#he doesnt remember anything/what he remembers is super vague
ekrixart · 8 months
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I like to think eventually theyd figure it out [Continuation off these [1] [2]]
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t4tdanvis · 7 months
HMMMMMMMM (<- thinking about an au really really hard)
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 4 months
byler prompt: flirting god will and blushing mess mike accidentally switch roles momentarily but once mike realizes what he said and will seizes the opportunity to reciprocate, the roles go right back to normal, except it was just enough to get them to realize their feelings weren't as one sided as they thought.
William Byers never used to be this…forward, maybe it was living in Cali, maybe it was because Jane and Mike had broken up, maybe it was Vecna finally being dead, the upside down no longer plaguing him with every movement he’d take, and with everything being over and done with, that creepy crawling feeling was gone and he could breath normally, and with that he finally got the confidence to actually speak like a normal person to his best friend.
Well, maybe more than just a “normal person” but hey, seeing Mike get a bit flustered at his senseless flirting was always a plus, even if it didn’t mean anything in the end.
He’d always known how to get people riled up, in California he’d use the tactic to throw people off when they’d be rude to him or Jane. Throw a comment out there to make them stop in their tracks, blubbering like a fish out of water. It was amusing when it was them. But god with Mike it was different, cus he actually meant the words coming out of his mouth, and loved the flush that would spread over his best friends cheeks as he stared at Will with those wide eyes, looking vaguely like he’d had his first thought in a week, like he’d suddenly gained consciousness. His jaw would drop slightly his lips pursing in that way that made Will want so desperately to kiss him.
He was awful.
He shouldn’t be using Mike like that, but he couldn’t stop himself, flirting with him was fun and easy and everything love should be. So he smiled and quipped and made little gestures and said his full name in that way that. It had gotten to the point he’d take almost every opportunity he could.
Hawkins was awful in the summer, any long fabrics or hair sticking to your skin uncomfortably, too cold in winter and too hot in summer. Too wet in Spring, too dry in Fall.
Ah the Midwest.
He was pulling at his pants as the party sat around him at their lunch table, chatting away about something or another. Mike sat at his side, way closer than he had too, almost the entire bench free to his right, but it’d been like that recently, and. Will definitely wasn’t complaining, he usually liked the contact, Mikes legs and side pressed against his in a way that made his cheeks flare.
“Jane, remind mom we gotta go summer clothes shopping.” He groaned dramatically, pushing Mike’s side. “Mike I know we both love you being in my personal space but please.” He whined, pouting at the boy.
“H-huh?” Mike’s eyes widened, his lips parting, “o-oh yeah of course yeah sorry-“ he stuttered over his words, shimmying away from Will, just enough so that they were no longer touching.
Max snickered in that knowing way of hers, despite her impaired vision, she seemed to read them like an open book. See right through them and the game they were playing. She looked…? between them for a moment. Will suddenly had a very bad feeling.
“Do any of you guys remember those short shorts Will would wear in middle school?” She said, fitting her chin onto her palm. “You should get some of those again,” she suggested.
“The ones from the mall?” Will pulled a face, his lips pursing in not exactly disgust but something close enough. Moving his gaze to Max as she nodded, a knowing look in her eyes.
Lucas made a wolf-whistle sound, “yeah man you looked good in those! I remember girls used to be practically tripping over themselves when you walked by,” he teased. Dustin snickered along with them.
All of them. Traitors.
“It was not like that.” Will huffed, glaring at Max despite the fact she couldn’t see it, she smiled at him widely, mischievous and playful.
Sometimes Will wondered if she was faking being blind.
Mike made a little sound, tilting his head to the side as he shrugged, absentmindedly moving his food around on his plate. “I meannn, a lot of people did stare at you,” he said, almost teasing as he smiled to his friend, “you looked good in them.” He added.
Will’s attention was almost immediately on him, as it so often was, leaning his head to the side, returning the teasing nature, “Micheal Wheeler,” he said playfully, teasing and light with his words. He loved the way Mikes lips twitched up at the use of his name. One of the easiest ways to flirt with Mike Wheeler. “Did you just so happen to be one of the people staring at lil ole me?” He asked innocently, fluttering his eyelashes at him, simply searching for a reaction.
Instead of stuttering or blushing like Will had expected, Mike merely looked up, as if recalling the events of that summer. He straightened his posture so that their height difference was more notable. Forcing Will to look up if he wanted to look at his face, which he did, of course.
“Would it be so bad if I was?” He asked, looking back down at Will with a deceivingly neutral expression, his voice sounding light and contemplative in a way. “I did say you looked good in them, didn’t I? It’s obvious people would stare.”
For once, it was Wills turn to blink rapidly, a blush spreading over his cheeks his lips openinghe breathed in the sentiment. Unsure what to make of it, was Mike calling him attractive? It felt like it. Warmth pooled in his stomach and spread throughout his body, all the way down his arms to his fingers and toes.
All he could do for a few long moments was stare, but with the way Mike was looking at him, expectantly, as if waiting for an answer to a question Will had to take a moment to recall. Mike eyes flitted down to the bottom half of his face, letting out a little huffy breath through his lips, impatience.
Right, right, Will needed to respond. “I guess I wouldn’t mind.” He finally said, so quiet he’d be surprised if Mike even heard it. His voice felt fleeting in his throat, like he was scared he’d break whatever bubble was around them if he was too loud, too obnoxious.
Mikes soft contemplative look quickly turned to fluster once more, as if his words and the implication of them finally caught up to him. And they both seemed to notice they’d been staring at each other for too long for it to be considered normal.
Mike quickly looked away from him, his Adam’s apple bobbing as the boy gulped, his cheeks still flushed. Will watched him for a moment, the implication of Mike finding his attractive in short shorts kept turning in his head. He looked away then too, trying to focus back in on the conversation their friends had continued without them.
Max huffed loudly at something Lucas said. “We all know Will doesn’t give any of the girls who are into him the time of day.” She said. “He’s too focused on…other things.” Her non-existent stare looked between him and Mike, before shrugging, “like his grades, and college.”
Will was gonna murder her.
