#honeymoon deferred
srbxstudying · 11 months
just registered for the spring semester:
essential chemistry
human systems physiology 2
complex case studies in science
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idololivine · 8 months
from the view of the herbalist biased tea drinker, for ur consideration yakumo: the 1st thought i had was of some gentle white tea like White Peony bc of the whole "minimally processed, pretty mild, a lil flowery and please dont subject it to extreme temperatures lol" but then i slapped the honeymoon eyes off my face and tried to think deeper bc genmaicha ALSO makes sense and wouldn't yakumo be like. a more common tea like that. something that is generally inoffensive and pairs well with food? some nuts or grains for that extra level of nourishment? ? then i went spiralling out of control and was like WHY NOT MUSHROOM TEA TOO??? do he got the range?? (i'm stopping myself now bc making decisions is Pain)
edmond: big agree. earl grey with heavy cream and 53 sugars. would u like some tea with your sugar
olivine: i can def see chamomile. olivine seems like the tea that would be comforting across multiple cultures. like the upset tummy tea u reach for in times of mild distress. stuff like valerian root, chamomile, chrysanthemum... that whole class of sleepytime teas. maybe some ginger sometimes for um. digestive and anti-inflammatory reasons, obviously. it's not bc olivine is secretly spicy . or anything like that. for some reason i can't associate one group of common sleepytime teas (mint, lemon balm etc.) with olivine very well. i may just be haunted by the aggressive behaviour of mint family in IRL gardens 😂 and i;m like "olivine would never destroy everything in his path and take everyone else's resources just so he could live" but that ventures outside the tea classification and into the plant/garden classification so uhhhh bye
quincy: i defer to everyone else bc i rly know nothing of him in comparison. for some reason i instantly thought of yerba mate, which i didn't like originally bc it tasted like dirt LOL but then the stealth caffeine came at me with a folding chair when i least expected ,so . i dont think that's very quincy of it. violent bursts of energy and all
kuya: nods along with hojicha bc i also don't know as much of kuya. at first i thought that kuya would have to be some rare type of tea that was also super finicky so if u messed up the prep at any point, the drink would be unpalatable. i thought back to my early days of dealing with matcha, when info was not readily accessible. u think "how could anyone like this???" but rly u just botched it and it's too expensive for u to try making more. and now that ppl KNOW how to deal with it, they put it on everything. desserts, foods u never thought of. it's prolific. but the innate matcha-snobbery instilled within me gives it that hoity-toity aura (flashback: only use the HIGHEST QUALITY MATCHA IMPORTED FROM THIS REGION AT THIS TIME AT THIS ALTITUDE or else u are TRASH) for some reason, add butterfly pea flowers to whatever tea infusion kuya may end up being. the flowers themselves dont taste like much but the PURPLE and BLUE of it all!!!!
morvay: THIS was the man that i was like. his is a tea that must always be served with milk. something heavily spiced. Something so weighty and filling that if u drink it, u won't be able to drink anything else for the rest of the day. something like masala chai, served in an industrial sized pot, with 4x the black pepper.
aster: i struggled with him bc he is a tea connoisseur but does that mean he's a snob about adding milk to his tea? for the sake of being opposite to morv, i just assume he's some purely water tea. Something simple with history like lapsang souchong? Or maybe he likes light flowery drinks like Rose or Lavender on his whimsical days.
garu: once again i was trying to search my brain for a tea that could taste drastically different depending on how u prepared it. like it could be super sweet and mellow if brewed at 185 but it's bitter and punchy at hothothot. i couldn't think of a specific one. personal experience however is dandelion. ppl sleep on dandelion. i had a low-processed dandelion tea for a while that i rly liked bc it was grassy like green tea but also kinda warming and smoky without any caffeine. but.... then i tried a Roasted dandelion tea at my friend's house and it tasted nothing like mine. was it trying to be coffee? idk. but now i have extra respect for dandelions. they feed bees, they're resilient as heck, and they get an unnecessarily bad rep
dante: for some reason a drink called Qishr came to mind, but that one kinda bridges coffee and tea. i remember reading about it, thinking :"oh! spiced coffee husks! maybe it'll be like a mild coffee" then i drank it and thought "this is way mellower than i thought it would be. it barely tastes like coffee. it tastes more like.... spiced tea. cardamom. cinnamon. ginger. huh. weirdly comforting." but once again i shook the cobwebs from my floaty mind and went "no!! we are talking tea! not tea inbetweens! maybe!! also, dante is the OPPOSITE of mellow!!!" so. ultimately, a strong black tea. something like rize.
blade: this bot is fruity. at least, nowadays he is. i want him to be those ridiculous tea blends with the silly images on the canisters and sleek fonts. maybe in the Rusted Nation days he would be a more ominous solemn tea. but now, i imagine iced tea infusions perfect for your summer party with the little flamingo inflatables. passionfruit! hibiscus! honey! berries! ...pineapple? coconut???
rei: ok, excellent point brought up about the servability both hot and cold... and that brain never turns off so he needs his caffeine... maybe something that is easily toxic or unhealthy in moderate doses. this goes out of my personal experience so (rapidly ckalick clacks on the keyboard) the internet says something like comfrey or old school licorice tea. until i get more character knowledge on owlboy, he gets assigned monochrome and danger
eiden: boba. he is just bubble tea. all of it. every kind. the taiwanese origin is especially 👌 he's got.........texture, he's a funky lil guy, and was frequently unappreciated in his time bc the world was simply not ready for him. tsk. when times caught up to eiden however, he exploded onto the international stage and is now justifiably well-liked (i spin this tale completely from my own experience. bubble tea was just like a lowkey thing for half my life until. idk. something caught on. suddenly asian stuff cool? bubble tea super delicious? let's put a store on every corner? so it felt like boba was around for a while but at least ppl in the western zone didn't appreciate it until waaaay later. makes me wonder what would happen if a switch protag like eiden was introduced before DMMD. would he have been shunned? would he have been as well liked as today? WE JUST DONT KNOW)
my god tumblr really lets you send HUGE asks now. we live in the future
Yakumo: it's funny to me to see genmaicha be referred to as a more common tea because I live in Hong Kong and listen, I can walk into just about any tea shop and come away with armfuls of white tea. any Japanese tea I have to hunt down a more specialized vendor. but that's me and the reality of importing stuff.
I'm biased against fresh white teas also because I had a bag of shou mei and by god it was FLORAL. cloyingly floral. it actually made me feel a little ill. I had to cold brew the rest of it because I couldn't stand it otherwise (it was fucking delicious cold brewed though). I love a good aged white, but it also doesn't feel like a Yakumo Tea. he is a Young Man. a fragile maiden. I think a savory sort of green feels right for him - treat him delicately and you get a lot of depth and complexity. (I don't know anything about mushroom tea... I also don't actually drink that much green tea because I like teas that are a bit more idiot-proof.)
Edmond: I'm proud of the line "an egg short of being a pudding".
Olivine: sleepytime Olivine... a nice cup of herbal tea for when he's working late nights... add a little honey for sweetness...
i may just be haunted by the aggressive behaviour of mint family in IRL gardens 😂 and i;m like "olivine would never destroy everything in his path and take everyone else's resources just so he could live"
may I present to you chapter 4 of the main story. he did in fact try to do exactly that actually,
but I do think mint tea isn't Olivine because mint to me feels very "bright" and "lively" in flavor, if that makes sense. Olivine's more mild mannered. chamomile and ginger feel right.
Quincy: I've also not had yerba mate... my tea experiences are regionally limited because my region of the world has a fuckton of tea and I haven't even tried all my regional tea. but I think anything with a violent burst of caffeine is definitely not Quincy lol. some people swear that puer has lower caffeine content but I don't think that's scientifically true? anyway. caffeine aside I'm convinced that puer, specifically shou puer, is the Quincy category of tea because A) it's aged B) it tastes like dirt. and puer enthusiasts LIKE that it tastes like dirt. I don't have a lot of experience with puer either mostly because I was gifted a huge stash of oolong and I promised myself I'd make a dent in it before I bought any more tea, but now I have made that dent and I'm going to go shop for puer this weekend :>
Kuya: the extent of my experience with matcha is like, sushi restaurant matcha. you know when you dump some dark green power in a cup and add hot water and don't whisk it. yeah. but I think GOOD matcha has a fanciness to it that does fit Kuya! I initially thought hojicha because I like roasty tea and something darker felt right for Kuya. I've also had a Japanese oolong before and that also fits... rare. special. woody.
more puer propaganda: really old puer is EXPENSIVE. puer cakes from the 70s can sell for 20k+ USD. and also specifically young sheng puer can be bitter and astringent, but when aged it'll mellow out and become sweeter. it's like the wine of tea. Kuyacore tea.
I wonder what would happen if you add butterfly pea flowers to a darker tea. does it just become more brown...
Morvay: masala chai. yes. no notes.
Aster: he would be a tea snob, but he feels very Western snobby to me. this man is not sitting down to brew tea himself in a gaiwan, he's having it in a teapot with the best tiny cakes in the kingdom. Darjeeling all the way. he has Opinions about estates and flushes.
Garu: I agree with your assessment! I also have not tried dandelion tea! my mind goes to fresh white tea... sweet and floral with a gentler hand, very bold if you push it. maybe it's the specific white tea I had and how I brewed it, but it felt like the talk about white tea being super delicate was kind of overblown. you CAN push it, it'll just turn out in a way that might not be what you're looking for in a white tea.
