#how to get to jewel changi
umichenginabroad · 4 months
Swinging by Singapore (Week 4)
Hello from Singapore! Having always wanted to travel to Southeast Asia, I was ecstatic to learn that one of my roommates had a similar dream. I couldn’t believe it when we started discussing the trip just two weeks in advance, but I seized the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture. My schooling at UNSW is split between the Summer semester which runs from Jan 2 - Feb 5 and term 1 which runs from Feb 11 - May 9. During the summer semester, I have been taking a single Ecotourism class which is entirely asynchronous until the end of January when the class takes a trip to the Great Barrier Reef! This meant that I could travel with no fear of missing class. After a 9hr flight, Lauren, Charlotte, Shaunak, Evan and I landed in Singapore and got right to exploring. The Jewel is a mall containing the world’s largest indoor waterfall located just outside the Changi Airport. As soon as we got off the plane and laid eyes on the beauty we were speechless. Luscious trees and shrubbery surrounded the waterfall and staggered up all around it. The light shone through the windowed ceiling and made me forget about any stress I ever had. We might as well have been standing in a jungle. The surrounding mall was just as exciting. Several minutes were spent wandering around the Pokemon store where I got a pack of cards in honor of my ever growing childhood collection. The chocolate croll I got at a little bakery stand was one of the best things I had ever eaten in an airport. After 2 hours of exploring, it was clear to me that airports in the US need to step up their game. 
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Utilizing the very reliable train system known as the MRT, we made our way to our AirBnB located in Little India. For reference, Singapore is a melting pot of cultures with a 74% Chinese, 14% Malaysian, and 9% Indian population. This means that when you look around, all signage is in Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, and English. The fact that English is widely spoken across the country made transport and communication extremely easy and not something we had to worry about. After settling into our single room with just enough space for our beds and bags, we made our way towards Kampong Gelam which is Singapore’s Muslim Quarter and the site of the remarkable Sultan Mosque. Starving, we found a restaurant for dinner which was full of new foods and a particular favorite of mine – Kothu Paratha which I’d only ever had at my favorite Indian restaurant in Ann Arbor. We called it a night soon after that, but I was excited to be on a new continent and get right to exploring. 
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The next day we hit all the major stops including Gardens by the Bay, the Cloud Forest, and Marino Bay Sands. The first two attractions, like the Jewel, emphasized the appreciation for nature that Singapore has as many of its major attractions are centered around greenery. 
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Pictured first is Gardens by the Bay. Second is me in the Cloud Forest!
Nearby was a Hawker Center called Satay by the Bay where we got lunch. Hawker Centers in Singapore are essentially large food courts with countless stalls of diverse Indian, Chinese, and Malaysian foods and drinks for incredible prices. On average, you could get a whole meal for about $5 and a side drink for another $1 so needless to say I seized the opportunity to try as many foods as possible. That lunch I had chicken satay, my first ever stingray, carrot cake (a dish local to Singapore containing absolutely no carrot nor cake), and pineapple juice. I can’t even begin to describe how delicious everything tasted so I’m afraid you’ll just have to imagine through the picture below. 
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Hawker Centers like that one are scattered all throughout the city, so we made it a rule to seek them out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At Marino Bay Sands, one of the most unique buildings I have ever stepped foot in, we made our way to a restaurant called Lavo at the highest floor where we got drinks, incredible views, and a 20-layered chocolate peanut butter cake. We may have been exhausted from walking around all day, but we did not leave until that cake plate was clean, even if it meant spending the next hour there. 
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Marino Bay Sands is the building pictured above followed by the equally-as-intimidating chocolate cake.
The next day we ventured to Sentosa Island where you could take cable cars across the island and see the beautiful beaches and various amusement parks. Though the weather wasn’t in our favor, it was nice to see what beaches look like outside of Australia since they reminded me of just how lucky I am to be living on Coogee. Sentosa was followed by Chinatown and Clarke Quay in the evening, both of which are full of rich culture and were a pleasure to roam in. Before our flight to Bali, we concluded our trip with the MacRitchie Treetop Walk where we were greeted by monkeys and even more beautiful greenery. 
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Though we were only able to spend a few days there, I fully intend on returning to Singapore one day and making my way to those Hawker Centers. Until then, back to exploring Australia!
David Bayer
Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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demasrusli · 2 years
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Under the Jewel 💎💧 // This is the structure underneath the famous Jewel waterfall at Singapore Changi airport! 😮 Super cool glass wall with water running down it! 😍 👈🏻 Swipe left to see the original RAW image, and then swipe left again to see the notes/process for editing this image! 😉 The settings for the photo were 1/500s, f4, ISO100 - I should have shot it at a higher ISO and a bit slower shutter speed to get the original shot a bit brighter, but we didn't have much time here and I accidentally had my ISO locked to 100 at the time... 😅 That's why shooting in RAW is good because you can save the mistakes you make when out shooting in the edit 😆 I removed the people by using other photos (clean plates) I shot from the same location - check my Youtube channel for a tutorial on how to remove people from photos! 🙂 What do you think of the final edit? 🤔 #singapore #seejewel #sonyalpha (at Jewel Changi Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDEqKCrb3N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heysarsii · 11 months
sweet escape :)
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so hot lah 🔥🥵
Forgot to post an update before, during and after we went to Singapore. I am now back in KL and I must say, while SG stole my heart during my first visit, KL is growing on me and I'm getting convinced each day that living here is better. Aside from the expensive prices there, KL actually has a certain charm that got me wanting to stay a little longer.
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Day 2 highlights - Jewel Changi, Merlion park, Gardens by the bay, SEA Aquarium, Chili/salted eggCrab, Cereal Prawn, Hawker Chan,
Don't get me wrong, I love how modern it is in SG, the arts, food, and vibe but I think it's good for a short escape only.x
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 1 year
My Hero PSLE: S2E4 "Asian mom wrath"
"What is an Asian without straight As? Sin."
-Man who got a single B for math
So. As it turns out, we already have the help of our first god to help us fight... *checks paper* yeah no shit. His own brother.
And we'll probably have the second soon.
So when Grandmaster finally remembered what they even came to Jewel for right, they got up and wanted to leave... but then they realise have no money to pay for the meal.
So they have to wash plate to pay off the debt. Aiya so sian, the customer always eat until so dirty.
(Of course Grandmaster could have just used his reality warping power to solve everythibg but because Xiao Ming and gang cause him so much trouble just now he decided to prevent them from using their powers but he reality warp to clean all of his plates easily)
So by the time they got up to leave right, already very late liao. So Juqla suggest they go back to his house first to sleepover, tyen continue in the morning. (He lives around Changi airport and yes, he is insane because WHO TF LIVES AROUND CHANGI AIRPORT)
But then they no money to pay for taxi liao, so they have to walk back to his house the entire way (and no, they don't have bus cards) (and again Grandmaster want to take a walk and he's the one with the strongest power so everything is he say one)
But then they cannot go one day without having some sort of drama one (*glances at 1 int grp chat as I type this*)
So halfway when they were walking back... they got KIDNAPPED!
And no, it's not Mr Lee anymore, he's already dead.
It's *insert drumroll sound effects here* ...... some other god!
Like what. Ok firstly which god is this and why did she kidnap them.
"Greetings, mortals, to my humble abode! Now firstly the one in the the strikingly eye-catching banana suit, you're Xiao Ming, right?"
Apa ini. "Ok firstly, well, there's a god right here, so not all of us are mortals, and secondly, WHEN TF DID YOU CHANGE ME INTO THIS RIDICULOUS BANANA SUIT? BRUH! GRANDMASTER! JUST USE YOUR REALITY WARPING POWERS TO P-"
"I've already put Lahk-Raiu locks on ya'll, ya'll can't use your powers, and also I take it that means you're Xiao Ming, ok? So I wanna know...why are the gods so interested in you ah?"
"HOW TF AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW? Wait...you mean there are actual gods interested in me? Like the female gods want to d-"
"They want to kill you. Also wait-did you mention you had a god with you?"
"Yeah, hi there, Freya, what the hell are we doing here tho? OHHHH WAIT, lemme guess, a lot of gods are asking you to kill Xiao Ming now right?" Now Juqla was talking.
"Uh... yeah. Do ya know why?"
"No bruh! I met him like today!"
"Ok fine I guess I should do a self introduction. I am Freya, the God of fate, cause and effect, and coincidence and control, I assume you're trying to kill Kain cos of... *gestures to Juqla* him, so I'll join you, I've been longing to get the chance to kill a god anyway,"
"Well that's nice of you, welcome to the club!" Grandmaster said rather positively...
"Yeah, I'm starting to regret this already,"
"Your Majesty, your brother has been spotted with the Alicorn along with his friends and... *checks report* the Grandmaster, we still don't know his real name, he's the one Mr Lee told us was super powerful,"
"Ugh. Who cares how powerful he is, mere mortals like him have no effect on gods like us! Get the men!"
