#i got SCAWED.
bugmistake · 3 months
there's a darkwave/goth/post punk music night at a coffee shop i like next month..... i wanna go real bad but i always chicken out of going to goth events cuz im like . i feel like a DORK i feel like a POSER i feel like a CREEP im a WEIRDO waddahell am i doing here?????
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lemonadeslice · 2 years
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you actually saved my life!! for realsies!!
anyway yes the tiny mean bisexual and her gbf are of Course my favorites from this very mediocre game. NO one else has their flavor.
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toriliashine · 8 months
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Get some hair on your tits!!!!
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chaotictomtom · 8 months
barely started to work on a commission sheet i rlly need the money but it also freaks me out so baaaad
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dandelion-roots · 2 years
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[Image description: the first image is a digital drawing in a semi-painterly style of Whyborne and Griffin walking arm in arm down the street. Whyborne is holding a red flower and blushes as he looks down at it, and Griffin is looking at him and smiling. The background is painterly and shows the street and lampposts lining it. The second image is a closeup of the drawing. End description]
Valentine’s day stroll through the bestest horrible murder town!
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jazzedpunk · 1 year
Joy Doctors are like if you gave a very curious rat humanoid sentience and an evil lab
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duck-n-clover · 19 days
Hey Google what was that big noise outside my window? thanks
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vreemd · 4 months
"watching" a video about an insane tiktoker cuz I'm dyeing my hair and crocheting so I need bg noise and. fucking hell man I'm afraid I was tumblr mutuals with this guy like ages ago. like pre all this. like hômestũck eridǎn kinnie times.
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im like if azula burned out quietly and started trying to figure things out
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trans-xianxian · 1 year
trying to do fancy complicated dynamic lighting for this wangxian painting if I fuck this up. make sure my pets go to a good home
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nyancrimew · 9 months
Last week i got sent home from my job early due to a One Thousand Teenager Melee in the parking lot on the opposite side of the mall from my store. Not exaggerating, there were literally one thousand children fist fighting in the streets. The week before I was sent home early due to a hurricane. This is my third week at this job and I am scawed
im sorry to inform you but you are a side character in a TV show
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meatonfork · 1 year
Grim x platonic 141 HC’s
- grim loves to play pranks on the guys. one time they stole ghost’s like 7 balaclavas and dyed the white paint pink. the guys got a kick out of that, and ghost wouldn’t let grim near his shit for like a month.
- when soap eats, you can always expect grim to be around him like a vulture. they will 100% steal his food every time.
- they often bug price in his office when they are bored. grim won’t leave until price starts blowing his cigar smoke in their face, making them cough as if they were dying.
- grim is very dramatic. loves to flop on the floor at any minor inconvenience. 
- they pass out every once in a while. low blood pressure and poor circulation will cause them to just thump against the ground.
- the first time it happened was during a meeting, price was in the middle of speaking when ghost felt dead weight hit his arm. he quickly moved forward to catch you before you hit the ground. “WHAT THE FUCK???”
- you woke up a few seconds later like “oops! yeah, that happens. haha!”
- not funny. soap threatened you to tell them when you feel that happen again. he was scawed :((
- most days grim will flop on gaz’s bed and just clonk out there. the first time this happened he just stared at them before going back to whatever he was doing.
- grim is terrified of storms and needles. they have to be holding someone when getting stitches, or they will pass out.
- halloween is their favorite holiday, because in their eyes it’s more independent than christmas or valentine’s day.
- one time for halloween, they dressed up as price. the hat, the gear, even the cigar. they used fake fur to build a makeshift beard. they followed him around repeating what he said all day.
- he would never admit it, but it was hilarious to him
- sometimes ghost will catch them lurking in his shadow and he’ll ask why
- they pout and say they don’t want to be alone anymore
- ghost caves and continues with his day
- grim has a ton of stuffed animals they keep around, even gifting some r o the guys
- their favorite person to pester is gaz, strictly because he doesn’t get annoyed and tell them to fuck off
- one time soap hurt their feelings and wouldn’t talk to anyone, so ghost threatened him into apologizing to them so they would talk again
- price is their dad
- not biologically, but they genuinely see him as their dad after losing their whole family.
- sometimes, when they close off from everyone, they’ll find grim in one of their beds
- grim definitely has adhd
- no doubt
- they fidget
- a lot
- and when they do, someone is always there to stop it.