Dante: maybe a Kenyan black tea... strong and brisk and no nonsense. can be tempered with milk. I'm vaguely tempted to also suggest rooibos, but I think that's purely because it's red. I'm not sure if rooibos is just always mild or if I've broken my sense of taste or if I'm brewing it wrong, but until I'm told otherwise I think rooibos isn't punchy enough for Dante.
Blade: yes, fruity iced tea. the silly flavored ones with fruit bits in them and turn out bright fucking red because there's ALWAYS hibiscus in them.
alternatively, Adagio has this user made blend called Cursed Tea that contains all the most controversial teas. lapsang. puer. hibiscus. bergamot. rooibos. rose. my friend said it tasted like bacon. it feels like a tea Blade would make.
Rei: I also don't know anything about licorice tea. I'm still on aged white because it's old and monochrome. there's vague claims about aged white tea having medicinal properties, but also, I just like it.
Eiden: yes, boba tea! Taiwanese and compatible with every kind of base tea. A+.
I've seen NuCa fans who are dead convinced that the game would be better if Eiden wasn't a switch. Even now some people are not ready to stop being boring... I would like to believe he would still be loved but. we just don't know............
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theresawritesstuff · 1 year
I'd love to see 24 and 7 of the 3 word sentences list if you feel like it (either one or if you're feeling daring, both! but its up to you! <3<3)
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Hawaii 1973
"I think I'm gonna throw up."
Midge smiled patiently, adjusting the flower on her manager's lapel. "You're not going to throw up. You're just nervous."
"Fuck nervous! I'm having a panic attack. Feel my heartbeat."
Susie took her hand, planting it firmly over her chest, her eyes wide with fear.
"Susie, it's okay. Just breathe," Midge coached gently, modeling deep breaths.
"Hey are you two just about–"
The pair looked up to see Lenny smirking in the doorway.
"If you're looking for tips for the honeymoon I've found that move is more successful a couple inches lower but I'm willing to defer to the lady in this case."
"Did you need something?" Midge wondered patiently.
"Just checking to see if you're ready," he replied. "Jim's been keeping everyone entertained but the guy only has so many songs in his repertoire that aren't about melancholy heartbreak or a fistfight."
Susie forgot her panic for a moment, her face shifting to confusion. "Jim who?"
Lenny covered his mouth with his hand, glancing towards Midge apologetically.
Susie turned back to look at her expectantly.
"It was supposed to be a surprise," Midge sighed.
Susie waited, dropping Midge's hand to put her own expectantly on her hip.
"We got Jim Croce," the comedienne admitted finally.
"You got Jim Croce to play at my wedding?"
"Miriam I fucking love Jim Croce!"
"I know. That was kind of the reason we went with him."
"Miriam!" Susie squeaked her eyes growing watery.
Susie began to pace, her hands flapping as she blinked back overwhelmed tears.
"I think we broke her," Lenny quipped to his wife.
"You couldn't just get us a new toaster or something?" Susie cried in exasperated joy.
"We got you a slow cooker too," Midge replied softly, watching her friend work through her feelings.
"That's so thoughtful of you! I never want to cook after I'm at the office all day and I'm always starving," Susie wailed.
She took a deep breath, calming herself down.
"Feeling okay now?" Midge wondered. "Or do I need to remind you there's cake later?"
Her manager shook her head.
"What if she gets sick of me?
"She won't," Midge assured her.
"But what if she does?"
Midge let out a sigh, putting her hands on Susie's shoulders, looking her in the eye. "Then we'll get drunk and go down to the Gaslight so you can flash someone and then I'll help you pick up the pieces."
Her manager smiled, shaking her head.
"How the hell have you done this three times? This is terrifying."
"I've only been married twice."
Susie raised a brow about to contradict her but Midge quickly held up a finger.
"The one in Vegas doesn't count," she insisted.
She let out a deep breath, giving it some thought, glancing over at Lenny.
"Yes the idea of taking this big of a step can be scary. Especially when you've been hurt by love in the past. But when you find the right someone… Someone who loves you for you, someone who celebrates your big wins and picks you up when you're down. Makes you laugh at the breakfast table…Taking that leap can feel like flying."
"What about the landing?" Susie wondered.
"Well that's why there's two of you. You've just gotta trust the other person to catch you," Lenny offered from his place in the doorway.
Midge looked over at him softly, a tender smile on her lips.
Susie groaned. "God how are you two still this goo goo eyed after being hitched for five years?"
Lenny chuckled. "Just lucky."
Midge blinked, the number sticking in her mind. "Huh."
Lenny quirked a brow in question.
"I just realized we've been married longer than I was married to Joel."
"You sound surprised," he smirked.
"No, no! Just…" Midge smiled, processing the emotion. "It's freeing in a way."
Lenny nodded, looking a little smug. "You do realize what this means…"
"Please don't tell me you've decided to hire a secretary," Midge huffed teasingly.
Lenny shook his head. "No. It means I am now the reigning champion of being Mrs Maisel's Mister."
Midge shook her head, grinning.
"You already had that in the bag."
"Are you two done?" Susie asked impatiently.
"That depends. Are you ready get non-state recognized hitched?" Lenny batted back.
Susie smiled, flipping him off as she dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief.
"Just give us five more minutes," Midge told him softly.
"Can do." 
He gave her a thumbs up.
"Hey Susie?" he added doubling back.
"You look great."
Susie smiled softly.
"Thanks. Now leave, will yah?"
Lenny smirked, leaving the two of them alone.
Susie let out a deep breath, collecting herself. 
Once she was back to herself, she barked "Alright. Work your magic so I don't look all puffy. I've got a lady waiting for me to put a ring on her finger."
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if you want for the shipping asks, and idk the ship name but it'll be neat to hear your opinion: numbers 8, 15, 17 and 19 for the danganronpa ship u like and numbers 1, 6, 15, and 20 for bowuigi if you'd like, sorry thats a lot but have a nice day :)
Thanks for the ask!!! It's not a lot, no worries! The Danganronpa ship I like is called IshiMondo, with Kiyotaka (Taka) Ishimaru and Mondo Owada (or Oowada, depending on localization) as the characters. ^-^
I'll put my response in a read more, since it's obviously an hour long, given my deep and passionate love of rambling. :-)
(Edit: I just noticed that I legit wrote Taka's name as Kiyotaka Ishimondo. 😂😂😂😭😭😭 Please know I was very tired when I answered this last night and didn't proof read. 😂😂😂😂😂😂)
Shipping Asks
8. What is their first date like?
Funny enough, I wrote a story about their first date in the universe of my main story for the pair, The Problem with Perfection. However, considering that I changed both characters over the span of my fic to sort of deconstruct their personality traits and coping mechanisms, I'm not quite sure if that's how their first date would go when you look at them according to canon. Based on canon, my belief is that their "first date" wasn't actually a "date," per se. Given their obliviousness, and comments from (I believe??) a writer of Danganronpa, I'd think they'd go on hundreds of "dates" before realizing that they're dating, at which point they'd already have been living together for years with multiple pets and literally all of their friends believing they're in the strongest long-term relationship of all of them. Perhaps they'd even have an adopted child or two by that point, who knows. 😅😅😅
15. What's their song?
Oooh, this is a tough one... see, there are tons of songs that remind me of IshiMondo, to the point where I made an entire YouTube playlist for TPWP dedicated to the pair (which you can find here, if you're interested). But a single song that is "their" song? Well. In the context of TPWP, I'd say it would either be I See the Light, from Disney's Tangled, or So Close, from Disney's Enchanted. Both songs are used at emotional cruxes of the fic, since I adore both songs and I was like "f*** it, I'm the writer, what I say goes," ha. In that universe, I'd say that they both would see both songs as "their song," given that both were kinda instrumental in them getting together in the fic. Now, as for in canon... that gets trickier. I'm not really sure what song they would consider "their" song, especially given that my taste in music does not seem to align with music either would like. Taka, for one, does not strike me as someone who likes music that isn't either political/patriotic (to Japan, not America, ha) in some way, or that is educational. And Mondo would profess to like tough, biker guy music, while secretly liking, like... pop or something. So, for the sake of my sanity, I'll just go with the ones I said for TPWP.
17. Favorite activity to do together or way to spend time together?
Oh, this is easy. For Taka, it would be to "quietly" study together while either in one of their respective rooms, or else in the library. For Mondo it would be to ride around on his motorcycle. No real destination in mind, just riding while pressed close together. Collectively, it would be taking baths in a local bathhouse together, doing their "manly bonding" while butt naked, since both of them seem to think this is a perfectly normal thing to do. Which, I believe, it is in Japan, so no shame there.
19. Where would they travel or go on vacation/honeymoon?
Hm, this is tricky, again. Somewhere local, I would think. Taka is a very practical, hardworking man, who comes from an impoverished background. He wouldn't understand the point of going on an elaborate vacation, even for his honeymoon. Mondo might want to, but ultimately he'd defer to Taka, and they might do a tour of Japan, going to historical areas that are rich with history and whatnot. I'd go more into detail, but I'm honestly getting really tired, so I won't ramble too much more, ha.
