#house of sarek
lucreziaborgiagf · 26 days
house of s’chn t’gai playlist. amanda persuaded sarek to make it to put in various focus music for travelling or working. sybok immediately started adding whatever batshit music he was into each week and lied to both michael and spock so that they would too. michael knows but she thinks it’s fun so she goes along with it. spock to this day thinks it was a human tradition he was asked to do by his mother.
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spocks-husband · 9 months
No bc Sarek and Spock are both autistic, Sybok has the worst ADHD Vulcan has ever seen, and Michael probably has all of the above-- Amanda is the only neurotypical person in the s'chn t'gai household and she's so fucking tired
No one else has ever done the dishes because Sarek doesn't have time in his carefully arranged schedule, Spock starts crying if he touches wet food, Sybok has the object permanence of a literal infant, and Michael diligently avoids the question when it's asked.
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firstroseofspring · 8 months
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memory, death and life as komerex zha, the perpetual game; klingon culture as depicted in the final reflection, by john m. ford
#star trek#web weaving#klingons#im normal about this. i swear.#please read the final reflection. 99 cents on kindle right now. i read it in one sitting very fun very entertaining very insightful#and spocks in it. if you even care#is that last quote not soo sarek coded. 'im gonna destroy you in this game son. every time until you learn not to lose so badly#but you will still lose. <3'#house gensa forever house rustazh foreverrr#klingonaase my darling i love you you're sooo latin coded#i really liked the singing and the idea of like gestures vaguely house gensa being three hundred kids with no formal houses or lines#to belong to. <- and so you will all be together. yayy new family!#i also liked the acknowledgment of like. other cultures existing on klinzhai (qo'nos) vulcans and orions living with klingons and such#this book really had it all im not done posting. theres more songs and looks at their food; daily life; clothing and how they decorate#houses. more examples of klingonaase lol of course cuss words and such. they also talk about battle language which if i'm not mistaken is#like clipped tlhIngan?#but they call it battle language and translate it for the reader. fun!#and of course the klingons end up on earth so theres insights on how they feel about coffee and human food. apparently the air on earth is#very thin and dry to them; every scene where they talk about klingon comfort standards they mention making it dark and humid and hot.#red lights and such! for inside#and they say the thin air on earth makes it hard to hear for klingons! i thought that was very cool#nobody:#me: they like salt water baths and dark ale and they wear silk and they eat pastries with butter. if you even care.#they mention human chair designs being uncomfortable for klingon anatomy too; there was a description i remember of house khemara#having cushions on the ground around a fireplace instead of chairs#its such a pretty description too; they have high ceilings and wooden beams along the roof and and sky lights for an indoor garden#iron railings for the staircases. mwah i love this book i really recommend it#theres something (gestures) here that reminds me very strongly of worf but i cant put my finger on it to be honest with you. not even like#the komerex zha specifically either like the vibes of the whole book.....
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strangenewwords · 6 months
Integral House - Aka the S'Chn T'Gai Home from Disco
If I haven't absolutely gushed about this before, here we go.
So they picked a house in Canada (no surprise) to be the home of Sarek and Amanda. Right?
Okay, but this fucking place is called the Integral House. As in Derivatives and Integrals. An integral is the area under a curve.
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Also, the dude who built the house got rich off of Calculus textbooks (which we hate him for because my calc, etc books in college were way too fucking expensive.)
But the Vulcans are in a math house. That is all.
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lenievi · 1 year
one thing about Spock and Sarek’s relationship I find interesting is that Sarek actually does show that he cares about Spock, but Spock doesn’t understand that’s what he means because Sarek uses words that can be misunderstood. And that’s why I find their relationship fascinating^^
Just because a Vulcan says something was “logical” doesn’t mean it was done without feelings. No, it was done because at that time it was the most logical course of action. He loved her, so it was only logical to marry her. Spock is a Starfleet officer, so it’s only logical to accept that and want the best for him. It was logical for Spock to save me because he was the only one who could (he had the means) so thanks are unnecessary and illogical. 
Logic informed me that under the circumstances, the only possible action would have to be one of desperation. Logical decision, logically arrived at. KIRK: I see. You mean you reasoned that it was time for an emotional outburst. SPOCK: Well, I wouldn't put it in exactly those terms, Captain, but those are essentially the facts.
(that Kirk makes fun of him because of that is him misunderstanding what “logic and logical” means to Vulcans, but also because he just likes teasing Spock whenever Spock shows any kind of “emotional outburst” Kirk considers inherently human but I guess he just does it better than McCoy for fans not to get angry at him idk)
There are moments in the series where Spock hides behind the word logic because he knows humans misunderstand (and he himself does too), and he occasionally plays it up too much.
