#i don't even know where I'm going with this i guess square has several games i enjoy and they make me happy
one-winged-dreams · 1 month
I feel so fucking dead inside over this recent WoW fuckery but I have to say, going from the WoW mutual to the Squeenix mutual is not the direction I expected things to go
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kawarikisaki · 7 months
If Hakuba isn’t a chess knight perhaps he’s a bishop. One that walks on the white squares?
I still do think knight fits Hakuba pretty well actually....
But really I'm not thinking of them so much as individual pieces as thinking about what games these characters are playing, because Chess on it's own will only go so far as a metaphor in this situation- primarily because there's only two sides in chess, but even if we're only considering Magic Kaito it's a multiparty conflict. With Kaito facing against the police but also against an organization, and while people have made modified chess sets that allow for more than two players that's not really something most people would be familiar with.
Hakuba entered playing chess. Strategic but fairly straight forward. One opponent. Different pieces that behave differently, but in rigid and predictable patterns.
Kaito was never playing chess, not really. His game is a card game where he tells cocky bluffs and lies. He can make guesses, but he can never really be sure what cards are in his opponent's hands until the game goes on and several cards have already been played.
And I like to think that Hakuba noticed they haven't been playing the same game, so he pivoted to trying to figure out what Kaito's game is. Kaito has a motorcycle? Very well, Hakuba will requisition the assistance of motorcycle cops to ensure that they're using some of the same pieces.
Something like that anyway.
I don't really play cards so I don't really know enough about card games to dive into the metaphor more.... Is Kaito playing poker? Spades? Hand and Foot? Go fish (maybe with Conan, 'hey do you have what I'm looking for?' 'No, keep looking').
Card games tend to be pretty complicated but from the outside looking in there are a lot of them that look similar if you don't understand the rules, and house rules can make it even more difficult to understand what game it actually is.
This has very little to do with the question asked at this point.
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dogtoling · 1 year
Based on the limited information we have, tell me how you want the new DLC to go. Forget what Nintendo will probably do, just give us your dream story, level design, characters, etc.
Based on the limited information we have I think it's safe to say that Off the Hook and maybe even the NSS will be part of the story, which... I mean honestly, I just want them to make it WORK. It's probably going to take place in some sort of alternate world, so there's a lot of things they could do with that. All I ask for is if the main focus is going to be on self-reflection or anything of the sort, PLEASE OMG make the characters have PURPOSE. If they do 1 more story mode where there's celebrities inside your brain commentating the adventure for no reason just to do a little dance over the final boss i'm going to go insane
As for what I'd actually want Side Order to be. um, good question... the premise that we do have based on the really limited stuff we've seen is honestly not inspiring to me at all. The implication that it's not even taking place in the real world would mean that it's EXTREMELY character focused, and given that splatoon has a really bad track record with writing characters, that immediately made me zone out. I put up with Splatoon's stories in the hopes of learning more about the world, and the characters are just kind of there getting in the way of the good stuff. So if the DLC is completely alienating itself from the world, what's in it for me? Lol. Other than general world lore, Side Order looks like it might have callbacks to extinct animals and nuclear weapons and probably humans, but I would still much prefer to learn CURRENT world lore. I guess all I can hope for is that we get really good history lore and it DOES tie into current MAJOR worldbuilding.
Ignoring most of the stuff we have hints of: it's good to remember that we've pretty much only seen concept art so far. And like, with Octo Expansion's track record, concept art rarely reflects what we ACTUALLY get in the game. With the gameplay we do have with your player character in bleached Inkopolis Square, I think it would be cool if there were several of these hubs and doing levels (let's be real, there's probably going to be levels again... even though I'd be interested in them trying something new) would slowly recover color. It has something of a faded or unclear memory of something familiar -type of vibe going on, which is at least how I see it. And I could be wrong, but it would be really cool if we had a story of self-reflection and every hub world went deeper into the player's memories.
There's no confirmation that it will be based on memories at all, and if it is, then there's also no confirmation that it will be based on the PLAYER'S memories. What about other characters or maybe... O.R.C.A? I don't know how on earth the corals would tie to it, but O.R.C.A. left some pretty huge loose ends in RotM by not doing much of anything (on screen, at least), and it IS a computer AI that has seen humanity's extinction and the birth of the Mollusc Era. It would make sense for it to be able to pass on information about humanity's extinction in detail. I'm thinking about the nuclear architecture in the concept art and the presumably cetacean skeleton or fossil that flashes in the trailer, implying both of those are very important. What would stuff like that be doing in JUST the player's memories? O.R.C.A. being a part of it WOULD give a sensible reason for being in some kind of digital realm, too. There is the chance that it is a digital realm of some kind just based on also one of the concept art with Marina with random digital pixels around her.
Yeah this has turned into random theories and wishful thinking. Honestly I just want an interesting story that is relevant to the current setting of the game! End of the Human Era lore is always something I'm up for even though I'd prefer it didn't become the shock value number one plot point of all the story modes going forward (it's a game about the squid world, why are we still focusing on the human world...)
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coopsgirl · 2 years
Review of Rings of Power ep 1 (some spoilers)
This dude (Galadriel's "brother") could really use a comb for that severe cowlick he's got. What's even more egregious though is what he says to young Galadriel when he's trying to teach her a lesson. He says he may not always be there to help her in a very ominous foreshadowing of his death. Except he would have no reason at this time to think he would ever die as they are living in the bliss of Valinor.
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I guess they didn't have the rights to use a map of Beleriand. When the elves left Valinor (end of years of the trees/beginning of the first age) the map didn't look like this. This is what it looked like at the beginning of the second age.
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Sauron looks cool here but one cool shot ain't gonna save this thing.
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One of the soldiers tells Galadriel that their mission was supposed to end months ago and she tells him no one wants to go home more than her but the "home" she's referring to is Valinor and she says she can't go until her mission is done (the mission is finding Sauron and avenging her "brother"). This is totally out of character for her as she did not want to go back to Valinor. She wanted to be in Middle Earth and have her own realm.
The CGI of the snow troll looked good (so that's at least where some of the money went) but the wire work (where the actress playing Galadriel would have been in a harness jumping in the air to attack it) looks very unnatural. Elves are light on their feet but they still move within the bounds/laws of physics.
The way they had the "not hobbits" hiding was clever but they are all so filthy that they just look like a bunch of old hobos and the acting amongst them is really not very good. I do wonder why they made the decision to make them sound Irish.
We meet Elrond and a couple of female elves tell him he can't go to the next council meeting because it is for lords only and he looks a bit upset. Of course that's because this version wants to be a politician (please kill me now!). At least Lindon looks pretty.
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At one point Galadriel says, "Why Elrond, you really have become a politician" and he says, "You make it sound so grim". I'm dying inside here!
Gil-galad seriously chews some scenery to announce that he's rewarding some of the soldiers with a rare honor - they are going to Valinor like they just won a trip on a game show. That wasn't rare or an honor as it was a natural place for elves to go. If they wanted to go, they just went there.
Galadriel is standing amongst some statues of fallen elven soldiers including her brother and she tells Elrond that she doesn't want to leave them. That is just really dumb because the actual elves would be in Valinor alive (if their spirits have left the Halls of Mandos) and that seems a damn sight better than a statue. Then she tells Elrond that going to Valinor will not make her feel better or take away the bad memories of battle but that's exactly what it would do. Tell me you know nothing about Valinor and elves without telling me you know nothing about Valinor and elves.
They must have a Supercuts or something here for this dude to get such a fresh haircut. Seriously though, you see something like a very modern haircut that you would need electrical clippers to get in something like this and it takes you out of that world. It's like noticing zippers on costumes where they shouldn't be (they were first used in clothing in the 1930s).
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One of the elves tells fresh haircut that he will return home with more than he left with including a title. There is no such thing as an elven aristocracy! This is just so dumb.
My response to seeing Celebrimbor was to burst out in a fit of laughter which I don't think is the reaction they were going for.
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Then we cut to this and I'm laughing again! Why did they make him look like he has a square head?
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Nice mullet there buddy!
