#hopefully y'all will accept this compromise
gamebunny-advance · 14 days
My Compromise (Celebrating 1,000 Followers)
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So, I finally hit 1,000 followers not too long ago~ I know the majority of that number isn't actually active, but it's still a cool milestone to have hit nonetheless. So thank you if you've stuck around or if you're new here. I do appreciate any and all support that I get from y'all~ Even though I make art almost solely to make myself happy, I can't deny that having an audience is a decent motivator, so I'm happy to have caught your attention for whatever reason~
Recently, I asked y'all if you'd want me to hold the usual "follower milestone celebration" to open art requests, but the reaction was kinda indifferent~ Still, even though they were in the minority, I do feel a little bad that the people that did want to do it got shut down. So, here's my compromise:
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I'll do another Six Fanarts challenge~ If you've never seen this, all you have to do is suggest a character for me to draw in my ask box, and I'll draw it in one of these rectangles.
Please include the series the character is from. I live under a rock, so there's a good chance I'm just not gonna know who your character is if you don't tell me.
It's virtually the same as making a request, but maybe framing it this way will make it more fun for y'all and motivate more people to participate (plus I'll have an excuse to not do full body drawings. Those take a long time ya know~).
Even though this is a "six" fanarts challenge, I actually wanted to do at least 10 of these, I just don't feel like editing the graphic right now~ Maybe I'll even bump it up to 12 so I don't have to edit the graphic at all~
Here are my rules about it:
No OCs. Sorry, that's still gonna be a rule~ I know y'all have some cuties that I'd actually love to draw, but making rules about it is tiring since I'm not mutuals with everyone that I like, so it's easier to just ban all OCs U_U. (Maybe I should consider opening art trades?)
I will draw for fandoms I'm not familiar with unless I'm not comfortable with it for whatever reason. I'm not gonna make a list of banned subjects, but I'll let ya know if it's something I don't wanna do.
Anons will be allowed. I prefer to keep these kinds of celebrations to be follower only, but I realize that some people are just shy, so since this is a lower-stakes way of celebrating, I'll go ahead and allow anons. HOWEVER, people that I can verify as followers are gonna get priority over anons and non-followers. So, if you wanna increase the chance that your character gets drawn, try to come out of your shell a little~
I'll let y'all send requests for a day or 2, and then I'll pick the ones I wanna do from the requests I got. I'll generally try to abide by "first come, first served," but it's not a hard rule. Here's a rundown of my general priorities (assuming the request doesn't conflict with one of the rules and doesn't offend me):
Highest Priority: Follower requests
Middle Priority: Anon/Non-Follower requests from series I know/like
Low Priority: Anon/Non-Follower requests from series I don't know
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Lemme share with y'all what transpired tonight with the note that we know how blessed we are that this is happening and we are thankful to whatever god or gods or spirits or just fucking luck that helped us. We worked fucking hard to get here.:
First: we sent our buyer's response to the sellers of this house and our realtor sent it with an email that not only had teeth, but claws and fucking KNIVES because we told them we are DONE. Either they accept the fact they're going to give us cash for all the repairs that should've been done right the first time, or we walk. No compromise.
It has been a nail biter day.
Second: the stress of the house buying thing and not having slept in 24 hours got the better of me and I had a massive panic attack/meltdown then passed out for 5 hours.
Third: I was sending our realtor and our lender, two ladies who are supremely awesome, apologetic texts for being a basket case today. I am happy that I can recognize when my anxiety gets the better of me and can take ownership of it and fix it. Collateral damage when I have panic attacks are not an excuse to not make things right.
Fourth: our realtor said, "I hope to have some news that will help you sleep better tonight." And, while I was typing, "well, hopefully something will come there" she sent "I got a response." And my brain went WHAT and shut down.
Fifth: the sellers accepted everything. There was much shrieking. I shrieked. Super Spouse shrieked. We called our realtor and shrieked some more.
Sixth: Super Spouse proposed to me again and said we are renewing our vows in that house.
Seventh: I am now Gomez Addams, looking at Morticia "I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss." I would fucking burn down the world for this creature I have attached myself to.
