#heh also the note at the top says she fell on her head oof
idrawgaystffs · 7 months
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Made this for Day 1 of Portal Drawtober: “Portal 1 or Portal 2?”
(Guess it also applies to day 2: Favorite character? Cause I Live for GLaDOS!)
Why not both?! I really like Portal 2 of course with it’s more in-depth story and of course our Queen of Aperture’s newer model!
This was an attempt to make a mixed bag version of GLaDOS with a more logical bridge between the games
(Prompt List by @chelltastic)
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
EARLY TRYST // Light Yagami x Reader
word count : 4534 genre : fluff <333 ! crack-ish, pre-kira!light, all that  mushy mushy stuff, best friends to lovers because who doesn’t love that trope?
a/n : i’m not sure if i’ve posted this here before but i’m fairly certain that i haven’t oh godric you’ll have to forgive me if i had  --
Who wakes up 5:00 early on a Saturday morning just to bug their neighbor to have a match with them?
Technically, you did. You were bored, and the first thing that came to your mind was playing your favorite sport with one of your bestfriends, who's also your neighbor, Light. Surely he wouldn't mind, would he? But it mattered not since he also did the same to you back then, insisting you two bike together just because he wanted a companion and knew you wouldn't refuse. You were hella pissed even so, and now it's your turn to get revenge.
You brought a ladder, placing it just enough to reach the window to his bedroom on the second floor. You eventually climbed up, practically pressing your face against  the window to get a clearer sight of him sleeping peacefully on his bed, his angelic face barely visible as it was partially covered with his blanket.
'Say goodbye to your sweet dreams, lover boy.'
You thought and knocked on the window loud enough for him to hear. Your first tries were futile so you knocked a little louder and more violent. To his dismay, Light woke up with a teeny-bit of panic in his chest. Creasing his eyebrow and squinting his eyes, he looked at the window, seeing a familiar figure. You snickered as he awakened, languidly making his way to the window, an irritated look on his face when he met your eyes.
He opened the window. "[Y/N], what the hell are you doing here? What time is it?"
"About time for you to play with me."
"Huh? Play with you? You're acting strangely childish. I was still sleeping." He clicked his tongue. You chuckled and shook your head. "Aw, sleeping beauty is upset because his dream was left unfinished. Don't worry, his dashing savior is here to make him feel better."
"You mean worse."
"Bad!" You playfully punched his shoulder. "Says the one who still has sleep in his eyes."
"Of course I have. You just woke me up." He scowled, turning his back at you and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his face a little flushed.
"Heh, don't be shy!" You teased, wobbling a little in your position.
"I'm not shy! Tch, seriously though, you're in a ladder? You only made it harder for yourself when you could've just knocked on the main door. Mom and dad are already awake. They'd let you in."
"Eh? But I was shy- you know- err, how am I supposed to say 'Can I go to Light's room or something?'" You blushed a little. He hummed in response and gave an understanding look. "Come on in."
"I can't fit in here- just meet me outside. I'll wait for ya."
"You got yourself in this so don't turn back now. You can fit but in another position." Before you could reply, he suddenly grabbed your arms and indicated you to push your head inside. You did, whimpering as he pulled you in by grabbing you by the armpits, your faces almost bumping in the process. You gave a squeal as you felt your feet of the ladder, causing you to grip him tighter, almost hugging him-or maybe even inhaling him.
For a better description you basically looked like a flying fish from outside who's getting devoured by a portal.
With all his might, Light pulled you in until your whole body finally got inside. Of course, as he was secretly anticipating to, you both fell on the ground, with you on top of him, your head against his chest.
You immediately stood up and accidentally stepped on his ankle, resulting a loud whimper from him.
"That hurt, you know."
"Sorry. But-" You both heard a loud crash from outside. You were certain that the ladder you used had fallen, and it was so loud you swore some of your neighbors woke up. "...As I was saying... That was a dangerous way to get me inside. I could've fallen."
"Too bad you didn't."
"How rude!" You scoffed. You jauntily walked towards his bed, flopping down as if it's your own. It felt so soft, and it kinda smelled like him too.
You closed your eyes and spread your arms. His expression softened that he couldn't hide a smile which you thankfully didn't see. He cleared his throat and picked up a pillow, throwing it at your face.
"Hey, I'll go get some coffee. Want some?"
"I've already drank one, but sure!"
"No wonder you're already so hyper. Now get out of my bed."
"Fine." You scoffed and got up, walking behind him on the way downstairs, making yourself smaller so they wouldn't notice.
"Light! You're up early." Sachiko greeted.
"Yeah, and it's her fault." He slid right to reveal your cowering figure. You shyly greeted his mother, flushing pink. "Oh hello [Y/N]! I didn't see you come in. Were you in Light's room the whole night? You two had a sleep-over..?"
"No mom. Why would we do that? She just has her own ways of disturbing my sleep. Is dad still here?"
"He's on the living room and just about to leave. I'll make you two breakfast."
"That's not necessary. We just need some coffee, after that we'll.. What are we gonna do again?"
"Play badminton outside."
"It's still a bit dark, don't you think?"
"It's alright. The sun is about to rise. It'll rise quickly." Light replied to his mom, taking two cups and then pouring hot water on them. "Mild coffee [Y/N]?"
"Nope. Black coffee will do."
"Didn't you already-"
"It was creamy white. It was bland for my liking. I need something stronger." You cheekily replied. He sighed and started mixing your coffee and then his own. "If I recall, yesterday I saw you walking home while drinking that black iced coffee from the convenience store. Too much caffeine is unhealthy."
"Yes, Sir Light, noted." You grinned, blowing your drink before taking a sip. "Hey, not funny. I'm genuinely concerned."
"Concern appreciated."
You both entered the living room, greeting his father who eventually got up, off to work. You sat beside Light as you both watched Sachiko kiss Soichiro goodbye. You smiled and mumbled an 'aw,' nudging Light and causing him to slightly spill the coffee he was about to drink.
"What?" He looked at you then to his parents.
"Ah, I get it. You wanna do that with someone someday, don't you?"
"That's not-"
"It's okay. We all daydream like that, even me. So don't be shy."
"I'm not shy!"
"There goes my line."
"Hmp. So who's the lucky girl, or boy, you daydream about?"
"Why are you suddenly interested? Well what about you?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"Because that doesn't matter-"
"Unfair. You're so secretive."