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freakattack · 5 months
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Been thinking about the wario guys drawing lately. It's kind of hard to pin their "art styles" because while all of their microgames are made by them we also don't know how they got the art assets you know? It's warioware. It's anarchy. In mega microgames orbulon has a memory microgame where you control what looks like a crudely-drawn music band but then in touched when you turn on the real-life diamond city news it's the same damn band. they just look like that. So you can never know for sure. That being said, here are all of the most unambiguous examples of their artwork that i can remember
Wario: i already made a post about this bht i don't care. Wario is an amazing artist. If he actually wants to make something look good, like himself, he can. But most of the time he doesnt give a shit so he just craps out whatever. I get it. I'm the same way except it just so happens that i don't give a shit about anything so youve never seen me make good art even though i totally could if i wanted to. Dont look at me like that
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Orbulon: orbulon, i am happy for you. I do not hold this against you and i think we all have a right to draw our ideal selves. Who among us hasnt drawn ourselves 10ft tall and jacked. Hypothetically. Dont look at me. Dont look at m
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Anyways unlike wario i would like to believe that orbulon is gracious enough to share his talents with others and thats why most of the other game and wario title cards look like.... that. They probably all requested orbulon to draw them looking super cool and gave him very specific and at times vaguely frightening directions. Red wanted to look like freddie mercury for some reason. Pyoro did not make any requests becayse he has better things to do so orbulon took some creative liberties there. I'm not going to post every game and wario title card here because if youre reading this you probably have already seen them and if not go do that. I'll wait for you.
Penny: Ok now that we have all seen orbulons beautiful portfolio let's look at penny's. Penny is very self conscious of her art skills and so her portfolio has only one piece. Penny do not despair for i love your turtle drawing and i would kill myself for you.
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Kat&Ana: Flawless. 10/10. The best artists here by far. Put it in the louvre
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Anyways i am probabaly forgetting key examples here as it is currently ass o clock at night so if anyone has any non-microgame works of art from the wario crew you are welcome to bust in and give me them. I'm making a collection
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possuminnit · 4 months
Im sorry if this is rude or something but there’s no tommyinnit fics blog and you seem like my best shot. Would you know anything about a vigilante tommy fanfiction where wilbur as a hero throws tommy as a vigilante off a building? Purpled is like a mercenary or something in it I THINK. Regardless they’re super close. Wilbur doesnt know tommy is a vigilante when he throws him off a building so he creates a twitter account to bitch at him. The throwing off a building isnt the main thing in the plot but its the only for sure 100% percent thing i remember. Its possible techno is an ex vigilante in it and blue makes people hybrids. God im sorry this is vague and possibly rude but i am DESPERATE i lost all my fics when my phone crashed and it was such a good one. Have a good day
NOT RUDE AT ALL LOL I am sooo certain I know what fic youre talking about but I cannot find it x( maybe someone who sees this will know let's hope
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blastlight · 4 months
#christian followers feel free to infodump in my inbox
☆hi beam!! okay i'm agnostic (spiritual and leaning hindu) now, but as a kid i used to be catholic (and also hindu at the same time. i was both simultaneously it's Complicated)
☆when i was little (before the Upsettings happened) god was sort of like my imaginary friend that i talked to all the time and demanded stuff from him constantly and i felt super upset whenever i did something to make him "angry". One time when i was 7 i prayed for about a week straight for him to turn me white. I was also convinced he would give me superpowers before i turned ten. I told all my friends about it. and then when it didnt happen i convinced myself it was because i was (vaguely) hindu too and God doesnt like it when i talk to other gods (???????) I won't get into the more traumatic aspect of the whole thing but the thought of someone always watching and the prospect of hell and dying forever messed me up for a good long while
☆surprisingly unrelated to that, i was obsessed with the bible as a kid (not really in a religious way so much as an autism way). My favourite book/section in the bible was leviticus and i just sat there for hours reading over and over what the ancient israelites were supposed to Not Do and the proper rituals that had to happen if they did those things anyway. My second favourite was the book of revelations but that was out of childish spite because at some point I remember the priest at my church saying that nobody understood what revelations meant or what was going on in there and i went "okay I'll just be the first then". I had Theories.
☆i was also going through my ancient history phase around the same time of my obsessive bible phase so every single week at church i bothered every single adult with questions about evolution and why the dinosaurs aren't in the bible until they made me feel too guilty to ask LOL (same thing happened when i asked stuff like why they eat shrimp or wear purple if leviticus says they can't)
☆tldr; i was obsessed with the bible in the way other kids at the time were obsessed with stuff like percy jackson, not because of religion but because i was fascinated by the Lore. But at the same time (and mostly unrelated to my bible interest??) i also believed in god fully and thought he would do stuff for me if i asked nice enough but be also scared me very much. Around age 12 I eventually reasoned myself out of christianity because, among other things, i decided the whole heaven/hell situation wasn't fair and unrealistic and also genesis made zero sense. The religious trauma that came later didn't help but was surprisingly not a driving factor for the most part. I still read the bible sometimes. I think it's fascinating
Oh wow that's way more than I thought anyone would send hahah
Definitely sounds interesting. I can see how you might end up like that but it sounds unusual. i don't know a whole lot about hinduism, but if you want, can you elaborate on how being hindu affected your catholic experience? just for curiosity :>
i relate with the "talking to G-d as if He's my imaginary friend" thing so much. i don't do that much now, but it's just way easier to speak directly than through very specific pre-written prayers sometimes...
hyperfixating on Bible Lore TM is kinda fascinating. i would not have chosen levitcus but i can see the hypothetical appeal of analyzing The Rules. (i was a child of chaos.) i don't know anything about revelations. what is going on in there?
bothering church adults with dinosaur questions is hysterical. also, where does it mention not wearing purple again? because religious jews do follow a lot of the commandments that originated from there, but that one's never come up. seems like a weird mistranslation/misinterpretation maybe?
makes sense why you'd leave based on that, i think that's more or less a common experience with ex-christians from what i've seen? good luck with the rest of that ♡ 👍 ♡
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doomed-era · 4 months
crashes through your window!! points at you like an anime supervillain HELLO!! how does gaffen view the champions and/or how does alt zelda view everyone we’ve met so far (unless thats spoilers?). or how would revali and zelda interact do you think
screams and hides under the table there is glass all over the floor my chickens are running everywhere (joking I am fine and completely immune to glass)
oh thats a fffffun question.....!!!! I have thought a great deal about this. I will start with pre-calamity because honestly it is simpler
revali is just...weird. gaffen doesnt get what the guy's deal is (mostly) so about half the time he just. tunes out everything revali says. honestly he does that with a lot of people including zelda. he works 15-hour shifts and just dissociates when he isnt on lunch break. he did pay attention once. and that was when revali said horses were smelly dumb animals and gaffen pushed him off a cliff (they were both fine revali's reaction was more or less just surprise and gaffen cooled off almost immediately cause he's Like That at this point.) he thinks revali's archery skills are really impressive but he'd never actually say that to him because Why.
