#hawks is traumatized now
*dabi is freaking pissed because hawks is fanboying over his father so much
so dabi, wanting hawks to stop, chooses violence and puts on fiery mustache like endeavor does*
dabi: KEEIIIIGOOOOO!!1!!1!!!!!1!1!!
hawks: what the...
hawks: NOO!!! UNDO THEM!!!
hawks: UNDO THEM!1!1!!
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transhawks · 6 months
i wish this fucking fandom would just TRY to learn about moral relativism. This righteous, unnuanced way of reading the post-Dabi Reveal plot around the Todoroki family and Hawks is just so absolutely out of wack and it's embarrassing people are still interpreting things as if it's early 2021 and we haven't learned anything.
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purplerakath · 1 month
MiyagiDo Karate and Protagonist Morality
So when I watched the first two seasons this bothered me and then last weekend I watched everything else (thus far)... and this still bothered me. So here we are.
Spoilers for all five released seasons of Cobra Kai (although I'll mainly be talking about Demetri, Sam, Danny, and Hawk).
Before I get started...
As much as I'm criticizing the writing of these characters, I don't think the characters are bad, or hate the show. I just think more could be done with them, or in the case of Sam they could have started the ball rolling sooner and she could be a better character than she is.
Except Demetri, they really screwed the pooch on his writing.
Protagonist Morality
So I guess I should explain this term. Protagonist morality is where a show doesn't question the behavior of it's protagonists, assuming that whatever action they've taken is morally correct (for the setting). In a video game, you know all those unguarded chests full of stuff for you. The ones all across the countryside and in towns and often people's houses? The ones you can loot freely and nobody cares or is concerned with all the robbery you're doing?
That's protagonist morality. If the game labels you a thief and you get run out of public spaces for your actions, then the game is labeling your actions as maybe less than a paragon of virtue, and giving you reason to think about it. (Then you do it anyway because it's really nice loot.)
So what about the ACTUAL protagonists?
Johnny, Miguel, and Robby are questioned and judged by the narrative constantly. They generally do things right for them, but not universally seen as correct. And generally the narrative is about them moving forward and making less questionable calls.
The whole point of the start of S2 is that Johnny realizes "No Mercy" is a bad motto, because it just gets people hurt, and changes his teachings to match this bit of character growth. Characters backslide, Johnny and Robby both crash spectacularly at the start of Season 3. Each needs to dig themselves out of the hole their in all through Season 3 (Johnny) and 5 (Robby).
So the show never treats them as not needing growth, as the show is all about their growth.
Danny is a hyper-judgmental asshole due to unresolved trauma from his youth and it's a problem. But also the show would be a lot less interesting if he worked through all of this in a timely fashion. Primarily the issue is his reaction to "Cobra Kai" just being back at all, and how he never once gets pushed to question if Cobra Kai in Johnny's hands changed.
Some of this is miscommunication, which is the cornerstone of the Unresolved sexual Karate Tension with Johnny. But his absolute refusal to see good in Cobra Kai had a direct hand in breaking up Sam and Miguel in Season 1 and Danny... came out of it believing he was right.
And when he goes out of his way to try and destroy the S1-2 era of Cobra Kai, the narrative never once actively punishes him for his prejudice. He's also never forced to face why he's like this. It's kind of shit but very much a plot lodestone.
Like her father, Sam often rushes to a moral judgement on bad info and never goes back. Even if she's wrong. So much of her Season 1 behavior is swept under a rug so that other characters (Kyler, Yaz, Miguel) can be her personal villain. And the worst being Season 2 with Tory.
Sam rushed to 'all Cobras are evil' while in a plot trying to fix her friendship with her best friend, she instigated things with Tory, and blamed Tory for all of it without having to think about why she's following her father so readily. Of course, with the end of Season 2 it didn't matter what her behavior was prior, she had every justification to treat Tory as her own personal satan.
Fortunately for me, and everyone else who likes Sam, most of the later seasons focus real hard on having her grow as a person. Maybe not facing all of her personal failings, but she does grow past them in respectable ways. And while her behavior toward Tory is... still bad, Tory is her personal anxiety attack she's allowed it now. (Unlike someone else.)
She also unpacks some of the prejudice she learned from her dad. Sneaking off behind his back to learn Eagle Fang and figure out before Father Dearest that balance is better than pigheaded arrogance of your own greatness. Leading to the Season 4 finale and her mixed styles.
