of work/history into both characters they both kinda stand out a little bit from the rest lol.
Me: I know you said to just read whatever, but how does the use of gender shape your comic? As a creator.
Kosmic:  I suppose it shapes a lot and yet it...doesn’t? IDK, it’s difficult to explain cause I think gender is a broad topic and I’m not sure what parts to focus on with it shaping? Haha. Most of my characters are just self-inserts really. It’s not really a conscious thing that I feel like I need to fit a quota of or something. I just sort of naturally feel the need to articulate feelings about my experiences using the characters sometimes. I also generally use my comic as a safe place to explore my thoughts about identity and sexuality. It makes the comic really personal/vulnerable/stressful sometimes, but I also feel like I understand myself a little easier. As much as I reflect on it I don't really have a concise answer or reason.. it’s just part of life! So there it is!
Me: Do you find that you attract or put off readers with the sex? Like do people expect a hentai situation? Or ignore the warning and get mad about it?
Kosmic: Yeah, it definitely rocks the boat a bit. I get a lot of polarized reactions from my sexual content. Mostly it’s supported and people understand and respect what I do with it, but I have definitely received negative comments or like, people feeling betrayed it was included at all. (Nothing upset people more than that period sex scene in chapter 11 for example .) It’s also often described as a vore fetish comic which I also...have mixed feelings with LMFAO. It just feels really misleading and simplifying the narrative. I think the fact that I include genitals in my drawings [means] people get the impression it’s supposed to be a smutty hentai comic, but then when they read it isn’t that either. So it’s hard for people to determine what it is. It pushes buttons, I guess. good and bad.
Me: Who is your intended audience or do you not have one?
Kosmic: I don’t really have an intended audience!!! I just draw it as much for me as possible. :D
Me:  What made you decide on making a webcomic?
Kosmic:  I’ve been determined to make comics since i was like...13 or 14? And webcomics are very freeing!! You just post it and go!! Nothing can stop you from making your story how you want and I love that.
Me: Do you have any advice for other creators?
Kosmic: Advice is tough... But I suppose it is important to establish your boundaries between yourself and the audience. Your enjoyment and relationship you have with yourself and your art is what is most important. So be careful not to burn yourself out on what people will think/say/ask and it’s OK to feel overwhelmed and over-stimulated sometimes. Even when it’s positive attention, it can still be just as stressful and draining. I find that’s the hardest part about making a comic is learning how to deal with the reception rather than making the comic itself lmao. So yeah! Draw and write what you want! Always. But also give yourself a private place only for you, so you can reflect on your journey. :3
Me: That's great advice. Do you plan on making a print version?
Kosmic: My friend Cameron made Chapter 1 into a book and mailed it to me as a surprise. But besides that, I have no actual plans or real desire to make a printed version.It seems like it would take a lot of work to do and I’m very lazy. Maybe some sort of art book would be more ideal, but who knows!
Me:  Will you be attending any cons or making any merch?
Kosmic: I went to one con in 2015! I sold like...a single poster I think. It was fun (especially because a friend from Canada was staying and helped tremendously with it,I also got interviewed the first time there!) but not exactly the ideal experience. Another friend also made keychains for me of the characters that we sold online. But, besides that, I don’t have any cons planned. I want to make t-shirts in the future, but I’m so slow to do these things.  I just really need to take the plunge, but I generally get intimidated by money making stuff!!
Me: Do you do art full time?
Kosmic: Yes LOL. FFAK is basically my life. I do educational/instructional flash animations as well for the monies, but I am pretty broke most of the time. If it weren't for Patreon, IDK what I’d do!! I am so thankful for it.
And that’s it. I already linked Kosmic’s Tumblr profile, but you can also follow them on Twitter for personal or comic updates! If you have any comments or questions, feel free to post here or submit an ask. If you would like to be interviewed for your own comic, contact me here for explicitly NSFW content or over on my literacy blog if your work doesn’t have content restrictions that make it NSFW. Please also feel free to suggest artists for me to interview.
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100 Truths Blogger Tag
Hey everyone! Wanted to do something fun here (while y'all 'wait' for my mega wrap up post to be completed oops) so I decided to do this tag! Stolen from the Mango Queen May @ Forever and Everly so definitely check her out, and her post is here. Anyway, without further ado, the tag!* *Still feel like I'm rambling though. Am I?
The Basics
1 What’s your name?
Cas; technically a nickname and unrelated to my "real" name but ah well.
2 Any nicknames or aliases?
Cath, Rose, and as for other nicknames too many to count/list.
3 Your gender?
Female! She/her.
4 Your star sign?
Taurus, even if it's not always obvious I am quite the stubborn one though mostly in subtle ways.
5 How old are you?
I mean, you can probably find that answer at least somewhere around this blog but I'm not gonna give it to you straight, but I am a teenager in high school, I'll give you that much.*
*Is this too cryptic? I really don't mean to be, it's just I'd like to keep it 'undisclosed' even though I've probably blabbed before.
6 Your relationship status?
Single; I've moved past the point in my life (intermediate/middle school and early high school) where I'd pretend it was "it's complicated" when that just meant about my friendships; lmao.
