#i do like the idea of sparrow five in theory
air--so--sweet · 11 days
@miss-galaxy-turtle suggested that that the person we see with the inverted Umbrella tattoo is Viktor, not Klaus as a lot of us assumed, since Viktor being the only sibling with a tattoo is the oppposite of the original tineline where he was the only one without an umbrella tattoo. I've been thinking about this theory so much since. Especially as the teaser poster says 'Viktor taken'.
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In the teaser trailer we see Viktor speaking to Reggie in a diner, a scene I saw someone (I forget who I'm sorry!), point out is a parallel to the scene of Viktor and Marcus in season 3 (though thankfully this time there are no terrible wigs involved).
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In the scene with Marcus, Viktor tells him that his team is good but not as good as Viktor's and that he ended the world twice. Based on this, Marcus assumes Viktor is Number One and is surprised to find out that he's actually Number Seven.
In what we see of the scene with Reginald in season 4, he says that the siblings bicker all the time and Viktor agrees and says they drive each other crazy but they're there for him when things go to hell. It sounds like he's explaining why he cares about them and why they're in his life.
The teaser trailer opens with the quote from season 1 when Reginald introduces the inaugral class of the Umbrella Academy. He excluded Viktor from that 'class' and tried to control him by making him think he was ordinary and having him take sedatives his entire life. He also made sure his siblings thought less of him so that they would exclude him too. All of which eventually resulted in Viktor causing the apocalypse that Reggie was trying to prevent.
He then, displeased with his children when he meets them in the '60s, chooses to adopt different children instead and forms the Sparrow Academy. They are better trained (their training seems to focus more on honing their abilities rather than manipulating them emotionally to allow better control of them as he did with the Umbrellas) and they are a more successful superhero team but he ends up drugged and controlled by them.
What if, in this new universe Reginald tries to train a team of super heroes again. He tries to learn from his previous failed attempts and so decides to do certain things differently. One of which is, instead of preventing Viktor from using his powers, he decides to train him so he can reach his full potential as the most powerful Umbrella and can lead the team as Number One. Maybe in the the scene at the diner Reginald is telling Viktor he can be Number One, but it means leaving behind his family. Viktor says no and that is why we see Reginsld questioning their relationship in the teaser trailer. It also further fits the idea of the scene being a parallel of the scene in season 3, Marcus thought Viktor should be Number One, Reginald is telling him that he can be Number One.
Then, when Viktor disagrees he is taken against his will by Reginald, which is where the inverted Umbrella tattoo comes in.
I've already talked about what I perceived as signs in the teaser trailer that made me think that Claire, and Lila and Diego's daughter will be taken. And we know from the teaser that the Umbrellas go on a reacue mission but not who they're rescuing. We see Viktor in the van as part of the rescue party. So I think either Viktor escapes (having been tattooed before the eacape), let's his siblings know that Reginald has the kids because he's creating a new, new academy and the rescue mission is to rescue them. Or since the subway system seems to allow travel between timelines (based on the shot of Lila and Five in the apocalypse, something thst doesn't happen in the timeline they're in) Reggie uses that to take another version of Viktor, maybe Viktor as a child, since he can mould him to be the Number One he wants, and they're trying to rescue that Viktor. Or Reggie takes Viktor, to try and understand his plans, Five and Lila use the subway system to cross timelines and find an alternate Viktor who is Number One, either because he took the deal offered in the diner or through some other alternate dimension means and that is who has the inverted Umbrella tattoo, and is who we see in the van with the other umbrellas because he agrees to help them rescue their Viktor.
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alaffy · 1 year
The Umbrella Academy, Ep.3x08 – Wedding at the End of the Road
Getting close to the end of the third season.   This episode had a lot of wonderful character moments.  There is also one character that, yeah, I’ve lost all sympathy for.  In a way, I do hope that they are doing this in order to have this person become an antagonist/side with Regenald; because if they are planning for this character to change their ways by season end...then they definitely have gone too far with what the character has done.  
This episode starts with a flashback to 1918, where Reginald finds this (I’m guessing) interdimensional doorway.  He ends up building the Hotel Obsidian around it.  We see him and seven men go into the White Buffalo room.  The men are soldiers and Regenald has paid them to go to the other dimension and kill the guardian there.  They fail and they all die.  Obviously, this is the mission Reginald was training the Sparrows for.    
Back in the present, we discover there’s not much left of the world.  In fact, it’s pretty much the hotel and a little bit of the surrounding area.   Five has a novel idea; he’s going to listen to his future self and not save the world.  After all, every time they’ve tried to save it; they’ve failed.  So, maybe doing nothing will save it.  If not, well, they should just enjoy the couple of days left that they have.
Or we could just have Luther and Sloane announce their engagement and that they plan on getting married that day.  I love the fact that Viktor was asked to be the best man; that this is the way Luther is showing Viktor how much Luthor cares for his brother.  
I also understand why Luther didn’t want Ben at the Bachelor party or Reginald....anywhere near the wedding (oh, yeah, he and Klaus show up and Reginald is not happy that everyone is letting the world end).  Though I did appreciate Klaus just trying to explain to Regenald that, you know, maybe if Regenald had been a little less of a dick to his kids?  Yet, at the same time, Klaus is trying to get the others to talk to Regenald.  I also loved when Reginald came down to the reception and gave what was a pretty touching reception speech (even the poem about death worked in this case).
I did feel sorry for Ben as it’s clear that he’s looking for approval/a sense of belonging.  And his asshole behavior is just masking this socially awkward man.    
I also appreciate the fact that Lila and Diego are starting to have some really serious conversations here.  Like they are planning this future together.  I mean, I can absolutely understand why Diego, at first, wanted to listen to Reginald because he wanted to make sure there was a future for their child.  At the same time, I can’t blame Lila for making that ultimatum as, quite frankly, Diego wasn’t likely to survive.  In the end, I’m glad Diego chose to stay.  
But we have to discuss the giant elephant in the room.  Again.  So, Luther asks Viktor to be the bigger person and talk to Allison; to try to bury the hatchet.  And immediately when they get to the reception, Allision just starts attacking Viktor. Just completely unreasonable attacks.  Because she feels like Viktor deserves it.  Because Allison is a recent convert to the idea that a person is always at fault for what they do; that ignorance is not an excuse.  Not a big fan of this theory, but I’ll bite.  So, Viktor is responsible for everything that happened even though he didn’t know he had powers.  And why didn’t he know he had powers?  Because four-year-old Allison rumored Viktor into forgetting.  Now, personally, I would say a four-year-old shouldn’t be held responsible considering she wouldn’t know what Regenald told her to do was wrong.  However, as we’ve established that ignorance is not an excuse....unless, of course, this rule only applies to Viktor.  Which apparently it does because, when Viktor apologizes for not being truthful with Allison (which, yes, Viktor should have told the truth)….well, as far as Allison is concerned, she has nothing to apologize for.  You know, there’s a certain speech from last episode that really seems to be fitting a certain character more and more.
I liked Allison in the first two seasons.  I even felt sympathy for her after we found out she had used her powers on her daughter.  Yes, it was a horrible thing to do, but she did seem to have genuine remorse for what she had done.  And I understand that Allison has gone through trauma.  But it’s like I said in my previous post, trauma doesn’t give you the right to do what the hell you want; especially when you are hurting others.  I am tired of her behavior at this point, and I am tired of her family excusing her behavior at this point.  It is no longer acceptable for the family to just stand aside and let Allison constantly tear Victor down when, let's face it, they all had a part to play in this.    
However, it does seem like maybe some in the family are starting to realize this.  Later, Luther tells Viktor that he saw what happened between the two and tells Viktor that he appreciates Viktor trying.  
Finally, at the end of the episode, a drunk Five witnesses Reginald making a deal with someone.  We don’t see who that person is, but it probably is Allison.  My guess is what the writers are trying to do is to have one of the Umbrella’s join the side of the devil (Reginald).  And whatever is going on, it would make sense that, as Allison has lost a lot, she would be more willing to listen to Reginald; especially if he has a way to undo this latest disaster.  However, if the writers are going to do this and, basically, turn Allison against everyone else; there can’t be a last-minute reprieve.  She can’t, suddenly, change her mind in the last episode and all is good.  Allison has done some pretty horrible things.  And while I have talked most about Allison’s treatment of Viktor; her near assault on Luther and killing Harlan to get back at Viktor are just as bad, if not worse.  No, if the writers are going to make her character so unlikable, they need to follow through to the end and have her help Reginald.
Now, I’m not saying there can’t be any sort of redemption ark; but it can’t happen this season.  There’s just not enough time and there’s a lot of issues we’re going to have to deal with.  And, even then, I do’t know if it will work.    
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notamarsbars · 2 years
Why I think the Hargreeves will be getting their powers back, but with a reason
I think everyone knows they’re gonna get their powers back, maybe they just need time, maybe they need to be sparked i don’t fucking know.
