#how'd you do?
life-of-kalos · 23 days
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@flying-type-teacher @ask-the-shiny-pokemons @askvekpa @poniquest @perish-song @sinnohsiblings @symphonies-of-silver @the-last-of-alto-mare @the-sleepysiren @ask-suicune @the-feral-one @askleaderscrest @lightofunova @singularity-and-co @askthehoenngods @lustrous-dawn @askdeoxys @ask-diane @office-pokemons @ask-meowscarada @starintheday @greedentstripes @ask-imaginary-dreamers
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u3pxx · 2 months
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KIM KITSURAGI - “Is that. My kineema.”
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - Something in him is about to break, *big time*.
EMPATHY - And it’s not going to be pretty, do something!
- DRAMA [Formidable] - Everything is fine!
- “Sure is.”
DRAMA [Formidable: Failure] - Surely he’s aware that he’s not the *only* person in the world who owns a Kineema?
YOU - “Is it really *yours*? I mean, plenty of people have their own Kineemas, right? Like working men, government offices, uh, firefighters I guess, maybe even animal control people? Exactly! A million different people who could’ve driven it into the uh…”
DRAMA - Pause, my liege! Ixnay on the Ineemakay!
YOU - “It could even be our *mysterious* joyrider!”
KIM KITSURAGI - Your frenzied babbling falls deaf to the lieutenant's ears. Instead, he approaches the broken vehicle, sunken in the ice. He moves with a caution and gentleness you haven’t seen him display before.
INLAND EMPIRE - It must be cold and lonely down there, in the icy water. Maybe he could sense its sorrow, calling to him…
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Easy: Success] - His hands, which are always stiffly placed behind his back, are trembling.
ENDURANCE - This is the shuffle of a tired, tired man.
HALF LIGHT - He’s going to do something drastic because of you. Oh god, terrible! You’re a terrible liar! You can’t look at this, you just can’t!
VOLITION [Formidable: Success] - It's not *you* who drove his kineema into the sea. You have plenty of faults, but this one is decidedly not yours.
KIM KITSURAGI - He kneels down with his head bowed, casting his face in shadow. He plants a hand on the ice to stabilize himself, squinting to get a better view of the motor carriage. “Detective, it says ‘57’ on it.”
YOU - Sweat drips down your brow, and you feel a terrible headache coming. “Maybe our joyrider has an affinity for that number?”
LOGIC - He's not stupid, he knows that it's not that.
YOU - “What about 57?”, you brace yourself.
KIM KITSURAGI - “Precinct 57.”
YOU - You wince. “Kim, look-”
KIM KITSURAGI - “When I woke up in the Whirling-in-Rags with no memory of what happened during the days before, I've taken note that something of mine has gone missing.” He grits his teeth. "A very. Important. Something."
He runs his hands over his face, messing his already unkempt hair in the process. Regret creeps up on his features. “God. Fuck. They’re going to fire me over this, they’re not going to hear me out.”
EMPATHY - Desperation settles in the lieutenant's tone. Sadly, you find yourself in agreement, even if you don’t want it to be the truth.
YOU - “People are more valuable than machines, Kim.”
KIM KITSURAGI - “Not people like me.” He rasps.
YOU - “…”
KIM KITSURAGI - Before you can say anything more, you fail to notice the lieutenant carefully walking onto the edge of the ice. He looks over the frigid water, a dizzying blue that mirrors and distorts his exhausted face back to him.
YOU - “Kim?”
KIM KITSURAGI - Seconds pass as he looks to be contemplating something. Out of nowhere, he casually takes another step where the ice ends and the sea begins. It happens all too quick for the lieutenant to even voice a call for help— if he even wanted to — his body plunging into the cold water before your eyes.
