#hey. hey. hey. look at our kids
I was rewatching The Stone Forest and I really like to think that Hilda had to pass by the Bell Keeper’s outpost on her way out of the city limits. I like to think that idiot looked at what was happening, shrugged, and said ‘eh, she’s the scariest thing out there’
#“‘the scariest thing out there’?”the girl sends him a look that isn't quite a glare for once; it still conveys her opinion just as clearly#Edmund shrugs. Hilda is still within sight of his binoculars. he watches her run and can’t be sure whether she’s running *towards* or *from#*.He doesn’t think she knows either.#'I mean. it’s not like trolls can harm her at this time of the day.#Don’t tell me you believe in fairies kid.'#And there it is at last: the glare. Meiri looks up from her art project - her new therapist had reccomended it as a way to express herself#and since he'd been helping so much so far she'd decided to grudgingly give it a shot -#“*No*” she states pointedly; to anyone who knew her it was an affirmation. And Edmund knew her better than she cared for#'What I believe in is wolves and recluse spiders and ticks and nettle. And I believe that someone with the spine#to sabotage the Patrol wouldn't have the self control to not lick a pretty mushroom'#“Hey!” Edmund protested putting down his binoculars. “I sabotaged the Patrol! For *you* I might add!”#Meiri's smile turned mean; it was a regular expression for her yet it never conveyed any malice. Just the thrill of a game that never tired#her. “And would you?” she lifted one thick eyebrow; signaling to her dad that it was his move now#The dad in question was unfortunately thinking back to a time in his young teenage years when he figured he could eat anything animals bit#and gave himself a poisoning that had him taken to the ER. But she didn't need to know that. *ever* in fact.#“Obviously I would. Like I'd let a mushroom ruin my perfect sandwich diet”#Meiri groaned loudly. Some games were worth playing. But some wars she'd already accepted she'd never win#“Anyway” he turned back to staring at the outside of the wall as if it was of any interest to him (it wasn't)#“kid'll be fine is my point. And even if she isn't ya know what's the best think about this situation?”#They looked at each other with matching smirks. “none of our flipping business” he said at the same time as she echoed#“None of our fucking business”#He gasped immediatelly. “*Meiri!*”#The chastening was useless. She just shrugged innocently.#He'd really have to limit her library visits#the bell keeper hilda#meirdom#hilda the series#hilda netflix
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stoportotouch · 1 day
honestly the fact that the Real Irving was apparently tall and like. at least noticeably strong/~masc~ but also mostly wanted to:
talk about algebra
make jokes to his sister-in-law
from what i can tell is particularly charming.
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pleeborp · 8 months
You know what also????
I was trying to rationalize Grant not recognizing that his son as he grows up looks exactly like that kid he met on the titanic.
And I came to the conclusion that Grant definitely thinks that Lincoln is the little brother of that boy on the titanic.
Think about it:
• Grant knows that the baby is not just Asian he’s not totally stupid.
• Grant also heard them say “that baby is ours”
• he sees that they look the same later
• why would he assume that they’re the same person.
Bc why would he not be like “why does my son and that boy look the same” unless he assumed that they were brothers.
I don’t think this affects anything in canon that he believes this.
But I think it’s neat idk
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spacey-png-art · 5 months
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Sometimes a kid says something in front of your situationship and you both kind of. Yknow.
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hinderr · 8 months
Sometimes i do wonder if they knew the eggs were going to be such a major part of the server
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sheliesshattered · 3 months
10 minutes left before I turn a year older and what did I do?
I ordered myself a lightsaber. ah yiss
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homeless202 · 1 year
EY's reaction to finding out HJ used to steal as well when he was younger is so interesting.
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How excited he was abt it:
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From EY's pov, this straight A student he thought was perfect and never did a single wrong thing in his life, just confessed to having a criminal background. EY used to look down on HJ for his self-righteous and goody-two-shoes behavior. In his eyes, 'good' people like that don't last long bc they're 'sensitive' abt (in his eyes) insignificant stuff, and they often criticize and judge people like him too quickly. That's why he was so curious abt HJ and tried to figure him out, and why he pissed him off so easily. To him, it's a mystery how people like that still exist and manage survive.
One of EY's sources of frustration towards HJ was how EY thought, HJ thought, he (HJ) was better than him (EY) <- which was partially true, HJ did think "I'm miserable, but at least not as miserable as him". But HJ admitting he used to steal showed EY that HJ was not that much better than him. That he's not as stuck-up and 'holier-than-thou' than he previously thought. He had character.
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After finding this out, EY gained a lot more respect for HJ. Especially after hearing his story abt how he managed to quit. HJ became a person EY could truly look up to that day.