What I do know is that in s4 it would be really stupid for them to come back without explaining it
For those of you who think they won’t be getting their powers back let me explain my reasoning real quick. Think about how much time and effort the show has gone through to develop everyone’s powers. Starting off, Luther has a really straight forward power no explanation needed. For Diego they show him with a also pretty simple power but also in s2 that it applies to more such as withholding bullets. Sure they never go back to this but that’s a thing he can do. Allison is also a pretty straight forward power, and I’m not sure if this came from Harlan or if she could do it before but didn’t know, but she can rumor without saying it. That gives her such as upper hand. Klaus has finally mastered his powers over 3 seasons. Five is a fucking train wreck with his powers because his seem almost limitless (will explain in a different post) but bro can spatial jump, time travel (not well but he can as a fail safe), he can rewind time, and can also teleport objects (the stapler). This dude is over powered asf cause he also has Commission training and what more about his powers can he do but doesn’t know it yet. But yeah five has also had his powers pretty in depth explained and expanded on. Ben, or at least our new ben (sparrow) has control over his powers and actually uses them without much resistance with the original Ben didnt. They have our new Ben the expanded in powers in that he actually can control it and isn’t afraid of them. Viktor boom bros entire s1 arc no more explanation needed
To what I was saying. They spent 3 whole ass seasons giving this kids powers and going pretty in depth with them. They wouldn’t waste the time so I rest my case that they definitely will be coming back
Onto my theory of how. And this is pretty simple and tbh I have no idea if anyone has commented on it but I’m sure someone has and if you have pls dm me so we can talk about this
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This picture.
Look at the sigil. 7 boxes except one is empty. We saw that as each box became filled it drained out their powers more and more. We also saw Viktor able to somewhat summon his powers. But one box remaining means they still have some of their like. What are we calling them. Particles???
Basically. That was definitely intentional and that took me way too long to figure out and I only did because I was like why tf would they take away their powers there’s got to be something right? Right? Rewatches the entire season for the 4th time and BRO HOW DID I KISS THAT ONE YHING
Adding on.
Does Allison still have her powers???
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yewshade · 1 year
Arc 9 Ideas or/and Theories
Really hoping for the newly confirmed 9th Warriors arc to either be a Dawn of the Clans sequel arc (naming ideas could be Dawn of the Code or something like that) with three she-cat protagonists, since the original DotC arc only featured toms as PoVs (Gray Wing, Clear Sky/Skystar and Thunder/Thunderstar).
Some protagonist ideas could be:
Lightning Stripe (daughter of Thunderstar and Violet Dawn)
Silver Stripe (daughter of Gray Wing and Slate)
Dew Petal or/and Flower Foot (daughters of Skystar and Star Flower)
Acorn Fur (daughter of Jackdaw's Cry and Hawk Swoop, sister of Lightning Tail, obligatory medicine cat PoV) or Sparrow Fur (daughter of Tom and Turtle Tail, SkyClan deputy under Skystar)
Drizzle or Night (so we have a RiverClan PoV while Riverstar was leader and thus get some more insight into this time even with the upcoming Riverstar's Home Super Edition most likely doing something along those lines already as well)
Or, if it will be set after ASC (so in the modern timeline), that it hopefully has a timeskip of five to ten years into the future (although it depends on how ASC will end and if it might need an arc set directly after it to show the aftermath of however that arc concludes).
As for protagonist ideas for that arc, this is highly unlikely, but I would love for it to reduce the PoVs to at least just two or even one for that arc instead of the, at this point, usually three perspectives that are being showcased.
I've already written up an AU about this and will put that one up in a seperate post on here.
All else I'm wishing for regarding that is that there better finally be a WindClan PoV since we've not had a main series one yet, while all other four Clans have had one at this point (with RiverClan getting a full one in ASC for the first time in terms of a main series PoV (no, those few chapters with Feathertail and Stormfur from the 2nd arc in Moonrise do not properly count for me).
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sharkneto · 3 years
Do you think five joining the sparrow academy is possible?
Idk how much you care about or keep up with possible spoilers for S3 (in which case lol this is not a spoiler free-blog - I try to tag anything S3 as tua s3 tho, for blacklisting), but I think at this point it's almost inevitable. I can practically see the little montage of him switching his blue uniform for a red one in my mind's eye. Still - I'm always happy to be surprised, they're welcome to prove me wrong on this.
I'm curious to see how it will play out. My guess/hope is that Five will pull a trade - he will work with the Sparrows in exchange for his family getting to escape and be safe from them, a play to buy them time and rest. Probably in the most angsty way possible in that his family won't know about the deal and will think he's just straight up abandoned them.
Another possibility, and one I'm not as keen on or as sure on how well it would play out, is Five is manipulated by Reggie to join. Five is a powerhouse, definitely someone you want on your team, not against it. Five has also just spent two weeks herding a family around that very vocally does not appreciate his help and blames him for everything that's gone wrong. Five is primed for some easy manipulation by Reggie - both by their history and by the fact that Reggie is one of the few people who has genuinely tried to help Five as he's been on his mad dash to try and figure everything out and fix it. Five's at the end of his rope, and honestly it would be a bit satisfying to see some fallout from how the siblings have treated him. Five's not blameless, he's a difficult guy to work with (rip those social skills that died in the apocalypse) but holy shit I would love the siblings to realize what all he's done for them and the significant cost it's had for him. Reggie could play on that need Five definitely has - and definitely ignores - for acknowledgement and appreciation. They've also got Ben, which I have to think Five carries a not insignificant amount of guilt over not being there to help save him in his own timeline. Lots of manipulative pressure points for Reggie to use against Five to get him into the Sparrow fold.
Either way it happens, I think there will be a scene where the Umbrellas are running from the Sparrows (+ Five) and it will come to a moment where they're staring at Five and Five's staring at them and it's a pause and then Five botches a jump/attack so they can get away. Because he can't hurt his family.
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I’m doing these three together because they seem to be in the same place considering the glowing blue support beams in the background in all of them.it might now be the same scene but like similar, I think it might be hotel oblivion or some form of it cause it does look like a hotel
Gonna be honest in the nicest way possible I have 0 clue who this kid is, he’s probably in the comic and I’ve forgotten him or something and if he’s not my other idea was that he’s one of the 47 kids and has some ability tied to his looks maybe shapeshiftnig or something like that, maybe he just dosent age or ages slowly but I’m excited to see what he does! If it is the hotel he might be a guest or a receptionist or like a bell boy or something.
Not much to say in the Klaus Alison and Diego one, honestly I kind of hole these three aren’t alone I kinda wanna see the siblings all together more rather than the usual two or more teams doing separate things but I get the feeling we’ll be getting alot of that this
Also I just think this is a scene where Reginald talks to the sparrow or like a sparrow training scene or something I wish I had more to say about it but I really don’t
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Viktor is literally my favourite human ever hes just amazing also my first thought is that this is probably either like Viktor just after cutting his hair and coming out to Alison talking about Raymond and her daughter
I want more of these two actually no I demand more of these two they’re amazing and I love them
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Is he going out to touch Christopher? Cause that’s the vibes I’m getting BUT ALSO WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE WHERE VIKTOS CHAMBER IS
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I don’t have much theory other than their in hotel oblivion or a very fancy normal hotel but I just really like this photo and I want more them and more sibling relationships
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arctimon · 3 years
The Beta Team That Never Was - Fanfiction Corner (BH6 Edition)
So all of this Peni Parker comic talk actually got me thinking about the process of her being included in my fanfiction.
I wish I could tell you it was a long and arduous process, but...
OK, maybe some of it was hard.  But when you have a virtually endless supply of Marvel characters that you can use for possible teammates for Big Hero 6, you have to go with your gut.
We all know that the team will be Robbie, Aspen, Peni, Doreen (eventually), and Kate.  But there were six other candidates that could have been in the mix as well.
And five of them have their emblems here:
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These were made before I actually knew how to make hero emblems properly.
Some of them you might recognize.  Some you may not.  But we’re going to go through them all, from left to right.
And to start...it’s really hard to draw tiny hearts.
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1.) Riri Williams/Ironheart - Ironically enough, it was around the time that Hiro started chasing Sirque around the town in “Portal Enemy” that I started brainstorming her.  A teenage genius, stuck as to what to make, sees “Captain Cutie” and the chase on the news and gets brainstorming.
Thus, the Power Armor is born.
And she gets so excited that she bolts off to San Fransokyo to show her idol what she’s created.
And then, as per the Big Hero 6 Fanfiction Clause states...shenanigans ensue.
It was an interesting possibility, but the thought of Ironheart was really late into me doing the backstories of the people that I had chosen, so she was pushed aside.  I don’t personally see me revisiting her in the future, but who knows?
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2.) Nadia Van Dyne/The Wasp - Back when Karmi had first been pulled out of SFIT, there was a young woman who wanted to recruit her into a special organization.  It was one that brought together the greatest female minds in their fields, and Karmi was on said recruitment list.
The organization?
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Genius In action Research Labs, or G.I.R.L. for short.  And it was led by the Wasp’s daughter, Nadia Pym (later changed to Nadia Van Dyne).
