#he just loves cat food too much
luck-of-the-drawings · 6 months
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EPISODE 2 AND 3 HAVE BEEN SOOOO FUN im already so emotionally attached to each of these characters.. if anything bad ever happens to any of them im killing everyone and then everyone.
#cw blood#cw vomiting#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#ARTHUR BENNETS DRY HUMOR IS SOOO FUCKIN FUNNY OH MY GOOODDD the sleepin upside down bit omg..#i love drawing him with just the same stoic expression. he is a stone cold pillar of ice to me. one that loves his little kitty kittyyyyy#i loved watching him work with emizel aswell the dynamic is SOO FUN#I LOVE THAT EMIZEL IS SO FOND OF CATS TOO LIKE RAAAHH THATS SO SWEET.. pepper is his favorite cat....#the part with him defending pepper was SO CUTE UGHH i love emizel he is so small and sharp and pointy AND YET#there is LOVE IN THAT BOYS MOSTLY DEAD HEART I TEEELLL YOU HWAT!!! and in other news:#i love love love the concept of 'royal shut-in gets lost in the big city' MY BABY BOY SHILOOO I ADORE HIMMMM#AND DEACON WAS SOOOO NICE TO HIM givin him a place to stay n helpin him dress up for the party and taking him around town to see the sights#im in love with deacon i love him soooo much. AND ALSO. ABOUT SHILO.#HE CAN EAT FOOOOOD LIKE SURE THE GARLIC GOT HIM BUT WE GGOOOTTA GIVE HIM A MILKSHAKE OR SMTH#LIKE I THOUGHT IN THE FIRST EPISODE WHEN HE SIPPED SODY N NOTHING HAPPENED. I THOUGHT THAT WAS JUSTA FLUKE#BUT NO ITS A PATTERN ITSA PATTERN HE CAN EAT FOOD!!! BABY BOY CAN EAT FOOOD!!!!!!! FEED HIM MORE FOOD!!! food is the best human creation#I HOPE MORE GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO THESE BOYS. especially since. well. okay so ive seen the 4th episode. sigh.#like holy fuck. hey ep4? what the fuck? hey you just let that happen? what the fuck. what the FUCK. EPISODE 4. HEY WHAT THE FUCK#THAT DIDNT NEED TO HAPPEN. OH MY GOD. THIS BETTER END WELL. IN TWO WEEKS I KNOW YALLRE GONNA BE SCREAMIN TOO BC OHHH MY GLOD. WHAT THE FUCK#EPSIDOE FOUR STILL HAS ME FUCKED UP SO BAD OH MY GOD. I WILL NEVER BE OVER IT. HOLY SHIT. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. WHYYYYYY. NOOOOOOO!
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sunbedo · 18 days
Hey guys. gay rights
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#i already made the sonic one a while bc yknow. kinnie stuff youve all seen my blog theme#but then i was wearing my Fearless Year of Shadow(tm) shirt along with it and my irl bff was like.#'why are you wearing a sonic bracelet with that shirt if you love shadow so much 🤨' *#(he doesnt know much about sth stuff but ive infodumped abt shadow and his backstory to him many times)#and i was like 😭😭 BECAUSE I DONT HAVW A SHADOW KANDI BUT I WANNA MAKE ONE. I WILL SOON#so. now i do!! taking my ad/derall on the weekends always make me want to make more kandi. its great!#and yknow what else it makes me want to do...... talk more on here >:3333#me and my dad are gonna go to a local jazz festival this afternoon bc our jazz combo is playing at it!!#itll be fun. my dad said hes gonna get some food from this really good breakfast place on the way thwre#which is not the best part. the best part is outside the shop there is a wonderful kitty cat who hangs around the parking lot#bc hes owned by the ppl who own the bar right next door#its so great. everybody knows him (the cat) and loves him. the v/ape shop next door has a tip door set up for him even though the#bar owner ppl take care of him and take him to the vet nd stuff. my dad found a faceb/ook page somebody made for him#and apparently it just has pictures of ppl at the bar holding him. its so great and hilarious. this cat is so loved#by the v/ape shop people. by random people at this beachtown bar. by the breakfast shop people.#anyways uh. this post was abkut kandi wasnt it 😭😭😭 lol#cherry chortles#anyways the add/er/all also usually makes me want to look at and sort through my pkmn card collection. so imma do that#because my dads friend (and my friend too i guess! me and him exchange cat photos bc he has this adorable chunky cat named gremlin) that we#play bar trivia with on tuesdays (dw its not really even a bar. its mostly a restaurant) asked me abt my pokemon card collection#bc the final question was to put a few franchises (it was like. dora the ecplora and spide/rman etc. and pokemon) in order of revenue#and obvs pokemon was the top. bc of factors like the trading cards so thats how that came up#we didnt bet any of our points btw but we almost! got it right! the order was pk/mn dora spidamen friends (the tv seies) but we had spidman#as second. but we still won!! our team is on a two game winning streak!!! we always split the money so next week ill get another 8 dolla >:3#wow i havent hit tag limit yert#lol. yall'll open the 'see all tags' thing and boom. do you love the color of the sky type shit 😭😭😭#sorry that sounds too much like aave. i (white baby) cant be sayin that#cherrys kandi#okay well i had a tag with a verse from the ultimarw showdown bc i didnt know what else to say#but with my kandi tag and these two tags i have hit tag limit. thank you folks ill be here all night