"Fair enough since you're just as secretive as I am. You don't even tell me the guys you like, and I'm your bestfriend."
"Because that doesn't matter-"
"Why do you keep on stealing my lines?"
"Oi that's not the point! I mean come on, an honor student like you rarely talks about romance so when you do, of course I must know. I am your best friend after all."
Light cringed, chuckling. "There's nothing special about that."
"Pfft. Honor students like you are so busy with studying that you rarely have time for romance."
"What? No. Look at you, you're an honor student yourself."
"Yeah but I mean the pros, like you. The valedictorians, first honors."
"Just because I don't that about romance doesn't mean I don't think about it. But like you said, I rarely think about it."
"Ooh! So who is the lucky one?"
"Why do you want to know?"
You puffed your cheeks. Honestly you had no idea too. Let's just say you were... curious.
"I need to gather information. I need some information to sip. Either way I'll figure it out when I start my investigation."
"Augh- I'll disown you, Light Yagami."
He put his cup down, looking at you.
"It's not really possible to disown the person you like, you know."
The coffee that you were drinking almost came out of your nostrils.
"Don't have so much hubris on yourself. I can do a ten-paged essay about why you are so dislikeable."
"But you can do an essay about why you like me ten times longer than that."
"I am so going to hit your ugly being!"
His smile only grew wider, fascination twinkling in his eyes.
"Hit me with your sweet love, maybe I won't mind."
Not blushing wasn't really an option. He burst out of laughter as you'd been left speechless. You continuously punched his arm, but he never stopped laughing. And his laughter was indeed infectious.
As you two were having fun, you suddenly felt eyes on your back. You stopped and turned around, seeing Light's mother slyly smiling at the both of you as she slithered away towards the kitchen. You and Light avoided each other's gaze for a moment and blushed, finishing your coffees wordlessly instead.
"Well, I'll go change now. You wait here."
"Let me come with you-"
Light raised an eyebrow. "What a pervert you are, [Y/N]."
"NO! That is not what I meant!"
"Well what did you mean?"
"I mean, let me wait outside your room instead," You leaned in, whispering. "What if your mom comes here and talks to me? I mean.. I'm super shy around her."
He nodded in agreement but then he added, "There's no need to be shy around your future mother though."
'This smooth-talking bastard!' You sighed and rubbed your nape, 50% about to roll your eyes and 50% about to blush again. You knew what he meant by that. He had always been a tease to you. But you decided to play against his will.
"Wow. I didn't know that the Yagami family will adopt me someday."
"Tch, dummy."
"Did you just call me dummy?"
"What? Of course not! You really need to clean your ears. I said dumplings. Your cheeks remind me of them. And now I'm hungry."
"You are awful!" For the nth time in history, you hit his arm. "I'm really gonna disown you in one of these days. Now get your ass moving already so we can conquer the street first."
"Well you were the one constantly blabbering and delaying things here-"
"Shut up."
"Pft. Fine." He pulled you up, holding your wrist even on the way back to his bedroom.
After about five minutes of changing to a plain white t-shirt and jogging pants, matching yours by the way, you two headed out the neighborhood. You picked up the rackets and shuttlecock you had left on the ground, handing him one.
"We don't really have a net-"
"Oh come on! This is just a friendly match, so there's no need for that."
"What about the scores? We can play somehow else if you'd like."
"That's not necessary. I'm making the rules, and the only rule here is that the opponent gets the score if you fail to prevent the birdie from hitting the ground."
"That's not how you play badminton.."
"I am well aware of that. I used to be a part of the school's badminton team, hello? But I make my own rules here." You grinned slyly. He shook his head. "There's no fun in this. You just woke me up to make me do some pointless things with you."
You were actually a little offended by that. You puffed your cheeks and crossed your arms.
"Is it bad that I just wanna have some quality-time with my friend? And to get my revenge, too."
What you said made his heart leap a little, and he was having a hard time resisting the urge to smile. But in the end, he only snarled against his own will. "Let's get this done quick. I'll make sure to destroy you."
"Oh, you wish."
And the game started. The eerie silence vanished, replaced by your grunts, pants, and intense movements. The sky was eventually transitioning from a dim purple to a pale yellow one as you two played, eyes focused on nothing but the shuttle, sweat dripping down your bodies. Light was just as determined as you were to beat his ass. The scores were being mentally recorded by you two-no cheating of course. It was a pretty fair game. One moment you'd be on the lead, but he'd take it, and you'd take it back, and the cycle continued. He was the worthiest opponent for you in this, and he thought the same about you.
The deal was a maximum of 50 scores. Currently, Light was leading and almost close to winning. Certainly you didn't want to get beaten so you struck the shuttle at a perfect angle with just enough force. It flew fast; you were sure he'd miss it. But his reflex was quick, and he struck it with a force much stronger than yours-but his flawed angle sent the shuttle flying higher than he intended it to, and it unfortunately landed on one of your neighbor's roof.
That neighbor just so happened to be the one you two-no, the whole neighborhood-absolutely detested.
Light rubbed his nape and laughed nervously, seeing your grimace. "I'll give the score to you then. So, you have an extra shuttle?"
"Unfortunately that's my last one." You facepalmed. You used to have lots of shuttlecocks but you just kept on losing them since everytime you play with someone, they'd either get destroyed in the process or fly too high and land on unaccessible places, just like what happened.
He frowned. "Seriously? What about inside your house? I'm sure there are a bunch of them tangled in your mess."
"I told you that was my last one. I haven't been able to buy more of them so yeah. But thanks to this nerdy friend of mine, I'm now left with none."
You were only being sarcastic, but it sounded way too derisive for him that he felt somehow guilty.
"Now what do we do.." You pouted to yourself. He averted his gaze which then met the ladder from earlier, a brilliant idea crossing his mind. But the last thing he wanted to do was to get involved, in any way, with that awful neighbor. A grim expression crossed his face and you saw it as you walked closer to him.
"Hey, I'm not actually mad at you, dummy."
"No- I mean, that's a relief. But I think I can retrieve it with the ladder. They might notice me though."
You snorted, but at least there was still a way to save that shuttle. You then looked at the sky. The sun was now rawly smiling at you. Surely those rogues weren't awake yet.
"You know what? I'll do it myself."
"Don't. You might fall. I'll go do it. It's a gentleman's job after all." He grinned. "Do you think they're awake?"
"I don't think so. The curtains are closed anyway."
"Alright. In case I fall, you stay below."