urbosa is incredibly intimidating and he's pretty sure she doesn't like him. however he thinks she is cool. her loyalty is fascinating to him as he doesn't remember any other gerudo chieftains being...like that? in a good way. like he considers it a triumph for Hyrule At Large that the gerudo and Hyrule at on such good terms and he's deeply inspired by Urbosa's own loyalty not really understanding that it is in some ways a facade. he doesn't avoid her though, I think he'd just. stand there with the hairs on the back of his neck prickling. maybe at some point he would try to use the gerudo words he knows to try and impress her. or maybe he could give her a nice bottle of wine or something she would like as a Present
mipha is. complicated ? hes gotten vague vibes that she might have feelings for him past a certain point. however he doesnt really want to think about the implications of that or what that might cause. he'd rather just stand there and force himself to not think about it.there is a good chance if he was asked about it he would play dumb. mipha is also actively trying to figure out what his Deal is and generally tries to present herself as someone he can talk to so he's spoken to her briefly a few times. i couldnt even really tell you if he reciprocated its like that one post where a character is too tormented by the narrative to exhibit sexuality or attraction. he likes her, he trusts her more than a lot of people but yea.
im trying my best to not sully this with his rp interactions with them because those were done under Specific Circumstances(tm) (and i dont even think he knows the whole mipha has a crush thing for a bit) but when he actually opens up and turns his brain on there he starts making little jabs at revali for fun. he also gets like. mmildly scared of talking to revali before that bc again he turned his brain on and hasnt ever actively tried talking to him. so yea. he also ends up trying to force mipha to reveal more about herself bc mipha never really reveals anything which he thinks is hypocritical. this ends with him getting...mildly pissed/confused. him and revali also set up a time where they could practice archery together teehee
OK DARUK. I havent thought too much about them admittedly. but im tempted to say that their relationship is the friendliest and the most uncomplicated. im a "link ate the rock sirloin to be polite and not just because hes ok with eating rocks" truther so. yea. they're not super close by any means but they're just bros. guys hangin out. daruk would toss him into the air for fun and he'd like it. when hes off work gaffen would probably talk to daruk but when he is at work he'd probably just turn into gromit from wallace and gromit half the time. gaffen realizes he should probably respect the guy more but half the time he just kinda perceives him as like. the team dad and not a respected member of the gorons
that was longer than I thought. oops
post calamity is weird and I have thought about it a little more I think its not something I've roleplayed much so it just kinda sits there in my head and Rots.
but basically i'd describe gaffen's relationship with the champions at first to be highly parasocial. the memory you get from mipha's statue is his first acquired memory and it is.jarring? to say the least. gaffen understood that he was missing large chunks of his memory after rhoam told him that but he didn't really process it fully and he certainly didnt think he had a personal relationship with the people rhoam was talking about. plus when he does get those back he in a sense re-experienced them it was Very Strong Very Overwhelming and it kind of freaked him out. but the zora all seemed to paint a specific picture of who he was and mipha's relationship with him so it really hammered in the importance of his past self and those memories. the problem is because of how important he thinks they are he. pictures himself having a closer relationship with the champions and zelda than he actually did. like they were besties. totally. he loved mipha and they were gonna get married probably maybe and revali could be mean sometimes but it was okay they eventually got along fine and had some respect for each other daruk was the best friend anyone could ever ask for and urbosa was like his mentor who helped him out and was cool. did he have any evidence for this absolutely not he just kinda made up what the champions were like based on the snippets he got and since. well. everyone who knew most of the champions personally is dead. and the zora really dont have a good image of what mipha was like because she didnt really reveal much about herself. these go unchallenged and spiral out of control. the champion abilities do not help. they are not actually the champions in my au they are abilities that look like them. but gaffen thinks they are the champions. he spent a lot of his time wandering around alone and they brought him a lot of comfort and. yeah they were basically his best friends except they were fake
then he almost gets beaten to death and mipha's grace heals his leg wrong and he feels betrayed by them personally so he gets mad. thinks they hate him. refuses to talk about them. stops using the champion abilities because he blocked them on socialmedia. eventually he gains some perspective on it and calms down. realizes he just made everything up. but it still hurts like hell and he refuses to use the abilities anymore. however he still will get incredibly pissed if you insult them. maybe they arent his friends anymore but you will respect them dammit they died for your COUNTRY!!!
OH...hehe I cant reveal everything about alt zelda's impressions of ppl but some things I certainly can!! it is very colored by a few things that have happened to her. that are spoilers. but.
ok so link first cause hes easy. she thinks hes dumb. but she also feels sorry for him because she knows that a lot of the people around her and just the government/military in hyrule are. manipulative and exploitative. so. she really wants him to stay out of this honestly but in some ways she's happy to see him
Lance? she does not know who he is. blasse is complicated and spoilery but basically when she was younger she saw him one time and called him the "lazy old soldier guy" and everyone was confused
ciless (true mage of spirit) is incredibly complicated but basically ciless used to be zelda's mother figure. they hate each other currently and often try to sabotage each other
pike she just sees as ciless's crony and mostly dismisses him
fen she would actually have an. interesting? reaction towards. she'd act like she recognizes him somewhat. she would refer to him as link's father even if link didn't like it. she might ask him if he feels like he's missing something
lepy she would just think is a crony again im sorry lepy you deserve better
and packard she would also basically ignore
MAN. you got me thinking about a tangent about alt zelda and revali oops i am not sure if thats what you meant. but its a funny hypothetical to me. honestly zelda would be fascinated by revali. like at first shed think he was some sort of monster thing but then she would be like. wait you can talk. and revali would be like scoff yes of course. what does it look like.
"you look like a large bird or a monster"
"let me make it known that I am not a bird, and I refuse to be called a bird. I am revali of the rito tribe. it's--" and he looks VERY annoyed -- "not exactly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but I seem to have lost my way."
"...that is very strange." and she just looks amused
i imagined this weird au where shes like "ok i really like you youre my friend now" and she tries to get him to help her with Stuff I think it would be funny
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blackfairy312 · 9 days
If each of them had 3 wishes to be granted, what would they wish for? How messy or neat is their rooms?(fnac3)
🔥OH BOY the Bedroom Question .. this is funn y to me bc i remember once another host of ours (Amia) went on a THREE HOUR RANT ABOUT THE BEDROOM DESIGNS IN PROJECT SEKAI AND HOW THEY DIDNT REFLECT THE CHARACTERS PERSONALITIES EXCEPT FOR LIKE TWO OF THEM and the idea that crafting the bedroom of a character is like one of the most important things to do because a person's bedroom reflects who they are . I mean our bedroom has a LOT of personality lol (posters and figurines everywhre...)
ahem but Yeah so the Three Wishes thing first ;
Vincent/Puppeteer - 'succesful actor' wouldnt be one of his wishes bc he wants to WORK for that . it wouldnt be 'win over Komi' either. his wishes wouldnt involve anything he'd GAIN or OWN since he believes he can do that himself. so his three wishes wiuld be PRAYING ON THE DOWNFALL OF OTHERS. like maybe he'd wish for Antonio to never succeed in the acting industry. thats one example. he doesnt have a whole list ready to use .
