#history of canadian prisons
theworldofwars · 5 months
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360th Prisoners of War Company. A goal scored against the British escort at football; 1919.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 20 days
"The most notorious internee held in any of the Canadian [internment] camps was Leon Trotsky. When news reached North America in March 1917 that the Russian tsar, Nicholas II, had abdicated, Trotsky was living in exile in New York City. He immediately arranged to return to his homeland. On March 27 he boarded the Norwegian freighter Christianiafjord with his wife and two sons, bound for Petrograd. Trotsky had been under surveillance in New York where British authorities took note of his departure. The situation in Russia was confused, but the Allies knew that socialists like Trotsky wanted to withdraw Russian troops from the war. It was widely believed that they were enemy agents funded by the Germans to divide the Allied war effort. At Halifax, the British naval commander received orders to board the Christianiafjord when it arrived and to detain Trotsky and the other Russians with whom he was travelling.
On April 1 the freighter steamed into Halifax harbour. Naval officers marched Trotsky and his comrades to jail cells in the Citadel, the imposing stone fortification overlooking the city. Then, while Natalia Sedova Trotskaya and the boys were lodged with a police employee in town, the men were interned in a prisoner-of-war camp, a converted iron foundry at Amherst near the New Brunswick border.
Trotsky was not cowed by his treatment. Quite the opposite: he defiantly petitioned the Russian government and the British prime minister, protesting his illegal detention. Meanwhile, he began to harangue his fellow prisoners with speeches, in fluent German, proclaiming the need for a revolution in Germany. “That month the concentration camp very much resembled a perpetual mass meeting,” he later wrote. To the dismay of officials, he became a hero to the 800 other detainees. He was “by far the most popular man in the whole camp,” the commander reported. Another officer recalled that Trotsky “gave us a lot of trouble at the camp, and if he had stayed there any longer [...] would have made communists of all the German prisoners.”
Trotsky was a citizen of a country with which Great Britain, and therefore Canada, was an ally in the fighting, and he was travelling with perfectly legal permits and visas. His internment was giving Canada a black eye internationally. At rallies in New York and Russia, speakers denounced Canada as a tyranny, no better than the Tsarist autocracy. Finally, after a month in confinement, he won his release. A crowd of cheering prisoners lined his path as he walked to the gate, followed by an impromptu camp band doing its best to play the Internationale. And with that, Leon Trotsky’s sojourn in Canada ended."
- Daniel Francis, Seeing Reds: the Red Scare of 1918-1919, Canada’s First War on Terror. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011. p. 17-18.
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hagoftheholler · 2 years
Since somebody decided to come into my ask box whining that I'm using a "much more important issue as leverage to demand people care about other bullshit", allow me to give y'all some educational content regarding Indigenous women/two-spirited folk, the history of taking their children away and forced sterilization of Indigenous women/two-spirited folk.
Residential schools were set up by both the Canadian and American governments, and administered by churches. They were used to take Indigenous children from their families to be raised by white Christians as a means to "kill the Indian and save the man". In other words: they wanted Indigenous children dead or abiding by white, Christian standards. If these children did anything "too native", they were punished harshly. They weren't even allowed to speak their native languages without being punished.
The parents of these children had no choice but to give up their children, because they could face prison time or death if they resisted. Many Indigenous children never made it back home, or died trying to find their way back home. The last residential school closed in 1996. Just to give ya an idea on exactly how long ago that is: it is the same year Pokemon debuted.
The Canadian residential school sites are being searched for unmarked graves of Indigenous children, and thousands of these deceased children have been found. Here is a link to a 45 minute long documentary in which a woman talks with her auntie about her experiences living at a residential school.
That wasn't enough, though, because Indigenous women/two-spirited folk were forcibly sterilized for decades without prior knowledge or consent. The reasoning behind these forced sterilizations were based around eugenics and racism. This continued the genocide that has been going on for centuries.
Moving on to what is happening today, the ICWA or Indian Child Welfare Act was established to protect Indigenous children from being displaced from their tribes. It helps ensure that if Indigenous children cannot stay with their parents or extended family, they will be placed in a qualified home and stay connected to their tribe. ICWA is now being targeted by the government, because they think they should have more say in what happens to Indigenous children. This is just continuing the cultural genocide of Indigenous people. Here is a petition for protecting the ICWA. Here is a linktree that has various links on the ICWA and what is currently happening.
Yes, this situation is just as important as roe v wade. I stand by my statement that if you were outraged by the overturning of roe v wade, then you should be equally as outraged by this. Because while Indigenous and other POC were telling us that the overturning of roe v wade was very possible and that we needed to pay attention, many (white) people were twiddling their thumbs thinking "oh, they're overreacting, roe v wade has been established for so long, they would never overturn it". Well, it happened, and now the government is going after Indigenous children for the some of the same reasons they went after roe v wade.
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fdelopera · 4 months
When the Jews of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp were liberated on April 20th 1945, they sang Hatikvah. At the end of the anthem, British Army Chaplain Rabbi Leslie Hardman, cried out, “Am Yisrael Chai – the Children of Israel still live!” (x)
Am Yisrael Chai is a very old phrase. Hundreds of years, at least. It states that the Jewish people are still living, despite every attempt that Romans, Christians, and Muslims have made to mass murder us over the last 2000 years of world history.
We are still here.
The Jewish people are still here, despite every attempt that has been made to culturally appropriate our history, our culture, and our religion.
When you read the "Old Testament," you are reading OUR Tanakh. You are reading a JEWISH sacred text. When you read about Joseph, and Moses, those are JEWISH figures. They are Yoseph (יוסף), and Moshe Rabbeinu (משה רבנו). Moshe was not a Christian, and he was not Muslim. Moshe was a Jew. Never forget that.
Am Yisrael Chai: The Story Behind The Bergen-Belsen Recording
by Milad Doroudian (x)
"Am Yisrael Chai!", shouted Rabbi L.H. Hardman who had finished conducting the first pre-Shabbat sermon that many of the Bergen-Belsen camp survivors had not seen for 6 years. Although weakened by hunger, disease, and the death of their loved ones, on the 20th of April, 1945 many whose spirits still remained strong began to sing “Hatikvah” ("The Hope"), so the world can hear that they were there, and they survived.
There is a very good chance that you have heard this emotional recording, but have you ever stopped to truly consider the story behind it? Despite the sadness, yet immense hope in the voices of the singers: Who were they? How did they get there? And perhaps most importantly: What happened to them?
These questions are almost impossible to answer as history does not afford us many recorded accounts. Yet, this was the case in 1945. After the death of 6 million Jews in Europe, and an atrocious war which took the lives of 65 million. Confusion was normalcy. It was those amid the confusion such as Patrick Gordon Walker, a reporter for the BBC, who wanted to record the stories of what happened that managed to collect the few stories that we have left today. Nothing could have prepared him, or the soldiers who liberated the camp days earlier, for the horrors that lay inside.
The Bergen Belsen camp , which was established in 1941 in the middle of Germany served as a death camp for Jews, homosexuals and political prisoners. The exact number of how many people died during those years is not known, however when the British and Canadian 11th armoured Division liberated it, they found 60,000 people, most of which were extremely emaciated and suffering from typhus.
