#help hashem
takonxmz · 2 months
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Help Hashem
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nessvn · 5 months
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Abraham Joshua Heschel, What We Might Do Together // Isaiah 1:15-17 // Jeremiah 2:34-35 // Heschel, A Prayer for Peace
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treecove · 3 months
all i can do is pray and not look away
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farragoofwires · 10 days
Don' dweeblog
All I'm saying is someone once quoted "no one snowflake thinks it is responsible for the avalanche" at me and did irreparable damage to my psyche.
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brightgnosis · 9 months
Firstly, I'mma need y'all to learn some serious critical thinking skills and discernment. Because practicing something like highly modified Mormon derived Folk Healing (which is explicitly condemned by the Church, and is an officially abandoned practice) as a spiteful disabled Pagan Queer currently converting to Judaism, who is Ex-Mo and was directly victimized by the Mormon church ... Is not even remotely the same thing as actively being Mormon. Nor does practicing it inherently mean being Racist just because the Mormon Church itself has a foundational history of Racism, y'all.
Practices can be changed, deconstructed, and used in "heretical" and "unsanctioned" ways by the very people victimized by their systems. This is a thing. It is not the same on on the same level or playing field as these systems themselves. If y'all can understand that about things like Catholic Folk Magic and African Diasporic Religions, but y'all can't understand that about Mormon Folk Practices, then you're a bigot and a hypocrite.
Secondly: I'm not even going to touch on the absolute lie that any form of the substitutions debate is "blatant class warfare that was explicitly designed to keep poor people out of Witchcraft, and is inherently a form of gatekeeping and eugenicist bullshit". Because not only do I blatantly disprove that by existing as a disabled, impoverished agender whose been doing this just fine for 23 years now with minimal resources or materials ... But I've also actually actively been directly involved in a lot of the originating discussions on the grand scale, and read enough history and older materials from the Revival, to absolutely know better that it's not.
That claim is so utterly asinine and divorced from the actual history of that debate in the last decade especially that it's literal ahistorical insanity and doesn't even deserve any kind of response. Please grow up and learn both your class and occult theory from somewhere other than Tumblr University 101.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
As a first year Masters student tossing her first grants around, how do you get grants for a paleontology grad? How do you convince people This Is Important, Please Fund Me? It's difficult enough doing that with real animals at risk due to *gestures* everything. How stiff is competition? Does the cool factor help open doors?
Cool factor helps, but connect it to the modern biodiversity crisis (aka the 6th extinction) and climate change. That usually works. Not even kidding. I study the PETM and it works for me every time.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
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Tumblr I am just trying to reblog normally what do you want from me
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animazed · 11 months
and i can’t tell if you’re laughing
between each smile there’s a tear in your eye
there’s a train leaving town in an hour
it’s not waiting for you,
and neither am I
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laineystein · 2 years
Someone just reblogged one of my abortion posts insinuating that they don’t know any women that have had abortions because they only surround themselves with women who respect life.
I went to their blog…
Wait for it…
They’re going to nursing school. And wondering what specialty they should go into.
It is taking *everything* in me not to tell this person to stay the fuck away from my ED.
If you are going into healthcare please leave your religious beliefs at the door. There is no room for it. We are here to save lives. That sometimes means terminating a pregnancy. Fuck off with your hate and your ignorance. Or find another profession.
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hinenihineni · 2 years
Was crying today thinking about how no one besides myself has been there to see me through every revelatory and and soul-crushing moment of my journey. Stopped crying when I realized hang on yes someone else has been there this whole time and it’s Gd
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takonxmz · 2 months
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ladyimaginarium · 6 months
all colonized peoples will be liberated im yirtzeh hashem !!
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sugarspunfaerie · 1 year
Granted I’m taking a break from coding my Neocities but I’m so into it I would love to start coding my own Toyhouse & Tumblr themes once I get more confident in my skills
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unbidden-yidden · 3 months
I'm gonna be honest here: one of the more exhausting parts of the online discourse is how much of a tightrope I am always on, that those of us who care about human rights for all human beings are always on, because any statement made in favor of the "other" side is ripe for tokenism.
I, as a Jew, care about the safety and human rights of Palestinians and Arab Israelis. You will never convince me that there is an ethical way to kill civilians, especially children. You will never convince me that police brutality against citizens marching for their civil rights is necessary. You just can't. And yet I have to be so careful when/where I say that and how I say that, because too often this simple acknowledgement that all people are created in the image of Hashem and should be treated accordingly is ripped out of context and placed between a deluge of other posts denying my people that very same acknowledgement. The number of times I have said these things, only to go into the reblogs and see my words surrounded on all sides with violent antisemitism? I've lost count.
And guess what? It's made me less effective as an advocate, it has actively silenced me from speaking up sometimes, because I refuse to be your "good Jew," your token, somebody whose words can be misconstrued to kasher your vile hatred of my people. And to be very clear: Jewish Israelis are my people just as much as fellow diaspora yidden are, and they deserve better from both goyim and diaspora Jews alike.
And I've seen this go the other way, too: I've seen Palestinian activists and journalists who are trying very hard to balance the values of respecting other people (including Israelis and/or Jews writ large) as fellow human beings with the pain that their people are currently suffering. And I've seen their words ripped out of context and used to excuse more violence against them and their people.
And then there are lots of other people - genuinely well-intentioned people who are trying to learn from me - who keep treating me like I'm some paragon of nuance. I'm trying, truly, but I'm Just Some Guy. You know what I do? It's extremely simple and I promise you can do it too, any of you, if you slow down long enough to think before putting anything out there: "Would I say this about my brother? My mom? My daughter? My people? Would I be happy if the person I loved most on this earth was living under these circumstances and being talked about in whatever way I'm about to speak? Would it feel victim-blaming? Would it feel disrespectful of their struggle or dishonest? Does it ignore their history or trauma? Is it actually helping?" These are the types of questions I try very hard to ask myself every time I post about the conflict, about both sides. I try to talk about this as if the people on both sides were my family. Because truthfully? They are. Am Yisrael is a family, before anything else. Palestinians are our closest cousins. This war is a bloodbath and a tragedy, and everyone is suffering. For those of us who are not living there, please remember this and have some respect.
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i-am-a-fucking-nerd · 2 years
Been so fucking dysphoric lately and idk what to do. It’s like. Debilitating in a way it never has been for me before. All I wanted to do td was claw at my skin and try and move to be in the right shape but that’s not smth I can do lol. Had to go out to get food and I genuinely thought I might have a breakdown in the middle of a convenience store and I was so paranoid that everyone could see that I was wrong and I wasn’t a person correctly. I had to force myself to stop scratching my skin.
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lesbienneanarchiste · 2 years
One thing about me is that creating is the only thing to drag me out of The Pit and another thing about me is that I fuck up everything I create thus digging The Pit deeper
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