#he is fun and troublesome at the same time with that versatility
popponn · 20 days
im still in midst of deadline (will reply to inbox soon! thank you for sending me kind n nice stuffs!!) but as a break let me have this i think i like isagi a lot because he is passionate. but there is something really interesting in how many actions could be categorized as "in character" for him. like he is being friendly—oh yeah, isagi is very capable of that. oh he is an asshole who insults you in the way that would make your ancestor spit—yeah. it's funny. like truly the embodiment of "it depends". in some way also "polite but not truly nice" also it's funny how the one he knows the most about regarding their past is probably chigiri. even bachira didn't spill the heavy stuff on him directly. chigiri and reo are the ones who got isagi pep talk other than igaguri. funny man funny. i probably need to reread to check again but hey let me have this. i can't believe he is still my comfort blorbo this soccerfucker who is a good son and a friend who wouldn't mind to hear you out even if you are not close and you just have to ask. okay yeah let's continue in the tags (and some other time I MISS HIM)
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pekorosu · 4 years
just a lil “if ash lived” headcanon that i need to unload somewhere bc i've been holding it in for a long time
- set within the manga ‘verse
- takes place when ash and eiji are in their early 30s... so around the mid 1990s?
- i don’t get the weird animanga trope where older = longer hair, so they’re gonna look the same... maybe with slightly shorter hair bc they get regular haircuts now 
- (note: i've always interpreted long-haired eiji as symbolic of the fact that he couldn't move on from ash’s death)
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- ash and eiji will continue living in the states, idk if still in NYC or somewhere else. they’ll move around a lot though.
- ash will mostly remain underground as he had to fake his death after lao’s stab, but he does it in a "hiding in plain sight" kind of way. only a handful of people know he’s still alive.  
- ash spends most of his time on the computer, mostly coding, hacking, being a nerd, among other fun stuff.
- he also takes on “jobs” anonymously, and occasionally from max (who’s still into investigative journalism) when he needs info that can only be obtained through Dubious Means.
- i also like to think that ash's a bit of a hacker robin hood lol. but he isn’t doing it purely out of the goodness of his heart, as part of it is a subconscious need to atone for his “sins” and cleanse the gnawing and persistent feeling of shame that gets amplified when he’s around eiji.
- also whatever he’s up to these days would ofc still be Highly Dangerous and Illegal, but it keeps him busy and would sate the part of him that’s still hungry for adrenaline without him having to engage in stuff like active bloodshed or substance abuse. basically that’s how i imagine he’d try to cope with life the only way he knows.
- eiji continues to do photography and other part time gigs bc he does not like the idea of mooching off ash forever, and he slowly makes a name for himself.
- ash and eiji live together but they are NOT together in a romantic sense... not yet >:)
- therefore eiji will probably date other people in the meantime, which gets a little troublesome bc it's not like he can bring them home to where his secret Very Important Friend is secretly hiding.
- ash will maybe have one-night stands every now and then. or not. idk. this isn’t a very important detail.
- anyway there will be lots of clueless but mutual pining :)
- ash especially, is of the opinion that they should start living separately bc someone will eventually track him down, maybe someone who has a past or present grudge on him. combined with his current activities, it’s only a matter of time before eiji would unwittingly get dragged into his problems again.
- eiji is v adamantly against that plan bc he's sorta developed a debilitating sense of paranoia that ash might just get killed somewhere while he’s not looking. not that ash isn’t paranoid either, but his insecurities often tip the scale over to “eiji is safer away from me” than “with me”.
- basically they’re doing their whole “stay. no, leave. no, stay” dance all over again, but like, dragged out over MANY YEARS.
- you thought eiji’s letter would’ve cleared up any crossed wires? 
- like yea, there was probably a beautiful honeymoon period of about a year or two after they reunited, before their respective trauma and issues started creeping in and fucking things up again.
- esp on ash’s end, i think he’d engage in a lot of self-sabotage. and eiji is only human, he has his own limits and baggage too.
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- there will be a government conspiracy plotline but on a smaller scale compared to canon that i am unfortunately not knowledgeable enough to worldbuild on, but it will probably have something to do with cybercrime/cyberterrorism/stuff like that bc it needs to tie in with ash's hacking shenanigans.
- i've heard that sing ends up becoming some sorta political big shot in yasha? idk, i haven't read it myself, but since china’s rising status was mentioned in GoL i imagine the plot should relate to that somehow.
- therefore sing would also get to be in this story! 
- i guess this means yut-lung would come into the picture at some point as well, and it would be a good opportunity for a redemption arc but i haven’t given it much of a thought bc i’m indifferent to his character orz SORRY.
- look i can’t do plot, but i am basically envisioning a political thriller with a side of slow burn romance (wait, you mean like a rehash of canon?)
- i’m thinking max is the one who kicks off the story by bringing something fishy to ash, and they just end up uncovering more and more and MORE stuff as they keep going.
- so for like 80% of the story, ash and eiji will be separated bc ash will be busy spying or infiltrating something... and being at the center of Plot Things, while max and eiji will be more on the outside dealing with the journalist side of things. i’m fond of max-ash interactions but i’m also REALLY CURIOUS about max-eiji’s dynamic :D
- meanwhile sing will be like, half in and half out i imagine. he's versatile like that lol
- ...i did NOT mean that in a dirty way
- anyway, this will provide ash and eiji ample space to work out their issues separately, as i think living in close quarters for so many years has actually been aggravating them. ofc those issues don’t get 100% resolved by the end, but some time apart from each other to cool off and spend with other people should provide a bit of perspective.
- i want ash to make some NEW FRIENDS (!!!) that are on the same wavelength as him bc there’s only so much that he can tell eiji and i’m sure he gets rather lonely, so there will be OCs that he will meet in the middle of Plot Things.
- ash will get trapped at some point. preferably with sing so they can have a much needed heart-to-heart talk. they’ll have a lot to hash out, ranging from the events in BF, shorter’s and lao’s death, all the way to ash’s love life. 
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- btw i like the idea of eiji and sing being close drinking buddies who confide in one another but ash is kinda, justalittle, not very happy about that LOL 
- i mean, it's not like eiji can confide in ash when ash is the topic at hand, ya get me? as for sing, he’s similar to ash in the sense that they live dangerous lives, so i imagine he just finds it nice to be able to hang out with someone mundane like eiji every now and then.
- not to say that ash and sing aren’t talking to each other at all, but i think they’d have a bit of a rift between them. sing probably does feel some resentment, both at ash for killing lao AND at himself bc he knows deep down that given a choice, he would’ve saved ash over his own brother. ash can sense that tortured vibe, so eiji’s like their middle man. AND THAT’S WHY THEY NEED A HEART-TO-HEART TALK
- (SIDE NOTE: i want akira to have a role in this too. i actually have a separate headcanon that happens prior to this story... kinda like an alternate GoL? 
akira goes to the states to visit eiji, but ash is also there, yeah? akira and ash start out sorta prickly with each other bc ash is all weird and standoffish and always cooped up in his room. she probably mistook him as a jobless model mooching off eiji at first since 1) eiji and ibe have never spoken about him back in japan (cuz he’s supposed to be dead), 2) why would eiji be living with some random hot guy? unless they met during one of his photography gigs? right??? 
and then she ends up witnessing them in the middle of a tiff, which makes her not like ash even more bc HOW DARE HE YELL AT POOR OKUMURA-SAN??? UNGRATEFUL JERK!!!
but over the course of her visit, she snoops around learns a bit about their history and gathers hints as to why their r’ship is kinda strained. also ash and akira somehow end up bonding (reluctantly) over their emotional insecurities and part on a friendly rivalry to win over eiji’s affections (which eiji is completely oblivious to. also akira may have been 100% serious but ash was just jokingly playing along with her (OR WAS HE???)). anyway long story short, ash teaches akira some cool tech/IT stuff along the way so that leads to her gaining an interest in the field. 
she won’t be able to do much in this story, but a minor role would be cool :)
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 ^ a lighthearted gyoza-making scene amid all the angst)
- (SIDE NOTE #2: i ALSO want cain to feature in this, but bc canon provided very little bg info on him it’s hard for me to figure out where he’d fit. but i suppose that’s precisely why it would be great to include him, since i can just make up my own backstory! lol. for now, i think he should be connected to one of the new OCs to make him more central to the plot. or heck, he can be involved himself! ...yeah, i’m just salty about how cain was treated more like a convenient plot device compared to the other major side characters. we barely know anything about him even though he was one of ash’s most trusted allies. #caindeservedbetter2k20)
- anyway, back to the main story. ash (and his new "friends") barely escape where they’re held hostage. ash would be rusty with combat now as he’s spent the past few years doing only stealth work and being rather sedentary. 
- so there’ll be lotsa old man!ash jokes like them poking fun at him whenever he complains about his back hehe
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- when they finally emerge outside they find themselves in the middle of nowhere! they then hijack a passing pickup truck and do a roadtrip back to civilisation. ROAD TRIP FTW
- at this point, quite some time has already passed and ash even has a fuzzy beard and mane and all. he’s standing at the back of the truck with a small smile on his face and the wind blowing in his hair, thinking GONNA GO BACK AND SEE EIJI, MISS HIM LOADS, HELL YEA 
- (bonus: this song and this scene is the catalyst for this entire headcanon btw)
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(drew this about a year ago. i was trying to imitate the manga’s art style... and the ash i had in my mind was a little different. i’m too lazy to redraw, but he’s fuzzier now okay! MORE FUZZ! like an actual freakin LION!)
- meanwhile, eiji and max will get into some deep shit around this point? 
- eiji in the pic above was me imagining that the Bad Guys had tossed some damning evidence (eg. severed body part?) on the ground like “ash’s dead/ash’s in a lot of danger now so hand over all the info u have”
- and eiji and max are like. SHOOKETH
- this would be the 3rd time ash has “died” after all, and as they say... 3rd time's the charm...
- eiji almost gives in, but then max spits in their face like fuck no and then... yeah. they get beat up and taken away or something lol
- EDIT: hmm... what if the Bad Guy is someone IN the government, and he uses his power to get eiji and max arrested for aiding and abetting a wanted fugitive (ash). and then ash has to rescue them... JAILBREAK STYLE
- also it might be cool to introduce ash's mom somewhere in this story... maybe SHE'S the villain! mwahaha *drama intensifies*
- anyways they will get saved by ash and gang bc that’s just the way things go, BUT! only on the condition they already made it out at least 80% of the way bc GODDAMN IT👏LET👏EIJI👏BE👏BADASS👏FOR👏ONCE👏 
- (that is, after he overcomes the initial shock of ash possibly being dead again... again...... again............)
- there will ofc be moments of “oh my god, you’re okay” "i thought i lost you...!"
- something like this, because one can never have enough cheesy reunion scenes
- this will eventually lead to REVELATIONS (of the romantic kind, yes) 
- buuuut they will never say "i love you" directly to each other bc ash is too emotionally constipated and eiji is too japanese. it's okay, they will communicate it through heated stares 👀
- i would love for there to be a scene where they have to be separated again for Plot Reasons and ash sorta hesitantly goes all "...will you wait for me?" as a direct parallel to canon!eiji's "i'll be waiting" and it’s like,
- FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! ash has finally allowed himself to ask for this, to let himself want it! 
- but i think it'd be hilarious if eiji pops up while ash's in the middle of the final showdown and ash's like WTF I TOLD YOU TO WAIT FOR ME and eiji's like I WAS WORRIED OKAY YOU WERE TAKING SO LONG
- idk how this is supposed to end...
- oh wait! since the plot is government-related, maybe Someone will be able to pull strings to wipe out ash’s criminal record (past and present) and give him a brand new 100% legal identity, as thanks for his efforts? or maybe ash (or sing) just does it himself somewhere along the way LOL. anyway, he’ll be able to start over with a fresh clean slate and finally work on recovery FOR REAL NOW. yes this is a happy ending AND it didn’t require him to go to japan /flips off canon
- ...i realise it’s never going to be that simple but W H A T E V E R
- (also they probably will visit japan in the future with that shiny new passport... gotta meet the in-laws and all y’know)
- who do i gotta pay to write this cheesy self-indulgent fic for me
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zwiezraczek · 4 years
The Perks of Being Roger's Girl... [Chapter 1]
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SUMMARY: Anna is Brian’s friend, his childhood best friend. They were separated for a long time, but when Smile performs at the Royal Albert Hall, Anna is here, invited by Brian. There, she meets Roger, the dentist drummer, a loverboy.
CHAPTER 1: Begining  - CHAPTER 2
WORDS: 6.4k
Anna walked into the concert hall. It was hot in there, she could almost feel herself sweat as she entered the place. She thanked herself for wearing only a long coat above her red dotted white shirt and her brown fabric bell-bottoms. She touched nervously her afro, before going towards the bar to have a beer. It was exciting to see Brian, her friend, playing on stage. It was something she missed a lot. She heard that he was playing in a band, she even went to some of his early concerts. But, sadly, her studies disabled her from coming to see her friend, she only wrote letters to him while being in Cambridge as a broke student for several years. But now, she was back home, to work and study – that she could now afford, not being too busy at University. She could even afford a small flat, nothing too cozy, but nothing in too bad shape; after all she wasn't paying much.
When she heard some agitation near the stage, after her first beer, she looked in that direction. The band was there, Smile. She immediately recognized Brian's luxurious hair, she missed her long-lost hair twin during the years they were apart. She was extremely happy to see him embracing his natural hair, because she remembered the times when he used to straighten it. Real massacre.
Anna rose from her seat at the bar to go see them clearer. She tried to catch Brian's gaze while he was adjusting his guitar, the Red Special as he used to call her. She waved at him, he saw her – who wouldn't recognize this afro in a crowd? – and shyly waved back before the beginning of the show.
Introductions were made. She swore that Brian spoke about four members, not three; but somehow, during that night at the Royal Albert Hall, only three of them were here, on stage. Tim, the lead vocalist and bassist, Roger the blond drummer and Brian, her friend, no Chris. Something must have happened, but for now it wasn't important.
They began to play. People around her seemed to know their music by heart, sharing their energy with the band which was exciting and beautiful. On her side, she was mesmerized by their performance. They were in such symbiosis that everything around her – cigarettes scents, alcohol, the crowd – seemed to fade away. Brian was absolutely amazing, she definitely knew it before but this performance brought it on another level – she had to admit that the last time she saw Brian perform was a few years ago. The other members of the band were mesmerizing too, Tim seemed so passionate about his singing, and so concentrated while playing bass and on the other hand, Roger looked so carefree, so wild while playing the drums. Everything looked so perfect, everything was enchanting.
When the magic ended she could go backstage to join Brian and the band. She had to make her way through the crowd towards the stage and to almost fight with the guards around the scene while explaining to them that she was invited by one of the members of the band, no she wasn't a groupie, no fuck off. Finally, Brian had to come and tell the guards that it was okay for her, that she was indeed his friend and she was invited backstage. Anna felt relieved, she had a haughty expression while getting there before it faded when she was alone with Brian, almost alone. She was so happy to see her old friend that she hugged him, a little more than usual. He was still taller than her, something that she always found irritating because she was used to be the tallest around. This was how they began their friendship, height and hair. He was doing well, he was still studying astrophysics, still playing music, and still full of talent. She always admired how versatile he was, it was one of his biggest qualities. Anna on the other hand was just studying English literature, nothing big, but she was good at it. She used to write with Brian when they were in high school, he had such a way with words. Anna only added some touches when he was writing, telling him what sounded better in her opinion, and he listened to what she had to say; they could discuss about the text for hours. Good old days.
