#hvitty x reader
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Could he get any cuter??
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hoteldreamss · 5 months
Imagine || Hvitserk
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Предупреждение: убийство.
Хвитсерк был твоим мужем уже пару лет, и, хотя ты доверяла ему, ты всё равно помнила о его прошлой славе распутного мужчины. Ваша любовь всё равно была безукоризненной друг к другу, и вы не собирались разрушать это.
Приведя себя в порядок, ты выходишь из спальни. Хвитсерк сидевший за столом и поедая свой завтрак сразу обращает внимание на тебя, в отличии от вашей рабыни, которая продолжает очищать посуду после приготовления еды.
— Как спалось? — Хвитсерк не отрывает от тебя взгляд, когда ты подходишь к нему. — Ты, кажется, ворочалась ночью.
— Но в итоге, я заснула. — Твои губы растягиваются в нежной улыбке, когда ты склоняешься к своему мужу и оставляешь поцелуй на его губах, чувствуя тёплые ладони на своей талии.
— Знаешь, я мог бы помочь тебе, с тем чтобы быстрее заснуть, если бы ты только попросила меня, — он говорит тихо, но ты уверена, что ваша саксонская рабыня всё равно его слышит. Она с трудом понимала ваш язык, и прибыла к вам недавно. На самом деле ты была той, кто купил её, думая, что она будет хороша в работе по хозяйству, ��о ты заметила, как она вела себя рядом с твоим мужем и с тобой, и тебе это не нравилось.
— Может, в следующий раз, я так и сделаю.
Он снова тянется к тебе за поцелуем.
— Сванхилд приготовила вкусный завтрак. Тебе должно понравиться, — произносит Хвитсерк, но ты замечаешь, что девушка всё ещё не оборачивается на тебя.
Тебе не нравиться это. Она всегда так делала, обращала внимание только на твоего мужа, предлагала есть только ему, иногда даже готовила только на него. И сейчас она не предлагает тебе завтрак, ты уверена, что она ждёт, пока ты прикажешь ей подать тебе еду.
— Я не голодна. Потом поем. — Ты проходишься пальцами по волосам Хвитсерка, но кидаешь взгляд на девушку моложе тебя всего на пару лет. — Я хочу сходить в город. Мне нужно на рынок, купить немного ткани.
— Ладно. У тебя есть чем расплатиться? — интересуется Хвитсерк, возвращая внимание к еде.
— Да. Может, я задержусь, хорошо? Я хотела проведать Фрейдис.
Хвитсерк кивает, возвращаясь к своей еде.
Ты знала, что делала твоя рабыня. В отличии от неё, ты обладала умом. Поэтому уже несколько дней думала о том, что не одобрил бы твой муж. Хотя ты заметила безразличие Хвитсерка к девушке, ты просто была раздражена её неуважением к тебе, и сколько бы ты не разговаривала с ней, или не пыталась объясниться, ты заметила, что это было впустую.
Поэтому ты приходишь раньше положенного, заходя в дом без стука, и обнаруживаешь её слишком близко стоящей к твоему мужу, который склонился над ней. Они слишком близко. Его руки на её лице, а её на его талии.
— Т\И! — Хвитсерк отстраняется от рабыни. — Я просто помогал Сванхилд, её глаз, туда что-то попало, — Он выглядя как провинившийся щенок.
— Я отрублю тебе голову, если ты не перестанешь так себя вести, — твой саксонский был хорошим, идеальным, потому что ты затратила много дней на его изучение, ещё когда впервые отправлялась в рейд.
Сванхилд сразу всё понимает, отходит от Хвитсерка, выглядящим удивлённым твоим познанием саксонского языка. Он смотрит на тебя так, будто видит впервые.
— Проваливай от сюда, займись своей работой. — Ты всё также говоришь на саксонском, прогоняя девушку.
Она молча и слегка напуганная убегает.
— Ты не говорила, что знаешь саксонский.
— Ты говорил, что любишь меня.
Хвитсерк виновато опускает взгляд, делая шаги к тебе.
— Она сказала, что ей что-то попало в глаз. Я просто пытался ей помочь.
— Она хочет трахнуть тебя. И если ты позволишь ей это сделать, я убью её у тебя на глазах и кастрируя тебя. — Твой голос на самом деле звучит пугающе, заставляя твоего мужа напрячься.
Но он всегда знал, что ты намного мягче и милее, чем кажешься, поэтому его губы растягиваются в довольной улыбке.
— Но ты не сказала, что разведёшься со мной.
Ты сдержанно выдыхаешь, чувствуя себя всё ещё слегка злой.
— У тебя не будет члена, Хвитсерк. Хотя мне нравится твой язык, язык есть и у многих хорошеньких женщин. — Ты пожимаешь плечами. — Зачем мне муж без члена.
Он хмурится от твоих слов и чувствует себя поникшим. Ты лишь проходишь мимо него, направляясь в вашу спальню.
Хотя твой муж не одобрял то, как правит Ивар, он всё ещё был его братом. Поэтому Хвитсерк собирался сегодня к нему. Ты же всё ещё валялась под мехами на вашей мягкой кровати. Одна нога была высунута, пока ты прижалась животом к матрасу, твои волосы были беспорядочно разбросаны по подушке, и это зрелище было по-настоящему прекрасно по мнению твоего мужа. Он с трудом отбросил мысль о том, чтобы не залезть снова под одеяла и не доказать свою привязанность к тебе.
— Я вернусь к обеду. — Хвитсерк наклоняется к тебе, оставляя один поцелуй у тебя на щеке.
— Я приготовлю что-нибудь. Не объедайся там.
— Люблю тебя.
— И я тебя.
Конечно, Хвитсерк никогда не сомневался в твоей любви к нему. Он знал, что ты дорожила им и чувствовала к нему, половина слов, которые ты бросала, чтобы напугать его, были не серьёзными. Он никогда не навредил бы тебе, Хвитсерк ценил тебя, потому что на самом деле он потратил много времени и сил, чтобы заполучить тебя в жёны. Ты была лучшем, в его жизни.
Конечно, ты никогда не сомневалась в привязанности своего мужа. Но ещё ты также не сомневалась, что он знает, какая ты. Тебе так легко удалось найти общий язык с его младшим братом не потому, что ты влюбилась в Хвитсерка, а потому что у вас было немало общего. То, что пугало всех, но не вас двоих. Эта кровожадность, это властолюбие и собственничество. Если бы Ивар увидел, как какой-то раб неуважительно себя ведёт по отношению к нему и пристаёт к его жене, он бы убил беднягу на месте. Поэтому твоему мужу следует сказать тебе спасибо, за то, что ты хотя бы вывела девушку в лес.
Конечно, это было ради сбора грибов и ягод. Ты отрезаешь очередной гриб, когда одновременно следишь за Сванхилд, которая собирала ягоды. Она наклонена слишком низко, чтобы заметить, как ты размеренно подходишь сзади.
Хвитсерк на самом деле не думал, что ты можешь убить вне рейда. Вернувшись домой, он оставляет несколько поцелуев на твоей щеке и шее. Его руки обвиваются вокруг твоей талии, заключая тебя в объятия.
— Как всё прошло? — интересуешься ты.
— Как обычно, — ворчит Хвитсерк.
— Почти всё готово, садись. — Ты оставляешь несколько поцелуев на его губах, чувствуя ��ебя намного довольнее чем раньше.
Ты знаешь, что тебе следует быть более аккуратно, когда ты скажешь о том, что сделала сегодня днём. Поэтому ты просто надеялась, что он поймёт тебя правильно.
Тёплая вода ласкала твоё кожу, пока ты сидела напротив своего мужа. Хвитсерк привык, что обычно вы лежите вместе, прижавшись друг к другу. Но сейчас, ты захотела сесть напротив него. Он внимательно и с вожделением следит за тобой, поглаживая твои колени и бёдра. Ему хочется быть ближе с тобой, почувствовать твоё тепло, нежность, твою кожу и привязанность.
— Ты сегодня слишком тихая. — Хвитсерк оставляет поцелуй на твоей коленке. — Всё в порядке?
— Да. Всё хорошо.
Ты меняешься своё положение, пододвигаясь ближе к своему мужу и дотрагиваясь до его талии, обнимая его.
— Я сделала кое-что, что может напугать тебя, я предполагаю.
— И что же? — интересуется он.
— Я убила Сванхилд.
Ты видишь удивление в глазах Хвитсерка, который теряет дар речи на несколько мгновений. Он слегка поникает, пока ты наблюдаешь за ним.
— Иди сюда, — произносит он, приглашая тебя в свои объятия.
Ты прижимаешься к нему, занимая место уже ближе к нему, теперь прижимаясь спиной к его груди. Хвитсерк утыкается носом в изгиб твоей шее, он обнимает тебя одной рукой, вторую держит на твоей ладони. Ваши пальцы переплетаются.
Хвитсерк знал, какая ты. Он видел это ещё до того, как пытался завоевать твоё расположение и доверие. Ему на самом деле не на что жаловаться, потому что его любовь к тебе была безусловной.
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A Taste of Heaven Masterlist *ON HATUS*
Any smut chapters will be marked per Tumblr's community labels, you will need them turned to show to see them.
Contains: Lots of fluff, Smut (oral sex F and M receiving, P in V, CONSENT, food play but not feederism, gentle dom Hvitserk, fingering.) OC is a chronic pain/migraine sufferer, there will be themes of this throughout the story. Rest Your Weary Hands the relationship between the brother will be healthy and loving. Ivar will still have osteogenesis imperfecta. Food, cooking, recipe books, historical food and meals.
Smut💦 Angst😨 Fluff ❤ Violence🔪 Gore🤢 Medical 💉Triggering material🚩
Some of the chapters and snippets will be put to music, not listening to the music won't affect the story. Updates will vary, some days I might do two and other times I'll go a week without posting anything, there will be a time where I will open requests for snippets so you as the reader can have a piece of the universe I've cobbled together.
What's a snippet?
A snippet is an optional one-shot that adds context to the story and expands on some small themes that will appear throughout the story, not reading them won't affect the story but it will take away some of the more fluffy and/or mundane 'day in the life' elements.
After years of study and effort, you finally secure your dream job, as one of the head curators at the best museum in New York. After inheriting a huge brownstone you're looking for a roommate when your best friend Ubbe comes up with a suggestion, his younger brother Hvitserk. Better yet, you're a food historian and he's a three Michelin star chef.
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Comment if you want to be tagged.
Part 1❤
Part 2❤
Part 3😨❤
Part 4 😨🔪❤❤
Part 5❤❤❤❤❤❤💦
Part 6 ❤❤💦
Part 7❤💦💦💦
Part 8 😨❤💦
Part 9 😨❤💦
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miss-madness67 · 2 years
The Broken Christian
Hvitserk x Reader
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In court, there was a Christian man named Athelstan that always looked sad. In his face lingered the expression of someone that has seen a lot during his lifetime, and he was not that old. Mostly, he tended to keep to himself in social gatherings, but he seemed rather close to King Alfred. Even though back then I was fairly new to the King’s villa, I heard he had not been there long either. Perhaps it was the desire to meet someone like myself, someone who was also lost in the vastness of court and the emptiness of etiquette. Or maybe there was just something in his dark eyes that attracted me to him. I am not sure what it was, nor do I care, but it was that sentiment there that lured me to speak to him.