"Okay, Princess Light. I'll catch you using these strong manly arms of mine. Muah!"
Thankfully they didn't have a second floor so the ladder's height was alright- although still short. Once Light had climbed up, you stayed below, holding the ladder just to stay sure.
"Damn. How did it get that far?" He struggled to reach it with his racket, even with his arms and body stretched already. After a few valiant attempts, he sighed and steadied himself a little. He had an idea of climbing the roof but the risk of falling down in the process was high. And he certainly didn't want to squash you either.
"Well this is hopeless."
"Don't give up now, my princess!" You continuously poked his butt with the handle of your racket, causing him to give you a death glare, wobbling a little in his position.
"Are you asking to get squashed? Stop that or I'll fall on you."
"That was just to power you up, silly! Don't you dare fall on me."
"How about falling for you?"
"Now now, don't say bad words!"
He chuckled and was about to continue his mission when suddenly, the curtains flew open, revealing a grotesque face of a woman staring at Light's crotch-because that's where the window was apparently placed.
Let's just say that you two never want to recall that twenty-minute rebuking that you swore went on even as you two had already left the neighborhood, heading elsewhere.
"That went well." Light heaved a sigh, poking your racket with his as you two walked side by side. You nodded.
"Mission failed. Geez, that woman just wouldn't stop talking and bombarding us with malarkey. I'm starting to hate her."
"To be honest who doesn't? The whole neighborhood hates her as far as I know."
"Pfft, right. So what do we do now?"
He poked your cheeks, and poked, and poked, before pinching them so hard.
"Stop your fetish for my cheeks! This is abuse!"
He laughed, a genuine kind. He didn't reply but put an arm over your shoulder. You puffed your cheeks and played along.
"Where are we going?"
"I'm a bit hungry. So let's head to the convenience store."
"Unsurprising but I didn't bring any money with me."
"Not a single cent?"
"I guess it's fine since I'll be the one treating you. You should be thankful." You only smiled.
On the way to the store you noticed a group of older and drunk men resting on the side of the street. Their eyes pierced uncomfortably through you. You lowered your head, still feeling their laviscious stares nonetheless. Light also noticed this, and so he pressed himself to you. You hadn't even passed them and when you did, the inevitable came. They cackled, whistling and calling you by names as they rapped the table for attention.
You ignored them and thankfully, they didn't bother you more. "Those bastards." You heard your companion clicking his tongue in annoyance, looking back at the drunk men. He saw where their gazes were and it strongly disgusted him. There was an unnerving silence as you two arrived at the store.
You both had hotdogs with buns and ice cream which was your specific request and which Light reluctantly complied to. The two of you were sitting side by side, looking through the glass wall and discussing mostly about school projects and then some gossips which all came from you. After running out of food to munch on, Light went back to buy a huge bag of chips you two would be sharing.
The sky was now a saturated mixture of orange and yellows. People strolling outside were quickly multiplying until eventually the sidewalk got packed. Few vehicles came passing by. The day was starting for a lot.
"Those guys often do that to you?"
Snapping back to reality, you cooed, "Pardon me?"
"The drunk men we just came across with, was it the first time they've called you out like that?"
"Nope. They're always out drinking.." You saw him creasing his brows. "I know what you're thinking. Well they can't be help so don't think too much about it."
"Can't be help or not, that's still wrong. Did you see the way they looked at your curves? Those men reek danger for a young woman like you. Who knows what their next moves are?" Clenching his fist, he growled. He was truly worried for you. He knew how the world is full of suspicious people like them, and who knows that they're capable of doing?
"Now now worry-wart, don't be so angry."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You should really start walking home with me early. Does it kill you to immediately go home after school even when you have no business there anymore?"
He got you there. "But I don't want to instantly go home."
"Keep thinking like that and you might never be able to go home again."
You pursed your lips at how scary he made that sound. "Listen, [Y/N]. In this world, there are only a few people you can actually trust. And those guys? They're not looking worthy of someone's trust, even one bit. They're also not the only possible threats to you. Anyone you don't know, or even who you're acquainted with, could be. Even if they look so charming. I'm saying this as a warning, and as your friend. The way they looked at you really triggered me. I can't let you continue your routine anymore. Sure, I know you're going to argue that there's lots of bystanders in case something happens, but that's not always the case. And we're not even sure if they'll help you or proceed to give a blind eye to it."
There came a long pause as you absorbed his words. Hearing them made you feel grateful for having a friend like him-someone who speaks up because he cares about you and your safety. You merely nodded with your mouth agape.
"..I-I'll do as you say then. Thank you Light, really. I appreciate your concern. You give the best advices.. I-you're one of the best people out there."
"Sorry to suddenly explode like that." He smiled, and your heart softened. You asked, "And so, by saying that.. You trust me?"
"Needless to ask dummy. I wouldn't have said that if I didn't."
"Thank you. You know I trust you too. You're one of the people who's worth my trust." You flushed pink as you scratched your nape. This kind of conversation will always make you shy.
"You don't have to say thank you to me for trusting you. And what you said.. You're worth trusting, too."
You didn't argue. The following minutes were silent as you two stared at the void while eating potato chips. You didn't have any new topics in mind, and he seemed to be lost in his thoughts-or his daydreams. You didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on in that complex mind of his.
You absently stood up, craving for another black coffee, but you halted and went back when you remembered you didn't have your own money.
"Oh? You want something?"
"I want coffee. Well- if you don't mind. Ehehehe."
"That I am not going to buy for you. That's going to be your third coffee and the day's only starting."
"Hmph. Forgot I have a mom for a friend. But anyway, you good? You seemed to be thinking about something rather serious earlier."
"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled. Although he was really deep in thought of something-but what was it?
As he'd already said, he trusted you. He had been friends with you since middle school. He developed the ability to read through your mind. With you both growing closer day by day, he had already memorized your hobbies, your predictably unpredictable schedules, your common moods, your personality, and your flaws as a human being. Heck, he could even write an entire biography book about you with all the facts 99% accurate if he wanted to.
To him, you were fascinating, despite the fact that you weren't his ‘ideal’ girl. But as they say, some ideals are bound to get broken when something unexpected and much more interesting comes along the way. Sure, you couldn't read his mind as good as he read yours. You couldn't decipher and foresee what his next moves would be very well, wasn't in the exact same level as he was, but he grew attached to you. He trusted you, which was a rare thing for him to do-and consider the fact that trust is a hard thing to earn. You were an honest person, mildly annoying at some point to him. You're one that's willing to help others too. Rarely gets the initiative, but when you do, you execute amazing plans and actions.