7 Any children?
8 Any pets?
I mean we have like 19 chickens I think, by my last count? I'm not great at keeping track. But out of those there are the four which are most like pets to me, a black orpington and three blue orpingtons :)
9 Any tattoos or piercings?
Nope and I doubt there ever will be I'm too indecisive and why have piercings when the only thing I'd ever get pierced are my ears, and you can just have clip ons?
10 What do you like about yourself?
Uhh well I'm not one of those people who constantly puts themselves down so that's a start? (And I really don't mean any offence to anyone who is like that, I hope you start seeing what an amazing person you are! 3>
11 What do you dislike about yourself?
Lack of confidence on some occasions I suppose? I try to be more outgoing and I am a slightly more extroverted ambivert but I think in certain situations I just need to be more willing to take a chance.
12 Righty or lefty?
Right :)
13 The last thing you drank:
Water. It's sitting in front of me slightly to my left as I speak :( (in case you haven't been able to tell I'm not a fan of water)
14 The last thing you ate:
An apple.
15 Your last phone call:
To a friend while I was walking to school, because when you're by yourself you get bored.
16 Your last text message:
Hoped it'd be something exciting, but nope it's just ":)" (minus the quote marks).
17 Your last email:
Sent email? To myself, a day ago, sending myself a resource for mock exams (sigh).
18 The last song you listened to:
Why would I remember, I'm not bothered checking but it was off my "pop ballads" playlist and pretty sure the song was almost over when the period ended and I stopped listening to music.
19 The last book you read:
Bright Thrones by Kate Elliott, though that is technically a short story... Oh well.
20 The last time you cried:
Ahh damn not a great story. In the car on the way home Wednesday two weeks ago, but that was really a chain reaction event which started around the start of lunchtime that day.
21 The last blog you read:
Forever and Everly!
22 The last person you spoke to:
A friend while walking to my dad's office where I am now.
23 The last place you visited:
School?? It is after school right now and I haven't gotten home yet...
24 Your last holiday abroad:
China! I mean more specifically Beijing as well as Shenyang, Dandong (the border with North Korea), Yuanjiang and Anhua.
Have you ever?
25 Have you ever gotten back with an ex?
That would require you to have one in the first place, so no.
26 Have you ever been cheated on?
Yeah no.
27 Have you ever cheated on someone?
28 Have you ever lost someone special to you?
Luckily, no.
29 Have you ever been so drunk you threw up?
I have yet to experience the feeling of being drunk and don't think it's something I'd like to try anytime soon based on other peoples' accounts of it.
30 Have you ever fallen out of love with someone?
31 Have you ever met someone who changed you?
Define change in this context? People I've met have definitely made me a better person though.
32 Have you ever been in a situation where you found out who your real friends are?
*long sigh* unfortunately too many times.
33 Have you ever kissed someone you probably shouldn’t have?
The sarcasm is back; that would have to require actually kissing someone.*
*Random fun fact: when I first wrote this response it was worded terribly, I think something like "have to require having actually kissed someone" which makes absolutely no sense at all.
34 Have you ever found out people were talking about you behind your back?
35 Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Not that I'm aware of. 36 Have you ever kissed a stranger?
See answer to question 33. 37 Have you ever had your own heart broken?
I don't know how to answer this one? No?? But, books, so yes?
38 Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Not an original answer but gee I'm underage and never been on a date! 39 Have you ever been arrested?
Gladly no, though this one time we did do something "suspicious" lol. 40 Have you ever been attracted to someone that isn’t the gender you usually find attractive?
Yes I think so. 41 Have you ever done something you regret?
Probably, though there isn't a specific instance that comes to mind. 42 Have you ever had a threesome?
No! 43 Have you ever embarrassed yourself in public?
Highly doubt I haven't though I don't remember anything in particular that was especially mortifying? 44 Have you ever misjudged someone?
Definitely, and I'm always very quick to correct myself afterward. I find it amusing when my judgment is extremely off though.
Your Beliefs and Opinions
45 Do you believe in God?
No thanks. 46 Do you believe in yourself?
47 Do you believe in Santa Claus?
No but Santa is great.
48 Do you believe in ghosts?
Kind of? But not really. 49 Do you believe in aliens?
Eh, they could exist, doesn't really concern me? I don't think they're gonna take over the world but hey if they did it would probably be better than Trump being president? 50 Do you believe in miracles?
Yes, they're signs you're doing things right. 51 Do you believe in the power of positive thinking?
Absolutely. 52 Do you believe in love at first sight?
You'd think I wouldn't, but I do? Like I definitely think you have to get to know each other and all that but I think there is that sort of instant connection, but it's not always going to turn into love. 53 Can money make you happy?
It can. But it can also very easily make you extremely unhappy so there needs to be a balance. But if you're in a good place I don't see why an extra pay check is gonna ruin your life. 54 Would you describe yourself as a feminist?
To be honest I'm not a big fan of the word, particularly with the whole misconception of it being "women > men" etc; but I definitely support equality and would consider myself an equalist. (See this post; this is pretty much my viewpoint summed up.) 55 Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
100% pro choice. I don't think it should matter what your own opinion on abortion is; that's for you. But others should be allowed to do what they want with their body. 56 Do you have strong political beliefs?