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AO3 / PA
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When in Bali...
Summary: You were supposed to go to Bali with your partner for your one-year anniversary. Instead, you’re there alone, heartbroken. Will reuniting with a friend you know from a summer vacation in elementary school be able to fix it?
Beginning Notes: I was thinking about @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie’s fic challenge when I came up with this, but Bali sadly wasn’t on the prompt list. Still hoping that this'll do as good as Sandcastles.
Tagged: @bragisrunes @demon-of-the-ancient-world @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @punkrocknpearls @alicedopey @batmandallyboy (hmu to be added to any taglist!)
Masterlist | requests are OPEN!
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This summer holiday has been nothing short of awful. First, you catch your partner cheating on you two weeks before you’re supposed to fly, then you find out you can’t get your money back, and then, a wheel broke off of your suitcase. It’s a wonder you even made it to your resort alive.
Now, you’re at the pool, nursing a Mojito in hopes of soothing your heartbreak. There aren’t many people around. Most of them are probably going out. An elderly couple is suntanning across from the pool, there’s two kids throwing a ball in the shallow area and a guy at the bar that looks weirdly familiar. He’s practically devouring his chicken wings and you swear you know him.
The second you start looking away, the two of you make eye contact, and he gives you a bright smile, before returning to his wings.
It happens a few more times in the following days. Each time you see him, there’s this feeling you know him. But from where?
On your fifth day there, you eat dinner at the hotel’s buffet. You haven’t gone out once, either moping at the pool or your room. What’s the point without any company?
You grab this and that off the buffet, only avoiding the shrimps that look a little gray and the chocolate you’re saving for later. At your table, you’re completely alone, and you feel like you’re back in high school.
The stranger walks in, which confuses you, because you’ve seen him leave this hotel with a blond man a bunch of times while you were still lying at the pool. He hasn’t eaten here while you were there, not once.
Every table around you is deserted, and he still makes a beeline for yours. You send a silent curse to any god there might be but put on a friendly smile.
“Hey.” He says. “Saw you sitting all alone, and I thought I’d join you.”
“Hi.” You reply.
“I’m Hvitserk, by the way.” He tells you, holding out his hand. You pause. Hvitserk isn’t a common name, and you’ve only heard it once in your entire life.
You’re sitting on the beach near your parents, trying to save this sad sandcastle when you hear a shriek. Turning around, you see a blond girl your age throwing a crab into the sand after picking it off her leg, before running after a tall boy who’s laughing with sibling-appropriate malice.
“Hvitserk!” she screams. Behind her, a boy with dark hair cackles loudly, before the boy next to him elbows him.
The boy that is being chased runs up to you.
“You have to hide me!” he says, sitting behind you. “My sister is crazy!”
The blond girl that was chasing him isn’t impressed, crossing her arms to show that she can still see him, before she stalks off. You spent the rest of the afternoon ‘hiding’ Hvitserk and building more sandcastles. At some point, the darkhaired boy that was his younger brother crawled over, critizing your castle.
Third-grade you was crushed and immediately entered a sandcastle building contest with him, with Hvitserk as judge. For the rest of your stay in Spain, you and Hvitserk were inseparable.
Quickly, you shake it. “Y/N.” you reply. “Are you from Norway?”
“Yeah, I am actually.” Hvitserk says.
“That’s pretty far.” You comment.
“What about you?” Hvitserk asks.
“I’m studying in Australia, so Bali isn’t too far.”
“You’re really familiar.” Hvitserk blurts out suddenly. You laugh dryly.
“Does that line usually work for you?”
“No, I’m serious.” He insists. “Were you in Spain for summer vacation? Like in elementary school?”
“No fucking way.” You say. “You’re Hvitserk Lothbrok?”
He nods, and your mouth falls open. “Oh my god. I thought I’d never see you again!”
“Fate works in mysterious ways.” He says, making his voice a little too deep to be serious.
“How are Ubbe and Ivar? And Brynhildr and Aslaug?”
“They’re all good.” Hvitserk says. “But Brynhildr is actually called Sigurd. He’s trans.”
“Oh so he’s the blond guy I thought was your boyfriend.” You reply. Hvitserk grimaces.
“Ew, no! He’s my brother.” Then, he smirks. “Wait, have you been stalking me?”
“No.” you protest. “Well, maybe a little bit.”
“Are you saying I’m goodlooking?” Hvitserk asks, casually taking a fry from your plate.
“I’m saying that I’m heartbroken and bored. And yes, you are semi-attractive.”
Hvitserk makes an insulted noise. “All these years of friendship and you call me semi-attractive.”
You laugh, sliding your plate to him, which he happily accepts.
“Fine. Hvitserk, you are so hot and sexy that you’re making me forget why I ever dated my ex in the first place.”
“Good.” Hvitserk says. “What are you doing in Bali anyway?”
“Non-refundable one year anniversary trip.” You grimace.
“Ouch.” Hvitserk nods sympathetically.
“What about you?” you ask. It’s nice catching up with Hvitserk. He’s exactly like you remember. Well, maybe a bit more flirtatious.
“Yearly Aslaugssons trip. Except that Ubbe has a kid on the way and doesn’t want to miss his daughter’s birth.”
“I haven’t seen Ivar around.” You comment.
“He’s kind of turned into an edgelord so he refuses to leave his room to tan. Sigurd’s out with his fiancé today, and I wanted to cheer you up.”
“Did I look that sad?” you ask. After a pause, Hvitserk nods, before you both burst into laughter.
“You should come with us tomorrow. I’ve convinced Ivar to come along for drinks and tacos, and he’s taking his girlfriend. Sigurd’s taking his partner. Why don’t you come as my date, so I’m not alone?”
“I don’t know.” You say. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“Ivar and Freydís will be very preoccupied, but Sigurd’s partner is a treasure. They’ll love you; I promise.”
You think about it for a second. It could be fun, and your ex cheated. It’s okay to go as a platonic date for Hvitserk three weeks post-breakup.
“Please?” Hvitserk asks, making puppy eyes at you.
“Fine. But only because you let me win against Ivar when my sandcastle was falling over.”
Why are you feeling so nervous? It’s only a night out with an old friend of sorts. You’ve put on the dress that was meant for your anniversary dinner, a long bodycon dress that makes you feel pretty even now, when you’re feeling out of sorts.
You kept your makeup simple because Hvitserk casually forgot to tell you the dresscode, but it doesn’t matter because you managed to tan enough that it made you look just a little bit refreshed.
Hvitserk knocks at your door right on time – which surprises you. You’d think that Ivar would be perfectly punctual, and Hvitserk ten minutes late at the very least, but he’s there, and he’s smiling brightly, just like he did when he was still a kid.
“Hi.” You say, grabbing your purse off the desk and closing the door behind you. “How’s your day?”
“Getting better and better.” Hvitserk jokes, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m serious, you’re looking good.” He insists.
“I better. Spent at least an hour overthinking this dress when I bought it.”
“Yeah. Would be a pity if the dress went to waste.” Hvitserk murmurs, before he lets you out of the room and leads you to the entrance of the resort. There, Ivar and Freydís are already waiting.
“I thought Hvitserk was talking shit when he said that the Y/N was also in Bali.” Ivar greets you. He’s standing upright now, supported by legbraces and crutches.
“Still salty about my sandcastle being better than yours?” you ask, and he rolls his eyes.
“Mine was clearly better. I’d say the judge was only a bit partial.”
“Freydís.” His girlfriend introduces herself.
“Y/N.” you answer. “Where’s Sigurd?”
“Him and Gale are already there. They said they wanted to enjoy the music a bit before Hvitserk begins ordering the entire menu.” Ivar replies. Hvitserk snorts, absentmindedly grabbing your hand as the four of you start walking. You blush furiously, but don’t let go. Not quite yet.
The restaurant is right at the beach, and a stranger comes bounding up as soon as you cross the threshold.
“You guys are just on time.” They announce. “Sigurd wanted to start ordering appetizers, even though that’s clearly Hvitserk’s assigned job.”
They go around hugging everybody and hug you too. “You must be Y/N.” they say.
“Yeah.” You reply.
“Sigurd told me you gave him your dessert once after Hvitserk ate his while he was in the restroom.”
“That was only because he braided her hair so nicely.” Ivar says sarcastically. So Sigurd and Ivar are still always fighting. You think.
Gale leads you to the table, where Sigurd is talking to a waiter. He hands Hvitserk the menu blindly, whose eyes immediately lights up. Ivar was right – Hvitserk orders six out of the eight appetizers on the menu.
“How are you going to eat all that?” you ask.
“My stomach knows no bounds.” Hvitserk replies. You all sit down, and Sigurd hands you a drink.
“It’s good to see you.” Sigurd greets. “I ordered a Mojito for you. Hvitserk mentioned you were obsessed.”
“Good to see you too.” You reply, before you turn to Hvitserk. “I am not THAT obsessed with Mojitos.”
“Yeah, you only had them each time you ordered from the poolbar.”
“Who’s the stalker now?” you fire back.
Appetizers come and go, as well as the main course, and Hvitserk keeps true to his promise, devouring everything that comes near his plate. At some point, Gale decide that they are full, and Hvitserk happily accepts their plate.
You catch up with Sigurd, since Ivar is making hearteyes at Freydís, who is talking to Gale and Hvitserk. He tells you all about the things you missed since Spain. From Ivar’s braces and his transition to Ubbe and Bjorn setting the BBQ on fire during a family reunion.
At the end of dinner, everyone except Hvitserk is stuffed, and getting ready to head back to the hotel.
“You and Y/N should stay, have dessert and catch up some more.” Freydís suggests, throwing Ivar one of those looks that only your longterm partners or siblings can understand. However, Ivar’s mouth not-so-subtly tugs into a smirk.
Before you can protest, all four of them are gone, Ivar handing Hvitserk some money for the check, who happily accepts while reading through his dessert options.
“Let’s share.” He suggests
“Share food? With you?” you say, only half-joking.
“We shared your fries.” He reminds.
“That wasn’t really decided by me.” You laugh. He hands you the menu, pointing out both options. In the end, you go for lava cake with vanilla ice cream, and Hvitserk scoots closer as the waiter brings a last round of drinks, courtesy of Ivar.
“I’m actually getting hungry for dessert.” You tell Hvitserk. What you don’t tell him is that all those drinks have made you slightly tipsy and Hvitserk is starting to look even better than before.
“And my stomach knows no bounds?” Hvitserk asks. You groan, leaning back against him.
“I think eating even more is a shit idea, but I really love lava cake.” You admit. Hvitserk puts an arm around you, and you don’t mind at all.