The world is ugly, indeed, but he considered you to be one of those who made it less that way. You were one of the beautiful people in this ugly, mundane world. And that, he admired you for.
He couldn't see you as just a friend anymore. He could basically see through you, like you were his other half-like you were meant to be. You were someone he could connect with, someone he trusts, someone he could love. The label 'bestfriends' bothered him because he felt like it didn't suit you both, because something else did.
A couple.
And going back, what he was thinking about was the act of courting you and becoming your boyfriend. But doubts flooded his mind, such as you two being too young for romance, the possibility of your parents being against it since he knew you once swore that you wouldn't get a boyfriend until the age of 25 (which was actually a half-joke), and him not knowing what to properly do afterwards. Was he ready for this? Having you as his girlfriend wouldn't really change or affect anything such as his studies. It would still be the same.. just with an upgraded relationship and label with you. Besides, he had been wanting to court you for some time already. And if he doesn't do it then he'd only grow more and more restless.
He wanted to be yours. He was sure you also reciprocated his feelings. Getting into a teenage relationship is easy and quick and maybe reckless, they say, but not for someone with a complex and rational thinking like him. There were some things to consider- but you know what Light said?
'God damn it.'
"Huh?" You weren't expecting that response at all.
"I mean I was thinking about romance."
"Ooh! Finally, you decided to add some teenage thrill in your life. So, what about romance?" You gave a sly look. "Need help? I can be cupid, except I will be hitting you with my fist."
His smile was little but genuine, looking out. "There's someone I like for some time now. I've been wanting to court her."
"Awe! My boy has finally grown! My son is finally having a love interest! Eh, but why do you look so uncertain? Is there a catch?"
"Not really." He looked at you, his cheek resting on his palm. You raised an eyebrow.
"If that's the case then go for it! Who would dare to refuse the Light Yagami anyway? If you're feeling doubtful, which is highly unlikely for you, don't be. Any girl would swoon over you, even myself." You chuckled. He gave a fake impression of still being doubtful, looking down with his hands now on his thighs. It was a rare sight to see. You placed a hand on his shoulder, tapping it. Just then, he looked at you straight in the eye.
"It's not like you to lose some confidence. Come on, don't be sad. You can do it. Go ahead and court the lucky one. Cupid approves." You gave him a thumbs up.
"..If you say so," he seized your wrist and stood up.
"Can I court you then?"
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Endeavor’s Intern
Pairing: Endeavor/Enji Todoroki x Student Reader
Rating: Fluff
Warnings: none?
Notes: Spelling errors? I was going to finish it with this part but decided I’d like to add a bit more before I finish.
“SHOTO!” I jumped onto his back and clung to him. His hands grabbed my thighs to keep me from falling off his back.
Deku looking shocked, his eyes wide.
“ARE YOU TWO DATING?!” Denki stepped into ask.
I laughed as Shoto seemed unamused, I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder.
“What do you think?” I asked and tilted my head.
“Yes?” Denki asked instead of answering.
“...........ok.” I shrugged and moved upwards and tried to get higher.
“So, let’s get to class.” I said still cling to Shoto.
He sighed and started to walk, Deku fell into step on our left, Denki to our right. He was curious that’s for sure.
“Also no, it’s not Shoto I’m dating. He’s just the bestest friend in the whole world!” I squeezed him.
He sighed and bounced to get me higher. Denki didn’t seem impressed or like he believe it.
“So winter break comes up next week. What are you going to be doing?” I asked.
“Spending it with my step mom.” He said keeping a straight face.
“Awe, that’s sweet. I like her, she’s sweet and pretty.” I smiled at him.
“Yeah, Dad never stops talking about her.” He looked back at me.
“Anyways, what about you guys?” I asked the other two.
“I’ll be him with my mom.” Deku answered.
“I’ll be with the fam, you know how it is.” Denki said and sighed with a smile.
“That’s sweet.” I said, we finally stopped at the class door.
“Oof, such a short walk.” I mumbled.
“Because you weren’t walking.” Shoto said rolled his eyes.
“Hehe,” I smield and opened the door, “What are we waiting for?”
We entered the class only three of four people were here. I made my wya to my seat and took a deep breath and sighed. Deku and Denki went to their seats and I was lucky to be beside Shoto.
“So where are we going?” I asked and tilted my head.
“I don’t know, he said it was a surprise. My brother and sister don’t know. I think they would freak out if they figure out his second girlfriend is the same age as his last child.” Shoto whispered back.
“Yeah, So it’s just you me and the big guy?” I asked, I paused and thought, “and Deku?” I I nodded in his direction.
“I was going to ask him until Kaminari showed up. I was just lucky you showed up to break the silence.” He was so serious.
“Oh, well, tomorrow is Friday. Do it then or you never will.” I sighed and pat his shoulder.
“Now I’m cold soooooo,” I slid closer to Shoto and hugged his left arm.
“You’re so warm.” I pressed my cheek into his shoulder, “So warm.”
A lot of people rushed in started to take seats just as the bell rang.
“Everyone shut up and sit down.” I smield At Aizawa as I moved to my desk.
It’s gotta be a struggle being a pro hero and a teacher. Especially with this class.
“Alright, as a reward for how good most of you have been doing and have grown. We’re going to be having a party.” Cheers erupted.
“SHUT UP BEFORE I CANCEL IT.” Everyone stopped.
“It’s nothing fancy, just our class. Today is our last day before break starts. We’re going to run a quick test like on the first day of school to see how much your control over your quirk and skills have improved. So get out of here and go get dressed.” He sighed and pulled out a juice pouch.
“Atleast it’s not a test.” I mumbled and stood up lingering at the back of class avoiding the big group. The day went by, just like the first day, long and sweaty. Luckily it wasn’t as hot as the beginning of the school year.
Bakugo still reminded number one, followed by Midoriya who tied with Todoroki then Shoji, Tokoyami, Kirishima, me, the rest followed, and the most important part, Mineta was last. I smiled, he’d progressed but not enough to move up. He was lucky the first time Midoriya didn’t have a quirk exactly but this time he lucked out.
Every sat down taking deep breaths and trying to relax on the drying field. Todorki sat his legs ages did him and leaning back on his open palms. I dropped beside him a threw my myself back over his lap.
