#hes such a FUCKINH complex character
siriusblackisdead · 4 months
Andrew Minyard was called a monster throughout the whole series but instead of explaining WHY he acted the way he did he let them. He never told even his family barely anything about his past or himself, they only knew the little bits and pieces he found safe to tell and he definitely didnt tell anyone about the whole Drake thing, because the only person Andrew ever told accused him of being a fucking liar instead of believing him and Andrew could not survive even the possibility of that happening again.
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heartshapedtrap · 1 year
my coworker a man who watches succession not understanding how fucking badly shiv lost is so infuriating
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finnickyy · 9 months
I went on a rant on my IG story a few weeks ago and just wanted to share it here cuz i went in depth and got a bit too passionate
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transcript after cut
i fucking love mha
like its honestly my favorite show right now
is it perfect? fuck no
you have to be dumb as shit to think this show is perfect
there are so many things wrong with it omfg
but thats not what i wanna get into
what i wanna get into is the fandom and it portrayal of erasermic
EraserMic is probably one of the best things to come out of the show
Its literally the story of the two characters grieving the loss of a close friend and never really healing from it. BUT FUCKING NO
THEY WANNA FOCUS ON FUCKINH "dadzawa and mamamic"
bros legit a dude that would sacrifice everything for the sake of other people
his self destructive behaviors are stated multiple time in the show and in vigilantes
he does not view himself as something that is important
he views himself as simply a tool for the betterment of other people
thats why hes a teacher
he literally doesnt own any personal items
all he has in his fucking apartment is his sleeping bag
he doesn't allow himself to get sentimental
after oboros death he became closed off and didn't allow himself to work though what happened
the only thing he focused was training
even to the point of ignoring his physical needs
he doesn't let himself get attached
he doesn't even open when mic tries to reach out to him
LIKE I GET "hahahaha funny trait" GET NEW MATERIAL OMFG
mic is so interesting to me cuz if the fact that "Present Mic" is simply just a persona
Mic is this outgoing loud person
Hes bombastic and enthusiastic
hes the fun guy
hes the guy that people go to when they want to chill and have a laugh
Yamada Hizashi is quiet and observant
He was the first person to suggest that there was a traitor in UA
He is the one that takes care of aizawa when hes drunk (i love the fact thats literally canon omfg)
Hes the one people see but dont notice
Present Mic is literally a Caricature of what he wants to be for people - easy and outgoing
One thing i saw someone point out is how you can tell when he is hizashi and when he is mic
When hes Hizashi - his eyes are visible
When hes Mic - all you can see are his glasses
Hizashi doesn't cope with the death of Oboro either. He never focuses on himself
He is always focused on what Aizawa feels. Which is why this shit is favorite
Its the fucking dysfunctionality of it
Hizashi never deal with his shit he just states whats happened.(ex. when midnight died - he just simply stated the obvious without actually confronting the subject at hand)
He is always focused on the others
(Hence, why he never told aizawa that they were actually going for his quirk instead of Oboro)
This is why they both work so well and dont at the same time.
They both use the same ideaology (putting other infront of you no matter what)
but using different methods
for aizawa its focusing on bettering himself to use himself as a tool to improve others
for mic its not focusing on yourself at all and putting all his attention onto others
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hellofears · 16 days
what’s crazy is types of men acting like they don’t grovel at the feet of those they desire at the women they seek. like u r slobbering u r ugly crying but on mute. it’s sad. what pisses me off is the thing of “pass him a bone” pass the man a bone it makes me sickly. it makes me unwell. the thought makes me unwell.
the other day i saw a post pretty sure it was a copy pasta atleast on twt (don’t use it clicked on a yter i found out of curiosity and wanted to know their vibe before i moved forward i don’t have an account lol) in a way after thought i was like for some this might not be serious in the way it presents itself but it made me feel shit no less.