“Did you know I had a crush on you in Spain?” Hvitserk suddenly blurts out. You sit back up, staring at him.
“What?” you ask.
“It’s true!” he insists. “Honestly, I can understand younger me perfectly.”
You laugh, but you feel yourself growing nervous – in a good way. For a moment, you think back to your ex, but honestly, the feelings for them haven’t been very strong for a few months already.
“So you’re saying you have a crush on me now?” you ask. Before Hvitserk can answer, the waiter sets down the dessert. You both dig in, and holy fuck – it’s good.
“I take it back, eating this is a great idea.” You say between bites.
“I might have a crush on you now.” Hvitserk says after swallowing his first bite. Surprised, you cough, some of the cake getting stuck in your throat. Hvitserk smacks your back, until you can breathe again.
“Couldn’t that wait until I had swallowed?” you ask, your eyes teary.
“Oh yeah. Sorry about that. Want me to kiss it better?”
You had forgotten how forward Hvitserk was.
“Uhh...” you mumble. “Sure?”
He leans forward, softly kissing you. You almost protest when he pulls back. You finish the dessert in comfortable silence, and on the way home, Hvitserk holds your hand again.
Dutifully, he drops you off at your hotel room, but before he can go, you pull him down to kiss him. After a few seconds, Hvitserk deepens the kiss, and holy fuck, he was an amazing kisser. Out of breath, you break apart.
“I’ll see you at the pool tomorrow?” you ask.
“Yeah.” He says. “I guess I should go to Bali more often, if it turns out like this.”
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jadelynlace · 5 months
A Slice of Lime, Please⎮Ink Drinker Modern Vikings AU [Ivar x F!Reader]⎮Deleted Scene
read more Ink Drinker here
Author's Note: With the general time line of this blurb, and the video I saw earlier, I've concocted this piece. And trust me, I was grinning like an idiot the whole day at the station as I kept going back to this. This is a much lighter piece over the angst of the next blurb coming. I said what I said.
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It’s sweaty bodies, music a bit too loud for your liking, and the general wave of the patterns voices as eye swatch the game on the screen. They pull out quietly, only to round up their decibels a moment later. You agreed to the night out when you were in much better spirits and now you’re following through with it all and you hate it. 
These are the moments you loathe—being out with nothing to show for the fact that you and Ivar are together. Except, you’re not. To keep the bubbling beast of Ivar’s anxiety at bay, but you would go to the ends of the earth if you thought it would help him.
Sometimes, you wonder if anyone knows; every so often you catch Hvitserk looking at you for a second more than what seems appropriate. And rather than question it, you let him sit in his own unease with whatever it is he’s searching for. Right now, it’s his expression as he watches you, watch another woman offering to buy Ivar a shot. 
You watch this woman undress him with her eyes, pulling the black tee from where it’s tucked to reveal the ink on his chest, the muscles you traced your nails over that morning. How she brings her pupils up and down and wonders if his size matches with what she’s looking at. You have half a mind to tell her that it does. You wonder if she wants to know about his interest, his quirks, or if she just wants to look at him. Instead, you look back at Hvitserk and raise your brows; if you’re going to have a feeling, it better be towards something you can handle.
“What?” You ask Hvitserk and he shakes his head. 
“Nothing, nothing,” He lies and you narrow your eyes.
“Hvitty?” You then ask. “Hvitserk,” You demand.
“Y/N, it’s nothing,” He then tells you and you can see he’s starting to dig the hole.
“You’ve been doing that for the last week,” You grumble.
“It’s just…” Hvitserk starts.
“Yeah, a slice of lime, please,” You hear Ivar say to the bar tender.
“On the rig check yesterday…” Hvitserk starts.
“Hey, brother,” Ivar snaps his fingers behind him, “No work talk. No firefighter stuff,” And Ivar turns back around.
“I’m trying to tell something to my partner,” Hvitserk says, placing a very careful emphasis on how he speaks. 
“Are you having a stroke?” Ivar tries.
The woman follows, two shots, two lime slices, and she hands Ivar’s respective parts to him. 
“No, I’m not,” Hvitserk snaps.
“Well, you’re about to,” Ivar says and he takes the lime slice—and much more quickly than you anticipate from his large hands—shoves the rind between your lips. Without a word to the other woman he tosses the shot back, his neck snapping backwards before his hands reach to your cheeks as he pulls you forward, sucking the lime from between your lips.
You feel your heart stop, your body moves with how Ivar dictates, and Hvitserk doesn’t miss the way you close your eyes, or the way both yours, and Ivar’s beings deflate. He tries so very hard to hide the smile that comes over his lips and he fails. But, he doesn’t quite care.
The moment you feel Ivar slowly pulls back, your eyes open quickly, widely as they watch his slowly open. 
“Oops,” He tries, “Must have mixed you two up…” He says so that only you can hear it, bastardly smirk on his lips. “Is she still there?” Ivar adds, louder.
“Nope,” Hvitserk states. “And for the record, Ivar, cardiac arrest is the correct medical term. That wouldn’t cause a stroke,”
“It wouldn’t?” Ivar tries, “Oh, I guess that’s why you majored in para-medicine and I majored in mathematics,”
You spit the lime out into your hand and hand it to Ivar, who only offers you a wink.
“Can’t be surprised by what you already know,” Hvitserk sings. 
@smileysam13579 @dreamtherapy @angelofthenightposts @unbetaedimagines @readsalot73 @queen-sarang @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @prettyinpayne @quantumlocked310 @mighty-ragnarssons @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @queen-of-upshur @nanahachikyuu @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @fatedwithmbc @hashimily @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing @theanxietyqueen17 @trip2themoon @tgrrose @synnersaint @kataphine @prepare4trouble @abbiii72 @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @93xdiagonxalley @ivarisms @nordicshieldmadien @ironynoticony  @ivarsgard @cosmicmerbabe @smears-and-spots @kaybee87 @t4medicroe @noway4u @southernbe @anakindoesntlikesand @mymindfuckery @noonespecial90 @hypocrtic-trash-baby
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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literaryuppsala · 2 years
You all over me.
Title: You all over me by Taylor Swift.
Pairing: Hvitserk x Fem!Reader
Summary: Hvitserk is your first love. 
Words: 3517.
Warnings: SMUT! P in V, unprotected because he’s a viking, If you’re not, you still need It, there’s loss of virginity, oral (fem receiving), that’s kinda dark meaning reader and hvitty met she was underage, but nothing happened before she got older, either way i’d like to clarify that. I guess that’s all, either way proceed with caution. 
A/N: I deleted my other account (stylinsonliving) and all my works will be reposted here, any doubt send me an ask. Here for you anon, the answer for your ask, If you’re out there, there she is, and answering the other one, I’ll make part 2 for her, just wait a little. My asks are always open: you can request a filthy smut, a relationship advice and my political opinion, I’ll answer to all of it. Feedback is always welcome and my mistakes are always mine.  
Filth below the cut, enjoy ♥
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It was a summer night, warm and humid. But just as the other days in Wessex, the cold wind was unrelentless. It rippled through your clothes, getting the skirt of your dress slightly damp, untying the intricate braids that keep your hair in place, sending goosebumps through your skin. You stood outside your room, on your balcony, looking up at the sky because you never saw it so clear, just like a dark blue sheet covered in tiny, sparkly dots. The stars shined as brightly as the moon, you couldn’t stop looking at it, you were in awe. 
“I’m afraid it's too late for you to be out here, your highness.” You heard Hvitserk’s voice from behind you and smiled to yourself. 
“It’s a wonderful, magnificent night, Lord Hvitserk…” You answered softly. “Too beautiful to be admired through stone railings… Don’t you think so?” 
“You shouldn’t be out here in plain sight.” He insisted, standing next to you. “You know we are under attack.” 
You sighed heavily, avoiding his gaze that you felt on yourself and looking straightforward, you answered under your breath. 
“I know, Lord Hvitserk… I know…” 
“Then why are you out here, putting yourself in danger?” He asked slightly angry, his stare burning holes in your skin but you still didn’t look back. 
Hvitserk made you nervous, he intimidated you. He was older, bigger and extremely beautiful, you were lost since day one. The first time you laid your eyes on him was the first time you ever saw a viking, you heard stories, but to actually see one of them, Hvitserk was the first. 
You were a young girl back then and you had to gather all your courage just to greet him. When he smiled back, your cheeks got flushed, a reaction that became a routine every time he was around. 
As you grew up, you watched the transformation that turned the viking into a christian man. A true friendship sparkled between himself and your father, king Alfred and, as the years went by, Hvitserk became Alfred’s most trusted man, to whom he would confide his darkest thoughts and deepest feelings, so much that the king just gave him a title and the permission to marry any saxon woman he wanted, but he didn’t. 
“I just wanted to take some air. Was suffocating inside my chambers the whole day.” You answered and Hvitserk did not miss the whiny tone. 
“You were there for protection. You don’t know what these men are capable of.” He insisted. 
“You do, don’t you, my lord?” You teased, a confident smile on your face when you finally looked at him. 
“Yes. I do.” He answered bitterly and your victorious grin immediately died on your lips. 
“Forgive me… Didn’t want to disrespect you.” You apologized shyly, looking away again.
“My past does not embarrass me, princess.” He smiled even though you couldn’t see It, you could hear it in his tone. “I’m a proud viking.”
“I thought you were a christian man now…” You mumbled under your breath.
Hvitserk approached carefully, cold lips touching softly over your ear, his beard scratching on your jaw. 
“Let’s make it our secret then.”  
You snapped looking at him, faces closer than you thought, your nose brushed against his, the warmth of his breathing touching your face, cheeks flushed at the sudden proximity. But just as fast as he came close, he withdrew, taking his warmth with him as he stood beside you. 
He smirked, looking forward and leaving you a little dizzy, your eyes searched his face for something else, any sign of interest but Hvitserk was a respectful man, he never tried anything with you, wouldn’t start all of a sudden. He kept you company, both of you in silence until you excused yourself and went back to your room.
Later, on that same night you were sitting at your dressing table, untying what was left of your braids, combing through the strands and undoing the knots created by the wind. Hvitserk’s face was all you could think about, but there wasn’t anything new about this, he was the only man to ever mess with your morals just by existing. 
You were promised since your very first breath, destined to marry the king of Mercia, It didn’t matter who he was. But It seemed that your heart had other plans for you. You had strong feelings for Hvitserk, you didn’t quite know when it happened, but as soon as you started to blossom as a young woman, the viking turned christian started to show up in your most secret dreams. 
You looked up, distracted by the beautiful night outside your window when a timid knock on your door dragged you out of your thoughts abruptly. You got up, covering your nightgown with your silk robe before walking towards the door to open It. 
“Princess.” He whispered, cheeks slightly flushed. 
“What are you doing here?” You gasped in shock. “It’s late.” 
“I know.” He answered nervously. “I couldn’t sleep.” 
The silence between you two was heavy, surrounding you both with the weight of everything you didn’t say. Swallowing hard, you moved backwards making room for him to enter and so he did, closing the wooden door behind him. 