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bilbobagginsomebabez · 4 months
so the thing about smart housecats who used to be stray is they need a Challenge equivalent to an actual real bird when they kill. and the thing about that is cats are really fast and have a physics engine in their brains. so the thing about that is you have to move the rod with a string & toy on it really fast or it's boring. and the thing about that is the rod and the cat are moving faster than i can really see. and the thing about that is the cat is Not looking at the rod, he's looking at the toy.
so basically i keep hitting our cat with the rod while trying to create engaging play and he's clearly beginning to resent me for it.
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hannie-dul-set · 7 months
when you go out to feed ur cat and suddenly FIVE OTHER CATS ZOOM IN TO SNATCH HER FOOD.
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minarcana · 1 year
still thinking abt viv sending me her caps from uri at the vday cutscene. punching dirt about him and moen being Best Fuckign Friends. i love them so much. moen was so determined to wrangle this loser. god bless. i love moen and i would kill and die for her. so would uri except he cant. i cry every day
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stinkrascal · 1 year
the videos on tiktok where people feed their cats those fancy wet foods with the quail eggs and the probiotics and the pumpkin powder and the little dried fish and the bone broth and the dried blood powders are so addicting. like dude why does this cat eat better than i do
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vaeolus · 9 months
i need go get a scale so i can weigh bart. i feel like he's losing weight really quickly even though he's eating like normal. maybe i'm just accustomed to having big cats but i feel like i can feel his ribs too easily :(
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ovipositer · 1 year
never ask a man his salary a woman her age or a discord mod what age he and his girlfriend were when they first started “talking”
#every once in a while it occurs to me out of the blue#that he probably feels so full of himself#since I just didn’t respond to his harassment#and I abandoned this blog#he loves having the last word#he thinks he ruined my life and that I’m miserable and alone now#and it makes me feel guilty that I didn’t lay into him more#I do plan to vent my frustrations at some point#but I will do it in my leisure in my own time#I’m not an ugly jobless discord mod who makes my full-time working gf clean up five cats’ litter boxes and fix my food for me etc etc ^_^#I guess I don’t have as much time as you do to dedicate to bothering others! ^_^#not that posting on my own personal blog— that quite frankly you wouldn’t be reading if you weren’t obsessed w me— is bothering anyone! ^_^#also I am not in the habit of bickering with every single person I ever meet#I prefer to focus my attention on the people and things that give me joy#if there’s anything I’ve learned from this it’s to yeet toxic people out of my life immediately. no second chances. I have no regrets.#my standards actually were never too high. plenty of ppl can meet them. I’m not the only person like me in the world. go figure.#it’s actually not normal to be as sick and incapable of getting along w others as you and the rest of your ‘community’#still. I would like to speak on what happened because I regret that I held my tongue for those two years.#I don’t think it’s healthy to bottle up all of your negativity.#but I’ve realized now it may literally be years before I will have half the mind to think back on that time in my life and talk abt it#so Idk. I just wanted to say.#I genuinely hope he kills himself#I do not say that lightly#I am not someone who throws that phrase around like it’s nothing.#I genuinely mean it with every inch of my heart. he deserves to die horribly.#I just find solace in the fact that he is so miserable. not because he wants for anything material.#he is spoiled and lazy. but still he does not enjoy his life. how could he? all he does is badger ppl online all day.#it just blows my mind that someone that looks like THAT wld talk to me that way 🤣 you’d think being the ultimate loser wld humble him a bit#just wanted 2 get that out of the way#oviposting
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zombiesama · 11 months
Called in sick and ate some strawberries. Cassim came and laid on me to beg thinking I had something good but he did not like the smell of strawberries so he didn't steal any. Just cuddled me.