1. How do they sleep? Ie, positions, who spoons who, who steals all the covers, etc.)?
Honestly man, I have no idea, ha. 😅😅😅 They'd have to sleep very, very carefully given the size difference. I like to think of them sleeping in kind of like a pile. Bowser curled protectively around Luigi like a dragon, while Luigi sleeps lying mostly on top of Bowser. ^-^
6. What do they playfully tease each other about?
Luigi playfully teases Bowser about how grandiose he always is, especially in relation to how he used to chase after Peach. There are other things he'd tease Bowser about, but as I said earlier I'm getting really tired and nothing is coming to mind, sorry! Bowser would playfully tease Luigi about how nervous he always is about everything. Sometimes it would go a bit passed "playful" into "kinda mean," but Bowser would always stop before it got too far and would do his best to apologize while not apologizing. Things like "anonymously" giving Luigi gifts, or doing small gestures that he ordinarily wouldn't do for anyone but that show Luigi how much he cares.
15. What's their song?
Ahhhh another hard one! Especially because I interpret this question as meaning "the song they believe represents them, or that is the song they associate with their relationship," as it usually means when couples talk about "their song." But I honestly don't know what song either of them would consider "their song," since again my taste of music doesn't seem like it would fit either of them. Bowser would likely like hard rock/metal, while Luigi would like more folksy, down to earth music. Likely Italian, ha. A song I associate with them would be Beautiful Things Can Come From The Dark, by Azure Ray. But that's just a song I associate with most "enemy to lovers" relationships, honestly. Same with The Reason, by Hoobastank. Another one that I associate with them is They Don't Know, by Tracy Ullman (Note: I know she's not the original singer, but her version is the one my dad would play when I was a kid, so it's the only one I know. Though after listening to the original by Kirsty MacColl I think Luigi would appreciate this one better, honestly).
20. How is their home decorated?
Well, I imagine they'd live in Bowser's castle given that he's a king, so there would be the usual things in Bowser's castle, such as dark stone walls and flowing lava. Luigi would definitely make changes, though, to make it more homey. He'd add flowers, bright wallpaper, brighter lights, things like that to make the decor less dreary, but still respecting Bowser's desire to be somewhat intimidating. It would be a good blend of their personalities I think.
Anyway, that took way longer than intended. 😭😭😭 I've been writing this pretty much since I got the ask about an hour ago, oof. I hope this was informative though! I'd proof read, but it's nearly midnight and I have to be up at 6:30 for one of my last days at my internship. Only four more to go!!!!!! Thanks God!!!!!!!!!!! While this internship isn't the worst, and my supervisor is nice, he's kinda incompetent and isn't really teaching me much. They're pretty much using me as slave labor and are taking my creations (I've created 2 classroom lessons for various elementary classes. I'm interning as an elementary school counselor) without permission to use for future lessons, as well as getting me to do lunch duty and sometimes cover classes despite the fact I've never worked as a substitute and have no idea what I'm doing in those cases???? But it's like, whatever. As long as I finish the hours and get my credential, I'll be happy.
Anyway, time for bed! Thanks again for the ask! Despite the challenge, this was fun. :-D
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gatutor · 1 month
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Joyce Compton-Chick Chandler "Honeymoon deferred" 1940, de Lew Landers.
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stargazer-sims · 9 months
Journal Entry #57 (part two)
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Journal Entry #57 (part one) // STORY INDEX
Just in case anyone was getting the impression that mine and Yuri’s time apart has been completely consumed by thoughts of each other and of Yuri's therapy, let me fill you in on what else I've been doing since I've been back in Willow Creek.
To be fair, Yuri is on my mind a lot, and for the first few days I was here, I felt a little bit guilty whenever I was having fun with my friends or doing something new without him, but I'm feeling better about it now. I talked to Yuri and he said he felt the same way at first, but then he realized what a perfect opportunity he had to spend time bonding with his family.
Despite his initial misgivings about staying with his parents, he seems to be having a good time now, and he's obviously happy. I figured if it was okay for him to feel happy without me, it was also okay for me to feel happy without him. I missed him desperately though. No point in trying to hide that.
Anyway, once I got my head around my "temporary bachelor status", as my cousin Leo put it, I started to relax and really enjoy myself.
Speaking of bachelors, Uncle Stephen, Leo and I have been planning the most epic bachelor party of all time for Julian. We decided on an Italian theme because he and Mom are going to Tartosa for their honeymoon. There's going to be Italian food and music, and everyone's going to be encouraged to wear Italian beach club fashion. Uncle Stephen managed to reserve an event room at the Harbourside Haven with a view overlooking the water. It may be Newcrest, but we're gonna pretend it's a Tartosan beach scene.
At first, I thought it was kind of weird to have a theme, but Uncle Stephen said a lot of people have bachelor parties with themes. I deferred to him because what do I know? Nobody threw a bachelor party for Yuri and me, and this was my first time planning one for somebody else. Uncle Stephen has been involved in organizing at least three — his best friend Matthew's, Uncle JP’s, and my dad's — so that makes him an expert, as far as I'm concerned.
"By the time you get around to planning Leo's bachelor party, you'll be an expert too," he assured me.
Leo wants a superhero theme when his turn comes. Probably no surprise there.
Leo, Ellie and I have been spending as much time together as we can, which probably isn't going to be much of a surprise to anyone either. We've been getting up to our usual nonsense; playing soccer and racing bikes in the park, going to the pool and the arcade, and generally just hanging out, but we've been getting some productive stuff done as well.
I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but Julian moved in with Mom around the beginning of January, like maybe a week or two before my accident. He was originally planning to sell his house, but what ended up happening was that he transferred the title to Ellie instead. What that means is, Ellie gets to live in her childhood home and doesn't have to worry about paying a mortgage since Julian managed to fully pay it off a couple of years ago. At the end of April, Leo moved in there with her, and now they're wholly involved with renovating the place to make it exactly how they want.
They're actually not changing it significantly, but even cosmetic changes require a fair amount of work. They had to hire somebody to install their new kitchen cabinets and appliances, but Leo decided they could do the hardwood flooring in the living room themselves, as well as the painting and redecorating.
And that's where I came in. I might not be very good with electronics, but I definitely know my way around carpentry tools. My mom taught me a lot about home maintenance, so I can measure, saw and hammer with the best of them.
Almost as soon as I arrived, Leo enlisted both me and his sister Kiki to help with the flooring. Ellie and Kiki gleefully ripped out all the old carpet, and then they sanded and cleaned the subfloor. After that, Leo and I got down to business. We got the entire living room done over three days, and it looks fabulous, even if I say so myself.
We're all getting pretty good at painting too. Leo, Ellie, Kiki and I painted Ellie and Leo’s living room, kitchen and bedroom, and then I got them to come over to our new house and help me paint mine and Yuri's rooms, our living room and downstairs bathroom.
Robert and Kim did a bunch of renovations before they put the house on the market, so there’s really nothing much that needed to be changed except the colours of a few walls. The only thing I really want to do besides the painting is to install a jet tub in the upstairs bathroom. Yuri got used to having that at Uncle Kaz's place, and I think he should have one here. It’s very therapeutic for him.
You knew I'd inevitably come back to talking about Yuri, didn't you? Some of you are probably laughing over my inability to keep my mind off him. Go ahead. I don't mind. I'm hopelessly in love with him, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
As a matter of fact, Yuri is the whole reason why I was motivated to record this entry tonight, after kinda forgetting about our journal for almost three months. Now that I’ve gotten all the life updates out of the way, I can get to the really good part. It's the part I maybe should’ve led with, but I guess you’ve all figured out by now that I sometimes like to leave the best stuff till the end.
So, here’s the story. It actually started yesterday evening, when Yuri missed our regular seven o'clock FaceTime chat. By seven-fifteen, I decided I'd better call him. He didn't answer, but I wasn’t overly concerned right away because I thought there might just be something wrong with his iPad, so I texted him instead. I started getting scared when I received no reply to that either, and when I phoned him, I got a robotic-sounding error message that said the customer I was trying to reach had the phone turned off.
At that point, I systematically called everyone I could think of who might know what was going on, but Takahiro, Fox and Sakura had no clue, and the most that Mr. Okamoto's personal assistant Koichi could tell me was that Mr. Okamoto was away on important business for the next several days, which didn’t really help. When I tried to call Yuri's parents, I got the same error message I'd gotten when I attempted to call him.
I tossed and turned in bed all night, and every time I woke up, I sent another text to my husband. By seven o'clock this morning, when I still couldn't reach him, I started scrolling frantically through my phone to see if I had his grandparents' numbers. Somebody had to know something.
I didn't have a number for his grandmother or grandfather, but I did have contact information for his boss, Mr. Tanaka. It was a long shot, but I called him, which may not have been the wisest thing to do. Mr. Tanaka didn't have any idea where Yuri was or what might be happening, and I think I might've caused him to worry with my asking him about it.
Around ten o'clock, I was seriously considering getting online and trying to arrange an earlier flight back to Japan. I'm not even joking.
That was when my phone buzzed in my pocket.
I pulled it out and glanced at the screen. It was a message from Yuri.
You ever hear that phrase 'weak with relief'? I literally was, and I sank down the kitchen floor, nearly crying, with my phone still clutched in my hand.
As if he'd been reading my mind, the message said, «I love you and I'm okay.»