Yeah I guess? I do try and keep myself educated about such things but I'm not like a political activist or anything. 57 Do you have strong religious beliefs?
No way. 58 What do you think the most important thing you can give a child is?
Right Now
59 Are you eating anything right now?
Nope! 60 Are you drinking anything right now?
Nah. 61 What are you listening to right now?
The satisfying (don't @ me) sound of a printer printing... but it just stopped. 62 What are you thinking about right now?
Feminism/equality, having a chat with friends about it. 63 What are you waiting for right now?
Waiting to go home; two minutes till work ends. 64 What are you most excited about right now?
My band is playing on a pretty big stage on Saturday so that's something! 65 What’s your pet hate right now?
Does this mean pet peeve? And nothing extremely specific right now except people with their stupid far right extremist views. 66 What’s your favourite thing right now?
Dunno. 67 If you weren’t answering these questions, what would you be doing right now?
Probably studying, whoops.
68 Your first best friend:
Siân, love you girl.
69 Your first kiss:
Yeah nah, not happened yet. 70 Your first celebrity crush:
I have no clue, but probably Theo James? 71 Your first holiday:
China 2011 :) 72 Your first pet:
A beautiful grey chicken named Ash. 73 Your first regret:
Oh gosh this was awhile ago but way back in 2012 when the guy I liked moved away right after he *may* have found out I had feelings for him (not certain about this but hey I'll never know). 74 Your first job:
Basketball referee. 75: Your first childhood memory:
My first birthday party. I'm told I probably don't actually remember it and only know what I've been told of it and thanks to the photographic evidence though, which is probably true since I have like no memories before the age of eight.
Which would you choose?
76 Love or money?
Love, of course. I read YA.
77 Twitter or Facebook?
I use Facebook more because the lovely Twitter locked me out (much appreciated, not). But I prefer Twitter for sure. Facebook can be useful as band promo though so it's not all bad. 78 Hook up or relationship?
Relationship! Casual isn't really for me. 79 Dogs or cats?
Dogs. 80 Coffee or tea?
Don't like either, prefer hot chocolate but coffee. I actually have more tea but I don't like it very much. 81 Beer or wine?
People always laugh when I say this, but in my opinion beer tastes like slightly off sparkling water. Why would you enjoy drinking that? Red wine for sure. 82 Sweet or savoury?
Sweet :) 83 Introvert or extrovert?
Can I choose ambivert? Otherwise extrovert. 84 Vampires or werewolves?
This makes me instantly think of Twilight, so vampires of course. 85 Seaside or countryside?
Countryside, cmon. I don't like water much and I love country music. 86 Summer or winter?
Winter!! 87 Books or movies?
If you don't already know, I'm not a fan of movies at all and obviously books win. Books or tv shows though... That's a whole different story. 88 Horror or comedy?
Recently I admitted to some friends I've never watched an actual horror film and they were absolutely shocked. But yeah, comedy definitely.
A few random questions to finish on
89 Do you wish you could change your past?
Sometimes I do, but then I decide it's not that big of a deal because you know, the past is full of mistakes I've learnt from. The lessons are more important than erasing the mistakes.
90 What’s your dream job?
This is something I always get stuck on. Musician? Entrepreneur? Lawyer? Activist? Writer? Actress? 91 What’s your guilty pleasure?
$3 hot chips at your local dairy. OOPS.
92 What are you afraid of?
Disappointing people. 93 What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up?
No clue really but I think it was probably an actress!
94 If you could have any super power, what would it be?
I'd like to be able to fly, teleport, read minds, control time... You can tell I can't decide. 95 If you could change anything about your life what would it be?
I would like to live somewhere else, really, with a better education system... I shouldn't say that but still. You can't change your feelings *shrug*. 96 Would you want immortality?
I think it would be cool, especially if you had someone by your side. Immortality alone though... Not so keen. 97 If you could interview anyone alive or dead who would you choose?
I would absolutely love love love to interview Roger Federer. Why? Just because, it's Roger Federer so duhh. 98 Would you say you are happy?
Yes, I am grateful that I have a supportive family and live in a safe place. 99 What one piece of advice would you give to yourself at age eighteen?
Don't mess up your life! Kidding, but hey I'm not that age yet so I'll pass on this question. 100 Where would you like to be in five years’ time?
Ahh, five years... I'll probably be at uni, but ideally I'd like to be in the US whether it's to do with academic or music I care less. Well this has been an obnoxiously long post about myself but if you managed to read all of that kudos! Please tell me something most people don't know about you in the comments so I feel a little less self absorbed.
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20yearstostart · 6 years
Tuesday 18th September, 2018
Dear Blank, 
Okay, first things first, I love this step so much. It kills me and I want them to stomp on my grave like that. :)
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How are you? I feel like I never ask about you, but you can’t tell me how you are so I just feel stupid now. But I can tell you about me. 
I am good. I’m doing great, today was a good day. And I made an impulsive decision that I don’t know when I will start to regret, but for now, it’s fine. (i tipsy announced I’ll start writing again when I haven’t written since I put up my going away post)
Well, today I went to Dreamy’s place, but I couldn’t tell him that I reached the station cause I was out of credit, and I had to top up my hop card as well. Since the machines can’t take fifty’s, I went to a dairy to get recharge and get change so I can top up. On the way to the dairy, I saw a cute security guy and we smiled at each other, for some reason wearing huge black clothes that make me look like a cloud of darkness makes me feel more comfortable and confident. 
