#he’s always been scared the lbh would kill him
phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Okay but all the little changes and everything in Scum Villain add up to the ultimate, biggest difference in the story, which is this:
Shen Qingqiu, who was an early villain in the novel who gets defeated relatively early in the story (relative to the fact that there are about a billion more pages after he becomes a human stick) and Luo Binghe, who was the main character, both completely reverse their roles.
Shen Qingqiu becomes the protagonist who is generally very well liked. The Shen Qingqiu of PIDW was a liar and a schemer and just about the most suspicious person in any given room at any given time. The Shen Qingqiu of SVSSS is a liar (by necessity) and a schemer (of ways to off himself but live through it) and just about the most suspicious person in any given room at any given time (if someone who I had a rivalry with suddenly called me a “beauty fading,” I think I would react in a similar way to Liu Qingge honestly). All the traits that made the character disliked are things that the others actively choose to ignore in the person, because they like him.
Luo Binghe becomes not just a villain, but the ultimate villain. The unbeatable villain. Luo Binghe in PIDW was generally very well-liked because he could manipulate people into thinking he wasn’t that bad and he was morally grey and he could defeat any monster with relative ease. Luo Binghe in SVSSS is generally disliked, particularly because whenever he pulls out his very convincing polite person cosplay, everyone knows that he is definitely manipulating them and is a bit wary of why. He’s morally grey but his morals are even more screwed up than his predecessor. He can defeat any monster with relative ease, but he can’t defeat any person he wants to, he can’t kill anybody he wants to, because he knows that Shen Qingqiu would hate him if he did and he doesn’t want that. The traits that the original used to his own advantage only makes this version more and more unhappy.
Shen Qingqiu goes from a villain, the villain the readers all most wanted for Luo Binghe to take out because of how terrible he was to Luo Binghe, to the protagonist.
Luo Binghe goes from the protagonist, the protagonist with hundreds of wives and the world under his control, to the villain.
I can never get over this role reversal, this swapping of spots, this absolute 180 of the characters from the base novel. It’s one of the clearest indicators of the story being permanently altered. It’s part of why they fit so well and work and it’s really good, it’s really really good I like it a lot.
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zykamiliah · 1 year
Shen Qingqiu, who’d always been so good at mental gymnastics, reached a new high in his number of mental roasts, madly smashing through his old records—yet he still couldn’t put himself at ease, and instead he only grew more tired and worn out. He relentlessly told himself to the point of auto-brainwashing: the suffering and torment Luo Binghe endured now was all necessary in order for him to stand above the masses in the future. Without enduring the bone-chilling cold / How could fragrant plum blossoms hope to bloom / Without three years’ training in realms below / How could a demon king over worlds loom? Xin Mo in hand, he would possess everything beneath the heavens / With a harem innumerable, he need not be an incel… But it was useless. It was completely useless. Nothing could lift his spirits. (Chapter 4: Conference)
take a shot every time in vol. 1 sqq talks about brainwashing himself. from the skinner demon incident, and after the demon invasion, when it comes to what he has to do in the Immortal Alliance Conference, over and over, the man keeps trying to convince himself that it's fine, this is how things are supposed to go. the disciples dying. him having to reject and push luo binghe into the abyss. the mental stress this situation most have put in himself, that's something i can't comprehend at all.
He selfishly hoped that Luo Binghe would go of his own volition. In this kind of scenario, characters who chose to jump from cliffs were always caught on something—then Shen Qingqiu could go on believing his own lies that this scene would have a happy end.
pushing lbh into the endless abyss was so fucking traumatizing. like this is one of the reasons he can't talk about it when lbh asks him. he has trauma, and doesn't speak about it, avoids thinking about it, similar to the way yqy can't talk about his own trauma. the guilt, the fact that he, in his owns eyes, killed the person he adores so much.
Only Shen Qingqiu knew that the one he was mourning was in truth within that sword mound, buried underneath and never to return: that youth as warm as the sun.
and not only that, but their relationship. god sqq had come to genuinely love living with luo binghe, just being around him and depending on him.
Clearly Shen Qingqiu was the one who’d raised that little lamb of a protagonist, so why did it seem like the protagonist had been the one looking after him? He was scaring his disciples, putting on the act of a grieving widow whose husband had just died. Hadn’t it been only a couple of days since he’d last seen that child?
^this is what I mean when I said sqq also got psychological damage from their separation.
But, perhaps because Luo Binghe had left, he really was a bit lonely. Especially when he thought about how five years from now, when they reunited, a relationship that had once been that of a compassionate teacher and filial disciple (or something) would become defined by veiled murderous intent and daggers hidden within smiles. (Chapter 4: Conference)
and the nail on the coffin is the notification system. honestly im still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that lbh hold on hope for 15+ days that his shizun would go back for him.
What truly broke him and caused him to weep at the heavens was that, after several days of silence, the System sent him a message truly devoid of all humanity.
【 Congratulations! You have successfully completed the key quest, “The Legend Begins: Luo Binghe’s Fall and Rebirth.” Reward: Protagonist satisfaction points +10,000. 】
now this "weeping to the heaven", is it an hyperbole or is it literal? I'm going with the latter, because sqq loves to make fun about his own feelings. and when distracting himself and humor don't suffice, he has to go take his anger on something or someone
Being so unhappy, naturally Shen Qingqiu had to go take it out on someone else. So, he had Ming Fan deliver a message inviting Shang Qinghua to the Bamboo House.
a coping mechanism similar to bingge's, talk about parallels, toxic masculinity etc
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person-behind-books · 2 years
5 times lbg looks at sj +1 time sj looks back
1 - first meeting
The first time lbg met sj he was immediately smitten.
Sj was everything lbh ever wanted to be. Beautiful, strong, composed.
Lbh wanted to be like him and luckily he had already been planning to join a cultivation sect. Lbh wanted to know everything about sj but decided there would a be better time for that. Lbh wanted sj to look at him and he was. Lbh wanted sj to know everything about him so he told him about his most dearest: his mother. Lbh wanted, wanted, and wanted-
The scalding hot liquid dripping down his face and his tears blurred his vision.
2 - demonic invasion
Lbh was scared.
There were demons everywhere, hurting his martial siblings and destroying the sect.
Then sj showed up. He would've looked as pristine as always were his right torso and part of his sleeve not covered in blood.
He talked with the demoness leading the attack and fought one of her followers. He won astoundingly fast through an astoundingly dirty move and lbh could've sworn the bloodstain grew.
The sect lost the second fight and lbh could see what would happen next as the demoness presented an opponent covered in poisoned armor.
Sj would never let a disciple of a different peak be killed if it would harm his reputation and the disciple of qing jing he liked least was-
"luo binghe"
He looked at shizun with desperation. Pleading in his gaze for him to change his mind but sj didn't even spare him a glance. 
