#i can't believe just how /many/ scammers there are that are trying to take advantage of this and stomping on people who ACTUALLY need
elegyofthemoon · 3 months
actually scammers taking advantage of the genocide to make money are The Worst People
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freetimemachinedream · 2 months
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Internet scammers or impersonating a famous person.
I guess I'm not the only person who stumbles upon a celebrity on social media platforms. I also countless "Chris Evans", "Tom Felton" or most "Luke Evans". At first I ignored, reported and banned them. But in the past few days I can't tell you how many times I've received a message from Luke. To be honest, it left me cold. I didn't report it or ban it. But it was there for message requests until recently. Curiosity poked my beak. What could a cheater want? How does he sell himself to naive, gullible people, that he really is our favorite actor or singer. In this case, an actor. I don't even know how long I considered answering him. No,not because I thought Luke Evans wrote to me. But so that I can write this post, so that no one makes the mistake of becoming a victim of a scammer. Because unfortunately there are gullible people.
So where do I start!
Yes, maybe when I wrote back to him. I was completely aware of the fact that he thinks that here is a naive person who will be his victim. But the little bastards didn't know, he wrote to the wrong person, they didn't fall on my head. So it can be suspicious when he writes "Thank you for being a big fan!" I don't think a real celebrity would start a conversation like that. The answers were quite striking. "The real Luke does." Well, my dear little man didn't connect here. He asked the question "How long have I been your fan?" I laughed a lot here.
How can someone be such an idiot? That is the basis of my answer, he did not take the sheet. He's a really unscrupulous person, he didn't give up trying to make me believe that he was Luke.
There was nothing special in the conversation after that, he asked me what I do for a living. (I think it's because he knows how much I earn) He got the answer. Then he brought up some fan card to see if I got it. He got angry when I said no. But that's not so important.
He didn't waste much time after that.
"I have a problem," he wrote to me. Here I guessed what would happen. "The site I'm working on won't let me access it until I pay the $200 fee" You know what he wanted right? I pretty much ignore thisI left. In other words, he got a nice answer. Here the picture came together, I guessed what he wanted, not only this person, but all the fraudsters.
"Now comes the helping part. Which means I'll pay. Shhh, you scammers always come up with that. You can't be fooled! LIKE I SAID, I MANAGED TO BUMP 3 SCAMMERS WHO WRITE TO ME AS LUKE ENAVS! I'm glad I did it I would attract the attention of those who naively believed in scammers, "From the first minute I knew you were a FRAUD!"
I answered him. Of course, the part that I knocked down three is not true. As I said, I didn't deal with them.
Not surprisingly, he wasn't interested in that either! He kept insisting that he wasn't a cheater, that he was really Luke. I'm starting to lose my patience here. But I took a deep breath and continued talking to him. I was wondering what else he was trying. I didn't have to wait long. He wanted me to pay him $200 and I could tell him everything about him. What a pathetic person, isn't he? Guess what I answered him. A sharp, ironic answer. But he didn't give up! He just said and said and said and said. Then he brought it up so he could prove it was Luke Evans. You met him, for which of course I have to pay. At this point my mind snapped, I didn't respond with nice words. I thought he was finally coming to his senses. But nothing, as if he didn't understand what I wrote to him. You pathetic, spineless dick!
After that, he tried to convince me, which was of course useless.
"Let's close this conversation. I had fun. I have gained enough information and experience to write about in my blog. The title is: Internet scammers or people who pretend to be celebrities."
I wrote to her! I hoped that he finally realized that he can't take advantage of me.
"It's not pretend"
He didn't want to give up again.
"Oh sure. I'm Saint Mary if you're Luke"
And I ended with this last sentence. Fortunately, he didn't write back. I think he understood that there is nothing going on with me.
So I hope many people will read it, it will reach people who can be persuaded. There are naive people, whether young or old. After all, scammers wouldn't do it either if there wasn't someone who couldn't be scammed.
(I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong. I'm Hungarian and I don't speak English perfectly. But I wanted it to be read not only by my compatriots)
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denimbex1986 · 2 months
'Netflix's latest literary adaptation looks very different from the rest of their shows — Ripley, based on the Patricia Highsmith character featured most famously in The Talented Mr. Ripley, is drenched in foreboding black and white, stripped of all the digital artifice common in many streaming shows. Steven Zaillan, who created the series and helmed all eight episodes, chose this palette because of the black and white cover of the Highsmith novel that sat beside him when he wrote the scripts.
