#high capacity cranes
wimaccrane · 11 months
Industrial Solutions: our Latest Project - 32-ton Gantry & 5-ton Overhead Double Girder Cranes
Introduction:Manufacturing Process of the Cranes:Cranes Applications:Introducing WIMAC CRANE:Why WIMAC CRANE? Introduction: In the world of heavy-duty machinery, the ingenuity behind the design and application of equipment can make a profound difference. Today, we’re thrilled to share details about our latest venture – a project delivered to a leading general trading company. This project…
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There are enough highways, apartments and offices, malls and hotels, restaurants and theme parks—this despite an ongoing crisis of housing affordability. In the over-carbonised economies of the world’s wealthiest countries, maybe we don’t need to build any more, or only do so in a very targeted manner: hospitals and archives, cooling centres, housing and amenities for climate refugees. Even in these cases, there is often the capacity to reuse and redistribute what we have—to reconsider the role of design as one of maintenance, repair, and adequate comfort.  Some buildings are needed. Class A office space and luxury condominiums, not so much. After the Covid lockdowns, the vacant office space in New York City could fill twenty-six Empire State Buildings. Seems like enough. Yet there are still cranes in the sky, still new towers on the boards—indeed, the production of the built environment (and not only in New York) is essential to a growth economy. Any form of enough-ness goes against this premise of relative economic strength being measured by growth, or really by the growth of growth—how much has the GDP gone up, and at what rate? To suggest that, individually or collectively, we already have enough goes against the very foundation of consumer culture. Many life worlds are organized largely, if not exclusively, around accumulation, wanting and getting more—more stuff, more space, more savings.  The health of the US economy in particular is measured by rates of consumer spending, and through this measure implicitly directs the global supply chain. What, for example, is the carbon cost of the resurgence of interest in Barbie? The plastics, the shipping, the advertising, the repainting of houses. And given the carbon intensive energy regime that hums beneath this always-growing global economy, all of this—stuff, space, savings—is dripping in oil, vibrating with carbon intensity, keeping the arrow of emissions pointed inexorably upwards. The Austrian/Puerto Rican economist Leopold Kohr referred to this as Skyscraper Economics—how high can we build? How much can an economy grow? Is there a measure of health, or wealth, that is not about this competitive increase, but about a horizontal redistribution? At last year’s Beyond Growth Summit in Brussels, this was framed as a distinction between “ecologically harmful growth competition and well being cooperation.” Architecture’s fealty to growth, investment, and financialization is caught up in this distinction, and faces the challenge of finding opportunities for creativity within a new set of constraints. Why, when a new building is announced on Instagram or in a glossy magazine by some proud firm or client, do we see square footage, a few swanky features, but no mention of the estimated carbon emissions of the building’s life-cycle?
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caesariawritesstuff · 1 month
What's Mine
(Arkham!Scarecrow x Fem!Reader)
● Ao3 ● X ● Retrospring ● Read on Ao3 ●
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There were many things Jonathon Crane was good at it, and chemistry was his particular forte. It was not unusual for him to procure and produce something for one of the other Rogues. It was often he retrieved the necessary ingredients from Ivy, or other chemical plants around Gotham. And tonight, he had a particularly interesting order to drop off for a rather annoying Clown.
He glanced out of the corner of his eye, watching you in the passenger seat across from him inside the truck. Your eyes were cast downwards, focused on a notebook in your lap. As a chemist yourself, his most prized pupil, you were busy working out your own chemical equation to engineer your own version of a toxic, something tailored to your own needs. Pride swelled in Jonathon’s chest; he’d taught you well.
But you were more than just a henchwoman of sorts, even if you did work for him. Jonathon just couldn’t quite exactly figure out what you were. A ripple of desire pooled in between his legs, a throbbing in his loins. Oh, how he’d savored the sensation of your tongue on his cock and your lips wrapped around his member, bringing him to ecstasy last night. He’d eagerly returned the favor, and could still taste you on his tongue.
Silently, he cleared his throat and turned his attention back to the road, focusing on the task at hand. It was not hard for him to turn off the lewd thoughts that balanced far into the depths of depravity. It was only when the truck came to a halt on neutral ground between the criminal territories, outside an abandoned factory, that all thoughts of desire vanished completely from his mind.
The clown was already here. Crane would recognize that brightly colored, purple vehicle anywhere. Joker pranced around, voice high-pitched and crazed, Harley at his side. The very behavior of a man who feared being forgotten. A man who was desperate for the attention of everyone around him. Jonathon wanted no such thing – his work was his only focus, his desire to understand and weaponize fear.
Once his own henchmen parked the truck, he got out, his movements precise and smooth, because he was not the kind of man to do things without reason. He did not act on impulse, much like the clown in front of him.
“Look, Scaredy-Crow is here!” Harley cried.
Her words did not bother him, he was above such things. Joker turned, stopping in his tracks, and flashed him a blood-red, Cheshire grin. “Crane,” he said, giggling between words. “Come, let’s talk business.”
Joker wrapped his arm around Jonathon’s shoulders. He immediately bristled at the touch, and the hairs on the back of his neck rose. He was not afraid of Joker – of course, he’d rid himself of his fears long ago. But he would be a fool to trust the Joker in any kind of capacity.