Throughout the one-sided fight he wanted sj to look at him. Wanted him to see what he had caused. Wanted to die knowing sj would at least remember that he wasn't just a beast but a person that died for him.
But when he managed a glance sj he was staring into nothingness in their vague direction. Fury and hopeless like no other overcame lbh at that and he managed to pull enough power out of his meager reserves to send his sword through his opponents eye right into his brain and kill him.
3 - falling into the abyss
By now lbh knew better than to want anything from his shizun but half dead and not able to think he wanted sj to stop  looking at him like that.
The world swam around him and lbh only barely managed to stay standing and as the ground rumbled beneath him again he staggered a step closer to sj in his effort not to fall into hell.
Lbh wanted sj to take a step back to take a step forward but sj didn't move. Lbh wanted- needed sj to look at him with anything other than the utter contempt on his face but sj didn't. Lbh wanted sj to reach a hand out to him, maybe stabalize him or even just a touch on the shoulder, he did.
Sj placed his hand on his shoulder. Than he took a step closer. The loathing ob sj's face changed to uncaring blankness. And lbh was bushed backwards into the endless abyss.
It had been the first time he had gotten anything even remotely like what he wanted from his shizun and it was what left him to suffer in hell for years.
4 - return
After lbh managed to escape the endless abyss after two years there and conquered the demonic realm he finally felt ready to return to the demon realm and take revenge on sj. He wanted humiliate him, wanted to hurt him, wanted him to suffer als lbh did, wanted to pay back the hurst sj caused him by hundredfold.
And as he saw sj once again: no longer the heavenly immortal lbh had always seen him as but just a particularly cruel and particularly beautiful man lbh knew he would have what he wanted and this time on his terms.
5 - company
Lbh wasn't lonely.
He had his pretty wives, had his witty wives, had his indulgent wives, had his stubborn wives, had his loving wives, had his yingying - who loved and supported and counseled him, his hualing - who went to war with and for him and who matched his temper blow for blow and scream for scream, his mingyan - who ruled beside him and who he brought the worst out of and had his worst brought out in return - but it was never enough. Lbh wasn't lonely just insatiable.
He always wanted more. Wanted more wives, wanted more riches, wanted more land, wanted more love.
And always after he didn't get his fill and went to sj, not entirely sure anymore what it was he wanted of and from him.
+1 - beginning
sj doesn’t want for anything. he has long since learned that shoud you desire something you have to either get it yourself or forget about it.
but he knew what want, in all its different forms, looked in others. he’s had it directed at him enough to understand it: the desire to own the pretty slave when he stayed with the qiu - from both haitang and jianluo though haitang’s was considerably softer and naiver, the desperation in qi-ge - seeking forgiveness for the sin of leaving a broken doll behind after promising t return for it, the envy in his fellow desciples for his rise to the top and his position as head disciple.
lbh’s was a mixture of all of them as he sat before sj.
the beast’s visits had grown softer in recent months and sj knew he had already won.
leaving lbh won’t ever be possible for sj but leaving this prison will be easy. he knew what lbh wanted, knew how to give it to him, knew how to manipulate the situation to his own gain.
already lbh had put him in a softer prison, it would only be a matter of time before he escaped this cage.
sj had been trapped for his whole life - even after becoming a peak lord - but if becoming the beast’s would mean qi-ge would be safe he would be content.
and if someone as vile as lbh wanted his affection and was willing to give his to someone as vile as sj in return then he would give it.
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dolokhoded · 3 years
me starting to actually write this even though it still very obviously has some plot wholes
that ralbert au where race commits war crimes
i think it's really cute
so pulitzer is the big bad guy here for i'm basic reasons
has created some,, weird ass dumb ass evil empire
destroyed a couple towns
caused some battles
divided the world
y'know. stuff like that.
starting off with some spicy unfinished plot 🤩 but lbh it doesn't really matter anyways we're all just here for ralbert
anyways, race and al's families? pretty big part of that.
they're both supposed to take over their fathers' jobs when they grow up
said jobs basically being,, in charge of,,, unleashing people to raid entire towns and burn them to the ground
they grew up side by side, have always been best friends, never seen without each other
but understandably when they started growing up and understanding what was going on around them it,,,,,,, troubled them
and they dealed with it Very Differently
albert did Not like it
he was angry, and he was sad that this was what he was supposed to become and he was already never close with his family so it wasn't really hard for him to decide he didn't want anything to do with them anymore
race,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, okay look
deep inside him race knew what was going on was,,, s o wrong
but race was also from a big tight family, it was so much easier for him to just,,,,,, shut all of that out and pretend he was just doing what was better for them
it was hard for him, it was his family
still you can understand how well it went for them when albert left and race refused to go with him
they were 17 at the time
people against pulitzer's whole thing were obviously not very,,,,,,,,, well appreciated?
the moment albert ran away he was art of the defiance. he was a traitor.
but he was also still dasilva's son and they wanted them on their side, so they wouldn't seriously hurt him
doesn't mean they stopped looking for him
he shared an apartment with romeo and finch for a while, it was in a pretty lowkey neighborhood and they covered for him
and through them he met the rest of the newsies :) who actively helped in trying to help people who's homes were destroyed by pulitzer
there were people actively fighting him too but the newsies were mostly in charge of that
well, until albert and his non-existent impulse control arrived anyways
cause look,,,,, race was being trained for a reason, and eventually he took over
so when you see this ur ex-best friend who you're in love with but have a lot of repressed feelings for, both good and bad, that you decide to dump in the 'im angry' pile and just pretend you hate him and no longer care about him,,,,, fighting occurs
and there was a bit of controversy about albert joining them because "it's the dasilva boy romeo he was specifically trained to kick our asses" but that slowly turns into "yea ok he's very legit but for the love of god someone s t o p him the next time he tries to kiLL SOMEONE-"
that's a hyperbole, of course. even as rivals, albert wouldn't kill race. he barely even hurts him.
if anything, he even kind of looks out for him
he knows he's not supposed to but somehow he still can't bring himself to let race get hurt
besides let's be honest, most of their encounters are just an excuse to bitch at each other, they'd never do anything they know would seriously hurt the other
they know each other pretty well, they grew up together, they know each other's strengths and weaknesses
which is a pretty big advantage for them, honestly
enter,,,, albert dasilva's galaxy brain and the newsies' favorite game
Is Albert A Strategic Genius Or Is He Just In Love With Race
"no i've got this i know race!! i can use that against him!!!! i can guess his every move!!!! that's how well i know him!!!! i can recognize him in a room of like a billion people!!!!! it's my ultra strategic mind!!!! i can tell the sound of his voice from miles away!!!! it's because im so invested!!!!"
specs is like "in the mission or in race"
"you're chronically dumb"
"S T R A T E G I C M I N D."
