#horary hours
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Hi ! So this version of astro observations will be focused on horary hours. From my knowledge, they truly work and have many benefits if using them right and with intention... So lets begin.
Sun hours - Impactful frequencies, helpful with getting your point across/ shedding light on something. Could be used to help with confidence spells, saying affirmations that affirm yourself and bigging yourself up. Sun hours could be good with helping you be the center of attention. Art and hobbies are good around this time too! Working with the solar plexus can be beneficial.
Moon hours - Good with helping you connect with someone on a deeper level. Telling someone how you feel and meaning it.. A time where you can share something that is more vulnerable. Sensual healing, dancing, working with the sacral chakra helps. Also if the moon hour is at night, connecting and communicating with the moon is stellar. Focus on the subconscious/shadow work is also recommended.
Venus hour - Beauty rituals. Self love affirmations. Connecting with someone you love, or just wanting to embrace your flirtatious personality works best. I've been on dating apps during this hour and its better lol. Anything that makes you feel good is a go to. Going to eat, going to the movies, or just simply enjoying yourself at home could be beneficial. Posting and/or taking pictures will help find that spark. ;)
Mars Hour - Working out. Creating space for you to strengthen your mind and abilities. Can help with practicing and getting you to focus on the end goal. Things seem to get done a lot faster.. as well as you sometimes doing something on impulse, I've caught myself doing that during this hour sometimes.
Mercury Hour - Your thoughts can be supported during this time. Being playful, drawing or writing would be beneficial. Starting a podcast, singing, focus on the voice.. etc. <3
Saturns Hour - Anything mundane. Tasks that need to be done. Working hard on a project or just simply being productive is exactly a good thing for this time of the day. Resting can also be necessary as saturn moves slow and maybe you need to slow down a bit.
Jupiters Hour - Can be big and expansive. If you want to teach people something then this time is the perfect time to do it. Prayer and meditation rituals work really good here and can sharpen your mind more. You can pay off debts during this hour and it'll bring money back to you ten fold. Intuitive exercises can be of great benefit.
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ninelivesastrology · 2 months
Hi, everyone! It's Nine. I want to thank you for following, it really does mean a lot to me. I'll be offering my Horary services. Unfortunately, this is limited to the United States for now. I've been studying astrology for 14 years, studying horary for well over a year! It's one of my favorite and most used forms of astrology.
What is Horary?
A horary is a question asked by a querent to an astrologer that casts and interprets the querent's question. Horary is divination like tarot and is always accurate.
What questions can I ask?
I will not be answering questions about health, legal matters or lost objects, but you are more than welcome to ask questions such as:
Will we be in a relationship?
Will we break up?
How does [a person] feel towards me?
Will I have a [boyfriend, girlfriend, lover] in the next [time frame?]
Should I take this job?
Will I get the job?
Should I go into [your career of choice]?
Should I move to [location]?
Will I move to [location]?
Questions I ask you to stay away from are questions too general and unspecific like, "Will I ever find love?"
Okay, so how do we do this?
I'll be offering my services for $20 per question.
Please DM me if you're going to ask me a question.
I will accept payment, then I will service you. I'm a little busy because I have a baby, but the turn around rate should be 24-72 hours.
The moment I get your question, I will cast.
You will also provide your preferred name and screenshot of payment to me. I will interpret your question for you in the DMs, provide your horary chart and go over it with you. I may have some questions for you in return because it is a mini consultation.
If you need help with a question or want to know if it's okay to ask, just ask me!
I only accept CashApp only for right now and I'll provide you the link to pay me. You are more than welcome to tip me for my services as well, I appreciate it.
This is first come, first serve.
Love you guys!
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ivy-kissobryos · 1 year
Tarot Reading
I offer tarot and oracle readings priced at £40-50 per question, depending on the complexity of the issue. The querent can contact me by DMing me here, and explaining their issues to me or simply messaging me their questions. I will then perform a write-up of the reading and send it to the querent via email in a pdf format usually within 24-72 hours. Payments are to be made via PayPal of Ko-Fi.
The majority of my clients often come to me for spiritual or occult questions, but I have also performed readings on career issues or romantic queries. In most cases, my reading will be a combination of tarot with a few extra oracle cards, and will most likely include me scrying the tarot cards for further insight. Likewise, depending on the case, I may also include an extra stichomancy for further clarification and give suggestions of spells for the clients to potentially perform to aid them in their issues. Astrology and fixed stars horary (as per the methods pioneered by Sasha Ravitch) may also be used if there is a timing associated with the issue at hand.