In Ripley, Andrew Scott stars as Tom, and he goes toe-to-toe with Dickie Greenleaf and Marge Sherwood, played by Jonny Flynn and Dakota Fanning respectively, as well as the Italian police. Gwyneth Paltrow previously played the role of Marge in the 1999 film, which Fanning professes she was a fan of while explaining why Ripley is different from its film counterpart. "What we were doing was very different from that and so we weren't trying to kind of compare or contrast anything."
Dakota Fanning On "Working From The Inside Out" Of The Enigmatic Marge Sherwood
Screen Rant: Marge is pretty enigmatic when it comes to her relationships with Dickey and Tom Ripley. But there's one moment I think that reveals another layer to her when we see her reacting to the paparazzi later in the episodes. How do you approach a character that may feel unknowable to an audience?
Dakota Fanning: I think that's the balance of the story and all of the characters — what's said and what's not being said. What's underneath, what are the hidden motives, the hidden agendas? What are the eyes saying, but the voices [are] saying something different? I think that everyone had to explore that with all of the characters in the show, and Marge was no different. I love doing that as an actor.
I work the best working from the inside out and exploring the layers underneath more than anything. We also see Marge trying to take advantage of the situation in her own way just like Tom Ripley is. You see her little moments of vanity or opportunism come out — she suddenly likes Tom a little bit more when he compliments her book. And that's human. We like to be complimented. We'd like to feel whatever we'd like to believe that somebody's telling us the truth when they give us a compliment [but] that's not always the case. But we see those very human traits that we all fall prey to and Marge is no different. So, I liked that, it made me laugh.
I love those little moments where she's warming up to Tom. Do you think that in her eyes, Tom really got away with all of his crimes? Or do you think maybe she still has a glimmer of suspicion towards him?
Dakota Fanning: I think she has a glimmer of suspicion no matter what and always will, but she knows she can't put her finger on it and almost needs to close the chapter. So it's like, she'll just go with this version. And whether she truly believes it in her heart and soul, I don't think we'll ever know, because I don't think we ever fully know any of the characters. Everyone's kind of revealing what they want to reveal when they need to reveal it. And I think that's the best part of it, as we really get to see what humans are capable of in a very real way.
In the last few years, scammers have been such popular fodder for television and film. I think Netflix even has a scammers and schemers section for their website. Do you think Tom would be able to survive in the modern-day world of scamming and things? Or do you think he would crumble under the pressure?
Dakota Fanning: I don't know. That might be the next version — we need to see modern Tom Ripley. But I think that's the great part about Tom is that he's not a professional. You see him figuring it out on the fly, he doesn't have any scanning equipment, he's just using what he had. His real, immediate resources, and his wit and his thought. Obviously, [he] is brilliant, but he also makes mistakes, and you see those mistakes, and you see him have to fix the mistakes. And so you can kind of relate to him again, in this weird way. But with CCTV cameras, I don't know if Tom is getting away with it.
It seems less likely, yeah. But my last question — of course, we had The Talented Mr. Ripley a couple of decades ago. Did you have the specter of Gweneth Paltrow lingering over you as you filmed this? Did you look at her performance as inspiration because she's so great, but they're both so different?
Dakota Fanning: They're so different. I love that film just as a fan from before and I always will, but I really didn't think about it too much. We were just doing something that was so different. I think we all just went with that and are fans of the film and think it's wonderful, but feel that what we were doing was very different from that and so weren't trying to kind of compare or contrast anything. And I was happy about that. That's totally its own thing, and it's brilliant in its own way. And this is just something else.'
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resinatingbeauty · 3 years
A 'Witch Shop' Owner's Plea Before Casting That Love Spell
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I don't personally offer many spell kits, mojo bags, etc. In my shop and avoid selling my 'Craft', as in, I don't advertise or list spell casting among my offerings, though I have had a couple of customers specifically ask if I could perform a spell I offered as a kit on their behalf for whatever reason. This is because I personally believe that the journey is just as important as the destination in witchcraft and many of the spell kits / spells I do offer are designed in such a way to soothe, relax, release, and heal throughout the process. Honestly, in addition, I really don't want the responsibility associated with performing magick on someone else's behalf for many reasons. The strength of my intent is not going to be as strong as yours, for example. Even if I effectively channel your energy, creating that personal connection between the beneficiary and the intent or purpose of the spell work is incredibly difficult at a distance. I'm always wary of other shops advertising this type of service- the sad truth of the matter is our little niche has been permeated by scammers, con artists, and frauds looking to take advantage of anyone looking for a solution to whatever it is that has them at this low point in life. I will tell you, more often than not it's love spells that the customer is after, and they are apt to find many options on Etsy, the platform I primarily do business on, and beyond.