"Yes, Your Majesty!"
"Your Majesty, I'm here! What made your little servant g-" *dodges blade thrown at him*
"Jesus Christ, you didn't have to be so-" *dodges another blade*
"Ok ok I get it lah! Anyway I'm just here to tell you that your brother was-"
"Yeah yeah yeah, seen with the Alicorn and the Grandmaster, I know, I know,"
"No not that, bruh, lemme finish my sentences first! Your brother- has been spotted through blood-seer eyes... with much more corruption than he should be able to bear,"
"Tch! That traitor is a disgrace to our cause, I'll bet you he's found some way to negate its effects, and then proceeds to plot homicide against me! Bruh!
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lotusleaf1998 · 2 years
My experience in Singapore.
Hello , My name is Naruewan Yasara .last year I go to Singapore.When I decided to visit Singapore, I knew that I was visiting one of the most developed high-income countries in the World. Still, nothing prepared me for what I was about to experience.Arriving at Changi airport, and after going through the immigration, I went straight to the Jewel Changi, seeing one of the iconic sites you usually would come across whenever you see anything talking about the best airports in the World. All this time, I was enjoying the free wifi so I could immediately update the status.After several minutes of admiring the beauty of the Jewel, I ordered a cab via Grab to the Hotel but not before I had tried an iced coffee from some stall by the arrivals. The app prompted me to select the gate that I wanted to be picked from, which was confusing. I thought I would go outside, check the driver's location and the number plate, then hop in, but then I remembered that I was in Singapore . I took the escalator down to the gate, and after a few minutes and less confusion, the driver arrived.Singapore is one country I will visit again or even live in for some time if I get a job here :). This is what a country looks like if you have systems that work. Many of you don't know, but when my country Kenya and Singapore both gained independence from the British in the 1960s, Singapore was poorer than Kenya, but now Kenya is nowhere near the economy of Singapore. People usually bring about Singapore when we talk about our stagnant or relatively slow growth in the economy, and rightly so. Simple things like crossing the road and how clean the streets are here fascinate me. I had to google "Black experience in Singapore" before coming, and just like all the results, I can confirm that I am invisible. No one has treated me differently. I have only met beautiful people who have helped me navigate the city by suggesting buses, mrt, or even helped me load up my mrt card.If you are thinking of visiting Singapore, please come. This developed country allows visa-free travel for many of us from developing countries. My decision to come here came about when I realized that I didn't need a visa. I applaud the Singapore government for that. Visa is a limiting factor for many people, even if they have the means to travel all over the World.
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flyouthk · 5 years
新加坡最新商場: JEWEL 星耀樟宜@機場 有什麼商舖? 值得去嗎? (超多相片)
新加坡最新商場: JEWEL 星耀樟宜@機場 有什麼商舖? 值得去嗎? (超多相片)
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Jewel Changi Airport 是一個融合自然為主題的娛樂和零售的商場, 與三座客運大樓相連 , 是世界上最高的室內瀑布,稱為Rain Vortex,周圍環繞著梯田森林。 Jewel包括花園,景點,酒店,航空設施以及300多個零售和餐飲設施。它的總建築面積為135,700 m 2,橫跨10層-地上五層,地下五層。 最重要的是這個商場是24小時營業。
順帶一提, Jewel Changi中的一家酒店由國際酒店品牌YOTEL經營,擁有約130間客房,已於2019年4月12日開業。這是YOTEL首次進軍亞洲地區。 小編覺得它們很懂做生意,因為這個商場太大及太多東西可以買及食,要花大半天才能行完,最好的選擇當然是在落機後或上機前的一天住在這裏。查詢最新價錢可以按此了解更多優惠及最低價錢。
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masteraska · 2 years
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I love the PSvita! It's my most favorite handheld and gaming console of all time! It was way ahead of it's time bringing TV console quality gaming in a portable form-factor, 6 years ahead of the Nintendo Switch. But due to it's expensive proprietary memory cards and the emerging smart phone market of 2012, the PSvita saw little success outside Japan & was abandon by Sony in 2017. Sony later official discontinued the system on March 1st 2019. Despite all of this, the PSvita has a dedicated thriving community of modders and game developers even to this day! With new games & homebrews being released on a monthly basis! In this video, I'm sharing my joy of being able to not just play my PSvita like a SWITCH but also be able to record game footage easily via my PC! We had to jump through many hops to get game footage from the PSvita TV, but now the process is so much easier! Watch At Link Below! https://youtu.be/qsXt0swxOsY Check-out Blaine Locklair videos linked below on how you can get any PSvita model modded for free! PSvita 3.74 FW Mod https://youtu.be/l9HWm4561hU SD2Vita Setup https://youtu.be/rpL4KyUXoPY PKGJ Setup https://youtu.be/mpbhTNMKh-o #game #ゲーム #gaming #games #youtube #youtubegaming #masteraska #masterryoaska #retro #retrogames #ニンテンドー #スイッチ #nintendo #switch #ニンテンドースイッチ #letsplay #3ds #nintendods #psvita #sony #PlayStation (at Jewel Changi Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CejVcLHBNMS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
state of the me
well. i’m headed for the farm tomorrow. 
currently the kids are crying over nothing, and i’m sitting in the guest room trying to figure out how to pack up my shit. I’ve been here so long I’ve like, silted in more and more shit on every trip home, and I’ve really been trying to like. Bring things home with me so this wouldn’t happen, but at this point I am not entirely sure I’ll be able to fit everything into my car. Yikes.
Things have been a bit stressful here; DF had a miserable week at work and there may be some kind of workplace upheaval, post-COVID, who knows, but there’s been a discussion floated that their little family may wind up relocating entirely; given his specialty, it’s possible they’d have to go as far as Cleveland or NYC to find a good job for him. It’s highly likely none of that would ever happen, of course, but even the slight chance of it is so upsetting-- of course nothing’s been said to the kids, but it’s upsetting MM and it’s upset me to think about it. I don’t know what I’d do. I don’t visit them as much as I want as it is, and they’re between the two places I commute from. I don’t know what I’d do if they were like, twice-annual Destination distance away. Cry, perhaps.
There’s a very real chance I’ve sat in on my last Witcher 3 session, as well; we’ll see if DF’s up to playing it tonight, but I just don’t know whether I’ll be back here. I might! It depends on what’s opening up. But this is the end of this phase of isolation. 
I’ll be seeing more of them this summer, but summer’s my busiest time of year, and normally I spend most of it at the farm but if the camera store is reopening I assume they’ll want me. I could use some money, but. It’s premature to discuss-- I just don’t know.
And of course, it finally occurred to my folks to tell me that my niblings are coming up from Maryland in a couple of weeks; they’d made the plans with my older sister a week or so ago but then just hadn’t told anyone else. I’ve been running around like a fool trying to nail plans down and there’s little enough information to be had, so it kind of stings not to have access to what little there really is to know! Ugh. I don’t actually know if I’ll be able to see them or not, and I don’t know if we’re still isolating or if we’d be able to hang out, or what!
I have absolutely no idea what’s going on at the farm or how things are or what their plans are. Asking Farmsister hasn’t yielded much; I have to go in person. I don’t know, man, i just don’t.
Nobody knows anything, me least of all. 
But I got my car registration renewed, at least. And I’ve had nothing to contribute to the protests but my anxious scrolling-- not even donations, as I haven’t had any of my unemployment come through, so I’m feeling pretty useless about that-- but none of this is about my feelings, so I’ve at least managed to shut up about that! I’ll figure it out later, and maybe by the time the struggle has been wearing on long enough for the people who leapt in at the beginning to get tired, I’ll have come up with something I can do. Meanwhile I’m going to go and help some food producers produce food, I guess; it’s what I can do.
Yesterday MM and I went out on an Expedition because shops are reopening, and we went to the estate jeweler’s where she has found much of the joy in her life these last couple of years. He was open for masked customers no more than three at a time, so we went in. I had found an old giftcard from work with an expiration date next month, so I used some of it to buy myself an extravagance-- a vintage lapis necklace, to semi-replace the one I lost in the yurt fire last year. I know, I was just talking about how broke I am, so I feel guilty for doing it now, but in the moment it was like, The Only Thing I Had Ever Wanted, and it’s the only money I’ve spent the entire time I’ve been Unemployed Without Compensation, apart from about $20 of food and uh some gas, I dunno. My math on that is like, ridiculously thrown-off by the changing prices. 
I’ll figure it all out. It’ll be fine. 
Oh, the other good thing is that the threat of having to pack all my shit up made me really go through all the sewing shit I brought, and I have managed to convert five dresses from Needs Repair/Alterations to I Can Wear This Now. (One of them had nothing wrong with it at all... but listen, it still counts, it’s been moved to the right category.)
I didn’t make half the progress on any of that that I was hoping, but it was more than nothing and I’ll take it.
