#hug me so hard it crunches my spine back into place lmao
plaidpyjamas · 8 months
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@mistertiberius 's Yautja ocs next to me Y'know...sometimes it's good to be humbled...
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craft-rose · 6 years
up and down
Title: up and down
Pairing: Reader/Hoseok
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Sexy things. 
A/N: I wrote this in one sitting and it probably shows lmao. 
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You climb out of your tent to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. The quiet zip of your tent flaps fills the silence in the clearing as you step into your hiking boots. It’s only as you glance up, shrugging your coat on to shield yourself from the frigid winds, that you spot Hoseok by the campfire, by himself.
Startled by sight of him, you quickly back pedal, crunching a twig under the weight of your boot.
The sound of it cuts through the silence like a knife through butter, catching the dancer’s attention as he lifts his head up to look at you.
Your lips twitch apart as if you mean to greet him, but no words come out.
Truthfully, you’ve always felt a little awkward around Hoseok. You have many of the same friends as him, and you see each other at random social gatherings all the time, but you’ve never really interacted with each other beyond that. It’s always a polite nod, followed by an excuse to go over there.
In that moment, however, there is no over there to run off to.
“Going somewhere?” Hoseok asks, calmly nodding to the flashlight in your hand.
You glance down at it, forgetting for a moment that you have to pee. “Uh …” Usually, you have no shame talking about your bodily functions. In fact you had an in-depth discussion about your menstrual cycle with Seokjin just a few hours ago at dinner. He was curious to know how tampons worked and how often you had to change them.
Suffice to say you’re nowhere near as comfortable around Hoseok.
The second you think to make up an excuse as to where you’re going, the toilet paper that you shoved into your coat pocket earlier, falls out, and unravels at your feet.
Cheeks burning with heat, you drop to your knees to collect the mess of paper, bundling it up into a fat wad as Hoseok casually comes over to help.
Your insides jumble up in response.
Get it together, ________. He’s just a normal guy.
“Is that the same flashlight that Jimin was using last night?” he asks, kneeling down beside you.
You nod, tentatively. “Uh … I think so. Why?”
“He left it on all day,” the idol explains. “The batteries are probably drained by now.”
Curiously, you shift your attention to the flashlight, flicking the switch, but to no avail.
“Shit,” You mutter to yourself, smacking the side of it a couple of times before you finally give up, coming to your feet.
Hoseok straightens with ease, brushing the dirt from his knees. “Do you know the way to the rock?” he asks, referring to the large rock in the middle of the woods where you’ve all been going to the bathroom for the past two nights and three days.
Bouncing a look at the trees beyond the clearing, you feel your stomach tense up. “I think so …” You say, quite unconvincingly.
“It’s pretty dark out there,” he asserts, rubbing the side of his neck. “I can walk with you if you want.”
Your stomach lurches at the idea of that. “Oh. No, no. That’s okay. I-I can manage on my own.”
“Are you sure?”
Quickly nodding, you stumble off into the woods without another word as if to prove some sort of point. To him and to yourself. You’ve always loved camping, and the outdoors, and you certainly don’t need a guy to walk you anywhere.
Especially not Jung Hoseok.
Regardless, you glance back a second later to see if he’s there, dutifully walking you to the rock against your wishes the way Yoongi or Seokjin would have in this situation, but he’s not.
He stays back at camp as you carry on, breaking various twigs and tripping over various rocks and protruding tree roots as you hike deeper into the dark, winding forest.
For whatever reason you’re annoyed he’s not chasing after you, and you’ve no idea why.
Shoving it all aside, you make your way to the rock, squatting a few feet away from the hole that you dug earlier with a wad of toilet paper in your grasp. You normally use leaves to do the job but Seokjin went ahead and bought a pack of biodegradable toilet paper before the trip and insisted that you take a roll.
Within seconds the pressure in your bladder dies down, and you let out a breathless sigh, unquestionably relieved that Hoseok isn’t there to witness this.
Once you’re done, you clean up, securing your pyjama bottoms before turning around to retrace your steps back to camp. You’ve done this at least five or six times in the past few days. More than enough to have memorized the way. Granted you normally have another person to walk with you, or the sun to light your path … but you made it there just fine, so you should have no trouble finding your way back.
You hug your coat as a brisk, positively glacial gust of wind howls through the trees. It’s so cold, in fact, you lose your sense of direction, bouncing a look over your shoulder as you try to remember the way.
“Shit …” You mutter for the second time that night, turning on the spot, trying to identify the markers that you had noted earlier.