“It’s hot.” I whined taking his right hand putting it on my forehead, “You’re such a good friend.”
The rest of the Deku squad came around and started to chatter, I was staring up at the sky as it started to turn from its pale blue to a darker blue. The sun was moving over making room for the moon. I sighed and sat up.
“Deku, I need to talk to you and Todoroki.” They both looked at me. “Privately.”
After they followed me to a more secluded part of the field I turned to Shoto and gave him a look. “So, this isn’t my business so I’m leaving.”
I turned and walked not waiting. I made it back and plopped down beside Tokoyami who was sitting in the shade of a tree. Just a calm and nice person to sit silently with while the time passed. He opened his right eye and looked at me. I gave a small smile and he nodded before closing it again. This is what a friendship is made of, no words, just a peace full silence.
Time passed and I found myself staring at the sun through the leaves thinking about times I’ve spent in secret at the Todoroki Estate. My parents didn’t know, they lived in a different city, I had been staying in a student apartment until the school opened dorms. Whenever unexpected breaks came up I’d just tell them I was staying with Deku and his mom and they approved. In reality I’d go and stay with Shoto and stay in his house in the guest room. I might be infatuated with his dad but I’m not a loose woman. I arched my chest popped my back and stretched my legs out. My mind drifting to memories, of shopping with Shoto using his dads card, spending time with Endeavor, stuck under his heavy arm pressed against his side as we watched movies. Lingering in his office when he was busy with hero stuff. Hanging out with Shoto more and getting to know more about Endeavor then I would’ve expected. Soft touches and forehead kisses. Helping mend his and Shoto’s relationship, they might not be lovey dovey but now they can hold a simple conversation without cold stares and loud Soba slurping. I thought of every picture in my camera roll and Snapchat, picture with Enji, pictures with my future step son Shoto, pictures with both of them. Pictures of just them together. The day came to an end, and everyone finally started to head back in. I walked beside Tokoyami, just casually. When everyone was hot and back in the classroom Aizawa told us to dress nice for tomorrow for a photo. Everyone mumbled an okay and then left.
“So, Shoto....” I started as I dropped onto his bed, “How’d it go?”
“He said yes.” His simple answer as he looked through his closet.
“Great.” I chirped and stretched across his bed.
“He now also knows you’re going to be my step mother.” I chocked.
“what....” I faced him.
“A family vacation and you would be there, I can’t lie and say I invited you. It would make no sense for you to just show up. So I told him you were dating my dad.” He found a white button up shirt and grabbed closet hanger.
“Oh, so I can call him son in law now....” I grinned up at him as he tensed.
“Sure.” He mumbled and didn’t face me.
“NOW TELL ME.” I shoved myself up, “Where are we going?”
“Ask Endeavor when you see him today, now get up we have to get to class. I won’t be late for this photo because you’re interested in my dad and vacation.”
The party passed quickly, Momo tried to make a move on Todoroki which was stopped by Deku accidentally bumping into Iida who bumped into Uraraka who bumped Momo out of the way and away from Shoto. It was a calm first period, we took photo’s with Aizawa Separately and then together as a large group. He seemed happy as he looked at his phone until Kaminari screamed.
“IM GOING TO MISS YOU DADZAWA.” and then hugged his shoulders which led to a group hug.
The rest of the day was spent watching movies, when the day finally ended class 1-A spent all night singing Karaoke and playing games. Everyone heard Bakugo genuinely laugh after Kirishima tackles him and started to tickle his sides. He’s the only one brave enough and the only one who would’ve survived. Bakugo was nice the rest of the night, small ‘heh’s coming out of him every now thin. Leaning on each other and smiling talking about things that happened until Mina brought up the game of secret Santa we had all decided to play. So everyone traded gifts and decided to not open them until Christmas the only thing being you have to send a video to the person who sent it to you. I thanked Todoroki as he gave me a box. I gave one to Kirishima, who gave one to Bakugo, who gave one to Deku, who gave one to Tokoyami, then Mina, then Shoji, then Ochako, then Mineta, then Sero, then Ojiro, then Jirou, the rest followed until everyone had one gift.
“Group chat! Everyone has to send a picture of what they get!” Kirishima said and made a chat before anyone could deny.
I smield down at my phone as people sent messages with names and pictures. The night ended and we all went our separate way in the morning with goodbyes, take care, hugs and platonic cheek kisses.
I was the last one, everyone had left. I head back up and grabbed my bag, and a bag with the things I needed. I walked home, looking up at the sky. It was starting to pepper itself with stars. I made my way up an apartment building to the third level. Room 300, I opened it. It looked exactly how I last remembered it. Navy walls, white counter tops. Black glass Kotatsu, navy cushions with stars and constellations. I sighed the cold air filled my lungs. I stepped in, and turned on the bright white lights. I locked the door behind me. The kitchen was still small, white walls, black stove and sink, black refrigerator, wood knife block with gold knives I bought for the esthetic. I saw a bowl of mangos and picked a note that was laying on it.
Were sorry we couldn’t bring you home. We sent a grocery order, If you’re reading this note it means the order made it to your apartment. Your dad and I sent you gifts we bought for Christmas. We love you, and stay safe.
Also, I sent a few extra hundred to your bank account buy yourself something nice while your off for break.
We love you, Merry Christmas. Well call you soon.’
I nodded at the note and just sighed. I made my way to my room, the walls here mimicked the living room with gold trim. I had placed metallic vinyl stars along the crown and down wards. I stepped over to my desk and it’s chair. I looked at my bed, king size leaving almost no room for anything else. Two standing lamps on either side of the head of the bed. The windows beside it were letting the moons light shine in through.
I sighed and laid in my bed and took in the feeling of the cold heavy blankets. I felt my eyes stinging, Why was I crying? I’d get to spend a week with Enji and Shoto and Deku. But I guess after that I’ll be alone for four weeks. Being alone that’s why, I sighed and rolled onto my stomach burying my face into a pillow. I pulled the blanket over myself and fell asleep in the moonlight.
I woke up heart racing to tapping on my window. I looked at the window ready to face whatever it could be. All I came to face were large slow raindrops pelting themselves against the window. I watched the skies, bright blue and purple lightening bolts lights up the dark. I wish it could rain forever sometimes, but I guess that’s just not the case. I sighed and pushed the blankets back feeling the heat build up. The rumbling of my ac started up, I yawned and stretched. At some point last night I ditched my pants and bra. I pushed myself up and took a shower and got ready to do nothing. It’ll be this week and next week before I get to see Shoto and Enji. What should I do?
