#hp chara poster
lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange in
The Order of the Phoenix (2007) The Half-Blood Prince (2009) The Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2 (2010 & 2011)
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doctorporkchop02 · 4 years
Underswap Ruins Map Layout (Rough Sketch) and the Events of the new Incinerate Ruins.
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So I made a little Doodle of the Map layout for the new version of Incinerate Ruins... Well I can't really call it Incinerate Ruins any more. So after months of struggling to find a theme for a Summer Version of the Ruins, I decided to get rid of the Volcano and Desert theme and instead go for a... Drum roll please...
Yep, I decided to make Incinerate Ruins a mix of the Ruins from Undertale and an Amusement Park with Rollar Coasters, Bouncy Floors, other stands for little games the monsters could play for prizes, Balloons and other decorations everywhere, and at the very end of it, a giant Circus Tent runned by the one and only Hapstablook!!!
Actually, the Rollar Coasters and other stuff was all Hapstablook idea so not only could the Catacombs be more Lively and Exciting, but it also gives him an excuse to appease his own ego, by putting posters and statues everywhere, and making the prizes in the games themed after Hapstablook... because of course of course Hapstablook would do something like that.
But yeah, I don't have a name for this new version of the Ruins yet, but I'm happy with this and I hope you like the change too. But I guess I should go through this doodle and explains what's going to happen...
Okay, so when you first start off, Chara is laying down on their stomach on a bed of Golden Flowers, reminiscent of Undertale's Intro.
But Chara gets up, shakes their head, looks up where they fell down, and starts walking through a long hallway and goes through a giant door. Then Chara encounters the Temmie Dolls where She introduces herself, offers to give you a Tutorial like Flowey's Tutorial in Undertale, and then they {DOG!} and {DOG!} and barely leaves Chara at 1 out of 20 HP, but where Asgore comes in a shooes Temmie away with a Fireball, Introduces himself, realizes Chara is hurt, and offers to guide you through the Ruins.
Chara follows King Fluffybuns and finds themself in an area similar to Undertale's Weird Stair Room, and is also where Chara finds their first Save Point, after that Chara and Asgore go through the door at the end of the room and... Asgore realizes the Puzzles have been reactivated mysteriously and then says...
Asgore: Oh my, those pesky kids must have reactivated the puzzles again. I'm afraid I am going to have to have another chat with Mrs. Eyewalker again.
(Asgore then turns around and faces Chara)
Asgore: I apologize child, but it seems like we are going to have to do some puzzles into order to proceed. Thankfully, the puzzles here are not going to be too hard, I have a feeling that you are a very smart child and can solve this puzzle easily. I have faith in you, now go child, go and push those... boxes...
Asgore: Ho ho ho. Maybe I should ask that young fellow if he could help me make this puzzles more exciting.
So now Chara has to do a Box puzzle similar to the ones from Deltarune. It's not complicated at all and when Chara pushes both of the boxes to the two "X" Spots, the Spikes blocking the way deactivate and Chara and Asgore can proceed.
Then Asgore stops and says...
Asgore: Now Child, I'm sure that you are aware that I am not the only monster down here, and like how that doll did before, monsters may try to attack you... but I assure you that it is nothing personal.
Asgore: It's just that monsters have not seen a human in years, centuries even, and your soul is... well very valuable, monsters may try to take your soul, and I am not sure if I will be able to protect you from them. But that is why I am going to teach you how to defend yourself if a monster were to attack you. While I am far too old to teach you myself, I have someone else who can assist me with that.
(Asgore gestures Chara towards Mad Dummy)
Asgore: Now I suggest that you try to only talk and spare the monsters that attack you, so you can end the fight peacefully, you might even make a few friends afterwards. I also suggest that you only resort to Violence if it is absolutely necessary. But the monsters down here are very kind, so you will more than likely never need to resort to violence.
Asgore: Here, let's practice here on Mr. Dummy, now remember child, try to talk with him and then spare him. I wish you the best of luck child, although I do not think you need it, I bet you are a very kind child and I bet this will be as easy as pie for you. Hohoho.
Then the battle is initiated where "Fighting" Mad Dummy is really similar to "Fighting" the Ruins Dummy in Undertale. So let's just assume Chara tries to talk to Mad Dummy first.
(Flavor Text: You say "Greetings" to the dummy... he doesn't seem up for a conversation.)
Mad Dummy: . . .