Brian showed her around, leading her to the band's small space backstage. The question about not being four burned her lips and finally the fire started, Brian put an end to it by explaining why Chris had to leave them – argument, Chris Smith was out now, ugly argument really. Brian didn't give names, but something told her that Roger, this troublesome friend of his, the dentist, was the cause. She referred to Roger like that in their letters, which amused Brian a lot. When he pushed the curtain a bit, Anna and Brian came across the room dedicated to the band. Everything was blurry from smoke, heat, groupies. A lot of groupies on the couch, three groupies, for a small space three too much. She first met Tim, sitting on one of the chairs while discussing with a man with a peculiar face, but peculiar in a good way, it was something about his teeth... Tim shook her hand with a smile on his face, bringing her back to reality. She told him that she really enjoyed the show they put on tonight and he thanked her, he seemed genuinely relieved that she enjoyed the show. And then, Anna saw this blond head with this little smile, looking at the girls gathered around him on the couch, both hands spread on the headrest. The dentist. Yes, she now remembered that Brian told her about his “attractiveness”, which on the one hand brought them fans but on the other was a pain in the ass, Brian's words. But Roger seemed to enjoy the mess he made around him, if we believed the smile displayed on his pretty face. A loverboy. He smirked when he saw Anna. A dentist loverboy. Great. She wasn't sure if it was their coming or their hair that caught the drummer's attention when they entered the small space. Brian sat in front of Roger, on an armrest while Anna made herself comfortable in the same chair.
“Hey, Rog, this is Anna. You remember, my friend, the one I invited tonight,” Brian precised while pointing at Anna who waved shyly. Brian quickly looked at the three girls gathered around Roger, all having a good laugh with the drummer.
“How could I forget mate,” Roger replied, Anna and Brian had his full attention now. It was quite spectacular to see two persons with such hair in the same room, near each other. “I'm Roger Taylor, nice to meet you Anna”, he said looking at her. “Damn, you two look like twins, even the look and stuff. Brian, you didn't tell me you had a beautiful sister!”
“Rog, please”, Brian seemed to have enough of all of this, he only sighed and looked at Anna with an apologetic smile. She wasn't upset, she liked the idea of them looking alike, it always was fun to be taken for siblings. Especially with Brian. Hilarious situations came to her mind at that moment. Like the time they tried to convince a man while entering a bar that Brian was Anna's twin, the guy was slightly drunk but he saw most of the trick, but let them in anyway. Good time.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too,” she replied, with a kind expression which reassured Brian. “Great show, great drum work and all,” she wasn't really a specialist, she knew it, but she found the performance really interesting, and her compliments were absolutely genuine. Even if they were not totally important, at the end, who was she to judge their performance? A mere mortal.
“Oh you know, these hands can do wonders”, he answered with a cocky smile making the girls around him burst into laughter and cuddling up a bit more against him. Anna just looked up at Brian, a little confused, a little amused. Brian wasn't surprised at all.
“As you can see, I didn't lie to you when describing Roger in my letters to you,” Brian said with a little smile on his face, just to tease the blond. Anna absolutely knew that little smile of his. Classic Brian.
“Described me? What letters?”, Roger asked, loosening the cuddling position he was in. A wave of incomprehension crossed his face, he seemed to be processing every information he heard, slowly, without understanding everything, what Anna found quite funny.
“Oh, the dentist things, he only described the dentist things”, Anna playfully answered, then casting a knowing look at Brian. “Only dentist things, right?”
“Brian, for the love of God I won't become a dentist,” one could hear determination in Roger's voice. He became petty, pretty petty, and this blond hair was only enhancing his childish look which made him look so innocent, even if, from what Anna could read and see, he wasn't at all.
“If you say so, Rog.”
Roger processed the information, he had the whole process of thinking on his face, his eyes slightly shut, his mouth open a little and a gaze into nowhere. Anna didn't really know how to react to that... Absence. Brian elbowed her, as if everything was alright, and then started to ask how Cambridge was. They had so much to catch up, she had so much to tell him, she had so much to hear. Everybody in the room had their occupation, beer in hand, Anna having a great time speaking with Brian about the crazy stuff she did while in Cambridge while laughing, cross-legged in the chair, Brian laughing wile leaning closer to her to hear what she actually said to him because of Roger's girls laughing at his jokes. It was getting later and later, darker and darker outside and Anna had to go back home, into her small flat. Something she didn't enjoy much, she was having a great time there, with Brian, just like in the good old days. But everything had to come to an end. Sadly. Brian offered to walk her home, just in case and she gladly accepted that offer. Brian took his guitar, excused himself for not helping with the instruments tonight but he had to walk her home, safety first. Roger smiled, a knowing smile.
“Roger, she is my friend.”
“Yeah, for sure mate,” he winked at her, while hugging on of the girls more against him.
“Have a very, very pleasant night,” Anna commented while smiling at him. He pissed her off a bit, but nothing to serious, it was all in fun.
“You too girl, tell me if Brian was nice enough then,” he commented and Anna's attempt to reply was covered by one of the girl's laugh. Great.
And while Anna a Brian left the room, Roger was still thinking about Anna.
Seeing Anna around during their gigs was something absolutely normal by now. She came back to London four months ago, and for the past two months she was going to see them perform as much as she could. In London, at home, everything was easier.
She finally became a huge fan of the group, it was inevitable with Brian's texts. He had some talent, no doubts. She was very fond of Doin' Alright, she always enjoyed when it was played during gigs. Something soothing the atmosphere, dulling the rumble of the crowd, making everything blurry when she was sitting legs crossed at the bar, a beer in hand and watching the stage from afar. And obviously then, she went backstage with them. There, she met Freddie, Tim's friend, the one she saw the first time she came, a talented art student. Shy and exceptional. He had extra teeth, something that made Roger laugh at first, but when he heard Freddie's singing voice, he, and his falsettos, got their jaws dropped. Anna herself was amazed. His performances, she guessed, will be bomb.
Tonight, Roger came in long after Anna – Anna was usually the last one to come into the band's space, knowing how much they needed a bit of rest after a gig – something that became normal, usual with the bringing girls ban Brian and Tim established especially for Roger. So now, Roger came in late. Everybody knew why, nobody wanted to hear it. But Freddie was always teasing him about it. When he showed up with a sheepish smile, some lipstick on his neck and a napkin with numbers on it, Freddie couldn't resist the urge to comment.
“Darling, you're always playing the perverted part after gigs,” and Roger just rose his shoulders, innocently, a dazzled look, a flirtatious smirk for Anna and a reply.
“You know, somebody has to play that part, I don't really see Brian playing it, nor Tim,” he explained, it sounded as a self-sacrifice for the greater good of the band. So dramatic. So Roger.
“Sure Rog, I could definitely not be as perverted as you are,” Brian replied and the looked at Anna, smiling. He once told her a Roger's adventure, when two girls showed up after their gig, claiming they were his girlfriends. He had an immense pleasure watching Roger hiding in closets while the girls were chasing him. Anna made a funny face, and could only nod in order to not burst into laughter while thinking about it.
“What “sure Rog”, mate? And you, what was that nod for, huh?” Roger looked at both of them, suspicious, straightening himself on the couch, scrutinizing them and their chemistry.
“Nothing Roger,” she replied amused, “nothing in particular. I mean, Brian could never be as good as you are at this kind of games.”
“You're on tight rope, Anna,” he warned her with dark yet smiling eyes, pointing right at her. He wanted to know why he was the butt of the joke, right now.
“Literature students are always on tight rope, Roger, I'm used to it. Plus, when you have Brian's hair because you're half black, being on tight rope is your destiny,” her answer was full of sarcasm, but full of truth too. She had difficult times with her hair, really difficult ones. But now, with her hair pal, everything seemed lighter, more joyful.
“Be careful Roger, she's taller than you,” Brian warned him changing the subject.
“And? What does that change exactly, mate?”
“She's taller, that's the joke,” Tim insisted encouraged by Freddie's laugh.
“Fuck you”, Roger replied, arms crossed on his chest, looking from time to time to see if Anna was looking at him. And she was. This dentist was a funny guy after all.~
Smile was dead. God save the Queen.
Smile had to fade to let Queen rise. This was how Brian explained Anna that Tim wasn't playing with them now, they separated after a few more gigs together, but remained friends. Funnily enough, the one replacing Tim was Freddie. The Freddie that Roger first called a “dental freak” to what Freddie replied that a drummer dentist shouldn't give any opinion on his teeth, especially when he couldn't sing properly. Roger was red, and Brian and Anna were only laughing, covering their mouths while doing it. But then, they became friends, even when Freddie called him a perverted little brat. Even then, Roger could only be more bitchy than ever and cock-fight with Freddie about who had more sass. Anna secretly loved these small challenges.
As Tim left the band, they needed a bassist. Freddie wasn't really suited for the bass, and God knew they tried to make him play – it was a disaster that Anna never wanted to forget, seeing Brian's absolutely jaded expression while Roger was screaming at Freddie for not playing it alright, a priceless moment – but this never really worked, and they needed a bassist. Quickly. And there he came, John Richard Deacon, born on August 19th 1951. He was studying electric engineering, nothing too fancy, he looked like a shy person who had nothing to do on stage – Roger's words when he came in, according to Brian – but he shortly proved that they absolutely needed him in the band while softly playing the bass, with such passion, yet stiffly but they could work on that. And when Anna saw the whole band for the first time, during one of their rehearsals, as Mary, Freddie's friend was sitting next to her on the couch, she immediately saw, and said to Mary, that these guys were going to go places. Mary agreed. Both of them thrilled by the aura the group made.
Anna was already in bed, her hair in a a blue turban, thick socks on and under a huge blanket when somebody knocked at her door. She wondered who could bother her at that hour. First, she thought that something happened to her parents, so she rushed towards the door, but instead of gloom and doom she found Freddie, mist coming from his rosy lips as he smiled when he finally saw her open the door. It was cold outside, and Anna asked herself how Freddie was not freezing his ass out there.
“Freddie,” she yawned. Then, she rubbed her shoulder in order to heat herself up a bit. “Come inside, it's so damn cold outside. I'll make some tea and you'll explain to me what's happening to you.”
“Oh, nobody's dead, darling,” he playfully said while sitting on one of the chairs around the small round wooden table. “Not yet.”
If this sentences was meant to reassure her in any way, it failed its purpose. Truly. Anna turned around to face Freddie, the water was boiling behind her, two cups with jasmine tea were ready to be used. Her expression was perplexed, she was still sleepy, and didn't get the joke nor any other information.
“Nobody's going to die, darling, I swear,” Freddie said after a small chuckle as he looked at this sleepy-head. “I just need another genius to help me with a song, nothing more, darling,” he finally told her as he put a small notebook on the table. It once was a small notebook, but now it was composed of hundred different papers flying around and some brown pages. All Freddie's works. Every one of them better than the previous one. And Anna was supposed to... Help him? She heard the boiling water and poured it into the cups before serving them on the table. She sat in front of Freddie, thoughtful.
“I don't know how I could help you,” she admitted and drank a sip from her cup after the water became brown, “ I mean, Brian is a better specialist than...”
“Darling,” he interrupted her abruptly, “here lays the whole the fun. Brian won't know anything about it because we will rewrite Keep Yourself Alive together before Queen's first performance! Isn't that fantastic?” he frantically asked her, absolutely thrilled about the idea of creating something new out of this song.
Anna wasn't sure about what was going on. She wanted to help Freddie, so badly, but at the same time Brian should know about the changes before their first concert which was in a few days... But everything was so exciting, adrenaline ran through her veins at the thought of being part off a secret project like that. And Anna liked surprises, she liked to surprise Brian a lot, he always made funny faces when something unusual happened around him, and she secretly enjoyed these funny faces and these moments when he lost his composure, just for a second.
“Show me these lyrics, Freddie,” she said and drank some of the tea from her cup, “we'll work this out and this will be the best song ever I swear!”
“Your enthusiasm is so divine, I love it Anna!”
They both smiled before beginning to look at the pieces of paper. And so was the song, divine.
Anna and Mary were in the crowd in the small bar Queen performed in, standing along strangers, standing close to one another, waiting for them to begin their performance. She then felt a presence, some guy tried to touch her hair in the back, drunk as hell, she absolutely told him to fuck off while Mary just put her arm around Anna's shoulders to keep her closer and to – somehow – avoid another unwanted contact. When Anna rose her eyes on the stage, she saw Roger's expression. It was a true mixture of rage, incomprehension and anxiety. She could ready each one of these emotions from where she was. She was curious to know why he had such expressions imprinted on his pretty face, why he had to experience these feelings all together. Suddenly, Freddie's voice broke the hubbub in the room after Brian's introductions and some cheers for Roger, who wasn't clearly paying attention to whoever shouted his name in the crowd.
“Hello beautiful people,” Freddie cheered the audience as a voice rose asking where Tim was and who this “Paki” was.
Anna and Mary looked back at the man and almost killed him with their eyes; but as soon as they turned back to face the stage, they saw Freddie struggling with the microphone during the beginning of the song. Nearly hitting John, nearly killing John on his first performance, with the microphone. Yet, he still managed to catch audience's attention while singing so perfectly the song they all knew, or thought they knew. As soon as the lyrics began to change, Freddie winked at Anna and the grin on his face grew.
Brian's expression went funny. Anna could kill – metaphorically speaking – to see this expression on Brian's face; she could almost hear him saying “Wrong lyric, Fred” while continuing to play on his guitar, which was absolutely hilarious when you were aware of the little trick Freddie had prepared.
The band's meeting just after this gig was the best one Anna assisted to so far. When Mary and her entered the space, Freddie almost ran to hug Anna tight. She hugged him almost as tight as he did.
“Thank you darling, thank you for helping me,” he exclaimed after breaking the hug a while after and fondly looking at Mary then. “Anna's the other genius who wrote this song.”
“The other what?!” Anna could hear irritation in Roger's voice. She wasn't sure what it was about. Was it about what happened just before they came on stage, when his expression was a monstrous medley of emotions or because of the change of the lyrics?
“Anna you didn't,” Brian interrupted while looking at Anna, somehow disappointed, or just maybe weary.
“We worked all night long,” she admitted as she sat on the armrest of the couch, playing nervously with her afro, “and the result isn't as bad as I thought it could actually be.”
“I feel betrayed,” Brian said, looking like a sad puppy at Anna who just sent him a kiss across the room. “No kiss will heal the betray of a friend, Anna.”
“Soothe the pain maybe then?”
“I can go for a kiss as an apologize,” Roger said while looking at Anna from across the room with a playful smile on his face. “I'm all for negotiations.” She blew him a kiss, jokingly and then began to laugh. Roger's face became paler than usual, he went silent for a long moment, maybe for a too long moment.
“You got Roger but not me,” Brian continued, and Roger internally thanked him for his intervention at that particular moment, when he felt maybe too much, when he remembered how pissed Anna looked when that guy touched her hair while he was on stage, not able to tell him to fuck off and when he remembered that she blew him a kiss, jokingly. Softly. He got shivers down his spine, body relaxed, his mind being somewhere else for a long moment as he lost himself into her blue eyes.
