#her fall into insanity after trying to keep it together was sad but seeing how she handles herself later was not
killershark82 · 1 month
When your ENG professor lets you write an analysis on anything you want for your final paper so you write an analysis in your current hyperfixation about an issekai where the protagonist is traumatized, forced to commit cannibalism, is turned into a sociopath via magic, develops dissociative identity disorder, and goes on to commit atrocities like mass murders, massacres, usurpation (is that spelled right?), and genocide against elves and humans because she does everything for her own survival and she thinks it will let her live longer and also because the elves did the unspeakable and almost kill the world first (the elves with the tanks and nukes I mean, the humans are just because there’s a fuck ton of them) and this on top of an identity crisis of technically being a clone with implanted memories and the analysis is on the descent into madness and insanity and how she got there.
I got to horrify my class when we had to present our papers. It was great.
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not-neverland06 · 21 days
How About a Nuke?
Part VIII / Part IX
(Completed) Series Masterlist
Cooper Howard x fem!reader, The ghoul x fem!reader A/N: PLEASE READ, we have reached the end of their journey and I am so sad/happy/excited about it. I don’t even know how to feel honestly. I just want to thank everyone who has commented, messaged or reblogged this story. Your kind words and funny little depressed memes have been really uplifting for me. I was actually considering just giving up on this blog when I posted the first chapter. I haven’t had much inspiration lately or interaction I feel like, and you all have helped reignite that spark within me. Summary: There’s something keeping you tied to Cooper Howard, an invisible string wrapped around you both. You’ve fought against it as long as you could but he’s not gonna let you fight for much longer.
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It’s been a month and the bounty on her head gets bigger everyday. Normally the compound hires privately, they don’t like going through the agencies. He figures with Sylvie dead they’re struggling to find a new leader and they’re falling apart. Or they’re just desperate for her head on a stick. 
He sees her face everywhere, crudely drawn images of her varying in their accuracy. In some she has a hat like his on, in others her nose is the wrong shape, or her eyes are all wrong. No one seems to have a good grasp on who she is. Out of curiosity and a strange need to know she’s still alive, he’s asked around. 
There are different rumors as to where she’s hiding out. Some think she’s taken to hiding out in the caves near Filly. Anyone with half a brain knows that the area’s overrun by irradiated bears and other mutated freaks. 
There are those that say they’ve seen her wandering through the sands. Following that lead had led him nowhere. He doesn’t know where she is and it’s driving him insane. She’s like a constant itch in the back of his mind that he just can’t scratch. Days and nights are spent thinking about her and he hates it. 
He’s not sure what he’d do when he does find her. Whether he’d shoot her to repay the favor or just tie her up to keep her from leaving again. He’s conflicted on how he feels about her. He’s bothered that he feels anything towards her at all. And he knows that when she shot him, she was shooting to kill. 
She had no way of knowing that he would heal from that bullet. She’d watched him bleed out on the ground and left him for dead. He was impressed, as much as he wanted to be mad, he was almost proud in a way. 
Throughout their tumultuous lives and times together she’d always had to be guided by him. He’d shown her the ways of whatever world they were living in. She’d relied on him and he enjoyed it. The time had to come when eventually she wouldn’t need him anymore. 
It’s outside of Filly that he finds the most accurate poster of her so far. She looks like she did in their first movie together. A proper outlaw, wanted all across the Wastelands for her crimes against a bunch of sick fucks. If he could kill Sylvie again, he would. He’d kill all of them. 
Not that he’s condemning them because of what the compound’s doing. He’s dabbled in organ trade before, eaten people, he’s done a lot of fucked up shit. But he draws the line at trying to hurt her. He’s the only one who should be allowed to fuck with her.
He takes the poster down and whistles softly at the price under her name. It’s enough to keep him happy for a longtime. If he never wanted to take on another bounty he wouldn’t have to. Course, he was never in this for the money. A man’s gotta have something to entertain himself with at the end of the world. 
He wonders if she’s even still alive. Maybe a Deathclaw got her a day after she left him behind. He could have walked past her corpse and never even known it. He folds the poster up and slips it in his bag. He doesn’t know why he bothers keeping it. Possibly because it’s the closest thing to her that he’s got, but he doesn’t feel like lingering on that thought for long. 
He tugs his hat lower on his head and heads through the tunnel leading to Filly. He’s caused a lot of issues here over the years. Usually he kills most of the people who could identify him as an instigator, but he doesn’t feel like pushing his luck today. He needs more supplies and he knows Ma June won’t sell to him if he causes a fight beforehand. 
It’s louder than normal today, more people rushing around. They’re all congregating around something in the center of the marketplace. He turns to the left, heading up the stairs to try and get a better look at what’s got everyone so excited. 
“They found her!” A boy shouts, fidgeting in his spot next to him. He glances at him from under his hat and the boy pales before scurrying away from him. His lips turn up in a cruel grin and he finally gets a good look at what’s happening. 
She’s kneeling in the middle of the marketplace, two Knights on either side of her. He’s more surprised by the fact that she actually has picked up a hat in her time away from him. 
She seems to be playing into the outlaw routine more than he thought she would. 
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You’re embarrassed, honestly, that you let these two idiots capture you. Them and their useless little squires. 
You’ve found odd jobs through the Brotherhood when they need assistance looking for relics of the old world. Though, you’re really not sure how much use a toaster oven can be to them, but they pay good money for it. 
Once your bounty was posted and they figured out who you were, though, that stopped being useful. You can’t even hunt bounties because the agencies would just grab you and turn you over to the compound.
They clearly didn’t give a shit about women, you don’t get why they’re making this whole Sylvie situation such a big deal. 
You had to bribe Ma June by buying some of her junk, but eventually she’d helped you find some work in Filly. The people here are stupid enough that they don’t recognize you when they see you. Most of them are high or drunk so the only thing you have to worry about is wandering hands and not stepping in the middle of their brawls. 
From the patrons of the bar you hear stories about yourself. How you slaughtered the entire compound, even the children, which is so far from the truth you can’t help but scoff. Or how you apparently slept with a ghoul and you're carrying his mutant baby. 
You don’t even know where they got that one from. 
They also seem to think you wander through the sands, shooting anyone who gets in your way. It’s a comfort that no one seems to have caught onto you yet. But it’s also disheartening to know that all that’s left of civilization is a bunch of psychopathic idiots. 
What happened to natural selection?
You know your stint in Filly is up when two Knights walk in, their squires struggling to carry their bags behind them. You pull your hat further over your head and duck behind the bar. You try to keep your back to them and let the old man, Marley, who runs the bar deal with them. 
His shaky voice is cautious as he greets them, “What are Knights doing so far out here?”
One of their distorted voices rings out through the, now quiet, bar. “We got bored. Wanted to shoot some shit.”
You roll your eyes and focus on cleaning the cup in front of you. You spit into it, not enough water to properly clean it, and scrub at it with a stained towel. Marley hums, clearly displeased with the answer. You can hear his tottering steps approaching you and wince, praying he’s not going to do what you think he is. 
He tugs on your shirt with a shaky hand and you slump forward in defeat. “Deal with these jackasses,” he mutters, taking drinks over to a different table. 
You pour the only alcohol the bar has into two cups and keep your head down as you approach. “Heard that a woman took over for Knight Damien.”
One of them scoffs and shakes his armored head, “What the fuck is this world coming to?” You don’t know how they’re planning on drinking their liquor with the helmets on but you’re not going to ask stupid questions. You drop the cups in front of them, but your hand slips and one of them tips over into a Knight’s lap. 
“I’ve got it, sire.” Their squire lunges forward and begins vigorously scrubbing their armor. Your face curls up in distaste and you’re about to walk away when a metal hand grips your wrist. 
“Holy shit, it’s her!” Oh, you’re so screwed. 
They’ve got a fucking leash on you, it’s humiliating. The scarred and dirt-covered faces of the citizens of Filly surround you. They’re all leering, shouting at you and begging the Knight’s to share in the bounty. But the Knight’s aren’t listening, they’re just congratulating each other. 
“What do you think they’ll give us?”
One of them shoves their squire and he goes toppling into his large bag, feet flailing in the air. “Hopefully better fucking squires. I’m getting sick of this one’s stupid face.” 
The squire kneels down and shouts in a shaking voice, “I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you, sire!” God, you really hate these people. You wished they would just shoot you. Having to sit here and listen to them talk was making your brain go numb. 
The Knight’s distorted laugh rings out through his helmet. The other one glances over at you, “What do you think she did? I’ve never seen the compound this pissed off.”
“I dunno. Hey!” You know he’s talking to you, that they want an answer, you really don’t care to give them one. “What’d you do?” They stare at you for a moment and then he sighs when you don’t respond. He shoves his squire towards you and the kid goes stumbling over his feet. “Make her talk.”
He nods rapidly, head bobbing up and down. “Of course, sire.” Your hands twitch to your side and you give him a wicked grin as he approaches. 
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He’s debating going down there and trying to help her when the first shot goes off. He doesn’t even see it happen, he just watches as one of the squires drops to the ground. 
Those who don’t want to get caught in the crossfire are quick to move away from the area, hiding in their shops or shoving past him to get through the tunnel. He heads down the stairs, taking his time and trying to figure out where the shot came from. 
The second squire moves towards her and his head flies back, a hole between his eyes and his brains splattering across the ground. One Knight shoves the other one and points at their dead squire’s, “Did you not take her fucking gun?”
He’s been in those suits. He remembers how it felt, the power you get from being in them. How they make you feel like a big man. He also remembers how fucking slow they could be. She’s on her feet and running for cover before they can even start to grab her. 
She dives behind a stall and tugs a knife out of her boot, sawing at the ropes around her wrists. He can’t reach her before the fighting starts. Someone in the remaining crowd shouts, “Grab her! Get the bounty!” And all hell breaks loose. 
Someone runs at him and he shoots them before they can grab him. Shots start going off, the Knight’s mowing down anyone who tries to swoop in on their bounty. Everyone else is shooting blindly, just trying to get rid of the competition so they can claim her bounty as their own. 
He ducks under the hail fire and slides next to her as she’s reloading her gun. She glances over at him and frowns, “Didn’t I kill you?”
He hears a shout and watches as some half-feral woman charges at them. She shoots her dead and turns back to him. He gives her a wry smile, “You want to do this now, sweetheart?”
She peers over her cover and surveys the chaos going on around them. She sighs and glances back at him, “Why aren’t you dead?” 
He tugs one of his specially made bullets out of his bag and loads it into his gun. He lifts himself to his knees and aims at the weak spot on the Knight’s chest plate. They both watch as blood explodes out of the neck of the power armor, the Knight’s friend cussing as he watches him die. 
“Next time,” she turns to look at him, “aim for the head,” he instructs. She glares at him before making her way to Ma June’s shop. He follows, not willing to let her out of his sight again, and she ducks behind the barrels of supplies in front of the shop. 
“Clearly,” she winces as the Knight’s gun starts firing off again, “I’m not making it out of here on my own.” They dive to the side as bullets rip through the barrels they’re leaning against. They’re not gonna have cover for much longer.
He grins at her, “Sounds like you’re asking me for a favor, darling.”
The sounds of screams and bodies dropping is nearly deafening. A few feet away a bullet catches a man in the throat and he drops to the ground. They watch as he chokes on his blood and tries to claw his way to safety. Steps rapidly approach them and she turns to shoot a different man, his body dropping an inch away from them. 
He turns back to her and his lips turn down, “After you tried to kill me? You want my help,” he laughs at her and she glares. 
Before she can speak a voice rings out above them, “I got her!” He shoots at the woman on the upper level above them, half of her leg gets blown off and she tumbles over the railing, narrowly missing the pair. 
He turns back to her, “You’re asking a lot, darling.”
“You’ve fucking shot me, twice. I’m not asking you for anything.” Her lips turn down in a sneer and she looks at him like the very sight of him disgusts her. “I don't need your help. I don't need you.” She glances back over her shoulder, surveying the gore and the bullets flying around them. She checks her gun and he sees just how little ammo she has left. “I’ll handle this myself.” She snaps the chamber of her gun closed and moves to get up. He grabs her wrist and yanks her back down, ignoring the angry expression on her face. 
“Look, you might not want my help, but you need it, sweetheart. Just stay here.” 
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You watch as Cooper runs off, his guns firing before he’s even fully standing. You only wait a second before you’re running into Ma June’s and out her back door. She shouts at you as you barrel through her shop, knocking over her displays and shelves, but you can’t waste any time getting the hell out of dodge. 
You’re surprised Cooper was stupid enough to think you would actually wait for him. The Knight’s had called for an air evac out of Filly and if you stay there any longer you’ll be back in the compound before you can blink. 
You’ve spent a month evading them, you’re not about to let yourself get caught because of Cooper. 
You can’t believe he’s not dead. It’s not like you’ve been losing sleep over killing him, but it’s been hard to cope with the fact that you killed the man that was once the love of your life. Seeing him again, though, you wished you had shot him in his smug face. 
You’d forgotten, in the time apart, just how condescending he could be. He seemed to think you needed him to survive. You didn’t. 
At best, he provided the comfort of company. Poorly. 
Despite how much he undervalued you, you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You didn’t need him to save you. You would have figured your way out of there on your own, eventually. You’ve handled yourself a month in the Wastelands without him. You learned how to carve an existence for yourself out here and you did it without help. 
You race into the woods beyond Filly, putting as much distance between you and the sounds of fighting as quickly as you can. The trees around you begin to shake, the ground vibrating and a swirl of dirt and leaves rises into the air and whips you in the face. 
You look up and begin pushing yourself faster. One of the Brotherhood’s Vertibird’s is circling Filly. “This is not a hostile landing! Please remain calm!” You blame your distraction on the announcement. 
You would have heard him coming up behind you if you hadn’t been listening to whatever the Brotherhood was saying. Rope loops around your arms and you’re yanked backwards. Your head thumps painfully hard against the forest floor, rocks scraping you as you’re dragged across the ground. 
Cooper’s face appears over yours, a cruel smile on his lips. “Now, this seems awfully familiar.” He walks around you, boots straddling your waist and grabs you by the front of your shirt, yanking you back to your feet. “I thought I told you to stay put, sweetheart.”