Plot-wise, this was probably the person that I got the farthest with, since the story would’ve been more of a focus on Karmi than anyone else.  Also, the idea of writing someone with Bipolar Disorder (which Nadia was confirmed to have in her latest solo run) was intriguing if nothing else.
Unfortunately, it sort of dried up from there.  A lack of a central conflict, uncertainty as to how many of the other girls (Taina, Priya, Shay, and Ying) to have, and how to handle her actual powers stopped it cold.
But seriously, how do you write in the ability to shrink to microscopic size?  That’s not really a thing, even in a world as futuristic as San Fransokyo.
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3.) America Chavez/Ms. America - The mere idea of a Superman-esque Latina teenager was enticing, especially because America, in her relatively short comic history, was with the Ultimates and the West Coast Avengers (meaning there was a possible Kate/Hawkeye angle).  Making start-shaped portals was the Silent Sparrow angle, and the all-around badass, headstrong attitude would be the counter to Honey Lemon’s more nurturing personality.
But being from an alternate universe (which has very recently been retconned in the comics in part because she will be appearing in the MCU and Doctor Strange 2), no real villain to play off of, and becoming possibly way too overpowered for the BH6 universe, she was scrapped.
It’s quite a shame.  I really like her in the comics that she’s in.  Perhaps there will be an opportunity for her somewhere down the line...
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4.) Alison Blaire/Dazzler - A pop star with light-based powers?
Or better yet, a struggling artist with acoustikinesis?
Her power to convert sound into light was what originally drew me to her.  Something that could be made into a technological ability, unique enough to put a (pardon the pun) spotlight on it.
An actual blonde instead of whatever HL’s hair color is.
Heck, she even has a half-sister named Lois that could have been the antagonist (death tough, destruction waves, and the like).
But she quickly got lost in the fold.  Better ideas (like Kate and Doreen) got more of my brainstorming, and she was eventually given up on.
But funnily enough...
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It’s almost like she’s already in the show.
(See, for the people who may be new, one of the many Marvel theories that I’ve touched upon is that High Voltage is actually this universe’s version of Dazzler.  Juniper is Alison and Barb is...well...Barbara London, Alison’s mom).
Hey, @baymaksu​ totally agrees with me kinda sort of.
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5.) Cindy Moon/Silk - I knew right from the get-go that I wanted a Spider-person on the beta team.  I also knew that I didn’t want Peter.
No offense to Peter Parker.  He’s fine.  But there’s a billion other Spiders out there, and I wanted someone out of the normal vein of Peter, as well as even Miles and Gwen.
And in came Cindy.
Locked away in The Bunker because of her spider powers manifesting, she was eventually released by Peter and thus began her entrance into the main Marvel world.
Her “unique ability” is her improved Spider-Sense, which Peter has said is even better than his own.  That, plus her other powers, brought her the closest out of anyone to being a member of the Big Hero 6 Beta Team.
As we all know, however, Peni ended up getting the spot over Cindy (for the family angle with Hiro and the giant robot that she pilots).  On the other hand, Cindy would later make her debut in the stinger of the last chapter of Along Came The S.P.I.D.E.R., along with Miles, Anya, and Joey.
Unlike Riri, Nadia, America, and Alison, Cindy and the rest of Peni’s little Spider Society are going to be showing up in future stories.  And if I can get everything in order, they will be starring in their own story set in the Big Hero 6 universe.
Finally, I have no emblem for them, but the honorable mention goes to...
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6.) Lunella Lafayette/Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur - Yes, there was a point in time where I was seriously considering putting a nine-year-old super genius and a giant red T-rex into my stories.
Ignoring the giant...”red flag” here, the reason why Luna never made it is the same reason why I haven’t put Rishi in anything yet.  It’s because I don’t really know what to do with supergeniuses that young.  Hiro is at least a teenager and thus has teenager-y problems to fall back on (like puberty and Karmi and all that jazz), but a nine-year-old?  That’s a little too extreme for me.
When I was nine, I was busy playing with sticks in my backyard with my brother, not solving unsolvable puzzles from Bruce Banner.
...All that, and the giant dinosaur.
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But hey, at least Disney is jumping on the MG/DD train.  That’s good to see.
Crossover potential, perhaps?
P.S. - As I was finishing putting this post together, it occurred to me that I may get this possible question in the comments, so I’m going to head it off at the pass.
“You know that all of your possible superheroes are girls, right?”
First of all...sexist.
Second of all...true.
That was about 90% on accident.  The actual team (Robbie, Aspen, Peni, Doreen, and Kate) has only one guy on it (two if you count Eli, three if you count Tippy-Toe).
I don’t really have a good explanation for that.  I like all superheroes, but I think that the girl and woman superheroes need some spotlight, you know?  I could have pulled people like Namor or Miles or the male Hawkeye into the mix, but to be honest, I find the characters I chose more interesting than a lot of the guy characters I was contemplating.
Of course, nothing is stopping any of you from using those characters in your stories.  Be my guest, not that you really need my permission or anything.
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But you can’t take Aspen.  Aspen is mine. (Spoiler: Aspen is not mine.)
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spicycheeto · 2 years
you wanted an ask so here we go! don’t know if it was answered already, but could you evaluate on all of the hagreeves kids? like what are your opinions on them, if you like their character development throughout the series and what are you expecting to come for them in the new serie? thanks for the answer, I’m really curious!
Oh here we go! If a little of my obsessiveness towards whatever comes through... than woops. You didn't see it.
Luther. At first I kinda hated him. Now, I'm indifferent. I think he's a nice guy. I think his heart is always in the right place. I think he grew a lot from season 1 to 2. He made mistakes, and I'm sure he has a lot of regrets stored away.
I think Hargeeves played on his weaknesses as a child so much to the point it drove him to literally see no other purpose in life other than to be his lapdog. Luther was always the closest with their father than the rest of the siblings, and I think this is for a reason. He played on Luther's insecurities a bit, I believe. We know how abusive and manipulative Hargeeves was as a father. I don't need to go into that.
I do think all of the siblings are well rounded, and it's difficult to see it when there seems to be a lot more obvious flaws in a character than strengths. He may not be a perfect leader, and I think this was partially Hargreeves' fault. Luther is, honestly, just a sweet guy. I definitely do think they could've used him for more in season 2. He seemed kind of sidelined.
I don't really have many extraordinary thoughts about him. I try not to think about him, to be totally honest.
Diego. Okay, I have some things to say. I think he's been played with as Number Two by Hargeeves enough as a child. It's led him to the exact superhero complex discussed in the show countless times.
He's seen as this big macho vigilante type in season 1, but seems to be quite the opposite in season 2. It's clear from the beginning he is kind and caring, though through a rough exterior. Both Lila and Patch brought that out in him, which I liked a lot. He's a mommas boy, who was seeking Grace out and protecting her in both timelines, and I belive he will try to do the same in season 3. Most of all, he loves his siblings, no matter how much they annoy the hell out of him. Though, I think almost anyone with siblings can atest to that.
I think in season 3 they're gonna be exploring a bit of his "parenting" side. Have you seen the stills of him, Klaus, and Javon Walton's character? Maybe I'm drawing too much from one picture, but I actually think Klaus and Diego are gonna be fighting over who gets to parent this kid through the entire season. I think it's a nice idea.
Allison. Now I have mixed feelings about her. Mostly, I like her. She's one of those characters where I know there's something about her I don't like, but I can't put my finger on it.
I love where she went at the end of season 1. I know that seems morbid, but I liked the idea of her neck injury. I wasn't upset when her injury healed. I'm just glad it didn't seem like they rushed it. They didn't show her recovery, but it was clear for a bit of time she was mute and was slowly recovering to get her voice back. Her goodbye with Raymond was gut wrenching, and I am glad she was given a second chance at a happy marraige. So glad she will hopefully be able to reunite with Claire for the next season, if only for a little bit.
Following the trend of the seasons, it looks like she'll be the one of season 3 to have a big obsession. Maybe it's Claire? I saw this theory somewhere else, but now I'm starting to believe she'll turn from her siblings in season 3. Maybe she'll join the Sparrows, in exchange for Sloane to join the Umbrellas. I actually do like this idea.
Klaus. Oh baby, my favorite. I think he still has a lot of potential. I think there are many directions they can go with all of the characters. But Klaus, Five, and Viktor particularly, there's just so much they can unfold and work with.
One of the directions I hope they don't go down is somehow bringing Dave back into the equation. We barely got anything of him in season 1 to actually be attached to him (aside from Klaus' own feelings). And seaosn 2 made it very clear Dave wanted nothing to do with Klaus, and he died in Vietnam just as always. I think it would be a good opportunity to explore how Klaus is dealing with this in the future world, and maybe just move on entirely.
I know there are a lot of his comic powers the directors still have to unpack, and I know one of them is fire related. Don't really know how fire works in with death and the afterlife, but there we are. I know he has some arsonistic powers from the comics. It was possibly hinted at in season 1 when he destroyed the briefcase after coming back from Vietnam and the case went up in flames. But I know he still has a lot to unpack, and I think it will happen next season. I'm excited for what they have in store for him.