Antonio/Rat Actor - his first wish would immedietly be "to ensure my siblings end up living happy, successful, long lives" becayse he loves his siblings !!! his other wishes would probably be like, "legalize weed everywhere" or "free healthcare all over the world" but the first one is the most importatnt to him
Richard/Cat Actor - he's so simple-minded his wishes would be like "Have muscles" "Be rich" "Have super powers" and whoever is granting his wish would be like Uhm can you be less Vague...? and he's be like "Huh?"
Komi/The Pianist - she's immortal and can do almost anything So she'd use her wishes on like, food. depends on her mood when the opprotunity is given to her lol 😭
okay the Bedroom Question ...
Vincent's bedroom is organized like his thoughts (sort of) . hes got a few movie posters on the wall, some framed photographs of his achviements throughout his life (graduation, school and college plays, short films he worked on... etc). his bedspread has a plaid pattern with a blue and black color scheme. helikes the color blue lol. he has a spot he puts his Puppeteer costume and Vinnie every night before he goes to bed . his shoes have a shelf like those things at the mcdonalds play placce (idk i never owned one). his room smells like vanilla.
Richard has a basic ass bedroom because idk Okay maybe he has ome sports posters up and a signed poster from a sports player he likes (male) and he claims its for 'motivation' or sometjoing (hes gay)
Antonio's room is very disorganized . his clothes are eberuywhere, he has unpaid bills all over the place, alchohol bottles ... a reflection of his mental state . he's got pictures of his family on his dresser, and a few self help books. despite the mess he KNOWS wheer everythng is (like me lol)
Komi's room looks like this
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cathartic-crypt · 2 months
THANK U SOSOSOSOSOS MUCH Q_Q u have to understand its taken me literal months to post a drawing of joey b/c art block is FUCKING ME OVER SO BADLY!!!!1!1!ugh whatever
here have some of his backstory :)
his full name is Joseph :) and he used to have longer hair and was considered pretty plain personality wise. just some guy yk?
he used to live on a Bighorner ranch in a pretty christian community (church at sundays, prayers, etc etc) he never liked animals all that much which is why he became a courier...altho he also wanted to try and do his own thing too!!
eventually he earned enough caps to get a cross tattooed on his upper arm because he was super religious like his family and wanted to show hes a good person and devoted and loved his community
and then Benny happened :(
(more under the keep reading cut...beware!!!huge chunk of text below)
now he doesnt remember ANYTHING about his past life. the only things he does remember are vague memories of church and praying and because he doesnt understand it or have the context of it hes now terrified of religion and finds imagery of it deeply unsettling
but he also feels a weird amount of guilt and shame because he feels like religion had a huge positive influence on him but he just cant remember it/understand it/pinpoint it!! so he just doesnt know what to do or think of it. his tattoo now makes him feel really strange :( he feels like he has a connection to it but he also wants nothing to do with it
on a lighter note...hes got like stupidly high luck and low/mid intelligence. hes not stupid but hes pretty naive and too trusting of people. hes not very convincing (speech wise) but hes naturally super likable :)
he has a wide network of people who ~kinda~ like him (more as a “awh he’s a bit daft but he’s got his heart in the right place” kinda opinion) but theres also people who outright hate him cause of how annoying he is to deal with
^ one of those being the Kings. he demanded to see the Queen before holding up an pre-war postcard from the UK...he got booted out of the place short after
also hes a pacifist. like he doesnt want to kill benny or hurt anyone on his way to vegas he just wants some Answers and wants to know why or what happened (he really doesnt care for the whole ncr/legion/house thing and he never sides with anyone)
^ speaking of vegas he does NOT like it. freeside too. he stays far the hell away from it all and sticks to the desert and exploring
joey loves collecting all sorts of cowboy hats and loves revolvers.he doesnt use them like Ever but he likes having them by his side, he feels safer with a weapon (cough courier instinct cough)
hes a bit of a nomad. he doesn’t have a specific place to stay in, but he doesnt just sleep outside. he wanders from motel to motel and can usually afford it. he has a couple places he frequents (like Novac) and the people he meets like him so they let him just crash w/o payment whenever he likes
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. Hi guys! Im trying to find a fic (completed i think) where wwx was a war hero(or something) then became a concubine. Cant remember much but just that he went with wrh but killed wrh with a power that the jiangs were concerned would kill wwx as well. There was a conspiracy to poison the lans and allies. Sorrry i know its not much. Couldnt find it anymore in ao3.
FOUND? I Started From the Bottom/And Now I’m Rich by x_los (E, 57k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time travel, Fix-It, Arranged marriage, WQ Lives, Sugar Daddy, Black Widow, Crack treated seriously, YL WWX)
2. hello mods and others! i have a request for the fic finder. its a modern au wangxian fic where lwj starts getting letters (and eventually gifts) from someone (i forgot if there was an alias but it was wwx writing them) in his locker. they basically become penpals and wwx 'challenges' (?) lwj to try to find/catch him. i remember something about wwx leaving the school for unknown reasons, and i no longer remember how exactly it ends. i remember wwx was friends with mianmian and the first time lwj almost caught him, he was in conversation with her while placing a letter. the fic is somewhat clear in my head but i just cannot find it! thank you for this blog mods as well!! what you guys do is very nice, so thank you :D
FOUND? unrequited letters by Anonymous (T, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, High School Pining, Crushes, Unrequited Crush, Fluff, Light Angst, Humor, First Kiss, Secret Crush, Love Letters, Secret Admirer)
FOUND? [Yakult] How It Began by Lanforyourlife (G, 14k, wangxian, modern, high school au, falling in love, letters, butter knife angst)
3. Hey I'm looking for a fic. Thank you for helping me search for it. This is the plot: Wwx gets caught by jgy for spying at the koi tower. Then, jgy brings the whole of the koi tower to wwx's and lwj's room. Wwx comes up with the brilliant idea for him and lwj to make out as an alibi. The whole koi tower gang storms into wangxian's room while they are kissing. Then, the whole gang awkwardly leaves... but lwj and wwx decide to make out some more. 🤣
FOUND? Shifting Suspicion by scifigeek14 (T, 3k, wangxian, canon divergence, making out, blushing, first kiss, getting together, mildy dubious consent)
4. Apologies in advance for the lack of details but I'm trying to find a fic I read where wwx asks lwj to fake date but lwj actually agrees to date for real? I *think* the agreeing to date for real is a trick of phrasing that only is revealed at the end of the fic but I'm not sure, it could be immediate. Also probably a modern au? Thanks @inemmasmoonlight
FOUND? Out of the Bin and Into Your Heart by Alaceron (T, 27k, WangXian, Modern AU Fake/Pretend Relationship, Oblivious WWX)
5. Hi! I was wondering if you could help me find a fic? I only remember one scene where LWJ said something (or assumed something) that led to a misunderstanding between him and WWX. When it cleared up, LWJ said "What have I done to you?" and WWX answered "I think you broke my heart a little". I'm sorry if it's super vague, but I can't remember anything else, except for the fact that it was almost certainly a complete fic with only one chapter. @blueghost13
6. Fic finder, where lwj has prosopagnosia. Wwx was talking about jc looking at him as if he was a different person then asked lwj why he doesnt have the same problem as jc. He later admitted to not remembering wwx face coz he was face blind. It was oneshot, probably.