it was along the lines of females want male friends they want someone to do emotional labour physical labour to vent to to use but when it comes to him at his lowest it doesn’t matter. he has no pussy and u act like u don’t have it and can’t do him a favour. I KENTALLY FUCKING FLEW INTO THE WALL HULK SHIT SHEHULK SHIT NOT WATCHED IT ACTUALLY. I AANTED TO FCKN LIKE I CANT EXPRESS IT MAXE ME FEEL ILL. and then i searched it up and guess how many bitches have posted that exact same wall of text on twitter? UH HUH. what pisses me off to no end is acting like u have any fuckinh right to someone’s body. like being a companion means you have any day of what piece of them you can have. the pussy doesn’t stick to you bitch it’s not a purse. do you know how evil how disgusting how vile i can’t imagine to open up to someone, and let me say feeling unseen or used or like maybe ur not being seen or ur not being given that equal support. that equal relationship that’s fine. anyone deserves to express that. my thing is the pinacle issue for some people is the fact they’re not fucking a vagina! WHO R U. what is in the dome??? what is present???? who is answering the bell i have a parsel u r one of the most viscerally shit stupid individuals i have ever had the unfortunate role of witnessing. it made me ill it makes me ill. like i said i can see the thing of haha it’s so fuc like why do you act like it’s so easy? you make me want to throw you in the shitter and keep you on my shit residue as nutrience u better hope that toilet water that comes out when flushed is refreshing. like. what is. i don’t understand.
like oh you can just me a bone like where is their will in this? where is your acknowledgment of what that intimacy means to many where is your respect for autonomy? the way just i know the mind games. it’s so unfortunate. sex is only transactional if that’s a dynamic mutual between the both of you a dynamic wanted a dynamic agreed to. ? i could go on and on it makes me feel mad i could probably find it yk what i will
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like i said i can see it being like haha oh i’m teasing like nudge nudge but just atleast to me it was an instant ew. idk. i don’t proclaim 2 know anyone’s character or some shit no specific it’s a type of man i know exists even that in like idk ppl r so complex just the archetype maybe that’s better suited i’m iffy but that archetype of a man it makes me sad it does. it does not ever feel far away either. not far enough if you ask me who believes such bullshit.
sex is beyond many boundaries to many it is something personal to many and even if it wasn’t why the fuck do you think they want you that way? why should they ‘give up’ anything??? what sort of dialogue?? seen and not heard or some shit? fo give up. 2 give up one’s agency 2 expect that from anyone to want that for them to allow it but even more so act like it’s the least they can do for you? what are you worth. idk to me if i were to have relations with somebody in such a way i’d want us both 2 like or like be into eachother? it’s strange. u act like u don’t have it like it’s a them problem like they’re missing something they’re not providing. not wanting a monogamous relation is fine. not wanting a serious relationship is fair enough even no romance at all. its a lack of boundaries. ‘they should’ve known’ so ur a dumb fuck. so someone is wrong for being cordial with you even more than that friendly spending time and nurturing a friendship. a woman shouldn’t say hi unless they want 2 fuck you but also they’re a bitch if you don’t get acknowledgment, they need 2 be meek but not too meek. shy but not too shy. humble but not 2o much. a prude might aswell live in a stark white box with no end sort of fantasy but don’t be too conservative. let me choke you when i want 2. you only like muscles right? ur ability to be into jack shit what is it gonna be flower petals on the bed! ugh! you probably want me to make u a nice bath with the music u like fuck you. it’s flabbergasting. some of the most boohoo bitchery i’ve seen has come from men down this sort of route. when did ppl decide ‘chasing’ women was cute or what was good or what anyone wanted or was for anyones anything. we all want 2 be wanted. i have 0 doubt men experience heart break. if they took out a journal and started writing poems i’d be like real and if they express that grief differently yk may they’re into sports they like to sweat shit out in a way, that’s real. whatever it is playing video games hanging out with friends doing art making music producing music dancing etc whatever whoever. being safe and willing what helps people process shit come 2 terms with shit. this goes both ways. a man doesn’t have 2 fuck a woman just because she’s grieving a relationship, there is no responsibility or obligation there. male female everyone should have choice everyone has choice, men shouldn’t be expected to want sex every fucking night and day on the clock or smth but or 2 be a horn dog. they shouldn’t feel like they’ve done something wrong if they lack interest in what peers are saying they should want or what society says they should want or base their life of off. it’s the same for other parties. even anyone just wanted time alone time 2 sit down a retreat some recharge. 2 want that is not anything wrong. it’s not weak, it’s not something anyone should be ashamed of. no man no woman no one. if i were to know aliens existed i’d tell those beep boopers the same thing. there is no issue like i’ve repeated with discussing or having your worries about a dynamic about expressing your emotions expressing negligence you feel you’ve been on the receiving end of. to state you’ve been hurt are hurt to say why why u think that is how what going forward etc. there is strength in it. there is yahoo mario noise shit good about being a liar, and i don’t mean for self protective reasons, 2 think the only way u can get female attention is to trick lie deceive etc is not only demeaning 2 you who thinks and lives that way but the ppl on the other end you don’t have enough consideration for. have more consideration for everyone in ur life. it’s a self fulfilling mess. asspittery i don’t think anyone deserves to feel neglected or used, anyone deserves the ability to communicate that a space where they can be heard and a discussion can be had. i just don’t get such resentment. we create our own trials sometimes our own battles, our own hell. what i hate is the idea that someone should practically RESIGN r e s i g n 2 having sex with you like i guess this is it. NEVER. It is sad. beyond sad.