You frown at him, shoving your leg up between his. He groans, doubling over while you shimmy out of the loose rope. “Honestly, after all the shit that’s happened you think I’m gonna listen to anything you say?” You step back from him, brushing the dirt off your clothes as best you can. 
You sigh in frustration when you realize that when the Knight’s had grabbed you, you’d lost your supplies. Cooper looks up at you and scoffs, “Missing something?” You eye his bag on the ground and start to go for it. He pulls the hammer of his gun back and you glance towards him. You’d forgotten what a quick draw he could be.
He’s fully recovered now, eyes narrowed in on you and gun pointed right at your chest. “See, a bullet to the chest might not kill me, but I reckon it’ll do a hell of a lot of damage to you. Why don’t you back up for me, sweetheart?”
You let go of his bag and slowly back away from him. He keeps his gun trained on you and stoops down, throwing his bag back over his shoulder. Your eyes dart to the hat on his head and your lips curl up when you spot the hole you’d put in it. 
Two hundred years and he’s kept that hat nearly pristine, you take no small amount of pride in being the one to ruin it. 
“The Brotherhood will be swarming these woods in a few minutes. They’re not gonna be too happy about one of their Knight’s being dead. Come with me, I can help you out.”
You scoff, “Like I’ll ever trust you again. You’ve shot me, sold me, and left me for dead, Cooper.”
He huffs, eyes narrowing and lips curled in a sardonic grin. You can tell he’s getting pissed off. “The choice is yours,” he tucks his gun back in his holster and turns on his heels. You watch in surprise as he stalks away from you. You had fully expected him to put up more of a fight, it almost hurts that he left so easily again. 
Then you hear the sounds of orders being shouted behind you. Metal creaking and stomping through the underbrush and you realize he hadn’t left but forced you between a rock and a hard place. You could follow him or let yourself get captured by the Brotherhood. 
“Fuck,” you mutter under your breath. You risk a glance over your shoulder and spot a rapidly approaching party of squires. You run in the direction Cooper went and find him leaning casually against a tree, a satisfied look on his face when he spots you. “Don’t say a word,” you warn, shoving past him. 
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He glances at her from across the fire and finds himself feeling almost at ease for the first time in a month. It’s been a while since he’s looked up to actually find her staring back at him. She might look like she wants to kill him, but she’s here. 
“You have to admit, we make a pretty good team, darling.”
She gives him an unimpressed look, “Yeah, Cooper, we’re so great at murdering people.” She looks over to the dead bodies of the raiders they’d stolen this camp from and shakes her head. “I forgot how much death you surround yourself with.”
“I surround myself with? Might I remind you, you fired the first shot, sweetheart.” Granted, he had shoved her out of her hiding spot and given her no choice about it. 
Her head shoots up and she glares at him, “You made me!” She opens her mouth and he grins. He enjoys provoking her like this. Even if the last time he had she’d shot him because of it, but it’s fun to rile her up. She always gets so pissed off, it entertains him to no end. 
To his disappointment, she closes her mouth and shakes her head, choosing not to engage with him. He sighs and rips off a piece of jerky. “When did you turn into such a wet fucking blanket?”
Her eyes flare with anger, despite that, he can hear how hurt she really is. “Maybe when you sold me!”
He tilts his head and runs his tongue over his teeth, “You ever gonna let that go? I told you it was a mistake. How was I supposed to know they were gonna breed you like a prize pig?”
She scoffs, the noise high pitched and shocked. She shakes her head and stares at him with wide eyes, “You are unbelievable.” He shrugs and takes a swig from the flask he’d stolen off one of the raiders. He’s not sure how they make their alcohol, or if they trade for it, but it’s fucking disgusting. He frowns at the flask and drains the rest of it before tossing it into the woods behind him. 
She sighs and runs a hand over her face, her voice tired as she asks, “What’s the plan here, Cooper?” 
He picks at his teeth and shakes his head, “With what?”
She leans against the log behind her and gestures at herself. “With me. What, are you going to wait for me to pass out so you can tie me up and send me back to the compound? I’ve seen the price on my head. I know how valuable I am to everyone in the Wastelands.”
He doesn’t know why what she’s saying bothers him so much but it does. “You really think I’d send you back there?”
Her face is devoid of anything as she responds, “Why wouldn’t you?”
It’s the bluntness with which she asks that, that bugs him. Like there’s no other possibility but him betraying her. Taking advantage of her while she was vulnerable and weak and then handing her over to the people who want her dead. He wouldn’t do that to her. 
He didn’t go through all this fucking trouble to find her just to lose her again. He wants to tell her as much but she’s on her feet and grabbing her bag before he can. “Look, I appreciate the help today, but I’m not interested in starting this partnership back up again. I think it’s better if we just part ways.”
He whips his gun out before he can think about what he’s doing. She freezes, still bent over and eyes his gun warily. “I’m afraid that’s not an option, darling.” He can’t let her leave again. And maybe this isn’t the best way to go about it, but he doesn’t know how else to stop her. 
“You gonna shoot me, Cooper?” She whispers, her own hand twitching for the revolver at her side. He stands up and grabs her wrists, ignoring the way she struggles against him. He binds her hands with his rope and he sits back down, 
“I’m not gonna turn you in and I’m not gonna shoot you. But you’re not getting out of here that easy, sweetheart.”
Her eyes narrow in on his, her fists clenched tightly in anger. “I killed two men with my hands bound today. What’s stopping me from killing you?”
He shrugs, “Nothing. There’s nothing stopping you, just like there’s nothing stopping me. But I’m not killing you, am I? See,” he leans forward, “I’ve fought too hard and spent too much time looking after you to just let you go now. We’re in this together, whether you want it or not.”
Her lips split in a sneer and she throws herself down on the log. “You’re all the fucking same. You treat me like a goddamn dog that needs to be beat into submission. I’m not some misbehaving pet, Cooper!” Her eyes well up and her voice breaks, “You don’t get to just leash me and expect me to be okay with it.”
“I’m under no illusions that you’re happy here, sweetheart.” He runs a hand down his face and she shakes her head in disbelief. 
“Then just let me go,” she’s bordering on begging now and his chest squeezes the longer she stares at him with those pleading eyes of hers. It’s not something he’s familiar with, this feeling, this longing for her to just shut the fuck up and stop making this so damn difficult for him. 
“I can’t,” he mutters, wanting her to just drop it. 
“Why not?” She snaps, dropping any pretenses of trying to get him to sympathize with her.
He surges forward and grabs her by the jaw. Her eyes widen in shock and he smashes their lips together, teeth clashing painfully. There’s nothing gentle or sweet about this kiss. Her teeth are ripping into his scarred lips until the taste of copper is spreading on his tongue. He groans, digging his fingers into her cheeks until her lips part. 
His tongue probes against hers, the taste of his blood spreading into her mouth as well. She whimpers, the noise stirring something in him he’d forgotten about. There’s an old desire bubbling in him that’s making him blind to the rest of the world. He wants her, more than he ever wants to admit. 
He’s wanted her for a long time before this and they both know it. How hard he’s fought against it, against moments like these. He didn’t think he was still capable of this feeling, this desire for her. But it’s consuming. She’s ruining him, running him in circles until he thinks he’s going insane. 
But it’s not the same gentle passion it once was. It’s as twisted as he’s become. The desire to possess, consume, covet until she’s his and only his to do with what he wants. His teeth dig into her, letting her blood overcome the taste of his own. He groans, his free hand grabbing her waist and yanking her closer. 
She tastes so much sweeter than he does, he wants to rip a chunk of her off and eat her whole. He’s so distracted he doesn't even notice her pulling out her gun until he’s shooting back from her. He lands roughly on the forest floor and groans, hands clutched over the bleeding hole in his gut. Pain radiates through his abdomen and he rolls onto his side.
He looks up at her in shock. She’s spitting their blood onto the ground, her bound hands wiping at her lips. “Asshole,” she mutters. She tucks her gun back in her holster and looks over at him. 
His eyes are wide in disbelief as he struggles to sit back up. The movement causes another wave of pain and he hisses through gritted teeth, “You shot me!”
She rolls her eyes and gives him a blank look, “You’ll live.” He limps back to his own seat and lifts his shirt, watching as the hole closes over slowly and the blood stops leaking. She watches as he heals and sighs, “Unfortunately.” He tugs it back down and sighs at the state of his shirt. 
“My shirt won’t.” He digs a finger into the hole and tugs on it, watching as it rips wider. Two hundred years he’s kept these clothes, she ruins them in a month. Un-fucking-believable. 
“Sew it,” she gripes, still wiping at her mouth. “I can’t believe you just fucking kissed me,” she frowns and spits again, bits of crimson lingering on her lips. 
He sighs and leans back against the tree. “Felt right in the moment.” It did, he wants to do it again. They’re even now, they’ve both shot each other twice. No reason for her to shoot again. 
He wants to feel the way she shivers against him and moans into his mouth. She can be pissed all she wants but she kissed back, she can’t deny that. He’s sure if she wasn’t tied up she’d be a bit more receptive to him. Or maybe she just needs time to cool off after the whole compound incident, a month seems like a reasonable amount of time. Then again, women are so damn unreasonable. 
She tugs a knife out of her boot and positions it between her knees. She places it between her wrists and saws at the rope until it falls free. She slides the knife back in her boot and tosses the ruined rope at him. 
He catches it with a sigh and glances up at her. “Why didn’t you do that earlier?”
Her eyes are alight with a challenge, “I wanted to see if you would let me go yourself.” Well, clearly, he had failed her little test. “I wanted to see if there was even a possibility I could ever trust you again.”
He gives her an unimpressed look, slightly pissed off about his shirt. He never should have taught her how to shoot. If he’d known it would come back to bite him in the ass he wouldn’t have. “And?”
She gives him a disbelieving look and shakes her head. “And instead of letting me go, you kissed me.“ She throws her hands up in astonishment and glares at him. “Why the hell would you think that was a good idea?”
He smirks and revels in the way she shivers at the sight. “Well, darling, I’ve always been better with actions not words.”
“Yeah,” her voice is a challenge, eyes hard and jaw clenched tightly in frustration. He loves the sight of her all riled up. He loves it even more knowing he’s the one getting her like this. “What were you trying to tell me with that little display?”
He doesn’t answer her question, not wanting to just yet. “You liked it, didn’t you?” Her mouth snaps shut and she looks away from him. He laughs, leaning back and giving her a smug look. “You can be pissed off at me as much as you want, sweetheart,” the nickname rolls off his tongue like a taunt and she sneers at him. “But you want me just the same as you used to.”
“Do you like hurting me? Is that why you keep me around? You’ve been alone for two hundred years, Cooper. And for the majority of them you’ve harbored this hatred for me because you thought I had abandoned you just like everyone else.” 
Her words strike a place deep inside him that has him on edge. She knows what she’s doing. He’s forgotten, in his time with her, that in the same way he can get under her skin, she can do it too. She knows him just as well, she’s just always been the better half of their duo. She never feels the need to stoop to the level he does. But she’s doing it now and it feels like a kick in the teeth. 
“And I’m the only one that’s actually stuck by you.” She laughs, but there’s an underlying pain to it. She looks away from him and wipes at her cheeks and his fists clench within his gloves. “Is this your revenge? You think by torturing me you get back at everyone whose ever fucked you over. I’m sick of it, Cooper. I’m not gonna let you use me anymore.”
“I feel for you,” he forces the words out. He doesn’t want to tell her this. He shouldn’t have to tell her this. She should just stick with him, it’s what they’d always done, it’s how it always should be. Them, together. But she’s fighting against that, against him, so much that he doesn’t have a choice. 
She’s backed him into a corner he doesn’t know how to get out of. “In a way I haven’t in a very long time. I can’t let you go. Don’t you get that, sweetheart? We’re in this together.”
She shakes her head and he sighs. “No,” she looks at him and just shakes her head again. “No, you don’t love me, Cooper, or you don’t want me at least. I’m not the same girl I was, that’s what you’re after. That idea in your head, of us together, that’s who I was. You were right, the Wastelands changes you. I can’t be her for you and I don’t want to be.”
He chuckles and she shrinks away from the sound in suspicion. “Newsflash, darling, I’m not the same man. I loved you a long time ago, sweetheart, but I’m not capable of that anymore. Not for the girl you were, anyway.”
She nodded, her arms wrapped around herself. She looked like she accepted the answer, but he could see beyond that, could see that she thought he was rejecting her. It hurt, she could hate him as much as she wanted, but that still hurt her. “Good,” she muttered, “she’s gone.”
“Well, good.” She shrank further into herself and he grinned.  “You. You as you are now. That’s what I want. I don’t give a shit about who we were, the only person I’ve wanted since I’ve been out here has been you. You’re the only person I’ve met who can actually keep up with me. I don’t give a shit if anyone in this godforsaken Wasteland lives or dies, but I give a shit about you. You’re also the only one who can knock me on my ass.”
Her eyes darted to the hole in his shirt and a small grin came over her lips. “Haven’t been shot a lot, have you, cowboy?”
“No,” he chuckles again and grins at her, “I haven’t. Though, I am still pretty pissed about the hole in my hat.”
Her tone loses a bit of her playfulness and she glares at him, “You more than earned that.”
He acquiesces and holds up his hands in surrender, “Maybe.” She scoffs at that and rolls her eyes. “But I think we’re even now.”
“Barely,” she mutters, rubbing at the bruises on her wrists. She glances up at him and sighs, a surrender in her eyes. “But, it’s close enough now.”
He stands up and she eyes him warily as he throws himself down on the log next to her. He holds out a hand, “What do you say, darling, partners?”
She sighs and stares at his hand for a long time. He doesn’t mind, he leaves it there, hovering between them. He knows she’ll take it. “Deny it as much as you want but this is how it’s meant to be. You can keep fighting it or save us both some time.”
She reaches forward and tentatively wraps a hand around his, she uses it to yank him forward, their faces separated by an inch. “Shoot me again,” she whispers, “and I won’t miss the next time I knock you on your ass.”
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“Oh shit,” you jump at the kickback on the rifle and nearly drop it to the ground. Cooper laughs and reaches around you, taking it from you. 
“Maybe I should have started you off with something with a little less kick to it.” He props the rifle against the tree and glances over to the cans you’d been shooting at. Well, you’d gotten one out of five at least. 
In all fairness this was the first time you’d ever handled a gun, you’re sure you’re doing fine for a beginner. He sucks on his teeth and looks at your targets. The serious look on his face cracks and he’s clearly trying to fight off laughing. 