As Joker led him away to discuss payment and exchange of the chemicals, he listened intently, but his gaze shifted ever so slightly. Several feet away, you were busy instructing several of the Clown’s goons on how to carefully transfer the tanks of chemicals and properly use them – because one wrong move and a cloud of toxin would envelope and kill everyone in the nearby vicinity. Not that Crane cared much about everyone else, but he wasn’t interested in dying at the hands of some henchmen incapable of listening to instructions.
But it wasn’t the fact that the goons looked disinterested, or Harley tapped her feet with clear impatience. It was that the goons were eyeing you up and down as though you were a piece of meat. Like something to be devoured and preyed upon, a feast for the taking. As you turned to grab something off the back of the truck, one man in particular gave your ass a swift smack.
You jumped, startled, mouth falling open in surprised. Eyes widened with a sudden moment of fear. Your eyes search the crowd, before locking with his. Jonathon knew immediately what you would be experiencing: the race of cortisol and adrenaline in your veins, the dilation of your eyes, the pounding of your heart. Your body would be responding to the sudden danger, the threat…
A sudden rush of jealousy and rage swam through Jonathon’s veins. Green and raw like a venomous viper, twisting in his stomach, ready to strike. His throat tightened, mouth going dry. He was seeing red. If he was a more impulsive man, he’d have allowed himself to pounce, to stab the needles of his gauntlet into the man’s neck and allow him to feel his worst fears…but he was not that kind of man. He was calculated and controlled and would not let such pesky emotions control him.
He was The Scarecrow.
Joker laughed, finally noticing what had captured Jonathan’s attention. He glanced over his shoulder, grinning, and said, “Come now, Crane. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of losing your little assistant to one of my boys, now are you?”
“You should teach them not to touch what’s mine,” Jonathon replied in a level tone.
Joker only threw his head back and laughed, quickly returning to the matter at hand, as if the interaction hadn’t happened at all. But Jonathon could not ignore the quiet, simmering rage under his skin and he curled his fingers into a white-knuckled grip. He would not allow this incident to go unpunished.
But he kept himself controlled, and finished his business. Bags of cash were thrown into the back of the truck. Jonathon waited until you were finished instructing the men on how to handle the chemicals, and once the two of you were safely inside and driving away from the factory, he reached across the seat and braced his leg tight against your thigh in a possessive grip.
He didn’t need to say anything.
It was only when the two of you returned to the hideout that he fucked you into oblivion, mouth nipping at your skin, marking your flesh, whispering “mine” into your ear, that he felt some of his frustration satiate. But it wasn’t enough.
Once you’d fallen asleep, he rose from the bed and concocted his plan, quickly grabbing a canister of his toxin. He redressed into his typical garb and disappeared into Gotham’s shadowy streets; it did not take him long to figure out who the idiotic henchman were and where they were staying. They were far too ignorant to cover their tracks. And just as easily, he opened the door and rolled his canister into their own hideout – allowing it to explode into a cloud of orange, billowy smoke.
Their screams came instantly.
Jonathon watched, a smile tugged at the corners of their mouth, as the men tore themselves apart. Ripping the skin off their face in thin ribbons of flesh, tearing out their eyes, bellowing their fears at the top of their lungs. He reveled in it, a sick satisfaction coursing through his veins.
And when the men finally died, torn apart by their fears, he turned on his heels and left.
That would teach everyone in Gotham not to mess with what was his.
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firewalkzwit · 9 months
runt // jonathan crane x reader. (9)
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Chapter 9
cross-posted on AO3
Something in the lack of sensations in the experience made Jonathan Crane rapidly fall conscious that he was in a dream. Everything around him lacked consistence, and although it had colour, it was impossible to name any tone on anything he saw, afraid it'd melt into an unrecognisable matter if he stared too long. However he was fully aware that he was above a female body, his bare skin grazing against the feminine touch of her hands, he knew it was her, but he couldn't see her face. He couldn't hear anything either, he just knew what was happening and felt like he was hearing, but his hearing was catching no real sounds, just the illusion of them. He could tell somewhere in the acoustics that he was perceiving the lewd moans of the woman under him, who arched her back and pushed the back of her head against what appeared to be a pillow, her body melting into it as the vision shifted slightly like the static on a television. He could tell by the pinching sensations his physical vessel was feeling, that he was fucking her.
Waking life again, abruptly awoken by the urging sensation of his masculinity begging for some contact. It had been long since Crane had experienced such dreams, yet it was also long since the last time he had slept so deeply and well. His tired eyes refused to look down at his pelvis, clenching his jaw in disgust at himself for being so animalic, so ridiculously reduced to wanting sinful physical contact. Freud and Jung had very different ways of interpreting dreams, the latter being more abstract, yet they found congruence in the idea that sexual dreams often manifested themselves as a repression of desires. He refused to take such explenation, but undeniably conflicted with himself as he couldn't hide from his own consciousness that he had felt oddly primal after the unfamiliar proximity of her female body against his. Drugged still, he recalled he felt the sensation of filth strike his core, to feel excited at something that wasn't manifestation of intelligence, and especially knowing she was out of her senses.