Demetri Hawk
Before I rant about Demetri, I need to explain why Hawk's narrative, regardless of his failures, is better. Eli starts the show with a clearly defined failing (confidence and courage), focuses hard on overcoming it (through Cobra Kai Karate), and turns him into someone new.
That new person is a loud abrasive asshole, but it's a growth arc.
When Hawk behaves badly, it's treated as a start of darkness. As he grows to love having the power his weaker nerdy self lacked. His acts of vengeance make sense as the flexing of power he's never had before. To the point he becomes the sort of bully he feared. His reactions are all overreactions and that's good writing. You understand why he beats Kyler's flunky to a bloody pulp, it's cathartic but also framed as an act of pure violence and destruction. He needs to live in his anger, his violence, listening to the whispers Kreese offers.
Season 3 is Hawk struggling to choose between good and evil, and in the end he chooses good. Leading him on the path toward balance and being better than either side of him before. Honestly of every character in the show his path is the best defined.
Now Demetri
Demetri is a anxious pessimistic leech. He feels he'll fail before he starts, and therefore doesn't try. He rides the coattails of his friends as they become cool and popular and Hawk was right to call him out. But rather than investigate that, he becomes the target of Hawk's new villain arc, and rushes to the arms of MiyagoDo.
Where he proceeds to never actually face who he was, and just... get to be a cool martial artist with a hot girlfriend as the show sweeps his negative traits under a rug and never touches them.
The narrative never confronts how 'it's fine for me to reap the benefits of your hard work' (start of season 2) or 'I can humiliate my best friend by spilling all his secrets then hide behind my badass martial artist friends' (late season 2) were bad calls, because at the end of the season he just... gets to beat up Hawk to establish the full defeat of Johnny's Cobra Kai.
Directly into Season 3 where he's just as aggressive and antagonistic as Sam is, while neither is treated as being 'over the line' by the narrative. Which is all before Hawk breaks Demetri's arm, meaning he doesn't have the extant trauma reason Sam has.
By Season 5 Demetri is a pretty cool person, but as there's no actual focus on how he got there, it feels cheap. Which really sucks.
What I'd Write-
I don't want to rewrite the whole show, and that makes Danny hard to fix. As so much of him is that paranoia of Cobra Kai. Like- best I could ask for is him going to therapy and trying to work past it (and just being bad at it).
Sam the easy answer is Aisha not forgiving her (at least during S1-2). Where Sam tries to get Aisha back, but every time she either says something about Cobra Kai, or Miguel, or Tory and Aisha points out Sam hasn't given any of them a fair shot, and that Sam has no room to talk after dating Kyler and being Yaz's friend.
Bonus points if Sam also gets taken to task for her going after Tory when Tory was working. Because Amanda already got Tory fired once, but she felt bad about it.
Demetri has a similar route of 'best friend does not forget.' A simple 'why should I ever trust you again' after Moon's party would go a long way to rub Demetri's face in what he did, how he was as bad as everyone who made fun of Hawk's lip at school. How Demetri, for one brief moment, was worse than Kyler.
I want all the characters to either get the kind of care in how they change direction that Miguel has, and failing that being absolutely perfect like Devon (the only person to join Silver's Cobra Kai and not turn evil).
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kaltacore · 11 months
one super important detail about carver's 'pro-templar' stance is that he openly admits that he never saw magic as a threat before kirkwall. he can be petty and constantly annoyed by his siblings being all magical and special but he never thought of them as abominations who need to be locked up for everyone's safety. kirkwall is the reason he starts to express doubts and we know how fucked up the veil here is.
if he joins the order, he does that out of necessity but i'd say he's also that rare templar who's motivated not by fear for himself but by fear for the people he cares about and at least one of them is a mage. this city is full of demons and abominations and blood magic, situation here is a lot more complicated than in ferelden and there's also his not-so-almighty mage sibling who doesn't seem to be concerned about this. even though they can be killed by one of these things. even though they can become one of them.