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daybreakrising · 3 days
@apocryphis: "my understanding is that humans are not particularly fond of the rain. that they deem it an inconvenience at best, a danger at worst." the iudex muses, and sounds as though it is as much as reflection he makes for himself as he does for his companion. standing by the entrance of the palais in the company of captain vautrin, he extends a gloved hand, palm turned towards the sky, and allows droplets of water to accumulate there under the downpour - seemingly entirely unbothered by the dampness quickly permeating the sleeve of his coat. "what of you, vautrin?" he asks, primordial irises swirling with silent questions he tentatively allows to show in front of a man he catches himself tempted to call his friend (vautrin is a trustworthy man to the iudex of fontaine - should neuvillette lower his guard just as much?). "what do you think of it? you never seem to quite follow the mainstream consensus - i am quite curious to hear your thoughts. perhaps they would cast a light on a few questions i have been asking myself for a little while..."
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The gentle drumming of the rain has been an accompaniment his entire life, it would seem to Vautrin. Perhaps it is his Fontanian upbringing, or perhaps it is because he has been surrounded by music for as long as he can remember, but the rain has always soothed him like a lullaby does a child. In fact, growing up, some nights he couldn't sleep without the background patter of raindrops against his window.
Sleep eludes him now for different reasons, but he finds it soothing nonetheless to watch the rain fall, to listen to the rhythmic drumming upon the roof. It is a comfort to him, where most consider it a hindrance; an annoyance.
The question posed to him by the Iudex summons forth a fleeting smile upon the captain's lips. He has seen the man many a time simply standing in the rain without a care whilst others dash by beneath umbrellas, heads bent beneath the downpour as they hurry to seek shelter. He has heard the whispers of those who have witnessed this unusual habit of the Chief Justice - many consider it strange, another example of how other Neuvillette is. Vautrin has never considered it strange.
"I think you will find that it is adults who dislike the rain, Monsieur Neuvillette." He remarks idly, his gaze trained upon a nearby puddle, watching as each ripple overlaps the one preceding it. "Children, I find, can never get enough of it. Just as with most things, the wonder at the world fades as time goes on, and we forget to enjoy the simple things in life."
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But he hasn't yet answered his question. I am quite curious to hear your thoughts. It feels meaningful, to fall beneath the Iudex's curious gaze, for his thoughts to be considered important. There is a brief flutter of panic in the captain's chest - what if his answer is not to Neuvillette's satisfaction? What if his value is diminished for it?
"I... I find it a comfort, actually." There is nothing to say but the truth, and hope it is what Neuvillette wishes to hear. "And it has... fond memories, for me." He takes a step forward, relinquishing the cover that has kept him dry thus far. As soon as the first drops hit, he tips back his head, turns his face to the sky.
"My sister loved the rain more than she ever loved the sun. She was forever splashing around in puddles, spinning and twirling beneath the downpour, and always, always, with a smile on her face. It would take us twice as long to get home because she would hop from puddle to puddle along the way. Truth be told, I never hurried her. I didn't want to ruin her fun, even if I knew we'd be scolded by our parents for being late, for ruining our clothes. It was always worth the telling off, to see her so happy."
He closes his eyes then, just for a moment, and he can almost hear her delightful laughter ringing in his ears, the joyful shriek as he jumps, deliberately, into the puddle beside her, splashing them both up to their knees with water. He can see the brilliant smile as she dances beneath the rain, droplets scattering from her twirling hair and skirt.
And oh, how his heart aches.
"Rain is... music." With deep regret his eyes open slowly, blinking away the drops that have accumulated upon his lashes. "The way it strikes a different sound when it falls upon different textures, the rhythm it holds... For me, Neuvillette, there is nothing more beautiful than the song nature can create."
There's a pause, then, in which the captain hurriedly lowers his head, casts his gaze aside. Embarrassment, perhaps, at the baring of his soul so unexpectedly, a glimpse of the raw emotion that still lingers at his core. He wonders if perhaps he has crossed a line by being so... honest, so informal. Yet it is a mark, indeed, of the ease he feels in the presence of the Iudex, that he was able to lower his guard and speak of something so precious to him.
He blames Carole, of course. She has softened too many of his edges, it seems.
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fooltofancy · 7 months
have frankly had more hilarious experiences in aurum vale than almost any other dungeon, but i am burdened with a truly masochistic sense of humor so i guess that tracks.
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isdalinarhot · 4 months
#25 with Sadeas for the character ask game!