Five. My other darling favorite. There's so much to work with here. First of all, he is a 60 year old man in a 13 year old body. He has the mind of a borderline elderly (yet is still sharp as the axe he murdered the board of committees with). It's clear his love for his family is a superpower all in its own, though he's rought to show it. He's like Diego in that way.
There's not a place for romance with him. And that's okay! That's great! I hate it when producers are led to believe everyone must have a romantic partner in order for the story to still succeed. I would be perfectly okay with none of the siblings iNteRMinGLing, but that's just me. Five is gonna be a loner, for the time being. Not for the next ten years, at least. And even then, it's gonna have to seem like a sugar-relationship type deal. Or like that one couple on tiktok (you know who I'm talking about). As his body ages, I do believe his mind will start aging along with it. We don't know for sure how that all works, since he hasn't actually had the opportunity to age since he came back from the future. But it seems like that would be the easiest and most explainable solution, yes?
I'm so glad they're actually giving Five a break this season! He actually gets to take a nap! He's in a hotel bath robe, he's chilling in his old man clothes, he's living his best life. I sincerely think Five will go full Luther-route from the beginning fo season 2 and say "figure this out on your own, suckers lol" and just peace out of there. Lord knows the man deserves it.
Also, can we please let there be an actual time skip for him. Five has been dealing with these 2 (maybe 3) apocalypses back to back with zero time in between. His siblings have had years to recover and recharge their superhero batteries. Meanwhile, Five is also aging physically. And we can tell from the trailer. Aiden is 18 playing a 13 year old. And the thing is... Aiden looks his age. He cannot pass as a tiny child much longer. He's maturing and growing like a stalk of corn.
I saw one funny theory that was through all of season 3, Five is just gonna be in the background of every shot or sititng down. That'll be the only way they'll be able to disguise how tall Aiden has gotten. Well, I gotta agree. It's not looking great. I feel like they would have planned an seen it coming that their main character (who happens to be a teenager) is gonna age a lot quicker than how his character's timeline is moving. Over the past 2 season Five has aged barely 3 weeks. Aiden aged 5 years.
I didn't think Five would actually be the longest explanation I would do. I thought it would be Diego or Klaus. Oh well.
Ben. We really don't know much about this funky little guy, do we? Everything we know about him is left up to headcanons.
He was my favorite for a hot second, then I just remembered Klaus and thought "yeah, this one's a little better". I think simply cause we've been allowed to have more of a connection with anyone else in the family than we have with Ben.
I think Sparrow Ben is gonna be EXCITING. I really think I'm gonna like the direction they're taking him in. And that's all I have to say about that.
Viktor. Now I don't know how they're gonna handle the transition from Vanya to Viktor. They could just never address it, and he's been himself forever. Or he actually comes out, and you see the transition as the season is going on. I think the second one makes more sense for them to go with. It would be a little jarring if for two seasons he was someone and then BOOM, no no he's someone else. That would be a little confusing for someone who hadn't been following Elliott. Also, continuity wise, they need to stay steady.
Anyway, I can imagine Viktor just going up to Klaus and being like "so, gender". And Klaus is like "omg broski SAME". And it's just a cute sibling bonding moment.
Thanks for this! It took me a While, but here. I was straight up working on it for a solid two hours straight!
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disco-tea · 3 years
Aight, now that we know filming for S3 is almost done (omg). What are your hopes/fears about S3 realistically? Your theories or anything else, I JUST WANNA KNOW :) You don't have to answer if it's too vague haha
Ahhh thank you! Honestly I’m very flattered you wanna know my thoughts. 🥺💙
I’m super excited and a tad bit nervous but I’ve definitely missed TUA content so I am kinda hyped lol. I think realistically my hopes for S3 are:
That we get to see some different sides of Five.
I hope we get to see Five do a bit more this season than just rush around and try to stop the apocalypse. Whatever form it might takes, I hope we can sorta see him in some different settings/dynamics. Like maybe an arc that deals more with his emotions/trauma or even just getting to see him do something fun that isn’t life or death. He hasn’t really been able to do those things so I hope we see something like that this season 🤞
I really want to see Ben’s room
I know that seems like kind of an odd hope but we’ve never seen his room and I wanna see how he has it decorated and then go over it with a fine-tooth comb and make headcanons about his interests 🤣
I hope we see everyone continue to develop their powers.
I feel like there’s definitely still room to develop them! Like obviously Klaus still has abilities to unlock, which I really wanna see, but I think the others have room for development and exploration. Like Allison, I would love to see her sorta get to a point where she’s at peace with her rumors and possibly even explore the reality-altering aspects of them. And Diego, just how powerful is his projectile manipulation and can he actually breathe underwater?? Then there’s Luther, I mean his powers have had almost no exploration. He’s strong and he’s durable but is there anything else to it than that? Just how fast is his metabolism? What was his physiology like before the accident? Luther definitely deserves some development lol. And then there’s Lila, I feel like there’s still more to learn about her powers and some stuff that could be clarified, so I hope we see some of that.
As for my fears, honestly they mostly have to do with the Sparrows and how the show will handle them. I think my biggest one is—
Sparrow Ben
I’m so excited to have a living Ben but I’m also so scared. We really got very very little development for our Ben over the past two seasons and almost all the development he got was tied in with Klaus somehow because that was his tether. I really want to see more of his character and his powers but...this is sparrow Ben. I guess I just really hope they don’t mess up his character. It’s always sort of been a pet peeve of mine when they do this sort of thing with a character. Plus...like...I personally don’t really wanna see Ben have a new family?? I just want him to be with the umbrellas. But, that being said I am still hopeful that this whole thing is for his overall development and that they’ll do right by him.
The Sparrows
Honestly I’m just really nervous about the sparrows. I’m feeling the sparrow panic lol. Ultimately I guess I just hope they don’t try to do too much with them and it ends up overcrowding the season and impacting the main characters�� development. The sparrows are an interesting concept but I’m personally here for the umbrellas so I hope the show doesn’t lean too heavily into the ‘new team/family’ idea.
Those are just my thoughts. Thank you again for the ask! 💕
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sunriseseance · 4 years
Speculation time, doing a better job than last night!
I think that next season Five is going to be recruited into the Sparrow Academy after the big opening losing fight with them. Why? A couple of reasons.
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Evil Five suggests to me that Five is joining the antagonists, and I believe the Sparrows will be the antagonists for this season (or at least some of them). In addition, on a promo poster for s2, Five has a pin of the sparrow from the Sparrow Academy. We know that Reg from this timeline expected Team Zero and sort of, kind of liked Five. I could see Five joining the Sparrows if it spared his family or helped him work to save them in some way which brings me to the next leg of this theory...
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Check out that lock. The other Hargreeves will be locked up in Hotel Oblivion. After they lose the fight, Reginald offers to keep Five out (and I'm going to posit also Vanya. She has an incredibly useful power and she didn't embarass herself, she's never been on a team, and she, Five, and Ben were close as children. It'd be poetic for her and Five to be Sparrows) while dumping the others in the hotel. Five agrees because he figures he can do a better job on the outside of trying to get them out. However, and I think this is where the fun comes in, maybe this time it's HIM that needs rescuing by THEM. I posit that the Sparrows are authoritarian and brutal and he (and Vanya, if she's there which I think she likely will be) is exhausted and overwhelmed and scared and probably broken down a little bit by the rhetoric of being a hero like this.
So what are the others doing? Well, being 1234, of course. This is only partially a joke. They were the only public heroes to make it to adulthood. They have a unique connection and bond and they also are the only ones who haven't ever really... Driven the plot. So I think this time, they're driving the plot. I've spoken extensively about how I think that Klaus is gonna snap this season (with proof both in and out of show), and Allison too. I think this fits in with the idea of the Hotel as a more horror themed concept. The show seems interested in genre play, and those two have horror plots and powers, so I think they're gonna be the driving forces (perhaps along w Ben back on earth). I think the Hotel is gonna be an old timey, opulent, twisty, terrifying desert hotel that is damn hard to break out of, but I think they will break out.
And when they do, they're breaking the illusion of safety that makes the authoritarianism of the Sparrows seem worth it. When they leave the Hotel, so do all the Bad Guys, right? Also I think the Hotel is Reg's interest on the dark side of the moon, so Luther has to pilot them back to earth. And when they get back to earth, they're rescuing Five and Vanya and Prep Ben (I guess) and fighting bad guys and saving the world and then going home!
Also this all means that Five's first costume change is to a nearly identical school uniform.
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
We all love the idea of Five becoming a Sparrow but imagine if he's also the one to cause S3's apocalypse (if there is one cuz that kinda is the show's theme).
I'm not exactly sure how he would do it because his powers are defensive rather than offensive so unless he has a hidden power we don't know about its difficult that he'd cause it by himself. However, if the Five turning Sparrow theory is true (and it's looking it) then maybe he ends up swaying the Sparrows in a way that they cause an apocalypse through some form of direct action he took?