You shove at his shoulder, smiling, “Shut up. I’ve never used one of these things before.”
He picks the rifle back up and starts laughing now, “You mean a gun?” 
You throw your arms in the air in defeat and slump into the patio chairs he’s dragged to the back of the cabin. “This is pointless, anyway.” He cocks the rifle and lifts it up to aim properly. In quick succession he knocks the remaining four cans off the fence. You roll your eyes at him, “Show off.”
He smiles and takes a seat next to you. You remain silent for a while, gazing across the yard and to the towering mountains across from his cabin. You appreciate him inviting you here. When you’d told him how overwhelmed you’d been feeling with all the new publicity you hadn’t expected him to drag you all the way out to his mountain home. 
You wouldn’t have accepted if you’d known it was just going to be you and him. You’d thought he was bringing his wife and kid, too. Spending a long weekend playing house with Cooper wasn’t going to do anything in getting rid of your crush. It was just getting worse the longer you were around him.
Waking up everyday and having him be the first person to greet you was going to send you into an early grave. You swear your heart’s never beat this fast around anyone else. He seems to be the only man who's ever had you feeling this head over heels. 
“I think it’s important you learn.”
You glance over at him, surprised at how serious he sounds. He’s still staring out at the mountains, but his gaze is distant. His mind is some place else. “Why?” You ask, voice quiet, afraid to spoil the moment.
He finally blinks, gaze darting down to his hands and the rifle still in them. “It’s easy for people to dismiss the war nowadays. They weren’t there, they didn’t watch as hundreds of good men and women died for them.” You frown, sometimes it’s easy to forget that he’d been fighting on the frontlines. He’s so good at being a socialite, you feel guilty that even you sometimes forget he was a soldier before he was Cooper Howard. 
His voice is heavy, the tension thick around the both of you. “They seem to think the war is over. I know it’s not, it’s just going to get worse. People can bury their heads in the sand as long as they want, but when the fighting is at their front door, what are they going to do?”
You reach out, hand covering his own. He finally looks up at you and you smile. “I appreciate it, Cooper.”
His eyes quickly look at your hand before looking back at you. “For what?”
You shrug, moving closer to him and lacing your fingers with his. You shouldn’t indulge yourself like this, but you can’t help it. He seems so sad and you only want to make him feel better. You just want to take care of him, the way he takes care of you. 
“For always looking out for me. You’re always there, I appreciate it. I appreciate you.”
The sad cast over his face finally breaks and he smiles at you. His hand squeezes yours once, then again and he looks back out at the mountains without saying anything else. You don’t think he needs to, that either of you needs to. Sometimes you understand each other better without words. 
You’ll always be there for one another.
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You eye him warily and he holds the jerky out further. “Aren’t you a little curious?” He taunts, waving the jerky around in front of your face. You know he thinks you won’t take it. That he’s just screwing with you. He’s been doing this ever since you agreed to tag along with him. Teasing you at every given opportunity. 
You snatch it from his hands and rip a piece of it off. It kind of tastes like beef, if not a little sweeter. There’s also that metallic radiated tang to it. You chew it slowly, savoring the slightly caught off guard look on his face. You swallow it down, forcing your face to stay straight and not give away how disgusted you feel right now. 
He chuckles, leaning back and looking at you with something that seems like appreciation. “I hope you know that was ass jerky.”
You gag now, glaring at him and tossing the rest of the jerky at his smug face. “You’re such a dick.” You take a swig from your canteen and swirl the water around your mouth. It gets rid of the taste well enough but you’re never going to get over the fact that you swallowed a part of someone’s ass. 
He suddenly gets serious, swatting at your arm and motioning to the front of the store. You crouch beside him, watching as a raider walks out of the front doors. You don’t get why they chose an old movie store for their hideout, but Cooper had it on good authority that they had a decent cache of supplies inside. 
The last time you’d followed him into one of these things, you’d nearly died, and then he’d sold you. You’re still not fully trusting of him. The only reason you’re with him now is because you need extra security from bounty hunters after getting booted out of Filly. 
If he wasn’t such a good shot, you would have never given him a second glance. Despite how much he insists the compound was an honest mistake, you find the trust slow to come. You’ll let him take the lead on this one, you’re not confident in him having your back if things take a turn. 
He moves forward and you hang back, keeping watch while he slits the guard’s throat. He lowers the body quietly to the ground and you creep behind him, following him through the doors of the store. 
This group is smaller than the last one you dealt with. Only five of them with no extra guards outside. Cooper ducks behind a dust covered shelf before they can spot either of you. You go to the other side of the store, moving slowly along the edge until you have a good shot. 
You take out one man and Cooper manages to hit two more before they start firing off their own guns. You dart back behind the shelf, willing to let Cooper handle the last two. But one of them dives behind the shelf and grabs at you. 
Another shot goes off and his friend’s body hits the ground while he rounds the corner with you. He’s got an arm wrapped around your throat and the barrel of his gun pushing so hard into your skull you can feel an indent forming. 
It wouldn’t be hard to shoot this guy, you still have your gun in your hand. Cooper seems to realize that, too, from the questioning look he gives you. You drop your gun to the floor, you want to see what he’ll do. 
Maybe you’re stupid, gambling with your life like this. But you don’t feel any fear, not from the guy holding you hostage at least. You just keep your eyes locked on Cooper’s. They’re so familiar to you, yet so distant. Like a stranger you’ve known all your life. 
He slowly rises from the floor, hands raised in the air in surrender. “Alright, let’s just see if we can’t talk this out like gentlemen.”
The guy holding you jerks you roughly, gun banging painfully against your temple. You wince but remain quiet. “Stay back or I’ll blow her goddamn brains out!”
Cooper’s eyes dart from your face to the guy. He huffs, frowning and pursing his lips like he’s trying to think of a way to talk himself out of this. He could leave, he’s got enough time to make it through the door before he fires at him. 
Or he could help you. 
It’s the only reason you let yourself get caught. If he wants your trust he’s going to have to prove it. Cooper looks at you and a grin splits across his face. It’s like he’s read your mind, from the knowing look on his face you think he might’ve. 
Then again, you never really needed words to talk to each other. 
With a speed that never fails to catch you off guard his hand darts under his jacket and he draws his gun. He’s shooting the man before you even get a chance to brace yourself. Your body gets dragged back slightly by the dead weight but Cooper moves forward and wraps a hand around your shirt, tugging you into him. 
Your hands shoot out, bracing yourself against his chest. He peers at you from under his hat and grins, “You didn’t really think I was gonna let you go that easy did you, darling?” Your eyes dart down to his lips, you feel like you can still taste him. 
The timing of his kiss might not have been appropriate, but he certainly hadn’t made it forgettable. Nothing about him was forgettable. As much as you wished he could be. You hated yourself for still letting yourself fall into his trap. 
Hollywood might have once labeled you as the most seductive actress of your generation, but Cooper had you beat. He kept you coming back even when you knew you shouldn’t. He had you wrapped around him and all you wanted to do was squeeze until he let you go. 
You push off of him, ignoring how much you want to pull him closer. You move towards their pile of supplies, “Let’s see what we’ve got.”
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There are a few different posters set up in the old movie store that intrigue him. But the one that’s caught his attention the most is set up directly behind her. Her back is to it, so she hasn’t gotten a chance to see it yet, but it’s all he can focus on. 
The Outlaw and The Sheriff
Their first movie together. 
He looks at her and huffs out a laugh, she glances up at him for a moment before she begins rifling through her bag again. She looks like she walked right off the fucking poster, hat and all. She’s the spitting image of herself, but she seems so different. 
Maybe it’s the eyes. The light there has changed, dimmed slightly from how it used to be. She used to seem so naive to the world, like a little lamb that just needed some guidance. Now, he wonders just how much of the world she’d seen before he found her. If maybe she had never been as innocent to it’s cruelties as he’d once assumed. 
She stepped into this new role of hers just as quickly as he had. You didn’t just change that quickly without knowing already just how awful people could be. 
“Sweetheart,” she looks up and he points behind her. She turns around and looks up to the poster.
She scoffs, moving to stand beside him, “I always hated how I looked in that.”
He glances over at her and shakes his head, “Probably shouldn’t show you a mirror anytime soon, then.” Her hands reach up to fiddle with the brim of her hat and she smiles, a real smile for once. 
“No, I suppose not.” Her hands trace over her lips, he glances back at the poster. At that old signature of hers. She always had to have those red lips. “It’s so different,” she whispers and he knows she didn’t mean for him to hear. Her eyes glisten and he frowns. 
He shouldn’t have shown her. It’s not like he enjoyed seeing those fucking Vault-Boy posters, he sure as hell hated seeing clips of himself. Why would she enjoy seeing who she used to be? Who they used to be?
Things used to be so simple. He loved her, she loved him. Now he’d fucked up so much he wasn’t sure she could ever look at him the way she used to. He didn’t want who she was before, he couldn’t handle that. This new her, well, he didn’t give her near enough credit. 
But he wouldn’t hate seeing someone look at him like that again. Endless adoration and unflinching loyalty. He knew he would follow her anywhere, he’d realized that a while ago. He didn’t have anything in the Wastelands, nothing but hate and spite to keep him going all this time.
Now, he had her. He just needed her to realize that she had him just the same. She had him wrapped around her and he hated it and loved it at the same time. Hated her and loved her for it all the same. 
He tugs his glove off before he reaches for her. He cups her cheek, thumb tracing over her lips before she turns towards him. His eyes meet hers and he smiles slightly at the familiarity and mystery to them. So much of her he recognizes and then there are these new parts he’s yet to discover. 
He wants to discover all of her. Learn everything he can about her all over again, feed his desire to consume her entirely. 
She pulls him in this time, her lips chapped and cracked. Her arms wind around his neck, yanking him closer and he tugs at her. She tastes as sweet as he remembers and it only makes him crave more. More of her, more of anything she’ll let him have. 
She pulls back from him, pressing her hand against his chest, slowly backing him against the wall. He lets her ease him to the floor and she throws a leg over his lap. She settles herself above him, both her hands tightly grasping his neck, crushing their bodies together, eyes gazing intently into his own. He doesn’t know what she’s looking for in him but she seems to find it when she leans in once more. 
She isn’t giving him a chance at control, she’s got a leash on him, pulling back anytime he tries to lead. He relents, following her as she slowly explores him. 
He’s not sure how long this peace between them will last before one of them inevitably fucks up. But they’re stuck together now. It doesn’t matter what happens, he’s not letting her get away from him again. 
She’s his, always has been, always will be. It’s been that way since before the fallout. He’s led her, guided her.
He had loved her as a different man. History always seems to repeat itself with them. As twisted as the world is, as twisted as they’ve become, they always seem to drift back together. No matter how much the both of them fight against it. 
He’s giving in now, giving into her. 
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game/show Fallout, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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ellieluvr420 · 3 months
Friends? Never. Pt.13 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
SMUT mdni! Fun fact the second part of this chapter is based on my life last night LOL! Also sorry this is kinda a shorter chapter!
You had been strolling round the market as Ellie slept in, a routine you had come to enjoy as when you returned she was always awake and you would make some breakfast together and sit outside together to eat it as you soak up the summer sun. Sundays were your favourite day because of this and because neither you or Ellie typically got put on patrol for Sundays you always spent the day together. Your day had been off to a good start, as it always was until you heard your name mentioned by someone from round the corner you were standing at, if you had been rational you would’ve just carried on walking and ignored it but you weren’t because the second you stopped to listen you also heard Ellie’s name. 
“Yeah apparently she went fucking insane and tried to strangle Ben when he was literally just trying to keep her safe.” 
“Well she’s a fucking psycho what do you expect, don’t you remember when she beat up her dad and they’re both still together apparently and flaunting it in front of everyone.” 
“Yeah I mean first, who wants to see that ugh and second, her dad seems so sad and she’s just parading around with the girl that beat him up, what a shitty daughter.” 
“No kidding, maybe they are meant for each other, both fucking weirdos.” It wasn’t even what they said about you that set the fire of your rage alight, it was what they had said about Ellie, they knew absolutely nothing about either of you and they were trashing the sweetest person in your life without a second thought, a switch flipped inside of you and you stormed round the corner to face the two girls that had been gossiping about you both. You sneer at their guilty faces and when Petra smiles and hits you with a ‘Hey girl, haven’t seen you in awhile, how you been?’ you just lost it. Your fist swung at her before you even had a chance to reconsider your actions. Petra falls to the floor and as Suze tries to run you grab at the collar of her shirt and yank her backwards causing her to fall almost on top of Petra. You kicked at both of them before kneeling over them and smiling at their cries and pleads for you to stop, they fell on deaf ears as you delivered swing after swing to their already mangled faces. 
You could’ve killed them if Jesse and Raphael hadn’t come running over to drag you off of them, even with their strength holding you back you still weren’t done. You thrashed and kicked at them before you body slammed Raphael sending him to the floor only to then elbow Jesse in the face. He was your friend and you felt bad but you didn’t care, all you cared about was caving those bitches faces in. You deliver a few more hard kicks before Jesse comes up behind you once again, this time wrapping his arms around you, trapping yours at your side as he drags you away from the unconscious girls. You screamed and grunted as you tried to break free but he had you tightly. You were barely in there and the sound of Maria’s angry voice was a muffled buzz in your head as you continued to thrash despite the ache in your body. 
“She won’t fucking calm down Maria.” 
“Put her in the jail, she’ll tire herself out.” 
“Seriously? The jail?” Jesse’s shock at Maria’s words caused him to loosen his grip around you just enough for you to squirm free and immediately go running at the girls again only to be body slammed backwards into Tommy’s strong grip by Raphael. You were shrieking and clawing at him but he wasn’t budging as he started to drag you away from the crowd that had gathered at your little show. 
“Let me go! I’m gonna fucking kill them, fucking bitches I’ll kick their fucking faces in, you think we’re fucking crazy? Don’t talk about crazy people behind their fucking backs!” You’re yelling as if the girls can hear you in their state. Tommy is grunting and growling at your consistent fighting. You don’t stop thrashing until you’re shoved into one of the jail cells and the door is shut on you and locked by Tommy. You can barely make out what he’s saying but you think he’s saying something about once you’ve calmed down, you can come out, but you don’t care, all you can think about is those stupid fucking girls. Your breathing is heavy and laboured as you pace the small dimensions of the cell until your legs ache and you drop to the ground, laying on your back and trying to catch your breath. You still wanted to kill them but the blinding rage that had taken over you was wearing off and you’re now realising the situation you had got yourself in as you have no idea when Maria or anyone is going to come back to let you out. “Fuck.” 