Instead of Witchering last night, we did a video chat with my dude, who I miss rather a lot. He had little to report, but his mom went to stay with his sister, so he doesn’t even have the once-a-week dinner with her that he’d been relying on for all of his human contact during all of this. (DF was so tired I doubt he’d’ve wanted to Witcher anyway; he played some glitter robots and then passed out on the couch, occasionally sitting up to contribute something to the video chat, but was mostly incoherent.)
Right, I need to figure out how to strategize all this shit into my car now. Ay yi yi.
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karmaholmes221 · 3 years
Vicomte de Phantom
part 10- A Performance Of 'Il Muto' By Albrizzio
The love story of Raoul and Christine is timeless, how they overcame everything to be with one another, but there is much more to their story than that... there was another woman, Raoul's first wife. The first Vicomtesse de Changy. And she was just as much a part of the story as any other character.
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I walked into the showroom of the opera house, my arm looped through my husband. The managers were speaking adamantly with my husband about the opera. They only paused at the sound of the overture of ‘Il Muto’ by Albrizzio being played. Raoul took his arm from mine and wrapped it around my waist. “Gentlemen, if you would care to take your seats? My wife and I shall be sitting in Box Five.”
Andre looked worried. “Do you really think that's wise, monsieur?”
“My dear Andre, there would appear to be no seats available, other than Box Five.“ Raoul said simply before taking my arm and leading me towards the stairs leading to box five. I put my hand on his arm to stop him.
“Raoul, I don’t like this.” I said, Erik’s warning running through my mind.
“There’s nothing to worry about Darling.” Raoul said pulling me to Box five.
I glanced around as we took our seats as the front cloth rose to reveal a lavish salon, a canopied bed in the center of the stage. I could see Carlotta, dressed as the countess and the role of Serafimo, the page boy disguised as the maid, being filled by Christine. I closed my eyes and sent up a silent prayer that Erik would just let it go as two epicene men; a hairdresser and a jeweler who was attended by Meg. There was also an older woman, the countess’s confidente. The three of them, apart from Meg, were gossiping with relish about the countess’s current liaison with Serafimo. “They say that this youth has set my Lady's heart aflame! The confidente said a hand held to her face as if she were speaking behind it.
“His Lordship sure would die of shock!” The hairdresser seemed shocked.
“His Lordship is a laughing-stock!” The jeweler interjected.
“Should he suspect her God protect her!“ The confident sang before the three of them began singing as one.
“Shame! Shame! Shame! This faithless lady's bound for Hades! Shame! Shame! Shame!”
The three of them continued to pass gossip and I caught wind of the conversation between the managers in the box beside ours. “Nothing like the old operas!” Andre said.
“Or the old scenery.” Firmin added.
“The old singers.”
“The old audience.”
“And every seat sold!”
“Hardly a disaster beyond all imagination!” Firmin laughed. The two managers laughed and I turned my attention back to the stage.
“Serafimo your disguise is perfect.” Carlotta sang. There was a knock at the door “Who can this be?”
“Gentle wife, admit your loving husband.” Don Attilio sang. The countess admitted the old fool. “My love, I am called to England on affairs of State, and must leave you with your new maid.” He shielded his mouth from the Countess. “Though I'd happily take the maid with me.”
The countess shielded her mouth from Don Attilio. “The old fool's leaving!”
Don Attilio repeated his earlier movement. “I suspect my young bride is untrue to me. I shall not leave, but shall hide over there to observe her!” He turned to the countess. “Addio!’
“Addio!” The countess replied and they sang together.
Addio!” Don Attilio pretended to leave, then hid to watch the action.
The Countess turned to Serafimo. “Serafimo away with this pretence!” She ripped off Serafino's skirt to reveal his manly breeches.“You cannot speak, but kiss me in my husband's absence! Poor fool, he makes me laugh! Haha, Haha! Time I tried to get a better better half!”
The chorus joined in with the countess. “Poor fool, he doesn't know! Hoho, Hoho! If he knew the truth, he'd never, ever go!”
Suddenly, from out of nowhere, the Phantom’s voice boomed. “Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty?” I let my eyes sink shut for a moment, knowing that this wasn’t going to end well.
Meg looked terrified. ”He's here: the Phantom of the Opera.”
There was a general reaction of bewilderment from the crowd as Christine looked fearfully around her. ”It's him. I know it. it's him.”
Carlotta turned sharply towards Christine. “Your part is silent, little toad!” She hissed.
The Phantom’s voice rang out again. “A toad, Madame? Perhaps it is you who are the toad.”
There was another moment of unease. Carlotta quickly took several steps forward and conferred with the conductor quietly, clearly asking him to continue from the beginning of the scene. “Serafimo, away with this pretence! You cannot speak, but kiss me in my CROAK!" Instead of singing, Carlotta emitted a croak, like a toad.
There was a moment of stunned silence. Carlotta seemed just a amazed as everyone else. She quickly regained herself and continued as the phantom began laughing at her, quietly at first but it grew louder. “Poor fool, he makes me laugh Hahahahaha! Croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak….”
The Phantom’s laughter rose, overpowering the croaking. Carlotta looked to the managers and shook her head. “Non posso pi- I cannot. I cannot go on.” Carlotta called to the managers, tears running down her face.
Andre and Firmin quickly hurried out of the box and onto the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, the performance will continue in ten minutes' time when the role of the Countess will be sung by Miss Christine Daae.” Firmin called out, waving to Christine to go and change. Piangi quickly rushed over to the now sobbing Carlotta and lead her offstage
“In the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, we shall be giving you the ballet from Act Three of tonight's opera. “ Andre improvised, turning to the conductor. “Maestro, the ballet, now!”
The managers left the stage as it was cleared and the music began again. The ballet girls rushed on as the scenery was changed out to look like a sylvan glade. The girls quickly found their places and began the Dance of the Country Nymphs. I jumped slightly at the feeling of a hand on my shoulder, it was a young page boy. “Excuse me, Madame, but I was asked to give you this.” the boy said, handing me a single red rose, tied with a black ribbon.
My body went cold as I quickly jumped out of my seat and rushed from the box, heading for the backstage entrance. Raoul called out to me but I ignored him, pushing past people as I tried desperately to get to the stage in time to stop him. I reach the very edge of the stage as the ballet reached its climax and the garroted body of Joseph Buquet dropped from the catwalk above the stage. I let out an ear piercing shriek and a wave of pandemonium flooded through the opera house.
Over the din caused by the crowd of bodies on stage I heard christine calling out.“Raoul! Raoul!” My eyes found her just as Raoul found and embraced her.
Raoul quickly grabbed Christine’s hand pulling her away. “Christine, come with me.”
Christine stopped in her tracks. “No. to the roof. We'll be safe there.” She said and they hurried away.
I felt an ache in my heart as I began pushing through the crowd to follow them as Firmin attempted to placate the audience as stagehands and policemen rushed onto the stage behind me. “Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats. Do not panic. It was an accident, simply an accident."
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mamoretta · 4 years
Autumn in Japan❤
In November 2019, I went on a full week trip to Japan with my two lovely cousins, Teh Epi and Teh Ami. The trip was on my bucketlist, but when we first planned this trip, we were reckless and kinda impulsive but I don’t regret it any single second. Luckily, we bought the ticket 9 months before departure, so we had enough time to prepare everything (money especially). Little did you know that Japan is the farthest I’ve ever been from home (for now), so I was extra excited and the fact that I can afford this trip alone (in +-9 months of saving!) was a proud moment for me.
Because my last vacation was a solo trip, the first thing I noticed about this trip was the differencies between when you go alone and when you go grouping. In my opinion, solo traveling is much closer to your heart, like there’s always that touching moment when you feel you can conquer anything (I wonder what would happened if I go to Japan alone!!). While group traveling is more refreshing, fun, and thrilling, but it really depends on whom you travel with. I think you have to go with someone that you really vibed with if you want to fully enjoy the trip with less drama. Lucky me, I have two wonderful companions that made my trip to Japan couldn’t been any better. Although there wasn’t always rainbow in Japan (literally), but t’was full of laugh and positivity. Super big love and thanks to Ami-chan and Epi-chan❤
The Trip
I only visited Osaka and Kyoto due to my short time and budget-friendly trip but it was all worth it.
Day-0: Depart & Transit
We flew to Japan with Singapore Airlines (the service and the food was superb! Plus they have Gentle Bones’ song on their entertainment board :p), so we had transit in Changi for a night long, yes 9-hour long. We landed in Changi at 23.00 and we wanted to visit Jewel for the sake of their indoor waterfall although the waterfall only operated until 23.30! We managed to lined up in immigration and jogged to Jewel but too bad the waterfall already turned off (we knew from the beginning we wouldn’t make it but at least we tried). We snapped some obscure photos as evidence that we were there. Then we went back to T2 Changi and strolled around finding a nice spot to spend the night, the snooze area and the long sofas was packed we ended up in some single sofas in front of the children playground, it was warm but we barely slept. 