You looked at him with hooded eyes, it took you some time to do something, but when it hit you, you untied your robe and let the garment fall to the ground. Hvitserk walked towards you, his hand finally touched your cheek, so softly you asked yourself If it was really there. 
“Tell me to go.” He begged, fingers tracing down your cheek. His thumb met the soft flesh of your lower lip and his eyes followed. “Tell me to go, princess.” 
“But… I don’t want you to.” You mumbled under your breath. 
Was like a magnet pulling you towards him, you leaned into his touch and closed your eyes, you wanted to feel more, you needed to feel more. In an instant he was on you like a bear, as if he listened to your thoughts, kissing you feverishly. His lips moved against yours as he roughly opened ‘em up and slipped his tongue into your mouth. You quickly pulled away with widened eyes, hands on his chest keeping him away from you as you looked at him with further embarrassment. 
“I-I don’t… I don’t know what to do.” You confessed, blinking nervously at him. 
You had never been kissed. Your father told you since you were a little girl you should save yourself for your husband, your kisses too, and so you did, you obeyed. Hvitserk looked at you with worry on his features, you felt as his hesitation started to win, so you kept going, held his hand and pulled him closer again until your lips were almost touching.
“Teach me.” You begged breathlessly.
Hvitserk nodded and kissed you again. His hands found your hips and It felt like they belonged there, so did your arms around his neck, fingers on his hair. He was more patient this time, kissing your lips slowly, sucking on your lower lip, nipping at the flesh softly until you parted your lips inviting him in. His tongue massaged yours roughly, was messy and wet, but sent shivers straight to your core, a warmth you weren’t used to. 
He took you to bed, parted the kiss making you sit at the edge and kneeled in front of you, between your legs. His hands were calloused on your skin, the roughness from his life years caused a nice sensation on you. You gulped when he started to raise your gown and you raised your hips a bit just so he could roll up the garment on your waist until you were exposed under his hungry gaze. You shivered, his eyes met your naked core and he licked his lips. 
“Lay down, little one.” He mumbled and you nodded, obeyed without question. 
He held your ankles and raised your legs until your feet touched the mattress. You felt almost too exposed, but before you had any complaints to vent, you felt a wet pressure between your legs. You raised your head and looked down at him with a frown. 
“What-What are you d-doing?” You asked, but he didn’t answer, he just kept going, licking through your folds slowly. You felt the tingles, a strange feeling, different from everything you could ever make yourself feel. 
You weren’t a complete stranger to pleasure, you were a curious being by nature, you used your fingers on yourself and made yourself cum a few times, but your own fingers could never do what Hvitserk was doing with his tongue. 
He licked a fat strip through your core, the tip of his tongue teased your clit before he started sucking on the little nub, you hissed at the little shock he caused on your lower belly. 
“Oh sweet Lord.” You moaned, closing your eyes, gripping at the sheets under your body. 
He didn’t stop, his mouth was unrelenting, merciless. He circled your clit once again, tight and slow circles around your little bud making It grow swollen. He sucked on it steadily, his teeth brushed against the nub sending waves of pleasure through your body and causing more slick to pool in your core. You just knew his beard was glistening. 
You felt when Hvitserk’s forefinger traced the outline of your opening, went up and down your folds coating the tip with your wetness and his saliva, pressing It inside you a few moments later. Your vision got blurry, the burning sensation almost unbearable as he started to pump the tip of his finger in and out of you slowly, mouth still working on your clit. 
Unconsciously, one of your hands met the crown of his head, fingers plunged deep into his soft hair while your hips started to move on their own accord, grinding against his face you didn’t notice when his first knuckle disappeared inside you. Hvitserk groaned against your folds, greedily sucking on you until your orgasm started to form on your lower belly.
The stretch inside you grew bigger, the burning sensation was back and then you knew you had two of his fingers deep inside your pussy, he curled them up finding the sweet spot you could never reach with your own fingers and you mewled loudly. You tried to hold your moans, but Hvitserk’s name came out of your mouth like a song you couldn’t stop singing. 
The build up sensation finally snapped when he gave you a particular good squeeze, dragging from your lips the sweetest sounds. Your body arched against the bed and you trembled as you closed your legs on his face. 
He got up, face all shiny and glossy. He cleaned his mouth with the back of his hand before standing in front of you. You raised your upper body on your elbows and looked at him with wide eyes. 
“Will you…” You didn’t finish the sentence, hoping to God he would understand what you meant. 
“What?” He smirked. 
“Please… Don’t make me say it.” Your cheeks flushed. 
“I would like to hear It.” He insisted, still standing in front of you, eyes on your naked, glistening core.
“Will you… Have me…” You mumbled, suddenly feeling self conscious of your body, sitting up and pushing your gown down your thighs. 
Hvitserk held your wrists making you stop, the spark was there again, the little shock between his hand and your skin. You looked up, hooded eyes focused on his face when he pulled you up so you were standing in front of him. He grabbed your other hand and pulled them towards his lips and kissed your knuckles, soft, wet lips making you feel funny. 
After a few seconds he took your hands to his clothes, fingers on the ribbon that kept his tunic in place. You were shaking, struggling to untie the ribbon but he helped you. Once you were done, he pulled the tunic over his head, letting it fall to the ground around his feet. 
“What’s this?” You asked in awe, tracing the intricate lines painted on his chest skin. 
“Memories of an old life.” He whispered, his hands quickly met your face and pulled you in for another kiss. Slower this time, gentler. 
His lips molded over yours and moved from side to side while he waited for you to follow, and so you did. He guided you patiently until you felt safer. Silently he asked for permission to invade your mouth with his tongue and so you let him. He growled against your mouth and approached more, his chest touching yours while his hands found their home on your hips. 
You felt when he started to push you down the bed, but you didn’t want to stop kissing him so you pulled him with you, arms crossed on his neck, his body falling over yours. His hand met the small of your back and he manhandled you until you were up on the bed. You gasped at the sudden movement and he laughed. 
“Sorry.” He apologized.
“It’s alright.” You mumbled. 
Hvitserk’s hands found the hem of your gown and you raised your hips so he could pass the garment up your waist. You swallowed hard before closing your eyes and raising your upper body and then your arms so he could pull the nightgown out of your body, leaving you completely bare under his gaze. 
“Gods you’re beautiful…” He whispered. “My very own Freyja.” 
He kissed you again, but didn’t stay long, taking his lips down your jaw, kissing your neck. He sucked purple marks from your skin while his hand landed between your thighs. You were slick all over, throbbing when his fingers dived through your folds. 
“You’re so wet…” He mumbled against your skin. “Tell me it’s all for me.” 
“It’s-It’s all for you!” You moaned. 
Two of his fingers were back inside you when his mouth found your right nipple. He sucked on the pebbled nub like a newborn baby, giving It kitten licks, brushing his teeth over the sensitive flesh. While scissoring his fingers inside you, Hvitserk started to suck on the other nipple, pulling It between his wet lips turning you into a moaning mess. 
“Hvitserk…” His name spilled out of your lips like honey, he grunted at the sound and looked up to you, blue eyes sparkling with anticipation.
He pulled his fingers out of you carefully and you whined at the sudden emptiness. He shushed you while he shimmed out of his trousers, holding your left thigh up his waist. You closed your eyes and waited for him to do something, but he stayed there, tip teasing your entrance, arm on one side of your head. 
“Open your eyes.” He whispered and you obeyed again, looking at him with glossy eyes. “Hug me.” Your arms moved before you even registered his words, hugging him tightly. 
Hvitserk kissed your forehead, then your eyes and the tip of your nose. You smiled shyly and nodded, because you knew he was waiting for permission. He left your thigh for a brief moment, held the base of his cock firmly before lining it up with your opening. You whimpered when he rubbed his length through your folds, coating himself with your slick. 
You closed your eyes again, raised your head so your lips met with his sweaty forehead and gasped when his throbbing tip finally entered you. Hvitserk sighed heavily, his arm started shaking uncontrollably after so much time holding all his weight and he put the other one on the other side of your head. 
He pushed himself in a little more and you whined, the stretch and the burn weren’t intolerable, you almost felt good. You spreaded kisses on his forehead while he kept focused, desperately trying not to hurt you. You felt a warm liquid pooling from your opening and Hvitserk stopped moving, looking down between your bodies just to see his cock coated in your juices, painted on a light shade of pink. You sighed heavily before speaking again. 
“Please, move.” You begged breathlessly. 
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He looked at you again. 
“You can’t hurt me.” You answered, one of your hands was on his shoulder while with the other you held his face, lips barely touching while you looked into his eyes. 
You nodded again and he pulled back a little more just to push inside you again until he was finally bottomed out. You whined longer, eyes rolled back into your head while he was stretching you out to your limit. Tears gathered on the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall, but he kissed them dry.
“You’re not a virgin anymore.” He whispered against your temple and you smiled shyly. “How do you feel?” 
“Full.” You answered and he looked back at you, both of you smiling silly at each other. 
He stayed still inside you until your walls started to flutter and quiver around him, dragging soft moans from his lips. He still didn’t move, not until you nodded one more time and when you did it, so did he. He slowly pulled out, gently pushing back in, savoring every new inch of your pussy. 
“Kiss me.” He ordered breathlessly. 
You obeyed again, more used to the tongue kiss when he shoved your mouth with it and began a new rhythm, faster. You hissed and he stopped again, worried about your noises, but you quickly distracted him with another kiss. Wet and messy, making squelching noises just like the ones his hips dragged from yours. 
The first sign of pleasure slipped through your lips as a soft moan, so low he doubted you ever moaned at all. He moved again pressing back inside you making you moan one more time. 
“Sing to me, little bird.” He asked, increasing his pace. 
Heavy panting, soft moans and tiny whimpers started to slip through your mouth like a waterfall, uncontrollably. Your body started to jolt with Hvitserk’s rhythm and you instinctively opened your legs more, making more room for him to move. His chest rubbed against yours roughly, your breasts were pressed under him, his chest hair teasing your nipples. 
“You’re gripping me like a fist…” He moaned, hips starting to slap against yours. “Feels perfect… So perfect…” 
“You meant it?” You whined, the words slipping before you gave it a second thought. 
“My perfect Freyja.” He told you with a smile. 
You whimpered, moving your hips against his thrusts for the first time and Hvitserk grunted, face scrunching up in ecstasy. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you cried out, involuntarily pulling him in. 
He didn’t stop looking at you, focused on your expressions, staring at you like you were his most prized possession. Like you were his. He moaned softly, parted lips quivering while he moved faster, thrusting deep inside you like he wanted to merge both of your bodies. 
“Oh my God.” You breathed, feeling the same knot start to tight on your lower abdomen. 
“Cum for me little one, make a mess for me.” Hvitserk begged and you felt like you could combust at any minute. 