(Flavor Text: You try talking to the Dummy again, he still doesn't seem up for a conversation, you and the Dummy just end up awkwardly staring at eachother for a while.)
Mad Dummy: . . .
Mad Dummy: . . . . . .
Mad Dummy: . . . . . . . . What?
Mad Dummy: What are YOU looking at?!
Mad Dummy: Yes!! I'm a Dummy!! I know!! I KNOW!!
Mad Dummy: How Rude of you to just walk up to me, say "GrEeTiNgS", not even asking me how my day has been by the way!!! Then!! THEN!!!!!! You just stare at me with that Creepy Face!!! How Awful!! How Despicable!!!!! How Disrespectful!!!!!!!!
Mad Dummy: Haven't your parents ever told you it's rude to stare at strangers?!?!?!?!? Do you not listen to your parents or something?!?!?! Awful!! Awful!!! AWFUL!!!! You should have more respect for your parents!!!!! They know much more and have lived much longer than YOU!!! You should listen to them more!!!!! You are such a bad seed!!! A Rotten Egg!!! A Despicable Whatever you are!!!!!!
Mad Dummy: Somebody around here should teach brats like you a lesson!!!!!! IN FACT, I'LL GIVE YOU A LESSON YOU'LL NEVER FORGET!!!!
(Mad Dummy Pulls out a Knife)
Mad Dummy: LESSON START!!!!!
(Mad Dummy throws the Knife at Chara, but Chara dodges the attack)
Mad Dummy: . . . . . I'm . . . . . Outta lessons . . .
(Asgore launches a Fireball towards Mad Dummy and yells "That's enough!"... but the Fireball actually hits Mad Dummy... The dummy is now on fire...)
(Mad Dummy Creepily Turns his head 180° And Slowly Floats towards Asgore...)
Mad Dummy/Burnt Dummy: . . . . .
Burnt Dummy: Did you. Just hit me. WITH A FIREBALL?!?!?!?!?!?!?
(Burnt Dummy gets hit by an oncoming Rollar Coaster Car and gets carried away.)
(Both Asgore and Chara are wide eyed... o_o)
. . . Moving on . . . The next room is just a random room with a long hallway next to it, but there are three lone Cardboard Boards in the corner and a Cardboard Stand that says "TeM!!1!1!" On it with Marker. But when Chara and Asgore walk down the long hallway, Chara gets a Forced Encounter with a Whimsun and instead of Asgore glaring at the Whimsun like how Toriel does with Froggit in Undertale, Asgore politely asks Whimsun to not attack Chara, which Whimsun does and Flutters away awkwardly, after that is the Invisible Spike Path Puzzle thing, where Asgore gives Chara Piggyback ride while walking through the Spike Path.
After that is sadly the end of what I have right now for the new Incinerate Ruins, the next room is just a big Room filled with Tables, Balloons, and other stands with games for the Monsters to play and to the very left of the room is the legendary "Candy Bowl of Amazingness" where it acts basically the same as the Candy Bowl from Undertale...
... Yeah that's all I have for right now, if you have any ideas on things to be added or changed in the first part of Incinerate Ruins, lemme know.
I really hope you guys like what I have so far, because I know that I do.
But as always, I hope you guys have an awesome rest of your day/night.
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quidfree · 4 years
sirius being "The best-looking, most rebellious, most dangerous of the four marauders"? I'm not as attached to sirius as some of the other characters i think bcuz we didnt know him as well but i definitely think he's one of the most intriguing characters 2 of 2
yeah that’s totally fair! sirius is such an iconic hp character even to the gp (i think mainly bc we’re introduced to him in such a wild way and then his death comes as a massive shock) but he’s not actually featured in the books all that much- poa is “his” book but we only meet him in like the very last moments of it and we spent most of it thinking he was a crazy murderous death eater, and then we mostly see him again in ootp, wherein he’s depressed and frustrated and then dies pointlessly.