«Where are you?» I texted back with trembling fingers.
He sent, «I’m outside. Are you at home?»
Perplexed and still shaking, I replied, «Yeah. Why?»
«Look out the front window.»
Feeling thoroughly confused, I got to my feet, put my phone back in my pocket and made my way from the kitchen to the dining room so I could peer outside. Parked at the curb was a vehicle I didn't recognize. I took off my glasses so things further away would come into sharper focus, and I think i may have let out a small gasp when I realized who was behind the wheel of the unknown blue minivan.
It was Kenji Okamoto.
I was still forcing my mind to process that when the van's side door slid open and first Yuki and then Yuri climbed out. Mr. Okamoto got out of the driver's side to open the front passenger door for his wife, who was holding baby Kinai.
To say I was shocked would be putting it lightly. During all our daily conversations, Yuri hadn't mentioned anything about him and his family travelling. I could only assume they were here for the wedding, which is coming up in four days, but if they were here for the wedding, that would mean Mom and Julian both knew they were coming as well, and yet nobody had breathed a word about any of it to me.
I should've been upset about that, but I was way too excited over being unexpectedly reunited with Yuri to worry about having been kept in the dark. I mean, real talk here, the sound I made when I saw my husband was a lot louder than a gasp. A second later, I was flinging open the front door and flying down the steps, and he was hurrying to close the distance between us too, arms outstretched for an embrace.
I caught him and spun us both around in a circle right there on the walkway. "Yuri! I missed you!"
"Me too," he said, clinging tight as we completed our big, joyful circle. "I couldn't wait to get here. The last couple of hours, I was getting so impatient I could barely cope with it any more."
"This is why I couldn't reach you, isn't it? You were in a plane."
He was laughing. "Ah... surprise?"
"I was freaking out!" I exclaimed. "Like, I was literally just about to change my flight and everything! You should've known I'd panic when I couldn't reach you. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"I'm sorry," he said, as I carefully set him down. "Don't be angry. It was so hard to keep the secret, and I almost let it slip out, but we really wanted to surprise you."
"I'm not angry," I said. "I'm relieved you're okay, and I'm thrilled you're here, but..."
"But what?"
"I thought you couldn't travel," I said. "What about your therapy?"
"We'll only be here for a week," Yuri said. "I'll miss my psychologist appointment this week, and one in-person session with my nutritionist, and a food intelligence class.”
“Can you afford to miss that stuff?”
“I think so,” he said. “The nutritionist scheduled a fifteen-minute video call so I can check in and show her my food diary and talk about any concerns, but she said I’m doing so well that she thinks I’ll be all right even if I miss a full session.”
"So, uh... I guess you're here for Mom and Julian's wedding?"
"Of course," Yuri said. "I promised them I'd play, didn't I? And I've brought my accompanist with me."
Mr. Okamoto laughed at that. "The things I let myself get talked into," he said. "Grace called Yuri about a week ago to ask if he was able to come, or if they should make different arrangements for their wedding music. When he told her he could, she asked if we'd all like to come, and then Julian got on the phone with her and said that if I was coming, I ought to help with the music as well."
"Nothing like being drafted into a project last-minute," I said, amazed that Julian had felt comfortable enough with Mr. Okamoto to even make a request like that. They'd become fast friends when Mom and Julian were in Mt. Komorebi just after my accident, but I didn't think they'd gotten that well-acquainted. I mean, practising a whole set of wedding music with only a couple weeks' advance notice was a huge ask. I'm not sure I'd even ask my best friend in the world to do something like that.
"I don't mind," said Mr. Okamoto, much to my astonishment.
"You don't?"
"Yuri and I hadn't played together in a very long time, and we've been rediscovering how much we like our violin and piano duets. The music isn't that difficult, and we're already familiar with each other's playing style, so I think it'll work out quite well."
"That's...impressive," I said.
"It's an honour for us to play for your parents' wedding."
"I'm grateful to you for agreeing to it," I said, and I totally meant it. One of Yuri's favourite memories that he always talks about is of playing duets with his dad, and I'm glad they've started doing that again. I'm also super happy that Mom and Julian didn't end up having to hire random music students from the local college or something.
I pulled Yuri in for another hug. "And you too, sweet boy. I'm super happy that you... hang on."
"What?" Yuri said.
It'd taken a moment for my brain to register the observation, but it seemed that Yuri felt more solid in my arms than I remembered. "Excuse the change of subject, but have you gained weight?"
I know... not a very smooth question, right? In any other context, it would probably seem rude, but for us it had the complete opposite meaning.
Yuri drew back a little so he could look up at me. His face practically radiated happiness, and his beautiful smile accentuated the new fullness in his cheeks. "You noticed."
I slid my hands down his sides. "I can barely feel your ribs."
"I gained four kilos since you last saw me in person," he told me.
"In three weeks? Really? That's like, more than a whole kilogram per week." I glanced over his shoulder at his parents. "What have you been feeding him?"
From beside her father, Yuki piped up, "Milkshakes!"
"Not just milkshakes." Mr. Okamoto interjected hastily. He seemed to feel the need to be accountable to me, to prove they hadn't been so reckless as to let Yuri subsist on such a limited and arguably unhealthy diet. "He's been trying all sorts of new foods, haven't you, Yuri? But he does enjoy his strawberry milkshakes."
Of course I knew he'd been consuming more than milkshakes, but I acknowledged Mr. Okamoto's explanation with, "I'm glad you've been getting him to try new stuff." And then to Yuri, "Have you tried any other dairy products?"
"Real butter," he said. "And cream of broccoli soup. I didn't like that."
"Because of the broccoli, I guess. What about cheese?"
He made the most adorable face, scrunching up his cute button nose in distaste. "No. Cheese is disgusting."
"Unless it's in strawberry cheesecake," his father commented, looking entertained. "You should've seen him devouring that."
I raised an eyebrow. "Yuri, you ate cheesecake?"
"Mm-hmm, and cinnamon buns and dango. Oh, and ice cream!" Yuri said. "I can't believe I've been missing out on real ice cream this whole time."
“He’s been making up for it,” said Mr. Okamoto. "I've never seen anyone eat so many desserts."
"Well, I guess that explains the four kilos," I said.
Yuri offered up a grin that somehow managed to be simultaneously angelic and cheeky, "Aren't you proud of me, Victor?"
"Very," I said. "Four whole kilograms. That's awesome. You don't want to shoot past your goal, though. I hope you've been eating low-fibre vegetables and healthy proteins along with all your desserts."
"I don't like vegetables," he said.
"You like carrots and squash. I'll make you some carrot soup. That'll be the next thing for you to try, okay?"
"Okay." He leaned into me and nuzzled his cheek against my chest. "I'll eat it on one condition. You need to take me on a date to that ice cream place you're always talking about, with the forty flavours."
I laughed out loud and gave him an affectionate squeeze. I was beyond happy he'd discovered something new that he wanted to eat. "If you're not too tired from the trip, we can go this evening after dinner," I told him. "On one condition."
"Oh? What condition?"
"I know how much you love anything with strawberries, but The Frozen Cone has forty flavours. I really want you to try something other than strawberry."
"Peach?" he ventured.
"Good choice. They probably have that. They usually have orange-pineapple too, and cherry."
Yuri hummed softly, a little sound of satisfaction. "Let's try peach and cherry. I don't want to taste pineapple until we go to Sulani, okay? I want to save that experience for a really special occasion."
"Okay," I agreed.
"If we get a scoop of each kind in a bowl, we can share. Would that be all right?"
"That sounds perfect," I said.
"And you can feed me," he whispered, but evidently not quietly enough to prevent his father from overhearing.
Mr. Okamoto sounded torn between scolding and amusement. "Yuri—"
"One spoonful, because you're cute," I said. "But you'll be on your own for the rest of it. Rules are rules, you know."
"I tried," he said.
"Full marks for effort." I laughed, and kissed the top of his head. "Come on. Let's go inside. I can show you the paint job Leo and I did in your bedroom, and we can give your family the grand tour."
"Our family," he said.
"Our family," I repeated. I nodded to my in-laws. "Come on in."
Mr. and Mrs. Okamoto both thanked me and bowed respectfully, but I think Yuki forgot her manners in her excitement. She bounded forward and grabbed one of my hands. "Yuri said there's a ghost! Can I meet her?"
I smiled. "Well, that'll be up to Sachiko. I think if you call her Kobayashi-san and remember not to use her favourite mug, she'll come out and meet you. Don't be too surprised if she starts making small objects fly around the room, though."
Mrs. Okamoto frowned. "Are you saying the house really is haunted?"
"That's why the asking price was so low," I told her. "Don't worry, though. Sachiko isn't a bad ghost. She's just been here longer than we have, and she thinks it's her place, so her rules should apply."
"I... see," said my mother-in-law.
"What's this about the mug?" asked Mr. Okamoto.
"It's a red one," I said. "It's Sachiko's, and she's very possessive of it. No pun intended."
"Well," said my father-in-law. "A ghost with a mug, a wedding, and my son wanting to go to a forty-flavour ice cream shop. This should be an interesting week."
I couldn't resist a grin. "Family," I said. "Welcome to Willow Creek."