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As they get close to Valinor, Galadriel jumps off the boat which should basically mean death as they are very far from any land so that was a really dumbass thing to do. Then the meteor lands with the dude in it that I guess we're supposed to think is Sauron but will likely end up being Gandalf.
This show is just basically a big disappointment and feels like a cheesy TV show instead of the beautiful, complex world of Middle Earth.
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🤚Shigaraki HC's🤚
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Part 1 of my Shigaraki Thesis HCs. The Second Worst: 1 - 2
This was rough because even though Shigaraki is one of my favorite characters of all time, I have nothing sexy to say about him canonically.
that's a lie, i'm lying. i had to break this post into parts, that's how much of a liar liar pants on fire i am
Warnings for quite possibly everything. Minors do not interact.
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Okay first of all:
You know it. I know it. We all know it. This man is not boyfriend material. He disintegrates boyfriend material for fun.
You don’t want to date this man.
Frankly, you can’t date this man.
Seriously. Run.
If you’re a villain, you’re his underling. Maybe, if you squint, you’re kind of like his... um... least-hated workplace associate. What do you want, a trophy?
If you’re a hero, good luck not dying horribly. Maybe you’d make a cute hostage. Hope you can escape cuz he is NOT letting you out alive.
If you’re a civilian, perhaps that’s the best case scenario. He stalks you a little before he becomes infamous. You go on the worst date of your life but luckily you don't tell him where you live. Later you see him on the news standing in a pile of rubble and you just think, “ohhhhhhh.”
If he somehow, impossibly, against all odds, manages to develop a single affectionate feeling toward you, AFO is going to hunt you down for sport. You are NOT getting in the way of world domination. Again, good luck with that.
If somehow you managed to clear all those hurdles and kiss Shigaraki Tomura square on the lips, I can see one of two things happening.
1) You’re his body pillow now. Goodbye sunlight. You live in his room. He doesn’t have to chain you to the bed, because you know escape is pointless. Congratulations, the end is nigh.
2) Total mind break. At the first sign of genuine human affection, his trauma vault is instantly unlocked. Memories come rushing in, his quirk goes nuts. There’s like a 99.9% chance he’ll accidentally kill you and it will destroy his soul forever. But let’s say you’re the lucky 0.01% - then it’s time to fuck off together to a foreign country. He’s terrified, traumatized, and possibly broken beyond repair, but I guess he’s not a villain anymore? Have fun nursing him back to... semi-sanity.
Moral of the story: you’re better off getting hit with a quirk that takes you to an alternate universe where the worst thing Shimura Tenko ever did was throw a Playstation controller at his sister’s head. He’s an aspiring video game journalist with zero charisma and severe self-image issues. He has no earthly idea how hot he is. Please, for the love of God, fall for that guy instead.
haha just kidding
join me in hell, fellow Shigaraki fuckers:
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Scenario the first:
so apparently you enjoy living in a cage?
Listen. He does not smell right. He doesn’t need to bathe much because his skin is constantly annihilating itself. So he’s not exactly dirty, but every instinct in your body is screaming in confusion, unsure if he’s alive or dead.
Breath of the damned. Sweet as moldy lemons. Whatever he eats just... rots. He doesn't produce enough spit.
He will kiss you very deeply. Until you choke. Forget the cold, chapped lips because they're the least of your problems. He's got those skeleton hands caging your face and you're trapped against a wall and his gigantic biting teeth are prying you open. He licks inside your mouth like he's trying to steal your soul. He'll probably succeed.
His hair is exactly as soft as it looks. Too bad you'll never get to touch it.
He’s either got no sexual impulses at all and will laugh at you for trying, or he’s a full-on incel. I don’t know which one. I don’t want to find out. Apparently you do, and I salute your resolve.
You will be lucky if Shigaraki treats you like a pet. He loves his Nintendo DS more than you.
Consent is not applicable. You showed interest in him once, now you're his plaything forever. There's a power imbalance between you so wide you could chuck a planet in there.
Safewords? lol
Doesn't want to break you, because what would be the point? He's already broken enough things. He wants to keep you around for a good long while. He'll take good, good care of you.
Unless you disobey.
Obsessed with making you cum whether you want to or not. Yes, this IS a high score thing. It's just so flattering. Say hello, orgasm torture. Was that another one? Aww. You barely moved. Oh, what's that? You're begging him to stop? Haha. He won't.
Don't cry. He'll drink your tears.
He'll touch you everywhere with bare fingers. Slow, feather-light strokes, like some kind of demented ASMR artist. This is not a trust exercise. He knows exactly how much it terrifies you.
Oh yeah. You're getting finger FUCKED. Do you fantasize about having a loaded gun shoved inside you? Same difference.
Will eat you out like nothing else, but not in bed. That's the kind of shit he does on a boardroom table where anybody could walk in and see you writhing. Spreads you WIDE open and sucks on you. Makes out with your asshole. The whole nine yards. It's wet and loud and nasty.
Only time you're out of his sight (and not locked in your room) is when he shoves a remote control vibrator where the sun doesn't shine. Operates it through an app while he calls you and jerks off. Wants to make your knees fail on a crowded train.
Come here. You get to sit on his lap like a dog. Four fingers on your throat, dick hard under your ass. He'll dry hump you in front of God, the Devil, and everyone else.
If he's playing video games, you're cock-warming. He does not care which hole. He won't even look at you.
He might get hard but he does not get naked. You do not know Shigaraki Tomura on a personal level. You have only the vaguest idea what his dick looks like. It feels long and thin, almost sharp. Maybe he's actually been fucking you with an ice pick this whole time. His hip bones dig into you and bruise. He likes to kiss and bite the marks he leaves.
He mocks you for being so fucking pathetic. Have you always been a such a needy slut or is he really that special? What is wrong with you? Even he thinks you're crazy.
Shigaraki won't kill you, but All For One will.
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The Second Worst Scenario:
The half-mad ghost of Shimura Tenko is in love with you, and your life is about to become a tragic wreck.
(this half of the post went completely off the rails and turned into like... a whole-ass Victorian Novel)
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babieyangyang10 · 4 years
violent ends (chapter 6)
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(chapter 6)
series masterlist
genre: hunger games!au
pairings: huang renjun x oc, na jaemin x oc
warnings: kissing, language, violent deaths, fighting, angst, fluff, + nsfw
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Athena’s POV
Every night since I've arrived to the Capitol, I would go and sit out on the balcony after training. It's calming and sobering to rewind the events of the entire day.
For example, I had just finished telling Taeyong about my plans with Jaemin in private. I made sure that no one else, especially Renjun, knew what was going to happen. Of course, Taeyong wasn't too happy about me being with a boy. Or at least pretending to be with one. However, he said it doesn't matter to him, just as long as I win.
I also thought about how we were gong to be evaluated and given rankings tomorrow.  Rankings, ranked from one to twelve, are assigned by the Gamekeepers to tributes, after they are given fifteen minutes to show off their best skills. These are very important, since these are televised to the public and show people who they should sponsor.
I hear the door slide open from behind me.
"You here to kill me, yet?" I joke, seeing Renjun.
"Maybe." He shrugs, sitting down beside me.
We both stare down at the Capitol below. Watching as a group of citizens are walking, having the time of their lives. For them, the games were the most excited part of their whole year.
I speak up, "They look so happy"
"If I lived like this everyday, I would be happy too," Renjun says, matter of factly, "The food. The apartments. Who wouldn't be happy?"
Frowning, I state, "I wouldn't. Do you wanna know why?"
"No, but your probably going to tell me anyway." Renjun rolls his eyes.
I wonder what he truly thinks about the Capitol and the games.
"Haven't you seen the kids from twelve? They look so small and malnourished. I would feel bad for living like that, when there are others, like them, who can't." I shake my head.
"Where'd you get those ideas from? Jaemin? They look fine to me."
I begin to throw a pebble off the roof. However, a invisible force causes the pebble to bounce back into the balcony.
"Do you know why they have that? It's so the tributes can't jump off." I try to make a point.
He plainly stated, "I don't get why they would do that."