And if that's the case then I want Vanya to be the one who gets through to him because she's been the harbringer of the apocalypse two times before and it was Ben who saved her before she destroyed herself and everything else the second time. Their Ben may be gone but Vanya's favorite brother isn't.
Imagine if she reaches out to Five and calms him down parallel to the way Ben calmed her down at the end of S2. And when Five does return to his less dissociative homicidal frame of mind, he finally has the break down we all want him to have. 45 years of trauma and stress and depression and self-loathing and survival all come down on him and he just CRIES and then FINALLY gets a hug from his favorite sister who never gave up on him coming back and his REAL family who realize exactly how much he was wrestling with for literal decades just for their sakes.
I think it would be a really nice inverse mainly because Five has been so hellbent on stopping the apocalypse it would be a really interesting turn if he ends up causing one of his own simply because he isn't getting the break and support he so desperately needs proving that at the end of the day each of the Hargreeves just need love and they have to stop turning on each other in order to keep their sanity and the world safe.
In essence: It's NOT Five's job to prevent the apocalypse on his own like he's seemed to convince himself cuz he's as likely to be the cause if he doesn't get the support he needs. It's all of the Hargreeves working together, in their own dysfunctional way, and shaping up to let each other in that will save the world..
Five is not alone. Vanya needed to hear that message and Five definitely does too so it would be a really awesome way of setting up and resolving the conflict of s3.
Anyway I just really think that would be cool and it may not happen but if anyone wants to write a fic then pls tag me.
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dogbeegone · 3 years
Hey guys, haven’t made an original post in some time lol. If you guys don’t know, Steve Blackman released the episode names for season three of the Umbrella Academy. I’ve been thinking about what each episode might be about and I have a general idea for each!
Here’s the titles of you haven’t seen already:
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Meet the family: I think this title is a pretty self explanatory one. We’re gonna meet the sparrow academy. We’ll probably see them as kids and we’ll get to see all of their powers. I’m also sure that there is going to be a fight scene between the Sparrow Academy (SA) and the Umbrella Academy (UA).
Worlds biggest ball of twine: I think this episode is going to be the UA figuring out how their actions in the 60s affect their current present. I think Harlan, Sissy, Ray, the people at the asylum (they’re gonna thing Diego had something to do with JFK’s death or something) and the overall damage they’ve done (y’know being wanted world wide) is gonna hit them all hard in this episode.
Pocket full of lightning: Now i’m a bit stumped about this episode. When i think of lightning in a UA sense, I think of powers, which leads me to believe this could be a Five or one of the SA centric episode. We also know from the comics that Luther and Five are twins (and considering it was a big part of book three, I feel like they’re gonna work it in somehow). I feel like this episode could hint at the two of them being twins, but overall idk.
Kugelblitz: During the time when Steve was introducing the titles, he said that we’re going to have to search up what kugelblitz meant. So... i did.
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Because a kugelblitz has to do with energy, I feel as though this episode is going to have something to do with Vanya and her powers. If it’s not about Vanya, I feel like this could be a Reginald episode. We know the third comic is about Hotel Oblivion (which is a hotel in space), so perhaps this has something to do with how Reggie gets to the hotel/how he created it. If not, I definitely feel like this episode will have some power explosion from someone and I think that someone is Vanya.
Kindest Cut: For this episode, I have a few ideas of what it could be about. I feel like it could be about pushing forward the fact that Luther and Five are twins (like how it cuts deep that they’re twins but in some way it’s a good cut y’know. maybe they go to where they were born and find out they’re twins or something). I also feel like this episode could be about Diego. If that is the case, that means we’d get a better look into what Lila has been up to and how the commission is. I think both options are good tbh.
Marigold: This episode is definitely about Reginalds backstory. Marigold is supposed to represent the little energy orbs Reginald released in S1 E10 and the ones Vanya put into Harlan in S2 E4(?). Because of this, I feel like we’re finally going to see more of Reginalds history, as well as a bit of where Harlan is too. He was given the orb things, which leads me to believe that he’s going to have something to do with this episode.
Auf Wiedersehen: Klaus episode! There is no way this isn’t a Klaus centric episode. Klaus, is German, and so is the name of the title. Also, we know from bts photos and videos that the Berlin Wall is going to be featured in episode seven The Berlin Wall was also destroyed in 1989 (i think. not 100% sure on that if someone wants to fact check me lol). The Berlin Wall also happens to be located in Germany. So, what I think is going to happen in this episode is that Klaus is going to go to Germany to find a version of himself that wasn’t taken in by Reginald. He’s going to get upset (obvi) and he’s going to have to say goodbye to a part of him he always wished he had (auf wiedersehen means goodbye in German). I think this of it has something to do with saying goodbye to Dave. Considering Dave was dispatched early into the military, we very well could have a different outcome for him.
Wedding at the End of the World: This title reminds me of S1 E1 - We only see Each Other at Weddings and Funerals. I think this episode is going to have the same vibe as the pilot episode. We all know Allison was once married in her life time (well, she was married twice, but yk what I mean). Because of thugs, I feel that we’re going to see why her and Luther have the connection they have in this episode. I’m not 100% sure if this is true (fact check me again lol), but I think that Allison rumoured Luther into liking her. If that’s the case, I think that’s going to be revealed in this episode. This means that Wedding is a type of metaphor, if that makes sense. I also this this relates to the title of S1 E1 because of the death theme they both hold. The pilot episode references funerals, which was Reggies funeral in the first episode. Now, when you think of the end of the world, you often think of death. What happens when you die? You have a funeral. Because of this, I think Reginald is going to die in this episode, and it’s going to reveal some of his secrets which will lead to the final two episodes.
Six Bells: I feel like this episode is a part one to a two part thing with the final episode. In both S1 and S2, they had episode 9 start at the beginning(ish) of the day, and episode 10 finish the day - leaving us on a cliffhanger. I think this is going to be the same type of vibe with this season. Going off of the last episode (E8), I think Reggie is going to die and his secret is going the be revealed. What is that secret? Hotel Oblivion. I think the six bells are referencing the six Hargreeves siblings (UA) going to Hotel Oblivion, sorta how there’s those bells on the front counter that you ding when you need service. I think it’s a reference to them ‘checking in’ to Hotel Oblivion. Steve also said that the six bells is going to make sense more as we watch the season, so Hotel Oblivion could be referenced earlier on (Kugelblitz type beat?).
Oblivion: Obviously this is referencing Hotel Oblivion, which is what the third comic is about. If this is the case, I feel we’re going to see a major fight scene (bigger than the one at the end of S2), where the UA and the SA have to work together to fight all of the bed guys Reginald locked away (if you don’t know what hotel oblivion is, it’s a hotel that reginald made in space where he kicked all of the things the UA fought throughout their life time). I haven’t ras the third comic yet, but i’m pretty sure (from what i’ve heard) that the SA helps the UA fight something big, and if that’s the case, we’re going to see some teamwork in this episode. I also think this episode is going to end on a cliffhanger, cause we’re almost 100% sure there’s going to be a S4.
Anyways, this took forever to write lol. If you guys have any other ideas about what you think S3 is going to be about, lmk! I love to hear theories about this show!
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majorsoapfan · 3 years
Umbrella Academy Season 3 Wish list
This is a long one so buckle up:
Let Klaus and Allison take centre-stage this season in leading the plot. Both are incredible characters and deserve the chance to shine. And I can think of several reasons why they deserve the chance to take centre-stage: out of the whole Academy their powers are some of the most fascinating and in Klaus’ case he has so many that haven’t been revealed yet. They’ve both suffered and lost a lot as well, particularly in season 2 and their hardships tend to get ignored by others. Their relationship together is already really interesting and supportive and they would be an awesome team up. There’s more but I’ll be here forever if I tried to list them.
No Apocalypse. The world ending in eight days was a great plot driver in season 1 and again in season 2 with the reveal that the end of the world actually followed the Umbrella’s back in time. But if the same thing gets repeated over and over then I’m worried that the show will lose it’s edge as a result. In order for the characters to develop new crisis's need to take its place.
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Let Five have a rest. Even if it’s just for an episode or two so he can get a solid eight hours sleep if nothing else. For the last two seasons Five has been running around non-stop trying to stop the end of the world and save his family. Without that Five can grow as a person and get a literal break that he really hasn’t gotten in 45 years.
Oh course that doesn’t mean I want Five out of the drama entirely and I do expect to see Reginald and Five scenes in season 3. Five is the only one of his original children that the bastard seemed to tolerate and he did seem to have some form of twisted respect for Five as well. And I wouldn’t put it past the monocle monster to have some twisted plans in store for the eldest member of the Umbrella Academy. He’s had fifty years to plan for the Umbrella’s return after all.