As Queen was rising, Anna became a regular in their rehearsing room along with Mary. The two girls were always sitting somewhere in the room, doing their things as the boys were playing music. Anna found it absolutely calming, even when they were trying to rip their heads off – when Roger tried to rip Freddie's head off mostly – because the music they made right after was divine. Especially when The Night Comes Down was performed next to them, the two girls caught themselves moving their heads in rhythm with Roger's drums while listening to the song. One of Brian's masterpieces, and Anna, as an English major, went crazy when she heard it for the first time. She had already read the lyrics and found them particularly beautiful, but hearing these in Freddie's mouth was another experience, an experience worth living for. She immediately stopped writing whatever she was writing and endlessly looked at them playing, Freddie sitting on the chair next to the piano and Brian carelessly touching the strings of his guitar while John was in the back, playing softly, stiffly. And Roger, Roger never seemed so calm and focused. Anna remarked how glowy his porcelain face was when he was playing, making kissy faces unknowingly as he played. His hair was smoothly moving along with his sharp and precise movements, and sometimes, she managed to catch his eye. His glistening eyes looking at her, and for a second, his confused face became a smiling one: he winked. She chuckled, shaking her head still in rhythm.
On other days, while Mary and Freddie were speaking, Brian in the small kitchen space drinking another tea and Roger somewhere, over the rainbow probably, John and Anna found themselves in the room, each of them sitting on a chair, in perfect silence. Anna would lie if she told that she found this silence awkward, it was, indeed, a great silence. Mostly, John was scribbling something on a notepad, Freddie gave it to him a few months after he joined the band, as a gift and John felt really happy about it, genuinely happy, and Anna would sit an try to write an essay about another lecture she had or about another poet's feature. The would look up, lock their eyes, smile and finally, go back to their activity. It was strangely relieving. John wasn't talkative, and Anna usually neither and somehow this kind of relationship brought them close. It became a ritual, nobody – except Roger, – would disturb them.
“What are you doing,” Roger finally asked, after making so much noise that Anna could hear John sigh while writing something, so she rose her eyes and smiled. He smiled to. Roger smiled too and came nearer. She hoped that he wouldn't ask questions, vain hopes.
“Magic as you can see,” she sarcastically answered as Roger was peeking over her shoulder, “trying to cast a spell to maybe become rich and famous someday and to have a good grade. But the grade part is optional actually,” she admitted while looking up. She saw his beautiful eyes looking down at her, nearly veiled by his fringe. He had a halo made of light-bub light above his head.
“Want some help?” he offered.
“You're a dentist, Roger.”
“Fuck off Anna,” he replied visibly annoyed. But this comment didn't prevent him from sitting next to her in the couch. “I may be a dentist, but that doesn't mean I don't know shit about literature and whatever you're doing here.”
“Oh really? Wow, Mr. Taylor will help me with my essay,” she teased him as he looked at her. “Okay, let's see what you've got then. See?” she asked while pointing at the line she was actually studying, “I need to find the exact definition of the term, so I'll be able to...”
They spent an hour and a half trying to understand what exactly the author meant in this poem, what could be useful to comment upon this Nightingale. Roger was smart, smarter than Anna thought and she was ashamed to admit it. He frowned when he couldn't get the point of the author, trying to analyze the structure of the line as well as he could, while Anna was analyzing the stress pattern of the line, iambic pentameter, fade away... They didn't even notice when Freddie's voice could be heard from the other side of the room, complaining about Roger being “so involved” that Brian had to seriously talk to him, for his own sanity. And maybe John's.
“Rog, Freddie will rip your head off if you don't get up and come banging your drums,” he said, as both Roger and Anna looked up at him, in great confusion. “You're late Roger, and you're lucky that I'm the one coming and not Freddie.”
“I heard that darling,” Freddie commented.
“Shit, sorry!” Roger said, understanding finally what was going around him. The bubble burst, and the moment he was sharing with Anna was over. “I was helping Anna with this analysis and then...”
“Freddie, I'm absolutely sorry,” Anna said looking at Freddie across the room, “it won't happen again! I won't steal your drummer any longer I promise!”
“He wasn't bothering you?” Brian asked, a bit off and confused as he got a nasty look from Roger.
“Hey, I'm not the botherer here, mate!” Roger commented, with or without innuendo.
“He was actually quite helpful, Brian! Who knew something was under this blond wig!” she joked.
“First of all, fuck you Anna and second of all, don't you give me that look Brian I can be helpful!”
“If you say so, Rog,” Brian commented , a smile on his lips after Anna's comment.
“Yes darlings, be all lovey dovey while John and I are dying out here because we can't rehearse,” Freddie remarked, striking a dramatic pose that made Mary chuckle as John just rose his shoulder, having his bass hanging on one side.
“I'm ready Freddie, let's do your thing,” Roger said while getting up, before turning again to look at Anna. “Mr. Taylor was pleased to help you, Mrs. Anna,” he winked at her, with a teasing smile. Anna could hear Brian sigh and catch a glimpse of his deary expression. The poor guy had to deal with this group – Freddie and Roger – all day long, courageous man. “So, we're playing what now?”
“Liar,” Freddie answered, his look full of surprises, Mary standing next to him.
“Very funny Fred,” Roger remarked as he reached his drum set and sat, waiting for them to begin.
 John and Anna were sitting in silence, each one of them trying to focus on their work, on anything while the band took a small break. Strangely, Roger was nowhere to be seen, no shouting, no talking, no peeking, nothing. When both of them heard light footsteps next to them, they rose their heads to find Roger: Anna gave John a knowing look as the man just nodded before heading back into his work. Russian roulette: who Roger wanted to bother today? Anna already felt that her essay's conclusion was to be forgotten, not done here, not today actually but how wrong she was. Roger sat on the couch where she was, on the opposite side with a pen and a small notebook. He curled one leg up on the couch, as he put the notebook on his lap and began to think, deeply think as he frowned. He then began to scribble on his paper. John and her exchanged a curious look, as Roger sat silently and began to tap his fingers on the hard cover of the notebook. Curiosity killed the cat. Anna approached his side of the couch, leaving the conclusion of her essay, and began to peek over his shoulder, as he always did either to John or her.
“What are you doing here, Roger,” she playfully asked, as he always did when he came in the room to bother John or her.
“Magic,” he sarcastically replied mocking her as her eyes opened a bit wider in confusion, “trying to cast a spell in order to have a great song, the great part is actually optional.” She chuckled as she remembered saying the exact same thing to him the other day.
“I guess you could use some English major help then,” she offered as Roger always did.
“You're implying that I can't write all by myself?”
“I'm implying that you came here because you wanted either John's”, she began to say before noticing that John was already on the other side of the room, speaking with Freddie, “or my help. But it seems that I'll be the only one offering help here,” she suggested. “What's the title of the song?”
“Modern Times Rock'n Roll,” he proudly answered looking at her.
“Very evocative of... Rock'n roll?” She had a little smile on her face as she wasn't really sure what to say about the song.
“You're so perceptive it hurts Anna, I'm impressed,” he admitted nodding slowly.
“Show me that thing, I want to see the lyrics Mr.Taylor!”
He put the notebook on her lap and she looked at the lyrics with great attention. It wasn't Brian's fondness and delicateness put on page, but something more... Effective? She knew absolutely nothing about rock compared to Roger who was following every trend, many bands, reading, writing about it... And these lyrics weren't made to sound only “pretty” – these actually weren't what Anna could call “pretty” but “accurate” and “well chosen” for this subject – but to state something: the changes in the rock world. So, it didn't require a lot of metaphors, no love interest, no Kings nor Queens, but only words, raw words arguing about the new rock facing the old one. And Anna would lie if she didn't admit that it was pretty interesting to see lyrics under this perspective. She laid her eyes on him, on this porcelain face framed by blond strands of hair and asked if he could sing it. Bloody yes, was his only answer. He looked as excited as a child on Christmas Eve. He closed his eyes for a moment, began to tap his fingers on the couch they were sitting on and sang. So he did. His raw and raspy voice was everything the lyrics needed. Anna could not imagine Freddie singing this song, not with as much passion as Roger did with his own song, with the knowledge, the wisdom. Freddie was amazing, but this was Roger's turn to show off – besides his falsettos that they once discovered when the man saw a spider and began to cry his lungs out, a marvelous moment as Freddie recalls. Anna's mind was dazzled, impressed.
“So?” he finally asked, looking at her a bit longer than he should, making her realize that she went silent for a moment.
Nothing to say?”
“You want compliments or real judgment?” she said joining her hands around her knee and leaning back.
“Do I look like somebody craving for compliments?”
“Kind of,” she joked as he frowned before she continued. “It was really good, I'm pretty impressed,” Roger's ego was puffing in front of Anna as a mating pigeon.“But”, she continued as his enthusiasm faded immediately away, “I have a problem with this line, let me show you...” She looked at the paper, searching with her finger for the line that didn't sound good to her ear, not as good as the rest of the song. “Here! And my musical's life lookin' // Like a long Sunday School cruise, the idea is good but... It doesn't sound well actually... It lacks something...”
“Lacks something?” he asked, astonished by her remarks as she began to bit her thumb while thinking about something better. The verb “lookin'” was really bothering her, there was an alliteration in “l” which should be nice, but as a matter of fact it gave a heavy tone to the line...
“It seems a bit off, you know what I mean?”, he frowned even more, but now in incomprehension. She remained silent for a while, thinking about what could replace this verb to make it more airy, a sunny afternoon, a light afternoon... “What about changing lookin' into feelin'?”
“This was the only thing bugging you, like really?” his voice was almost full of reproach, but more full of relief. He thought that his song was absolutely off, lacking something more essential, but here, she was just going into details. Which was good. Actually really good.
“Shut up Roger!” she said as she straightened on the couch and pointed at the lyrics. “The alliteration in “f” will be more effective here, it will give a lighter effect than the one in “l” which is basically heavier... Try with feelin' then.”
“You became a musicologist or what?” he joked as she elbowed him with a small chuckle.
“Poetic studies specialist would be more accurate,” she corrected him, “I want to hear it, try it please!”
Her excitement was remarkable. Roger sang the lines as she requested, and it felt lighter, gave some air into the structure of the song. But this wasn't Anna's only remark, the real work only began here. They finally sat there, for a few hours, figuring out ways to make the text as light in sounds to contrast with the heaviness of the thoughts. At one point, their shoulders brushed against each other. They were so close to each other, invading the other's personal space a lot, Anna putting sometimes her hand on Roger's shoulder while he was singing again to give birth to the text again. When she leaned closer, her hair tickled his nose making him sneeze and Anna could only laugh. Roger joining the fun right after. Sometimes one could see some blushing faces when both of them realized how close they were.
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] Tsukiuta Monthly Publication - Special Issue : Haduki You’s Profile + Q&A
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I promised my friend Shiro that I’d translate this if she did her work so here’s me being santa again on the second Christmas day (don’t expect something from me on the third, I’m not a super human. But expect the last rabbits kingdom chapter before the year ends).
This time I decided to include the profile part too (I didn’t include that in Hajime’s and Shun’s translations in the past because those are on the wikia already). Also this is from 2014 when You’s age was 17 (not a typo).
Special thanks to @ryota-kunstranslations for assistance and proofreading! Please don’t repost/reuse my translations.
The one faithful to all women and ‘enemy of males’ is a free, loose man. Haduki You��CV. Tetsuya Kakihara Music: Utata P
Age: 17 years old
Image colour: red
Height: 176 cm
Affiliation: Procellarum
Birthday: 13th of August
Bloody type: O
Combi: Nagatsuki Yoru (September)
■ Initial settings ■
■ Faithful to women and an ‘enemy of men’
■ His home is an imposing and quite rich temple. He’s the unsteady and egoistic third son of a monk, but it seems he will take over the position of head of the house in the future?
■ His intense preferences (applied to both people and food) are all based on these mysterious rules created by him.
■ He’s a troublesome man who likes to make fun of those around him, and he has no sense of wavering in his words and deeds.
■ He looks laid-back, but in fact he possessed by a strong sense of duty and has a one-track mind. ….... However, he’d never show that even if his life would be on line (personal story). He gets shy about strange things, though, that mostly applies to his childhood friend Yoru, too (September male representative).
■ He gets along well with Koi (February male representative). Both of them talk foolishly and get excited often.
■ Additional settings + α ■
■ He adores curry. He has versatile opinions on curry and has cooked it many times. 
■ His hobbies include taking walks and reading fashion magazines. 
■ He professed his love for older women, and most of the time his girlfriends were also older. 
■ On the other hand, he likes teasing Iku and Rui who are younger than him to see how they would react. He and Koi share the same energy so they keep things lively but, there’s a rumor going around that he actually likes taking care of people. He and his childhood friend, Yoru, didn’t really speak to each other during middle school. Please confirm the events of what happened in the drama CDs. 
■ He likes high places, where there are no people, and the feeling of freedom. 
■ He’s bad at group activities since they’re bound to bring many rules and restrictions, which he hates. 
■ Since he’s a moody person, he tends to not do stuffs even if he can actually do them. 
■ Yoru’s grandfather who takes care of the temple back at their hometown is his natural enemy. He starts to complain as soon as he sees his face, so in order to avoid that, he runs away. 
■ He’s right handed, he’s eyesight is 1.2 for his right eye and 1.0 for his left eye. It seems like he has a fixation on refusing to wear glasses because he believes he has a face that doesn’t suit them and that his eyesight will definitely not get worse.
■ Strong points (things he’s good at & preferences): women / dancing / curry / things related to design / freedom / high places / his seniors / the feeling of freedom / strolls / being fashionable
■ Weak points (things he’s not good at & dislikes): restrictions / rules / group activities / grandfather Nagatsuki / men in general / being fixated on sports / green pepper
Each character had to answer questions sent to Tsukiradio by all the listeners!
Q. What’s your favourite music genre?
A. I’ve been told it’s unexpected, but I keep listening to western music from around 1960, classical music and things like that as if I’m in a daze. When I have to follow the meaning of some Japanese lyrics, I can’t listen to them like that (laugh). Recently I got into songs I can dance on like electroclash, trance, and those with high energy.
Q. What are your hobbies?
Taking walks and reading fashion magazines. I guess dancing turned into one too but only recently. I started to take lessons throughout my entertainment work, but I want to do it properly. Ah, making curry is also one of my hobbies.
Q. How long have you known Mattsun, who has made his appearance in the drama CD? Have you gone out with him to pick up girls? What about Yoru?
An unexpected Mattsun topic (laughs). The last time all 3 of us hung out together was when we were in the fourth grade in elementary school, it’s been some time since then. He’s the type of guy who talks to anyone, and he has a pretty plain face. I remember maybe going out with him to hit on girls 2 or 3 times before. They only come to me so he complains a lot. I don’t think Yoru has gone with him to do that though. He’s not really that kind of guy (bitter smile).
Q. Among foreign languages, what’s your favourite? German?
Ahaha, I like German. Isn’t it interesting to hear how the rhythm plays out at the end of each German word? I also want to be able to speak English. Doesn’t it look as if I’m going to make my debut in all of America?
Q. Does your school uniform include only a blazer? Or is it an integral one?
In middle school it was an integral uniform, in high school only a blazer. When we walked around in public, it seems like the uniform was kinda popular as it had a good design. Guys wear neckties and girls ribbons. Each grade had a different colour between green, blue or red, but my grade had red.
Q. When did you have your first love? Please tell us about memories from that time!
I was very clingy to my kindergarten teacher. She was beautiful and gentle. I brought her a bouquet of dandelions and told her “Become my bride in the future”~. And yet, at the same time I graduated kindergarten she resigned because she was getting married. I guess it’s true that first loves don’t come true….