FOUND? Faces by osiesaur (G, 1k, wangxian, faceblind LWJ, LWJ pov, WWX in MXY’s body, married)
7. Hello mods! Thx for all ur hard work I hope yall aren't working yourselves too hard! There's this fic I have been trying to find where WWX saves a disciple from a monster but when he somehow fails, the disciple runs away and he's attacked but luckily LWJ is there to save him BUT the monster's poison gets in his eyes and he becomes blind? And it was actually LWJ orchestrating it all because he wants WWX to depend on him? And WWX moves into the Jingshi and LWJ kinda takes advantage of him?? @sentientcongee
FOUND? Blinded by Love by Blueflower740 (E, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Rape/Non-Con, Dark LWJ, Blind character, Getting together, Dependency, Manipulation, Oblivious WWX, Explicit Sex, Possessive LWJ, Good sibling JC)
8. Hi 👋  for the next fic finder, can you please help me find a wangxian au that i read awhile back. I think its a time travel fix it where both or just wwx travels to the past. I remember wangxian finding a xuanwu egg in the cave and it hatches in their presence because theyre soulmates or something along those lines. They end up with 5 eggs that hatch (all mythical beasts).
FOUND? ❤️ Fallen by Jaywalker_Holmes (M, 151k, wangxian, Mojo’s post)
9. Hello! I was hoping you could help me find a fic. I'm pretty sure it was complete. The only things I remember is that WWX was brought back and found out (Emperor?)LWJ had sculptors make statues of a naked WWX to worship. I appreciate any help!
FOUND? Blessed Wi-Fi is Back by Anonymous (T, 4k, WangXian, Ancient Rome, Crack, Emperor Hadrian and Antinous Au, Cultivators in ancient rome, Anachronism, not a historical fictioni don't have a degree in greek or roman history) "Or in which, Emperor Lan Zhan, distraught after the death of his beloved, orders a cult to worship Wei Ying and naked statues of Wei Ying are erected everywhere as a result."
10. Hello! Thanks for all your work. I hope you guys can help me :’). I lost a fanfic where skin Ling received a letter saying that WWX was annoying people in a little town, but he was actually dying. Long story short: WWX ended helping JL in Koi Tower and then he decided to bully JWY and LWJ because WHY would they leave WWX alone when he likes responsibilities? I hope someone remembers the name because I really want to reread it, if I remember correctly, this fanfic is complete. Thanks for helping!
FOUND? Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 63k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Protective WWX, Protective JL, POV JL, jC & WWX Reconciliation, eventually, Reluctant Matchmaker JL, this kid is doing his best)
11. Hi!! For the next fic finder can you help me find a fic where WWX is a little, and the Jiangs refuse to let him become little. In the story there were 3 types of people: Carers, Littles, and I think like someone who isn’t either. So when they go to CR, LWJ finds out, and he tries to help WWX get away from the Jiangs. It’s been awhile since I’ve read it, and I can’t find in my history. I would really appreciate the help!
Hey!! I’m the anon who asked for #11 on the recent fic find. It wasn’t Being Vulnerable is the Only Way to Allow Your Heart to Feel True Pleasure. I definitely remember that both JC and JYL went to CR with WWX, and they were both making sure that WWX didn’t regress into a little. Another scene that I kind of remember was that LWJ discovered that WWX was a little while he was writing the rules in the library. And another scene is that WWX basically has a breakdown when he witnesses MianMian being able to regress into a little
Not FOUND Being Vulnerable is the Only Way to Allow Your Heart to Feel True Pleasure by Anon (T, 1k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, YZY/JFM, little space, headspace, age regression, little WWX, caregiver LWJ, fluff & angst, abuse, self-hatred, WIP) series MDZS little space adventures
12. anyone know a fic where lwj is injured and stuck in animal form and wwx cares for him? i remember he was stuck in a tank with wwx other pet lizard and at one point he grows big and the tank breaks. the lans are looking for lwj - lxc has a crush on either nhs or jc in this. pretty sure its a modern au - it is not fell by you or love always wakes the dragon
Hello i sent in a request to help find a fic but i found it myself lol - the one where lwj is injured and wwx take cares of him and there is another pet of wwx (thought it was a lizard but it was suibian as a gecko) and the lans are looking for him. i said lxc had a crush on either nhs or jc but i was wrong and it was nmj! (Love at first bite by luckymoonly if you were curious)
FOUND! Love at first bite by luckymoonly (M, 14k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Fluff, Humor, Dragon Lans, Smut, Mpreg)
13. Hello! I would appreciate any help finding these two fits! A) one is where wei wuxian makes up a story about knowing little lan wangji to try and explain why he wouldn't let go of him. I'm pretty sure wei wuxian time traveled but not lan wangji. B) fem!wei wuxian is engaged to jiang wanyin but both don't feel romantically attracted. Jang wanting like wen Qing and wei wuxian lan wangji. Thank you!
FOUND? Come Back to Me by s6115 (M, 9k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, cloud recesses study arc, soulmates)
FOUND? This Tumblr Fic by @shanastoryteller  [the 3rd part is linked bc it has the links to part 1 & 2, but the post refers more to the first part. also, i tried to look and im not sure how to tell if there are more than the three parts i found sorry] Link to part 5 that has previous parts linked ^^
14. Heyhey, thank you for doing gods work! I'm looking for a modern day fic in which little A-Yuan got lost in de mall (i think he ran outside to watch some sort of festival?) And dad!lwj is freaking out and wwx finds little A-Yuan and takes hil vack to his appartment and feeds him pancakes. There is a policestation, they know wwx and wen qing is an officer there. Pls help me find this fic and thank you! @follyfallenflapdragon​
FOUND? I know what my heart wants by yakuso5u (Not rated, 28k, wangxian, modern, single parent LWJ, fluff, pining, getting together, accidental child acquisation, domestic, slice of life)
The ask from @follyfallenflapdragon I don't remember the name but I recognize the fic! Wwx found yuan out by the highway while walking home from work and it was like night and winter and ly wasn't dressed for it so wwx was like omg small child about to freeze to death so his first thought was GET HIM WARM so he took him home which was nearby & didn't get around to calling cops before they already found him. Lz wants to kill him thinking he kidnapper until wens vouche for him & realize he savior
15. Hello!! Please help me find this fic i read a while back.WWX was in a gang and LWJ was a detective or something. They got married to save WWX. There was also some thing related to WWX 's parent's death.His parents were scientists. Something happened to LWJ and he lost his sense to feel any touch. I don't really remember much. It was quite a long fic. Please someone help me🙏🙏.