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Day-1: Landed in Osaka
We had breakfast in-between airplane watching at Changi before our flight at 7 am, we bought butter toast and teh O’. The teh O was uniquely delicious, it was teh tarik with melted butter, warm sweet and savory at the same time. The teh O is worth a flight to Changi (hiperbolic but it was that great). Then we found an empty foot massage machine and tempted to try one because our (already) sore calf, and it was one our biggest mistake... the machine was badly stink (imagine million people from around the world using that same machine :)) and the stink sticked to our socks, then we putted the smelly socks into our shoes... imagine the rest. (In case you wondering, yes our shoes was smelly troughout our trip in Japan T_T). In the evening, finally we safely landed in KIX, we was welcomed with the beautiful autumn foliage outside the airport. It was our first time witnessing autumn foliage with our own eyes, we were so happy >_<
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Then we rushed to ICOCA vending machine to bought our transportation card for our trip and looked for our train to our hotel in Osaka while carrying the heavy luggage. The first time we tried Japan train line was confusing... we entered the same train back and forth because we were not sure that was the right train and there was no one to asked. The cold air and strong wind started to stabbed me who only wore 2 thin layers of clothes. Freezing. Luckily we arrived at our hotel just in time, rested for a minute, then we went to Dotonbori to get dinner. During this trip, we stayed in Ookini Hotel Dotonbori, just 700 m walk from the buzzing Dotonbori. In Dotonbori, we had Kukuru Takoyaki, ¥800 for 10 pieces of the tastiest takoyaki I’ve ever tasted. Then we lined up for the famous Ichiran Ramen(!!!). Twisted part, later we realised that the Ichiran Ramen we visited was not the ‘no pork’ Ichiran branch we intended to visit... didn’t know if we were too hungry or too careless T_T anyway here’s the pic of the pork broth:
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Day-2: Kyoto Part 1
We had breakfast at the nearest Family Mart to our hotel (it was like a little heaven for me, all the food, drinks, snack, and dessert were cheaply delicious). Then we headed to Kiyomizudera Temple in Kyoto by express train. To reach the temple, we had to walk about 20-30 mins but the walk was so pleasing because there were many cute cafe and souvenir shops along the walk. After we spent enough time and took enough memories at Kiyomizudera, we walked to Gion through Sannenzaka & Ninenzaka Street. The street was packed with tourist and full of vibrant touristy shops. We stopped by at Studio Ghibli Shop(!!!) and enjoyed a cup of gingerbread latte at the unique tatami-style Starbucks cafe, there’s a beautiful zen garden and all things beautiful <3 Before we arrived at the modern side of Gion, we passed through an old-style-long-charming alley, every path we took there was beautiful and reminded me so much to anime sceneries. Even when we arrived to the busy Gion, I feel like I was living in anime world.
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Then we walked to Nishiki Market. It’s time for FOOD! The best part: super fresh seafood sashimi! I got to ate uni for the first time in my life and I tasted the most delicious salmon sashimi in the world. I cried. We lost count on the money we spent in this market because all things was very tempting. I wish I could go back to Nishiki Market. Then we had Ayam-ya Halal Ramen for dinner (finally real halal food here) and snacked on donuts and hojicha at Koe Donuts. We went back to Osaka and we stopped at the station a bit far away from our hotel to saw the illumination fulfilled the road, it was magical ✨ We walked far enough to made our stomach felt empty again, then we decided to had supper at 24-hour all ¥100 Kura Sushi. All the staffs spoke japanese and didn’t understand our english and all the instructions is in japanese, we waited 1 hour for our queue number to be called (also in japanese x_X), then a waitress came to us offering us (in japanese) the english menu (thank God). 
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Day-3: Universal Studio Japan
It is the happiest day in my life!!!!!!!! One day in USJ is never enough, but we already planned a strategy to fully maximized our time in USJ, so after a full day of adrenaline and happiness, we walked out from USJ (with very sore legs) feeling contented. The first ride we headed to was Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. They said this is the most wanted ride so the queue must be very long. But lucky us, we queued only about 30 mins long and there is one funny story. In the middle of the ride (we thought it was the middle because we hadn’t finished the ride yet), the machine stopped but we didn’t know any single thing about what happened because all we hear was japanese. Three of us were panicked at that 4-seated train, so we tried to ask what happened to one okasan beside me *me pulled out all my sumimasen-arigatou skill*. But all we got was silence and a blank stare from her that made us even more scared *laugh ih japanese*. Shortly afterward the ride was running again but when we reached the end of the ride, the train didn’t stop and we had 2 full rounds instead... okay the first round was anticlimax because of that technical problem and the second round was enough to made us had nausea 😂 nonetheless, the ride was amazing and very nostalgic (because it’s Harry Potter!!!). 
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My second favorite ride is Hollywood Dream. The track is terrific and every single seat has its own monitor and speaker to let us choose the song we want to hear during the ride. I chose Happy - Pharell Williams (by sentimental reason) and I was superrrr happy and carried away by the whoosh. And the most *EPIC* ride goes to THE FLYING DINOSAUR!!! I was speechlessly astonished by the ride, the ride continuously gave me palpitations. I felt like I was literally flying as a flying dinosaur. Last but not least, though it wasn’t a ride, the highest appreciation goes to Hogwarts Castle Light Show. There are no words can describe how magical it was. My jaw dropped throughout the show. I love itttt.
Day-4: Kyoto Part 2
And this is my favorite day in Japan afterall. We went to Fushimi Inari by train and the comute was somewhat confusing because we should’ve had transit in 2 stations, we ended up getting off in the wrong station, 2 times, like a donkey. We arrived at Fushimi Inari a bit late, then we took some photos and bought some food from the local market near the gate. I got one big skewer of beef wagyu for only ¥500 and I still remember how delicious it was. We also bought some souvenirs there, argh all the souvenir shops in Japan are very cute and tempting. Then we headed to Arashiyama Bambo Forest. The bamboo forest was so-so, but I was impressed by the neighborhood around Arashiyama. Though it is tourist area, but the environment was very soothing and authentic, the momiji just enhanced the warm atmosphere, and the people was sooooo nice i could’ve hugged all of them. There are one road full of nice souvenir shops (still), no car passed by, just a few traditional rickshaw called jinrikisha pulled passionately by local man. Then we strolled around and ended in the popular Arabica coffee shop in Kyoto. The coffee shop was packed and it located by the lake. After we got our latte, we enjoyed it while comtemplating by the lake surrounded with momiji under the beautiful sky. The latte was so good itself and I was covered in joy. We had spare time at Kyoto so we decided to went back to Gion area just because we love it a lot. Last thing I knew, I already left my heart in Kyoto.
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Day-5: Osaka
We spent full day at Osaka. This is basically our last day we have because tomorrow morning we already had to leave and it was the most freezing and stormy day we had in Japan. Even Japan was sad because we were about to go home :( Anyway we had so much fun and impressed by all Osaka has to offer. We had Matsuya for breakfast and dinner because we wanted to try all the menu and it was very cheap but also delicious haha and I tried natto for the first time! In the morning we decided to went to Don Quijote first to bought some (no, a lot) of souvenirs, then we went back to hotel to dropped the purchases and continued the itinerary. We went shopping at Shinsaibashi, strolled around Amerikamura, went to Umeda for the ferris wheel but too bad the ferris wheel was closed (yes our bad didn’t check the schedule) but Umeda is nice so we walked around Umeda. The day was getting dark, we were a bit confused where to go next, and we decided to go to Osaka Castle with zero expectation because it was dark and the museum was already closed. Turned out Osaka Castle remains beautiful in the dark, and we still mesmerized by the castle and its surroundings. We felt like we were living in kingdom era. Then our last destination is Shinsekai. It’s an old district built in 1912 with New York and Paris as the model, then neglected in decades afterwards. We just strolled around the neighborhood, it was full of restaurant, bar, spa, and other nightlife. Little did we know that Shinsekai is the most seedy and dangerous area in Osaka lol. Gratefully we arrived at our hotel safe and sound.
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Day-6 & 7: Back to reality
NOOO i didn’t want this to be over, but life goes on and we had to leave Japan. But first thing first, we had breakfast at Matsuya for countless times haha. We also spent all our coins we had. Bought the things that hadn’t been bought yet in the last minute. What else to say... we headed to KIX and said our hardest goodbye to Japan. Still we had a good time in KIX, Changi, and in the airplane before we had to face the reality. The saddest part is, right after we landed safely in CGK and activated our phone, I received message from my family told me that my grandpa passed away that morning. Oops I’m sorry for ruining the ending :p All in all, this whole trip was a blast worth a lifetime.
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What I love about Japan:
The food! It was all beyond my tongue could expect. 
The people was all friendly, kind, and *very* polite!!! *bowing sharply 90 degrees*
The vending machine you can find anything anywhere and the konbini store.