However, Doctor, you must remember I am entirely motivated by logic.
Your request is not logical. SAREK: Forgive me, T'Lar. My logic is uncertain where my son is concerned.
It is not logical to want to bring my son back from the death, b-but he is my son and I love him.🥺
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vulcanhello · 2 years
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spoofymcgee · 2 years
I opened my google docs, intending to dog up my 5+1 kirk/spock/uhura wip and finish another bit of that. (un) fortunately, that appears to have stayed in my notes app and instead i found and skimmed the other star trek oneshot i started a couple months ago.
i have now completed 1.8k words about sarek being a slut. why am i like this.
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Character Tags;
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aspiringnexu · 4 months
Humans are Vulcan catnip, I swear to Q.
Spock and Kirk: No need to explain. In any universe they are drawn together and Spock abandons any sense of rationality if his Captain is hurt or just looks at him sweetly.
Sarek and Amanda: Admitted he married Amanda for love, not logic. Then made Spock.
Solkar and Zefram: Ten seconds off the spaceship and Solkar decides to do the diplomatic thing and make out with this human.
Surak and Archer: Archer was given Surak's katra without his knowledge and when T'Pau attempted to extract him Surak clung to the mental doorframe because he was safer here and he liked it better here, despite the logic of being housed in a nice logical Vulcan mind instead.
Solok and Sisko: Solok abandoned all pretense of logic when he won a wrestling match with a young Sisko and became so obsessed with him that he taught an entire Vulcan Starfleet crew how to play baseball just so he could beat Sisko again.
T'Pol and Trip: T'Pol became so attached to the Enterprise crew that she gave up her military career with Vulcan to continue to serve as First Officer, and to keep close with her boyfriend.
Tuvok and Janeway: Tuvok is fiercely loyal to Janeway, to the point that he will go along with her illogical plans just because he has such great faith in her.
Soval and Forrest: Soval respected Forrest but when Forrest died saving Soval it uprooted what loyalty he had left to the Vulcan High Command (who he then realised was corrupt) and he went rogue trying to save Vulcan from itself. (Really watch for the nose flare when he talks to Archer next to Forrest's casket, that Vulcan is pissed.)
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eco-lite · 7 months
Finally making more progress on the pile of ST books I own but have yet to read. Here’s some good stuff from The Vulcan Academy Murders by Jean Lorrah.
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[Image ID: The cover of the book The Vulcan Academy Murders. The background has lots of dark purple tones. In the foreground, Spock stands with a phaser pointed at a Vulcan creature with green skin, a cat-like face, a fin down its back, sharp claws, and a long tail. The creature is hissing down at Spock from a rock. End ID]
First of all, what is going on with this cover? Nothing like this happens in the book.
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[Text ID: “Kirk recalled that all male Vulcans were married—had to be—and glanced at Spock. His First Officer, however, was very busy inspecting the almost un-touched wine in his glass.” End ID]
Interesting interesting. 👀
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[Text ID: “Kirk had been given Spock’s room (underlined red by me) and McCoy the guest room in Sarek’s house—a house far from anything Kirk would ever have imagined as the home Spock had grown up in. He had envisioned either a sterile, unadorned ‘environment,’ or a castlelike ancestral residence. Instead, the house on the outskirts of ShiKahr was a simple single-family dwelling.” End ID]
This book is way too casual about Kirk sleeping in Spock’s childhood bedroom. Also, there’s no mention of where Spock is sleeping while they’re there???
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[Text ID: “He remembered forcing Spock to control his emotions when he was five, and his schoolfellows taunted him for being ‘different.’ Under his father’s tutelage, Spock had refused to cry when the others shut him out of their games, calling him ‘Earther’ and ‘half-breed.’ Amanda had hidden her tears from their son, and Sarek had hidden his anger. Or had he? Perhaps I directed it at my son instead, he realized. He had intended to prepare Spock for whatever lack of acceptance he would face in life. And the message Spock received was that his own father did not accept him as he was, had to mold him into something he deemed acceptable.” End ID]
We love reflecting on our past mistakes. 👏🏼 We love character growth. 👏🏼
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[Text ID: “’A computer cannot lie,’ said Spock. ‘Nevertheless, this one is giving false information.’ ‘Why don’t you try playing chess with it?’ came a voice from the doorway. Sarek turned to find Leonard McCoy, bouncing on his toes and grinning.” End ID]
I love them. I can picture this so perfectly.
