#her foresight is also like less Exactly what will happen and more a couple likely outcomes that you can kind of plan around
subsequentibis · 1 year
HELLO while we are talking underbelly I would Dearly Enjoy to hear about diana just in general since I am simply Fond of Her... what is she up to these days? how is she doing?
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THANKS FOR ASKING! this made me finally settle on a redesign for her. she's still an oracle type figure capable of seeing the future, but now she hangs around pool halls and uses her foresight to give her an edge in all kinds of games of skill and chance alike. she likes to take bets, safe in the reassurance that she mostly knows the outcomes, but every once in a while the spirit of the thing takes her and she'll leave it completely up to chance. i've been playing with the idea of luck being a form of currency in the underbelly, with people able to trade and sell the very concept of good fortune, and she'd definitely be a top dealer in it. not only can she tell you the best outcomes of an event, she can tip the odds in your favor if you make it worth her while.
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
A couple is getting called out for breaking one of the unwritten rules of dinner at a wedding. This is after they charged their guests for the entree and got into one person who wanted to eat at McDonald's instead.
It's common practice in many cultures to feed your wedding guests at a reception, or you'll at least give them a heads-up if they're expected to shell out a bunch of cash on your big day. It doesn't always happen but that's more or less how it works — except when you break that norm and treat the reception like a pay-at-the-table restaurant.
That's exactly the situation that one 25-year-old woman found herself in recently while attending a work colleague's wedding, and she turned to Reddit's popular community to get a fresh perspective on the whole thing.
The woman explained that she was "super excited and happy" for her co-worker the bride, and she even had the foresight to ask if there were any "guest fees" she should expect ahead of time.
Fast-forward to the wedding reception and the guests were "presented with a wedding menu that had prices on it," she wrote. She says the steak was listed at $50 and everything else on the menu was "ridiculously expensive, including the vegetarian options."
The younger woman said she felt "lied to" by the bride but she didn't want to make a scene. She was also hungry and didn't have money for a pricey dinner. Therefore, she explained the situation to the bride and promised to be right back after hitting McDonald's down the street.
"I thought she'd agree but to my horror, she got really upset," the woman wrote.
The bride apparently ran off about how she tried so hard to give her guests "Michelin-star restaurant service," and she accused her co-worker of "trying to bring her down" by saying she'd prefer McDonald's.
Things escalated from there, with the guest accusing the bride of lying and the bride calling her "cheap" for assuming that she'd get a "free five-course dinner."
She says she polled her boyfriend and others about the whole thing. They told her she should've just brushed it off, but that only prompted her to turn to Reddit for more opinions.
"I've never been to a wedding where the guests pay for their meal," read the top comment on the post, which received over 20,000 upvotes for declaring her "not an a**hole."
Others pointed out that occasionally you might have to pay for yourself at a birthday or wedding dinner. However, it's common courtesy for the hosts to make sure that everyone knows that in advance.
Many jumped into the comments to share how their own cultures prize the idea of feeding others. This could be through cooking together at a community place or joining a potluck that everyone knows about beforehand.
"It should be about bonding and celebrating with friends and family," wrote one Reddit user, "not some ostentatious display of 'princess for a day.'"
Some users also shared what they saw as more polite ways to charge your guests for dinner.
"I was invited to a wedding where we paid for our meals at the reception," one person wrote. "It was on the invite ($24 a head) and it said not to bring a gift (because) we paid for the meal."
Still, the overwhelming attitude was that you just don't do that if you can help it.
"This new thing of trying to charge wedding guests is just bonkers and so rude," wrote a commenter.
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incredifan34 · 3 years
Incredibles Theory
Recently, I watched a video by Cartoon Conspiracy that theorized that Syndrome, was, in fact, a superhero - more specifically, the child of two supers. I highly reccommend you check it out.
More specifically, in the video, Cartoon Conspiracy theorized that Syndrome's parents must've been supers for the following reasons:
Mr. Incredible / Bob Parr seems to know Buddy Pine's mother well, if not both of his parents. As seen with the wedding scene where Helen and Bob get married, most of the attendees are, in fact, superheroes. This would suggest that Bob and Helen's majority of friends / acquaintances are also supers.
Buddy Pine, as a child, seems to be overly eager to become a superhero himself (and has access to advanced tech parts), idolizing Mr. Incredible, showing up at the scene of the crimes, inventing his own tech to give him "powers", and dubbing himself "IncrediBoy". For one, where exactly is Buddy getting all of the tech parts (as a child, no less) needed to make working rocket boots? And two, how exactly where, and when, to find Mr. Incredible multiple times, unless he also had a police scanner / some sort of device that notifies Supers when criminals are at large? (Or, perhaps more likely, he overheard his Super parents talk about where Mr. Incredible normally fights crime?) And why is Buddy the only "sidekick" we see or hear about? This could also potentially point to Buddy having one, or two, superhero parents, ones with access to government technology made for superheroes (i.e. Gazerbeam's eyepiece, gauntlets, etc.).
Buddy Pine seems to be obsessively fixated on "becoming a superhero", so much so that his entire childhood is spent revolving around becoming one, as well as his later adulthood. It seems strange that Buddy is the only "non-Super" featured in the film who wants to emulate a superhero in real life, whereas everyone else seems to be perfectly content with letting the established Supers (ones with powers) do the job of crime-fighting for them.
Forshadowing as related to Jack-Jack Parr, the child of two Supers, supposedly "not having any powers". In the film, one of the points that comes up is Helen Parr, a.k.a Elastigirl, worrying about (or at least noticing) that "Jack-Jack doesn't [seem to] have any powers". This is in spite of Jack-Jack being the child of two superheroes. So this tells us two things: one, that a superhero couple has had at least one child before; and two, that a "non-super" born to two supers has also happened before. Why else would Helen Parr / Elastigirl just seemingly accept so suddenly that Jack-Jack doesn't have any apparent abilities, even though he's still a toddler? ...unless, of course, there was a previous example that she knew of a "superhero couple's baby" turning out to be a "Muggle"...a child, perhaps, like Buddy Pine.
Syndrome's / Buddy Pine's later island base seems almost identical to the base of the Phantasmics, a team of superheroes mentioned in the extra of The Incredibles DVD. The Phantasmics were a super group part of the National Supers Agency, and focused on international threats. Their base, as such, is noted as a "Secret Mid-Ocean Location - Codename - New Atlantis".
Speaking of the Phantasmics, in the video noted by Cartoon Conspiracy, they were headed by team leader Everseer, whose superpowers included telepathy, clairvoyance, and "magni-vision"; Macroburst, a superhero with the ability to control air currents and create high-velocity winds; Plasmabolt, a female superhero whose powers involved shooting bolts of plasma, which was gathered from the insect-like antennae mounted on the head of her super suit; and Psychwave, whose powers included mental force wave generation, temporary mental paralysis, the ability to possess the bodies of others, psychic foresight, thought control, and telekinesis; her superhero uniform was notable for an atomic insignia. In the video montage of the Supers that Syndrome's Omnidroid kills in the film, the Phantasmics (Psycwave, Everseer, Macroburst) are some of the first superheroes to die by his hand.
Buddy Pine bears some physical resemblance to at least two potential Super parents. Cartoon Conspiracy theorized that Psycwave and Universal Man were the parents of Buddy Pine, because these two Supers appear first on his "kill list" (Project Kronos). However, personally, I think that Buddy Pine / Syndrome bears much more physical resemblance to the superhero Phylange, who had the ability to project sonic fields; and Apogee, a Super whose powers involved gravity control and levitation. Buddy Pine's facial / ear structure matches that of Phylange; his crooked teeth match Apogee's. Phylange and Apogee were both team members of the team "the Thrilling Three", along with...wait for it...none other than Gazerbeam. Likewise, Syndrome's Zero-point energy also involves what appears to be tech related to Apogee's gravity control / levitation ability.
Speaking of Gazerbeam, he seems to be, essentially, his presence seems to be the biggest piece of evidence in favor of this theory. According to The Incredibles DVD extras, Gazerbeam was originally a member of the Phantasmics, which would mean that he also worked with them off of their "secret island base" of "New Atlantis". (Sound familiar?) However, Gazerbeam's rivalry with team leader Everseer led to Gazerbeam's dismissal from the Phantasmics. After Dynaguy's death, Gazerbeam replaced him as leader of "the Thrilling Three", joining Phylange and Apogee in crime-fighting. In the film, Gazerbeam is also featured heavily somewhat, giving Mr. Incredible / Bob Parr the information on "Project Kronos" post-humously. However, Gazerbeam's previous involvement with the Phantasmics (and their "island base") seems too convenient to be merely a coincidence when it comes to his presence on Syndrome's island.
The "Thrilling Three"'s base seems based out of the same city from the intro. According to, again, the DVD extras, the Thrilling Three were based out of "the Trilling Three Towers...hours of operation effective by noon". (Again, why not start crime-fighting until noon, unlike the "around the clock" listed availability of other superheroes...unless one of the team had to take care of her child?) The Towers must've been based in the same city as Helen and Bob got married in, because Gazerbeam (a later Thrilling Three team member) also shows up at their wedding. Dynaguy, the current TT leader, also shows up to the wedding. However, the other two TT members, Apogee and Phylange, don't make an appearance. This could be due to the trouble their son (Buddy Pine) got into with Mr. Incredible only a short time before.
The only other "tech hero" seen in the film is Dynaguy, who, like Buddy Pine, had "rocket tech" to allow him to fly. Dynaguy, of course, used to be the leader of the "Thrilling Three", before his untimely death because his cape hit a snag on liftoff. Again, it seems too much to be a mere coincidence that Buddy Pine - who could be the child of two of Dynaguy's team members - apparently had the same, advanced "Super" tech Dynaguy had access to, albeit with Buddy reworking it into "rocket boots". Buddy even says to Mr. Incredible, "This is because I don't have powers, isn't it? Well, not every superhero has powers, y'know! You can be super without them! I invented these. I can fly! Can you fly?"
Buddy's / Syndrome's own dialogue as it relates to the Incredibles seems to indicate his own past. In the alternate opening on the deleted scenes, there's this really creepy moment after Syndrome hears baby Violet crying and then says to Bob, "You are breaking the law, Mr. Incredible. You know supers aren't supposed to breed," his eyes just slowly move in the direction of Violet's room. There's something very unsettling about that moment. Syndrome has Bob and Helen trapped with his freeze ray, and there's nothing they can do to stop Syndrome as he moves down the hall toward Violet. (Source) Likewise, Syndrome's decision to try and abduct Jack-Jack to "raise him as his own son" is disturbing in itself...almost like Syndrome has mental issues from his own abandonment / neglect as the child of a Super couple.
In addition to the last point, Syndrome's dialogue as he attempts to kidnap Jack-Jack is also very telling as to his own past:
Syndrome: "Shhhhhh.... the baby's sleeping. (chuckles evilly) You took away my future. I'm simply returning the favor. Oh, don't worry, I'll be a good mentor. Supportive, encouraging. Everything you weren't! And in time, who knows? He might make a good sidekick."
My theory as to what happened in Buddy's / Syndrome's backstory...
So, while Cartoon Conspiracy theorized that Buddy Pine is, in fact, a Super - having "super intelligence" - I am of the belief that Buddy, in reality, is not a Super. However, I agree on the point that he was born to two Super parents, just different ones from CC's theory: Phylange and Apogee.
Sometime before the flashback in the intro to The Incredibles, Phylange and Apogee had a son: Buddy Pine. However, being born to two superhero parents, especially during "the Glory Days", likely wasn't easy. When both of your parents' jobs involves dedicating themselves to a life of crime-fighting, where does that leave Buddy Pine?
As a result, growing up, Buddy's parents are frequently away on business. As such, he grows up looking up to, and idolizing, superheroes - and one in particular, Mr. Incredible. I think Buddy's obsession with Mr. Incredible started because, perhaps, he was neglected emotionally at home by his largely-absent parents. As such, Buddy decided to "latch onto" who he saw as a "perfect" father figure and role model - Mr. Incredible, who was an associate of his parents'.
As such, Buddy built up a "shrine" to Mr. Incredible in his house; "invented" his rocket boots; joined the Mr. Incredible Fan Club (or maybe even started it); and even tried to fight crime alongside Mr. Incredible as his sidekick ("ward"), "IncrediBoy". Having been emotionally neglected by his parents, he used this as a way to try and "become worthy" (in his eyes) of the attention and affection they never gave him. In his eyes, if he became a "Super", and "earned respect" as one, then his parents (as well as Mr. Incredible) might spend more time with / praise him.
Perhaps the case could've been that, because Buddy was born without any superpowers, he was more neglected by his parents, in his view, because "they expected / wanted a Super child". So, Buddy thought, if he could become a Super himself, then, perhaps, they might "love him more" then.
Indeed, TV Tropes says of a "Muggle born of mages":
He may be nice-if-pathetic or mean-spirited, but whatever the case, his bitterness and regret over not being a super is a major character trait.
If there's one thing that Buddy Pine / Syndrome seems to practically ooze, it's "bitterness and regret over not being a Super". He seems to always carry a chip on his shoulder because of it.
Buddy Pine / Syndrome particularly has three quotes related to the "absent parent narrative", particularly the "absent father" one:
"I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics that anyone has even SEEN!"
"See? Now you respect me, because I'm a threat. That's the way it works."
"That ship has sailed! All I wanted was to help you, I only wanted to help! And what did you say to me? (Flashback of Mr. Incredible: "Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.") It tore me apart, but I finally learned an important lesson: you can't count on anyone, especially your heroes!"
However, when Buddy Pine is rejected by Mr. Incredible, after the incident with Bomb Voyage, his anger and bitterness comes to a head. He decides that he "can't rely on anyone - not even his heroes", and, over time, becomes more and more hateful of his parents, and Supers in general. He sees them as people who deserve to be hurt - to be punished - and "just as they took away his future", he would "return the favor".
In time, Buddy Pine develops all sorts of tech, most likely taken from his parents' base. He likely goes to a normal university - probably a tech-related one - and is eventually hired by the government / National Supers Agency, possibly due to his parents' influence as (by-then-ex) Supers. He uses the government tech to create weapons of war and other technology, selling them to other countries for a huge sum on the black market.
All the while Buddy Pine works for the NSA, he gathers all of the intelligence he can on every Super, especially after the Supers go into hiding. Previously, the NSA required every superhero to register with them to fight crime legally, so naturally, they would have all of the Supers' information. Buddy Pine uses the government's task of "hiding" the Supers against them, and even his own parents.
However, despite the U.S.'s "Superhero Relocation Program", effectively ending the Supers, this isn't enough for Buddy. He begins plotting his revenge. Likewise, the Phantasmics are still operating internationally, not just in the U.S., off of their island base of "New Atlantis". Buddy, as part of the government / NSA, manages to get sent to "New Atlantis" as an NSA agent, claiming "he needs to do official government business".
So, Buddy scopes out the island, planning his method of attack. In the meantime, he finishes completion of the Omnidroid v.X1, and manages to lure the ex-superhero Universal Man to his death via it.
Not long after Universal Man's death, Buddy launches a surprise attack on the Phantasmics. (That, or he disguises it as an "NSA training session / meeting".) In the battle, Psycwave and Everseer are killed by the Omnidroid v.XI. Macroburst manages to take out the Omnidroid, only to be later killed by the Omnidroid v.X2. The last remaining team member, Plasmabolt, manages to escape the island, and is never seen / heard from again.
With the Phantasmics out of the way, Buddy takes over "New Atlantis", and makes it his base of operations as Syndrome. His next target - not surprisingly - is his own father, Phylange. Luring his father to the island, Buddy uses the Omnidroid v.X2 to kill him, obtaining the first part of his revenge.
After killing a few more Supers, Buddy moves on to his mother, Apogee, luring her to the island to kill her with the Omnidroid v.X4.
