#healthy or good love so maybe it isnt love at all. idk
girlwithfish · 3 months
im in my man hating ex hatred anger era atm its just a phase 🙂‍↔️
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toastsnaffler · 11 months
nvm im too tired and overstimulated for this shit
#.vent#i only slept a couple hours last night man. i cant do short notice evening socials on an empty tank let alone resist unexpected rsd#if they had let me know earlier then i wouldve taken a nap and worked out beforehand to get my energy back up#idk just. if u rly want my company then maybe u should actually invite me next time. its not like they didnt plan it#even if they just forgot its not particularly pleasant to be the one person insignificant enough to forget abt. theres only 5 of us#they rly remembered to ask the one guy who isnt even here before me yknow. ugh u see the stupid thoughts i have to battle!!#like on a rational level ik it was probably genuinely accidental. but the way i instinctively react is not always rational#so regardless someone has to deal with the emotional fallout and thats me. regulating this shit is hard work even when im NOT tired asf#i really really dont want to be an asshole and spoil anyones fun bc its no-ones fault + as real as it feels to me rn ik im overreacting#but i cant voluntarily expose myself to personal triggers when im already exhausted + more vulnerable than usual#so just gotta shut myself in my room and deal with it in my own super healthy ways as per usual. may they never fucking find out#trying my best not to be an asshole i hope to fucking god they dont think im being an asshole i just told them i was tired + i meant it#this wouldnt be so much of a problem if it hadnt happened to me before. and also ik its bc one rsd trigger makes me more sensitive-#to picking up unrelated cues but there ARE other things they do that i find ostracising which rly dont fucking help. but-#theyre not things i can actually confront them abt so usually i just gotta deal w it which is fine but it lowers my general tolerance#its ok. its ok i like them all a lot theyre lovely ppl and it doesnt matter if there is a some grain of truth in the things im thinking#bc the risk of me believing + acting on a bad faith irrational thought leads to outcomes that are far worse than those from#misidentifying someones malicious behaviour towards me as neutral by accident/in good faith. okay im done now i think#just ignore me spewing out the old brain gunk on main again eurgh anyway im gonna go calm myself and read and SLEEP#ill be normal by tomorrow morning farewell comrades#honestly i dont mind dealing w shit this way bc its the best option for everyone but man. sometimes its so fucking lonely#like there are sides of me ppl will never engage with and for good reason but without them being acknowledged i find it rly hard to feel-#any real emotional intimacy or closeness with another person. but what other option is there#i sure as hell dont miss the fights i used to constantly get into when i wasnt able to regulate myself i lost so many friends that way#it is what it is. on we go for now
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luxsf · 25 days
Rating Sally Face ships !!!!
Salash (Sal x Ash): 7/10 I think they are very cute :D Ashely can be kinda too much at times so I gave it a 7/10 !!
Salvis (Sal x Travis): 9.5/10 I personally think it is the best ship but I think both of them have a lot of problems and mental struggles that I feel would probably get in the way of their relationship.
Sal x Larry: -51298383928101011477219/10 Disgusting.
Todd x Neil: 10/10 One of the best ships (and it cannon yesss) Neil is so sweet and I love him sm they are perfect for each other jabdidbsiebwjwbsj
Larry x Ashley: 7/10 I feel the same way about this one like the one for salash tbh. Its really cute tho and I think they are really good for each other :D
Tood x Sal: 6/10 I only recently found out that people ship other characters with Todd. Like i thought we all had a mutual agreement that Neil and Todd were perfect together but ig not lol I dont have a problem with it tho i think it adorable. I personally dont really ship it. Maybe kinda but not really lol. Its kinda cute tho!
Todd x Travis: 7/10 Once again i didnt know people shipped anybody else with Todd. This is kinda cute I actually like it a lot lmao I feel like the bathroom scene still makes sense with this ship. Its kinda cute and I like it more than sal x todd but only by a little bit lol
Larvis (Larry x Travis): 2/10 I think its gross. The only reason I gave it 2/10 was because i think it MIGHT be a healthy relationship. Salvis makes more sense to me than this one tbh.
Larry x Todd: 4/10 i dont have any strong feelings on this tbh. I dint really see it but I dont hate it or anything it okay.
Chug x Maple: 10/10 Cuteee (and cannon aaaaaa) they are a great couple and work really well together. I love this a lot :D
Maple x Larry: 6/10 I can kinda see it tbh. I saw this theory that the reason Maple is so awkward around Larry is because they used to date or something. Idk if its cannon tho but I like this idea a lot :D
Chug x Sal: 0/10 why is this a thing?!?!?!?!
Phillip x Travis (Phillip is gonna get his own post that will discuss this ship as well): 3/10 If phillip was in the game as a cannon character with actual scenes then maybe this would have liked this ship better. Fannon phillip is just to much like sal and is kinda of not his own character. I dont really like it that much but ig its not terrible.
Phillip x Larry: 0/10 wth is this fandom omg😭😭 Phillip isnt even a character idk who you guys are coming up w this stuff.
Phillip x Ashley: 2/10 I feel the same way for basically all phillip ships! (Except for Phillip x Travis) but i read a fanfic that had this ship as a side ship it was kinda cute so extra points ig
Any cannon gay character x one of the girls: 0/10 your gross if you ship that
Also for all of the oc x cannon ppl i give your ship a 10/10 !! (I love oc x cannon sm) (also if your oc x cannon is like illegal or proship then 0/10 immediately. Thats weird and gross.)
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brookiidookiii · 5 months
JO OMGOD JO (for the ask game thing ^^)
My first impression
she didnt really stand out that much to me but i think once i got to ep5 that was when i really started to care about her. i think i was probably 8/9 when i first watched ROTI
My impression now
yeah shes my favorite of all time. if it isnt obvious. i love her with all my heart
Favorite thing about that character
theres too much. probably her nicknames and her interactions with the characters around her. her voice actor is so good at the role too.
Least favorite thing
there is nothing wrong with her. all my pet peeves are with the writers. like how they createst the hottest beautifulest strongest smartest character ever and all they could do is joke about her looking like a man. sad day in bidens america
Favorite line/scene
'no, welcome to MY team.' she was so badass in that scene and brick is scared for his LIFE
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and this ones from her skatoony episode but "i wish the boys were back. theyre easier to boss around" lol i love her
Favorite interaction that character has with another
yeah im biased but brick and jo lol. they instantly clicked and i adore their rivalry, its for sure one of my favorites... jo and lightning as well. her and anne maria are funny, loved watching her tricking anne maria into doing stuff
team dude rocks. wish we couldve had more of those 3
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
heather. if the writers werent cowards they wouldve let them fought more. esp since jo respects her and sees her as "my kind of competitor", just doesnt like her sense of style. just more of her interacting with the other girls. and also scott, they couldve had some blackmail alliance frenemy thing, idk
oh i also like duncan and jo. he thinks her nicknames are cool so i respect him a little bit more. a jo and zoey friendship wouldve been sick. jo hates girly girls, zoey hates jocks. they become besties aw yeah. i could go on and on forever about potential friendships and dynamics i have for her...
