#homoerotic tragedy
carrot-felisidad · 7 months
Look, I'm gay, I love gay media, and I love gay anime.
But tell me why I can't watch/read romance with gays as the couple? Why can't I sit down to Sasaki to Miyano? To Kobayashi's Dragon Maid? To Given?
Why my preferred gay media be about two side characters who interacted very briefly in that one episode? Why it gotta be two girls who stab each other once or twice per season? Why it gotta be two men who frame each other to murder? Why it gotta be non-canon detectives who has no romantic subplot whatsoever? Why it gotta be two men, one dead, in the middle of a tragic revolution piece?
Why can't I just be normal and enjoy romance when given? Not scrape for a ship when the story is literally the opposite of romance?
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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the sunset.
a comic about two outlaws who loved each other, despite everything.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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fernsensei · 9 months
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and heeere it is! some thoughts on "what if gabriel and v2 met", the comic i've been working on much longer then i would've like to confess! i'm happy with the way it turned out to be and who knows, maybe i'll do a second part once i figure out how to bring this all to the culmination👁👁 hope you'll enjoy reading as much as i've enjoyed drawing!<3
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homugabs · 1 year
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sadlittlecountess · 6 months
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vamprisms · 10 months
i love toxic devotion these bitches i'm writing are insane
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transsexualcoriolanus · 10 months
he brings a sort of "i sin in envying his nobility and were i anything but what i am i would wish me only he" vibe to the military meeting that the other roman generals don't really like
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pepsicoughdrops · 3 months
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oh doomed cryptid posse yuri we’re really in it now……
Ali’ikai (Ilima’s mom) and Dahlia (goddess of storms/sea travel) close to before Dahlia got trapped in the bottom of the ocean somewhere 😔
I’ve posted Dahlia like one singular time over on instagram a long time ago when i first made her but i’m pretty sure i haven’t introduced her on here. She and Ali’ikai worked hand in hand a lot due to both being goddesses that delt with the ocean/things to do with the ocean, eventually forming a romantic relationship from when would be considered teenage human years for the gods.
Dahlia would eventually lose control of her powers in her young adult years and the other gods (Artemii, Kemera, Bibi, Khepri, Cara, and an unwilling Ali’ikai) would have to contain her as a last resort as to not have to kill her. Kemera (Mokji’s mom) and Cara (Phemie’s mom) are really the ones who technically finished it, Kemera being able to hold Dahlia still by wrapping her centipede part around her and Cara using magic to transport her to a random point in the bottom of the ocean in an underwater sealed cave 😔
Ali’ikai attempts to kill Cara when she won’t tell her where she sent Dahlia or if she’s even alive but ofc is stopped by the others, she becomes extremely mean and bitter to everyone (god or human) and stays that way until she eventually has Ilima and dies.
(click for better quality)
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I am so close to listening through the entirety of Not Quite Dead again because I simply love those boys
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bericas · 1 year
allison & lydia | cartwheel
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saintbehemoth · 5 months
8, 16 and 24 🔥🔥🔥
ty for the ask ^-^
8 common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
that aemond is a mummy’s boy who would never disobey her and knows her so well and always seeks her approval - this is particularly prevalent in modern au’s. like yes he loves her but he’s not sacrificing his wants to make her happy. example: that scene after young aemond has been scrabbling around the dragon tunnels, alicent’s like how many times have i told you not to do this/you don’t need a dragon. he’s the type of son who goes ok fine :| to her face then turns around and does exactly what she told him not to. another example: does not return to KL to rescue her but continues fucking about in the riverlands.
aemond is obstinate!!! he and alicent love each other but fundamentally they are always at odds (toxic family dynamics yayy) bc 1. she is dedicated to duty and cant understand why he can’t just do as he’s told (alicent always did what her father told her) and 2. aemond cannot understand her infinite dedication to his deadbeat lazy rapist undeserving big brother. ive said this before but for alicent she likes aemond as a person the most out of her kids but loves aegon to ruin
adjacently that rhaenicent love each other more than their own kids. sorry but in no situation or au can i see either one sacrificing a child for the other
EDIT: the idea that the blacks are one big happy family who totally get on and there’s never any conflict ever. normal boy jake worst joke ever bc people took it seriously
16 you can’t understand why so many people like this thing
lukeharem. why was he getting shipped with so many hotd and nonhotd characters it’s actually fascinating from like an anthropological view. the transformative momentum of fan interaction that removes it so far from the canon source that it’s essentially unrecognisable.
24 topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
anything to do with womens agency. the way people talk abt sex outside marriage and bastardy you’d think we were still in the 1300s. actually genuinely disturbing
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no but tolkien was actually insane for this
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gideonisms · 1 year
The scene in like episode 6 where juri is explaining what the duelists all want to use anthy's power for and meanwhile utena sees anthy down in the garden and is like oh hey my friend anthy! hi anthy!! and waves down at her not a thought in that brain. I want to bite something
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sadlittlecountess · 9 months
Crack baby, you don't know what you want. But you know that you're needing it. And you know that you need it bad.
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eliotquillon · 2 months
i reread stella and siena(aka 'boarding school girls'/'the temperley high series') by helen eve a few month ago and i cannot stop thinking abt them. stella having episodes of vertigo after siena killed herself and spending the rest of her life trying to recreate siena exactly so siena could live on through her only to die in the exact same clock tower.... syrena resorting to stealing all of stella's things because stella wanted to become siena and syrena wanted to keep her....the way siena told stella she should always have her hair down and in turn stella told syrena she should always be barefoot....the fact that jack desperately wanted to become his own person and wanted to go to university but ended up working for his dad anyway....these aren't perfect books by far but helen eve fucking cooked with the doomed narratives
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meat-wentz · 2 years
i think as a society we should talk more about scorsese’s the last temptation of christ
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