#i WILL get kaeya a mistsplitter
nomohmoss · 5 months
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i hate it here
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athrisen · 11 months
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alsoyooraiyah · 5 months
navia's pretty fun :3 alas it is not meant to be...
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kaeyaphile · 1 year
✨ THE DREAM TEAM ✨ (someday hyv will take pity on me and give me cryo damage blizzard strayer pieces for kaeya... but it is not this day 🥲)
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voidscreamns · 1 year
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moonilit · 6 months
Bunch of teams that i think are fun and been playing with lately just because talking about them making me excited and thats the point of this blog so:
Noelle burgeon team
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(Non of these teams are supposed to teach you anything) I like Noelle, i actually like most healers so I really wanted a team of her that felt *to me* fun to play and her burgeon team is pretty fun, she is a healer, driver and shielder she is on 4p exile and a fav claymore, i get her burst before we are done one rotation and its so fun and feel freeing in a way, noelle feels so right for this team, and the burgeon dmg looks amazing lol (tried it once in abyss and got two stars but i play on mobile so idk if someone more pro can actually get all three)
2. Lisa vacuum cleaner
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I Like lisa, actually every character i bothered making up teams for i do like so, but i like lisa especially i crowned her lol, its an aggravate team, but the release of Baizhu made her more fun to play, venti is much more fun than C0 kazuha especially in the overworld but if i want an effective dps lisa team it would be c2 kazuha or sucrose depending on who is available atm (with fischl ofc)
4. Keqing&Tignari team
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Ngl the entire point of this team is working around no Miko in my account but still wanting to maximize tighnari team dps, And who would have thought these two would fit together :D!!
it works thanks to baizhu mwah mwah, with him both healing and shielding we are killing baby lets gooo quick swapping never been this quick swapping before
Honorable mentions go to Candace and my mistsplitter kaeya because hydro infusion, extra buff, extra dmg, nice blues etc etc i love them please send me suggestions to who else to add
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Teams im waiting for hoyo to give me something for: more variations of wanderer teams because im dying here plz give me something new for him i don’t want broken dmg i want functioning funny, also double geo double electro team just because purple and gold look nice together like come on ppl!!? how are we still here-
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lambr-chan · 5 months
After so long, I was able to get the Mistsplitter Reforged!! Now Kaeya is happy.
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All in all I got 3 Mistsplitter Reforged and 2 Verdicts.
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oathofkaslana · 1 month
5* weapons i want:
chiori weapon -> 0.1% albedo may we cross probable fate someday............
staff of homa -> i dont think i can get him on 4pc vermillion so the best upgrade i can do is getting him this
al haitham weapon -> i could leave mistsplitter on kaeya and al haitham would have better stats!!!!
just some crit rate bow for collei im dying -> my ideal bow for her would have passives related to like. em to make up for it though..
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m1d-45 · 1 year
You called?
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I must thank you and teddy anon too for feeding my brain with these juicy ideas. And since they’re all related to Kaeya, I’ll be…cryo anon, if that’s ok.
“He’s strong, handsome, and best of all, he’s free. What’s there not to like about him?”
Among your Genshin-playing group of friends, you were known as the Kaeya simp. He was C6, lvl 90, triple crowned. He had the best set of Blizzard Strayer artifacts you could get after months and months of farming Peak of Vindagnyr. You even pulled Mistsplitter for him! And while his strength and good looks were definitely pluses in your book, the main reason you were so drawn to the Cavalry Captain was that on some level, you relate to him (I won’t go into the details here. It’s a whole can of worms in and of itself). You’ve never met a character with whom you resonated so strongly.
And that was why, after having come to terms with everything that has happened since you found yourself in Teyvat, you decided you had to talk to him. You had to tell him that he need not punish himself any longer, that he didn’t even need to in the first place. You realised that he likely had no choice but to hunt you down as relentlessly as he had. He was your so-called “favourite” (as if you weren’t also a massive simp for other characters), so it was only to be expected that he was the one to land the final blow. Of course, you were aware that you might be projecting onto him and didn’t want to assume. The best course of action was to talk to him directly so you took the first opportunity that presented itself and accepted Klee’s invitation to lunch.
of course you’d accept klee’s invitation. and, being as kind as you were, you assured diluc that you’d forgiven him.