Walker entered the camp five days after its liberation to find people who could no longer possibly function because of hunger, only to be greeted with the sounds of “God Save The King” played on an detuned piano in order to honour the British and Canadian liberators. People were joyous, despite their condition and the fact that many were still dying. In fact, they sang, and talked with their liberators who gave them food, and comforted them by reminding them that they were human beings.
“What I saw there will always haunt me” said Walker in his famous broadcast, and this was the case as there were truly more dead in the camp than living. One soldier’s account of how he saw a mother and child dying of sickness right in front of him, was only one of hundreds when the soldiers first found the abandoned camp.
Yet, perhaps what is more interesting is not simply the survivors who sang the Hatikvah (The Hope) after liberation, but those who did when they were being led to their deaths. The account of Jan Michaels, a Polish Jew who saw a group of Jewish Czechs singing the future national anthem of Israel, while they were on their way to the gas chambers. Michaels said that the SS guards could not stop them from singing, as their hope was unstoppable even in the face of certain death.
Yet, why is this so important to remember?
However melancholic it is to remind ourselves of these horrible stories, it is essential that we remember all those who have perished, as well as those who lived on to sing the Hatikvah after their liberation, as it is was their hope to be reunited with those they loved in Eretz Tsion. Now, today, Israel still faces enemies who want its people abolished, but that will never again be possible.
To answer the first questions:
Who were they? They were just like you and I. How did they get there? Through unbelievable xenophobia, hatred and ignorance. What happened to them? They live on in all Jewish hearts, and more importantly they live on through Israel.
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homomenhommes · 4 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … February 19
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1902 – F.O. (Francis Otto) Matthiessen was an educator, scholar and literary critic influential in the fields of American literature and American studies. (d.1950) The exchange of letters between him and his lover Russell Cheney are among the most revealing gay male documents of the 1920s.
Born in Pasadena, California, after his parents' divorce in 1915, Matthiessen lived on his grandfather's farm in Illinois, later attended boarding school in Tarrytown, New York. Toward the end of World War I, joined the Canadian Air Force. He entered Yale in 1919, where he was a member of Skull and Bones society, and graduated in 1923 with many honors, and then became a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, receiving a B. Litt. in 1925.
Matthiessen's best-known book, American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman (1941), discusses the flowering of literary culture in the middle of the American 19th century, with Emerson, Thoreau, Melville, Whitman and Nathaniel Hawthorne.
While sailing for Oxford, he met the painter Russell Cheney; they would be lovers until Cheney's death in 1945. Cheney, though closeted in many ways, was a profoundly positive influence on Matthiessen, encouraging his interest in gay and lesbian literary figures like Walt Whitman and Sarah Orne Jewett.
The couple shared a cottage in Kittery, Maine for decades. In planning to spend his life with Cheney, Matthiessen went as far as asking his cohort in the Yale secret society Skull and Bones to approve of their partnership. With Cheney having encouraged Matthiessen's interest in Whitman, it has been argued that American Renaissance was "the ultimate expression of Matthiessen's love for Cheney and a secret celebration of the gay artist."
Matthiessen, as a gay man in the 1930s and 1940s, chose to remain in the closet throughout his professional career, if not in his personal life - although traces of homoerotic concern are apparent in his writings. In 2009, a statement from Harvard University said that Matthiessen "stands out as an unusual example of a gay man who lived his sexuality as an 'open secret' in the mid-20th century."
After Cheney's death in 1945, Matthiessen was increasingly distraught; he committed suicide by jumping from a window in 1950. Because Matthiessen's politics were left-wing, socialist, though not dogmatically Marxist, inquiries by House Un-American Activities Committee into his politics may also have been a factor in his suicide: writing in 1958, Eric Jacobsen referred to Matthiessen's death as "hastened by forces whose activities earned for themselves the sobriquet un-American which they sought so assiduously to fasten on others".
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1921 – Dudley Cave was a British former soldier and pioneering gay rights activist (d.1999). He joined the Royal Army Ordnance Corps in 1941, aged 20, and was posted to the Far East. He was captured by the Japanese when Singapore fell in 1942 and was marched north to work on the Thai-Burma railway, 10 miles beyond the bridge on the River Kwai. He caught malaria and was imprisoned in Changi Prison in Singapore because he was unproductive. This may have saved his life. Three quarters of his company perished.
When back in Britain he had a job as manager of the Majestic Cinema, Wembley, but in 1954 he was sacked when it was discovered that he was gay. Also in 1954 he met Bernard Williams, an RAF veteran and school teacher, and they became lovers and co-campaigners for 40 years until Bernard Williams died in 1994.
In 1971 Dudley Cave joined the Unitarian Church and helped in securing the ordination of lesbians and gay men. He also conducted same-sex weddings.
In 1974 he was on the launch committee of the London Gay Switchboard, and he was still answering the telephone right up to his death 25 years later.
He and his partner, Bernard Williams, founded the Lesbian and Gay Bereavement Project in 1980, and they ran its telephone helpline for many years. After a battle with the Charity Commissioners this became the first organisation with 'gay' in its title to be given charitable status.
In the 1980s he worked on reconciliation with the Japanese and travelled a number of times to Japan to speak on the subject.
In November, 1998 he was OutRage!'s keynote speaker at its Queer Remembrance Day vigil at the Cenotaph where he layed a pink triangle wreath honouring gay people who died fighting Nazism and in the concentration camps.
Dudley Cave dedicated most of his life to challenging and fighting prejudice and seeking justice and equality for gay people especially in the areas of military recognition and issues of bereavement for gay people of all ages; he did so with great eloquence, dignity and integrity.
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1925 – J. J. Belanger (d.1993) was member and officer in the Mattachine Society in the 1950s and 1960s, a volunteer in numerous causes in the 1970s and 1980s, and a collector of LGBT history, especially of AIDS-related materials of the mid-to-late 1980s.
The famous photo booth photo of J.J. Belanger above was rediscovered in 2014 and spread quickly through popular media such as The Advocate, TIME, Queerty, and blogs. It shows Robert Block and J. J. Belanger (right) in a photo booth photo in Hastings Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1953. It was taken at a time in Canadian history when the two men could have been arrested for kissing.
Joseph John Bertrund Belanger was born February 19, 1925, in Edmonton, Canada. He served in the Royal Canadian Air Force from 1942 to 1944 where he was awarded a Defense Medal, Canadian Voluntary Service Medal, and War Medal for his World War II service. He worked odd jobs in Vancouver and Calgary until 1954 when he joined the United States Air Force. He served for five years, earning the Aviation Badge, Good Conduct Medal, Outstanding Airman of the 26th Air Refueling Squadron, numerous other commendations, and a promotion.
Belanger became a member of the Mattachine Society in the early 1950s, but resigned in 1953 after an incident with police threatened to bring negative publicity to the organization. However, Belanger maintained contact with Hal Call and in 1958 became the Mattachine Society's Director of Public Relations. In 1959 he was voted out of the post, but still remained a member of the society.
From the 1950s Belanger lived in either San Francisco and Los Angeles, although the particulars of his life are documented only sporadically. He was the Los Angeles coordinator of the Eulenspiegel Society in the 1970s. In the 1980s he was politically involved with the San Francisco chapter of the Stonewall Gay Democratic Club, where he ran and lost a bid for treasurer in 1988. Also in the 1980s he volunteered for Project Inform and was a member of the Quarantine Fighter’s Group. Belanger was also a devoted collector of LGBT history, especially of AIDS-related materials of the mid-to-late 1980s.
