#honestly dont know how to tag this
chikinan · 2 years
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also for entretainment ive been forcing one of those AI things to make fucked up lps
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texassbian · 11 months
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Reuploading stuff from my twitter. Love loses
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ricesinspo · 4 months
☆ — 'someone finally cares about you' prompts. by @ricesinspo, credits appreciated!
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[★] they wrapped their arms around you - you can't remember the last time someone hugged you like this.
[★] getting pulled aside while everyone else is yelling at you. they get you like none of the others do; they know not to yell.
[★] patiently listening to all of your problems. like actually listening.
[★] ^ with no judgement.
[★] they notice whenever something's wrong.
[★] letting you cry into their arms. telling you it's okay, everything is okay - and you know it's true because they're with you.
[★] letting you cry at all; realizing you don't have to hide your tears in front of them.
[★] "in a world where people don't care about me, i'm lucky to have you."
[★] ^ and then they're like "who hurt you" / "where are your __ i just want to talk" lmao
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miguxadraws · 3 days
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its joever
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sillycathorrors · 4 months
doing one of these cause i think it would be funny !!
If this post gets 5k notes, ill finally completely cut ties with my toxic ‘friend’ who constantly victimises herself and is honestly the most infuriating person on the planet
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Okay in light of recent conversations I've had:
Please reblog both for a larger sample and also for my own peace of mind because please say I'm not in the minority in knowing this.
Also elaborate in the tags if you want :]
[Edit: I know that technically Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory and not part of Britain (aka Wales, England, Scotland including the Northern Isles and Hebrides). I simplified it for ease of access.
I didn't want to confuse people who didn't know all the different terminology we have like British Isles, British Islands, Britain/Great Britain, British Overseas Territory, British Sovereign Territory, Crown Dependency, Channel Islands, Unitary Sovereign Country, and the UK.]
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socialbunny · 10 months
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 Skip has always found a way to work through his problems and turn them around with relative ease, but the sudden death of his wife, Brandi, has brought his mostly carefreeness towards his children  to a stand-still. With two freshly traumatized children and a newborn under his belt, can Skip juggle turning his shitty ass life around for his family, or will he crumble under the weight of his past mistakes?
Darleen hasn’t been the same since her husband, Darren, died, though she’d be quick to argue with you if you said anything of the sort. She’s FINE! She misses her husband, undoubtedly, but she’s not going to let that very, very, very tiny thing wreck her whole life, and she’s not going to let people give her grief about ANYTHING. Sure, she got fired from her job a few months back and hasn’t made any strides to find a new one, and she’s losing touch with her son as she goes and squanders all her responsibilities by partying and drinking on par with younger years, aaaaaaaaaaaaand the almost obsessive idealistic crush she’s developed on her neighbor is clouding the second half of her judgment, but she’s bounced back from worse and knows everything’s going to come up Darleen :) …………. hopefully
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tina2180 · 2 months
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Follow in the Light of the Crystal...
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
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faeriebabee · 8 months
john wayne: nooooo westerns are wholesome allegories that reflect christian values and the american work ethic!!!!
clint eastwhore, playing the "good" guy and using the raspiest fuck-me voice he can manage: i mean our partnership is untied ...oh no :) not you. you remain tied ;) i'll keep the money and you can have the rope ;) ;) the way back to town is only 70 miles...you know if you save your breath i feel a man like you could manage it ;) ;) ;) adios *leaves a man to die a slow painful death in the desert*
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arsenicflame · 1 year
i Do Not Trust people who make Mary the bad guy in their stories when the show went out of its way to specifically show us how she was suffering just as much as stede was in their marriage and that shes, yknow, a good person
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moeblob · 17 days
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Every single time I draw for an anime I think to myself "never again will I draw for an anime" and then I am proven wrong. So here, take my daughter Lulu.
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fragonreal · 3 months
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flustered fucking dumbass
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vigilskeep · 11 months
i need to wynnepost. somebody has to
#its crazy how people will assume she is all the tropes she subverts and then ignore her#also how sympathy for circle mages’ indoctrination only lasts until they get old i guess and then fuck them#because its not as if they were ever a terrified child who’d never had anything better than a single templar’s mildest kindness and any kind#of home even if it was the tower#so an orphan kid who had no memory of anything but scurrying between farmsteads and hiding in barns#didnt want to leave. what a shock. you guys dont get the place comfort has in keeping circle mages complicit#so it’s violent and terrible and you never have privacy and your children get murdered and you’re always watched and hated#its also a warm bed and community and a chance to succeed#do you honestly think every kid from fucking THEDAS knows theres anything better out there#that doesnt make the circle good. it makes it horrific that they prey on vulnerable kids to teach them the world hates them#and only the circle is ‘safe’#i just think there should be some sympathy for those kids and what they grow up into#its easy for the player to walk in and say their character would hate the circle and never have listened to the templars#its easy for say an amell or even a surana with a family back home to not fear what they left behind#wynne genuinely thinks without the circle mages would all be murdered and she’ll fight and die protecting her fellow mages#from the right of annulment#yes its a flaw that she goes on to teach others the circle must be tolerated and that is precisely how the circle is perpetuated ove#over generations#but its amazing to me to just act like its her fault#well. this is more tags than i expected it to be
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jazzzzzzhands · 9 months
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I loved my sketches so much, i decided to finish them!
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lavenoon · 11 months
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This started out as cat mirroring and fluff but unfortunately for Eclipse a lot of my trapcards have their origin in the first half of the 20th century and I'd like words.
@naffeclipse someone save him
*self insert Aster is not a girl (he/ she)
og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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