The decks I use are:
Thoth Tarot
Rider Waite Tarot
Edmund Dulac Tarot
The Tarot of the Greek Magical Papyri
Earth and Bone Oracle
Supra Oracle
Unless the querent specifies which deck(s) they want, I will pick whichever I feel is suitable. Some testimonials are below the cut:
A review from Lisa Pouncer
“As someone who has been making a concerted study of the tarot and various other divination methods for number of years, I maintain that there will always be times when, no matter one's own skill and experience, it is advisable to consult another reader. Often we can find ourselves too close to a situation, too emotionally invested, to read the cards accurately for ourselves without bias.This is how I found Ivy, a recommendation from a practitioner I greatly respect, and I am very grateful for that recommendation. To say Ivy's readings have impressed me is an understatement. They are delivered with swiftness and express themself with a clarity and forceful elegance rare among tarot readers, as well as being perceptive to the extreme.  This is a reader truly plugged in to the divinatory current. Ivy's readings have helped me navigate two particularly emotional life decisions over the past year, and have allowed me to move forward with a certainty of step I would not have had otherwise. I cannot recommend their work highly enough and will be seeking their consultation again in the future.”
A review from McCalla Ann / SaturnVox:
“Thank you immensely for this reading. I am very in awe of the power of your visionary channel. Truly, a strong gift in you, as you even scryed a card and message I had been getting in my own spreads which was separate from the tangible cards you had initially pulled. As a fellow reader and spirit worker, it has always been important for me to stand alongside others dedicated to their practice and be involved in co-creative curious investigations of the mysteries with their spirits when I need my own double checkings and grounding. This is something I think we all need. After talking with you for a while, I came to feel, truly, that you were a person who I could trust to help act as an anchor as I take brave steps forward off to sea, and your reading still kind of blew me out of the water a bit. Even more so than the way you read cards I want to emphasize the peace and clarity that the messages you channeled, specifically, gave me. The stichomancy was incredibly profound, in ways that are perhaps too private for me to explain publicly, however, it should be emphasized that you have given me a deep gift with this reading and I am truly grateful.”
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tmraeb · 1 year
angular → the 1H, 4H, 7H, 10H; being, beginning–these houses reflect themselves in terms of action; they are considered powerful, expressing 100% of themselves—“self” is a keyword
aversion → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they are not configured
axial tilt → the angle between an object’s rotational and orbital axes
cadent → the 3H, 6H, 9H, 12H; falling, resolution, dispersal–these houses express themselves in terms of reflection, on the past, present, and future, to determine the next action; planets in cadent houses are said to express 25% of their energy
conjunction → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 0 degrees of one another
copresence → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they enter the same sign
eastern hemisphere → the left half of the horoscope
ecliptic → the perceived plane of the Sun’s orbit around Earth from the perspective of someone on Earth
equator → a mathematically calculated circle that divides the poles of the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres
horizon → a mathematically calculated circle that connects the East, South, West, and North points; it separates the visible (1H-6H) and invisible (7H-12H) hemispheres—thus indicating the line where celestial bodies leave the human line of vision—and defines the horizontal axis (Ascendant and Descendant) of the horoscope
horoscope → definitively refers to the Ascendant; connotatively refers to the figure drawn based on a specific location, date, and hour (down to the minute) for a given date and hour, which can be used to analyze nativity (a birth chart), for predictions in Mundane and Horary Astrology 
meridian → a mathematically calculated circle that connects the South point (and goes through the Zenith) to the North point; it coincides with the geographical longitude; also defines the meridian axis (Imum Coeli and Medium Coeli) of the horoscope
nadir → a mathematically calculated point representing the southern pole of the horizon; the term is often used interchangeably with the Imum Coeli or the cusp of the fourth house, but they are not the same
northern hemisphere → the top half of the horoscope
opposition → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 180 degrees of one another
prime vertical → a mathematically calculated circle that connects the East and West points, and the Zenith and Nadir of any specific location;  and defines the Vertex/Anti-Vertex axis
retrograde → an optical illusion in which a planet appears to be moving backwards in orbit from the perspective on earth
sextile → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 60 degrees of one another
southern hemisphere → the bottom half of the horoscope
square → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 90 degrees of one another
succedent → the 2H, 5H, 8H, 11H; succeeding, following, grouping, collecting–these houses express themselves in terms of organization, or maintaining momentum; planets in succedent houses are said to express 50% of their energy
trine → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 120 degrees of one another
western hemisphere → the right half of a horoscope
zenith → a mathematically calculated point representing the northern pole of the horizon; the term is often used interchangeably with the Midheaven, Medium Coeli, or cusp of the tenth house, but they are not the same
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therealkristalyn · 2 years
There will be a Hellenistic Void of Course Moon this weekend
This Friday through Sunday might be a great time for a do-nothing sort of weekend since the Moon will be Hellenistically Void of Course the entire time. This is a different type of VOC than the one we might normally hear about as it doesn’t happen quite as often as the Medieval definition, but sky is stacked to allow it to happen multiple times this year, including this Friday through Sunday afternoon.