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Curtis in drag
1947 – John Holder Jr, better known as Jackie Curtis, was a famous transgendered film star, poet and playwright. (d.1985)
Curtis was born in New York City, and later died there of a drug overdose. He spent part of his life living and performing as a man (sometimes adopting a James Dean persona) and sometimes as a woman.
While living and performing in drag, she would typically wear lipstick, glitter around the eyes and in her frizzed-out red hair, and a dress, frequently ripped and torn, as were her stockings. This unique style, a combination of trash and glamour which Curtis pioneered in the late 1960s when frequenting such high profile nightclubs as Max's Kansas City, has prompted assertions that Jackie inspired the Glam Rock persona of the 1970s.
'Jackie Curtis is not a drag queen. Jackie is an artist. A pioneer without a frontier,' Andy Warhol said of his associate. Primarily a stage actor, Curtis debuted at the age of 17 in Tom Eyen's play Miss Neferititi Regrets. Curtis began to write his own plays immediately after this experience, often featuring famous transsexuals, such as his friend Candy Darling and, later, Holly Woodlawn, both of whom appeared in his productions which enjoyed successful runs Off-Off-Broadway and were well-reviewed in New York. Curtis's work is representative of the Theatre of the Ridiculous.
As writer and lead actress some of her plays include: Glamour, Glory and Gold; Amerika Cleopatra which featured Harvey Fierstein; Femme Fatale; and Heaven Grand In Amber Orbit with Holly Woodlawn, produced by John Vaccaro's Playhouse of the Ridiculous in 1970.
These plays caught the attention of Andy Warhol and his director Paul Morrissey, who cast Jackie and Candy in Flesh (1968) and, with the addition of Holly Woodlawn, in Women in Revolt (1971); a hilarious spoof of the women's liberation movement in which all the female leads are played by transsexuals and transvestites.
Apart from acting, Curtis also showed talent in poetry and singing. Jackie Curtis made two more movies during the 1980s. Drug addiction, however, had taken control of Curtis's life, eventually leading to his death.
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In 2004, a film based on Curtis's life, Superstar in a Housedress, brought Jackie Curtis back to the limelight, exposing some little known facts about the performer to the public. Curtis's influence on a number of people, friends and associates such as Holly Woodlawn, Joe Dallesandro and Penny Arcade, and observers such as David Bowie, is noted in the film.
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1952 – California artist Lari Pittman creates visually beautiful and exciting paintings that depict the anxiety attendant on being a gay male in America. They confront the perils and dangers that threaten homosexuality even as they resolutely affirm homosexual love.
Lari Pittman was born in Glendale, California. Pittman spent much of his childhood in the Colombian cities of Cali and Tumace, where his father worked in the lumber industry. An effeminate child, he loved playing with his mother's jewelry. His desire to decorate with baubles received parental support and has deeply influenced his subsequent art.
After studying painting at University of California, Los Angeles from 1970 to 1973, Pittman transferred to the California Institute of Arts. Pittman held his first solo exhibition in 1982 to mixed reactions. His early works, full of obscure references, are purposely made to be difficult for the viewer to decipher.
In 1985, Pittman changed his style as the result of suffering a near fatal attack. One night, he discovered a burglar in his home. When he attempted to scare off the man, he was shot in the stomach. The injury resulted in a colostomy and a long period of recovery. After this harrowing, near death experience, Pittman decided to stop being evasive about his homosexuality and about the thematics of his work. He has since sought to erase the distinction between the private and the public as a means of gay activism.
Pittman's post-1985 imagery is much more open and readable than his earlier imagery. In This Wholesomeness, Beloved and Despised, Continues Regardless (1990), for example, he creates a complex narrative through the use of accessible images. At the center of this canvas is a gay couple making love. However, the decorative elements in the painting are both celebratory and ominous, ranging from an inscribed "69" (a motif he uses in several works) to a noose and a menacing figure wielding a knife. Thus, the work's narrative structure celebrates gay relationships, but also acknowledges the homophobic conditions in which they are experienced. The painting makes an affecting statement about the persistence and perseverance of gay love even in the face of hatred and persecution.
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"In This Wholesomeness …
Pittman's paintings consider American identity and history, often incorporating motifs from folk art and popular culture, as in An American Place (1986). Such motifs give his work a cartoon-like quality, with every space packed with imagery and action.
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An American Place
The emphasis that Pittman places on queerness has led some critics to describe him as the prince of queer agit-prop art. He has been attacked for being too political because he has dared to address the difficulties of life as a gay man in paintings that grab attention. Indeed, Pittman may be justly regarded as our foremost painter of gay pride.
He lives in Los Angles with his longtime companion, fellow artist Roy Dowell, with whom he sometimes collaborates.
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1987 – Jeffery Self is an American actor, writer, and comedian.
Self is a native of Georgia, who grew up in the South. After attending middle school, Self persuaded his parents to let him be homeschooled to avoid dealing in high school with the fact that he was gay.
Self has appeared in many television shows as a recurring, featured or guest actor. He and Cole Escola starred in the sketch comedy series Jeffery & Cole Casserole, which aired on Logo TV for two seasons. He has also appeared in Desperate Housewives, 90210, Hot In Cleveland, Torchwood, Shameless, Difficult People, and as Liz Lemon's cousin Randy Lemon on NBC's 30 Rock. He is the author of two humor books: Fifty Shades Of Gay and Straight People: A Spotters Guide, as well as the young adult novels A Very Very Bad Thing and Drag Teen. He co-wrote, produced, and starred in the indie horror/comedy cult hit You're Killing Me. He was the host of the MTV series, Scream: After Dark, a talk show devoted to deleted scenes and interviews with the cast of the popular MTV horror series Scream. He currently plays Marc Doober on Search Party on TBS.
Self is openly gay. He dated Patrick McDonald of Fire Island for three years and publicly blogged about their breakup. On January 8, 2017, Self and his boyfriend, Augustus Prew, announced their engagement via Instagram. They were married on January 13, 2018 in Culver City, California.
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1993 – The Crying Game, a film written and directed by Neil Jordan, portrays the relationship between a transsexual woman and an IRA fighter in London. In 1999, the British Film Institute named it the 26th greatest British film of all time.
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2007 – In New Jersey the first same-sex couple, Daniel Gross and Steven Goldstein, held a civil union ceremony when hundreds of Gay couples were granted the same legal rights, if not the title, as married couples as New Jersey became the third state to offer civil unions.