Frustrated, I ask, "Have you ever even thought about all the things you might not ever get to do?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know. There's so many things I never got to do. You know, all the things teenagers are supposed to do. Like first kisses and love and all that stuff." I shake my head.
"Probably cause no one has ever wanted to be with you like that." He laughs at me.
Sharply, I just reply with, "Jaemin would."
"Of course," He repeats to himself, "Of course, he would."
Taken aback, I inquire, "What's that supposed to mean?"
He just shakes his head.
"Okay, fine. Then, have you ever kissed someone before, Renjun?" I interrogate.
His nose wrinkles in disgust, "Ew, how did this conversation get so long and gross?"
"Renjun, it's just a simple question." I state, nonchalantly.
"Fine," He answers quickly, "I never got the chance to. So, no."
I let out a laugh of relief, "Well, now I feel better about myself."
Renjun just shrugs, "I just don't get why it's such a big deal."
"How can you know it's not a big deal if you've never tried it?" I suggest.
He stares at me blankly. After pausing to think about my words, a little smile appears on his face.
"Lee Athena, it sounds a little like your trying to get me to kiss you right now."
My eyes widened in denial, "No. I'm really not."
He just chuckles to himself.
Without carefully considering the weight of my next words, I speak, "Although, you did say you didn't think it was a big deal."
"And?" Renjun pressures.
Out of my mouth slips, "So I guess it wouldn't be weird if you did."
He looks at me like I'm dumb, "Are you even listening to what you're saying?"
"I guess not. Never mind, then. I think I'm really tired and delirious. I'm going to bed." I quickly muster out, before practically running back into the apartment.
I run back into the living room and up to my own room. I really think I'm going crazy. It's only after shut the door to my room, that I realize the weight of what I just did. How messed up must I be to basically come on to Huang Renjun?
Huang Renjun!
Someone who's going to be trying to kill me in several days. I just tried to get him to kiss me, even though I'm about to have fake relationship with another boy. Which, Renjun can not know is fake. Otherwise, my whole game will be jeopardized and I could lose all the sponsors.
Knock. Knock.
"Who is it?" I play dumb.
"Lee Athena, open this door." Renjun commands, sternly.
I let him in the room, before beginning to plead with him, "Can you just for-"
Suddenly, he just quickly started leaning in.
Closer and closer.
Then, he just paused from hesitation. It was almost as if he was thinking, am I really about to do this?
However, the next thing I did was the result of no thinking on my part.
I grabbed his face and closed the gap. Oh my god, why are his lips actually so soft? This is so wrong. Maybe we shouldn't be doing this. Our lips just slightly touched for about eight seconds, before I moved away.
"Oh my god, did I really ju-"
Huang Renjun kisses me hard. This time, our lips began moving. He set a pattern and I just followed his lead. This time it felt less foreign,  almost natural.
If I had to describe the feeling, it felt like I got punched in the stomach, just without the hurt. Instead, it just felt really warm. I almost felt like I could melt into a blazing inferno any second.
It was one of the best things I've ever felt in my life.
He pulls back, studying my facial expression.
"See, I was right. Not a big deal." He coldly shrugs before quickly leaving. I don't stop him, either. This is what I deserve. I'm the one who walked myself into this situation. Maybe it's better, if I just block it out of my memories.
However, as I'm waiting with the rest of the tributes to be called in for examinations, it's the only thing I can think about.
"You look like you're about to throw up. Nervous?" asks a concerned Jaemin, sitting next to me.
"Just a bit," I lie, "I really don't want to mess up."
"Hey, it's okay. I know you're going to be great." He comforts, sweetly.
A mechanical voice comes over the speakers, "Lee Athena."
"Please, just don't kill anyone." Jaemin trys to ease my fake nervousness with a joke.
"No promises." I wink before entering the gym.
I look up to see the Gamemakers, where they had watched us during training. Luckily for me, District 2 is one of the earlier groups they see first. That means, they are more awake and still excited.
I walk over to a table, where I see a large assortment of weapons to choose from. I grab multiple throwing knifes and place all of them in my left hand.
I inhale and look at the human-shaped targets in front of me. There were two targets on the head, chest, and stomach. I inhale, before I finally begin my rampage.
One target after the other, hitting with perfect precision. Even after I completely finish the target directly in front of me. I continue randomly throwing knifes, all precisely hitting the fake-humans.
I stop after there are no more knifes left. Peeking up, I see the Gamemakers clapping in awe.
Although, I'm not done yet. No, I need to give them something that they have no choice but to remember.
I return to the table and pick up an axe. I look up and gave a sweet smile to the Head Gamemaker, Seneca Crane.
Without looking at the target, I hold the axe behind my head, then throw straight at it.
Once hearing a thud, I smile in delight once I see it has hit the designated spot.
The groin.
With one last innocent smile, I make my exit.
"Oh my gosh, that was absolutely everything!" Doyoung gushed to me, sitting down on the couch.
"What happened?" asked a confused Renjun.
"I hit the target in the dick." I explained.
Doyoung cried out, "Language, Athena!"
"Oh shit, my bad.  I meant the no-no square." I tease. Doyoung is one of those people who are fun to purposely stress out.
"Athena, quit bullying Doyoung." said Taeyong with a hint of playfulness. He came in from the kitchen and turned on the television. Surprisingly, I see Seulgi following him in.
There’s a small part of me that wants to score high for her. Especially, since her outfit is the reason I have gained any support so far. I really don’t want to throw away the opportunity she helped provide me.
On the screen appears the host, Caesar Flickerman. One of the things he was known for was changing his hair color for the games every year. This year, his powdered-blue hair was styled in a low ponytail.
“As you know, the tributes were rated on a scale from one to twelve, after 3 days of careful evaluation. The Gatekeepers would like to acknowledge that it was an exceptional group.
From District One, Jeno with a score of 10. Also, Haechan with a score of 9."
Those were really good scores. Although, nothing unexpected from a Career.
“Then, we have District 2. First, we have Huang Renjun with a 10.”
“Wow!” Doyoung claps loudly. Renjun just cringes at the man.
Caesar’s voice becomes more high pitched, “Then, we have Lee Athena with an 11!”
Well, I guessed they liked my little stunt. Although, I can let this go to my head. Especially, since this means I have to be prepared for a huge target on my head.
“Well done, both of you.” Taeyong praises, content.
We pay attention to the rest of the scores. Jaemin received a ten, which I know he worked hard for. Compared to the Careers, the rest of the tributes were not as high. However, this doesn’t mean they’re not as much as a threat. Many people like to use a strategy of hiding all of their talents until they step into the arena.
We all head back to our rooms. Renjun, of course, avoiding any sort of conversation with me. I lay down on my bed and sigh.
Tomorrow, everything’s going to change.
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One Sides to Every Story
 Solaria saw that her Queendom was in dire need of saving and guidance. To stand upright and firm against monster tyranny, or so she thought. She trained rigalessly every day, building up the endurance needed to combat 12 odd foot monsters, and stamina for the small and winged ones.
 Finally the time had come, she was the perfect warrior. However, there was no way to know that for sure. She needed to test her newly created might, and just her luck one of the surrounding villages that was near the castle was being attacked.
 There was several lizard like men and women, burning homes and eating livestock, simply wreaking havoc. Solaria was shocked at the sight of it all, but something soon caught her eyes. A lizard like man with long dark flowing hair, and sinister eyes with a devilish smile ready to take the life of a villager. Solaria lunged at him, she swung her sword and disarmed the lizard man.
 "Who are you," she exclaimed.
 "That was rude," he barked back.
 "I've asked you a question, lizard man. Who are you?"
 "Toughie Chew. I am the son of King Seth and the Prince of Suptarcius."
 "Tough chew- I'll call you Toffee! Why are you attacking these mewmans? What have they done to you?"
 "They have done nothing, why I’m simply following orders that were given to me."
 "Orders, what orders?"
 Not wanting to continue the dialogue much further, Toffee told Solaria that his father requested that he attack the village and kill all the villagers. '"Mewmans are an invasive species who have lived in Mewni for far too long, and needed to be eradicated…"'
 Unable to stand to hear what more he had to say, Solaria impatiently attacks him again and they both are caught in some sort of dance. Parrying each other swings thrusting at each other, and dodging, neither are able to attack. Until Toffee loses his footing. Finally Solaria is able to get the upper hand and uses her magic to cut off Toffees finger. Tired of losing limbs he calls for a retreat.