- one time during a meeting, you were sat next to ghost. your leg started bounding a million miles a minute. your shoe tapping against the chair leg, and ghost put his hand on your knee under the table to calm you down. 
- grim plays with gaz’s fingers a lot
- when grim sits next to soap, he periodically taps his knee against their’s to remind them that he’s there.
- price will always ruffle their hair, and they HATE it. 
- they secretly love it.
- movies nights are a must, per grim
- the team can’t escape it
- it always ends with grim drooling on ghost’s shoulder
a/n: thanks for reading!! i hope you enjoy :) i’m working on more requests, so expect some maybe later today and def tomorrow :)
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gojoscalico · 3 months
Turn Back Time || f i n a l
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Summary: You were never sure when it started to fall apart but it did. 10 Years later and now you're facing him again. Will it reignite the feelings you both once had for one another? Or will you both end up walking away from each other once again? Word Count: 1116 a/n: sorry yall i got locked out of my account on my computer but I was able to get it back and also have a new story coming!! But I hoped you all enjoyed this story and hope to see yall in my next one Tags: @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @thefictionalcharacterssimp @picievi @tqd4455 @lenasvoid @gojosatorubrainrot @yozora7154 @luciiferian <-previous
==four years later==
“Mommy!” You looked down at the little guy pulling at your dress. Giggling as you bent over to carry him into your arms. “That was the first time you called me mommy Haru, buuuut did you brush your teeth and wash your face?” The little boy smiled as he showed you his teeth with pride. “Squeaky cwean just like you showed me!” Mesmerized by the little one’s cuteness you squashed him in between your arms while embellishing him in kisses. “You’re too cuuuuute I can’t. Ugh…and your cute little teddy sweater…did you put that on all by yourself?” The little boy jumped down from your arms, twirling around as he placed both his hands on the side of his body. “Hehe, Papa has been showing me how to put my clothes on! Haru did good?” 
You laugh as you notice the pants were on backwards but how can you tell him when he was so proud. “Very good but let’s fix your pants or Papa will make fun of you! Also we have to go pick up Papa and your uncle. So why don’t you put on those shoes and grab your bag?” Haru gifts you with a big smile as he runs towards the living room grabbing his bag you had put together and putting his shoes on. “Don’t forget your hat and Kiko.” Haru looks up at you as he runs into your bedroom grabbing his stuffed frog and yellow hat, running back to your side eagerly grabbing your hands as you open the door to your home. 
“Haru!” You looked at Suguru and Satoru as Haru ran up to Suguru. “Papa! I missed you.” You smiled as Satoru ran to you, placing a kiss on your lips. “And I missed you.” Suguru rolls his eyes as Riko grabs Haru’s bag from your hand. “Thank you for watching him, while we were both gone.” You smiled at Rika handing her Haru’s Kiko. “Anytime, Don’t get mad but he picked up a habit while you were gone.” Rika laughed as she gave Haru a kiss on the forehead, “Is he calling you mommy too?” 
“Too? Ugh Now I am heartbroken. Who can he possibly be calling Mommy other than me?” Rika laughed at your remark, “Shoko, Nobara, Yuji and even Megumi.” You let out a fake sob, “Not Megumi and Yuji. Haru here I thought I was special.” Haru laughs as he pulls on your skirt signaling you to get down. Following little Haru’s orders you bent down to his level where he placed a kiss on your cheek giggling as he ran behind Suguru. “You are special. Because I am going to marry you when I’m older. And I only call those who I love mommy. Because I love mommy.” He said giggling into his hands. His innocence makes you want to smother him in thousands of kisses. Wishing that if you were to have a kid that he would be as cute as Haru.
“You little brat! You can’t marry her because she’s already my wife.” Satoru mocked as he stuck his tongue out at the little three-year-old. Laughing, you nudged Satoru. Only his childishness would take a child’s little crush seriously. “Come on Satoru I think you might lose to a kid. He even slept with me last night.” Satoru looked at the little runt as he ran towards him, picking him up and throwing him up in the air. “Why did the little monsters scare you?” He giggled as Haru pouted, “N-No I was cold! And Y/N was the one that was scawed so she asked me if I could sleep next to herw and I was feewing nice! You think just because you’re mommy’s bwothew I won’t fight you?!” Everyone laughed at Haru’s cute little spiel. You looked at Riko, the only way to save her from her destiny was to make her a part of the Gojo family. No one was able to stop Satoru from doing it, because who would dare to defy the honored one. Once she was a Gojo she was untouchable, she was safe.
