#hope yall liked this one hngg
ybetzarts · 1 month
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This one's supposed to be jus a gestural study, to see if i can still draw humans, but then Rouge began to appear in the picture, sSoo yYeaa....also, ive always wanted to draw sonic characters as humans 🌟
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nekowriteshaikyuu · 4 years
even if you’re afraid in falling in love again, i’ll wait till you’re ready.
pairing : kageyama x reader
a/n : so uhh,,,the next few weeks(let’s just be safe and say the next month) i have tests after tests, and some of them are graded TmT. So this mean i’ll have to take some time off writing because- as much as i say f school and that it sucks, i still have to at least ace it so i’m trouble free TmT. So,,yeah. But do send in some requests and i’ll (hopefully) make drafts of them when im free and soon publish it.
but for now, enjoy more milk boi content:)  (i hope i dont f this up like my previous one hngg)
yall know the drill: apologies if it doesn’t match the characterrrr. okay enjoy:)
you look absolutely stunning. your smooth, silky hair, your heartwarming smile, your toned body and perfect glossy eyes, every little detail about you just makes kageyama fall into a deeper hole. Ever since you moved in to karasuno, you had people drolling over you. Including the hot-tempered setter.
Honestly speaking, you could have gotten a boyfriend by now after the popular boy in the school hit you up. But to his surprise, you turned him down. Every boy who tried to ask you out or confess their feelings for you, you constantly turn them down. Not one of them did you accept. This brought kageyama to the thought that if he were to shoot his shot, it’s very clear he wouldn’t even have a chance.
But just seeing you everytime during practice, talking to yachi about your school work and other stuff, he just can’t thinking of you. He’d shoot glances at you from time to time, making sure he’s not being suspicious at the same time.
Hinata actually noticed this and took this as an advantage to tease the setter.
“hmmm? Is kageyama seeing someone ??” He cooed. Kageyama would have grabbed his hair and yank him to the wall but he stopped himself to not make a scene. after you left the gym, he was finally able to breathe normally. Your presence always tense him up, hoping he won’t embarrass himself infront of you.
Practice ended and everyone was changing when kageyama sighed heavily which caught everyone’s attention.
“aw, is someone upset that he can’t win a person’s heart?” tsukki said along with yamaguchi giggling afterwards. Kageyama glances his way before picking up his bag. Before he could even head out the changing room, Daichi stopped him by putting his hand on kageyama’s shoulder.
“you know, if it really bothers you, you should just go for it. Even if she were to turn you down, at least get that feeling off your chest.” Sugawara nods is agreement along with ennoshita. Kageyama couldn’y do anything but sigh, then nodding afterwards.
“alright, i’ll do it. today.”
“eh?! uhh- i mean take your time and find the right moment kagey-”
“thank you, daichi. I’ll be off now.” Kageyama bowed before leaving the captain standing still, facing the door that was shut closed.
“don’t worry, daichi, i’m sure he means well.” suga tried to comfort his captain who is dreaded with fear for his teammate.
“y/n !” you heared someone calling you from behind. You turned to see kageyama running towards you. You stopped your tracks as you slowly waited for him to get closer.
“kageyama ! finished practice ?” he nodded as he tried to catch his breathe. After a while, he stood up straight, clearing his throat before speaking.
“let me walk you home.” you could feel your heart throbbing. But you shook your head, declining the offer.
“no it’s okay, i’m fine. well, i’ll see you-”
“please, it’s late and very dangerous.” He pleaded. You sighed before allowing and you both then began walking back to your house. The walk was silent, with an awkward tension and a small gap between the both you. You both barely spoke to each other, just occasional ‘hello’ and ‘how’s your day?’, so to walk home with him is something you weren’t prepared for.
You both reached the playground near your house and you stopped for a second. Kageyama noticed and he stopped his tracks, walking back to check if you’re okay.
“y/n, is something wron-”
“i’m so sorry kageyama. but i don’t like you” your sudden of words really shattered him. He wasn’t ready yet. He wanted a few more moments before accepting the fact. But the truth has been told, and he soon have to accept it.