The technologies, facilities, transportation, cleanliness, they’re the best.
The balance coherence between the old and modern culture.
There are so many things Japan has to make you in love, but they say you don’t need a reason to love something (cringe).
Throughout my entire trip in Japan, it seemed like there was a balance between old and modern maintained by a strong appreciation of tradition from the times gone by. It’s something we’d never experienced in another country and made us instantly fall in love with Japan. It’s amazing to see two such extremes coexisting effortlessly and perfectly side by side. I was happy, delighted, amazed, surprised, and just plain impressed. I hope I can go back to Japan.
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mohdqhassimi · 4 years
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Singapore isn’t in my repeat list especially during its dry period plus MYR3=1SGD (Oz fx is much cheaper liao) But, only Allah knows how much my wife keeps mentioning Singapore Airshow ever since we got married 😂
I’m not into aerospace/aviation things but I admire F35 at most during 360-degree move while pounding 40,000 lbs in hovering mode. With the Wuhan virus or new name covid-19, too bad Lockheed Martin (raptor maker) and Bombardier withdrew from Singapore Airshow 2020, the same reason we didn’t bring along مُعاذ in this trip besides high ground temperature.
Learnt something new from this trip, being a parent, we do miss our kid although the decision to not bring along him is made beforehand. Seeing kids running and jumping at the airport, the jaw-drop face other kids made during the show all get our mind back to مُعاذ. There were times that we wish مُعاذ experiences the same, Jewel Changi scent and man-made rainbows, magnificent view of Supertree Grove, Zam Zam murtabak & tasty Moussaka but nothing can undo it from that exact time. 
I enjoy the trip but I feel bad مُعاذ isn't around. It's a mixed feeling that I can't describe better in words.
Guess, that’s the consequences I have to face although it's meant for his safety and may Allah protect all of us from any traits of bad parenting, leaving the kids rising with our bad decisions/mistakes. نعُذوباالله من ذَلك URL : https://www.instagram.com/p/B8olipClcAm/
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travelairports-blog · 5 years
Fly Through These Airports and You'll Never Hate Airports Again
Fly Through These Airports and You'll Never Hate Airports Again
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic / Unsplash
Whether you're traveling across the country or across the globe, there's no doubt that airports are where many travelers get their first impressions of their destinations. It's not just a place for airplanes to land and take off but also a place where tourists can get some idea of the local language, culture, and cuisine!
Here are RoadGoat's favorite airports in each region that will deliver amazing experiences.
Portland International Airport
Portland, Oregon
 There's a reason why PDX, located in - Portland, Oregon, USA - is named the best airport in the United States! Where else can you find an airport featuring a retro carpet that's adored by hipsters around the world?  The carpet has its own instagram account with over 20,000 followers and its pattern has been used for Nike and Adidas shoes, among other things.
PDX also has its own spa, a barbershop, and a mini-movie theater where you can actually watch some free flicks. Moreover, Deschutes and Hopworks breweries are located here, along with convenience stores that sell cold craft beer from local favorites such as Cascade Brewery.  Go ahead and take one right to your gate.
To further its artsy and quirky image, PDX also has volunteer musicians that play anything from classical, jazz, or contemporary music for travelers to enjoy.
And has a branch of world-famous Powell's Books, the world's largest independent bookstore.  Don't miss your flight while you lose hours in here!
It's never a dull moment at PDX.
Vancouver International Airport
Vancouver, Canada
 With each of its terminal buildings representing a specific geographic and cultural region, YVR - located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - houses the world's largest collection of Northwest Coast Native art. Each stunning piece of artwork and architecture reflects the diversity of British Columbia's flourishing landscape and people. One cannot miss these sculptures that are placed around the airport. Thus, YVR is it's own museum of a sort.
YVR even has its own aquarium and hosts its own honey bees! How cool is that?
In addition, this airport offers a pharmacy, dental and medical clinic if one happens to need some care. Other cool amenities include a spa, a 24 hour nursery, and ambassador dogs for you to cuddle with before your trip. This airport is like an adventure on its own, and one can never get bored of it!
Princess Juliana International Airport
Sint Maarten
Cred: Flickr
The Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM), the main airport for the island of Saint Martin (also spelled Sint Maarten in Dutch).  The island is part Dutch and part French. What really makes SXM memorable is the amazing close-up views of plane landings at Maho Beach. Where else in the world can one watch a plane glide overhead just a few feet above? Grab a beer at Sunset Bar and Grill next door and watch out for the jet blasts!
Singapore Changi International Airport
 Ranked the world's best airport a whopping seven consecutive years, the Singapore Changi Airport (SIN) is no doubt a luxury destination on its own. In 2019, SIN opened up the "Jewel" - a luxury mall that doubles as an indoor rainforest. How amazing is that?
The Jewel hosts the world's largest indoor waterfall, which is seven stories tall and falls into a lagoon below. It's truly a wonder to behold. Travelers can walk through the forest trails or take the skytrain (which runs next the waterfall).
SIN also boasts a Canopy Park that has a 164 feet long glass bridge that's 75 feet off the ground, complete with mirror and hedge mazes.
In addition, there's a free movie theater, butterfly garden, sunflower garden, cactus garden and more! There are always things to do and places to explore at this airport.
Combining beautiful architecture, nature, and amenities, it's no wonder SIN is the best in the world.
Koh Samui International Airport
Koh Samui, Thailand
 Koh Samui International Airport (USM), located on the Thai island of Koh Samui, is named one of the most beautiful airports in the world. Surrounded by its famous luxury beach resorts, dense jungle, and coconut groves, the airport architecture and interior itself reflects the tropical nature of its surroundings. It has a persona of a tropical paradise, with most of its facilities being outdoors!
USM also offers travelers a nice spa and stores where they can shop in. Unlike most airport malls, stores and restaurants are located outdoors, where they're surrounded by coconut trees on Samui Park Avenue. This airport is like a resort in itself, emulating the gorgeous nature of Koh Samui right when passengers step off the plane.  Even the smoking area is beautiful!
Haneda International Airport
Tokyo, Japan
 Haneda Airport (HND) - located in Tokyo, Japan - is Japan's largest and busiest airport for good reason! Perhaps more than any other airport in the world, Haneda captures the breadth of its country's local culture.  
There's a lot of amazing things one can do at this airport, which includes crossing a 25m replica bridge of the actual Nihonbashi ('Japan Bridge') in Tokyo. HND also has 'Edo Alley' (also known as Edo Koji), where it's like an actual mini-street of Edo-inspired architecture right inside the airport itself. Travelers can head there to grab udon, green tea, and yakitori while reveling in the ancient feeling of Edo design.
 If you're lucky enough to have access to the ANA Lounge, you can do a line of sake tastings between flights.
Additionally, tourists can rent a Robohon - a cute mini guide robot. This robot has a guide app, built-in phone, camera, and email that'll help tourists get around Tokyo.
No Japanese experience would be complete without a dose of Japanese pop culture. Head to Tokyo Pop Town where you can get your favorite anime, manga, or choose from a wide selection of Hello Kitty plushes.
You can also enjoy the much-heralded Japanese fall foliage season, known as Koyo or Momijigari, right in the terminal.
To top it all off, HND has capsule hotels if one's in need of rest - a true Japanese experience!
Incheon International Airport
Seoul, South Korea
Cred: Flickr
Incheon International Airport (ICN) - located in Seoul, South Korea - is the main hub of the country. This airport is one of the top airports in Asia for very good reasons. Blending modern and cultural styles, ICN has a cultural museum where people can try on traditional clothing, make handcrafts and watch performances.
In addition, there's a 72 hole golf course where golf-lovers can play and take golf lessons. It's perfect for those with long layovers! For movie-lovers, there are two movie theaters that show movies in seven different languages.
Watch some Korean dramas there as well. ICN also hosts seven indoor gardens with different themes, along with an ice skating rink for around $5! It's great for those who want exercise while enjoying nature or show off those ice skating skills.
Indira Gandhi International Airport
New Delhi, India
Cred: Flickr
Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) - located in New Delhi, India - is a major hub and named after a former prime minister, and one of the few airports that has achieved carbon neutral status. This airport has many beautiful sculptures representing the country's culture and beliefs.
Travelers can stay at one of their first class lounges, some which include showers. There are also baby care facilities and play area for children, plus a gaming area for family fun! DEL provides a medical clinic and a pharmacy to ensure the health of its travelers. For aspiring pilots, there's a flight simulator that offers more than 24,000 different airfields to choose from!
Zurich Airport
Zurich, Switzerland
 Sleek and well-designed, it's no wonder the Zurich Airport (ZRH) - located in Zurich, Switzerland - is named one of the top airports in the world. Although it's not a gigantic airport, ZRH offers a lot to its travelers.
The airport has a large nature preserve, which is highlighted at the environmental exhibition.
