#htgawm s4
arc-angel-o · 2 months
Haven't seen season 5 yet (so no spoilers please) cause I'm still recovering from the S4 finale.
Does no one care about Simon. I love him. We could've had it all. I was rooting so hard for the Keating 6, him joining the team, and maybe a little throuple with coliver? As promised.
What the fuck was up with Michaela this season? I liked that a crossover episode had consequences but like this breakup with Asher was not fun. I've had fun with like Frank & Laurel and Conner & Oliver breaking up, this was just horrible.
I do kinda like "I'm becoming me" or whatever the line was but that's not good enough. I can excuse murder but I draw the line at getting someone deported. I love Michaela, I wanted her and Simon to become friends.
There was a time when I hated Simon too, cause I love Annalise, so fuck him for the posters, but, priorities, people. Everyone and their mother has accused Annalise of murder. And now it's fine, she's winning Supreme Court cases. Remember when everyone hated each other in S1? I wanted more enemies to friends shenanigans 😭
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clarkgriffon · 1 year
I’ve been binge rewatching HTGAWM and oh my god I have so many opinions I wish I was not shouting into the void of my own mind about it
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gisatako · 8 months
s4ep11, ehmmm... so, wes, was behind a more complex plot??!!
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I’ve been watching How to Get Away With Murder lately and let me just say I’ve had several topics that this fucking show has made me want to blog about that I just don’t wanna spam y’all with so let me bullet point this for you:
Warning: Long AF post about complete nonsense.
1. I never finished Scandal (another series by Shonda Rhimes) but I sure did watch a shit ton of it and I used to genuinely think it was a great show at the time. Haven’t seen it in a while so I’m not sure how exactly I’d feel now, but if watching HTGAWM has shown me anything it’s that god does this woman suck at writing characters. She’s pretty good at writing serialized legal/political dramas, I’ll give her that, but she legitimately only has like maybe 4-5 character archetypes that she just copied and pasted from Scandal onto this show, and boy do the flaws show in this series.
You’ve got the strong, black female lead whose job it is to basically fix problems, ethically or unethically, she pretends to care but doesn’t really.
You’ve got the sociopathic do-it-all guy who does all the unethical dirty work including breaking and entering, kidnapping, killing, destroying evidence, planting evidence, etc. with a troubled past of being in prison.
You’ve got the incredibly basic girl who starts off all shy and cute like she’s an innocent little sunflower, who then falls in love with the sociopathic do-it-all guy which inevitably leads her down a similar road of corruption.
You’ve even got the soft-spoken, ‘dreamy’ white man that the lead has the hots for (as well as the mentally-damaged white girl).
There’s probably more, but honestly that’s all I can remember from Scandal at this point. It’s actually kind of insane to me how it’s literally just the same exact characters just transplanted to a different plot. I don’t know much about her personally, but she strikes me as someone who would probably make bank writing romance novels or Y/N fanfic.
2. Binge watching shows has ruined pacing of older shows, such as HTGAWM, because without that weeklong break in the middle (sometimes longer for holidays) you overlook details because you don’t have time to process them properly, and oftentimes plot points that require time passing (such as relationships, breakups, etc.) can fail completely because it’s not really believable when a couple is together one episode, breaks up to be w/ someone else the next, says “I love you” the next, and is pregnant in the next (yes, this is something that actually happened in HTGAWM).
3. Just in general, the writing for this show really begins to plummet after just S1, but mostly S2. I’ll give them credit where credit is due, a lot of shows that begin with this ‘hook’-like idea--in this case murder and how to get away with it--tend to fail miserably by wrapping up that initial hook in the first season and then winging it every season after that. This show surprisingly doesn’t do that, and every season begins with a new murder that they then have to “get away with” (almost comically-so).
But as I said, this woman doesn’t seem to know how to write characters, at least not likeable or consistent ones. It sometimes feels like I’m watching reality TV or something because a lot of the conflict between characters is incredibly forced. I’m halfway through S4 and despite the fact that these people love to profess how much they love each other, they’re a family, etc. in nearly every episode you’ve got someone “not trusting” someone else, someone keeping secrets “just because”, or someone yelling at someone else for something because it’s “all their fault” when like none of that is ever actually true.
Oliver and Conner broke up because Oliver felt like the relationship wasn’t healthy because, even after he lied to Conner about something really fucking important, Conner instantly forgave him, which yeah sure that absolutely sucks and is a totally valid reason to break up with someone, albeit a sad one because obviously you two still love each other...except in the next fucking episode, Conner is hooking up w/ strangers and Oliver is genuinely considering jumping into another relationship, and also Oliver is changing his story and claiming the reason he broke up w/ Conner was actually Conner’s fault because of like trust issues or something which just isn’t true at all?? It was a wild retcon that came out of nowhere for no other reason other than I guess she needed them to sleep w/ other people that season.