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priscillaflores · 1 year
WHEN: March 25, 2023 WHERE: Obsidian City Courthouse WHO: @hildasantos
It wasn’t what she imagined her wedding day would look like. Rain tipped down in buckets, not a ray of sun in the sky nor even the promise of some later. No friends popped champagne with her beforehand, no professional hands twisted her hair into elegance or painted a glow on her face. No long white dress, no aisle of flowers, no chapel bells or doves. Her drugstore foundation threatened to run and stain the ugly beige of her dress, which was a wedding dress only in the sense that it was a dress and she had just been wed in it. Bitterly she thought, at least we have the rings covered, gaze shifting down to Hilda’s left hand ring finger where Priscilla’s heirloom and last vestige of worth in this world sat too comfortably.
No, it wasn’t what she had imagined at all. She stood on the courthouse steps waiting not for a limo to whisk her and her husband off to honeymoon, but for the crosswalk to change so she could walk to the train station with her wife and plod back to Bloodhearth, and back to hiding. She didn’t even have a fucking umbrella, and wore her hand above her brow. It was the only wedding veil she donned that day.
Almost three months now had passed since their arrangement began, three months that had done little to warm the girls to each other as far as Priscilla was concerned. She thought Hilda was too rough, and it was likely Hilda thought Priscilla was too much of a priss. But the bills got paid, and no Velari henchmen had shown up, and Priscilla was beginning to think they might just get away with it if they could keep out of each other’s way for another four. Then again, she’d been less pregnant at the start.
“Should we… celebrate?” She looked miserable standing there in the rain, deferring to Hilda. She guessed she didn’t feel like there was much to celebrate. They were about as married now as they had been on New Years when it all began, the only difference was that when Priscilla’s child was born they’d already have a name that wouldn’t draw any attention back to her, and by extension back to Velari. At some point she’d realized it wasn’t just the father she needed to hide from, but all his enemies as well. Anyone who might benefit from an heir, or the death of one.
The light changed, she darted out and narrowly missed a cyclist that splashed mud all up the front of her dress. “Nevermind.” She wasn’t going anywhere looking like that.
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Who says you can't teach an old Roman new tricks
"...I'm perfectly calm thank you, Marius. Behold no broken furniture, axes in doors or otherwise violent actions." He liked mentioning axes it usually sparked something in his makers eyes that he found heartening. He got a kick out of it. "I'm just informing you that the likelihood of you touching me in any intimate fashion, at some point in the near future lessens every time you effectively shush me with rhetoric in a court session." Armands voice not that high but it carried so we'll, especially to ears pre-programmed to those smooth velvety tones. Warm brown eyes beginning to blaze with a amber flame.
"Am-Armand." Managing to not say something even more potent to stoke his fiery loves ire. Though this didn't stop Armand pausing his stride and pivoting himself to look at his maker eyes. A Freudian slip that, terribly bad timing considering the topic of contention. "Be reasonable, I disagreed with you." Best to stand firm, leave no quarter - the Roman thought to himself.
That's it stand firm, that's the Roman way - a familiar voice whispered in his mind. Marius pointedly not looking the owner of said voice lest he provoke their mutual love further.
Daniel 'had' been minding his own business in Armands' suite when he'd heard them approach. Hard not too, the air electric with their tension. Would they continue the too and fro verbal sparring or skip a few steps in this potential foreplay and go straight into making up. Should he slip out now, nope that could prove more awkward than them collapsing in passions on top of him on the settee. So he observed noting Armand had tilted his head, smiling up in a way some would mistake for open and contrite. Possibly seductive. My what big teeth we have... would his Roman grandsire fall for that trap. "Agreeing to disagree is one thing but you disrespected me like a weary tutor. I'm not the one you monikkered a brat remember. Next you'll grab a switch and threaten me with a good time." Armand said with a languid tone. "The whole coven knows we've had a honeymoon period, vocal as we are, now the only noise they'll be suffering is you removing your foot from your mouth." Brushing off something on Marius' shirt, making contact but not allowing it in return as he spun on his heel and turned his attention to Daniel. "Sorry I'm later than planned someone delayed me. Still want to go out. We can still do ice skating?"
"Out?" Marius parroted, not wanting to show how he'd stopped his hands going to reach for Armand just a second ago. Clasping eachother now instead. Hand in unloveable hand... Not liking to be stood up in an argument unless it was on his terms. They'd after all agreed to not go to their death sleeps on a quarrel. Not that he wanted to join in on the date, he'd not done ice skating often himself, ice not giving him any warm fuzzy feelings especially since he'd been buried under it. Searching his mind for the last time as it seemed important for some reason.
Daniel for his part did notice the aborted movement, giving the older vampire a look of sympathy. This reunion was an up and down process. Not all of which was pleasurable. Eyes soon tracking back to meet his makers. "Yeah. Though not the film now, we'll miss the start." Meaning they could still go skating and perhaps if he was lucky then hunt together.
"Yes out." Armand liked ice skating on the Night island, he still had an affinity with certain activities from his Slavic ancestry, though all vampires craved the warmth. "I have a prior engagement with Daniel tonight, a date night if you will." Letting that sink into Marius' consciousness. He wasn't sure if his maker had gleaned the finer points of dating and significant others in the modern age as yet. From what he'd gathered from his sister's in the blood, a whole training session in toxic masculinity might be in order in itself for their mutual maker. "Ice skating. Did you wish to defer this discussion to tomorrow or did you plan on joining us?" Puzzled by his less erstwhile these days loves expression, though not for a moment letting it show on his own.
"Ice skating! Marius!" Picturing the scene as he beamed looking between the two. Eyes resting on the ancient. "Well you weren't exactly pro-level when we went to Island on Ice that time." As soon as those words left his mouth Daniel tasted instant regret. Because that time referred to his wilderness years and Marius had taken him to cheer him up and help him reconnect with his past. Not something they'd spoken of to Armand. Yet. *Shit! Sorry I think I've just thrown you into the fire*
Marius' reply at first was a resigned inner sigh. Withholding information incase it rocked their burgeoning love boat, and apologising in hindsight seemed to be his go to strategy in regards to Armand. Something his beloved was attempting to ween him out of, a habit he was trying to ween himself out of *I think I'm already in singed territory as it is Daniel.*
Nostalgia slapped Armand in the face as he heard that name, Island on ice, a rink on the Night Island, often frequented by them. He hadn't thought about it at all in a long time. Certainly not visited, but Daniel had and not with himself. By the look on Daniels face he knew he'd spoken of a trip he hadn't known of until now. Gaze cooly looking between the two. Not a huge transgression, on the Romanus fuck up scale - but something he'd missed out on decades ago, again - but it did rise a lick of anger in his belly all the same. Letting it sit there, first things first. "You speaking of a time after the night island gathering aren't you." The question open to either. He didn't need to shout, the tone of his words all he needed to convey his displeasure.
Observing the guilty pair. Sometimes Armand managed to ignore the twisting pang at the thought and sense of his fledgling and maker communicating through the mind gift, something so natural especially to him blocked by blood on both counts. Most nights he tried not to let it taint interactions. Tonight unfortunately wasn't one of those occasions. "You know you both have distinct tells when your communicating up here don't you ?" Tapping the side of his temple for enthusis. "You just ever so slightly twitch your lip like your fighting the urge to mouth out internal words," revealing Daniels tell to him first. "And you, you over compensate and frown." He told Marius next. "Not a passable poker face between you!" Both could learn to master their masks better. "Hardly in the spirit of our renewed relations. To be open." Gaze flicked to Daniel.
Falling silent and waiting for one of the other two to speak next. Though Armand knew which he'd rather hear from first. Turning to face the taller vampire. "Did it slip your mind until now?" He added hoping for a rise.
Marius obliging to speak up, not wanting any fall out daniels way. "It was my idea, I gleaned from memories of a happier time that place. To help him be more grounded by the past for the present. It's not the worst of my failings, we can both agree on that." Self deprecation never hurt, though he knew facing his fiery fledgling those words would encourage Armand to counter challenge with a much more potent example of his transgressions. "It didn't seem pertinent to the here and now I admit."
"I could have told you too, not all on him." Daniel moved to stand interjecting as he leaned toward being the referee with these two. Trying to help as he knew it was the little things that cut the deepest when Armand felt out of the loop with his loved ones.
"Daniel, no" his name spoken in stereo by Armand and Marius to tell him to stop. Both quite clear this wasn't his fight. So he stood like a gangly third wheel and hoped he could at least stop the physical fisticuffs. Most liking his prone form on the floor would pause the fight effectively.
Armands attention back on Marius. "Apologies did you want me to give a pertinent example then, granted Maestro." Smallest bite to that title, gestulating with his hand. The Italian mannerisms came to the fore when verbally dueling with certain loved ones. "Did it slip your mind like when I found out Daniel had been with you for quite sometime via a veritable stranger Thorne."
"You shouldn't have pried into the mind of a guest." Marius parried back, taking the high ground. Though he knew from experience some of these elders weren't as savvy with the mind gift as those younger in the blood. An irony that nicely balanced things out at times. Some veritable novices to his exceedingly competent little psychic siren. Chest swelling with pride though now was not the time to was lyrical about Armand. Perhaps later when the storm passed he could whisper these words into the shell like ear, whilst stroking through those auburn silky curls.