“it’s okay, im not forcing yo-” his words were cut when he noticed tears rolling down your cheeks. You tried your best to hold into the tears but after feeling his sudden touch, rubbing your shoulder, you couldn’t help it. You bawled your eyes out and kageyama was freaking out internally. He didn’t what to do. So he just guided you to a bench, sat you down, and waited patiently as you let loose of this tight feeling.
you’ve never really told anyone that you’ve always been afraid of falling in love ever since your previous relationships. To date someone and fall in love with them so deeply, only to realise they don’t feel the same way anymore after some time. Everyone you loved, left you. not one of your lovers ever stayed for long. This resulted you into losing hope, feeling unwanted or just used. So to constantly get love letters or being confessed under a sakura tree, it really upsets you that one day any one of these boys will leave you if they ever get tired of you. Which is something you never want to experience, ever again.
Kageyama sat down beside you and patiently waited as you eased up. You slowly catch your breath, sniffing and wiping the excess tears. After a while, you’ve slowly calmed down from the sudden outburst. 
“i guess i shouldn’t really keep it to myself” you smiled to the ground and kageyama looked at you with concern.
“take your time, i’m always hear to listen” he reassured. God, you miss this feeling. The feeling of someone taking their time to just sit down with you and listen to your thoughts. You let out a heavy sigh, before looking at him with puffed up eyes.
“i’ve been into a few relationships. Unfortunately, all of them didn’t turn out well. I felt used, unwanted. Because of this, i’ve always thought that every boy who i’m going to date, will eventually leave me. That is why, i constantly turn them down, just for the sake that i won’t go through the same thing over and over again.” you admit. You were expecting kageyama to tell you to just ‘go for it’ or ‘don’t be scared. you won’t know if it will work out this time’, just like every boy said to you. But all he did was looked at you, staring deep into your eyes, as in he was guilty to make you speak up about something personal.
“i understand.” he cut the silence. He smiled slightly as he look at you. His smile, just something about his smile made your heart skipped a beat. Before it could go any further, you sprung up, grabbing your bag before turning back to kageyama, flashing the same smile which is now known to kageyama that it’s fake. 
“well, it’s late. i have to go now. i’ll see you tomorrow !” you waved before walking away. Kageyama took a few moments to recollect his thoughts, before grabbing his bag and sprinting back to you again. no, he can’t let you lose hope. He wants to be the one to change your perspective of love. He wants to show you that he generally cared. and most certainly, he wants to let you know, that in any circumstances, he would never, ever, leave you.
You felt someone caught your wrist before pulling you closer towards them. You spun before looking directly at kageyama, who’s giving off an expression that you’ve never seen before.
“ I don’t care how long will it take for you to slowly open up again. Days, weeks, months, even years.But I want to let you know, that i’m always here. I’m never leaving you alone. Whatever it takes, i’ll trade anything, absolutely anything, to see you happy once more. So,,even if you’re still afraid of falling in love again, i’ll always be here. waiting.” The way kageyama spoke didn’t feel like a lie. It felt as if he really spoke from the bottom of his heart. he slowly loosen the grip around your wrist, bowing politely and walking back home.
you slowly watch him walk away, clenching your heart. Did he really meant that ? Was he really stating the truth? whatever it is, you felt that kageyama would actually keep his promise. 
Maybe, he is right. You shouldn’t lose hope. Not all of the boys are the same, because someone made you think otherwise. Which was none other than Kageyama Tobio.
a/n : OKAY!! Due to personal reasons, i will now dig my grave ;-; but yeaah hope this is okay. Wrote this on the spot when i had a sudden thought about love. Technically i do feel like love is really,,,a jigsaw puzzle. In order to work things out, communication is key. But i’m afraid a few of the relatonships i have observed didn’t work out well because they lack in that aspect. but this is just my personal opinion (please don’t attack me). Anyways yesshh uhmm i’ll be taking a break for now, but i’ll still be active (reading other people’s haikyuu hc huhuhu) and stuff. Also once again, feel free to send in request or just random questions (i love doing Q&A lmao) and i’ll answer them :3 alright, see yalls in a few weeks time ;)
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