YOU - “KIM!!!!”
uhhh bonus stuff? sorry i have swap au brainworms pfttt
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(im not sure what skills kim has at the moment so rn he only has narration as his inner monologue ok whoops, i would like to keep harry as the guy who thinks in dialogue trees so im still figuring it out pfttt)
also, this was done bc i wanted to expand on these old scribbles of mine, just like an idea, i just think that he'd be having an even worse time wheezes
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astralnymphh · 2 months
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abby is a morningtime maniac— for those who oversleep! ascribe it to this: fumbling your sleep schedule because you fret over the daylight worries that somehow slipped past dawn and happened to cling to your brain and pester you to disquietude? or you've merely acquired a schedule viable for rot because of that all-consuming addiction to the little handheld screen in your trained palm? so now, half past the time abby has set your alarm to ring at— you're still snoozing? not on her watch. "hey— wake up, loads of stuff to do today, remember?" muggy of her breath and tinted with a slight grog in the pit of her throat, a thumb traces the dip below your lip, nudging your head left to right softly as spring's greenest day— but to no avail, "gosh, we seriously need to get your schedule in check." a scoff dusts her lips, then— she relents, "no choice it is then, got it." and by asudden weightlessness, two stouts of arms weasel beneath the curves of your backside and crane you into her chest, and the swift deprive of gravity feels as though an empty cosmos has grown below you, and like that— you're awake. "what the— abby?" you squint, double take your surroundings, squint some more, the face of your beloved muscle machine blurry. yet after a few blinks, you think you gauge a quarter-moon smile, and some chuckled tongue-in-cheek retort rushing to your ears, "didn't seem like you we're going to wake up anytime soon, what, stayed up all night on me again? hmph, you dork."
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spookberry · 8 months
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totally normal amity park civilians, nothing freaky fierce to see here
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musicalchaos07 · 2 months
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mrsthunderkin · 1 month
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"This book is incredibly unrealistic, my love"
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
look i know dethklok is a quaint little menagerie of dudes with mad parental baggage (minus nathan he's in the control group) and that the fandom also gravitates towards those conflicts and themes and stuff because fuckin duh obviously but like. well. um. does anyone else get just like.. Absurdly emotional at murderface calling skwisgaar his strong and brave little soldier or is that just my particular brain poison
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Vampire babbling time: So vampires are split into age categories, and they tend to get stronger with age (although, disclaimer that this is 2e not 5e - it is still D&D lore though. Hooray for home ruling and porting stuff over. Anyway.)
Fledgling: 0-99 years Mature: 100-199 years Old: 200-299 years Very Old: 300-399 years Ancient: 400-499 years Eminent: 500-999 years Patriarch: 1000+ years
It's also notable that this categorisation is used by hunters, not vampires themselves, but the point here is the mechanics of the categories; their strength, dexterity, intelligence and charisma increases over the centuries, they can move with greater and greater supernatural speed, and their regeneration abilities increase as they heal even faster, and you need enchanted weapons to harm them and the strength of the enchantment must be stronger the older they are.
Edit: Oh, and they can also control more and more undead minions. (Their supernatural powers, like spider climb and gaseous form aren't connected to age: They have those from the moment they become vampires and they don't weaken or strengthen.)
Because of this increase of power with age, the vampire pecking order is decided by age; younger vampires are fully expected to fear, obey and revere their elders, who consider themselves entitled to it.
For every day a vampire doesn't feed properly, it drops an "age category". So an "old" vampire who doesn't drink enough blood (12 HP in game terms) will regress to "mature", and back down to "fledgeling" if they don't feed again (which would be the base statblock for vampires and spawn in the monster manual). If they then feed sufficiently (source is irrelevant; animal, human[oid], corpse, bottled, it's fine) then they will be restored to the "mature" category, and with another feeding be restored to their actual power levels. (You cannot starve a vampire below the supernaturally enhanced base stats it started with when it became a vampire (the fledgling stage); if you translated this lore over directly (again, it's not 5e) Astarion being weaker than the average fledgling vampire spawn is the tadpole's fault (which is basically canon))
If a vampire wanted to keep their "children" at the comparatively weak fledgling stage then they'd have a balancing act to do. One can't simply starve a vampire - because then they'd turn into howling rabid corpses trying to drain everything in sight - but if you carefully managed their feeding habits you could keep them "weak" (by vampire standards) without them becoming non-functioning.
As far as the rank and power levels of Cazador's victims go, without somebody keeping them weak;
Yousen and Leon are still fledglings. Dalyria mentions being on the parliament, considering she doesn't seem that rich and the only parliament I know is the Parliament of Peers, she's around 50-ish, and thus a fledgling.
Petras mentions a century, so I assume he's either mature or at the end point of the fledgling stage.