what we see of him is so intriguing to me precisely because every glimpse of sirius we get is of a ghost of a man, in a sense- everything about him relates to death and decay. he matters to the plot and to harry because of his connection to harry’s parents, who are dead; he’s spent a decade rotting in prison amongst the dying and the dead inside because of their deaths; he’s our proper introduction to the crumbling institution of pureblood wizards, trapped in an old empty house full of portraits of dead people with outdated views; his death is the first time harry loses someone who matters to him (and a parent figure at that). sirius, more than any other character, is trapped in the past- between james and lily’s murders and azkaban, he’s always written so the audience knows a massive part of him has died a long time ago. and yet at least imo he’s so different from a lot of characters like that- ofc he’s bitter and jaded and traumatised, but instead of being sad and apathetic and tragic, jkr makes sirius, well, cool- to harry and to us. he’s obviously very smart, and brave, and kind of an all round badass (he broke out of azkaban! he has a motorbike!) who talks to harry like an adult, knows a lot (and is willing to divulge a lot) about the order and death eaters, and has a sharp tongue & no fucks left to give. he’s also obviously a very flawed character- he makes little attempt to hide this, and narratively some of his “cool” traits are in fact his flaws- his recklessness, for one, and his stubborn pride, for another. sirius butts heads with an impressive roster of characters for someone with so little screen-time. to me all of this always begged the question: if this is sirius now, what was sirius like in his prime?
we kind of get some answers in the flashback scenes, obv (i will never forgive the movies for cutting those in DH)- sirius is, well, pretty much old sirius amplified by a thousand; low on angst and high on life. i love that the first things harry tells us about him are that 1/ he’s very hot and 2/ he could not be less interested in the people fawning over him because 3/ he only has eyes for james. in a sense what flashbacks give back to sirius is just james- what we have is sirius without james, hence the haunting. and suddenly all of sirius makes sense, i think- we know what he’s missing, and why he’s missing it. ofc we see all of the flashbacks from snape’s POV, which makes it all more negative and antagonistic, but it makes sense for young sirius to have been a cocky, permanently bored semi-asshole too charming to get in anyone’s bad books for long, clever and quick with his words and crueller than he needs to be. we see hints of that in him later, and we know the context.
so, to get back to the quote: the most rebellious, the most handsome and the most dangerous of the marauders? canon says yes. (he’s probably up there for most rebellious/most handsom/most generous chara in general, actually, with the disclaimer of some of the big bads in terms of danger, ofc.) sirius is a rebel both in attitude (leather jackets, motorbikes, sticking muggle posters all over his room to make a point) and in conviction (unlearning his family’s bigotry, spending his whole life fighting an oppressive movement); he’s also one of the characters jkr-via-harry spends the most time telling us is attractive, and as for dangerousness, well. sirius is dangerous, and he’s an interesting dangerous, because he teeters between acceptable canon dangerous (he’s a highly skilled duelist, he violently hates death eaters, and if he puts his mind to something he will accomplish it no matter the obstacle) and a more uncomfortable dangerousness, which both adults like molly or dumbledore and students like hermione take issue with (he feels little pity for anyone he considers in the wrong, cruelty comes easily to him, and if you cross him his vengeance borders on unhinged).
i think the quote kind of sums up why my nine-year old self was so drawn to sirius- he was a character that harry loved and looked up to tremendously, and he was so different from the kind of hero adult figures i’d seen before, always with a darkness to him, and cool in a way the other adults weren’t. since then, though, it’s the other things that have kept sirius near and dear to my heart- all the complex contradictions of his character, all the important things he teaches harry, the duality between the familial roots and traits he can’t shake off and his innate drive to do good and to make right. i’ve said so before, but the fact he’s the character that tells harry things like "we’ve all got both light and dark inside us. what matters is the part we choose to act on. that’s who we really are”, or “if you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals” is incredible to me. not only are they some of the core messages of the books, but they display such a worldly widsom, on behalf of a character you wouldn’t initially expect to have any such deep dumbledore-esque statements to make, which adds so much depth and nuance to sirius. the striking thing is that sirius is the one to tell harry (and us) these things, but they are battles he himself struggles with tremendously- he lives his life in black and white while thinking in grey, so to speak. it’s that kind of thing that has kept me coming back to sirius and will keep him close to my heart so long as i live- he feels so very human, both a walking greek tragedy and a cool uncle. not to mention he has the best roast of all seven books.
i could go on about sirius endlessly, especially sirius and james, because their relationship is such an interesting study of both their personalities while feeding into their personalities at the same time, but i think i’ve covered your question, so i’ll leave it at that for now, haha.
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parseltongve · 7 years
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colin creevey minimalistic posters
nice guys do finish last.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Anime Character Designer Draws Nisekoi Blu-ray Box Art
Aniplex unveils the jacket illustration for the forthcoming Blu-ray box set of the TV anime adaptation of Naoshi Komi's romantic comedy manga Nisekoi, newly drawn by the anime character designer/chief animation director Nobuhiro Sugiyama.