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rnp5324 · 9 days
❖-Corps | Head full of thoughts
Actual story stuff -Magneto governs over the island nation of Genosha, a safe haven for all Mutants, even the ❖-Corps members are welcome here. Currently, he is opposing the rising Fellowship of Humanity organization in the United States, a branch group of the Friends of Humanity with more of a theocratic agenda—based off the Moral Majority in a sense. His focus rests on the politicians like Allison’s father, who wish to push extreme legislation against Mutants in Montana, threatening to take action with his acolytes to put a stop to the impending oppression. -That and, due to Allison being a spokesperson for her dad’s campaign, gets a big stink eye from Magneto after she disappeared; When she manifested her X-Gene. -The Fellowship works in the interests of a broader organization known as Armageddon. They are a terrorist group with the desires of ‘purifying’ humanity on a global scale, but of course, they intend to do this by making imperial forces work in their favor. -Magneto is seeking Allison to make a bargain with Richard Natus: Her safe return in exchange for eliminating his Anti-Mutant legislation, or to be met with forced resistance and Allison kept as a political prisoner. -Yeah, the US/UN ain’t too happy about it. They step up to say they’ll fire on Genosha if Magneto even tries to lay a finger on Richard. -Charles Xavier is in a race against time to reach Allison before Magneto does. He is able to locate her through Cerebro in order to warn her and guide the youth, and Logan is not too happy about being found by Charles after requesting the team leaves him alone in the fallout of his major incident. Ya know, to create more tension. -Logan and Allison had taken refuge in the Canadian wilderness since that’s where Logan was staying inside of his RV. The two butt heads due to their clashing ideologies, but eventually have to suck it up and work together to help her control her new powers, without being disgusted. -Kikyo Mikage works under Magneto as one of his acolytes, but only kills if there is honor in the task he’s assigned. Kikyo is willing to use violence to deliver justice and that’s something he really values in Magneto. Kikyo can finally live as himself in Genosha instead of living in the shadows of Japan’s society. Though he finds it incredibly dishonorable that Magneto would weaponize the wellbeing of a child to achieve his objectives, which ultimately leads him to join Logan. -Oh yeah should mention that Armageddon is running science experiments to artificially create an Omega Class Mutant as a weapon to take down the world’s strongest Mutants, basically what they were trying to do with Deadpool in X-Men Origins Wolverine, but actually cool. The Mutant is called Magnum Opus. I’m a fan of puns, you see.
Side notes -If Wanda and Pietro get involved in this, they are both going to be Mutants and brown skinned. I MAKE THE RULES!!! -Anyway uh still working on who else I want as Magneto’s acolytes lol -Sometimes I refer to Allison as “Allen”. It’s her self-imposed disguise name which Logan makes a joke about it being a boy’s name. -Genosha is definitely stockpiling on weapons, no doubt. -Allison borrows one of Logan’s shrunken down suits to help with her Mutation! It’s blue in contrast to his red. Logan gets his own category -He refers to large sections of Canada as Sectors. It’s likely this stems from his time working under Alpha Flight, and the Canadian Government before joining the ❖-Corps. -He’s managed to keep a majority of his old suits with him, as he believes that it’s the only solid part of his history he can look back on. Perhaps not as himself, but as Wolverine. -Anyway the reason Logan is at a low point in his career is bc the last mission he was on involved him unwillingly going on a Berserker Rage that resulted in a destructive rampage and the stabbing of his teammate and Girlfriend, Storm. During his rage, she took charge of the situation to lure Logan away from civilians and attempt to subdue him with the other ❖-Corps on duty. It worked at a cost. -The best way to protect those he cares about is at a distance, though that doesn’t mean he’s not going through an extreme heartache with likely losing Ororo. -Maybe she shouldn’t have told Logan that if he’s going to use his claws on anyone to them on her. Bad oversight. /HJHJ -I didn’t want her to just be Logan’s love interest in this, she’s a hero too ya know! She was doing her damn best to save whoever she could in the onslaught and even put her own life on the line. -Logan has nightmares about killing the rest of the team, and hates that they don’t put up much of a fight to stop him. -As you can imagine, he’s not too happy to be stuck with some teenager off the side of the road. Worse is that Logan knows exactly who she is as a political figure, and how dangerous he is. The initial thought was to find her somewhere safe and tell her to scram, but outside intervention damns him. -So funny thing, turns out he and Allen have a lot more in common with their struggles than they thought; Runaways who’ve done awful things they can’t take back, while struggling to understand their true nature.
Uh yeah well that ended up being a lot lolol Feel free to leave suggestions, I’d love some outside feedback!!
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oooooh! are you still doing the ask game?? 🔺 🔶 😞 for Matt please? thank you :) :) :)
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
Unfortunately, yes. Even as someone familiar with the history of New France, it's still horrifying to read about just how close Quebec got to a 20th-century version of total war before the British Conquest. I think, next to the US, there's this image of Canada as a peaceful place, defined by compromise and protest rather than violence, but uh... not really. He was probably loading and cleaning rifles before he fired them, considering how slight he was at that age, but when the extremely racist British are griping that the French Canadians are worse than their indigenous allies in just how feral they are, especially with prisoners of war I think it's reasonable to say he learned the basics young. It is not, however, a skill that has been taken out of the box in a very long time and adult Matt is probably quite rusty. Most of it is muscle memory. Once taught and used, the arm never forgets how to swing an axe or how to drive a blade under someone's jaw. And without much physical strength on his side, until he was much older, he learned how to get in quick and close and how to withdraw and fight from afar. Sniper rifle or a very sharp edge, he knows how to use it.
🔶 LARGE ORANGE DIAMOND — does your oc know cpr? do they have any other medical expertise?
Oh yeah. He's more of survival and emergency medicine than anything, but he's got decent knowledge. I had the idea once that he got targeted as a foreign agent on accident one time in the 90s by American intelligence services. The sutures he put into an American tourist he had to pry out of the woods one winter while working as a Search and Rescue medic were of a 19th-century style only still standard in the USSR by that point but he knows his shit.
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
He does attract people, but he does tend to be left alone. He's quite pretty, and he's got that Letterkenny rizz. He knows that he's pretty okay. But he's depressingly realistic. He knows he's not the worst person to be around, but he's so defined by his relationship with Alfred. Either better because he's quieter than Alfred or worse because he doesn't have the influence. He doesn't always think of himself as an individual that way.
He got it into his head so young that he's not worth anything unless he has a specific use that has coloured his perception of himself. He and Jan broke up, and it's 'disappointed but not surprised' because it's been years and years since he was helpful. So he can be very anti-social and duck affection even on the rare occasion it is offered if he feels he hasn't earned it.
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A Few Words in Defense of Poor Robin and the Time She Was Living In
It's been really interesting to read everyone's vitriol regarding poor Robin. I remember reading this book through at least twice before and never thinking of Robin as anything other than a fellow prisoner of Jane's. Is she a good mother, by no means, but I've always felt that she's doing the best that she can under the circumstances.
I think that her life is a literal living hell. She has a husband across country that she desperately loves but most likely thinks despises her because I KNOW she despises herself. She is forced to be a social butterfly by her mother and she can't even express her emotions by crying at night in her own room because her mother will be able to tell and will find some new creative way to torture her and, by extension, Jane. Her daughter whom she loves fiercely, evidently looks just like her father and is a constant reminder of what she lost/threw away. She is playing a part in a horrific nightmarish play just to survive because she doesn't know what else to do. At that time, and under those circumstances, I don't doubt that she sees living with her mother's horribleness is her best option for providing for Jane. I can't imagine how many times she has most likely visualized running away with Jane by herself but most likely is more afraid of the two of them starving to death and NO mother ever wants to remotely consider that option.
I'm also pretty sure that the time frame for this book is sometime in the 20s/30s. According to the website for the Canadian Museum of History, Canada was among the most profoundly affected countries. So add that to Robin's fears for their livelihood.
And please let's not forget that, for all of Robin's faults, Jane does not doubt that her mother loves her. I have more to say in defense of her and Jane and their secret ways of expressing love but since I don't want to give away any spoilers to those who haven't read it yet, I will refrain.