Maybe it was the maternal warmness in the way she offered Crane tea, or how she put in his hands a warm napkin to clean the nasty wounds in his face, aiding where his intuition wasn't enough as the intimacy of the moment never crossed his mind as really intimate. His subconscious however seemed to have other plans about the way that memory rewinded in his brain, the blurred visions of his dreams attacking his psyche as he stared at himself in the mirror. A groggy reflection stared back, inquisitively pondering on what exactly was his next move. Despite the two being oblivious of this, they were just as lost as the other was, although the confidence they exhuded seemed to communicate otherwise. Looking back down at his boxers like an ashamed child, he finally released his member and reluctantly entered the shower, the guilt and lust washing over him as he wrapped his hand around his cock to comply to the desires of the body like an animal.
As Crane sat himself down before the kitchen table, his eyes drifted to the paper Y/N had given him. It was late in the morning, and he hadn't gotten more than five hours of sleep, yet it ocurred to him that he could use the rest of his morning to finish reading what he had started last night, being stopped by the prowling sunrise urging him to get some sleep. He was used to sleepless nights, especially reading mediocre papers, back in his professor days. He certainly continued to discredit her capacity of analysis and disdained her poor structuring of information, yet he had to give her some credit. Despite his often questioned credentials he was after all, a celebrated scholar, and she was barely a high school graduate, her interest in the subjects she wrote about stemming from mere fascination were worth an ounce of his respect, being a lot to grant for someone as hard to impress as Dr. Crane.
His head rested on his hand as he meditated on what exactly he'd use her for. He no longer felt the desire to use her as bait for the Batman, but rather an especially intense desire to experiment on her further. He felt depraved, yet his most dark desires itched him to explore on her motivations, her limits and her sexual desires. He wanted to break down every piece of her like a jigsaw puzzle. Crane knew the only way to do this, now probably under the watch of the Bat more than ever before, was to grant her the alliance she was looking for and keeping her close; he'd have to move her to Arkham somehow. A tremor crawled up his nerves as it had been so long since he'd been this eager to experiment on a subject. The insane he kept in Arkham could only give so much thrill, especially when he was served with a file of their data in extreme detail. This time, he had to pluck the feathers of the chicken himself, as he hadn't done so in so long. Despite his nefarious plans with Y/N, he couldn't help but feel a strange tenderness to her, as once again he'd remember the way her warm napkin touched his skin with the delicacy of a mother, a sensation his most uncontrollable parts longed to feel again.
Thanks to Falcone, he had set his record clean, and used his contacts to secure his position in Arkham, but he needed to eliminate certain caped obstacles if he wanted to preserve his position. Y/N seemed to have a similar objective, at least that was what her drugged self had revealed to him. It couldn't hurt to team up until he had enough to blackmail her, and once he was in possession of her he'd get to try anything he wanted on his new lab rat.
On her table rested Dr. Crane's empty cup and the now dry tissue with his blood. She looked down at the red stains, her fingers softly grazing the fabric as she looked down at the dry blood on her legs. Whatever was in the gas he used to drug her certainly did a number on her, waking up with a strong headache similar to a hangover. It didn't take her long to deduce he was a very gifted chemist, and not only a psychiatrist. She deduced he was using his abilities to sell highly addictive drugs to Falcone, having him in his pocket to grant him the connections he needed, what a way to network. Maybe pharmacology was just a way to his true passion, fear induction. While she couldn't remember what his face looked like while he observed her wallow in her own terror, she could only deduce that it was of sheer delight. His motives were beyond her understanding, but she wasted no time in thinking about it, or in attributing his insanity to something personal involving her, for she'd get nowhere.
She was still terrified of him, but she needed to channel her natural impulsivity to minor performances rather than submitting to it on important decisions. She knew she couldn't change this about her, character is built on experience yet some flaws came from the factory. It was because of this that she felt motivated to sit down right before her attacker, serve him warm tea, and clean his wounds with tenderness. She'd smile even, knowing her body longed to dig that napkin so deep into his bruises and wounds she could squash his brain, and her mind longed to build a strong temporary bond with her questionable ally to, in a way, find herself and how deep could her hatred for the Batman could go, building a stronger plan in the process. Dr. Crane would be of no aid of course, as she planned on maintaining her motives secret for as long as she could stretch it, he was just the intermediate.
Could it be a ridiculous cliché in the niche of Batman enemies to wish to unmask him? Yet she felt it was only fair, you don't get to kill people and get on with being Gotham's hero, the people deserve to know, don't they? She deserved to know! Someone had to answer for the murder of her brother, a human face and a name on the register. Someone with a family and loved ones just like her brother had, people whose existence and importance Batman dismissed completely when beating his brother into a pulp. In remembering Dr. Crane badly bruised and beat by Batman Y/N saw the brother she never got to help. Crane was nearly not as disfigured and wounded as her brother, but wounded by the Batman's brutality anyway. He was really not any better than a cheating and lying scum that steals and points guns at innocent people for the thrill of inflicting violence, who exactly got to say he was a hero or a villain, Batman himself? She felt guilt, anger and confusion in that particular order, her chest feeling as if her lungs had fallen off leaving a pit of hollow emptiness she could ache, feeling her heartbeat begin to speed up.
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prize-pig-collection · 3 months
I know mobility scooters are considered quite sexy in our space, but I don’t like them. Why would I go through all that work to take her mobility *away* just to give it back to her? Regular old wheelchairs are much better. It puts *me* in control of where she goes😈 And of course, she should be overflowing the chair…
For me it’s more about scooters and wheelchairs not having that high of a weight capacity. The best piggies are so big that they need to be lifted by crane into the back of a flatbed truck if they need to go anywhere 😏
But to be honest, as long as they can keep eating, why do they need to move at all?