My mom called the vet seeing if we can up his meds bc he's still having his lil freak outs. Way less often than it used to happen but it still happens so hopefully more meds will help him out
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orcelito · 1 year
I've gone through a character arc today. I'm... better(?) now
#speculation nation#animal death ment/#turns out shoving all my grief down and refusing to process it in fear of experiencing negative emotions is detrimental to me#i just went through all my pictures of cassy. experienced again what a loverboy he was...#cried again. twice. miserable experience honestly. i dont know how people do this more than a few times a year.#i have a few videos of him. including him watching a bird video on my computer.#unfortunately i never did capture his meow. which breaks my heart but there's nothing i can do about it now.#i'll just have to hold that sound in my memory. his obnoxious 'mraaaa' that could get comically long when he was begging for food#it hurts. but i'm allowed to remember that i loved him. i'm allowed to remember what he was to me.#an obnoxiously bullheaded cat that was strangely skittish at the same time.#it was annoying at the time but i treasure the memory of when he got out of my apartment unit#and i went chasing him up and down the stairs of the central area several times yelling 'cassy get BACK here!'#as he loudly did his 'MRAAAA' the whole time as he ran from me#my baby boy. tally loved him too. it hurts my heart that i cant communicate to her what happened.#no wonder she hates june bug so much. her friend disappeared & then a few weeks later theres This weird new cat#hopefully in time she can be friends with june bug too. there was a solid month or two where she haaaated cassy lmao#before a switch was flipped and she was grooming him every time he sat in front of her.#cassy may have lived for too short of a time. but he was very very loved. and i can see that in the records of him.#he was purring for me in the end. my sweet loverboy...#... i was going to try writing before work today but it seems like it's a grief processing day.#oh well. it's probably better for me overall.#negative/#sure. i guess.
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imwritesometimes · 2 years
my brother and I crowding around my phone like a couple of fuckin nerds, not breathing, vibrating at frequencies that could rattle our roof tiles, watching the Indiana Jones trailer
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The most comforting thing about the end of both layla and mercedes lives is how even on the brink of death and clearly feeling like shit they were still both 100% themselves
Layla was still food driven as hell and despite having just spent 15 minutes puking up her breakfast she still tried to eat a dead mouse she found in the yard
And mercedes, despite being on a sedative to help her relax, was still growling at the vet for DARING to jab her in the leg with a needle. Grumpy and complaining til the very end.
Anyway heres the only video I have of both of them playing together. No sound cuz I originally had music on it but it got copyright claimed. And the lighting sucks cuz it was a fall afternoon and I was recording it on a Samsung impression
But they would play like that a lot when they were younger. Mercedes wouldve been about 10 here and layla would've been 5
#layla started her life by keeping all her siblings away from the food so she could eat all of it#literally the only information we got from her foster home about her personality was that she loved to eat#and goddamn they were fuckin right about that#and she had a crazy high pain tolerance cuz she had pancreatitis a few months before i got harley#and the only reason my parents realized something was wrong was cuz she wasnt eating her food as fast as normal#and when they took her into the vet the vet was surprised she was even still moving around cuz most dogs with pancreatitis#as bad as hers would be in so much pain they refused to move on their own#and then even at the end of her life she had a fuckin malignant tumor in her abdominal cavity and#had moments where she would seem to be in pain#but was still mostly running around acting like a puppy and trying to eat everything#and mercedes had always been pretty grumpy#like man the hour leading up to the vet appointment me and my mom were sitting in the office with her#and petting her and she was getting so annoyed with us cuz she was trying to sleep and we kept waking her up#and she was always pretty feisty too#the vet even commented on it while he was trying to find her vein and she was growling at him#even declawed she still beat the crap out of the neighbors cat when he got into the house one night#she didnt have a scratch on her but there were giant clumps of his hair all over the living room#and that cat was mostly feral and spent most of his time outside getting into fights with other cats#just a couple years ago mercedes was still getting up on her hind legs and throwing herself against the back door#whenever she saw another cat in the yard#harley unfortunately learned that from mercedes#the effect is a little lost for me tho cuz her voice is so high pitched that even her growls sound cute#and she chatters more than mercedes ever did so she sounds more like a disgruntled squirrel#shes lucky she looks huge when she stretches out on her hind legs otherwise she would be completely unintimidating#also i fuckin love chewby so much#she noticed me and mom were sad when we got back from the vet so she kept trying to gift us her favorite toy (a chuckit ball)#i loved layla but that little dog did not give a shit about anyone but herself unless she wanted something from you#Youtube
