#hh alastor imagine
alexmercer2424 · 2 years
Hi I saw that requests were open and I was wondering if you could possibly do alastor and sister headcanons like maybe the sister kind of just overworked herself cuz she she just wanted the best life for him even though she probably was like getting sick constantly and she eventually dies and they possibly meet in hell
Please only platonic and only if you have time to do this
Alastor’s Reuniting w/ His Sister in Hell
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When you and Alastor were kids it always seemed like he was getting himself into trouble
Sure he had all the girls crushing on him, but those terrible little boys were always so jealous and would often bully him
Al never said it bothered him, would just laugh and say they’ll get what they deserved
And you may not have understood what that meant exactly
But you still felt bad for your brother, it’s not like you two had the best home life and now his school life wasn’t the greatest either
And that was besides the fact you and him were mixed (Im following the idea he’s Creole and has a light brown skin tone)
You didn’t exactly partake in school, you did your best, but most your time was focusing on helping provide for your brother rather than studying
Your mom tried but it wasn’t easy due to her heritage and your father was next to useless if he was even around the guy was drunk more often than not it seemed when he was around
And things didn’t get better as the two of you grew older
Teen years were met with Alastor talking back to your father, the two of you trying to protect your mother, which resulted in him getting in altercations with your father
He got into more than enough altercations with the neighborhood boys due to the fact the ladies seemed to be drawn to him rather than them
And to your knowledge your brother didn’t have any interest in these women
Alastor was more involved in music, specifically radio, and sometimes hunting
He somehow managed to get a job in radio, how you’re not exactly sure
Sure he was a charismatic guy but he was also standoffish
You were just glad he started to find his way
Everyday for you felt like a battle to get out of bed, your body seeming to age as rapidly as your mind had to growing up
When he moved out he offered to take you with him but you stayed home with your mother, her health starting to fail her as well
By now you don’t know what happened to your father, he left just to never come back and Alastor seemed to care less than ever
As if they guy never existed
So you couldn’t bear the thought of your mother being all alone in her time of need
It wasn’t until one day when there was a knock on your door did everything change
A man stood at the door, a man you didn’t know but he wore a police uniform
You assumed it was going to be random trouble, neighbors calling about this or that just to complain and unsettle your family
What you didn’t expect was for the officer to tell you Alastor had died in a hunting accident
And what happened next you really don’t know
The next thing you remember is waking up in a hellish world where people looked like demons and animals looked like spawns of satan
You faired no better, you looked like some sort of horse or something, somehow still human, it was all just a mess (see metaphor workhorse)
You knew no one here, everyone seemed rude, and this definitely wasn’t the place that had girls wearing skirts to their ankles and men in anything but slacks and a shirt
It took weeks… months…
You felt even more loss than when you were alive and the isolation of everything was getting to you
It wasn’t until you were at work one day, managing to find some sort of work to keep from wandering, did things change once again
Getting yelled at your boss for not cooking the order right, even tho he wrote it down wrong and instead blamed you
Everything was too much and you just wanted to die again but it seems the Executioners have no interest in you so here you were… stuck for eternity
But as your boss yelled at you you heard a family voice
At first you thought it was your imagination until you saw the swagger, the confidence
There Alastor stood, smile larger than anything you’ve ever seen as he stared down your boss
And there Alastor grew in size, limbs becoming lanky and long, antlers spouting from the top of his head, teeth managing to become sharper as that smile only grew
Nothing happened besides your boss apologizing to you before running to the back room
You stood shocked, not only equally as scared but as well surprised at what was in front of you
Your brother, someone you thought you would never see again, stood in front of you
And though he looked different, even small and more human looking than whatever you just saw, he was still as charismatic yet questionable as ever
“Well dear sister, never thought I’d see you here!” He laughed “only the scum of the earth end up in a place like this!”