FOUND? #15 is a fic by Shinnochi and she deleted all her fics on AO3 cause she was bullying some writers online and one of her victims collected all the proof. So she had to delete her account.
16. hi ❤️ for fic finder, id reaaally appreciate your help! the only thing i remember is that jc finds out that wwx doesn't have a core but wwx tells him some lie about the reason (wzl?), but later they're at LP i think? and wwx confesses the truth to jyl but jc was standing at the doorframe, hears everything, yells a lot, and then ??? yunmeng sibs feels ig? its not Tether or The most dangerous thing is to love (both wonderful).. i feel like i went thru every single core reveal fic ctrl+f-ing the word door 😂
hi, i asked for 16, and sadly its not the fic suggested (even though its a great angsty fic 😭), i remember reading it in like 2020, and i think the reveal happens in the great hall or throne room or whatever its called. thank you!
NOT FOUND! Silence Like A Cancer Grows by julomaiboulomai (M, 12k, JC & WWX & JYL, LXC & WWX, canon divergence, truth curse, suicidal thoughts, hurt/comfort, dissociation, golden core reveal, hopeful ending) Theres a scene like that in it, but Jiang Cheng is around a screen rather than a door.
17. Hey! First time asking for help finding a fic! Hope you can help me, all I remember is that they’re in a village investigating the murder of several ladies by the hand of the ghost of a young master (his parents were looking for a bride for him and he killed all the prospects) that was actually in love with a servant in his manor, hope that’s enough to find it!
FOUND? let me sing to you by greybird_crookedbranch (T, 61k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst with a happy ending, BAMF WWX, Case fic)
FOUND? that’s Prayer for the Dead by Shinocchi it’s gone from AO3 but retrievable on the Wayback Machine (be aware that Shinocchi has become persona non grata in the fandom for reasons you can look up on Fanlore.)
18. Have you ever read this modern wangxian ao3 fic, i can't remember if its a FWB fic or Sugar Daddy fic, where Lan Qiren wants LZ to stay away from WY because "he was a bad influence" and so LZ promises himself it would be the last time he will meet WY. He always prepare him breakfast tho because WY always seems to be starving. Until one day, because LQR found out, he decided to finally "break up" with WY, and he regrets it because he made WY cry and didn't even get to touch the food. Thank you!
FOUND? Honesty is the Best Policy (Except if You’re an Asshole) by piecrust (E, 22k, wangxian, college/university au, porn w/ feelings)
19. Heyo Mods! Im looking for a fic where LWJ’s co workers forced him to drink in secret and dumped him in a bar. WWX works there and he took him to a cafe i think. LWJ stole WWX’s drink I remember. WWX called LXC and he came to get him. It was very cute. I kinda remember WWX drawing something and LWJ keeping it. The next day when he’s sober he came again! That’s all i remember. Help me please🥺
FOUND! i know who i want to take me home by ScarlettStorm (E, 16k, wangxian, modern, bartender WWX, drunk LWJ, caretaking, meet-cute, fluff, comedy, smut, minor angst)
20. Hi! I'm looking for a fanfic where wwx and lwj were making out in the woods and Lan qiren caught them and then suddenly wwx caught a panic attack because he was scare he would be kicked out?
FOUND? 🧡Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 348k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) (There's a scene like that in ch.8 ~ Mod C)
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what kind of thoughts do you have about werewolf tim? i vaguely remember some werewolf tim posts from you but my brain is not braining yk also can i randomly dump my personal werewolf tim ideas in your inbox :3
-werewolf tim number 1 enthusiast
Yes youre more than welcome to drop ideas in here :3 i love to hear from yall so much
My werewolmf tim thoughts fluctuate from Big Doggy Wolfy Ouppy to something something symbolism and metaphor. I like when hes big fluffy dog and i like when hes gotta a little man in there too, more human and mourning. I think its nice when he can control the transformation at will and equally cool when its entirely out of his control. I think on full moons he locks himself in his bedroom and ties himself to the radiator with the thickest rope he could afford. More than anything he is afraid of his control being taken away, and accidentally hurting someone when hes not himself. I think his wolf form doesnt want to hurt anyone, it just wants to feel safe and fed. It wants to trust somebody, and its scared when it wakes up in the dark, unable to move. It howls and howls all night long, but no one ever comes to save it. When Tim wakes up, exhausted and sweaty and in ragged clothes, hes relieved to find himself still tied up. The wolf’s hell is tim’s only solace: he’s never been able to escape on a full moon night.
Maybe if tim had a super healing, super strong and fast animalistic creature of the night that could show his wolf what it’s like to be loved and to be alive again.
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kumomist · 2 years
had a daydream where wanderer gets sent to an au where ei actually takes in and raises him and kunikuzushi is officially a minor goverment official/diplomat who goes around checking in with the different factions,, but mostly he just goes around visiting auntie miko and the kaedehara clan or something and basically is just the shogun’s son without any super big responsibilities or whatever
anyway the wanderer shows up during some festival or something with a bunchof international guests or whatever,,, and panicks hearing ‘kunikuzushi’ and ‘shogun’ in the streets and his first instinct is to get the heck out but there arent any outgoing international ships cause all of them are coming for the festival and staying for the duration (idk if this is realistic) and maybe only people with verified id can get out of ritou?