I already kind of answered this one but then I remembered I can share my REAL ACTUAL first impression of Sadeas from my first read through of twok:
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hajihiko · 2 years
im looking at your sk8r boiz piece (which is incredible btw, love the colors) like omg,, they painted each others nails,,,,
Matchy matchy punk boys
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homunculusrex · 4 months
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Who the fuck designed this fucking factory in Poppy's Playtime
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quitefair · 2 months
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dont talk to me, i'm shifting into corinth mode.......
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ivyithink · 8 months
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I wish I had a nice monster-related quote or something to put here, but instead I’ll just recommend “for the departed”, “villainous thing” and “godspeed” all by shayfer james, ‘cause they’re a vibe for this AND great songs
this piece is also one for cringetober 2023! (some info here!)
the prompt: day 31 - halloween! honestly though, this was just an excuse to finally do at least something for the idea that’s been living in my head for a looooooong time…
#my art#the last kingdom#tlk#tlk uhtred#tlk alfred#cringetober 2023#there’s another character for this au I wanna draw soooooo badly#‘cause The Vision (tm) would not be complete without them#time i just need some time to get to that#but look at these dramatic hoes#‘hey op what’s up with their outfits?? what time period is it???’ who cares#probably our time and they are just stupid#and by they I mean alfred ‘cause uhtred has a sensible t shirt and jacket on#no but literally this stupidity would be like the plot of hotel transylvania except no one at all is having a good time building a home for#all the wretched souls of creatures of the night; alfred’s too busy trying to sneak into churches without bursting into flames; he is#centuries into bemoaning the fact that god hates him now and what is even THE POINT in circumstances like that; meanwhile uhtred is just#gathering more and more critters around himself just because he’s uhtred and he has NOWHERE TO FUCKING PUT THEM??? he’s collecting the found#family and has like a dozen kids around his neck AND WOULDN’T IT BE NICE IF THEY ALL HAD A HOME HMMM??!!!?? maybe JUST MAYBE there’s a#depressed immortal somewhere who’s rich as hell and smart enough to build a safe place for those in need of it???!!? WITH HELP OBVIOUSLY#and I hope everyone appreciates the decision - no matter how ‘DUH of course’ it is - to make uhtred (saxon raised by danes yada-yada-yada) a#human turned werewolf (and raised by them to an extent; in my au anyway)#and alfred’s a vampire because of course he is and also I think someone should cast david dawson as one IMMEDIATELY#that’s such a missed opportunity he would be fantastic i think#anyway; i would happily babble about this with anyone who’d have me but tags are infinite so I’m stopping for now#*are not infinite#and just in case cause there is a detail in the work itself#cw: self harm#tw: self harm
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darckcarnival · 2 years
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Independant OC Roleplay Blog.   21+ Years of Roleplay Experience.                                    Mun is 31+ Years old
                          ‘Are you human, or are you a monster?’
           “I have more humanity in me than some humans.“
           |-| Rules |-| Bio |-| Species |-| Appearance |-| Hells Pit |-|
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itwoodbeprefect · 4 months
just had the experience of succesfully sounding out แว่นกันแดด in my head, recognizing those sounds ("waen kan daet") as something i'd seen in transliterated script, confidently going "zonnebril!", and then seeing it translated as sunglasses and going wait?? that was wrong?? for a whole two seconds before remembering that no, those words actually do all fit into the same mold, i was just pouring a different language into it by accident
#i made a pancakes-for-dinner sort of sunglasses when they should have been pancakes-for-breakfast sunglasses#is there a paper somewhere on third or fourth language acquisition through a second language? i bet there is. there should be#anyway. there is this (anecdotal? but i assume widely shared) phenomenon i've been thinking about a lot#in which a person hears (or says or thinks) some words. two seconds pass. they can't remember what language the words were in#you remember the content just fine! but the way it got to your brain? who knows#happened to my mother recently when we watched a dutch movie and afterwards she recalled it as 90 minutes of english#because there was a gun in it. which felt american to her#happened to ME recently too in fact. when i had to think hard after being told the boy and the heron had english subtitles in our theater#as we were walking out of the theater!! and the only way i got to a place of going hey yeah! was by remembering a moment#while watching the movie. of consciously going 'huh they chose to translate some of this japanese as 'ain't'. interesting'#and ain't ain't dutch!! definitive proof they DID show that japanese movie with english subtitles in our dutch theater!!#this wall of tags isn't (ain't) going anywhere except. i think the zonnebril confusion is a version of this happening but maybe. like.#with a faint zonnebril echo still in my brain. sunglasses sounds different but for a moment there i didn't realize that's not because#it's a different concept. but because i had pulled the wrong language string attached to this one concept. or something#*#you know what sometimes i kid myself into thinking i don't think about language much more than the average person#but then i look at myself and my half-remembered linguistics degree and every hobby i've ever had and i go hm. hmmmm
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