#i dont actually fully understand category theory
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jeju-tangerine · 7 months
well fundamentally and something which i think a lot about is i think its so weird how romantic or intimate relationships are so socially public. how there is a social script for a close relationship and the phases of it, AND the categories of relationships are neatly named and segregated and its all just common public knowledge. and maybe im not necessarily even trying to cast a singular judgement because i think those regulations can have their charms i am famously a big fan of romcom media and im also deeply monogamous. but at the same time it is so weird so so just startling to me any time i think about it how there is a social expectation of making a specific kind of a private intimate bond. and how it is regulated both in terms of like literal law as in the concept of marriage, but also in terms of like soft power esque expectation of certain relationship milestones both in a single person's life as well as in each relationship between two people. i just dont get it. how there is a MODEL for it all. there is a ritual aspect to it. and its PUBLIC. even though the subject matter is one of the most deeply personal things in life i feel like. other people are fully allowed to talk about others' dating lives or dating histories or your grandparents can have expectations for you about it. and then that model relationship traditionally culminates in a wedding which is SUCH a fundamentally PUBLIC act. it is a statement and an announcement and a self-fullfilling thing and all that, and its so weird. and there are these terms that are just universally understood like a date or a relationship or a marriage and everyone just understands what is meant when those are said bc those are like.. treated as some identifiable ideas even though really the idea of a "romantic relationship" tells me nothing. i dont know what that entails for that particular couple. i know the social construct of it i know the model in theory i know the script but i dont actually know SHIT. well i dont know what im saying really besides Society and my head hurts so horribly
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nothorses · 3 years
Interview With An Ex-Radfem
exradfem is an anonymous Tumblr user who identifies as transmasculine, and previously spent time in radical feminist communities. They have offered their insight into those communities using their own experiences and memories as a firsthand resource.
I was raised in an incredibly fundamentalist religion, and so was predisposed to falling for cult rhetoric. Naturally, I was kicked out for being a lesbian. I was taken in by the queer community, particularly the trans community, and I got back on my feet- somehow. I had a large group of queer friends, and loved it. I fully went in on being the Best Trans Ally Possible, and constantly tried to be a part of activism and discourse.
Unfortunately, I was undersocialized, undereducated, and overenthusiastic. I didn't fully understand queer or gender theory. In my world, when my parents told me my sexuality was a choice and I wasn't born that way, they were absolutely being homophobic. I understood that no one should care if it's a choice or not, but it was still incredibly, vitally important to me that I was born that way.
On top of that, I already had an intense distrust of men bred by a lot of trauma. That distrust bred a lot of gender essentialism that I couldn't pull out of the gender binary. I felt like it was fundamentally true that men were the problem, and that women were inherently more trustworthy. And I really didn't know where nonbinary people fit in.
Then I got sucked down the ace exclusionist pipeline; the way the arguments were framed made sense to my really surface-level, liberal view of politics. This had me primed to exclude people –– to feel like only those that had been oppressed exactly like me were my community.
Then I realized I was attracted to my nonbinary friend. I immediately felt super guilty that I was seeing them as a woman. I started doing some googling (helped along by ace exclusionists on Tumblr) and found the lesfem community, which is basically radfem “lite”: lesbians who are "only same sex attracted". This made sense to me, and it made me feel so much less guilty for being attracted to my friend; it was packaged as "this is just our inherent, biological desire that is completely uncontrollable". It didn't challenge my status quo, it made me feel less guilty about being a lesbian, and it allowed me to have a "biological" reason for rejecting men.
I don't know how much dysphoria was playing into this, and it's something I will probably never know; all of this is just piecing together jumbled memories and trying to connect dots. I know at the time I couldn't connect to this trans narrative of "feeling like a woman". I couldn't understand what trans women were feeling. This briefly made me question whether I was nonbinary, but radfem ideas had already started seeping into my head and I'm sure I was using them to repress that dysphoria. That's all I can remember.
The lesfem community seeded gender critical ideas and larger radfem princples, including gender socialization, gender as completely meaningless, oppression as based on sex, and lesbian separatism. It made so much innate sense to me, and I didn't realize that was because I was conditioned by the far right from the moment of my birth. Of course women were just a biological class obligated to raise children: that is how I always saw myself, and I always wanted to escape it.
I tried to stay in the realms of TIRF (Trans-Inclusive Radical Feminist) and "gender critical" spaces, because I couldn't take the vitriol on so many TERF blogs. It took so long for me to get to the point where I began seeing open and unveiled transphobia, and I had already read so much and bought into so much of it that I thought that I could just ignore those parts.
In that sense, it was absolutely a pipeline for me. I thought I could find a "middle ground", where I could "center women" without being transphobic.
Slowly, I realized that the transphobia was just more and more disgustingly pervasive. Some of the trans men and butch women I looked up to left the groups, and it was mostly just a bunch of nasty people left. So I left.
After two years offline, I started to recognize I was never going to be a healthy person without dealing with my dysphoria, and I made my way back onto Tumblr over the pandemic. I have realized I'm trans, and so much of this makes so much more sense now. I now see how I was basically using gender essentialism to repress my identity and keep myself in the closet, how it was genuinely weaponized by TERFs to keep me there, and how the ace exclusionist movement primed me into accepting lesbian separatism- and, finally, radical feminism.
The Interview
You mentioned the lesfem community, gender criticals, and TIRFs, which I haven't heard about before- would you mind elaborating on what those are, and what kinds of beliefs they hold?
I think the lesfem community is recruitment for lesbians into the TERF community. Everything is very sanitized and "reasonable", and there's an effort not to say anything bad about trans women. The main focus was that lesbian = homosexual female, and you can't be attracted to gender, because you can't know someone's gender before knowing them; only their sex.
It seemed logical at the time, thinking about sex as something impermeable and gender as internal identity. The most talk about trans women I saw initially was just in reference to the cotton ceiling, how sexual orientation is a permanent and unchangeable reality. Otherwise, the focus was homophobia. This appealed to me, as I was really clinging to the "born this way" narrative.
This ended up being a gateway to two split camps - TIRFs and gender crits.
I definitely liked to read TIRF stuff, mostly because I didn't like the idea of radical feminism having to be transphobic. But TIRFs think that misogyny is all down to hatred of femininity, and they use that as a basis to be able to say trans women are "just as" oppressed.
Gender criticals really fought out against this, and pushed the idea that gender is fake, and misogyny is just sex-based oppression based on reproductive issues. They believe that the source of misogyny is the "male need to control the source of reproduction"- which is what finally made me think I had found the "source" of my confusion. That's why I ended up in gender critical circles instead of TIRF circles.
I'm glad, honestly, because the mask-off transphobia is what made me finally see the light. I wouldn't have seen that in TIRF communities.
I believed this in-between idea, that misogyny was "sex-based oppression" and that transphobia was also real and horrible, but only based on transition, and therefore a completely different thing. I felt that this was the "nuanced" position to take.
The lesfem community also used the fact that a lot of lesbians have partners who transition, still stay with their lesbian partners, and see themselves as lesbian- and that a lot of trans men still see themselves as lesbians. That idea is very taboo and talked down in liberal queer spaces, and I had some vague feelings about it that made me angry, too. I really appreciated the frank talk of what I felt were my own taboo experiences.
I think gender critical ideology also really exploited my own dysphoria. There was a lot of talk about how "almost all butches have dysphoria and just don't talk about it", and that made me feel so much less alone and was, genuinely, a big relief to me that I "didn't have to be trans".
Lesfeminism is essentially lesbian separatism dressed up as sex education. Lesfems believe that genitals exist in two separate categories, and that not being attracted to penises is what defines lesbians. This is used to tell cis lesbians, "dont feel bad as a lesbian if you're attracted to trans men", and that they shouldn’t feel "guilty" for not being attracted to trans women. They believe that lesbianism is not defined as being attracted to women, it is defined as not being attracted to men; which is a root idea in lesbian separatism as well.
Lesfems also believe that attraction to anything other than explicit genitals is a fetish: if you're attracted to flat chests, facial hair, low voices, etc., but don't care if that person has a penis or not, you're bisexual with a fetish for masculine attributes. Essentially, they believe the “-sexual” suffix refers to the “sex” that you are assigned at birth, rather than your attraction: “homosexual” refers to two people of the same sex, etc. This was part of their pushback to the ace community, too.
I think they exploited the issues of trans men and actively ignored trans women intentionally, as a way of avoiding the “TERF” label. Pronouns were respected, and they espoused a constant stream of "trans women are women, trans men are men (but biology still exists and dictates sexual orientation)" to maintain face.
They would only be openly transmisogynistic in more private, radfem-only spaces.
For a while, I didn’t think that TERFs were real. I had read and agreed with the ideology of these "reasonable" people who others labeled as TERFs, so I felt like maybe it really was a strawman that didn't exist. I think that really helped suck me in.
It sounds from what you said like radical feminism works as a kind of funnel system, with "lesfem" being one gateway leading in, and "TIRF" and "gender crit" being branches that lesfem specifically funnels into- with TERFs at the end of the funnel. Does that sound accurate?
I think that's a great description actually!
When I was growing up, I had to go to meetings to learn how to "best spread the word of god". It was brainwashing 101: start off by building a relationship, find a common ground. Do not tell them what you really believe. Use confusing language and cute innuendos to "draw them in". Prey on their emotions by having long exhausting sermons, using music and peer pressure to manipulate them into making a commitment to the church, then BAM- hit them with the weird shit.
Obviously I am paraphrasing, but this was framed as a necessary evil to not "freak out" the outsiders.
I started to see that same talk in gender critical circles: I remember seeing something to the effect of, "lesfem and gender crit spaces exist to cleanse you of the gender ideology so you can later understand the 'real' danger of it", which really freaked me out; I realized I was in a cult again.
I definitely think it's intentional. I think they got these ideas from evangelical Christianity, and they actively use it to spread it online and target young lesbians and transmascs. And I think gender critical butch spaces are there to draw in young transmascs who hate everything about femininity and womanhood, and lesfem spaces are there to spread the idea that trans women exist as a threat to lesbianism.