The Sparrows. I just saw the line up of the Sparrows for season three and I am honestly so interested. I can’t wait to see what their powers are like and I already have some ideas. They have so much potential and hopefully they’ll be done well. And so far they seem to be written as the Umbrella’s foils. Marcus is a natural leader who loves his family, while Luther forces himself into the role and alienated his family as a result. Both Ben and Diego long to be the leader but while Diego is more emotional, Ben’s more strategic. Five is driven by his love and desire to protect his family, while Sloane feels held back by hers. Vanya was treated as an outcast and betrayed her siblings trust while Christopher, a literal Cube, is said to be loyal and is treated as a loved family member 
That being said though, I don’t want the Sparrows to be the main focus this season or have the attention split between them and the Umbrella’s. Because while I do want to see the Sparrows and their family dynamic and how they interact with the Umbrella’s, I would prefer to see how the Umbrella Hargreeves’ cope with their existent and how this impacts them and how they move forward with this. Or a team up between Sparrows and Umbrella’s would be fine. Or multiple team ups, I’m not picky.
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There is a really good fan theory out there about Klaus and Five being twins and while I know that in the comics it’s Luther and Five, the fan theory in season 3 would be so much better in my opinion. And in all honesty it makes so much more sense. Physically they are strikingly similar, especially as children. Their powers both concentrate in their hands and emit a blue glow when they use them. Their powers themselves are literally time and death, which are linked and they have additive personalities, which can be inherited between family members. And I can’t help but feel that this moment:
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lends a new level to their relationship then what we see with them as adults. Look at how alike they are! And that fond smile that Five is giving Klaus? Making them twins opens up a wide range of possibilities for Klaus and Five both character and plot wise.
Give Luther a proper love interest. And I can’t believe that this even has to be said but his sister does not count! Literally all of siblings have have romantic interests, all of them so important in the Umbrella’s life in some way or another. It would be nice too to see Luther form a healthy romantic connection for the first time in his life.
While I’m on the subject of Luther and healthy relationships, it also brings me back to the Sparrows and how their number one Marcus seems to be Luther’s foil. And it would be interesting for the show to explore just how seeing the Sparrows and someone so similar to Luther might just affect him. He did spend thirty years of his life after all being Reginald’s little solider and believing that his position as Number One made him the family leader only to find out it was all for nothing. Only Marcus seems to be respected in his position as leader and loves his family dearly, while Luther was mocked and seems to have driven all of his siblings bar Allison away from him because of it. This has incredible potential for Luther’s character arc this season especially if it makes him acknowledge his behaviour to his siblings as they were growing up; particularly to Klaus and Vanya who probably got the worst of it. Allison after all was his closest companion, Diego was his rival (more or less), Ben seemingly got on with everyone and Five would have bitten Luther’s head off if he tried anything. But Reginald’s disappointments Klaus and Vanya? Luther, wanting to impress their dad and follow his orders probably didn’t treat them the best. And I want Luther to admit that and apologise and make the next step in becoming a better person and brother. He’s made incredible progress in season 2, but I don’t want his past treatment of his siblings to be swept under the rug. It needs to be acknowledged and Luther needs to admit it was wrong so he can grow. 
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Can we get Diego’s season one hair back too? I wondered just how it got that long considering that he was only in the sixties for around three months. Klaus makes sense as he was in the sixties for years. Plenty of time for him to grow it out, not really for Diego. But I really prefer his season one hair so can it make a comeback please?
What I want to see for Vanya this season is for her to realize that she doesn’t need powers to be special. I kinda noticed that she seems to have defined her worth on her powers and that’s not healthy. So a potential scenario: Reginald seems to have made the power-suppressing drug himself, so he may still have it in season 3. Imagine Vanya getting a dose of it that knocks her powers out for a good chunk of time and in the meantime some of her siblings are in danger (I’m picturing Luther and Diego here the himbos) and she ends up saving them. Not with her powers but because of her intelligence and other skills that she has and she realizes that she doesn’t need her powers to be special or to save the day. A logical step in character growth.
Getting some closure on season 2 character like Sissy, Ray, Grace, the Cult (which I really didn’t like) and the Swede and what happened to them once the Umbrella’s left the sixties. And maybe finding out what happened to season one’s characters since the Umbrella’s didn’t exist in this timeline: Agnes, Patch, Leonard, Pogo, Claire.
For Klaus and Umbrella Ben to talk about their issues and make up. I know that our Ben is now up there with the little girl in the sky but that has not stopped Klaus from visiting heaven before. And I think that if Klaus and Ben do not get at least one final conversation to talk through their issues next season then I will sue. They both did crappy things to each other in season two but they both love each other dearly and they deserve the chance to get the closure they both need. I think that Klaus will definitely need it in order to move on completely.
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I know I said no Apocalypse but I’m still going to be expecting some major crisis to happen during the last few episodes. An alien invasion or Sparrows trying to kill the Umbrella's maybe? But no matter what the problem is, I really want Klaus to get his moment to shine by being the one to save the day. Reginald said himself that Klaus has untapped potential and we know thanks to the comics what other powers he has. And thanks to Ben’s antics at the family dinner the old bastard has probably written him off as useless and not a threat when making plans to deal with the Umbrella’s. Which means nobody is going to be looking at Klaus or considering him a potential threat to their plans, leaving Klaus relatively safe to start exploring and enhancing his powers. He was supposed to be the one to have done it in season one with the moon and his abilities were brushed to the side completely in season two or used for Ben’s benefit so I think he’s long overdue his moment to shine. And maybe then will the rest of his siblings stop seeing Klaus as a joke.
Lila. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of her, her story felt unfinished and she does have a briefcase. She could pop at any moment in the story. She has so much potential and I did love her actress. Imagine her and Five forcing to team up or something? Or maybe her and Allison?
Another character I’d like to see return is Hazel. He’s someone who really grew on me. And there is a chance that he could return and maybe team up with the Umbrella’s this season. Potential scenarios: Five on the hunt for allies to help him restore the timeline hunts down Hazel who in this timeline is working with the Commission and because the Umbrellas don’t exist hasn’t met Agnes yet. Maybe something happened to her because of the Sparrows?
Finally Dave. I’m a huge Dave fan but I really don’t want him to show up in season three. Or if he does then for the smallest amount of time possible just to give Klaus some ‘closure’. Time travel is in the Umbrella Academy universe after all and it’s possible that by Klaus warning Dave about his faith and causing him to enlist earlier and in a different branch as a result he’s saved Dave and opened up the possibility of seeing Commission!Dave later. Which is the perfect storyline for season 4. Season three is only 10 episodes long and there’ll be a lot going on already so shoving Dave into what will already be a pretty packed season won’t give Dave the attention he deserves and will take away from the other focus. Not only that but Klaus’ motivation for the last two seasons is doing something for either Dave or Ben. I want to see Klaus train his powers either for himself or to help someone else. Also, Dave deserves the chance to grow as a character as well and making him a part of season 3 would take away from the main focus of the Umbrella’s and Sparrows. Making him a main focus in season four instead if we get one will give a great opportunity story-wise to develop both him and Klaus as individuals and as a couple.
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frederickthegreat · 4 years
my thoughts on TUA season 2
(spoilers, obviously)
- opened with Klaus and Ben, my kings. Klaus’s hair looks so weird straightened while short 
- AWESOME opening soundtrack 
- seeing all their powers so controlled makes me wonder how they leveled up to that skill in the alternate timeline. like the only time we saw Klaus use the powers of other ghosts in the correct timeline was when two of them caught him falling out of the sky. however Diego did end up controlling bullets and Allison used her voice to technically kill one of the Swedes
- the homeless man screaming Allison’s name alongside Luther... funny shit
- big teddy bear Hazel
- Elliot was fucking awesome i think he was a great addition as a side character. rip tho :(
- honestly i don’t understand why Diego would WANT to save JFK. like it’s not that big of a deal. does he not understand what messing with the timeline can do??
- Lila... impeccable
- Sissy and Vanya... impeccable <3
- yeah and fuck u Carl
- ugh, Klaus’s beard. disgusting <3
- Ben and Klaus definitely act like they should be, given that they’ve been stuck with each other for over a decade. i’ve seen some people calling Klaus an asshole for not telling his siblings about Ben, which is completely understandable (cause he was an asshole), but I’m guessing it was because he was afraid? that sharing Ben with his siblings would mean that he would lose him to them, or his siblings would find him selfish, or they would ask something of him that he couldn’t give. if that makes sense
- that ghost bitch comment was funny tho 
- to the guy who called Klaus pretty boy at the bar: sir you don’t know what you’re getting into
- Raymond!! he’s such a sweetheart, i really liked him in the show. i’m really happy that Allison has found a bit of normalcy (as normal as the 1960s Civil Rights movement could be). it shows how passionate she is about what she believes in: even though she knows the movement is far from over, even back in 2019, she’s not gonna abandon it
- Allison staring at the moon every night: either thinking about Luther or how the moon blows them all up. maybe both
- of course Luther would be working for Jack Ruby
- awesome cinematography during the mental asylum escape 
- yeah it makes sense that the Handler would still be alive. she was a cool villain. although it would’ve been awesome to see how evil a fish could be
- Diego’s plan was pretty stupid. that’s my boy
- honestly they revealed how Klaus started a cult really well by having one of his followers find him at jail. Klaus, ever the musical aficionado, of course writes his scripture based off of pop songs
- Raymond and Klaus meeting!! that was cool to see how their paths connected
- Lila painting Elliot’s toenails green. ugh i love that crazy bitch
- i LOVE how they incorporated the umbrella man!! tbh i’ve always believed he was the one behind the assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald was framed 
- honestly a bit understandable that Luther was planning on killing Vanya? cause he had no idea who she is now, but them reuniting was actually really sweet. he’s grown up so much
- the Swedes and their cats.