also he hears about sumeru and since this is a happier au lesser lord kusanali is well known as a young archon being raised by greater lord rukkhadevata as her heir whatever and this messes wanderer up EVEN MORE cause this is is different and he doesnt remember the greater lord so it seems like nahida happened to get her own mothermentor and can he really go to her for help to get back but who else can he go to and other bad feelings
and since he doesnt have anything else to do he ends up wandering around (heh wandering) and being careful to hide his face and feeling abunch more bad feelings because he keeps hearing about kunikuzushi and ei and also probably has some feelings about his vision too. maybe he ends up watching the fatui too? or maybe even kuni and ei
and then idk things happen and the fatui makes a grab for the gnosis and wanderer gets flashbacks (‘anything but the gnosis!’) and runs up to block them and ends up knocking his hat off.. the fatui are all like ‘oh so you hid a second creation huh??’ and everyone else is just staring wide eyed. wanderer gets to beat up signora (maybe with ei and yae hesitantly offering support??) and then he passes out like a champ
wanderer wakes up and gets interrogated?? or maybe he just tells them hes from another world and to stay tf away if they cant help him get back and all these happier emotionally healthier people just watch and can tell hes obviously fucked up inside. hes still stuck there recovering tho so they get to know him a little better via forced talks and little slipups and stuff
meanwhile kuni has self esteem issues cause theres this?? stronger and more capable vers of himself?? vs him who doesnt have much a purpose and doesnt feel like hes doing anything. and wanderer finds out somehow and basically spits in his face (‘you have family who loves you despite your weakness. you dont know what it means to have family reject you for who you are.’) probably there is a play here on how kuni doesnt think of himself as inhuman while the wanderer is struggling to accept his humanity after being rejected for his inhumanity
also there is a moment where kuni and kazuha meet and they are either buds or vague acquaintances and wanderer is weird about it because he has so much history with the kaedeharas that doesnt exist here
mmmaybe wanderer and ei get to talk, or wanderer yells at her and ei cooly takes it. idk ei characterization actually but i feel like she should be the stoic parent who is bad at feelings
eventually buer (wanderer’s nahida) pops up and wanderer gets a good hug cry and she goes around thanking ei and whoever for taking care of her bastard (not in those words lol). wanderer glares at her but he is also hugging her still so they all know he loves her and are happy he has some family of his own. and then they leave
post everything maybe kuni gets some courage and becomes an international diplomat? and gets to travel around on his self discovery journey. meets the other nahida and they become friends :)
and then i woke up and remembered this isnt a real fic :(
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findthebae · 2 days
uhh hey. so im dave strider from homestuck. uhh i dont have a lot of memories of sburb (like, i have a few, but theyre all fuzzy and weird and blotted.) i do remember hanging out with john rose and jade pre-sburb though. i had a crush on john and jade (but jade was aromantic and i never told either of them). i also remember vaguely having a crush on karkat and someone else, but im not sure who. they were a girl, though. man i had a lot of crushes. uhh. i dont know if john was trans or not, i just know he was a little weird about gender. i mean, i think we all were, but i really noticed it with him. bodily im 15 and mentally im like 15~16, so keep that in mind. im also part of a system and not the main host (i think). we also have a karkat, if that makes you uncomfortable or something. he just doesnt like me, even though we havent really talked
ill list some memories i guess?
john: i remember playing mario kart with him a lot and texting till late hours. we knew each other for a long time (like, since we were toddlers or something). i always saw him as a dude but sometimes jokingly called him my wife because we were so attached. we made stupid raps together sometimes, but i cant remember any of the words anymore. one was about fnaf. i have no idea what years my memories are set in, by the way. his eyes were really pretty green/blue (they seemed to change sometimes?) and his hair was always super soft. sometimes he played pranks on me and he always apologized if it upset me (different sensory issues, you know)
rose: she actually taught me how to knit. i think she was aroace but, like. open to romance? like i think she had a girlfriend once but im not sure who it was. she was also pretty smart about lgbt stuff and i think it mightve been one of her spintrests (we were all autistic, i was just the last to realize). she would actually listen to me make some of my music and give insight on lyrics and stuff. she was really good with lyrics. i think she got into her moms alcohol sometimes and i normally kept chatting with her so she wouldnt do anything dumb or something (especially since i got into alcohol sometimes too and i did dumb stuff)
jade: she didnt always make the most sense and sometimes i had to remind her to take care of herself because she got so hyperfixated on something she forgot. she liked writing and did some weird plant stuff? i think she was into magic. she was so so so pretty guys im so serious even if she wasnt literally connected with the stars id still be convinced she was one. anyway i also gave her some sea shells one time
karkat: man how do i say this. he tried to act like an insufferable prick but he was just genuinely so sweet. it sucks that i cant remember much of him, i just know he was real sweet and pretty and i think he purred.
other person i forgot: i think she played guitar? and she was a troll. i dont remember her typing quirk but i know it was definitely legible? her horns were kind of short (but not like karkats) and she was super sweet to me i think. and i did in fact fall for it. i will fall for almost anyone who's super nice to me. i dont even know if shes a canon troll
me: in general, i still dont remember much. i remember the land of fire and clockwork (a little) and i know i was kind of scared of bro at all times. i think i kind of remember how i looked? i tended to have a tan and i had a few scars (not sure where, just know they were. like. keloid scars and werent that big). my eyes were like? orange-brown, and i know i was pretty sensitive to light (mostly because i never took off my shades). my hair was like super blond, like really really light. i liked painting my nails (ironically) and tended to wear double layers (either a long and short sleeved shirt or a hoodie over my shirt). i also wrote raps and some other music. usually the loud kind. i had an electric guitar, but i dont remember how to play anymore. i also had sticky fingers pretty often (i stole a lot)
my tumblr is turntechdumbfuck. i also currently go by doctor/doc as well as dave (you know like doctor who. because. time stuff)
id prefer if you reached out to me but if you reblog ill message you. specifically reblogs or replies.
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 4 months
I just want them to be happy
I started watching stranger things because of the hype of S4, I watched the first season with my parents in 2018 but didn’t rlly remember anything abt the plot and I didn’t get past episode where Jonathan’s camera was broken because I physically couldn’t watch anything with embarrassment at that point in my life
Anyways all I remember is that I didn’t care abt milkvan, like at all, I had no emotional attachment to them, I thought they were vaguely cute? But I felt like I had seen this formula a million times before and it was boring at that point, so I just didn’t really care abt them, I loved the characters don’t get me wrong but their relationship just never really felt that important to me, I always preferred them as friends anyways, their platonic interactions were always my favorites
I knew that I just wanted these little fuckers to be happy and if Mike and Eleven being together made them happy so be it, even then tho I was starting to realize the differences between Mike/Will and Mike/El but I could’ve passed off S2 Byler was platonic if they wrote Mileven super cute, but at that point I hadn’t seen them together on screen enough to rlly have any attachment to them
And then I watched S3, and S4
And I realized if I want these characters to be happy they cannot be together- they’re relationship does not work, it is not healthy, it’s not good for either of them- and it’s not good for Will
We’re shown El giggling and having a good time after breaking up with Mike, we’re told that El see’s him as “her first boy friend” which means she thinks she’s gonna get another eventually- we’re SHOWN El being happy without Mike
We’re shown that Mike keeps El in a holding place she doesn’t want to be in anymore
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I just want El and Mike and Will to be happy and looking objectively at it Mike and El breaking up seems to be when El is the happiest, and Mike and Will being together is when they’re at their happiest
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evilmagician430 · 1 month
Hii im just starting to get into vt because of a friend and he said u know abt spencer. can u tell me abt him??