"I'll send him bouquets of flowers as a belated apology tomorrow," He said with breath taking aplomb, Thorne was as stuffy as some of the ancients. He certainly hadn't shot the messenger. "But his mind was quite open, there he was bashful about the fact you'd shared a bath I gathered when I arrived to the trial." Judge jury and executioner Marius. Not that it had surprised him the Romans made entertainment out of death.
"It wasn't like that, he was a non judging soul to share my story with..." he managed to say before his love plowed on.
"'Oh my Marius has himself a stray red head, more burly and older than I thought his type but good for him, if the bath was anything to go by. If he fancied sampling an ancient beau as a change who am I to question. But no not that skeleton in the closet, my daniel in the basement!" That instance still struck a nerve, a record whose grooves had paused of late what with one cataclysm after the other, Marius assumed dead by Rhoshamandes hand. It equalised passed slights.
The flames in the fire flicked and gained height Daniel noted. Wondering who was responsible for that. Someone was listening at the door. Boy did they pick the wrong group.
"He gained nothing from my vulnerability. Unlike David." Marius sniped back. The hearth snuffed out. He'd never asked either about that interview in the attic, didn't mean he hadn't imagined much. He glanced to the door making it shake, scaring the eavesdropping fledgling who had no business listening let alone being on this floor.
"Oh what do you think David gained other than my story as I wished to tell it." Moving closer but not touching Marius. Eyes holding their own flames, as it relit. "Do you think he sampled the goods."
"That's not my business what you gave him." Icy eyes surprisingly heated. Looming over the smaller vampire, as if he'd ever intimidate Armand - who realised this too was a thrill, inciting passion.
Lights flickered one of them or some of the chateau spooks Daniel wondered. Should have brought popcorn just for the drama aesthetic.
"I gave him a piece of my mind, not my arse." Armand hissed, hovering to be on the same eye level. Fire now licking the up the edge of the huge stone mantel. "Do you think I gave him a live re-enactment of the juicier chapters." Slipping into ancient Venetian and not knowing.
"I'm sure he wouldn't have known what to do even with instruction." By this point so had Marius.
Daniel hooked even if he only understood a word or two recording to Google translate later.
"Well if I'm such a slut in your eyes. I'm sure I could teach him plenty." Arms folded stubbornly floating. Not looking at his maker now just the flames that shone bluer.
"If you wasted your innumerable charms on him, I'll make sure he tells me and realises how he should count his blessings. And mind his hands in future. You'd just re-entered society after trying to end it... Bloody opportunistic librarian!" Voice booming now after cracking at 'end it', famous self control be Damned. Registering the first part of Armands sentence. "Never that darling! Did he call you a slut? How dare he. Even a Englishman can still learn manners. Do you want me to go there?" Switching back to English having realised he was being rude to Daniel.
Daniel sitting down sensing a truce as they'd gone wildly off the topic of ice skating, touching on slut shaming and the possibility of Marius throwing hands with David. Who said bourgeoisie were boring.
Armand was also paying attention, Marius defending his honour even in hindsight charming. "No...not in so many words. What I want is to talk about past errors another time, explain the fallout. What I wanted was to bond over ice with you and Daniel. And perhaps get to see you fall on your pompous roman arse!" Gaze softening as he closed the distance to touch Marius' lips. "Promise he didn't get to tell how soft these were." Kissed the others fore head, then mouth.
Marius entirely charmed by the switch from anger to amorous just stared, arms wrapping to support Armand despite him levitating. "Ofcourse my love. We can ice skate. I'm sure Daniel has photos somewhere of me waddling like a giant penguin" He assured between kisses.
Daniel stopped the recording. "Wow a new make up record." Sitting back down with a indulgent grin.
~ Fini for now ~
A gift for @the-apostates-martyr
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villa-kulla · 2 years
shoot your shot was absolutely everything and I loved it to bits!
I can't stop thinking about Howard walking away from a safe and good life, burning all his bridges, into something that is objectively dangerous and will lead him further into corruption and violence but he wants it, because he wants Lalo! That he once again, this time metaphorically, puts the gun in Lalos hand, puts his life in Lalos hand, and Lalo loves him for that.
The fact that Howard knows how his days are in a way numbered, but he chooses Lalo anyway. Lalo brings him to this world of cartels, and he wants that Lalo is the only one who can touch him there, the only one who can take him out.
And the way they challenge each other, "i haven't yet" was just... perfect.... it's an unparalleled dynamic that you've written and it is incredible. great work!
Thank you so much!!! And so well said about Howard’s arc! For Howard, I took a lot of character inspiration from his scene with Kim in season 2 where he reveals that he originally did want to try to make it on his own as a lawyer and break away from the family business, and we can see there’s still regret there. I see Howard as someone who has definitely taken the ‘safe’ choice for most of his life (good job, wanting to stay married, etc) and it hasn’t brought him any real joy. So when Lalo shows up being the very opposite of a safe choice, he’s attracted to a lot of what Lalo embodies (and of course his literal body too lol). He wants Lalo, and also what he represents, and it's wrapped up in a very appealing package to him. To quote from T-Dalton’s favourite show Euphoria lmao, “He gave me just the right amount of attention at the wrong time.” It was the right time for Howard to be corrupted, and Lalo had attention to spare!
And aww I’m so glad you liked their chemistry, it was such a fun surprise to sit them down and see what would happen! I wasn’t interested in a dynamic where Howard constantly defers to Lalo, and fortunately neither were they! I do think some of Howard’s pushback to Lalo is borne of obliviousness. Howard moved through life as a privileged, handsome, 6 foot plus, top-of-his-class rich kid, and while he’s not an asshole about it, I think in the fic he sort of just expects that of course he can stand up to Lalo and get away with it! He’s Howard Hamlin, star of the debate club, fraternity president, and whatever athletic clubs he probably did too! What’s the worst that could happen to him? It's given him a certain easy self-assurance, so sometimes he is a little bit more cocky than he perhaps ought to be when dealing with Lalo. But luckily for him, Lalo (mostly) finds it amusing and charming, and more fascinating than he'd admit. They are still in their honeymoon phase, and I think going forward there would definitely be moments where Lalo loses his patience and gets a little ~scary on purpose~ to remind Howard of who he's dealing with. But Lalo wouldn’t want Howard to genuinely stop…he likes when Howard gives way to him, but he likes it even more when Howard puts up a good fight. That just makes it all the more astonishing to him when Howard drops the sass and literally puts his life in Lalo's hands, in the two moments you mentioned. They both see each other very well and like to push each other's buttons to see what else they can get out! And of course beyond all the various psychological factors at play, I do like that they just seem to get along too lol. They could never be 'super domestic cutesy heroes' but there's a sense of connection there, and tentative partnership, and also a second chance at loyalty for both. They're each other's guy!
Thank you again!
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theyarebothgunshot · 1 year
The Winchesters is back from hiatus! Live-blogging in your inbox here lol:
-Carlos and Lata's friendship is quite possibly my favorite thing about this show. Love them so much! (And so, naturally, I'm very worried that they were be brutally killed off)
-ooh we have the aftermath of the kiss: no regrets, but also not ready to jump in (my god, Dean really is his mother's son lmao I hope they decide to make John and Mary essentially married before they ever acknowledge their feelings for each other again)
-Gabriel!! Gabriel!! I've been waiting for him to make an appearance! Okay, we know he likes to mess with perceptions, especially since in this time period, he's still undercover as Loki, so I'm keeping an eye on him on a meta-narrative level too (how is he affecting Dean's perceptions?)
-Aww Carlos wanted to be a musician: dreams deferred, hunting takes over everything and becomes an inescapable obsession
-John meeting Sam and almost immediately dropping this bomb: "the least you can do is treat her more like a daughter and less like a soldier" (pterodactyl screech)
-Well, we know the plan to kill Loki won't work, and I don't think he'll actually follow through with killing Carlos (Gabriel/Loki's pattern is to force people to recognize some truth they're unwilling to admit openly, so what's his game here?)
-Excellent needle-drop with "Saturday Night's Alright" lmao (very Shaun of the Dead fight sequence there)
-Ah, just making Carlos acknowledge how much everyone means to him and reconciling the two incompatible desires he has (to be part of this hunting family and to live a freer life of his own, be an artist)
-Time-traveling Dean gave John the letter!! (And yes, I already know about how Sam was photoshopped out of that shot lmao I'm sure there is a narrative reason for that -- maybe Gabriel related? Lens flashes are associated with angels, Gabriel messes with perceptions, etc. Funnier explanation, it's just Cas being a bitch to Sam because he likes to do that periodically. Actually I'm gonna go with that one!)
Honeymoon Anon
yesss they are back babeyyy!!! loved reading your thoughts, i'm also very excited to see where this all leads to!
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clarklovescarole · 1 year
March 1939: Just Married
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(Printed March 31, 1939 – Los Angeles Times)
Clark Gable, Carole Lombard Wed In Little Arizona Desert Town
March 30, 1939 (Associated Press)
Fun-loving Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, who wrote the long-anticipated happy ending in the story of their courtship in a little Arizona town late yesterday, returned early today to the bride’s Bel-Air home.
Exhausted by their 750-mile trip, they retired, to wait until later to move into the home on his one-mile San Fernando Valley ranch which Gable redecorated in preparation for the wedding.