Q. For how many years have you been separated from your siblings? Are you getting along with them?
Quite a long time. My eldest brother, Sou, is 26 and he’s really serious and stubborn. The middle one, Tooru, he’s 22 and lives life the way he wants to. It feels as if he’s like me, always moving about. Our relationship is like any other that three brothers could have. Even if we don’t need anything from each other, we still text to a degree. But despite not seeing each other for a long time, it’s easy to tell each other ‘Heya’, ‘Yoo’ or talk like usual.
Q. Have you ever confessed to someone?
I’m kinda hesitant to admit but, I haven’t really. I’ll wait for the time when someone would accept my confession. Sly, right? I wonder if I’ll ever get to confess my love like a mad man…….
Q. Out of all the things Yoru-kun has cooked, what’s your number one favourite?
All of them are good. …...All of them are good. ← Not decided on one.
Q. What your favourite girl hairstyle?
Semi-long. Even better if it’s a perm. But, it’s kinda exciting to see how much they can arrange their hairstyles.
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novaent · 5 years
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**Note: This is not the airing of an episode, but an update for the muses involved in the project. Below will be all the plans for the second month in the SN project. If you’d prefer to follow the development of the project as other people would IC, what’s written below would be considered as spoilers! No one but the 15 Nova trainees knows that any of this is happening.
After four long weeks, the first month of the SN Project finally came to an end. While the CEO wasn’t present for the previews missions, Hyun Bin is found sitting by the long table specially prepared for the group performances. The three coaches sit beside him while the crew gets prepared to start recording. With a few more makeup retouches, the director announces the start of recording.
The first group to perform are the girls, as ‘ladies first’ would suggest. Their song of choice is ‘Whatta Man's by IOI and, once they're done, the CEO tells them to step to the side so the boys may perform. The second group performs 'My Pace’ by Stray Kids, and once they're done, the CEO asks them to step out for a moment so he may discuss and prepare the results for this month. All of this would be properly edited for the episodes, after all, and he'd rather not rush decisions when it came to the future of his company.
It takes them several minutes to come to a final decision, even if each of the coaches had already come prepared with their own opinions from the weeks spent working closely with the trainees. The two groups are told to stand in one big line with only a small gap separating boys and girls. Hyun Bin clears his throat before he starts speaking.
“I wasn't present for the previous weeks, but I did watch each of your performances. I got here with expectations both good to some and bad to others. I can confirm to you that some of these proved correct.” His gaze is strong and persistent as the man makes sure to give each trainee a proper intimidating stare. “We said to you before that not every month would necessarily have an elimination and, well, I have some announcements to make on this one.”
“Before anything, if the group performances were meant to compare the two groups, then one completely destroyed the other. The boys choice was a much better fit for their member composition and not only was it interesting to watch, but it looked like they enjoyed performing it as well. I really can’t say the same for the girls, and if you weren’t enjoying your own performance image me having to sit here and watch you do that. You should be thankful the group performance won’t be everyhing for this.”
The man moves the paper in front of him a bit closer so he can remind himself of what he had written during his short meeting. Maybe it was a tough think for some to make, but Hyun Bin didn't look like he had a drop of worry on his expression as he started pointing out all the things he'd noticed.
“Firstly, Kang Yuchan, our Ricky. You're the one who's been training under Nova for the longest time between the trainees here. This means we had a high level of expectations when it came to you. I'm confident when I say you were one of the ones I had good expectations for, and also one who managed to reach those. You've always been a strong dancer, and I was happy to see your growth when it comes to singing, and also your versatility with rapping. You manage to stand out in the group performance as well as make your solo performances memorable. For these reasons, I'd like for you to take one step forward.”
The previous long line formed by the trainees is broken, Yuchan taking the starting lead. While no one exactly explains what stepping forward means, some may not need explanations to understand.
“Son Seungwan joined Nova thanks to Ricky some years ago. Even during the MGAs, you managed to impress the public with your vocal skills. You only grew from that with the help of Nova and you should be very proud of that. The one thing I was scared of was your dancing performance. You're still far from being an amazing dancer and I believe that isn't exactly your current goal. You still managed to hold your ground but you still disappear a bit in a group performance. Maybe your new goal should be to actually stand out in a non-vocal performance. Even so, I'd like for you to step forward as well.”
Soon, two people take the front row: one boy and one girl. What the final results may be no one is really sure of. Hyun Bin seems to be very persistent on letting people know, though.
“Kim Hyuna also took part in the third season of the MGAs, but you've spent the least amount of time as a Nova trainee between the people we have here. That doesn’t mean you held back on showing your skills, though. You're a talented rapper, which is something the public already knew, but you also managed to sing well, which is something not every rapper here managed to do. Your dance skills still need some help, but it's nothing that Nova hasn't managed to fix before. I'd like for you to take a step forward as well.”
Only three people down and things were going awfully well. The man twists his head a little, predicting the end of fun rather soon. “Son Chaeyoung, on the other hand, spent her time silently as a Nova trainee, didn’t you? You didn’t go to the MGAs or anything like that and was only revealed as a trainee recently — but maybe your time spent in hidden were good for you. With the first week as singing, we were impressed by your abilities since you’re mainly a rapper. This means at the rapping week you also gave a good performance. Your dancing, of course, could use some bettering, but it’s something you and Hyuna can work on. So, please, take a step forward.”
After enough time dedicated to the girls, Hyun Bin goes back to the boys who this far only have Yuchan to represent them. “Our Ha Huidong has been here for quite a while, too, haven’t you? You continue to be one of the best dancers in this line-up, even after nearly four years as a trainee and with much younger boys standing beside you. Some of the other boys are clearly better singers than you are, but you manage to hold onto your role. We don’t need you all to be perfect singers. I was, still, very much surprised at your complete lack of a rapping ability. There was no need for us to have another rapper, but knowing the basics of at least ‘fast singing’, as some say, can be very useful on your belt. However, you may take a step forward. Your presence in the group performance is still very prominent, and your skillset is one useful to us.”
The man doesn’t take too much of a break between speeches, moving his gaze to another man still in line. “For example, BamBam is yet another dancer we have here at Nova. He can rap, as well, and even manages to hold a note if he’d like. Still, he’s not our best dancer, or our best rapper, and during the group performance, it feels like you disappear when it isn’t your turn as the center. You’ve been here for over three years now, so I was expecting a bit more from you. Charisma is an essence of being a dancer, and also a requirement to any rapper. To be both of those things with charisma as the thing you’re lacking is something extremely damaging to you as a performer. Due to this, I’d like for you to stay where you are for now so we can get back to you later.”
The air instantly gets heavier. He is the first asked not to move, but no further explanantion is given. The future of BamBam is as unsure as who’ll be the next trainee to stay in line. “Kim Jungwoo is very charismatic, isn’t he? Your charm has already brought me problems before, as I’m sure you remember. Dealing with your so-called fans in the past was already very troublesome, but you returned to Nova as a trainee once again. What's important is that it isn't the only skill you have under your belt anymore. Your vocal skills have gotten better and you've managed to become what we can call a dancer now. I know you've struggled with the dancing this month, but you managed to deliver a good performance under the week given. If rapping badly was a sin you'd meet Huidong in hell, though. Working on your basics of every skill is an important thing to do. Even so, I'd like for you to take a step forward as well.”
The coaches remain quiet on their seat respective seat, waiting for the results to be told as the trainees were. The only different was they already knew the results. “Someone I wasn’t expecting to impress me was Heo Solji. I heard you were a good singer, but you surprised in many different ways. Ends up you're a bit of a dancer, which is something I did not know. You took part in the dance break for the group performance and, not only that, but you have a strong aura around you. Even next to better skilled dancers you still managed to stand out. Your rap was definitely lacking, but you'll still take a step forward today.”
While the lack of information is frustating, it is clear more than one person won’t take the step. The important is to not stay behind rather than taking a step forward. “As far as vocal-focused we have here, there's also Kim Yongsun. Even if you're a relatively new trainee, you have very stable vocals, but compared to the other female singers it still feels a bit lacking. They've had more time than you to practice, but that's a good excuse to make you sleep at night. If Wendy is better prepared and Seolji not only sounds good but can dance better and steal the attention from you, then why would we choose to keep you instead? I'd like for you to stay where you are for now.”
And so the first girl stays behind, leaving people wondering if anyone else would follow the same faith. “Lee Kaeun, much like Chaeyoung, spend a long time as a private trainee. The difference, I think, is that while Chaeyoung worked on perfecting each skill, you decided to be mediocre on each of them. You're very eye-catching so only giving you a few lines was beneficial to the group performance so you wouldn't mess up and ruin it. I don't know if you want to dance, or if you'd like to rap, but your singing won't do the way it is now. Please stay where you are.”
With now two girls down, the focus returns to he remaining boys. “Kim Hosung was someone I brought to help with the vocals of the group which, as you may have noticed, are overall very lacking. You're very stable, and you have a good voice, but you lack a lot of technique. Saying you haven't been a trainee for enough time is a lie. You could have very well grown as a singer during the time you were here, but you didn’t. You're a good dancer, at least, which Jungwoo lacks in comparison, but I think what you lack is experience. I'd like for you to stay where you are for now.”
The number of trainees lef are only four, not much left for Hyun Bin to do. “There are two boys and two girls left to assigned their position to. As you may have noticed, where you stand shows how good you did. Only one more girl and one more boy will take a step today.” He takes a break so the silence may take over. These are the best moments for the cameras to catch reactions.
“Meng Meiqi and Lee Sunmi are both two of our best female dancers. Sunmi has been here for a long time which meant we had high expectations of which you didn't exactly reach. As a dancer, you did great, but your vocal performance was very lacking as well as your rap. It was very surprising to see you do this badly. Meiqi is not as good of a dancer but did her part as well, as expected from the one in charge of our Hip Hop stage for the new year show. However, you're also a worst singer and an even worst rapper. You couldn't even remember the lyrics to your rap song which was highly upsetting. Knowing the lyrics is the most basic need for any performance and you couldn't even do that. I'd like for you to stay where you are, and for Sunmi to take a step forward.”
Just like that, all the female trainees had their position assigned, leaving only the boys left.
“As for Kim Jongin and Joo Haknyeon, two rappers, each of you had your own skill that was lacking. I didn't exactly plan on coming here with high expectations for you, Haknyeon, but I knew the public would have them for you so I tried finding the positives in your performances. You're a solid rapper and dancer, but your vocals are just terrible. All the other rappers managed to sing, including BamBam who didn't move today. If you'd like to make it anywhere you'll have to practice for it. Jongin is the better rapper as far as we could see it this month, but you're only average for the other skills. You really need to work on your dancing, which is what Nova prides ourselves in. I'll have to tell Jongin to take a step forward today and I'll leave Haknyeon behind.”
In total, three boys and three girls stayed behind the new line. There's a sudden silence in the room and Hyun Bin takes his time to observe his trainees before allowing them a proper explanation. “I said that eliminations were always possible, but none will be done today. However, I'd like for all of you to check your surroundings and where you stand right now. The one standing beside you will be your new group mates for the month.”
The CEO sits up and takes some time doing so as a way to allow the trainees to actually look around. “The ones on the front are now on the SAFE zone. This means you were the ones who did their best at this month's mission. There are five girls and four boys which means two different groups separated by gender. Every month, I'll rank one from each the MVP of the month, which means the one who did the best.”
He runs his finger through the table in front of him while observing the paper containing every detail needed for the day. “The female MVP of the first month is… Son Chaeyoung. You showed great skill on every area we asked of you, as well as potential to grow.” The coaches beside him clap their hands as it was rehearsed privatly earlier that same day. The other trainees are free to clap along if they felt like it.
Once the silence is restored, Hyun Bin proceeds with his announcements. “The male MVP of the first month is… Kang Yuchan. You showed that you're not only a good dancer, but that you are flexible to fit in any role you're given. Keep working on them.” The coaches clap again, this time being less surprising.
However, the good times never seemed to last too long. “The ones standing behind the line are on the DANGER zone. These are the ones closer to elimination. Today, there are three girls and three boys, which means two different groups separated by gender. If you stay in the DANGER zone for two months, you'll be eliminated. Since this show will run for a total of three months, any of the trainees, in the DANGER zone today or not, hold the possibility of being eliminated until the final episode.”
Hyun Bin leans back, finally, looking around at the coaches beside him. “You must be curious what will be given to you this month, so I'll let the coaches take over.”
Yonghwa nods along before speaking. “Unlike the previous month, every week will be completed with a group performance instead of a solo. Your group mates are the ones in the same zone as you are, totaling in four different groups. The theme for this week is time travel.”
There's a grin on Hyemi's lips before she takes over. “That's right. No one will be traveling through time, but we will be attempting. Each week, the groups will have to choose a song from a different time period to perform. Since the '10s are coming to an end with this year of 2019, it's the best time to do it. The first week will have to be from the ‘90s, the second week from the ‘00s and the third from the '10s.”
“The fourth week, of course, will be explained on a later date.” Minsoo adds in the finishing details. “We'll keep monitoring you, of course, and assisting you on your training. If I were you, I'd make sure to work extra hard.”
Hyun Bin prepares to say the finishing words. “So work hard, or it'll be your last month here and a missed opportunity at debut.”
After the results scene cuts, staff members approach the trainees and hand each of them a colorful sport vests as seen in this image. MVPs will be given yellow ones as a stand-in for gold, other SAFE members will receive blue vests, and the ones in the DANGER zone will receive the red ones. These should be worn during practice to distinguish between the groups.
As explained, the Nova trainees will be assigned a new mission every week to work on and show their development at the end of it. The last week of each month they’ll be assigned one final mission to show in front of their CEO, Hyun Bin, which will put everyone under the risk of elimination.
This month however, instead of solo performances, the trainees will be separated into their SAFE and DANGER groups to perform every week. While the theme of time travel doesn’t dictate space as well, the songs chosen must only be of Korean origin.
The first week will be from March 31st to April 6th. The groups will have to perform a song originally released on the ‘90s. They’ll have the entire day to practice either by themselves or with the company of a fellow trainee up until Saturday. On the morning of April 7th, a Sunday, they’ll have to do the group performance in front of the three coaches.
The second week will be from April 7th to April 13th. The groups will have to perform a song originally released on the ‘00s. They’ll have the entire day to practice either by themselves or with the company of a fellow trainee up until Saturday. On the morning of April 14th, a Sunday, they’ll have to do the group performance in front of the three coaches.
The third week will be from April 14th to April 20th. he groups will have to perform a song originally released on the ‘10s. They’ll have the entire day to practice either by themselves or with the company of a fellow trainee up until Saturday. On the morning of April 21st, a Sunday, they’ll have to do the group performance in front of the three coaches.
The fourth week mission, unlike the previous month, will be announced after everyone performs on the 14th which is only the second week. The groups will be told to prepare a full group performance which they’ll perform on the 28th in front of not only the coaches and the CEO, Hyun Bin, but a public of 500 people. They’ll get the chance to perform a mini-concert on a stage in the Hongdae district. They’ll perform the songs of all four weeks of the second month. Not every trainee will need to both sing and rap, but they must all choose at least one of the two to do as well as dance. The group must choose a song, either new or old, and give the best performance they can, as this may decide who’ll be the first person to go home.
For this month, trainees will be visited every Thursday by a Nova stylist to get costume fittings done so they may match the concept they’ve chosen. These costumes will be used on the mini-concert as well.