 "Next time Queen of Mewni." And he fades into the shadows.
 Although she was the perfect warrior, the people of Mewni were not. So she decided to go around fending off monster attacks and to hopefully once again come into contact with Toffee Prince of Suptarcius.
 A couple of years have passed since Solaria's meeting with Toffee of Suptarcius, and she was growing impatient by the minute. It was until then on her journey throughout the queendom she stumbles upon a village being attacked. A winged monster was flying above the villagers attacking them with some type of acidic like liquid. Again, her queen charges into battle, fighting off the monster. Then unexpectedly, a masked warrior falls from the sky and begins attacking Solaria.
 "What are you doing, can't you see I'm helping you?" The warrior does not speak but only continues her blocks and punches. The warrior, very agile, tucks backflips, and with a swift kick is able to bring the queen down on her bottom.
 "Why-uh, just who are you?" Again not given a single response, the warrior motions over to the winged monster and begins helping it up. She walks over to a barn and brings out a baby winged monster.
 "She wanted her baby, had you stopped and noticed its flight and attack patterns, you would have realized this sooner. Instead of mercilessly trying to kill it."
 The warrior hands the baby off to its mother, and begins walking away. Utterly dumbfounded, her queen rustles her sword off the ground and begins chasing after the warrior who was able to defeat her for a monster.
 "Hey! Now j-just wait a minute. Why would you help a monster? Don't you know who I am?"
 Solaria scoffs "I am Queen Solaria, A warrior."
 "Well which is it? Are you a Queen or a warrior?"
 Solaria blushes "I-am-fighting off monster attacks for my people! Mewmans everywhere sing me praises and of my heroic deeds."
 "No, they sing about a bully, who goes around bullying monsters."
 Solaria now flustered "Bb-bully? But monsters are evil, disgusting, tricky things. They need to be stopped!" the masked warrior continues her pace ignoring her queen.
 Now frustrated. Solaria swings her fists at the warrior, only to miss and be met with mockery. "So you can't when an argument, you resort to punches?" The warrior backflips onto a boulder and does a hair flip.
 "Listen word of advice, it's your opinion, that doesn't make it fact. Not all monsters seek destruction, some want to live in peace with their families you know? Well, I guess you don't in your case." The warrior soon springs away and the Queen once more is left with no words, well perhaps a sentence.
 "At least I don't wear a mask to hide who I am!"
 Since then, everywhere Queen Solaria went to help towns and villagers from monster threats. There they were, the masked warrior helping the monsters. Proving, in more ways, that the big monster threat was mostly a monstrous misunderstanding.
 "Ah! Why do you keep popping up everywhere I go? Are you stalking me?"
 "As if, don't go getting cocky on me now. It's not a good color for you." Queen Solaria tackles the masked warrior onto the ground.
 "Ha-ha, who do you work for? Is it Toffee, Toughie Chew Prince of Suptarcius perhaps?"
 "Ah, get off me. What no, the Prince of Suptarcius is evil. He only seeks destruction and to conquer Mewni, I would never work for him."
 "You lie-" the masked warrior is able to pivot the queen to the ground.
 "No! It's the truth, I only protect the weak and helpless monsters that only lose their homes or families. The Suptarin’s are fair game and monsters who decide to work for them."
 The queen knocks the warrior off of herself only to tackle them once more. '"How can I be sure I can trust you?"' She says, and the warrior only mocks how long the queen has pivot her to the ground. Solaria blushes and begins backing off. The warrior remarks that she can't and only the queen needs to have faith, but she does suggest they come up with a plan to take down Toffee. The warrior has steadily been keeping tabs on Toffees moves and whereabouts for a while, only to avoid him. However, he's been recruiting monsters none voluntarily, so the masked warrior saw the need to step in.
 After hours of arguing and mockery, they finally agreed upon a plan. The masked warrior is skilled in stealth and projectiles, while the queen is more of a heavy hitter, so going incognito was the best option even against the queen’s wishes.
 It took them some time but, they were able to locate were Toffee was currently residing.
 They needed a miracle; the masked warrior did some cool flips and parkour around the hideout Toffee was occupying. The queen was told to wait somewhere by the entrance, once the area was clear she would signal too her. Unfortunately our queen is not a patient puppy, as soon as her eyes made contact on a Suptarin she sprang into action.
 Solaria swings her mighty red sword, catching attention from all around her. Of course this causes the masked warrior to face palm.
 "Where is Toffee!?" She barks. Multiple monsters and Suptarins were surrounding her now, what seemed hopeless proved to be their downfall. In a matter of seconds Solaria had them bruised on the ground balling. Hard to believe this was the same mewman from the village of the winged monster, the masked warrior thought. But there was no time to guak in awe, the hot blooded queen just blew their cover.
 Sure enough, Toffee finally appeared stepping out from the group of weeping monsters and greats the warrior queen. "We meet again, Queen of Mewni. Did you have fun playing hero while I was away?"
 "Toffee, face me you coward~!"
 And just like that they were caught yet again in another dance. Both unable to land a single hit, but Toffee was cunning then that. He signaled for the non-volunteer monsters to help aid him, in turn the masked warrior saw it the right time to get involved.
 "Do not injure the volunteers, they aren't here by choice."
 "That's a little-uh difficult, huh at the moment."
 The masked warrior knocked out the non-volunteer monsters so they could remain out of the fight and stay safe from both Toffee and Solaria. As the fight continued Solaria's mind became focused and single minded, so that means she couldn't gage what was going on around her. She entered tunnel vision mode.
 Evidently, a non-volunteer slipped by, the moment Solaria was finally going to land, possibly a fatal blow. The masked warrior stepped in, and once she determined Solaria had no intentions to halt her attack, she punches her square on the jaw. Toffee unfortunately, was able to escape however, the volunteers were safe.
 "I had him, I had him why did you stop me?"
 "Told you, not to harm the non-volunteers! If you injured a single one, I would be breaking my vow, and I'm a warrior of my word."
 Solaria could not get anywhere in the argument and she remembered the advice the masked warrior had given her when they first meet. "Alright I yield. However, I do believe I'm owed something, for my participation. Monster sympathizer."
 "What did you have in mind?" She says reluctantly.
 "Do not fear, you know of me and I know not of you. After we fought in arms side by side today, I wish to know your name." Before the warrior could answer, a monster in hiding thought it the perfect opportunity to get in good graces with the prince. He decided to sneak and strike the queen with her back turned, he succeeded but not before the masked warrior could knock him down.
 Solaria is out cold, and the masked warrior had no choice but to take the queen someplace safe.
 They had finally arrived to a beautiful creek with a weeping willow tree perched nicely on the corner. It was night but the moon was full, and the forest animals were out playing.
 Solaria is soon awoken by beautiful humming, the warrior had her mask off and her caramel face and dark brown eyes were now revealed. "Beautiful," the Queen whispers. The warrior opens but soon scowls her eyes.
 "You were hit, but it looks to me that you’re fine now." She raises up and the warrior queen whose head was nestled gently in her lap had, now fallen on to the cold ground hard.
 "My name is, Leona Goldiebird. My origins, unknown; I was found by a family of Sparrow Tooth
 (Hint: Saber tooth cats with Sparrow wings)
 Who took me in and raised me as their own. I will do anything for them, for monsters that is my vow, my word and I am a warrior of my word."
 The Queen was hesitant in this new information she was just given. But she made a quick decision, "I care not, of your past but I do desire a future in which you and I stand together side by side. Against Toffee and the Suptarins, are you with me?"
 "I shall stand by your side, only if it's to end the Suptarins cruel rain?" Solaria agreed to not harm non volunteer monsters that are forced to join the Suptarins army and perhaps, though both don't know yet, to unit Mewman and Monster kind.
 Two more years went by,
 In that time Queen Solaria had fathered a child, princess Eclipsa. But our queen didn't sit idly by only to become soft.  No, she went around to all the villages and towns to gather an army. Or I should say tired?