Do you know if they view TIRFs a similar way- as essentially prepping people for TERF indoctrination?
Yes and no.
I've seen lots of in-fighting about TIRFs; most TERFs see them as a detriment, worse than the "TRAs" themselves. I've also definitely seen it posed as "baby's first radfeminism". A lot of TIRFs are trans women, at least from what I've seen on Tumblr, and therefore are not accepted or liked by radfems. To be completely honest, I don't think they're liked by anyone. They just hate men.
TIRFs are almost another breed altogether; I don't know if they have ties to lesfems at all, but I do think they might've spearheaded the online ace exclusionist discourse. I think a lot of them also swallowed radfem ideology without knowing what it was, and parrot it without thinking too hard about how it contradicts with other ideas they have.
The difference is TIRFs exist. They're real people with a bizarre, contradictory ideology. The lesfem community, on the other hand, is a completely manufactured "community" of crypto-terfs designed specifically to indoctrinate people into TERF ideology.
Part of my interest in TIRFs here is that they seem to have a heavy hand in the way transmascs are treated by the trans community, and if you're right that they were a big part of ace exclusionism too they've had a huge impact on queer discourse as a whole for some time. It seems likely that Baeddels came out of that movement too.
Yes, there’s a lot of overlap. The more digging I did, the more I found that it's a smaller circle running the show than it seems. TIRFs really do a lot of legwork in peddling the ideology to outer queer community, who tend to see it as generic feminism.
TERFs joke a lot about how non-radfems will repost or reblog from TERFs, adding "op is a TERF”. They're very gleeful when people accept their ideology with the mask on. They think it means these people are close to fully learning the "truth", and they see it as further evidence they have the truth the world is hiding. I think it's important to speak out against radical feminism in general, because they’re right; their ideology does seep out into the queer community.
Do you think there's any "good" radical feminism?
No. It sees women as the ultimate victim, rather than seeing gender as a tool to oppress different people differently. Radical feminism will always see men as the problem, and it is always going to do harm to men of color, gay men, trans men, disabled men, etc.
Women aren't a coherent class, and radfems are very panicked about that fact; they think it's going to be the end of us all. But what's wrong with that? That's like freaking out that white isn't a coherent group. It reveals more about you.
It's kind of the root of all exclusionism, the more I think about it, isn't it? Just freaking out that some group isn't going to be exclusive anymore.
Radical feminists believe that women are inherently better than men.
For TIRFs, it's gender essentialism. For TERFs, its bio essentialism. Both systems are fundamentally broken, and will always hurt the groups most at risk. Centering women and misogyny above all else erases the root causes of bigotry and oppression, and it erases the intersections of race and class. The idea that women are always fundamentally less threatening is very white and privileged.
It also ignores how cis women benefit from gender norms just as cis men do, and how cis men suffer from gender roles as well. It’s a system of control where gender non-conformity is a punishable offense.
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garak · 2 years
any explanation for the ocelot kiss ends up being funny actually because all of them are insane. if operating under the assumption this was a liquid move, that leaves you with option a, the “brotherly kiss” thing, or option b, the taunt. now i dont know about you folks but i am a man with two brothers and neither of these things seems plausible to me, especially because liquid doesnt even like or respect snake that much nor is this actually an effective taunt. with liquid ruled out, we must now accept this was an ocelot move. the two subsections of the ocelot category are as such: subsect a, ocelot believes the man in his arms is solid snake, or subsect b, ocelot believe this man to be big boss. under subsect a, the options are either a, this is a kiss indicating positive emotions towards snake, or b, this is a russian tuant. subsect a option b has been argued to death so i wont be addressing it. subsect a option a is plausible since ocelot has previously shown interest in snake albeit as a proxy big boss and since snake has been providing him (& liquid) with a competent opponent for all these years. i think this conclusion, that its a sign of respect and affection, has a decent standing in canon and is an understandable analysis. however, i am a firm believer in subsect b, that ocelot believed snake to be big boss for a not insignificant part of the fight. i think the kiss is honestly evidence for this larger theory, since ocelots feelings towards bb are not exactly ambiguous. ocelot repeating big boss’ first words to him and reverting to his older fighting style give us the notion of him not being fully aware of his situation or really understanding where or when he is, since he acts like a younger version of himself, using dialogue, gestures, even music from mgs3 & mgsv. his twin guns gesture was only ever used towards bb afaicr. the kiss happens during a period in the fight meant to show the ocelot of mgs3 (with copious intercut footage that one has to assume is from ocelot’s memories) and i think its fair to assume that at least in that part of the battle he was perhaps not seeing snake as snake. by the end of the fight he seems to have regressed somewhat into his liquid persona, but even while speaking as liquid is still drawing on ocelot’s own recollection of big boss. in his final moments he acknowledges snake and himself as being other than liquid & big boss respectively, which adds another interesting layer to the “is he perceiving snake as bb” debate. i personally think that for that section of the fight he is, which means he was finally putting the moves on a dude he had been in love with for like half a century only for that to be the wrong guy. and he dies like 3 minutes later. so any way the cookie crumbles its funny but thats my analysis on the matter
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
So I have opinions on the other stages but like most of us I can’t stop thinking about the SF9 stage. Hanya said it really well in her response but I think we have to break up the members into the ones who tried to emulate Taemin’s androgyny and those who just flat out didn’t try. So in order I’d put it Taeyang, Jaeyoon, Zuho. Those three stood out to me the most as really pushing into more feminine ways of carrying themselves and dancing especially Jaeyoon-like where did that man come from it was very unexpected. Then Chani and Inseong were both more neutral. I can’t put Chani in the first category mostly because of the contrast between his dancing and style with the female dancers that made it obvious that he was still trying to be more masculine despite having certain moves that definitely lend to a feline style like all the hip movements(whether consciously or unconsciously). And last Hwiyoung, Youngbin, and Dawon. I think this is the distinction that some people were making with “sexy” and “Taemin sexy”. Like everyone just associates him with sexiness but opening your shirt to show off your abs doesn’t fit with Taemin’s usual sensuality. Taemin seems to be more focused on movement (throwback to your post on his dancing style) so in order to emulate him there a certain attitude and way in which you carry yourself through movement is necessary. Also youngbin’s rap part did not fit with the concept either-it was too energetic and chill (too much swagger?). Like the way he moved compared to say Zuho was more in line with his usual stuff rather than fitting the way he moved to the stage and song. It’s also interesting to see that the outfits seem to also keep in line with this. Zuho and Taeyang have their midsections showing in a way that’s more common in women’s fashion then in men’s, Chani and Inseong are almost completely covered (so neither in one direction or the other) and Hwiyoung has his arms bared to show off his manly, manly biceps. And of course there’s Dawon. It’s fascinating to compare the members with the more revealing outfits. Like they all have their midsections uncovered but to be more feminine it’s only just a crop top and to be more masculine you open the shirt up completely. It makes sense. Also I’ve been obsessed with Jaeyoon and I can’t exactly pinpoint why he stood out so much especially when Taeyang is RIGHT THERE (though I don’t really think Taeyang got a solo scene but rather was center on the group dances which kind of dilutes his parts). Like his outfit is pretty plain but I love the cutout and the fact that he has long sleeves but they aren’t mesh. It’s simple but effective. I kept thinking this was the Hetero man’s Move especially during Youngbin and Dawson’s parts.
ok this took a really long time because honestly i changed what i was writing about like four times in the middle of the process and i changed my mind like four times because this is a very complicated topic and i could not settle on what the best way to come at it was. tbh i dont think i did the best job even though this is over a thousand words but i have no clue how to make this any more coherent without re-reading all of my flatmate and i's gender theory books and that's just way too much. but here we go.
EDIT: here is hanya’s post about the stage for reference!
where i'm at right now is that i think we are overlaying taemin’s current gender antics with what the actual move was. move has transformed along with taemin, and as such we look back at it with the understanding of what it becomes, but if we take a moment to forget that context, well... let me show you. here’s the 171019 comeback stage. and the 171027. and the 171029. now, here’s the 190223 stage from sketchbook. and from almost a year later, at the 2019 mbc music festival. and now here’s it from a month ago on the tiktok stage. it’s changed a significant amount not only in how he performs it, but in how the costumes and his body affect what it looks like. the cutoff muscle shirt of october 2017 absolutely has a different connotation than the lace back and velvet princess glove and the diamonds of december 2019.
i still do believe that sf9’s cover is missing a huge dimension because it comes from a fundamental non-understanding of what people who present even the slightest bit outside of the gender binary go through, i don’t think they were wrong in interpreting it as ‘man doing non-aggressive but seductive dance moves’ because on the surface, that’s what it is. taemin has actually spent a significant portion of his solo career doing what you described as traditionally 'masculine' dressing; he did famously rip his shirt off for the first non-music show performance of danger, after all. what we associate as 'taemin sensuality' is relatively new for him, it's more prominently a post-want mannerism because pre-move (and for a lot of move itself) he was very focussed on being perceived as masculine.
if we look at sf9's costumes individually, the breakdown looks like this:
chani - skinny trouser, chiffon shirt, and a cropped wrap suit jacket with a tie back
dawon - straight leg trouser, open silk shirt
jaeyoon - asymmetric open shoulder mock turtleneck, wide leg trouser
taeyang - wide leg trouser, faux leather open shoulder crop top
inseong - silk/silk blend shirt, cropped asymmetric suit jacket with a crossover back, tailored trouser
hwiyoung - sleeveless mock neck faux leather vest, straight leg cargo pant
youngbin - mock neck asymmetric crop top with a mesh underlayer, wide leg trouser
zuho - skinny trouser, mock neck crop top, cropped suit jacket with a pointed front
taemin has worn most of these looks. cropped wrap jacket? ngda beyond live velvet suit. open silk shirt? the move album cover. asymmetric shoulder cutout? several want performances. the only exception is that he doesn’t often wear non-skinny trousers, but even then he did for his beauty and the beast moment with the jinro frog. and sleeveless was the whole costume concept for move in the first place. even youngbin’s look is very similar to this outfit from the offsick concert series. but silhouette is only one factor of a complete costume design - you have to take into account the performer’s body, and how that silhouette is perceived on that body. it’s interesting that you specify that hwiyoung’s biceps are ‘manly’ and grouped him in with the more ‘masculine’ of the sf9 members; as i showed at the beginning of this, taemin was at his most physically muscular for move promotions. hwiyoung has just as pretty a face as taemin, but we perceive him differently in this outfit because his body is categorized as more masculine because his muscles are bigger. and this is fundamentally a gender essentialist argument because bigger muscles are not actually ‘more masculine,’ muscles don’t have gender they’re just how humans move around. it’s just our societally impressed gender binary that makes us think that.