Meanwhile, former Phantasmics member Gazerbeam has been working as a lawyer. After being forced into hiding, Gazerbeam used his civilian identity to launch a campaign to get the ban on Supers repealed. Frozone commented that he "had trouble adjusting to civilian life," much like his best friend Mr. Incredible had. Also, Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible's civilian alter ego) had learned in a Metroville Tribune newspaper that Gazerbeam had gone missing. According to the newspaper article, he was last seen outside his apartment on Traction Avenue ten days prior to the date of the article. His past advocacy of Superhero rights—which had lead some citizens to believe that he had actually been a superhero—would have made him a likely target (especially to Operation Kronos, a plan set forth by super-villain Syndrome). (Source)
However, Gazerbeam had also been former team mates (and likely close friends) with Phylange and Apogee, Buddy's parents. After reading / hearing about Phylange's and Apogee's "disappearance", along with that of other supers, Gazerbeam does some extra research. He finds that Phylange, Apogee, and/or their son, Buddy, were last tracked to / seen on "New Atlantis", the Phantasmics' old base.
Thus, Gazerbeam, under the guise of being "recruited" for "Project Kronos", decides to do some undercover investigations. In time, he finds out the terrible truth - that Buddy Pine, his best friends' son, is now a meglomaniacal supervillain, and has been the one killing Supers - but that he's the next victim.
Likely being ambushed after finding out the truth, Gazerbeam has just enough time to swim to the underwater cave, and, using his abilities, carve the word "KRONOS" into the rock wall. By then, the Omnidroid catches and kills him, or he's already been mortally wounded.
And, from that point on, the events of The Incredibles happen as-is.
And, as a final kicker: the name "Kronos" itself is not only a reference to the 1957 movie [Kronos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronos_(film), but also to, in Greek Mythology, the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans, the divine descendants of Uranus, the sky, and Gaia, the earth. He overthrew his father, Uranus, and ruled during the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own son, Zeus, and imprisoned in Tartarus.
The period in which Kronos ruled was called the Golden Age, as the people of the time had no need for laws or rules; everyone did the right thing, and immorality was absent. Kronos learned that he was destined to be overcome by his own son, Zeus, just as he had overthrown his father, Uranus; thus, Kronos ate his own children, until his wife tricked him, and raised Zeus outside of his influence.
In the same vein, "Kronos" could be a reference by Buddy Pine himself to how he views his vengeance - with him as "Zeus", he used "Project Kronos" as a way to overthrow his father, Phylange (and his father figure, Mr. Incredible), "the most-well-known Supers of the Golden Age", even years after the Supers' retirement. And, just like how Zeus locked away all of the Titans (and Kronos) after their defeat to clear the way for him to rule as King of the Gods, Buddy / Syndrome kills so many Supers in order to clear the way for his "new world order".
After all...
Syndrome: [watching live news footage of the Omnidroid] "Huh? Huh? Oh, come on! You gotta admit, this is cool! Just like a movie: the robot will emerge dramatically, do some damage, throw some screaming people. And just when all hope is lost? Syndrome will save the day! I'll be a bigger hero than you ever were."
Mr. Incredible: "You mean you killed off real heroes so that you could pretend to be one?"
Syndrome: "Oh, I'm real. Real enough to defeat you! And I did it without your precious gifts, your oh-so-special powers. I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics anyone's ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that everyone can be superheroes. Everyone can be super!"
Syndrome: "And when everyone's super ...[laughs]...no one will be."
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antidotenurse · 3 years
If you had the chance to rewrite zexal what would you change abt it and what you you put more focus on?
😳 Okay well… Let’s see. I’m no writer. And admittedly, I’m not as versed in episode citing as much as other people I know. I’m just that person who, after watching something else, will come back to zexal and look at it wondering: “Why is literally nothing happening ever?” So bear in mind my lack of tact and proper vocabulary. 
I’d probably keep it more or less the same… but with a couple shifts here and there. More indulgent stuff on my end is having the Numbers Club y’know, actually DO things. And it’d be nice to have Astral and Yuma have a slight falling out and work build up trust again post-sargasso before he dies.
Most of what my brain jumps to when it comes to “stuff in zexal i’d wanna full on rewrite” revolves almost primarily around Rio and Nasch stuff since I don’t really like it’s execution in the first place. …And Tori. But Tori might likely have to be a separate discussion altogether. So, I guess I’m trying to make a more semi-realistic scenario within certain boundaries? Ex. No adding other episodes, and if something is taken away something new must be added in. And aside from one duel, duels will remain the same. 
FIRST AND FOREMOST: Rio is not killed off for a second time once she wakes up. Her being in a coma fundamentally doesn’t change her role at all as a person giving out “premonitions” whatsoever. It’s actually kind of insane. I’m not gonna go through everything just major moments. A lot and also very little goes on within episodes, I’ll just rely folk can fill in the blanks.
So for some mindfulness, from Abyss onwards, Rio is here.
SHARK VS. ABYSS and then some follow up:
Originally, this set of episodes involved Rio being possessed, and Shark fights Abyss and from there we learn about the Nasch and Merag stuff. Mostly the latter but for some reason focus is on Shark. Rio is then promptly put into a coma again and Shark wangst happens from here on out until the face-heel turn during the Astral World arc.
I’d probably make it start with… Idk. I feel like the original beginning of the episode works fine since it begins with visions being had by Rio. Blah blah, she’s confused, time to find another number. It’s in a weird spot in the middle of the ocean. For whatever reason, this area in the ocean feels really distressing for her. But, regardless, instead of a storm hitting and Rio suddenly going “missing”— as the crew tries deciphering the location, her “powers” take over and cursed by something unknown she jumps from the airship into the sea, followed by Shark who dives in after her (and yuma dives in after shark). Very dumb but the episode must start somehow. And this is likely played more seriously but I can’t help but laugh a bit at the thought.
Shark awakes in an undersea labyrinth, and somehow isn’t dead. Wtf? But hey! He found Rio nearby and she’s okay! The goal is finding the number tho, and her “powers” lead them to it. And uh oh here we go. A guardian is here to keep them from taking it. (As for Yuma, he and Astral’s sideplot about getting lost in the labyrinth is exactly the same, so dw about this)
The duel??? I said I wouldn’t change most, but this is a major exception. I’m making it Shark and Rio VS. Abyss. A two on one duel. We never once saw Rio and Shark play off each other in a duel setting when working together, and I feel like that was a prime missed opportunity. Especially for characters who just episodes prior, had this really weird one v. one duel. This needs something of a resolution. ALSO The memories here do involve both of them, so let both of them go ham.
However, since the memory flashbacks tend to tie into Merag a liiiittle more already (and the more major Nasch stuff will come later), Rio should be the first person to experience the Barian memories out of the two of them. We already got a bit of that with her visions at the start. As the duel progresses, Rio becomes more distressed by what she’s experiencing. During the duel Rio has lots of out of body experiences, on the one hand she’s present in the duel. On the other hand, she slips back into living life as Priestess Merag. But, for some reason, he doesn’t have a lot of control of herself?
But obviously, what Rio remembers is far worse since she pretty much relives her own death and can’t control her “mind.”
Meanwhile, Shark also goes through his vision onslaught, clearly thinking majority of this is some kind of manipulation tactic by Abyss. Episode more or less plays out the same minus damsel stuff. Durbe confronting Yuma and Astral still happens, Abyss being cryptic as hell still occurs and you know. Anyway, they win and get the number, and they all reappear on the deck of the airship knocked out. Everyone wakes up, it feels like a dream but they have the number?? So it couldn’t be?? Rio wakes up last though, which momentarily scares Shark.
TIME FOR REFLECTION!! Rio is fine, but clearly shaken. All those visions she saw… they meant something. Something inside her is telling her that. While Shark too is distraught and stressed by what he experienced during the duel… he doesn’t come to grips at all with it. He’s in more overt denial. In fact, he’s furious. Their lives weren’t lies?! How can she even THINK that? NONE of that was real! Also, wtf why the fuck did she jump into the ocean?! She could’ve died! Shark is emotionally overwhelmed both in potentially losing his sister again, and also the whole barian thing.
Rio isn’t on board either, but she’s always been the more “open” of the two. She’s not down for Shark’s behavior in the slightest, nor his seeming lack of empathy. Y’know? That more abrasive denial thing from Shark that feels a bit more in-line than just moping about a dead sister. Also, she literally relived dying so like. Fuck man that whole lack of empathy thing isn’t cool to her.
P.S Rio isn’t saying they’re Barians, but, maybe it’s her powers of “foresight” getting to her… something about what she saw feels too real to ignore, while the A plot goes on, she’s processing that very real possibility. This starts to cause something of a rift between otherwise close siblings.
Durbe proceeds to use this to his advantage.
[Next episodes: astral dies. Those episodes play out exactly the same except now Rio is part of the peanut gallery. The fearsome four stuff begins]
Ok we know what happens in the original. Sort of. I’ll be honest? Haven’t seen these eps in a while. But, Shark goes to his old mansion to relive childhood memories, meanwhile coma Rio is poisoned by jelly man, and Shark also gets poisoned too. IV shows up dadada he’s sorry about the Rio thing but he never speaks to her. Things are gettin’ crazy. Something to that effect, I probably went out of order.
I think what I’d do is have Shark and Rio get into a fight about the barian stuff. Or something that really exemplifies the rift between that’s grown between them since Abyss. Either way, it leads to Shark leaving to the one place he feels he can really think — their old childhood home.
(Also Blah blah plot about strings of poisonings fucking people up is going on in the background that Yuma, Trey and Tori are focused on. Why not the numbers club?? Idk you tell me. Real zexal won’t allow that.)
Rio, in the meantime, after reflecting on what was said and done- goes to find Shark. And she knows exactly where he’d go. (Yuma, III, and Tori are present when she does this so they pursue her shortly thereafter. This is to replace the moments in the hospital)
P.S Durbe is watching all of this happen.
Shark reminisces at the mansion, and is promptly attacked by a monster and poisoned. IV shows up how he does originally and yadada duel starts.
Halfway through Rio and co. Find shark and IV dueling jellyfish man. Rio recognizes her bro is hurt, but Shark is not down for Rio or anybody else tagging in for any reason. There’s an interruptive conflict that’s super awkward for everyone involved (so maybe levity from jellyfish or IV can be put here) Yuma and co. show up at the tail end of this brief exchange.
And Rio, still riled up despite attempting to reach out, retreats into the mansion. The duel outside continues, but inside is where she encounters Durbe.
Ideally a moment would be had between Rio and Durbe similarly to a scene in a later episode with Shark and Durbe, but for the most part this will be small and not seen in full. But Durbe holds out Merag’s crest to Rio and he likely says some cryptic anime nonsense about “destiny” or something.
Because she’s been sensing “it” since the Abyss duel, and he firmly believes that she’s known the truth for a lot longer than she wants to admit.
We don’t see Rio again until the duel ends and she’s found inside the mansion. She seems, at “peace” for some reason? Something about her feels… different. Durbe is nowhere to be seen.
Insert moment here where IV and Rio actually, y’know. TALK. But things are kinda too late-ish now… cuz Rio has somebody else to deal with next.
[astral world arc begins]
Aight, while Yuma is off in Astral world dueling Eliphas and saving Astral, Durbe finally puts his final phase into motion to FINALLY convince Shark to accept who he actually is. Something he’s been fighting for a while now. And surprisingly, Rio is helping Durbe, much to Shark’s shock.
Shark at this point had been in his anguish full of regret for being pretty bitchy lately. All the fights, this barian stuff, the confusion, the fact it’s like he doesn’t even KNOW his sister anymore (and this Shark very likely doesn’t), it’s overwhelming as fuck and he’s tired.
Episode plays out normally with Durbe making Shark relive his life during his last encounter with Vector, the Iris thing, the men dying blah blah. That episode is kind of awesome to begin with, so borderline nothing changes here.
The the difference mostly being that the setup is a bit more concrete. Instead of Rio kinda just, being dead and a spirit “guide” to help Shark’s wangst and immediately following his face-heel turn with no insight on how she felt, we’ve been experiencing how she feels for a while and been seeing how it affects her and Shark’s relationship for a while.
It’s eventually mentioned that Durbe showed Rio these memories back at the mansion. Because showing somebody their twins terrible life after you died definitely isn’t horrifying!! Anyway, Rio came to accept the truth… because, like Durbe said before, she’s “always” known.
HOW? Because it turns out Rio’s powers of foresight she’s been experiencing throughout the series were her memories of being Merag trying really really hard to get out this whole time. That’s why she acts differently in those sudden moments. That’s how Rio knows these she couldn’t possibly know.
Rio being present as a “spirit” is there to help guide Shark through this experience, because he’s always been doing things alone for her. Time she returned the favor.
Everything plays out pretty much exactly the same, after all that anguish and reliving trauma where his army dies and Iris dies- Shark FINALLY accepts the truth about himself being Nasch. He and Rio switch sides together (because they weren’t going to do it alone).
Nasch and Merag take their spots in Barian World, and stuff proceeds to play out as normal. Sort of.
None of this is really all that great, but it’s a start? Again, I’m not a writer and a lot of this would realistically be overshadowed by the scheduled duels that play out, the A plot with Yuma, and generally be a lot more condensed due to the limited amount of episodes left. All this to say that there’s more ways than “dead sister” to make something happen. I dunno these are all minor shifts and my vocabulary is hyperbolic. 
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fandomlurker · 3 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: “Win Big”
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And so we begin. For real, this time.
And to start, we have to go all the way back to Animaniacs season 1, episode 2, with the very first Pinky and the Brain skit which is named “Win Big”.
Interestingly enough, the duo are not directly trying to take over the world in this episode. The premise is that Brain needs money to buy the one part needed for his actual plan to take over the world using a machine he calls the “Super-Conductive Magnetic Infindibulator”, which will “deplete hydrogen and promote gravitational collapse [to produce] a magnetic charge from the center of the Earth so strong that every person who has loose change in their pockets will be magnetically drawn to the ground and stuck there”.
For those of you who are new to the series and for those of you who maybe can’t remember the show very well, I want to say that yes, what you’re probably asking yourself right now is true: Brain’s plans are almost always this complex and completely absurd with giant, glaring holes in logistics. There’s been a long-time “theory” that while their theme song says “one is a genius, the other’s insane” and intends to indicate that Brain is the genius while Pinky’s insane, it’s actually the other way around. And honestly? That doesn’t exactly hold up to any kind of scrutiny at all. Brain is actually a genius…he’s just also very, very short-sighted and lacks a lot of common sense. He’s so focused on his goal of world domination that he forgets to account for even the most obvious of details that would completely ruin what he’s trying to accomplish. And Pinky? Well, Pinky’s a lot smarter than he seems, but I wouldn’t exactly mark him as a genius. He’s just more worldly, more emotionally intelligent, and has a knack for pointing out the obvious. For you D&D nerds out there, think of it like this: Brain is a high INT low WIS character while Pinky is a high WIS low INT character.
As for which one is “insane”? Disregarding the…let’s just say “problematic” baggage that comes with that word, I’d argue that Pinky is just neurodivergent and Brain has a lot of problems. Like, a lot of problems. We’ll get more into that mess much farther down the line.
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In any case, the opening of this episode has Brain pulling Pinky away from watching what is obviously supposed to be The Honeymooners, complete with “Bang, zoom, right in the kisser!” quote and everything. That quote, or one like it, was what the character Ralph Kramden would frustratedly yell at his wife, Alice, after she’d dismiss a get rich quick scheme of his. It was an ultimately impotent threat of violence, as he never did hit her. A lot of folks before me have delved into how messed up and controversial that whole running gag was, so I didn’t particularly feel the need to go over it here.
However, it does become immediately relevant because as Pinky laughs at the joke and excitedly quotes it while Brain is trying to get his attention, Brain reaches up and gently holds both their faces close for a few moments…
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“Stop saying that, Pinky!...”
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…then more aggressively tugs Pinky’s face down as he finishes with “…Or I shall have to hurt you.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry, Brain. NARF!”
Isn’t it interesting how the very first thing this series does is juxtapose Pinky and the Brain’s relationship with that of the main married couple on The Honeymooners? Like, it’s certainly not the most healthy of a relationship parallel to make, but in Pinky and Brain’s favour their world is governed by slapstick humour and thus any and all violence is much less serious. Also, there’s Pinky’s…uh…special relationship with physical pain that will become more apparent as the series goes on. Like, of course this kind of behaviour is wrong and appalling in real life, but this is a Warner Brothers Looney Toons-style cartoon and there’s a big difference between the two.