“That’s right. I was scared. Give my future husband a break.” You played along while pinching Haru’s cheeks.
“Satoru holding a baby while standing next to Y/N. What a sight. When are you two gonna have one of your own? This is a sight that we can all get used to.” Shoko stated as she pulled up with her twins and Haibara. Satoru smiled at you as he kissed your cheeks right at the spot Haru had kissed even if he was a kid there was no way he'd let another man kiss his wife. “Don’t worry we will get right on it.” You shook your head laughing, digging into your purse as you pulled out an envelope. “Actually…maybe sooner than you all think.” Everyone watched as you pulled out a piece of paper from the envelope. “I’m pregnant.” 
Everyone stood still in shock, you watched Satoru’s expression go from being his playful self to a more serious tone as he put Haru down. “Wait…seriously?” You nodded, still holding up the paper as he picked you up, placing a kiss on your lips. “Oh my god…am I allowed to carry you like that?” You giggled as you pulled him in for another kiss, “Of course…I’m pregnant, not made of glass.” Satoru gave you the biggest smile he has ever made all the years you’ve known him as everyone started to gather around you. “Finally. Welcome to the mom’s club!” Shoko yelled as she embraced you. 
You weren’t going to lie. You were afraid. You didn’t know what it would be like being a mother with a kid that you weren’t just babysitting but you sure as hell was gonna try. If your mother did anything for you it was to teach you how a mother should not be. You smiled at your friends as they all congratulated the two of you. When you felt a sense of relief and happiness like your body was telling you that this is where you belonged. Right here at this moment. Everything you had been through was for you to be here. Looking back in your fucked up life. You knew what you weren’t going to do. You knew that even if you were afraid Satoru would be next to you. You weren’t alone anymore. You have friends you can call family now. Family that was willing to die for you. Family that will help you become the best mother you can be. And right  next to you was a man that loved you more than anything in the world.
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littleavengerfics · 2 years
One where Maria introduces the aspect of Natasha being another mommy to her little? If you do this thank you xXx
new family (blackhill x little y/n)
Warnings: age regression, blackhill, jealousy, slight angst with happy ending.
“Hey baby, how would you feel about Natasha coming around again today?” Nat had been coming over a lot recently and you were starting to be suspicious of why.
“Again?” You asked putting down your toy. “Yes baby, again.” Maria chuckled, “We want to talk to you about something.” You could feel your anxiety start to rise. “No it’s okay sweetheart. We just want to ask you something, it’s nothing bad baby.” you gave a small nod before resuming your game. “Okay love, i will go give her a call.”
Another twenty minutes passed when Nat walked in the door. “Hey dorogoy.” She smiled opening her arms, you got up and ran to her. “Natty!” You yelled jumping into her arms. “Hi dorogoy, it’s nice to see you too.” She chuckled.
“Mommy say you has to tell me something.” You said when she put you down. “We can talk about that in a minute, why don’t we play for a minute whilst we wait for your mommy.” You gave her an excited nod handing her a toy. “Let’s go!” You shouted running into the living room, the spy following after you with a chuckle.
Maria walked in a few minutes later. “Lunch is ready.” Nat carried you over to the table. “I don’t wanna eat now.” You frowned; you were too anxious about what the women had to say. “Can you just tell me please?”
“Okay.” Maria sighed setting down the plates and sitting down. “Well you know me and Nat have been spending a lot of time together recently?” Her and Natasha shared a look, you nodded trying to keep calm. “Well we uh, we-” Maria looked at the Russian for help. “You know we love you y/n, but we also love each other and…”
“You mean like love each other. Like dating?” You filled in, the two women nodded slowly. “But you are my first priority, if you aren’t happy then we will call it off, we just wanted to see if you were okay first.”
"Um okay..." You felt yourself slipping more into your headspace as all the thoughts and emotions piled up. Your eyes filled up with tears as you went back into little space. "Baby, you don't need to be upset, we can forget this whole thing if you're not comfortable with it." Maria said softly, she gave Natasha a look, silently asking her to step out the room so you could talk. The redhead agreed, standing up and walking out.
"Talk to mommy baby, what are you thinking about?" She asked lifting you from your chair into her lap. "m jus scawed." You mumbled against her neck, "I don't want you to leave me or love natty more."