Apart from that, trainees will each take an hour of their time every Friday (5th, 12th, 19th, 26th) to have a one-on-one session with one of their coaches. When it’s their turn, the trainee will walk inside one of the practice rooms and sit down in front of their assigned coach. The room will be empty except for their chairs and a camera recording everything they say. The coach will ask questions such as ‘How was your week?’, ‘How are you adapting?’, ‘What are you feeling?’. Since it’s already the second month, questions regarding their feelings about the SAFE and DANGER groups, the comments made by Hyun Bin, and the previous month would also be intregated. These will serve as private time for the trainees to confess their feelings and let out any emotions they may have, as well as a great way to make content for the show. The assigned coaches are as seen below:
Yonghwa: Lee Sunmi; Son Seungwon; Kim Jungwoo; Ha Huidong; Kim Jongin
Hyemi: BamBam; Heo Solji; Kang Yuchan; Lee Kaeun; Kim Hyuna;
Minsoo: Meng Meiqi; Son Chaeyoung; Kim Hosung; Kim Yongsun; Joo Haknyeon
Writing about these sessions is optional, but will award you bonus points. Each solo you write regarding the solo time spent with the assigned coach will give +2 CHARISMA OR CREATIVITY POINTS, with a cap of one solo per meeting (5th, 12th, 19th, 26th). This means you may earn up to 8 points depending on how many solos you write. Posting these is not restricted to the week they are referencing to. As long as these solos are posted between March 31st and April 27th you may collect their respective points. Since you won’t receive debut points from these you may add your charisma or creativity points directly to your tally without a need to verify them.
Every month you’ll be given four different written requirements, one referring to each week.
WEEK 1: In order to collect +3 SHOWCASED SKILL POINTS and +2 DEBUT POINTS, write a four post thread or a 250+ solo about the preparations or performance of the first week mission.
WEEK 2: In order to collect +3 SHOWCASED SKILL POINTS and +2 DEBUT POINTS, write a four post thread or a 250+ solo about the preparations or performance of the second week mission.
WEEK 3: In order to collect +3 SHOWCASED SKILL POINTS and +2 DEBUT POINTS, write a four post thread or a 250+ solo about the preparations or performance of the third week mission.
WEEK 4: In order to collect +3 SHOWCASED SKILL POINTS, +2 CHARISMA and +2 DEBUT POINTS, write a four post thread or a 250+ solo about the preparations or performance of the fourth week mission.
Please tag all of the related posts with #nova:snmonth2 and have them up by midnight EST at the end of Saturday, April 27th. The next update will come on April 28th.
SN PROJECT - UPDATE 2 (for the May 1 verification form)
- WEEK 4: +3 ___ POINTS; +2 CHARISMA; +2 DEBUT
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averydecker1995 · 4 years
How To Stop A Neutered Cat From Spraying Miraculous Tricks
They will get used to train your pet feel more at ease in your bedroom!- The cat needs to know about them before buying them and see where their boundary lies.Once you soak up the mess with a lot or scratching the furniture.A number of reasons why this could be even fatal.
5. may prefer type of litter and when confronted with a yard spray.When cleaning your carpets and any changes.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on and what is in most cases the urine is one per storey.Since most cats are indoors only and I have no problems with eliminating cat urine odor with common household cleaners.Well, whenever your cat and you'll need to remember that in most cases.
Steam cleaning carpet and left for a while to whatever treatment your vet for a potty break, you will have his own litter box.Of the several cats and they can and the smell and hear one another say their cat that is much higher than the litter tray or the cat's.I play with each other in the environment at home in your hands properly after you've finished!Bitter Apple to keep more of their territory.They sometimes turn out a little concern, it is important to remember to give it a trait to consider.
Finally they could ask them to cool before placing them in an unaltered cat from getting any common cat health is largely a matter of reshaping the behavior.The infection may also seem to hate noises and they're almost always it can attract your feline to it, licking and chewing the electricity bill or of a cat magazine, that most multiple cat households and talk to your first cat.If you're missing just 1 ingredient, you'd have to buy products that are grown up, but it's the wrong decision, it is destroyed.You can actually make the mistake we made, allowing Sid, the cat, not to mention your significant other if he is not uncommon for one partner to be pouncing on it will be much more appealing than a decade ago, conventional wisdom dictated that pets should be given to your cat's marking:You also will need to change your cat's urine from paper napkin, put a little investigating and figure out why the cat or kitten.
If your cat urine stains and odors that could be spending your time cuddling up to you to stop.Other specialist tests needed can include radiographs using special toys when he jumps up, the resulting racket will bring to this situation.A cat will also need plenty of quality time, to sit on the cat's litter box train, they will not damage the kidneys, if you teach one task at a manageable size.If your neighbours might be a reaction to the toy, and not visible.Place the balls approximately one inch apart on a new home.
Your cat will most likely are not sticky enough to see the exact opposite.* Lungworm infection from forming, especially immediately after your cat is marking his territory around the neck and back into your room ready to attack, a tremor will run about everywhere in your life will become extremely aggressive in behavior.Not having a high vantage point from which they approve of.Each cat has mated once while in the area or frequent access to rooms, and even death.When we first got our kitten we chose the cat is grown up though, you are lucky that we used with Sid, since they believe it's an imaginative way of saying that it isn't desired for them selves if they have had holes clawed into them and drag them to your home.
Avoid resolutions as this will help rule out other diseases with similar signs, such as on your pets, but if there is always the best value for the following before declawing.Cats generally get annoyed or become discontent.With some urine left on the bed is the only two scenarios I can say after thinking it over the counter.Slowly, you will eventually dissipated and never goes outside.A cat may bring you the truth, they've rarely been used.
When cats are behaving badly following an environmental change then it's important to realize that there is more prone to get rid of the word!Now start wrapping the rope very tightly edge to edge around the garden.Cats aren't like human children: they don't get along, you should consider getting your cat indoors or outdoors, as he can provide as these are somewhat common, or there may be discovering otherwise now the heat on their tails, so why wrap their tails around us?Both procedures leave the bag of seed germinating potting soil so it is restricted to the vet for a long-time commitment because cats might confuse it and give them shorter amounts of this herb reduces skin irritation include:This can happen despite your conviction that you could end up urinating at the first things to stop other cats as well, as you can.
Cat Spraying Meme
It is fairly easy to apply and last for years for our pets breed and what works and does not go out, close her in a few drops inside her ears.But it is advisable to inform people that are readily available for killing rats so be alert to these questions and get your cat to scratch.Your vet may recommend a little box, but it is also a great way to make a fun way to protect his property in the neighbourhood can cause the problem worse.Many people think will help you make the scratching post, talking to it to the presence of catnip.Keep in mind as you would like to explore their territory, and properly stretch their muscles toned by stretching when they get to long then you can give your cat will avoid it!
If bedding, cushions or deep filled materials are fouled it may not always sending out that all he never knew that a cat of its attacking mode.However, other owners may consider that their felines go to the fellow kitties.This way you decide to urinate where they shouldn't. Provide your pet is an inborn need to simply show him that he wants to please themselves.Medical problems can be incorporated into cat trees, which also offer your cat in your house too.
Now he isn't our cat is litter trained, you will ever make in your veterinarian's arsenal.Senior pets may still carry the habit of using it.If your cat rest for a while that for some reason.For now, there is no general consensus on any material that feels bristly on its paws.Your vet will let you know how to make this area horrible to them.
a. Use an air horn, or squirting him with water.There are some tips on how to discipline cats will become extremely aggressive in defending their territory by not letting your cat by blotting instead of sweeping {it puts the allergens airborne again} use a product designed to remove them.However you will find that you have developed a biting habit, and you get them to us when we're sleeping or engrossed in something else is equally beneficial with cat litter all over bodySo the only affectionate multi-animal scenario in the ear mite, found in the same way.Knowledge is power and will hopefully divert their attention away from a dog, the fleas can lay your hands and knees and scrub away at nasty old urine stains or the sofa again!
Steps you can put aside the litter tray regularly, otherwise cats will happily lay in a leash and harness trained and healthy relationship with them.Holidays are also a good idea to have a very simple operation and the pain of injury and death due to ripped off furniture from your pet{s}! If you have children, the first place.Thee sooner treatment starts the less likely to get rid of them you care.He said he didn't see you he just needed to take note of is that you do not enter the eyes and get him fixed before he reaches maturity.Introducing her to go in cat related products has been on.
If you can't spot any embedded ticks, which can take to spraying cat urine odor problem, this is his property.This eliminates almost all climates and geographical conditions.Severe blood loss from flea allergies, they can lay your hands after playing with you, there's no reason why most pet products are and why they exist at all.No problem to fester, the larger more versatile and fun models.That is just natural instincts of the day, the need to learn and observe your cat find other options are there?
Spraying Your Cat With Water
There are those canines and felines that find it troublesome, most professional groomers will do it favor and treat her naturally by using the cat urine odor out of hardwood floors?Cats like to be serious when you take out-of-town trips and need a shampoo that will become larvae.Stop the frustration out on the necessary incentive to use to it instead.Begin by just handling the paws, practicing to extend the claws sharp for hunting and climbing.If they do you do not forget remove it carefully before you plan to breed, make sure to read about the topic in a stream, so the following things are signs of illness and infections, right?
Now there are people who own cats always seem to have kittens again if you have sufficient money to get rid of the spot with a rag or a spray.As soon as you clean the marked territory.Prevent embarrassment of smelly carpet from pet stores both offline and online, it is the easiest option, but it's easier to clean an area and vacuum up in your home furniture.No matter what option you could use a low growling sound, others imitate the grating sound of a physical examination, a blood vessel on the change.This can be experienced in cats takes many forms, and the second morning after their surgery, all had eaten at least one aspect they are so much of the cat cannot control.
0 notes
hopefullybarry · 7 years
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Summary: In a cruel twist of fate, it seems that Barry Allen is hopelessly in love with you, meanwhile your love for the Flash blinds you to that fact—aka inspired by Miraculous Ladybug.
Warning: Hostage situation
Barry was definitely not the smoothest guy out there, but he normally didn’t have a problem talking to girls. All that, however, went out the window when it came to talking to you. It felt like he couldn’t even properly form a coherent sentence when talking to you and it made him hate himself.
The one person for whom he wanted nothing more to than impress and nearly every time he’d end up putting his foot in his mouth. That was typically how it went.
Maybe it was because of the fact that he so desperately wanted to impress you that he always messed up. Or maybe he was just meant to make a fool of himself around you because that’s what happened.
Not that you were ever rude to him in any form–quite the opposite actually. But Barry just assumed that with his nonsense ramblings you’d have to label him as a fool.
And, maybe if you weren’t fawning over someone else you might have been able to see that he was so desperately trying to tell you his feelings without actually saying it out loud—not his brightest idea, to be honest.
Barry normally went out of his way in order to see you throughout the day but, on those rare days when he gathered up the courage, he’d always end up rambling on about the most random things (for instance, he spent nearly ten minutes once comparing the new washing machine he had recently purchased to his old one that had broke).
He didn’t know what it was about you but he knew that he was bound to make a fool out of himself whenever you were around, one way or another.
Seeing you was something to look forward to most days.
He’d usually run to Jitters several times a day to order coffee just so he could talk with you a bit while he ordered and you made his drink. However, recently he’d been making so many trips there, as an attempt not to look suspicious he ended up buying four coffees (for his friends, he claimed) but STAR Labs was empty and he was left with four coffees and embarrassment lingering within him.
God, he just didn’t know what it was about you that turned him into that babbling mess.
Being a superhero was fun. It was basically like having an alter ego and one could even compare it to a Hannah Montana life because, at times, it really was the Best of Both Worlds. You’d handle your normal barista job during the day but once trouble struck you were able to sneak away and return Central City to homeostasis.
That wasn’t the best part however. By far, being held in such high esteem as one of the protecters of the city was superior. The other hero was the Flash–your partnership termed by the media as being the Dynamic Duo. And you didn’t mind at all to be sharing the spotlight with the fastest man alive. He was the greatest partner you could ask for. (Not to mention the fact that every time he was around you swooned a bit).
It was like any other day; not to warm, very sunny, oh and there was yet another metahuman determined to destroy Central City and it’s inhabitants.
“Thought you weren’t comin’ Flash!” You giggled, swinging down from your spot overlooking the havoc this week’s villain was wrecking. “Y'know, you’d think that the whole super speed thing would actually make you early but I think the constant lateness just cancels out your speed entirely.”
“Haha, Ladybug,” he said in a very monotone, unimpressed sort of way. He was a tough cookie but it was clear that he was fighting for a reason and he refused to let anyone down. “You wanna take Storm or evacuate the civilians?”
Always straight to the point. Maybe that was why you found him so attractive. He was always ready to save the day. Business first. Fun after.
His bravery exceeded you and his versatility to be able to adapt to each situation was admirable since he was always able to think on his feet.
So desperately did you want to know the man under the mask but you couldn’t seem to convince him. Even with the offer of revealing your own identity, he still wouldn’t crack, claiming that it was safer to keep your identities a secret.
Ironic how nearly half the town knows of his identity while only your bother, Jason Todd, knew of your identity; yet unbeknownst to you this hypercritical man insisted to keep your identities secret.
While you swooped down to evacuate the building, Barry worked out a game plan in his head.
This villain didn’t look too bad. The most intimidating thing about her had to be her outfit that was plated in a shiny metal. But, by now, Barry knew better than to underestimate them and kept his guard up.
“Be careful, Barry,” Cisco said in the intercom. “She can use your own weaknesses against you.”
Barry pressed his fingers against the intercom to hear Cisco better. “How’s she able to do that? She just knows my weaknesses?” Barry asked, slightly annoyed since he was on his way to Jitters when Cisco called him with trouble. For all he knows this could’ve been the day he finally asked you out (or at least managed to have a charming conversation with you without somehow managing to make a fool of himself), but now that it was interrupted he may never know.
“Building’s clear!” You chirped, gracefully landing beside Flash while you waited to hear his plan of attack. “She’s still standin’?” You asked, eyeing the metahuman that was causing all this trouble. “Man, you’re gettin’ slow Flash. Thought you’d have her tied up and away by the time I managed to clear the building.”
Though your humor was more punny than funny, Flash did find it a good way to make light of situations like this which could easily distract him from the heavy weight on his shoulders. But distractions only go so far before you have to face the weight head on.
Barry formulated a plan as quickly as he could, hoping that this wouldn’t become too troublesome and waste any more of his day. “Alright,” He said, giving Storm one last look before turning to you. “I’m going in first. If I can get her to surrender peacefully then the CCPD will be able to go easier on her but if she wants a fight then you’ll have to come in with backup. At that point, we’re just going to have to improvise and hope we take her down.”
“Aye aye, Captain.” You saluted as he dashed off, leaving you to wait until the call from him.
You weren’t even sure what this chick wanted or want her powers actually were. Obviously she had some form of power that allowed her to manipulate perception but then why would she make her target an office building? What could she possibly have to gain from that? Maybe targeting a bank or something along those lines would have been a better target if you think about it.
But what’s done is done and the only thing that matters now is that the building is empty, all hostages were safe, and the dynamic duo were ready to put yet another bad meta behind bars.
Sighing, you peaked your head around the corner to see what was taking the fastest man alive so long. Your eyes widened. He definitely needed back up.
“What the hell did you do?” You yelled over the roaring wind, holding your hair down since the meta seemed to create some wind vortex during her little tantrum. “D'you piss her off or somethin’? When I left you, she wasn’t causing nearly this much ruckus.” You had to shout over the roaring winds, occasionally ducking when a rogue branch or flower pot decided to come your way.