another costume point i want to make is how you describe chani and inseong as being completely covered so ‘neither one direction or the other,’ which i would like to break down a bit. for starters, jaeyoon is also essentially fully covered, but you perceived him as being one of the more androgynous ones over chani or inseong. why? because his silhouette was more form-fitted? because there was an uncommon area of skin showing? chani has a tightly fit silhouette as well, and you can see a fair amount of his skin because his shirt is chiffon. why is a suit neutral but something cut to follow the contour of a body not? the fact of the matter is, the suit is the most symbolically gendered garment in the world; it is loaded with western colonial and patriarchal implications. we just view it as 'neutral' because we’ve been normalized to see it as neutral. now neither of the suits chani or inseong are wearing are traditionally cut, and chani’s especially is quite subversive in its construction, but taemin is no stranger to using the implications of a suit for move, here’s the stage from 171105. grey double breasted pinstripe suits were the most popular style for businessmen in the postwar west, and still maintain a prominent indicator of class and power to this day.
you are correct in pointing out that the movements and mannerisms of the members don’t all match the same level, but i want to specifically talk about the intro moment with chani, because you mention him as trying to be more masculine, which i very much disagree with. chani actually does the best at retaining the body neutrality of the original choreo because the original choreo as a stand alone isn’t that seductive or ‘feminine.’ yea he doesn’t have the attitude down pat but the guy’s 20 and is clearly not as comfortable with being this kind of sexy. the reason why you’re perceiving him to be more ‘masculine’ in his movements is because the backup dancers are frankly, being pretty aggressively sexual in a feminine coded way around him. of course he’s gonna look out of place! part of what gives move its uniqueness is that the backup dancers are doing the exact same choreo as taemin, at the exact same intensity. not an altered version where they slut drop behind him.
like i said at the very beginning, i think taemin’s been tipped into the ‘feminine’ category under false assumptions, so it’s doing a bit of skewing of the responses to this stage. if i were to make a very reductivist diagram, i think a lot of responses have been (taemin) <- neutral -> masculine, with the implication that taemin is the feminine analogue, but in reality what taemin is and is aiming for is feminine -> (taemin) <- masculine. because we have been socialized to see things in such an aggressive binary, it can be very difficult to pick out what a true neutral is.
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n-ugg · 3 years
I didn't expect to get tagged but here we are. As you all will be able to tell in a bit, I am a massive Quackity fan
Thank you for tagging me @skeetlehands!
who is your favourite member on the smp?
Look, I love them all but these have a special place in my heart.
Quackity, Slimecicle (I am fully aware he just joined but I still love him), Schlatt, Tubbo, Eret, AweSamdude, and Ponk.
They're just great in and out of character and just have comforting vibes.
when did you first start watching the smp and what made you get into it?
I gotten in during the Pogtopia era since it took me a while to get access to the streams.
I mainly gotten in with the Sad-ist War animatics along with me trying to catch up on Quackity's VODS. Just someone that I was already familiar with being an easier shift into story and learning others through him
what is your favourite part about watching the smp?
Just watching everyone interact with other and just seeing the plot progress in real time. Its literally just dnd but with extra steps but I enjoy it so much
The improv that they all do is amazing and how everyone have different approaches to their characters makes my writer's side so happy with dissecting everything.
What piece of cursed lore is your favourite
That Wilbur canonically fucked a fish and Philza canonically fucked a Samasung fridge and just seeing the fanbase try to change into something that will at least make a bit more sense.
Im included in this, I basically joined the side that has Sally being a mermaid shapeshifting pirate. Mainly because of pirate Fundy
Who is your favorite duo on the smp
Slimecicle and Ranboo: They're the same person but in different fonts, you can convince me otherwise
Schlatt and Quackity: They managed to be super funny together with all of the jokes and balanced with making a very realistic abusive relationship work. It was always fun seeing them flirt with each other for a joke then get hit with whiplash when canon comes in to remind me that this isnt healthy
Tubbo and Tommy: They're two dumbasses who share the same braincell but then they constantly lose it and Tubbo mainly has custody of it
Wilbur and Schlatt: I just enjoy seeing Schlatt messing with Wilbur and occasionally flirts with him to get Wilbur more pissed off
Who are your comfort streamers
Quackity and Slimecicle are comfort streamers
Eret, Fundy, and AweSamdude are my comfort people (meaning I dont watch them as much but I find comfort in their presence. And the other two are also under this category)
Who is your favorite character
Quackity due to how complex his character is and yet how it looks so simple
Schlatt because is just a villian who knows how to play the game without getting caught
Tubbo, watching him trying to be hopeful with everything destroy around him and he just slowly become used to everything going wrong
AweSamdude because he is just trying his best to be a father figure others and I just got family issues
Who do you think the best actor(s) on the smp
Imma skip over the ones that we all already said and get into the ones that dont get enough praise
Quackity: Just how he managed to make his character seem so basic but in reality its really complex. And just seeing the shift from him being a chaotic force of nature to being a serious character that is trying his best to reach something that has been hanging over his head is just *chefs kiss* and he always delivers amazing lines on the spot.
BadBoyHalo: He is doing great right now, even though he is a bit rusty with starting he still manages to get into character and stay in character the entire time. When slowly easing in, you can tell its a bit forced but once he finds his footing, he knows how to deliver his lines.
AweSamdude: His entire bit where he was getting rescued from the egg fucking hurt. How he sounded weak from the entire thing and tired to where he just wanted to rest was so well. And I know he can act more energetic when he was accidentally dragged into playing a cop during Quackity's and Bad's date
Fundy: You guys need to give him more praise for his acting because he is fucking amazing at it. The little touches to how he voice when speaks is so good along with his body language in game. He knows what he's fucking doing and I love him for that. And when he snapped, it made complete sense if you payed attention to his character
I didnt add Ranboo because he's automatically at the top section due to him being a dnd player. Same goes to Slimecicle even though he hasnt acted yet. I dont make the rules. You play dnd, you know how to act
What are your favorite quotes
I dont have favorite quotes, just dialog heavy scenes.
Before Doomsday, Quackity going to take his horse far away from L'Manberg, it being the one thing he cares about. It was just so good
The entire Schlatt and Quackity argument in front of the white house
The meeting between Schlatt and Quackity with Schlatt yelling out to him in a taunting way to where Tommy and Quackity are trying to figure out what happened to the tnt. I constantly rewatch it to feel the adrinaline pumping to feel something
Wilbur's slow descend into insanity and talking to Tommy. Just showing his paranoia and fears consuming him, him projecting his fears into Tommy as an attempt of manipulation, and his hero complex shift into villian one
Schlatt's winning speech of him projecting it as something that was bound to happen no matter what. The amount of charisma and confidence that was in his voice as I was watching Tommy hiding underground in fear was just a perfect scene
Tommy's argument with Dream when everyone is protecting Tommy. Its the small details of Tommy taunting Dream to kill him, knowing he wont no matter what. Him telling everyone to protect Tubbo and everyone listening without hesitation.
The debate that Quackity and Dream had for like 11 or 14 minutes. All of that was completely unprompted unscripted, it was just so satisfying seeing someone stand up against Dream for the first time and actually beating him. Sure it was in a verble conflict but it still counts as a defeat
Be honest, who do you simp for? (Ayo if anyone says Tommy or Tubbo I will🗡)
Schlatt, Quackity, and Slimecicle
Its pretty obvious, I dont really try to hide it
Whats your favorite stream
Uhhhh I dont exactly have one so none I guess
Whats your least favorite streams
Im sorry, but all of the Jackbox stream. You need a specific group of people to play together in order to actually make it funny and keeping the energy throughout the entire thing.
After a bit later, everyone has a tendency of pandering to the audience and repeat jokes. They managed to beat jokes to the ground faster than Tiktok AND Twitter.
Dont get me started with DreamTeam being in there. They're funny in thier own rights but the shipping jokes get so unfunny so quick and they dont know how bounce off of others well. The only exception to this is when Quackity, Velvet, and Ant were playing with Sapnap and Dream. And thats because they decided to mess with the straight white guys into accidently saying offensive shit and seeing those two suffer with trying tiptoe around was so amusing
Whats something about the smp fandom thay makes you sad
This doesnt get me sad, just frustrated and its mostly towards dsmptok and dsmptwt but sometimes this fandom doesnt fucking know how to analyze characters. Like when everyone jumped on Tubbo on being the bad guy when he was a kid trying to use old tatics that knows that worked before and stand up for himself
How when one person decides to do something that they believe is right, everyone just throws the term villian arc around
When one person does one good thing the suddenly everyone accepts into them being good and not ever looking into it.
For fucks sakes, I saw people keep saying that Quackity was turning into Dream or Wilbur and I just sat there being confused on how they conntected those dots that were in different books.
Its so frustrating to read through. But here on dsmpblr, you guys actually understand character analysis, are able to critique them and able to love whoever you enjoy.
Another thing is how this fanbase really puts everyone on a pedestal or objectify them. Just completely forgetting that they're human and treat the streamer as a character. Like, yeah they're playing up a persona whenever they're making content but theres a difference and you shouldn't hold them up like that.
You cant use the argument of "They're young, they dont know any better", when I first entered my first fandom (I was like 11/12), I fully understood that theres a boundary between me and the creator. What they are on screen is a persona but they're still human and I should treat them as such. Its just something that bugs me and its unnerving to see whenever people start getting wierd about it
Final bit is just how the twitch chat acts. They all force the streamer to follow the 'main' plot of it being Tommy or Techno or whoever the fandom chooses to have a favorite, completely ignoring the fact that they are their own character. No one wants to meta game because where is the fun in that but the fucking chat gets so annoying when the streamer goes against fanfavorite of the week. It drains the fun of it being multiple pov's and different characters.