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
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1082 you were worth the wait. This is a fun one. Starting off with the Marines, reeling from Cross Guild’s own bounty system. We also get to see the lovely Hina. This line in particular though. It’s the exact type of thing I’d pull out as an example of Egghead making explicit Wano’s subtler themes that are usually big ones Kiku holds up. If anyone said it. Naturally though, the Crane is such a big motif that it carries more weight coming from the Great Advisor.
As far as I’m concerned, bookending another intermission chapter with this and anything on Kamabakka is staying the course. Wouldn’t it be wild if the middle had something like a big beat for showing off the raw power of saying the right thing at the right time?
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Smash cut to CrocHawk having a business talk while a battered clown hangs in the background will never not be funny. Hi Buggy! Always a favorite face for us here and one we were talking about well before introducing Cross Guild. For everything said about her crossing paths with Shanks in The Red Thread of Fate, that could all equally apply to Buggy. You’re used to seeing him look like the fool and Shanks the cool guy, we play with that very idea heavily in this chapter. A situation built around the pair being curious about Neko & Inu’s big sister when they had a few hours in Wano though...guy like Buggy might actually be a little better at reading between the lines. 
What comes from this alone is vindication for looking at the tail end of Wano into Egghead through this lens. It’s a clarion call this is what we’re playing with and it makes perfect sense for this point in the story. Power vs. the Illusion of it. Using either responsibly when the world rocks in your wake. How even empty bluster at the right moment can change the course of history. To pile on with this idea of reignting dashed dreams, feeling outshone by another...it’s easy to forget this chapter started with VA Tsuru spelling out the “products of our environment” theme.
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“There’s a difference between battle prowess and winning or losing.” Buggy just claimed a victory over Crocodile & Mihawk. And I love his philosophy. Snag the treasure, screw the fight. Buggy’s legitimately showing how he has the capacity to rise to the occasion here. When push came to shove, he got his way and a big part of that is that the apparatus is his to be fair. But he took charge and did it flashily. The right words at the right time can accomplish so much. 
You know what would be a great way to beat someone like this? Choosing the right moment to expose and humiliate them publicly. There’s also this big element of rekindling a dream. Reasons you might bury the true one, settle for less. This chapter leans so heavily into this running thread I’ve been on about. So many aspects of Egghead so far have just been hammering in this territory the quiet lady from Wano can bundle together so elegantly but Buggy here is sprinting ahead with it in this intermission.
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Then it just keeps giving. Subtle, but the exact type of thing I was looking for out of Shanks in that Red Thread post. We’ve already poked a little at the bit about the high bar of swaying loyalties. Blackbeard did it, Buggy’s more succeeding where Rocks failed through sheer charisma, Shanks has his gag of failing to poach Marco. A weak fleet. Losing Buggy as a potential underling here. It always stuck with me he has a pretty weak philosophy. “If two people can’t see eye to eye, it’s best they go their separate ways.” Clearly has all the potential in the world, but lacks the drive. That idea of a stifled prodigy. 
It’s that he feels like he lacks something here. Bare minimum, I do still see that heavy potential for it to stem from the brief visit to Wano and an encounter with the then-slightly older Kiku. It’s such a perfect spot and you could use her in so many ways to cloud Shanks through those themes of looking out for the masses, poise & composure, being responsible with power. Seeing the harm Oden caused incidentally is a great initial spark to making that decision of staying with Buggy rather than going to Laugh Tale. Snowballing into whatever he asked Roger about that moved him to tears. What spurred this change of heart here. Just like Luffy will ultimately need to surpass Shanks, Shanks based on what we’ve seen could be someone who failed to feel like he’s done so with Roger.
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fartshals · 6 months
Uhhhh, something something, Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1 , something something, lifting capacity of 1200 metric tons, something something, nearly 700 automobiles
look man I'm not gonna buy you the crane until I can afford it so unless you have some unreasonably high paying job for me that requires no knowledge or skill it's gonna take a while
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In a new landmark chemistry study, researchers describe how they have achieved the highest level of energy storage -- also known as capacitance -- in a supercapacitor ever recorded. The study, led by Luis Echegoyen, Ph.D., professor emeritus at The University of Texas at El Paso, and Marta Plonska-Brzezinska, Ph.D., of the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland, was recently featured in the journal Scientific Reports, which is published by leading research publisher Nature Portfolios. Supercapacitors are devices that store electrical energy between two metal plates that are close together but separated by a surface that cannot conduct electricity. Supercapacitors are similar to batteries, except that batteries store and retrieve energy using chemical transformations, while capacitors store energy by using oppositely charged surfaces. They are frequently used in machines that require rapid discharge of energy, like electric cars, buses, trains and cranes. "This is a big step forward and gets us closer to achieving supercapacitors with high energy density, which would radically change how we store and manage energy," said Echegoyen, a longtime faculty member within UTEP's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Read more.
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cranegodservices · 8 months
How Arizona Construction Crane Accidents Happen
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Construction cranes are vital for many projects in Arizona, as they can lift and move heavy materials and equipment with ease and efficiency. However, cranes are also complex and dangerous machines that can cause serious accidents and injuries if not operated or maintained properly. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 297 fatal crane-related accidents in the United States from 2011 to 2017, resulting in 323 worker deaths. In Arizona, there were 9 fatal crane-related accidents in the same period, resulting in 10 worker deaths.