What is a Void of Course Moon?
In general, a Void of Course Moon is when the Moon makes no Ptolemaic aspect to one of the other six Traditional planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury. Because the Moon has nothing to translate, she has less energy to maneuver through the darkness and we in the Sublunar sphere have less energy to make world go brr. Typically, this is not considered an ideal time to start new things or to accomplish things as they will lack the substance to be fulfilled.
Definitions of Void of Course
There are two definitions of Void of Course Moon. The more commonly occurring and frequently used in modern day is the Medieval Void of Course which is when the Moon doesn’t aspect any more of the other traditional six planets before she changes signs (Christian Astrology, Lilly), and is one of the Considerations Before Judgement in Horary Astrology. Inevitably, then, the Moon is Void of Course for some time every three days or so, even if it’s just for a few hours.
The Hellenistic definition is less common. The Moon must be Void of Course - not forming any Ptolemaic aspect with any traditional planet - for a full 30 degrees, or the span of an entire whole sign, and roughly two to three days (Chapter 23, Introduction to the Tetrabiblos, Porphyry).
When is it happening?
This time, The Moon will square Jupiter at 28Pisces from 28Sagittarius on Friday, November 25 at around 2:21pm ET and won’t aspect another Traditional planet until she then forms a sextile with Jupiter from 28Capricorn on Sunday, the 27th at 3:11pm ET.
Here is another helpful article on the two definitions of Void of Course.
This isn’t a doomsday event or anything, but it is a fine time to rest and not try to push things too hard. Enjoy your food comas and leftovers!
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delightfulcrasher · 2 years
Hi! You don't know me and I don't know you but I've seen ya have been gone for a while and just wanted to ask if you are doing alright? (Btw this isn't about like you updating ur writings ect just worried bout you) Remember to take care of yourself <33
Hey there, thanks for checking in.
I know I've been gone for a while, and I do feel quite guilty for it. I know I shouldn't but uuuuhhhh. It's mostly down to a matte of time. I've been horrendously busy and it's not as easy to find spare time. I really wish there were more hours in the day, or that I could sleep less, that way I could get things done (*╯^╰)
But I have been tampering away in the background at chapter six and trying to clean out my inbox. There's only a few requests left then I can open them again, horary!
I am doing alright, it's just been stressful. Thanks for checking up on me, stranger. I really appreciate it ♪(´▽`)
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gautam-101 · 2 months
Unveiling the Mysteries of Horary Astrology: Seeking Answers from the Celestial Realm
In the vast cosmos, where stars dance in intricate patterns, humans have long sought guidance and understanding. From ancient civilizations to modern societies, the fascination with the celestial realm has persisted, intertwining with beliefs, cultures, and practices. Among the myriad branches of astrology, one stands out for its directness and immediacy - Horary Astrology. This ancient art allows seekers to pose specific questions to the stars, unraveling mysteries and offering insights into life's quandaries. Join us on a journey through the cosmos as we delve into the intricacies of Horary Astrology, exploring its origins, principles, and practical applications.
Also read - Exploring Ancient Wisdom of Vedic Astrology and Palmistry
Exploring Horary Astrology:
Horary astrology, stemming from the Latin word "hora," meaning hour, revolves around the idea that the cosmic energies at a particular moment hold the key to unlocking answers to pressing questions. Unlike natal astrology, which examines the celestial configurations at the time of birth, horary astrology focuses on the precise moment a question is asked, known as the "horary chart." This chart serves as a snapshot of the heavens, reflecting the energies and influences surrounding the inquiry.