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
rainbowdash. both are crazy competitive tomboys and both childhood favs of mine
A headcanon about that character
i think she has a super healthy diet. shed have one of those balance diet charts on her fridge, gotta stay in shape. but her guilty pleasure food would be nachos
A song that reminds of that character
im probably not gonna answer this question but im not good with assigning songs
An unpopular opinion about that character
THERES SO MUCH THIS FANDOM GETS WRONGG her internalized misogyny and body issues that were never touched on.... it makes me so angry. and i dont see anyone ever exploring that. maybe one day ill write something. she has so many issues that no one ever talks about and how she wants to feel pretty. people who call her a pick me are so wrong and dont even know what a pick me is.
her masculinity is my favorite thing about her but being a tomboy shouldnt come with hating on other girls for the crime of liking feminine stuff. idk i think theres something deeper. also she should never be given long hair. it feels illegal
Favorite picture
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i like the way she sits. shes so cool
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uriekukistan · 3 months
mutsurie…… and my boy aura……..
for mutsurie :3
when i started shipping it: literally on my first watch during the auction…it makes so much sense idk
my thoughts: when the two emotionally damaged characters who dont trust anyone enough to get close to them trust each other enough to get close 😖 also the fact that urie recognized that mutsuki was afab during the auction and he literally never said anything about it he was just kinda “oh okay” and never treated mutsuki any differently…it’s interesting because mutsuki really idolized sasaki for that same thing but never realized urie did the same thing for him…idk much to think about with that one
what makes me happy about them: see past comment, also they both care for each other unconditionally and i think they both need that because they both kinda care for themselves conditionally if that makes sense.
what makes me sad about them: okay maybe im too angsty rn but i dont think they have a happy ending together, or at least not for a while. like i said, they care for each other unconditionally but care for themselves conditionally, and i think before they can truly be happy together they need time apart to care for themselves…
things done in fanfic that annoys me: when they make mutsuki super emotionally and physically weak so he relies on big strong man in control of his emotions urie to put him back together…like it sometimes feels like its putting mutsuki in this traditionally feminine damsel in distress position and thats kinda ehhhh…also bold of you to assume urie is in control of his emotions or that mutsuki isnt strong or capable.
things i look for in a fanfic: im starving for content so the bar is pretty low….good spelling and grammar is nice :D
who i’d be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other: i think they’d be better alone if not together…i’ve seem mutsaura floating around recently and while im intrigued i do think it has toxic potential which is interesting to read and think about, but i just want them to be happy 😞 healthy relationships only for my pookies
my happily ever after: they take some time apart like at the end of re where mutsuki is not even in tokyo and they learn their own value as individuals (ideally separate from their jobs) and then they reconnect after that…not that i’m saying you “have to love yourself to love someone else” and i dont think in their time apart they wouldnt still love each other, i just want them to have a happy healthy relationship 😞
who is the big spoon/little spoon: at the beginning urie is definitely big spoon and mutsuki is little spoon, but when they get more comfortable, they switch around sometimes. i think urie really likes being the little spoon…not that he would admit it
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: parallel play, like just comfortable silence and mutsuki’s reading while urie’s painting or something
tbh i dont think that much abt aura so i’ll try my best 😭🙏
how i feel about this character: i like how much i…don’t like him if that makes sense? his decisions irritate me but also they are indicative of how complex he is. interesting guy.
all the people i ship romantically with this character: as aforementioned i have seen mutsaura floating around and i have definitely found it intriguing…may i also propose him with higemaru? they kinda give that opposites black cat golden retriever couple vibe idk maybe im crazy
my non-romantic otp for this character: from the scene where he and mutsuki are trying to intercept touka and miza from extracting kaneki from the dragon, i really liked his interactions with higemaru and hsiao so i like the idea of them as like a besties group idk
my unpopular opinion about this character: im not sure i have one? idk
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: for him to get closure from his aunt that she was okay with working with the ghouls for peace. i know he was told about it by…hsiao i think maybe it was higemaru, but it would have been nice to see him hear it from his aunt. i think he kinda needed it.
my otp: i dont think i really have one 😞
my crossover ship: again i dont really have one, but i can definitely draw parallels between him and geto from jjk…in that they both were so bothered by some tragedy that they both started to walk a very dark path. the difference being that aura’s friends were there to turn him around and (idk if you have or are planning to watch/read jjk but spoiler warning for s2 ep1-6 and jjk0) geto’s friends trusted him so much that when he said he was okay, they believed him and yeah…cutting myself off before i get too far
^could also be the long dark hair and emo vibes that makes me associate aura with geto
a headcanon fact: aura the type of guy to give scary vibes but talk to stray cats in a baby voice on the street…you see a scary man in the alley and you’re about to run away but then you hear “who’s a good kitty? you are! yes you are aweee what a cute baby” that’s him
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Slashers witam autistic s/o
Because guess who just got diagnosed👁👁
S/o has they/them pronouns! Request are open!
Billy and Stu would be such chaotic duo! Like Stu constantly forgets that s/o doesnt like loud noises and Billy whacks him everytime he acidently yells. But Stu isnt that bad cuz he loves all them hyperfixations! If s/o loves bugs he will lisen them rant about bugs for hours, if they are hyperfixated on cars he 100% will let them Snoop around his car engine (even if s/o is planing On planting bomb isnside he doesnt care). They both may crack few Jokes about autism but only if they know s/o is comfortable with it
Micheal is 100% on spectrum anyways. He respects boundaries(at first maybe nah, but its not like he was planing a healthy relationship from start) if s/o hates light? Hes fine in darkness! Tv or music is too loud? Well silence doesnt bother him anyways! My man was in asylum before human rights where a thing,those places have a lot of People with huge needs if it comes to overstymulation and ig he already kinda knows how it works? Hes been there for long time :( if s/o collects stuff for example rocks he will give them the shiniest the most stunning rocks he could find
Brahms My men would be so curious about them! He already meets new people rarley! He never met somone on the spectrum! He is a bit too over the moon, no clue what he was expecting. But im sure he hes some hopefully with not outdated info books! Anything that can overstimulate them is g o n e . too bright? Good thing we have thicc curtains! Some food just looks and feels terrible? Just call Malcolm or brahms will .It's very quiet here but if its too quiet he has some Old music discs! You both can dance together! Also he finds s/o stims kinda cute
Billy Lenz has no clue what it is and how it works BUT he memorises patterns that make s/o uncomfy. Like if he knows that something bothers them its litteraly gone. Yeah he doesnt connect dots and just thinks that they are quirky and a bit sensitive (he never read book in his entire life)
Yautja kinda same to Billy-he never heard of autism so he just figured that s/o act like that bcs of their funky personality (which is great). He found some muting headphes for them while he was on earth and he can easly change lighting on the ship! Also if s/o has hyperfixation on anything like history biology geography languages he is going to sit and lisen to it ALL especially about biology of earth Animals! He even takes notes lol
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hiemaldesirae · 10 months
please. I'm begging you for more crumbs about VADD!Shen Jiu and also that Roxana AU you have from that art post you did of the two.