You had no idea what he meant, you knew this was hell, came to terms with it, but if only he knew what you did to help the two of you survive
His shock was a reassurance of his lack of knowledge
“No matter! You mustn’t stay in a place like this, not worth your time. Come with me and I’ll make sure you never work a day in your life! Not saying you didn’t do enough of that already when we were living”
He only continued to laugh, as if everything the two of you had become was a joke
You may have not understood, and may have feared the change you sensed in Alastor
But even the slightest familiar face in a place like this was better than anything
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*Before the creation of Hell*
Sera: So what did you get Deadpool!Reader for their birthday?
Elder Angel: I got them a kitten
Young Emily: Really? Me too!
Michael: I also got them a cat.
Sera: Looks like we all had the same idea
God: *sigh* [Looks at Lucifer] Please tell me you got them something other than a cat.
Lucifer: I got them a kitten...
[Cut to Reader staring blankly as they are surrounded by cats]
Reader: *Inhales* THIS IS BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!!
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weebsinstash · 3 months
Yandere Alastor having a huge alcoholic meltdown before deciding to take you back is making me crazyyyyyy because like. He sees you crying because you see him spiraling and takes it as confirmation you still love him and need him!!! Sure those scoundrels led you astray but you’re clearly miserable, he just needs to intervene more firmly this time for your his own good, no matter what you say.
One thing that really does it for me is the concept of, he's having an intense public breakdown for, WEEKS, MONTHS even, just spiraling spiraling spiraling, every time you think he's hit his lowest, you hear something worse: being drunk in public, starting fights over perceived disrespect, being extremely hostile and standoffish to those who try to speak to him, AVOIDING ROSIE, like....honey you destroyed this man
and then... all it takes to knock some sense into him is Vox showing you up on the big screen for Alastor to see, the Radio Demon watching you look upon his image with legitimate concern and PITY, like you're looking at a puppy being kicked or something. He hadn't seen your face (in person anyways) in what feels like AGES and then he finally sees his precious beloved beau again and you're. Crying, FOR him, BECAUSE of him. You're crying and that dirty nasty flat faced capitalist bastard is mocking you for all of Hell to see and THAT is something Alastor won't tolerate
Can you even imagine like. It becomes too much, you're crying and getting taunted by Vox and Alastor is like VISIBLY SHAKEN by the sight of you, amd, you just feel too much guilt, you run off absolutely sobbing and don't even see if Alastor manages to sober himself up enough to stand before you do. You just can't watch, it's torture. Which also leaves you completely unaware of how seeing your image seemingly renewed the absolutely WASTED Radio Demon's strength. You spend several days curled up in bed, refusing to watch TV or get on your phone, but, wait, doing your word searches and crossword puzzles or playing solitaire just makes you think of Alastor too--
Meanwhile he's like absolutely tearing through Hell personally tracking down every man you've so much as blown a kiss at behind his back and, well... you know what he's known for. These men might not have even known you were the Radio Demon's piece and are begging for their lives, but Alastor doesn't care. They've defiled you. They've tainted you. They've dirtied you with their disgusting grimey pig hands. There's no taking that back. If he can't exactly reach into their minds and remove their memories of seeing your exposed body, hearing your wanton noises, then, Alastor will just have to remove their minds from their heads entirely, won't he? Brain is such a tasty organ meat.
I just. The mental image of Alastor finally coming to fetch you and he finds you in like. the worst situation possible and I mean that. He's either finding you drunk in the gutter yourself because you started binge-drinking because of how seeing him Like That made you feel, OR, he's finding you getting railed in a sex club. I mean it. I want this man kicking down a door because he's finally coming to take you back and he thinks his precious boo is being tormented by gross men and you're like, a willing participant in a Czech reverse gloryhole. I want this man absolutely convinced you need him to survive and he walks in on you doing something that strikes him as so WILD that it instantly confirms WHATEVER INSANE THEORIES he had. I want a yandere Alastor who got cheated on because he never wanted sex (or, needed to become attached to you enough to want it and you lost patience before he reached that point) and he sees you cheat on him, dump him, and immediately run headfirst into the wildest kinkiest craziest shit to the point he thinks you're having a mental health crisis and, oh honey clearly this is HIS FAULT. He didn't... cater to all of your needs, so you sought out men who could. It's not YOUR fault these, DISGUSTING PIGS would take advantage of you, which is CLEARLY what happened!