At the heart of horary astrology lies the principle of synchronicity, as formulated by the renowned Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. According to Jung, meaningful coincidences occur when external events align with one's inner state of being. Similarly, in horary astrology, the alignment of celestial bodies with the querent's question is seen as a synchronistic event, offering profound insights into the situation at hand.
The process of casting a horary chart involves several steps, beginning with formulating a clear and concise question. The question should be of genuine significance to the querent, focusing on specific details rather than vague inquiries. Once the question is posed, the astrologer selects the moment and location to cast the chart, using traditional astrological techniques to interpret the planetary positions and aspects.
Chat here: Chat with astrologer online
Interpreting the Horary Chart:
Central to the interpretation of a horary chart is the identification of significators, representing the querent, the subject of the question, and other relevant parties or factors. These significators are determined based on the nature of the question and the astrological houses involved. For example, in a question regarding a lost item, the ruler of the second house may represent the lost object, while the ruler of the sixth house signifies obstacles or hindrances.
Once the significators are established, the astrologer analyzes their placements, aspects, and dignity to discern the outcome of the question. Benefic planets such as Jupiter and Venus generally augur positive outcomes, while malefic planets like Saturn and Mars may indicate challenges or delays. Additionally, the Moon's swift movements and aspects play a crucial role in timing events, offering insights into when the situation may unfold.
Beyond the planetary positions, the astrologer considers the overall symbolism and story conveyed by the horary chart. Each aspect, house placement, and planetary configuration contributes to the narrative, painting a vivid picture of the energies at play. Through careful analysis and intuition, the astrologer unravels the threads of fate, guiding the querent toward clarity and resolution.
Practical Applications of Horary Astrology:
Horary astrology finds application in various areas of life, offering guidance on matters ranging from relationships and career decisions to mundane concerns like finding lost objects or choosing the optimal time to initiate a project. Its versatility and immediacy make it a valuable tool for navigating life's uncertainties and making informed choices.
In matters of love and relationships, horary astrology can provide valuable insights into the dynamics between individuals, helping to clarify intentions, resolve conflicts, or determine the potential for a lasting connection. By examining the planetary influences surrounding the question, the astrologer can shed light on the underlying dynamics and offer guidance on the best course of action.
Similarly, in career and financial matters, horary astrology can offer strategic insights into job opportunities, investments, or business ventures. By assessing the planetary configurations in the horary chart, the astrologer can discern the potential risks and rewards associated with a particular course of action, empowering the querent to make informed decisions.
As we gaze up at the star-strewn sky, we are reminded of the timeless wisdom encoded in the celestial dance. Horary astrology, with its roots reaching back through the annals of history, offers us a glimpse into the cosmic tapestry, where questions are met with answers and mysteries are unveiled. Through the artful interpretation of horary charts, astrologers serve as guides, navigating the currents of fate and offering solace in times of uncertainty. So, the next time you find yourself pondering life's mysteries, remember to look to the stars and seek guidance from the celestial realm.
Have any questions? Speak with an astrologer: Download the App Now
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historysurvivalguide · 6 months
Perpetual Calendar
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This instrument, made by Christian Boyling, consists of two superposed brass plates. The top plate is finely perforated and adorned with the coat of arms of the House of Saxony. We can glimpse a red silk backing
At the center of the plate is a circle divided into twenty-four hours containing three horary disks: a nocturnal based on the phases of the Moon, a perpetual calendar, and a zodiacal calendar showing the length of day and night throughout the year. Between the two plates is a rotating disk carrying twelve smaller enameled disks depicting the months (one missing). These appear one at a time through the small circular window below the three horary disks.
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ms-m-astrologer · 11 months
Hello! I was wondering, when I'm looking at the best time to do something and I'm flexible with the time, is it better to wait for an opportunity period OR the planetary hour that would suit that activity best? Thank you!
Thank you for the ask!
Probably the planetary hour. If you can manage it for when the Moon is also in a sign ruled by that planet, and making a favorable aspect to that planet, that would be the best!!
(Planetary Hours take a while to explain - I shall endeavor to do so, before I go back to work next month.)