There’s also this little tidbit of information on the Animaniacs wiki regarding this episode and its writer, Peter Hastings:
“Although Peter Hastings has stated that he always tried to have Brain threaten to hurt Pinky but never actually hit him (because he felt this was both funnier and truer to the character), Tom Ruegger and the other producers would often have Brain actually hit Pinky. Even in this very first short, the Brain does follow through.”
Moving on, though, after Brain Rube Goldberg machine’s his way out of their cage and points out that Pinky has an “inordinately short attention span” after Pinky gets briefly distracted by another TV show that’s a very blatant parody of Jeopardy, he explains to Pinky his latest plan for world domination.
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“EGAD, Brain, brilliant!”
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“…Uh oh, no, wait…what if they take off their pants?”
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^ The face of a man who somehow managed to forget that clothes are removable.
See what I mean about Pinky having a knack for pointing out the obvious? It’s very much needed to counteract Brain’s complete lack of foresight and introspection.
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“Then…we’ll have to take over the world quickly.”
…Though there’s also something to be said for Brain’s stubbornness.
So they need a part for Brain’s machine called a Infindibulator, which is for some reason listed in the Farmer’s Almanac??? Which to my knowledge doesn’t sell anything at all??? Okay, Brain, whatever you say.
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Brain actually kicks Pinky directly in the ass to get him up onto the Almanac to read it,
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which would be alarming if not for Pinky’s completely happy and sincere “Thanks! :D” afterwards. It’s a mere hint to Pinky’s…predilections. I find it interesting that it’s so subtly foreshadowed in this very first short. I know you newer folks might think I’m joking, but I assure you I’m not. You will see.
As a side note, it’s so odd hearing Rob Paulsen’s early Pinky voice in these first several Animaniacs shorts. I’ve seen fans say that it’s more lispy than the standard Pinky voice that we’re all familiar with, but to me it just sounds like Pinky with a very, very bad cold and a stuffy nose. Get this mouse some nasal spray.
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So Pinky finds the entry for the Infindibulator and it costs a whopping $99000. Where would two little lab mice find that kind of cash?
It sure is lucky and convenient that the TV is still on during that moment and tuned into an episode of Jeopardy—I mean “Gyp-Parody” (Really, writers? Really? In addition to being a horrible and lazy pun, I would rather not have to type a slur so much, so I’m just going to call it the name of the show it’s based on) where the reward for winning totals $99000.
And here we go, the first of its kind. The birth of the most famous running joke from Pinky and the Brain!
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“Pinky… Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
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“I think so, Brain, but where are we going to get a duck and a hose at this hour?”
…Believe it or not, Pinky’s bizarre answers do have an explanation and a certain logic to them, but we find out the hows and whys much, much farther along in the series. That said, I’ll be damned if I know how he got to this particular train of thought right now. The inner machinations of Pinky’s mind are an enigma.
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So Brain gets the idea to become a contestant on Jeopardy to win the amount of money they need for their plan. Pinky points out that the questions on the game show are very, very hard and Brain would have to get all of them right, and I just love Brain slowly turning his head to face Pinky with the most deadpan “Bitch, are you for real?” look on his face.
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To Brain’s credit, he doesn’t berate the other mouse at all for his doubts. He just very calmly asks Pinky to quiz him about anything he can think of. When Pinky asks him “What is pie?”, well, see above for the summary of the answer Brain gives.
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He then asks for a harder question, and Pinky asks him which TV character says “Bang! Zoom!—“ before Brain cuts him off with a wack of a pencil for quoting something inane and annoying him again.
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Though he quivers a little before the smack, Pinky’s fine afterwards. Smiling, even.
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And he happily gives Brain the answer anyway, complete with bows. “Ralph Kramden! TA-DAH! :D”
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But Brain is insistent on preparing to go on Jeopardy, grabbing Pinky by the tail to drag him off-screen and Pinky is…
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He’s, uhh, more than fine with it.
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Now we get the debut of the human suit mecha. It’s quite the staple of the series; the go-to for a human disguise whenever the mice need one.
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And it certainly is…something. You may be noticing the lack of a human head. Don’t worry about it. Brain certainly didn’t.
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I love Brain’s playful little “Honey, I’m hoooome!~” when he pops his head out, despite having a deadpan look on his face the entire time. He’s having fun!
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“Ahahaha! Oh, that’s a funny joke, Brain!”
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“I am not devoid of humour.”
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Pinky is having a little less fun with his tail accidentally tied along with the shoelaces, however.
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It’s fine, he’s fine. He’ll be okay! Pinky is indestructible.
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He’s a pocket pal now. He’s fine.
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Makin’ my way downtown, walkin’ fast…~
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Okay, sorry, he’s hailing a cab instead. Effectively, too!
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Oh hi, Warners, nice to see you! Doing a literal running gag, I see. Nice, nice.
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So if you were wondering how regular humans would react to Brain’s “clever” and totally made without proper foresight disguise, well…
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“Wh—HOA! Hey, if you don’t mind me askin’, bub, what happened to your head?”
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“Nothing. I am a mouse in a large, mechanical suit.”
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“Hehehehe! Okay, all right, my fault for askin’, right? Heh.”
Yup. This isn’t the first time this kind of thing happens. I guess since they’re in Hollywood the taxi driver’s seen worse.
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So Brain gets on the show (don’t worry about how, shh) and the announcer calls him “Brian” instead and Brain politely tries to correct him. I can’t exactly fault the announcer because 1. “Brain” isn’t a name and 2. Look at Brain’s gloriously messed up handwriting.
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The host walks on in. It’s pretty cute that they gave him the parody name “Alex Quebec”. It’s a suitable pun and rhyme to hint at the fact that Alex Trebek was born in Canada. Rest in peace, Mr. Trebek.
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The first question is in the category of celebrity shoe sizes and asks what size sandals Plato wore. Umm. Okaaaaay… Thank goodness this show first aired before websites for foot fetishists cataloguing celebrity feet was a thing. Also is it just me, or does that font looks like something off of The Simpsons?
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I don’t know if I should be worried or not that Brain got the correct answer to this question. (Seven and a half, if you’re curious.)
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Question two is totally a trick question, though. There’s no such place as “Lestho”. “Lesotho”, however, is a real kingdom in South Africa. King Moshoeshoe I was indeed the ruler in 1820 as Brain answers, although the place was called “Basutoland” at the time and didn’t formally become a kingdom until 1822.
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Question three is a normal if extremely hard question for anyone unfamiliar with geographic locations off of the southeast of Asia. There are a lot of correct answers, and Brain answers correctly with “Bikar, Ailuk, and Ailinglaplap”. As this post notes, he is totally flexing on everyone by naming very obscure coral atoll islands that are some of the furthest neighbours from the Isle of Yap.
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You smug asshole, Brain.
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We don’t get the questions Brain answers correctly in the following montage, but we do get a close-up of his handwriting. Look at this. Just…look at it.
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We get to see the aftermath of Brain’s monopolizing of the scores, though. The other contestants aren’t looking too good. Note that it seems there were times that they did manage to buzz in to answer before Brain did, but they must have got all of their answers or at least most of them wrong. They’re both in the negatives.
“Any plans on how you’ll spend your winnings?”
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“Yes. I plan to take over the world!”
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“…Ah haha, my fault for asking.”
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Pinky claps and congratulates Brain on doing so well so far, because he’s a sweetheart like that, and
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Brain flicks him back into the pocket. Man, you’re so quietly mean in this first episode, Brain.
Now it’s the final question, from the category “Quotable Quotes”. I remember this kind of category as usually being the easiest on Jeopardy, so it’s kind of surprising that it’s the Final Jeopardy question.
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Looks like someone forgot that Jeopardy questions aren’t all science, history, and geography-related. Sometimes they’re about pop-culture.
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Brain is…not very good with pop-culture. And Pinky’s been banished to the bottom of the coat pocket.
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“Umm. Uh, who is, uhh… I, umm. Who is, uhh… Who is…uhh, Pinky…?”
Oh Brain, honey, it’s cute that you got so stumped and flustered that you just blurted out the only name that came to mind (and because Pinky was quoting it earlier, but still!), but it’s also so very, very sad.
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Of course that’s incorrect, and Brain is just so monumentally defeated.
“And how much did you wager?”
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We then cut to the mice watching Brain’s horrible defeat on TV, and Pinky suggests a few other game shows they could try: Wheel of Misfortune, $10,000 Pile-A-Mud… The latter of which is supposed to be a parody of the old game show Pyramid, which wasn’t around in that format by the time this episode aired, so…good luck with that one, Pinky.
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But no, Brain doesn’t plan on going on any more game shows. He instead walks sadly over to their cage to rest for tomorrow night.
It’s then that we are witness to the birth of the other memetic exchange this show is known for:
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“Why, Brain? What are we going to do tomorrow night?”
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“The same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world!”
That wink, though. It’s the confident wink that sells this and tells us all you need to know about the Brain. No matter how bad his defeat, how humiliated he gets, or how sad he feels about failing, Brain always gets back to business sooner or later. He has determination on his side. And Pinky, of course.
And that was the very first Pinky and the Brain short! A pretty good start for the series, really. Nothing spectacular, and definitely not the worst, just a good start that sets the tone of the series well and establishes several of the running gags the show is known for. The creators pretty much have Brain as a character down right away: serious but not devoid of humour, single-minded, stubborn, egotistical, smart, and determined to meet his goals. There are a few things missing from him that we get later, and he certainly softens a bit by the time the spin-off starts, but they’ve set up a solid foundation to build on so far here. Pinky’s character is a little more nebulous in this episode, though. He’s shown to be generally good-natured, smarter than he first seems, easily distracted but well-meaning, and willing and able to help Brain achieve his goals. Still, he’s missing the much of the overwhelming kindness and his enthusiasm for Brain’s plans and awe at Brain’s intellect that he has as we go further through the series. I mean, there are hints of it here, too, but it’s much more understated compared to later on. Not to mention that Pinky gains a bit of a sassy side to him that somehow still manages to be friendly, like when you gently tease your friends while still caring about them.
I understand that you can’t really squeeze all of that into the first, like, fifteen minutes or so of a series, though.
Also, the animation for this episode wasn’t exactly the best of the series. There are points where Brain looks kinda muppet-y and Pinky is uncharacteristically gaunt and gangly. I mean, Pinky is usually a little gangly but not as hunched over and his nose stretched out so much. It’s not the worst, either, and serves as a decent baseline of how the characters look. Wang Film Production looks to be the animation studio behind this one, and I’d say their style is the most “normal” quality of the ones that get to animate for PatB. They do settle into a better and more consistent style for the show, so I’ll try and be on the look-out for that.
I’m not sure if the other posts I’m going to do on this rewatch will be quite so play-by-play as this one was. Since this is the first, I felt the need to establish in more detail the kind of things that happen in your average episode of PatB and the general rhythm of the show. I’m definitely going to try and include every instance of the ongoing running gags the series has, though.
I feel I should also say that from now on I might have to double or triple the amount of episodes in one post, too. There are some episodes in a long-running series like this where not too much of note happens, I’m sure, and I know at least a few are either silent shorts, cameos in other Animaniacs skits or little music videos and you can only get so much out of those entries.
Yes, music videos. Including a cameo appearance in a Macarena parody. I’ll prepare as best as I can to cringe so hard from secondhand embarrassment that I morph into a pretzel shape.
We’re only getting started, folks. Things are only going to get weirder and more interesting from here on out.
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Hey hey hey! I love your writing! Ok so we all know that beej pulls pranks on everyone in the house, what kind of antics do you think him and Lydia get up to? Also, what would happen if they all teamed up to get revenge? Nothing harsh or harmful for him just something to mess with him a little? All of the love! 💕
hey hey hey! you’re awesome! thanks so much for the request! (i know it’s taken an eternity to post, so thanks for bearing with me!) 💞
ok so we all know that beej is renowned throughout the maitland-deetz household for his awful incredible pranks. something about a complete lack of foresight makes for a fantastic prankster, apparently!
technically, beej can use his powers to prank with ease, but he likes more of a challenge, so he tends to go old school
while it does make the pranks a bit less severe than they might’ve been otherwise, this method causes it’s fair share of family debates (“lawrence beetlejuice deetz you’d better not have used my amazon account to buy $450 worth of plastic bugs!”)
after pranking lydia several times after moving back in, they make a pact to work together on getting the rest of the household. two heads are better than one, especially when one of the heads has to explain to the other that “casual murder” will likely get them both grounded for life
they start with delia, mostly because hers is both the least risky option, and the easiest to pull off. all it takes is lydia watching several hundred hard-candy-making tutorials online and using a solid pound of sugar to make a giant bright purple hard candy that just so happens to look exactly like delia’s amethyst crystal
the next morning, beej distracts delia (“hey mom, something happened but before i tell you, you have to promise not to get mad” “OH SHI-”) while lydia swaps the two “crystals” out, just as delia’s getting ready to take them out into the hot May sun to meditate
an hour later, as delia finishes her meditation and goes to clean up her materials, beej and lydia can hear her scream from all the way in lydia’s room
they both sprint outside to explain what happened (because delia’s still screaming bloody murder several seconds later), and return the actual crystal as a peace offering. delia begrudgingly accepts, but only because the hard candy amethyst is surprisingly delicious
they plan out a prank for adam (it involved several giant baby suits with the eyes scratched out) but they both feel too bad to actually go through with it. adam’s jumpy in general, they didn’t want to kill him a second time
instead, they just throw a couple of plastic bugs onto the town model (he still almost cries)
after the events with delia, charles is always on edge around the pair, to the point where his reaction (an extremely high pitched scream) would classify lydia opening the fridge as a prank. since the duo is not-so-secretly scared of what would happen if they massively pranked him, that worked out great
barbara caught them after a day of planning and threatened to never bake cookies again if they went through with it. i think you know which option they chose (hey, they’re suckers for chocolate chip!)
of course, the eventual team effort to prank beej back is so much more powerful than anything him an lydia (who didn’t even have to be bribed to scare her demon brother) could pull off. after weeks of planning, they finally had it ready
unfortunately, due to the massive noise complaints and the way it shocked an inconveniently-timed uber eats guy, everyone is contractually bound not to mention it. they’ll take it to their graves, but it included (but was not limited to) 74 snakes, a giant hole cut into beej’s bedroom floor (which was repaired immediately after), and 32 extension cords
the pranks didn’t stop after that, but now every time beej tries to make fun of everyone else’s reactions, they’re eager to remind him of the absolute shriek he let out
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21st of First Seed, Sundas
Everything seems to be in place. We left late in the evening and traveled by night.
Nabine, the girls, and I took one carriage to Mother’s. Then from there we traveled to the Grandmaster’s palace.
I cannot say that I was not surprised to see that Mother had invited uncle Urnel. I was not sure what exactly she wished to show him, but whatever it was, it must have been important, for uncle Urnel seemed rather apprehensive about the whole affair.
Kuna was very excited to see him and she leapt from the carriage window to go and scramble up to him, her new dress getting ash mud all along the bottom.
Cariel soon tried to take after her, but Nabine stopped her and opened the door to help her out so she could join Kuna. So we all stepped out to greet uncle Urnel.
I apologized for the girl’s zealousness. He simply laughed and said he was glad to see they were well and that he enjoyed their company greatly. The two of them began talking at him at high speed, in excited tones, overlapping one another so you could hardly tell what either of them were saying. Cariel is still not as proficient in Cyrodiilic as Kuna, so she slipped into Bosmeris often, only adding to the obvious confusion on uncle Urnel’s face.
To his credit he let they get a breath before suggesting that they try one at a time so he could understand, but being as we were overdue to leave, perhaps they should like to ride with him and tell him all about it.
Cariel jumped up and down and Kuna clasped her hands to her chest, the both of them begging Nabine and I to allow it. I turned to Nabie and said it was her choice. She gave them both scrutinizing looks for a moment, then said it would be fine, a grin spreading across her face.
The girls screamed with delight and ran, taking one of uncle Urnel’s hands each, and guiding him to his carriage as they began, once more, to speak quickly over one another at him.