“he thought i was somebody else. can he really be blamed?”
the answer was no, of course, but diluc knew kaeya thought otherwise.
he’d been present for most of the time kaeya had stopped by angel’s share boasting about whatever travels you’d taken him on, showing off his glittering sword (though he was always careful to keep it away from their touch, away from the stain of wine). he was your most prized, all six stars on his vision lit up blue, and he took pride in that fact. every action he took was one to extend your glory, to further your blessing on the world. he might have been born in a land of hubris, but under your guiding touch he was little more than an extension of your grace.
when the imposter descended, he was quick to pledge his allegiance, waving off the prickle on his skin as the remains of his nation’s hold recoiling from a god’s light. it would go away eventually, surely.
and when he was hunting for you, it did.
when he found you curled up against a cliff, he was at ease.
it was only when his purple blade was marked with shining blue that he realized he really hadn’t changed at all.
all that was left of khaenri’ah were the sinners, and they weren’t worth mentioning.
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prismatic-glow · 5 months
Let's build a freeze team for Ayaka!
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Hello everyone! I'm back now so I can start posting again :D
Before I get into it, yes I did change the banner lol. I just wanted to switch things up for a bit, I hope u like it!!
Anyways, with Ayaka's rerun currently ongoing, I wanted to make a guide for anybody who just got her and is a bit confused on her teams. Let's get into it!!
╰┈➤ why does Ayaka need freeze? You might have noticed that almost every Ayaka team is a Freeze team. There are 2 main reasons for this. The first is that, to maximize the damage of her burst by allowing it to always hit an enemy, enemies must be kept stationary via Freeze. The second is that Ayaka applies Cryo waaaay to fast with her burst to allow her to reliably trigger Melt reactions
╰┈➤ basic team outline Ayaka freeze teams usually follow this outline: ❀ Ayaka ❀ Anemo character on 4pc Viridescent Venerer ❀ Cryo battery (creates Cryo particles to supply energy) ❀ Hydro character for Freeze
╰┈➤ Anemo options ❀ Kazuha ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The best option and usually the go-to. Kazuha provides Elemental damage bonus along with great grouping and his own personal damage ❀ Venti ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Great grouping and personal damage ❀ Jean ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Can consolidate the healer role which is useful in some teams. Great healer choice w/ Furina ❀ Sucrose ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Some grouping, Elemental DMG buff at C6. Works well enough as a substitute. Can run Thrilling Tales of Dragon slayers to give Ayaka lots of attack
╰┈➤ Cryo options ❀ Shenhe ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The best option and usually the go-to. Provides buffs to Cryo damage along with Cryo resistance shred and elemental Burst damage ❀ Charlotte ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Consolidates a healer role but should really only be used in Furina teams ❀ Diona ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Can consolidate the healer role along with providing a shield ❀ Rosaria ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Good personal damage, buffs Crit Rate which can be useful to reach certain stat thresholds for Ayaka ❀ Ganyu ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Very strong personal damage from Burst. Decent Cryo damage buff and can share some field time. Works well in teams with Venti ❀ Kaeya ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Great budget option who provides tons of energy via Cryo particles. Good personal damage
╰┈➤ Hydro options ❀ Kokomi ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Usually the go-to option. Great AoE Hydro application that doesn't require normal attacking. Great healing. Can run Tenacity of the Millileth and Thrilling Tales of Dragon slayers to provide tons of Attack to Ayaka. ❀ Mona ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Hydro Application from skill has a much smaller AoE than Kokomi. Burst gives a large damage boost. Can run TTDS ❀ Furina ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Great Hydro application that doesn't require normal attacking. Incredible personal damage. Requires an all-party healer such as Charlotte or Jean. Furina teams can kinda be considered a different arychetype of Ayaka teams. ❀ Xingqiu ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Provides some defensive capability but requires normal attacking to apply Hydro which can make the team feel awkward ❀ Yelan ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Very strong personal damage but requires normal attacking. Passive can provide a damage boost to Ayaka ❀ Ayato ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Hydro application from burst has a very large AoE and good damage. Works very well with Venti. Can also share some field-time with his own DPS. ❀ Barbara ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Budget option. Good healing but her Hydro application is quite awkward. Can run TTDS.
╰┈➤ premium team Ayaka's best (non-Furina) freeze team is also referred to as her "premium" team because it uses all limited 5 stars. Here's a quick overview of their builds ❀ Ayaka ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4PC Blizzard Strayer. Mistsplitter's Reforged/Amenoma Kageuchi/Finale of the Deep ❀ Shenhe ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4PC Noblesse Oblige. Calamity Queller/Favonius Lance ❀ Kazuha ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4PC Viridescent Venerer. Freedom-sworn/Xiphos' Moonlight/Favonius Sword/Iron Sting ❀ Kokomi ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4PC Tenacity of the Millileth. Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (TTDS)
╰┈➤ premium team vs. Furina The Furina variant of Ayaka teams (usually Kazuha/Furina/Charlotte) seems to preform similarly to the premium team (Shenhe/Kazuha/Kokomi)
╰┈➤ issues to look out for Ayaka's teams have 2 main issues 1 ・❥・ Many enemies in recent abyss cycles are immune to freeze 2 ・❥・ Without enough ER%, Her teams can feel kinda bad to play
And that's all for today! I hope you find this guide helpful and informative. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the replies or send in an ask (no question is too small!)