Ninth: I told him "I know it's not always been easy. You have weathered the storms. You are my lighthouse. No matter how bad the storms get, you show my way home." I did not plan that. It came right out my chest. It was like my soul was talking.
I just found my renewal vows.
Thus ends the update. I am going to go continue to bask in this and maybe scream in happiness some more.
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fourteendaysinaweek · 4 years
(TUA s2 spoilers) God y'all I cannot stop thinking about the possibilities for the Sparrow Academy
So here is my hot take
Harlan was somehow involved (my back up being that the toy bird he was shown levitating was a sparrow)
A whole new group of the 43 kids save Ben.
A whole new group of POWERS
Different labelling system than numbers, so like letters
Saw somewhere that the Sparrow Academy wouldn't have had Grace bc of Grace leaving Reggie bc of Diego, so he never built a Mom-Droid
That or he saw what emotional messes his kids turned out to be and thought "nope, fuck that" And didn't give them a mother.
Because of this none of the Sparrow Academy kids have names/they named themselves
Ben might have a different name because of this
Names that begin with their letter
Sparrow Academy is a lot less... Emotionally compromised than the Umbrella Academy, due to a lack of Grace
Five and or Diego go to the Commission like "hey something is not right here can you please hurry up and fix this"
The Commission is like "bro we literally have more important things to fix than this so like give us some time and it'll be resolved when other things are fixed"
The 7 6 have to live through the timeline as random things change, making shit confusing and certain things are revealed like the origin of their birth I mean come on are none of them concerned with finding their birth family or how the fuck they were literally just birthed out of no where with no pregnancy just boom birth?
Guess what becauss the timeline is so fucked up it looks inbred there's another apocalypse so the Umbrella Academy and the Sparrow Academy have to team up to stop it
Five figures out that maybe they need all of the 43 to properly save the world so they go back in time (hopefully ending better than last time, maybe using briefcase)
S4 is them being like a year or so before the apocalypse, maybe even all the way to when they were born and just fucking kidnap every child/convince the parents to give up the children to Reggie so he has the Full Set™ and can raise them all to be in control of their powers/or if it was just a year before the apocalypse they just spend every waking moment trying to track down every last randomly birthed mfer out there
Imagine just being at peace with your normal ish life in like idk Scandinavia and then a 13 year old shows up at your house in a flash of light and is like "hi yea, uh you need to come with me no time for questions" In perfect whatever language is spoken there but with an American accent and then he takes you to America where there's like a Bunch of people your age of varying backgrounds, ethnicities, etc. and there's like twelve or thirteen standing in the middle of the room telling everyone that the world is going to end and you have powers and we just need to figure out they are and how to control them within a year and then stop the apocalypse! :D!!
Like how fast would some accept it and how fast some would just be like "y'all are on some drugs"
Imagine the DIVERSITY
All different sexualities and genders and expressions and RACES and religions!!!! Dealing with discrimination, bc you know at least one of those kids had to have been raised racist or sexist or both.
Teaching the audience that it's okay to make mistakes and that it's okay to change your opinion on things when presented with new information.
By doing this it is revealed to the Academy/ies that Reggie is in fact an alien
Somehow they do it??? They save the world??? Just 43 people??? And an alien??
I don't know if this makes sense but I'm really feeling this
Also, just for my own personal gain, we need to see:
Klaus get sober and finally be able to summon Dave, so he is able to get that closure.
Luther get over Allison however that needs to happen.
ALLISON SEEING CLAIRE. And Claire getting to meet her aunt and uncles.
Allison running into Ray somewhere.
Please add on
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slightlyoffcolour · 3 years
Being nonbinary can make dating and relationships tricky to navigate. I get that. And if you're nonbinary and you only want to date bi/pan people, I think that's an understandable decision.
That said, I want to let y'all know that it was 16 degrees Fahrenheit outside today, there were several inches of snow on the ground, and my straight, cisgender male fiance WALKED over a mile to go to the pharmacy in order to pick up my hormones for me. We live in a southern state, and this is his hometown. He's not used to cold weather or snow, but he did it anyway so that I could be happy and safe.