You hugged him tightly, pulled him in pressing his body in your arms, eyes closed and face hidden on his shoulders. He changed the angle of his hips finding your sweet spot again and took you just a few more thrusts for the coil to snap completely, dragging a long moan from you. Hvitserk followed right after, his thrusts got sloppy and a few moments later he came inside you, throbbed so fiercely you felt his seed coating your insides. His tired huff made you shiver completely and he let his body fall on top of yours. 
It took him a few more minutes to roll off of your body, he slipped out of you and you whined at the sudden emptiness. It didn’t last long though, he pulled you in making you lay down on his chest. His heart was beating so fast you could feel it against your face. You stayed like this for a moment until the silence started to bother you. 
“Who’s Freyja?” You asked without looking at him. 
“It’s a goddess from my people. The most beautiful of them all.” He answered softly. 
“You called me a goddess…” You whispered shyly, feeling your cheeks flush.
“I did.” He smiled, touching your chin gently and raising your head, making you look at him. “And I’d worship you every day of my life If I could.” 
“That’s heresy, Athelstan.” You grinned, using the christian name chosen for him.
“I would damn my christian soul, little one, for you.” He kisses your forehead, then your lips. “Everyday, without giving It a second thought.” 
“I guess we already condemned both of us.” You closed your eyes, rubbing your face on his chest, inhaling his scent, trying to carve it in your memory. 
He hugged you tightly, spreading kisses on the crown of your head. 
“I am sorry.” He sighed. 
“Don’t be. I was already yours even before that.” 
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barnes-lothbrok · 2 years
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Dance with me
Ivar x reader
Summary - As everyone is celebrating the recent raids. Ivar watches his wife.
Warnings - implied smut, swears, fluff
Word count - 1k
A/n - Honestly not sure what this is. It was meant to be a cute fluff idea and turned into this.
Song and merriment filled the air as the fire in the heath burned. While the snow fell outside, the hall was filled with joy as  the summer raids were celebrated and praise was given to the gods for the bounty the summer had brought them. 
Kattagat was set for the winter months. This year's crops and raids had ensured that the town and surrounding villages wouldn't starve over the coming freeze. 
Ivar sat on his throne, nursing a cup of mead as he watched the celebrations around him. His people were happy, that should have made him happy too but his gut held a bitter feeling. 
While people fucked in corners and songs were sung loudly, his blue eyes were trained on his wife. 
You had the biggest smile on your face as you sang the latest song, with Hvitserk's arm over your shoulders and cheek pressed against his as you both sang completely out of tune. 
"You sound like dying goats" Ubbe teased the pair of you when the song ended. 
You flipped him off. "Fuck you! We are amazing! The best in all the land" 
You defended yours and Hvitserk awful singing before breaking into giggles when Hvitserk sang an unrecognisable tune as if to prove the point. 
"Gods, Hvitty! Ubbe maybe right" you laughed and patted his shoulder. 
"Whatever do you mean? I have the voice of a siren" Hvitserk sang again, right in your ear to which you shoved him playfully away. 
After a few more rounds of ale, people began to boo your duet. You slammed your cup down on the table and climbed on top. 
"Who dares to boo at their queen!" You roared, with a face of pure rage. 
The hall fell silent for a moment and Ivar moved forward in his chair. For the first time that evening he looked excited. 
You were his killer queen. A shield maiden with legend that could almost reveal Lagertha's. Having grown up around the Ragnarsons, it was no surprise that Ivar chose you as his queen. When you wanted to be, you could be just as deadly as he was. 
You were his rose. Beautiful and sweet but you had your thorns. 
The only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the fire and a few moans from dark corners. There was an air of suspense before you burst out laughing. 
"Wow, that was incredible!" You laughed manically, holding your stomach as you doubled over in laughter. "I'm not going to kill anyone while we are celebrating. I was merely going to suggest I dance instead" 
There was a collective sigh of relief as Ivar pouted and slumped back in his chair. Watching his wife kill would have made the festival more fun. 
"Sigurd! Dear brother-in-law of mine!" You yelled "Give us your best tune" 
Sigurd's band began to play and with a shout of "May we blessed another year! SKÁL!" from you, the party was back under way. 
You danced with Hvitserk on the table, having your own little dance battle throwing the oddest movements at each other before waltzing along it. 
He dripped you in front of Ivar, who's upside down face held a deep frown. His head rested in his hand as he looked completely unimpressed.
"Looks like someone needs a smile" Hvitserk smirked as he whispered in your ear. 
You nodded and approached your husband,  gently placing yourself in his lap. You cupped his cheeks as he scowled at you. 
"Having fun without me, wife?" He said bitterly.
"Not as much as I have with you" you replied before gently squishing his cheeks and kissing his pouted lips. 
A small smile broke his frown as he pulled you in for more. He tasted of the mead he'd been drinking. You pulled away as it became more heated and rested your head against his.
It wasn't for the fact that there were people around, you didn't care for that. Many festivals had seen the king and queen almost fucking on the throne. Ivar never let it get further than making out, your pleasure was for his eyes only. 
"Let's go to our room" Ivar whispered but you shook your head
"Dance with me" you said breathlessly as though he'd stolen the air from your lungs with the kiss. 
He suddenly pulled back and stared at you. "Are you trying to make a fool of me?" He frowned. 
Never had you asked him to dance, you knew full well there were things his legs didn't allow him to do. 
"No" you snapped back quickly "no, of course I'm not" your tone softer. 
"Then why ask of me something I can not give?" 
"Just trust me" you looked him in the eyes. You had a plan that much was clear and he would trust you with his life. You had saved it many times. 
He studied your face before nodding as you slowly moved off his lap and held out a hand to him. 
You waited as he picked up his crutch and limped down the throne steps to join you in a clear space. He swallowed as he felt eyes in him but you kept him looking at you with an encouraging smile. 
Sigurd changed the song, as if you had planned for this, while you gently held his arm above you before twirling around and circled him like prey. 
As he was beginning to feel stupid for just standing there, you span into him and whispered "see you are dancing with me" 
It was then he realised you were using his body to dance on. It may not have been the same as other couples danced but as your body swayed against his, your arms around his neck with his hands rested on your hips, he couldn't help the broad smile on his face. 
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Wips 4 now List
List subject to changes. A view of that I’m giving with at the moment. I’ll refresh this as the weeks pass by.
You may have to select previous or next on links depending on where you left off.
Multiple checks = number of updates / chapters
Most recent info
1. Debut of this is our destiny (Mayans MC) ✔️
2. Our lonely hearts update (Moon Knight) ✔️
3. Javier Peña x black reader (Narcos) ✔️
4. A lighthouse in the dark update (Triple Frontier) ✔️
5. Man with the Dark Eyes update (Pero Tovar)
6. The Longest Ride update (SOA, Jon Bernthal)
7. Thomas Shelby x black reader (Peaky Blinders)✔️
8. A little bit of hope (Triple Frontier) ⬅️ next up
9. The speakeasy (Jake Lockley MN) ✔️
10. Debut- Dark Shadows (original) ✔️
11. Update - the world we no longer know (Shane twd) ✔️
Layla El-Faouly x f reader (Moon Knight)
Layla El-Faouly x GN reader (Moon Knight)
Yay some Vikings stuff! (Hvitty, Halfdan, Rollo, Ubbe)
More of what’s new, updated & to come
(Request I might fill this summer)
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plus-size-reader · 2 years
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Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2070 words
Warnings: FLUFF
Summary: Hvitserk has always seen the reader as a warrior, but sometimes he forgets that she’s a woman too.  
You weren’t surprised to come upon both Ivar and Hvitserk sitting together, talking between themselves.
They did it often, more so now than ever.
What did surprise you though was when you heard Hvitserk mention how saddened he was that he’d yet to have children.
Of all the things he could have been thinking about in the eve of a great battle, you wouldn’t have guessed it was that but still, you didn’t question it.
In a lot of ways, you could understand where he was coming from.
So, after Ivar moved from his place, you took it over, the same topic of conversation now flooding your mind.
“I think I would like to have them too” you shrugged, allowing yourself to have a seat where his brother had just been, not bothering to rehash the conversation you’d overheard between the two men.
Everyone thought about having children.
It was just how you’d been raised, and how the Gods intended it to be.
It was how your society progressed and how your family's lines kept going. You would have been a fool to pretend that wasn’t the natural order of things, and that it wasn’t what you wanted.
Every woman wanted children.
Your mother had had them, and so had her mother, for as far back as your family had been and of all things, the last you wanted was to put an end to that cycle.
Still, it would have been a lie to say that your admission didn’t shock Hvitserk, at least a little.
In all the time that you’d known one another, he’d never thought about you wanting to have children, or even caring about something like that. Though, clearly, he’d been wrong.
“You’ll catch flies like that” you scoffed, gesturing to your friend's mouth, hanging slightly agape as he considered what you were telling him.
It was odd.
Not that he meant for his reaction to be offensive to you in any way. He just didn't have much control over what his face did when you said things like that.
“Sorry” he shrugged, the word leaving his lips quickly, like he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t have been, and in a way, he had.
It was unavoidable.
“Do you really want to have them?” he repeated your words back to you, almost in awe of the answer he knew was coming before it could.
It just didn’t make sense.
If you wanted children all this time, why wouldn’t you have said something  before now? Why wouldn’t you have settled down and done it by now?
Most women your age had already married and had a few children by this point, and there was nothing stopping you from doing the same if it was what you really wanted.
“Is that so hard to believe?” you countered, not connecting the dots as to why this was so hard for him to understand.
As he knew well, it was just a part of your lives.
People had children and there was no reason you would be any different.
“I guess not. I just never thought about you as a mother” Hvitserk decided, trying not to offend you with every word he spoke.
You certainly could have been, and anyone would be lucky to have you as a wife, it just didn’t seem like what you wanted before today.
You had always been a great warrior.
You had a warrior’s spirit, and more heart than anyone Hvitserk had ever met.
That skill was something that had defined you as you grew older, and by this point, it seemed as though it was what you were meant to do with your life.
It didn’t surprise him to learn that you were quite skilled on the battlefield, when he finally found himself there, by your side all those years ago.
What did surprise him was the number of times you managed to catch him off guard.
This moment included.
Your desire to start a family genuinely wasn’t something he’d seen coming.
“And you see yourself as a father?” you teased, kicking your foot out just enough to bump his boot with your own, finding the whole thing quite humorous.
Your mother had always said you had the body of a mother, and a wife more than a warrior, but the truth was, neither you nor Hvitserk had ever perfectly fit either mold.
You simply moved in the direction the God’s pointed you without a second thought.
It had always worked for you before.
“Perhaps. There are quite a few things I could teach a child, wouldn't you agree?” Hvitserk doubled down, surely signing himself up for even more ridicule from you but doing it anyway.
If anything, he’d earned some of your good spirited torment.
“Of course, someone has to teach them how to eat half a bore in one sitting” you laughed, recalling just how sick he’d made himself on that evening, doing so out of spite and gluttony alone.
Hvitserk couldn’t help but laugh as well, considering the point you made happily.
You had a point.
As far as teaching impressionable children about life skills and survival, neither of you would thrive.