You guessed it had been hours before anyone came into the jail but as the sound of the double doors creaking open hit your ears you jolted upright, ready to leave until you see Ellie creep through the door. “Oh god.” You whine as you see the shit-eating grin on her face as she comes and sits down in front of your cell. 
“Hey jailbird.” 
“Shut up.” 
“When I woke up and you weren’t home, I was not expecting to find you here.” 
“Ellie you’re not fucking funny.” She can’t contain her laughter at your predicament as you just glare at her, half out of embarrassment and half out of frustration that she was outside of the cell, and you were trapped inside. 
“How the fuck did you even manage to land yourself in here?” 
“I heard some girls chatting shit about us and I just lost it, I can barely even remember what happened.” 
“Well Jesse is in the infirmary with a broken nose so I assume you did that too.” 
“Shit yeah I think he tried to get me off of them and I was... not happy about that, is he mad?” 
“I dunno, I came straight here when Tommy told me where you were but knowing Jesse, I doubt it.” 
“Shit I need to apologise.” 
“Well come on then.” She says trying to hold back a chuckle at her own teasing. 
“You’re such a dick.” You cross your arms and huff as she pouts at you. 
“Can’t believe my girlfriends a jailbird.” 
“I am not!” 
“Sure, okay.” As she continues to laugh the door creaks open again, Ellie’s face changes from a smug expression to a panicked one as Maria walks in scowling at her, she jumps to her feet and smiles sheepishly at her. “Hey Maria.” 
“I need to speak with our inmate here and you’re not supposed to be here anyway so get moving Ellie.” She mouths a ‘good luck’ to you before speeding out of the door, the creak of it shutting again only mocking you. You stand as Maria grabs the key to the cell from her belt and puts it into the lock and your excitement jumps before she leaves the key in the door without unlocking it. You sigh and she raises an eyebrow at you, questioning your ability to still have attitude even now. 
“What the fuck were you thinking? It took three men to pry you off those girls. You’re lucky I don’t leave you in here overnight.” 
“I heard them saying some really shitty things about Ellie, Maria. They’re cunts.” 
“Oh and that makes it okay to beat the living shit out of them? AND break Jesse’s nose.” 
“Oh come on, you know I didn’t mean to do that.” 
“But you did, because you were out of control. This won’t happen again, do you understand me?” 
“Yes maria.” 
“If I let you out are you gonna cause me more grief?” 
“No.” You sigh out defeated, just desperate to be free. 
“Good, seriously, the party at the tipsy bison is happening tonight and if you are so much as involved in an unkind word with anyone, I will throw you in here for a week. You are better than this.” 
“Yeah, I got it.” She scoffs at your unwavering attitude before unlocking the door and stepping aside to let you out.  
“Don’t think I’m not being serious.” 
“Oh I know you are.” You roll your eyes before walking out of the door, the creak that accompanies it is music to your ears and as you breathe in the fresh air Ellie’s cruel laughter hits you once again. 
“She’s free! Everyone watch out, psycho on the loose.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” You grit at her despite the small grin creeping onto your face. 
“Oh come on, don’t be grumpy, you know I love you, crazy and all.” She wraps her arms around you and presses kisses all over your face until you’re laughing and trying to bat her ticklish attack away. Neither of you gave a second thought to the fact you were in public and it felt nice, it felt normal and you craved the feeling more than ever, normality, it was so comfortable and warm with her that everything else melted away. 
“Can we please go home?” 
“Of course my little jailbird, let’s go.” She smiles sweetly at you before dragging you towards your home before you can snip at her for the nickname again. 
“I’m really sorry about your nose Jess”
“Eh don’t sweat it.” Your face burns as Ellie chuckles at your shameful apology to Jesse for breaking his nose, the sight of his black eyes and swollen face making her laugh more.
The Tipsy Bison was buzzing with the chatter and laughter of almost everyone in town, you were squished into a corner chatting with Dina, Jesse and Ellie while nursing a drink, you refrained from getting super drunk in case you saw the girls you had beat up that morning, you knew Maria was serious about locking you up for a week if anything happened and you knew if you saw them you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself. So when you saw them snickering and whispering to each other as they watched you and Ellie dance together, she had to tighten her grip around you to stop you from storming over to their bruised faces and caving them in. 
“Easy, you know Maria will have your head.” 
“I wanna kill them.” 
“It’s not worth it babe.” 
“Please distract me.” You whisper in her ear before pulling away to give a sly look. Her eyebrows raise as she understands what you’re saying before looking behind you at the toilet, her eyes focusing on her next destination. She takes your hand in hers and begins leading you to the bathroom as the girls disappear from your view. The uncomfortable rage that was causing your skin to boil dissipated to a warm hum as the excitement took over you. 
You both barrelled into a cubicle, Ellie slamming you up against the door as she locks it behind her, there was no one else in the bathroom when you entered but you didn’t care either way, you were both so desperate for each other that everything else faded away. Her lips move against yours so roughly it almost hurts and you know they’ll feel bruised and sore in the morning. Her hands gripped every curve of your body before they fumble with the zip and button on your jeans, you almost completely zoned out the second the rough pads of her fingers start drawing quick circles round your clit but the grinding of her clothed cunt against your thigh brings you back to reality as you attach your lips to her neck and reach to mirror her movements.  
When you both weren’t able to silence your moans you’d kiss to muffle the sound but as you desperately pulled away for air, a whine slipping from your lips, the door opens and a group of what you guessed is about 3 or 4 girls filter in. Your head goes to rest on her shoulder as you bite at your bottom lip desperately trying to hold in the symphony of sounds begging to be released from deep inside you. You hear a breathy giggle leave Ellie’s lips before a quiet but audible grunt escapes her. Your eyes go wide as the girls conversation drops away, your circles on Ellie’s clit only increasing in pace as she glares at you for making it harder for her to keep quiet. 
Your bodies trembled as they pressed together, desperate to get each other off and scratch the itch you felt was always reappearing around her. A choked squeak emerges from your lips as you release at the same time as Ellie, pressing your foreheads together and letting each other ride out your highs. Once you’ve both come down, she presses a quick kiss to your lips before doing up your trousers again and then hers. “Fuck that was good. You’re amazing.” She whispers before pressing a kiss to the skin on your neck, just below your ear and reaching for the lock as she nods at you to check you’re ready. 
You couldn’t hold in the half-scoff-half-laugh as you walk out and are faced with the two girls who you had savaged earlier as well as two of their friends all giving you looks that would have you six feet in the ground. You follow Ellie’s lead as you walk to their sinks where they were standing as the scatter like you’re poisonous just watching with horrified expressions as you both smirk and wash your hands. You’re about to walk out but Ellie pulls you into her once again and softly kisses your lips before saying loudly enough for them to hear. “You’re so good at that, I love you.” With a devious grin before grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the bathroom as you both collapse into laughter. 
As you walk back over to Dina and Jesse, they both give you knowing looks that you can only laugh at as you feel your cheeks heat under their gaze. Ellie wraps her arm around your waist, resting her head on yours and flashing an innocent smile at Dina and Jesse who simply roll their eyes in response. 
You spent the rest of the night enjoying yourself with your friends occasionally snipping at Ellie when she would reference your altercation that morning, but you couldn’t help but laugh at the childish joy that graced her features whenever she would make a joke about it that she laughed the hardest at. She had accidentally snorted while laughing multiple times and each time her cheeks would flush as she had to wipe tears from her eyes as she struggled to keep her composure. 
Her jokes never stopped, even as she was half asleep in bed next to you and her jokes started to make less and less sense as she grew more delirious, eventually you just began humming in agreement with her nonsense statements as she giggled to herself. You were half asleep yourself as she rolled onto you, snuggling into your side and reaching up and taking a handful of your boob and squeezing it while making a quiet ‘honk’ sound, when you look down ready to glare at her you see she’s actually asleep and you have to contain the eruption of belly-laughter inside of you as to not wake her up. You couldn’t wait to tell her about it in the morning, knowing she would be on the floor, she would find it so funny. 
tags: @emiliabby @readbydayana @radioheadfan699 @lil-elliesgf @isitadinosaur @amberputh
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neteyamswifee · 1 year
ᴄʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴍᴇ; Jake Sully x Omaticaya! Reader
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Warnings; Smut, Oral-Sex, Kissing, soft!dom Jake Sully, arranged marriage mentioned (i guess somehow??) silly grammar lol. Praise maybe? Mention of death
Half an hour ago twilight set in and Pandora became a single bundle of colors. After Jake proved himself worthy of the Omaticaya Clan, I wanted to reward him with something. Something my sister Neytiri would have liked too. I swallow hard at the thought of her.
Where I'm leading Jake right now, Neytiri and I have always tried to keep the bad away.I didn't want to break that habit by thinking about her death over and over again. "where are you taking me beauty." he gasps as he tries to keep up with me. "Hurry up, he's always at his prettiest this time," I explain, grabbing Jake's hand, pulling him behind me down the long path to the clearing. He almost trips over his own feet because he only has eyes for Pandora's flora and fauna.
When I stop at a small field, we see a landscape surrounded by trees, full of bright mushrooms, soft grass and directly above the huge panorama of polyphemus. The planet that Pandora orbits and one of the largest in the entire Alpha Centauri solar system. Jake is amazed when we settle down in the middle of the field. "He looks kind of.... so much bigger than usual from here."
I have to grin because Neytiri always said the same thing. "In fact, it looks the biggest from the Hallelujah Mountains. There's even more space there. Sometimes you can even see its craters from there." Fascinated, he observes every meter of the purple planet. It looks incredibly cute, almost like a little kid. I bring myself to say something. "Neytiri said I should show you this if you've had at least three fights with someone. I think it's about time." I rub my eyes laughing. Jake laughs too. "I also won three times, you have to say that." He was right ,and more than anyone else he deserved to be part of the clan.
Out of nowhere, silence fell across the field. "I'm sorry about what happened to your sister." I sighed. "its okay." is the only thing i get out because i know that i start to cry with every further word. I start playing with the weed to distract myself somehow. Jake leans back in the grass and from a lying position, reaches out and strokes my hand. "How does Tsutey deal with that?" Rolling my eyes, I also fall backwards. "Of course he's sad but I'm the next contender for the mate's pact so he's not completely lost." He sits up confused. "what do you mean by mate pact?"
I stare at him in disbelief. "That with Neytiri and Tsutey wasn't out of love, for Eywa's sake. But father is getting weaker and weaker, it's important to take care of successors." Jake looks at me like I've gone completely insane. "You don't want that, I mean... do you like Tsutey?"Amusingly I pushed him away. "Absolutely not, but how seldom does that happen?" Still disbelief in his eyes. "what is wrong?" he looks like he saw something die before his eyes. and with that „something“ the shimmer in them died too.
"I'm just saying you don't want him so why don't you just drop it and refuse." Now the question had become a personal attack. "Jake...a whole clan, a family, a people cling to it. How selfish I would be if I renounced the goodwill of my people." And when I said those words, I knew what he meant. My face sagged no matter how hard I try to turn my face to stone.
Jake sighs heavily. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to attack you."
I say nothing and just turn back to Polyphemus."Let's just enjoy this okay?" Jake nods and we sit cross-legged next to each other. But no matter how hard he tries I can see the disappointment on his face.
We stay like this for a while . Both sit on this field and are silent while the Poyphemus passes us. After much deliberation, I just grab Jake's hand and without a word he locks our fingers together.
"If I could, I would have chosen differently." I whisper. Jake's gaze is still in the sky. "Who would you have chosen." he asks. I turn my head towards him, looking into his eyes while he still holds my hand.
"you" I breathe.
The moment feels honest, sincere, real. I think so far nothing has cost me more willpower than the second Jake kissed me. Not because I didn't want it, no, but because I knew that anyone else wouldn't have wanted it but me. If I imagine Neytiri could see us right now, I don't know if she would be proud or disappointed.
Jake kisses with a passion that ignites something inside me that cries out for more. His tongue asks to be let in and I hardly feel his warmth before he pulls me onto his lap. "This is what I dreamed of when I wasn't with you." he gasps.
Our kiss is hot, demanding, and has been postponed for so long I'm almost sorry for how he must have felt. And somehow I'm also sorry for what's going to happen now, for what might disappoint my father. Jake's hands roam from my neck down to my ass, he hugs me tighter as if nothing would fit between us anyway.
As he pulls my top off, he doesn't break the kiss for a second. We turn around, now I'm lying under him, my hands on his chest, wandering down to get rid of the last piece of cloth. I moan as Jake presses his mouth against my wet center and licks me until my legs tremble. His one hand rests between my breasts on my stomach to hold me down as often as my back arches with impulse.
Instead, I fumble in the grass with my hands that I can't find, and they land on Jake's shoulders, clawing at the streaks of blue skin. "Shit." I keep moaning.
Jake takes this as an incentive to stick two fingers inside me and the urge to let the whole planet know how well Jake Sully makes me cum is too great. I'm so close to climaxing when Jake grabs my thighs and rolls me onto my stomach.
I moan and all I feel is his hand on my butt and his warm cock at my entrance. I was greedy and sat up a bit. His hand pushed through my back just before he entered me. I bit my lip almost bloody trying to keep my mouth shut.
Jake bends one of my legs slightly to get me back onto my back, his cock not leaving its place.
"Oh my fucking-" a finger brushing my lips stops me.
"It's not your god who fucks you, I do. Say my name for his." Jake's thumb is wet with my lips and he's massaging my clit with it.
"so who fucks you my sweetie?"
„you“ I gasp and groan loudly as Jake slides his entire length into me.
He carefully holds one of my legs, the other hand rests on my lower abdomen where the imprint of his cock is reflected. This whole scenario drives me crazy. Jake keeps thrusting into me, holding my breasts or stomach, but his hands never leave my body. Much like his cock, even as he moans after my yeasty orgasm, he doesn't pull it out but remains in position.