I looked around my living room and huffed, “I probably should’ve stocked up on entertainment. I guess I can go to that large art store down the street. Or binge watch some Netflix.” I grabbed my phone to check my bank account. I’d been saving up and rarely spending to be able to splurge on myself on Christmas. I’d saved up $800, and let me see what my mom sent. “600?!”
“I have $1,400.00 to spend on myself! I could do so much... but I should probably save it for vacation in case I want to buy something.” I closed my phone and just decided to binge watch Avatar The Last Airbender. I got antsy and started to practice baking. I wasn’t bad but I wasn’t a pro.
I sighed leaning on the counter staring at the screen, Zuko’s back story played and I spoke to myself. “He’s definitely the reason I’ve had so many explosive crushes.”
The rest of the day went by slow, I recited the deliveries of present, I made cupcakes and a cake, an egg pudding, and I tried my hand in mochi. I sighed and started to make the icing to actually finish the cupcakes. I looked up smiling at a funny scene from Avatar. I started to pipe on the icing, and smiled at the black and white swirls.
The first week passed slowly, I used every tube of paint I had and still cut them open, I wore down every crayon, used every pot and pan at least five times. I started watching naruto with fillers, and took up sculpting with ten pounds of air dry clay I got on sale for four dollars. I smiled at the little frog I had finally finished, I put it in the sun to let it dry with the other frogs and turtles.
‘Hey you wanna come over?’ ❄️🔥
‘Yes please😢’ ☀️🖤
‘Alright, you should know what to bring by now. We’ll be there to pick you up in 30.’ ❄️🔥
‘Your such a life saver 😭 do you like sweets by the way?’ ☀️🖤
‘Sure, what’s your address? Natsuo will eat it if I dont so what do you have?’ ❄️🔥
‘A bakery, I just sent you my location’ ☀️🖤
‘You live in a bakery? 🤔’ ❄️🔥
‘Nope, just been bored. I’ll pack so see you when you get here.💙💙💙’ ☀️🖤
‘Food?’ ❄️🔥
‘🍩🍩🍩??? 👀 👀’ ❄️🔥
I finished packing and grabbed my favorite pillow and went to the kitchen and packed two cakes and about two dozen different muffins, and a tin of all my cookies.
‘I’m ready.’☀️🖤
‘You live here? 🤭🤭’ ❄️🔥
‘Yeah why?’ ☀️🖤
‘Your husband doesn’t seemed to pleased....👀’ ❄️🔥
‘Sorry 😅 just come out.’ ❄️🔥
‘I need help to bring boxes down. 😐’ ☀️🖤
‘He’s going.’ ❄️🔥
I opened the door and came face to face with Enjis chest before he knocked.
‘Enji!’ I cheered.
“Shoto said you needed help.” He said and stood there looking down at me.
“Yeah, I uh....work for a baked and I have a lot of sweets that I’m not going to eat so I asked Todoroki and he said I could take them so he and Natsuo could eat.” I smiled up at him.
“I see.” He looked past me at boxes.
“Well let’s get these down then.” He picked up the boxes with ease and took my bag still after I denied.
I followed him, my phone and wallet in hand, I looked at the building one last time before getting into the car. I sat in the back Shoto passenger and Enji driving. I smiled and scooted to the middle and watched the scenery from the middle of the windshield.
We made it to the estate and I learned Natsuo and Fuyumi wouldn’t be home till Wednesday, considering it’s Saturday I can love on my boo. I settled in the lavish guest room and then made a bee live for Enji’s office. I burst in not knocking and found him standing over his desk. I moved behind him and hugged his waist pushing my right cheek into his back.
“I missed you.” I smield and squeezed him, it had no physical effect considering the man was rock hard.
He pulled my off and turned around, I hugged him again and he took me into his chest. He was so warm, and broad. I smiled into his warmth and enjoyed the physical affection. I felt tears pricking at my eyes, I’m not alone anymore.
The next two hours I spent talking to Enji and kissing his cheeks at random times and hugging his neck and shoulders and arms. I left once he got a phone call and it sounded important. I found Todorki staring at one of the boxes I brought.
“Let’s eat!” I said and popped the box of cake open.
His aurora darkened and he held up a knife, ‘I’ve been waiting for this.’
He cut into the cake and we started to feat, we finished the cake laughing on a sugar high at the sound of Shoto’s chair making a funny sound.
I smield at Shoto and he smield back.
“I’m glad it’s you and not just some random lady who doesn’t care about anyone else but herself.” His words were weird.
“I don’t know what you mean but okay.”
“You make us happy, my dad, you spend time with me and see me as a person and friend when no one else did.”
“Stop Sho, I’ll cry.” I said now understanding.
“He’s lucky, and if he messes up he’ll lose the both of us.” He threatened before stuffing himself with more cake.
His belly now round as he slouched.
“I love you both, really, as much as I can. I really honestly do.” I smield down at the empty messy box.
“I’ll clean up, go clena your face.” I handed him a napkin and patted his head.
I cleaned up thinking about what the future could hold and wondering what it does hold for the future.
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: Chapter 8- The Search For Mitsuba
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((Edit: I completely forgot a small recap so allow me to just add 😂))
In case it wasn't clear, this story does have its dark themes...
-Last time in the previous chapter...
-Yashiro accepted a missing case from Yako
-Hanako unexpectedly came into Yashiro's apartment with a fever and Yashiro took care of him
-Mitsuba got a visit from Tsukasa
-and Kou got missed calls from Mitsuba
-The story continues!
-The next morning
-Hanako slowly opened his eyes
-He hadn't slept that well and soundly in so long
-As his eyes adjusted to his surroundings
-He started realizing where he was
-That ceiling. This bed. And.
-He looked over to his side
-To what he was holding
-Daikon legs
-Which means
-He looked up to see Yashiro sleeping peacefully
-What kind of weird sleeping position did he take???
-No, that wasn't the point right now!
-He got up letting go of her legs, flustered and touched the top of his head
-His eyes widened
-Gone. His hat's gone.
-He patted himself in search of the jewel he stole during the heist
-That's gone
-He looked down at himself
-He wasn't in his clothes
-All the rustling and movements on the bed woke Yashiro up
-She stirred and got up, still slightly out of it
-As her eyes adjusted, she faced a flustered Hanako who looked at her in horror
-Yashiro: "Hm...? Hanako-kun?"