Okay, I lied, he wasn’t cute cute, but he was cute like ‘oh, i can lead him on.’ I am a horrible person if you haven’t realised. But that was for like a moment, and I got over it the moment he walked out of my sight lol. 
Alright, I have my credit now and I text Dreamy that I’m here, and start walking back to the station to top up because I thought we were going to catch the bus back. So, I’m walking, alright, and these two guys are standing by the entrance of the station pathway, and one of them (the older man) starts to walk away from the other guy, and towards me. He looks at me and smiles, and I smile back, cause everyone is so friendly in this neighbourhood omg. 
The guy points to the other guy and says something along the lines of ‘he is a nice guy and single.’ He says it as a joke, so I politely laugh, and look at the guy and do the awkward laugh thing as I continue walking past him. Now, Blank, I hear a voice from behind me. Through my earphones blasting GOT7′s new lit af album; I turn around and see that he was talking to me. I see his hand by his head, his thumb and pinky finger out like a was’good sigh, but he meant it like a phone and I was like ‘woah, wth?!”
I take an earphone out and an old lady walks between us, and he calls out ‘do you have a number?’ I can’t believe my ears, so I walk closer and am like ‘sorry?’ and he’s like ‘can I have your number?’
Now, for a moment I forgot I was twenty and that I’m a second-year uni student. I stare at him and lowkey stammer, wanting to say that I’m too young for this, cause for a moment I REALLY THOUGHT I WAS 17. But, I couldn’t really say anything cause he was like ‘oh are you taken?’ and instantly, I thought back to Dreamy, and we talked about this, and we are supposed to say ‘Nah, we’re single’ cause we are just friends with benefit. But, I think I took too long cause he was like ‘oh algoods’ while I was still stumbling over my words. 
I say sorry and thank you for the tenth time, and turn and walk away to the station and top up. Coincidently, as I was walking back out, I saw the guy again and we did the little omg hi, again thing. The guy from before was back, and he looked at me, and pointed at him and was like ‘he has a number, take his number.’ 
I saw the guy turn around and look at me and I was like, ‘what do I say?’ and he was like ‘you want it?’
Before I could say anything, he started taking his phone out and I was like ‘oh well.’ 
So now I have a guy, whose name is Diamond, on my phone. He said he wanted to take me out for coffee, but I really don’t have time for that shit. lol, but it still felt good. 
And then I met Dreamy and told him that a guy gave me his number, and ordered food. We also got my beloved Vodka, so I think I’m okay now. 
Now, Blank, it’s time for a special segment I like to call: 
TMI, Sex Education. 
So, my first question is what is squirting? 
Everytime Dreamy and I do stuff, I feel like I’m about to pee. Every time when he fingers me (his fingers are amazing, omg, they make me want to cry), and he starts hitting my G-spot, I feel like I’m about to pee and I tell him to stop because I don’t want to wet his bed. 
Everytime that I did stop him, he didn’t want to. He wanted to see what would happen next, and so did I, but I really really really kept on feeling like a bitch was about to pee. I know what an orgasm feels like, I masturbate all the time. But this is something else, like the pressure and need to release is so so intense, I really feel like I’ll pee. 
So, I stopped us and peed, and then came back. We somehow (huehue) started up again, and this time he was like ‘oh you just peed, so I’m pretty sure it’s not pee. I need to change the sheets anyways.’ 
you know what’s coming next, blank. 
So, I’m almost there; my legs shaking, mind going blank, and his fingers are doing exactly what I want him to do, and I can feel his body and omg its really good. I tell him ‘I’m about to pee.’ 
and this fucker speeds up and tells me to do it. 
he lowkey chokes me in between too cause I really like it. 
So he speeds up and tells me to do it, so I start to and then I instantly hold back and omfg. I’m cringing. this is so bad. 
Instead of the amazing 5 feet full force squirt, you see in porn; my last minute hold back, caused it to dribble down like pee and who the fuck knows, maybe it is pee. Fuck my life, you know. (i researched- it’s unclear, but most like not completely pee, lmao)
So that’s done, and I’m like welp, and he was like ‘oh okay, no five ft shit.’ And I’m just lying there like ‘omfg I think I peed his bed a little.’ 
He gets up, gets tissues and cleans up, and I don't look at him coz omggggg, I think I just peed his bed. How do you look at someone after you’ve peed their bed???!?!??! Tell me, Blank. 
I start getting dressed and his like stop and im like, ‘i think we should just chill now.’ at this point I am almost about to start crying by how horrified I am. He comes back after washing his hands, and looks at me and is like ‘what are you doing?’ 
I’m trying to wear my undies and get dressed boii, what does it look like im doing?
He’s like ‘hey, stop,’ or something like that, but like in a nice soft way and even though that was really sweet and exactly what I needed, it made me want to cry more. A bit like how you feel when you make a mistake and instead of getting mad at you, your parents are just disappointed or upset and that makes you feel more shitty? yeah, kinda like that. 