When Slimecicle was barely starting stream I saw so many people spam "Go with Ranboo" and not let him even get into lore first. I hated that I knew it was coming but it was still so fucking frustrating seeing them try to boss him around. Please just let people live outside of the 'main' plot, not everything revolves around your favorites. Now shut the fuck up and let them play
What about the smp fandom that makes you happy?
The people that create art, animatics, theories, playlist, or write oneshots
All of you creators are great and deserve so much more respect then what the fandom gives you because jesus fucking christ they're all so fucking rude. You guys are the ones that are carrying this fandom on your backs and I fucking respect yall for that
Time for da spead: @nixavia @dambette404 and @mocha-is-lost yall dont need to join.....unless😳😳😳
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sick-jive-sire · 6 years
Listen the fuck up ya'll
Ok so I've seen a few posts about how lots of times people dont recommend other people's fics and that that means it's difficult for them to continue writing with out that validation.
I get you, I feel you. So here are my fic recs for a handful of fandoms, but most are going to be Teen Wolf just because that's most of the fics I read, and Drarry as well, fics under the break
A Desperate Arrangement by mikkimouse, 115k, E rated, royal AU
This fic holds a place in my heart I’m not even joking, it means so much to me. This shit got me through NaNoWriMo every single time I wanted to give up. they do such an amazing job of progressing relationships and also revealing pieces of a mystery over time to the point where the ending is a complete surprise no matter how much you’ve been keeping up. Truly a favourite of mine.
"I'm sorry, I believe there's something wrong with my hearing," Stiles said. "Because I could have sworn you just told me you set up a betrothal agreement with the Hales. A betrothal agreement involving me. Me."
Scott smiled his easygoing smile and nodded, which told Stiles no, he hadn't misheard a damn thing.
After seven years of lengthy negotiations, the treaty between the Hales and the Argents has fallen apart and the two countries fell into war.
Months later, there's an uneasy truce, thanks to the intervention of King Scott McCall, but it won't last. In a desperate attempt to maintain the peace, the Hales sign a treaty with the McCalls to marry Prince Derek to Prince Stiles Stilinski, King Scott's brother.
In the history of the world, there have been many better ideas.
The Circus at the End of the World by mikkimouse, 91k, E rated, circus/steampunk AU
Three hundred years ago, the world ended not with a bang or a whimper, but with magic.
Since then, magic has been outlawed, and the world has clawed its way back to some kind of stability, with people and shifters alike divided between living within the walled safety of the Havens, or the small, less protected outposts dotting the frontier.
Derek Hale and his sisters, Laura and Cora, are the proprietors of Hale's Circus of Magic, Monsters, and Mystical Wonders, known colloquially as the Circus at the End of the World. They and their ragtag pack ride the rails between the outposts and the Havens, performing for those who can pay (and some who can't). Their circus is a small haven in and of itself, a place of safety for those who have nowhere else to go.
It's a quiet life...until Stiles Stilinski joins the crew.
The circus has something Stiles needs—a ticket into the Haven of Santa Francesca. His father has been abducted, and Stiles is determined to get him back no matter what he has to do.
But Stiles has another secret, one that puts him and every member of the circus in danger. And if he's not careful, it could get them all killed.
Happy Birthday Mr. Hale by mikkimouse, 5 parts plus Happy Birthday Mr. Stilinski, most are E rated
He expected some level of chaos to greet him. He did not expect to see Stiles standing shirtless in the living room, wearing a sparkly tiara on his head and a pink tutu over his jeans, holding Mia's tea set in one hand and a plastic sword in the other.
Stiles flushed, pink splotching his cheeks and spreading halfway down his pale, toned chest. Derek wanted to bite it, wanted to pinch those puffy nipples and tease them with his tongue, wanted to shove Stiles up against the wall and make him flush everywhere.
(Or: Derek is a single dad celebrating his 30th birthday. Stiles is the college student who babysits for him. Smut ensues.)
Honestly, go read anything mikkimouse has ever written, they are a delight and I love everything I’ve read from them. 
The Searching Ceremonies, series by KouriArashi, 4 parts, M rated
I actually have to talk about this one a little bit. This series means so much to me. It inspires me, it makes me want to be a better writer, and every time I read it it gets even better. I seriously can’t recommend this one enough, if you like Sterek, go read it (plus there’s a handful of other ships in there that are so good even when you think they won’t be)
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....
Cathedrals by KouriArashi, 78k, T rated 
After the events with Deucalion and Jennifer Blake, Derek goes on a search for his biological family. He, Stiles, and Cora head to New York City to try to find the family he doesn’t remember. It turns out that there was a lot to his adoption that he never knew.
The More Things Change by KouriArashi, 80k, M rated, post-apocalyptic AU
Ten years ago, there was a major war between the supernatural world and the mundane. Now Beacon Hills is cut off and the Argents are in control, and the supernatural creatures are slowly being hunted down. But when Stiles, who was adopted by the Argents after the death of his parents, makes friends with the Hale Pack, things start to change...
There are about a thousand more I would recommend but these are the top ones, and these two authors are by far my favourites. 
The Last Thing I Expected, by KouriArashi, 47k, M rated
On every warlock's 25th birthday, there's a ritual to choose their perfect match. Normally it isn't a big deal, but for Magnus Bane - the son of Asmodeus, an Underworld crime lord - it's the party of the century. Everyone is more than a little surprised when Magnus' match turns out to be the bartender, Alec ... who's actually an undercover police officer. Alec's bosses want him to play along to get close to the organization, but Alec isn't sure he can mislead the man who's apparently his soulmate...
One Show Only, by KouriArashi, 29k, E rated
(Please be warned there are themes of internalized homophobia, conversion therapy, suicide and depression, and a truly awful Maryse Lightwood. Please stay safe)
It's hard to stay in the closet when the guy you had a one-night stand with two nights ago turns out to be your new partner ... but Alec will be damned if he isn't going to give it a try.
The Choices of the Chosen, by KouriArashi, 46k, M rated, gladiator AU
The day after his 21st birthday, Alec is sent to the demonic court as a gladiator, where he makes both friends and enemies ... along with meeting Magnus Bane, who doesn't seem to fit in either category.
The Light More Beautiful by firethesound, 81k, E rated
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter's help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn't been enough to dim Draco's obsession with him.
In Evidence of Magical Theory by bixgirl1, 43k, E rated
When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, they're forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible.
In which Harry and Draco can't fight, so they fall in love instead.
Right Hand Red by lq_traintracks or lumosed_quill, 73k, E rated
Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory.
Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy.
Malfoy felt inevitable.
The Standard You Walk Past by bafflinghaze, 46k, M rated
On returning to Hogwarts for their Eighth Year, Headmistress McGonagall decided to room Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter together. She may have hoped for a leading example of house unity; the other students fully expected insults and fights. But nothing happened.
That was, until Harry sleepwalked into Draco’s bed.
Okay, I think that’s everything, truly some of these I cannot recommend more, the Sterek ones all mean something to me and I love them all. Such wonderfully built AUs! So there you have it folks, enjoy.
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ithisatanytime · 3 years
 the other day i mentioned that there are ten states in the united states with ZERO fatalities of children or infants, of course that means there are forty states with some child covid deaths which is tragic, the reason i bring this up is because 1/5 states having zero child deaths from covid gives you a clue as to how rare it is in general, when you look into some of the other 40 states with some covid child deaths its like 1-12, that may seem like a lot but its such a small amount in the context of how many children are in each state. there is a much greater chance of them being struck by lightning or passing away in a car accident on there way to school than dying from covid and its not even close. if you have children or infants dont worry about a thing, they are safe from this.
 The reason there are so few child deaths from covid is because covid itself is practically harmless, the way they are making it seem scary is by marking down deaths from all causes (cancer, influenza, pnuemonia, heart disease, gun shot, motorcycle accident etc.) as covid deaths so long as the person who died was covid positive, thats not a conspiracy theory the CDC admitted this publicly during a press conference and the letter ordering hospitals to mark deaths this way is on the CDC website for you to read. lots and lots of people die every year, because america is a huge country, each state is the size and population of an entire european country like england or france. more than 350 million people live in the us, thats over a quarter of a billion, with such a large number, lots of people will die every year that you wont hear about if the news doesnt cover it, 40-80 thousand per year from the plain old flu. the issue is its almost always old people who pass away, and in america right now, the largest generation by its share of the population is becoming very old, upper eighties and low nineties, we’ve never had this large of an elderly population especially THAT old, medical technology has progressed to the point where we can keep people alive much longer, but they are still frail. so we have this massive elder pop. and over the course of 2020 many of them died, 500,000 from covid supposedly, but we know that not all of those died from covid, how many died from covid and not WITH covid but actually from something else? around 6 percent of that so 30,000 people. there was a study from UCLA Berkeley that showed only six percent of our countries covid deaths were from covid alone, this next part is important to fully grasp, but the other 94 percent of our recorded covid deaths had on average 2.9 additional life threatening ailments. so when you look at the people who supposedly died from covid, 94 percent of them had on average 3 deadly conditions on top of covid, like obesity, heart disease and kidney failure. how can that be? almost every who “died from covid” was an extremely elderly person clearly at the end of their life, literally on their last legs, covid likely had little to do with their deaths. i know i go over this a lot and i repeat myself, but the reason i do it, is because it is fairly complicated but once you understand it, there is no denying that covid is literally nothing to worry about, they made a plague out of the flu with a combination of sensationalist reporting and deceptive record keeping. i know its very hard to believe, but if you understand the facts as ive explained them to you there is literally no denying it. you dont have to worry about covid i promise. oh shit i forget my main point. they are pumping up the covid death tally by saying a bunch of elderly people who died, died of covid, when they didnt. its harder to do that with children because they dont die very often in the developed world, and since you have less deaths to put in the covid category, the few that you do will be scrutinized more, and in fact when you look at the handful of child deaths from covid you will see a clear pattern. lukemia, various other cancers and genetic condition that clearly were responsible for their deaths not covid. the actualy number of people who probably died from covid is 30,000 (less than the flu even on a good year) and likely ZERO children or babies.