There’s meant to be a lopsided tree stump somewhere close, after which you’re meant to turn left and continue in that direction until you arrive back at camp. But as you look back, and to both sides, you find no such tree stump. Only the tallest, dizzying trees and a thick, ugly root that you swear came out of nowhere.
You trip over it as you stumble backwards, quickly losing your footing and falling down to the ground with a swift, heart-stopping snap.
For a split second you’re worried you’ve broken a bone, but the only thing that’s broken is the twig under your ass. Even so, you slowly come to your feet, aching in places you didn’t know existed.
If it weren’t so cold, you’d have stayed and waited until sunrise, but you had no immediate desire to freeze to death in the wilderness. Scrunching your face in pain, you place a hand on your side, where it hurts the most, and forge onward.
Somehow you find your way back to the same thick, ugly root, and the same twig that you snapped in half with the lower left side of your ass.
Wheeling a look around, everything begins to blend together into one dark, blurry haze.
You shift your gaze in all directions, slowly and then quickly as the panic begins to set in.
I’m lost, You realize. I’m actually fucking lost.
Forgetting the camp, you turn back in the direction of the rock to give this another go, but your efforts bring you nowhere. Somehow you reach an incline, meaning you’ve traveled far too deep in what is absolutely and unquestionably, the wrong direction.
You squint hard, trying to find the familiar glow of the campsite, but it’s too dark. So dark you can barely see your hands and feet in front of you.
“Hello?” You call out, weakly. “Guys? Is … is anyone there?”
There’s no response.
Not a sound apart the rustling of branches nearby. Maybe five or ten feet away at the most.
“H-hello? Seokjin? Y-Yoongi? Is — is that you?”
Again, there’s no response. Just more rustling.
The fear and unease of what could potentially happen, slowly but steadily crawls the length of your spine. It grows louder with each second, consuming you as you stand there frozen.
Whatever’s there, it’s not who — or what — you think it is.
I need to run.
And louder.
I need to fucking run!
So loud you can already feel the beast sink its teeth into your throat and rip it out with one sharp tug.
You whip around, dashing off as fast as you can, and with no sense of where you’re going, only the deepest, most powerful surge of adrenaline you’ve ever felt.
“_________?” Someone suddenly asks, maybe half a second before you run straight into them.
Smacking your skull directly against theirs, you fall to the ground with a loud, resounding clunk, the ground shaking beside you as the other person falls down immediately after you do.
Suddenly everything goes blurry, and you forget there’s a beast chasing after you.  
“Holy … fucking … shit …” You groan, grasping your skull. “Fuck me … in the … fucking … ass.”
Your head is aching so badly, you barely take notice of the other person.
“Are you blind or something?” they ask you accusingly, the sound of their voice coming to you swiftly like a kick in the gut.
You blink your eyes open, startled as they adjust to the familiar outline of the guy before you. “H-Hoseok?”
“Yes, it’s me,” the idol grumbles, massaging the part of his head that you had accidentally smacked against yours. “I-I went out looking for you when you didn’t come back.”
Eyebrows twitching up, you utter the first words that come to mind. “Why the hell would you do that?”
“Why the hell wouldn’t I?” he counters, rather defensively at that.
“Well, for one …” You grunt, slowly coming upright. “We’re barely friends.”
He looks at you as if you’ve gone mad. “What, you think I would let you wander the woods alone just because I don’t know you that well?”
“Uh …” Hearing it back like that, you quickly realize how ridiculous you sound. “I-I don’t know, okay? Let’s just go back. Before we run into a bear or something.”
Slowly coming to his feet, he mutters something that sounds an awful lot like, “You could always head-butt it if we do,” under his breath.
You scrunch your lips into a frown, ignoring the hand he extends to you as you get up.
In the moments that follow, he takes the lead, creating a path through the trees and all the jutting branches as you trail behind. To your knowledge, he’s one of those people who’s afraid of everything, especially things you’d find in the outdoors. You’re surprised he even agreed to go camping, let alone that he was able to find you in the dark, and that he didn’t simply wake up one of the other guys and make them do it.
“Okay …” he says, coming to halt roughly two minutes later, a twitch of uncertainty along his bottom lip as he glances back. “I-I think this is the way.”
Your face screws. “I’m sorry, did you just say you think this is the way?”
“Well, I can’t say precisely. You veered so far from the actual path, I-I don’t know where we are anymore.”
Clapping both hands over your face, you groan loudly. “We’re fucked. We’re so fucked.”
“In the ass, apparently.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“You shut up,” he fires back, facing you. “This wouldn’t have happened if you’d just come back like you were supposed to.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” You snort.