"That's impossible, I love my little one more than anything in the world and I will not leave you. But you know Natasha loves you like that too; I think she wants to be part of our family. What do you think to that? We can have a new family, that means more cuddles and love for our little one. If you want her to, she can be another mommy." You gave an enthusiastic nod. "I want natty to be our new family." Maria gave you a huge smile and kissed your temple. "Thank you, baby, you're so sweet."
After a few more minutes of reassurance and cuddling your mommy called the redhead back into the room. "Y/n said it's okay but we need to have some rules." Natasha nodded with a smile. "Of course."
"We can't pick favourites; we have to love each other equally and not leave people out. And y/n do you want to say the next one?"
"I don wanna calls you mommy." You said with a small frown, anxious for the Russian's response. "that's okay, you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. I don't want you to think I'm trying to replace your mommy you can still call me Natty or anything else you want."
"Can i calls you mama?" You asked smiling up at her, the Russian beamed, her eyes filling up with tears. "Sorry." You frowned thinking you made her sad. "No baby, look." maria smiled pointing at the spy's smile. "She's happy baby."
"Mama happy?" You asked getting off the brunette's lap and walking over to Natasha. "Yes... yes baby, mamas happy. Very happy!" Natasha picked you up and hugged you tight. "Mommy?" You asked her with a huge smile.
"Yes, little one?" She asked curiously. "I love our new fam'ly." You replied before burying your head in Natasha's neck.
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A Lantern in the Night
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A Lantern in the Night
Sam Kiszka x Female Reader
Josh Kiszka x Female Reader
Jake Kiszka x Female Reader
Summary: Sometimes little girls need their daddies when they’re scared.
Warnings: Girl Dad Kiszkas
Word Count: 1.7k
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You and Sam sat on the edge of your daughter's bed to tuck her in for the night. Sam put the book he had just read to her on her nightstand and pulled the blankets up around her. 
You flicked on her nightlight and tiny purple stars from it dimly lit up the ceiling and walls. 
You each told her you loved her, gave her kisses, and got up to leave.
You were both at the door and Sam had his hand on the lightswitch when her words stopped him.
“Daddy, you didn’t check,” she said. 
He gasped, turned around, and smiled at her, “I’m sorry, Angel. How could I forget?” he said as he walked back into the room. 
You leaned against the doorway and watched him. 
“If there’s any monsters in there, you better leave now. I’m coming!” he called as he walked over to her closet door. 
He put his hand on the door handle and looked at her as she pulled herself further under her covers.
Quickly, he opened the door with an “Ah-ha! Gotcha!” and a karate chop motion as if he was actually catching someone or something in there. 
His expression faded and he turned to her with a smirk on his face. 
She giggled at him.
He looked around in the closet some more, pushing past hanging clothes to check the entire inside. When he was done, he closed the door and said, “Nothing,” with confidence.
Sam walked back over to the bed and got down onto his hands and knees. He lifted up her bedskirt, tilted his head sideways, and stuck it under the bed frame. 
“Nothing down here either!” he called out with his voice muffled. 
He popped back up off the floor and sat up on his knees. He leaned on the bed with his elbows.
“No monsters,” he assured her.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Of course I’m sure. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you,” he replied, “Besides, remember what I always tell you.”
“I am brave,” she said confidently.
“Right,” he said, pointing at her, “You are brave and you are strong. But now, little one, you need to go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow- first day of preschool. You have to get some rest, okay?” 
Sam leaned over to kiss her head and she nodded, smiled, and closed her eyes. 
He stood up all the way and walked back to meet you in the door frame. He gave her one last look before he turned the light out and closed the door softly. 
You both walked down stairs and into the kitchen. He sat down at the island as you packed her lunchbox. 
“Do you think she’ll cry tomorrow?” he asked, eyeing up her new backpack that was waiting by the front door. 
You shook your head. 
“She’ll be fine. The question is, are you gonna cry tomorrow?” you asked, smiling.
He smiled and nodded, “Oh, absolutely I am.”
“You’re going to have to do some of those affirmations to yourself in the mirror,” you teased.
Sam laughed, raised his pointer finger in the air, and said, “I am brave. I am strong.”
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The sounds of the rain outside your bedroom window lulled you to sleep and kept you asleep. That was, however, until those calming sounds quickly turned into crashes of thunder and bolts of lighting which seemed to shake the entire house. A particularly loud crash of thunder woke you and Josh up. 
You both moved around in bed a little, hoping to fall back asleep. But within minutes, the door to your bedroom opened and you heard a little voice call out.