albert really came in like well race's plan's gonna be ruined cause IM IN LOVE WITH HIM >:) what a fuckin loser
Tumblr media
all this aside,,,,,,, albert never stops trying to get race on their side .
now RACETRACK,,,,,,,,,
we have a WHOLE LOT of being an asshole as a defense mechanism from this boy
in race's eyes, albert abandoned him
in race's eyes, he was given up on. he just wasn't enough to keep him there.
he can't see anything but that and never in a million years would he bring himself to believe albert still cares about him
he'd be getting his hopes too high and letting down his guard, and he can't afford to do that.
race doesn't notice albert trying to help him, he doesn't notice albert very carefully avoiding injuring him, he doesn't notice how albert will never say anything that would hurt him
albert's always protective of race, regardless of if he's beside or against him
which leads us to how once race eventually does get hurt, seriously hurt, literally no one bats an eye when albert returns with race unconscious, demanding they get him help
which they do, cause albert has not shut up about race for like one second, the newsies might as well know as much about him as albert did
naturally when race woke up he,,, had questions
and then he saw albert
he was sat on a chair next to him, sleeping
and this is the first time he's seen him like this in ages
and he gets a little chocked up because holy shit he almost forgot albert was,,,,,like,,, a person
and it wasn't necessary to only see him when fighting
he still had a life and friends and people he loved and he wasn't just this dude who left them because he didn't give a shit about anyone
he could genuinely care for people and he could love people and race just remembered how much he wished he could be one of those people
and how much he wished he could be albert's favorite person again and just sit and talk and laugh with him like they used to
cause that's a part of albert he'd forced himself to just forget about
and then al wakes up and he sees him looking up at him and he's like
"how're you feeling"
and then he's sad cause it's much harder to know albert is a good person with real feelings and he's capable of loving so much and race thinks he's just one of the people who will never get that side of him and he just
"fuck off"
they fight
because of course they do
they're not really sure on what terms they are at this point, and there's so much they need to get out there
at first race is just,,,, stubborn
he won't listen, he demands they let him go back
"we can just let you go, idiot, i shouldn't have ever brought you here in the first place!"
"then why did you?"
and al just shrugs it away as if he hasn't been in love with him for years and would never forgive himself if he left him there to bleed
they just go yelling at each other back and forth for a while until inevitably albert's non-existent impulse control makes his return
and he,,,,, very angrily tells him he loves him
and everything just stops cause that's the one thing race though he'd never hear him say again
and race is literally holding his breath cause he's scared he'll ruin it if he moves in the slightest and it'll all turn out to be in his head but it's not cause when he tells albert he loves him back he's still there and he just,,
takes race's face in his hands and kisses him so softly it's like they weren't just screaming at each other's faces
romeo just fuckin pokes his head in like "i heard yelling but i also heard i love you so i'll assume some of those unresolved feelings were let out and we're all ready to have a nice long healthy chat, yeah? :D"
so they do
they talk. for,,,,,,,,, a long time.
needless to say, race stays
he loves his family and maybe he'll be back for them, maybe he'll help them but he recognizes what's the priority here
plus it's a little clearer now that he doesn't have all those feelings to worry about, and it's been a while since he was actually accepted and loved, which the newsies did instantly. it's pretty obvious where he belongs now.
this au still has,,,,, SO much to unpack, holy shit, but i decided to leave this post here cause,,,,, i can't do all of that now. i might at some point though, if people actually are interested, there's a lot of hurt/comfort from this point. there's the nightmares part which is v soft and i adore it, THERE'S JUST A LOT TO UNPACK. so yeah, i'm finally posting this, ralbert stans, come get y'all's juice.
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M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I have too many to count, but I have been chewing on a mdzs Western Vampires AU for a long time. It’s capable of being very long and complicated if I actually gave everyone factions. and I didn’t read Heaven’s Blessing yet so I don’t really know Xie Lian even though he’s important in this. 
I love vampires but I also find their consent issues irritating, hence the following. 
the basic setup is taken from the concept of “black ribboners” from Terry Prachett’s Discworld novels, which basically means a vampire who has forsaken the drinking of blood by transferring their craving onto something else, like drinking coffee, or having power over people.  
anyway in this mdzs AU there are vampires called “white ribboners” and they all wear white ribbons/clothes as a sign of their commitment to drink plant juices instead of human blood. They are basically like Bunnicula (a white rabbit from a series of children’s books who is a vampire whose prey is vegetables/fruits) and are relatively weak compared to other vampires. Xie Lian is the founder of this clan of vampires, and a regular vampire taking on this commitment is a big deal because the white ribbons can sense intent and if a white ribboner tries to drink a human’s blood or sleep with them without true consent (the human feels scared, fearful, or resentful, etc), the enchantment on the ribbons will take away all their vampires powers and leave them as weak as a newborn kitten, which makes it really easy for even a human child to stake their heart and cut their head off. normally drinking blood will make a vampire stronger, but this is not the case for white ribboners unless the blood is sincerely and freely given, a true, uncoerced offering, then that means the power amplification effect from drinking human blood is even stronger.
regular vampires desire to become “white ribboners” because of the perks associated with being one. humans will not fear and distrust them due to the stellar reputation of white ribboners. it’s regular vampires they have the stakes, axes, crossbows, torches and pitchforks out for.  
the following people are white ribboners: Xie Lian (visible bandages), all Lan Sect people (forehead ribbons), Xiao Xingchen (blindfold), Luo Binghe (hair ribbon, a reformed regular vampire and super infamous. every time he asks Shen Qingqiu for blood, SQQ says sure, he really isn’t scared this time, but the moment LBH has a sip, he loses his powers and SQQ can pick him up as easily as a pebble. one day they will get it right but it’s going to take awhile. Once depowered, LBH mostly begs SQQ to do whatever he wants with him, but SQQ can’t bear to, because it’s like bullying a kitten…), Liu Mingyan (face veil). Su She joined to take advantage, so humans would lower their guard around him, and he didn’t take the oath seriously even though it was all clearly explained to him before the ribbon was put on, so he gets killed when he tried to forcefully drink a human’s blood.     
WWX doesn’t know white ribboners become super vulnerable upon drinking coerced blood, he just assumed they become super strong from any human blood because he witnessed Xie Lian become powered up from drinking Hua Cheng’s blood (but that’s because it was a true, genuine offering). without fear or hatred, WWX sincerely pressed his blood into LWJ’s mouth during a critical battle and LWJ was actually scared until he realized he was getting stronger instead of weaker.  
WWX gets told the info later and then gets yelled at because poor LWJ, he probably feared for his life, how dare you… 
WWX says the depowering enchantment is unfair because what if a white ribboner is forced to drink the blood of a human that is also being forced? they will be completely at the mercy of humans. but this is the system, just think about the past when there were no white ribboners at all and regular vampires were a very gruesome and cruel group, and it was always humans at the mercy of vampires. isn’t that what’s unfair?  