Another thing that I have found is very interesting about how Maud wrote both "The Blue Castle" and "Jane of Lantern Hill" is that she writes more strictly from one point of view. As common as that is in many books, one thing I always liked about the Anne books was that you got all of these wonderful insights into the minds of other characters. I have seen it a precious few times so far in Lantern Hill.
The reason I point this out is that most of how we are seeing Jane's life play out is from the perspective of an 11 year old. Don't get me wrong, a very perceptive (at times) and wise beyond her years, 11 year old, but an 11 year old, none the less. They are not known to be the most broad minded of people and have a tendency to color the world with a narrowness that can alter reality to some extent. We do have to take a lot of her experiences and outlooks with a grain of salt giving others the benefit of the doubt at least.
I have often found it very difficult bordering on impossible to read books from other time frames without being influenced by the modern sensibilities and customs I am used to. For example, how could Cinderella's stepmother get away with taking her own house away from her after her father died and treating her like a slave? Oh wait. This was not the 21st century, orphans were not looked at the same. In fact, most people looked at orphans as if it was THEIR own fault that they were orphans, like losing your parents makes you a bad person and not worth time or pity.
Am I excusing Robin's behavior? As a mother, NO. Do I think the grandmother should be excused. HEAVENS NO! But I do try to put myself in their shoes as much as I can and remember that this was a different time and place. Not to mention, as a sufferer of mental health issues and knowing that that was something that was not touched with a ten foot pole back then and good lord knows what genetic predisposition they had in that regards on top of living through WW1 and the Great Depression AND the Spanish Flu Pandemic!!!!
Anyway, I hope this makes some semblance of sense to my dear fellow lovers of L.M.M. It's been so interesting and enlightening getting to hear the different thoughts and outlooks from fresh readers of this little known but wonderful book.
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This day in history
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Next TUESDAY (May 14), I'm on a livecast about AI AND ENSHITTIFICATION with TIM O'REILLY; on WEDNESDAY (May 15), I'm in NORTH HOLLYWOOD with HARRY SHEARER for a screening of STEPHANIE KELTON'S FINDING THE MONEY; FRIDAY (May 17), I'm at the INTERNET ARCHIVE in SAN FRANCISCO to keynote the 10th anniversary of the AUTHORS ALLIANCE.
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#20yrsago Internet Archive’s Petabox: a 1,000 terabyte array https://archive.org/web/petabox.php
#15yrsago Pinkwater’s Neddiad: awesome YA novel with ghosts, fat alien cops, shamans, circus animals, triplanes, swordfighting, etc https://memex.craphound.com/2009/05/11/pinkwaters-neddiad-awesome-ya-novel-with-ghosts-fat-alien-cops-shamans-circus-animals-triplanes-swordfighting-etc/
#15yrsago Selling fiber broadband by inviting users to dig their own trenches https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2009/05/norwegian-isp-dig-your-own-fiber-trench-save-400/
#15yrsago Free ebooks’ effects on book-sales https://web.archive.org/web/20090515095615/http://bloggasm.com/did-random-houses-free-online-book-releases-affect-sales
#15yrsago Pirate Bay founder proposes to pay his fine with tiny, expensive-to-receive payments https://web.archive.org/web/20090514014403/http://www.blogpirate.org/2009/05/10/pirate-bay-founder-crafts-distributed-denial-of-dollars-attack/
#15yrsago Canadian MPs don’t want Parliament videos in the hands of citizens https://web.archive.org/web/20090512225709/http://www.thestar.com/sciencetech/article/632164
#15yrsago Cornell says no to restrictions on public domain materials https://web.archive.org/web/20090515100044/http://news.library.cornell.edu/com/news/PressReleases/Cornell-University-Library-Removes-All-Restrictions-on-Use-of-Public-Domain-Reproductions.cfm
#5yrsago Bipartisan groups call on Congress to reinstate the Office of Technology Assessment, which Gingrich killed in 1995 https://www.techdirt.com/2019/05/10/broad-coalition-tells-congress-to-bring-back-office-technology-assessment/
#5yrsago Beto O’Rourke just hired a “senior advisor” who used to lobby for Keystone XL, Seaworld and private prisons https://theintercept.com/2019/05/11/beto-orourke-campaign-staff-lobbyist-keystone-xl/
#5yrsago Facebook’s “celebration” and “memories” algorithms are auto-generating best-of-terror-recruiting pages for extremist groups https://www.securityweek.com/whistleblower-says-facebook-generating-terror-content/
#5yrsago Chelsea Manning’s statement on the occasion of her release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDZGRRk4MnM
#1yrago 'We buy ugly houses' is code for 'we steal vulnerable peoples' homes' https://pluralistic.net/2023/05/11/ugly-houses-ugly-truth/#homevestor
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coochiequeens · 5 months
Does Canada ever have good news for women?
By Shay Woulahan. January 14, 2024
A trans-identified male sex offender who was re-arrested just days after his release from prison after being convicted on three charges related to child sex abuse material, one of which involved accessing pornography of infants in diapers, has been ordered to spend one year of his five year long-term supervision order (LTSO) in a community-based facility. New details have also emerged of the child predators deviant lifestyle and extreme addiction to pornography involving babies.
Laverne Travis Waskahat, 47, has an extensive history of possessing, making and publishing child pornography involving male and female infants under three years old. Waskahat had also previously committed sexual offences against children in his care and was known to take voyeuristic photos of infants in public, primarily in bathrooms at malls and grocery stores. See rest of article
By Genevieve Gluck January 17, 2024
CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A serial sex offender who identifies as transgender has been released to a halfway house in Ontario after having been detained for part of his sentence at the Milton-Vanier Centre for Women. Patrick Pearsall, who also uses the names Tara Pearsall and Passion-Star Royale, was released after being convicted for preying on young girls online by impersonating a paramedic, which afforded him the opportunity to perform vaginal exams on unsuspecting victims.
A repeat offender, Pearsall has 33 convictions related to breach of parole, failure to appear and non-compliance under the Sex Offender Registry. He has repeatedly been classified by authorities as “highly likely” to reoffend, and most likely sexually, while never expressing remorse for his crimes.
Over the past two decades, Pearsall has been convicted on charges related to instances of sexual assault by deception, and nearly all of his victims are underage girls or young women.
Documents were first shared to X by Canadian women’s rights activist Heather Mason which revealed that the decision by the parole board to release Pearsall went into effect on December 20, 2023. A statement from the parole board notes that Pearsall presents a “high risk to reoffend violently or sexually within women’s correctional institutions.” see rest of article
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theworldofwars · 5 months
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Leisure and entertainment at the Front: Two German prisoners of war wearing clown costumes made of sacking for a theatrical entertainment at 360 POW Company, France. Such entertainments were a particular feature of camp life for prisoners on both sides. However, prisoners had to rely almost entirely on their own limited resources for costumes and scenery.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
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BOOKS I READ IN 2023 Here's what I read in 2023. What has now become an annual tradition of sorts!
An unusual year in reading for me. The first half of the year was very slow, and I mostly finished two long books I've been trying to finish for years by William Morris and Robert Musil. Then the PSAC strike, and more time to read. After that, I made a reading plan and stuck to it, trying to read every day at least a chapter of a book on the list. I also ended up re-reading several books this year - transcribing notes at first, I ended up going over the entire book a second time. I also tried to take extensive notes on every new book. I also snuck a few theses I read onto the list - it feels weird not to include a several hundred page work I went over with a fine-toothed comb. Mostly academic books, germane to my own research and writing, but some strong forays into topics I don't normally think about much. Plus some genuinely good 'amateur' history, too.