I distinctly think of one potential customer who had contacted me one night obviously very upset. My heart went out to her immediately - I could just tell by what she was saying and how quickly she responded to me that she was in a state of panic and extreme emotional distress. She isn't the only one, but she stands out from the others as her desire to win back her ex lover was so strong it was evident that she would do anything and (potentially) pay anything for a chance to get things back to the way they were in her love life.
I am a human being. I have been given this amazing opportunity to pursue my passion to share my creations and spiritual / metaphysical knowledge with the world through my work. I understood a long time ago that this also meant I had a responsibility to do my best to help those in need and never knowingly harm, much like a doctor commuting to the Hippocratic oath. This may make me a flat out horrible business woman, but I would rather not sell someone on something I don't believe is going to help their situation. In fact, love spells usually make things worse. I'll get to that momentarily.
"Is there a spell to make her see what she has done wrong and to make her love and want me again?"
I allowed this customer to explain to me the situation and took the time to hear her out after telling her that I'm sure that she could find something like that elsewhere and someone else willing to sell her a spell kit or cast that spell, but I urged her to take a deep breath and talk to me before she did something that she would regret.
Thankfully, she spent the next hour or so explaining her situation and elaborating on everything that has happened in her relationship. It was one of those on again / off again things that so many of us get trapped in. Understandable, considering once you establish that strong bond of love, whether one sided or not, it's incredibly hard to cut that cord and move on especially if you're so emotionally invested (and maybe even financially invested) in this other individual who has had your heart for so long you can't imagine giving it to anyone else.
This PSA goes out to the broken hearted of all walks, as this is a universal experience for anyone who has been in love. There may not be someone to stop you from pursuing what you think will fix everything as I did for her, but I'm hoping if you read this, you'll think twice about acquiring and performing love spells or any magick in hopes that it will provide a quick fix to any situation.
•Beware the Opportunistic Con / Scam
Our field is flooded with scammers, con artists, and frauds that exclusively cater to those in this sweet girl's position and anyone who is vulnerable due to emotional distress or panic. Whether you need a love spell like she did to win back her ex or a quick fix to get more money in the bank or what have you, beware those that have used spiritual advisory and witchcraft as a means to peddle you their high priced garbaged. This is a tough one, as you may have a hard time deciphering what is 'legit' and what isn't, but there are some signs and facts you can look for when browsing these shops / websites.
-They promise / guarantee results within a specific or unrealistic time frame
Magick takes time to manifest and the true story is that nobody has a 100% satisfaction guaranteed spell book. More often than not, when spells come to fruition, it often isn't quite the way you would expect it to, either. Anyone promising a quick fix to anything is most likely just trying to take advantage of you when you are vulnerable and you better believe there will be no money back guarantee if said garbage doesn't work for you. OR, they like to do one of these:
-"Oh, your situation is worse than I thought. You're going to need this and this, with a huge $$$$ price tag."
This starts a never ending cycle of you pouring money into this scammer who will make you believe that it is necessary to do so. That maybe if you did throw them an extra $500 for their thingamajig that you will get what you want. This is only the beginning, as when THAT doesn't do it for you the way you would like, they will claim some other interference, maybe you're cursed or under psychic attack, and need something else even more expensive and elaborate to take care of that before you can even get to what you went to them for in the first place. Anytime someone proposes this type of thing, stop while you're ahead and don't provide them with a guaranteed cash flow that you aren't benefitting from at all. Also, be wary of ANY seller who makes outrageous claims- overnight changes, curing cancer, etc. Are unrealistic expectations.
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•Understand What You Truly Need
Maybe it's time to consider an alternative path. The customer I spoke about DID ultimately purchase a tarot spread, which I was much more inclined to do for her than some love spell to win back this girl who has repeatedly broken her heart over the past few years and obviously got a kick out of it, the way she told it, as it was ALWAYS her doing the breaking up and blocking, starting all the drama. I told her I would much rather give her a spell to find her twin flame / soul mate than to win this person back who has perpetually been hurting her and taking advantage of her kindness.
Sometimes it's time to cut the cord before more damage is done. I understand it isn't easy to move on from someone you have loved and cultivated a relationship with over a long period of time, regardless of the negative energy that has invaded the relationship, we DO tend to focus on the positives, which leaves us a bit biased and blind to what we could have and deserve to have.
