#housamo amatsumara
superchaipa · 3 months
I obviously missed something because,
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Amatsumara likes Mephistopheles? Mephistopheles likes Shiva?
When have Amatsuamra and Mephistopheles interacted long enough for this to happen? Can someone explain this to me, please? Thank you. Also, Yoritomo not liking Mephistopheles is soooooo accurate! Yoritomo is paranoid as fùck and Mephistopheles is shady as fùck. Makes sense.
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summocrap · 6 months
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emichii-the-mc · 5 months
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Through many years of experience, Amatsumara is a well respected blacksmith and much loved by those around him for his words of wisdom and support as he simply wants those around him to become the best they can be.
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sketcharou · 8 months
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[ Housamotober ] - Day 12 - Crafters
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red-steampunk · 2 years
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olympusgenius · 2 years
Ideas for scary and non-scary costumes for Kamata Crafters in Halloween...
Grandpa Amatsumara
Scary Costume: A cannibal serial killer, chasing you with a machete to eat you up.
Non-scary Costume: A white Wizard like Gandalf.
Scary Costume: A mutant, a merge of "The hills have eyes" and "Resident Evil", mostly by a grotesque version of his right hand.
Non-Scary Costume: A Tokusatsu Hero, I imagine he's the one who creates crafters' poses, like in Super Sentai (Power Rangers) and Kamen Rider.
Scary Costume: An evil mad scientist with his brain at plain sight and chasing future test subjects with his monsterfied Vritra.
Non-Scary Costume: A funny stereotypical indian king with his royal pet.
Scary Costume: A devil, like Lucifer's depiction in Dante's Inferno.
Non-Scary Costume: The Beast from Beauty and the Beast in a traditional japanese style.
Scary Costume: Haunted puppet, like Billy from Dead Silence, but bigger, stronger, deadlier, and capable to move by himself.
Non-Scary Costume: Prince Charming.
Scary Costume: Evil robot, a fusion of Terminator, Predator and Ultron, showing his mechanical limbs without skin but bloodied.
Non-Scary Costume: A superhero.
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molebradry · 2 years
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3yu7XE1 Desert Journey - We'll Meet Again in the West Episode 2 - Battling the Rhinoceros King Team Sanzang's next stop on there journey is...an amusement park? The group has to deal with Amatsumara who's playing the role of the Rhinoceros King. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support Me On Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/EClBv3X Subscribe to Me: https://goo.gl/Jb4xtm Most Recent Upload: https://goo.gl/CcnPeH Most Popular Upload: https://goo.gl/id51qE Twitter: http://goo.gl/GjHNP -------------------------------------------------------------------- #Housamo #GamingMole #Seth
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summonerscenarios · 3 years
Hello... sorry for disturb, but there's a headcanon I would like to see if works...How the Kamata Crafters react when suddenly discover Hephaestus has a nice singing voice, but he kept that in secret because shyness, and Talos is a little jealous because neither him know that hidden talent from Papa Heph
ooooo I love this idea!! I definitely imagine that Heph probably hums a lot with his work so this definitely makes for a fun lil scenario~!
Despite singing being a skill he’s particularly good at, it’s not a fact that Hephaestus shares willingly - if anything he’s incredibly embarrassed about his singing voice and genuinely believes that he’s no good at it. Perhaps it’s because of this that he only really sings when he’s by himself, which, more often than not, is when he’s holed away in his workshop. He can often stay down there for hours at a time whittling away at his work, sometimes even longer than that, and of course since he’s by himself it means that Heph’s a little more open to humming or singing while he passes the time.
The way the others find out is honestly due to pure chance. Usually, they wouldn’t check in on Heph unless something was up or they had a message to pass on, because when it comes to passing on info unless you go to Heph directly, chances are he’s not gonna hear it if you just yell down to him. And it’s because of that reason that Kurogane and Amatsumara end up having to stop by his workshop to pass on a message - it’s not as though they haven’t been down there before, Amatsumara more often than Kurogane, but usually any voices inside of the workshop are drowned out by the sound of machinery. However, this time is different, as with the lack of noise it makes it easier to hear what’s going on through the other side of the door.