  The Shaft-animated adaptation was aired for two seasons in Japan: the 20-episode first season in 2014 and the 12-episode second season in 2015. In addition to the 32 episodes, the six-disc set also includes the four OAD episodes that were bundled with the manga tankobon's special editions. 
  The 37,800 yen (about 337 US dollars) set with a character song CD, a visual collection book, and a sticker sheet is scheduled to be released in Japan on December 12, 2018.
    キャラクターデザイン杉山延寛さん描き下ろしのBOXジャケットイラストも解禁です!みなさんポップでかわいいです~! そしてさらに、アニメ映像がぎゅぎゅっと詰まったロングPVも公開!HPではいろいろなお��さんの特典画像も見れます╭(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و (ミミコ)https://t.co/6njS2V7f2F #nisekoi pic.twitter.com/UFn2H4GTT5
— 『ニセコイ』公式アカウント (@nisekoi_k) 2018年10月26日
    The anime's official Twitter has posted four CMs for the set with newly recorded narration by the anime's
each heroine.
  アニメ「ニセコイ」Blu-ray Disc BOXのヒロイン別CM第1弾を公開です~! まずは、桐崎千棘さんバージョン!東山奈央さんの録り下ろしナレーションとともに、元気な千棘さんのシーンが詰まっています٩(๑>◡<๑)۶ 来週は鶫さんバージョンのCMを公開予定です☆https://t.co/6njS2V7f2F#nisekoi pic.twitter.com/S3GCMymQU4
— 『ニセコイ』公式アカウント (@nisekoi_k) 2018年10月5日
  アニメ「ニセコイ」Blu-ray Disc BOXのヒロイン別CM第2弾を公開! 今週は鶫誠士郎さんバージョン!お久しぶりに鶫さんを演じた小松未可子さんの録り下ろしナレーションも必聴ですよ~٩(๑>◡<๑)۶ 来週は万里花さんバージョンのCMを公開予定です☆(ミミコ)https://t.co/6njS2V7f2F #nisekoi pic.twitter.com/jzmM3NKWSG
— 『ニセコイ』公式アカウント (@nisekoi_k) 2018年10月12日
  アニメ「ニセコイ」Blu-ray Disc BOXのヒロイン別CM第3弾を公開! 今週は橘万里花さんバージョン!こちらもお久しぶりに万里花さんを演じていただいた、阿澄佳奈さんの録り下ろしナレーションですよ~(ノ≧∀)ノ 来週は小咲さんのCMを公開予定です☆(ミミコ)https://t.co/6njS2V7f2F #nisekoi pic.twitter.com/3xQvLBmtP7
— 『ニセコイ』公式アカウント (@nisekoi_k) 2018年10月19日
  アニメ「ニセコイ」Blu-ray Disc BOXのヒロイン別CM第4弾を公開! 今週は小野寺小咲さんバージョン!花澤香菜さんの録り下ろしナレーションがとってもキュートです٩(๑>◡<๑)۶ これにて揃った全4種のCM、ぜひご覧ください♪ さらに…(ミミコつづきます!)https://t.co/6njS2V7f2F #nisekoi pic.twitter.com/uC3RXJrcFW
— 『ニセコイ』公式アカウント (@nisekoi_k) 2018年10月26日
      Purchasers of the Blu-ray box set at anime specialized stores and major retails stores will also get
a bonus item listed below.