However, that didn’t mean the male in front of you had any doubts about how good of parents you’d be, regardless.
Your heart was made of gold, a gift from the Gods to Kattegat, and there was no possible way you couldn’t pass that on to whatever offspring you may have.
“It is a gift” he chuckled, feigning humility, unable to avoid the obvious truth to your statement. You could both teach children quite a few things, even more if you were together than apart.
It wasn’t until he realized that that he had an idea.
“We could have some” Hvitserk hummed, his words coming out of nowhere, so impulsive and ridiculous that you weren't even sure you’d heard them in the first place.
Surely he didn’t mean that.
He couldn't have meant that.
“I’m sure there is a much more fitting bride in store for you, Hvitserk” you allowed, waving off his comment as an ill received joke. It wasn’t the first he’d told, and it surely wouldn't be the last either.
It was true.
You were sure of it.
There was a beautiful woman out there somewhere, waiting to marry the esteemed Son of Ragnar and bear him as many children as he’d like.
There was no reason for him to fret about it now.
You certainly couldn’t imagine this day to be his last, battle or not, and after this, he had more reason than ever to start the family he so desperately wanted.
“I’m serious. Why shouldn’t we have a few little babes of our own, you and me?” he continued, shocking you with his commitment to the subject.
Most of the time, Hvitserk would have chuckled a bit and moved on to something else entirely but not this time.
For some reason, in the time since you’d sat down, he’d gotten it in his head that the two of you could have children with one another.
Out of nowhere.
“Because Hvitserk, we aren’t married and even if we were, who would raise them? You and I hardly have the time now” you asked, gesturing around you.
A hundred feet to your left, there was a man getting his arm crudely removed with an ax, and to your right was a pit of bodies, scattered about.
It was hardly the place for a child.
Let alone ‘a few’ children.
“We could get married. My feelings for you have never been a secret, and we deserve a family just as much as anyone else, perhaps even more” he kept going, his determination filling you with a familiar pride.
He had always been so passionate about the things he cared about, and you loved that about him.
Above everything else, you had never questioned his heart and whether it was in the right place or not.
Hvitserk was a good person, and the Gods had given you a gift when they brought him into your life.
“You really want to do that? To marry me? To have children together?” you recounted, a small smile blooming on your face as you took your turn considering what it would be like.
As you thought about what kind of father Hvitserk would be, and how you could take a break from all the fighting to raise children of your very own, warriors like their parents.
It was a welcome sight, you had to admit that.
He was right, about all of it.
Hvitserk had always cared very deeply for you, and never tried to keep that a secret. This wasn’t even the first time he’d proposed to you in all the years that you’d known one another, but it was the most serious.
In fact, this was the most serious you’d ever seen him in his life.
The man in front of you took a moment to answer, looking between you and his clasped hands before letting out a sigh of decision.
Of course he wanted that. By this point, he was convinced it was the only thing he wanted, above everything else.
“More than anything”
Again, that finality found its way into his voice, bringing you a peace you never thought possible without even meaning too.
All your life, Hvitserk had been the last one to take himself too seriously, to act as the most mature, prepared between the two of you but now, it was he who was trying to get you to settle down.
It almost felt as if the Gods were teasing you.
Not that you minded.
If Loki himself thought this a proper jest, you would have to thank him every day of the rest of your life.
“Alright, Hvitserk, but you must promise me one thing” you began, setting your sword down completely on the grass, and offering a hand to him which he took without hesitation, bringing him that much closer to you.
Almost too naturally, the male found himself kneeling in front of your seated frame, his hands clasping your own, resting in your lap.
In this moment, you could have asked anything of him and he would have done it happily.
Though, that wasn’t all that different from every other moment you two had shared together. Hvitserk was almost always prepared to pluck the sun from the sky if you asked.
Where you were concerned, he’d always find a way, so whatever it was you wanted from him now, it was yours.
No matter what it was.
“Promise me you aren’t doing this because we may die tomorrow” you prompted, freeing one of your hands to gingerly brush your thumb mindlessly over the bone as you looked into his eyes.
You knew he must have been feeling the pressure this war had brought on, just as you were, but that didn’t mean you wanted to make empty promises to one another.
Love was the most powerful thing in the world but it was also the most dangerous if wrongly placed.
You didn’t want him to promise his heart to you again if he didn’t intend to give it to you fully.
“When have I ever made such rash decisions?” Hvitserk teased this time, finding the fact that you two were having this conversation at all too good to be true.
He never would have thought he’d be here, in the middle of a warzone with the woman of his dreams, discussing children and weddings on the night before he could meet his gruesome end.
Thankfully, if there was one thing Hvitserk was especially good at, it was dealing with things as they arose, rather than having a plan ahead of time.
It was one of the reasons you two worked out so well as a team.
“I’m serious, Hvitserk '' you tutted back, your gentle stroking of his jaw coming to an abrupt stop as you urged the man in front of you to be serious for once, like he’d been before this moment.
You needed to know this was really what he wanted, every day, not just on days when you may get yourselves killed.
“Alright, alright. I promise” he hummed, the biggest grin you’d ever seen evident on his face when he finally realized just what you two had agreed to.
He was getting married.
To you.
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honestsycrets · 3 years
Bad Poet | [ Hvitserk x Reader ]
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❛ pairing | hvitserk x reader, hvitserk/ivar [platonic brother spats]
❛ type | drabble
❛ summary | you know hvitserk gets around-- even without ubbe.
❛ tags | verbal arguments, hvitserk has a crush, ivar is an ass.
❛ sy’s notes | hi. i’m still around; just kind of... tired. i’ll write some snippets, i think.
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Hvitserk isn’t exactly the smartest of the Ragnarssons.
You wove a band of leather into your hair as you listened, carefully, and quietly to the brothers at their table. “What kind of poetry is that,” Ivar chided to his brother, tracing the lines of Hvitserk’s drawing tablet. “She won’t want to hear this. Tell her she has pretty eyes.”
“Everyone must tell her that.”
“Who is everyone?” Ivar mocked. “She has no suitors this summer. I paid them off just for you, br--”
You glanced up from your work, catching eyes with Ivar’s bobbing head.
“Shht!” Hvitserk thumped his fist on the table. “Why don’t you shut up?”
“Is she stupid? I’m sure she knows, Hvitserk.”
It’s not as if you didn’t know Hvitserk’s secret. He tries to be quiet; but Ivar? Ivar brings out the wildness in him unlike Ubbe ever had. You pressed down a smile, catch him eye to eye, and continued to weave the band into your hair. He swallowed in response and took the tablet from his brother, fingers twiddling him off.
“You’re no use.”
“Suit yourself. Write your bad poetry and use your hand tonight.”
He scratched sternly at the wax. Bit, by bit, til he made a noise. Rumpled, like he’d had enough of the tablet in his hand and the soft chiding from his brother’s laughter. You paused, drawing the cow hide around the tail end of your hair when you saw the sway of the metal on his belt buckle shimmering before you. In his hand was the tablet, messy and unique. The long scribbles dragged the strokes farther than you ever had seen.
“Hvitserk,” you set your hands on your knees and waited. It wouldn’t be long, anyway. “What is it?”
He bowed his head, bringing the tablet up to the other hand. He fisted it like an old towel, fighting for the right words that were caught up in his throat. “I… well. Theres this tablet.”
“I see it,” you smiled. “Is it--”
“For you,” he cut you off, feeling a rushed sense of confidence. Despite the tremor in his hand, swaying as he extended it out to you, as if it were a leaf swaying in the chilly autumn wind. “I wrote it for you.”
It’s not as if you hadn’t been sitting there. First, with your brother-- then alone, hiding indoors while the men pulled the hard labour outdoors. He was out to oversee the wall of Kattegat while Ivar recovered from a strained break. From the looks of things, his smile behind Hvitserk’s shoulder that was, he was doing just fine.
“It’s not--” he mumbles as he looks around for your brother. Probably praying he didn’t rush in, shank him with his seax. “...good. I just...”
He’s no wordsmith. You flipped the tablet around, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, and read. And he was right-- it was particularly awful. But, to be fair, you heard Ragnar’s was once too. It must be inherited. He drew a chair, cut with ravens, and sat across from you with his head bowed. His hand cradled his knee as he chewed the skin off his bloody lip. “...wanted to write you something.”
You glanced up from the tablet.
“It’s terribly perfect.”
He lifts his head.
“Perfect?” he mimics. “But I-- I can’t write.”
“I know, Hvitserk. That is why I said terrible. Every woman you’ve met knows you can’t write poetry. You’re a fighter, just like Ragnar.”
He laughs, warm like honey sliding down your throat, and you smile back. You’re just another in a long line of Hvitserk Ragnarsson’s momentary fixations; you would be stupid to think it was anything but that.
“Come on. I’ve not talked to that many women! Will you come with me? There is a stream short of my cabin. Let me catch you something special to eat.”
He’s a bad liar, but a cute face.
“It’s going to take a lot more than that, Hvitserk.”
And somewhere, behind him, you hear Ivar scoff. A mean little ‘I told you so’, bouncing off his lips. Hvitserk turns as you use his shoulders to push yourself up, throwing your braid over your shoulder. Hvitserk’s voice churns, thick with annoyance-- it’s almost cute. Almost.
“Shut up Ivar.” 
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@laketaj24 @alicedopey @lisinfleur @flowers-in-your-hayr @punkrocknpearls​ ah... i’m struggling with motivation for tags, please forgive me. let me clean up my list and i’ll tag again.
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New Marco!! 🩷🩷
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hoteldreamss · 2 years
an infectious eternity
— Хвитсерк после долгих и сложных лет своей жизни, находит тебя в дворце князя Олега. Но ты уже не такая, как прежде, всё изменилось, но не ваши чувства друг к другу.
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Часть 1
Часть 2
Часть 3
Часть 4
Часть 5
Часть 6
Часть 7
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A Taste of Heaven Part 1
Series Masterlist
Contains: Fluff, cooking, sort of slow burn.
2,178 Words
Comment if you want to be tagged
After years of study and effort, you finally secure your dream job, as one of the head curators at the best museum in New York. After inheriting a huge brownstone you're looking for a roommate when your best friend Ubbe comes up with a suggestion, his younger brother Hvitserk. Better yet, you're a food historian and he's a three Michelin star chef.
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"Good luck."
Hvitserk was moving in the next day. Someone from work had provided products to wash his clothes and bedding and a spray to clean his items so the mould didn't spread and he was using the restaurant's lawyer in hopes of being compensated for the lost rent due to the black mould.
In the rush to get all this possession out of the house, you didn't talk to him much. You were hunched over the kitchen sink, stuffing in breakfast before you had to run to work. Hvitserk came screaming down the stairs, "sorry I can't stay for breakfast, we have a huge shipment of spice coming in and I need to be there." You tossed him a banana, "see you tonight. I'm looking forward to whatever you're going to cook."
You and Hvitserk had come up with a cooking schedule, you did a fifty-fifty slipt and did meal prep together on the weekend with fresh food from the farmers market.