But anyways, oh no no, don't worry darling! He's been doing a lot of self reflecting on himself and his feelings and --ignore the tentacle climbing up your leg -- and he's been thinking a lot about what to do about your... apparently very rigorous physical needs and --yes there ARE multiple tentacles starting to kind of grope all over you but you're not focusing on the conversation, dear-- and Alastor thinks he's found a solution that should.... DEEPLY satisfy both of your desires :) now, all you have to do is relax and allow him to show you the fruits of all the "anatomy research" he's been doing recently...
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phddyke · 4 months
Was thinking about Alastor and what a complicated character he is. He resists the boxes everyone wants to put him in, doing bad and good things on the regular. One thing that does seem to be true is that he genuinely cares about the hotel and the people there, whatever his initial motives for arriving happen to be.
I was thinking about how he can be redeemed for what he did for Husk, for example, and unfortunately an idea did come to me, one that won’t leave my head:
That’s one way Alastor can be redeemed, and unfortunately it seems more and more likely. The things he’s done can be forgiven and wiped out by him dying to protect the rest of the team. Not for a while, maybe not even the final season, but I could see it happening.
And also, this from the finale today:
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Kinda seems like foreshadowing.
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devilfemdom · 3 months
For Alastor to feel anything for you, you must be quite the special person, he's very apathetic regarding most
if youre a man you already got worse cards than any woman, he just gets along easier with women, but it defintely isnt impossible, it just makes it a bit more difficult.
But if you're powerful, but not a threat to him and share a few interests with him, everything is possible. This is a slow burn though, so you need a lot of stamina to pursue him. This deer hasn't had any romantic interest in anyone in all roughly 160 years he has been alive or dead.
Cooking with him, while playing some jazz in the background, should get him in a good enough mood to bond. Maybe dancing together while waiting for the rice to cook.
Always wait for him to initate touch first for a good while, or you'll be quick to loose an arm or your undead life.
This man is truly behaving like a deer, be careful and slow or he'll be gone out of your life quicker than you can say jambalaya
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Oh to be chased across the forest by human Alastor and be cornered as you back into a tree, him raising a knife close to your throat seductively, finding all this entertaining. You look at him with doe eyes, earning a sadistic chuckle from him.
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justletmeon12 · 2 months
Vox: I just misread your signals! I thought that your hostility was displaced attraction.
Alastor: Nope. It was just hostility.
Vox: Of course it was! That's all there is to you!
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tomanyquotes · 3 months
Lucifer: Everyone be yourself!!
Lucifer, to Alastor: Except you. Don’t do that.
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self-insert-hell · 23 days
Alastor x Ghost Headcanon’s!
They started out as a slow burn friendship. Ghost was somewhat familiar with Alastor when he used to work back at Cannibal Town.
Working at the hotel helped to develop their friendship. At first, they both were casual toward each other, as they usually minded their own business and did their own thing.
Rosie would bring up Ghost when Alastor and Rosie visited each other. She would admonish him as her hard working assistant but was also surprised by his gentlemanliness. With Rosie’s luck, she was just happy to find a man with manners for once. That and that she didn’t have to worry about any potential romantic feelings.
Alastor was somewhat familiar with Ghost’s work at the museum as he visited with Rosie from time to time.
Besides basic work, Ghost’s input about the hotel would usually lead into a deeper discussion with Alastor. Once you get these two talking, they tend to bounce of each other idea’s and topics that they have brewing in their minds.
When Ghost worked for Rosie, they would listen to Alastor’s radio show whenever they could.
While they can be talkative, they oftentimes do their own thing while being in the same room.
Although, once comfortable enough, Ghost will blurt out whatever is on his mind. Usually, the conversation starts with a random question he had on his mind.