He comes in front of me and is like ‘hey look at me,’ but instead, I look at the floor and avoid his eyes. And then he holds my face and brings it to so im meeting his eyes, but I close my eyes cause I’m bratty like that lol. I get out of his grip and start looking for the rest of my clothes. 
He comes from behind and pulls me back onto the bed, and his just so ugh. I hate him. He’s so good at handling my mood swings, and my craziness. All my emotions are all over the place, but he is so calm and collected, and when he needs to he is so mature. It’s really truly so attractive. 
We ended up having another round so you could say it worked out. 
Moral of the lesson: MAKE SURE THE GUY (OR GIRL) THAT YOU ARE HAVING SEX WITH IS A GOOD PERSON, AND THAT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH THEM. It’s okay if they turn out to be the shittest fuckers later on, but while you are together and do things that make you feel embarrassed, try to find someone who makes you feel alright about it, and reassures you. Or just don’t be a little bitch, and squirt all the way if you’re going for it lol. 
Later on, we were laying in bed, and I started playing with his hair. I wanted to see how long it’d take him to fall asleep, and it was pretty quick. He snored a bit, and I felt kinda proud for some reason. I think I moved my hand a little and he woke up mid-snore. But then later on, when he said that I woke up mid snore too so I guess it’s normal? I don’t know. 
But, the thing is Blank, I must be really really comfortable with this kid that I met a few months ago. I find sleeping in front of people so weird, it’s like- I don’t know. I don’t have control over my body at that moment, and this person can wake up and just look at me. I’m probably drooling, snoring or farting, or I sleep with my eyes open, or I sleep talk. I don’t know. It just seems very very intimate to me, and I can’t just sleep in front of people, but I can with him and it’s nice. I really glad to be friends with him. 
His a bit of a kid. Okay, that was a lie. He is really childish; he is like a kid. Yet, at the same time, he is so dependable and mature, and kind. It’s unreal. He is amazing and I hope we can stay friends even after we finish this benefit thing. 
Also, he climbed through a window into his house because we got locked out, and he has big feet. It’s cute. lol. 
Okay, so this Wednesday now:
I went to the dentist, almost got into argument with her because she said that I didn’t try hard enough to contact her. But I went to her office and waited for like an hour before I left after leaving a note. It’s not my fault her service as gone so bad. I like her, but sometimes I don’t know. Everyone has bad days; I’ll just blame it on Big Boss. 
That’s it for now. 
I’m going to look for my glasses now, and then make a list of all the lectures I need to catch up on. Then maybe write for my other blog; I’ve started it up again and I’m so happy seeing some of my readers telling me they so happy Im back hehe. 
Also, my girl came to uni looking like a snack! She’s so pretty and her body looked sooo good in the playsuit? jumpsuit? Like her booty!! DAAAMNNNN!! She just looked really good. 
I think I’ll just buy my leather jacket rn instead of waiting. Maybe next week, after I give Mausi money. I should talk to Fairy about working and everything, but I don’t want to be pushy. But Mausi is in a shitty place too, I don’t know. It’s not my place to speak, but someone needs to talk to him to figure out what’s going on inside his head. 
It was a good day today. 
I’m happy. 
Also, I love GOT7. Their new comeback is amazing. I think this is my favourite one. I think this one might have topped all the others and all the promotions. I am so happy to see them so well! I really pray for the best for them! <3
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god, i want him to stab me in my chest with his fingers. that makes no sense, but fu blank. 
The sky was almost in darkness when I saw it. Or maybe, it was in complete darkness but it was the light pollution and the cloudiness that made it seem lighter? But it looked so pretty, it warmed my heart for some reason. The wind was crispy cold; staying true to its late winter name, but the sky looked so warm. 
It was tinted purple, dark lavender if possible? And it was smudgy and so so beautiful. The apartment buildings that stood in front of the bench I sat on in the station added to the backdrop, and I think it made me feel warm because it reminded me of the life I want to be living. I want to live in an apartment or somewhere alone, where I can sit outside after nightfall and watch the sky. I want to be able to see the glowing streetlights and the endless sky and not feel worried or anxious. I just want to be able to enjoy the sky. 
Why is that so hard, Blank?
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vmins · 6 years
what's your opinions on shipping?
hoo boy… this will be a controversial one but might as well do my impending rant here and now since you’ve asked lmao [note: strong opinions and possible controversy under the cut so if you wanna keep viewing me as a pretty, quiet aesthetic blog, then avoid this post i guess!!]
well then, let’s talk about my views on shipping, since it’s something that is so heavily debated about amongst fandoms as of late and to be honest, i’m fine with being a controversial bitch and losing followers, all that is completely irrelevant to me: i’m not here to appease other people, i’m here to support a group i love so eep.
[buzzfeed unsolved voice] that being said, let’s move on to… my opinion. i think when it comes to shipping, there is a line that’s easily crossed which isn’t okay and i’m going to list of behaviour that in regards to shipping real people, isn’t unacceptable.
1) relating everything back to a ship. if you’re watching an idol solely to find something they do with a fellow member to fawn over opposed to appreciating them as a human being then you’re not even viewing said person as a human being at all and instead as a tool to fuel your own personal fantasies.