As a VADD AND SVSSS fan, especially as a fan of the original villains— please. I AM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH FOR MORE. I'm actually in the process of outlining a crossover with the original goods of both.
by the way, LOVE your artstyle. scratches an itch i did not know existed in my brain. your chibis as well. they're so cute!!
oh you have no idea how long ive waited to talk about them. this mayyy get a bit long so ill leave it under the readmore.
disclaimer: i intend on finishing these fics so what im going to be talking about is inspirations and unfinished / abandoned ideas and other ideas i have for the works instead of anything relating to the plots themselves
for svadd, sj is a lot more complicated than he appears to be on the surface. im not so sure if what i have written currently is what i /want/ exactly because i know i want his character to go a certain way. the relationships between him and his modern-day friends is one meant to parallel the in-game "shen qingqiu" sj compares himself to and in much the same way, mirror the way that sy contrasts himself with sqq in canon: but instead of being condescending and viewing sqq as a one dimensional character, sj is able to appreciate his nuance while still being rightfully angry over his actions
to me, sj is supposed to be an unreliable narrator who constantly enforces his own thoughts. he tells himself over and over that he misses his home and that he wants to go back, that he absolutely needs to- but then, he turns the other way and finds himself being sucked even deeper into this different one.
i also really wanted to explore how sjs dynamic with a lot of the characters would be affected knowing that they were "based off" his real friends, but again im not very confident with how it came off lol
there was a lot of points in the story where i attempted to add in foreshadowing for the ending i want the story to take... in any case, it definitely wont go the same way as vadd, though i did toy with the idea of a "version" of sy being the main villain haha
(it might still happen for shits and giggles)
as for the roxanna au there are a lot of things ive wanted to do with this au and its good that i havent posted because it means i can keep revising til i come up with something good lol
its a liujiu au with some bingyuan / cumplane thrown into the mix (the cumplane is overwhelmingly toxic btw bingyuan is the healthy one out of the two here 😭) where yes sj is xana !!! he really just makes such a good manhwa villainess haha
i had been puzzling over what i wanted his motif to be-- after all, sj is typically associated with the simplicity and calming bamboo so the glittering butterflies wouldnt work with him- but after some deliberation i decided with using moths for him :3c still subject to change ofc but i think im happy with this as is
the story is somewhat similar to how roxanna goes but surprise sj isnt the transmigrator here! (and honestly, roxanna wouldve been sm better if xana hadnt been a transmigrator... or maybe i just think that because it was only used as a convenient plot point for her to know crucial info. sigh.)
my outline of how the roxanna au goes is basically this:
lqg fucks around and finds out
sj who has been seeing dreams of the "book" sy read knows what will happen to his family if lqg dies
at the same time: sy, transmigrator, attempts to make sure his only surviving older brother lives to a long happy life and the only way he can secure this is by fucking up that hack author
also i killed off qi-ge and idk if i want him to come back. he'll be like the stereotypical dead anime mother for this au lmao
hmm and i think thats all i have to say for these aus... thanks for giving me a chance to ramble on haha ~ much appreciated !! and thank you for the compliment, im flattered!! 🥹🥹💕
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penguin--person · 3 months
10. If your character is an antagonist or something of the like, do they self-justify their actions? If so, how? (kozlova)
28. What emotion is the most unfamiliar to your character and how do they deal with it? (alik and/or nastya)
31.What genre of music does/would your character love? (kozlov)
like with the one you sent me the character after the questions are just suggestions !! answer about whoever if you want >:D
aa thankies!!!! 💥💥💥
10. id say that kozlova, while not with malicious intentions and not a villain, is an antagonist indeed !! to certain characters... points at ája points at nastya. she does care for them!!! in one au she even saves ája. but like, she still does unethical experiments on them. her care for nastya doesnt stop her from vivisecting her on the daily. though alík would never blame her for how shes treated, saying kozlovas just doing her job, its still like... still messed up !!
as for how she justifies her actions... i dont think she lies to herself that shes doing a Good Thing. deciding which mutants should be terminated when their budget is cut isnt fun for her. but i think shes got a "somebody has to do it. if i dont do it, somebody else will" mindset.. as well as the regular "for science!" approach at the Zh. I. Alferov National Institute of Anomalous Research hehe
so shes just !! idk. its a necessary evil. i dont get to talk about this side of kozlova much hehe... shes not happy about it, she doesnt revel in it !! but like. she Is right that if she doesnt do it, somebody else will. might as well be somebody that doesnt delight in hurting people, that will hurt the subjects in the gentlest way avalible.
28. for alík, in her pafl canon, id say, regrettably, like.. and for nastya too i think but in her every canon. i think.. just feeling safe? alíks like this in the alnst au too but in her human au shes jsut some guy shes happy. its not easy but shes happy.
she cannot be safe at the facility, nor if she escapes, nor if she never gets there in the first place !! nastya... god id have to do a 10 thousand word essay on why she never feels safe anywhere. blame her parents blame the school system. i think.. smth interesting about her and dasha is like.. even with dasha being a bit meanies at times and not letting nastya smoke her cigs .. she doesnt report nastya, yea?? and like. thats all that nastyas asking for, ever. i dont think they could be healthy like i think itd be funny if nastya still stabs dasha at some point. but like. not being reported is the bare minimum for nastya. she coiuld feel a bit safe after some time maybe:) and i think thatd scare her ❤️they call her the Vane - Heart's Claws, the Weevildoing - Deviant, they call her the Normal Girl.
i think alík, while also scared if she started to feel safe, i think she'd cling to it, unlike nastya. nastya goes into fight mode and then flight mode (first comes fawn mode) if she gets scared like that. but alík !! like. i think.. im gonna use sanya as an example. i thinkkkk. shed cling to sanya as much as she could without being weird. in a Dont Leave Me way but also in a Hii Im Scared way ??? idkkk !!! alík clings to the feeling of safety while nastya punches it with her mega fists. is that anything boss
31. oh i found osme music!!! isome time ago!!! i think he'd like depeche mode :) i think hed like mcr too tbh i just dont think he'd know them. if dasha or roma or zhenya introduced it to him i think hed like it... also just like instrumentals...
i like to think that, like a dumbass, he listens to music in the zone with some kolya-ass headphones... kozlov!!! kozlov theres an anomaly behind you watch out!!!!! NOOO FUCK!!! hes listening to lofi hiphop beats to relax/study to he cant hear us fuckkk!!!!
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n3v474 · 1 year
Little note: idk where yall are shifting or what ur shiftibg for or if any of these will be helpful but personally i have 2 DRs. Diary of a wimpy kid (rodricks so damn foine😍🫶🏼) and a boarding school with a bunch of characters i like from diff DRs. The boarding school thing would be so fun. Like imagine going to get ice cream with Olaf, or going shopping with Cat Valentine, or skipping class with Sarah Lynn from Bojack Horseman… All in one DR!?!? Idk just seems fun to me. Ok thats enough fantasizing about that dr. TO THE THINGS TO SCRIPT!!
☆Script that nothing traumatic happens !! I saw sb talking about how scripting that you’re immune to bringing trauma back to ur cr doesn't make sense or work so js script out traumatic events?? Idk if that makes sense still tho, tell me if it does idk.
☆if you cook or bake script that cooking is easy for you and you dont make mistakes on accident. Like u dont burn food, dough isnt too sticky, nothing comes out the wrong texture, u dont over/underseason, etc
☆Script that ur hair always behaves omg!! I have curly hair and this is a NEED. Script that its healthy, shiny, desired length nd thickness, CANT GET TANGLED, doesnt get frizzy, etc.