WWX also thinks white ribboners are the most hilarious group ever because vampires are supposed to be decadent, drinking blood and having orgies, and wearing black, but white ribboners are banned from drinking and fucking. (which is not exactly true, they actually can, if they find a human who is truly willing, but they are rare due to the evil reputations vampires as a whole have, and humans are afraid of dying of course, so it’s practically a ban).  LWJ starts indulging in blood and sex with WWX but he also feels guilty about it because he’s been abstinent from both for so long and his entire identity is being challenged, and he’s scared of becoming like his ancestors, those vampires who loved to hunt and toy with humans as if their lives were nothing. but WWX calms him down, it’s okay, what they are doing is OK because WWX is not being controlled by vampire powers or being pressured from fear. also, sometimes WWX and LWJ trip off the enchantment on purpose (discussing things beforehand!) so WWX can play with a completely powerless LWJ. and WWX takes any chance he can to offer his blood to LWJ, like he says he will trade his blood for LWJ’s portion of the lotus root soup Jiang Yanli made. and he’s so fascinated by LWJ’s white ribboner diet, he will collect a completely pale, bone white apple that LWJ just drained and keep it like some kind of pretty treasure when it’s the vampire equivalent of having your empty candy wrapper being picked up. it’s super embarrassing…       
so this vampire story is complicated enough with white ribboners but how about other ribbon types???
White Ribboners/Lan sect: see detail above, basically the vegetarian vampires sect, generally relatively weak due to living by drinking plant juice. They drink a lot of tea! They become even weaker if they try to steal human blood. However, if they receive human blood consensually, then they become super strong. 
Purple Ribboners/Jiang Sect: WWX is a human but he has to pretend to be a vampire since he was adopted into the Jiang Sect. They are vampires who survive off fish blood. WWX has to pretend to like raw fish blood lol. his secret is important because the social circles he runs in is basically all vampires, while he’s a snack. his exposes himself to LWJ when he fed him his blood.   
Black Ribboners/Nie Sect: They are vampires who survive off animal blood. Mostly livestock such as pigs and chickens but they can also go after wild animals like boars, wolves and tigers. Due to this richer blood they are generally stronger than white ribboners and purple ribboners.
Yellow Ribboners/Jin Sect: consent issues warning. These guys are the sex vampires sect. And more like succubus and incubus really. They survive off uh, bodily fluids, like sweat, and spit, basically they have sex with humans as sustenance instead of blood. Some yellow ribboners get by on just shaking hands, or kisses, but obviously sex gives more power. They insist they don’t harm their human prey but some people do give them the side eye. 
(Lan Xichen is a white ribboner who drinks plant juice and white ribboners are basically banned from drinking blood and having sex but he manages to be friends with Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao who respectively do said banned things.)   
Red Ribboners(yeah oops)/Wen Sect: concept taken from Darren Shan. They are the most powerful type of vampires and the most hated by the humans because they kill every human they feed from as a point of honor, completely draining their blood and seeing it as a way to honor the person by having them live on through the vampire. 
The rest of the sects band together, allying with humans in order to obliterate the Wen Sect due to the fear and hatred the Wen Sect inspires in human hunters, who won’t distinguish and will slay any vampire due to the actions of the Wen Sect. Some Wen Sect people refuse to kill their prey and as a result are shamed and attacked by their own sect members.  
Unaffiliated vampires sometimes do join the Wen Sect due to becoming addicted to the power that comes from killing a human by completely by draining them dry. Other vampires wish to become white ribboners due to wanting to avoid conflict even if it means they are weaker and gain a severe weak point.  
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SV ch.57
one can’t even study in peace that chapters just pop out of wherever 
*fails to appear angry*
THIS CHAPTER IS FINALLY HERE and we are still in the mausoleum uuuuuh
EDIT: it’s snakey-snakey-zhuzhuzhuz, i think i was right
Shen Qingqiu said, “The person who stole the corpse from the Palace Hall vault really was you.”
(AAAAAND I WAS RIGHT, we all were right. What I want now is for father-in-law to appear.)
Zhuzhi-Lang said, “The situation happened too quickly. I had no choice but to continue on to the next stage of the plan. I hope Master Shen will be magnanimous enough to forgive me.”
wait, so there’s a plan? WHAT PLAN? i believe there’s also another next stage beside that, so i wanna knoooooooooow
Zhuzhi-Lang said, “Reason number one, I’ve already explained to Master Shen. Since you’ve helped me, I will repay the favor many times over. As for the second reason, Master Shen wasn’t exactly summoned by the humble me… it’s better to ask Junshang directly.”
Shen Qingqiu said, “Alright. Where is Tianlang-Jun, then?”
(wait, what, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN OMG TOO FAST, HE IS GOING TO MEET HIM RIGHT NOW???? *heart pounding loudly*
well, it makes sense, but a bit of warning next time-)
Zhuzhi-Lang stared blankly, before saying, “I thought that Master Shen and Junshang had already met.”
Already met?
(E X C U S E    M E    WHAT
Could it be that the corpse inside… was Tianlang-Jun?
This person set an elbow against the edge of the coffin, a faint smile appearing on his face. He said, “Qing Jing Peak Lord, I’ve looked forward to meeting you for a long time.”
i honestly wanna laugh, i think, but i am also incredibly bewildered so it’d come out more like... a nervous, exasperated laugh? 
btw i am loving every second of this)
Shen Qingqiu was stunned.
…….This whole family’s interests were wide and extensive, but it seemed eventually all of their hobbies were the same kind of eccentric. The son enjoyed hugging corpses, the father enjoyed lying inside a coffin.
(EXACTLY. THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT!!!! but it’s actually a very cute thing, like, they don’t really know each other but share this father-son bond over death, it’s kinda charming!)
EDIT 7: i didn’t know i needed sqq compare father.in-law to lbh until it happened. shizun talking about lbh’s smile and eyes and posture has this funny side that makes one think about how he can’t help but drag lbh in every situation -which is kinda normal in this current situation, but also... well, cute xD
EDIT 9: 
This was like the flap of a butterfly’s wings causing a tsunami. He had guessed earlier that Zhuzhi-Lang had taken the Sun and Moon Flower Seed to create a new body for Tianlang-Jun, a conjecture that now appeared to be correct. It was just that Tianlang-Jun did not seem to be very compatible with this new body.
okay, things are starting to make sense, i guess. all my head can think about, tho, is “when is lbh gonna show up? can someone tell him his shizun is alive, ‘cause i don’t think i can do this... whatever it is sqq and father-in-law are doing without lbh dragged into it. which is probably what makes it all feel so dangerously hilarious? i feel conflicted.
EDIT 10: 
Shen Qingqiu paused, then asked, “Is the next step extinguishing all of humanity?”