2) commenting on ships to an idols face, like you don’t bring things like that up to people, what the fuck? they are real human beings with real feelings and they deserve to be treated as such. remember back when you were a kid and people would ask you about a crush or if you liked someone in front of that person, how uncomfortable that made you regardless of whether it was fact or fiction? that’s likely how you’re making them feel.
3) segregating other members because they’re interfering with your ‘otp’. do i even need to elaborate on that one? it’s fucking disgusting and unacceptable, period.
4) viewing them as sexual objects opposed to living beings. they’re not fucking dildos, they have feelings and a heart beat, just like you.
now, reading that you’re probably thinking !!!! exactly, so how is it possible to counteract that and say that it’s acceptable in any form? so here’s, in my opinion, what is okay.
1) fawning over the interactions of a paring, but casually; appreciating the dynamic for what it is and not what you want it to be.
2) finding a source of comfort in a ship. to be honest, a lot of problematic shippers i’ve seen come from cisgendered heterosexual females that use the notion of two men being in love to get off, but there’s another side to that sometimes too. sometimes there is a teenager in the closet who feels extremely lost and confused, that so happens to stumble across a pairing, look into it thus reading further into sexualities and learning to accept themselves in the process.
3) now this is the probably the one that’ll cause controversy, but it is what it is - fanfiction. let me start out by saying, if you’re reading or writing fics with the notion that it’s reality then honestly leave lmao. anyway, reverting back to my last statement about finding a source of acceptance and comfort, sometimes fics help LGBTQ+ people with that. it might’ve not been the situation for you, but talking from experience, my family was (and now is except from my mum, who also used to be) extremely biphobic when i was growing up and as someone that tried to come out to her mum at sixteen years old, only to be told bisexual people were disgusting and needed to ‘pick a side’, i’m not sure how well i would’ve coped without reading fics. they lead me into reading about sexuality more, finding resources online and coming to an understanding that loving someone of the same sex is very much okay and because of the education i’ve given myself through that, it’s also lead to me being able to educate and open up my mums mind a lot more – enough so that i came out to her last week and she accepted me which given that five years ago, the reaction was to be shot down before i’d even started, says a lot.
to say it’s over sexualising an idol might be true in the cases of some people, but that was never the case for me; it was comfort, it was self expression, it was a source of education that my family and school failed to provide me with and i for one am very much able to separate fact from fiction - when i read something, i don’t associate with the ‘real’ person but rather a character derived from that persons characteristics.
by all means, scold people for fetishising behaviour, but don’t target people for finding a moment (provided by fan service for gods sake!!) to be cute, or for finding comfort in reading or writing things online, so long as it’s handled respectfully. shipping is always going to be a thing; it’s not something any celebrity or idol is unaware of and oftentimes, it’s encouraged as it brings exposure (sad truth) by starting literal online hate campaigns over it…. honestly, all you’re doing is wasting your breath. it’s a thing that’s been going on since even before the internet was a thing and while a hefty majority of aspects of shipping are immoral and wrong, there’s not much that you can do about it 🤷��‍♀️
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wildcherrypepsihero · 7 years
1-100 please! And have a good day! :)
Holy CRAP! THANK YOU! Seriously, you can PM me your url if you want some asks sent your way! You’re too kind :)
1. Is a kiss considered cheating? Yeah, I think so. I’m pretty much uncomfortable with hand-holding or long hugs/cuddly with anyone but my SO. I’ve tolerated it before for friends who are going through stuff, but I really enjoy personal space. I would be pretty uncomfortable if Marty did anything cuddly with someone else, too. Kissing is pretty over-the-line for me.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Hasn’t everyone? Yes, I have.
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Deafness at will?Like the ability to create total silence. I get overwhelmed pretty easily, and I hate a lot of noises, so it’d be nice to shut it out sometimes!
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? Absolutely not!
5. Tell us some funny drunk story. I don’t drink, sorry!
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex? He was a douche and was only interested in me for sex. Which was super gross because he was a lot older than me.
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Old age. Painless.
8. What are your current goals? I have a ton of goals right now!!! I want to get a cartilage piercing, I want to lose weight, I want to get straight A’s, I want to get a tattoo I want to make new friends, I want to become more involved with my religion, I want to save up for my gap year between undergrad and grad school, and I want to make the most of my time between now and when I graduate!
9. Do you like someone? Been dating the love of my life for almost three years!
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? I’m trying not to hold grudges about it. It’s already in the past!
11. Do you like your body? Sometimes! I’m a lot less mean to myself than I used to be.
12. Can you keep a diet? I’ve never dieted! I’m good at eating well, though!
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? I’d agonize over it for a long time, but I’d draft a speech on how important knowledge is and try to talk about acceptance and stuff. The political scene is rough right now.
14. Do you work? Yep! I’m a paid intern at school for English, and I’m a carpenter over the summers!
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Does the entire genre of “vegetables” count? If I had to pick one... Maybe broccoli? I really like tomatoes, too.
16. Would you get a tattoo? Yep! I want to get an Italian worker bee on my left wrist.
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? My education!
18. Can you drive? No. My anxiety is pretty easy to hide, but it’s been pretty crippling, too. I wish I could do normal things.