- the Umbrella company building with the nuclear family mannequins... creepy, awesome shit
- baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo
- shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego
- did anyone else get vibes from Klaus’s episode opening that he was an escort to the old woman? like how he was being shown off at her arm or something and getting out of jail from a call from the governor. idk maybe the lady was just very taken with him, as anyone would be
- Elliot, our helpful king
- Allison and Klaus’s reunion was so sweet!! i’m so glad they got to interact so much more in this season 
- Ben getting Raymond out through a haunting... hilarious
- sweet intimate moment between Lila and Diego
- Ray meeting Luther was hilarious, but i do feel for the poor guy. i mean i’m not in love with my adoptive sister but still
- the sit-in was really well done and beautiful while terrible. the ‘riot’ that ensued was very appropriate for today’s setting 
- D-Dave
- honestly i was scared that Klaus was gonna be overly attracted to him or whatever, which would be weird cause he’s years younger than Klaus, but honestly, at the core he just wanted to save Dave’s life. even if it means never meeting him in a different timeline. he truly loved Dave. and that ptsd flashback was done so well
- i knew Lila wasn’t trustworthy but i didn’t REALLY expect that! 
- Vanya and Luther talking with each other, Luther admitting the apocalypse wasn’t all her fault. beautiful
- the Majestic 12 reminds me of the conspiracy theory that only a few families control basically everything in the world. the Majestic 12 may be based off of that, idk
- idk about everyone else but Klaus’s scorpion and the frog story made total sense to me! frogs ARE bitches
- the diner scene.... ugh. it really shows that the two of them did fall in love and they did stupid in love things, like talking about their family, about why Dave wanted to join, favorite colors, favorite foods, etc. however that’s seen later on when Dave visits the compound
- yes it’s very disheartening when Klaus is attacked, but honestly i think it had to happen, just like the riot had to happen. the 60s weren’t a fun time for lgbt people and poc. it was only going to be a matter of time before the show HAD to acknowledge the consequences of Klaus’s ‘flamboyancy’ in 1963 Texas. it doesn’t make it right or easy to see, but it’s realistic. 
- it also makes sense that Klaus fell off the wagon after experiencing something like that. yes we all would’ve liked him to stay sober, but sobriety and recovery aren’t linear. 
- Allison is so happy with Ray can we please drop this pseudo-incest plotline let’s MOVE ON 
- Texas Grace ! who is not actually Grace rip (i think? i was a bit confused lol)
- the scene with Harlan running off was really upsetting but we got to see those weird light particles that we saw in the first season
- Pogo Pogo Pogo Pogo
- Klaus being a dick to Ben again, as brothers do. i do feel bad for Ben though it must be sooo frustrating. that scene with him and Allison was really sweet and funny tho
- i just have to say that Luther and Diego are so fucking funny this season it’s awesome. like there are a LOT of good lines overall by everyone but they’re hilarious. “At least he didn’t shank my ass” “no bro, he shanked your heart”“Dads part of a sinister CABAL that’s plotting on killing the president.” “a caBAL?”“You two still a thing? *leans in* do we need to talk?” “No, she’s married.” “Woah dude... that’s rough.” and countless others
- the sibling reunion!! 
- Klaus really does get left out of everything tbh
- Ben :(
- sisters and Klaus!! that was so awesome to see. and Klaus’s hairpins, Vanya saying she’s gonna tell Sissy she loves her, their dance sequence, Klaus calling Allison out on that incest. beautiful
- the fucking Swedish cover of Hello was PERFECT i mean i was sad for the Swedes but it was hilarious. there were a couple beautiful shots of the boat on fire though
- god it must’ve been so traumatizing for Allison to be thrust into such a hostile place with no voice and no way to contact her family
-  idk about you guys but long live Team Zero
- calling Ben that he was becoming their father was a bit uncalled for 
- the fact that Klaus didn’t help Dave’s chances, and in fact escalated Dave’s own timeline.. his trembling hands... robert sheehan is an amazing actor
- the Black president bit lmaoo loved it
- the way Reginald spoke to Diego.. i’m gonna throw hands with an old man
- Klaus LITERALLY looked like he was having a seizure and they all just... played it off?? 
- poor, poor Carl. nah fuck him lol
- that bloody opening scene was awesome! and thank god Five got to say fuck. the fact that it was about a candy bar makes too much sense
- Robert Sheehan acting as Ben: amazing showstopping spectacular he’s so talented
- the whole multiple Fives and Luther bit was honestly really funny, and i immensely respect smaller Five over bigger Five. 
- yes Klaus, you survived a family of seven. you got this
- not sad about Carl dying one bit!
- Ben... that was such a beautiful scene. not just the content of the scene, but the cinematography. Ben fading away... Vanya hugging him... ugh. the main takeaway i had from that scene is that at the core of it all, Ben and Klaus love each other immensely. they have a weird, dysfunctional, fucked up relationship, where Klaus is an asshole and Ben definitely shouldn’t of possessed him without his consent, but they’re still brothers, and Ben forgives him. 
- oof Ben’s funeral was hard. also was it just me or did Klaus’s kid actor sound weird? like it sounded like Robert was dubbing his lines 
- all the siblings back together again!!!! Klaus going with Vanya to save Harlan!! Vanya telling him Ben forgives him and that it wasn’t Klaus’s fault Ben got stuck with him!! everyone in the car!!! be still my beating heart
- yeah didn’t see Lila having powers coming tbh. i really feel bad for her she’s had such a rough and traumatic life, especially with the Handler as her only parental figure
- the Swede brother and Five putting down their weapons: “enough.” the Swede wanted revenge for his brothers - an eye for an eye, but there was a mutual understanding between the two of them: they would do anything for their family. if the Swede hurts one of the Hargreeves, Five would never stop coming after him. i thought it was very beautiful 
- mmm Reggie’s foreshadowing coming into play. proud of u Five
- the ending was so beautiful. everyone got closure in some type of way. except now Klaus is alone with nothing but his dog tags :(
- EMO BEN HAHAHA WTFFF?? is Lila in the sparrow academy? why was Ben’s portrait over the mantle piece? did Five disappear?? is the sparrow academy just older versions of the siblings who stuck around?? so many questions
- Ellen Page’s acting consistently blows me away. she is amazing 
- beautiful cinematography, funny writing, pretty good acting. i didn’t like the soundtrack as much as i did the first season’s, but some of it wasn’t bad.
- i’m glad ben got peace, but i’m also glad justin min isn’t gone for good. his social media presence is too vital for us
- i swear to god if they keep treating klaus as a joke and don’t let him get any actual development like everyone else had (he barely got closure with Dave, he reconciled with Ben through a second party) next season, i’m gonna riot. PLEASE i want to learn more about his powers now that Ben is gone. what happened to seeing tons of ghosts when he’s sober??
- Luther and Diego were probably my favorite duo of the season, I’m so happy that they’ve reconciled and are bonding more. 
- just seeing Vanya grow and be happy was amazing��
all in all, really wonderful season. i probably liked it better than the first one. now it’s time to consume fanfiction and maybe finish my own (check out “god doesn’t want him and neither does the devil” on ao3!)
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fiiveish · 3 years
Marigold - apparently this is the name of the magical sprinkles/fairy dust that Reginald lets out into the air which creates the 43 powered babies, so make of that what you will ;)
Auf Weidersehen - another german title, meaning ‘goodbye’, i think maybe Klaus dies/leaves somewhere? let’s face it it’s the third season and there hasn’t been any major character deaths (bar Ben who started as a dead character) and it’s usually around the third season of any show when serious things start to happen which can change the line up- BUT don’t worry cos Klaus has the power to manifest!!! so it would probably be okay
Wedding At The End of The World - okay so im hoping that this wedding is Five and Delores somehow, given that they do get married and it is at the end of the world- how we would get to that point i have no idea but it’s the safe bet cos Five and Delores is like everyone’s fave couple right? :D
Six Bells - i have decided that bells mean death, u know like ‘for whom the bell tolls’ it generally means a death, and i watched back Klaus season 1 death the other day and right as his head hits the floor of the rave, THE BELLS TOLLS THEN HE WAKES UP IN THE AFTERLIFE so there you have it folks ;) then obviously six bells so six deaths, maybe the sparrows die apart from Ben? that would be a perfect world, sooooo maybe they kill off all the umbrellas? lol that would be crazy as all hell and somewhat unlikely, but we have been told to expect the unexpected????
