#i can be a huge ass
geezmarty · 1 month
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I'be been watching a danganronpa 2 LP as I work I'm on the final chapter and I'd like to state I'd die for them
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orange-coloredsky · 2 months
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a development team that looks like this could not possibly have any preconceived biases against Black people. noooo way. its just a mistake that all of the Black people in fo4 are slaves or named after fascist colonizers or murdered or stereotypical conspiracy freaks. there is no way that the reality of this team is reflected in the art they create over and over and over and over and over and over and
[ID 1: A photo of the Fallout 4 development team taken from above and forward, showing a large crowd smiling at the camera, made up apparently entirely by white people, and almost entirely by white men. End ID.]
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not-quite-normal · 11 months
hi!!!! there been news articles saying that the working conditions of spiderverse were rlly rlly bad to the point of 100 ppl quitting or someting…. sorry to be liek an annoying reporter and b kinda invasive but is this tru D:
the big article that came out, for anyone curious: https://www.vulture.com/2023/06/spider-verse-animation-four-artists-on-making-the-sequel.html
there are some aspects about the article that i don't feel comfortable commenting on, but yes a lot of animators did quit. a lot of it had to do with the issues mentioned in the article, but a lot also left because disney opened a studio in vancouver (where sony imageworks is located) and had to hire an entire crew. i don't blame people for leaving spiderverse to get in on being a part of establishing the disney vancouver studio
i will also say that some of the information going around is incorrect; we did not work 11 hours a day, 7 days a week for over a year. working 7 days a week is illegal, and though some people worked sundays, they were clearly told that they could not work the next saturday if they worked a sunday. we encouraged people to not work ghost hours, and OT was always optional (except for saturday work towards the end, but nobody was punished or anything if they couldn't work a saturday). we also get paid for OT. i was on the movie for over a year but we certainly weren't crunching that whole time. like the article said, we were idle for a long time
it was undeniably a hard movie to work on and with such a large crew, everyone had a wide variety of experiences. the anonymous animators in the article aren't wrong, but i will say that there are people that felt differently, or not as strongly as them. it's a complicated issue that doesn't have a simple solution
i just hope this doesn't tarnish your view of the movie. we worked hard on it and everyone's immense celebration of the animation is making all that hard work very worth it!
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dkettchen · 11 months
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I'm just sAYING-
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
I think I am going to match you up with… Mitsunari from Ikesen.
I think Mitsunari would be really drawn to your dedication to your work, being quite dedicated with his own work himself. You seem like a really nice and approachable person like he is, so I think he would feel very comfortable being around you. He would also probably volunteer to help you with many projects as well, being the cinnamon-roll that he is. I feel like you two may be very similar, so he would fall for you due to you two getting along well.
Oh to get to be with Mitsubun and do nothing but read/write all day *dreamy sigh* and purple is my favorite color so there's that lol. I do think that I might potentially be a bit more of a jerk sometimes than that sweet angel deserves though -alas I have my moments and get frustrated so easily at times- but given that he adores Ieyasu even though he can be straight up mean to him...maybe he could handle me and my mood swings well haha.
And thank you for all of the kind words of course :)
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Update I have been gifted a new art tablet and oh my lort how do y’all draw with a screenless pad-
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This last one was the first thing I drew with it LMAO
all of these were lil test doodles, but m a n I got mad respects to them gamers who can use this kinda tabloot with ease
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akemima · 9 months
early morning convo!
i hope the quality isnt too shitty!! this is just a practice, so srry for the stiff animation lmao
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b0ydyke · 7 months
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you’re always changing, rearranging, calibrating, you think far too much
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puppyeared · 5 months
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is this your card? ♦️♣️♥️♠️ it isnt but you dont wanna hurt his feelings
#this was supposed to be a warmup but i got carried away.... i havent drawn in so long that its been hard to focus orz#im testing a new brush for fun. again.. i think i can use this for clean lineart..?? im surprised i went as long as i did with the#narinder brush honestly... but i wanna try something new so here we are again#if i could get my shit together id love to draw a model of his van because i have smth really cool in mind..i was looking at pictures#of old wooden caravans like the horse drawn ones and i wonder if i could combine that with the shape of an RV#i like the ones with a door at the rear bc it kinda lookslike a train caboose.. maybe he'd get someone to weld him a custom ride!!#idk how intricate and detailed i can design it without making it a pain in the ass to draw every time BUT i have a general idea#it would probably have a door on the side but idk if itd flip down to make a stage or upwards to make a roof?? and then theres a#curtain behind it where he would come out and do his show methinks.. ive been looking at pictures of camping vans on pinterest for ideas#i dont think he LIVES in the van since i mentioned his home is an old run down theatre when he isnt on the road. i wanna draw that too#but the RV should have enough for long travels like a bed and cabinets..? maybe a net hanging on the ceiling where all his props go#id like to think of ideas for a hometown.. toronto has a huge entertainment district so it would make sense for him to live there#although id also love to base parts of it from vancouver since id love to go back and visit </3#..would there be furth names for those places?? nyancouver... clawronto... whinnypeg (like a horse whinny)...#pawson creek.... purrlington... otterwa.. i love coming up with names lol#my art#myart#my oc#oc#sleight#laikas comet oc#fan character#fur#furry art
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bewitching-666 · 2 months
Omg yes please 🥺🥺
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
The "Kata goes to college but also knows force and nightsister magic" is very funny, cause I can just imagine it being a normal day in class and then Kata uses the force or some nightsister magic and all her classmates are like 0-0
you KNOW she hid it super well for the first two years then a solid 12 minutes after the empire falls some imperial remnant tries to take her uni or smthn hostage (she's a merrical-akuna kid, trouble will find her) and she deals with it singlehandedly but it's like:
Other students: holy shit was that the force?!?! Kata, about to do the worst Jedi mind trick in history: No it was not
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
*points a gun at you* draw trans people with bottom surgery. write trans people with bottom surgery. i am no longer asking
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cobaltfluff · 8 months
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thank you new official art
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cherry-blossomtea · 7 months
I think the reason I love Horn so much is because she appears to be this paragon of virtue and selflessness and beauty. But on closer inspection she’s almost totally lost it and she’s willing to do some pretty horrendous shit up to and including torture and her entire sense of self has dissolved into making sure her comrades didn’t die in vain to the point I don’t think she quite knows what she’s fighting for anymore. She was supposed to be Victoria’s champion and Victoria chewed her up til there was barely anything left. Woman whose gaze is absolutely fucking haunted.
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m-kyunie · 3 days
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The designs for yulma mermay I did……if u wanna see all the prompts I drew it’s all on IG won’t be posting them here
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sirazaroff · 8 months
How do you think velvet is handleing everything in vacco right now
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She’s having a great time 🥰
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