What Are the Common Causes Of Crane Accidents?
Crane accidents can happen for various reasons, but some of the most common causes are:
Human Error: This can include operator error, such as exceeding the crane’s load capacity, operating the crane in adverse weather conditions, or failing to follow safety procedures. It can also include worker error, such as entering the crane’s swing radius, working under a suspended load, or failing to wear protective equipment.
Mechanical Failure: This can include defects or malfunctions in the crane’s components, such as the boom, cables, hooks, brakes, or controls. It can also include improper assembly or disassembly of the crane, or inadequate inspection or maintenance of the crane.
Environmental Factors: This can include external factors that affect the crane’s stability or performance, such as high winds, lightning, power lines, or uneven terrain. It can also include hazards on the worksite, such as debris, obstacles, or other vehicles.
What Are the Common Types of Crane Accidents?
Crane accidents can result in various types of injuries and damages, but some of the most common types are:
Crane Collapse: This occurs when the crane’s structure fails or collapses due to overload, instability, or structural damage. This can cause severe injuries or fatalities to the operator and workers nearby, as well as damage to property and equipment.
Crane Contact: This occurs when the crane or its load comes into contact with an object or a person. This can cause electrocution, burns, cuts, bruises, fractures, amputations, or death to the operator and workers nearby.
Crane Fall: This occurs when the crane or its load falls from a height due to loss of control, detachment, or breakage. This can cause crushing injuries, head injuries, spinal injuries, internal injuries, or death to the operator and workers below.
Continue Reading How Arizona Construction Crane Accidents Happen
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wimaccrane · 10 months
15 Ton Overhead Cranes For Steel Slabs Handling
IntroductionManufacturing Process of Double Girder Overhead CranesUtilization of Double Girder Overhead Cranes in the Steel IndustryHow to Determine the Price of Your Crane ProjectConclusion Introduction In the world of industrial logistics, efficiency, strength, and reliability are the key characteristics that dictate the quality of equipment. We’re excited to bring forth a prime illustration…
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Five drabble that got out of hand,,, inspired loosely by this post from @five-hargreeves-waistline this isn’t the Most hardcore torture whump,, but there is some blood and what not so fair warning
Sometimes the pain gets to me. I find myself floating to the top, dragged from that place in my brain. It’s warm and bright, but not glaring, and everything seems to have a soft golden hue. Like it’s been buttered. It’s my childhood, or a version of it. We’re all there-- the whole Umbrella Academy. Except we’re not the Academy, we’re just a family. Somehow being “just” a family is so much more than we ever really were. In my mind, Father is there, sitting in an armchair and reading quietly. I’ve never managed to construct something softer for him; apparently, the closest my father ever came to kindness was neutrality. This time, though, he’s in the living room with us and sitting facing us, not hiding in his study and watching from afar. Mom is there, too, helping Diego with his homework. We’re going to a regular school. It’s funny how public school was a privilege we never got. Ben and Allison are the most popular kids in school and we think they’re going to be co-class presidents next year. Klaus is the class clown, of course, but his grades show how smart he really is. Viktor is showing me his violin before a recital tomorrow. It’s his prized possession, and he won’t let any of the other siblings near it, but me. Luther is a jock, of course. Barely into middle school, but we can all tell his going to be the high school’s football captain. And me? I’m just there. Just enjoying being able to be a child.
I’m rising closer to the surface, the butter-toned fantasy melting away. I can taste blood in my mouth. Salty, metallic, almost savory. I nearly start laughing because I can’t tell if it’s mine, or if I bit someone and it’s theirs.
Another strike lands against my nose, fracturing what was already broken. A steady stream of blood flows over my lip. So that was definitely my blood I was tasting. 
There’s a brute standing in front of me, so overly muscled that his bowling ball of a head seems to connect directly to his shoulders without a neck to negotiate between the two. His arms seem too long, almost hanging past his knees, like a primate. Given my job occupancy, I wouldn’t be too surprised if he was part gorilla or something. People do weird shit like that. (No offense to Luther. Or Pogo. Hell, I worked for a fish for a very brief time; who am I to judge?)
The brute is grunting something at me, and I figure if he’s going to work all five of his braincells at full capacity in order to form the semblance of a speech pattern, I could at least try to listen. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that,” I lean forward, testing the give of the leather straps at my wrists and ankles keeping me attached to this crude-- no we’ll call it rustic-- chair they’ve got me bound in, and give him my most polite smile, “Could you bother repeating that?”
Apparently he didn’t like my smile, landing a blow just below my ribcage and into my diaphragm, “I said, WHERE ARE THE UMBRELLAS?”
This time I really do laugh, in the wheezing sort of way I can manage with the wind knocked out of me, “And why the hell would I tell you that?” 
He grins like he’s been waiting for me to ask that, “Because if you don’t talk to me, you’ll get to talk to Valdemar.”
I crane my neck to see the direction he’s smirking towards. Sure as hell, there’s a man who looks exactly like you’d expect someone named Valdemar to look. He’s tall and would seem thin if he weren’t covered with sinewy muscle. His dark hair is cropped close, revealing a deep scar traveling through one eye and down the length of his face. There’s rack beside him filled with the usual assortment of gleaming metal and sharp points. He’s got one in his hand, sharping it menacingly. 