Nabine laughed, saying that she was glad that her daughters were so readily accepted into my family and that they felt they belonged. I told her that they did. That she did too, if she desired to be.
She raised an eyebrow at me, as we headed back to our carriage.
Mother followed us and told me in Chimeris that we were to ride with her, but that we should get into the carriage first and not say a word. I relayed the message in Bosmeris to Nabine and she nodded. We got in and sat down, then two of my servants after us.
Mother passed me a note and a vial. It said to join her in hers invisibly and to give Nabine the invisibility potion to come with as well.
We followed her instructions and when we joined her in her carriage, she told us that she had two of her servants go invisibly into our carriage, don similar attire and with a bit of magickal help, appearance as well.
Then we were off.
Mother explained, once we were out of the city itself, that she had not trusted that, even with Uncle’s large entourage, that an attempt would be made upon us. After all, there were people that did not enjoy the fact that I was allowing Bosmer into our House. The chance to get rid of me, my half-blooded children, and a Bosmer mistress would be only too great a temptation. She also believed that, some truly ambitious Councilmer would see no reason not to also target Mother, should she be in the same carriage as us.
I thanked Mother for her wisdom and foresight.
She shook her head and told me that it was still possible that the carriage we rode in would be attacked, or that someone would be trying to eliminate the top three members of the House in one go. Mother urged us to be prepared for a possible attack. She said she had several mages along with us who were going to be making liberal use of detecting magicka and life in a large radius around us. In fact, she had made sure that uncle Urnel has specifically chosen guards who could detect or defend against magickal attacks.
Mother was right to be so cautious.
When we were about an hour away from our destination, one of the footmer called a signal and our pace slowed. You could hear the crackle of magicka in the air as large defensive enchantments were cast.
It was not long after that a volley of magickal bombardments and arrows rained down around us. I could hear it as they struck shields and bounced off. The hiss of flames dying made it sound like an Imperial sauna.
After a while, the attack seemed to stop and we resumed our pace forward once more. Mother cast something, I could see in the glow of her eyes as her fingers worked in intricate patterns, her lips moving as she uttered ancient words.
After a moment, she called out to the guards and I heard their cries as several of them leapt from carriage tops or by the wheels to follow her instructions to those responsible.
We heard the sounds of battle not far away. The cries of the enemy as they met our guards. The ringing of steel striking steel.
More magicka struck in a second volley against the shields around us.
I hated just sitting and waiting. I was not the type to usually be in the situation of simply keeping put when there was enemies to slay.
Mother turned to me, as if sensing my intention, her eyes still glowing with her spells, and told me to stay.
So I did.
After a while the guards returned. The carriages moved forward once more. We arrived to the tribe and were greeted warmly by their Farseer and wisewomen.
Mother and the Farseer embraced and began chatting like a couple of young girls about everything, as if they had just happened upon one another in the street and no battle had occurred.
Everyone was introduced and the Farseer showed the guard where they could set up their tents, just outside of the camp. Other than myself and uncle Urnel, no men were allowed to stay within the camp itself, so all the male guards were set to making a perimeter around the camp, to add an extra layer of protection for all of us.
Female guards were allowed to stay to keep uncle Urnel safe, but not to participate in any of the rituals.
We all had a good sleep and I felt so at peace, knowing that I was here amongst the people I know understand me best of any Dunmer society. The girls thought it was fun to sleep in a yurt and to hear the sounds of the guar in the night.
We all arose before dawn so that we can prepare for prayer and to greet the Lady of Dawn and Dusk. Cariel happily woke up, but Kuna is less than pleased about being awakened so early. It finally took the idea that she might meet a Daedric Prince if she were to get up.
That was enough for her to finally stop whining and actually getting up.
So now we are preparing for bathing, anointing ourselves in oil, and greeting the dawn. I cannot wait to begin the day.
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
It's official, I loathe Savannah. She extorted Maxwell for child support, all the while never telling Bertrand he even had a child. And now this thing with her aunt insulting Bertrand at every opportunity, and Savannah never ever backs him up. And the whole Chuck thing, Savannah must be the worst wife for Bertrand ever, seeing that her fiance is insecure, and still doing nothing to reassure him. And I really hate that it's my MC not Kiara who is the maid of honor. I wanted the option to say no.
I think a lot of my own discomfort with Savannah lies less in her flaws...and more in the fact that she is hardly even viewed as flawed by the book. That, and the fact that the team have made her the front and center of the Beaumont story, to the point where they absolutely neglected even exploring their family history (something that was hinted at in the Shanghai Night Market scene, then never addressed again).
Had they not kept up this entire "pure Savannah who can do no wrong" narrative and had Bertrand constantly considering himself lesser and trying to be better...the narrative and the pairing would not have seemed that bad to me. I can understand a person being so distressed by rejection that they don't let the other person know they are pregnant. I can understand her not being able to refuse when Maxwell offers to fund her. I can maybe even understand her not telling Drake during what must have been a confusing time.
Savannah accepting money from Maxwell without knowing their financial situation wasn't so much the problem...the combination of choosing a new and potentially expensive place to raise Bartie, her constant insistence to Bertrand that "we will manage on our own like we did for so long" when that is clearly not the case, her lack of understanding that a lot of this money from Bertrand was spent without his consent, her utter lack of foresight or planning...THOSE are the real problems. And the fact that instead of acknowledging those flaws, the narrative has characters like the MC, Maxwell, Drake and Bertrand himself speak of Bertrand in a way that doesn't even question any of this...that's the root of the frustration with her, I think.
There is also the fact that for a significant chunk of Book 2, Drake's Savannah issues were given more attention than even the overall plot at the time. Compare the Paris segment of the Book to the Shanghai one that was dealing with conflicts in BOTH Liam and Hana's stories. The Shanghai section is 2 chapters, only half the number of chapters compared to what we see in Paris. It takes four whole chapters, with three whole diamond scenes focused on Drake alone, to keep him happy + resolve this issue halfway, and we're still expected to resolve more of it in Shanghai.
Drake is allowed to ruin an entire investigation to stroke his ego about Bertrand, even though Savannah clearly didn't want Bertrand to know. We spend most of the Paris segment seeing Drake blame Maxwell for doing what his own sister told Maxwell to do...to the point where he clubs Maxwell alongside the nobles he hates in his Never Have I Ever scene, forgetting the sacrifices Maxwell himself made, from his own house, for Savannah ("they're just looking out for themselves, no matter the consequences" are Drake's exact words). You have to handhold Drake in Shanghai into ending his fight with Maxwell...and guess whose precious time we are wasting doing that! Hana's! Instead of walking around Shanghai showing us her childhood haunts and favourite places, Hana has to resolve a fight she wasn't even part of!
In Book 3, Drake is even allowed to be judgemental and lord over Bertrand without ever taking into account that Savannah has made mistakes of her own too (to the point where you can even see him insisting Bertrand cluck like a chicken in the proposal diamond scene)...very much in the way his aunt Leona does now.
In Book 3, when there should have been some focus on what had happened to the Beaumonts or how they got so poor in the first place...Savannah seemed like the most important Beaumont. Bertrand merely existed to improve himself for her, to validate her importance. Most of the fandom blames Bertrand for planning to propose in the middle of our reception, but forget that Savannah was badgering him about it (to the point where she threatens to leave for the States and live with her mother) for most of the night. Most of those scenes revolve around how Bertrand isn't good enough and has to keep improving himself while Savannah doesn't have to do a thing, doesn't have to improve in any way.
And that's still happening. Like...I can understand it's not easy to see your fiancé doubt himself over your (barely even) ex...but there are things she could do something about but chooses not to. Like the way her family treats Bertrand. Particularly Leona lashing out at him for things the former KING did. Or Bertrand's insecurities being magnified by her aunt's words and actions, and Savannah and her mother mostly letting it happen when it happens in front of them (like in the previous chapter where she purposely gives him a rough horse)...none of this seems to feature in her complaints about his insecurity. I mean, even a simple "I'm frustrated by the way my aunt treats my fiancé" would have gone a long way.
Part of my problem with Savannah lies in the overall attention she keeps getting despite having very, very little to do with the actual story...and part is because the narrative never really acknowledges her own mistakes, but instead pretty much dumps the blame solely on Bertrand's shoulders. Bertrand is extremely flawed, but at least I can call the guy out most of the time. At least I can opt to not help him and leave him to his own devices. But every time the MC has the opportunity to talk about Savannah, it's mostly positive, she is mostly in awe or very respectful and not to critical...and I'm like, why don't I have the same opportunities to point out when she does something stupid?
In the end I think it's a combination of things. Bertrand himself as a character brings out mixed or negative reactions from an audience sometimes, and on top of that, you have the treatment of Savannah's character, which doesn't wholly match her actual story. Together, the two of them don't exactly make a very good couple, yet a large chunk of the story features their romance.
Would I have liked Savannah as a flawed character whose flaws were accepted us such, and preferred this storyline if it were written with that in mind? Maybe, I don't know. But the "perfect angel" with a "bumbling useless Bertrand" narrative gets more and more ridiculous with each chapter, and rn it is embarrassing to watch.
PS: And yes...my girl Kiki deserves better friends tbh.
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realfuurikuuri · 5 years
For Fox Sake
MMHOPH Missing Arm! AU fic Chapter 2
WC: 2,888
AN: Again, made using the MissingArm!AU created by @spookylovesboba And it’s now on Ao3 if any of y’alls want so read it there. I reccomend you do becuase chapter 1 had some editing issues that were fixed. Writing this chapter was fun. I like Rufus and Reggie. They force things to be less about fights and more about words. A song rec for this chapter would be Won’t Get Fooled Again - The Who (the cultured among you will notice that it’s also the theme song to CSI: Miami). Will tamble in tags some more. AO3 Link
Mao Mao sat on a bench, nursing a cup of coffee that had started to become tepid. Adorabat and Badgerclops were there with him. They weren’t doing much either. They tapped away on their games without a care in the world. He thinks it was called Mini-mons, or something. Mao Mao would have reminded them that they were on patrol if the day wasn’t so slow. The only thing he did was give Pigguns another driving ticket, which he does every day, so it wasn’t anything but routine at this point.
In his boredom, Mao Mao’s mind began to wander. The first of which being Jǐngtì. He probably went back to meet up with Tanya. Hopefully, she could give the kid the talk Mao Mao couldn’t. The next thought that passed his mind was the valley itself. It was a strange place. He knew that it was guarded by the Ruby Pure Heart. Did the thing have to do with the sweetipies? They were strange creatures. Despite their age, they all seemed like children. Destructive, naive, gullible, children. Even the ones who he assumed were older were still flagrantly immature. Snugglemane and Camille being prime examples.
“Hey, Badgerclops,” he said.
“What do you want Daddy Issues I’m doing -Oh C’mon not Dirtmon,” he said, tapping buttons on the game even harder.
“You think the Ruby Pure Heart has something to do with the sweetipies?”
“I mean do you think it has to do with why they’re all so… immature… and feral?”
“Nah, dude I think that was just the barrier thingy. No problems; no need to learn, right?”
“I suppose that makes sense.”
“You need to find something to do. You always get so questiony when you’re antsy.”
“I would if there was something to do.”
“Play Mini-mons with us?”
“Then go find some sweetiepies or something. All they do is commit crimes, to be honest. Shouldn’t Puggin’s be speeding around now?”
He couldn’t say Badgerclops was wrong about that. Mao Mao got up and threw away his coffee. “No he gets his daily ticket at 4:00, but you have a point. I’ll see you around.”
“Okay dude I’ll be… losing to this child. Get me a pie if you’re going to the bakery.”
Mao Mao almost told him to go get it himself when he sighed and decided to go along with it.
* * *
Rufus could barely believe his luck. He sat at the table watching Muffin stack all sorts of valuables on the table. Golden coins, priceless gems, paintings, and a menagerie of riches that would fit a king. He was eyeing a golden watch on this ugly little mouse’s wrist, searching his head for a con, when the thing walked up to him. He was eyeing a golden watch on this ugly little mouse’s wrist, searching his head for a con, when the thing walked up to him. Somehow Reggie managed to pull a scam out of nowhere that the creature actually believed.
Just an hour ago he was looking for yet another town to go to where his face was unknown to run another scam, only to find a surprise kingdom that wasn’t on any maps. Even better than that was that everyone here was dumb as bricks! Rufus kicked back to watch more savings be put on the table when a strange cat walked in. To be fair, the black cat only looked strange relative to the technicolor weirdos.
“Can I get another Everyberry...” The cat’s voice died out as it caught sight of Rufus Regg and the stack of treasures.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed,” Muffins, what are you doing?”
“Well, I was making some pies when these two nice gentlemen come in. They looked like the wanted to talk to me, so I go up to them and it turns out their distant relatives who are looking to set up a branch of the company here. They just need some investment to set up shop, and well you don’t say no to family,” Muffin said.
“You're savings,” he did a double-take looking at the stack of treasures before shaking it off,” that… comes later. Muffin, right now you need to stop giving them their money.”
Rufus began to wonder if things were starting to sour.
“Why not help family?”
“Muffins you are a yellow mouse. That is a raccoon and fox.”
The cat looked like he was about to strangle the mouse when he took a deep breath,” listen, they aren’t your family. They’re scam artists taking your money.”
“A preposterous claim, under what authority do you have to make those allegations,” Rufus asked with all the feigned bravado he could muster.
“The crown’s.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I’m the sheriff.”
* * *
Mao Mao watched the fox’s eyes go wide as he forced himself to wear a smile. “Ahhh, I see. Well, you must be a busy person, as are we, so you must understand if we have to cut this engagement short. We have places to be you know.”
“You’re both under arrest.”
Rufus quickly grabbed his companion and bolted out the door.
Mao Mao checked his watch. It was 3:50. If he did this quick he should be able to give Pigguns his ticket. After giving them a fair head start before he crashed through the storefront to give chase. It was pretty disappointing, to be honest. The grifters weren’t particularly fast or smart. They made the horrible choice to run right to the kingdom gates. Mao Mao knew twenty different shortcuts that could have put him ahead of them, but he didn’t need to use any of them. He checked his watch; It was 3:58. Mao Mao picked up the pace, closing in on them at blinding speed.
He drew his sword and leaped forward. He screeched to a halt at the last intersection. Instead of giving chase, he rested his arm on Geraldine, and began to write on his notepad.
“Ha-Ha! Yes! We did it Regg. We’re free! We’re-”
Rufus learned why the sheriff stopped when Slim-Pigguns careened down the road. Mao Mao calmy stuck yet another ticket onto Pigguns’ car as it zoomed by, and waited. When the smoke cleared the fox was kneeling next to his roadkill companion. Unfortunate that it didn’t hit both.
What a great day! He captured the scammers and gave Pigguns his ticket all at once. Whoever said a “ bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”could go get fucked. For once in his life, Mao Mao was feeling proud of himself. That and his little joke must’ve been why he laughed. He laughed, and he did it quite loudly.
Slowly, Sweetipies began to crowd around, murmuring amongst themselves.
The sweetipies pushed past Mao Mao, crowding around the raccoon. “Poor thing, who did this to you?”
A wicked glint ignited in the foxe’s eye,” it was the sheriff. He did this.”
“Oh my god, you think anyone is actually going to believe... that.”
The mob turned to face Mao Mao, moving like a single angry creature.
“What a monster,” a sweetiepie said
“I knew he’d lose it eventually,” said another.
“Oh, come on! You can’t actually believe him!”
“What a horrid man.”
The crowd began to close in on Mao Mao.
“That’s preposterous. I would never do something like that… without reason, at least. Either way, you can’t just believe a couple of strangers right?”
“I knew we shouldn’t have made him sheriff.”
“Woah, woah, woah, that’s enough,” Badgerclops said over is police siren hand to get through the crowd.
“What on earth happened here?”
“The sheriff attacked this innocent man.”
He and Adorabat looked over to the Reggie then back to Mao Mao.
“You seriously can’t believe them,” he said.
Adorabat sucked air in through her teeth,” Badgerclops, should I tell him?”
“Now. Now let’s not make assumptions,” Badgerclops said before immediately huddling down and speaking in a whisper. “What the fuck, dude? I know I already have bags packed, but geez.”