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banghwa · 1 year
I love fanfic when hyyh yoonkook meet as adults bc they were just too fucking awful to each other as teens..twist is they are still fuckinh toxic to function together
oh thisssss like as much as i am a hyyh yoonkook "happy" ending lover i also love the idea that they could never actually work bcs theyre just too similar and because of everything they went through together. both yoongi and jungkook are the type of ppl to hold on to something awful long after everyone else have moved on. its perfectly feasable that into adulthood they would STILL be holding on to all the awful shit they did for each other and never get over it, and rightfully so tbh. like yoongi has a main character complex the size of the moon and when jungkook isnt busy spiralling over how he's fundamentally broken he's wallowing about how its actually everyone elses fault his life sucks and his only crime is caring too much. like teen/young adult yoonkook would never work bcs of these fundamental character flaws and TBH they are so stubborn that id believe it if it never worked out as adults either !
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If you've got the time, i'd love to know the anime characters that you'd wanna be dicked down by (with pics of them?)
hoE OKAY LETS GO but lowkey lazy to save pics so hopefully theres gifs of them sO IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:
Gino Weinberg - tall, blonde with blue eyes, hella playful, Knight of THREE in the mofo Knights of Round? hoe bang me in Tristan (i think thats his knightmare im probs wrong), im pretty sure he’s a nobleman
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Aidou Hanabusa - also blond with blue eyes and an aristocrat (damn am i a gold digger or what), hella flirty and playful too, vampire with an ability to freeze things so temperature/ice play is a mUST
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Kyoya Hibari - hoe who didnt like this brooding, aloof man, biting kink was born, i have a hibird plushie bc of him, hiS SOFT SPOT FOR ANIMALS IS SUCH A TURN ON
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Dino Cavallone - his glo up in the TYL arc was fucking beautiful, his hair? Tattooes? His cute clumsiness when Romario or his other henchmen aren’t near? He haS A FUCKINH WHIP AS A WEAPON y’all already know it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Takeshi Yamamoto - he’s such a sweetheart he deserves the world and he’s so passionate it beTTER BE THE SAME IN THE BEDROOM—a baseball player so u kno we gonna tackle all the bases until we hit homerun ;) ;)
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Hikaru Hitachiin - this is my older brother complex kicks in + my dream of having a twin kicks in, idk why im not attracted to Kaoru tho but i dont mind being shared
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Death the Kid - he’s so mature for his age group and his little ocd complex is so cute and amusing, idk a skateboarder? also his gun handling daMN but like i wouldn’t be into gunplay (at first 👀)
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Levi Ackerman - it doesn’t help Sehun went on stage and deadass looked like him, his height is a problem for me but eh
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I’m missing plenty of other guys bc it’s literally been years since I’ve watched anime, but I guess these guys made the list bc they’re either fresh in my memory or they obviously left a mark (wink wonk)
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mistressmitsumi · 7 years
It's pathetic really, hating on the BakuDeku shippers.
First of all, this is just my own opinion on the hate on the shippers and not on the actual ship.
Browsing through tags and such. I happen to see a huge amount of hate on the ship. That's normal. All kinds of ship gets that. People will always find why a certain ship is wrong. No ship is perfect. It all has flaws and why it's problematic.
What I have issues are the direct insult to the shippers themselves for liking a very complicated/problematic pair.
Some are claiming those who ship them have never been bullied or abused? You know who was abused? THIS PERSON RIGHT HERE. I was mentally, physically and sexually abused by my classmates (mentally) and by an exboyfriend (physical and sexual for 5 fucking years). So don't fucking claim you know these people who ship Bakudeku. You don't know what they have been through the same way as they don't know you.