They’ve always got a Valdemar. I think it’s a torture crew requirement. 
“I don’t have time for this. Did you know the world is ending? Again? And I’m not going to spend my last days betraying my family,” This time as I lean forward, I try to blink out, but it’s no use. 
This room, or something in it, is dampening my power. That indicates a certain level of intelligence, even elegance, that these two simply don’t possess. That’s who I need to talk to; the brains behind these brutes. 
“Hello, Vlademar,” I flashed him one of my award-winning smiles too, “Are we going to chat or can I speak with the grown up in charge now?”
“Nah, nah,” Vlad starts strolling towards me with his own prize-worthy grin, his drawl surprisingly Southern in comparison to most of the Vlads I meet in my line of work, “I think we need to have a little talk first.” 
“Ugh, ok, let’s talk.”
The first pain that hits me is sharp, blinding and wickedly so. It’s piercing into the crest of my shoulder, almost like Vlademar was trying to give a friendly pat on the shoulder, but happened to forget he had a jagged blade in his hand.
He pulls the knife out of the muscle and it’s far worse than the initial hit, the points of the double-serrated edges catching on and ripping through muscle. It manages to pull a wince from me, which burns through my broken nose. I can feel the bruises forming from the brute’s earlier hits, blood blooming beneath my eyes and across my cheek. My lower ribs and sides feel like Henchman No.1 might have been taken to them with a metal pipe. It’s making me wonder how long I managed to stay under this time, how much pain I hid from by pretending to be a child; stuck in my head, imagining what something as a alien as a childhood could be like. 
This time the knife sinks into my side, avoiding anything too important but still managing to hurt like hell, “Tell us where your siblings are.”
“Tell me where your boss is. Or go ahead and waste your time, I really don’t care,” I lean forward into Vlademar’s face, not caring that the knife digs further into me, “My family is stupid and careless and every time I manage to stop the apocalypse, they mange to cause another. But I will never put them in harm’s way. So you can stab me and punch me and pull out my teeth and cut off my fingers or whatever the fuck else you want to do to me, but you’re not going to get any answers. I’m done here.”
“You don’t get to decide when you’re done,” The growling voices are starting to fade out again, becoming fuzzy and distant.
Even as the blade is ripped from my side, I mange to laugh. It comes out in a sputter, barely more than a cough, as the blood from my nose and mouth got caught in the back of my throat. Choking on my own blood; that’s one for the books. 
My side is warm, burning in pain and washed with a stream of blood from the wound that strengthens with every cough. But the other warmth is joining it-- the buttery soft warmth of the fire crackling behind Father’s armchair as he turns the page of his book. 
I think the brute is laughing, somewhere far away, and I smile back. I could weather this, I could weather anything to make sure my family is safe.
I smile. Viktor is showing me his violin. I can almost feel the strings beneath my fingertips. My family is safe and, until I rise out of this dream again, so am I.
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hpblin · 10 hours
How to Ensure the Safety of Your Workers When Using Jumbo Bags
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Jumbo bags, also known as FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers), are a workhorse in many industries. Their versatility and affordability make them a popular choice for transporting and storing a wide range of materials. However, their size and weight can also pose safety hazards if not handled properly. In fact, according to a study by the American Society of Safety Engineers, improper handling of bulk bags is a leading cause of back injuries and musculoskeletal disorders in warehouse settings.
As a leading jumbo bag company in India, we understand the importance of worker safety. That's why we've compiled this comprehensive guide to ensure your team handles jumbo bags safely and efficiently.
The "Jumbo Bag" Quote:
"Safety isn't a luxury; it's an investment."
Pre-Use Considerations:
Inspecting Jumbo Bags: Before using a jumbo bag, conduct a thorough inspection. Look for any cuts, tears, loose stitching, or signs of wear and tear. Damaged bags can compromise safety and should be discarded.
Choosing the Right Bag: Selecting the appropriate jumbo bag for the job is crucial. Consider the weight and type of material you'll be filling the bag with. Ensure the bag's Safe Working Load (SWL) is greater than the intended weight of the filled bag.
Lifting Equipment: The lifting equipment used should be appropriate for the weight and size of the jumbo bag. Ensure cranes, forklifts, or hoists have the necessary capacity and are equipped with secure slings or attachments.
Workplace Conditions: The work area should be free of clutter and tripping hazards. Ensure the ground is level and stable to prevent the bag from tipping over.
Safe Handling Practices:
Training: Provide all workers who handle jumbo bags with proper training on safe lifting techniques, hazard identification, and emergency procedures.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Workers should wear appropriate PPE such as safety glasses, gloves, sturdy boots, and high-visibility vests when handling jumbo bags.
Teamwork: Lifting and transporting heavy jumbo bags can be strenuous. Encourage teamwork and proper lifting techniques to avoid back injuries.
Filling and Discharging: Follow recommended filling and discharging procedures to avoid spills or toppling of the bag. Never exceed the bag's safe working load.
Signage: Use clear signage to warn workers about potential hazards associated with jumbo bags, such as weight limitations and lifting instructions.
Additional Safety Tips:
Do not drag jumbo bags: Dragging can damage the bag and increase the risk of injury. Use lifting equipment or rollers to move the bag.
Beware of sharp objects: Avoid contact between the jumbo bag and sharp objects that could puncture or tear it.
Secure loose straps: Ensure all lifting straps or loops are properly secured before lifting the bag.