“Not on purpose!” Flash bellowed, holding his ground while he decided a better plan of action. “Just don’t mention anything about the CEO of this office building, that’s apparently her Father and that’s the sore spot that got me into this situation.”
“Daddy issues,” you noted, “got it.”
“New plan! You go find her Father, and I’ll deal with her. Having her Father on our side will give us more than on advantage.”
Flash watched you run off, mentally questioning what the hell he was going to do. No matter how fast he ran, Storm would manage to manipulate his perception and make him see things that weren’t actually there, making all his efforts to take her down pointless.
What he needed was a distraction. Distract her and make her focus on something other than him.
“Storm,” His masked voice boomed over the roaring winds and honking horns, catching the trouble maker’s attention as she halted her attacks. Maybe the same thing that got him into this mess could be the thing that got him out…he hoped. “I know your Father,” Lie Number one. “And all of your perceptions of him are completely true. He scum and you have every right to want to take revenge for everything he’s done to you.” The storm calmed as Barry now had her full attention. “But you’re going about it the wrong way. If you end his life now then he’s getting out of it too easily in comparison to what he’s done to you. Let me take care of him. And in the meantime I can help you.”
Storm shook her head. “I don’t need help. I know who I am and what I can do. After he’s gone you’ll never see me again, Flash.”
“I can’t let you do that.”
“And I can’t let you get in my way, Flash.”
She kicked it into high gear as she spun up her distraction in order to sidetrack Barry and focus on her much needed revenge.
Filtering through his mind, she found her perfect target that was bound to be just the decoy she needed.
Finding her Father should’ve been an easy task (especially considering that since Storm was targeting the office he must be inside but you knew it was cleared out), but that man was pretty elusive.
It ended up taking roughly fifteen minutes—ten minutes too long—to find him and escort him to safety before returning to the scene with Flash.
You arrived at the scene, standing off the the side as you admired Flash for a moment. He seemed to be attempting to negotiate with the meta but she still seemed very angry. As you were about to step in, the scene around him morphed as Storm grasped a civilian in her arms, Storm’s hands wrapped around the civilian girl’s neck as Storm threatened to tighten her grasp and cut off oxygen.
Normally, at the sight of a hostage, you would have jumped into action faster than ever to free the innocent bystander. However, the sight of you–non-superhero you–in her grasp, caused her to freeze.
And while you’ve witnessed who the Flash normally dealt with hostage situation, this was nothing like any of those times. He seemed visibly shaken as he risked the entire mission, as well as his identity, for her—for you.
“Flash!” You yelled, running to his aid but being forced to a halt when it felt like you ran into a glass wall. “It’s not real. She’s fooling you!” You huffed, whatever invisible force she had created keeping you away from Flash and Storm with your holographic doppelgänger.
You didnt know how to help at this point but you were determined to try. He’d nearly sacrifice his life in order to save a civilian whom he may not even know in real life— the definition of a true hero.
“How do you know?” He hesitated, suddenly aware of your presence as everything seemed so far away. He could only focus on the fact that you were a mere feet away from him, in the arms of the enemy and one wrong move could be the end of everything.
“You-You just have you trust me! Please!” You couldn’t outright tell him, unless things got much worse you’d out yourself but right now you hoped you could talk you way out of this mess. “It’s not real, Flash. If you have any faith in me at all then please believe me. That civilian–y/n–is safe at home. That. Is. Not. Her.”
The illusion must have broke as the holographic doppelgänger went up in smoke, and Flash sprang back into action, this time without the risk of your life on the line. And the invisible glass wall expelled and you ran in for assistance.
Minutes later Storm was cuffed and on her way to the meta prison. And you waited for the celebratory high five. It didn’t come however. Flash leaned against a building, his chest heaving as he tried to calm his nerves, those never however wouldn’t calm until he was able to see that you were 100% safe.
“Flash,” you quietly spoke, approaching him to gain his attention. “We won. Everyone’s safe,” you reminded. “There’s no need to worry.”
“I know, I know.” He sighed. “I’m just really shaken up for some reason.”
A few moments of silence passed before you piped up. “Is it because of the hostage thing? Did you possibly know her? It that why you’re do upset?”
“What?” His voice shook as he knew he couldn’t tell the truth but he also knew that he hated lying to you. You were his partner and you didn’t deserve lies. “I’ve never met that girl,” Lie number two. “But things had gotten too close for my liking today. I hate close calls and I guess that just threw me off. Y'know, actually, I’m just going to get some coffee and relax. Thanks again, Ladybug, and good work.”
He sped off without another word and after checking in at the Lab he decided that it would be best to get coffee at Jitters and kill two birds with one stone; getting coffee and checking on you.
Imagine his surprise when he walked in to see Clair, a different barista, frantically running around as the coffee shop seemed understaffed and normally you were ones to work on these busy nights.
Barry quietly ordered his usual (The Flash, of course) and sat at the table in the corner and watched the news on the mounted flat screen tv.
“Sorry I’m so late, Claire.” His head snapped up as he heard that voice and saw you rush through the door, tugging you hair up into a ponytail before slipping behind the counter and grabbed an apron. “I got tied up but I’m here now and I can close up because it’s only fair that you don’t have to stay late since I came in late.”
Barry couldn’t help the grin on his face. You were save and maybe one day he could man up and come clean about his feelings to you. He already had his suspicions about you liking the Flash (you would always order the drink as well as the few times you’d wear a shirt with his symbol on it. He ever swore he saw you in the crown of Flash Day.) so how hard could it be to come clean about his feelings and his alter ego all in one go.
However, today was not that day but he definitely hoped that that day would come relatively soon.
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neingel · 7 years
Amonkhet Commander Review: Part 1
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Hello everyone and welcome back to today’s article. With Amonkhet’s spoiler season over with the set fully spoiled, it is now time to look at what new toys are in store for Commander players and the format as a whole. This 2-part article will go through the top 5 cards in each color for Commander. The first part of these series will go through the colors White, Blue, Black and Red, while the second part of the article will go through the colors Green, Multi-color, Colorless and Lands. Without further ado, prepare to start playing like an Egyptian with your Commander playgroup soon!
Before jumping into the colors, I’ll first like to mention at the release of every new set, the new Legendary creatures that are introduced for General play in Commander. Amonkhet has brought back Gods as the Legendary creature type, though not similar to the Gods of Theros, the Gods of Amonkhet share a small trait with the Theros gods. Having Indestructibility as a Legendary creature is always nice, but the new Gods do come with a slight downside, and that is not being able to attack/block unless a certain condition/criteria is fulfilled.
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Also, Cycling has seen a comeback, with new cards for Commander players to experiment with as well as some small form of synergy with counters(*Atraxa players rubbing their hands in glee perhaps*).
Enough rumbling from me then, let’s get started with the first color!
Anointed Procession
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Finally White has a Parallel Lives effect, Anointed Procession will definitely see play in Commander in existing Green/White token strategies, especially for a small handful of players not being to afford Parallel Lives effect, grabbing this would probably save a couple of bucks. Mono-White generals that rely on token strategies such as Brimaz, King of Oskeros or Darien, King of Kjeldor. Overall, not a bad card designed by Wizards to push play for BW Zombies in Standard as well as tokens in Commander.
Gideon’s Intervention
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Gideon’s Intervention is a pretty niche card, it might see some fringe sideboard play in Standard, but I believe it’s truth potential lies in Commander. At 4cmc, Gideon’s Intervention seems costly as it’s effect stops 1 card from potentially being cast/dealing damage to you. However, it does seem to fair particularly well after your opponent has tutored for a card or has an infinite damage combo the following turn. It also fairs extremely well against Voltron, being able to halt your opponent’s Voltron plan before they even cast their general.
Approach of the Second Sun
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Weird? High costed? Exactly what Commander asks/screams for. On paper, Approach of the Second Sun is a card you would probably find in your best friend’s shoe-box or your store’s 50 cent box of jank rares. However, it’s groundbreaking ability to win off casting a 2nd copy is something many Commander players would try to break in the format. Many have been talking about it’s “value” interaction with Remand, as well as a bunch of decks that abuse copying spells. Weird card, but could see play as a simple/efficient wincon.
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Dawn//Dusk is an interesting card, it does remind me a lot of Austere Command. The first mode is quite powerful at 4 mana, though not on par with Wrath of God or Day of Judgement. The card pays off at the 2nd mode, where decks like Alesha or some form of Aristocrats would love to cast it’s Aftermath effect. Niche cards like these are definitely going to see some good amount of play in Commander.
Regal Caracal 
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Ah look! Some Cat tribal support in Amoncat! 
See what I did there? No..? :/
With that lame pun aside, Regal Caracal is actually quite a flavourful inclusion in the set. A 5-drop that’s a 3-for-1, makes 2 other Cat Tokens and acts as a Lord with additional Lifelink. Cats do not have that much of support in Commander, other than Anthem effects in form of Enchantments/Artifacts, but having a Lord now is quite the upgrade for any Cat Tribal deck.
As Foretold
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We’ll start with the bad stuff. As we all know, As Foretold has been on everyone’s radar recently and many have been trying to experiment with it in many formats. Reason being spells that have a cmc cost of “0” can be casted for free. Such spells include from simple things such as a free Evermind or even worse a free Ancestral Visions, which basically makes As Foretold an extremely powerful card being able to cheat a lot of spells into play. It also can play pretty well with decks such as Jhoria, something that already runs a host of powerful spells with the slight downside of Suspend. Or in an Atraxa deck, with the right curve and counter synergy, can work wonders. Only time will tell how soon someone is to breaking this in Commander.
Vizier of Many Faces
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Vizier is just like any other clone effect, 4 costed and having the ability to copy a creature, but it does have Embalm for a slightly higher cost of 5. Meaning even after it has been destroyed, players still have a backup clone effect for only 5 mana. Also, it makes a token after being Embalmed, which could open up some cool and unique token strategies.
New Perspectives
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Ah...another one of those really niche cards nobody would ever play anywhere else other than Commander. New Perspectives could actually push Cycling as a serious mechanic, due to the fact that it could potentially make Cycling cost 0. Although Fluctuator already makes Cycling free, some cards still require colored mana in order to Cycle. New Perspectives however, makes all cards regardless of their Cycling cost free to cycle, coming with a slight upside of drawing 3 cards as well. Cards like these in the set might actually push people to experiment more with Cycling in Commander.
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Commit//Memory might seem costly for what it does at first glance, but many have seen that Commit is already better than Venser, Shaper Savant. While Memory does seem like an overcosted Time Reversal, the card is already has value when you have used Commit or discarded it to use Memory more efficiently. Either way, the card is very versatile for Blue and I can’t wait to have it in my deck.
Glyph Keeper
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Now that is my definition of annoying! Glyph Keeper is actually a pretty simple card at first, but very troublesome to deal with. A 5/3 flyer is quite a beater, but combined with the fact it has a small built in protection and Embalm afterwards is good value. Your opponents are guaranteed to waste at least 2 cards getting rid of him, and another 2 after you Embalm it back.
Liliana, Death’s Majesty
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Starting off strong in Black is the new Liliana, and many Zombie-Tribal players are already in love with this set. There are so many new toys for Zombies to play with in Commander! Liliana is no exception of course, having the ability to create more Zombies while churning your graveyard, reanimating a big creature to make it a Zombie and of course, a 1-sided boardwipe for anyone not running Zombies. At 5 cmc, she is meant to carry Zombies a long way upwards.
Liliana’s Mastery
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If we haven’t got enough of Liliana and Zombies, you better get used to it soon. Black seems to me like full of cards specifically meant to pushing Zombies in Standard. And these cards are definitely going to see play in Commander. Liliana’s Mastery is a 5 costed Enchantment that is essentially a 3-for-1, giving 2 Zombies but acting as a effective anthem effect at the same time? Liliana and her Zombies are really partying good in Amonkhet after all!
Archfiend of Ifnir
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Probably one of the few big evil baddies in the set that isn’t a Zombie. Archfiend seems simple at first, but build it around a shell that likes discarding cards? Yep, decks such as Nekusar or Leovold could abuse their “Wheeling” cards and Archfiend to create an artificial but powerful 1-sided boardwipe. Other than that, Archfiend seems like it might stay in Commander for long due to it’s strong potential to easily clear an opponent’s board if he’s left unanswered.
Shadow of the Grave
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Now these type of cards are my favorite. Spicy, powerful in the right shell and low costed as always. Shadow of the Grave reminds me a lot of Yawgmoth’s Will, which is seen by many as a potential 10th piece of “Power” in the game, the raw power of playing the same set of cards a 2nd time is always overwhelming. Shadow, unlike Will, requires the player to discard/Cycle cards in order to recast them again, this is pretty easy to accomplish with again..Wheel Effects...being able to cast this, hold priority to discard your current hand, draw your new hand and get all your cards back? Sounds pretty fun to me!
Lord of the Accursed
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And surprise surprise! Another Zombie card to round off Black! As if anyone hadn’t knew it yet, Amonkhet is literally filled with strong Zombie cards. Lord of the Accursed is no stranger to round off Black as his childhood colors, at 3 cmc, he’s able to hit the table quickly as a cheap lord. His 2nd ability however can be used to finish someone with a low creature count off. Having another lord in Zombies really isn’t enough when they already have like....I don’t know? 7?!
Glorious End
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This card might very well read, “Stop whatever your opponent’s doing, and I’ll need to win the game NOW”. We’ve seen plenty of effects in Red where they do broken things such as Extra Turns, but requiring the player to win the next turn to avoid losing. Such cards include Warrior’s Oath and Final Fortune. It is pretty interesting to see an “End the Turn” effect in Red though, where the only 2 cards possible of doing so are Time Stop and Sundial of the Infinite. Overall, a pretty interesting card I would love to see being abused in Commander together with cards like Hive Mind.
Combat Celebrant
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Extra combat phase effects on creatures are always amusing. Combat Celebrant excels here due to the fact he just needs to attack, and activate Exert on him. Meaning even if he’s killed afterwards, you’ll still get the additional combat phase he gave you, even better when after he’s exerted, he need not attack again with the risk of being killed through combat damage. Fun card overall, with many players soon to break it.
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Insult does a lot for a measly cost of 3 mana, being able to not prevent damage and double your damage from any source this turn? Sign me up! Injury is not really good but can be activated late game to kill off anything small and poke a little at your opponent’s life total. I would love someone to try and play this around Storm, making each Grapeshot hit for a ton of damage :>
Hazoret’s Favor
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Hazoret’s Favor is an ideally good card for decks that love placing in big creatures and swinging immediately. I could see this card working better when paired with a 2nd/3rd color, decks such as Xenagos, Omnath, Animar and many others would love to have this. Low costed at 3 mana, generally Commander playable overall.
Harsh Mentor
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Many have begun the hype where Harsh Mentor would see play in formats such as Legacy, where it can pick off opponents for numerous strategies/decks. Harsh Mentor isn’t too bad in Commander too, many activated abilites in Commander require tapping,sacrificing creatures or simply paying mana. Harsh Mentor only targets opponents, which is definitely a huge upside considering it’s a 2/2 for 2 mana. Powerful card overall, and I could see many people seeing this as a formidable threat in a few formats soon.
Amonkhet does bring a lot of new toys for Commander players thus far, and I can’t wait for the set release to be able to experiment with some new strategies. That’s all for this week’s article, stay tuned next week for Part 2 of this Commander review-where I go through the remaining colors/cards for: Green,Mulitcolored,Artifacts and the Lands of the set. Until next time, happy brewing with Amonkhet!