“Daddy?” she said, sniffling.
In the darkness, Josh sat up, pulled the sheets off him and got out of bed. He walked over to her, knelt down in front of her, and pushed her curly hair out of her face, which was wet with her tears.
“What’s wrong, Baby?” he whispered.
“I’m scawed,” she cried. 
He picked her up, groaning as he lifted her, and carried her back over to the bed. 
You turned over toward his direction and sat up on your elbow a bit. She had her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms wrapped around his neck.
“Is she okay?” you asked in a groggy voice. 
“Yeah, she’s scared, that’s all. I got her. Go back to sleep, Mama.”
Josh placed her down in between the two of you and covered her up in blankets. She held on tight to a little brown bear she carried with her everywhere. He laid down next to her and whispered to her to calm her down as the thunder and lightning continued outside. 
“It’s okay, Baby. It’s just thunder. But I know it’s scary,” he whispered, “But it’ll be over soon. And the sun will come back out. I promise.”
It was quiet for a minute before she spoke.
“Like da itsy bitsy spidew?” she asked in a whisper.
He let out a laugh and a sigh, “Right, just like the itsy bitsy spider.”
She lifted her hands and made a little spider with her fingertips. She began doing the hand motions to the song and started singing to herself.
“Da itsy bitsy spidew, went up da wader spout,” she whispered.
“Down came the rain and washed the spider out,” he sang softly as he spread his fingers out.
“Out came da sun and dwied up all da rain,” she continued, wiggling her fingers like they were shining. 
“And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again,” they both sang as they both made the spider with their fingers again.
After they finished singing, the storm let up some. The thunder and lightning stopped, and the only sounds came from the sound of rain hitting the roof. 
And after a few minutes, you began to fall asleep to the sound of your daughter breathing next to you, and Josh’s light snoring next to her.
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You and Jake were laying on the couch watching a movie when the pitter patter of footsteps coming down the stairs made you both sit up a little and turn your heads towards the living room entryway.
In walked your three year old daughter in her pajamas with her blanket covering her face from her nose down. 
When she saw the two of you were awake, her little legs came running over to the couch and she jumped into Jake’s lap. She laid down on his chest and put her thumb in her mouth. 
“Woah, hey, what happened?” he asked softly.
She didn't answer. Instead, she buried her face into the blanket that was covering him.
“Did you have a bad dream?” he asked, stroking her head.
She nodded. 
Jake held her right. He stroked her head and up and down her back and whispered, “Shhh. It’s okay. You’re safe. I got you.”
He wasn’t lying. Being in his arms felt like being in the safest place in the world. 
After a few minutes, her crying faded, and Jake spoke again.
“You know what always helps me when I have bad dreams?” he asked softly.
She lifted her head just a bit to look up at him with her big Jake eyes. She shook her head and sniffled.
“Ice cream,” he whispered as his eyes widened and a small smile crept onto his face. “How’s that sound, hm?”
You couldn’t see much of her face but you could tell from her eyes that she was smiling back.
He sat up and sat her up with him. He placed her on the couch and wrapped her up with the blanket that was previously covering him. She continued holding her blanket and sucking her thumb with her free hand.
“You stay here with Mommy and I’ll be right back, okay? You want Oreo or chocolate?” 
“Oweo,” she answered. 
Of course she wanted Oreo. Cookies N’ Cream was Jake’s favorite. So naturally, it was hers too. 
He looked at you and his eyes silently asked you if you wanted any. You waved him off and shook your head. You had every intention of going upstairs to sleep the second he came back.
You put on a movie for her and helped her dry her face while Jake spent a few minutes in the kitchen. 
He returned with two bowls of ice cream in his hands and handed her one. A small smile lit up her face as she looked down into the bowl to see Jake gave her just a little bit more than he normally would. 
“Oooh, what are we watching?” he asked as he settled down next to her and pulled some of the blanket onto his legs so they were now sharing it.
“Moana,” she said in her little voice, pointing to the television. 
“Oooh, Moana? My favorite,” he replied. Again, he wasn’t lying.
You kissed her goodnight on the cheek and tasted ice cream on Jake’s lips as you kissed him.
“I’ll put her to bed once she falls asleep and come up in a little bit,” he whispered as you pulled away from him.
“Kay,” you replied.
You gave them one last look as you left the room. She had cuddled herself into his side and her eyes were wide and she carefully scooped some ice cream out of her bowl and into her mouth. 