You know why I like that fucking ship despite their ugly start? Because the mother fucking character development. Because Deku is finally standing up against Bakugou. Because Katsuki is finally seeing Izuku as someone who is strong. Because there is history and conflict. BECAUSE IT'S NOT SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS. It's a huge clusterfuck of drama that needs a lot of fucking time, redemption and forgivenes before it becomes a fucking healthy relationship. No one who ships this is an idiot who thinks Bakugo is forgivable the way he is now. But sure, PEOPLE DONT CHANGE RIGHT? PEOPLE DONT DESERVE TO CHANGE? Cause with how all of you diss on Bakugou, it's like he is this huge asshole who can't change for the fucking better. Like he can't fucking realize he was wrong his whole life. Fuck that right? It's not and never had been about abuse that makes this fucking ship beautiful. It's about these fucking two boys who had a fuckinh toxic relationship growing into one of the best heroes there is, all the while learning how wrong or how to forgive. A Toxic and problematic relationship can be saved, he worked out and can be turned into a healthy one as long as it gets to be worked out. They are still young impressionable boys. Both are some how guided by All Might and was said that they'll turn into a great duo of heroes.
But you know what? You can hate on the ship. When I made this post I don't want to defend Bakudeku because people will fucking see what they what to see. I went out of tangent because like any shippers, I am also protective of it. You can hate it. That is your right. You know what's not cool? YOU INSULTING PEOPLE WHO SHIP THEM LIKE YOU KNOW EACH AND EVERYONE OF THEM PERSONALLY JUST BECAUSE THE LIKE A PROBLEMATIC SHIP.
JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE BITTER DOESNT MEAN ALL OF US HAVE TO BE. Just cause you are not fucking open about people that can change for the better (especially a fictional character) doesn't mean we don't have to. Just because you allude your bullies to Kacchan means all abused victims will too. Just because the abusive start of Katsuki and Izuku's relationship (non romantically) triggers you doesn't mean all of us does. You don't get to speak for all of us. You have all the rights to hate the ship, keep the shippers out of it. You can keep youself away from it if it triggers you, I understand that. No one likes being reminded. But you don't get to force and insult people who like the said pairing.
It doesn't matter who you are or what you have been through, we all don't know each other personally. Insulting people because of fictional characters are a lot more disgusting. You are no better than your bullies for assuming about other people's lives.
Co-Bakudeku/KatsuDeku shippers. Some of you, stop insulting them personally too. Ship wars is ship wars. You battle with facts and opinion about the pairing but never insult someone. I know I am not known in this fandom, only my friends know how hardcore I ship this pairing. I am more of a quiet shipper. Don't be Bakugou Katsuki of manga chapter one. Be Midoriya Izuku of the current arc who forgave and understands Kacchan more now.
Kacchan is far for a decent person right now but he's getting there. His character is still developing, still changing. He's a huge ass bully but he's also my favorite character because he is complex. He's a character who's sense of right and wrong is still shaky. Unstable and has a lot of issues with his personality (anger management and superiority complex to name a few). He is a flawed character.
Don't bother sending me asks or reblogs just to tel me why I shouldn't ship them, that I am disgusting or a liar. God forbid someone sends me a message or reblog about how should I feel about it as an abuse victim. No there is no written manual on how one should feel when abused so please save yourself some time, and just reflect on why insulting each other is bad. Insult the ship, you hate it for a reason but never the person.
I am a firm believer of letting people ship what ever they want to ship. If it's promblematic or you have issues about it, ask them why in a polite way to understand why the like it. Tell them why you don't. Have a healthy discussion about it without it getting personal or insulting each other. Then after that agree that you both have different views, differnet opinions and different likes. No it doesn't mean the other is disgusting, abusive or wrong. You are just different from them. Grow up.
Now if this have been a real life situation and not a fictional one, then all bets are off, real life abuse is different than fictional. :) Fiction is not real life. You can relate, see yourself or learn from it. Morals, values and opinions within a fictional world will and forever be not the same as ours as these are imaginary. They are controlled by an author who can change the rules of the characters lives anyway they like. Fictions stays fiction for a reason. They are not real. These are not real people. These are characters that you may have connected to but are still not real.
I can give you a lot of characters who are wrong/abusive/bully who within the series have changed and turned into great characters. BNHA is far from over. A lot of things can happen. So really, stop assuming the worst about people for liking something different from what you believe in.
PS: English is not my first language, so do forgive if I have a lot of errors. And yes, I do curse a lot.
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