It was strange cooking with him, you would have thought he would run his kitchen like one of those mean TV chefs but he was always smiling and laughing. You soon began to realise why his staff loved him so much and why his restaurant was so successful, everyone loved working with him and he made people genuinely happy.
"I hope you like stink." Hvitserk smiled, "are you kidding me, stinky tofu is the bomb."
"Mary, can you please bring me those fish?" Mary was a kind older woman, having spent thirty years in an unfulfilling marriage, she left her husband to pursue her cooking career. She came to one of the ten-dollar classes you taught once a month and signed up for a history degree the next day.
"Are we making Garum?" You nodded excitedly, "fuck yeah we are, Roman fish sauce that was loved by plebeians and the upper class. What's not to love?"
You added all the ingredients to an earthen jar, sealing it with a date well into the future, "I wish we didn't have to wait so long for food to do done. Why is there so much waiting?" You smiled, "because people back then had nothing better do to than what things rot."
After that, it was onto recipe research. You pulled a thick paper-bound book out of its case, cotton gloves over your hands and placed the book on a velvet rest. Opening it to the page indicated in your notes, you looked over the recipe.
One fraction of sugar
One fraction of flour
One fraction of butter
One-quarter fraction of milk
It was a pound cake recipe, but what was interesting was the way the recipe was written which made no sense. After looking over the publishing information and comparing the recipe to others by the same author and publishing house.
The conclusion, it was all a scam. The idea was to give people to right amounts but to make sure they fail when making it so they buy fancy equipment. You added it to the list of exhibits that would be shown next month.
"Scam foods through the ages."
At lunchtime, Hvitserk turned up, arms full of food, "hello, what brings you here today?" He smiled, boyish and warm, "well I know I'm never going to get you to come to the restaurant so I brought it to you, and your friends." He looked around and placed the food on the huge steal table in the middle of the department, the amazing smell bringing people over like a spell.
"This is very sweet of you Hvitty, I'll have a receipt and payment for you by the time you leave." He waved his hands, almost offended, "no way in Hel, this is my treat." Mary looked at both of you strangely, smiling to herself.
"Well then, are you going to tell me what I'm about to eat before I put it in my mouth?" He walked over to the table like a boy who just gave a flower to the girl he has a crush on.
"This is salted chicken, it's Ivar's favourite. This is honey bread which is Bjorn's favourite, this is Panzanella salad its Sigurd's favourite, and Ubbe's, which is crispy skin pork." It all looked and smelled amazing but there was one container left, "what's this one?"
He smiled again, it encompassed his face, "your favourite cake." He shrugged when you smiled at him, "we needed dessert."
The food was amazing, it was filling and comforting without being too much. Hvitserk watched everyone eat, the smile on his face growing as the silence of satisfaction did. "I thought you had shipping issues to deal with, how did you get away from work? Not that I'm complaining."
"I'm the owner and head chef, I only hire people who can look after the place if I need to leave at a moments notice." He didn't say it but you knew he was talking about Ivar. As much as he was independent and could look after himself, sometimes he was in so much pain he couldn't move enough to look after himself.
"Lucky you, I run this department and if I left for half a day, the government would cut out funding." Hvitserk shook his head, "I was thinking that maybe I could help with that. Ubbe was telling me you needed more funding to restore some cookbooks and I'd like to put on a fundraiser at the restaurant.
You were so taken aback, you hadn't spent much time with the man and he was already offering to help. Your smile must have been an answer because he was already pulling out a notebook from his pocket.
"You really don't have to do that. We haven't known each other that long, I don't want to impose and please don't feel obligated because I let you stay over." Hvitserk shook his head, "I think you forget what a great friend you've been to my brother. I want to do this, if you say no I'm just going to go over your head."
You rolled your eyes, "fine but only if you let me give you a private tour after lunch." The smile on his face was your answer.
"This is our deadly food exhibit, not only does it have the led plates that caused people to believe that tomatoes were toxic but also the jars lined with lead that ancient societies used to sweeten wine." Hvitserk looked fascinated, "we focus here one food before modernity so unless it's in a scroll, you won't see much about delicacies like Fugu."
He pointed to a panel of photos and dishes in a display case, "what's that?" He saw the excitement on your face, "this is our poison supper club exhibit. They ate toxins that were common in food at the time and recorded their results, these people created the modern FDA."
Hvitserk watched you like you were the most interesting thing on the planet. "This is so cool, is there any way for you to set up some kind of food history thing in the restaurant? I'm sure there would be guests who would love an immersive experience. We could even invite school kids to join."
You were so happy you almost clapped, "I would love to do that, maybe we could do something involving the history of New York?" Hvitserk's hands grabbed your forearms, "you are a genius woman."
It had been a week since Hvitserk had started staying with you. You no longer found it hard to talk to him, in fact, the conversation flowed so naturally that it felt like he had been living with you for years.
The last few days, you had both been busy setting up the menus for the fundraiser and the new experiences at the restaurant, you were having trouble deciding between two dishes for both menus, one was Hvitserk's and one was yours.
Which led you here, with his brothers sitting at your dining room table waiting to bring out both dishes for them to judge. You had cooked a soup on the Waldorf Astoria menu in 1935 and he had cooked the most popular street food from 1922. The competition was friendly and you helped each other with the prep and cooking.
As you tossed the onions in the pan, Hvitserk was looking at your face. He saw the furrow in your brow and the way you leaned in the smell the food every few minutes. For the briefest moment, his chest felt warm and his finger inched to touch you. It passed when you moved to the other side of the kitchen and he did his best to force it out of his brain.
"You ready?" He nodded and helped you with the trays. You walked into the dining room and set the food down, each plate having a little printed card to explain what it was.
"The dish you all decide on will be the one that's put on the menu so make sure it's the best." They looked over the food like hungry animals and you and Hvitserk left them to judge.
"They're going to choose my thing, you know." You shook your head, "no, mine's much more filling. Yours is a snack at best." He laughed a looped his arm around you, the contact making you feel a flutter in your belly.
"Ok then, if you're so sure you're going to win, what do you want for it?" You really thought it over, wondering if you should tell him what you really want, "I want you to move in with me permanently, the house is huge and even if you cover half of everything, it will still be cheaper than rent in your shitty apartment. If you don't want to do that, you have to admit in front of everyone that I'm the better cook."
Hvitserk acted like it was a hard decision but you could see that he had already made up his mind, "fine, if you win I'll move in. But if I win, I move in and you come to the restaurant and let me cook you a three-course meal and you're not paying." You shook your head but stuck your hand out in agreement, the firmness of your shake surprising Hvitserk.
Twenty minutes later, you were called back into the dining room, "so, what's the verdict?" Ubbe smiled, "a dead tie." You blinked in shock, "but the voting system wouldn't allow that." They laughed, "tough shit, we couldn't decide."
Hvitserk slapped you on the back, "well roomy, I guess I'll see you at the restaurant on Sunday."
Sunday came along and you made sure to wear your best casual but nice dress, Hvitserk had told you time and time again that it wasn't like most high-class restaurants and most of the time it hosted families and people on a nice night out.
When you walked in the restaurant was empty, save for a single candlelit table in the middle of the room. "What did you do?" He smirked, "you lost a bet, this is me collecting." He put a hand softly on your lower back and led you to the table, pulling the chair out for you to sit down, "what a gentleman."
He smiled, "my mum raised me well." To your surprise, he pulled up the chair opposite and sat down next to you, "are you going to leave the cooking to your sous chef?" He nodded, "she's a very capable woman, and she wants to practice for the new menu." He was happy you let it go, you had been very vocal about your dislike of the restaurant industry.
The food came out slowly, each course just the right size so you could enjoy the meal without feeling too full. Hvitserk watched you like a hawk, asking questions about what you thought of the food, "this could use some lemon juice, I think it would make it a lot less heavy." He tasted the dish off his own plate and nodded, getting one of the waiters to bring over a lemon wedge before Hvitserk squirted it on the food. He took and nite and moaned, "are you sure you want to be a scientist? You'd make an amazing chef."
You shook your head, "I hate people, someone would leave their food and I punch them." Hvitserk knew by the way you said it there was more to your feelings but he didn't want to push.
The night wore on and by the time you were done eating and talking, you were falling asleep at the table. Hvitserk put a hand on yours, smiling softly, "let's head home. Did you have a good night?" You nodded vigorously, "the best."
He pulled out your chair and linked his arm in yours, locking by before walking you to your car. The night was cool and the stars were twinkling in the sky.
"See you at home?" It took a while for the words to settle in.
"Yeah, see you at home."
Part 2
Tag list:@kelly1buck2ats @sapphicmal @profoundtyrantharmony @malevolentmagnificence @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
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writingsnmusings · 3 years
Mess in the Kitchen
pairing: modern!hvitserk x reader
summary: your husband wants christmas cookies, but something gets in the way...
a/n: i'll be posting a couple christmas fics this month so if you have some requests, send them my way! also, my vikings masterlist is here.
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gif credit: @honestsycrets​
You sipped on the piping hot chocolate, going over the small list you held in your hand. Your grocery trip was supposed to be just an in and out type of thing, but you decided to bring your husband along.
Hvitserk loved food shopping almost as much as he loved you. Almost. You were still determined to keep that #1 place in his heart which is why you agreed to go out into the snow to buy baking ingredients.
The two of you decided on having a date night at home and Hvitserk was adamant about baking gingerbread cookies. One look at his puppy dog eyes and you were a goner. You wished you had more self control because now you were alone in the store as he had wandered off some minutes ago.
Sighing, you pushed the little cart along the aisle, looking for the specific bottle of vanilla you needed. Just your luck, it was on the very top shelf. You grumbled some swear words as you placed your hot chocolate in the little cup holder and struggled to reach the bottle. Your fingers grazed the small glass as your husband spoke.
“I’m loving the view, babe.” You could practically hear the smirk he wore.
“I’m sure you-” You cut yourself as you watched him gulp down your drink. “Hvitty! That’s my hot chocolate!” You whined as you slapped his arm.
He sheepishly smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. “I promise i’ll buy you another on our way out.”
“You sure as hell are.” You playfully glared at him and began pushing the cart to the self checkout area. Hvitserk took care of everything as you made your way outside, not joking about him buying you another drink.
The ride home was pleasant enough as you listened to your husband horribly sing christmas songs. You were so glad he never took up a singing career like his brother. You two quickly got the groceries into the apartment, wanting desperately to get out of the cold.
After a quick dinner of pizza and beer, you started on the cookies. You’d previously looked up a recipe online that seemed simple enough. Hvitserk wasn’t much help during the baking process as he opted to eat the raw batter and decorative icing straight out of the bag. The amount of times you whacked him with the wooden spoon was ridiculous.
“15 minutes and they should be done.” You sighed as you plopped yourself onto the couch next to him. His arm immediately wrapped around you, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I’m so excited.” He mumbled, eyes trained on the television in front of him.