   - ANIPLEX+ (Chara Fine Graph & 30 image cut cards for four heroines)
 - Amazon JP (B2 cloth poster)
   - Animate (B2 tepestry & a set of four heart-shaped tin badges)
 - Gamers (Cushion strap)
  - Sofmap (B3 cloth poster)
- Toranoana (A3 tapestry)
     - HMV (A4 clear file)
 - Seven Net Shopping (A6 acryl plate)
   - TBS/MBS official online store Animaru! (Chara Fine Graph)
 - Neo Wing (Mouse pad)
  - WonderGoo/Shinseido (2L-size photo card)
- SHAFT TEN (Acryl multi stand)
    Source: Aniplex press release
  ©Naoshi Komi/Shueisha, Aniplex, MBS
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sen-sei-ya · 7 years
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Tolong bantu share~~ Hi all, akhirnya tanggal dan tempat di update~ Ini untuk tempat yg di JKT yaaaaa~ (yg Surabaya, Denpasar, Jogja, Makassar, Semarang menyusul) . . Kita yang di Jakarta akan mengadakan Hetaia Gathering ini pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2017 yang bertepatan di Warung Pasta Bulungan. (Sejujurnya sih untuk daerah lain dilaksanakan di tanggal yang sama, hanya tempat saja yang berbeda).. . Untuk rules Acara: 1. Kalian boleh membawa koleksian Hetalia kalian (seperti buku, boneka, dll yg menyangkut dgn Hetalia) agar ada bahan obrolan dengan teman-teman lainnya. 2. Kalian boleh bawa alat tulis/buku gambar, atau laptop untuk siapa tau kalian mau art trade atau semacamnya. 3. Dilarang BERANTEM karena pairing/ chara kesukaan berbeda!!! Perbedaan itu pastilah menyenangkan.. :)... jangan paksa org lain untuk menyukai hal yg mereka tidak suka yaaaaa~~ 4. Inti dalam pertemuan ini adalah 'berkenalan' jadi walau tadi kusebut boleh bawa ini itu, jgn masuk ke dunia sendiri yaaaaa~~ ngobrol dengan teman-teman yg lain :D.. 5. Jualan diperbolehkan.. :) 6. Untuk makan dan minum, kalian bisa pesan masing-masing menu yang kalian inginkan dan sukai, namun bayarnya masing-masing ya... apabila ada yang ingin patungan, panitia tidak bertanggung jawab. 7. Untuk pakaian, kalau ada yang mau cosplay silahkan. Yg ga cosplay tetap boleh datang! Ini acara bersama~~ 8. Jangan malu-malu yaaa.. dan jangan mengganggu customer lain, tetep santun :D 9. Untuk pendaftaran, kalian bisa daftar ke fb/ nomor hp yg tertera di poster :D... kenapa harus mendaftar? Jawabannya: untuk mendata berapa orang yg akan hadir nanti.. kan ga lucu kalau kalian udah sampe tempat ternyata salah orang :D hehe.. . . Cara mendaftar: - tulis nama kalian di dm /sms / whatsapp - apabila ada teman kalian mau daftar melalui kalian, kalian tulis nama mereka (max 2 orang) - daftar ke panitia daerah masing-masing yaaa~~ Point gathering ini untuk kumpul-kumpul dan saling kenal para fans Hetalia.. jadi kita tidak mementingkan games :)... Nb: kita akan mengadakan video call dengan anak-anak Hetalia dari daerah-daerah yang kusebut tadi.. biar kenalan kita makin luas :D... #hetalia #aph #hetaliaindonesia #hetaliagathering #hetagath #aphitaly #aphjapan #aphgermany #aphrussia #aphengland #aphfrance #aphchina #aphamerica
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy in
The Chamber of Secrets (2002) The Order of the Phoenix (2007) The Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2 (2010 & 2011)
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort,  Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy and  Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange in
The Order of the Phoenix (2007) The Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2 (2010 & 2011)
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Bonnie Wright as Ginny Weasley in
The Chamber of Secrets (2002) The Order of the Phoenix (2007) The Half-Blood Prince (2009) The Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)
James and Oliver Phelps as Fred and George Weasley in
The Chamber of Secrets (2002) The Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)
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Julie Walters as Molly Weasley in 
The Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood in
The Order of the Phoenix (2007) The Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom in 
The Order of the Phoenix (2007) The Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Alan Rickman as Professor Severus Snape in
The Philosopher’s Stone (2001) The Chamber of Secrets (2002) The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) The Half-Blood Prince (2009) The Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2 (2010 & 2011)
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter in
The Philosopher’s Stone (2001) The Chamber of Secrets (2002) The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) The Goblet of Fire (2005) The Order of the Phoenix (2007) The Half-Blood Prince (2009) The Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2 (2010 & 2011)
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy in
The Chamber of Secrets (2002) The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) The Half-Blood Prince (2009) The Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)
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The Philosopher’s Stone (2001) Re-release in China (2020)
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Emma Watson as Hermione Granger in
The Philosopher’s Stone (2001) The Chamber of Secrets (2002) The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) The Goblet of Fire (2005) The Order of the Phoenix (2007) The Half-Blood Prince (2009) The Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2 (2010 & 2011)
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Maggie Smith as Professor Minerva McGonagall in
The Philosopher’s Stone (2001) The Chamber of Secrets (2002) The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) The Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Harry Potter Character Posters
Robbie Coltrane as (Professor) Rubeus Hagrid in
The Philosopher’s Stone (2001) The Chamber of Secrets (2002) The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) The Goblet of Fire (2005)
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