Tianlang-Jun seemed confused. “Why would you think like that? Of course not. I like humans, just not the four great sects.”
He smiled, then continued: “In contrary, I have a gift to give to the human race.”
Although he didn’t know what this so-called gift was, it definitely wasn’t some ribbon-wrapped object that would bring humanity great joy! Shen Qingqiu had just begun to spit out a rather out-of-practice “f**k” when suddenly, the mausoleum began to shake.
this novel really knows how to mix humor and angst, and i need more. like, are they threatening each other or are they becoming friends? should i feel trilled or scared? WHAT’S GOING ON? DO THEY HAVE THE KEY TO MAKE LBH DO WHATEVER THEY WANT?
EDIT 11:
Tianlang-Jun listened carefully for a moment. “They’ve arrived a lot faster than I thought.” He turned towards Zhuzhi-Lang. “How many?”
Zhuzhi-Lang said, “At least two hundred.”
EDIT 12: 
Shen Qingqiu’s heart lurched. He blurted out: “The Jinlan City sowers. Was that part of your plan to make me leave Cang Qiong Mountain sect?”
so wait, father-in-law has always been there plotting against... with... well, behind the scene of sqq’s moves? wow, that’s intriguing!! i need more sqq/father.in-law talks! though i’m still trying to understand whether they are trying to kill shizun or not?
EDIT 13:
Tianlang-Jun calmly replied, “Summoning Peak Lord Shen here was also because of my own selfishness.”
He sighed. “That son of mine, to raise him for so many years really has been an inconvenience for Peak Lord Shen.”
Although he had long suspected that this matter had to do with Luo Binghe, hearing his name still made Shen Qingqiu’s heart tremble. He begrudgingly tried to pump himself up, before asking: “Luo Binghe? What does this have to do with him?”
Tianlang-Jun snorted, lowering his head. “How do I say this? I’ve noticed that towards Peak Lord Shen, he’s extremely…”
THEEEEERE WE GO, THE MAIN DISH!!! AAAAAAH I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. are they going to talk about lbh being in love with shizun or what? though i don’t think that’ll be the case, but he finally said his son’s name! aaaaah tell me more!
EDIT 15: okay, i actually feel like we need to thank father-in-law? shizun’s brain had a big revelation and he is probably not only in the right path to realise this is not the novel he knew or believed to be anymore, but that lbh is not the atrociously bad character he remembers -he is a person, and one he unjustly hurt, too. AND MY HEART IS TROBBING IN RELIEF. PLS
Luo Binghe stood on the head of a pitch-black giant beast, his black robes billowing wildly in the dust. The Xin Mo sword lay unsheathed on his back. A pair of eyes glinted red in the light, overlooking the scene with ferocious killing intent.
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villa-kulla · 7 years
Could you do a DVD commentary on chapter 3 of Desert Sand? Maybe right after Goodnight rescues Billy, or their fight, or the part where Billy tells him about his nightmare of never seeing him again.
Thank you for the ask! Someone already requested their fight, so I’ll go with the scene right after Goody rescues Billy!
(***copy-paste disclaimer that this is NOT under a readmore because my blog’s black background makes reading long things a chore, so SCROLL FAST IF YOU’RE NOT INTERESTED!***)
They walked back into the room of their saloon and Goodnight lit a couple of the lamps, casting the room in a soft glow. It was hard to believe it was the same place they’d stood only hours ago when they’d both been screaming at each other.
ambience ambience ambience. I know what’s coming in this scene, the audience knows what’s coming, and I like to think of Goody lighting the lamps as though he’s ‘setting the stage’ for the scene. Gotta get that ~romantic mood lighting~ in somehow
This time Goody kept reaching out as though to check Billy was still there, and every time he did, Billy would lean into him unconsciously. He was holding Goodnight’s coat around him, the one Goody had gently placed over his shoulders in the cave.
awww boys. Safe to say their fight is long forgotten
“Go sit down,” Goodnight said gruffly, and Billy shucked off the coat, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as he watched Goodnight walk around the room, filling a wash basin and grabbing the first clean rag he could find. He brought them over to the bed where he pulled up a chair, sitting across from Billy.
I feel like I kept having to pay an inordinate amount of attention to the chairs in this room lol. The chair Billy’s knife cleaning equipment was on, the chair Billy was in earlier, which is the same chair Goodnight brings over to the bed now, don’t forget the other chair needs to be near the bed as well for later, just. ajdksh. chairs man.
He dipped one of the rags into the water and held it up to Billy’s chest, suddenly uncertain. But when he flicked his eyes up to Billy’s face he was decided, and pressed the cloth to one of the cuts on Billy’s chest.
Billy didn’t even flinch. Just kept his eyes trained on Goodnight as he slowly dipped the cloth in the water again and found a new cut to gently press the cloth to.
“Goody I’m fine,” Billy said. He suddenly gave a tired laugh. “They hadn’t even gotten started. This is just from fighting with them.”
side note, I was STRONGLY against any actual torture of Billy taking place in this sequence of events, and was never even remotely tempted to include it. It felt kind of gross, and I could barely even think about it to be honest. When I’m writing, the characters generally feel like they’re doing their own thing and I’m just a mouthpiece, but when it came to the concept of torture, it would have felt like *I* was torturing Billy, and if I didn’t have to, why would I? I’m not against writing or reading violence, but I feel like sometimes there’s a certain…cavalierness towards inflicting bodily harm in fic. I think it’s situationally-dependant of course, but sometimes I find it very uncomfortable and questionable when drawn out. Not to mention PoC bodies are already treated with enough disrespect in mainstream media, and I wasn’t about to add to it here. This is all making it sound like I debated with myself on whether to include a torture scene, but my point is that I didn’t have to think about it at ALL. I wanted the threat of the gang of brothers to feel very sinister and real, but there’s no doubt in my mind that including actual torture towards Billy in this particular context would have been gratuitous, gross, inappropriate, and completely unnecessary. Very glad I went the way I did. I know this all probably sounds overly-vehement lol, but I felt quite strongly about it at the time.
Goodnight scoffed. “Would you just let me take care of you for a change?”
Billy nodded and Goodnight continued to dip the cloth into the water, finding new abrasions to treat, dabbing them gently, droplets of water rolling slowly down Billy’s chest.
semi-gratuitous…the intent with the physical details was less voyeuristic and more wanting to convey the intimacy of the scene, but still…..LBH has a great chest and that can’t be helped
“You okay?” Billy asked him suddenly.
“Me?” Goodnight asked incredulously. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
Billy shifted, the muscles in his chest jerking as Goodnight dragged the cloth over them. “I’ve never seen you shoot anyone before.”
and I feel like up until now he had figured he never would either. I think he had just kept thinking of Goody as the warm, mostly gentle guy he rode with, who was more comfortable with talking his way out than shooting his way out. I think Billy even had a hard time associating Goody’s kill count - once he learns about it - to the Goody he knows. So yeah, when he saw Goody in action, and saw just how fast and intuitively he handles a rifle and how mercilessly he can take out 4 people in the blink of an eye, he’s not….‘scared’ exactly, but he’s certainly updating his image of Goody, and much more aware of what he’s capable of.