Oblivion - so im thinking hotel oblivion? just maybe? this could be??? hotel oblivion?????? u know???? hahahaha so the season would end badly and the whole umbrella academy get captured for some reason and put into the hotel- they must do something bad like try to mess with the timeline lmao
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s1i9d · 3 years
AMPHIBIA: Season 2 Descriptors, Part 2
So Disney TVA decides to drop the full episode descriptors for the remaining five episodes of Season 2 of Amphibia dropping in April and the first of May. It’s absolutely wild to have this information before the March drop has reached halfway! More exciting news, and new cryptic messages! But what else would you expect from this frog show? Happiness?? 
Anyways, I’ll be breaking the episodes down by the episode descriptors. I will be referencing the Season 2B trailer, and my previous speculation posts. So if you haven’t checked those out, I’d recommend you do!
216 - Toad to Redemption/Maddie and Marcy
216A - Toad to Redemption: “Mayor Toadstool is offered his dream job but realises he doesn’t want to leave Wartwood.” Okay, I thought this was gonna be a Sasha/Grimes episode, or Marcy and Anne help a veteran Toad work through some traumatic responses. But who would have guessed Wild Card, Mayor Toadstool! I personally don’t want to empathise with him because, y’know... he’s a crook. But I wonder if Anne, Marcy and the Plantars are going to help him or not, and if he will be redeemed and not embezzle the people of Wartwood anymore.
216B - Maddie and Marcy: “Maddie is working on an important spell but her three baby sisters keep getting in her way.” So the three sisters of Maddie are the ones in the far right side of the intro when we see everyone together at the end. In “Return to Wartwood” we see Maddie’s dad The Baker, holding them in a pouch. Interesting to see how Marcy will interact with babies since we know she’s not great at making connections. I think she will make her own connections with Maddie and the kids after some shenanigans! I also think we’ll see her throw the magic spell as we saw in the trailer, but I’m not sure what the spell could be! 
Something I am slightly worried about by this point is Andrias’ proposition to Marcy in “A Day at the Aquarium”. We see in “The First Temple” that Marcy is typically herself as we saw in the Newtopia arc, so there seems to be no change to anything, and by this I’m saying that Marcy probably agreed to (or at the very least is thinking about) Andrias’ plan, and yet we still don’t know what he was offering her. And it’s frightening that Marcy most likely doesn’t know about Andrias being a servant for the giant Amphibian in the Castle’s basement.
Also, I find “New Wartwood” to set up these segments! Toadstool and Marcy had a partnership and that leads to him relying on Anne and Marcy! What I want from these episodes is to see a bit more of Frobo! He’s one of the best things this season! And I love him.
217 - The Second Temple/Barrel’s Warhammer
217A - The Second Temple: “Anne and Marcy’s quest to get home takes them to an icy mountain temple, but they’ll need help to find it.” With the first gem restored, Anne and Marcy search for the second temple. As Andrias said in “A Day at the Aquarium”, they only know the location of one temple: the first one they already found!
From the trailer, they’re gonna use the first recharged gem to find it, and Anne is going to travel to a land high above the clouds to recharge it with Valariana, the Newt woman who knew secrets about the Box from “Bizarre Bazaar”. Yet, we see Valaria revealing information of the Calamity Box to Anne, Marcy, and the Plantars. But the atmosphere feels very much of my interpretation of 219A - “The Dinner”.
Since the First Temple tested Marcy on her Wit and Humility (referencing to her own Heart) perhaps the Second Temple will test Anne on her Heart and the emotional side of what is blocking her, since that’s the next Temple.
217B - Barrel’s Warhammer: “Sasha and Grimes go on a legendary quest to retrieve a legendary Warhammer.” I had no idea what this could have meant. But now it makes some sense! In “The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers”, we see a painting in the palace’s basement: of young King Andrias, a pink frog on his shoulder theorised to be Sprig and Polly’s mom, and a green toad guy. Barrel might just be the Toad in the painting, and the power that Sasha fills with her pink colour could be what Barrel did with his green power. So I think this is going to push the envelope on the Painting and Barrel’s fate, maybe revealing more on King Andrias, and Sprig and Polly’s mom. Maybe Sasha activates a sort of flashback when she activated her Calamity Powers, and sees through the lens of Barrel as she floods the Warhammer with it.
218 - Bessie and MicroAngelo/The Third Temple
218A - Bessie and MicroAngelo: “Bessie has her work cut out for her when she’s tasked with showing MicroAngelo the ropes.” Okay, this is gonna be the cutest episode ever and no one can tell me otherwise. Bessie is such a hardworking snail and we all stan her, and MicroAngelo development?? Of course it’s gonna be amazing! I’m still not over and will never be over Polly kissing him, and then yeeting him back to Newtopia in “Return to Wartwood.” I’m interested to see if Joe the Sparrow will return and Bessie is all flustered again. I loved that from “The First Temple” and I kinda wanna see more.
I also think this will be the main narrative of the segment, while the B plot is finding Sasha for the Third Temple, since we see her in the previous segment with “Barrel’s Warhammer”. I’m hopeful, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
I feel like Polly and Frobo would have to parallel Bessie and MicroAngelo with teaching young’uns how to work and live on the farm. Honestly, Frobo is one of my favourite characters and I love him, so any Frobo action is incredible.
218B - The Third Temple: “Anne and Marcy need help from an old friend to survive a volcanic temple that holds the final key to returning home.” Sasha. There is no question about it. This is Sasha. We see her in the trailer fighting off that giant Golem with Anne. I’m not sure where Marcy and the Plantars are, but drama ensues, and some old friends meet again. I feel like this will be the most painful since we have such a happy segment with Bessie and MicroAngelo, that all angst in put into this one. And I am into it!
Also a bit more on the whole test thing the Temples present: since the First Temple tested wit and humility, and say the Second Temple tests heart and strength... perhaps this Temple will test Sasha in her strength and wit. But I think that the Heart is the “core” of the aspects we see. So perhaps the Third Temple will test Sasha’s strength and heart, since we know empathy is something she seems to struggle with it makes sense for the temple to test her. Similar to how the First Temple challenged Marcy with her Heart.
219 - The Dinner/Battle of the Bands
219A - The Dinner: “Anne and the Plantars invite some old adversaries for dinner to try to bury the hatchet.” By the looks of this episode, I honestly think it might be Sasha and Grimes. I’m hopeful, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen. Season 3 is still there, and I’m not sure if the drama is gonna continue. I’ve seen She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: sometimes people get “redeemed” in the final season. I’m hoping Sasha and Grimes will bury the hatchet, but I’m not sure. But I have a feeling that this episode, or by this episode Valaria reveals the dangers of the Calamity Box that Hop Pop was warned about. I mention it’s either this or “The Second Temple”.
219B - Battle of the Bands: “Anne and her friends team up to enter the Wartwood Battle of the Bands contest.” Absolutely wild! Just like last season, I think this episode will be more fun shenanigans, but it will wrap up the character arcs presented, probably with Anne, Marcy and the Plantars. I’m hoping for a song Anne or Sprig would sing. Amphibia has done several songs with Sprig, and I’m hoping for so much more! The main character dramas I think this will resolve will be Anne and Hop Pop’s issues with him burying the Music Box, and Marcy and Anne’s relationship will be solidified before ANGST! in the finale.
220 - FINALE: True Colors
220 - True Colors: “??? ???? ??????? ?? ???????? ?? ??? ????? ???????? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ????. ???????, ??????? ??? ????? ?????!”
Okay, so I’m going crazy, but even though this episode descriptor is just question marks, I think the episode descriptor is there! Just each letter replaced with question marks. There’s a full stop (or a period), a comma and an exclamation mark in that order! I don’t have the any idea what the words could mean, but I think the first few words I’m thinking is “The team returned to Newtopia to see toads storming the Kingdom...” with five words remaining that I can’t decode, and the last line (which was confirmed by Matt Braly himself) is “However, someone has other plans!” Or my other sentence was “The King Andrias is delighted to see ...” and that’s it.
So what I have is, “The team returned to Newtopia to see toads storming the Kingdom ???? ??? ????? ????? ????. However, someone has other plans!” And even that might be wrong except for the first line.
We know that the finale takes place in Newtopia. With the Season 2B trailer showing Anne and Sasha facing off at the top of the walls of Newtopia, similar to the ones they fight on in the new intro sequence. I think this is also where General Yunnan fights off those toads in the trailer, and where we see the childhood versions of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.
Similar to “After the Rain” cryptic descriptor, we have no idea what’s coming, and we don’t have enough information to find out! But they did leave some breadcrumbs with making the sentence there, we just have to find it! 
But these are my thoughts!! Lots of excitement for the next five weeks!! Let me know your thoughts and theories, and also what you think the episode descriptor for “True Colors” is! I’ll make another post for Finale predictions closer to when the episode airs.
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