 "Are you sure it's alright to bring a child with us?"
 "Well how else am I to feed her?"
 "Of course." Lady Leona said reluctantly.
 As promised Solaria did not harm the forced volunteer monsters in Toffees army. But to make sure of this Lady Leona decided to stay near Queen Solaria, a bond grew and became strong between them. They soon began seeing each other in entirely different light, giving one another nicknames as well. After every battle, the queen and lady Leona helped the monsters to safety far away from Toffees reach. And during each battle, if her queen failed to restrain herself with the volunteers, Lady Leona would punch her right in the face. Don’t worry her queen is quite durable.
 "This is starting to get a little repetitive, don't you agree?"
 "Yes, how is he able to recruit so many monsters, volunteer or not?"
 “No, well yes but I meant punching me in the face. My face, it hurts you know.”
 “I’m sorry solar bear.” Both Lady Leona and queen Solaria thought it best to figure out how Toffee is able to gather so many monsters. But they needed an army themselves and mewmans were proving to be difficult to convince.
 "Won't the monsters help aid us, don't they wish for peace?"
 "No, I'm afraid that don't see it to be their fight. They feel it's a war between you and the Suptarins." The queen thought since they could not fight monsters with monsters perhaps she could create her own.
 "I really don't think that's a great idea Solaria, why don't you give me time. Let me try to find a way to make peace with them."
 "Alright, only because I need time to be with Eclipsa."
 "Thank you Sol." Six months would come and pass but lady Leona still hadn't come up with a way to draw peace in the queendom. Solaria would suggest to scratch the whole idea of peace entirely.
 "For now we should focus on Toffee, in just six months his forces have progressed. Where on the defense now."
 "My apologies, I think I have a plan for that."
 Lady Leona had figured out how Toffee was acquiring new recruits. He was feeding propaganda to the monsters of his kingdom. However, this meant going on a long journey to Suptarcius.
 "Traveling to Suptarcius is dangerous mentally and physically exhausting. Are you up for it?"
 "Well this means I will be traveling with you and you’re nagging, what the heck I'm up to anything!"
 Taking extreme offence to what the queen had said, they were off. Princess Eclipsa remained back at home in the castle per Lady Leona's wishes. "The journey will take months, years even we only have one shot at this." They came across many monsters, villages and towns in need of their assistance. Toffees generals were scattered stationed near mewman inhabited areas terrorizing, and putting them into slavery.
 Finally their efforts paid off, in just a sort time they were able to gain at least a small troop.
 The villagers had fallen for the two heroes’ strong will and fearlessness. "Leo, can you believe this. Gush, it just only feels like two years ago we were struggling to put together an army."
 "It was only two years ago and six months, but I get what you mean Sol."
 "Here you go."
 "What, but this-I thought this was the last of the Snookers. You never share, you almost tore Billy’s arm off?"
 "Well I wanted you to have it, go on now."
 Someone far off into the distance, '"K-I-S-S-I-N-G-"'
 "Who said that, was it you Bill-y?"
 More of them now, '"Ooo."'
 "Sol, don't pay any mind to Billy. He’s just teasing."
 "Yah, I suppose your right, as always Leo." Lady Leona pulls out a brush from her brown bag.
"Would you mind?" She gestures for Solaria to brush her hair. The queen grabs the brush and begins stroking top to bottom.
 "Your hair, it's quite lovely Leo."
 “Ha-ha thank you, I could do yours if you'd like."
 "Mm, that would be nice, only if I had any. Hair that is."
 "Well stop shaving it off yah goof." They both giggle and laugh under the full moon, the queen asks if Lady Leona could hum for her like she did when they were at the creek. Lady Leona begins humming the tones song to her from when she was little girl. “This takes me back to the creek, does it not? I sure would like to visit there again, with you.”
 "Your hair is, lovely." Just like that the queen takes a quick peek around her to make sure no one was watching, and sniffs Lady Leona’s long plum purple hair. "What's wrong?"
 "Nothing! Just keep humming." Solaria said frantically now roughly brushing lady Leona’s hair.
 "So how's you know who?"
 "Who? Oh, he's good um. He and Eclipsa are having some daddy daughter time while I'm away."
 There was a long awkward pause. "Are you planning, to tie the knot soon?"
 "What? Oh, um you know I-I mean we, we decided to not-too not do that. You know with the whole war and everything, there's no time. For a wedding that is." She says nervously.
 "I see." Lady Leona blushes turned away from Solaria.
 Queen Solaria begins scratching the back of her head, anxious in the silence they both found themselves in again. "What about you? Are-do you plan to-to tie the knot soon." Solaria says regrettably.
 "I-nope, simply no time for that. With the whole war and everything." She says sadly looking away.
 “L-look Leona, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you-”
 “Wait! Just one sec solar bear. Whatever it is you have to tell me, could it-could it wait after we defeat Toffee?”
 The queen was hesitant but, when she looked deep into Lady Leona’s big brown eyes she nodded her head in agreement.
 The queen, Lady Leona, and the troops made it to Toffees castle. The fight was long and rigorous, and many were severely injured in the process on both sides. Not wanting to lose anymore generals and troops, Toffee suggested a truce.
 “What are you doing Toughies? Calling for a truce when you got them on the run!”
 “What!?” Toffee explained to his father Seth of Suptarcius, that he had become quite attached to the nick name Toffee. Not happy with his son’s response Seth gets ready to strike him, but Toffee soon gabs his way out of punishment.
 “Listen father, my plan is to lure the mewman’s into a false scenes of security. I would offer them a chance of peace, and they would gather in one location.” “Go on.” Toffee explained further that once he had the queen and Lady Leona where he wanted them, he would finally end the game once and for all. “Good, do not fail me.”
 Toffee would succeed, he sent a messenger and had the queen and Lady Leona fooled in believing he wanted peace. Finding a peaceful looking monster and forcing him to pretend to be a minister sent from the King and Prince. The queen would stay behind with the troops and Lady Leona would agree to continue on ahead believing deep down that this is what they had been waiting for.
 While they were separated from each other Toffee would pick them off one by one. Solaria was able to escape seeking out Lady Leona, to find and warn her of the trap. However, she would be too late. Their troops were cut down, and Lady Leona would be cut down by a size shifter right in front of Solaria.
 “Noo! Leo, Leo look at me. Leona! Leona! Please-please don’t go.”
 “Solar bear? I-I’m sorry I failed you, I t-tried-“
 “NO! You did nothing wrong, this was all Toffee-“
 “Solaria please listen, I don’t know how much time-I have.” Leona would go on to confess her love to Solaria, and with tears in both of their eyes Solaria bids Lady Leona fair well with a long passionate kiss.
 Not seeing any reason to kill off queen Solaria, Toffee once again fades into the shadows. Queen Solaria would cry out in anguish and would remain by Lady Leona side until there was no more flesh left to be seen of her. Then Solaria would barre her beloved and vow vengeance on those involved in the death of Lady Leona Goldiebird, and the first thing to come to her mind would be creating the Solarian warriors.
 When Solaria returned home she was no longer her optimistic vibrant self her brother, daughter, and the rest of the mewmans could see. She had looked like death himself completely soaked, pale as white, and starved. She locked herself in her room finally writing in the book of spells she was putting off for so long. She no longer followed the rules agreed upon Lady Leona and herself, all monsters were the enemy.
 Solaria would go on to recruit Mina Loveberry, and successfully transform her into a Solarian warrior. Mina would pledge her loyalty to the current queen and only to her as she is. Together they would be an unstoppable force however, when there was no longer any monster left to fight, or Toffee of Suptarcius to seek revenge. Solaria found herself at the beautiful creek with the weeping willow tree, and no longer able to force away the memories of Lady Leona. Queen Solaria realized she wasn’t honoring Lady Leona’s wishes, this was not the vision lady Leona had sought and died for.
 “I need to make this right, perhaps there is still a chance for peace. Mina and I should be able to accomplish it.” Unfortunately for the Queen, Mina did not agree at all with her plans of peace.