The “Opportunity Periods” in the annual Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide are based on horary astrology - picking the best time to do something. They follow a lot of rules, not all of which make a lot of sense to me. There have been some Opportunity Periods taking place in otherwise dire astrological circumstances - Mars in a hard aspect to Saturn, Uranus, &/or Pluto - to me, those are opportunities to lay low and be honest with myself - never mind if the Moon is making all trines and sextiles!!! Anyway, I take them with a grain of salt unless they really resonate with me. Blessings, ❤️❤️❤️
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doskiwis · 1 year
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Apunt pel cap de setmana!!!! Aquest és l’últim que obrim el taproom en horari de migdies. ⠀ A partir del 31/03 comencem a obrir a la tarda, de 17h a 00h, dijous a dilluns. Amb nova carta al @thecontainerdkb ⚡️⚡️⚡️⠀ ⠀ Ready for the weekend!!!! This is the last weekend that we’ll be open for lunch. From 31st of March we’ll be switching over to summer hours. Thursday to Monday 17 till midnight. Bangin new menu on the way. @thecontainerdkb 💥⠀ ⠀ Listos para el fin de semana!!!! Éste es el último en el que abrimos el taproom al mediodía. A partir del 31/03 empezamos a abrir de tardes, 17h a 00h, jueves a lunes. Con un nuevo menú del de @thecontainkerdkb increíble ✨ 🏊‍♀️ 🏊‍♂️ 🏊 (at DosKiwis Brewing Co.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLojqWsfGx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chhailchhabila · 1 year
Astrology Prediction : Argentina may just win versus France in today's Final!
Astrological Prediction for today's World Cup Football Final Match :
Date : 18th December, 2022 Horary Number : 58 Time of Prediction : 13 : 44 : 58 hours India time
Argentina :
6th CSL : | PL : Ma* (11), [6, 12] + Me* : (6), 1 [2, 8, 10] + Ve* (6), 5, 12, [9] + Su* (6), 3 [3] +Ra (10) | NL : Mo* : (4), 2 | SuL : Me* : (6), 1 [2, 8, 10] + Ve* (6), 5, 12, [9] + Su* (6), 3 [3] + Ma* 11 +Ra (10)
= +ves : (6), (11), {2}, {3}, {(10)}, 1 -ves : 5, 12, {9}, {8}
11th CSL : | PL : Ju* (9), 7, {5,11} | NL : Saturn (8), {4, 7} +Ra* {11} | SuL : Me* : (6), 1 [2, 8, 10] + Ve* (6), 5, 12, [9] + Su* (6), 3 [3] + Ma* 11 +Ra (10)
= +ves : {11}, ((6)), {(10)}, 1, {2}, {3}
-ves : (9), {(8)}, {5}, {4}, {7}, 12
France : 6th CSL : | PL : Ma* (5), [12, 6] + Me* : (12), 7 [8, 2, 4} + Ve* (12), 11, 6, [3] + Su* (12), 9 [9] +Ra (4) | NL : Mo* : (10), 8 | SuL : Me* : (12), 7, [8, 2, 4] + Ve* (12), 11, 6, [3] + Su* (12), 9 [9] + Ma* 5 +Ra (4)
= -ves : (12), (5), {8}, {9}, {(4)}, 7 +ves : 11, 6, {3}, {2}
11th CSL : | PL : Ju* (3), 1, {11,5} | NL : Saturn (2), {10, 1} +Ra* {5} | SuL : Me* : (12), 7, [8, 2, 4] + Ve* (12), 11, 6, [3] + Su* (12), 9 [9] + Ma* 5 +Ra (4)
= -ves : {5}, ((12)), {(4)}, 7, {8}, {9} +ves : (3), {(2)}, {11}, {10}, {1}, 6
Inference : Highly competitive match with lots of twists and turns, highs and lows, nail biting match. Argentina may have have an edge in today:s closely played final and may have a chance to win the match and World Cup.
Thanks and regards..