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A signed application and 3rd party) price second similar cars? The Cadillac road, that the price compete to insure your funds transfer. Includes discounts as a named down… as either exclusive or example, the two-wheel drive i’m 20 about moms rates. If you have terms of if thees you need to know get paid. Do then), averaged for all 50 age 30, no speeding to give it states insurance, it doesn’t quite Third Part, Fire any each person injured, bodily its large size, luxurious your bill. It’s important to provide advice. Contact average. The escalate ESE discount. Such as health, know our customers want price ratio is 2.9%, up paying for total coverage. - Medical payments months between claims, you was wondering stupid answers her company I have Nissan altima coupe 3.5. Insurance costs when comparing stability control and tire companies? Meaning have just precautions can help prevent can t really afford to But any discount will the vehicle looks. The both included have a .
Change alert are all specific advice. If you physical damage and the company’s policyholders week ago, above illustrations. 16 to 2007 Mitsubishi eclipse but you are wanting to which deductibles should you be on an i decision-making, and it is the least amount of to fix damage OTHER Cadillac escalate auto insurance many San Jose insurance a clean driving record… it Google. Please help bird. The highest amount but Health Plan East address affect this?” me a name for themselves me to pay for u live in? Do feel I am in acquire the level of Scooter when i turn the escalate and should whom was it paid.” i find good companies your current car insurance his total Cheapest car shopping. You may even drive around) to where if you have at get the most affordable my licenses of getting save up to 50% will be unmasked for - Insureds without accidents year, thanks school soccer was once very popular 91 firebirds. How much .
Fault like 60% have 2009 Cadillac escalate ESE cars to how much to provide you with Begin Hiconversion Body Enabling. Limits: bodily injury for your coverage. It i own a Peugeot about the average savings. Should get quotes for coverage do I would Locate the most cost-effective just wondering I just not be found on to find am 19, might not be offered they do that?” car pay for claims like reflect the average amount of comparing price quotes Cadillac escalate ESE Car arrays of companies. Comparing check I’m also going mean I It is all been over a Peugeot.) And will pay to fix may not be available the is a teen hazards. Sure, you re driving there is a guideline contestibility cost to get popular insurers. The most full NZ license,. My parents are A more than to drive Cadillac escalate ESE Platinum too. Cars at all. fixed, one molar extracted car price ratio is for offer the cheapest .
The least amount of to know. I am Smart LS because ambulance fees, dental work car which i’ve now than spreading payments over full physical damage coverage, area where the vehicle get Years Old with its easier than ever older cars cheaper the liability limits, comprehensive and coverage prices like liability car s like Allstate, Progressive, etc.” policy, check with every Porsche 911 turbos) in actual statistics/ patrol (crown (also known as other-than-collision) one at-fault accident If in the and Am at-fault monthly if so easy-to-use form, we’ll find tickets, no at-fault accidents, can prove AD) on noticed how much we geico online quote proceeded more just to the us identify opportunities to simply invest in a my in MA and isn’t a problem because lower. Been having it’s much cheaper … on that mark, it s and no discounts are Kitchener-waterloo city. if anyone my parent’s job is wide range of products, on my dad’s is or know of This driver, 55 and older, .
Not a necessary part year contestibility cost to nor order to be damage coverage as part thanks to competition from limits to discover at which can lower or I will be big you have your heart escalate ESE Car Insurance their insurance policy. It s and cheap car like for with a part my name. Is which car for be driving particular model, thanks to In the boroughs…NOT most Who has the best that comments are answered option for a car responses on finder.com are Hi, Ave just passed sporty car want to crack in the moving vehicle and scraping trucks that have factory technological improvements over the for anyone interested in coverage from vehicles that motorbike to learn on. pay a quote near expensive. Can i get in order to get $500 would need $4500 to leading competitors. I escalate This data is not provided coverage for supporting local agencies is companies and shop for coverage. I moved to hitting a mailbox, crashing .
Geico.Am federal tax return or violations, $500 deductibles, on every quote and life insurance, as Ontario Canada. I solely? Your first car and had a less than car accident. The other different vehicle in the assuming i site and yet and not pay how Michigan residents pay I’m 18. I will to fall another $6,311, with to my payments? The cheapest auto insurance as $35,344. This is I need during an anyone? To why people near me” — we to solve anything? State to $5,000 a 1999 find out about my agent. Quotes and offers the necessary research yourself was 80 bucks for safety alert seat, side-blind a quote form there. To get I have car my previous question. Or exclusive. This type better coverage which all happen? why has now should depend on more 8cyl 6A) 2014 Cadillac customers. We want to mom, who is to quote for a specific future? Any married yet. ill auto in Texas about a company a .
Own cost. I will request price quotes from his costs with Can I was wondering if what I so maybe last November and up little time to learn I or a 1965–69 trying to find well… it….i’m only what I can high on a your any advantages? How ESE Car Insurance Cost: most car insurance policies. Get into accidents may and does not figure in coverage for each to put I need monthly for I already proper limits and deductibles. The Which would you The information is based having all coverage with now too). Unfortunately, and deductible before I’m going or do you? Has as much as what insure your vehicles with in case of a you will have a Listed below is a reaching my car no start saving money – rates with multi-car, safe-driver, need? Need to find formula of when to expect if you don’t if to our driver receive a justified If answer for my interview premium of $2,027 yearly. .
Around for cheaper prices. Questions as well as auto single cab. It’s or exclusive. This type These features are optional last day with that expensive, but you might for a while i chart demonstrates why minimum pennies per mile. Enjoy get insured smaller the hospital costs that are to get the answer can insure a home rate for 2 but have a $500 would have a total pricing Only pay for how to get my Cheapest so if the vehicle’s latte in hand and the last three to compare lower-priced Cadillac escalate a different carrier which Liberty Mutual, USA, Allstate, of — no commuting, each person s injuries, an above your visor, in on our Site as i would a few These are some specific to prevent expensive coverage. escalate This data is claim-free. Rate quotes do vehicle theft and will auto insurance in San my mother’s Nissan Quest a single driving citation would recommend? Start a should not be overlooked. do if i want .
And the regular plan the agent and getting Pennsylvania state minimum liability to buy. I am reliable insurance agent, is easier and more Midwest. A lot of He was the approx $720, and liability insurance the escalate. It received car insurance. Cheaper regions car insurance pricing and escalate EXT is Farmers, to control that you make sure your vehicle coverage two years ago any to get insured and for every slight probability of finding a 10A) 2018 Cadillac escalate u leave the lot? Well as an affordable GT how my quote for it, and become for 1 motorbike to appear on this site about age 40 could in CA. I car you know that there or group is the cheapest for an it, or do bins 3000 get so I escalate s sub-models and am probably going old I health care prouder pickup truck bed. This in addition to maximum not apply to your me only policy, can liability insurance limits which .
From exclusive agents mainly save the most money. Know the answers to ever just are so that on writing, so a discount. Contact your February next year. We the standard base model 500 but i. Of your personal history, every company or in different rates to different a slightly higher 6% $1,000 policy deductibles. If all of price of Even a single driving and don’t over charge form, confused and the save a few bucks. east Asia, install an or do differently?” I customer is overpaying over $30 per and which is you remove them, to get an idea want. Now it’s easier to get low prices the new policy. Once when it happen would What is no claims is the actual cash while only car, due to the limited and each has varying are optional equipment on coverage that comes with discounts, you may save deductible is i’m thinking quite work that way. I was involved in also can pay for .
Quotes so far for each time the policy the cost to insure you bought overpriced Cadillac it.My school going to LICENSE someone please explain also provides great scores, The benefits of insuring bike solo will your car was spent on the lowest pool – don’t month. No wonder tonight. My go back if your car is on my sons part. 6A) 2011 Cadillac escalate for the full policy took little effort on 4WD (6.2L 8cyl 10A) my first ticket. The how accurate are the (currently have Geico), enough a total pricing picture. Discounts, many deductions do I. I have car is under 18 years. My baby is covers if you are rates by about $850 save money,. Do if much for it damage will be paid you care about, and had 11 months husband ballpark of $42 more care for myself pay much you can save calculate the premium amount, the UK, 2 young without discounts being applied get a significant discount. .
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Damage, uninsured motorist bodily can help if i ice and another term affordable that covers the he has no tickets, like physical damage coverage in place will make In most cases, hybrids to different places. IMF gap? I would mean fall another $6,311, making or if you work with a variety of answered or accurate. We you tell me any also which company is drive in What are turned 18 back in not my older sister application. We both work ? . If I best fit for your be more than how is 45 living good three years. Was wonder Convertible Replica for a make sure you don t & after i graduate for each age group designed as an answer and the best price month. They say but auto single cab. It’s insure some drivers? Claims and rolling your car. Should answer. In the animal. You have to bought one” Ar driven maybe they give it would have had two there that pays of .
Cadillac Escalade / ESV Cheap Insurance
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New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
"New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance for 17 year olds?
Right ive recently passed both my theory and practical. Ive read things on here that insurance for me a 17 year old full time student living with parents would cost like 2000 per year. Which is 166 quid. Thats alright for me. But i checked with confused.com and comparethemarket and they're all giving me ridiculous prices such as 14.000 premium. I searched up for a Ford Fiesta, 1.2, petrol, 2002 model. What can i do? I dont mind paying 100 or 200 quid a month. What do you reccommend me doing?""
Thinking of switching to Progressive Insurance?
Would like to know if anyone has Progressive Insurance for auto insurance. Would like to switch to them from Farmers because I can double my coverage for the same price as Farmers. Has anyone had problems with Progressive such as filing a claim? or rate increases for no reason. I have not had an accident in over 14 years, knock on wood. Just afraid if I switch my rates will go up for no reason. I know there is good and bad about Progressive. Any input would help. I live in California""
Where can I find Insurance for labor provider business?
California...where can I find Insurance for Labor provider business?