Many people love the Swiss eateries here, from restaurants, cafes, and bars.  Our favorite is the Sports Bar Terrace in the Airside Center.  Where else can you drink a coffee this close to airplanes?
Or enjoy one of the many Swiss dairy delights!
It's also the perfect opportunity to shop for some Swiss made chocolates, watches, and jewelry! In addition, this airport offers salons, showers, and a gym at the connecting Radisson Blue Hotel. One can also ride the quick SkyMetro for transportation and get tickets for a 75-min bus tour of the airport that offers an inside peek! For those who are looking to explore the majestic countryside, the airport offers equipment for avid explorers/travelers to rent (such as bikes, skates, walking poles).
Amsterdam Airport Schipol
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Amsterdam Airport Schipol (AMS) - located in Amsterdam, Netherlands - is not only the busiest and largest airport in the Netherlands, it's also the only airport in the world that's still located in the same spot after 90 years. One can also get married here!
In addition to the numerous shops and restaurants that offer authentic Dutch dishes, travelers can visit the Rijksmuseum annex within the airport. This art museum has both classical and contemporary art, and it's free admission! Get free hugs as well!
AMS also houses the world's first permanent airport library, boasting over 1,000 books by Dutch writers, translated into several languages. It's a great place to learn about the Dutch culture and history!
For those with long layovers, AMS has its own airport hotel and sleep cabins as an alternative option.  And don't forget to indulge in some intense selection of dutch cheese!
Munich International Airport
Munich, Germany
Munich International Airport (MUC) - located in Munich, Germany - is called one of the best airports in the continent for several reasons. Munich is located in Bavaria, a state known for its beer culture.  As a result, MUC was the first airport in the world to have its own brewery, Airbrau! Don't miss this chance to have an airport-made beer in their outdoor beer garden.
Surfers love this airport because it houses the world's largest man-made standing wave where surfers can have fun; sometimes there is a pro judging contest here too. Take some time to watch those surfers! MUC also has Visitor's Park, which offers a golf course, playground, and historic aircrafts for plane-lovers. Additionally, travelers can get some rest at Napcab sleep cabins.
During the winter, the airport comes to life with a traditional German Christmas Market as well as an ice skating rink!
Heydar Aliyev International Airport
Baku, Azerbaijan
Branded as globally acclaimed when it comes to its architecture and interior design, Heydar Aliyev International Airport (GYD) - located in Baku, Azerbaijan - is one of the most beautiful airports to behold. The inside of the airport is full of sleek wooden structures, including giant wooden 'cocoons' that welcome its travelers. Each of the cocoons has cafes, stores, bars, kiosks, and other amenities. The contemporary approach to this airport truly reflects the modernity of airport designs.
There are plenty of gorgeous lounges for travelers to admire the inside views. Free sleeping pods are offered on the first floor as well. Interestingly, GYD has duty-free shops in both the arrivals and departure area! For those which children, there is a baby care area as well as a play area for kids. Step in here and it'll feel more like an artistic masterpiece than an airport.
Hamad International Airport
Doha, Qatar
Cred: Flickr
The Hamad International Airport(DOH) - located in Doha, Qatar - is known for its luxurious and lavish atmosphere. The architecture is modern, sleek, and elegant - fascinating many travelers who come early to explore the airport. Interestingly, DOH has 20 art pieces, some of which are rather large. Tourists love taking selfies with the "Lamp Bear", a giant yellow teddy bear sitting under a black lamp.
To add that luxury component, one can ride in a futuristic-looking indoor train to their gate! Not to mention, DOH has its own gym where passengers can take a swim at their 25m pool, get pampered at the spa, and play squash. As if the airport isn't posh enough, high-end boutiques, furniture, and restaurants are spread throughout the buildings. Be sure to make time for coffee and dates, a signature of authentic hospitality.
Dubai International Airport
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Cred: Flickr
DXB - located in Dubai, UAE - is a posh airport that is loved by all passengers who've set foot here. In fact, Dubai International Airport has the world's fastest free (for 60 min) Wi-Fi, averaging a download speed of 39.50 mbps. With this, anyone within the airport can stream TV shows for free! If the Wi-Fi isn't convincing enough, DXB has its own zen garden and McGettigan - a well known Irish pub where travelers can grab a beer at. Additionally, the airport offers a swimming pool, spa, jacuzzi, and sauna! It's the perfect blend of exercise and relaxation. There are plenty of events at DXB, such as the annual Winter Wonderland!
For those needing a place to stay while on a stopover, DXB has a 5-start hotel, complete with luxury amenities. Finally, for those with children, there's a climbing area and gaming zone where kids can also fully enjoy this airport! Staying true to its reputation as luxury and high-class, Dubai's airport is an adventure.
Brisbane International Airport
Brisbane, Australia
 Cred: Wikipedia
Adored with sleek architecture and local artwork on its walls, Brisbane International Airport (BNE) - located Brisbane, Australia - is the third largest airport in the continent. The cool thing about this airport is that its Plaza Premium Lounge is open to everyone as per pay entry instead of needing a First Class plane ticket to get inside. Other ways to relax include a Wellness Spa, salons, and free showers. For those who love whisky, there's a 100 Whisky tasting bar where travelers can sample whisky from all over the world.
BNE also has The Village Green, a large faux-lawn for those who want to stretch or do some yoga. There's the Kingsford Smith Memorial for those who love aviation history.  Lastly, you can play some golf at Golf Central BNE.
Wellington International Airport
Wellington, New Zealand
 A small, cozy, and quirky airport, Wellington International Airport (WLG) - located in Wellington, New Zealand - is known for its two gigantic eagle installations. These soaring bird sculptures were inspired by the second Hobbit trilogy and features the Wizard Gandalf the Grey atop of one of the eagles. Visitors may also find Gollum reaching for a trout above the food court!
It's no wonder this is the airport to go for many Lord of the Rings fans. In addition, the airport has its own 4-star hotel - complete with a restaurant, bar, and meeting rooms for business travelers.
That's all. Now go out and have some fun!
Whether you're traveling across the country or across the globe, there's no doubt that airports are where many travelers get their first impressions of their destinations. It's not just a place for airplanes to land and take off but also a place where tourists can get some idea of the local language, culture, and cuisine!
Here are RoadGoat's favorite airports in each region that will deliver amazing experiences. For more information visit: https://www.roadgoat.com/blog/
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jeeleecious · 5 years
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I was originally craving for the one at changi jewel (I'm not quite sure of the name but I roughly know how to get there) but I live and work at the other side of Singapore so we went to one of our nearest go-tos for tonkatsu x)
It's been a while since we last went out for food (actually no we did go out to eat several times I just forget to snap pics of it for updates 🥺)
Gochi So Shokudo @ Westgate, Jurong East
Follow my hobby acc on instagram @ jeells_ !
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 1 year
My Hero PSLE: S2E2 "I give up"
"What is it called when Elon Musk has a baby with a streetside trash can? Ur mom,"
"So like basically all you have to do is to go and find this guy who wants to rule the world and kill him. But he's like a super powerful god that is like the king of all the gods and can kill you easily so yeah,"
Wah lao eh. What king of all gods. Sibeh siao eh, Grandmaster, how to mati someone lidat?
"Aiya don worry lah, will be easy one, I'll come with you, ok? You just need to like last time, go and find a few sacred items and sacrifice them to the sun god or something idk,"
"Aiya please lah cher, I don't feel like doing this leh," Now they have to go find more sacred stuff again and go and fight more gods again bruh.
"I'll give you an A1 for all subjects and 10 months no school if you help me do this,"
"OH OK OK OK! YES CHER I'LL DO IT! Also cher, why can't youjust use your reality warping power huh? Like just kill the gods lidat,"
"Wdym, the gods are immune to my power ok?"
"Wait... then why are you even coming with us?"
So they were at the first place they're supposed to go to-Jewel at Changi Airport. Well, at least it's not Bukit Timah again.
So they have to go and find the entrance like the last time again. And of course, like the last time, they just use their powers to find the entrance.
And then they found it! Yay!
Only that it's in the middle of the fucking waterfall thingy. No yay.
But what's even worse is that the entrance forbids using powers to enter. Super no yay.
So like first they have to jump onto the waterfall thing and then unscrew the lid thing and then jump in and try not to get instantly bombarded by the water.
Also the kaypoh angmoh tourist and the security guards would be chasing them so yeah.
So anyway they only managed to unscrew a bit before the security carch them liao.
Aiya kena sai. Alright time to use reality warping power-
"Ok everyone stand down these are my friends they can be excused,"
"Sir, that's not how this work-"
"You shuddap, I'll blow your brains out,"
"Come come come Grandmaster! I wanna have a nice long chat with you and your new disciples!"
"Oi girl! You still up to take commisions?"
"Yeah sure! Who do you want taken out?"
"This guy, Xiao Ming. Oh and take his friends out too if you can, I'll pay extra, ok I need to go, bye!"