“I didn't do it! It was Slim Pigguns who did this!”
“Can you prove it,” the fox choked out.
“Prove it?” Mao Mao marched through the crowd, grabbing, shoving and tossing Sweetipies out of the way, grabbing the fox by the collar. “Of course, I can prove it. Its what happened!”
“Could you prove it in a court of law?”
“Then we will. I sue the Pure Heart Valley Sheriff’s Department.”
“What,” Mao Mao, Badgerclops and Adorabat screamed in unison.
“No. In fact, we’ll sue the Pure Heart Valley itself. We’ll sure for everything it owns.”
Mao Mao and the three of them quickly formed a team-planning hug. “He can’t actually sue the entire valley for everything it owns, can he,” Adorabat asked.
“Don’t ask me. Ask Mao Mao.”
“Well… they might. The article that relates to suits against the kingdom doesn’t exactly put a limit on what can be demanded.”
“Don’t worry Daddy Issues. I already got our bags packed and-”
“We are not running!”
“Why not, I don’t really wanna be here when you lose the case.”
“I won’t lose the case because I didn’t hurt him.”
“You sure,” they asked.
“Yes, I’m sure. He got run over by Slim Pigguns. I didn't hurt him. Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Because that would be ridiculously on-brand for you. It's not an ‘if’ but ‘when’. I already have bags packed for when it happens.”
“You have what now?”
“Nothing. Anyways, if you want to challenge them then we go to court,” Badgerclops said.
“I’ll handle the case and you... try not to be yourself. Or at least don’t be yourself in front of the sweetipies.”
“Oh! Oh! Oh! What do I do,” Adorabat asked.
“You’ll be his PR,” Badgerclops explained.
Mao Mao began to consider if it was time to use those emergency packs.
* * *
Mao Mao didn’t know if the sweetipies had any foresight or common sense. Rufus could literally sue the valley for everything it owns, and for some reason, the sweetipies were taking Rufus’ side. The fact that Snugglemane was in control of the proceedings was the shit icing on top of the shit cake. Mao Mao tapped his fingers against the table. The court was taking too long to start. The jury was seated and the spectators mumbled amongst themselves. Snugglemane fiddled with the white wig he was wearing over his usual one. Rufus and Reggie weren’t here yet. Badgerclops wasn’t present either. Only Adorabat was here, which wouldn’t be much help since she’s his “PR” and a child.
Everyone turned when the doors opened. Rufus rolled his friend in on a stretcher. Despite the obvious greed in his eyes, Mao Mao could see genuine concern for his friend. Granted, that didn't stop him from wanting to see the fox on a stretcher as well.
“Oh good, the prosecution is finally here. Let's get this thing started,” the king said banging his gavel.
“But my defense isn’t here yet,” Mao Mao objected.
Adorabat took the stage. “Don’t worry,” she said,” I got this.”
“Aren’t you like... Six?”
“Seven, actually.”
Snugglemane considered it for a moment before banging his gavel. “Good enough for me. The Prosecution has the stand.”
Rufus stepped up. Mao Mao thought it was weird for Rufus to be speaking for himself, then again it's not like the valley has any lawyers.
Rufus cleared his throat, speaking in a pained voice,” Thank you, your… Honor? Majesty?”
“Call me both.”
“Alright, you're Honorific Majesty.”
The king giggled; the sheriff rolled his eyes.
“As you all know,” he began,” I had come to the Pure Heart Valley to visit a relative. Muffin, a distant cousin of mine-”
“Oh, c’mon. You are a fox. Muffin is literally a yellow mouse,” Mao Mao interrupted.
“Silence,” the king demanded with his gavel. “The prosecution has the floor.”
“As I was saying. I came to the valley because I’d come across some financial troubles. I’ve been trying to start a business of mine. A newspaper in fact. Everything was going smoothly till that brigand appeared.”
The crowd hissed and booed at Mao Mao. The king didn’t bother to stop that interruption.
“This foul creature chased me all the way through town. When he finally caught up with me. He proceeded to do… this to my friend.”
The crowd winced and ooed in sympathy for that awful fox.
“A heartbreaking tale,” the King sniffled. “Does the defense have anything they want to say?”
“Yes,” Adorabat said.
“Then speak your piece.”
“Um.. line?”
Mao Mao pinched the bridge of his nose.
* * *
Mao Mao did not expect much from a defense set up by a seven-year-old, but by god, it was somehow worse. Adorabat was naive and easy to manipulate. Rufus found it easy to set up leading questions.
“Do you think the sheriff is responsible for his actions?”
“Ehm… yes?”
“Is he one of those hateful people willing to attack others?”
“I suppose.”
“Does his tendency to attack first without asking questions often bring others to harm?”
“King, I object,” Mao Mao interrupted.
“Say the full titles.”
Mao Mao swallowed his fury. “I object to his questions, your Honorific Majesty.”
“On what grounds?”
“Well, the fact that they’re all loaded questions and Adorabat actually being a seven-year-old toddler.”
“That’s no grounds for an objection. You elected her to be your defense of your own accord. It conflicts with no rules or laws.”
“Laws here make no sense, though. The fact that you’re suing an entire county for everything it owns is proof enough.”
Rufus and Mao Mao began to argue more and more. Snugglemane pounded his gavel demanding order, but no one listened. Things just got louder and louder, wilder and wilder until Rufus and Mao Mao were grappling on the floor of the courtroom.
“I’ll tear your eye out you armless bastard,” Rufus yelled.
“I’d like to see a corpse try,” he responded.
They only calmed down when the guards pried them apart When the guards finally pried them apart they were both left beaten and bloody. Mao Mao punched Rufus in the stomach; Rufus bashed him in the nose, along with the countless bumps and bruises they shared. Although, Rufus was definitely worse for wear. His left arm was twisted in all the wrong ways. Mao Mao couldn��t even feel proud of that. His head was throbbing and there was this awful hum.
No the hum wasn’t in his head. More heads began to turn when the noise got louder and louder. It was a hum, that grew into a rumble; a rumble so loud he courtroom began to shake. It sounded like a car… no, it was a car. Mao Mao quickly shook himself free of the guards, grabbing Adorabat as the wall caved in with a mighty crash.
Mao Mao waved the smoke away, clutching Adorabat to his chest. “You alright,” he asked.
“I’m fine,” she coughed out.
Despite the damage, no one seemed to be hurt. Pinky was laughing maniacally, so the sweetipies were fine, the king peeked his head from behind the podium, and unfortunately, the grifters were still alive. Despite the car belonging to Slim Pigguns Badgerclops stepped out first. He took a few tentative steps before he threw up his lunch. Slim Pigguns stepped out more concerned for his car than anything else.
“What is the meaning of this,” the king growled.
“Well… god damn… that was horrifying,” Badgerclops heaved in between breaths,” I have proof that… Mao Mao didn’t… do it.”
“What’s the proof?”
“Witness... testimony. I call to the stand… Slim Pigguns!”
The fox’s eyes went wide.
“Hm?” Pigguns poked his head up, not even paying attention to the court.
“Mr.Pigguns, could you tell us what happened when you ran over the raccoon?”
“Yeah. I was going for my daily drive, when I got near the gate I felt a bump.”
“And you didn’t stop?”
Pigguns just shrugged,” it happens.”
“This is just testimony! Can you prove he was even there,” Rufus objected.
“I still have the sticker Mao Mao gave me.”
“That’s a speeding ticket,” Mao Mao added from the back.
Rufus began to sweat. Nm “Do you have any physical evidence?”
“Does the fender with your face still dented into it count?”
“I’ve been meaning to buff that out,” Pigguns mumbled.
Everyone turned to face Rufus. He pulled at his collar. His calm, collected demeanor beginning to give way to panic.
“Does the prosecution have anything to say,” the king asked.
Rufus balled his hands into fist before sinking low,”... no, your honor.”
“Say it right.”
“Just give us the verdict, already.”
“So rude,” the King banged his gavel,” I deem the defendants not guilty of assault and declare that the prosecution be jailed upon charges false accusations and wasting the courts time. The defendant's punishment shall be to clean up this mess.”
“What, why?”
“Because you’re all rude. So very rude.”
“Could you at least take me to jail first,” Rufus asked.
“I’m not going to put you in jail,” Mao Mao said.
“I am, however, going to put you in the hospital.”
Mao Mao pounced at him when Bagderclops grabbed him out the air,” as I said. It's not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’.”
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Have you heard of the hanahaki disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. How about the mc having this condition because she thought that it was a one sided love from her to mitsuhide. Can you make this angsty please because I love to see a desperate mitsuhide
@bat-yo-us It took me a while but I hope this little tale meets your expectations.
Warning: Obviously its angst and death of someone so please read responsibly.
If the Princess of Azuchi had beentold that within three months they would have fallen hopelessly in love shewould have laughed. Then again, she also would have thought you were a littlecrazy for saying she was about to time travel thanks to a wormhole. But thiswas the reality of it.
She had not known for sure when ithad happened only that for some twisted reason, she had found herself lostcompletely to the man. It must have happened slowly, creeping up on her untilit had invaded every aspect of her body like ink seeping into water. He hadchanged her in ways he had no idea of and as much as she wished to tell him theopportunity never seemed to come.
He had tried to make himself asabsent as possible of late. The newest addition to his lord’s castle was acharming and energetic female who against his better judgement had become asource of distraction to him. They were so expressive he couldn’t help but bedrawn to her. Teasing her so he could witness her pale skin become tainted bythat crimson blush and enjoy the myriad of emotions clearly visible in thoselarge clear eyes as they looked up at him. She was so warm and bright comparedto his chilled darkness that he had found himself longing for more. As if she wassome sort of bewitching poison to his soul. When was the last time he had allowedhimself to become so distracted by someone? No,it was better to stay away. Time heals all wounds after all.
Except no one informed the sneaky tricksterthat time can also make the heart grow fonder.
Nobunaga had sent him on a missionthat would last several weeks if the intel on it was to be believed. He had notmissed the worried expression playing on the Princesses face when she had cometo the gates to see him off. He had told her to not waste her time on someonelike him and to instead focus on someone that could match her. “There is a muchbetter man for you to spend your time worrying about than me Little Mouse.”
Her face dropped and he could seeher bite her lip as she held back the words she was wanting to say. It tookevery ounce of strength he had in him to not wrap her in his arms right then andthere. To tell her that he had found himself wandering late at night around thecastle’s gardens observing the cherry trees beginning to grow their buds in themoonlight and gazing up at the lamplight of her room.
How often he had found his eyesdrift in her direction and followed her every movement without her knowing. Howher voice made his heart tremble in a way that had him curse himself later inhis room for allowing his desire for her to fill his head with foundationlesshopes and dreams. She could never know. He couldn’t let her find out. Thedanger to her would be too real. She deserved a kinder, safer life than any hecould provide. And still, he hoped…
She wandered the castle like a ghostlyspectre, worrying both the staff and the warlords. The joy she usually embodiedseemed to be replaced with a soul-sucking void of nothingness. Her feelings itseemed were forever doomed. She could not bring herself to say them to his faceand whenever she came close to it, he expertly avoided the issue and vanished. Am I really so bad that he would hate methis much?
Her nimble fingers moved over thelayers of silk following the line of the needle and thread as she joined thesections of cloth together. Her thoughts drifted as they often did to themissing warlord. He always seemed to look so lonely when she had caughtglimpses of him during times when he thought no one was watching.
Her heart gave a painful thump inher chest. Warm tears fell from her eyes rolling down her cheeks landing insmall drops staining the silk. Her breathing became laboured as she silentlysobbed before it turned into a coughing fit. Her throat felt dry and scratchybut no matter how hard she tried to breathe it felt like the oxygen around herwas being denied entrance to her body. A metallic taste filled her mouth andshe covered her mouth quickly only just avoiding ruining her work as brightfresh blood leaked from her lips with something quite unexpected.
His dreams were disturbed thatnight. It was the eve of his return to Azuchi and for some reason, his usuallydreamless sleep was interrupted by a vision of the Princess. She was smilinghappily, running towards him surrounded by warm sunlight and pretty littlewildflowers. It was such a blissful sight he found himself wishing that hewould never wake up. A sudden shift in colour pallet had the dreamworld turn togrey. The Princess was no longer smiling. Her face was contorted in pain andshe was screaming. Screaming on her knees in the middle of what could have beena battlefield running in rivers of blood. He jolted awake aware of how hisclothes were clinging to his sweat-soaked skin.
He all but ran from the roomgrabbing his prepacked bag thanking his past self for its foresight and rushedto locate his house from the stables attached to the Inn he was staying in.
It was all a dream. Logically heknew this, but he could not settle his heart. His whole body was screaming athim to hurry and he was in no fit state of mind to go against it. He needed tosee her. He had to tell her. Even if she should reject him. He had to tell herthat she had cast a spell on him and he was hers to use as she wished. Nothingshe could ask of him would be too much he knew he would do anything for hersmile.
He rode hard as if to outrun the ill-fatedomen he felt gnawing at his back.
Morning light came along with a newday. Another day without him here. Another day feeling so twisted up inside asif someone had taken every nerve in it and tied them in knots. She had no appetitebut faked a smile as she accepted a bowl of soup from Masamune.
“What is it, Lass?”
“It’s nothing.” She looked up fromthe bowl and found his sceptical blue eye looking at her. “Honestly I’veprobably just been overdoing it with work recently. I’m a little tired that’sall.”
The one-eyed dragon didn’t exactlybelieve her excuse but accepted it none the less. Nobunaga had told thePrincess to relax in her room and recover from whatever illness plagued herafter becoming aware from Hideyoshi and the maids tending to her that she hadnot been herself.
Masamune had seen it just as theothers had. The way she looked at the Kitsune. Not one of them had tried to interfere,they only wished for her happiness. Mitsuhide, by contrast, seemed to be theonly one unaware of it. He was usually so observant but when it came to this,he seemed to be totally blind.
The day passed uneventfully in herroom, punctuated only by moments where she had found her mouth filled with palepink petals and an increasingly harder struggle to regain the ability to breathe.
Each time it happened her mind tormentedher with his face. Memories they shared playing on a loop like a haunting movie.Her body twisting in pain as it echoed the throbbing in her heart. It was nouse she had to get out of the castle even if it was only for a short time. Shewanted to have some fresh air. She wanted to escape the confinement she felt…
He rode at a steady clip into thecastle courtyard. Dismounting fluidly from the saddle as if he had turned hisbody to liquid and simply melted. It was growing darker by the second astwilight had already brought with it the encroaching shadows of nightfall toreplace the ones from sunset.
Most of the staff were gone except fora few that had some small night duties, tending to fires and makingpreparations for the next day. This meant that his journey to her room was mercifullyuninterrupted. He knocked on the sliding frame but received no reply. Thinkingit to be odd he pushed it open a sliver and found only an empty room. He wasabout to slide it shut again and return to his manor for the night, convincinghimself that this is a sign from above that his foolishness could wait tillmorning. When his yellow eyes fell on what looked to be a trail of flowerpetals that led right up to the door.
Looking up and down the dimlyilluminated hallway he saw a few yards ahead of him more of the same. Somedelicate petals covering the ground as if to call for him to follow.
When was it they had opened? She couldn’tremember exactly when they had bloomed only that it seemed like magic when ithappened. One day nothing then the landscape transformed in pale pinks andwhites as the cherry blossoms covered the trees.
Each step she took felt like astruggle, every part of her body felt like it was begging for her to stop, butshe was determined to see those flowers close up. A couple of steps more andshe stumbled. The coughing from earlier gave way to full-blown contorted vomitingas a stream of petals and flowers flowed from her mouth, stained in that samefresh scarlet she had begun to be all too familiar with.
Crouching down her legs finally gaveout. Her mind was racing with thoughts of him and how she would have liked tohave seen him one last time. How she never did get a chance to tell him sheloved him. To tell him that he didn’t have to be alone.
The trail led him to the gardens. Ofcourse, she would come out here. She loved flowers and whenever she had a sparemoment or was feeling down, she could be found here like a mythical creaturehappily gazing at the plants. The relief he felt at discovering her locationwas short lived.