Jake was right, ice cream did make her feel better.
You woke up the next morning in an empty bed, which was unusual. You walked into the hallway to see your daughter’s bedroom door open and her bed empty as well. 
When you walked downstairs and into the living room, you smiled at the sight of two empty bowls on the coffee table, Jake cuddled up in blankets on one end of the couch, and your daughter on the other.
Author's Note: I thought these were cute and I like how they’re short and sweet. Enjoy! Pls don’t ask for Dad Danny- idk him like that.
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Can I get some fall!steve fluff lol I just need it maybe like he’s getting ready to take the kids trick or treating and his wife is pregnant and he brings her extra candy hahahah
Pumpkins Galore
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“Daddy I weady to go twick or tweating!”
Steve had to resist from laughing at his little girls’ costume—it was just too cute.
“Sweetheart, you’re the cutest pumpkin around,” Steve smiled, picking up his three year old daughter, Ivy.
“Of course I am!” she beamed.
“Hey now, what about me?” you called from the bed, arms crossed grumpily.
“Mommy you big as a pumpkin!” Ivy giggled.
“Mommy feels like one too,” you groaned playfully, rubbing your very pregnant belly.
Steve had jokingly you bought a shirt with a Jack-O-Lantern on it and you ended up loving it, your belly making you look like a true Halloween pumpkin.
Ivy was in a toddler sized orange pumpkin suit, holes for both legs, arms and her head. On top of her head was a beret style hat that was orange and had a green stem on top. She was absolutely adorable.
“I hate that I can’t go with you guys,” you frowned, pouting.
Since it was so late in your pregnancy and you’d been having difficulties lately, you’d been assigned by your doctor to stay on strict bed rest—something Steve made absolutely sure you followed.
“I know baby,” Steve said, leaning down to kiss your head before rubbing your stomach, “But you and this little one needs to stay healthy.”
“Can we go now pleeeeeaaase?” Ivy begged.
“Okay, okay,” Steve chuckled, putting her down, “Go get your bag and we’ll go.”
Ivy went sprinting from the room almost immediately, ready to hit all the neighbors doors.
“I promise I’ll bring you some candy if you stop pouting,” Steve grinned, leaning down once again to capture your lips with his.
For as excited as Ivy had been ten minutes ago, she now hid behind Steve’s legs, much to his amusement.
“Can you say “trick or treat”?” he asked, looking down at the little girl tangled in his legs, clinging to him.
She buried her face into his leg shyly, refusing to speak.
“That’s okay,” the elderly woman in the doorway said.
She held a bowl full of candy and held it out to Ivy’s level for her to grab something.
“Would you like to take your pick? I must say you’re the cutest pumpkin I’ve seen tonight,” the kind, grandmotherly lady complimented.
Ivy didn’t budge, but she did peek out from behind Steve’s leg a little.
“Can you tell the nice woman, thank you, Ivy?”
“Tank you,” Ivy smiled shyly.
“Go ahead princess, don’t you want some candy?” Steve asked, gently trying to make her more comfortable.
She tugged on his leg, motioning for him to lean down to her. He gave the woman an apologetic glance before leaning down to his daughter’s level.
She whispered in his ear and he nodded, chuckling.
Standing back up, he took a mini Twix from the bowl.
“I’m sorry, she’s not usually this shy,” Steve apologized again.
“No problem,” she smiled, her face radiating with happiness as she watched the two, “You’re a very good father. Be careful with that one though,” she teased, “She’ll have you wrapped around her little finger for life.”
“Oh she already has,” Steve grinned, picking up his little pumpkin and handing her the wrapped candy.
Ivy gently put it in her trick-or-treating bag and waved to the woman.
“Tank you!” she called as Steve walked down the sidewalk, Ivy in his arms.
As Steve walked the distance to the next house, Ivy spoke again.
“Tank you daddy.”
“For what?” he asked, peering down at her.
“For hepping me.”
“For helping you?” he asked.
She nodded.
“When I was too scawed too.”
“You’re welcome,” Steve smiled, kissing her cheek.
“I can do it now,” she said when Steve approached the next person’s house.
She nodded again.
“I big girl daddy. I got dis.”
Steve chuckled, not daring to argue with his little girl. He sat her down and watched her run up ahead of him. When the door opened, she grinned wide and waved at the couple in the doorway.
“Twick or tweat!”
His little girl certainly was a big girl.
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