They have a lot of similar interests such as enjoying swing and jazz music, dancing, playing the piano, and doodling.
While in the earlier stages of getting to know each other, both of them had a mutual interest about each other’s personalities. They are both in tune when it comes to paying attention to people’s mannerisms and behavior. So, their interest in each other is like the fascination scientists get when watching a test subject during an experiment.
They both are close in their unique way. While Ghost is on the same level of admiration Alastor has for his other friends like Rosie and Mimzy, all three relationships are different and close in their own way.
They both just kind of clicked the minute their friendship started picking up. They mesh well together and it helps that they have some similar personality traits as well.
Ghost can get away with annoying him in a playful manner. Of course, Ghost knows his limitations.
These two can be dorks. Especially when it comes to dad jokes, puns, playful teasing and sometimes pranks. Ghost unintentionally brings out the more fun side of Al.
Along with that, they both have similar perspectives when it comes to certain things such as other people/demons, society, hell and life.
One of those perspectives involves their egos when it comes to people beneath them. While Ghost know his place as an average sinner, he does have more of an advantage than other sinners due to being demonically possessed in his life. So, the two of them get their ego fed by their power over others. Ghost is just less obvious about it unless something provokes or challenges him.
In addition, they can be mysterious in their own ways as well.
You see, Ghost loves a good mystery but when it comes to mysterious people, he can’t help the urge to figure them out. What is their motivation? What is their beliefs, morals, and thoughts? What do they like and dislike? And all sorts of other questions run through his head.
As for Alastor, Ghost was a bit of an oddball. Although from similar/close time eras, Ghost still stood out. His creativity, perspective about things, and his habits and behaviors interested him.
Both of them have a respect for each other as artists and their appreciation for their time eras. While Al isn’t a literal full-on artist, he is a singer, musician, and of course, a radio host. Ghosts just expresses himself differently, as he is a full time artist, singer, and pianist, but is often doing these things in his free and personal quiet time. Alastor isn’t shy of his talents, but Ghost is.
They also have an appreciation for good food but differ when it comes to cooking. Alastor enjoys cooking but Ghost enjoys baking and making desserts specifically, because he can get a little more decorative with them.
Ghost likes to watch Alastor cook while Al discusses his fond memories of cooking with his mother.
Since Al is taller, he definelty uses Ghost as an arm rest. In return, if he’s tired enough, Ghost will rest his head on his shoulder. Hugs are included but only when no one else is around (Rosie is the exception).
They like to go on strolls and check out older shops such as antiques stores.
Ghost definetly joins Rosie and Al for tea while they gossip.
Both of them collect vinyls to listen too.
Since Ghost uses unique materials for his art, Alastor will give him bones from his victims to use. Ghost uses a variety of things but bones are his favorite material to use.
Ghost will join in on the fun when Alastor gives Vox a hard time.
While they get along fine, they do get into small, petty arguments from time to time. That and it doesn’t help that they’re both stubborn people.
Speaking of stubborn, Ghost attempts to help Alastor if he’s injured or not feeling well. Granted, it’s rare, but Ghost is going to help him whether he likes it or not.
If Ghost is the one injured or unwell, he’ll probably not realize it until the pain fully kicks in. He’s prone to overworking himself and he’s not about to let some minor pain affect him…that is until the pain isn’t minor anymore.
While Alastor’s sinister nature is made clear, Ghost hides his. Only Alastor knows the more messed up side of Ghost and will engage in some murderous fun from time to time.
Ghost likes to give little gifts here and there to Alastor, such as things that remind him of Al.
That’s all I have for the moment, but I’m sure more ideas will be added to this later. When I add more, I’ll reblog it to indicate it’s been updated. Hope you enjoyed this!
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az-roser · 1 month
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Slang Education Day
Imagining Alastor and his Great Depression ass trying to comprehend internet terms is hilarious to me.