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ninelivesastrology · 4 days
My biggest argument for offering horary instead of natal services is literally based upon the following:
❤️ You should probably only get your natal chart read no more than five times in your lifetime and in addition, you should have a copy of this reading to refer back to
❤️ Your Solar Return is a once a year reading
❤️ Any following service you get is in reference to your natal chart like Solar Returns and profections
❤️ I like to work smarter, not harder because I'm thorough. I'm the astrologer that can talk to someone for hours about their chart, so it's just convenient and fair to me after doing so much overtime for the regular price
❤️ I know from being a tarot reader, people have questions and that's what horary is for
❤️ Horary is divination and the chart is never wrong, babe
❤️ Does not encourage spiritual dependency as you should only ask a horary question once
❤️ The last time I looked at my natal chart was probably six months ago, but the last time I cast a horary was the other day lol I just use it more
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henryenrix · 2 years
In the year 1,082 since the creation of Adam, came down from Heaven to Earth, from the ninth stratum called: ARTHOS, two hundred stars (angels) known as: THE WATCHERS OF THE UNIVERSE. Heaven is ~400 miles above the surface of the Earth. ANGELS DO NOT NEED UFOs TO DESPLACE THEMSELVES. Their mission was to police, and watch the actions between Satan, and his Fallen Angels, and Cain's descendants. In the year 130, Cain built his son Enoch a city called: ENOCHTITLAN, and the civilization formed by Cain, and his children was called: THE ENOQUIAN CIVILIZATION. The Watchers of the Universe fell in love with the daughters of men, and decided to disobey God, and have children with them through avatars very similar to human beings. The women of earth gave birth to gigantic offspring the size of mountains called: NEPHILIM (born on Earth). These angels began to teach their children, and the men of the earth, highly advanced science, and technology, the omens of nature, and all the secrets of the universe. This is a list of the most notable Watchers of the Universe, and the science, and the technology that they taught human beings:
Shemihaza: The leader of the Watchers of the Universe, who taught humanity to make spells, and to cut roots to make witchcraft. 2. Asazel: He taught the men of the earth how to make swords, iron daggers, copper plates, and showed them how to extract metals from the earth, and how to work with gold, and silver, and other precious elements (he taught humans the science of metallurgy). He taught women about the use of Antimony: The art of deception adorning their bodies through eye and face makeup, the use of pebbles as ornaments, and dyes to dye their hair. 3. Hermoni: He taught humans how to break spells, enchantments, magic, and related skills. 4. Baraqu'el: He taught humanity the signs of the clouds, thunder, and rays (meteorology). 5. Kokab'el: He taught humans the omens of the star constellations (Astrology). 6. Zequ'el: He taught men the auguries, and the meanings of the rays, and of the clouds. 7. AR'TAQOF: He taught humans the signs of the earth. 8. Shamsi'el: He taught men the auguries of the sun. 9. Sahari'el: He taught human beings the course of the moon. 10. Eracli'el: He taught humans the secrets of nature. 11. Tami'el: He taught the man of the earth the science of abortion, the death of the innocent in the uterus. 12. Rumi'el: He taught men how to cut stone, how to build with megaliths, and how to move megaliths. 13. Zuri'el: He instituted the months, and the days between human civilization, and taught them to worship a different God every month. 14. Piney: He invented sports, and horse races, and the mixture of racing animals. 15. Ga'el: He invented the steel ax, and showed them how to use it. 16. Horary: He taught man how to make musical instruments, and how to use them. 17. Gaybay: He taught humans how to work with iron (smithing). 18. Megodi: He taught human beings the medicinal sources, and the planetary hours in which the waters were more effective. 19. Garg'el: He invented corn, and built the first corn mill. 20. Zeder: He taught humanity how to make adobe constructions. 21. Gimmer: He taught man how to build thermal pots of the Earth for food storage. 23. Heg'el: He taught humanity how to make doors, and roofs for houses. 24. Zaphir: He taught humans how to make butter. 25.Aryage: He taught them how to work with stone, and wood. 26. Heather: He taught the men of the earth how to grow trees. 27. Sinoff: He taught human beings how to build houses. 28. Toeffs: Invented the art of ceramics. 29. Arthopegus: Invented instruments for agriculture. 30. Shemidegus: He introduced the use of coal as fuel. 31. Zora'el: Invented the art of making beer. 32. Bethlrarus: He invented the coal oven. 33. Naffa'el: Invented plantations, and gardens. 34. Yorbed: He discovered how to cut trees, and how to use them for construction. 35. Heliott: He taught the world the art of dance. 36. Piedmus: He invented architecture, and writing. 37. Agelumus: He taught humanity the use of beasts to plow the earth, and to make ridges. 38. Cuzes: He invented the plow, and skin whips. 39. Accord: He discovered bronze, and copper. 40. Zirtainmann: He taught humanity how to work with willows, and cedars. 41. Neer and Zaberaquit: They taught the world how to create the circus game.