Taking on the headcanon that Violet was taken in Reithwin before Shar wrecked the place, she's 100+, and either mature or old.
Astarion is considered an old vampire. Aurelia seems old and mentions centuries, plural, so I assume she's in that category with him.
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darklight-phantasm · 2 months
It still baffles me how no one in the Skylanders fandom ever expanded on the CANON mirror universe. Other fandoms build those from scratch while we had it laid out for us and did nothing. Deplorable.
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allgremlinart · 4 months
and I KNOWWWW book 3 is usually everybody's favorite Korra season by, like, a lot but ngl... its the first season to introduce Avatar characters that I just straight up didnt like..
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Finally got a drawing tablet to do some like real actual drawing like the artsy ppl do
and ofc the first thing I draw is the babies of DiscoPunk Hobie and Diane and OMG
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Them. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm just learning how to draw but I'm SO UNSPEAKABLY PROUD OF THIS
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vicaly · 2 months
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Cinder does not take well to being called a pretender. Nor having the peace disrupted when Team Rocket's goons manage to track them down.
I feel as though it would only be in the series that Cinder gets revealed as Mewtwo. In all the movies it would be Cinder doing the impossible or unnerving that only long time fans would understand what's going on.
Like a one vs forty plus the trainers with Cinder going "I'll hold them off" and Ash being the only nonchalant one about it. Only popping back up like, "what I miss?" after taking care of all the loose ends.
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murderbees · 15 days
More World Building for Tron, because I get stuck on random details
This time, featuring Energy in general, on the Grid
First, energy is multifunctional within the Grid. It power vehicles and machines, and serves as food and drink for Programs. It's naturally occuring, in the outlands with pools.
Energy is a natural resource, distributed throughout the grid as rain. Unforunately, Raw energy is slightly corrosive. You can drink it and be okay, but long term exposure isn't good for anyone. Think of it like salt water or lemon juice. Sure you'll be fine, but you will get uncomfortable. Since it's also energy, everyone absorbs some through their skin. If you absorb too much, you'll overload your systems and that's also really bad. That's why storms are dangerous, in addition to the electricity and lightning.
Energy has three forms, Raw, Primary, and Secondary. This refers to how processed the energy has been. Raw energy has not been processed. Primary energy has been processed, and is the most common form. Secondary is less common and is used in culinary pursuits or in the military.
Primary energy has either been processed through the city's power plant or through the Grid. In the ground is an aquifer of energy, which is why Tesler tried to drill for energy. Unfortunately, this caused blackouts since the city's energy is pulled from that same aquifer. The power plants regulate energy and moniter its use to ensure everyone has what they need, and that the aquifer remains healthy. If you take too much, there won't be enough left to support the city. The plants also plan excursions to the outlands to find energy pools to harvest. It's all about balance.
Each building has it's own energy well, but they're used as secondary energy sources. It more efficient for everyone if the power plant manages energy. The energy is distributed throughout the area by aqueducts connected to all buildings.
Primary energy can be drunken but it's really strong. Most programs prefer it diluted. Primary energy is used mainly for infrastructure and vehicles.
Secondary energy ranges from liquids to solids. It can be thinner, thicker, jelly-like, or even crystalline. It's used in both culinary arts and industrial and military functions.
Culinary energy tends to focus on drinks, with some jellies and solids. They make syrups and bases, sodas, many different kinds of energy drink for programs to consume. If you drink it every day, why not make it interesting? Some programs even have the capability to process the energy into jelly-like or crystal-like structures. These aren't very common, since they're more like gimmicks or candy. Not necessary, but novel and fun. Once turned into jelly or crystal, the energy cannot be turned back.
Industrial energy tends to be thicker, using a concentrated energy to run heavy machinery. There are many engineers experimenting to make more efficient energy forms. Crystal energy is sometimes used, but it's very rare.
Except if you're in the military. The military takes crystal energy and makes it into bombs. Yup, bombs. Crystal energy pellets are essentially bullets, and larger crystals get turned into grenades and bombs. Anything that uses crystal energy has a change to just explode.
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irhabiya · 1 month
texting ur male friends past 9pm top ten scariest experiences ever of all time ever
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yuzuuu4 · 1 year
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late night makomako
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boimgfrog · 2 months
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