#hes getting it
cloudcountry · 1 year
Genre/Tropes: Fixing up someone's wounds after a fight.
Summary: You take care of Ruggie after his Overblot even though he's still on his guard.
Author's Comments: I'm so glad I've been getting a lot of Ruggie requests because I love him.
“Prefect, you don’t need to worry about me.” Ruggie tried to wiggle out of your hold again, his face marred with cracked scars.
“Ruggie, I’m telling you, sit still!” you insisted, pressing your fingers over the cracks in his arms, “You’re not fine! Your skin is all cracked…you’re bleeding!”
“I’ve been through worse. This is nothing.” he huffed, tucking his arms into his chest, “Go away. You’re such a weirdo. I don’t need to be pampered like this-”
“It’s not pampering!” you hissed, whipping your head back towards the Heartslabyul students, “Go get him some water!”
The order was barked at no one in particular, but it was heard. You briefly saw Deuce take off towards the school and Ace follow as Riddle conversed with Headmaster Crowley. Trey and Cater were by your side, but kept their distance from you and Ruggie. You mentally thanked them for staying away from the two of you. Ruggie didn’t need to be crowded by everyone—you were more than enough—especially when he was like this.
“Ow, watch it!” he hissed, arms shooting towards his side.
You swallowed thickly and loosened your grasp on him. He sighed, ears flat against his head as he glared up at you.
“You’re not going to let me go, are you?” he huffed, “Fine. I’ll get treatment. Just stop holding me like this.”
You realized then that one of your arms was looped around his waist, and the other propping up his head. You blinked as his gaze bore into yours. He could have used his signature spell. He could have fought you off easily. He had definitely gone through worse. He could have run away. He should have run away by now.
You removed your arms from him, shifting your positions so that his head was resting on your thighs. He huffed again, but made no move to get up. You wanted to hold him, to soothe him, to let him know that it would be okay, but you refrained. He’d hate that.
“Prefect! I found a few water bottles! Ace brought a first aid kit with him but he’s slower than me so he’ll probably be a bit-” Deuce skidded to a stop in front of you, gulping in a breath of air.
“Who are you calling slow?!” Ace yelled, whacking him upside the head with the familiar red box, “Prefect, this idiot insisted on grabbing protein bars too! So if anyone’s late it’s because of him!”
You weren’t paying attention to a single thing they said, snatching the water and protein bars out of Deuce’s hands at lightning speed. The two got the hint and dropped their argument for now, setting the rest of the stuff in their hands at your feet.
“Drink.” you demanded, pressing a cold bottle to Ruggie’s chest.
He didn’t say anything but didn’t waste a second. You watched with relief as he gulped down the water. You pressed a protein bar to his chest and he ripped it open with his teeth.
“Moisturizer.” you mumbled, eyes catching on the cracks down his arms, “Does anyone have moisturizer on them?”
“Cater does.” Trey said from behind him, his brow furrowed, “He gave it to me a few moments ago. He and his body doubles are going to tell the rest of the faculty about what happened.”
“Thank you.” you opened the container immediately, scooping a generous amount of the cosmetic product onto your fingers, “Ruggie. Ruggie, can I have your hand?”
His fist clenched against his chest as he eyed you warily.
“I can do it myself.” he shot back, reaching for the moisturizer.
You didn’t have time to react to his admission before the cracks in his arms opened more, blood beading in the wounds.
“Stop moving!” you shrieked, catching his arm and placing it gently on his chest, “I can do it, just please…stop hurting yourself.”
“I told you I’m fine! Just let me deal with this, I appreciate you getting me food and water, is that what you want to hear? I owe you, Prefect. Now can I go on my way and get the treatment you want me to get so bad?” he argued, beginning to squirm again.
“You would have done that by now if you could!” you yelled, holding back the urge to shake him by the shoulders, “You would have gotten up and joked around with everyone about what just happened! The only reason you’re not is because you can’t!”
“I don’t need your pity. I’m fine, really. Just a little tired. Fighting takes a lot out of you, you know?” Ruggie propped himself up on his elbows, “I’m-”
“Ruggie, you could run from Ace and Deuce for so long. You’ve always been fast and energetic. I’ve seen you during Spelldrive. Fights don’t wear you out.” you took a deep breath before staring into his eyes again, holding out the lotion, “So…please?”
Ruggie rolled his eyes and thrust his hand into yours. You whispered a quiet thank you as you got to work, gently rubbing in the cream so as to not irritate his skin further.
“You’re so strong.” you mumbled, rubbing little circles up his arm, “You’re so reliable. You’re really clever and resourceful, and you never let yourself get walked all over. You look out for the people closest to you and you truly have a heart of gold.”
“What are you talking about?” he sounded so disgruntled, his eyes glued to the sandy ground.
“I’m talking about you.” you sighed, “I’d like to be someone you can depend on. I’d like to help you. I don’t want to take care of you or coddle you like a baby. I know how much you don’t like that. You came to my aid during this Overblot and I can’t thank you enough. This is how I’m showing the beginning of my gratitude. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Ruggie shifted, his head turning to look up at you. His expression was still guarded, but you didn’t expect that to change. The most you could have asked for was to make sure he got out of this okay after trying to protect you.
“You’re still weird.” he mumbled, the tension in his shoulders relaxing just a bit.
You said nothing as you dressed his wounds, wrapping up the cracks you could see in bandages. You did nothing but watch as the newly arrived Crewel helped Ruggie towards the school’s infirmary. You only moved again when Trey silently placed a hand on your back, gently pushing you towards the space in which Ruggie had left. Whispering a small thank you to him, you began to follow his path to the infirmary.
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