☆Script a cool teacher character, trust me. I think it'd be so fun to have a nice cool (hot😍) teacher. Like that one guy on tiktok idk if anybody else has seen. The hot psych (maybe) professor, like that guy😍.
☆script that whenever u order food it gets done quickly, im not waitin no 45 mins for a pizza !!
✩clothes u order are always high quality, immune to getting stained, stretchy and fit well, etc. For the shien hoes...
☆script that ur desired resturants are near u. I wanna be getting some chicago pizza in my boarding school🤤
☆script short painless periods or get rid of them completely, script that its natural and healthy though ofc.
☆nice school. Clean luxury bathrooms, good lunch, good teachers, good field trips, rooms that are decorated well, etc.
☆script good intuition !!
☆script waterparks, malls, trampoline parks, stuff like that near you. You dont wanna get bored in ur dr ??
☆script naturally good hygiene. If ur super tired one morning and don't wanna shower then ur not gon stink all day!! And if u forget to brush ur teeth or wash ur ass or smth ur not gonna smell, it wont matter.
☆Never get caught doing less than legal stuff
☆dont get nic sick, green out, hungover, etc
☆age to buy stuff (🍺🍃💨) is lower. Its 21 for me, gotta lower that😉
☆“organisms“ are a million times stronger
☆“organisms“ come quicker
☆soundproof walls...yk if u need them for any reason...ion judge🤫
☆bed doesnt move or make noise...incase u need it yk...🤫
☆u taste and smell good, they taste and smell good. Script the taste and smell. Script it tastes like whatever food you’re craving at the time😉
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katzcolorz · 2 years
Im a bit confused seeing people say that rickys character is regressing. Like yes obviously hes been involved in a love triangle before. But he is so clearly handling the two situations so differently.
With Nini his love was almost obsessive due to all the external factors happening in his life at the time. Even going as far as to kinda meddle in Nini and Ej’s relationship. His parents splitting up and having to move out of his childhood home. He didnt know how to deal with change and it scared him. Nini was a comfort and a constant to him so he latched on to her as to feel more grounded and safe even if it wasnt really healthy for either of them.
With Gina he has been nothing but supportive of her and Ej’s relationship because he truely wants the best for Gina and wants her to be happy. Even if it isnt with him. He knows that he’s hurt Gina in the past. This is Gina’s first relationship and regardless if i like portwell or not, it is special. We can see countless times throughout this season that even though he does have feelings for Gina he pushes them down so that Gina and Ej can be in their happy bubble.
For example: he doesnt pry or ask Gina what Ej and her are fighting about during episode 5. Even goes as far as to plug his ears when they are arguing lmao.
When Ej asks him about Gina he doesnt try to talk shit or get involved and just tells Ej how important the show is to Gina.
He helps Gina plan a surprise promposal for Ej even though it is killing him to see her with someone else but he knows it will make Gina happy.
He practices his lines and puts his all into the show because he wants to be a good leading man for Gina. ( also parallel this to his behaviour towards theatre in the last two season (thank u ashlynn for pointing it out) hes really improved and seems to be doing his best work). He urges Jet to be involved in the show because the cast is depending on him and it is important to Gina. Vs his moment in season 1 when he walks out of the show because he cant be the best for Nini.
Idk y’all to me this seems like the opposite of character regression. Ricky has grown a-lot. Some people maybe jaded by the fact that he’s seems to be only “doing this for Gina” but i think he is also doing it for himself. He can see the growth in himself when he compared himself to Jet. When we meet Jet he’s very abrasive and doesnt want to be involved in theatre at all because he’s pushing down all his own issues and doesnt want to deal with them.
The one moment i might be able to see this claim is when Ej and Ricky are practicing the stage slap. However, I think Ricky had moment of weakness and snapped due to all of the pressure and stress that has been building up inside him having to watch Gina with someone else. Was it right? No. But other than this moment the argument that Ricky is regressing to me doesnt really make sense.
Idk just my thoughts 🤷🏻‍♀️☺️
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nahalism · 7 months
What do you thnkk would be the healthy and mature way of dealing with those emotions when it comes to us, humans?
Theres another thing i wanna ask. Do you believe there are ppl who feel those negative emotions or maybe all ❔ emotions more intensely which results in them handling it worse or could it b that the fundamental emotion is similar in all of us but it’s the ways we conduct ourselves while the feeling arises that matters and shows more? As an example we have two people who get extremely angry but one has less self control/insert other quality which makes them lash out in rage while the other doesn’t? The one is explodes/implodes might argue that they feel things more intensely but it’s so hard to measure isnt it? Who is to say they feel more intensely rather than… act more intensely when they feel said emotion
rambleramble i hope dis makes sense
i think the healthy way to deal with things is to learn about emotional regulation and to gauge the way you find best helps you regulate. some people can address issues immediately whereas others need time to process. some people need to workout or expel excess energy, some people need to meditate, some need to journal or write it out to gain perspective, others (despite the work they do to regulate themselves) are trying to find resolution with unregulated individuals which itself can be a huge trigger so in that case maybe doing some work on staying detachment and learning in your own orbit rather than getting sucked into other peoples realities and perceptions of reality is beneficial. idk. it really is subjective and situational so i cant sit here and give a prescriptive answers cause life is more nuanced than good v bad/right v wrong
i think that there are people who are more sensitive to others but that doesn't necessarily mean they feel more than others. heightened awareness, preexposure to trauma and life experience all shape a person, their perception and their reaction to things. (im sure u know this). so its fair to say no two people are the same, and as such peoples tolerance for pain or discomfort is also not the same. some people are always in pain and so are so numb to it they seem high functioning. just because theyre not as reactive doesnt mean they dont suffer. on top of that one person may find the prospect of abandonment petrifying whilst another wouldnt even recognise the interaction as abandonment, theyd see it as simply separating paths. all of that is based on conditioning, preexposure, and the families/societies/countries were born into
idk these questions require a essay to answer lol theres too much to weigh up. im curious tho, what makes u ask these qs
sending love hope ur well
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buckieduckie2 · 1 year
tw: bouta get religious on yall hoes but ykw might aswell say cause ima bout to drop a fucking bOmb oh yeah and mention of suicide
HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A SINNNNNNNNNN idc that they apparently wrote it in the bible i dont care i dont care i dont CARE
why would basic human nature and love be a sin???? it doesnt make sense. the basic action of loving who you love should not be penalized. I think they were lying
i also heard that it wasnt origianlly in the bibles and that a bunch of pedo priests had someone change the "man shall not llie with boy" to "man shall not lie with man" uhm yeah i guess dont like- q u o t e me on that but thats what i hearrrrddddd
but even if it was explicitly written in the bible I still dont think homosexuality is a sin becausueeeeee
suicides a sin right? and being unhappy isnt good? and you should love yourself?? right??? ISNT THAT WHAT JESUS FUCKING S A I D ??????