19. When was the last time someone told you that you were beautiful? Today! I was really self-conscious at the beach, but my boyfriend was lovely and texted me encouragement!
20. What was the last thing you cried for? My grandfather who passed away a few years ago.
21. Do you keep a journal? Sort of! I don’t have time to journal or to even write stories on their own, but my planner acts as my journal. It’s one of the most treasured things I own.
22. Is life fun? Absolutely!
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I think farting in public is gross and disrespectful, but in private with people you know is totally fine.
24. What’s your dream car? Convertible VW bug!
25. Are grades in school important? No, as long as you’re learning! In my experience, though, when I’m learning, my grades are good. When I’m not learning, they’re not. But that isn’t the case with everyone!
26. Describe your crush. Dorky, cute, kind. My best friend.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? A Book of Bees by Sue Hubbell and Hidden Figures!
28. What was your last lie? “No worries!”
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? Any time I told some wildly untrue story in my youth to seem interesting.
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? YES.
31. Something you did and you are proud of? I’ve had straight A’s two semesters in a row, I’m publishing multiple articles in TWO journals with my school, and I’m in the Honors program at my university!
32. What’s your favorite cocktail? I don’t drink!
33. Something you are good at? Critical analysis of language!
34. Do you like small kids? Well enough!
35. How are you feeling right now? I’m really tired.
36. What would you name your daughter/son? Noelle/Phillip. Both named after family members.
37. What do you need to be happy? Marty, a good book, a comfy bed, and a job at a university!
38. Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? At any given moment, I’m ready to punch two specific people in the face.
39. What was the last gift you received? My dad got me a bunch of patches for my bag!
40. What was the last gift you gave? I can’t even remember. It was probably for Marty.
41. What was the last concert you went to? Probably Sara Bareilles!
42. Favourite place to shop at? I like stores like Target! I also like Francesca’s.
43. Who inspires you? My mom and my first professor.
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? N/A
45. How old were you when you first got high? N/A
46. How old were you when you first had sex? 19
47. When was your first kiss? My senior year of high school
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year? I have a workout, meal, and overall points plan!
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I wish I’d taken my English classes more seriously in high school.
50. Post a selfie. I’m horrible at taking pictures. I’m pretty much exactly like this emoji: (ง°ل͜°)ง
51. Who are you most comfortable around? Marty!
52. Name one thing that terrifies you. UNCERTAINTY.
53. What kind of books do you read? Realistic fiction and creative nonfiction. I don’t have a lot of tolerance for ridiculously fictitious stories anymore.
54. What would you tell your 12-year-old self? Life is going to get hard. Learn how to cope with it sooner. Ask your mom for a fucking therapist.
55. What is your favorite flower? Purple coneflowers have had my heart for years, but a lot of bee-friendly flowers have been growing on me.
56. Any bad habits you have? Maybe it’s not a habit more than it is a symptom, but I scratch at my ears until they bleed and clean them until the protective layer of wax is gone and they get infected. Not fun :(
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? Low-maintenance, low-drama dorks.
58. What was the last thing you cried for? I didn’t even notice this was on here twice when I reblogged it.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgusts you? I really hate hot fruit and mushy hot vegetables.
60. Are you in love? Yes!
61. Something you find romantic? Laughing together! And cuddling :)
62. How long was your longest relationship? My current one! Almost three years!
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? These seem pretty heavily based on stereotypes. Three things that irritate me about PEOPLE are 1. over-dramatic, 2. little to no forethought about most things, 3. UNWILLING TO SOLVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS THROUGH SIMPLE COMMUNICATION.
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? See above.
65. What are you saving money for? New apartment things! Cork board, rice steamer, etc.
66. How would you describe your bad side? Stubborn, holds grudges, easily irritated.
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I think I’m trying really hard to be a good person. I still have a lot of really selfish habits and mindsets, but (weirdly enough) my experiences with religion have helped me change them.
68. What are you living for? My lovely SO and my passion for English and higher education!
69. Have you ever done anything illegal? Nope!
70. Do you like your body? See above? I guess?
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? No, I don’t think so.
72. Ever sent nudes? Nah. The NSA doesn’t need to see anything but my fully-clothed body.
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
74. Favourite candy? I really like Butterfingers! And Hostess mini powdered donuts, if those count as candy.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! @barry-bluejeans - I love all that sweet taz content. There are some other taz blogs, too, but I really love this one.
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favorite game? Starbound, right now! I also adore Stardew Valley.
77. Favorite TV series? I love Brooklyn 99 and Parks and Rec.
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? Uh, yeah! I think I am? I recently got introduced to a really open branch of religion and I’ve been learning a lot. I don’t think there’s a man in the sky who knows everything. I think God is a limited entity that exists in the interactions between people? Like... I don’t know. God is the forgiveness between two people for the initial awkwardness of conversation. God is the need for letting grudges go quickly out of personal growth, not out of charity for the other person. God is the overwhelming sense of calmness we get when we’re out in the quiet of nature. God is the ever-expanding universe getting to know itself, if that makes sense? I dunno. I’m still a little embarrassed about religion, but I really like to explore it in writing lmao.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? A Book of Bees! YES! It was so poetic and peaceful! My copy even had grammatical errors and typos, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the book!!!