Behind him I see Polyphemus in all his splendor and stars, which I imagine from the sheer effort. His thing is still inside me as he checks on me to make sure everything is alright.
He caresses my face, my arms, my belly. "Did I hurt you?" he carefully wants to pull himself out of me, but I wrap my legs around him so that he bends over me. I just shake my head in a daze and kiss him. "mhh-mhh."
Jake smiles and kisses my forehead. "You seduced me." he jokes and slowly falls down next to me. I move closer to him and lay my head on his chest. "Liar. That the guy from the other planet wants something from the daughter of the clan leader sounds much more believable." I only swear. "I’m a fool for you." he whispers.
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nanawritesit · 3 months
Trent Lane Boyfriend Headcanons! (SFW + NSFW under the cut)
(i just finished daria and have major Trent brain rot… but there’s like no content for him so i guess i have to write it myself :p)
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He writes songs about you all the time (they don’t always make sense but you still appreciate them)
Probably shows his love through physical touch or acts of service because he’s too broke to buy you gifts or take you anywhere nice 💀
He always has an arm around your shoulder, a hand on your waist, or is at least linking pinkies with you. If you’re next to him, he’s touching you in some way
And if you ever need help with chores or a project, he offers to do it for you or help you finish it (which is saying a lot because he’s usually lazy af)
Always gives you his jacket when it’s cold without you even having to ask him :)
Loves to lay his head on your chest and fall asleep after late night gigs… you struggle to roll him off of you in the morning because he sleeps like a log 😭
Calls you his “muse” occasionally
But he mostly calls you a cuter version of your name (like how he calls Jane “Janey,”) or just a simple “Babe” or “Hon”
Most of your dates are at the bars Mystik Spiral is playing at
You’ll hang out there for a while and get pizza afterwards, then probably smoke 🍃 in the tank
He asks your opinion on song lyrics, and you’ll help him brainstorm rhymes
The man is nocturnal so you have a ton of late night phone calls
You’re basically his sugar mama because again, he’s broke and unemployed
You have to reassure him that it doesn’t bother you all the time, in fact he’s *almost* considered getting a job just for you because he loves you that much 💞
(you can call him a deadbeat all you want. i would have no problem supporting my sweet baby girl 😤)
He also gets insecure sometimes that you’ll leave him for someone more educated or successful… you’ll have to explain to him that you don’t care about that stuff and that you love him regardless of it
His idea of a perfect day is just laying in bed with you all day long… he’s big on cuddles, either laying his head on your chest or nuzzling up into your neck :)
Although he also enjoys spooning you, or having you lay on his chest while he runs his fingers through your hair (He’s the best cuddler ever, try to change my mind)
Also loves going to the music store with you, and any other shops you enjoy going to
If you like piercings, you’ll go on piercing dates together :)
If you’re nervous, he’ll hold your hand and talk you through it 💞
Keeping him company while he gets his tattoos
He likes to see what you buy for yourself so he can save up his money to buy you something nice for your birthday or anniversary 🥺
LOVES when you sleep in his t shirts ❤️ He thinks you look so hot
He doesn’t strike me as someone who has a specific type, he just likes whoever he gives with. You could be alternative like him or have the total opposite aesthetic, he just likes you for who you are 🥰
Desperately trying to get him to take care of himself by getting a better sleep schedule and maybe eating a piece of fruit every now and again 💀
Watching Sick Sad World with Jane and Daria
The two of them look up to you because you’re one of the few people they think are cool, they mostly ask you for advice on relationships, school, and resolving their disputes
Jane asking you to help her dye her hair after Daria ruined it 😀
You always encourage her and compliment her paintings, she sees you as a really cool older sister (except not actually because all of her relatives besides Trent are insane)
You try to help them out around the house with cooking and cleaning and buying groceries since their parents are never home
The other guys in the band tease him so hard because he talks about you constantly and always gets so happy when you call :)
Jesse was actually the one who set you guys up, and it makes him so happy to see you together
He keeps a picture of you on the dashboard of the tank just to make him smile whenever he sees it 💞
NSFW: (18+/ MDNI)
Lazy morning sex (even though it’s at like 4 pm) because it’s the best way to wake him up ;)
Having sex in the tank right before a show because he’s convinced he plays better after he fucks you
He’s a switch for sure, mostly because he doesn’t always have the energy to be on top
Really likes long make out sessions where you’re straddling his lap and he can run his hands all along your body
Looooves watching you ride him
But he also enjoys pinning you down and dominating you 👀
The cold metal of his rings against your skin drives you wild, especially when he’s fingering you
Will give you hickeys in the most obvious places because he thinks they look hot
Conversely, he loves it when you leave scratches down his back like you’re marking him as your territory
Listen, this man knows how to EAT 😤 (you’re probably the most nutritious thing he eats tbh)
He loves overstimulating you by making you cum on his tongue and then fucking you immediately after
But he also loves it when you return the favor… he can’t think of any better sight than you on your knees going down on him 😭
He knows that his voice turns you on and uses it against you to turn you on in public (which leads to the two of you running out to the tank for a quickie)
He’s really good at talking you through it 😫
Not super loud during sex, but he does grunt and swear a lot
And when he gets close to finishing he starts letting out some airy moans, mostly saying your name over and over
He’s not *super* freaky but he certainly knows how to show you a good time ;)
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otherworldlygate · 1 month
Once again it's Regal appreciation hour by which I mean day by which I mean year by which I mean lifetime.
I was very much prepared to not write any fanfiction this year, but I cannot divorce myself from how awesome my favorite Symphonia blorbos are and so I am writing yet another stupid fanfic. I feel feral about these characters in general but Raine gets quite a lot of attention (because she's wonderful, obviously) so I don't want to focus on her too much. Regal, on the other hand, has been underappreciated in the ToS fandom since the game's release day, so I must advocate for him.
I've been RPing as him for the last year or so, and together my RP partner and I have written about 320,000 words of a story. I'm having a blast, and a big part of that is because Regal is, despite the flaws in the storytelling of ToS as a whole surrounding him (and how all of the Tethe'alla characters kind of fall flat), a rather well-conceived and implemented character. Yeah, his clothes are dumb (I'm happy to retcon that outfit with zero regrets) and the game blows through his story at such a breakneck pace he doesn't get the space or the arc he deserves (he should have taken his shackles off as part of his 'sacrifice' to fight the angels), but he is a genuinely fascinating character who feels, just like many of the others do, as if he belongs very specifically in the world he was created for.
I know a lot of people like to write him as this sad sack of shit just absolutely lost in the grief sauce (see the part about how he didn't get the arc he deserved), but I think that's a mistake. See, the biggest bump in the road for Regal was his lack of understanding of what was happening and why. When you think about it, he was faced with having to kill Alicia seemingly out of nowhere. Like one day he's just minding his business and the next Alicia is gone and very quickly after that she's a monster trying to kill him AND HE HAS NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON. He has no answers. All he knows is that he killed her, and his autistic* brain latches onto that detail because it's all he has.
You have to think, too, about the fact that the game gives him nobody. His parents are dead. George, the only person even remotely close to Regal--someone he's known his *whole life*--betrayed him. (George didn't mean for things to go Like That and he's sorry he did it, but HE STILL DID IT.) Regal doesn't have friends and the extra material makes it clear that he was literally raised, specifically by his father, to be a workaholic. Do you think anyone came to see him in prison? He fought in a coliseum for his life for YEARS. He was on friendly terms with some of the other inmates but the guy had eight years to just sit there and get stuck in the loop of knowing he killed the one person he'd let himself get even remotely close to.
Which is something else people always downplay for some reason. The shit with Alicia isn't just "guy is sad because he killed his girlfriend." It's very much, "guy was born and bred to take on the family legacy" except in this case the family legacy is a company, an island, a noble bloodline, and also the absolutely insane idea that work and profit is all that matters. Everyone else is out to get you. Keep the workers dissatisfied but keep them hooked just enough that they'll never leave. Take no time for fun or friends or merriment. Everything in your life is a business transaction. Don't ever forget it. It's us vs. them. You're alone and you have to make this your entire life or it'll all fall to pieces and it will be your fault.
The drama cd in particular really honed in on that way of being raised and it makes his entire character make complete sense. At a relatively young age his father died and he ended up on top (though it's stated he had to work as a CEO before he was elected via a board to the position of President). Having no other guidelines other than what he was taught--and what George himself adhered to--Regal followed that path...until he ended up miserable, because, despite the way he was raised, he's a goddamn empath**.
After literal YEARS of occasionally running into Alicia and talking to her, he starts forming a connection to her--which is important because he's never allowed himself to do this before. And at one point he realizes he doesn't even know her name...which comes as a surprise to him...and brings with it shame. After this, he starts living for himself. He listens to his employees--something his father never did. He starts enacting rules to protect his employees, particularly from things that would hurt them in the field, because part of what was making him so miserable was wrestling with the empathy of their terrible working conditions on top of just hearing his father's manta repeating itself in his head all the time.
I cannot stress enough how important this is. Alicia, despite being a love interest and someone he was interested in seriously dating and perhaps someday marrying (the details of their relationship are never known but it's almost more tragic if they were just starting to be serious), WAS STILL HIS EMPLOYEE.
He was supposed to protect his employees. He was doing so much to ensure his employees would be safe. And then he killed Alicia.
Alicia, the one person he allowed himself to get close to.
Now, consider the fact that he was raised as a tool and not a beloved son; he was not allowed to have friends and not allowed to make merry. He was under his father's thumb until his father's untimely death--a death, by the way, that only surprised him with its suddenness; he did not grieve that man!! Regal, as a 25-year-old man, had ZERO coping mechanisms. All he had was the truth he was raised under and the fact that he went against that truth AND WAS NOW BEING PUNISHED FOR IT. How can someone like this think of anything except that they are the reason George was put in a position where he had to get rid of Alicia? That the only reason Alicia was experimented on and turned into a monster was because of her connection to Regal?
The events of the game open his eyes to the ACTUAL truth, to what actually happened AND WHY IT HAPPENED TO ALICIA. In the end he learns he had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. If he had not befriended and started falling for Alicia, she still would have died--it's just, if she hadn't had a more direct connection to Regal, who knows where she might have met her end. Alone, forgotten? At least someone knew her as she was; at least someone can tell Presea the kind of person her sister was.
The ToS fandom has always loved joking about how Regal's just into punishment as a kink or whatever (and I'll never forgive the shitty non-canon-in-my-heart sequel for leaning so hard into that angle, fuck you fuck you fuck you) but let's be serious about it for a hot second. Yes, I think learning this information puts him on a better path, but you can't erase 8 years of self-loathing and fear instantly. Did you guys really think this man would just forget about the darkest years of his life and start frolicking in fields of flowers?
The trauma he's endured goes so much deeper than "I killed the person I loved," and boiling it down to that really does the character a disservice. The "born for a specific purpose, not allowed to exist outside of that purpose" bit is also given to Colette and Zelos, but while their role is being a sacrifice whose only use is dying or procreating to continue the line to have more sacrifices (absolutely also traumatizing btw), Regal's situation feels a lot more like indoctrinated religion and, very specifically (and no I am not kidding), religious trauma. Again, he endured that very controlled lifestyle complete with a mantra from birth into his early 20s, and the MOMENT he broke away from it too far, his life came crashing down around him in a very painful and traumatizing way.
Now, you might think the religious trauma parallel is unfounded, if not also the indoctrinated religion aspect of it, it could just as easily be a parallel for an abusive and controlling relationship, right down to the betrayal from someone who is supposed to have your best interests at heart the moment you step outside of that control to the feelings of shame and self-loathing and "you did this to yourself."
So whenever I see people joking about what a sad sack of shit he is or whatever, I'm just astounded, especially if it's coming from someone who loves literally any other character in the game. Like, you'll definitely have your blorbos, and I totally understand if Regal just ain't it for you, but I find it really disconcerting that someone might find (for example) Yuan's trauma deeply meaningful but see Regal's as stupid or silly.
I'm pretty sure I started this post to talk about how easy it is for me to RP as Regal because he's just such a great character to sink into and write about, particularly because I like to imagine that, starting in the post-game, he deeply regrets some of the choices he's made in his life, and, rather than lean into the things that have already transpired, he seeks to do what he can to better the world around him with the resources and power that he has.
It's like the ultimate fuck-you to the way his father raised him. He's not wasting the skills he's developed, but he's also not using them to hurt people or for personal or Lezareno profit.
I think most of us love writing about characters who have to work through their trauma, but there's an extra layer here that I particularly enjoy with Regal. With Raine I'm all about her inability to trust easily and her struggle to feel truly comfortable around other people, but with Regal I think it's maybe specifically related to the fact that he has had a lot handed to him that he didn't necessarily want, and his self-sacrificing nature lends itself to him feeling obligated to take it. I fully believe Regal would be happier and better off stepping away from Lezareno and from his family's toxic ass legacy*** (or at least not working it full-time as the acting President) but I can't ignore the fact that...these things are all he has and all he knows. So writing about him attempting to get back into the swing of things, maybe struggling to find time for himself, falling into workaholic patterns by mistake, learning to set boundaries between his private life and his job...all while not being fully satisfied and finding more fulfillment in charity work and other pursuits, just makes him feel like a very well-rounded character. Like...it's believable that he would continue to work a job he didn't particularly love specifically because not only does he not know anything else, but he knows with this position of power he can make a lot of things happen that would be impossible if he just twiddled his thumbs on the sidelines--like financial assistance going to Palmacosta, or his duties as a nobleman to try to get better laws passed in Tethe'alla, etc.
This was a pretty clumsily-written post and for that I am truly sorry. I've just been absolutely insane lately thinking about Regal and I had to get some of why I think he's such a wonderful character out into the world.
*this is just my headcanon but a lot about Regal screams autism to me.
**this is canon as far as I'm concerned. I wrote him this way far before I ever heard the drama cd, and the drama cd just solidified it for me tenfold.
***there's a scene in the hotel with Lloyd I think where Regal says his family's legacy on Altamira started when Tethe'alla flipped over to being a flourishing world last, which means they were in a position of power great enough to build an empire on Altamira already at that time (800+ years ago). I don't want to get into how awful this probably was or how evil the family was because I think you can all imagine that for yourselves. Also, nobody ever mentions the fact that Regal is the last of his family line, but it's a very convenient built-in control tactic to guilt someone into doing as they're told or risk bringing shame to a family that's been going strong and unbroken for over 1,000 years.