As well as: Teleportation, telekinesis, telepathy, hypnotism, astral projection, clairvoyance, psychometry, electromagnetism, electromagnetic levitation, acoustic levitation, construction of pyramids, and obelisks, construction of megaliths with soft meat in fossilization processes, the construction of incredible cities through the Science of Divination, floating cities in mid space, underground cities, colossal tunnels, the solidification, or instantaneous freezing of biological matter, the construction of nuclear level weapons of apocalyptical destruction (such as the Brahma Astra), nuclear fission, and fusion, and THE CONSTRUCTION OF VIMANA (UFOs). Shemihaza, the leader of the Watchers, founded the civilization called: ATLANTIS (It's remnants are the Canary Islands in Spain) in honor of his son ATLAS. Azazel founded the civilization called LEMURIA (It's remnants are Hawaii, and all the Ring of Fire islands). WHERE ARE THE GODS (THE WATCHERS OF THE UNIVERSE) TODAY??? They are in prisons of eternal darkness until the Great Day of Judgment. WHO ARE THE FOUR ANGELS IMPRISONED UNDER THE EUPRHATES RIVER, WHO ARE TO DESTROY ONE FORTH OF HUMANITY DURING THE GREAT TRIBULATION OF THE EARTH??? Shemizaha, Azazel, Hermoni and Baraqu'el. Today is the year 5,782 since the Creation of Adam.
THE SECRET SCIENCE OF THE BIBLE BY HENRY ENRIX: THE SECRET SCIENCE OF THE BIBLE. DISCOVER THE TRUTH OF THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE!: "Unveil the Nephilim's Destiny in the Underworld Told in the Secret Scrolls & How It Pertains to You" - Kindle edition by Enrix, Henry. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
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deathbyoctopi · 2 years
Life Goals!
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[Image description: A shop sign with the message “Horari: Obro i tanco quan puc”, Catalan for “Opening hours: whenever I can”. End image description]
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Avail Best Astrology Services in Delhi at Pocket-Friendly Price
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Top-class Astrology Services in Delhi will now be accessible through a single click on your smartphone. Yes, you heard it right. Prateek Kapoor can provide you with the best directions through which you can transform your life. Through his suggested ways, one could walk the path of goodness and prosperity. A Good Vastu consultant in Delhi is not that hard to find as many have now shifted their business online as well. From matrimonial astrologers in Delhi to Horary astrologers, he has a solution for all.
About Best Delhi-based Astrologer 2022
Astrologer Name 🪐 : Prateek Kapoor
Main Profession💼: Astrologer, Horoscope Consultant
Active Hours⌛: 10  am – 8 pm
Address📍: Near Kehar Singh Estate, Westend Marg Building H-294, Lane 2, Plot No - 2A,1st Floor, Saidulajab, Saket, New Delhi, Delhi 110030
Area Served🛣️: Whole of Delhi & other Indian Cities
Contact No.📞: +91-9899060922
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joesweeney1298 · 2 years
Get Genuine Vedic Astrology Predictions in Delhi
Do you believe that it's impossible to find a skilled astrology specialist in today’s time?  If yes, we’ll debunk this false belief. There is one highly-intelligent person who makes Genuine Vedic Astrology Predictions in Delhi at a really affordable price. Sounds unbelievable but it's true. A real moniker of this reliable astrologer is Prateek Kapoor. He has decided to devote his entire life to help people dealing with difficulty in their lives. His knowledge and expertise in the field of astrology is vast. You can communicate with him on a variety of topics like Horary Astrology, Birth Time Correction, Health, and Ayurveda.
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Authentic Future Predictor to Connect With in 2022
Hindu Astrologer Name 🕉️: Prateek Kapoor
Main Profession💼: Astrologer, Horoscope Consultant
Active Hours⌛ : 10  am – 8 pm
Address📍: Near Kehar Singh Estate, Westend Marg Building H-294, Lane 2, Plot No - 2A,1st Floor, Saidulajab, Saket, New Delhi, Delhi 110030
Area Served🛣️: Whole of Delhi & other Indian Cities
Contact No.📞: +91-9899060922
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