Also I’m sorry but how is Michaela supposed to be even a remotely redeemable character when she’s written to be this huge uptight, racist, homophobic (or possibly biphobic), bitch? I don’t think she ever gets better. Right from the get go in S1, she has this whole ordeal over her fiancé having had one gay experience many years ago when he was younger, and like okay I would understand it if it was just about the fact that he didn’t tell her about it, but she continued to spiral out over it, accusing any man even in the vicinity of him as being his secret lover, and continues to badmouth him as “gay” (I can’t write tone here, but she says it in a very accusing way) to the others including Conner who is literally gay. There’s also never really a refutation to this either, so by the time Aiden is completely out of the picture, I guess we’re left to just assume he is actually gay, despite all possible evidence pointing to the contrary. But I guess all of this is A-OK because she becomes GBFs w/ Conner later for...some reason, I guess.
Then there’s the way she treats Asher which, in the beginning I was like okay fair, he’s the douchey frat boy character. Totally understandable why you’d treat him like an asshole. But when they hook up and eventually get together, she is so unbelievably racist towards him??? She’s constantly going on about “white boy” this and “white people” that, and the poor dude just takes it because he’s super whipped.
The way she also talks about other black people is even off, like if she wasn’t black (and Shonda Rhimes wasn’t black) I would daresay it comes across as fetishistic. In fact, a lot of this show is written like fetish porn of black people. God help if this was written by a white woman which ironically enough, it really does feel like this was written by a white woman. I’m not even joking, if I didn’t already know who Shonda Rhimes was, I would swear to you this show was written by a white woman who really loves black people, to an uncomfortable degree. I’m not even talking about cringy “black empowerment” either, that’s not what bothers me. It’s one thing to promote strong black (female) characters in a show which you know it’s fine I guess, whatever, but this show fetishizes that instead. Black people aren’t just strong and powerful, they’re the strongest and the most powerful. It’s creepy and weird.
At this point, the only reason I’m watching it is because I like Viola Davis and despite her character being iffy at times, she’s still a tremendous actress. And ofc I like Colliver, even though it’s messy a lot of the time. I know I just sat here and shat on the show a bunch, and to be clear it’s definitely not a show I would ever recommend, but it’s not strictly-speaking terrible. It just has a lot of bad moments/elements to it.
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hayscodings · 2 months
who are some of your favorite and least favorite shondaland characters?
-addison montgomery
-mark sloan
-cristina yang
-miranda bailey
-alex karev
-callie torres
-jake reilly
-charlotte king
-amelia shepherd
-mellie grant
-olivia pope
-annalise keating
-connor walsh
least favorite:
-derek shepherd
-george o’malley
-owen hunt
-naomi bennett
-sam bennett
-jake ballard
-eli pope
-cyrus beene (after s3)
-sam keating
-laurel castillo
*disclaimer that i only watched up to around s4 of htgawm
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somebucky · 10 months
I go to change shows from How to Get Away With Murder to Criminal Minds. And low and behold its the episode that features Glynn Turman and L. Scott Caldwell. Who played Nate Lahey Sr. (S4 & S5) And Jasmine Bromelle (S3 & S4) on HTGAWM and play Charles and Tina Johnson on Criminal Minds S9.E9 Strange Fruit.
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jackson-falahee · 6 years
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sexi_lexxxi: #throwback to this lovebale band of characters! Who’s excited for Season 5?!?!
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rxmasea · 6 years
ok so when is my man connor getting a real storyline again
uuuh i feel like i saw him for three minutes this season and ??? i don't wanna see any of laurel's badly written tantrums i wanna see connor & annalise dealing with their trauma together, i wanna see connor & oliver develop their relationship to the point where marriage is actually realistic and it doesn't just stay a montage of shower & sex scenes, i wanna see connor & michaela and i wanna see connor bringing her back onto the right path and i wanna see connor & asher beeing the best bros again! like ??? he nearly killed himself in s3 and it was never addressed again? he's just sitting at the sides doing nothing, give this man some screentime he DESERVES IT
and let him grow his hair and beard again jesus
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dailyconradricamora · 6 years
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mattmcgorry: Happy @howtogetawaywithmurder finale day y’allllllll!!! @conradricamora​ @ajanaomi_king @thecharlieweber #HTGAWM
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ricamora-falahee · 7 years
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“I want you. Marry me, Oliver Hampton. Marry me so I can spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me.” – Connor Walsh
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htgawm-men · 6 years
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mattmcgorry: Me tryna find balance between acting, activism, producing, self care, family time, social life, and self-development while trying to spend as little time as possible on my phone and computer. (taken from last season of @howtogetawaywithmurder) #HTGAWM
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keatingstation · 6 years
if you’ve killed off my bonbon after all of this i’m going to be one unhappy chappy
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brilliantsnafu · 6 years
no episode in four seasons has mutilated my soul more than htgawm s4e12 “ask him about stella”
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commanderlexas · 6 years
How to get away with murder? More like: How to get murdered...
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seandorothy · 7 years
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1.04 / 4.01
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It really upsets me that the latina lead in htgawm is portrayed as a serial cheat and the daughter of a corrupt businessman instead of getting actual character development
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