Goodnight was quiet for a long time as he continued to dab at Billy’s cuts.
“You know,” he finally said in a low voice. “I used to have this commanding officer in the war. And he’d always tell us ‘you have to hate what you’re firing at’.”
ayyyo we all know that line. This is my version of where it might have come from. Goody definitely seems like he’s putting on a bit of a show for the townspeople in that shooting lesson scene, and I like to imagine he was using a lot of the things he heard as a young soldier. And also that screaming of YOU HAVE TO HATE WHAT YOU’RE FIRING AT’ seems so out of the blue that it felt like Goody putting on a bit of a General persona. Of course it’s entirely possible Goody did have a lot of rage in the war, and hated what he was firing at, and I think there’s a world of possibility for writing Goodnight’s relationship with anger, which is something I’ve only touched on. But in general I felt like there was a touch of affectation to his shooting-teacher routine, and I also had a hard time picturing a young Goody who hated what he was firing at, so this was meant to be my little ‘aha!’ moment for that line, and suggest that Goody was channeling a former officer of his (also meant to be the same officer mentioned in Goody’s nightmare in chapter 1 of this fic)
Goodnight looked up at Billy. “Never really understood what he meant until now.”
oh he does not feel one bit of remorse for those particular killings.
“I’m sorry,” Billy said again, and Goodnight looked at him surprised.
“What the hell do you have to be sorry for?” Goodnight asked, wringing out the cloth and dipping it into the basin again.
“I was being an idiot,” Billy said. “And they never would have got me if I hadn’t been drinking.”
possibly why Billy isn’t much of a drinker? Not because of preference but because of his own security
“And you wouldn’t have been drinking if I hadn’t been a total jackass,” Goodnight said, running the cloth over Billy’s ribs, gently over the bruises.
I definitely underuse the word ‘jackass’, it’s a good one lol. And the ‘gently’ here is certainly further apology from Goody
“I was a jackass too,” Billy said quietly. And then his normally composed face suddenly crumpled and it shocked Goodnight more than if the man had sprouted wings.
same here tbh. Wasn’t planning on it, and I don’t know if it interrupts the flow of this scene, but also I’m not really sure if this scene could have done without a moment of vulnerability from Billy. He’s certainly been in hairy situations before, but I think this is one of the first times he’s felt he had something more to lose
“I thought I was going to die,” Billy said, shuddering as he tightened his jaw. Goodnight tried to shush him but he continued: “I was scared I’d die and leave you thinking that I didn’t…that I don’t…”
“Hey hey hey,” Goodnight murmured. “You’re here okay? You’re here.”
Billy took in a rattling breath and nodded. And then he was looking back at Goodnight, equal parts baffled and amazed.
it’s not that he didn’t KNOW Goody was eminently capable of being a badass, but again, he doesn’t always equate the Goody he’s seen more of with the Goody he knows to be an extremely proficient killer. But yeah, Billy is very impressed, but mostly by Goody being a silvertongued devil, and rescuing Billy in a way Billy could not
“I thought I was dreaming when I heard your voice in there,” Billy said in disbelief. “And then you came around the corner. That’s when I stopped being scared.”
“Yeah well good for you, I was petrified,” Goodnight muttered.
“I wasn’t,” Billy repeated. He smiled a little. “You could talk the devil out of his pitchfork.”
I LOVE this line and it took me AGES to think of it lol. I thought forever about a good line that included ‘devil’ (for the sake of Goody’s next line), and Goody’s verbal capabilities, and I was thrilled to come up with this one, and I love how fond it comes across, even without me specifying said fondness in the following line lol
The line of his mouth was fond as he looked at Goody who was getting the last bits of dried blood.
Goodnight just shook his head.
“I’ve seen the devil,” he said seriously. “And that wasn’t him.”
He worked his way back up Billy’s chest, his lip suddenly quirking up beneath his ashy beard.
“The devil’s got the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Those were just four shitheads on donkeys.”
full disclaimer, I find the cadence of ‘four shitheads on donkeys’ hilarious every time lol
Billy burst out laughing and Goodnight chuckled as he finally dropped the cloth into the basin, his work here done. “Not the end of the world,” he said gently.
‘his work here done’ has a slight double meaning in that yes his work of cleaning Billy up is done, but he also got Billy to laugh, and that’s when he feels that he did take care of Billy and that Billy really be okay
Billy suddenly sobered up. “No. But if they’d killed me, it would have been the end of my world.”
Goodnight looked into his eyes. “Mine too.”
there it issssssssssssss
Billy stared back at him. “Goody…” he said in a hushed, almost ragged voice, his eyes flicking down to Goodnight’s mouth.
Goodnight took in all of Billy, his chest that was still beaded with water and glistening slightly in the glow of the lamp…the sparse hairs on his arms that were standing on end, the skin around them studded with gooseflesh…the way his fingers were still digging into the sheets, the way his breath had quickened, his chest rising and falling almost imperceptibly…
I’m always back and forth on how much I like ‘gooseflesh’ in that paragraph…I felt it was time period appropriate but I may just change it to goosebumps sometime lol
Goodnight finally dragged his eyes back up to Billy’s face. His eyes were warmed brown by the light of the lamps around them as he stared at Goodnight longingly.
Goodnight ached for him.
for better or for worse I’m a fan of italics, because sometimes I just feel that where the emphasis goes in a phrase makes all the difference to how it comes across. ‘Goodnight ached for him.’ sounds almost matter of fact, but ‘Goodnight ached for him.’ sounds…aching. To me at least lol. Sometimes I feel like I should just trust the reader to bring their own emotion/emphasis to the text, and I feel like that’s probably how writing is supposed to work, but…..idk, sometimes I hear the story so clearly in my voice, and italics feel like the only way to get it across
“Goody,” Billy said again.
“Yeah?” Goodnight breathed, eyes lost to Billy’s own.
“Tell me what you want,” Billy whispered for the second time that night.
The air between them was so thick and heady it could have been cut with a knife as the moment hung suspended.
And then Goodnight was surging forward and kissing Billy, claiming his lips with his own.