also he desperately needs purpose and if he was never taken to the expedition he finds one and does so by his own choice. and for the moment he thinks it's the right thing to do but the order never helps him resolve his doubts. he's never proven wrong because there are still demons and abominations threating the city. he's never proven right because some things templars do are completely unjustifiable and straight up cruel. this is not the purpose he wanted. this is not the reason worth deeping the rift between him and his sibling even more than it already was but it's too late to quit just like that. it's not like he despised the templars. it's not like he didn't understand them completely. but the way he bitterly says "you don't understand this life. i didn't" to sebastian summarises how complicated his time in the order was all along
#honestly i wouldn't say that carver is a good templar. he's loyal to whoever he serves but that's just. his way of things#good templar fucking hates mages. it's not like i'm exaggerating tho. almost all templar characters who got major promotions in the games#were traumatized by some magic accident first and then were allowed to work with mages. while they were dreaming of massacring them#or they were just. willing to kill and torture people with no traumatizing background or whatever. even better#carver is just not like that. he thinks this is a respected promising job. he can see a point of it#and then we have these cut lines where cullen mentions templar!carver was threating anyone who dared to mention hawke. well#is he that pro-templar tho. or was he just raised among mages for all his life and was taught to believe that magic is a normal thing#but then got exposed to the whole city where mages were causing problems. a lot. and started to wonder if his family was just an exception#(yeah yeah mages were not in fact the root of a problem but we're talking about character's point of view here#and carver is a lot more concerned about his place in said family and the world and his relationships with his sibling#than the veil and stuff)#as a result we get a story about distancing yourself from the people you love for a cause that was not worth it#a cause you chose and regretted but some things cannot be undone and you have to live with it now#i don't usually go for this route but it is so tragic actually. hits almost as hard as warden bethany#carver hawke#dragon age
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idkwidatp · 6 months
New pfp because I just watched him die and I'm sad and kinda fucking mad at Hawks rn
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moskowins · 5 months
thinking of eli going from being bullied to unlocking that rage in him and being misguided thus becoming a bully himself to seeing what he had done and learning who he really is and actively trying to fix his mistakes and owning up to them.
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otterknowbynow · 1 year
cannot BELIEVE how badly tobias animorphs is doing in that poll. literal piece of my heart how could you.
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
Mera being the only “positive” person in the HC while everyone else is either bad (the previous chairmans) or complex and traumatized (Hawks and Nagant) is interesting but also kinda funny
Hori really said “This place where hopes and dreams die needs a little sprucing up. Put a silly tired man in there and see what he does”
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vampirebiter · 1 year
for guts being a child mercenary was a terrible traumatic childhood. for rickert its a fun little field trip to go to battle.
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bumblerhizal-art · 1 year
Okay okay okay okay how about, for the OC Codex prompts:
5. letters between two of your OC’s companions about them for Radka
12. your OC overheard while drunk for Pavle
8. your OC’s doctor/healer talking about their injuries for Novhen (am I thinking post-Archdemon? Maybe. But feel free to pick another point in time. Also ignore the quiet chanting of "angst, angst, angst!" in the background, that's nothing ^^)
Mix and match as you please, pick the ones you like, and have a lovely day! ^^
oh boy thanks for the ask! it’s not quite what you asked for, but i hope it’s good enough!
[Ask Game]
Content Warnings
All: Alcohol
Third: Blood, Vomit, Trauma, Parental Death (you wanted angst ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯)
5. letters between two of your OC’s companions about them
We have arrived in Antiva safely. To think, just a year ago, our mutual friend was complaining of Ferelden's sun, but here, she's buried herself under so many veils to keep from burning that we won't even need disguises.
You need not worry in the slightest for her safety. As I'm certain she's telling you in her own letter, we're only getting moderately overzealous in our missions. I'll be sure she returns to you in one piece after we've had our fun.
As a quick aside, what types of wines do you prefer? We ask for no particular reason.
12. your OC overheard while drunk
An fragment of unaddressed letter apprehended from a servant at Vigil's Keep detailing a drunken conversation overheard from outside the Warden-Commander's quarters:
"And have you heard about that bullshit with the Hawkes?"
"At length."
"The real cherry on top is that that Garrett's a mage. They sent me to fucking Ferelden for that, but he gets to inherit the family estate? What did he even do? Take a vacation to the Deep Roads? I did all that and stopped a Blight, and I can't even return home to the Marches without getting carried off to the Gallows!"
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. As I recall, while I shlepped through the actual Deep Roads, you were drinking wine with the king-to-be. Hardly the same thing."