Re-reads are marked by a plus sign and my most enjoyable or interesting reads are marked with an asterisk.
First Row:
Jesper Vaczy Kragh, Lobotomy Nation: The History of Psychosurgery and Psychiatry in Denmark (2021)
William Morris, The Well at the World's End (1896, Ballantine edition 1975)
Robert Musil, translated by Sophie Wilkins, The Man Without Qualities (1930, Picador edition 2017)*
Gavin Walker, ed., The Red Years: Theory, Politics, and Aesthetics in the Japanese ’68 (2020)*
Garrett Felber, Those Who Know Don't Say: The Nation of Islam, the Black Freedom Movement, and the Carceral State (2020) *
Robin Jarvis Brownlie, A Fatherly Eye: Indian Agents, Government Power, and Aboriginal Resistance in Ontario, 1918-1939 (2003)
Second Row:
Steve Hewitt, Riding to the Rescue: The Transformation of the RCMP in Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1914-1939 (2006)
Maeve McMahon, The Persistent Prison?: Rethinking Decarceration and Penal Reform (1989)+
Rebecca McLennan, The Crisis of Imprisonment: Protest, Politics, and the Making of the American Penal State, 1776–1941 (2007)+
Anne Guérin, Prisonniers en révolte: Quotidien carcéral, mutineries et politique pénitentiaire en France (2013)+
Anson Rabinbach, The Eclipse of the Utopias of Labor (2018)
Scott Thompson & Gary Genosko, Punched Drunk: Alcohol, Surveillance and the LCBO, 1927-1975 (2009)
Third Row:
Erin Durham, "In Pursuit of Reform, Whether Convict or Free: Prison Labor Reform in Maryland in the early Twentieth Century." (2018 thesis)
Chester Himes, Yesterday Will Make You Cry (1998)*
Harvey Swados, Standing Fast: A Novel (1971, 2013 Open Road edition)
Charles Upchurch, "Beyond the Law": The Politics of Ending the Death Penalty for Sodomy in Britain (2021)
Barry Godfrey, David J. Cox & Helen Johnston, Penal Servitude: Convicts and Long-Term Imprisonment, 1853–1948 (2022)
W.J. Forsythe, Penal Discipline, Reformatory Projects And The English Prison Commission, 1895-1939 (1991)
Fourth Row:
Neal A. Palmer, To the Dark Cells: Prisoner Resistance and Protest in Nineteenth-Century Britain (2008)
Frances H. Simon, Prisoners' Work and Vocational Training (1999)
Meera Nanda, Science In Saffron: Skeptical Essays On History of Science (2016)*
Gene Wolfe, The Book of the New Sun (four volumes, 1980-1983, Folio Society edition 2021)+
David J. Rothman, Conscience and Convenience: The Asylum and Its Alternatives in Progressive America (2002)+
Kathryn Cooper, "The Infamous Convict Museum Ship Success : an Archaeological Investigation of Material Culture and Identity Formation Processes." (2014 thesis)
Fifth row:
Barry M. Gough, Gunboat Frontier: British Maritime Authority and Northwest Coast Indians, 1846-1890 (1984)
Edward Jones-Imhotep, The Unreliable Nation: Hostile Nature and Technological Failure in the Cold War (2017)*
Larry A. Glassford, Reaction and Reform: The Politics of the Conservative Party under R.B. Bennett, 1927-1938 (1992)
Don Nerbas, Dominion of Capital: The Politics of Big Business and the Crisis of the Canadian Bourgeoisie, 1914-1947 (2013)
James Naylor, The Fate of Labour Socialism: The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation and the Dream of a Working-Class Future (2016)
Michael Martin, The Red Patch: Political imprisonment in Hull, Quebec during World War 2 (2007)
Sixth Row:
Ruán O'Donnell, Special Category: The IRA in English Prisons, Vol. 1: 1968-1978 (2012)*
Ruán O'Donnell, Special Category: The IRA in English Prisons, Vol. 2: 1978-1985 (2015)*
Cheryl D. Hicks, Talk with You Like a Woman: African American Women, Justice, and Reform in New York, 1890-1935 (2010)*
Clarence Jefferson Hall, A Prison in the Woods: Environment and Incarceration in New York's North Country (2020)
Scott Thompson, "Consequences of Categorization: National Registration, Surveillance and Social Control in Wartime Canada, 1939-1946." (2013 thesis)
H.V. Nelles, The Politics of Development: Forests, Mines, and Hydro-Electric Power in Ontario, 1849-1941 (2005)+
Seventh row:
Chief Thomas Fiddler & James R. Stevens, Killing the Shamen (1985)
Ashley Johnson Bavery, Bootlegged Aliens: Immigration Politics on America's Northern Border (2020)
Patrick Brode, Dying for a Drink: How a Prohibition Preacher Got Away with Murder (2018)
Hamish Maxwell-Stewart & Michael Quinlan, Unfree Workers: Insubordination and Resistance in Convict Australia, 1788-1860 (2022)*
Victor Serge, translated by Ralph Manheim, Last Times (1946, 2022 NYRB edition)
Christopher Cauldwell, Studies in a Dying Culture (1938)
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thealmightyemprex · 6 days
Storm: Aina Akinrotimi, aYoruba woman born in Nigéria, is a spiritual daughter and reencarnation of the orisha deities Oiá (Iansã) and Xangô, inheriting their powers to control the thunder, lightning, wind and rain.
Can also spit fire from her mouth.
Has great ability with the sword, the dagger and the double ax.
Is claustrophobic due to having been a prisoner of the Shadow King in her childhood.
Phoenix: An Alaskan born doctor in Psychology and Genetics, airplane pilot,  computer comunications officer and lieutenant of NASA, Madeline Jean Grey Pryor was born a mutant with strong telepathic and telecinetic powers. During a mission in space, the spaceship suffered an accident, and Madeline assumed the pilot duties to save the crew, doing an emergency landing that crossed trough the cosmic rays of a solar storm and falling in the planet Mars. As she recovered, Madeline discovered that the survival of her crew and herself was helped by the fact that a cosmic entity named the Phoenix fused itself with her, enhancing her powers beyond telecinetic control and reading human minds, but also reading the minds of animals and the memories of people contained in inanimate objects, flight, building and transforming objects trough the control of invisible molecules, and healing. Assuming the codiname Phoenix, Madeline started acting independently as a superheroine and political activisit for mutant rights, before joining the X-Men.
Wolverine: The 5'3 tall James Logan Howlett , who prefers to be called Logan, is a mutant with the powers of a fast healing factor, longevity, enchanced senses and bone retractible claws in his knucles born in Canada during the mid 19th century. Veteran of the American Civil War, Crimean War, First and Second World Wars and the Korean War, his longevity prowess in the battlefield made him a target of the High Evolutionary, who captured him to make a subject of his experiments, inserting adamantium to cover his bone claws (but avoiding doing the same to the rest of his skeleton, so as not to slow his healing factor and erase his agility).
Logan escaped before the High Evolutionary could furter experiment on him, living for years as a mercenary spy for the Canadian and British inteligences, until befriending and joining the X-Men, who remind him how fight for something bigger than mere survival: an ideal, to help others find freedom, justice and equality.