{Part 1} {Part 2} {Part 3}
I used the LITERAL list that Amir Talai posted on his Insta of ACTUAL terms he had to Google bc of the HH fandom 😂😭. (but same bc I also didn’t know what half these terms meant 🫠)
That man is so unhinged he truly is Alastor irl
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 4 months
just watched hazbin hotel and lucifer and charlie are so so tugger and hestia coded it's not even funny and "more than anything" is the most street cat!tugger and hestia song ever but it's also so grizabella and tugger coded after they meet and griz and tugger just refuse to acknowledge their mother/son relationship but the night before the Ball when tugger tells her that he wants to go to the Junkyard, and grizabella is terrified that the pain and hurt that followed her is going to get her sweet boy and her precious grandkitten but she'll go with them if it means she gets a little bit longer with them and if it makes them happy
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satoru-is-the-way · 4 months
HI I SAW YOUR POST! Can I request a Alastor x reader where reader is easily flustered and Alastor just loves that. so every chance he gets he will do some flirty stuff (twirling, ear whispers, ect) bonuses points if reader gets backed up against the wall... K THANKS BYE!
HH/HB Master List
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A/N: MY FIRST Hazbin request!! Oh I love Alastor so much!! I hope you like it! I have more requests to come with him and more characters!!
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Prompt: Can I request a Alastor x reader where reader is easily flustered and Alastor just loves that. so every chance he gets he will do some flirty stuff (twirling, ear whispers, ect) bonuses points if reader gets backed up against the wall...
Warning: Suggestive Themes
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The Radio Demon had many hobbies he enjoyed beyond the regularly scheduled broadcasts. A new one developed meeting (Y/n) (L/n). It was his little game now teasing this little demon. She had decided to visit the hotel after the previous extermination day. The fight between heaven and this odd bunch of sinners sparked an interest in the overall vision of redemption.
The first few days (Y/n) caught glimpses of the famous Overlord who managed the Hazbin Hotel. She could not deny her curiosity about Alastor was more than an innocent one. His power attracted (Y/n) and Alastor is no fool noticing her attention in the first few interactions. It thrilled Alastor in his ability to fluster this sinner with a simple glance.
As time passed more physical contact was added to his teasing. A brush of his hand, a whisper in her ear, or more boldly gripping (Y/n)’s hips making the excuse she is in the way of his path. Today he decided to visit the lobby where his favorite toy is ordering a mixed drink at the bar.
(Y/n) took a seat leaning against the bar speaking with Husk about random things when she noticed a tall figure heading towards her. (Y/n)’s eyes slowly tranced up Alastor’s body from head to toe. A noticeable dust of red coats the demon's cheeks.
“Find my body interesting?” Alastor grins unable to hold such flirtatious comments back since it pulled a delicious reaction from (Y/n). The poor woman became a stuttering mess being caught shamelessly undressing the Radio Demon with her eyes. “I would let you take a picture but we both know this face was made for radio only.” He sat down waving Husk to make the usual drink.
“I-I was not looking at you, Alastor. You are getting a little cocky aren't you?” She replied weakly. Alastor chuckled leaning closer and brushing a few strands of hair out of (Y/n)'s face. He pressed his fingers under her chin and lifted her head.
“We both know that's a lie. You love what I have to offer.” He leans in feeling her body tense. “Oh calm down, darling. You are more than welcome to touch me. Anywhere your naughty little fingers can grasp. But some areas may require two hands being...extra large.”
She gulps feeling her entire body temperature rise, her heart wildly thumps against her chest, and the poor sinner's face matches Alastor’s crimson-red theme. “S-Shut up. I…How big are-” (Y/n) quickly stood her imagination running ramped with thoughts of Alastor’s body and what exactly he meant by some parts are larger… “I-I have to go! I think I hear Charlie calling me.” She made a quick dash towards the hall planning to take the elevator to her room.
Unfortunately Alastor did not plan on letting that happen. A squeal escaped her lips suddenly being spun around pressed against the wall. “A-Alastor.” She whispered her back pressed against the wall his chest pressed against hers. There was no escape from him. Alastor placed both hands on either side of (Y/n)’s head. He grinned those eyes held such a lustful gaze.