No longer a few clumps or thinscattering of petals, this was a carpet of blossoms. It could have been seen bysome as beautiful had it not been for the morbid touch that glistened in the fadinglight outside.
His body moved as if possessed,following the trail before him as if he were walking a horrific red carpet. Thepale pink was stained crimson the further he went and his heart lurched in hischest begging him not to continue but also spurring him onwards at the sametime.
As the pathway curved, he found the one he had beensearching for. His eyes went wide as he took in her crumpled figure on thegravel and he was running to her side in an instant. Dragging her limp body upto him cradling her head on his lap brushing her hair from her face.
He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream but instead, he foundhimself unable to do either. She was so cold. The warmth with which she hadglowed had left her. Those clear expressive eyes clouded over and frozen inplace. This was his nightmare. How had this happened? It made no sense. She wasgone. He couldn’t tell her he had tried to keep her away because he was a weakman full of fear. Fear that she would only be hurt by trying to be at his side.How he had wished for her to chose him despite all that. How she had gifted himone thing he never thought he would be allowed to have, Hope.
Something in him at that moment snapped. He dug his kneesfurther into the gravel beneath them clinging on to her body, crushing itagainst his. The tears he never shed despite the losses he had suffered in hislife tumbled from his eyes blurring his vision of her in his arms. That nightthe residents of the castle and its town heard the wailing mournful cry of akitsune.
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 6 - Meat Page 16
==>  (Whoa, went a long while before splitting posts, there.  Dangerous, with how often I’ve lost stuff to Tumblr page reloads in the past.)
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Oh, you’ve realized Zazzerpan’s relevance as foreshadowing for the trolls or whatever, Rose?
Oh my god, PLEASE don’t put Rose inside a fucking robot.  >:|
Oh SHIT wait.  That one wizard Roxy named her cat after who wanted all the knowledge in the world, got overloaded and then crushed by the giant textbook or whatever???  That’s disturbingly Rose-similar here.  D:
Rose, puns.  Please.
Hm, you think it applies to you all now instead of the trolls?  Huh.  Do you think some of you might become villains and get Just deaths?
..Huh, wait.  Numerological significance?  Are we actually learning what 413 means?  Or learning that it was meant to be bullshit all along instead?  I’m “Hmmm”ing loudly either way...
Ow, ouch.  So a Light player wasn’t designed to properly live outside of canon significance, or??
Ooh.  She’s not sure that if she opens herself up to all the knowledge of her other selves, that it’d be “her” anymore.  A pretty legitimate fear... and one Dirk is perfectly disposed to disabuse her of.  As a Heart player, he’d understand better than most that the entire combination of one’s various states over all timelines IS you, and the unique direction your will and uniqueness embodies across whatever it touches.  Or something.
...Wait, wait a minute.  Before I keep reading........ I didn’t actually CLICK the candy button yet.  What if Candy just redirects to AO3 or something.  Like, the candy bit is all of our fanfics.  Oh jeez.
Okay reading on before that possibility drives me insane.
DIRK: I’m not sure anyone should be allowed to have that much foresight. Especially a guy like me.
...Mhmm, especially since in part that’s how we got Doc Scratch, yeah.
Reading to the end of this page, and........
Yeah, what the FUCK just happened.
So... is this Dirk BEING a villain?  Doing some sort of weird almost cherubic Eye thing to kind of supplant Rose as he becomes a Scratch-like fanfic narrator or... Let me reread these last few paragraphs a couple times...
Is he really sort of “puppeteering” Rose?  Is this like the birth of a god-tier villain or just a temporary respite he’s giving her sort of underhandedly for an actual good cause to help her out of her situation??  Or is “death” or a death of the self the actual solution he had for her mess???  I mean... the metatextual awareness bit that he’s speaking through in the last sentence is clearly something like what comes of ascending completely and going beyond the story to be able to write it like Caliborn or Doc Scratch might or... y’know what, fuck it.  I’ll understand it in later pages.  I have to keep reading if this is going to make sense to me.
This next button better not lead straight back to the fucking selection screen again.
Oh shit, a giant Dirk section.  Only fitting that he might have been writing most of this all along possibly.
Undercurrent of narrative significance.  Oh shit.  Is he going to go off about Light, about the story parts not mattering?  Or that the fact that this IS a story and... from what I accidentally skimmed in sentences below before reading further, how we’re trapping them in a story by reading it or something???  Hence the idea that their existences are being “blighted” by the subtext of narrative significance, and would be better FREE of it?
Huh.  Is this really going to work?  As, like... a body slam of people who were too caught up in the forest of narrative purpose to see into the trees of the point he wanted to make with the finale?  It’s practically Andrew talking to the audience from within the story about their frustrations, heh.
Yeah, this whole rant is pretty awesome so far.  I forgot to mention it a few paragraphs ago, but when you look at the story list, the Epilogues are listed as “stories of dubious authenticity”, so is this whole thing like... how DIRK might have written the ending out?  Just to emphasize further that this whole thing is kind of pointless compared to the infinite possibility that was the reward for their escape from the confines of such story-stuff?
Cool.  Sounds like we’re seeing the “good end” that Dirk would have written for this story if he were to write one that still answers plotlike questions, or something similar to it.  That and/or he’s also engineering things in-canon -- or as “canon” as the victory planet is -- to follow all this for the end result he has in mind, and it comes across as practically Doc Scratch-y in the way it ties in metatextual awareness and stuff.  Either way, it DOES feel like Andrew might successfully be making his point.
Pff.  This is going to be a bit interesting.  And, of course, unstuck-in-canon John can hear the narrator speaking.
And now John has ANOTHER story to get annoyed at the narrator of, heh.
The tooth is poisoned? Really? Did you just make that up or?
Okay, why suddenly the wallet, fanfic writer? Is he going to find touching pictures or just captchalogue the black hole?
This is all starting to feel a whole lot less serious, and I can’t help but figure that’s the intent.
Pff, back to the B plot.  Yay Jade!  --Please don’t be metatextually aware like John and let’s get more actual story.
Phew, seems to be the case
...Is Karkat going to remake this post-scarcity society to be more Communist? Is that where we’re going here?
Alright, Roxy’s gonna be all voidy and Neutral and not want an impact on the election, from the sound of it?
GAAAHHH Jade is in love with all her friends and afraid of being alone.  AAAH FEELS
--Oh huh, so because Jane’s been in the distance putting on the Perfect act she thinks she has to pull, she’s gone down in her friends’ opinions even if that isn’t really her???  That’s pretty reassuring as an alternative, actually.  Leave it to Roxy to see everything crystal goddamn clear as usual.
Ooh, pronoun mishap.
Holy SHIT Roxy’s gonna go along with it.  That’s nonbinary-awesome!  And Dirk’s just fucking flabbergasted, I love it.
Pff, Dirk’s screwing it up outside too
yep, everyone ectobiologically had kids with everyone, really.
Oh, ow.  Something about the whole black hole green sun thing is fucking with her.  That, or, like...  Huh, might the whole metatextual ascension thing mean that she actually BECOMES that other Jade floating about for a hot minute, the one in the A-side plot??
Ow this excellent narrative is pretty painful.  Like, empathetically inducing pain through really good description of pain and angst.  Ow.
Oh shit, alt!Calliope has a plan.  Maybe she’s able to use this black hole to re-begin Paradox Space and close the loop once everything’s absorbed or something, and needs a Jade’s help for it?
Phew, some relative silliness with some of the others.  That vivid description of a Jade’s suffering was starting to give my stomach a cramp.  Actually, ANY vivid description of Jade’s suffering gives my stomach a cramp.  Or any allusion to it, even, heck even without WORDS.  I saw a Jadey song redux show up on my Youtube dashboard a few nights ago and had to turn it off after less than thirty seconds because I was about to throw up listening to the tune and staring at the image from my stomach clenching SO HARD.  I am WAY too attached to Jade in particular to tolerate her suffering without serious emotional feedback on my part.
Okay, breathe.  Breathe deeply, and keep reading...
....PFF, yes, Karkat.  Finally acknowledge it’s disgusting.  Birth is disgusting from any species really.
Yaaaay Kanaya! :)
Pfffff, Dave does record scratches with his hands mid-conversation like a fucking dab.  He would.
KANAYA: I Am Impressed That You Managed To Be Seen In Front Of That Many People Without Spontaneously Bursting Into Flames
I’m laughing
We internalize and project the quality in very different ways, however, which is why I’m going to win.
Win WHAT, the election???  Is that your only grand plan or... I mean fuck, way to be Doc-Scratch-like ominous!  Reading on...
...Yeah, Feferi was definitely a proto-Fascist too.  :)
Oh, huh. “Power Corrupts In Small Steps”... is this whole President thing going to be a big-ass metaphor for gaining your God powers without abusing them?? And pointing out that Jane is hella abusing her status in a way that COULD become villainous if it goes too far?  Victory is supposed to give you the ability to create a universe, but you’re not necessarily supposed to lord over it with an iron fist...
KANAYA: He Is Beloved In The Troll Kingdom For His Perky Ass DAVE: seriously? KARKAT: I TOLD YOU IT’S NOT JUST ME! KANAYA: It Has Some Terrible Arcane Power KANAYA: I Have Never Seen Anything Like It
I am laughing out loud here
pff dave’s doubtlessly imagined this at least as much as the rest of us
YESSS make fun of ship names some more, especially the ship names I’m not a fan of even though I’m such a fan of the pairing :D
KANAYA: Im Going To Call My Wife And You Are Going To Stop Talking
Why do I love that sentence so much.  Is it just because it has the word wife in it.  Probably.
At the other side of the cavern, Dave and Karkat bicker about what their combo kids would look like, in the event that they decided to stop being such laughable wusses and began fornicating like two cartoon animals of different species who have given into their lust.
Pffff.  Yeah, Dirk would put it that way.
Pffffff.  Not as adept at handling all sides of the story at the same time as you were as part of Doc, eh?
Reading reading reading... Oh, adorable, he tried to slip a fish pun into Meenah’s name but couldn’t think of one.
...Oh SHIT, is he going to give Meenah the ring of life she wanted??? :D
Oh pff, that works too.  :D
Okay, time for maybe at least a SLIGHT explanation of whatever the FUCK Dirk might have or might not have done to Rose or something????
...Huh.  What exactly are you trying to “fix” about Kanaya and Rose’s relationship, Dirk?  Something that didn’t fix itself with just the two of them together?
I mean...... Rose’s substance abuse never fixed itself when it was just two of them together on the first-run meteor.  And she’s been taking pills and trying to stave off her destiny out of fear while her wife hasn’t really been digging into her insecurities... I mean maybe he has a point.
SHADOWS around her??????  D:
Yeah yeah, John drifting.  I just remembered what one of those “server beacons” they were mentioning actually is, too, visually.  Knowing it had an escape route helped.
What are you even gonna do with the slippers, gift them to Terezi when she comes flying in?  (Also, right, just remembered he’s a Breath player so it’s only natural that he actually finds whatever there is to find “coincidentally” around here, like that wallet.)
Ooh, you REALLY were thinking about Terezi over the past years from the sound of it.  And here she is or whatever.  :)
Okay okay okay wait.  Her shadow is talking??? Is this, like... Jungian shadow stuff? Inversion shadow stuff?  What the fuck is going on.  It better not be Inversion-related.
Let me read that again.
Her shadow has faded to light behind her, assuming the shape of a Rose-like apparition. I nod to her, and she continues. When she speaks, it’s almost as if it’s the apparition that’s doing the talking.
That’s weird and I don’t entirely know what it means. I’d better just keep fucking reading.
Fun philosophical banter.  I didn’t know what “Hegelian dialectics” were until I read some big rant on someone’s Fallout New Vegas playthrough earlier last month.
ROSE: I think free will is a thing, sure. DIRK: Are you sure about that? ROSE: ... DIRK: Haven’t we spent the entire day having a feelings jam on how none of us got here by accident?
Ah, here we’re going with some Ultimate Riddle-y stuff.
Or wait, are we adding a bit on to that concept now?  Because it now seems like a large PART of the Ultimate Riddle stuff I covered (FUCK dropbox for breaking all the images) that might be revealed in this part of the damn epilogue is the whole the-only-way-to-have-true-free-will-is-to-escape-the-narrative-imposed-on-us or something along with the rest of it.
Hm, that whole “become One God” bit that Dirk ranted about in the beginning of one of the John sections... is that his ambition here?  I didn’t comment on the rantparagraph earlier because the “one” part of it threw me as possibly just some philosophical stuff he was musing about, but it’s like... I mean Dirk is the narrator right now, and it sounds like he wants to *BE* the narrator.  Like, become the one truly in control of this whole story.  With his orange Andrew-colored text or whatever.  Is that what he meant by “win”, winning control of the entire narrative, turning everyone else in the story into mere extensions of himself that he was “writing” by virtue of being the only author?
And him getting thwarted in that task, showing that it’s better if there really is NO narrator and the characters can do whatever they imagine in infinite branches and our imaginations, is the victory that proves the point of the story.  Or something.  Hmm.
Also, huh.  Like... I mean that IS a natural extension of a Prince of Heart if he were to turn to villainy.  A grand ambition to destroy everyone’s individuality until they’re nothing but Himself.  Right?
DIRK: Your Ultimate Self, that which is revealed when the mind’s partitions are stripped away, and all potentiality of who you are and what you could have been flow together. DIRK: Those are the experiences and processes that are refusing to stay bundled, that’s what your body can’t endure. The unbundling itself is your mind coming apart. DIRK: Because you’re not as strong as me. Not yet. DIRK: But you can be. DIRK: I’m working on that.
Because she’ll “BE” you?  Because you’ll be everyone?  Hm.
DIRK: But for now, I’m focused on stabilizing you with my own expanding consciousness. DIRK: It’s enveloping you now, in a way you can’t see. Keeping your thoughts solid, your identity anchored to your physical form as it strains to hold itself together. DIRK: You can’t see it, what I’m talking about. But I can help you. DIRK: I can help you see what I see, if only for a little while. DIRK: All you have to do is open your eyes. DIRK: Maybe what you see will help you through this.
Okay so maybe this all ain’t TOTALLY fucking sinister.  Just partially.  Hmm.
I’m not going to describe what she sees. First of all, that would be spoiling it. Unless you already know, in which case, I guess what’s taking place here qualifies as something closer to dramatic irony. But if you really want to see it for yourself, stop what you’re doing, flip the whole thing over, and begin again. I’ll be right here when you get back, waiting. Trust me, no one’s going anywhere.
Hahahahah.  So the candy part IS written.  I mean I was pretty sure, but it’s nice to have it acknowledged here.  Pretty awesome.  I won’t stop here to read it, I’ll get to the candy part eventually as a nice dessert.
All she needs is a nudge in the right direction.
We’re family. We belong together. And after years of micromanaging the inconsistent and confused desires of total imbeciles, wouldn’t it be a relief to have someone by my side who understood me?
Stop being so incestuous.  Dirk, you’re just getting off on the CONCEPT of incest being part of the flavor of all this, aren’t you.  That’s why you kept pushing things this way, you want it to be as uncomfortable as possible.
...wait, yeah he’s just talking about being a metatextual ascended, isn’t he.
Her body should be dead now.
And Rose has... what, ascended but somehow given in to Dirk’s puppeteering of existence, or?  Ugh.
Next post, I wanna keep reading already to get through all this bullshit.  Then once I’ve figured it all out, I can rest comfortably back with the Candy side which Rose practically just promised me is potentially TOO SUGARY which is really enticing as a prospect.
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itsjamesstan · 6 years
without sight | two
bucky barnes x reader
summary; sometimes we go through life seeing but still completely blind. when a young woman relapses, she turns to the only person she knows she can trust, what she didn’t expect was the soldier who she’d run into and change things for her like she’d never expect.
warnings; none
a/n; there’s a name in place of reader for a reason, it’ll all soon reveal itself also thank you for all the support people have given me so far i am in awe! we finally get to learn a little more about reader in this one. i hope you enjoy! feedback is always very much appreciated, so it you could let me know what you think i would be more than thankful!