THEY KISSED THEY KISSED THEY KISSED. To be perfectly honest, I wish I could have made the kiss itself PERFECT. I think it’s pretty good but….when one’s invested so much in the buildup, you really just want the kiss itself to be unquestionably RIGHT haha. I think this is CLOSE to being right, but I feel like it’s just shy of being exactly what I wanted. I’m also never sure about the ‘claiming his lips with his own’, but I felt like ending the sentence right after ‘kissing Billy’ sounded too abrupt, and there needed to be a slight followup to the statement. What follows is one of the better love scenes I think I’ve written, but I feel like the kiss itself just a couple degrees off from being what I wanted. The part directly before though, of ‘The air between them was so thick and heady it could have been cut with a knife as the moment hung suspended.’ is EXACTLY what I wanted though, and it’s a slight callback to the shotgunning scene where the air between them is thick with smoke and ‘There wasn’t even enough space between their lips for the edge of one of Billy’s knives.’, and here there’s knife imagery again, but this time they make the final ‘cut’ :)
Thank you for the suggestion! 
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Frozen
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Sorry this has taken me longer than normal, it's been a combination of not having any time and the fact that I was trying to avoid watching this as much as possible. Beware, this is my least favorite Disney movie. Don't @ me.
1. This opening song is not good. They're singing about ice. 2. Where are Kristoff's parents? Or at least someone who was watching him? Who let him just run away to live with rock trolls? 3. I will say that little Anna is pretty cute when trying to wake little Elsa up. 4. This is the only part of the movie besides Olaf that I enjoyed. Because there's  nothing more adorable than Disney kids. 5. There's no way their parents heard Elsa calling from that room. 6. That's pretty powerful magic to be able to alter memories like that. 7. I've said this before but I do love the irony in Disney movies that leads to the ending, such as Elsa being told she will be dangerous so she grows up to be dangerous. 8. "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" is a pretty good song, and I did tear up when I first saw it. BUT. Surely there are plenty of other people in the castle. Guards, the parents until they died, etc. Anna could've him out with anyone but just chose to sit around and wait for Elsa to come out of her room. 
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9. Kristoff not only talks for Sven in that weird voice, he also eats the carrots after Sven does. I can see the drool. That's not okay. Kristoff is kind of gross. 10. Anna waking up like that is definitely relatable. 11. "For the First Time in Forever" was catchy but it lost me when Anna said "gassy". Unnecessary. 12. The other best part of this movie is seeing Rapunzel and Flynn walk by. 13. Now I'm suspicious that Hans ran into Anna on purpose. I'M ONTO YOU HANS. 14. I'm awkward, too, Anna. I think most of us are. 15. Though if having an evil dude run into me on his horse is the only way to get me a man, I'd take it. 16. I never noticed Anna had freckles on her shoulders that is some grade A animation I won't lie. 
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17. I love Alan Tudyk as much as the next person but I really don't like the Duke of Weselton. 18. I'm sorry, but "Love is an Open Door" is one of the worst Disney songs in existence and that is what happens to love songs when Alan Menken doesn't write them. 19. Fun fact: Anna is the only princess to ever sing a duet with a villain. 
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20. "You can't marry a man you just met" Disney bashed itself in its own movie and I am here for it. 21. Even though I do love the original tale of the Snow Queen, I do appreciate Elsa and her struggle with her powers and trying to keep everyone protected even if it means being alone. 22. Alternatively, I also like that Anna didn't care about this side of Elsa that she didn't remember and went after her and understood that she was scared. 23. Can Anna even put Hans in charge? Shouldn't there be someone else to take charge in case something ever happened to both Elsa and Anna? 24. Despite the amount of times "Let It Go" was overplayed, it is a wonderful song and Idina Menzel's voice is just pure magic. 25. Also this is one of the most visually appealing scenes in Disney history. Second only to the lantern sequence in Tangled. 
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26. I love how sassy Elsa got as soon as she forgot about everyone else. 27. I wish I had ice powers to make me an ice castle like that. 28. It's really a miracle Anna didn't get hypothermia. 29. Convenient that Oaken had only one winter outfit and it was just perfect for Anna. 30. It is a crime that they got Jonathan Groff to be the voice of Kristoff and didn't let him sing something other than this nonsense reindeer song. 31. How did Kristoff already know about Elsa when it just happened a few hours ago? 32. They snuck in a joke about foot size. I see you, Disney. 
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33. Sorry, Frozen, I saw this scene with wolves in Beauty and the Beast. 34. This was really beautifully animated I will say. 35. Josh Gad is phenomenal and I love him as Olaf. His one liners are so on point. 36. I like the Mary Poppins reference in "In Summer", it was very cute. 37. I'm glad Disney didn't do the obvious thing and make the Duke the villain, have Hans with Anna, and Kristoff with Elsa (because of the whole ice thing). 38. How does the Duke even know that killing Elsa would make the ice go away? 39. "Oh look at that. I've been impaled" is the best line in this movie. 
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40. Sven is cute and everything but he's kind of like a discount Maximus. 41. Again, I do like that Anna maintained Elsa's innocence and loved her anyway and never thought she was a monster and that she still tries so hard no matter how many times Elsa pushed her away. 42. I always love when they do nods to the original story, and the Snow Queen's thing in the Hans Christian Anderson tale was freezing children's hearts. 43. I want a Marshmallow to keep people away from me. 44. Kristoff was so adamant that you can't fall in love with someone in a day and now here he is in love with Anna. 45. It REALLY makes me angry that Kristoff remembers that he's seen the trolls fix someone before but he can't remember it was Anna. 46. Why wouldn't the trolls wake up as soon as Kristoff walked up to them? 47. "Fixer Upper" is another song on this soundtrack that I can't stand and will be skipping over. 48. I want to believe that the trip from the castle to the ice palace would take way longer for everyone to be getting back and forth so quickly but at this point I'm not sure if I care. 49. Why does everyone want to be a straight up murderer in a Disney movie? 50. Marshmallow fell into the cavern and I am not okay with that. 51. This scene is pretty intense I mean everyone's just trying to kill each other and this is like such a pivotal moment for Elsa it's crazy. 
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52. Why would Hans save Elsa just to want to kill her later? He could've saved himself a lot of trouble. 53. Olaf bodysurfing down the mountain is something I really want to do I'm not gonna lie. 54. All I want is a man to give me his beanie in the winter, LBH. 55. Kristoff brought back the princess, you'd think they'd at least let him in the building. 56. I don't like this movie, but my god was I shocked about Hans. I loved that twist so much. 
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57. This is one of the more clever and better villain's plans there's been. 58. No one finds it odd that Hans just left Anna's "dead" body in the room? 59. Olaf's pep talk is beautiful and I want Josh Gad as my bff. 60. Is there anything that hurts your heart more than when an animal is potentially injured? 61. I mean didn't everyone see Hans trying to kill Elsa? They have a clear view. 62. There is no ending in Disney history that makes less sense than this. 
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63. I will say this as many times as I have to: you cannot act of true love yourself. If Elsa had sacrificed herself to save Anna, or Olaf, or literally anything else, fine. But the act of true love has to be done to you or for you. 64. Regardless this whole "love makes everything better" thing is a good message. 65. I want a personal flurry. I can't wait for your short, Olaf. 66. I would love to punch this movie in the face but I guess I'll settle for Hans. 67. Fun fact: the characters make up Hans Christian Anderson's name- Hans, Kristoff, Anna, Sven. 68. At least Anna replaced his sled.