Nightcrawler: A kind hearted, romantic and adventurous blue fuzzy, point ears, pointy tailed man, looking like a mix between an elph and a demon, is a circus acrobat, aeriealist and trapeze artist who became the founder and leader of the X-Men. Has teleportation powers, and is a fast and graceful swordsman, who can pilot airplanes and zeppelin airships, acting as the captain of a pirate crew.
Archangel: An Earth born descendant of Tanagarians, kidnapped as a baby and raised by Apocalypse to be his Emissary of Death, a young Angel revolted against his adoptive father when he saw the complexity of human lives and how many people are determined to fight in protecting Earth and its inhabitants (even when many humans act prejudiced and ungrateful against metahumans, mutates, mutants and aliens). Behind the brave and stoic Avenging Archangel, is the adventurous archeologist, history and theology professor Warren Hal Warthington.
Dazzler: A competent, graduation diploma aprooved  lawyer, the passion of Alison Blaire always has been performing. Dreaming of becoming an aclaimed singer and actress, she naively signed a contract to perform in an underground theater.
The performance in question was actually  fighting to the death in a gladiator arena against other mutants for the amusement of rich patrons of the Hellfire Club.
Finding the situation revolting, Alison encouraged and led the other gladiators into a huge revolt.
This was the moment in which she decided to adopt the codiname  Dazzler, both as a feisty superheroine, and as a performer who uses her music both to touch listeners with beauty, and to inspire compassion, solidarity and social change.
Colossus: Born and raised in a collective farm in Soviet Russia, Piotr Rasputin is a tall, strong, yet calm and gentle man, with a great talent for drawing, spinning, weaving and sewing. Has the mutant power to transform his skin into a strong, impenetrable organic armour, similar to metal. Captured by agents of the Hellfire Club to become a gladiator, became a great friend of Dazzler after she helped him and the others to fight back and escape. Is the person who makes the clothes for her to perform on stage, as well as all the X-Men's battle uniforms.
Beast: Found trapped like an animal in a zoo cage and rescued by Phoenix, Henry 'Hank' Philip McCoy, is a mutant with long arms of large hands and long legs of large feet, that make him move with great agility, balance and dexterity, gifted with genius level scientific intelect, a healing factor, enhanced senses, super strenght, fangs, an ability to emit mood altering pheromones, and a body fully covered in thick greyish-blue fur, acompanied by black hair with shades of dark-blue and silver over his head.
Is an athlete experienced in American Football and wrestling, an expert in biology, genetics, chemistry, eletrical and computer engineering, always curious to learn speaking new languages, and a lover of classic literature and the arts.
Showing a light hearted sense of humor, overall prefers to behave in a level headed, diplomatic way ... but knows how to use violence when necessary, and his strenght in combat must not be underestimated.
Banshee: An irish woman who has powers of releasing thundering sonar waves with her scream, originally was a sailor before joining the X-Men. Is a great navigator and cartographer, and the person who gives a home for every X-Men to live, in an old Castle fused to a Lighthouse known as Cassidy Keep, located in County Mayo, Ireland.
Rogue: A young woman who survived hiding in the sewers after her parents rejected her for being a mutant. Has the power to take away other people's memories, abilities, energy and powers with the touch of her skin, along with super strenght and the gift to fly. Slowly learns to trust other people, loose her fears and insecutirities and control her powers with the help of her new friends of the X-Men. Loves trains, collecting and playing with trail models, having dreamed in her childhood of being a condutor, and plays folk, blues and rock music in an acoustic guitar that has written over its surface "This Machine Kills Fascists".
This is awesome
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kanerallels · 3 months
Re: homeschooling. There is ALOT of stigma, but I’ve heard the stigma is much higher in the USA than elsewhere, and this is an American site so all polls results are skewed to an American world view. So there’s that, what fears exist there that influence the vote? I’ll try to summarize. I’d be interested in a poll from everyone else. Also the points I’m gonna cover are just what I’ve heard over the years, and over the border as a Canadian myself, who only homeschooled for a few of my years, so it’s not iron clad or anything. Just some possibilities.
The stigmas come from the idea that it’s bad because there are, unfortunately, a lot of people who don’t do it right, or for the right reasons. The main objections are these kids are completely isolated socially, underprepared to function in the real world, and that they won’t get a proper education - either from ignorance or malice, or both. There may also be unconscious bias that the state (not the American sense of the word, but the institutional sense) knows best and how can parents know what to teach? Which probably feeds back into factors I don’t really have the qualifications to talk about but basically boil down to “if you educated them better they won’t be mindless minions for the capitalist/military/prison grind” - the state does not want that, so they purport the idea that it’s bad (yes that borders on conspiracy theory, not saying it’s true, saying I’ve heard this said). Never mind public education is a fairly new concept, historically speaking (and it is a good thing in many ways! Mandatory, free, basic education has eliminated illiteracy in many places for example. The concept started out with worthy goals, etc - have they strayed from them and why? Lack of care or just resources?)
Obviously, all of that is going to vary by who is doing it and why and if they have the time and resources and desire to do it properly.
Socially, you can absolutely create community elsewhere - when my mom was doing it with us, we went to the library every single week and met up with a bunch of other kids and planned social stuff and educational group trips to places like the science centre and the art and history museums. We mixed our book learning with practical skills - one person knew a sewing teacher, one person negotiated a discount for swim lessons, the library offered French lessons among its many other programs. And of course to supplement grade standard education lesson books, like math, spelling, etc, we were ALWAYS taking out books from the library, both fiction and non fiction. So there are absolutely ways to get a rounded education and a social life. I would say even more so now than when the concept was new for me 15-20 years ago.
But on the other hand, there are the horror stories, and success stories don’t circulate half so well. The people who isolate their kids to abuse them, don’t teach them anything, make them do chores all day beyond age appropriate responsibility or physical ability, etc. also the deliberate obfuscation of certain information or topics because of personal ideology, usually religious, because you know. Somehow education equates belief (sarcasm. Example: I learned people used to think the world was flat. Guess what? I don’t believe that).
These are just some random thoughts, feel free say it doesn’t make sense lol. I do believe if that’s what you want to do, and you have the love and time and ability and patience etc, and financial freedom for at least one parent to do it (someone’s gotta work unfortunately), then go for it. But do it right, and find as many resources as you can. Unfortunately there are people who go into it without preparation and for the wrong reasons and I can see why people believe kids need access to third parties somewhere in their lives, and school might as well be it. Like there’s very much merit and drawbacks on both sides. I think there’s kids who could come out from both systems with abysmal skills, and from both with stellar skills, (I’ve met both types), it’s just really gonna boil down to individual circumstances.