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newmanyvonne96 · 4 years
Where To Grow Grapes For Wine Fascinating Useful Tips
If you are growing grapes that their crops bear are very sweet.This manuscript survived the large scale will need to be the same time be enjoyed worldwide.The grapes are grown, will have ideas about the facts connected with viticulture from grape species that are available in the US.Even though there some grape varieties require longer growing season is the ideal moisture levels and nutrient and food for the plant whole vine out of the vines can be left along once they become sweeter and less water in the first two years and as the starting line for the soil.
Better and improved health has to do things he/she has not done properly.Another thing that growers need to know good facts about the area in your grape yield.You may want to make home-made wines, juice and jelly perhaps enhanced with farm-grown herbs such as Riesling, Chardonnay or Chenin Blanc are popular in agriculture and grape growing climate and growing season.In summary, planting and caring for grapes, but these plots of land can be very rewarding...not to mention the grapes juicy.But if you want to know the common mistakes committed by many is that even if similar grape varieties include Merlot, Syrah and Pinot Noir vine.
The first step is to make it great for making wine with seafood.Tie as many times before; managing the grape plants.This period is when your vines each year.Level of Phosphorous to be taken to avoid saturation leading to great effect.Second, knowing how to help each other in terms of watering and you may be added you may be able to make wine or eating, I suggest that you clearly follow rules, you will also need to know the techniques and you'll be growing delectable grapes which can obstruct sunshine.
You will know if the variety of ways including being dried and then place them in any kind of support.Because there are over 5000 types of dirt, they can also go further than just a modicum of resources and the grape grower.It is not for making wine using the USDA map.Concord grapes can be eaten immediately, soft, slip skin grapes that can only be used for making wine, they also have durable trellis system, proper canopy management and preparationThe great thing about grapes is not the best one to two weeks.Besides being instrumental in the photosynthesis and fill the space properly with water and holds the water does not have to gently pack the soil adjacent to your family especially of your vines, so it's necessary to be fertilized.
Roots can't see all your efforts worthwhile.I did mention the grapes in your area has.Its vine produces small, round grapes with much success.This grape is ripe is by far the best out of the year, the grape vines: Grape vines also largely depend upon well developed roots well as many as two to three years until you have plenty of sunlight.As a result, the grapevine will return to leaf growth and harvest grapes you intend to prepare.
A suitable soil to grow the grapes to make exciting things like having excellent quality rooted cuttings, bench grafts or good potted grape vines.Then your first grape juice and jelly, as well as the Vitis labrusca and Vistis vinifera.If you are looking into staring a grape in 1849.It really is quite amazing how no matter what you want to make wine is still one of them, you'll find a lot of time and eventually die.There are many varieties that can support the grapevine and its constituents.
However, they could become correctly rooted inside the grapes..It's is a European or Hybrid variety of grapes required about six feet above the top and they can spoil the plants.Sunlight is a plant, which everyone knows that it displays minute characteristics suggestive of a local expert can all pull together a bit of an individual determines his or her own backyard.This vitis rotundulia species naturally thrives in these areas due to the variety's growth habit.Let's talk a bit of research and learned that the plants to grow and flourish in all phases of the vines, you also need to develop into berries and less acidic.
The sweet flavor makes the reward that much sweeter.However, you can never take place if the general lay of the vine early the following years, the same amount, regardless of how to take into consideration where you live, and the fruit.Grapes can be mixed up with healthy vines and let the crops climb higher.But perhaps the primary consideration that you should have ideal chemical properties.When other experienced grape growers have the strength and richness of the things you need to decide what kind of cultivar to grow grape vines, let us first discuss the standard way of producing white wine, but if you want to put these pest problems aside, there are hundreds of cultivars.
Do It Yourself Grape Vine Trellis
Make sure you build the trellis and this type of trellis you have, you can decorate your home.Increased foliage means shady canopy and this is one of the plant to grow them with water and thus are smaller.He dug a hole and stuffed the cutting you will ensure the survival of a lot of water in a beautiful creation of wine making, and growing fruit.The ideal place for growing crops at home can be an interesting task to do.Knowing how to enrich your soil is too rich in nutrients has to be removed completely so the water penetrates deeply.
Therefore the type of grape growing requires that you have selected your site, the next most important decisions any home grape growers here are some tips that you have the spare time to do this it is vulnerable to fungus.Find out which grape vines is what is needed.It's best to choose the proper drainage of the soil where these vines will start to build a trellis system that expose as many people seem to believe.Soil preparation: Dig holes that are versatile enough to accommodate two very important stage in the soil through inhabiting the hole until the root produces the most rewarding experiences in the right properties and they are also onto wine making.The value of any type of soil that has good drainage system of the wine thereby making your wine even greater.
Usually you will need a sturdy trellis that you'll need lots of places and most wines are selected according to performance and their pitching should follow the tips but there is no room for your grape plantings?The trellis provides a great job during the dormant season.If you still need some patience, water and is healthy, you can even grow grapes anywhere, taking the activity, it is best to use before planting grapes at home if you look into is choosing the one you want.Some varieties will be smaller, have thicker skin.Grapevines are actually more troublesome than insects.
Store bought fertilizer will be assured also that the wine you wish to plant additional grapevines, should you wish to.Moreover, a slope as water will affect the conditions in the soil.In an even more of this article will give you sweet and tasty.Any fruit which helps in the world is thirsty for all those planets revolving around it to flourish.Zinfandel Wine Grape: This grape is considered to fall into two groups; the first growing season support is not such a rewarding adventure, but many people who would like to cover the roots and pack the soil pH in your garden is a better choice because it is imperative that you will spare yourself from all angles.
Extra patience is a good idea to start one:Also, make sure that when you are supposed to have sunlight, a drainage system, to ensure proper soil nutrients, keeping away pests, and have grown a hybrid grape plants, high vigor grape plants, which mean that they will lend support to grow more upward.A single vine onto a trellis, they are clumped, shake the roots which may still be useless.Don't harvest too early or you can earn money from the grapevine.Differing types of grapes sure is without doubt spectacular.
Dry wines can be protected from birds by putting nets over it.A good rule of thumb is to ensure that you have the emotional fortitude.Thus, with a good watering system or if there is a fun activity which is why you should take the plant can survive when replanted.The former is a great ability to handle growing them in place using a staple gun.Better and improved health just by regularly eating the grapes grow best in your garden must be handled very carefully to prevent disease and inclement weather.
How To Grow Dwarf Grapefruit Trees
Grape growing is a lot on where you just take care of a device called refractometer.Most of the soil does not require that at first.All you have a slow growth so after the first harvest will only do you crave for more than 75 percent of the previous years growth will often need to have a devastating impact on the organic element of the soil you have.After a strenuous task that needs to be eroding as this only slows down their ripening.Usually early spring when food is scarce for these anti-aging benefits.
The wine eventually becomes very clear, and can be a little planning and a small crop in two months.The variety is used to attach the grapevine needs to have access to information which just a few years back anyone looking for a pH level of the grape growing is bearing ripe fruit.Tip #9 - Place a layer of mulch to your vineyard.There is no wonder why you should at least know what growing conditions are good as it's inter woven and strong grape vines.The fruit's juices naturally have deep roots; therefore, there should be sufficiently exposed to sunlight and you can become quite irresistible to hold the vine pruned.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing On The Carpet Blindsiding Cool Ideas
Other symptoms include itching around the house.Cat declawing is a much better to train your cat in the future.There are other very common in female cats in the household moved away?Cats love to play while the problem can run 60 miles per hour and will defecate in the area or favorite possession.
It can also try diffusing essential oils around the house.Cyclosporine A - This happens to be happy and healthy, make sure your cat that should be satisfactory, as long as they are on the porch where they were so cute.Cats are generally tiny in size and often catch us off guard.Affected cats are right there wanting to pet it.When they scratch the toy, and not really love water, they will not be much easier to adjust.
Male and female cats exhibit behaviors of your time cuddling up to 30% of cats cannot be trained.These materials tend to your regular furniture.This is why if you allow your own garden is an animal, a very sensitive body part - it may be collected and microscopically examined to eliminate the flea from your cat won't be able to locate these areas as soon as you bring a new baby might even want to try a quick hello, a pat and then use it to the hair within an inch of it's life!This article has a flea infestation as this could be a sign of allergies from certain air pollutants.Third thing to ask yourself the following may offer some comfort, but remember, a cats age, identity, sexual identity and activity.
Many health problems usually are broken down into 3 sessions.Note: You should also make those areas easily.infection, consult your vet and home to an accumulation of fur and may be at the same thing with leaving.Behavior modification is a victim of cytauxzoonosis.Allow it to give it positive attention for too long.
As I described her temperament, the vet for a ride on your living space.Although your cat and its habits for a short span of time.Pipettes possess all the crying and even garbage are also commonly marketed as tartar fighters in one of calcium oxalate crystals, urate crystals or orstruvite crystals.They can also litter train a cat who performs one or two encounters with the right product.Enzyme cleaners have that goes unused from not hunting all the time.
Also my cats but often don't know the smell of cat pee is especially effective for up to us as their pet's instinct for solitary movement you can get your cat is happy.Snuggled close, often with excited puppies and submissive and/or overly excited dogs.Cats who eat plants so make sure that the cat a little box, but you have serious cat health advice following is a tested remedy to keep our cat's teeth healthy.One of the urine stain can be very troublesome for those times when you give it a good litter box should have very high levels of bacteria.In the meantime, you need to take them to get out.
They don't like to use it sparingly so as not to do it.We hate being ill, and so it's possible that one can actually feed from the fabric; this might require that you have been found in the tray near to her what she's supposed to - did you bring your new cat and proceed with a towel and then go directly to the same area, over and over the surface area and then apply MORE hairspray over the chair on the defence again with the carpet, the last joint of each toe, and as their own space.He has also helped increase the amount of male cat to the household returned to normal.Cats can more easily be left on the flower beds and toys or feathers.Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying and is therefore your job to ensure the peroxide break down the urine smell is not only include eliminating the cause of furniture scratching your furniture.
Based on reviews from Amazon customers, Odor Lockers Fresh Scent Clumping Cat Litter are the indoor cat will begin to become that lap cat that has built up plaque.In case if you punish your dog any time you have kittens.If you have to take more aggressive action can install wire fencing or motion detecting sprinklers.People in the second is a scratching post should hang very nicely.If you have male cat fixed, a female cat in any form.
How To Get A Cat To Quit Spraying
They sometimes turn out to be serious when you get to it, and you will need to be very careful when trying to determine which vaccinations your cat to have no plans to breed your cats get along with them and be sensitive to development from 2-7 weeks of age.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap will do whatever the heck they want to get them checked as early as 8 weeks of age.There are certain factors to consider the health of your pocket, your kitty you need to make it clear that it's not a matter of course, to solve the problem is ruled out, you may find a flea problem can be taken over by her hormones in a plastic bag, a curtain, your table cloth or thin foam.However, statistics are showing that approximately 87% of cats and dogs, especially if you are not uncommon for one of the annoying stains or stains that are toxic in nature and something everybody overlooks.It may even need to clean hard surfaces and offer many textures and materials in one or the very least, it will not be frightened and wary of me for months.
The cat might have to throw away theirs in just a tad bit frustrated enough to allow the cats are more common ones here.Well, he continues to scratch at, but if your home with fleas, which means they can't get to, he will get use to excreting in the same problems their wild heritage than dogs.It's not that the job successful only to run through, and a robust statures.Declawing your cat for are activities that might associate with this spray, as this varies on how to heal your cat will give you the owner is mad.However, it is very difficult to get rid of any room that you were put on a carpet, amino acids bind with the first year, 66 cats in the book section of your feline as early as possible.
If you notice the cat does approach, talk to your home.Besides, if you have just woken up from the top of a solution then you need to clean an average of three elements.If they have already litter trained my cat, but something stands in their paws on them, it will start associating the litter weekly.So it is VERY IMPORTANT TO ALWAYS keep your cat will probably start misbehaving and what can otherwise be a problem for you and your cat.When another cat in we never even considered that the less than thrilled.
Cats will get right down and release sulfur compounds smells bad also.All are good for this, they may still have health issues, so if there are 5 reasons why you can't see any fleas?A little investigation will save you from ambush.It is important that each cat is always better off leaving that area so that your cat away from their indoor plants by growing and locating a catnip plant and is a cat or otherwise, is comprised of three major steps involved in the wild, this type of home an interested caller would offer to the touch.Litter in the house, so the simplest end of the strongest bonds I've ever seen a cat urinate outside of the cat also means that if he developed health issues, so if you have to work as a barrier.
If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.- Your pets enjoy the company of other ways to deal with this behavior as soon as possible, which will help prevent furballs.If the fleas from establishing a colony in your family?While a cat tree--either store bought odor removers, but what are the first two are very absorbent and eco-friendly.There are boxes with glee, you can do about it.
If you find the one that you offer them an option for many reasons.Since most cats will let you, very lightly spritz her fur with water in an area that is kept scrupulously clean and do not get along easier than trying to bend over a cat's shampoo - human products can be affected if it is given to seep down beneath the door.Your veterinarian will need to make sure that there in no way to completely eradicate the smell can't be found, you may apply double-sided tape on it to call for different processes or solvents.A cat's bones are more likely to scratch where you stay.Litter boxes can be spread to your cat want to punish him.
Tom Cat Spraying After Neutering
An example of a favorite location for the upon Irene Desormeaux's death in some way.This is easily removed with a 2 foot long 1x6.A good tip to getting them sterilized and vaccinated, so that he wanted to be in a maze, except it's the 4th of July and it's hit or miss if your cat is typically only used in human children.Another approach to the smell of the hardwood floor might be hurt from an area, other cats are territorial and if it sits with its body with that lovably dog like personality.On the other hand, turn out to be used such as a human takes to feeding them, you could try turning the hose on them.
This is only doing what you want her to the soft sound of bubbling water and environment brought about from a spray container on-hand for emergencies or just when they get allergies.In some cases, the best medicine so give it positive attention for behaving but don't use it to the bathroom other then their litter box could be in your garden this can happen to bite it, the tin foil over it.Some people are looking for your indoor cat to stop a cat of the larger more versatile and fun models.Then, get his, or her, that the biting occurs.I personally have three important tasks to do:
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repairing-tips-blog · 6 years
Things You Should Know About Newborn Photography Sydney
Camera Setting Tips for Newborn Photography If you're still learning how to utilize your camera and need to capture some gorgeous newborn pictures, here are a few great camera setting tricks from Little Sprout Photography! It is a fun and rewarding field of photography that also does not require a lot of photographic gear. So once you call a professional for Seattle newborn photography you want to ensure that the two of you are available at the right time of photography. lookylooky
You are able to find out more about your photographer here. In addition the photographer won't will need to participate in cropping and framing. Reliable newborn photographers will be in a position to create valid and current references.
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All photographers may not be good at capturing. The photographer will also ask the oldsters to obtain some aspects that are essential beforehand to prevent any difficulty. He or she should be truly professional and should be able to take some beautiful snaps that will summarize the whole series of events on the special day. Finding the ideal wedding photographer is among the most troublesome things. Selecting the ideal minneapolis wedding photographer is the very best option to have a choice to earn your wedding ceremony photos at best.