Amatsumara hears it first, though he assumes that it’s Heph just talking to himself while he’s working, however, Kurogane’s the one who points out that it doesn’t sound like talking, it sounds more like...humming? And sure enough that’s exactly what it is - they can hear his voice through the door, humming along to some kind of tune without any music, and the two Crafters share a baffled look before curiosity gets the better of them and they crack open the door.
It’s like something out of a sit-com; they peer into the room through the gap in the door and immediately catch sight of Hephaestus. His back’s turned to them as he tinkers with something at his workbench, the baritone hum of his voice sifting through the room in something that sounds suspiciously like a lullaby as he fiddles with whatever’s in his hands. 
Kurogane’s shocked - it’s never once come up before that Heph had a penchant for singing, but even if he’s just humming it’s clear that he’s got an impressive singing voice on him. It makes the guildmaster wonder why he’s never mentioned it or even shown them. He guesses that it’s because Hephaestus is so shy about opening up when it comes to himself, and gets pretty testy whenever Kurogane or the other crafters try to coax him to open up more - but the thought that he’s kept it a secret all this time does bum him out a bit. Amatsumara on the other hand is surprised, but not quite to the extent Kurogane is; he’s caught the end of Heph’s little humming moments before but only right at the very end, so to hear him now definitely takes him aback. 
They stare for longer than they should, as the next moment is broken by the sound of Tvastar’s voice asking what’s wrong and the pair jump, whipping around to cover his mouth before he gets too loud. He’s about to ask what’s wrong when Tvastar hears Hephaestus’ voice, who at this point has upgraded from deep humming to the occasional lines of song lyrics dotted in-between, and just like that there’s now three of the crafters who are listening to Heph sing through the doorway. And of course it isn’t long before Takemaru notices them all crowded around the workshop door, because none of them are exactly subtle about what they’re doing.
With all four of them listening this goes down about as well as you’d expect, because all it takes is the wrong hand getting too close to the door and then it’s flying open - Kurogane and Tvastar go down with the door, yelling loud enough that even without the metal squeak Heph would have heard right away. Meanwhile, Tak tries to act as inconspicuous as possible and Amatsumara doesn’t even bother to save face, instead hoisting the two fallen crafters back onto their feet and greeting Hephaestus as he guides Kurogane and Tvastar to actually stand in the room. Hephaestus flounders between responses, switching between embarrassment and anger, then embarrassment again once he realizes that they caught him singing. His attempts to scold them for barging into his workshop are promptly cut off when the first words out of Kurogane’s mouth are excited questions about how long he’s been able to sing, and Heph finds himself getting flustered under the sudden slew of questions from both him and Tvastar quizzing him on what he was singing and how many songs he knows.
Talos, being a direct creation by Heph, does find himself disheartened to learn that his creator had such a wonderful ability and had never shared it with him. Granted, Talos has got quite a set of pipes on him as well, his voice having been constructed specifically to fit his ‘ideal’ persona, but it’s different from Heph’s given how he views his own voice, so he is upset to think that Hephaestus could possibly view his singing voice as imperfect. A part of him is also somewhat envious that he wasn’t the first one to learn about Hephaestus’ singing voice, as given that more times than not all of Talos’ time is spent around his creator, he’d assumed that he would have heard it at some point.
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bigboobshaunt · 3 years
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Was going through some of my favorite AR and I think I just might be gay, who can say?
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summocrap · 1 month
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shiro-motoori647 · 3 years
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Death Maze Breakout
( Amatsumara & Bacchus )
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monsterkids234 · 3 years
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Amatsumara is dilf
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chatwithana · 3 years
Are there any worlds you'd like to visit someday? Like, properly, not through a collision.
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“‘I actually tried to explore another world once with Kurogane-senpai. It ended prematurely because we couldn’t get past the boundaries of this Tokyo, and we were getting chased by massive robots…” It was truly a frustrating situation, but at least Kurogane and Ana grew closer from the whole thing. Typically almost dying together in a spaceship causes that.
“Anyway, I think I’d probably wanna visit all the 23 worlds so I could understand the transients from them better. Maybe I’d start with Utopia? It seems like it holds some of the most interesting technology.”
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olympusgenius · 3 years
Part 1
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spaceguybob · 4 years
Kurogane and Amatsumara to Takemaru: Tak, we found you in the park throwing stones at old couples.
Takemaru: Why should they be happy?!
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dorokora · 4 years
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