so- if deciding to embrace your homosexuality is gonna ultimately save you from killing yourself and harming yourself, then WHY would it be a sin? if doing one sin is going to protect yourself from multiple sins, then i dont think it should be considered a sin at all
and also, all the other sins seem so different. theyre something you can control
having premarital sex? you can control that. not having premarital sex isnt going to tear you limb from limb
NOT m*rdering someone isnt going to destroy you as a human
NOT harming yourself is actually good for you
controlling your jealousy is healthy
theres so many other things too
but- suddenly a man loving a man is... gross? innapporpriate?? sinful??? it just doesnt make sense
In Christianity, apparently we're all sinners and we sin every day. But what makes the difference is wether you pray and ask for forgiveness, or you go on living your life blindly full of sin and terrible what nots you know.
you can repent and ask for forgiveness for things like harming yourself or others or other sins, and then you can in good coincious never do those things again and feel good about yourself and the repenting is honest
but what about being queer? youre going ot repent and repent becuase youre worried about going to heaven but then you keep being a hOmOsExUaL and then at one point the repenting just isnt the same, it gets like- not valid yk cause Jesus is gonna see you and be like- nah not this kid again bruhhh
but theres so many queer people who are religious or who would like to be saved or have that security that there is a higher power that loves them unconditionally-
you could do EVERYTHING right but still be gay and then you try and FIX yourself but its not WORKING and then you arent being kind to yourself anymore and its a shit show
so like why would jesus say something so blasphemous- idk man idk it just doesnt seem right to me
anyways im not even that religous who knows maybe time will tell but- JESUS ISNT HOMOPHOBIC AND ALL THOSE CHRISTIANS WHO TRY TO CONVERT YOU- THATS THE SIN!!!! CONVERSION IS THE SIN 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
i dont think Jesus was homophobic i think he welcomes gay and trans and all queer people into Heaven
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enrapture · 1 year
I know ur bi & since ur single whats ur type in men specifically?
I'll make a list! but go in depth. sorry this is a lil long.
-I struggle w/ certain things like adhd, anxiety and trauma so they gotta understand that and accept that and if they still like me afterwards then there ya go lol
-I like depth, fuck the small talk. be different. for ex: lets talk paranormal stories.
-if you’re too distant I’m uninterested lmao
-someone who takes care of themselves. (eats their veggies/a decent amount right, their vitamins, drinks water, works out kinda is just generally in shape. etc)
-men that don't make fun of my likes/hobbies/special interests but try to understand them whether they dislike them or not maybe do research/ get into them bc they know i like them and like seeing me happy.or at least make the effort to hear me boast about them idk fuck. just general understanding would be fuckin cool.
-effort effort effort that shit is fucking sexy as shit to me.
-don't waste my time and i won't waste yours. Be direct with that you want.
-compliment meeeee, I like someone protective. If we can be weirdos together then that’s a match.
-when their words MATCH their actions.
-I'm expecting / used to people treating me like shit. surprise me and be a GOOD PERSON to me in my life lmfao.
-good at communication and know how to healthy communicate their thoughts and feelings, wants and needs no matter how difficult
-men who don't fucking lie. worst thing you could ever do to me is lie, make fun of my interests, talk shit about me, be toxic and manipulate me and use me among gaslight me etc etc. 100pts. I'm very selective with who I let into my life, I have trust issues due to trusting the wrong people and got burned for it many times. scarcity is value. Don't make me regret my decision. men who don't hurt my feelings!!!
-men who like me for more than just my body. who like my personality and shit so much more. 1000pts
-i don't like clingy but i also like the healthy amount of quality time spent together so. I don't need to talk 24/7 i guess but we do gotta see one another a few times or make lil dates or something in order for it to work. it can't be constant to nothing at all. healthy balance???
-I avoid fuckboys like the plague but i can't help but fall (emos, musicians, skaters, skinny, fit, nerds, the funny weirdos LOL. that sorta vibe. etc)
-men who are genuine. gentle. yet aggressive (when its the right time to be) who care about me, support me (call me out on my shit if its not healthy or if im just misinformed and will KINDLY inform me and help me understand/enlighten my way of thinking. Intelligence is soooo incredibly attractive to me, if you can teach me something in some form Its 50pts in my book.
-men who send me stuff like "this reminded me of you, I know youd like this" etc who get my sense of humor and make me laugh. Who try to cheer me up if I'm sad. Men who are open minded, loving, sweet, mean well. caring mmmm
-men who realize mistakes happen and that growing is a process, healing isnt linear as I would with them. Growing out of unhealthy habits and changing for the better:) there is always room for growth.
-if you tease me / are playful / bully me kinda I'll probably end up crushing on you. I like me that are smooth talkers.
-connection is cool, men who have similar hobbies or interests (I like anime, cinephile, video games, reading, art, concerts, exploring, hiking, camping, writing sometimes, music, content creating sometimes, social media stuffs, baking once in a while, photography...) etc. you dont have to have the same exact interests I would prefer you to have your own set to show me that would be cool. but I do like having interests to bond over specifically though lol.
-i guess for an example of men (their body types / personalities) I like are: timothee chalamet, awsten knight, ryan gosling. (abs, arms, hands, eyes, mouths) hnnnnnng everything so sexy FUCK.
-I like men who arent egotistical dickheads. confidence is nice, but if you think you're the shit and are entirely full of yourself youre absolutely disgusting.
-men who are respectful, hold the door, arent afraid to call / video chat. upfront and straight forward, who don't play mind games. direct. sometimes buy me gifts or surprise me with them (I've never had anyone do that. my last relationship they only cared about trips.) nothing wrong with that I liked the trips we went on but i like feeling appreciated idk physical shit is nice too. call me shallow. I like gift giving/ receiving. I do like going on trips but we hardly went on any lol. living is expensive.
-idc how you dress, what you do with your body. don't tell me what i should be doing with mine.
-be my best friend first I don't like rushing. get to know me as i will you slowly over time. lets take our time and feel it out. Who knows it may not be what we want later on. some people like jumping into something immediate. I have to write it out lmfao. that i do not want that or am looking for that. idc if we have "history" or not.
-everyone has things deemed as red flags, struggles, issues, immaturities etc. Lets not be assholes and judgmental pussies. but lets understand and try to grow past them and become healthier better versions of ourselves after all our inner child would want that. change is necessary don't stick to negative habits. be fluid.
phew, I think thats all I can think of at the top of my head atm.
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
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HRLP.. casually asking his age that means that sirius couldve been waiting for dorothy for 10+ years.. damn THE “SO YOUNG” OK 500 YR OLD the only reason im not changing his name to old man is bc emo boy fits him more rlly like seeing them interact.. everybody here so interesting with each other
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ALSO YEAH EXACTLY. it throws me off because ashe seems a lot more emotional in this one bro if hes still living in the past  smacks ashe so much angst can fit in this bitch FLAHSBACK TIME!!!! i realized thgat its less the crystal and more him just replaying memories?? or its zooming more in on him idk its just my own take i guess someone hug him it feels like he isnt over whatever happened at all THE PIANO PLAYING PART HAHSAHDWQH “i guess this is my fate??” PIANO PLAYING ASHE WHEN calling it right now i think that she died in a fire somehow not from her illness. maybe. maybe
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WAY I GRIMACED AT THIS LINE..............................