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? Extremely admirable, especially when it’s in protest of the current meat industry.
81. How long have you been on Tumblr? Since my sophomore year of high school, though I’ve deleted a few times to start over.
82. Do you like Chinese food? YES!
83. McDonalds or Subway? Subway, I guess? These are both kind of bad options.
84. Vodka or whiskey? I don’t drink...
85. Alcohol or drugs? Neither... Although I would choose pretty much anything over drugs.
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country? Been out of state, but not out of country (YET!)
87. Meaning behind your blog name? It started out as a vent blog. I deal with a lot of things through humor, so a lot of my reactions to sad relatable posts would be to laugh and then cringe.
89. What are you scared of? Still uncertainty! Also not a big fan of heights.
90. Last time you were insulted? This idiot from school said that I was a bad friend, that my best friend was in love with me, and that my boyfriend was probably cheating on me.
91. Most traumatic experience? It happened a long time ago, I’d rather not answer.
92. Perfect date idea? Cuddling at home! Or going to a museum!
93. Favorite app on your phone? My smartpen’s app! Or garage band!
94. What color are the walls in your room? Green!
95. Do you watch YouTube? Who is your favorite YouTuber? I watch some youtube. I like Animal Wonders Montana and Dollightful!
96. Share your favorite quote. As a word person, I have a lot of favorite quotes, but right now it is the following: “Some beekeepers recommend continuous feeding of all hives in the springtime, arguing that a steady supply of sugar syrup tricks the colony into believing there is nectar flow in progress, which stimulates the queen to lay a greater number of eggs than she normally would. I have tried it but find it unsatisfactory, and have concluded that it is impossible to trick bees. They know their world better than I do.” -Sue Hubbell. There are so many from this book that I adore but this one is one of my favorites.
97. What is the meaning of life? A good book on a beach with the one you love.
98. Do you like horror movies? Yeah, I guess! In small doses.
99. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? Probably loads of times in high school. She was terrified that I was never going to get my act together.
100. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I’m very lucky to have wonderful parents, a perfect monogamous boyfriend, and a passion that I’m good at!
101. Can you keep a secret? I feel like I misnumbered these somehow. Also, some of these are repeats, so fuck it. I’m doing 101. Yes, I can keep a secret, but not from Marty. Thankfully, Marty can also keep a secret.
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cherryhomo · 7 years
All the idea until #70. Please, thank you and you're more than welcome to get payback 😚
well i will definitely be thinking of some sort of payback 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? my little sister2. Are you outgoing or shy? bit of both tbh3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? my best friend when she visits me for my birthday4. Are you easy to get along with? yeah i’d say so5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? nah doubt it6. What kind of people are you attracted to? funny and kind people7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? probably not8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? lol no one9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? not really, i’m p open about that kinda thing (unless its unsolicited)10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? no one tbh11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? ‘i’d be up for burning it tbh’12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Cherry Wine by Jasmine Thompson, Castle on the Hill and Shape of You by Ed Sheeran, Evil by Dove Cameron, and Power by Little Mix13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? yES14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? mm yeah15. What good thing happened this summer? i read 32 books16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? no17. Do you think there is life on other planets? yess18. Do you still talk to your first crush? no19. Do you like bubble baths? yes20. Do you like your neighbors? eh, i don’t really have anything to do with them21. What are you bad habits? biting my lips, staying up late and then oversleeping22. Where would you like to travel? L.A.23. Do you have trust issues? yes24. Favorite part of your daily routine? going to bed25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? all of it lmao26. What do you do when you wake up? try to sleep again 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? lighter28. Who are you most comfortable around? my siblings29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? not really30. Do you ever want to get married? yes31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? yep, it’s in a ponytail rn lol32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? zayn malik and selena gomez33. Spell your name with your chin. h34. Do you play sports? What sports? no but i go to the gym 2 times a week35. Would you rather live without TV or music? tv36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yeah so many times37. What do you say during awkward silences? i don’t, i check my phone38. Describe your dream girl/guy? some who’s funny, kind, just really gets me39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? pull&bear, new yorker, h&m, bershka40. What do you want to do after high school? go to uni and study education41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? within reason42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? im upset and stressed and angry43. Do you smile at strangers? occasisonally44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? bottom of the ocean, outer space freaks me out45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? the knowledge that i’ve just gotta46. What are you paranoid about? everything47. Have you ever been high? no48. Have you ever been drunk? yes49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? not that i can think of50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? i’m currently wearing a dark blue hoodie51. Ever wished you were someone else? yep52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my willpower53. Favourite makeup brand? essence i guess54. Favourite store? don’t have one55. Favourite blog? my own bitches56. Favourite colour? grey and pastels and yellow57. Favourite food? fries and chips/crisps and ikea meatballs58. Last thing you ate? a turkey sandwich59. First thing you ate this morning? a jam and cheese sandwich60. Ever won a competition? For what? nah61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? lol no62. Been arrested? For what? also lol no63. Ever been in love? yeah64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? on a beach in italy at midnight 65. Are you hungry right now? mmmyeah? not sure66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i don’t have that many tumblr friends or real friends lol67. Facebook or Twitter? neither68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? yeah70. Names of your bestfriends? Ellie, Bethany
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