Maintain good communication: Clear communication between workers is essential during lifting and transporting operations.
Report any safety concerns: Encourage workers to report any damaged bags, unsafe working conditions, or potential hazards immediately.
By implementing these safety measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries associated with jumbo bags. Remember, a safe work environment not only protects your workers but also improves productivity and minimizes downtime. Investing in worker safety is an investment in your company's long-term success.
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gbpcranes · 3 days
15 Essential Crane Hire Safety Tips
Cranes are indispensable in various industries, from construction to logistics, thanks to their ability to lift and transport heavy loads. However, operating these powerful machines comes with significant risks. Ensuring safety when hiring and using crane hire is paramount to prevent accidents, injuries, and damage. 
Choose the Right Crane for the Job
Selecting the appropriate crane for your specific task is the first step in ensuring safety. Consider factors such as the weight and size of the load, the height the crane needs to reach, and the working environment. Using the wrong type of crane can lead to dangerous situations and inefficiencies.
Inspect the Crane Thoroughly
Before any lifting operation, conduct a thorough inspection of the crane. Check for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, corrosion, or other damage. Ensure that all components, including cables, hooks, and booms, are in good working condition. Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial to identify potential issues before they become hazardous.
Verify Operator Qualifications
Crane operators must be adequately trained and certified. Verify that the operator has the necessary qualifications and experience to handle the specific crane being used. Proper training ensures that the operator is familiar with the crane's controls, safety procedures, and emergency protocols.
Conduct a Risk Assessment
Perform a comprehensive risk assessment of the job site before beginning any crane operations. Identify potential hazards such as power lines, unstable ground, and adverse weather conditions. Develop a plan to mitigate these risks and ensure that all personnel are aware of the safety measures in place.
Ensure Proper Ground Conditions
Cranes require stable ground to operate safely. Assess the ground conditions to ensure they can support the weight of the crane and the load. Avoid setting up cranes on soft or uneven ground, and use mats or steel plates if necessary to provide additional stability.
Follow Load Limits
Adhere strictly to the crane's load limits as specified by the manufacturer. Overloading a crane can lead to catastrophic failures, including tipping or structural damage. Use load charts to determine the maximum safe lifting capacity for different configurations and boom lengths.
Use Appropriate Rigging
Select the correct rigging equipment for the load, including slings, shackles, and hooks. Inspect all rigging gear for wear and damage before use. Ensure that the load is properly balanced and secured to prevent it from shifting or falling during the lift.
Establish Clear Communication
Effective communication is vital during crane operations. Use standard hand signals or radios to maintain clear and concise communication between the crane operator and ground personnel. Miscommunication can lead to accidents and injuries, so ensure everyone understands the signals and protocols.
Implement Safety Zones
Establish and enforce safety zones around the crane's operating area. Keep unauthorised personnel out of these zones to reduce the risk of injuries from swinging loads or moving parts. Use barriers and signage to mark these areas clearly.
Monitor Weather Conditions
Adverse weather conditions, such as high winds, rain, and lightning, can significantly impact crane operations. Monitor the weather closely and suspend operations if conditions become unsafe. Wind can cause loads to sway, and wet or icy conditions can affect ground stability and traction.
Regularly Review and Update Safety Protocols
Safety protocols should be dynamic and regularly reviewed to incorporate new safety standards, technologies, and learnings from previous operations. Ensure that all personnel are updated on any changes to the safety procedures.
Utilise Technology for Monitoring and Control
Advanced technologies like anti-collision systems, load moment indicators, and crane monitoring software can provide real-time data on crane operations. These technologies can help prevent accidents by alerting operators to potential issues before they become critical.
Implement a Lift Plan
Create a detailed lift plan for each crane operation, outlining every aspect of the lift, including the load weight, crane configuration, rigging method, and communication plan. Ensure that all team members understand the lift plan and their specific roles within it.
Conduct Pre-Lift Meetings
Hold pre-lift meetings with all personnel involved in the crane operation. Use these meetings to review the lift plan, discuss potential hazards, and ensure everyone understands their responsibilities and the communication protocol.
Prepare for Emergencies
Have a comprehensive emergency response plan in place. This should include procedures for different types of emergencies, such as crane malfunctions, accidents, and severe weather conditions. Train all personnel on emergency procedures and conduct regular drills to ensure preparedness.
Crane hire safety is a critical aspect of any lifting operation. By following these ten essential tips, you can help ensure a safe and efficient work environment. Remember that safety is a collective responsibility, and everyone on the job site must be vigilant and proactive in adhering to safety protocols. Regular training, thorough inspections, and clear communication are key components in preventing accidents and maintaining a safe workplace.
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centurycranes · 3 days
The price of a truck mounted crane is influenced by various factors, including capacity, technology, customization, brand reputation, and after-sales support. Centuary Cranes stands out by offering competitively priced, high-quality cranes that deliver exceptional value. Their commitment to transparency, customer satisfaction, and long-term cost savings makes them a preferred choice for businesses looking to invest in reliable and efficient lifting solutions.
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cranetruckhireqld · 3 days
Navigating Growth and Efficiency with Gold Coast Crane Trucks
In the bustling urban landscape of the Gold Coast, where progress and development are constants, the role of heavy machinery in construction and logistics cannot be overstated. Among the array of indispensable tools, Gold Coast crane trucks stand out as versatile workhorses, facilitating everything from high-rise construction to the swift transportation of heavy loads across the region. Let's delve into the significance of these powerful machines and their impact on the dynamic growth of this coastal city.