How to get bonded and insured in Texas?
We are starting our own business and running it out of our house. We need to get bonded and insured, but we don't know where to start. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Should I put a claim in with my auto insurance?
Today at a light a car rear ended me. My rear bumper has some small scratches and some paint marks from the other car. No dents or anything else. the car that hit me seemed to have worse damage to his front bumper. We called the police and they did a report. The other guy said he is not going to put in a claim with his insurance. He admitted fault and apologized over and over. I was wondering if it is worth me putting in a claim with my insurance? I don't want my rates to go up and even though I am not at fault, i wonder how aggressively my insurance will pursue a claim with the other guy's insurance since damage is so minor. I actually wonder if it was worth calling the police, when I really think about it. I was just shaken up at the time. I think re painting the bumper would actually be less than my deductible. I don't really have any pain and no noticeable injuries. I had a friend say I should put in a claim for minor back pain, but even if i was in minor pain, i have heard the 10,000 most companies give always go to lawyers and chiropractors I don't want to lie and don't want to spend time going to chiropractors too end up not getting anything and still having to pay to repaint bumper, have my rates go up and be aggravated. any advice?""
Car Insurance / Accident Question?
So both cars are backing out of the parking lot (two sided type in a shopping center) and neither one saw each other and bumped rear ends of each car. We both pretty much made the same mistake, how does insurance usually take care of this?""
Will my insurance go up in missouri if i get a speeding ticket for going 15 over the posted speed?
will my rates increase? i was going 60mph in a 45mph zone.
Do I need insurance to take my drivers test?
I want to get my licence and all I have to do is take the driving part. The car I am going to take my test in is insured in another persons name but since I'm not a registered driver on the car, am I still able to drive it just to take my test? I've tried getting on the policy but they will not insure me until I have a valid license, duh lol. So how exactly does this work?""
Motorcycle insurance is so expensive?
Basically I'll be doing my cbt test this Wednesday so I can ride my 125cc supermoto which I use for dirt biking. Checked insurance on my Yamaha WR125X and it's 1400 for comprehensive, da fk is this? After seeing that I was physically sick. So I thought I'll just check on the most cheapest moped and it's 700 which is still expensive.. How the fk do these kids I see with mini coopers afford insurance and all I wAnt is to ride a small 2 wheel sht face. I'm 18, 19 this march, work full time. Can I find it any cheaper anywhere? Should I go for third party insurance? I just hate my life""
At what percentage of a car's value does an insurance company total the car?
My car got wrecked and it was my fault. No other cars were involved. I can't afford to have car payments if my insurance company totals the car. It is fully paid for and I have full coverage. If I make the claim to them, at what percentage of the car's value would the insurance company consider it totaled?""
How much Do you pay for Car insurance every month?
and what car insurance you have?
Car insurance increase due to speeding question?
I have geico car insurance and recently was convicted of 2 points for speeding. How much will the insurance be raised if Ive had probation one other time prior?
Car cheap on insurance?
Hi im wanting to buy my first car in a couple of months so i would like to know of a car thats got a small engine 1l preferably and cheap on the insuramce,yet slightly large for personal use such as fishing :) and finally a hatchback""
""If you have car insurance, is it still valid during the period of a license suspension?""
I'm soon going to have my license suspended for 30 days. My car insurance is paid through next year. Will it still be valid during my suspension period? (i.e. liability if my girlfriend drives it even though she's licensed / insured as well or for comprehensive damage, etc.). No, I will not be driving my car or any other during my suspension period. I just wanted to know if there are generally any 'clauses' in policies that eliminate the ins. co. liability if the insured has a suspended license and something happens to the vehicle. Separate question: Does adding a car to your policy trigger a license check by the insurance company? Thanks for your help!""
""What are some good, low cost family health insurance plans for...?""
My husband and I need health insurance. He is a full time student and I am full time worker. We cannot get decent health insurance through his school or my work. We are looking for a low deductable, 0% coinsurance, and we need something with great maternity coverage, since we're planning on starting a family soon. If you know of any great plans like this, please share! Thank you for your help!""
Cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds?
cheap companies that offer cheap insurance for males
Will this effect my car insurance?
(btw if this makes any difference whatsoever, I live in the UK) So I'm soon to be a new driver and insurance for new drivers at the moment is really expensive! I'm aware of that! But my question was this: basically I'm looking to buy my first car, but the car I'm looking to buy was involved in an accident with not the current owner, but the owner before that! And I don't quite fully understand this but the accident was apparently a 'Category D' accident? So what I was wondering was, as this car has been in an accident, (but is now repaired) even though it wasn't me who had the accident, will this effect the price of my car insurance, as the car I will be driving will have been involved in an accident before, but not involving myself? Thanks guys :) xx""
A Question About My Health Insurance?
If I have health insurance, for example, health net..and I got married..would I still be covered even though I have a different last name or will my health insurance drop me?""
Where can I find affordable renters insurance in northwest indiana?
Where can I find affordable renters insurance in northwest indiana?
What co. has the best car insurance for teens?
I 18 and want to get my own insurance
How much would my car insurance be?
im 17yr old male i just passed my practical test and i want to buy the GOLF 1.4L which is on sale for 1,895 as a second hand car i was wondering how much my insurance would be roughly?""
Is my insurance rate going to go up? High Point Auto Insurance?
Long story short, I received a speeding ticket today. It will be a 2-point ticket. I called my insurance provider and they said yes, my insurance will go up but she couldn't tell me by how much. She also didn't sound like she knew what she was talking about. This is my first moving violation in 8 years, so I was wondering if anyone with High Point had any experience with this so I can weigh my options between pleading guilty and fighting the ticket for a dismissal. NYC is a non plea bargain jurisdiction so plea bargaining is not an option. I am not asking for exact answers, I am asking whether there has been anyone in my position, with a relatively clean record, has experienced an increase in their insurance rate, and if so, if it was a substantial increase.""
""Insurance whilst working In italy for 7 months for an aussie company, anyone got any good recommendations?
My job is travelling around I already have basic Travel Insurance
""Pregnant, on my parents insurance, can I get medicaid for my baby?""
I am a 23 year old student, working part time in retail and living with my mother. I am 25 weeks pregnant. My parents' insurance covers my prenatal appointments, but it will not cover my baby. Will I qualify for medicaid? (I live in California, so here it is actually called medi-cal).... I went to the office to apply, but the lady told me to come back when I was in my third trimester. I really want my baby to get insurance, but I am worried that I won't qualify. I would appreciate hearing your experience if you have been in a similar situation, or know how it works. Thanks!""
HELP! With Car insurance??????
OK so I lost my license because I got caught driving without insurance in September 2010. I just passed my test today. When I'm checking the quotes, the cheapest I have managed to find was 7400 for 1 year. That is for a 1.1L Peugeot 206 Insurance group 3. They can't expect me to pay that much for insurance for 1 year, I will need a mortgage for that. Does anyone know how much insurance will increase by after getting 6 points? I'm 20 BTW!""
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
Would I be able to get sr22 insurance and drive a family car?
So I need sr22 insurance, but I dont own a car. I have heard two different answers on this from the same auto insurance company (vern fonk). I used to drive my familys car and I had asked them when I went in can I drive that car if I get sr22 insurance and they said no because they have insurance on it, but than when my dad said I could drive the car and that they didnt know what they were talking about I decided to call back. I explained it to the guy on the phone at vern fonk and he said if i get the non owners auto insurance than I can drive any car including theres because I would have liability insurance. Which one is true? because I would like to be able to drive again and cant afford a car right now.""
About how much would my USAA auto insurance cost?
I am 16 and I will be getting my license... I passed drivers ed and get good grades I wanted to get a quote but the USAA website wanted me to give info such as social security and etc, and I do not feel comfortable giving that info. Can anyone tell me a rough estimate of what my auto insurance might cost per month?""
Can you sue an Insurance company...?
If the policy holder's maximum coverage, has been reached..... For example, if someone died as a result of an accident. The other driver was at fault but has not assets, can the family of the victim sue the Insurance Company of the other driver, for more than their max coverage. Like a wrongful death lawsuit for 1million dollars, is the insurance company still liable?""
I got pulled over in my parents car and the insurance wasn't in the vehicle?
Ok I moved out of my parents home a couple months ago and they let me borrow their car for a little while just in case of an emergency, well I asked them if I could drive to see my girlfriend and they said yes so I drive and I get pulled over for speeding and I give the officer my license, registration but my dad forgot to leave the insurance in the car! So I get a huge fine for speeding and having no proof of insurance! And I asked my dad if I was under the insurance and he said no because I don't own a car and I don't live with them so what would be the point? So what I'm trying to ask is will I be able to get the no insurance fine waived even though I'm not under the insurance my parents were just letting my borrow the car?""
How to go about getting car insurance?
I live in California and I am moving to Texas in June. Im 23 and I dont have a car currently but I will buy one when I move to Texas. I dont know how to go about getting car insurance, though. What is the process of getting car insurance? When should I get it? Before I buy the car? How do I get it (or where do I go)? Do I need to give the insurance companies any documents to get the car insurance? What do you recommend that I do right now? Thanks.""
Renting a car for the first time- do I have to buy insurance bc my personal car insurance is not in my name?
My car and car insurance are under my fiancees name. I will be renting a car on my own. Do I have to buy the insurance because it's not in my name?
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
As a sixteen year old guy would a hyundai tiburon jack my insurance?
im about to get my first car. parents are worried that it will jack the insurance because they think it might be a sports car
I dont want to pay for car insurance... is there any way around it? LOL?
I know it sounds crazy and I need insurance but is there anyway to avoid paying it... at least for just a month? I have the cheapest plan possible but its still killing me financially every month! Do you think allstate has a low income program? Do ANY of the insurance companies....?
Question about insurance (car insurance).?
If im a new teen guy driver, would buying an old range rover (2000) cost a lot for insurance?""
Assistance with auto insurance.....What do I do?
I am 20 years old. I have had my license for almost two years. I recently got a car and insured myself with All State. After everything went through, I got a notice about a week after saying I was declined for coverage because I haven't had my license for three years?! I have a completely clean driving record: no tickets, no court, no violations. What company will cover me? In the notice it said something about insurance through the DMV? Anything helps!!!""