Marriage Expected
Friends were not surprised when news of the ceremony reached here last night, although their absence from the film capital during the day had gone unnoticed. The marriage had been expected daily since the screen's No. 1 masculine star was given his freedom earlier this month by his second wife, Maria.
Gable, 38, and his blonde bride, 31, a top-ranking comedienne, scorned the time-tried Hollywood elopement plot. They chose Kingman, Arizona, a desert railroad community, for the rites in preference to filmdom’s more favored Gretna Greens, Yuma, Ariz., and Las Vegas, Nev. They traveled by automobile instead of by plane, as most other elopers. 
They slipped in and out of Kingman so unobtrusively that only a half-dozen residents knew they were there. The license clerk, Viola Olsen, said she was so startled when she recognized them that she was almost speechless.
Directed to Parish House
After issuing the license, she directed them to the parish house of Rev. Kenneth M. Engle, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church. While Miss Lombard changed from a simple traveling suit to a gray flannel ensemble, the minister quickly arranged the details. 
Inside the church next door, Mrs. Engle played softly on the organ as the famous stars began their march. They walked down the aisle hand-in-hand to hear the pastor pronounce the ceremony, in which there was no word “obey.”
As each said, “I take the…” Gable slipped the ring on the actress’ finger, kissed her and they hurried out. But the news had not spread. Not a soul was waiting for them. Gable confided to Howard Cate, high school principal and one of the witnesses, that they intended to leave for Boulder City, Nev., and spend today at Boulder Dam. Then they drove away. 
Dine at Needles
But a few hours later, they were eating dinner in Needles, Calif., and were reported seen in the small communities on the highway across the Mojave Desert, en route home. 
They stopped briefly at a state checking station in Daggett, where an inspector said Gable was sleeping soundly, Miss Lombard appeared drowsy and their companion, Otto Winkler, publicity man, was driving. 
Gable was due back on the Selznick lot today to continue work as Rhett Butler in “Gone with the Wind.” Friends said the couple expected to defer a honeymoon until summer, when both are free of picture engagements. 
Gable’s ranch, with his comfortable home, was purchased some months ago. He has spent almost all his spare time there, doing some plowing and helping fare for his citrus grove.
Like “Gags” 
For four years, he and Miss Lombard have been indulging in “gags” at the other’s expense. Carole’s latest was the gift of “Bessie,” a mule, to Gable on his birthday last month. “Bessie” is a favored resident of the ranch.
Once she gave him an old model T Ford for a Valentine’s gift, and he responded by parking a fire engine on her front lawn. When he gave what she considered a good performance, she sent him a ham with his picture on it. The actress, who delights in the “screwball” roles she made popular first in “My Man Godfrey,” once arrived at a party given by John Hay Whitneys in an ambulance, pretending she was ill. Gable paid her marked attention throughout the evening.
Meet In Picture
They first met in 1932 in a picture, and socially at a party a year later. Since 1935, when Gable and Maria Gable separated, they have been frequent companions at film affairs. Meanwhile he and his wife had made a mutual agreement not to meet publicly, to avert embarrassment.
The second Mrs. Gable was granted a divorce March 7, in Las Vegas. Gable earlier reached a property settlement involving $286,000 with her.
Miss Lombard, whose real name is Jane Peters, was married to actor William Powell in 1931, and divorced him in 1933. 
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(Printed March 31, 1939 – Daily News)
Romantic Gable Turns Shy as He and Carole Are Wed
March 30, 1939 (INS)
The Encino home of screen hero Clark Gable today welcomed the return of Gable and his new bride, Carole Lombard, blond screen beauty, whom he married late yesterday in a surprise elopement to Kingman, Ariz. 
It was an elopement that left the film colony buzzing with excitement, although it was a foregone conclusion the popular film pair was to be married shortly.
Gable, recently divorced in Nevada by his second wife, and Miss Lombard had been watched constantly by reporters since Gable was divorced.
Yesterday, with practically all the writers in San Francisco for a picture premiere, the vigilance was let down.
So Clark and Carole hopped into Gable’s white roadster, picked up Otto Winkler, a studio representative, and departed for Kingman.
At dusk, in the Methodist church of Rev. Kenneth Engle, with Winkler, Mrs. Engle and Howard Cate, Kingman High School principal, as witnesses, the long-publicized romance of the two famous stars was culminated.
Viola Olsen, county clerk at Kingman, revealed the romantic Gable and the glamorous Carole were very shy indeed when they appeared before her and asked for a marriage license. 
Gable grinned and said: 
“I’m Clark Gable. I’d like to get a marriage license.” 
He gave his age as 38. Miss Lombard said she was 29, and an actress.
Gable, Miss Olsen said, timidly asked her to recommend a minister and the clerk suggested Rev. Engle. Then Miss Olsen drove the couple to the minister’s home.
The young minister called in his wife, and went next door for Cate. Gable and Miss Lombard sat in the rectory parlor, whispering. 
After the marriage service, Gable kissed his bride.
Cate said Gable, the real-life bridegroom, was not Gable, the sophisticated lover of the screen.
“They were quite lovey-dovey,” he said.
The ceremony over, Gable and Miss Lombard headed for Boulder City, Nev., where they stayed overnight, returning here today to the rambling home whose interior Carole herself arranged.
Just before leaving, however, the couple went to a phone. Mrs. Elizabeth Peters picked up the receiver in Hollywood. 
“Hello, Mom, this is your new son-in-law,” Gable laughed.
Then after the bride spoke to her mother, Gable turned reporter and called the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer press bureau in Hollywood to give details of the wedding.
It is the second marriage for Miss Lombard, who divorced actor William Powell, and the third marriage for Gable. 
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(Printed March 31, 1939 – Daily News)
Gables Back At New Love Nest
March 31, 1939 (INS)
Back at the bride’s smart Bel-Air home after their elopement to Kingman, Ariz., Clark Gable and Carole Lombard bubbled with excitement today as they received countless congratulations and visits from well wishers.
“Honest, “Clark explained, “it was just on the spur of the moment. I found out Tuesday night I wouldn’t have to work Wednesday and Thursday, so I called Carole and we decided to leave on Wednesday morning.” 
With the nation’s No. 1 screen hero scheduled to be back to work today, the honeymoon will have to be deferred until his new picture “Gone with the Wind” is finished. 
“But then we’ll go some place for a real honeymoon,” they said.
The Gables’ new love nest cottage in San Fernando valley is practically ready for occupancy, they said, and then added that it was nothing pretentious – just seven rooms.
“And one of them is going to be a gun room for Clark,” said his beaming bride, herself an actress of renown.
Discussing the marriage in Kingman, they revealed that there was no difficulty about producing the wedding ring when they stood up before Rev. Kenneth Engle in the First Methodist Episcopal Church. 
“I’ve had this ring in my pocket for two months,” said Gable. “We weren’t sure when we would be able to get married because of the picture and I didn’t want to be caught unprepared in case the chance came.” 
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(Printed March 31, 1939 – Berkshire Evening News)
Gables Pack Up To Go To “Ranch”
March 31, 1939 (AP) 
Clark Gable and Carole Lombard returned from their 725-mile wedding jaunt at 4 o’clock this morning, slept a few hours and were up at noon, looking fresh and happy, to receive photographers and reporters.
They were “at home” at Carole’s house, but there was evidence in every room that they will move soon. Dishes and pictures have been packed and Carole said she was moving to Clark’s little ranch house in about a week.
“You’ll have to put the word ranch in double quotes,” laughed Gable. “It’s only 14 acres. But we like it, don’t we honey? I plowed it personally and Carole did the interior decorating.”
The “ranch,” about 15 miles from Hollywood, boasts a mule, a hand tractor, walnut trees, and chickens. The house is Dutch colonial, seven rooms. It has two bedrooms. The servants’ quarters are over the garage.
Mr. Gable is to resume making love to Vivien Leigh, his leading lady, at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
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(Printed March 31, 1939 – Tampa Tribune)
Honeymoon of Gables On “As and If” Basis
March 31, 1939 (United Press) 
Clark Gable, who performs more gracefully as a lover on the screen than off, diffidently put his arm around the slim waist of Carole Lombard, his bride, today and said yes, he was a lucky guy. She had just called him the star in their family. 
The newlyweds drove until 3 a.m., after their elopement to Kingman, Ariz., yesterday, slept for a few hours, and emerged from Miss Lombard’s torn-up house as fresh as a couple of daisies – well, almost as fresh – to say their honeymoon was on a when, as, and if basis. 
The widely-grinning Gable, clad in a slightly rumpled blue serge suit, badly needed a haircut. That was the rub. He has to have his hair long for his part in “Gone with the Wind” and it’ll be two months before that job is finished. 
Plans Indefinite
“And on Wednesday I go to work at RKO,” his bride said, “and it looks as it our plans for a honeymoon will heave to be indefinite as they were for our marriage. Only reason we got married yesterday was because Clark suddenly found he’d have the day off.” 
“That’s true,” chimed in Carole’s mother, the wealthy Mrs. Elizabeth Peters. “I certainly was surprised when they called me up and swore me to secrecy.” 
As for widely-printed reports that Miss Lombard intends to stop earning $425,000 a year as one of the movie’s top stars and become a housewife and maybe have some children, she smiled and said that was more guesswork.
“Eventually,” she said, “I’m going to retire, but that’s all in the future and I haven’t thought about it much. It’s too far away. But I can say now that Clark is the star of the family. He always has been.”