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starlight-bread-blog · 11 months
The Adrigami Breakup Was Hot Garbage.
This is the episode where Adrien and Kagami break up. The reason why they broke up is because Adrien is Cat Noir and will always have to hide things from Kagami, and she's not having it. It's an episode about how the job of a superhero demands sacrifices, about how Adrien lost his girlfriend to his duties.
But this entire thing falls apart due to both Adrien and Kagami acting from out of character to infuriating. Adrien isn't actually shown to face these struggles as Cat Noir. We don't see him "being a responsible superhero" he's just goofing around and getting Ladybug's attention.
Adrien: Finally! Free at last! Plagg, claws out!
And here when Ladybug doesn't show up to their daily patrol:
AdriCat: So, Mr. Banana! Life's peachy, huh? *gets ignored*Peachy? Banana? Get it?.. Forget it.
AdriCat: So! Mr. Ramier! It's been a while since you were akumatized, right? Kinda miss being Mr. Pigeon? You haven't been feeling depressed? Or desperate? Or angry? Annoyed maybe? Not even a little perturbe?
Mr. Ramier: Thank you for asking Cat Noir but I am in the best of spirits, really!
This is the face Adriem makes after he says he's feeling good and isn't gonna get akumatized:
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AdriCat (disappointendly): Well I guess I'm out of here then.
Mr. Ramier: Say hello to the lovely Ladybug for me!
AdriCat: Sure thing! If I ever see her.
Literally, this entire first act is establishing that Cat Noir is sad and lonely without Ladybug to the point where he wants people to get akumatized. Like go back and watch the episode this is insane.
Only after that we get to Kagami. And the relationship is.. off. Kagami lies to both their parents to buy her and Adrien time alone in the art room. She asks him to pose for a sketch, he makes a couple model poses, and the bullshit begins.
Kagami: These are all modeling poses. Try something that's more neutral, more you.
Adrien: What about – meow! *Makes a Cat pose* I mean, now? *nervous chuckle*
Kagami: No. You're not at all neutral.
Adrien: Yes I am, I promise. This is me.
Kagami (intensively): No. That's you when you're being silly.
She's downright rejecting his true self and being a control freak. Where did this come from? They used to crack jokes and have genuine fun together (ie Desperada). This is extremely out of character. But it's not over..
Adrien: What if when I'm being silly, I'm really me?
Kagami: *Gets up closer to gently make him pose*
Adrien's expression is.. um-..
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Kagami: There. This, is really you.
Adrien: Do you really think..
Kagami: Yes. You're... perfect. *Leans for a kiss*
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What does this scene tell us about their relationship? It tells us that it's toxic, that Kagami is controlling, doesn't care for Adrien's boudries and refuses to see who he really is. Which as I mentioned, goes against her characterization in previous episodes.
After whatever that was Adrien keeps getting called to his duity as Cat Noir. This back and forth continues for a while. But as we established, it's not a meaingful sacrifice to leave Kagami because being a superhero is just professional (and not so proffesional) playtime for him. And the episode keeps on reminding you that all throughout. We cut from Kagami being alone at a party they were supposed to go to together, to this:
AdriCat: Ma'lady, it's been a while since I had this much fun.
Ladybug: *Laughs* If battling a super villian with 3 eyes and a giant monster budy is your idea of fun, I can't imagen what your other days are like.
And in the same conversation:
AdriCat: You can count on me, and my jokes, Bugaboo!
Ladybug: Well, you don't have to over-do it.
AdriCat: The truth is, I only ever have this much fun when I'm with you.
And then he comes back straight to Kagami like nothing's wrong. She confronts him about his lies to her and gets akumatized.
Even when he fights Akumatized Kagami to save her, they still make a point at showing you he's having fun.
AdriCat: I can't wait to see what you're gonna do with a drone.
And his reaction after Ladybug confronts him about sacrificing himself:
Ladybug: Seriously you've got to stop doing this to me!
AdriCat: Yeah, but I can't resist this angry little pout of yours when you bring me back.
Excuse me?
And then, I am not kidding, while still being with Kagami, this happens:
Adrien: *Stares into the sky* Oh, Ladybug...
Plagg: Aww how romantic! I get it, even if I do love every cheese on the plate, I always come back for my favorite.
After fencing class they have the conversation. The break up is caused by Kagami not being not being able to trust Adrien. And this is how thw show, including Adrien himself, frames it too.
AdriCat: You know the difference between us and the rest of the world, ma'lady? We can't be completely honest with each other. We keep secrets, and sometimes we have to lie.
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Okay, let's sum everything up:
He emotionally cheats on Kagami and is willing to admit it out loud with no shame.
He loves that subject of infatuation so much to the point where he's openly sad about monsters not attacking Paris.
Shows no remorse to leaving his girlfriend every time they are together, and very explicitly enjoys his time with another girl he's in love with.
At the end of the episode him and the writers push all the bs under the rug and claim Adrien is just following his duties.
....Wow. I remembered Lies being a terrible episode for Adrien but it wasn't until I watched it again that I've realized how much Adrien sucks. I am trurly baffled. Top tier character assassination.
And let's not forget Kagami. What the hell was that? Why did she act like that? Why all the sudden she's toxic and controlling?
Well, all of this nonsense is done to serve a very obvious not-so-hidden hidden agenda: Ladynoir good, Adrigami bad. The writers pretended to tell a genuine story about the duties of being a superhero but couldn't help but sneak in this horseshit. They essentially wanted you to subconciously pick up on what this episode is really trying to say: Kagami doesn't know Adrien's true self, she forces him into the "perfect role" and is incompatible to him. While Ladybug knows his true self. Therefore, Adrien can only be happy with Ladybug.
Kagami isn't controlling and incompatible to him. But that didn't matter to the writers, they have a message to put out. They had retcon her characterization to create a contrast that didn't really exist.
And this applies to Adrien too. He needed to be happy to leave his girlfriend to push the... "message". He needed to emotionally cheat on her like he did to push the message. He sacrificed himself so it would show his so-called love for Ladybug. He wanted people to get akumatized so he could be his true self with his beloved Ladybug. But all of these things don't make him to be compatible with her and destined to be with her, they make him an a$$hole.
And I'm not gonna buy into this message they snuck in there with retcons and infuriating behaviors.
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ughgoaway · 6 months
the sick dad matty blurb omfg ACE i’m literally unwell at the thought of mopey messy hair matty falling asleep in ur lap and being so flustered at u seeing him like that- brb fucking crying
also speaking of which genuinely insane timing how you always post smth after i’ve had a very long shift i swear theyre really the one thing i look forward to the most after work 😭😭 uninterrupted horizontal time with ur blurbs it’s true it literally is my fav thing-
also perhaps an extension of sick dad! matty but i just can’t shake the idea of teacher reader being worried about him still and asking annie about it at school the next day and annie just randomly drops a bombshell in the way kids do and says smth like ‘oh daddys so much better today! he’s all smiley and said that you chased the bad coughing monster away for him- can you come do that every time? daddy’s never had anyone do that before’ and it just b r e a ks teacher reader completely pls anyways crying throwing up
(- bff anon also has the can’t shut up disease i fear 😭)
OMG, IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT BFF!!! I just need to look after this man.
like imagine he eventually wakes up and its like 9pm at that point so you're like "okay let's get you to bed" and he's all sad and pouty and says "only if you stay over with me" but he's still half asleep and doesn't quite process what he said for a good few seconds...
wide-eyed, he tries to backtrack, "wait- I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that! obviously, we haven't slept together yet, but- NO, NOT LIKE 'SLEPT TOGETHER' SLEPT TOGETHER!!! I MEANT LIKE JUST SLEEPING!!! ohmygod-"
you're like "no that sounds nice, let's go upstairs," and matty is silently freaking out bc you're gonna be in his bed. with him. sleeping. he's thought about this scenario 1000 times, and none of them included him being dealthy ill and not having nice sheets on the bed first.
(more rambles below the cut as always)
you get matty to brush his teeth and get ready for bed, even rubbing some moisturiser on him (he just sits there with a dopey grin as you apply)
he always thought you'd be on his chest or he'd be spooning you, but he ends up with his face buried between your boobs and he's out within 10 mins.
oh and the morning after... so much potential...
I must have spidey senses for when you're at work bff!!! the fact that my blurbs make you so happy you look forward to them??? brb vomiting???? that is so kind. horizontal time on tumblr is my fav too, its unmatched.
I can see her spending the night at hanns bc matty doesn't want her to get ill and doesn't trust George or Ross to keep her overnight.
"Do you even know what 5 year olds eat??"
"bro, why dont you trust us???"
"Yeah... like mushed carrots and shit right. "
you put the kids to work colouring something but secretly call Annie over yo your desk, "hi Annie! I just wanted to ask how your daddy is today, I know he's been a bit poorly"
"...please take her Adam"
she immediately lights up and starts chattering away, "Oh, daddy said he's feeling much better today. he even made me my toast this morning, and he was all smiley the whole time!!! he said you made him all better and played nurse!! can you do that every time he's poorly? he's much happier when you are his nurse than when he goes to the doctors"
obviously, internally you're like "ohmygod he really likes me, and I made him feel better. oh, he couldn't stop smiling, and annie noticed because he was so happy and -"
but externally, you play it cool like, "Oh, that's great, sweetheart! I'm sure next time he's poorly, you can help him feel better too"
Annie is like, "Oh!! I hope he's poorly again soon, I wanna play doctors with you!!!"
you try not to laugh at her wishing her dad ill and just send her back to her desk, but the grin doesn't leave your face all day. thinking about the fact you made matty giddy makes you just as giddy as him.
the next day a bouquet of flowers show up at your door with a note,
"dear nurse y/n,
thank you for coming to look after me even after I cancelled our date. whilst I am slightly mortified you saw me looking like that, I'm more grateful for your help. you made being sick worth it. Spending any time with you is always worth it.
love, matty x
ps, I hope the next time you stay in my bed, I'm substantially less sick, and we're both wearing substantially less clothes ;)"
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lesbiansanemi · 29 days
Favorite thing about them: There are so, so many things I love about Shinobu, but ultimately I think my favorite thing has to be her all-consuming desire for revenge. That sounds so edgy, but it is very rare that I get to see a female character have a genuine revenge plot line, let alone that being the main focus of her story, and it actually gets to end with her killing the man she wants revenge against. So many revenge plot lines (especially ones given to women) end with the character giving up vengeance, or allowing someone else to take it for them. Not Shinobu. She got what she wanted and told Douma to go fuck himself in hell. Queen shit
Least favorite thing about them: I tried so hard to come up with something, but I truly have no genuine complaints with Shinobu's character and how she's written. So I'll choose something petty. Her hairstyle. Like, pinned up it looks fine, I like it, but we never see her hair down so I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE IT DRIVES ME INSANE. I def don't think she has very long heir, I tend to go with shoulder length, but god I would love to know
Favorite line: Tbh her whole monologue from her opening scene still sticks with me. Her cadence and word choices and cheery smile as she talks about torturing the sister spider demon did such a good job of introducing her as a character, and their the lines I can most clearly remember off the top of my head
brOTP: Now.... hear me out.... Shinobu and Sanemi. I like the hc that they grew kind of close themselves when Sanemi and Kanae were Hashira together. I think they probably would have gotten along pretty well (well, by Shinobu and Sanemi standards) before Shinobu adopted a lot of Kanae's mannerisms and personality after her death. Because of this, I like to think that Sanemi is one of the few people she will fall back into her "old" personality with, at least in small ways. I do think they drifted apart after Kanae's death though. Partially because Shinobu emotionally distanced herself from pretty much everyone, but also because Sanemi didn't like her trying to emulate Kanae in the ways that she did. He found it weird and unsettling. But, every now and then, in brief moments where they're alone together, they can fall into old teasing and banter more easily than they realize
OTP: ShinoMitsu, easily! It's one of my favorite kny ships in general. I think that Shinobu and Mitsuri compliment each other as characters very well, and there is so much angst potential regarding their relationship (I know you know what I'm talking about, you understand Jayford haha). Mitsuri inspiring Shinobu to want to live again but she doesn't know how is actually something that can be so personal
nOTP: Shinobu x any man. Sorry that's a whole lesbian. But more specifically, I really can't fuck with Giyu//Shino or Dou//Shino. Keep that shit AWAY from me. I just don't like them in general, but I find so much of the content for them leans very heavily into "woman fixes sad broken man" and makes Shinobu way too nurturing and mothery which.... eugh....
Random headcanon: I like the headcanon that she opens the Butterfly Mansion to any women who need a shelter/resources for any reason, related to demons or not. The estate is huge, and as a Hashira, money is not an issue. So she's more than happy to give any women and girls a place to stay if they need to get out of bad situations (be it related to family, marriage, or something demonic). She is obviously very busy, so she's not directly involved with a lot of the women who are in and out, but she does what she can for them. She's also very willing to get any girls to good trainers to become swordsmen, if they want
Unpopular opinion: I feel people in the fandom swing wildly between two misinterpretations of her. The first being where people act like she's a much "better" person than she is, and who seem to fall for her smiles and pleasant tone. They treat her as if she can do no wrong, and tend to get mad/upset if someone depicts her as less than perfect (wild to me, esp considering canon makes it very obvious that she has many flaws). However, you also have the other side of the spectrum, where people act as if she's a horrible, awful irredeemable bitch and disregard her kindness as nothing but an act because she's complex and sometimes does questionable things. I do think both of these things are rooted in misogyny, the belief that women have to either be perfect goddesses, OR they're two-faced fake bitches, and unfortunately because Shinobu is so nuanced, she tends to get both. But yeah I hate both these interpretations of her and they are both very wide spread. Like guys... can we please just appreciate her for being a nuanced character who has both good and bad aspects, I'm begging
Song I associate with them: I have a couple! Kamikaze and Spoils of War for Shinobu specifically, and then Thank You For the Venom and Dying Star for some ShinoMitsu vibes imo (I should make a Shinobu/ShinoMitsu playlist)
Favorite picture of them: Every time I think of this little drawing I lose my mind, it's so cute and the way Shinobu is just fucking staring at her.... Real
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itsohh · 1 year
It’s Over
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A/N: G/N reader, finally got around to playing the game on realism mode and man, Violence and Timing got to me
Summary: After the events on MW2, you finally get to rest at home with Gaz. The perfect time to work through how the pair of you are feeling.