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A fist flew towards her face, Lilah taking a step to the right in order to evade it, her hand quickly reaching out to grab her assailant’s wrist and twist it hearing the cry of pain but only as a slightly muffled sound. All the sounds that surrounded her sounded as though she were underwater but nonetheless the images in front of her moved. It didn’t take long after she had kicked the first attacker away that another approached her fists raised, disposing of him as fast as she did the other. The woman stood at attention, ready for what was to come. Several others attempted to knock her down but her body moving on its own accord, took them down without a strain as though it were all simply muscle memory.
Yet she couldn’t have prepared for the fear that took over her body once she raised her head, looking away from the unconscious body at her feet and straight ahead. Her limbs stiffened, her sympathetic nervous system firing up as she tried to gain control of her breathing. Standing a couple feet in front of her was a man she couldn’t name but knew was a force to be reckoned with. Dressed in a full black tactical suit, a muzzle-like mask covering the lower half of his face and goggles that kept his eyes from view and still she could tell that he was staring directly at her. Her head turned towards a group of men who were nearby simply watching but seeing their lax bodies reclining in the chairs she knew they were of no help to her. 
When her head turned back to the stranger, he had already started his approach, fighting the urge to step away and hide there was something in her that told her that that wasn’t the right way to respond. When the man was close enough, the girl wound her arm back, fist clenched and let it fly toward her assailant’s face. Only to have it stopped all too easily by his right arm, not having enough time to respond before his leg rose and kicked her knee causing her to let out a whine as she stumbled backwards before dropping on the opposite knee. 
Sucking in a deep breath, Lilah rose from the ground, knee throbbing before allowing herself some time to rebalance and reset herself. Bouncing on the balls of her feet as he once again came close, she threw a punch towards him again anticipating his block once again and as he held his own forearm against hers, her leg kicked out to hit the side of his torso before dipping down and hitting the back of his knee. When he merely stumbled for a second, shock slipped onto her face as she took a step away from him turning to depart until her upper arm was caught, her body being dragged back and thrown down on the hard ground.
When her eyes slipped open, her lungs still hauling air deep inside them, she could hear the bright laugh of her friend who quickly reappeared in her vision, her hand extended out towards the girl. Her feet were planted on a mat, sweat covering her body and the gear she was loaned when the two women had finally reached the gym. Natasha wrapped an arm around the girl’s shoulders, leaning her head against Lilah’s before giving her a squeeze,
“It has been a long time since I beat you at a good old spar. You’ve let yourself go Li.” The former assassin stated, Lilah only producing a laugh in response as she shrugged the arm away only earning another laugh in response.
“Just give me a little time to loosen up and we’ll see how long this winning streak of yours will last,”
“So what’s going on? Why’s Lilah back?” Steve asked as he entered the lab turning for a moment to watch the two women laugh as they walk towards the elevator, turning back to Bruce once they’d disappeared through the doors.
“It’s happening again,” Tony stated, facing the blond and leaning against the counter, “Started this morning and who knows if she’s had any more since then.”
A look of concern passed over both Sam and Steve’s faces whilst a look of confusion settled on Bucky’s. He wasn’t sure who they were talking about and since his return from Wakanda, he had never seen her around so who was she? He wanted to ask the flurry of questions that had been racing through his head but only one came out,
“What’s happening again?” His voice cutting through the conversation that was still going on. All the other three men, looked around at one another exchanging silent words until they all stared at Steve, Bucky assumed, telling him to explain and with a sigh that’s exactly what he did,
“A few years ago that woman you just saw left the Avengers in exchange for a normal life. Granted to her she remembers nothing of her time with us apart from working admin. It’s what we told her to keep her safe.” Steve began, taking in his best friend’s face as he spoke trying to keep things as simple as he could, 
“She was set to be on S.H.I.E.L.D’s radar from the moment she was born but her mother managed to evade them and they only caught wind of her when she was admitted into college.”
“The same thing happened with her mother, their ‘gift’ is, as we assume, something passed through the bloodline. All the women in her family have been able to see.” Tony continued, crossing his arms over his chest.
“To see?” Bucky asked, taking a moment to pause as he looked at the other three men in the room, “The large majority of the human race are born with the ability to see.”  
It took less than a second for Sam to hit Bucky upside the head, who quickly retaliated by hitting him back until Steve stepped between the two of them.
“Not eyesight, you idiot,” Sam retorted at the soldier before being reprimanded by Steve as Bucky stuck his tongue out over the Captain’s shoulder, earning a glare from the former-soldier.
“They can see everything. Things that have happened, are happening and will happen. Doesn’t matter where the situation is happening, if needs be they’ll see it,” Bruce finally explained once Steve had separated the two, “We’re not sure what causes it, triggers it or how it entered their bloodline. It’s there and it’s not always a good thing.”
“Kind of like Elrond’s foresight from Lord of the Rings?” The brunet answered and simply got a short hum in response as Bruce finished fiddling with the samples he had gotten from the girl, “How funny.” He muttered to himself, ignoring the feeling of both Tony and Steve’s eyes on him. Sam had gone over to help Bruce store the samples until Dr Cho arrived in the morning,
“What’s funny Buck?” Steve asked, stepping towards his friend, Tony following as his arms fell to his sides, paying full attention to what was being said.
“HYDRA were keen to have something - someone like that. They spoke about it often, even more so than trying to create more winter soldiers. Something always went wrong though.” He said with a shrug before pushing himself off his perch and stalking out the lab.
tags; @mcuimxgine
and here we have it. i hope you enjoyed it. i would very much appreciate any feedback. thanks in advance.
kisses kal x
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soulstealer1987 · 6 years
Interlude: Karliah
Ziist Grozein
Gallus isn't quite dead—not yet, anyway. And if a certain someone has any say in the matter, he won't be dying here.
Crossposted from AO3. Masterpost is here.
Arc 4, Chapter 10 ~ Arc 5, Chapter 1
Biting her lip is all Karliah can do to keep herself from crying out when Mercer strikes, and she certainly wants to. But she can’t cry out, she can’t attack. The only thing she can do, now, is to remain silent and unnoticed. Otherwise, Mercer will discover she hasn’t actually left, and will strike her down on the spot. And then, where will Gallus be?
Dead, her thoughts whisper, and she can’t let that happen. Not again. So, she clamps both her hands over her mouth and leans against a nearby pillar for support. Her eyes begin to swim with tears that she doesn’t dare shed. She watches as Mercer stands, satisfied, and steps gingerly out of the slowly-growing pool of blood beneath him, beneath Gallus. Gallus, who couldn’t fight back if he tried at this point. Gallus, who might already be…
Dead, her thoughts whisper, but she has to believe that this will work. She has to believe that this will buy her enough time to save him. Her poison was designed to paralyze, yes, but it does so—well, did so, that was the last dose—by slowing the heart. The pool of blood—Gallus’ blood—is growing, yes, but not as fast as it could be. And it’s a somewhat good sign that it is still growing, contradictory as that might seem, because that means his heart’s still beating.
That, or she’s just telling herself that.
Karliah grits her teeth. By Nocturnal, she has to hope there’s at least some luck left for them. She can’t watch him die again. So, with that in mind, she returns her attention to Mercer, the murderer. Mercer, who briefly considers taking Gallus’ sword as a trophy, but evidently decides otherwise. Which is good, because if—no, when—he gets better, he’ll need his sword.
Mercer silently creeps up the steps and heads for the exit. He does a strange sort of gesture with his hand as he heads out, and the gate slams shut behind him. Likely something involving the Skeleton Key, but that’s not important. The important part is, Mercer is out and he clearly doesn’t intend on coming back anytime soon.
(In any case, he hadn’t been completely fooled by Karliah’s ruse, he had suspected she’d come back because he’d made it difficult for her to slip back in the way she’d supposedly left. What he hadn’t suspected, with any luck, was that she had, in fact, never actually left. But she’ll still need to be careful. She can’t risk screwing this up further.)
Karliah takes her chance, and runs for Gallus. She kneels beside him, doing her best to ignore the blood, and leans in across his prone form. Karliah presses her cheek to his, listening for something, anything. She could have cried from the sheer weight of her relief when his breath, although far too faint, was still there. He’s still breathing. He’s still alive.
He’s still breathing, thank the shadows, and Karliah wastes no time in going for her bag. She’s so, so glad that she’d had the foresight to have first aid supplies ready for if things went horribly wrong. She’ll likely need all of them in the near future.
“It’ll be okay, Gallus,” she whispers. He can’t hear her, but that isn’t about to stop her. “I’m here. And I—” Karliah’s voice cracks, and she has to swallow the knot in her throat. “I won’t let you die. Not again.”
He’s badly injured on several accounts, but the most pressing matter at the moment is where Mercer stabbed him. Karliah doesn’t consider herself to be much of a healer, but she is an alchemist, and she supposes she does know more than most. It’s been years, decades even since she’s had to perform first aid on anyone besides herself—twenty-five years, to be exact—but it doesn’t take much for her to fall back into the practiced motions of undoing a strap here and a buckle there.
It doesn’t seem so long ago since the last time she’d had to do this, nor so different. Except that Gallus’ armor as well as her own had been the darker leathers of senior thieves, and he hadn’t been anywhere near as close to death. He hadn’t even been unconscious, and he’d kept making her laugh with his dumb jokes and goofy grins.
She isn’t laughing now. Karliah’s already lost him once, and spent the next couple decades and then some regretting everything that led up to the end. The last thing she wants is to lose him again, and it’s with that in mind that she hastily empties about half of one bottle of healing potion on a folded bandage and presses it onto his stab wound before bandaging it up. Her potion—blue mountain flower and wheat, if she remembers correctly—is unfortunately much less effective this way, but it’ll be enough to keep him alive for now. Even so, Karliah frowns, makes a mental note to get his armor washed and patched up at some point or another, and moves on to the arrow sticking through his leg.
Her arrow. Not for the first time, and not for the last, she’s extremely relieved that she hadn’t shot to kill but to injure. Had she not intended to take Mercer alive, Gallus would be dead now, and it would have been her doing. Karliah unconsciously winces as she examines it. She hadn’t meant for the arrow to go all the way through, but the good news is, it’ll be easy to cut out.
The bad news is, there’s going to be a lot of blood going everywhere even with her poison slowing things down. She’ll need to patch both sides up quickly.
Karliah takes a deep breath to brace herself, pulls out her dagger, and lops off the arrowhead as close as she can. That’s unfortunately the easy part.Then, she makes sure she has everything ready to do this quick, and sucks in another breath as she pulls the rest of the arrow out. It’s for the best that Gallus isn’t awake for this—she knows from experience that it hurts. It also bleeds a lot, which is why Karliah rips a bandage in two, drenches them in potion, and packs both sides of his wound before wrapping it as tightly as she dares.
Once she’s reasonably certain that he won’t be bleeding out on her, Karliah takes a moment to survey her work. Gallus isn’t in the best shape, but once he wakes up—because he will wake up, she has to believe that—they can figure things out from there.
He’ll want answers. Anyone would, in these circumstances. It’s the right thing to do here, without a doubt, and yet Karliah finds herself dreading that conversation.
Even so, it’s a conversation they have to have sooner rather than later, and if they’d had it sooner, Gallus wouldn’t be here on death’s doorstep. Karliah had convinced herself to tell him not too long ago, only to find that she was too late and he was already well on his way to Riften. She could have caught up with him, but she hadn’t tried. Instead, she had written a note that, clearly, hadn’t done any good.
Karliah could have warned him exactly who to be wary of. She could have told him everything--but she’d trusted that he’d be fine on his own. He would have been fine on his own, if he had known. But he hadn’t, and because of that… because of her…
She shifts her position some, cradles Gallus’ head in her lap. Silently, she brushes his bangs out of his face, traces a single finger along his jawline, blinks back her tears. He’s got his hair tied back in that way he always does, always had, except for his bangs. He’d always said he liked having his bangs a little shorter than the rest of his hair, always thought it made him look more dashing, like the roguish heroes in children’s stories. He was right.
He was right about everything, just like he always was. For a few moments, with him lying there in her arms, Karliah can almost pretend that nothing’s changed at all. That they’re home, in Riften. That he’s still the Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild, and she hasn’t been exiled for his murder. But his breathing is a little too shallow, and his features are a little too pale, and that’s his blood still drying on the ground.
Karliah doesn’t want to have this conversation. She doesn’t want to have to tell him how everything went wrong, but… he needs to know. For once, he’s not the one with all the answers, and her lips almost quirk up in a grin at the sheer irony. It’s only almost, however, because while Karliah has more of the answers than him at this point, she suspects that he’s just as clueless as she is with respect to certain questions.
“How are you alive?” Karliah whispers, even though he can’t hear her, and even if he could he wouldn’t know the answer.
If Enthir is to be believed—and Karliah is long beyond doubting him at this point—Gallus didn’t know anything except his own name early on. He definitely wouldn’t know how he’s here now. But that’s alright. They can figure that out. Gallus is alive, and he’s going to stay that way. Mercer will certainly be in for a nasty surprise when the time comes. Gallus just has to wake up first.
Silently, almost hesitantly, Karliah plants a kiss on his forehead, tucks a stray strand of hair behind his ear, and whispers, “You’ll be okay.” She desperately hopes it’s the truth.
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friendshipcampaign · 6 years
I’ve been keeping some of the downtimes between Ditto and the Tome secret but this one had some plot information that the others might be interested in. (Ditto will probably tell the others about this in character once there’s a quiet moment, but given where we left things off last time who knows how long that will be?)
While Voski prepared for bed, Ditto sat down in the hall, opening the Tome of Mysnkay on her lap and writing.
"Okay! So, first things first, we're all okay. It looked a little scary there, but we got away from the shadows. Also!! There was something outside the town that you might be interested in. I think the local wizard summoned it to guard the town? That's what it sounded like from talking to the innkeeper anyway."
She described the wraith in as much detail as she could remember, adding a couple illustrations to really drive the point across.
"This town has a necromancer?" the Tome said. "Do ask them about their techniques."
Ditto made a face at that. She didn't want to judge the wizard without really meeting her, but . . . after talking to her assistant she wasn’t sure how much she wanted to talk to her at all. Besides that, the others would probably want to move on right away in the morning.
Then again, Voski did say how she wanted to support anything that might help them understand the magic they were bound by. And even if Lakaphai didn't know anything about that, maybe she had a book or something on the subject. But still. Ugh. Maybe. If Mynskay really wanted to hear about necromancy, fine, maybe. Maybe they'd find a necromancy book in the boarded up room instead, and then wouldn't have to talk to the wizard.
She looked down and realized she'd been tapping the tip of the pen on the corner of the page, making a series of nervous little dots. She pulled her hand back and said "sorry," out loud, fully aware the Tome couldn't hear her.
"I don't know if necromancy is her main thing. Her assistant said she was into conjuration, but they had to learn a bunch of other stuff to deal with some of the problems plaguing the town," she wrote. "But even if that's true, necromancy is probably a big area of study for them with all the shadows around. There's something else, too. The guard at the gate who let us in? Doesn't have a shadow. I mean, doesn't have a regular shadow. Isn't that a heck of a thing?"
". . . One always hesitates to jump to conclusions," the Tome replied, "But a gatekeeper with no shadow in a town surrounded by swarms of shadows seems unlikely to be a coincidence."
Ditto smiled at that. "Heh, yeah, I was thinking the same thing. You think their shadow turned into one of those shadows? The bitey ones?"
"It's certainly possible. Tell me more about this town and its wizard. Does it seem like the sort of place that would try to raise an undead army, or one so beholden to those in power that it wouldn't raise objections?"
"Well...talking to them it sounds more like the wizard is protecting them from the shadows. I can tell you for sure the townsfolk don't want the shadows around. The whole town seems to be doing...bad. I'm pretty sure everyone would really rather have them gone.”
“I guess it's possible the wizard is still behind the shadows, but if they are the townsfolk sure don't know about it, they're pretty sure the opposite is going on. And the inkeeper...she seemed scared out of her mind when she was talking to us. I think she might be worried that we're outsiders who are gonna go sticking our big noses into their business. (She's right to be worried. There's a locked room down that hall that definitely has some secrets in there and we're totally gonna break into it later.)"