Have Pictures Taken
While his bride did the talking, Gable tried to follow the orders of a dozen directors, in the form of news cameramen, all shouting at once. Some wanted him to squeeze his wife, others wanted him to put his head next to hers as if about to bestow a kiss, while the rest insisted that the bride and groom walk arm-in-arm from the front door of Miss Lombard’s white brick house.
All this artistic work was accomplished in good time. Gable and his bride are old hands at having their pictures taken. When the last flash bulb was exploded, they invited everybody inside to drink to their happiness. 
This took some doing, because all of the bride’s highball glasses were wrapped in old newspapers and packed in barrels. The catering department of the Brown Derby drove up about then, though, and all hands had a spot of Scotch and soda.
Miss Lombard had packed all her furniture on the theory that Gable’s new ranch home in San Fernando valley would be ready, but the plasterers still had not finished their work. 
“So I had a few chairs and things unpacked again,” she said, “and we’ll stay in this house until our new one is ready. I think it’ll be about two weeks more.” 
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canceramorem · 2 years
December 2017 and Black Mountain North Carolina.
Christmas eve, and the lovebirds Jason and Marie are about to make a game changing decision. Back in October, Marie Bear(that's my nickname for her)
Had gotten into a bit of trouble. Something to do with Walmart and loss prevention, I don't know. Because to be honest , I have never gotten into trouble with Marie up until this point. But it was a couple of weeks after I had met her., she had a charge for some petit charge. And then her court date was coming up . so in between the machete incident and Christmas eve. Where was the bridge at Walmart. Yes, I can't forget this one. It was a time that I like to think I had won her heart.
Gary and I had been doing our little operation flawlessly, and one day , our mutual friend Z, came to the hill and told me " your girls under the bridge", I tried to play it off as if I didn't care. But deep down inside, my heart was doing a full flown investigation on how I was gonna get to that bridge, and Marie.
I think I even was like, - " fuck that bitch!", "what bridge did you say?" LOL he said Walmart bridge , and I said bye, and within ten minutes, I was rounding the bend at Swannanoa river road, and coming to the famous Walmart bridge . At first I saw one of those paper like Oriental umbrellas. It was positioned as to provide some privacy, for her, yes Marie was just sleeping in a sleeping bag someone had given to her, had clothes and food wrappers all over the place, and a little place , right not far from her head , where she actually had been
shitting .
After getting deferred from the plasma center and not being able to get her boots, I did what any man would do if he truly loves a woman- I decided to break the law for Marie Camp. Break the law and get her some boots so I could bring her to the hospital and get the infection on her arm treated. So, I got caught. Yes, Jey Pizzle got caught trying to leave Walmart with a pair of men's boots size 11, and a pair of "Uggs" type boots for My Marie. They must have felt bad for me. Because they only gave me a court date and let me go. This was around December 14, when I got caught stealing the boots.
So her and I both were facing Walmart -like stealing charges. She had this infected arm that was getting worse. And we were just in the honeymoon phase of this nontraditional relationship. We tredged up from under the bridge, and got her to the hospital where they gave her antibiotics and vicodins for pain. ( neither her nor I were ever into pain pils , heroin, or suboxone -downers) We were alike in some ways , and I was willing to do anything she wanted. I was is much in love, I had no logic. This Marie Camp woman had me sprung so bad. I would do literally anything she said. And when we brainstormed about what to do next. It became obvious that she did love me. She loved me enough to take a big risk. To take off from Asheville, and avoid her court date altogether. We were to be " misdemeanor outlaws" together. Her and I . that's when this relationship goes to one step higher. We had to get out of Asheville, and fast. So ,we made our way to Black Mountain, we'll figure it out from there. So , together, we took a huge leap of faith, and headed the 13 miles to Black Mountain - on foot.
@ashevillelovedope2018 @pizzlelovedope
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letterboxd-loggd · 3 years
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Honeymoon Deferred (1940) Lew Landers
September 16th 2021
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mostlikelytofangirl · 2 years
Yk something that really sucks in fic? How often people like to erase LSZ's complicated family history in favor of 'wangxian nuclear family'.
WWX (my absolute beloved) is at least partially responsible for the death of A-Yuan's parents, and the parents of any other kid the Sunshot Campaign orphaned (not to say it was his fault exactly, war is war and bad things happen in war). He also wasn't present for most of LSZ's life, and LWJ was also missing from his formative years.
Idk I know it's not malicious but it makes me feel cold when people try to paint over the inherent and defining tragedy of LSZ's backstory. Imo, in AUs with no Sunshot and especially no cultivation, it makes more sense for Lan Sizhui to simply remain Wen Yuan.
Sorry, I'm rambling. I don't mean any offense to fic writers that do this, I just think there's so much wasted potential.
- Regular Anon
I can understand where you come from, yeah.
I know it's adorable to think in terms of wangxian married with a son, but truth is that realistically any strong bond of wangxian with LSZ would occur post-canon.
Now, to be fair, we don't know how those 13 years passed for LWJ and LSZ. There is definitely a strong sense of mutual respect, but not much a feeling of father/son. And yes, I know the Lan are not prone to sentimentality and open displays of affection, but they at least address each other as family members. As much as LWJ got LSZ accepted not only into the sect, but into the main family, he didn't do it as a father of the boy. A mentor and tutor, most likely, but even there, we can only speculate about how truly close they were, given how we don't get many clues of their bond during canon. LWJ is out there "being where trouble is" (or something of the sorts), and LSZ is off carrying on missions with other juniors with little reference to any time they could spend together.
With WWX. Well, dude was dead. And during the year or so of Burial Mounts life, he was more of that one cool, funny uncle that babysat you from time to time. A-Yuan's main caregivers where granny Wen and the rest of the renmants. It's undisputable that WWX cared lots about the kid, but to claim that he raised him is a bit of a stretch. Their reunion was all sorts of feelsy, but that's bc both believed the other was dead (one actually was lol), and it was —again— like seeing that cool uncle/favorite nephew you thought you lost.
So yeah, I see what you mean with lost potential there. It would be interesting to explore LSZ's feelings and thoughts regarding his real family, and how those he thinks of as family now were in part responsible for him losing his first family. Even canon hints to this as his arc concludes with him and WN (his last blood relative) going on a journey to learn of their lost sect.
I don't want to be a killjoy with this, it is cute to think of them as a little happy family after all their pain, but imo, when it comes to LSZ, wangxian's canon relationship with him is more of supportive uncles than parents and I think they are pretty ok with that.
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k-dokja · 3 years
AAAAA since you did wedding hcs of vasco and taehoon, could you do honeymoon hcs as well? fdjdhdjdjdj 😩😩
This entire ask just makes me miss going to the beach during summer 😩
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— Prefers somewhere tropical and active, he has a lot of energy to burn and wants to go somewhere with a lot of people. He wants to see all the sights, try out all of the food, meeting all the new people. If you couldn't match up to his energy, it's fine, he can give you a piggyback ride the whole time.
— The destinations he picked are somewhat lacking in terms of romance, but you can be reassured that you both would have a good time. He'll introduce you as his wife to everyone the two of you met, can't wait to have all this fun with his WIFE, he's going to try out all this food with his WIFE, he will have a lot of babies with his WI—
— He's such a tourist, he wants to do everything, takes pictures everywhere, mostly because he's eager to show his friends about all the places he went to. However, he makes a vow to not contact his friends all the time while he's on the trip because he wants to take care of his special lady.
— Probably also likes somewhere with a lot of mountains and sights to see? I can see tourist attractions hook him in general, it's not hard to get him interested. Loves, loves, loves making a lot of new memories with you. Will get pulled into buying too many souvenirs if you don't stop him from getting hooked.
— He's a little mushier when it comes to intimacy the first few days. He's really handsy all-around outside of the bedroom but when the two of you are alone together, you can notice his entire focus on you and said intensity transfers into when he's entangled with you on the bed. Expects him to get more passionate and even more verbal about his appreciation of you.
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— Taehoon is chill no matter where he's going with you. Literally, nothing can stress this man out, he will defer to you for location pick. Ideally, the two of you can get one of those resort places where he can kick back, relax, and be lazy for a whole week. If not, it's whatever, he's not fussy as long as you're having fun.
— Aw, think of Taehoon holding one of those huge floaters so the two of you can try out the big slides at the waterpark. He actually has fun with any type of amusement park, even if his enjoyment shows on his face in a condescending manner. Surprisingly receptive to taking couple pictures together, but he will always want something in return.
— Generally, he's pretty easygoing about whatever you want to do. He will even go with you on those couple yoga the resort provides if you're so inclined. What he enjoyed more is going to the bar together and, even if he won't admit it, spend time dancing and enjoying the seaside atmosphere.
— He likes leaving the resort area too, going to the markets down at the beach is pretty fun. Something about night market is just so fun to him. The two of you will have your bellies stuffed full of street food by the time you returned to the hotel. He cares little for the trinkets people sell for tourists though, doesn't see much points to them.
— His attitude would transfer to what you spend time doing in bed, too. He doesn't force anything because it's the honeymoon, just does whatever he wants like normal. Like sure, the two of you probably covered every surface inside your resort suite but he takes his time, not eager to rush into anything. After all, this is the time for you to relax and have fun together.
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