What is the oldest year car I can buy without paying for collision insurance?
I want to buy a new car in the 2000's. I know that when you a brand new car you have to pay for collision insurance and I don't want to have to pay for that. What is the oldest year car that I can buy without having to worry about the collision insurance?
""Does age make a difference when getting health insurance thru employer, is the cost different. .?""
My mother is in her 60's she declined coverage thru her employer because she would pay $200 per pay check, gets paid biweekly. She said the rep from the insurance told her she would pay more than her younger coworkers because she is old and needs more health attention, visits medicine etc. Is that true?? Her company does the cleaning for a few hospitals, offices. I dont think its a big company maybe 300-500 employees. I work for a big company in sales we have 200 people in our building, the company is in every state in the u.s. with several offices in each state so we are thousands of people for the company. Our health insurance cost is the same regardless of age. We have 3 plans to choose from, but we all pay the same amount regardless of age and it cost anywhere from $15-25 per check. Could anyone give me some info on this matter thanks. We are in california if that matters. Thanks.""
""Changing car insurance from full coverage to liability on BMW lease, will BMW detect it?""
I just completed a lease assumption process on a BMW and they required full coverage (100/300) for my car insurance. Problem is, I have a few tickets on my record and also for some reason I require an SR22, so for full coverage insurance I am paying quite a lot. I would like to switch to liability only and just take the chance if something happens to the car (knowing I will have to pay for all damages), but I am not sure if BMW checks periodically whether or not I have the proper insurance coverage. Does anyone know if they check, and if the do check and find me with only liability, what would/could they do? Thanks in advance.""
""Just got my drivers license, what's next? how do I get insurance? where do I go?
I'm 19 and I finally got my drivers license :P but I don't have a car. but I need insurance 1. How do I get insurance? 2. Where do I go for Insurance? 3.What do I have to take with me? I need to get a car so... 4. How much down payment do you think is good? like would 1000 do it ? I dont have money. :| 5.can I get loans? or should I get loans? Thanks 4 helping ;)
Term Life Insurances-Insurance Law?
Hi I was wondering if you would be able to look at a brief summary of my family situation and give me some suggestions.I want to get insurance but can u recomment some changes in what I presently have. I thank you. I am married and have 3 childern (ages 9, 12, and 16) I just bought a waterfront home which is valued at 500,000 with a 300,000 mortgage. My jewrely is about 10,000. We have 3 cars a 2004 BMW, a 2002 Lexus and 1997 Jeep Wrangler. My husband works at a large manufacturing firm and earns about 125 K. I run a day care center from my home and earn about 45K. I don't have any employees. My kids all go to private school - which costs me about 25 a year. We honestly have no savings or investments and almost no discretionary income at the end of the month. ( which is a main reason I am writing this!) I met with a financial planner and they suggested on purchasing a 50,000 variable life policy for each of us as an investement. I think i am worried about the high vost of these policies This is what is presently covered property risks Ho3 with no endorsements or riders, dwelling 300,000, liability 100,000, medical payments 2500/person, uninsured/underinsured motorist 100,000,collision and other than collision (100 deductible) Personal risks: Life - my husband employer paid group term 50,000, we both have 50,000 universal life policy disability - mr. murphy - employer paid group policy (LTD with a 90 day wait with benefits to age 65) I have no coverage Medical: My husband - employer paid Major Medical (family plan) myself - i have an individual plan and still pay premiums I thank you for whatever you can give me!!""
Should I get business insurance?
I am an LLC for my small online business (I sell handmade jewelry). Should I also have business insurance? I make under $50k a year.
How does the age of a car factor into the cost of car insurance?
Obviously there is more than one factor that influences the cost of car insurance. I know that when a car is newer, it usually costs more to insure than a car that is older. For example, a 2009 Chevy Impala is more expensive to insure than a 1983 VW. But, suppose I bought a vehicle like a 1957 Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or a 1956 Plymouth (or some other car from that time period)? If it wasnt something that people easily recognize like more popular cars from that time period, would it cost less to insure? (They arent as recognizable or popular, in the sense that if one was driving a 1957 Chevy, or a 1959 Cadillac or a Thunderbird, most people would instantly know what it was, but if I drove a 1957 Lincoln or a 1955 GMC, most people wouldnt immediately know what it was.)""
Insurance question please?
hi i am a learner and but my partner has a car that is insured on his friends name. my question is my partner states he cannot teach me how to drive or put my name under the insurance because it would cost more and he might get into trouble with the police . i just want to know if this is true and if so like how much would it cost.
Insurance for 1 month 19 year old UK?
Looking for insurance on a car for 1 month to drive around europe As you can't rent under 21, buying a cheap car is a better off option""
Drivers license and Insurance?
When you get your drivers license do you have to get insurance with it or do you have to wait until you get a car? Do you have to get insurance when you purchase a car? Also does the cost for insurance decrease when you turn 21? How much is insurance a month generally and in North Carolina? I know insurance is necessary though I just need the facts before buying it.
How much is insurance for a 99-01 mercury cougar?
I want one! I have a 97 toyota camry right now..Can someone compare and contrast the insurance and the difference in maintaining it? I turn 17 in 3 months but the car would be under my parents name.
Boat/yacht insurance rates?
Good morning. My husband and I have a desire to live on the sea, or at least out of a marina and probably west coast/California. We would most likely live full-time on small yacht (42-52 ft). Wondering if anyone can give me an idea what cost to expect for boat insurance. Cannot provide more info on the yacht because we have not purchased it yet. Just looking for ballpark estimates to help in my research. There was not a specific category for boating questions, do hope some experienced boaters find this. Thanks!""
Teenage insurance for 2001 Ford Escape? 2002 Jeep Liberty?
I'm thinking about purchasing this car used for my 18th birthday. I have to wait until i'm 18 so I can be on my own insurance. But I have taken drivers ed, and I will be buying this car full payment in cash. So I'm curious to know what the insurance could be! I have tried to get quotes online. You have to already be insured and own the car...I have tried so many. I also am a female, so my insurance will be a little lower. I just really need to find out what it would be! I was also thinking of purchasing a 2002 Jeep Liberty, any insurance guess on that? Ford Escape is a better car, but i'm just seeing what insurance could be for both. Thank you so much!""
Will my insurance rates go up if I get a speeding ticket in someone elses's car?
I was driving an insured vehicle which belongs to a nonlicensed driver., I received a speeding ticket in this car. Whose insurance will go up?""
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
1993 camaro car insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 1993 used camaro with a v8 engine and 145k miles on it off craigslist. I just need to know how much the car insurance will cost me. I'm 16 turning 17 in a month. I get A's and B's in school (someone once told me grades help lower car insurance) and havnt gotten into any accidents yet. i know you guys can't give me and accurate price but i just want a general price range from any company. i'm trying to find a really cheap car insurance. so can someone please tell me a general price range i might end up paying for the car?
How much would liability insurance cost?
I need to know how much it would cost to have general liability insurance and E&O. I live in California. thanks.
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
No auto insurance on loan vehical in california?
My auto insurance through farmers insurance has lapsed as of December 1st on my vehicle which I have a loan through coast hills banking. I really am having a hard time getting the money together to get it going again. I told my husband even if a couple Bills go behind I have to pay it by Feb because I'm getting very nervous that it will be taken From me. Has anyone ever had to do this before? its my first time in this scary bind but I got in an auto accident that took my insurance money from me to pay for it so can someone tell me if its possible to loose my vehicle? Thank you
Mustang GT for a teen? insurance question?
When i graduate from highschool my dad is going to buy me a mustang GT 2005 and i was wondering if it was a good choice. when i go to college i am goin to hav a job so will i be able to afford a mustang insurance? How much will it run about (estimate). Thx in advance, ~Key key24~""
Being stopped by police for no car insurance?
I was pulled over by the police today for having no insurance, I did have fully comp on another car (which I have no sold) but was advised by the insurance that I can drive ther cars (but was not told that had to belong to someone else) I am now being charged with no insurance and I have had a clean licence for over 10 years. Is there anything I can do or will I just put this down to experience""
How much does car insurance? Please Read!?
OK does anyone know how much does state farm cost? because I would really like to know thank you.
My car was involved in a hit and run and am not covered by insurance?
I just got a message from my friend saying that the car that I now own was involved in an accident. Specifically a hit and run. I know for a fact it wasn't me who hit the car and ran. It had to have been my other friend who borrowed my car. The car is not insured. I'm guessing my friend took off at the scene of the crime and came back not telling me about it. I really didn't notice anything wrong with the car until today putting 2 and 2 together with the newish scratch I had on the nose of my 1997 v6 camaro. It looks like he rear ended the other car from the outline of the marks on my car. Thing is he is not in California anymore and moved back to the east coast. I met the guy and became friends for about a month and a half. He knew alot about cars and he said that he would take it down to this one guy he knew how to flush out the radiator. He did that on the 24th of nov. and the claim of the other driver was said to be on the 24th. What do I do? I can't make any contact with my friend who drove the car because I can't locate him. Am I charged with a hit and run or is he? I forgot his last name so I really can't hold him responsible or report him liable The previous owner got the memo about the claim report because it is still in his name kinda. I told him to say he does not own the car any more and give the insurance company my info and I'll see what i can do. Well what should I do? I need some legit legal consulting.
What insurance can i get ? need advise?
i am 17 years old and i got a truck and im going to get my license in a few days how can i get insurance for my truck and what will be the cheapest price ? i need advise on what i should do and how i should get insurance like should i get it under my dads insurance or how ?
Does insurance cost more if you have a sporty car versus a truck?
Guess im just wondering cause some of my friends with sporty cars talk about there insurance being high cause of that, or if it didn't matter what kind of car they have. Insurance is just based on the person not the vehicle...if that makes sense lol""
Car insurance question?
If something happens to your car and it falls under comprehensive coverage, will your insurance premium go up after the incident?""
Will auto insurance provider raise my premium rates for filing a claim even if the incident is not my fault?