He makes a face at you. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Maybe if you had walked me to the rock like a proper gentleman, I wouldn’t have tripped over that root and lost my bearings, and we’d both be safely back at camp by now!”
“I offered and you said no!”
“Oh, barely …” You say in a mocking tone, wiggling your arms around as you mimic the way he had offered earlier. “I cAn waLk wiTh yOu iF yoU wAnt.”
Hoseok narrows his eyes at you, glaring deeply. “That’s not how I said it.”
“Whatever. Did you at least bring a flashlight?”
“Do you think we’d be standing here in the dark if I had one?”
You exhale loudly, plopping down to the ground after with your arms folded. “Fuck this. I’m not moving until the sun comes up.”
“You’ll freeze to death.”
“I’d rather freeze than go stumbling around in the wrong direction.”
“Fine!” he shouts, turning his back to you as if to walk off.
Your mouth falls open. “Are you seriously leaving me here al — ?!”
He takes his backpack off, hanging it up on a tree nearby, and then unzipping it to extract what looks like a blanket from within the largest compartment.
You lift an eyebrow at him. “Really?”
“You brought a blanket but not a flashlight?”
Frowning, he settles down about a foot away, opening and extending part of the blanket to you as if to share.
There’s a soft tug in your chest, but you ignore it, hugging your coat tighter. “I’m fine like this.”
“Suit yourself,” he shrugs, gladly taking the blanket up all to himself.
You force your eyes closed, leaning back against the base of a tree and turning your head to the side so you don’t have to look at him. There’s no way you’re going to fall asleep in the cold like this, but you try to anyway. You pull out all the usual tricks — sheep, math, Taylor Swift’s entire discography —  but none of it works.
In fact the longer you sit there, bundled up in nothing but your pyjamas and your coat, the harder it is to breathe, and to stop your teeth from chattering.
Before you know it, you feel a pair of warm, toned arms wrap around you, sealing whatever body heat you have left in a blanket.
You struggle to open your eyes, only then realizing how numb you feel all over, and that every inch of the ground, including the part where you’re sitting, is covered in frost.
“Don’t get the wrong idea,” Hoseok tells you, rubbing your arms up and down under the blanket.
If you had the energy, you’d have rolled your eyes just then. Instead you settle for the only words you can manage. “Th-that’s impossible.”
“What’s impossible?”
“Wh-whatever it is you’re implying.”
He doesn’t say anything to that, he simply continues rubbing your arms until the feeling in them slowly returns.
You close your eyes again, breathing in and then out, and then gradually coming to notice how close in proximity the two of you are. For one, you’re under the same blanket, and his arms are wrapped loosely, but warmly, almost protectively, around your body. And on top of that, you’re not sure you hate it.
Perhaps it’s the cold playing tricks on you.
Perhaps it’s the residual fear of nearly having your throat torn out by a beast.
Perhaps it’s the fact that you’d once had a slight a crush on a certain someone for reasons that are still unknown to you.
Or perhaps it’s all three bundled up into one Hoseok-shaped package.
Whatever it is, you swallow it down, every inch of your body suddenly prickling with heat as Hoseok stops rubbing. Slowly you feel a different sort of adrenaline settle in. His hands are warm and motionless, cupping the backs of yours in a way that’s almost affectionate …but you’re not totally sure that’s aware of it.
For a split second you convince yourself that he’s fallen asleep.
As you glance back to check, however, you find that his eyes are wide open, alert as if he’s concentrating hard on something, but you have no idea what.
It’s only as you silence your thoughts that you hear it.
The growling in the distance.
“D-do you hear that?” Hoseok asks you in a whisper, his voice breaking slightly.
You swallow hard, trying not to make any sudden movements. “Be quiet. Don’t move.”
“Wh-what if it charges at — ?”
Without warning, you clap a hand over his mouth, both of you shaking under the blanket as the sounds grow louder. Growling followed closely by the rustling of branches, and the twist,  snap and crunch of a slow, but steady approach.
Whatever it is, it sounds big and heavy.
Hoseok’s breathing intensifies.
On instinct, you drop your hand from his mouth to his forearm, slowly sliding it down and lacing your fingers between his. You’re afraid, yes, but the way he’s shaking, he’s terrified. And you’re not in any rush to letting him get devoured by whatever beast is lurking in the distance.
Closing your eyes at the same time he does, the two of you stay like that for what feels like an eternity, but is probably closer to a couple of minutes.
Whatever it is, it goes away.