He has always been my number one supporter. He has done a lot of work to educate himself (and his conservative parents!) about trans issues and queer culture in general. There is no doubt in my mind that he accepts and embraces who I am.
Does he "see me" as nonbinary? I mean, I think so? But what would that even look like? I DO know that he treats me with love and respect. Ultimately, I think that's a more tangible marker of his worth as partner than how he theoretically perceives my gender.
My point being: stop spreading this notion that straight people (or gay men, or lesbians) are incapable of loving nonbinary people, because it's just not true. If you, personally, are only comfortable dating bi/pan people, that is your boundary to set, and I support you. But please be aware that you do not speak for the whole community. Hopefully we can compromise and say that while straight, gay, and lesbian attraction are not inherently inclusive of nonbinary genders, they're not inherently exclusive either.
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thrillridesz · 4 years
AHHhhhhhh I'm gonna fight those buttcracks for rejecting your appeal 😠😠 It's like you're doing something gr8 for yourself and they're cockblocking your way to success but isokay hopefully next time they'll accept it. Until then I hope you take care of yourself and continue living your best life. Remember, only happiness, NO COMPROMISE BAEBY, love you and your writing btw ❤️✨
thank you so much for saying that >< why are you guys so nice 💗 im going to try my best and ACE THIS SEMESTER AHHHHHH GAME ONNN 
i love you too and honestly i don’t deserve y'all T^T
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mais0n · 7 years
I forgot day five so here we go with 5 and 6! Day 5: Dysphoria. I mostly get top dysphoria. I'm working on getting a binder, for now I'm just using sports bras (in my correct size, and never with homemade binders because that's dangerous and y'all shouldn't be doing it! Also don't wear your binders too long. Sorry for the parent moment but I'm very serious about this). Sometimes my hips bother me but I tend to cover those up with clothing from the boys' department which isn't form fitting. Anyway, I'd love to look more masculine but I can at least cope with my dysphoria. Day 6: Relationships. I'm not currently in a relationship, but I was very recently for about two and a half years. At first, my gender caused a lot of tension. She's a lesbian and wasn't super comfortable with my male side. It led to a break up, but we got back together 3 months later. She learned to accept it eventually, but it was still hard to talk about. Hopefully I'll find someone else who's completely comfortable with all parts of me. I didn't like feeling like I had to compromise my gender for the sake of a relationship.
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realtalk-princeton · 5 years
what are y'alls feelings on reneging on a full-time offer if something much better for you comes along?
Response from Bateman:
It’s a bad look and burns a bridge at wherever you reneg. Could also spread to employers in the same industry. But people do it–probably depends on where youre reneging 
Response from Evan Hansen:
unless the second offer was literally life-changing, I don’t think I would. I try to keep my word and I wouldn’t want to compromise my integrity, which I think is almost always more important than just advancing my career a little bit, and probably (hopefully) will serve it better in the long run anyway
Response from Maybach:
I agree more with Bateman on this one. I personally think the concept of reneging is pretty bad and I never want to be in a position to even consider it.
That said, if you’re talking about a full-time offer, this is a litle bit different than an internship because now if you back out the majors costs such as losing on campus recruiting and stuff like that won’t apply to you anymore anyways. The main loss would be cutting all future ties with that company. Furthermore, in all honesty, we are pretty expendable. If you backout, I’m quite sure there is a LENGTHY list of people right behind you who also interviewed and would be more than happy to get it.
In all honesty as well, this whole process is kind of convoluted because they literally usually give us only a day or two to accept the offer, trying to make us take them and usually not actually allow for an evaluation of all options. It can be really hard to line up all of your possible offers timewise and I see this happening a lot where another offer is given only days after another one was accepted. Therefore, personally, while I really don’t like the concept of reneging, I’ve actually seen quite a few people do it for full-time offers and actualy preferring the outcome. Sometimes is can change a future immensly and it was advantegeous for them to do so, despite the costs. The fact is that if you applied to a bunch of places and heard back just moments later from one place that was better for you and your future, might want to just go with it. Just don’t be that jerk who gets something and then keeps applying to stuff after just to “prove” it to yourself. If you got something better months later, then yeah, that’s extra negative to back out.
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