“Yes? Can I help you with something cutie?” He purres bitting at (Y/n)’s ear pulling a whine of pleasure out. “Oh, what an exquisite sound. Let's see how many more I can earn.” He purred kissing up her neck.
“F-Fuck.” She groaned and gripped his arm. Alastor earned many more sounds from her all night long…
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Imagine being Lucifer's older sibling
Like, you're a Cherubim (cause some Cherubs have different roles so you would be way stronger and better than the ones in Helluva Boss) who's been kinda kept from present-day news cause you've been chilling in the Garden of Eden protecting the Tree of Life and training other Cherubs
Then Emily invites you to Charlie's meeting as a council member and you go but you have no idea what this meeting is about so other council members have to constantly be keeping you up to date on what everyone is talking about DURING the meeting
"Ok, so that's Charlie Morningstar-"
"And her girlfriend, Vaggie. An ex-exorcist-"
"An ex-exorc-What??"
"And they're here to prove sinners can be redeemed-"
"Ok...But why is everyone singing???"
"And is that the fucking first man????"
And you'd have to have Hell and Lucifer and Lilith and Eve and Adam all explained to you but all you really hear is that you have a niece that you never knew about
So you go down to Hell just to meet Charlie and see Lucifer. And Charlie gets all excited to have an unfallen angel on their side so she explains the hotel to you but Lucifer would be showing you all his ducks at the exact same time-
Even though you were kept from any news outside of the Garden of Eden to keep you from being unjust, I like to imagine that you have the most Deadpool personality of all time
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lovelybrooke · 4 months
hello, I've come bearing a platonic hh (and helluva boss) request, specifically the immortal reader series
What if the reader had an accident when getting back to hell, and ended up in a different ring, or hell even landed in imp city
I can see Beelzebub and Ozzie adoring immortal reader, with Bee being first to hang out, and Ozzie taking a little bit, but still would spoil the teen. Also keep Mammon away from them, it would be worse than Val.
Also I can see the whole news of this teen human in hell reaching the Ars Goetia, and Octavia just follows every post about it, Loona as well. Octavia could relate to the reader the most, since shes a teenager as well.
News of the reader being in a different ring would reach pentagram city, and everyone's yelling cause they cant leave the pride ring (the sinners at least, I dont think Charlie counts)
I could imagine this or, if we're talking about this ask, reader goes to confront I.M.P about killing the group of girls. I could see them freaking out, knowing that they would've never taking that job it was for some human. I think at this point there has been some rumors of a humans presence in hell, but nothing confirmed since reader doesn't leave the Hotel often. But of course, people have noticed a weird looking kid walking around with Alastor, having lunch with Rosie, even sometimes out and about with the princess of Hell herself. It wasn't till now that anything has been confirmed, now that you've left the hotel, and that you're alone.
I.M.P, primarily Blitzo, is scared that they're going to get into trouble with Alastor now that you're no longer in Pentagram City, and apparently Alastor isn't aware of that. I'd like to think that Millie and Moxxie love you, while Loona's pretty neutral towards you, at least in the beginning.
Regarding the other characters, I could see Octavia seeking you out, partly to prove you're real, and partly because she wants a friend her age, though she won't admit that. Her dad finds out about you through her.
I'd love to see what you guys think about the other Helluva boss characters, so please send your thoughts my way.
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To be honest, whenever critics of Hazbin say that they miss the old Charlie (which I 100% agree with, what the hell happened to her) Something I’ll admit is that I miss this Charlie the most
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This was one of Charlie’s older designs and it was for the very early proto-drafts of HH and if I’m being honest? It looked amazing! While it still has Vivziepop’s infamous overusage of red deal, this Charlie design actually uses it well (unlike the shitshow that’s Alastor)
Also, the main reason why I miss this Charlie aside from the design, was the fact that she’s used to be legitimately extremely interesting. Here’s what Vivziepop changed about her exactly
(NOTE: This is all from the official Hazbin wiki if you want to read this)
As you can probably tell, she was a steampunk themed character like Pentious
She would’ve acted as a “den mother” character to a demon gang that would become the main cast
Her lobster looking arm was molten lava that could change into various things
She was not the daughter of Lucifer
She was (presumably) a sinner who died in the 1830s
To be honest, I wanted to see this Charlie over Charlie in the show because all of this is extremely interesting and it’s practically a gold mine for some story potential.