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SV ch.56
LET THE MADNESS BEGIN. i hear that this chapter is painful?? ahahhahah *tries to think about the last non-painful chapter written by mxtx she read*
Luo Binghe withstood it completely without making a single sound.
okay, so he didn’t run for his life. good, good start. AND WHY IS THE SYSTEM AWARDING HIM WITH COOL POINTS AHAHAHAHAHAHAH
lbh: *M*
sqq: ...
system:  ★,°:.☆\( ̄▽ ̄)/$:.°★
EDIT 2: right, i keep forgetting this chapter is angst, but mxtx is always ready to remind me
With a push of his right hand, Shen Qingqiu accidentally released a burst of spiritual energy that he was suppressing in his palm, and the ceiling shook as he smashed a uniformly shaped dent into it. The dust pattered down, and Luo Binghe covered him with his body, both of his hands grabbing onto Shen Qingqiu’s outer robe. He easily ripped it and laughed loudly. “Go ahead and hit me, in any case, I won’t die! This disciple will gladly endure Shizun’s teachings!” 
(is this the pusher scenario luxury editon? STOP MAKING SOMETHING ANGST FUNNY OKAY, I’M FEELING CONFLICTED HERE.
like, sqq wants to make the place blow up and things go out of control and lbh shielded shizun with his body (from dust, CUTE)?? and then he just decides that shizun’s robe has to go away and rips it?)
But Luo Binghe didn’t give him any more time to consider tender affection; instead, he suddenly ripped apart Shen Qingqiu’s inner robe with one hand before he groped his waist, skin against skin.
Shen Qingqiu melted for a moment on the spot, before he immediately knocked Luo Binghe on the head with the hilt of his sword. He scolded, “You animal!”
Luo Binghe said with resignation, “In any case, I’m not even as good as an animal in Shizun’s eyes, so I might as well act like one.”
sqq’s heart replies to the situation, lbh is an incredible IDIOT, sqq mElTs FoR a MoMeNt because lbh is gRopInG hIs WaIsT- LBH, BABE, YOU ARE SO FREAKING BAD AT THIS and at the sae time this is both disturbing and cute, what am i gonna do with you both-
In the blink of an eye, Shen Qingqiu’s head was already hurting so much that it felt like it was about to explode.
There was something screaming, and as it shrieked, it felt like hands were reaching out at him from all directions, tearing at his soul. 
Luo Binghe said in a panic, “Shizun, I… I was only trying to scare you just then. Don’t take it seriously! What’s wrong?”
and that’s not how you scare someone, bad lbh)
Shen Qingqiu’s body thrashed and flipped around in his arms. Luo Binghe half-held him as he quickly used his spiritual energy to sweep through the inside of Shen Qingqiu’s body. There were clearly no abnormalities, but the sound of Shen Qingqiu’s screaming was indescribably mournful and terrifying, as if burning red brand had been shoved deep inside his brain. Luo Binghe used every method he knew, but still, nothing worked.
(omg i’m so scared what’s going on i’m honestly panicking so hard did i want to study after this AS IF omg omg omg omg WHAT’S WRONG WITH SHIZUN THIS SCENE IS KILLING ME)
As Shen Qingqiu’s pulse grew weaker and weaker, Luo Binghe started to shake slightly before his trembling grew stronger and stronger. Finally, he couldn’t prop himself up any longer, and he half-kneeled and half-fell onto his knees.
EDIT 5: is he in a coffin
Large amounts of fresh oxygen poured in, and Shen Qingqiu sat up abruptly, forcefully sucking in a few breaths. Only then did he discover that it wasn’t actually that fresh and felt more like the air hadn’t circulated underground for many years. Furthermore, it was extremely thin. When he lowered his head to take another look, he saw that he was actually lying inside of a coffin.
did he... perhaps... go back to his previous body....... somehow......
After looking around in a circle, he saw that the walls were covered with paintings of demons dancing wildly, encircling him heavily in all directions.
The demon race’s Holy Mausoleum. Shen Qingqiu arrived at this conclusion.
i did, didn’t i? it’s his old body? and i was maybe right that it is zhuzhuzhuhz’s doing?
EDIT 7: OKAY, i’m gonna stop for a second just to point out that (yes i was indeed right about the first thing, wowow it was kinda obvious yeah good job let’s go one, stupid me) shizun. just. died. again. in. lbh’s. arms.
just, yeah, i just wanted this fact out in the open, in case you haven’t noticed. or just to suffer a bit more, eh. okay, i’ll go back to the chapter.
He didn’t know what kind of expression Luo Binghe had right now while facing that withered, wilted body of his…
EDIT 8: i swear, the nonchlance with which shizun keeps changing body... he is in a dangerous situation? he just jumps in one of his many spare bodies. what a comfy self saving system, truly
【Please note:You have now entered the high level instance “Holy Mausoleum.” The “Plot Hole Filling” mission has already been assigned. Please attack it eagerly and take initiative of your own accord.】
NICE. so i guess from now on things are gonna be even more different than the original novel, and maybe shizun will realise that he is no bystander anymore? THIS IS SO TRILLING!!! 
EDIT 10:
This was the lowest-level demonic creature, and one of the guards most likely met in the Mausoleum: the Blind Corpse.
The Blind Corpse’s name had the word “blind” in it, but it wasn’t actually lacking any eyes. In fact, it had several more pairs than other monsters, grotesquely squeezed onto its face.
(EW. EWWWW. okay so the are strange things in the demon realm, I WOULDN’T HAVE SAID THAT. shizun will surely manage to avoid them and get out of there and meet the person who brought him there -cause he is that lucky, right?
As Shen Qingqiu thought, a Blind Corpse stumbled closer, and he slipped to the side. Unexpectedly, a faint flame ignited in the darkness.
The Last Breath Candles used a living person’s breaths as fuel, and as long as something or someone alive went near it, it would light up by itself.
this is so insanely smart i don’t know if i should congratulate with mxtx or laugh histerically
EDIT 11:
The material this coffin was made of was actually much more solid than the one that he was just lying in. Shen Qingqiu thought, Could there be someone inside? He knocked against the lid of the coffin. “May I borrow this to hide in temporarily?”
He was originally just blurting something out, but unexpectedly, after he knocked twice, a voice actually responded from inside.
The voice was clearly coming from inside the coffin, but it was as crisp as if it was right next to his ears, not muffled in the slightest. It seemed to carry the hint of a laugh. “Please help yourself.”
EDIT 12:
But amidst the melee, the sound of dark hissing suddenly came from outside of the mausoleum hall.
i bet it’s zhuzhzuhzuz I BET-
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