Word count: 646
Warnings: Slight angst? guilt
AO3 Masterlist
Home. Finally home. Missiles. Territosts. Drug lords. Kidnapping. Graves. Shepard. All of that faded away when the pair of you finally got home. Too exhausted for a home-cooked meal, the pair of you ended up shoving a frozen pizza into the oven and calling it a day.
With no music on, the apartment was quiet. Only the brief sounds of outside muffled through the walls. When you walked back to the kitchen, Gaz had his hands on the countertop. His head was down and he let out a deep sigh. You could see the weight on his shoulders. One you shared equally.
Carefully, you approached him, making sure that your footsteps could be heard. You placed a hand on his left shoulder and his head turned slightly to the side. "You alright Kyle?"
His hand came and covered yours for a moment and gave it a small rub with his thumb. "Yeah just thinking 'bout Laswell."
"She's safe now, hey, we got her back."
"I know, it's just that a lot of Farah's mates died. I keep thinking maybe there was something more I could have done to prevent that. Like if my shots were better timed or-"
"Hon, don't do that to yourself. You did everything you could. Besides, if anyone's to blame it's me. I left her there."
"She told you to though, the pair of you would have been taken." He turned to face you and immediately went to your defence.
"I know that Kyle. She knows that, Price knows that and I know that. We also all know you did everything you could to stop that." You placed your palm against his cheek. "Now I need you to know that."
"I…alright." He didn't sound completely convinced.
"There was a lot more of them on the other side of the boat that you couldn't see. To be honest, I think Laswell's voice might haunt me for a while." You let out a little laugh, not a happy laugh nor a bitter one. A sad one.
 "Go, overboard now! I won't let them take the pair of us."
 “I’m not leaving you, Laswell!”
 “Yes you will, that's a direct order. Don’t let me have your life on my conscience.”
"They died fighting for a friend. I reckon that's the best way to go. We can't save everyone." Gaz went to open his mouth and you continued. "But we try and that's what matters."
"Yeah." He gave you a slightly wonky smile and you pulled him into a hug. With a small sound of approval, Gaz rest his head on your shoulder and leaned into the hug.
"I know that your mind will get away. That's okay, mine does too. Just promise me that you remember we are in this together." You could feel him pull you firmer against him.
"M promise."
"You know, you scared me shitless when you fell out of that heli. Hearing Nic's voice on the com freaked the hell out of me."
"Yeah? Scared the shit out of me too."
"Fuck, Gaz you were dangling there. Don't think I've been so terrified out of my mind."
"You're telling me." He pulled back with a laugh, a genuine wide-eyed smile. "Shit was insane. Think I can cross whatever the hell that was off my bucket list."
“Falling out of a heli was on your bucket list?”
“No, but now it never will be.” You rolled your eyes at his response and pulled him back into a hug again. One he accepted without protest. Comfortable in his arms, you sighed into him.
“Promise me that you won’t end up in a situation like that again.” You felt him stiffen slightly at your request.
“I can’t promise that babe, you know that.”
“I do, lie to me.” Gaz moved his head slightly and pressed a small kiss against your jaw.
“I promise.”
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dr-goatman · 7 months
gods, will graham and hannibal are so codependent
hannibal saw that will wasnt on time for his appointment, so he looked visibly sad and hurt, a rarity. he locked his hands together to keep from calling him, and likely to try and soothe worry. he looked a tad confused why he was feeling these things AND THEN HE DROVE A FUCKING HOUR JUST TO SEE WILL, AT THE FUCKING FBI WHATEVER ITS CALLED hannibal needs will. he may not like that he needs will at first, but that doesnt change the fact that he does.
will graham went to fucking europe to find hannibal and discover his past. on the way he broke into hannibals childhood home, got held at gunpoint by chiyoh, hannibals kinda-sister [i love her btw], kissed her, got thrown off a train by her, then walked lord knows how long, INJURED, to civilization, and then continued on to search for hannibal, finding him, then eventually getting almost killed by him [again]. BUT it was particularly brutal this time, he literally like was getting a bonesaw taken to his fucking skull, he was gonna get his brain eaten
anyways, yet he returned to america with hannibal, then hannibal turned himself in after a bit just cuz will said he didnt wanna know where he was, what he was doing, etc. 3 yrs, will doesnt visit him in his 'jail' cell, [he lives in a glass cage thing in a mansion, wouldnt rlly call that a jail cell], after that 3 yrs, shit goes down w dolarhyde [love him btw] and will needs hannibal, desperately. u can tell hes been thinking of him this entire time yet wont even admit it to himself.
eventually shit goes down AGAIN and hannibal and will run away together, knowing damn well dolarhyde is after them. hannibal stand in between the window and will KNOWING dolarhyde is outside, just so he would take the shot, not will. they eventually fall off a cliff in each others arms, but according to the writers or someone, apparently they aint dead, which is shown in the last scene where bedelia is missing one of her legs, shes holding a fork in self defense and there are 2 other places set at the table, her leg as a main dish, she is being fed herself, which is just like what hannibal did to that one dude, starting with the leg[s]
except now will graham is along for the ride
[this is all ignoring SO much, such as hannibal always being will's first call when he needs help, and will being hannibals 'fascination' [see: obsession] so much so that since even before we meet bedelia, [who at the time was hannibal's therapist] she knows will graham by name and has been spoken to about him.
to the point that she KNOWS he is hannibals obsession.
bedelia LITERALLY compared will to bluebeards last wife, and said shed prefer to had been the last. shes mildly jealous but so is will, and thats ok!]
[i love bedelia, btw, shes so awesome]
also as the series progresses we see hannibal, the extremely put together and posh man, become slowly more and more undone and relaxed
at the same time, it takes will, the extremely messy, frazzled and almost careless man, and it makes him more put together, he dresses nicer, looks more cleaned up and put together
he doesnt shake like an abused puppy, he is more snippy [see: bitchy]
and hes not sweating all the fucking time im so srs, there are so many shots of him just drenched in sweat and its honestly funny, its insane how much he sweats
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moonangel022 · 9 months
Oh, I remember piece missing ice king and fionna ’s eps timeline. How about simon and fionna each other love in hidden dream. 
Holly jolly secret part 2 
Hello, my name is Simon Petrikov.  I am recording this tape so that people will know my story. I was studying to be an antiquarian of ancient artifacts. Now I never believed in the supernatural stuff myself, just had a fascination with superstitions. But everything changed when I came into contact with this item. After purchasing this crown from an old dock worker in northern Scandinavia, I brought it home and excitedly showed my fiancee,Betty. I jokingly put it on my head, just for a laugh or something, and that's when it started the visions. I fought with them, shouted at them until I realized it wasn't real! It was the crown! I quickly took it off and saw my fiancee in front of me, looking at me with such contempt! What had I said? What had I done when I wore this crown? All I know is, I never saw Betty again. Since then, I now see the visions always I'm really scared I know my mind is changing, but I'm already too far gone to know what to do. I want people to know that if I do things, if -- if I do things that hurt anyone, please, please forgive me! Just watch over me until I can find my way out of this labyrinth in my brain and regain my sanity! And then maybe Betty, my princess maybe you will love me again. [VOICE BREAKING.] Please love me again, Betty! [CRIES.] 
simon become ice king born
I studying psychology romantic health... I feeling bad about poor simon because betty run away from him need help love each give his mind control but failed.  
he is right, he need try his control mind figure key is love but betty feel scared not want see him insane try kill people.. I know betty and simon are not health together in ep betty and king’s romson and his broken crown and hero heart and skyhook 2 (worst) and temple of mars and come along with me sad betty into glob fuse. Betty goodbye simon take crown again in fionna tv jerry. 
ice king/ simon suffer though his mind go lose sanity forever and crown keep simon live like immortal and simon’s memory sleep, he waiting 1,000 year waiting love soon arrive fionna born in his brain by prismo creation fionna.
Prisoners of Love    finn and jake fight meet ice king, ice king voice sound serious and adult and mature as Finn and jake says nerd and sexy hot. That hint simon is nerd and ice prince is sexy hot. Nuts finn and jake not know says. Ice king said marriage is a serious thing and lasts forever. Hint he reach key happiness and love in future fionna. 
When Wedding Bells Thaw 
Ice king learn old swans kiss try tell him show. Ice king say marriage is a thing that allows me to capture a Princess forever and let her live inside of me and marriage. Hint wait year few later his mind live with fionna born her world from primso the wishmaster ep 4, he ask ice king, can I store a fan-made alternate universe in your cursed dome? Ice king says  Sure, magic flashlight! You can put anything you want in there. 'Specially if it's got a hot lady. Primso says Cool. Hold still for upload. Ice king says Whoa! Fire in the hole! ( Modem buzzing ) Fionna and Cake: What time is it? Ice king says ( Laughs ).. uh past i watch saw everything I found learn about ice king has hidden romantic with her in mystery dungeon, i know that proof he says feel strong and true is fall in love fionna. but primso not know ice king has hidden romantic with fionna in dream is real. I saw notice fionna and cake episode, she say cant wait and marry him in fionna tv ep1 was ice prince. Notice he sleep take kiss with his hand self in dream with fionna in mystery dungeon.. You see!! Omg! 
Come Along With Me/ Obsidian 
Simon lose his crown magic and normal by cured glob. Simon can't remember of ice king and fionna and cake fics wait. I notice simon habit ice and use dresss old ice king in Obsidian, but I think that ice’s soul/memory is sleep. I feel miss ice king. Too fionna and cake cant remember. 
Finally time 12 year now 
Thanks Astrid love fionna and cake fanFics and reach get ice king aka simon, she question explain fionna and cake at him being unlock his mind ice king’s soul finally wake as he behave slight madness and sadness, he can't stop still mind fionna and cake for 3 day both mind and dream ice prince find fionna. Ice king/simon want find get fionna and cake out portal his brain, Because ice king vow for fionna wish want see his home OOO in bad little boy ep. Evil goose witness/know seen Simon being behave as ice king by astrid bother ask his mind wake of ice king. Nuts, I praise astrid give key his mind unlock of ice king wake! 
You seen simon smile look only fionna and touch hand each other and he protect fionna. obviously That simon is ice king’s soul person. 
But not yet simon and ice king has share memory soon and hope his new form ice prince after simon take ice crown again. Cross fingers. 
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gojonanami · 4 months
Also, I just saw your new "Other Lives Fic" idea for Gojo! I'm super excited for that in the future! That got me thinking! Haha i get hugeee brainrot sometimes > "and you are together in every life — one way or another — but in this life, you part, as you watch him fall to Sukuna."
Imagine if Kenjaku ends up taking Gojo's body, and as Yuta is busy holding off Sukuna, you (the only other Special grade sorcerer still alive) are now the only one who can fight Kenjaku and stop him, the imposter parading around your husband's body like a puppet. You swallow, biting back tears as you stood in front of the love of your life. Your heart had split in half as he did during his fight with Sukuna. And now, the universe is set to grind those pieces of your heart into dust, as you're forced to be the one to end your husband the second time.
And shortly after you step onto the battlefield to challenge him, Kenjaku's attacks start to go off aim. Kenjaku is confused. How is this body defying him? Then, Kenjaku thinks back to how his body had defied him once before, back when he was still Suguru Geto. And then he hears a little voice inside his head.
"This is my wife. You will not hurt her."
And a moment later, your hands land on Satoru's beautiful face, almost as if in a caress. And the next moment, you had decapitated him. You sensed it. Your cursed technique had finished Kenjaku for good now. All that's left is Satoru, as he grew colder and colder in your hands. Your eyes find your husband's beautiful blue ones, glazing over as they started to close. He smiles at you, and you see his lips move for the final time. "See you in the next life." Ok ok and then imagine if they're reborn as university students right after.
Rich boi Satoru had a couple gfs before, but broke up with all of them (he sighs to his best friend Suguru! "Maybe i'm not meant to settle down!"). And then when he sees you for the first time in university, he thinks you're beautiful. but why does he feel like he has met you before, when he has never even seen you before??? 
(sometimes memories of past lives slip into his dreams, but his dreams are just that, right? dreams. not reality. but they really do seem quite vivid sometimes. how strange.) You get assigned to be his partner in a course that you're taking together, and you meet him too. and you think, why is there a tightness in your chest? why do you feel sad when you look at him, like you miss him?
You're so confused! You're gonna avoid him from now on! You don't understand why he makes your insides feel all squiggly and a little sad!
because you were forced to kill him in your previous life
but Satoru wants to get to know you better! he's super impressed by your intelligence and you're so pretty! he keeps trying to approach you and ask you out!
Suguru is surprised! Satoru has never approached a girl himself before. all Satoru's previous gfs were the ones who confessed to him and asked him out. Suguru thinks it's refreshing to see the great gojo being the one doing the chasing now heh. ANYWAYS! SORRY FOR THE LONG MESSAGE! I JUST GET INSANE BRAINROT SOMETIMES, AND YOUR OTHER LIVES FIC IDEA SOUNDS SOOOOO CUTE AND ANGSTY AND SWEET I COULDN'T HELP IT!
omg i love the idea!! i may not use the kenny thing only because i hate the idea of him violating gojo's body along with geto's, but i would love to maybe have reader help collect gojo's body with ui ui and stand with shoko while they deal with what happens next (
but i love the university idea - i love it!!! i def wanna use it omg - it would be so cute to show gojo having those dreams from a young age and not sure if it was true or not and subconsciously he's been searching for you this entire time--
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klayleyism · 10 months
If you could have it your way how would the process be for klayley. What would you change and what would you keep from canon? If it had an extra season how would it progress?
I'd remove haylijah all together for the simple fact it offered nothing to the characters/plot and was funny enough used to make klayley look better for some reason? Like idk if it was intentional or not but the narrative was absolutely ruthless in the way it obliterated them in favor of klayley/Hayleyxjackson every time
This question is so tricky because honestly the show actually worked in their favor really, but if anything I'd definitely have them confront each other regarding their feelings by the end of season one/ season 2 at most
I'd pretty much keep their canon dynamic because it was absolutely perfect and the tragic aspect is what makes them great
I would however give at least one scene that would deal with the aftermath of them choosing each other above hope, for example I find it insane that the writers had Klaus chose to risk unborn hope's life to potentially save a dead Hayley in 1x20, or choosing to Grieve her death over saving hope's life once again In 1x22, because how are you going to tell us Klaus loved her more than anyone but not elaborate or show the impact of such decisions on Hayley who wanted nothing more than to matter to him??