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[Text ID: “’What dost thou know of Surak?’ she asked finally—but her voice spoke more of perplexity than challenge. ‘What everyone knows: he was the founder of Vulcan philosophy. I know he is a personal hero to my friend Spock, the way Abraham Lincoln, from human history, is to me.’” End ID]
Kirk will bring up Abe Lincoln whenever he has a chance. That’s canon now.
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[Text ID: “’You are not only anything, Spock. You are more, not less, because of your dual heritage. It is fruitless to wish now that I had made that clearer to you when you were a child.’ ‘You wanted me to be Vulcan.’ ‘That is true,’ Sarek agreed. ‘And you are Vulcan, representative of IDIC in its fullest sense.’ Spock studied his father. ‘You never put it to me that way. The last time you and I spoke as father and son, before I went to Starfleet Academy, you reminded me of how important it was that I think of myself as Vulcan. Do you remember your words, father?’ Sarek remembered. ‘I am Vulcan by birth. Your mother is Vulcan by choice. You are Vulcan by both birth and choice.’ ‘And then I disappointed you by making a different choice.’ Sarek searched his memory, trying to recover the logical reason for what now seemed completely irrational. Finally, he said simply, ‘I was wrong.’” End ID]
Yes! Let’s talk about our feelings! Let’s resolve those daddy issues!
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[Text ID: “He went back to his room—Spock’s room, really. Kirk had brought with him a sturdy suit and boots, for Spock had suggested they might go camping in the mountains after the summer heat abated. (Last sentence underlined in red by me.) He put on the boots and the trousers to the suit, but decided the heavy shirt would be far too hot—" End ID]
Spock wanted to take them camping. 🥹
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[Text ID: “‘He will recover, though?’ asked Spock. ‘Yeah—you can see him later, Spock,’ said the doctor. ‘He’s gonna be in considerable pain—you’re probably the only person he’ll be able to stand. Your son would’ve made a good doctor,’ he added to Sarek. ‘I don’t know how he does it, but he’s really good with people in pain.’ Spock’s eyebrows shot up at the unexpected compliment from the man Sarek usually saw him trade barbs with. Then Leonard left them to go back to his patient, and Spock turned to Sarek. ‘May I ask you something, Father?’ ‘What is it, Spock?’ ‘When Mother became conscious, you called her…?’ ‘Beloved.’” End ID]
Spock being very concerned about Kirk’s injuries. Bones saying Spock is the only person Kirk would tolerate while in pain. Spock asking his father about expressing love for an outworlder. It’s a lot.
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comdrspock · 1 year
True Blue
It wasn’t unheard of for Amanda to receive a message from her son Spock, though he was most often stationed far away in a different quadrant of the galaxy. He did his best to stay in touch in spite of his often unpredictable schedule, and she appreciated his efforts a great deal. Sometimes, however, she selfishly wished he would do a poorer job. It was one thing to be aware of how dangerous his Starfleet career could be and quite another to hear a detailed account of his most recent brush with death. That Spock always recounted these adventures as drily and matter-of-factly as possible was, if anything, worse for Amanda’s nerves than learning the gory details.
This call was out of the ordinary in part because it had nothing to do with any of Spock’s most recent missions. He inquired about her experiences as a human woman on Vulcan and even, to her great surprise, about her courtship with his father. The two of them usually danced around the subject of Sarek, with whom Spock had barely been on speaking terms since he left Vulcan to attend Starfleet Academy years ago. Though he posed them with his usual impersonal, academic curiosity, the questions themselves raised Amanda’s suspicions.
She knew, of course, about the fractured engagement between Spock and T’Pring. Arranging a marriage for her son at such a tender age had always made her uncomfortable, but as in so many things in her marriage, she hadn’t protested Sarek’s insistence on following his tradition. As the human wife of a very stubborn Vulcan man, she had to pick her battles. She and Sarek had been away on a diplomatic mission and therefore unable to return home for what should have been Spock’s wedding, which was probably for the best. Her husband had been furious at what he perceived to be an insult to his house and his son. Only time and distance had cooled his head.
At the time, she’d been hurt for Spock, too—who could ask for a better husband than her son? But her romantic heart had whispered that now he was free. 
She hadn’t thought much about the matter since then. When she did hear from Spock about his work, he mentioned his close colleagues only in passing, so that she knew the captain’s name, but no one else’s. He had certainly never talked about any women. Yet now...now, she wondered. Why these questions, and why now?
“Spock,” she asked, wishing she could reach across the unfathomable distance that separated them and touch his dear face, “is there a reason you’re asking me all this?”