Versatility and Functionality:
Gold Coast crane trucks epitomize versatility. These vehicles combine the mobility of trucks with the lifting capacity of cranes, offering a one-stop solution for various tasks in construction, infrastructure development, and logistics. Whether it's hoisting materials to towering heights or maneuvering through narrow urban spaces, these machines excel in adapting to diverse work environments.
Efficiency in Construction:
In the realm of construction, time is money. Gold Coast crane trucks play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency on job sites. With their ability to lift heavy loads with precision and speed, they streamline processes such as material delivery, equipment installation, and structural assembly. This efficiency not only accelerates project timelines but also minimizes downtime, ultimately translating into cost savings for developers and contractors.
Safety and Precision:
Safety is paramount in any construction endeavor, and Gold Coast crane trucks prioritize it through advanced features and meticulous operational standards. Equipped with state-of-the-art control systems and safety mechanisms, these machines ensure the protection of both personnel and property. Additionally, their precise maneuverability allows for intricate positioning of loads, reducing the risk of accidents and enhancing overall project quality.
Logistical Advantages:
Beyond construction sites, Gold Coast crane trucks play a vital role in the logistics sector. From transporting heavy machinery to facilitating rapid loading and unloading at distribution centers, these vehicles streamline supply chain operations across the Gold Coast and beyond. Their agility and load-bearing capacity make them indispensable assets for industries ranging from manufacturing and mining to agriculture and infrastructure development.
Sustainability and Innovation:
In an era marked by growing environmental consciousness, the evolution of Gold Coast crane trucks reflects a commitment to sustainability. Manufacturers are increasingly integrating eco-friendly technologies such as hybrid engines and energy-efficient systems, reducing carbon emissions and minimizing ecological impact. Moreover, ongoing innovation in materials and design ensures that these machines remain at the forefront of efficiency and sustainability.
Gold Coast crane trucks are more than just vehicles; they are catalysts for progress, efficiency, and innovation in Queensland's coastal hub. From towering skyscrapers to intricate infrastructure projects, these versatile machines continue to elevate construction and logistics, driving the region's growth and prosperity. As the Gold Coast evolves, so too will the role of these indispensable giants, shaping the cityscape and powering its ascent into the future.
For More Info-:
gold coast crane trucks
flatbed truck hire gold coast
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raahgroupinc123 · 4 days
Pallet Crane Forks: Versatile Solutions for Efficient Material Handling 
Pallet crane forks are essential tools in industries where heavy-duty material handling is required, such as warehouses, construction sites, and manufacturing facilities. These forks are designed to attach to cranes and other lifting equipment, enabling the safe and efficient movement of pallets and other bulky items. In this blog post, we will explore the features, benefits, and applications of pallet crane forks, focusing on their importance in enhancing material handling operations. 
Understanding Pallet Crane Forks 
Pallet crane forks are specialized attachments used with cranes and hoists to lift and transport pallets, containers, and other heavy loads. They are typically made from high-strength steel to withstand the rigors of industrial environments and are available in various sizes and configurations to accommodate different types of pallets. 
Key Features of Pallet Crane Forks 
Robust Construction: 
Built from durable materials to handle heavy loads and frequent use in demanding environments. 
Adjustable Width: 
Many models feature adjustable fork widths to accommodate various pallet sizes and configurations. 
Safety Features: 
Equipped with safety locks or retaining pins to secure the forks to the crane and prevent accidental detachment. 
High Load Capacity: 
Capable of lifting and moving heavy pallets and loads, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. 
Can be used with different types of cranes, including overhead cranes, gantry cranes, and jib cranes. 
Benefits of Using Pallet Crane Forks 
Improved Efficiency: 
Enable quick and easy loading and unloading of pallets, reducing material handling times. 
Enhanced Safety: 
Minimize the risk of accidents and injuries associated with manual handling of heavy loads. 
Offer a cost-effective solution for lifting and moving pallets without the need for additional equipment. 
Suitable for various industries and applications, from manufacturing and logistics to construction and agriculture. 
Space Saving: 
Ideal for environments where space is limited, as they allow for efficient storage and stacking of pallets. 
Applications of Pallet Crane Forks 
Warehousing and Distribution: 
Used for loading and unloading pallets in warehouses, distribution centers, and storage facilities. 
Facilitate the movement of materials and finished products on production lines and within manufacturing plants. 
Assist in lifting and positioning materials and equipment at construction sites. 
Logistics and Transportation: 
Aid in the efficient handling of goods and cargo in transportation and logistics operations. 
Used for handling bulk materials and products in agricultural settings, such as moving harvested crops. 
Raah International’s Pallet Crane Fork Solutions 
Raah International offers a range of high-quality pallet crane fork solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of industrial applications. Their products are characterized by: 
Advanced Design: Incorporating innovative features for superior performance and durability. 
Customizable Options: Providing tailored solutions to meet specific operational requirements and industry standards. 
Safety and Reliability: Ensuring safe and efficient handling of heavy loads, enhancing workplace safety. 
For more detailed information on Raah International’s pallet crane forks and to explore a range of products tailored to your specific needs, visit Pallet Crane Forks page. 
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