Like, imagine this Charlie interacting with Pentious. Considering her personality, imagine how she got to Hell. This Charlie had a ton of interesting story potential yet Vivziepop made her a spineless enabling coward in the series proper (and it’s not even setting up character development or an arc, she just thinks using her powers is “SO MEAN!!!!🥺)
Sorry if this was out of nowhere, I’m just disappointed at Hazbin’s missed potential for actually interesting stories and ideas
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yasssgiveusnothing · 4 months
Radiohusk Analysis: Alastor Cares or Nothing Makes Sense (Part 1)
In the pilot, Alastor needs to bribe Husk to work as the bartender for his new fun project, Hazbin Hotel (HH)! However, as we're told in season 1 episode 5, Alastor has Husk's soul, and therefore, can make Husk do whatever. So why the fuck does Alastor need to bribe him? What reason would he feel compelled to do that if he already has the power to make Husk to anything he wants? Let's discuss some possible options.
A) Alastor feels as if he needs the extra incentive to get Husk to do his job.
This argument has no substance to me because we see in season 1 episode 5 that Alastor has no quelms with putting Husk (or anyone) in their place. If Alastor needed Husk to be obedient and to attend the bar for the hotel, Alastor could have just threatened Husk and reminded him that he has no choice, considering he has his soul.
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B) Vivziepop forgot that in the canon pilot that she wrote Husk as needing to be bribed in order to work the bar.
This is very possible, considering Vivziepop did not write or create the dynamic and most of the interactions that makes Husk and Alastor's relationship. That being said, it is possible that she wouldn't remember the details of their dynamic/interaction from the pilot, but also not understand the characters and their relationship.
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C) Alastor cares.
Alastor wants Husk to be satisfied under his care. It is the only narrative that makes sense, whether it was Viv's intention or not. Alastor gives Husk a choice to work at the hotel. It is why Alastor decides to bribe him instead of using his power and authority to do make Husk work the bar.
Alastor also listens to Husk's concerns about Mimzy and considers him. Alastor also trusts Husk enough to let him know his secret involving being on Lilith's leash.
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THERE IS RESPECT AND TRUST THERE! He even lets Husk put a finger on him (making their argument physical!)
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I mean, Alastor could have easily ripped Husk a new asshole for putting hands on him and verbally attacking Alastor by weaponizing the fact that he also has a leash around his neck, but he didn't.
Let's not forget that Alastor has 'killed' for less! He attacks Sir Pentious for tearing a piece of his coat!
You might be thinking something along the lines of If Alastor cares, why did he threaten Husk?
Nothing is black and white, the least of all relationships, especially relationships in Hell. Alastor isn't exactly a good guy. You can still care about someone and hurt/lash out at them. Also, Husk said something that was aimed to hurt Alastor. It's like if someone you trusted one day said, "That's why your dad left" in the middle of an argument. I'd be pissed too! I wouldn't fucking put a finger on them or threaten them (because I'm not made up of the same stuff a sinner in disney hell is), but it's understandable Alastor would BECAUSE IT'S HELL. Also, the fact that Alastor didn't even hurt Husk during this scene is proof enough that Alastor cares deeply and evidence that the pushing of Angel-Val parallels on this duo is absolute bullshit and makes no sense.
Whether Vivzie forgot or not, what is important is that her perspective of the story is not the only one that matters. A writer can have a specific vision in mind for their story and the characters in it; however, the viewer has the liberty to interpret the text however they want based on their imagination, experience, and relationships. Viewer interpretation helps to broaden perspectives and open up potential interpretations that differ from the writer's original perspective.
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