"K fine, NEXT!"
"K I need this guy, Xiao Ming, out, and his friends too,"
"Wait this guy again? Oh I mean... yeah ok!"
"Ok next!"
"Ok, this guy, Xiao Ming, and his friends-"
"OMG what is up with everyone wanting to kill this guy? Bruh, I'm not killing him until I get an explanation myself!"
*insert "Fine, you won't tell me why? I'LL GO FIND OUT MYSELF" meme
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nurfitriaha · 5 years
Marathon 2 Hari di Singapore
Empat hari tiga malam jadi perjalanan yang sangat singkat bagiku dan dua orang temanku buat eksplore Negeri Singapore dan Malaysia bulan lalu. Dari yang belum ada rencana ke sana dalam waktu dekat, sampai akhirnya tawaran tiket promo mengubah niat kami.
Long story short, kami sudah pesan tiket ke Singapore di tanggal 25 Juli hari kamis, pun tiket baliknya sudah kami pesan di tanggal 28 Juli dari Kuala Lumpur. Dua hari kami habiskan di Singapore dan dua hari selanjutnya di Malaysia. And this is marathon 2 hari di Singapore. 
How did I get there?
Penerbangan ke Singapore (dari Juanda) kami tempuh dalam waktu kurang lebih 2 jam dengan maskapai Jetstar yang kami pesan di paltform favoritku traveloka. First impression sebuah maskapai menurutku bisa dinilai dari delay atau tidaknya flight kita. I have to say Jetstar made a good first impression since there was no delay for my flight. Pesawatnya enak dan murah lagi hihi. 
What we do first.
Sesampai di Changi Airport yang sudah ku nantikan sedari lama karna tau kalo Changi jadi salah satu bandara terbaik di dunia jadi ingin ku segera melihatnya. Ditambah kabarnya di tahun 2019 ini ada yang baru di Changi Airport, tak lain adalah Changi Jewel. Fakta-fakta lain tentang Changi Airport singkatnya ada di web ini https://singaporeguidebook.com/12-fakta-tentang-bandara-changi-yang-belum-anda-ketahui/ .
What we do first adalah nyari koneksi internet! Begitu keluar dari imigrasi kami langsung menuju money changer terlebih dahulu karna seorang teman masih perlu SGD. Lokasi money changer sangat mudah ditemukan, terlebih di Changi petunjuk ke arah manapun sangat jelas dan mempermudah turis menemukan arah kemana harus pergi. Petugas bandara atau penjaga-penjaga counter apapun di Changi juga sangat ramah kalau kita nanya-nanya. 
Buat internetan di SG kami pakai prepaid Sim Card Starhub dengan kuota 100GB local data for 7 days, 1GB roaming data, 30 mins IDD 018 calls, 100 local SMS, 500 mins local outgoing calls, Unlimited local incoming calls and local data for social messaging. Kami beli simcard nya di aplikasi Klook (https://www.klook.com/id/) yang kebetulan saat itu ada promo juga. Selain di Klook, untuk keperluan simcard maupun card-card lainnya yang dibutuhkan sewaktu eksplore SG bisa pesan di https://www.changirecommends.com/ atau traveloka pun karena traveloka juga sedia semuanyah. Untuk menghemat pengeluaran, kami hanya membeli 1 simcard buat di SG dan 1 simcard buat di Malaysia. Dua orang lainnya menggunakan thetering karna kuotanya berlimpah dan kami tidak ada rencana bepergian terpisah-pisah, jadi theteringan masih aman. Toh sewaktu jalan-jalan kami cuman butuh buat google maps dan update ig kalo sempet hehe. (budgeting akan ditulis dalam postingan lain)
Oiya, sewaktu ke Singapore jangan lupa beli Ez-Link card. Ez-Link card itu semacam kartu e-money yang dipake buat pembayaran MRT, LRT, bus, dan beberapa outlet lainnya, macem flash atau e-Toll card kalo di Indonesia. Ez Link card kami beli di traveloka dan kami tukar vouchernya di Changi Airport. 
Where do we go?
Changi Airport is too big for me dan bagusss banget dari segi interior, kebersihan, arsitektur bangunannya, dan semuanya estetis plus mix match nya oke punya. Nggak bakalan nyesel kalo pas lagi transit di Changi, bisa banget mengelilingi Changi ke setiap sudutnya. Cukup duduk-duduk santai, kami lanjut explore bagian Changi yang lain. 
>> Changi Jewel <<
Masih di area Changi Airport, kabarnya Changi Jewel yang merupakan area ruang terbuka, mall dan ada instalasi-instalasi menarik baru dibuka April 2019 lalu. Instalasi paling menyegarkan mataku waktu itu adalah HSBC Rain Vortex. Air terjun indoor tertinggi di dunia kurang lebih tingginya 40 meter ini superbbb keren abisss. Jantungnya Jewel ini mah, eye catching bgttt. Zzzzuwegeerrrr! abis terbang dari indo trus begitu sampe liat air terjun sekeren itu ditambah sekelilingnya tanaman asli ijo-ijoo tapi masih di area indoor bandara. Di bagian atas sekeliling air terjun ada canopy dan ada jembatan yang mengelilingi, Canopy Bridge namanya. Ada view keretanya juga yang jadi makin menarik. Semacam kengerian perpaduan teknologi dan alam yang warbiyasahh ciamik!
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Gorgeous kan?
Selain air terjun indoor, mata kami juga dimanjakan dengan kesegaran Shiseido Forest Valley yang tanemannya asli semua dan seger-seger. Instalasi lain di Changi Jewel ada Canopy Park, Manulife Sky-Net Walking, Hedge Maze, Mirror Maze, Discovery Slides, Changi Experience Studio dan masih banyak lagi. Kalo mau puas ke semua instalasi kira-kira butuh waktu 4 jam kali ya.
Karna udah niat selama di Singapore bakal naik transport umum kemanamana, setelah puas eksplore Changi, kami memutuskan istirahat di hotel dulu. Akses ke hotel kami harus ke terminal mrt dulu dari changi. Jadi dari terminal 2 kalau ngga salah kami naik kereta ke terminal mrt. Dari situ kami naik mrt turun di Bugis Station (kalo ngga salah) lalu jalan menuju hotel di daerah Arab Street. Sepanjang jalan kaki menuju hotel, kami mampir makan malam di sebuah restoran arab. Kebetulan menunya campur juga sama masakan Indonesia. Untuk sebuah nasi briyani dihargai kurang lebih 3 SGD. Pun nasi goreng sayur diharga kurang lebih 2,5 SGD. Alhamdulillah rasanya masih aman di lidah dan porsinya yang besar cukup membuat kami kekenyangan.
>> Masjid Sultan <<
Sengaja kami bangun pagi-pagi sekali karna pasti lebih enak dibuat foto kalo jalanan masih sepi. Dari hotel ke Masjid Sultan hanya butuh waktu 5-7 menit. Seperti namanya, kuba masjidnya dilapisi emas (tapi taktau emas beneran apa engga), ditambah arsitekturnya temanya turki turki gitu. Perpaduan warnanya putih dan emas. Oiya fyi jalanan di daerah hotel kami kalau malem yang buka banyak Club nya, tapi kalau pagi-siang-sore ada yang berganti jadi perdagangan dan jasa. 
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Ku lagi nginti-ngintip Masjid Sultan, sapatau ada Sultannya beneran
>> Arab Street <<
Tak jauh dari Masjid Sultan, kami menjelajah koridor Arab Street. Warna warninya lucu dan instagramable. Kami puas foto-foto karena lagi sepi-sepinya. Fyi, sewaktu malam hari koridor ini jadi rame kayak pasar malem gitu. Di koridornya dibuka counter-counter makanan dilengkapi lampu-lampu dan musik. Bisa beli oleh-oleh juga di koridor ini.
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>> Haji Lane <<
Masih di area Arab Street, tak jauh dari situ ada jalanan terkenal namanya Haji Lane. Jalanan ini terkenal jadi spot foto-foto karena artistik dan banyak muralnya. Tembok-tembok bagian belakang dicat warna warni tapi masih serasi. Pertokoan di jalanan ini baru dibuka pukul 11.00 a.m jadi kalau mau dapet banyak foto yang sepi, better pagi-pagi sih.
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>> Little India <<
Bertolak dari kawasan kampung Arab, Bugis Street dan kawan-kawannya, kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Little India. Sesampai di kawasan tersebut, wewangian orang India yang sedang ibadah mulai tercium aromanya. Di kawasan tersebut ada tempat ibadah namanya Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple. Tempatnya unik, cantik, dan terlihat religius, sayang ngga sempet moto. Di sepanjang koridor jalanannya banyak toko-toko jual perhiasan, bunga-bunga yang biasa dipake kalung sama orang India dan properti-properti yang India banget. Kami sempat nyoba samosa dan kopi susu di sana. 