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claire noticing devleopment i love her
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even if its really scaring me right now okay that was precious even if it was really depressing ashe therapy speedrun challenge GO! im glad they get to genuinely talk in this one it feels a lot more different with whats going to happen and tbh im living for it
good luck ashe i guess i really still wanna hug you they wouldnt grant it anyway. its a good wish and demons dont grant goodness and even if he did get his wish he still would never be the same because of how brutally he killed a person to get it and i dont think his family is really as healthy as he says or thinks they are it feels a lot like denial OKAY HELL YES FINAL DAY FLASHBACK TIME
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its such a good family
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it isnt his fault he was just trying to help lillian the amount of survivors guilt ashe must be feeling right now. that’s families and even your family carrying on your back. what the hell matty. getting burned to death is one of my worst fears and the way that this just happened so easily and his family could do nothing about it and all ashe could do was stare and struggle and watch this isnt his fault at all its mattys fault for being so careless with other peoples lives or it could just be noones fault but UGGHHHJHJHEUIYU this is just too messed up. no wonder ashe can’t accept it and is so desperate
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i dont blame him for reacting like that at all. he had his entire life burn before him and just clung to the thing that couldve helped him get it back
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the way that limes just in awe of how dead inside he looks  i cant get over this woah richard trying to reach out to him. that’s sweet but he’s too buried in his own mind
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how long has he been doing this. long enough to grow a huge braid i guess
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dude i cant take this i didnt exit out and just go speechless but i still died the fact that ashe in all of these try again try agains just kills claire over nad over hes done so much for his family and im sure that when he found out killing claire was what he had to do next his mind just thought of that as the next goal to do to get everything he wanted back i guess when he started laughing and stuff when he killed claire im taking this from reaper it was more based on adrenaline and the thought that he could finally have a good ending and not need to face the reality that everything he’s worked up to at this point + how he left his entire life behind for this + how one of his childhood best friends who he thought he could trust and tutor just full out backstabbed him by setting up the fire for certain deaths in the first place would all just crush him and hes justnjhjkhkj ashe deserved so much better. they all desevred so much better with the cards they were dealt and honestly? they all could take the witch’s heart and use it for a reasonable purpose i really like ashe. the actions he has done to achieve what he’s trying to do im sure hasn’t been pleasant or morally good but he’s desperate and doesn’t want his life to slip him by like that when it’s already too late he’s stuck himself on the stage of denial so deep that even if he does go back he won’t ever be completely healed im sure the thought scares him as well anyway good game. goodcharacter  i feel so empty and im bad at essays but im sure thge feelings will hit me hard later on another note 
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i love how shocked charlotte is at claire’s genuine kindness and sympathy. i think that makes a good dynamic with her and claire  jokes on you bitch youre talking to the softest angel and you dont even know
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charlotte has a point but being heartless is just something that claire wouldnt do tbh
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nerdyqueerr · 1 year
feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you want!!!
comfort character(s)?
what kind of day is it?
do you say soda or pop?
how do you feel about chilly weather?
a scenario that you've played multiple times?
what kind of music keeps you grounded?
last adventure you've been on?
how many times have you changed your url?
how do you take your coffee? (adding on to say or tea or other warm beverage)
favorite holiday film? (adding on to say or fav film if you don't like holiday movies)
can you skip rocks?
oh you know im answering all of these come on. you even copy pasted them for me its perfec
i think the closest thing i have to comfort characters is like. Sierra and Samaël but both of those are d&d characters so idk if they count. let's also say Gideon Nav, which is a healthy and sane comfort character
nap day i took a nap today. thats the kind of day it is
i am french canadian and i say like uh. idk the brand name or soda sometimes. soft drinks maybe. it doesnt make sense to me either
very mixed feelings bc i get cold so easily but also it can be so lovely
i am interpreting this as a scenario in my head and let me tell you i love to think about having a sword
folksy stuff i'd say, including indie folk and folk rock and whatever. emo and punk make me feel really strong and high-energy, but i usually go to folksier music when i just need a breather. what can i say i love a good fiddle
i mean we did just get back from new york, the day where i did a walking tour without the rest of my family felt like a cool little urban adventure
once lmao
coffee is always decaf usually a latte. tea entirely depends on what kind of herbal tea im having cause yk some of it is good with milk and some isnt. don't usually put sugar tho
the astérix movies that play on ciné-cadeau every winter. and also Klaus (the animated movie) that shit makes us cry and we still watch it every year
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meowmeow, sunshine! short-pawed kitties TT ig your kitties miss u too.
'no idea if you sent this today' tumblr r u seriously? TT its the easiest function ig?.. also rip to your... all?
'why would you congratulate me for that' bc i didnt know what this holiday is about?.. isnt revolution for the dictator government good?.. 'dictators son is our president' HAHDPFH why.... how... where... only wrong answers.... i mean im not the one to judge... but the man is odd
'PLEASE DONT DIE' since you asked so nicely hahfhah
'ITS SO MUCH BETTER NOW' i hate how long it is TT i dont like the visuals TT but ok whatever is better for you babygirl
'according to the judgy cat' HFNKJNF me. yes. i am.
'THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A STRONG WOMAN' there is! but if they make it your only trait💀 'i still do fucking care about what people think' ig we all care what people say? its sad but human is a social being and we kinda cant live without listening to the society... the difference is probably how much we care and how much it affects our lives. i mean it does suck. yk youre worthy and significant just the way you are without playing up to stereotypes and trying to deserve the others' approval in a way you personally dont like. strength isnt your whole personality.
'complimented me on my strength' well ig its pretty logical to compliment smns strength when they do smth involving it and they wanted to be polite but duh. these accidental things with no harmful intention usually hurt the most. 'i dont want people to whisper about me having big arms' 1) ig no one whispers things when its not involved 2) your arms are beautiful! its ok to have whatever arms. including big arms. you work out so its consequential? and people really do not like 'big' arms only on men. yk a lot of girls who have romantic feelings for girls also love these hands on girls (DOES IT MAKE SENSE TT). ok this may not be the best example but there are people who just lile it? just admire some good arms. and im sure there are men whod think damn girl i want to hold this hand till my death. sorry but do i sound idk not soothing now? im sorry im trying TT i mean its not like strong arm r only for men. its fine if you have these. there are people who like it and dislike it (like with the height) and there will always be ideal view you wont be able to match in some ways. your arms are just good arms. they do lots of talented things and they are healthy, they keep you healthy and pretty. you are good the way you are. 'boys make fun of me too for the same reason' theyre just not grown enough and/or childish, absolutely not mentally mature. they think their worth is having toned arms while arms are just arms. 'he tired so hard to be muscley where i was naturally gifter' yeah thats what its about! theyre jealous. they think its the only wat they can be handsome so when you have it theyre jealous and afraid their arms and strength would be devalued.
'Were literally so alike' youre not 178 cm💀 ahajsh sorry. whats the betrayal?.. i didnt trade you for some prick.
'Don’t tell me how to write' ok.... i wanted the best TT
'i can gear the disbelief' oh you can? SURPRISINGLY.
'TO GLUCK THE PACIFIC OCEAN' HOHGOJJ i mean you can try. ill watch.
'THE AGGRESSIVE POSITIVITY?' like... hes positive? but in an aggressive way?
