#i also enjoy watching ren and impulse but just never got around to drawing them for this post
cheerioskid · 9 months
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more hermits i enjoy watching but don't draw that often
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skyvaikers · 4 years
broken people [ fives ]
authors note: idk why i like imagines dealing with sleep or reunions but here’s another sleep related one. i don’t regret it either.
summary: they’re both awake, dealing with brokenness that never seemed to have healed.
warnings: angst, fluff, some mentions of violence
also, italics represent the nightmare :)
she was alone. the only thing she could hear was her own breathing, which was ragged and quick. her eyes frantically darted around the darkness, trying to locate the source of her fear. her bare feet were pressed up against cold tile, but her body began to relax. for a moment, she thought she was safe. for a moment, the darkness seemed to be less fearful.
“y/n!” a voice screamed. it echoed and caused y/n to quicken her breathing again. it was the sound of a woman, and y/n couldn’t figure out who could be calling her name. the girl moved slowly into the darkness, feeling the smoothness of the tile underneath her feet. she saw someone, a woman, the light provided refusing to illuminate her face.
“he’s coming, y/n. you’ve got to run!” the woman shouted, and a red saber ignited. the saber slashed through the woman, her body making a ‘thud’ against the floor. y/n didn’t say anything, but she ran. her feet smacked against the floor, but no matter how fast she ran, the red saber always caught up to her.
she never screamed. whenever she screamed, it meant something detrimental had happened. as she shot up out of her bed, sweat dripping down her forehead, she let out the tiniest scream. she was panting, her chest heaving with every intake of oxygen. she had been having the same dream for the past couple of days and she didn’t know why. she had figured out that the woman in her dream was her mother, and the dream itself was a re-enactment of her death. y/n paid for running, she had a huge scar on her back to tell the tale.
she swung her legs over the side of her bed, watching her feet. staying in her room wasn’t an option; she had to take a walk. she slowly stood up, grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. she didn’t put shoes on; they’d be too loud and draw attention.
y/n walked out of her quarters and started down the hall. it was dark, the moon cast a beautiful glow on the maroon colored carpet of the jedi temple. she walked to the entrance, the gentle breeze running its fingers through her hair. she spotted someone on the steps, a man it seemed, and her brow creased. she ventured closer to the man, who seemed to have been focused on something in front of him.
“hello?” she called softly, her voice barely above a whisper. the figure whipped around to reveal arc trooper fives, one of skywalker’s men. he was reckless, she’d even say playful, but he was loyal. he had his own thoughts, his own personality; he was his own person.
“oh! uh, general. what are you doing up?” he asked, standing up from his position on the stairs. he knew general l/n, he had been under her in battle a couple of times.
“i could ask you the same question,” she responded, wrapping her cloak tighter around her body. fives exhaled as he scanned the features of the general. she looked exhausted, like she hadn’t slept in a while. she looked like she had been spooked all at the same time, and he knew her well enough she wasn’t so easily spooked.
“just couldn’t sleep, that’s all,” he responded as he gingerly took a seat. y/n moved to take a seat beside him.
“may i?” she asked, to which he nodded. the two of them sat there, enjoying the cool breeze of the night. after a few moments, fives looked over at y/n. his eyes softened, his body relaxed and he started to feel comfortable around her.
“forgive me for saying this, general-”
“y/n.” she interrupted, looking over with soft eyes. he was surprised she’d let him call her by her first name, but he wasn’t going to question it.
“alright, y/n, as i was going to say...it doesn’t take a jedi to see that there’s something else,” he spoke with such caution, knowing that saying such a thing could get himself in trouble. but he also knew this: he cared about her.
she chuckled at his statement, bowing her head to look at her feet. boy, he’s smart. she picked up her head and looked over at fives, nodding her head slowly.
“yeah, you’re right.” she hummed. he waited for her to continue, but he wasn’t going to push it. they sat for another few moments before she spoke again.
“i’ve been having the same, reoccurring nightmare for the past couple of days. i’m not sure where it came from, what it means, but it’s always there. maybe it’s a reminder, maybe it’s stress-related.” she felt herself beginning to ramble, but fives was soaking it up like a dry sponge. “when i was little, my mother was killed by a sith. i still don’t know his name, but she had told me to run before she was killed. i ran, but he had caught up to me. he gave me this nasty scar on my back, which is cool in my opinion, but its story is...dark.” she finished, looking back down at her hands.
“and that...that was what your nightmare was about?” he asked gently. he could tell by the tone in her voice that it was a sensitive topic. he never had a mother, he didn’t know what it was like, but he knew what it was like to see a loved one die right in front of you.
“yes,” she answered simply. she looked back over at fives, who looked like he didn’t know what to do with all of the information she had just spilled on him.
“i’m sorry, i know it’s a lot. i haven’t told the other jedi about it yet,” she confessed, but the weight on her chest had lifted. she no longer felt like she was trapped.
“it’s alright, i understand.” he started. “i wasn’t lying, when i said i couldn’t sleep,” he told her, making her pick up her head.
“alright, well why couldn’t you sleep? if you don’t mind telling me.” y/n inquired.
“i don’t mind, and you kind of deserve to know since you told me your nightmare.” he chuckled, but his smile soon faded. “ever since umbara, when so many of my brothers died, when we fired at our own, it’s been hard to sleep. i’m sure if you ask the rest of us it’s the same. i just...can’t get it out of my head that i killed my own brothers.” he finished, pain evident in his voice. he was angry, the wound still festered even after weeks.
there was nothing y/n could say to the soldier. he was broken and it didn’t take a jedi to see that. she inches closer to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. their lives weren’t expendable, they were valued. she valued the stories these brothers told, she valued the belly laughs they gave her. she understood losing someone, but the story of umbara was one that shook the republic for a day, maybe.
“i haven’t forgotten about your fallen brothers, and what happened on umbara wasn’t your fault, it was krell’s. he used you to carry out his master plan. you have every right to be angry, to still hurt.” she didn’t know what else to say to him. y/n couldn’t imagine the level of pain he was going through.
“i guess we’re both broken, huh?” he sniffled. y/n brought him closer, their shoulders touching. he had never been comforted like this by a jedi. they seemed to never care, except for general skywalker, he cared in his own way. but y/n, her hand on his shoulder, it made him want to melt.
“we’re all a little broken in our own ways.” she hummed, laying her head on his shoulder. that was a new feeling, but it didn’t take him long to relax and rest his head upon hers. the two of them slowly drifted to sleep, and yes, still on the steps of the jedi temple. let’s just hope they wake up before everyone else does.
impulse write number, like, 15 bazillion. i had this idea pop into my head and i was like ‘who am i going to pair the reader with?’ and then i was like FIVES. so here’s an angst, fluff thing that i just spout out in 45 minutes. hope you enjoy!
AND THE SEQUEL TO THE KYLO REN FIC IS IN MY DRAFTS! i’ll try to have that up today too :)
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