I hope you have a great day!!
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
i have 18 intertwined fates, wish i could get mistsplitter for kaeya, want to save up for the 3.6 banners, and am ultimately too depressed to bring myself to open the game and farm primos. rip
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hey! It's the person Nicky suggest to share, Star, here with building tips for Kaeya! it'll depend on how you want him built, but generally for artifacts:
main dps (cryo version) I'd suggest 2pc atk% 2pc blizzard strayer, with atk/cryo/crit rate or crit dmg (this is the version I have!)
main dps (physical version) 4pc paleflame or 2pc paleflame 2pc bloodstained, atk/phys/crit rate or damage
burst support: 2pc noblesse, 2pc blizzard, atk/cryo/crit rate or crit dmg
Weapons: Most dps five star swords work on him, notably mistsplitter, primordial jade cutter, Ayato's and Alhaitham's signatures, and Aquila Favonia works well for phys
For four star swords, try any with an atk substat or increased elemental damage, notably Amenoma Kageuchi, Prototype Rancour for phys, The Black Sword if you buy battle pass, and Blackcliff Longsword if you've got the star glitter.
There might also be better swords out there on the four star list but I got the jade cutter for him and haven't thought about what four star to use in over a year-
Three star options include the harbinger of dawn, which is still a solid sword for him!
Hope this helped and happy building :DDD
!!!!! i love it when y'all send me builds, i'm genuinely awful at them and i like getting multiple people's opinions. next time i have a character to build i hope you don't mind me asking for help again <33
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nomohmoss · 5 months
nooooo i wanted one mistsplitter but got two axes orz i just wanted to get kaeya something nice!!!!!!
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rhine-gold-archive · 1 year
there goes my dream of my kaeya having a sword that DOESNT clash horribly with him
oh bestie, don't even get me STARTED on how swords clash with kaeya
do you know how mad i am that mistsplitter clashes with him. like its better than the gamer keyboard red and black swords, but its still not great. and like the worst part is that. it's fucking clashes with ayaka too!! like she has v similar color scheme to kaeya - black, dark blue, some whites, but for some fucking reason they made her electro looking neon purple sword like??? if her signature actually matched her, it would've match kaeya too, but now mistsplitter looks like it was made for keqing.
like the sword that actually matches Kaeya the best is Alley flash. look at it. it's perfect colors wise and it has a rapier look that fits his kina fencing vibes of NAs. but it's useless on him. hoyo let us do the weapon skins
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gold-rhine · 1 year
since you are on the builds app care to share your top 5 favorites builds? Doesn’t have to be how cracked just your most proud and fav lol
but what am i supposed to do if all my builds are cracked, excuse me
My baby booooy, my sweet geo angel. his hat is hideous, but he does like 50k on charged attack and 90k on the final combo hit, so i stand by it and i'll refarm the hat someday, for now check out 0 EM
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My Hu Tao, who is, as discussed today, cracked now, I won't talk much
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Ayato, whomst I pulled purely bc I had a lot of good hydro artifacts lying around from farming the blizzard domain, and these artifacts rolled much better than blizzard. sigh. My Ayato is pretty great tho, 10k per E hit
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already shared Kaeya's build before, but I would like to mention that I decided to use atk goblet, and I know no one cares, but I spent like stupid amount of time calculating and testing and decided that ATK goblet is better bc my blizzard set is bad and doesn't have high atk stats, BUT in team with Kazuha and with mistsplitter stacks, Kaeya gets like 94% cryo dmg bonus anyway.
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Yanfei is the best girl :3 I pulled Kagura for her, but she is legit doing better on widsith, so Nahida has Kagura now. controversial, but Yanfei is so much better than Diluc, 30k on charge attacks WITHOUT vape
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honorable mention to Kazuha, who is c2 and double crowned, but whose entire build is just 980 EM, so it's not much to see lmao
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ambalambs · 5 months
My kaeya build is more aimed towards physical damage so now im unsure if I should wait for jade cutter still or try to get mistsplitter
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