Take a moment if you are in a relationship situation like this, are beginning to question your current relationship, or are considering taking the next step in any relationship. Sit down with a pen and paper. On one side of the paper, write down all the things you love about that person. All the ways you think they have been the light in your life (be honest and give credit where credit is due!). Now on the other side, list the negatives or cons in your relationship. If one list is noticeably longer than the other, depending on which side it is, it may be time to consider breaking it off, giving things another shot, or taking things to the next level. Ask yourself;
-Do they support me in what I do, even if they don't understand or necessarily agree with it? (So long as it is something healthy -obviously if they're supportive of a bad habit or detrimental behavior, this is more like enabling and not a good thing)
-Do they have my best interests at heart more often than not?
-Do they show that they care? Even in the smallest of ways?
-Could I call them my "best friend?" Am I honest with them?
-Are they honest with me?
-Do they lift me up more than they put me down?
-Do you want the same things in life / have similar priorities?
-Is our relationship valuable to them the same way it is to me?
This is the cold hard truth about love spells. Forget the warnings in movies and books, as it is hard to believe them or even take them as a legitimate warning when you haven't had the displeasure of experiencing what a love spell can do for yourself. I have, so you don't have to. This is MY story:
Of course love spells are very appealing when you're a young and naive teenager. I had a strong crush on this guy I had low key been stalking since middle school. I don't know why I liked him so much. Part of it I'm sure was the way he looked (hey, I'm being totally honest!) And how he came across to me. We had absolutely no interaction with each other outside of passing each other in the hallway. He had no idea who I was.
I had just borrowed a copy of Silver Ravenwolf's 'Teen Witch' (which is honestly a fantastic book for teens and young adults just starting to delve into Wiccan practices, which she follows exclusively) from a friend of mine and thought I would try the super simple love spell in the book figuring I had nothing to lose. All it consisted of was focusing on the subject, your intentions, writing their name on a piece of paper, folding it up and placing it under your pillow. I would sleep on that paper for months. I was in middle school just about to go into my freshman year of high school when I performed the spell and would forget about it up until the day it worked, a few months into my freshman year of highschool, when my crush was in the graduating class of that year- literally my last chance to make an impression.
I had gone to a local band's concert that was performing at the school's auditorium one day after classes and was just about to leave when my crush randomly approached me and started talking to me. It was like the whole world just stopped right there. I couldn't believe it. The thought of that spell crossed my mind briefly as we exchanged phone numbers.
Over time and getting to know him, he admittedly wasn't exactly my type. He was still someone whose friendship I valued, but not someone I could really put any effort into dating. About the time I realized this, his personality took a complete 180° turn for the worst. He was stalking me. Blowing up my cell phone (which was a prepaid piece of junk at that time I really couldn't talk on for more than a minute without paying a fortune), so much so one evening when I was at Jukido Jujitsu practice that I came home to something like 32 missed calls and 17 voicemails from him, each one showing gradual frustration and anger. This scared me. I knew I had to confront him about it and break this off before it got worse.
I caught him in a populated area of the school the next day before homeroom- more like he came up to me out of nowhere like he knew I would be passing through that part of the school that day- and I confronted him about the calls,attempting to gently explain to him that I wasn't interested in a relationship and I would like to continue being friends. He blew up at me and threw me against the brick wall of the school, trying to kiss and touch me in front of every single person that walked by. I wish I was making this up.
Thankfully a teacher came and pulled him off. Nothing much else was done. I did my best to avoid him and cut him out of my life entirely from that point on.
I don't know if it was the love spell or if this would have occurred anyways. All I knew was that what had been originally a very sweet, big hearted guy that was soft spoken with low self esteem became a monster in a matter of weeks. The take away from this and what I have personally seen with other's experiences with love spells is that they tend to bring out the worst characteristics of the person they are cast on and you have to be really careful what you are actually asking for when thinking about 'desire' and 'passion.' This intent can quickly lead to stalking, obsession, and not in a good way. Another customer of mine who originally came to me for my Forgiveness Spell Kit and had the desired results also, unbeknownst to me, had someone else perform a love and desire spell in addition to it. The guy that she was reverted into an obsessed jerk who decided to spread rumors about her on social media and beyond, blocked her on all platforms, and would get her friends involved in his quest to make her life miserable. Her story reflects and embodies so many I have heard over the years from others who have dabbled in such spells. When they work, it's just never quite what you had in mind.
So if you came to this blog post in search of a love spell for your personal situation or came across it when you have maybe considered one in the past or know someone who has, please take a deep breath, consider your options, and don't do anything that you may regret down the line. Remember that you are deserving of all the love, respect, support, and happiness one could give another. Do not settle on someone who offers you less and expects more, no matter how much you have invested in them, no matter how many years you have spent with them, as they do not appreciate you for the amazing person you are. I can promise you, however, given some time to heal, you WILL find someone who does.
(Owner /Chaos Witch/Designer)
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