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>> Gardens by The Bay <<
Sebelumnya kami membeli tiket masuk GBB di traveloka (Traveloka dulu, jalan-jalan kemudian). Harganya kurang lebih 250rb rupiah sudah bisa masuk ke Flower Dome dan Cloud Forest. Tapi kalo mau masuk di salah satunya juga bisa beli tiket offline di entrance GBB nya. Kalau ke Cloud Forest aja harganya kurang lebih 15SGD. 
Sebelumnya sempet gugling dan yutubing GBB ini ternyata guwedeeee bangeettt. Banyak spot bagus-bagus tak berbayar yang bisa kita nikmati. Salah satunya GBB Supertree. Sebelum ke Supertree, otw masuk-masuk ke GBB banyak juga yang bisa kita nikmati seperti jembatan awal masuk setelah entrance GBB, di situ bisa foto-foto kliatan Gondola yang gede itu sama bangunan-bangunan kota yang gede-gede di Singapore plus ada view sungainya juga. 
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Waterfall Again!
Inilho air terjun yang favorit juga di Singapore. Di sini juga zzuwegeerrr padahal waktu siang itu lagi panas banget di luar. Entah di situ dinginnya karna ada AC nya juga atau hanya karena tumbuhan ijo-ijonya. Setiap yang masuk ke Cloud Forest pasti foto di air terjun ini, we did it so hehe, syukur kalo lagi sepi. Tapi kemarin karna hari Jum’at jadi agak rame. 
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motoin adekadek ini karna lucu bgtt dan putihputih ampuun
Selain waterfall hitsnya, di dalem Cloud Forest banyak bunga-bunga yang cantik dan view dari skybridge yang bagus pollll!
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Sudah cukup lelah mengelilingi Cloud Forest yang terdiri dari 7-8 lantai, kami lanjut ke Flower Dome dengan sedikit foto hihi. Di Flower Dome jenis bunga dari berbagai negara dan variannya buwanyak banget. Warna warni cantik bangettt, aku minder kalah cantik sama bunganya jadi ga foto (alesan wkw).
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>> Sentosa Island <<
Udah cukup ngosngosan jalan mulu dari pagi. Hu ha hu ha huh! Sekalian saja kami bertolak ke Sentosa Island demi pingin foto sama tulisan Universal Studio Singapore haha. Masih dengan MRT dan turun di Vivo City, setelahnya kami kudu jalan dengan bantuan mesin eskalator horizontal ke Sentosa Island. Siang itu sungguh terik tapi jadinya langitnya keliatan biru banget. Super shining.
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Sepanjang jalan nyebrang ke Sentosa Island
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Karna foto temen lebih bagus jadi yang dipajang foto temen hehe
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Sentosa Island dari kejauhan
Di Sentosa Island ketemu teteh-teteh ibu-ibu Bandung yang lagi liburan tapi pake travel. Sempat si Ibu cerita gini “Saya pake travel mbak, tapi sama travelnya disuruh naik MRT” so saddd. Trus ibunya pergi, panas katanya, adem di Bandung. For sure panas bangett memang kalau siang di Singapore, ya sama kayak Indonesia, tapi polusinya ngga sebanyak di negri kita tercinta ini :(
Balik dari Sentosa Island kami bisa mengakses mrt gratis. Kalo dari vivo city ke Sentosa Island naik mrt berbayar, tapi kami milih jalan sambil santai liat-liat lautan. 
Fyi untungnya liburan kami kali ini orientasi kami bukan untuk berbelanja seperti kebanyakan orang kalau ke Singapore hehe, jadi spare waktu kami habisnya buat jalanjalan dan foto-foto bukan buat belanja ^^
 >> Clarke Quay, Merlion Park, dan sekitarnya <<
Tenaga kami hampir habis tapi kami tetep jalan sampe semua checklist kami tercapai haha ambis bgt kudu ke semua tempat dalam waktu yang singkat. Gapapa, namanya juga semi semi backpackeran jadi kudu mau capek dan keringetan. Jalan dari pemberhentian mrt sampe ke tempat-tempat berikut cukup melelahkan karena panasnya itu lho. It’s a hot hot hot hot day, it’s a sunny sunny day. When the sun ups there. ~~~~ *sing a song dulu
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Dari Clarke Quay masih naik mrt dulu buat ke Merlion Park. Kami sambil jajan-jajan biar ngga lemes lemah gemulai tak bertenaga.
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Marathon kami berakhir di sini, setelah itu kami kembali ke daerah Bugis Street lalu ke Masjid Sultan lagi, jalan-jalan malam di Arab Street dan beli sedikit oleh-oleh. Istirahat sholat ashar di Masjid Sultan sekalian selonjoran dan nunggu maghrib. Ba’da maghrib kami ambil barang di hotel lalu ngegrab ke tempat keberangkatan bis ke Kuala Lumpur. Fyi, hati-hati sama berkas-berkas seperti paspor, embarkation card, ktp, uang, dan lain-lain, terutama embarkation card dan paspor yang nanti akan dicek lagi di imigrasi perbatasan Singapore-Malaysia.
Sampai sini dulu gaessss, yang ngetik ikut capek lagi kayak pas marathon liburan kemarin wkwk. Soal bis SG-KL, budgeting, dan behind the scene akan dilanjut di lain waktu. Semoga bermanfaat :)
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feeltheblaziker · 5 years
The Making of Rock Dog: The Retold Story Final Part - The Future
In part 4, I talked about how I constructed the soundtrack of Rock Dog: The Retold Story. Since I have already talked about most of the novel already, it is time to talk about what happened.
 I succeed in the NaNoWriMo project, which is that novel, on 14 November 2018. After further edits, I published the first few chapters of the novel on AO3 and Wattpad on 19 January 2019. I went on to publish the following chapters until I published the last chapter on 31 March 2019. I felt relieved that I published all chapters so that I can focus on writing my Camp NaNoWriMo project.
 In all, I was surprised that this novel got onto many readers’ reading lists on Wattpad, particularly furries. Totally not surprised that happened, although I was only a casual furry and not the obnoxious kind. Still, to get into the top 50 of the NaNoWriMo works on Wattpad was a great achievement on its own.
 I initially intended for Rock Dog: The Retold Story to be a standalone novel, but on 15 April, this happened…
 15 April 2019, Jewel Changi Airport
 Inside the World’s Best Airport (according to Skytrax), I got an entry ticket to a preview of the newest complex in Changi Airport, Jewel. Being mesmerised by the greenery and architecture marvel of the new complex, I took some time exploring the entire place.
 At the same time, I looked through the contents on my mobile phone. I found the Wikipedia page listing the animated movies coming out in 2019.
 Suddenly, one movie popped my mind.
 “Arctic Justice: Thunder Squad”.
 I opened up the page for the movie and realised that I just opened Pandora’s Box.
 Immediately, that inspired me to sit down and write something on my notebook.
 I conceptualised three ideas in the notebook, two of those went on to be conceptualised as my 2019 and 2020 NaNoWriMo projects. I knew that I was in a unique position to write this.
 The moment I selected that idea as my Nanowrimo 2019 project, everything sets into stone…
A Few Days Later, Inside My own Imagination, Mengcheng
 (‘Knock, knock’ on the door)
Me (J): Come in.
(Someone enters)
Bodi (B): Mr Koh?
J: Ah, it’s Bodi. Sit down, will you?
(Bodi made himself comfortable)
B: Just a question, who are you?
J: What you’re meeting is the furry version of a real writer who is typing and proofreading this blog post, so to speak. He is from an alternate universe of our world, a human-based world from the planet ‘Earth’. It’s in his imagination.
B: In other words, we only exist in his mind.
J: That’s the gist of it.
B: Breaking the fourth wall much?  Anyway, why was I summoned?
J: I was getting to get.
(‘I’ showed Bodi the Wattpad page of ‘Rock Dog: The Retold Story’)
B: 1.8 thousand reads? I thought we’re only going to get about 500?
J: I suspect the furries enjoyed it.
B: Who are they?
J: What the real version of me called humans who are fans of animals with human characteristics –
B: I.e., fans of animal characters like us. Why are humans so weird?
J: It’s a mystery. Right now, the real Jeryl found out his debut novel, a retold story of the movie you starred, is getting an unexpected success, so much so it ended up in some Wattpad readers’ reading lists.
B: Is that all?
J: Of course not, Bodi. He has greenlighted a sequel!
J: And right now, he knew the right guys for you to team up with!
(More knocking on the door)
J: Right on cue!
(‘I’ opened the door and it revealed two more guys)
J: I would like to introduce Swifty from ‘Arctic Dogs’ and Johnny from ‘Sing’!
Swifty and Johnny: Hi, Bodi!
B (sweating): This doesn’t look good…
 Coming soon, in 2020 (if I can finish it)…
 Rock Dog: The Songs We Sing
Book 2 of the Mengcheng Dreaming series
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