This is all really really interesting, thank you for the ask!! I knew some of this stuff but not all of it. And I don't think I knew you were homeschooled at one point, that's so cool!! (Oh and you're never gonna hear judgement about conspiracy theory sounding stuff from me lol)
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aristotels · 2 years
im gonna go ahead and say it.
discrimination of slavs isnt xenophobia. its straight up racism.
there’s apparently a character in craig of the creek who is slavic and - the joke is - that he’s a dumb slav! ha ha ha! speaks about himself in third person and is a bully, which is so slavic, isn’t it? its hilarious. especially when you consider the history of slavic people, which i’ll shortly summarize here, with some quotes.
xenophobia is thinking someones national costumes are funny, or that their dish smells foul. in slav case, its different. slavs have always been racially discriminated, murdered, enslaved, and whichever history period you take, youll see it.
in fact, its so prominent that word “slave” literally comes from “Slav”. you can read about the root of the word here: American Heritage Dictionary
whatever period you take, you’ll find discrimination of slavic people. especially in nazis and fascists cases. prosecuted on the same level as jews, back then. the difference was that slavs were “too stupid and barbaric” and preys to “masonic jew machine”, and that they needed to be exterminated. here’s more text from wikipedia.
Count Galeazzo Ciano, Mussolini's son in law, and the Foreign Minister of Fascist Italy who was later executed by Mussolini, wrote the following entry in his diary:[9]
Vidussoni comes to see me. After having spoken about a few casual things, he makes some political allusions and announces savage plans against the Slovenes. He wants to kill them all. I take the liberty of observing that there are a million of them. "That does not matter," he answers firmly.
(slovenes in this case not refering to only slovenes from slovenia, but also all slavs.)
one of fascists politics was also forcefully italianizing croatian names during 1920es when a part of croatia was under italian control. yes. people went to prison for not wanting to change their names. ive heard plenty of stories about grandfathers from older people being taken away to camps because they refused to change their names. during that reign, hundreds of croatian schools were shut, and teaching our language was forbidden.
“When dealing with such a race as Slavic – inferior and barbaric – we must not pursue the carrot, but the stick policy. We should not be afraid of new victims. The Italian border should run across the Brenner Pass, Monte Nevoso and the Dinaric Alps. I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians.”
Benito Mussolini
nazis had exactly the same stance, with policy of exterminating slavs so germans could inhabit the slavic lands.
from wikipedia:
The Nazis' policy towards Slavs was to exterminate or enslave the vast majority of the Slavic population and repopulate their lands with millions of ethnic Germans and other Germanic peoples.
of course, slav people were also targeted by KKK:
In Canada, many xenophobic white supremacists were deeply tied to their nation's "Anglo-Saxon" culture, specifically from the early 1900s to the end of World War II. The Ku Klux Klan in Canada was prominent in the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta, both of which have a relatively high Eastern European ethnic population. Immigrants from Ukraine, Russia and Poland were frequently denounced and targeted.[10]
During World War I, thousands of Ukrainian Canadians were seen as "enemy aliens" as Canadian nativists saw them as a "threat" to Canada's Western European heritage. Due to this, many of them were interned in concentration camps. There was constant discrimination towards Ukrainians who recently immigrated from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[11]
and even though this is too far away for the western europe to understand, macedonians in greece are still struggling today, with greece not recognizing macedonia as an independent state.
Today, the Greek state does not recognize its ethnic Macedonian and other Slavic minorities, claiming that they do not exist, with Greece therefore having the right not to grant them any of the rights that are guaranteed to them by human rights treaties.
yes. you read that correctly. greece does not recognize macedonian or other slav minorities and can choose not to grant them any rights guaranteed by human rights treaties. read that again. and again.
slavic people are rarely shown in media. because we are not important enough. to the west, we are some silly little people living in the balkans and arguing with each other and going to wars over silly things. the only times slavs appear in media is russian spies or other villains. which you know; slavs are a much more diverse race than just “russia”. and in fact, russia has controlled and exploited many slavic countries.
and when we ARE shown in media, its not much better. i have never seen a proper slavic representation. in literally all the cases of slavs appearing on the screen, they are illiterate, stupid, and cannot speak language.
casa de papel. viktor krum.
craig of the creek.
in every single piece of media ive ever seen, slavs have been portrayed as barbaric idiots. the way weve been portrayed for hundreds of years. in fact, craig goes so far to basically show a slav person being a lapdog to a white american. with the character speaking in third person and being dumb.
we dont fucking speak in the third person. it doesnt make sense in our language. its a racist and stereotypical portrayal, and the best thing is that nobody seems to care. the media has made good progress with stopping to make fun of black, latino and asian people, but you know who you can always make fun of?
because you know.
its just some silly little dumb people.
living far away.
and not a race which has historically been undermined, hunted, placed in concentration camps, attacked, and enslaved.
im getting kinda fucking sick of it. yall should reblog this.
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rreskk · 1 year
I luv when you talk abt Yankton trevor! I wanna know more abt that guy so bad rockstar is withholding af, I need to know what different flavor of crazy he was before he thought both his bffs died
I could write 1000000 headcanons about the North Yankton era... So have part 2:
-Because he was cleaner (hygiene and drugs) than he is now, Trevor was quite the ladies man back in the day. He looked like a walking 70s porn star, and when I tell you he was popular, HE WAS. Trevor always found himself flattering women of all ages. His moustache and crazy mullet attracted ladies in the clubs so effortlessly. All he had to do was wink and they’d be giggling like a group of teenage girls.
-No matter how freezing the temperatures was, Trevor never got sick. He never had a fever, never had a cold, never caught illnesses (apart from diarrhoea and food poisoning).
-He met Amanda before Michael. They definitely had some history… I headcanon that they had slept with each other before (drunk or high) on a night out, and Trevor introduces her to Michael in the same night club (not mentioning they shared intimacy the week before), then grew salty when she liked him more than Trevor, forming a relationship. He didn’t want Amanda romantically, but he was pissed that Michael managed to be favourited.
-Michael tried to introduce new people to the crew on multiple occasions but they’d somehow get on Trevor’s nerves, ending up dead in a ditch, or under the snow; unconscious or literally dead.
-Taught Michael how to ice-skate (thanks to his hockey skills).
-Trevor was stoned on weed or cocaine most of the time, so I’d imagine during a situation where they are all planning a heist, he’d be sitting there, staring mindlessly, not understanding anything about the robbery, but still managing to pull it off (if he didn’t kill people along the way…).
-He stole presents for Christmas. He had stolen many barbie doll houses and princess costumes for Tracey when she was little. Amanda refuses to keep it, but Michael managed to persuade her (after being threatened by Trevor).
-He used to draw over his wanted posters whenever he saw them in public. Trevor would draw penises or tits all over them.
-Trevor was still very sensitive about being discharged from the air force so whenever he saw a military man, he’d kill them. And whenever he heard a jet in the skies, he’d have one of his mental breakdowns (and snort many pounds of cocaine).
-One time, his mother was released from prison and she found out he had money (After a good score), and invited herself over to North Yankton. That’s how she met Michael and Amanda. They probably invited her for a meal out, with Trevor, and he was sat there, in silence, not eating anything while his mother would make conversation with Mike and Amanda, treating them how he wanted to be treated all his childhood. Following the day out, Betty admitted she wished Michael was her son instead of Trevor. (He definitely refused to see him or Amanda for weeks after that).
-Trevor had a phase of wearing beanies.
-Before Amanda, Trevor and Michael probably had a threesome with a random prostitute.
-Got drunk and had a foursome as well.
-All he wore was parka coats. That was the only brand he wore. Parka. (bonus if it had a custom Canadian flag.)
-The only reason he’s sensitive about his nationality was because back in North Yankton, people in the clubs would constantly make fun of him. He hadn’t experienced this treatment before so it him bitter.
-He totally didn’t know he was being called “the one pump chump.”
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