"I didn't meet the wizard, but she has a tower in the center of the town just for her, which seems awfully fancy to me.  She's clearly worth a lot to the people here. And her assistant seems--" Ditto hesitated, looking for the right word. "Confident in how valuable they are to the town. I guess I can't blame her if the wizard is the one who summoned the wraith that keeps the shadows out, though."
"I nearly asked if you made it a habit to break into other people's property on a whim, but you're an adventurer. Of course you do,” the Tome wrote. “If I was still alive you'd be exactly the sort of person I'd go out of my way to avoid. But no, go on, enjoy your breaking and entering. And if you haven't been driven out by morning do try to ask about the wraith. It's an unusual guardian; I'd be interested to know how they did it."
Ditto's brow furrowed as she read. She licked the tip of the quill and began writing her reply.
"Okay first of all: fair. Fair. That's fair. I'll take that criticism. I wouldn't call myself an adventurer but I am...pretty much acting like one here. So...fair. But second of all...wait. You used to be alive? You didn't mention that...I just...sort of assumed you were always a book."
The Tome rustled its pages in a gesture that Ditto was pretty sure is the closest it could get to a sigh. "You really know very little about necromancy, don't you? If you'd met your elf friend when he was dead would you have assumed he'd always been a ring?"
"Well, I mean...If he'd introduced himself as The Ring of Erwyn I just might have.” Ditto replied. She was so full of questions she could almost feel them piling up behind the quill in her hand, eager to be written out. “Was Mysnkay your name before? Or is that just your book name?"
"I was known as Mynskay before I took this form, yes," said the book.
"So what happened? Or is that too personal a question to ask?” Ditto hastily added. “If it's too personal or if it's upsetting to talk about that's okay, just tell me to shut up and I will."
"I died. It was terribly inconvenient, but fortunately I'd had the foresight to set up a contingency. I'd prefer not to discuss the matter further."
"Gotcha. Sorry that happened." Ditto fiddled with the end of her quill. In the back of her mind she wondered if Erwyn and Mynskay might want to talk to each other about dying sometime. Maybe it would be nice to speak with someone who'd been through a similar thing? That sounded like a really hard conversation to set up, though. "Well, anyway...I'll let you know if we learn anything. And I'll try to talk to the wizard about necromancy stuff."
She paused, biting her lip. A part of her didn't want to write this next part, but . . . . "Actually, if you want...I could try to introduce you? You'd probably have a much better conversation with them writing in you than going back and forth through me."
"True, true.” The Tome wrote out. “You seem suspicious; is there anything about you or your companions that I should refrain from mentioning if you do set up a conversation? Or any intelligence you wish me to gather?"
"Ooh, that's a thought. Probably don't mention anything about us being in service to the fey. We're just traveling through town. And I mean...obviously don't mention us breaking into a room at the inn. And maybe don't mention Erwyn dying? Not because I think it needs to be secret, just, I think it might be kind of personal for him? It might be better to let him bring it up with other people, if he decides to at all."
Ditto considered whether she should add not mentioning that she was a wizard. But that wasn't an important lie. She just...really hadn't wanted to talk to Hayel. Or for Hayel to be too interested in her. Or for Lakaphai to be too interested in her. But she also didn't want to build up elaborate lies around it, that seemed more trouble than it was worth. She decided to just let Mynskay use their own judgement.
"Intelligence-wise . . . I mean, you did say those shadows might be caused by an academic type up in a tower.” She wrote, “and now there's an academic type up in a tower. And obviously I have a WHOLE lot to learn about necromancy and for all I know wraiths just keep shadows away, but...well, it occurred to me that if you make a bunch of shadow creatures that everyone's afraid of, and if you don't want people to get pissed at you over it, and if you have some ability to bend them to your will you could just have them stay outside the town and put a guard there to make it look like that was the reason why?"
She paused and fiddled with her quill. "And maybe that's not what's going on at all, and I'm just jumping to conclusions and being judgmental because of personal reasons? But . . . yeah, I am kind of suspicious. At least a little. So. I wouldn't say there's especially any intelligence I want you to gather but that's why I'm suspicious. And if you think I might be onto anything . . . well, that's just something to keep in mind I guess." She paused. "Oh! But...if they seem nice? Maybe you could ask them if they know much about fey magic, or if they have any books on it? Because if so I might want to talk with them too."
"Noted. I'll see what I can learn, should the opportunity present itself."
"Thanks. Oh! And...if you can figure out why the guard doesn't have a shadow? That seems like something worth knowing too." She paused. "Hopefully they're nice."
"Even if they aren't, I'll do my best to investigate.” The book wrote. “I have extensive experience dealing with writers who are less kindly than you are."
Ditto smiled at that. As the letters swirled away to make room for her reply, she dipped her pen in the red ink and drew a great big heart, with smaller hearts doodled around it. The book didn't seem to know how to respond to that. Its ink swirled around the heart for a long moment, and then it slowly sunk into the page.
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Tushar Singh Shekhawat: Top 5 Reasons You Desired a Specialist Event and also Wedding Celebration Coordinator
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There's lot's of reasons you would want a professional coordinator and not a hobbyist, or a weekend break warrior wedding event coordinator. We're just going to cover the primary one's. I strongly believe that even more info is far better than not nearly enough, however at the same time, there is something as excessive details as well as overwhelmed with the amount of it. Here’s the largest reason you want a complete fledged wedding celebration expert.
  Professionalism and trust and experience.
  The special occasion coordinator that lives, takes a breath, rests as well as consumes all points special occasions from the sweet and simply mentioned to the intricate has their thumb in the pulse of sector. They are mosting likely to know the best of the best, the most effective top quality, steals as well as deals for you and when the very best time to acquire things for your occasion is. Not just will refer you to the most effective of the best wedding experts, however in fact understands the specialists who fit ideal with your individuality, design as well as most importantly in your budget plan. Along with all of this, they have the experience you require in order to successfully aid you in preparing your wedding event and then collaborating on the day of all while making sure its yours and your funds style that beams with on the day of the wedding event or unique occasion.
  This coordinator is price you more, however when you consider it in terms of schooling or experience it not only makes good sense however is an offered. Such as you would not select a physician or dental practitioner due to the fact that he's the least expensive and also has only run out institution for a couple months, right. Why would you do that to your wedding? It's the greatest day of your life alongside having your kids. She's not going to refer you to utilize various other professionals that may or may disappoint up, where you have a 50/50 chance that the work will show up the way you pictured it nor suppliers who do not have a tested track record.
Tushar Singh Shekhawat
On the other side, the weekend warrior wedding coordinator is just mosting likely to recognize their little group. The various other wedding event vendors they understand might or might not be the most effective of the most effective and also lot of times aren't tried as well as real. Furthermore, they just have their hand in the market upon occasion so their experience degree is reduced. They might not be planned for any kind of disorder that may happen on your wedding. Generally they don't believe to check your orders or validate vendors beforehand so vendors might be turning up at the incorrect location, late or not in all. Points might slide with the cracks because your organizer doesn't believe to examine and validate that they have actually been finished. Things that you assumed that they managed you might learn at the last minute, not just weren't dealt with yet she doesn't even do them.
  Contract so there's not a surprise.
  The specialist wedding celebration planner is mosting likely to have a contract that spells out her responsibilities in detail. Additionally, that agreement will certainly spell out thoroughly what, if anything relying on your bundle selections are your duty to handle. The contract isn't there to frighten you, yet secure both on your own and also the wedding event professional.
  I can't count the number of times I've heard from a new wedding vendor that they don't have a contract for their brides to evaluate as well as sign yet don't plan to have one, because isn't everyone trusting or by doing this, I can change my duties in the middle of the wedding as well as not be held liable. What? Run, seriously, run.
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  Bargains as well as Steals
  We discussed this in number 1, but below it is in more information. The wedding celebration expert, has world large links, gets the first word on sales, acquisitions in bulk so products set you back much less then obtaining it on your own, has accessibility to various quality of goods, if a wedding event or event company is going out of business, sometimes they get a direct and also can buy products at a swipe for their clients. In addition, since the wedding event professional has been such a valued client over time that same service in some cases provides even much better bargains. The wedding event professional will have "assistants" who can spend the moment to research study as well as ensure that the outright ideal price is being accomplished for their customers. If you desire top quality or poor quality products they recognize where to find them for you.
  Inexperienced wedding event coordinators and suppliers aren't mosting likely to have the very same pull simply because of large quantity, as well as having their name as well as firm out enough time for individuals to understand that they are. Therefore, the customer pays extra.
  Quality of Solution and also Time Spent
  With the wedding celebration specialist with years of experience you have even more ideas as well as tricks that the expert can put in method for you. Understand area demands for you, your visitors, the bar, buffet virtual realities. seats, how many washrooms should be the minimum for your guest matter, when invites and such ought to be mailed. She's not stingy with the pointers she passes onto you. Has the expertise and also foresight to see where there might be concerns and also rapidly strokes in to make those adjustments so it's not observed. The specialist understands around the length of time as well as the number of people are required to mount your chuppa or decor design, the setup of the room and also has partnerships with the area and also the professionals to put it all together. She'll go above and also beyond to make certain that her customers are cared for. Because of the amount of experience chances are she's operated at your location.
Tushar Shekhawat
Her obligations will certainly be described as well as she'll make sure that you truly comprehend what every one of those tasks are, ultimately minimizing your stress, eliminating the stress, conserving you money and most significantly saving you time. She'll have lots of images and also an excellent organizer will certainly have images from several various cost ranges so you can see all of the opportunities as well as not simply the very best of the best and also super high-end pictures of occasions and also wedding celebrations however some that might not be as fab. The professional, understands she's currently had her wedding celebration as well as do not impose her concepts on you. She's there to make your vision a reality not to recreate her special day. She's there to assist you, direct you in choosing so when you reflect on your wedding album it's not dated to an age, to pay attention to you and be a seeming board. Absolutely not take control of. A knowledgeable coordinator has all of these links at her finger ideas and also for that reason saves you and also your pocket book tons of time as well as additional expenditure of looking for it. She knows the costly traps that brand-new brides and planners obtain stuck in as well as she'll guide you far from them.
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  The weekend warrior, not having the experience seldom can do the very same. She might exceed and beyond to the best of her capacities, nevertheless as a result of absence of experience that may not suffice to obtain every one of the above handled. She'll have very few pic's for you to see and examine, some ideas, yet most likely will not just roll off her tongue, won't have any suggestion if the suggestions she's throwing out would perhaps have the ability to suit your budget. In some cases, I've listened to where the brand new planner, or weekend warrior organizer - takes over the bride-to-bes wedding celebration or is dominating like having a 2nd or third mom. OMG, who desires that?
  Control and who chooses
  First you desire a well-rounded coordinator, one who knows as well as understands design, decor and also floral, somebody that will carefully guide you and also ultimately not insert their very own viewpoints or makes you really feel pressured. You should constantly have the last word and also decision making. I personally have a couple of clients that leave a majority of choices approximately me, once they have actually told me the spending plan, theme as well as goal, nonetheless these individuals have been customers of mine for literally years and also know that I fully comprehend their vision and also count on I'll do it precisely as they've envisioned and throw a couple additional wow factor things into the event while maintaining them in budget plan. This isn't the standard for a wedding celebration. Typically you strive to do your wedding event just when which truly loads on the pressure to guarantee it's right. Having an organizer with a team to back them is security for you ... just how, there's a check point, a double check and also a final check to make certain that your vision is completed to your specs on the day of your wedding event.
  The brand new planner, although fees much less, is still attempting to determine exactly what her task is and also how it's supposed to be done. She's going to be all over the board and you're not mosting likely to feel like you're being taken care of. She'll make some decisions for you and you'll find out about them on the day of your wedding celebration. Not the method you desire it to be. Think it or not, these very early in their training stages organizers, occasionally diminish the face of the earth. I have actually not only seen it, yet it's happened to a few of my brides that I was honored with dealing with later on when the planner evacuated shop and also entrusted to no contact details.
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sparda3g · 7 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 137 Review
The phrase “calm before storm” has been dancing around for the past couple of chapters, mainly because each of them sent out that feeling. That said this chapter is pure definition of that phrase in every sense. It’s no doubt that not only it displays the heroes gearing up for perhaps the most dangerous mission so far, but it riles up the momentum of hype that leaves you highly anticipated. Whether the arc officially begins here or a while back, the hype train has now gone full speed.
It’s no secret that it’s been a while since this series went into action as it has been building up for quite some time. Although the buildup has paced itself with its elaborated detail on Overhaul and the Eight Precepts, it still managed to hold my attention with its realistic vibe of the characters and convincing motivational drive. In due time, everything will pay off dearly.
Although time has passed from the last meeting, the flashback continues Aizawa and his students’ discussion since it left out the other’s reaction and that’s good to read their thoughts on this matter. Ochako and Tsuyu didn’t hesitate to accept the mission, showing how determined they have gotten. I’m happy that we will get more of them, in a serious mission no less. It’s that time to give them a grander spotlight. Kirishima also accept it with tensed expression. Bottom line, we are certain to receive spotlight moments from those four students, Deku included.
One noteworthy advice from Aizawa that can give you a troubling feeling is the current position they’re in. It’s stated that Eight Precepts has not form a partnership with the League of Villains, so the problem, while still bad, isn’t exactly that dangerous. Deku and other three’s job is to find Eri and take her into custody; nothing more, nothing less. Let’s be honest, this kind of statement always asks for much more, so expect the worst. At least it’s just Eight Precepts that they have to deal with…right?
It’s amazing that I was actually enticed with the lunchroom scene. Deku and others have to maintain the mission as a top secret, so everyone has to play it cool. Deku, however, has a lot in mind, including All Might’s timed death; it only leads him to feel good amount of pressure and unwarranted nervousness. The scene with Tenya and Shouto talking to Deku is a nice relatable moment. Deku has the look that signals trouble and Tenya is there to help. What made it tender is Tenya actually quoted the same line that Deku said to him back when he was dealing with Stain. Deku can’t say anything but he was awestruck by his words.
It’s a bit sad, I would admit, because Deku does feel like he’s gaining more problems in his head that one day, he probably loses it, which I hope that won’t happen. It’s still nice of Tenya to be looking out for him, seeing how the role has been reversed. Deku starts to tear up and that shockingly got me. No one should reserve all problems to him/herself. As cliché as this may sound, friends do stick together. Even Shouto tells him that it’s fine for a hero to cry once in a while. Even if they are not part of the mission, it is nice enough to see them having Deku’s back.
When the day of operation arrives, I feel the rush inside of me that this is where the hype lies in. However, before we even begin to suit up, the chapter shifts back to Nighteye and how he managed to pinpoint the location of Eri; sadly though not a surprise, it’s at Eight Precepts’ Headquarters. It’s good that Kohei decided to not to drag the prelude to the mission long since now we can focus on the real deal. Though I was pretty amused to see how Nighteye got the info, starring with the purchase of a toy. I have no idea on why he even bought one but whatever gets the message I guess.
Joking aside, it was a smart move to use his foresight when he tracked that guy who is babysitting Eri at the store. He only needed to touch him once and he can see and pinpoint his location; well played move on his end. So there’s no need to keep the hype on hold any longer, because all they have left is to infiltrate and rescue Eri.
Nighteye, however, has one more speech to say that only solidify the hype level and sends off with inspiring words. It’s amazing that despite a lot of hold-up from the main point, these characters have developed and connected well enough to me that I am more into this arc than any other before. I am compelled by this cast, including Mirio, who is now fired up, but hopefully that won’t lead him to his demise.
That all said the inspiring speech about changing the future remain a mystery but changing the past can be done is a really good way to draw the attention that reflects Nighteye’s character as well as giving heroes a boost of confidence. The last shot of them gives me goose bumps that we are finally here, the moment that we have been waiting for. Sadly, I grow fear when Overhaul appears to look at someone and that could be Shigaraki, which can be a huge problem. The real danger is the fact that status of the partnership can change at any time. Aizawa warns them that if they are in fact united, they will pull the plug or in other words, abort the mission.
It’s the calm before storm chapter that sends off on a high expectation. All heroes are ready to do their job as two are ready to redeem their own mistakes. The villains are close to ready with the possible faction being formed. Will this escalate into a warfare? Timing is everything.
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