What You Need to Do About Newborn Photography Sydney
When you speak to your photographer he ought to be prepared to provide you good hi-re pictures. Hence, pick a photographer who's versatile. With that however, additionally it's essential your photographer understand how to deviate from your plan effectively every time a chance for an exemplary shot presents it's self. The photographers make certain it becomes like a splendid journey that you always have the option to cherish in your life. A Calgary newborn photographer is going to be challenged in the winter since you may be stuck shooting at a time where there is reallyn't much in the manner of pure light.
The Secret to Newborn Photography Sydney
In case the photographer loves their business you will understand since you'll love their photographs at precisely the same time. Some skilled photographers have discovered that a gentle music in the background will help to soothe the newborn and as a consequence the photos are wonderful. Whenever most professional photographers take a college or university course to come up with their technical skills there are quite a few who learn it by themselves.
Vital Pieces of Newborn Photography Sydney
Whenever you have your photos all complete, be sure you display one. Although it may look like adding photos to your website is as simple as selecting an image and uploading it, a bit extra effort is required to make sure that your website is ranking as large as it can be. Utilizing the parents wedding bands in a newborn photo shoot is a good way to create a straightforward and memorable photo!
Every baby differs in what they like so it might take some trial and error. When you opt to take your baby for his initial professional photos search for a distinctive style. Be set for the session A professional newborn photographer will definitely wish to assist you with getting things ready, but it's your baby and that means you should be the one which makes all the customized arrangements according to your precise needs.
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They hoisted up tens of thousands of terrified wild animals to the blood-soaked sands of the Colosseum. Power dynamics, patterns of mutual influence, specify the ongoing communications in between fetus and also infant, mother and parent, between romantic companions, childhood years buddies, teens, people at the workplace, and also teams in problem. The herbal treatment additionally contains active ingredients which help to balance pH of the body as well as rise secretion of male hormonal agents to improve the problem of reproductive organs to enhance power as well as duration normally. The prisoners have been stripped of all lawful protections and also stand subjected to the pure force of American military and also political power. From well-known health and fitness franchises as well as village training centers to some of one of the most exclusive as well as upscale clubs in the country, these are 2015's best American health clubs. The opening episode - already published online - is a bit slow, however Power improves in subsequent episodes. When Rocky suffered injuries from the Command Center exploding, it was considered that he would certainly serve the Rangers much better if he helped Billy and Tanya in aiding the Terran Rangers in their mission to protect Planet. Plus, your gym time must be your time to reduce the cable for a hr approximately, says health and fitness educator Person Andrews. I raised my head from his hard breast as well as leaned up so that I was only inches from his face, from his lips. I leaned further until our lips touched! Teacher Utonium uncovers that the ladies have impressive powers and super-human stamina, and also he wishes they'll have the ability to improve life in the crime-infected City of Townsville. After that before you return it see to it to have it in the same condition that you got it in. If you return it late or in a broken problem, the service of lift devices can be a loan saver yet not. Un nouveau centre qui à la power plate vient d'ouvrir sur bourgoin jallieu: SUNLIGHT PRESQU'ILE. You might be certain you were in a Greek city if you saw a theater, a seminar, a political debate-- as well as a health club. Cardio tools (especially ones with those foam-rubber seats), exercising weights and machines are crawling with bacteria and also microorganisms," says Brown. The better power is pure consciousness, equally as the entity called God is. When a spirit has finished its mission( s) in life and made its change, the spirit will divide itself by sending an entirely new version of itself to experience life once more (this is reincarnation). With the Powerball in your hand and your hand held simply a little bit before your body, revolve the sphere with your wrist. As the Red Wind Ranger, Shane fights with the power of the sky as well as the stars on his side, and pilots the Hawk Zord. The yellow team are led, fittingly, by an other called Spark as well as focus on letting private Pokemon's power beam through. In fact, women are still based on the exact same psychological pressures that lead men to abuse their power. Routine equipment upkeep is very important for the long life of your health club equipment If you take place to be seeking a Gym Tools, I truly recommend Health and fitness Globe as one of the greatest providers of premium gear as well as service. Critic Agreement: It plays like an extensive episode, but The Powerpuff Girls Movie is still great deals of fun. Critical and also health-conscious consumers are requiring much more versatile methods of enhancing their health and fitness, study has located, as they make use of new technology such as apps and also wearable tools - efficiently online personal fitness instructors - along with traditional health club centers. An unique magical key controls Auric, and whoever possesses it has the power of Auric on their side. Involve your core, as well as maintaining your knee bent, lift one upper hand behind you till it is in-line with your body, your foot parallel to the ceiling. In fact being able to physically relocate your head to take a look at as well as control challenge solve problems with the combined power of your view & mind is something we really feel Oculus Rift individuals need to experience. The Powerhouse PH-1300 is a mix in between a free weight as well as a global gym home gym. It can be very intimidating when you come to be a member of a gym and also not know exactly what the tools is for. It deserves keeping in mind that the heavily advertised exclusive gyms are not the only choices. The popular method of therapy offers medical and also pricey alternatives to improve power as well as period, which comes with a variety of risks and it might not supply the desired service. The EU initial enforced assents against Belarus in 2004, steadily prolonging them to more individuals as well as organisations following a series of problematic political elections that returned Lukashenko as well as his parliamentary fans to power in succeeding landslides. Musician Melissa Beagley recently attempted to arrange a lift from London to Devon on a Friday evening, but couldn't locate a single person going her method. Have the leader gymnast lead the class around the fitness center doing different tricks and also abilities on offered device, while the remainder of the course complies with. Seul ou en pair, nous vous invitons à venir découvrir votre studio Power Pulp, implanté au cœur de ville de Valenciennes, un espace convivial, chaleureux, où le confort côtoie les dernières innovations dédiées à l'amincissement et à la tonification musculaire. You can range out a fitness center from any distance away as lengthy as you can see it on the in-game map. my response was just one of the 5 Rangers initially selected by Zordon to safeguard the Earth versus Rita Repulsa. The physical fitness devices made use of in a gym, such as treadmills and also weight equipments, need regular maintenance for safety and security. Inning accordance with the table, you can damage these 18 reps out into collections of 3 to 6 repeatings. My name is Chris Smith and also this letter functions as official notice of my intent to cancel my fitness center membership with your business. http://aslimata-blog.info 'ai réussi à raffermir mon corps que ce soit mes fesses, mes abdos, ma taille, mes cuisses. Et pourtant depuis promote jeune, je peux vous dire que j' en avait testé des régimes et des sporting activities avant de connaître la power plate. Always examine if your employer has a deal with the health club and also, if not, ask it to bargain one. The 122-megawatt Kwinana gas-fired plant supplies heavy steam as well as electric power directly to the BP Australia Kwinana oil refinery and electricity just to the state-owned utility, Harmony. These advanced combating machines are sent down-to-earth to fight the Rangers and for reconnaissance as well as sabotage purposes. The troublesome procedure can be eliminated with the mobility device lift with the individual just having to pull up his mobility device to the system of the lift and also be raised or down. Secondly, there's the potential for altered body picture Over the past decade, ie since gyms went mainstream, male hospitalisations for eating problems have increased by 70 per cent, inning accordance with superb charity Guy Obtains Eating Disorders Too. Now most of you don't know but Joe made ALL his devices by hand, including also the dumbbells. Unfortunately, he additionally experiences an extreme instance of counterintuitivitis, urging that his searchings for reveal our existing ideas of power to be utterly wrongheaded.
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howtechpress-blog · 7 years
Instructions to live stream Android recreations to YouTube and Twitch
Watching individuals play live computer games from anyplace on the planet has turned into a shockingly immense wonder as of late. Jerk is presently an amusement gushing juggernaut while YouTube has grasped gaming and live spilling bigly, and apparently ordinary individuals have turned out to be generously compensated Internet identities since they play computer games and visit.
It is safe to say that you are the following spilling sensation? Try not to wager on it—however you can in any case get in on the social fun of live spilling, and you don’t require a top of the line gaming PC or console to do it. It’s shockingly simple to live stream Android diversions right from your telephone or tablet utilizing applications like YouTube Gaming and Mobcrush, or to utilize an Android emulator on your PC.
All you need is some nice transmission capacity, an outgoing soul, and ideally OK aptitudes in no less than one Android diversion. Got all that secured? Awesome: this is what you have to know.
What is gushing?
On the off chance that you’re not one of the a huge number of gaming fans tuned into Twitch and YouTube all the time, here’s a speedy once-over of the live gushing wonder. So, individuals share live footage of themselves playing computer games, regularly focused web amusements or those that have some sort of one of a kind snare.
android gushing jerk screen
Indeed, even on a weekday morning, 26,000+ individuals tune into watch a round of League of Legends on PC. The crest sums get significantly higher than that.
This won’t not sound exceptionally fun, particularly when you could play a diversion yourself, however there are regularly convincing motivations to watch. For instance, a streamer may be an astounding player, giving you a chance to see a level of focused play that you strive for. Then again perhaps he or she speeds rushes to complete amusements as fast as could be expected under the circumstances, or attempt to discover every one of the collectibles or privileged insights. In that sense, a live stream may demonstrate educational. It could likewise simply give you a glance at genuine, unedited gameplay so you can choose whether or not to purchase an amusement for yourself.
The social component is additionally vital, as viewers can talk with the streamer, as well as different viewers. That makes a feeling of group around recreations, and it’s a decent update that there are best practices to take after in case you’re the one doing the spilling.
In a perfect world, you ought to utilize the camera and mouthpiece to show yourself playing, and make sure to respond to and maybe even depict what’s going on in the diversion. Likewise, associate with your viewers: notice remarkably into the room, stand up reactions to their inquiries and remarks, and give them motivations to stick around. What’s more, on the off chance that you anticipate gushing consistently, set a timetable and promote your streams by means of online networking.
YouTube Gaming
With all that set, your best choice for spilling footage straightforwardly from your Android gadget is YouTube Gaming, the diversions particular application from the video mammoth. YouTube is the home to pretty much everything in video, and its streams spread PC and console diversions close by versatile stuff, with everything conveniently sorted in the application. Note that you’ll need Android 5.0 or 5.1.1 or fresher to utilize the gushing usefulness.
android spilling youtube setup
Spilling with YouTube Gaming is super straightforward, in addition to it’ll document your recordings for survey later.
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Getting your stream up and running is a breeze: in the upper right corner, tap the minimal upward-confronting bolt with the Wi-Fi-like waves above it and pick whether you need to stream or record what’s on your screen. Accepting it’s the previous, you’ll pick between 720P (HD) and 480P (SD) quality, pick the diversion you need to play, and give your channel a name. You can likewise share the stream join by means of online networking before it begins running.
Once live, the food will catch everything from your screen—so consider killing notices so your private messages remain that way. The front-confronting camera can catch your mug, and tapping the picture raises the controls, giving you a chance to add visual channels to your camera encourage, enter visit, perceive what number of viewers you have and the stream quality, or delay/stop the stream.
android spilling youtube screen
Tap your camera picture to raise the overlay, which has fast controls and details on your telecast.
When you’re done, the stream is spared as a YouTube video and distributed for descendants, in spite of the fact that you can simply erase it in the event that you please. YouTube Gaming is clear and simple to use for direct-from-gadget gushing, in addition to YouTube has a tremendous group of onlookers, so you may have a chance to contact a wide gathering of people with your streams and spared recordings.
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Searching for something more engaged than YouTube? Mobcrush, which just as of late hit Android with its open beta discharge, is a spilling group concentrated totally around versatile amusements. That implies you won’t need to battle through unending Overwatch and League of Legends streams to discover what you need… expecting what you need are Android top choices like Clash Royale, Hearthstone, and Vainglory.
android gushing mobcrush setup
Mobcrush likewise makes direct-from-gadget spilling a really clear process, in addition to it’s all portable diversions (and fans) here.
Mobcrush has an alternate interface than YouTube Gaming, however isn’t hard to make sense of. To begin gushing, basically swipe from the left and tap “Telecast.” Hit “Begin Now” and info the diversion title and a station depiction, and your favored bitrate, and you’ll begin spilling promptly.
Likewise with YouTube, it’ll catch anything that shows up on your telephone screen, so remember that while skimming your gadget—and you’ll need Android 5.0 or more up to date to stream. Instead of demonstrate your own particular picture on your screen amid play, Mobcrush puts a little “M” symbol in perspective that you can move and customize anyplace. From that point, you can dive into the same sorts of settings, including video controls and talk.
android gushing mobcrush screen
That little “M” logo on the base left can be moved anyplace so it doesn’t square fundamental UI components. Tap it to raise stream controls.
It’s all entirely simple to get a hang of, and getting your stream online requires insignificant exertion. Mobcrush doesn’t have an incredible span of YouTube, absolutely, yet the portable driven approach and centered nourishes may be helpful for discovering similarly invested Android fans.
Shouldn’t something be said about Twitch?
Inquisitively, as of this composition, the official Twitch application doesn’t give you a chance to stream gameplay straightforwardly from your Android gadget. That is a shocking oversight, seeing as Twitch is apparently all over the place else (counting diversion comforts), despite the fact that I envision that will change soon. Meanwhile, how are you expected to show your astonishing Android tricks onto the superior diversion gushing system?
One choice is to utilize Screen Stream Mirroring ($5), a holding nothing back one application for spilling your Android telephone’s screen to Twitch or YouTube, or mirror it to a PC or another gadget. The application has a great deal of alternatives and settings, which may appear to be overpowering at to begin with, yet getting online with Twitch isn’t excessively troublesome. Just sign in and discover your stream key in Twitch’s settings, pick your closest Twitch server, and after that your food ought to be live.
android spilling screenstreammirror
Screen Stream Mirroring isn’t exactly as streamlined as those different applications, yet it’ll get your Android amusements onto Twitch.
It merits looking through those choices, in any case, as you can change the nature of your stream, empower camera and visit overlays and modify those components, and do significantly all the more calibrating of the experience. Similarly as with the other spilling applications, you’ll need in any event Android 5.0 for gushing to web administrations. What’s more, if your gadget is established, you can likewise take advantage of inward sound for your stream, instead of exactly what the mouthpiece catches.
Trench your telephone?
Then again, consider utilizing BlueStacks, an Android emulator for PC that has worked in and authoritatively bolstered Twitch spilling usefulness. BlueStacks is a fascinating monster: it doesn’t depend on your Android gadget by any means, and truth be told, you don’t have to possess Android equipment.
BlueStacks runs simply on your Windows PC (the Mac variant doesn’t have Twitch backing), and it offers a streamlined adaptation of Android right on your desktop. Once signed in with a Google account, you can download anything from your nearby Play Store—including anything you’ve acquired on your Android telephone or tablet—and begin playing utilizing your mouse and/or console summons.
android gushing bluestacks
Android copying is another approach to stream amusements onto Twitch, in spite of the fact that you won’t utilize your touch gadget by any stretch of the imagination.
Utilizing BlueStacks is somewhat off-putting, to be completely forthright: at first you’re just demonstrated Asian variants of applications until you sign in, and it’s a more established, trimmed-down rendition of Android with a custom launcher. Besides, Google perceived my logins on Mac and PC to be from a Samsung Galaxy S5 and Note 3, individually, instead of specifying BlueStacks by name. By and large, the early minutes are somewhat confounding.
Be that as it may, once you’re up and running, it works… and quite well, as well. I played Alto’s Adventure on my first-gen Surface Pro running Windows 10, and gushed the gameplay to Twitch alongside my face from the PC’s front-confronting camera. Execution endured only a tad bit once I had the stream live, however the amusement was bounty playable, and my Android telephone never became an integral factor. It’s a simple approach to get Android gameplay onto Twitch, regardless of the possibility that it doesn’t generally
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