 “What are you saying your majesty? This is what we’ve been fighting for, this is what you’ve been promising me, the mewmans of Mewni. You’re telling me you’re just going to throw that all away for some-some dead girl?”
 “You don’t understand, this was a promise. I keep my promises for I am a warrior Mina.”
 “Why I-I-I-I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
 “That’s alright I wouldn’t expect you too. Your mind is falling apart any way.”
 “No! I want let you, you are not Solaria-“
 “Mina, Mina what are you doing?”
 “You are not the queen of Mewni, My queen would never say anything this-this, weird. I’ll take you out myself you imposter!”
 “Mina! Noooo!” and just like that Mina Loveberry took the life of Queen Solaria, blaming it all on an attack form raiders. However, the story seemed a little farfetched giving how strong Queen Solaria was. Queen Solaria went down in history as the greatest warrior against monster kind, Solaria the Monster Carver.
 The End
>Solaria Butterfly AU Prequel written by: Wolf Platinum Ravenous<
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taikureviews · 2 years
Taiku Reviews: Metal Gear Solid
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Well this is certainly a game.
I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting to replay Metal Gear Solid this year. I'm not even sure what I'd want to say about it. I guess I can start with the basics?
Metal Gear Solid was the first breakout hit of Hideo Kojima, released in 1998 for Playstation. This game also got a PC release in the year 2000.
I played that version.
That's not really anything special nowadays, since you can buy it from GOG alongside its sequ- oh...
Prequel, I guess?
Anyway, you can play the PC version a little bit easier now than you could before, so I gave it a whirl.
How's that sneaking suit working out?
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I didn't take screenshots myself so I'm pulling from MobyGames. Be warned that some of these may be modded.
Metal Gear Solid is a stealth game. Rather than gun your way through every obstacle, you're encouraged to hide and go unnoticed; not letting anyone know you were there. It's fairly basic as stealth games come; stay out of an enemy's line of sight, and navigate your way around predictable soldier patrols. I think it gets a free pass for simplicity though. Not only because it's a Kojima game, possibly the only one where the hardware was telling him no instead of his development team, but also because Metal Gear was essentially the original stealth game. If you wanted a game centered around evasion and non-combat, your only other option at the time were Thief and Tenchu.
It's also essentially a remake of a remake; with Metal Gear 2 just retelling Metal Gear 1, and Metal Gear Solid recycling almost all the beats of Metal Gear 2.
So I've heard, don't quote me on that.
A square peg in a round hole
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Being a PS1 game, Metal Gear Solid is janky as hell; especially in the movement. If you've ever played a Rockstar game and tried doing a 180° turn, imagine every degree of turn feeling that way. There's no true analog, which is common for a lot of PS1 titles, but coming out almost a year after the release of the Dualshock kinda stings. It would've made an excellent last-minute inclusion.
Aiming weapons is equally rigid, stopping Snake in his tracks just to fire a gun. I don't expect him to run & gun obviously, and it's common for stealth game combat to be imperfect. The easiest way to encourage stealth is to make non-stealth options not as fun. But another common trait among stealth games is there are points where combat is forced. So having combat suck is a real downer.
That's not to say the forced combat sections are bad, but I'll get back to that.
The most frustrating aspect of Metal Gear Solid is the radar. Don't get me wrong, it's useful and does its job, but there are several points where it'll be jammed so you can't see what's coming. And the game uses this to employ really frustrating gotchas. Radar jammed? Let's put a security camera around a corner you can't see. Or claymore mines, since you can't use your mine detector. How about if you play on Hard or Extreme difficulties your radar gets disabled entirely? It doesn't make the game harder, it just makes it frustrating.
I'm sure someone will tell me to git gud for that rant, but do know I have beaten the game on Hard. And I'm never doing that again.
So is there anything good about the game? Well, it has some damn good level design.
Mini Metroid
It's not obvious at first, but Metal Gear Solid is fantastic as a small-scale Metroidvania. It makes sense being a Konami game, but it's something that not a lot of people mention when praising Metal Gear. Paths from one location to another are mostly linear, but there's a lot of backtracking that makes you familiar with the layout of Shadow Moses. It's also easy to miss certain optional items, which combined with two endings and a relatively short playtime gives it a decent amount of replay value.
Also I know I said the combat's not great, but one way it makes up for it is some awesome boss fights.
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Every boss fight in Metal Gear Solid either has a fun gimmick, or is a visual spectacle on top of being well designed. The first boss for example, Revolver Ocelot, fights you in a tight square with a barrier in the middle; forcing you to run around the edges in a claustrophobic showdown. Other bosses include two hand-to-hand throwdowns, two sniper duels, three pieces of military equipment, and one fight that I dare not spoil.
If you've played it before, you know the one.
PC/PS1 differences
I've covered about all I had to say about the game itself, but the last thing I should mention are differences between the PC port and the original PS1 release. Despite what many people say, I don't think either one is better or worse, but there are some notable differences. So here goes:
The PC port feels just a little bit better to control than on PS1. There's still no true analog movement, but it feels like there's less input delay than on console. I also kinda like its aesthetic more, being able to run in Direct3D for less jagged/wavy edges. It also lets you play exclusively in first-person (why would you use this?), has a Very Easy mode that gives you an infinite ammo MP5, has Extreme difficulty unlocked right away, lets you save anywhere without taking to Mei Ling (you monster), and includes VR Missions as a separate exe.
However it's got some noticeable audio problems. The sound quality is a lot worse on console, with one music track just flat-out missing, and the voice acting isn't changed to reflect being on PC; so characters will still talk as if you're on console (yes, including for that one boss fight). The codec calls also have some noticeable desync with the subtitles, and all of the stock footage cutscenes don't have subtitles at all. It's a bit of an accessibility nightmare.
I ultimately ended up playing the PC port solely for the better controls, but if it's your first time through I'd recommend the PS1 version first.
Final Verdict
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Metal Gear Solid's a true classic. It's definitely got some age, but to this day it's still my favorite in the series, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
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Stayed up all night and practically wrote several essays, trying to convince myself to not/buy KH3 Nendo Kairi. Sorry, Kairi. Maybe if you weren't $62. Maybe if you were KH2 version. But as it is, spending that much, after also preordering other things, including a more expensive Nendo Aqua,...I just can't spend that much on a KH3 Nendo Kairi without feeling guilty. Sorry, completionism. But $62 is too high.
12:23 AM 6/22/2021
Yknow what?
If I had the choice between only having money for a 2nd Nendo Joker or a 2nd Nendo England, I'd choose Joker in a heartbeat. So what am I trying so hard to decide here? Do not preorder Hetalia World Stars version Nendo UK! Even though he's blond, you haven't had need of that. And if you really needed him blond in a photo, you could Photoshop him! but let's be serious, people want to see authentic Nendos in photoshoots, and his non-blond hair will mark him as authentic. So you don't get called a bootleg buyer! But what do you care what others think? You care that Nendo England looks like the England from your nostalgia...and for that, you need blond. And I can do that through Photoshop. Because seriously, you've barely used or looked at your current Nendo UK, you haven't been compelled/obsessed with more USUK photoshoots, you haven't even been playing with Nendos US UK much. YOU WOULD NOT EVEN _NOTICE_ IF YOU HAD 2 NENDO UK. You only need one. Your Nendo US doesn't even have sandy blond hair like your anime nostalgia! So what does it matter if UK is off-color!?! ...It matters because you have a chance to get proper-color UK hair. But I don't want to spend all this money. When I first saw this figure announcement for Hetalia World Stars version Nendo UK, my immediate thought was that I don't feel the need to have 2 Nendo UK. I already barely play with the one I have. It wasn't until I realized this 2nd edition Nendo UK has blond hair, that I started thinking I had to have it. But if that's the only reason, then I don't really need to. I don't actually have such an intense need to have it. I've barely had an intense need (anymore) to have my current Nendo UK. So I definitely don't need a 2nd one. And if saving my money on this, will allow me to get possibly a better Nendoroid later, well then, this is an opportunity to revisit that "lost battle" where I wasted money on Bayonetta, 2B, etc---*This* time, I could win that "battle". And then maybe in the future, there'll be a 2nd Joker Nendo or Nendos for Claude and Dimitri! *o* In any case, so many figures end up in the Available Now section, that blond Nendo UK will probably end up there. Or, if you're worried to not have a blond UK ready if GSC later releases a properly sandy-blond Nendo US, then I'm sure if they ever announced a 2nd Nendo Amerrica, then they'd re-release the Nendo UKs. This is not even your last chance, you might have extra money to afford a 2nd Nendo UK in the future, but for sure you know, you don't have the money to waste on a 2nd Nendo UK _right now_. So don't. Save your money for that hypothetical 2nd Nendo Joker in his school uniform, or Nendo Dimitri and Claude, or whatever gets announced from the Nendoroid Select '21 survey results. Remember, that still needs to get announced. So, no on preordering Hetalia World Stars version Nendoroid UK.