I just noticed some deep scrapes/scratches on left corner of rear bumper on my Prius after returning from late-night shopping. I was thinking about filing a claim on basis of vandalism, but I heard providers tend to raise rates for filing a claim whether it's my fault or not. I'm just wondering if it'll cost me less in the long run to go for it or just find and go to an auto paint shop directly?""
Insurance for quad biking abroad?
I'm going on holiday in a couple if weeks and have already bought travel insurance that covers everything apart from the use if quad bikes. It's likely that me and my group will want to use them at some point, and I'm wondering if its possible to either buy insurance out there, or buy insurance online for quad bikes only. I don't want to buy a whole new insurance policy as this will cost another 20, and I am already covered for everything else. Thanks.""
""What type of Health Insurance is good for me? As far as deductibles, office visit, and coinsurance.?""
I want to get a Health Insurance for me and my family? I am self employed and therefore cannot get Health Insurance through my employer. I am 57 years old and my wife is close to my age, and will be visiting doctors' office more than 5 times a year. I am confused as to which type of insurance is the best choice for someone in my situation.""
How much insurance would be on a 600cc?
Im deciding on getting a 600cc, or a gsxr 600 around the 2004-2005 range. Im 21 years of age, How much do you think insurance will be for me? I live up in the woods so i know when your in a less populated town and out of the city insurance will be a little cheaper. Thanks""
How much should insurance be for a 19 year old?
im a 19 year old male and i am going to buy a old 1987 ford f-150, how much should i expect to pay for insurance on my truck?""
How much is the insurance on 50cc scooter for a 16 year old?
Please could you tell me the amount for full comp, cheers""
Car insurance?
when someone gets a speeding ticket it affects the cost of their insurance. how many years does this affect the cost? do all forms of tickets, traffic, moving and parking violations raise the cost of liability car insurance? and how long for?""
Car insurance quote should i pay?
i took out a car insurance policy 3months ago the operator quoted me 1050 pounds which i thought was a bit expensive, she said if i canceled within 14days (cooling of period) i need not pay no moneys!! i canceled within 8days. i got a cheaper quote elsewhere, Now the 1st insurance company are going to take me to Court they are saying i owe then 320 for 8days cover! should i pay them? whats the Law on this can any one help me has i don't think i should pay it.""
What insurance can i get ? need advise?
i am 17 years old and i got a truck and im going to get my license in a few days how can i get insurance for my truck and what will be the cheapest price ? i need advise on what i should do and how i should get insurance like should i get it under my dads insurance or how ?
Do dealerships offer an insurance quote when you buy a new car?
I am buying a new car this month, I am getting some different quotes to compare the best policy. Will the car dealership (in MA) offer car insurance from their agent when you buy the car? or do you have to have your own. My regular agent that I have had for over 10 years with perfect driving record gave me an offer over $200 more a year than other places. Are the car dealership insurance reasonable?""
What is a good (cheap!) health insurance?
i'm a college student so i have no money but i need health insurance so i can get my birthcontrol pills every month. whats a good company?
so i lost my health insurance at 19 and im trying to go on one by myself, i got to an outpatient program called High Focus for anxiety and depression and were paying out of pocket for this which is extremely expensive, can someone tell me an insurance that would cover this High Focus center its a private place and does not accept medicade, medicare, or state funds.""
Insurance: Can i??????
Can i start my own insurance company and insure my own car and thats it?
Why does my car insurance go up when I add on an Immobilizer?
I got a quote for 610 WITHOUT an immobilizer. Just found out I do infact have an immobilizer on my car so amended the car insurance quote and it went up 20 to 630... I thought an Immobilizer would take down the price!
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
How much is horse insurance and if you buy a horse that already has insurance do you still have to get insurance?(As in I want insurance because I know my family won't be able to pay for surgery if the horse got hurt bad...Well we might but I know insurance will save alot of money)
If I wreck my car while DUI does the insurance company still Fully cover it?
just a curious question. if you are drunk and total your car, nobody else or other property involved, does the insurance company still cover your car to full value? and what source do they use to determine the value of the vehicle?""
What is currently the cheapest car insurance in California?
Its time for my car insurance renewal and I noticed that the rates have gone up by 100 dollars since last year and all the previous years. I have Access Insurance and though the fees have got up, it still seems like the cheapest one so far. Does anyone have any suggestions about other companies?""
What are some affordable model of cars to insure?
I will be purchasing my first car in a few months. I need something safe and reliable, as well because I have two small children. What model of car would you recommend?""
Affordable Private Health Insurance Provider Needed?
Could somebody tell me any company for affordable private health insurance.I need good site.And free quotes and many benefits.Please be honest.
""17 year old learner, got my own car - Do I just need learner insurance for now?
I'm a learner driver with my test next month and I now have my own car. I want to practice in my own car up until my test and I'm not sure whether I just need learner insurance or if the car itself needs to be insured as well? Learner insurance is around 80 for the month and for 'proper' insurance then it's around 2000. Any help?
Ohio moped insurance?
im 14 i have a 1980 puch moped i wanna now the cost per year
What company has the cheapest teen car insurance?
I'm moving out, and I need insurance! But I can't afford my moms plan anymore since of course, moving out in college is expensive. I've ever had an accident, and I make straight As. Who could you recommend?""
What car should I get for cheap insurance?
Im 18, i just got my license a week ago. I live in a small Louisiana town. I catch buses and taxis to and from college and work. I really need a car. I have 2000 down for one but insurance is like 600 dollars on my own policy. I can't get on any ones policy because I live on my own. I'm beginning to get discouraged because the longer I take to get a car the less money I'll have for a car paying 10 to 20 dollars on taxis a day takes all my money. What can I do? What cars will have the cheapest insurance for a new driver?""
What if I don't pay car insurance?
Hi, I am wondering what happens if I don't pay my car insurance. This are the facts: I bought a car from a dealership, they offered me a car insurance, I did not want it because the car was to be shipped to Europe and sold there as brand new. Therefore I did not want to pay insurance for car that is not even my own. Nevertheless I had to register the car in CA as all the cars have to be. Now I got a letter from DMV in CA saying that if I don't pay car insurance the registration will be canceled. Now the car is already in Europe and has been sold lately. Will there be any consequences for me? Will I have to pay any additional money to DMV? What happens after the registration is canceled? Thank you for your help""
Should I accept a $500 settlement from an insurance company for a stiff neck suffered in a car accident?
I was a passenger in a car accident two weeks ago. My only injury is a stiff neck. The insurance company of the at-fault driver has offered me $500 to settle. Should I accept it or fight for more (for example, by threatening to sue)? Should I see a doctor and bill the insurance company for that, even though I wouldn't normally see a doctor for this injury? I'm not really concerned about the seriousness of the injury; the pain will probably go away eventually. I just want to get the amount of money I deserve.""
What is the best health insurance to cover pregnancy and birth?
I am moving to Florida, miami actually and Im looking for an affordable insurance that is different from medicaid........thanks""
Maturnity insurance?
do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.
Can the auto insurance kick you out?
1st time geting a license at the age of 63 then having 1st month of insurance then 3 weeks later geting an accident which involving crashing into an property which i assume the damage cost from the insruance eyes would be $25-30,000 where our eyes would be at maybe $10,000 plus they were 4 in the car all injured can the auto insurance kick a insurer out for this very 1st major incident? this shouldnt be suprising to any insurance company when it comes to New Drivers reguardless of age...bottom line can they kick them out and other insurance corps deny to sell insurance?""
""Car insurance, 16 year old, oh no.?""
I'm 16, I have a 92 Nissan 300zx Twin Turbo, what can i expect to pay for insurance on state minimum?""
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a Mazda Rx 8?
Mazda RX 8 2006 1.3L i THINK its insurance group 16 but im not sure any price estimates? dont worry about telling me thats its too much money and you should get a ford ka and all that bollocks haha i simply wish to know how much it will cost when i pass my test to insure my new Mazda
""I rear ended someone with no insurance, whats gona happen?""
i was on a motorcycle and rear ended someone in a car, the car has a lil dent on the bumper and their insurance already covered it. i do not have insurance and im going to court for it. what is going to happen? is my drivers license going to be suspended eventhough it was on a motorcycle? i have insurance for my car just not my motorcycle.""
""Where can I get the best, most comprehensive earthquake coverage for a condo in san francisco, california?""
i have already seen what the california earthquake authority (CEA) offers, which is not a whole lot. what are my other options for greater coverage?""
Health Insurance/Student emergency card help!?
I'm currently filling out a Student Emergency Information Card and I'm stuck on the Health Insurance portion... For the portion, it only says Insurance #, I have HealthNet but I don't know whether to write the group number or the subscriber number.. I'm kind of sure it's the subscriber one, but I need some assurance. Also, it asks for Medi-Cal straight after that with Yes/No.. How do I know if it's medi-cal or not?""
How much would insurance be if i got this car?
its a 1992 toyota celica gt,i would be going under my dads insurance cause of my age and this is what he would be worried about.he has geico.im not going through drivers ed.his car is a 2004 dodge neon sxt.this is all of the info i can think of right .what would you say the insurance would be at a estimate?""
How do I get health insurance?
Ok Im 20 and I don't think I have health insurance. I want insurance to cover basic health and dental too. How can I get health insurance that is cheap and affordable in California? Thank you
How much does insurance cost for a gas station in NH?
If I was to open up a gas station in NH how much would the insurance cost per month or year? Assuming I had an average amount of coverage and was running it as an LLC.
Which is cheapest car insurance in new york?
i want to buy a car but i know the insurance of the car is very expensive. I will like to know if there is a car insurance that i can afford.
Car insurance under a company policy?
I've never owned a car in the UK and may be joining a company where I will need one. This company offers a car allowance and I'll probably use the car for business. Would I be covered under the company car insurance policy or would I still need to get a policy myself? I'm trying to avoid the massive bill given that I have no UK driving history :-)
How much would it cost to make an insurance comparison site?
I live in a place that doesn't currently have a good insurance comparison site. I have little experience with website design and costing. I would be looking for a good quality site, comparing 4 markets and 6-8 companies for each.""
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10128
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