-Hanako: "Detective, what were you...??? What was I....???"
-He couldn't seem to form the words
-Yashiro snapped out of her sleepy state as she looked at Hanako
-Seeing him getting so flustered was making her blush as well
-They were both on the same bed
-Add that on top of him wearing some of Yashiro's clothes
-Yashiro sure was seeing a new side of him
-Hanako didn't seem to remember all of last night's events, judging from his reaction
-But Yashiro still did
-Yashiro: [flustered] "Nothing happened last night! You were just really sick."
-Hanako: "Oh..."
-He fidgeted
-Hanako: "Could I have my clothes back?"
-Yashiro: "Ah, right!"
-Yashiro gave him his clothes back
-Hanako quickly changed and regained his composure
-He didn't feel any jewel in his clothes
-He must have hidden it away somewhere like he did before
-Hanako: "Well I'd best be on my way"
-Yashiro: "Wait!"
-Yashiro grabbed Hanako on time to stop him from going out the window
-Yashiro: "You're not going to disappear again, are you? We still have that deal. A gentleman should keep his word, no?"
-Honestly at this point, the deal was an excuse so they could hang out more
-Hanako: "Heh~ You remember what I've said before. You want me to still visit?"
-Yashiro: "Yes!"
-There was no hesitation in her reply Hanako noted surprisingly
-Hanako: "...Very well then. I'll come by when I can"
-He doesn't seem to be so bothered anymore? Thank goodness
-Yashiro sighed in relief
-Yashiro: "Oh good. I thought I might have to resort to this."
-She pulled out the jewel which she kept in a box during the clothes swapping
-Hanako looked shocked
-Did that mean he came here immediately after the heist without a care?!
-Wow, he was not thinking straight at all
Hanako: "Oh god I didn't know you're such a savage. You got me"
-Hanako looked down and held his hand to cover his face
-He couldn't stop smiling
-Yashiro: "I can be when I want to! I shouldn't even be doing this but well..."
-Yashiro put the jewel in his hand
-Yashiro: "Here."
-Hanako covered his eyes with his bangs and looked away, turning his back
-Hanako: "Um....thanks. I'll see you some time soon."
-If Yashiro looked closely at him, the back ends of his ears were blushing bright red
-Yashiro: "See you"
-And with that, Hanako took off
-Yashiro got ready to go to Tsuchigomori's detective agency
-She just received a call from Tsuchigomori to come report
-She may still be investigating Yako's case but she should get back to the agency whenever she can in case she's needed
-She's an apprentice learning from Tsuchigomori after all
-Once she arrived at the office, Yako was sitting there annoying Tsuchigomori
-Tsuchigomori: "Don't you have anything better to do?"
-Yako: "I'm worried!"
-Yashiro: "Good morning, Tsuchigomori-sensei! Good morning, Yako-san!"
-Yako: "You're back! Any news? Good news??"
-Yashiro: "Uh I would still need more time to investigate. I'm sorry that I haven't found anything yet."
-Yako: "Ugh you're all useless! Misaki could be suffering at this very moment!"
-Yashiro: [sweatdrops] "Ahahaha...."
-Suddenly, the office door slammed open
-And in came a very worried Kou
-Kou: "SENPAI!"
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun?! What's wrong?"
-Kou: "It's Mitsuba! I don't know where he is!"
-Yashiro: "HUH?!"
-Kou: "He called me a few times last night and I didn't pick up but now when I try to call him back, I don't get a single response!"
-Yashiro: "Wait but this was last night, right? Maybe you're overreacting? He could be busy"
-Kou: "I thought that at first but then I thought about Yokoo and Satou. They haven't been responding to my messages either and they seem to have mysteriously disappeared from the traffic department for a couple days already so I'm worried."
-A bit of background:
-Yokoo and Satou were Kou's police buddies
-They trained together as novice police cadets way back
-Since they transferred to the traffic department, they gave Kou a traffic safety amulet, saying it suited him since it was a pun (The word on the amulet is pronounced "Koutsuu" in Japanese)
-Kou initially wore the amulet around his neck but now wears it on his right ear
-Kou's whistle was also a gift from them when he got promoted to a police officer
-Alright, back to the story!
-Yashiro: "What??"
-Yako: "Wait, what did you say? So, it wasn't just Misaki who disappeared?"
-Kou: "Huh? There's another person missing?"
-Yashiro was puzzled
-Were Kou's missing friends connected with the missing Misaki case?
-It was too early to conclude
-Kou: "Senpai, please! Could you help look for Mitsuba? I don't know about Yakoo and Satou but they're still part of the police force and they got each other so I believe they are able to take care of themselves. Mitsuba though...he doesn't seem to have anyone with him so I want to find him as soon as possible!"
-Yashiro: "Leave it to me!"
-Kou: "Thank you! I'll come along too! I feel responsible"
-Yako: "Hmph, if it's not about Misaki, then I'll just hang here."
-Tsuchigomori: [facepalm] "...I wonder how you're a policewoman"
-Kou and Yashiro left the agency in search for Mitsuba
-They started with places Kou believed Mitsuba would be at
-Then, they just looked around the city
-Kou had a worried look on his face the entire time that Yashiro couldn't help but worry for him
-She tried to think of a conversational topic to get his mind off the case for a bit
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun, I baked some donuts a couple days ago and I was reminded of you since you taught me how to make them"
-Kou: "Oh really? I'm glad that you like that recipe!"
-Well, he smiled a bit. That's good
-Kou and Yashiro ran into Teru in the middle of their investigation
-Yashiro: "Minamoto-senpai!"
-Kou: "Nii-chan!"
-Yashiro: "What are you doing here?"
-Teru: "I'm patrolling this area. What about you two?"
-Kou: "We're looking for Mitsuba! He might be around this area"
-Teru: "Then, let me join you! I may be able to help."
-Yashiro: "Thank you, Minamoto-senpai!"
-Kou: "Thank you, Nii-chan!"
-As always, Teru was so cool!
-But wait
-As Yashiro stared at him, she noticed that she didn't seem to feel as strongly attracted to Teru as before
-But why?
-Maybe because she spent the last couple days worrying her head off about Hanako?
-She did seem to think about Hanako a lot lately and when it comes to him, she gets flustered easily....