And while I love them to death season 5 was my absolute favorite klayley season despite their deaths and I think was the perfect conclusion for them because it summed up their relationship perfectly, after all the progress they made in the last two seasons Klaus going back to pushing Hayley away to protect her from himself out of self hatred and stubbornness cause he never really change since any "development" he had relied on Hayley/Elijah being physically there for him while Hayley resorted back to putting everything aside to relentlessly try and tell him she loved him no matter what and how she simply wants to be there for him, writing countless letters he never read, defending his heinous acts and abandonment of her and hope for years was nothing but perfectly in character for her and them
If there's one thing Hayley will do it's fight for Klaus and stand by him no matter what and it's absolutely sad how it took Hayley dying for Klaus to finally see just how much she loves him and how he wasted years being miserable and insecure instead of letting her in the way he wished
Him coming back to the city in a heartbeat risking countless lives, a war and his fucking daughter's life ONCE AGAIN for Hayley and allowing Elijah to die for no reason after disowning and hating him after what he did to Her were all a perfect representation of the tragic dedication he and Hayley had for each other
One thing I would've changed is maybe show them reuniting in the afterlife with the promise of making up for all that's been lost, they finally have no circumstances pulling them away from each other and can finally be at peace knowing they've done everything they can for hope and for each other
There's really no need for another season but both szn 4 and 5 should've been longer to show how great they finally worked out with Klaus getting out of his own way but also the inevitable Fall out with Klaus descent into who he used to be in season 5 and how his abandonment affected Hayley since all she did up to that point was to prevent that
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dragonseeds · 2 years
what is your opinion about the relationship between rhaenyra and alicent?
oh they’re so interesting to me! i think their relationship is just as tangled up and incestuous as anything that the consanguineous targs who marry or fuck or fall in love have going on. they grew up together like sisters (rhaenyra calls her sister in 1x04 and she’s out there lying for her life but i do think she means it), yet there is a sweetly romantic undercurrent to them too. i don’t think either of them truly understood it in that way, or would describe it as such, but it’s there. then alicent becomes her stepmother, the mother of her siblings, and that adds another dimension to what they are to each other. the way alicent fixates on rhaenyra’s body/sexual behavior specifically reads as incestuous to me because she acts like a parent (a mother, an older sister forced into that role or u know… my father lol) trying to correct perceived flaws in their daughter’s behavior in horribly damaging ways, but there’s so much more going on there—like there’s obviously redirected anger mixed with patriarchal and religious indoctrination, as well as about nine thousand permutations of jealousy.
alicent’s trauma can’t be overstated—she’s been through so much and for what? so her father (her family) could have his (their) blood sit the iron throne? so viserys could have a son he can’t love?—but i think she also did very real damage to rhaenyra during the time skip. that’s how i rationalize the extent to which adult rhaenyra feels muted and desperate—it doesn’t feel like just natural maturity to me idk i read trauma into it, especially the way rhaenyra adjusts herself when she notices alicent watching her. emma’s body language conveys so much about rhaenyra’s anxiety and shame to me.
but like. they’ve both hurt each other in so many ways by refusing to/being unable to see each other. so i think things get super toxic insane messy between them for a while, but it’s so clear that they could’ve reconciled. the love was still there, the tenderness and the sweetness, but that aspect of their relationship only becomes really interesting and important to me in 1x08 when they have it again for like a second, a dinner, a touch of their hands, before they lose the last chance of ever getting it back. it was right there, it was so close! but they can’t ever have it back because what that love represents—innocence, childhood, hope, all of that—is gone. you can’t go back. rhaenyra has so much love in her life from her children and from daemon too (fucked as that may be: this is what it is to be targaryen) that she’s been able to heal as much as she can, but alicent is trapped in the red keep which is actual hell. she’s stuck there: she can’t go back and she can’t move on or begin to heal. she’s forever a girl being sent into a room she doesn’t want to go in, looking out the window of her cage, even if she wields real power as queen.
i’m equally frustrated by and obsessed with all of that and i want them to have sad sad sweet saddd fucked up kind of hate but also loving sex after rhaenyra takes king’s landing. obviously this will never happen lol i maybe be stupid but. even if i thought the writers would actually go there, alicent is deeply sexually traumatized and, while i personally think she’s in love with rhaenyra and have the most fun with that interpretation, i still don’t think she realizes that or would be able to think of it in that way. rhaenyra is also very much in love with daemon in an extremely codependent way and i think they’re genuine soulmate level more myself than i am going to be the death of each other inextricable so. that complicates things, but if we’re being honest…. not as much as it would if this were a different family asdfkdgkj
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starryhyuck · 3 years
thin walls. (m)
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pairing: softdom!jaemin x sub!reader
words: 1.8k+
summary: you try your best to keep quiet since you know jaemin’s room is right next to yours. turns out you’re not as quiet as you think.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: dom!jaemin, bestfriend!jaemin, roommate!jaemin, oral sex, daddy kink, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie
“Isn’t it weird?”
“Is what weird?”
You’re having your weekly video call with Donghyuck and Renjun, the latter actually paying attention to your conversation while the former furiously clicks away on his keyboard.
“We’ve been quarantining for almost a year now. You haven’t gotten any dick in months and your roommate is like the hottest guy we know,” Renjun clarifies, raising an eyebrow. You both ignore the sound of Donghyuck grumbling loudly as he loses another game.
You roll your eyes. “And you’re so concerned about my sex life because?”
“Because clearly, neither me or Donghyuck have one. I’m living vicariously through you.”
That gets Donghyuck’s attention. “For your information, I am supporting many lovely women through OnlyFans. It’s only Renjun that has difficulties with sexual partners.”
Renjun scoffs. “I could have anyone on their knees for me, and we all know it.”
There’s a knock on your door and you take an earbud out when Jaemin pops his head in. He looks like a mess — his hair springing up in different places and eyes puffy. You frown at his disheveled state.
“Hey, are you still busy?”
Your fingers move at the speed of lightning, barely registering Renjun’s protest when you quickly leave the meeting. You toss your laptop and earbuds aside to give your best friend your full attention.
He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. “If you’re busy, I can come back later.”
“Nope, not busy anymore. Are you okay, Jaem?”
He fully enters the room and shuts the door behind him. He smiles softly at you as he takes a seat on your bed.
“Not feeling too great. Just wanted to see you.”
You ignore the swell in your chest at his confession, worriedly stroking his cheek when you realize how red his eyes are. His hand comes up to play with your fingers, eyes moving in and out of focus.
“What’s wrong?” You finally ask.
He shrugs. “Didn’t do so well on my test today. Feeling a little hopeless.”
Your frown grows deeper. You move closer to him, wanting to soothe his pain.
“Don’t say that. It’s just one test, you’ll do better on the next one. I’ll help you! We can make flash cards and create some trivia games to help you remember.”
He chuckles, eyes still staring down at your connected hands.
“You always know what to say. How is that?”
You giggle. “I earned the title of your best friend for a reason.”
“I suppose you did.” His eyes move upwards to lock on you. “Can I stay here? Just for tonight.”
You freeze. You haven’t slept next to Jaemin in months, the two of you only doing so when you were really drunk or really sad. You don’t even remember what it’s like to fall asleep in your best friend’s arms.
And you two fall into a quiet rhythm, Jaemin’s arms circling around you as he brings your back to his chest. Your eyes flutter shut, focusing on his steady breaths as you try to fall asleep.
You’re startled when you suddenly feel a pair of lips ghost over your neck, pressing a small kiss to your collarbone.
He hums in response, not showing any signs of stopping while he continues to pepper kisses on your shoulder.
“Jaem, w-what are you d-doing?”
“I heard you last night.”
You pause. You try to register what he’s saying, which you find is incredibly hard to do when his tongue darts out, licking a stripe up your neck. You backtrack to last night, when you were feeling so drowsy but struggled to get to sleep. You don’t remember much, except for the fact that you reached to your nightstand to grab your vibrator-
Oh. Oh fuck.
“Y-You heard that?”
He hums again, moving to suck your neck with vigor. When he finally parts from his masterpiece, he chuckles.
“How could I not? The walls aren’t exactly thin, you know. I hear everything — all your silly commentary when you rewatch your favorite dramas, your weekly conversations with Renjun and Donghyuck, the pretty little noises you make when you turn your vibrator on, and the unmistakable sound of porn you watch when you’re really aroused.”
You feel more than embarrassed, stuttering as you try to offer an explanation. Jaemin chuckles against your ear, biting softly down on the lobe. A whimper tumbles out of your mouth before you realize it.
“I couldn’t sleep last night after listening to you. You made me fail my test, baby.”
“I’m s-sorry.”
“If you’re really sorry, you’ll let me eat you out.”
You swear your heart stops. “W-What?”
“I’m hungry. You wouldn’t want me to go to bed on an empty stomach, would you?”
“U-Um, no.”
Before you know it, you’re on your back with Jaemin between your legs. His fingers thumb over the fabric of your pajama shorts and he looks up at you, his eyes glimmering with a question.
You nod. “It’s okay, Jaem.”
With your permission, he slides your shorts down your legs and throws them haphazardly across the room. His gaze darkens at the sight of your lacy panties, which you honestly wore unintentionally today. You’re glad you picked them this morning though, because Jaemin looked like he was about to go insane at the sight.
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
And then his tongue licks a stripe up your clothed core and you yelp. He’s almost predatory, shoving your underwear aside and diving into your sopping pussy. You moan when his tongue furiously licks your folds, curling in on yourself while he holds you down.
He parts from you briefly and raises an eyebrow. “I think you have another name to call me.”
You’re confused yet again. “W-What?”
He snickers. “Forgot already? I listened to all those dirty videos you were watching, baby. I know all your cute little kinks. Now, I know you have a different name to address me as.”
“J-Jaemin, I-“
He clicks his tongue. “That’s not right.”
You gather all the courage you have inside of you, ignoring the clear embarrassment on your face by the fact that Jaemin has discovered all of your secret fantasies.
“Daddy, please eat me out.”
He smiles mischievously. “Good girl.”
You have no time to dwell on your self-consciousness before he’s sinking a finger inside of you, tongue lapping at your clit. You feel like a dog in heat, warmth spreading throughout your body as you struggle to comprehend the fact that your best friend is currently eating you out like his life depends on it.
“D-Daddy, daddy!” You scream when he slips another finger inside, curling them upwards while he sucks on your clit furiously. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-“
You cry out when your orgasm sweeps over you in waves, thrashing and whimpering under Jaemin’s hold. He uses his other hand to hold your hips down when the oversensitivity crashes into you, desperately trying to push away from him.
“D-Daddy, no, I-I’m sensitive-“
Jaemin growls and holds you tighter, fingers still drilling into your pussy and mouth wrapped around your sensitive bud. You don’t have time to warn him when your second orgasm comes just as quickly as the first, convulsing around him. You try to gain a sense of strength to push him away before he can launch you into a third, and Jaemin gets the message as he parts from you.
His chin glimmers with evidence of your arousal, fingers slipping into his mouth while he tastes the remnants of your two orgasms.
He pounces on you, lips crashing into yours and you moan. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and the fact shoots another spike of arousal to your core.
“What else did they do in that video, baby?” He whispers breathily. “Tell me.”
Your brain is a little fuzzy as you try to remember.
“H-He fucked the girl until she was crying and she took it. Anything to please her d-daddy.”
He smirks. “Is that what I should do to you? Fuck you until you’re crying? Will you do anything to please me?”
You know you trusted Jaemin with your life, so you nod.
“Anything for you, daddy.”
He grins. He quickly pulls down his sweatpants and his cock springs up, already half hard. You gulp at his size, and you’re suddenly reminded of why Renjun calls Jaemin the hottest guy you know. Jaemin’s girth wasn’t exactly a secret in your friend group, many rumors spreading around after Donghyuck discovered how well endowed your roommate actually was.
His fingers grip his base, slowly pumping himself while keeping his eyes locked on you.
“Like what you see, baby? Do you think your pussy is ready to take daddy’s fat cock?”
“Y-Yes, d-daddy. I c-can take your c-cock.”
He chuckles at your response, brushing strands of hair away from your face to fully look at you. His look is almost endearing, and you would swoon any other day if he wasn’t about to fuck you.
He lines himself up to your entrance, pausing for a second.
“Do I need to get a condom?”
You shake your head. “I’m on birth control. We’re fine.”
He doesn’t hesitate any longer, pushing into you slowly. You whine at the stretch. You haven’t been taken like this in months, and your vibrator is no match for his huge cock. He coaxes you through the pain, whispering softly in your ear and kissing your neck again to help ease you up.
Once he bottoms out, he waits patiently for your go ahead before moving. You can tell it’s killing him on the inside, brows pushed together as he tries his best not to pound you deep into the mattress.
“P-Please, daddy.”
Jaemin builds a steady pace inside of you, groaning and grunting into your ear as he sinks deeper and deeper. Your mind draws a blank when you struggle to form any coherent words, babbling while he impales you with his cock.
“You’re such a good girl for me. Always so good. Been waiting for this forever, baby. Dreamed so long of having you underneath me like this.”
“Daddy,” you gasp at his unexpected confession, hissing lowly when his fingers circle around your clit. Tears spring up in your eyes from the pleasure.
“Especially all those mornings when you were wearing practically nothing in front of me, you don’t even know how many times I wanted to take you on the kitchen counter.”
You cry when his cock hits you harder and faster.
“But you’re so good for me now, aren’t you, baby? So pretty and perfect for her daddy.”
“Y-Yes, daddy,” you whimper. “I’m all yours. All good for daddy.”
Jaemin groans loudly. “Cum for me, baby. Cum for daddy.”
Your orgasm is blinding, your nails digging into his shoulders as you ride out your high. He follows shortly after you, grunting when he shoots his cum deep inside your waiting womb.
You both lay in silence before you suddenly burst out in laughter. Jaemin eyes you.
“We just fucked. I just fucked my best friend and called him daddy. This is so surreal.”
He chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss against your lips.
“Better get used to it. Who knows how long we’ll be stuck in quarantine together.”
You smile. “Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”
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