evolutionsvoid · 2 years
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While I was up in the northern regions doing my studies, I was often warned about going into the waters. Obviously, I already avoid swimming in seas and oceans, as saltwater does not do nice things to us dryads, but these cautions were also directed at freshwater. The many ponds, rivers and lakes of these wondrous lands may look inviting for a dip, except that they really don't for an outsider like me. It is already cold enough as is on the dry land, you expect me to dive into ice water bark naked?! No thanks! Regardless, they warn outsiders about wading through these water bodies because of a certain species that lurks below. For those familiar with the more infamous aquatic beasts of these regions, you may suspect something like a freshwater Illhveli. If the locals are wary about going into the still ponds and lakes, it surely must be a monster! While the species they worry about is no where close to the size and power of the Illhveli, it still isn't a creature to tangle with. If you are ever in town and notice a resident who is missing a leg, you can make the safe bet that they had a bad encounter with a Hrokkall. The Hrokkall is an eel that lives in freshwater, typically found in ponds and lakes. A few have been caught in rivers, but locals claim that they truly prefer stagnant water. These fish can grow up to six feet in length, though legends say there are bigger ones that are born and fed from infernal magics (so lets say they can grow to six feet naturally). While an eel might not seem like the most threatening thing, save for folks that aren't fans of serpents and such, the Hrokkall sure does its best to look as intimidating as possible. The people of these regions say that this species was born from dark magic, risen from the corpse of a half-rotted eel. While it is safe to say these creatures had a more natural creation, a quick glance can certainly give the impression of decay! From their heads to their tail tips, they have hard ivory scales that can look like bone. Their head is encased in this tough armor, which gives them the look of a bleached skull. The rest of their coloration isn't any more pleasant, as they are covered in scales of muddy browns and putrid greens. See one slither through the shallows of a stagnant pond, and you would think it a creature of the undead! It isn't just their appearance that gives the impression!
Hrokkall are carnivores, as they feed on the variety of fish and other aquatic wildlife that live in the same waters. Their slender bodies can strike with alarming speeds, and they tend to hang near the bottom to avoid detection. Multiple rows of sharp hooked teeth allow them to grab hold of slippery prey, long enough for them to finish them off and tear them into chunks. While simple ambush can net them plenty of tasty fish, the Hrokkall has a few more weapons hidden in its nasty form. Running above and below their bodies are a set of fins and spines, which are used for more than just swimming. The edges of these structures are incredibly sharp, and can leave deep cuts if mishandled. By whipping their serpentine bodies around, they can slice into fish and wound them, often aiming for prey that is bigger than they can bite. These razor fins also protect the Hrokkall from attack, as predators will struggle to find a safe place to grab them. Even if one could manage to navigate these rows of blades, the Hrokkall still has another weapon. When they are in distress, a Hrokkall will leak a fluid from its body that mixes with the water and turns it to slime. In moments, a snotty sheath will be around their bodies, and daring to touch it will doom any foolish attacker. This gunk is quite acidic, burning flesh even when submerged in water. The slime helps this caustic goop cling to foes, allowing it to do more damage as they struggle to rid themselves of it. All other species that feed on fish are quick to teach their young ones to avoid snaring a Hrokkall, as one angry eel can be enough to cause crippling damage. So with this impenetrable set of defenses, the Hrokkall does quite well in these regions, and can be quite plentiful. It is why people move with caution when treading these waters, as there is a high chance one of these eels is close by. Though this species is fine with dining on fish, it is their second menu option that makes people fear them. When a Hrokkall reaches a big enough size, they may seek to tackle larger prey. Lurking in the shallows, they will wait for some terrestrial beast to step into the waters and then strike. They do not look to bring down the whole animal, rather, they just want a piece. With lightning speed, they wrap around a leg or other submerged limb and coil up tight. Their shredding fins cut deep into flesh, slicing right down to the bone. As they tighten, they will pump out their caustic slime, which leeches into the wounds and melts through what remains. In under a minute, a healthy Hrokkall can sever a person's foot and leave them with a burning, bleeding stump. They target other beasts too, looking to steal a limb so they can snack on it at their leisure. The only animal safe from their attack is said to be sheep, as their legs are apparently too small and thin for them to get a good hold. For the rest of us, it is a nasty encounter. Even if the eel is removed before it can take the leg (good luck pulling one of those slippery monsters off), the damage is often enough to require amputation. It is why locals are cautious around these waters and are sure to wear protective clothing when wading through Hrokkall territory.     As one can imagine, Hrokkalls are not well liked in their native lands. Not only are they like northern Leg-Eaters, but they can cause plenty of other damage. Their acidic slime and sharp fins can destroy nets and fishing line, leaving fishermen nothing but melted tatters. Even hauling one in before it can do damage is no good, as the leaking slime can taint all the other fish in the net. Not to mention that Hrokkall flesh is poisonous, which should have been obvious by now! Fishermen despise these beasts, but rarely go out of their way to actually kill them. Some say seeking out a Hrokkall is only asking for trouble, while others suggest that their populations are so abundant, that killing a dozen or so won't do a thing. The people of this land say that the only folk who like this species are the mysterious witches who live upon the frozen island, as they use Hrokkall parts for their potions. While I can understand the idea that these eels have unique materials for potion making, I am pretty sure the locals tie these two together because they think both are evil. Not the