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
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#I found him in the woods while camping like 2 n a half weeks ago#i didnt have a car so we just. chilled out together in my mom's trailer while i waited for someone to pick us up#& now i love him too much to give him away#he's just a little guy. a little man. just a little boyman#i already bought him a little fountain & he has a bed & toys & 2 litter boxes & he loves dirt#might name him dirt. or mud. maybe dirtball or mudball#an homage to my late boy Fireball#only bad thing about all this shit is that literally as soon as I said ''found another kitten in the woods'' in the groupchat#everyone was already deciding who's keeping him & what his name is & all that#like I'm not even involved at all#also the kitten cant eat anything but soft food right now. he cant even eat softer treats#but he's eating & he's mostly getting along with Ben & he's really interested in the fish tank#he runs around like a crazy person too. between my room & the animal room. just bookin it#at top speeds#he loves ikea rats too. might get him a really big ikea stuffy just to see what he does#another problem is he loves sugar cookies so that's gonna be a problem. he was trying to eat my lemon sugar cookies#i havent had kittens in 18 years btw#man the more i look at him the more i cant imagine giving him away#ive lived without a cat for too long duuude i need him#he made me lose a few Splatoon games today but I forgive him#he is just a little baby boy & he trusts me enough now to pick him up & kiss him on the face & swing him around#for reference the first time i tried to pick him up he bit & scratched the shit outta me#he does the same to everyone else too. except me. because cats think im cool#& also I know cat language#currently the boy is in the animal room playing with toys & also his litter box. because litter is so fun to throw#anyway i just wanted everyone to see him. have you seen him? now you have :)
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fanfictionatic · 2 years
Ok but like I am a fan of the whole “make a barnyard AU” trend I’ve been seeing lately and I might have to get on that at some point because I have A LOT of ideas for that potentially.
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Was straight up Not Doing Well but then I met a cat and now I think I’m okay
#there was nothing specifically wrong with me. it’s just been one of those days#i woke up way too early for no reason and couldn’t get back to sleep and then my grandparents decided to read all the forms i’m bringing#to my job interview on monday (an application form basically) without asking me and ignored me trying to tell them ‘there’s no info about#the job in there’ and also straight up ‘please don’t read that. there’s no reason for you to read that’#i guess there’s no reason for me to be irked by it because everything in there is stuff they already know about me but like.. it struck me#as rude. and then they didn’t even put it back on the table where they found it?? they put it on a random chair#then i pretty much got ordered to tidy up#then my friend called me having an anxiety attack and i had to run over to her house to make sure the doors were locked (they were)#i also had to bang on every door and window to make sure neither the dog nor the baby had been left home alone by her mom#so now the neighbours probably think i was burgling the place. i had her on the phone so i was prepared to hand it over if anyone questioned#me but still. it can’t have looked great. at one point i was literally in the back garden yelling the kid’s name trying to prove a negative#anyway the kid and the dog weren’t in the house alone. so that’s good#but Then i went for a walk around the village (to help me emotionally deal with all of this) and i sat in the church garden for a bit#and a chunky black cat purred at me and came and sat on my lap. he had long claws so it did hurt a bit i won’t lie#i think next time i might bring an extra jacket so there can be a layer in between him and my thighs. he was very friendly though#i might also bring him a toy because i’m pretty sure he lives in the garden and i know at least one person feeds him but he probably doesn’t#have a ton of stuff to do. and i don’t want to bring more food because he really is Chonky#which i mean.. same but i don’t want to disrupt the balance of whatever dietary plan he may be on#anyway. i love cats#personal
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babsaros · 3 months
when my cat sits in my lap at the computer and purrs and lets me kiss him and give him hugs because he knows i love him and he loves meeee
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