You rolled your eyes at him. Of course he’d be wanting dessert right after eating dinner. You took the quiet moment you had to admire your husband. He was so handsome and you were so in love with everything about him. You’d been married going on two years and the butterflies he gave you on the first date still remained. You were incredibly lucky to have him in your life, he loved you more than anything and catered to all your needs. Speaking of needs, you thought.
“Hey baby?” You whispered as you moved yourself to sit right on his lap, his hands immediately going to your hips.
He hummed, raising his eyebrows at you.
“I miss you,” You ghosted your lips over his just teasing him for a few as your hands played with his braids.
Hvitserk let out a chuckle, “We’re together everyday, my love.” His hands were running up and down your back, you were severely missing his touch.
“No no, I miss you.” Your hips began grinding against his, hoping he’d get the hint at what you wanted. The lightbulb went off in his head in an instant, a small ‘oh’ falling from his mouth.
Your lips crashed against his, his hand coming to hold your head in place as your tongues fought. Hvitserk gripped your hip tightly, helping you move them along his. He reached the hem of your shirt, pulling it up and helping you rip it off. His lips trailed down your neck, leaving little bites and sucking along the way. You threw your head back in ecstasy, finally getting the attention you needed.
Being so lost in each other, you barely had time to register the repeated beep of the fire alarm going off in the kitchen. You scrambled off your husband, both of you making a beeline to the stove that had smoke pouring out of it. Hvitserk cursed as he opened it as hastily pulled out the try and dumped it on the counter. You opened up the small window to air out the room before turning to your husband who had a giant frown on his face.
“You burnt the cookies.” His pout was adorable, but you couldn’t help but laugh as you walked up to him. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you left little pecks along his face.
“I’m so sorry honey.” You mumbled against his lips.
A look of realization crossed his face as he grinned, “You know what? I think i’m actually craving something else.”
You were about to question him when he scooped you up in his arms and headed towards the bedroom.
“Hvitserk!” You giggled at his change of mood.
You we’re really in for it tonight. One, for burning his cookies and two, cause he was really craving you now.
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shestrying2write · 4 years
Mine, Not Ours
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Pairing: Hvitserk x Reader
Warnings: Almost implied smut? 98% fluff !
Word Count: 1,840
Author’s note: I’ve had this in my drafts for so long. I’ve edited the ending like a million times. It’s my first Hvitserk story, I hope you guys enjoy ! Also I really need to start posting at a decent time. Someone yell at me please.
Summary: Caring doesn’t always mean sharing.
Small kisses peppered Y/N’s face as she lay asleep. Her nose scrunched up like a rabbit’s and all she could hear was the low echo of laughter, laughter that she recognized all too well. Her eyes shot open and there she saw him, her Hvitserk. She jumped up and threw her arms around his neck “YOU’RE BACK !” She called out. Her lips landing harshly on his. 
“You weren’t at the docks” he mumbled into her mouth. His smile never once faltering. Hvitserk had been on a raid with his brothers and their arrival had been delayed. His eyes shone bright as he stared at Y/N’s messy hair and bunched up dress. 
She pulled back, sitting on her knees as she smoothed out her dress, staring at him. “I must have fallen asleep,” she mumbled with a frown. She suddenly shot up and ran across her room “I was tired from making these !” She yelled as she bent over, looking through woven baskets. She pulled out a small container and jumped back on her bed beside Hvitserk, who was simply staring at her in awe. His eyes filled with curiosity and his lips curled up into an amused smirk. “Well,” she insisted as she shoved the now open container in his direction. Hvitserk seemed star struck, in awe of his kind-of-girlfriend’s beauty. She saw his hesitation and rolled her eyes as she grabbed one of the treats from the container and shoved it in his mouth. Hvitserk chewed, wary at first and then he leaned over and grabbed another, then another. Y/N’s giggles filled the house as she saw him enjoy the treats. “You’re going to give yourself a stomach ache my prince” shoving the container aside, she shook her head in mock disapproval. 
Hvitserk chuckled and leaned forward, gently moving a strand of hair behind her ear as he whispered “I can never eat enough of your sweet treats,” in a low rumble. Her cheeks immediately went pink and she hit his shoulder as he collapsed back on her bed with laughter. This is how they were comfortable. They played and flirted and slept together, but Hvitserk had never officially made her his and Y/N was too scared to push him. She knew he sometimes shared his brother's wife, and it made her blood boil. But she put up with it because at the end of the night he always came to her. Margrethe was not the nicest person. She didn’t mind being shared but she did not like sharing. In her mind Hvitserk was hers just as much as Ubbe was. She made it known to Y/N that she did not like her. Around the boys however, she was as sweet as the treats Y/N baked. 
He stared at the ceiling, enjoying the warmth of her laughter and the sweet smell of her home. He felt her curl beside him, she said something and Hvitserk was pulled out of his thoughts when she called his name “Huh?” He turned to look at her.
She rolled her eyes and smiled, “I said. Do you think Ubbe would like some?” 
A sliver of anger ran through his veins as he heard his brothers name come out of her lips. “Some?” He grunted as he looked back up at her ceiling. 
He felt her warm breath on his neck as she slowly moved her lips up to his ear. Oh how she had missed him. “Some of my sweet treats” her tone was playful. She knew that her words could be misinterpreted, but she would never betray Hvitserk like that. She loved him and only him. That didn’t mean she didn’t like when he got possessive over her. 
“I’m sure he’d loved to try your sweets” his body quickly moving to pin hers down. His hands holding her wrists above her and his lips glued on her neck “too bad they’re only for me to have” a low growl escaped his lips, now on her jaw. She moved her head to the side and found his lips with hers. She could feel his anger melt away with every nibble of his bottom lip and every smack of their mouths.  
“Tell me of your raid” pulling back from him, she looked into his eyes with wonder. She had never been much of a warrior. When she started fooling around with Hvitserk, he tried to show her some defensive moves, as a way of holding her close to him and pinning her on the floor, but she didn’t mind. Even Ivar had tried, but she was a hopeless klutz. 
Hvitserk collapsed on his back and pulled her to his chest, wrapping an arm around her, holding her as close to his body as he could. Gods he had missed this. His hand lazily played with her hair as he talked of the new people they had met, the jewels they had brought home, the storm they had been caught in. He felt her breath even and saw that her eyes were closed. He smiled down at her “I love you” he whispered to himself. Why couldn’t he just tell her? What if she rejected him? This arrangement between them was after all just fun.
He heard her door open and looked up, stiffening. It was Ubbe, fresh marks on his neck, no doubt he and Margrethe had made up for all their time apart. “Did you talk to her?” His voice was low as to not wake you. 
Ubbe stepped closer and ran his hand gently over her curves. Hvitserk’s jaw clenched as he responded “not yet.”
Ubbe nodded and brought his hand to his belt “I’ll be waiting for her when she—“ their conversation was cut short when Y/N began stirring in her sleep. Frozen in place, all they did was stare at her. Stretching her limbs and letting out a soft yawn her eyes opened and she blinked a couple times, trying to make out whose figure was causing the shadow hovering over her and Hvitserk. When she realized it was Ubbe she smiled. Hvitserk made a fist with his hand, attempting to control his anger as she jumped off of him and up to hug Ubbe, like she had with Hvitserk when she first saw him. 
“Ubbe you’re safe!” She grinned into the hug, squeezing tightly. Ubbe let his hands wrap around her frame and squeezed her even tighter. 
“Did you expect anything less?” With a soft chuckle he felt her pull away. She shook her head and reached over Hvitserk’s body to grab the container that had been forgotten. Ubbe’s eyes glued to her bent figure. Hvitserk had to control himself as to not yell at Ubbe to keep it in his pants. 
She turned back, open container in hand with a huge smile on her face “Please. Try one” she insisted. “I made it with the fruits of the seeds you brought me after your last raid” her voice was soft. 
“So you like my seed?” Ubbe joked as he popped one of the treats in his mouth. How is it possible that both sons of Ragnar could make her cheeks turn this pink? That’s when Hvitserk sat up, clearing his throat as if to remind them that he was still there. Mouth still half full Ubbe continued “it’s delicious. Like everything you make” his hand reached up to stroke her cheek. She leaned into the warm touch, not thinking anything of it. 
“So how has Margrethe been?” Hvitserk interrupted the warm exchange between his lover and his brother. 
Ubbe’s smile turns into a frown, dropping his hand from her face he shrugs. “She missed you brother.” He laughs, “perhaps it’s your turn to go see her. And I’ll keep our dear Y/N here company” 
Y/N was mesmerized by his light eyes and the implication of his words. Surely Hvitserk wouldn’t allow Ubbe to touch her the way he did. She felt the bed behind her shift as Hvitserk got up “Only if Y/N is okay with it” he grumbled under his breath, hand on the door “She is after all a free woman.”
Ubbe leaned in, his lips an inch from hers “I’m sure she’s okay with it” he leaned closer and closer with every word until he could feel her warm lips on his. His hand slipped around her hips and pulled her closer. She didn’t know what was happening. She was shocked and confused. She didn’t exactly encourage him to continue, but she also didn’t stop him. She supposed this was all she was to Hvitserk, a warm hole to bury himself in and share with his brothers. 
The next thing she knew, she felt Ubbe’s lips rip away from her harshly and abruptly. She opened her eyes to see why he had pulled away, only to see Hvitserk standing in front of her, with his back to her, hands in fists, shaking. “Get off her!” he shouted at his brother who stared at him in confusion 
“You said you were fine with sharing her” Ubbe replied shoving his brother back. 
“Well that was before,” Hvitserk looked back at Y/N with sorrowful eyes. 
“Before what?” She mumbled moving forward, staring at him like he had suddenly grown two more heads. 
“Before I realized I wanted to marry you” Silence. That’s all there was for seconds, minutes, hours? Who knew anymore. It was too long.
Ubbe was the first to speak “You have been with my wife” Hvitserk turned to look back at his brother, hanging his head in shame.
“I know brother. But please understand, I cannot stand the thought of anyone touching my Y/N” Ubbe nodded once and stepped around his brother to grab Y/N’s hand.
He brought her knuckles to his lips and smiled at her “Of course I understand Hvitty. I wouldn’t want to share her either.” Playfully leaning in he whispered to her ”You let me know if you ever get bored of him okay?” He chuckled at her reddened cheeks before winking and turning to leave.
Once alone Hvitserk turned to her, eyes looking straight into hers. He half expected her to laugh in his face, but she didn’t. Instead, there were tears in her eyes. He quickly leaned down and wiped her eyes “please don’t cry. You don’t have to marr—“ his speech was cut off by her lips on his, her arms wrapped around his neck tightly.
“I love you” she muttered into the kiss, her lips dancing with his as she tugged on the ends of his hair. “I love you so much.”
“Is that a yes?” He chuckled, hands on her hips, pulling her away to stare into her eyes. She pushed him on the bed and placed a leg on either side of his hips. 
“You tell me” she smirked leaning down to capture his lips again. Tonight was going to be long and he was going to enjoy every second of it.
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