nicest assumption. Regardless, Hrokkall are pretty much hated by everyone and avoided at all cost. Unfortunately, this caused problems for a certain inquisitive dryad who wanted to see and study some. I figured a fish in a place that has fishermen would be easy to find, just check the markets or trash heaps. Turns out, no one catches Hrokkall or keeps them, so I wound up finding nothing. Finally, someone told me to just catch some myself, as they were plentiful enough that a novice like me could hook one. I tried to get some tips on how to catch one, but still found squat. Like I said, no one touches this species. So I tried a good ol hook and line, which lasted two minutes before a Hrokkall melted through the hook and slashed up the line. People got a hearty laugh from that attempt. However, they did not expect my incredible ingenuity! Seeing that a rod was useless, I decided to use my knowledge of Hrokkall against them! I got myself a decent sized log from a woodpile and rolled it in some blood. Then I used tatters of cloth and an old boot to dress it up. I smeared some gooey sap onto these pieces to help them stick to the wood, and at last my fake leg was complete! I dunked this false limb into the waters, baiting a Hrokkall to attack. The creatures would wrap around this supposed leg and then get their fins stuck in the wood and sap. I just had to pull the limb out of the water, and there was my specimen! An ingenious plan! However, this method got me a lot of odd looks. I can only imagine what people were wondering when they saw a dryad bundled under layers of thick fur splashing around some old pond with a fake leg. I have to check back into the town someday and see if some weird local legend was born from that. Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian ------------------------------------------------------------
Well it is that time of year again, and I figured why not strangle some kind of theme* out of it? Yes indeed, for the wintry month we got here, I decided to post a bunch of critters that fit with the ice and cold! That should be enough to get through this miserable month, oh boy! *Translation: By "theme" I more mean "lets go through my folders and see what creatures I have linked to arctic and northern regions and just post those yeah that'll do..." How is an eel winter-esque? Well, it comes from Iceland and the species is found in northern regions, so you know what close enough. I'm just tossing out what I want, okay?
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hrokkall · 6 months
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"Sad Cat Poem" by Spencer Madsen
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trans-p03g · 2 years
Day 1 of asking for Lou Natas catboy vtuber
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I'm on a break but you ever get a request that you MUST draw immediately?
You're welcome
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staff · 1 year
tumblr tuesday: some excellent art
It's been a whole week since we celebrated our creative community on a Tuesday. So here we are. That's what this is.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 3 months
Hey, what's your fave Gabe fanart you've encountered?
Also I am very sorry about your inbox and the incident with the gnome piss anon
- kneeboiler anon
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ultragift · 5 months
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FROM: @hrokkall
TO: @labrat-heart-emoji
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peridots-pixiwolf · 9 months
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mildly, just ever so slightly, belated art fight attacks of the season!! feat. @skyistheground @smangethe @hrokkall @onlineviolence aaand @sophisticated-apple :]
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scaryboy2409 · 5 months
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My ultragift for @hrokkall !!!
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nonuggetshere · 4 months
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New brush ive been working on for a second :] ft @hrokkall 's Ringworm and @sstarbee 's Audrey
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bug-abortion · 8 months
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For @hrokkall <3 Base used here
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smangethe · 10 months
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“Something cute”
Level 19 of revenge chain with @hrokkall
I imagine VI calls Minoslug great things like “Little Blue Creature/Explorer” but like VII just calls Slugyphus shit like “Desert Nuisance” or “Desert Rascal”, that would be hilarious
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skritt-shinies · 6 months
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Look at this beautiful commission of Aurene I purchased from my wonderful buddy @hrokkall ! Please give it a follow ❤
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hrokkall · 2 months
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trans-p03g · 2 years
Some suggestive stuff under the cut, gonna try to rank them from "why the fuck would you say that" to actually funny
So what takes the cake and made me put the "no suggestive asks" rule on my blog was that one asker who sent something along the lines of "wolf and stoat? Stoat's gonna be sore 👀 " or something kike that, implying sexual relationship
Kind of adjacent to that but the fact that I had to explain the difference between zoophilia and furry porn on my DMG/inscryption blog still kills me to this day
Somebody sent, and I quote, "weremicrowave omegaverse". I regret not getting a screenshot tbh.
That one ask I got about rule34 vtuber catboy P03, which was actually funny I just couldn't post it because it was suggestive. And also it was absolutely my fault for mentioning wikifeet, I opened that pandora's box and I got what I asked for.
And let's not forget;
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real-mirage · 6 months
ughhh those sexy llama buildings have me THIRSTING. like yes mama grind me into pieces with your 500 ton leg until i can't feel the pain of existence anymore. choke me with steel beams and cables (EDIT: original artist is @hrokkall go check them out!!!!!!)
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dogboyboyshorts · 2 months
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kinda meandering, but i had these thoughts in my friends’ discord server the other day, and i think they might be better appreciated here. this was part of me sharing some fanart i really like, so theres some references to hrokkall’s excellent comic
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