-Wait why does that sound like...?
-No. Perish that thought.
-It was stupid.....right?
-Oh gosh, maybe she should talk to Aoi about this
-Yashiro crushed on a lot of hot guys in the past and Hanako just didn't apply to that category in her terms
-So it was really strange
-As the three searched, Teru stopped them at one point
-Teru: "Maybe it's better if we split up to cover more ground. We could widen our search and then come back to a spot together when we're done. Whoever finds Mitsuba could bring him over."
-Kou: "Ah! Sounds good, Nii-chan! The city does have a lot of people so it should be alright. Senpai, what do you think?"
-Yashiro snapped out of her zoning out
-Yashiro: "Huh? Oh yeah, sure. We could do that."
-Teru: "Then, let's meet back at that statue over there in half an hour. That should be enough time to cover this part of the area"
-Yashiro & Kou: "Got it!"
-And so, they split up and Yashiro was left to investigate one part of the area on her own
-She found there were back alleys in some sections so she decided to have a look into them
-She's a detective's apprentice so she should be able to handle this
-As she searched however, she felt a pair of eyes watching her
-And they gave her the chills
-Yashiro: "W-who's there?!"
-No response
-She suddenly had vivid flashbacks to that time with Tsukasa
-She still hadn't gotten over that
-And before she knew it, she was getting a bit scared as she walked through the back alley
-She's got to pull herself together
-The longer she felt herself being watched though, the more scared she got
-She started running and she didn't know where she was now
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun! Minamoto-senpai!"
-Now, she was yelling for them
-As she turned the corner, she bumped into someone and fell down
-Yashiro: "Oof!"
-"Detective! Are you alright?"
-That voice. That nickname.
-She looked up
-Yashiro: "Hanak--"
-She immediately shushed when she realized Hanako wasn't alone and he wasn't even in his uniform
-Hanako was actually dressed up as Hana from before
-And nearby she saw Mitsuba
-Yashiro: "Mitsuba-kun!"
-Mitsuba: "Daikon-senpai!"
-Not so long after Yashiro found Mitsuba, Kou and Teru came running towards them
-Kou: "Senpai!"
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun! Minamoto-senpai!"
-Kou: "You weren't at the statue by the agreed time so we--"
-Kou then spotted Mitsuba
-Kou: "MITSUBA!"
-Kou proceeded to tackle and hug Mitsuba
-Mitsuba: "Minamoto-kun?!"
-Mitsuba: "Ah...I figured you would be. I tried to call you before but you weren't picking up so I left a voicemail."
-Kou: "Oh. I didn't check that. Oops."
-Mitsuba: "Stupid."
-Kou: "But wait, then why weren't you picking up my calls??"
-Mitsuba: "I had my phone turned off! I may have also left it behind. Did it not click for you that I am busy? I tried to let you know that!"
-Kou: "Mitsuba...I thought you went missing"
-Mitsuba: "What? Are you worried that my cuteness would get me kidnapped? I hope you don't plan on handcuffing me and you together again!"
-Kou: "That was a misunderstanding! I thought you were a criminal! And I didn't know how it worked at the time"
-Mitsuba: "I was being an undercover journalist! I can't believe you didn't even have the key to unlock them and we were stuck together for some time. AH YOU PERVERT!"
-Kou: "That again?!"
-Yashiro: "Ahem...you guys could squabble about that later?"
-Kou: "Oh sorry. I forgot you guys were there. Thank you Senpai for the help! You're the best! And of course Nii-chan too!....Oh Hana! You're also here! We meet again!"
-Hanako: "Ah yes! It's nice to see you again!...."
-Hanako was sweating under Teru's glare who was eyeing him suspiciously
-Hanako: "Well I got to leave so I'll get going now. Bye bye!"
-Hanako left the scene, everyone watching him go
-Mitsuba was recalling their conversation earlier:
-Mitsuba: "You can drop the act now. We're alone. I know it's you, Hanako."
-Hanako: "Oh? Did you just figure it out?"
-Mitsuba: "No. I knew it was you the moment I inspected your face at Daikon-senpai's apartment. Minamoto-kun may be an idiot but you can't fool me. Don't underestimate me."
-Hanako: "Heh~ but you didn't say anything."
-Mitsuba: "I didn't say anything because I figured Daikon-senpai didn't want to reveal you. I do care for her, for your information. And Minamoto-kun...I don't know if I want him to know"
-Hanako: "So why did you drag me out here then? If not to arrest me?"
-Mitsuba: "I wanted to ask you something personal. I noticed it before but I didn't mention it."
-Hanako: "And what's that?"
-Mitsuba: "Why are there bandages underneath your clothes? In my photos of you, I could spot a glint of them now and then when the wind is strong enough to reveal more of your skin."
-Hanako: "Oh? Are you concerned for my well-being, gentleman?"
Mitsuba: "No. I do not care for you at all. If anything, I do not even want to associate with you. The only reason I'm even bothering is because Minamoto-kun is worried about you and Daikon-senpai seems to be protecting you for some reason."
Hanako: "In that case, I assure you I'm perfectly fine. No bandages here."
Mitsuba: "...Let me rephrase that. Why WERE there bandages underneath your clothes back then? Even if you say that, the times you had bandages were infrequent and unusual. There were times you did have them and times you didn't. They don't seem ordinary to me and I don't think you got hurt that badly during your heists. Those bandages seemed almost as if to say you got hurt...on purpose."
-An eerie silence followed
-Hanako: "Do you really want to know that badly?"
-Mitsuba felt some odd terror
-That's when Yashiro bumped into Hanako
-So, Mitsuba didn't quite get his answer but there was definitely something going on
-As he pondered while they walked out the alleyway, he felt like he was being watched
-He turned in the direction he felt them
-But then it was gone
-Was it his imagination?
-Hanako was back at his hideout where a bunch of Mokke were playing around
-He was in the middle of thinking
-While he noted that Mitsuba was quite a sharp and observant boy, there was also something else on his mind
-Yashiro was looking for Kou and Teru before she bumped into him
-And she seemed very close to Kou
-Hanako was wondering when Yashiro started calling Kou "Kou-kun" instead of "Minamoto-kun"
-It didn't bother him before but now suddenly, it did
-He thought of when Kou was being all cheery with Yashiro
-A sharp pain went through his chest
-Mokke: Something smells
-The Mokke started inching away from Hanako
-His heart was aching and he didn't get why
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