A sense of quiet sweeps over the area, and the only sound that you hear now is the wind.
You release the breath that you were holding in, along with the death grip that you have on Hoseok’s hand. Perhaps you were a little more afraid than you had thought.
Shifting away a few inches, you tilt your head back, sighing in relief. “That was close.”
“I’m never going camping again.”
You can’t help but laugh. “It’s not always so bad.”
“I take it you do this a lot?”
“Sometimes,” You shrug. “Let’s just say I prefer daylight hours.”
This time he laughs, sharply glancing back as he hears more rustling in the distance, even though it’s clearly just wind. “Are we really going to stay here like this until sunrise?”
“Do you have a better idea?”
“I guess not …”
You chew your bottom lip, trying to think of some way to distract him. If he’s going to stay on edge like this, it’s just going to be a long night for both of you.
“I have a question,” You begin.
“What is it?”
“Why didn’t you just wake up one of the other guys when you realized I was lost?”
There’s a slight twitch in his face as he thinks. “I-I don’t know. I guess I felt responsible.”
“Responsible?” You repeat, quietly taken aback. “I wasn’t serious when I said it was your fault for letting me wander off alone. You know that, right?”
He glances down a moment. “Yeah, but if I’d just gone with you, none of this would have happened.”
“That’s not true. Look at us now,” You say. “We’re both here, and we’re still lost.”
“I guess …”
“Also, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea or anything, but … it was really nice of you to come looking for me,” You further, in no particular way. “I wasn’t expecting that at all.”
“What were you expecting?” he asks.
You’re not entirely sure. “I don’t know. I’m just glad that we didn’t get eaten by whatever that was earlier.”
He snorts. “Don’t speak too soon. We still have a long night ahead of us.”
For whatever reason you feel a smile tug at your lips, one that you’d probably let happen if you weren’t so cold. Teeth chattering, you bring your knees to your chest, the innermost part of which gently quickens as Hoseok comes a little bit closer.
The warmth of the blanket spreads through every inch of your body, and you slowly begin to lean into it, the feeling of him.
Whatever it is that’s prompting this, you don’t care for the details.
On that same wavelength he tilts his head down, giving you enough time to make a choice, and you do. Chest hitching inside your shirt, you ignore the voice in the back of your head that’s telling you to think about this before you proceed.
You have thought about it.
In fact you’ve thought about more times than you can count.
And going by the way Hoseok looks at you in those last few seconds, he’s thought about it, too.
You close your eyes, turning your body towards him as he leans in, and kisses you.
The air is frigid, and the earth beneath you is hard and icy, but your cheeks are ablaze, and you quickly come to realize how badly you’ve wanted this. Within seconds of contact, you weave your fingers through his hair and he wraps his arms around your waist, tugging you closer, and kissing you deeper.
Honestly, it’s the best kiss you’ve had in a long time.
It might even be the best you’ve had, ever.
Without a doubt, it’s the hottest, and most random.
Sinking to the ground together, and yanking at various parts of each other’s clothing as if to tear them clean off, you almost miss when one of your friends calls out to you.
“Hoseok-ah! _________-ah!” Yoongi shouts, from not that far away.
Your movements screech to an abrupt, and frustratingly reluctant halt, and you suddenly glance to each other in a panic as you realize you’re about three seconds away from getting caught.
The two of you quickly separate, hurriedly scrambling to your feet and righting your coats as a beam of light shines down you from about ten or fifteen feet away.
Yoongi and Taehyung soon follow, a flashlight in the older boy’s grasp.
“Why are you two all the way out here?” he asks. “We’ve been looking everywhere. Jimin woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t find you guys.”
Both you and Hoseok bounce a look at each other, stringing together whatever you could in that moment without saying too much.
“I went out to use the bathroom,” You explain. “And I took too long, so Hoseok went out to look for me, and …”
“And then we lost track of how to get back,” he adds. “Also, we were nearly eaten alive by some sort of bear.”
Yoongi and Taehyung exchange a look, briefly, a hint of a smirk on both their faces before they glance back at the both of you.
Clearly they don’t believe that’s all that happened but they neglect to question you further. Instead the four of you walk back to camp, arriving in about five minutes — much to your embarrassment — and then waiting for the other guys to come back before breaking off to your separate tents.
You climb inside yours, zipping it up and curling up inside your sleeping bag, as you think for a long time about what happened out there and how badly you wish it would have lasted longer.
Part of you wonders if he’s thinking about it, too.
I guess I’ll find out tomorrow, you decide, allowing your eyes to fall shut as the exhaustion washes over you.
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