unwanted-animal · 3 months
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Web Weaving - Percival Endicott Whyborne
Shadow - Amigo the Devil // The Last Beat of My Heart - Siouxsie and the Banshees // Arsonist’s Lullaby - Hozier // We’re In This Together - Nine Inch Nails // Prince of Shadows - Inkubus Sukkubus // Lose Control - Evanescence // If I Ever Get Home Before Dark - Gogol Bordello // The Likes Of You Again - Flogging Molly
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wildmadumb · 6 months
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But do have a conversation later, please.
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dandelion-roots · 2 years
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[Image description: the first image is a digital drawing in a semi-painterly style of Whyborne and Griffin walking arm in arm down the street. Whyborne is holding a red flower and blushes as he looks down at it, and Griffin is looking at him and smiling. The background is painterly and shows the street and lampposts lining it. The second image is a closeup of the drawing. End description]
Valentine’s day stroll through the bestest horrible murder town!
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sexysecretgirlypage · 9 months
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Stories are not reality. They use many tools to reflect reality but they are not beholden to the same rules. What's more, they reflect Romance just as readily as they reflect Realism. Stories require a suspension of disbelief. Some willingness to look outside yourself to pick apart meaning. An ability to empathize with experiences not your own so you can better see why and how it was put together the way it was. Stories are ephemeral and intangible, a collective fever dream with meanings that shift depending on the dreamer. They are also deliberately constructed and come with their own concrete intentions, histories, and baggage unique to each culture, genre, and medium the story is told in.
If I had one wish when it comes to critiques of fiction, it's that people come at a story from where it is first and everything else can come later. For example, critiques of YA are going to be different to that of Adult works. Those teenagers are heroes and sexual agents because it's important teenagers be allowed their own coming of age journeys— explorations of sex and sexuality a big part of that period of self discovery for many. (That doesn't mean sex has to be a PSA either, it can be raw and awkward and weird and uninhabited). E.g. No, that immortal/older supernatural being falling for our teen hero isn't a predator (well... there are layers). What they are is a extremely common teen power fantasy. (However, if you did want to read a YA series that deconstructs that particular trope and explores how horrific such a dynamic would be, I'd recommend 'The Fever King' and 'The Electric Heir' by Victoria Lee. Brilliant and harrowing books).
Okay, so, anyway. I've been watching a very good YA show called Dead Boy Detectives. (I have a feeling the people following me are reading those words with exasperation, "No shit"). It's fun spooky hijinks but it's also a beautiful piece of cinematic storytelling that uses a variety of mixed mediums to get its points across. It makes this queer nerds heart happy and deserves more space to tell the story it wants to tell and subvert the tropes it wants to subvert. However, in case it doesn't get that space, I wanted to recommend two queer book series that fans of the show may want to look into. The 'Whyborne & Griffin' series by Jordan L. Hawk (each book gets better and better, and also, the actor that plays Edwin would make an excellent Whyborne) and 'The Last Binding' series by Freya Marske.
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zefenrian · 9 months
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skiddykid · 1 year
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Continuing on my quest try more book cover illustration by doing my own take on a cover for Widdershins 🌀
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mushabon · 10 months
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Inspired by Whyborne & Griffin: Widdershins Book 1" by Jordan L Hawk. I've been wanting to do a W&G piece for so so so long and I'm so glad to have finally had a moment to do so. What better scene than this one to make my heart burst into 1000 pieces <3
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evenaturtleduck · 5 months
Parenting lesson #17 from the Whyborne and Griffin series: if you're racist or homophobic about your future son in law you can fuck right off and out of the story, but if you merely attempt to sacrifice him to an eldritch god you can definitely come back from that one ❤️
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goofyshyuckintrial · 2 months
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Favorite couple from my favorite book series😌
( The Adventures of Whyborne and Griffin by Jordan L. Hawk)
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unwanted-animal · 2 months
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Whyborne and Griffin: Bloodline
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wildmadumb · 6 months
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I read the first tome of Widdershins, by Jordan L. Hawk. Closeted philologist meets spirited detective. Explosions, burglary, kidnapping and invocation of the Great Old Ones ensue.
Unexpected gems of situational comedy?
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whoviandoodler · 10 months
still can't get over how fucking funny whyborne is. this bitch had the most insane reason for internalized homophobia and one of the most intense cases of it and then griffin comes along and whyborne's just like 'actually never mind, a hot man looked at me and i am the gayest gay alive i love being gay i love fucking men and being in love with men' like i am studying you under the microscope
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a-pepper-honey · 4 months
Absolutely nobody:
Whyborne in Griffin’s shadowsight:
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pretensesoup · 1 year
Queer fiction, day 2/30
Since I mentioned it yesterday, let's talk about Widdershins, which is book one of the Whyborne and Griffin books. There are eleven in total, but they're in a series such that you kind of have to read in order, so I'm going to talk about them as a group.
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I only have these as ebooks right now, so I'm gonna hotlink to goodreads for the cover. Hopefully that works.
Okay, so the plot. Let's start by saying these do have a plot. Set in a very gothic town called Widdershins, in Massachusetts (just down the road from Arkham, it seems). As places go, it's very Night Vale--people keep to themselves and don't make eye contact if they're out after dark; the city's museum was designed by a man who slowly went mad during the work; everyone worships at a church called First Esoteric, which has some rather non-standard ritual practices.
The books are set around 1900. At the outset, we meet Dr. Percival Endicott Whyborne (he goes by Whyborne, which makes sense). He's highly educated, a philologist (someone who studies the history of languages). He speaks something like thirteen languages himself, and is also interested in cryptography, so it makes sense that when a private eye named Griffin Flaherty is referred to the museum with an occult, encyphered book, Whyborne is the person who's asked to help him. Together, they investigate a secret brotherhood and also fall in love.
I love a bunch of things about these books: the side characters are excellent; the sense of place (for a place that doesn't exist!) is extremely strong, and it's a funny, creepy place; the way the main characters get a chance to grow, both personally and in their relationship across all the books (unusual to find a series with so many entries in this genre); the explicit ways that Hawk deals with and subverts the ideas of "other" in Lovecraftian fiction.
Key quote: "Although the public areas of the museum were designed to give the appearance of a neat and orderly progression through history, the rest of the building exemplified chaos. Storerooms burrowed deep into the earth, while various wings sprawled off in every direction. The library was a literal labyrinth, and shortly after I'd first been hired, I'd found myself obliged to cross the flat roof of one of the wings as the most direct route from one department to another. Even though the museum was less than forty years old, there were rumors of lost storerooms and offices, and I did not doubt the possibility."
These books have a lot of sex in them, so be forewarned. When I read the first book, I found the use of euphemism in these a little grating to the inner ear ("my length" and suchlike), but over the course of the books I came to appreciate the voice. Then I read all the books and turned into a tiny eldrich creature myself.
10/10 for them.
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