As for Kairi...Let's be honest (again). I haven't been obsessed with Kingdom Hearts in years. And even when I was, Kairi was barely in them. I don't have that much of an attachment to Kairi. Even though Oathkeeper is my favorite Keyblade because it came from Kairi, sometimes I fear that emotional impact was more the effectiveness of that plot point in that moment of the first game, more than a reflection of my attachment to Kairi. I have attachments to Riku and Sora. When their Nendoroids were announced, I preordered ALL of them right away. Even though I didn't really like KH2 Sora's outfit. Even though it pained my wallet to buy 3 pairs of the same characters, back to back. Even after all these years, those 2 were the characters I was sure of feeling attachment towards. I can't keep judging whether to buy Kairi's KH3 Nendo, based on possible attachments I might feel towards Kairi in KH3. Because I've had that game for months and I still haven't even opened the case yet! O~o! That should be my strongest indicator of my attachments towards Kairi and willingness to buy Nendos for her, especially KH3 Nendos of her. Admit it: Your KH nostalgia is all wrapped up with KH2, Birth by Sleep, and earlier. I shouldn't be making $62 purchase decisions for Kairi, based on KH3---a game that I'm apparently no longer interested in enough to play immediately. Not getting KH3 Kairi's Nendo feels bad as a completionist and as someone who has real life personal attachments to sibling-like groups of 3 friends. But I knew when she was announced that I still preferred her KH2 look, because I've just always liked long(er) hair. And I love her dress in KH2. Yes, I have to gamble on GSC eventually announcing a KH2 Nendo Kairi, and then when I get her, all my "groups of 3 friends" figure photoshoots will be limited to Sora, Riku, and Kairi's KH2 depictions...even though I don't really like KH2 Sora's look...But am I even that compelled to take photos of Sora/Riku/Kairi in the first place? I barely take pics of my current, KH1 Sora/Riku Nendos right now. But if KH3 is my last Kingdom Hearts game (even if my status is still to "eventually" play it), wouldn't I want Sora/Riku/Kairi's last depiction in my memories to be what I own as Nendoroids? I mean, it would be the perfect end-cap image to the series for me. And Square said that KH3 is the end of the Xehanort Saga or something. It's the end cap. ---There I go, basing a Nendoroid purchase on a game I haven't even played yet, while I ALSO already know I prefer Kairi's KH2 look. Y'know what? What if they do eventually release a KH2 Kairi, a KH1 Kairi, even Terra and Ven as Nendoroids? They'll definitely choose some previous Nendos to re-release alongside them! And if they release another version of Kairi, then guess what? The re-release will be KH3 Kairi. And maybe by then, I'll have the money for this. Or at least, the results for the Nendoroids Select '21 survey would have been released by then, and then I can know whether my money can go towards a character I want more, or towards a KH3 Kairi re-release. I mean, it'd be different if Kairi played a bigger role in KH3, and though I've been staying away from most spoilers, I did hear that she got sidelined AGAIN. And sure, it seems she might be the protagonist of the upcoming rhythm game, but I may not get that. I'm stopping at KH3, remember? So if she's getting sidelined in KH3 again and in the rhythm game, she's like asleep or something, reminiscing, just being used as the overall story's framing device,...then that doesn't sound like a lot of screentime for me to get attached to her. I mean, when I was younger, I thought Kairi did a lot in KH2, but I didn't cry when she reunited with Sora, I cried when Sora and Riku reunited. (I don't even ship those babies! LOL) ---I feel really bad writing all this to convince myself that I don't like Kairi enough to spend $62 on her. It's not like I hate her. I don't even *dislike* her! I LIKE her!!!! It's just...I've been retroactively organizing my Nendoroid
inventory lately, and I've been seeing all the money I've wasted on figures that I only bought out of completionism, that made me cringe inside at the pain this would cause my wallet, because I didn't love the character enough to jump and thrash in my chair with excitement, when I saw their figure announcements and "DAMN THE COST!"... If KH3 Kairi Nendo can't make me feel that way, then I shouldn't be buying her.
There's a perfect counter example in this month's preorder interests!!! I wasn't expecting Pop Up Parade Kikyo! I don't even like static scale figures! I like articulated figures! And chibi too! Pop Up Parade isn't either of those things! And I haven't been a fan of Inuyasha in years! I haven't been obsessing over anything Rumiko Takahashi in years! But when I saw Kikyo's Pop Up Parade announced, I knew I had to buy her. I jumped up and thrashed in my chair. I gasped. I uttered "ohmygawd" over and over like I was losing my mind. Even now, I occasionally browse her announcement pics, just to admire my waifu some more. That's how ALL my figure preorders should make me feel.
And I don't feel that way about KH3 Nendo Kairi.
And I don't feel that way about Hetalia World Stars version Nendo UK/England.
I kind of want to be suspicious if Nendo Aqua makes me feel that way, but what's there to be suspicious about? I'm too attached to her. The majority of my favorite cosplay memories are attached through her. On top of that, her character design is so pretty! She qualifies as what I call in my figure collecting, a "beauty piece", a figure whose design or sculpt is so pretty, that whether I even know the character/series is negligible for me to enjoy owning that figure. Aqua's got that AND she's endeared herself to me. Plus, she's a nice character. I got invested in her BBS story, her 0.2 story, and curiosity about her in KH3 is a big part of why I never concede that I'll someday play that game. I like Aqua. And her character design is pretty. I shouldn't feel guilty about preordering her Nendoroid this month. Even if a future hypothetical Ky Kiske Nendoroid gets announced in the possible future, I would gladly spend money on both Aqua and Ky. I'd make my budget work.
So, sounds like I'm preordering:
Pop Up Parade Kikyo
Nendoroid Aqua
and that's it.
1:37 AM 6/22/2021
Y'know the funny thing is that I feel like if GSC did announce a KH2 Kairi, I'd want KH3 Kairi too. ...She is pretty cute... Damn it. This wouldn't be such a problem if she wasn't $62!!!!!
Looking back through my Nendoroid Inventory, most of my 2017 Nendoroids were under $40! That's because the currency exchange rate was to our advantage. Because the US$ was stronger vs the yen back then, we got everything pretty much at least $5 off! But now we buy from GSC Shop US, and their prices don't account for currency exchange rate changes. (But can I justify switching back to preordering from GSC's international shop, when they have $20 shipping vs GSC US's $3/figure shipping, and we're still in a pandemic so I should limit my purchases to as local as possible? I feel like especially in the pandemic, I have to stick to the GSC US shop.) A 4000yen Nendo isn't $35.30 like it was for me in 2017. Now a 4000yen Nendo is probably like $40 at GSC Shop US. Hold on...Browsing through the GSC international online shop...Even the simple Nendos, like this Nendoroid Steven A Starphase, just a guy in a suit, is already 6930yen! These Bofuri Nendo preorders right now? BOTH ARE 6600YEN EACH!!! In 2017, I got the freaking special edition harvest moon Kagamine Len and Rin Nendoroids for $35.30 each!. I thought that maybe Square was charging GSC extra licensing fees since they would prefer to make money off their own figure lines (Play Arts Kai, Bring Arts, Play Arts Mini, etc.). But it seems like Nendoroids are just more expensive in 2021. O______________O!!!!!!!!!!!! In 2017/2018, even the freaking Madoka Magica maiko version Nendoroids were only $42.36, $43.99, $39.71! And those had so many tiny printed floral details! And accessories! O~o! Same for my detailed Touken Ranbu and KanColle Nendoroids back then! O_O!?!?!???????!!!??????????? Nendoroids are just going to be more expense now. Wow.