oh boy where do i even start. this is like a dream come true for me honestly. i'm going to try to stick to whats actually canon as much as possible, so i wont be getting into my own headcanons here.
i know for a fact im gonna end up typing some parapgraphs so here, i made a table of contents.
paragraph 1: age
paragraph 2: personality
paragraph 3: hobbies and interests
paragraph 4: location
paragraph 5: his backstory
paragraph 6: miscellaneous
spencer is one of the youngest venturiantale characters. the wiki states that he is 17, but when he is first introduced he says that he is 12 years old, so i'm not really sure where the fandom wiki got 17 from. he IS characterized as a young teenaged boy so really his age can be anywhere inbetween those 2 in the present day of canon (which is like... vaguely 2010s.) obviously if you're doing like timeskip aus or whatever he can be an adult.
he is very easily annoyed especially when it comes to stupid people, of which there are an abundance in the gmod roleplay cast. whenever someone ticks him off he tends to call them an "absolute nerd!!!" something which i struggle to incorporate into my own depictions because i can never seem to get it to sound natural. i mean, he himself is portrayed to be this geeky insufferable know-it-all, so it's strange that he would call other people "nerd"s, especially when theyre being dumb. but i digress. short paragraph compared to the other ones but as he's presented in canon, he really does have a simple composition. he's a nerdy kid who hates people and loves to be alone and gets angry easily.
it's hard to discern what spencer likes, but it's easy to tell what he dislikes because he'll make it known. pokemon, power rangers, barbies, really anything pink and girly (with some glaring exceptions such as being a brony and having no issue with sailor moon) and more probably. he's always looking for faults in anything people like. with pokemon, it was that it's a ripoff of digimon; with power rangers, it was that it's just a localization of super sentai, and for this reason he actually likes sailor moon because it isnt derivative. not sure what his feelings are on g4 mlp being a reboot. maybe he prefers the older gens? g3 mlp is really girly and pink though even more than g4 is so maybe he would just be a gen 1 fan and also watch mlpfim. (speculation) the wiki lists his occupation(s) as "brony, hacker, weeb" which is a really good list of things to be into and none of them are jobs. and he HAS had a job at least once is the funny part. he worked at the front desk of a random hotel. anyways from this we can conclude that he probably likes certain anime, likely the more obscure and plot-heavy ones. and he also is really apeshit bananas at computers. he knows ALL THE CODES. all of them. he spends most of his time on the computer or in bed watching anime. the shelves inbetween? i like to imagine he keeps his figures and toys there. i think he's a dc comics fan, but i can't remember if its canon or not.
he's a troglodyte dwelling almost exclusively in the basement of the acachalla house, or sometimes even in lower, secret basements. one time the acachallas moved and they left him there, and when they came back to get some stuff he rose out of the front lawn like a zombie and was like nuh uh uh this is my house now. at least once he was eaten by giant dirt worms under the house. in canon it is stated that he is not allowed to leave the basement, which seems abusive to me. i like to headcanon that spencer only THINKS he's not allowed to leave the basement because that's how it used to be in his original family that he ran away from. but thats not canon; the canon is that he's basically a captive of the acachalla household. he digs tunnels and becomes allied with the mole people but overall it doesnt seem like he minds living underground. anyways.
content warning: cult. also child death and suicide? i guess. before being adopted by the acachallas, spencer was the leader of a cult worshipping an entity known as the spence. the spence was an extremely powerful god who died or something and the mission of the cult was to resurrect him. little spencer, only 12 years old at most, killed himself in an act of ritual sacrifice. he became the mighty spence incarnate, and after gaining new life, he immediately started killing the members of his cult (because they couldnt correctly answer his trivia questions or something), and ordering them to kill one another. then he flew away on the back of a giant seagull all the way across dimensions to little butts north carolina. and then presumably his debut video happened (he goes to gamestop where gertrude is working and annoys her so much with his questions that she beats him to death with a crowbar).
O.K. now some random things. starting with the one i never shut up about: he's definitely bisexual and/or nonbinary BASED ON the situation that occurs in the killer teletubby video when he meets mabeline, a girl cosplaying as johnny ghost. he expresses interest or perhaps attraction to her (??) based on her appearing almost exactly like johnny ghost but having a girl's voice. he says, and i quote, "am i seeing... someone as hot as johnny ghost, but yet also with a feminine voice? that's like the best of both worlds, i dont know where i sign up" like there is no cishet way to interpret that i fear. anyways he also canonically has ocd and at one point, a fear of grass. a lot of this information you can just get from reading the fandom wiki but im so so so glad you asked me instead. he has a level 67 warlock in world of warcraft. he is literally the joker. his braces are so rusty they can be used as magical bullets. he's such an enigma i cant help but be obsessed with him. anyways thats the official spencer guide by me the spence enthusiast. also i have a little doll of him hes awesome
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spikeinthepunch · 3 months
some thought on characters in Penrose-- i have a list of random characters that may or may not get put into the story. all of which are OCs from years back i shared in multiple forms: mars, hayden, babe, mari, ronny (rip ronny i only ever drew him as a dead body in this map part lol), etc... they are not likely going to make it in aside from Mars and Hayden perhaps.
Hayden is much more likely. in the original "story" i guess, he was supposed to be a boyfriend?? potentially abusive? it was always so vague and i never really wrote anything for it. the only bit of anything was this WIP, but even then i didnt really do much.
the idea of Mick having a boyfriend at all in this new setting is interesting on its own. Suddenly i have the question "if Mick has a bf, is he in the cult with her? or not?" i think we know which one would be more interesting-- if Hayden wasn't in the cult. Now I won't jump the gun and say he's an abusive boyfriend. Actually, i think he shouldn't be (well, they'll have issues. but not the blatant abuse i had before). the biggest thing abt cults is looking at them from the outside. you as a reader, are not in one (hopefully) and would have awareness of the situation. Mick doesn't have that, because Penrose doesn't have that awareness either.
honestly, my vision doesnt really end with any... solution. i can only see a relationship like this just fizzling out because Hayden cant do anything about it. which sucks, and seems unsatisfying, but it also feels realistic! hayden isnt equipped to deal with such a massive issue, and i dont think he'd fully understand it either considering people within wouldnt talk about it like its a 'cult' or that its bad.
i dont have too much to say here because i havent even explored Hayden past this part he may fufill in the story. but remembering i need stuff outside of the super contained, strict cult space is important and i need to consider some of what i can do with that
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