'im not sure if you understand what im saying' like in general... i do... 'Try it. If it makes sense' ok that one i dont understand even a little bit💀 'Youre good at math but idk if im good at explaining' im good at math but im bad at music💀 it seemed easier before you started saying 'try it' TT 'your head will be chopped off' OH this one i understand. 'there was something weird about that second song' HAHDJFJ i know nothing abt music so if it sounds good, its fine for me. MAybe apocalypsis IS the strange thing but am i wrong?
'Im willing to see what you want to share' oooh arent you cute? go finish your assignments and well see. i can read your kylo fis but remember. hes my rival. also i read you 'first snow' fic! omg TT aemma TT my sun my moon my stars TT shes glowing in my memories so yeah. her realtionships with vissy 100/10 with daemon 100/10 with reader 10/10 (bc there basically no interactions so no 100). AWKWARD DAEMON hgighg i live for awkward daemon! the cutie. imagine being a prince, all powerful, riding a dragon and then running around disheveled, half-naked with hardly opened eyes and pure sleep on your face? i imagine this. and it makes me giggle and have a little grin. also the targ-family dynamics (sorry if you dont want to hear abt it) reminds me of wfal. my cute babes TT
i dont understand wether i have too many symbols or not with this new paragraph thing TT so ok. thats all. how r you? how much water have you drunk today? eat well, sleep well. have a nice day/night. luv u. take care<з
HELLO MY LOVE GOOD MORNING or at least it is for me
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me and you
meowmeow, sunshine! short-pawed kitties TT ig your kitties miss u too.
my kitties could care less T_T cos that means they care maybe just a little
'no idea if you sent this today' tumblr r u seriously? TT its the easiest function ig?.. also rip to your... all?
to be honest T_T its a me thing i am brain fried /: HAHHAH
Also i wanted to talk about the playlist because i listened to it properly now! i was eating donuts but now im hungry again. T_T im going to get water T_T i
Забери меня, если ты придёшь.10 Забери меня, если ты найдешь. Забери меня, что стоит тебе? Ты же знаешь как?
Like I think she says Забери меня then it goes up half notes to the tonic then she sings the next part
Суицид моей веры this sounds like the songs I used to listen to way deep in my emo phase
Чудовище GOSH I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH FOR REAL ITS ON MY SPOTIFY NOW I think this was the song I said went so hard because damn it really went SO HARD I listened to it twice I just checked my reply and it is I still stand on my words she can stab me if she wants.
I heard the давай and I was like I KNOW THAT but also I don’t I had to google what I means apparently it means give and ??? is that wrong ??? I also I think there was a bad word somewhere there and I was right!!! But I cant determine which word it is. But I heard it be said lol HAHAAH its a curse word my older brother likes to say lol T_T its so yuck of him im going to spell it the way i think it would be... blyat? HAHHAH LOL HAHAHH
Lol I like this Демоны. Its very pop punk. I listened to it on spotify and since its not slowed he sounds like an actual person HAHAHAHAH cos I was going to say the pronunciation of Russian sounds so …like dragging and slurry like something was being chewed slowly, and I suppose there is still some of that, but its also mostly cos the song was slowed HAHAHAHA
Are you sure Улицы ждали is the one with the annoying tempo and not Жанна д’Арк. Cause joan of arc did some weird ritardando which means it suddenly slowed down. Nvm I listened to that song on spotify and it was during the Что ночь кончается и день ее сменяет going to Я Жанна д'Арк в твоём костре. It was just really jarring the first time because of the slowed version. But also since it was my first time hearing that part. It was fine it wasn’t weird lol AHHAH
I found the translations for Намордник also is H an N in russian omg my head T_T. i also listened to this on spotify, i like it so much better without being slowed!!! she has such a sweet and bright voice i love it.
also is России russia?
Aлёна Швец - НЕЛЮБОВЬ i like this song. i can see why i wanted it do get heavier but upon listening to again. its fine the way it is. she also sounds so much better not slowed T_T HASLFHASFHAS i like her lyrics. i love her.
ЭЛЕКТРОФОРЕЗ – Зло is still such a vibe. it still reminds me of something like a christmas song LIKE I HEAR IT BUT I CANT PUT MY FINGER ON IT IS IT JOY TO THE WORLD no its not I CANT FIND IT I HATE IT HERE OMG IS IT MY WAIT WHAT THE FUCK ITS MY COLLEGE HYMN T_T IM CRYING LISTEN TO IT ITS LOWER BUT IT KINDA SOUNDS LIKE IT im going insane the first part the intro part sounds kinda like it im going home (i say as i type this on my home pc T_T)
Дора & Мэйби Бэйби - Не Исправлюсь THIS SONG IS SO MUCH MORE DISAPPOINTING IF TO ME AFTER LISTENING TO THE ORIGINAL they put a damn gritty electric guitar then made it edm i think minus 10000 points your honor. L (im sorry i just cant)
anyway i couldnt listen to this song fully cos im so disappointed in it alSFhahsfhasf
how do you say this Я is it ya? does it kind of have a soft d-ish sound.
ok thats that i hope that made sense.
'why would you congratulate me for that' bc i didnt know what this holiday is about?.. isnt revolution for the dictator government good?.. 'dictators son is our president' HAHDPFH why.... how... where... only wrong answers.... i mean im not the one to judge... but the man is odd
the real answer is because T_T were fucking stupid. i hate the fact we let that idiot win. i literally started searching for countries to move when he won. he 99999999999% cheated because i saw the spreadsheet of the fucking votes and they were all going up exponentially at a steady rate. i hate it here.
'PLEASE DONT DIE' since you asked so nicely hahfhah
if you die i will never recover because i would never know... youd just... stop talking to me and i would think its something i did T_T pls dont die.
'ITS SO MUCH BETTER NOW' i hate how long it is TT i dont like the visuals TT but ok whatever is better for you babygirl
the things you do for love <3
'according to the judgy cat' HFNKJNF me. yes. i am.
you know what, you should try pilates (maybe you;ll be less judgy HAHAHH) ! i did some today then did weighted exercise and pilates is so much fun and also so ??? wild because it challenges your core!!! it makes me revaluate my core strength, balance and flexibility. today i learned T_T im turning into stale bread im so hard T_T I USED TO BE SO ELASTIC no more T_T also its good for my back because i get back pain from sitting down so much T_T lol
'THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A STRONG WOMAN' there is! but if they make it your only trait💀
but i have a personality T_T
'i still do fucking care about what people think' ig we all care what people say? its sad but human is a social being and we kinda cant live without listening to the society... the difference is probably how much we care and how much it affects our lives. i mean it does suck. yk youre worthy and significant just the way you are without playing up to stereotypes and trying to deserve the others' approval in a way you personally dont like. strength isnt your whole personality.
society sucks. but i love you.