I guess the important thing is that if I buy Nendo Kairi, that when it comes time to unbox her, I don't get that sickly unboxing feeling in my stomach, where I can't believe I spent money on this. Like, Kiso is cool, but I don't know her and I'm certainly not obsessed with her. I shouldn't have bought her, especially for over $50. Same with the Akizuki sisters. Probably same with Shoukaku, though she seemed nice in the anime. And certainly the lack of attachment applies to my Nendoroid Iowa. More than half my Touken Ranbu Nendoroids, I bought without really knowing their characters. Half of them, I bought just to prove to Good Smile Company, the demand for male figures. Soon after those first few TouRabu toudans, GSC announced their Orange Rouge line: "Good Smile Company and Max Factory's brand dedicated to male character figures and goods." And yeah, I'm super sentimental enough that even though I didn't really know these characters, now that they're in my collection, they're MINE, they're my precious little tsukumogami babies, whom I wouldn't trade away, no matter how much my finances complain. Plus, I have so much anxiety, that selling/trading is too much stress for me. If my reluctant and failed attempts to sell the lesser parts of my manga collection at swap meets have proven, is that even if I wasn't obsessed with the thing I collected, and even if I have an easy opportunity to get rid of them, WHILE making money in doing so,...I still just can't do it. That's why I threw away all my Nendoroids' packaging plastics when I ran out of storage room for them. I knew I was too chicken and too sentimental to ever sell any of my Nendoroids. Even the ones that gave me that sickly unboxing feeling in my stomach, thinking about the $50+ money I wasted.
---Even when I could have instead been spending it on Nendoroids of characters I actually love! What if a school uniform Nendo Joker gets announced? Or a Nendoroid Claude and Dimitri? What about Nendoroids for Ky, Sol, Lady, Lelouch, Rukia, etc.??? Sure, I can squeeze things into my budget right now. But if that time comes later, when I'll want a Nendo schoolboy Joker or a Nendo Rukia, and I don't have the money for them, will a Nendoroid KH3 Kairi have been worth it? I mean, I already prefer her KH2 look over her KH3 look. Why do I have to care if I don't have a matching Kairi to my Sora/Riku Nendos in my figure photos? Why do I have to be so completionist about this? People will understand that not everyone can afford matching Nendoroids. Hell, my Nendo America and Nendo England don't match! One is from Hetalia World Stars! The other is from Hetlaia The World Twinkle! No one cares! What's important is that I have the 2 characters from my ship in the same pic or the same shelf! No one cares if they match! If I prefer KH2 Kairi, then I should hold-out for her and then take goddamn pictures of her with KH3 Sora/Riku if I want! Hell, I prefer KH2 Riku's look too! I'll just swap out Sora and take pics of KH2 Riku with KH2 Kairi, and KH3 Sora! ...That is, if GSC eventually makes a KH2 Nendo Kairi.
omg I'm going in circles again. I need a snack break.
8:15 AM 6/22/2021
I'm too tired now to remember all the thoughts I wrote about and thought through. x~x;
8:43 AM 6/22/2021
If I skipped KH3 Nendoroid Kairi, would I even miss her? I mean, before, I was so hung up on my Nendo UK not being blond, but now I realize that I barely even think about that, nor even often think of that Nendoroid itself, very often. Hardly ever, actually. Will it be similar with Kairi? I mean,I don't look at my KH1 Sora/Riku Nendo and lament about how I don't have a KH1 Kairi Nendo to go with them. I actually don't really like Kairi's KH1 look. I guess I only really like her KH2 look. So why not hold out for KH2 Kairi Nendoroid possibly being announced in the future? But what if they never make a Nendo Kairi besides this KH3 Kairi, and I miss out on this one and only Kairi, while holding out for a Nendo of KH2Kairi? I hate gambling. But if I skipped KH3 Nendo Kairi now, would I even miss her?.......... She's $62 and I should save my money.
10:12 AM 6/22/2021
I think you should buy figures that you feel good about spending $62 on. Figures that you don't feel guilty about buying. If Nendoroid KH3 Kairi makes you feel guilty, like $62 is not worth it or too much, then don't buy her. Wait for a KH2 Nendo Kairi that will make you feel good to spend on.
But I feel so bad to pass her up! Ugh! This is so hard! ;o;
10:30 AM 6/22/2021
Funny the clarity you can have while brushing and flossing your teeth. If I feel bad spending $62 on Nendo KH3 Kairi, then she must not mean that much to me. She's not worth $62 to me.
I remember when I first saw her announced at WonHobby and I felt safe from needing to buy her. I even commented on GSC's Twitter, that my suddenly finding her cute, threatened my original security and certainty in knowing I didn't feel compelled to buy her.
1) Don't buy based on predicted attachments to a character in a game you haven't played yet. I haven't played KH3 yet.
2) If Kairi changes my mind after I play KH3, then she'll probably get a re-release later anyway.
3) When you first saw KH3 Nendo Kairi, your first thought wasn't that I needed her. It was that I felt secure that I didn't need her.
4) You don't have money to spare for a Nendo you're unsure about liking to the worth of $62. Because you didn't expect a Pop Up Parade Kikyo nor her unexpected costs, even if it is relatively cheap. And you still need enough money for a $65 Nendo Aqua. You don't have enough money for any half-certain, hesitating likes towards KH3 Kairi Nendoroid.
5) Other people are skipping KH3 Nendo Kairi even though they also want to buy her.
(https://twitter.com/guttural/status/1406709434592735237) "I want her, but I'm so broke and already ordered the Axel and Roxas Nendos ;_;"
10:38 AM 6/22/2021
I'm going to tell Kuya, I don't need Nendo KH3 Kairi. And then I'm going to forget I was even considering buying her. KH2 and KH3 Sora/Riku Nendoroids are going to come in, and I won't even miss her. Just like I do now, with my KH1 Sora/Riku Nendoroids. And I will wait for a KH2 Nendo Kairi. And when she does get announced, I'll preorder her without regret, because I prefer that character design.
2:33 AM 6/28/2021
I really wanted to get Swacchao Nendoroid Hinata. I was originally just going to get the Swacchao parts since I already have the full Nendoroid Hinata Shoyo. I didn't need a seated Hinata, but as a completionist and Hinata fan, I thought I SHOULD get Swacchao Hinata, or at least the seated Swacchao parts.
But then I had this idea that when I return to an office job, it'd be so nice to have Nendoroid Swacchao Hinata at my desk with me. I had had ideas before about bringing a Nendoroid or 2 to my next office job. I even bought Nendoroid Aoba Suzukaze for that reason. (She's an "office lady" and her accessories include dialogue bubbles of her shouting about doing her best. I thought it'd be really encouraging to have at work.) But I was worried about leaving an actual Nendoroid at my desk, overnight. Would I pack up my desk's Nendoroid(s) each night before I clocked out? Impractical. Should I only use Nendoroids of characters I don't care too much about, to decorate my office desk? But if it's not a character I love, then how is their presence encouraging? And being encouragaing is the entire point of desk decor at a soul-killing job. But then here are these Nendoroid Swacchao Hinata Shoyo announcements! Less than $30! I could have a character I love, from an explicitly encouraging series, and being essentially a dupliate of a Nendoroid I already have, I shouldn't worry too much about him getting stolen from any desk of mine.
But I just can't justify buying a duplicate of a character I already have. I was already cutting out Kageyama and Yuuji from my preorder candidates. I'm in the middle of cataloging my Nendoroid inventory and fully realizing how much money I've wasted on Nendoroids of characters I didn't know, barely knew, liked but didn't love, duplicates of characters I already had, etc. It had to stop. So no Swacchao Kageyama for me. And if we're being honest about my terrible spending, then I really shouldn't be getting either type of Swacchao Hinata either. No more duplicates of characters. ;_; No matter how much I want them. ;_____;
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