Though she had no telepathic abilities and though he’d carefully trained in all those Vulcan mental disciplines, Amanda knew him better than almost anyone in the galaxy. She’d given birth to this boy, raised him, and knew his tells. As she watched him glance away from the screen and watched the corner of his mouth twitch, she had to keep herself from laughing out loud. 
He looked back at the screen and, after a moment’s silence, he said, “You will certainly be the first to know if there is, Mother.”
When the call ended, Amanda was on cloud nine. Her head was full of thoughts of weddings and grandchildren and a thousand questions about the woman who had brought that softness into Spock’s face. Amanda loved her already, whoever she was, whatever she looked like, whichever position she held aboard the Enterprise. 
*     *     *
Spock felt better after talking to his mother. He was more sure of himself and of his plans and more confident about asking Christine to bind herself to a him despite his alien ways. After all, if his mother could live with Sarek on Vulcan with few qualms, surely it was logical to think that Christine could find contentment with him on a starship or even a colony somewhere. Though their future after this mission was still hazy, he doubted that either of them would leave Starfleet, and he had no intention of returning to Vulcan permanently with or without a human wife.
He now had to consider a proposal and balancing Christine’s human expectations with his own more reserved nature. They had discussed the ways in which Vulcan marriage went beyond the human notion of matrimony only briefly. His mother had reassured him that she found her own mental bond with Sarek, while it had taken some “getting used to,” wonderful. He only hoped that Christine, medical professional that she was, would not be intimidated by the idea.
But this morning there were other matters at hand. The Enterprise had picked up a message from a nearby Class M planet that had, it seemed, very recently developed the technology necessary to contact potential life beyond their planet. Their society was reminiscent of that on Earth several centuries earlier, and the captain assembled a small landing party that included Spock, Uhura, and one of the ship’s anthropologists to beam down.
“Their energy clearly comes from a non-renewable and toxic source such as coal, captain,” Spock remarked with distaste as soon as they materialized on the surface. The acrid smell of smog that hung in the air made his tricorder readings completely unnecessary to back up that particular observation.
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flippyspoon · 2 months
I just feel like Spock should be related to T'Pau OR Solkar OR Surak BUT NOT ALL OF THEM C'MON LOL.
Sarek's people just like "NO that's us...NO THAT WAS US TOO...IT'S ALL S'CHN T'GHAIs."
And Spock eventually finds out that some of this is bullshit to puff up his house.
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tinderbox210 · 3 months
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In the far future, Sarek of House S'Chn T'Gai is summoned by Emperor Georgiou to take over the stewardship of the dangerous desert planet Arrakis from House Voq. Beset by visions, Spock, the gifted son of Sarek and the Bene Gesserit Lady Amanda, falls in love with La'an, one of the locals, and finds himself caught between two worlds as malevolent forces plot revenge and seek control over the most valuable substance in the Federation.
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dukeofriven · 1 year
Shittiest Father: Star Trek Edition
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autisticburnham · 10 months
I've been saying this ever since season two of Discovery, but it bears repeating after Picard season three. It's not like nostalgiabait is an inherently bad thing or way to tell a story. It can work really well as long as it's contributing to the new story and isn't the entire story. Spock and Sarek having episodes focused on them in tng, Trials and Tribbleations, Tuvok having served under Sulu, T'Pau's storyline in Enterprise, everything that Lower Decks is doing, hologram Janeway and the Chakotay lost in time storyline in Prodigy, and even the visit to Troi and Riker's house in season one of Picard are all nostalgia based fanservice, but they work both because they all let us build attachments to the new crew naturally before they happened and they didn't sideline the new crew in order to tell the fanservice story.
But season one of Discovery didn't trust that the audience would like Michael on the basis of her character and made her tied to tos from the beginning to try to use our nostalgia to make us like her. Then season two shoved her out of the spotlight as hard as they could so they could instead say "Hey, look! Tos crewmembers, you love tos crewmembers, right?" Strange New Worlds consists almost entirely of repeating that question. And then Picard did both things, sidelining their entire original cast in order to say "Tng crewmembers, you love tng crewmembers, right?"
Discovery is good in spite of the nostalgiabait it started with, not because of it. Strange New Worlds only managed to endear me to two characters, one of whom they killed off, presumably so that they can bring in another tos crewmember in his place. And season three of Picard is the worst Star Trek I have ever seen. It may be getting good reviews now from people who haven't seen any new Trek for a decade, but I don't think it will hold up as good Star Trek in the long run. And I don't think Strange New Worlds will either unless they follow in Discovery's footsteps and start trusting their new crewmembers to hold the show on their own
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