'complimented me on my strength' well ig its pretty logical to compliment smns strength when they do smth involving it and they wanted to be polite but duh. these accidental things with no harmful intention usually hurt the most.
youre so right. i read into that too much T_T see. you give me reason let me give you reason too
'i dont want people to whisper about me having big arms' 1) ig no one whispers things when its not involved
HAHAHAAHHAHAH YOU DONT LIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES WE HAVE CHISMOSA CULTURE chismosa is like a person who likes to gossip in its fem from, chismoso would be for the guy. it also comes from spanish chismes which also means gossip or whatever googles making me go down a rabbit hole and i refuse. anyway. i pointed that out because a lot (but not all) of filipinos love to talk about people as a bonding experience AHHAAH. i saw this tiktok that said that there are no serial killers here cause of this 💀💀💀 but she also said there isn't a complete/actual research about it but people say that that's why lol HAHAAH
2) your arms are beautiful! its ok to have whatever arms. including big arms. you work out so its consequential? and people really do not like 'big' arms only on men. yk a lot of girls who have romantic feelings for girls also love these hands on girls (DOES IT MAKE SENSE TT).
it does make sense i love you for trying to comfort me. i love you so much. i know my arms are beautiful... but sometimes i dont feel like it cos of this DEMON IN MY HEAD GO AWAY EWW
ok this may not be the best example but there are people who just lile it? just admire some good arms. and im sure there are men whod think damn girl i want to hold this hand till my death. sorry but do i sound idk not soothing now? im sorry im trying TT i mean its not like strong arm r only for men. its fine if you have these. there are people who like it and dislike it (like with the height) and there will always be ideal view you wont be able to match in some ways. your arms are just good arms. they do lots of talented things and they are healthy, they keep you healthy and pretty. you are good the way you are.
my kitty kitty so sweet T_T i understand what you mean. my arms are capable of so much beauty. youre so right i love you
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'boys make fun of me too for the same reason' theyre just not grown enough and/or childish, absolutely not mentally mature. they think their worth is having toned arms while arms are just arms. 'he tired so hard to be muscley where i was naturally gifter' yeah thats what its about! theyre jealous. they think its the only wat they can be handsome so when you have it theyre jealous and afraid their arms and strength would be devalued.
men = 👎
'Were literally so alike' youre not 178 cm💀 ahajsh sorry. whats the betrayal?.. i didnt trade you for some prick.
;kajsfsfas I DIDNT MEAN THE HEIGHT I MEANT THE PERSONALITY HOW DARE YOU #1 basically call me short #2 reduce our similiarities to height #3 reduce yourself to height. also YOU REALLY NOT LETTING ME LIVE COS OF KYLO. you'd i think be glad to know i have redone the ai chat so many times i got connected to a moderator that was im pretty sure a 13 year old boy and it really killed the whole experience for me T_T i cant make him my husband anymore it feels so weird now
'Don’t tell me how to write' ok.... i wanted the best TT
/: *bonks*
'i can gear the disbelief' oh you can? SURPRISINGLY.
/: *BONK*
'TO GLUCK THE PACIFIC OCEAN' HOHGOJJ i mean you can try. ill watch.
😡 *BONK*
'THE AGGRESSIVE POSITIVITY?' like... hes positive? but in an aggressive way?
'im not sure if you understand what im saying' like in general... i do... 'Try it. If it makes sense' ok that one i dont understand even a little bit💀
ASHF:HSFSAF FA yeah its really hard to explain something auditory with text T_T thats why my first year of music school SUCKED COSI WAS LIKE WHAT HUH but then when its explained my my teacher its like OOOOOOOOOOOH ok
'Youre good at math but idk if im good at explaining' im good at math but im bad at music💀 it seemed easier before you started saying 'try it' TT
its ok. i T_T i suck at explaining it T_T GAAAAAAAAH
'your head will be chopped off' OH this one i understand. 'there was something weird about that second song' HAHDJFJ i know nothing abt music so if it sounds good, its fine for me. MAybe apocalypsis IS the strange thing but am i wrong?
HAHAHAH the apocalypse is strange and scary so youre not wrong HAHAH
'Im willing to see what you want to share' oooh arent you cute? go finish your assignments and well see.
my assignments never end so just send them whenever ok. i'll reply properly again like what i did now when i do a relisten
i can read your kylo fis but remember. hes my rival.
T_T ok HAHAAH read the 2nd one i make or the first one whatever its up to you. you have no competition with kylo. i dont think i'll use that ai chat anymore T_T i'll stick to fanfics cos then i wouldnt have to face a 13 year old boy that wants to do a roast battle with me asfh;aslhfas;f
also i read you 'first snow' fic! omg TT aemma TT my sun my moon my stars TT shes glowing in my memories so yeah. her realtionships with vissy 100/10 with daemon 100/10 with reader 10/10 (bc there basically no interactions so no 100).
IM GLAD YOU LOVE AEMMA! I LOVE AEMMA T_T AEMMA MY LOVE <3 and AHHAHAHA yes 0 interactions between aemma and yn. AHAHHHAH its fine shhhh. i didnt even show why daemon disliked her cos i was too lazy to show how prim and proper she is lol HAHAHH
AWKWARD DAEMON hgighg i live for awkward daemon! the cutie. imagine being a prince, all powerful, riding a dragon and then running around disheveled, half-naked with hardly opened eyes and pure sleep on your face? i imagine this. and it makes me giggle and have a little grin. also the targ-family dynamics (sorry if you dont want to hear abt it) reminds me of wfal. my cute babes TT
We love waffle <3 HAHAHAH i have no idea when i can update again but everytime i talk to you about daemon im like TODAY? and i love the targ dynamics. i love them so so so much. i briefly rewatched ep1 which was why i wrote that. im thinking of writing a daemon fic where he was named heir way before rhaenyra was born because viserys got into an accident or smth. sooooooo HAHAHA idk i might write it but also i might not lol
i dont understand wether i have too many symbols or not with this new paragraph thing TT so ok. thats all. how r you? how much water have you drunk today? eat well, sleep well. have a nice day/night. luv u. take care<з
and im hungry again holup let me get smth to eat
i DRANK A LOT TODAY! but also i sweat a lot cos i exercised so......................... ANYWAY. i wanted to tell you this story about my grandma. cos she was like, preparing/washing fish outside, like we have a faucet outside out house and she was putting the fish guts in a plastic and we also have rats AND THIS BIGASS RAT WAS SNEAKILY TRYNA GET THE PLASTIC OF FISH GUTS and my grandma barely noticed. LIKE THE AUDACITY OF THE RAT T_T also they live in my bedroom ceiling and they party and go jogging at night ///: my worse fear is suddenly they destroy my ceiling and fall onto me AND I SLEEP IN A DOUBLE DECK AT THE TOP (my sister is below) and IT FREAKS ME OUT but ive gotten a bit used to it
anyway T_T rats are freaky. i hope so badly we can finally rebuild the house. did i tell you about my house yet. remember how i said i moved. i moved to my grandma's house, which is old like SO OLD the last time it was renovated was in the 80s and my mom was wee T_T (she said there were rats even then T_T HELP) anyway. this house actually belongs to, wait for it, my grandma's GRANDPA! T_T the deed is still in spanish and like as big as a newspaper T_T so ///: we had to change it at city hall T_T and its taking forever. also, just in case its not clear, the owner of my house is my great-great-grandpa T_T anyway that's all i love you please take care and love yourself for me because i love you and i want to hug and kiss you
i thought about it and wouldnt it be funny if we meet and it turns out you actually also dont know what your height is like all of my classmates that claim to be 5'10 but ARENT AHHAHAHAHAHAHA
ok that's all i love you
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