"You owe the Diamond Quarter a visit if you think what I was doing wasn't just as dangerous. I know what I need to do. I'll write that bastard cousin a letter. Let him know that I know!"
"Yeah sure, could be funny. You can use what's on my desk. Just try to reread it sober before sending it."
––An apostate Amell among the Grey Wardens but not one himself. Potential leverage? Unclear if Hawke yet made aware.
8. your OC’s doctor/healer talking about their injuries
I do have something planned for your suggestion, but because medical information can be so tricky, I'm waiting to put it in one of my fics for the Archive (Gathering Frays, should be, i think i've shared snippets from it before). It'll be a grander execution than i can fit here. Don't worry, you'll still get your angst today though ;) It's not quite doctor's notes, but it's the closest he gets in the alienage
An entry from Valendrian's journal:
24 Kingsway, 9:25 Dragon
Finola found Novhen in an alley by the south docks half-conscious, reeking of alcohol, and covered in his own blood and vomit. He's barely responsive. We've cleaned him up as much as we could but found several bruises and a developing black eye in the process.
I gave him bread and stew, but he couldn't muster himself to eat it until long after it had gone cold. When I offered to walk him to his home for the night, he only grew more distressed.
I believe Del's family has been sharing their meals with the Tabris household this past week. Tomorrow, I will go with them and speak to Cyrion, but I'm not hopeful it will be a productive conversation. He hasn't so much as left his bed since Adaia's passing. I understand his need to grieve, but I worry for Novhen. Maker only knows how much he saw to be affected like this.
He's currently sitting by my fire. I expect he'll still be in the same spot come morning. With any luck, he will be more able to speak then.
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*the newest heroes campaign about safe seggs just dropped, a catchline says ‘now we can protect you even in your own bedroom’ and from now on every condom pack has a pro hero face on it*
*meanwhile the league (with hawks obviously) is chilling in their hideout*
toga: *throws all the heroes condoms at the table* guys! look what i bought!
hawks: oh no...
twice: i’d rather get hiv. THIS IS SO FUN!
shigaraki: do you have any with eraserhead? ...i’m asking for a friend
spinner: *looking at shigaraki* wtf dude?
dabi: *snatches a couple of packs from the table* lemme take a look at this shit...
dabi: *he picks the one with hawks’ face on it and shows it to his birb* nice babe, what’s the catchphrase? ‘too fast for your own good’?
hawks: *his cheeks burning* dabs, stop that
dabi: *still making fun of the whole thing* protect me hero hawks!
hawks: daaabiiii
shigaraki: you guys are disgusting...
dabi: *laughing* no, no, that’s fun! but when you told me you wanted to protect people, i imagined it a little bit differently, birdy
hawks: you know, it’s not like i had a choice. besides maybe it is fun. look, we should try out this one *he shows dabi a condom with endeavor’s face on the pack*
dabi: ...now all my desire for you is gone forever. that’s not funny. i don’t like it.
hawks: *laughs getting his hand with endeavor condoms closer to dabi* no? come ooon
dabi: ewwww! stop or i will throw up!
hawks: what? you don’t like it? endeavor is SO HOT tho
dabi: GROSS!!!
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mantecol · 2 years
sometimes i consume out of curiosity, a fanart or a fanfic that traumatizes me to such extent of forgetting how the real media actually is
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spookyscaryjasper · 2 months
i think i need kinda sorta au where the league adopts hawks. like shigaraki looks at hawks' fake smiles and unnatural upbeating attitude and he's like 'yeah he's like us i can feel it in my guts'
or hawks decides to tell the league about been sold to HPSC to gain their trust but ends up sobbing on the couch and dabi (been scandalous bitch he is) hits him with 'yep no fuck hawks you're keigo from now on'
i'm not saying that i wanna hawks to become a villain i want him to have a family. so like it would be fun if the league stays a villain organization and hawks stays the no.2 hero and they are just... really weird kind of family. like neither hawks nor the league leaks valuable information about attacks and stuff. it's casual like 'don't mind us it's just me and my family of the most wanted criminals of Japan'
mr. compress, coming in terms with adoption of another traumatized young adult: man kurogiri will be pissed.
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bouncybongfairy · 2 months
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Not A Peep
Simon (Ghost) Riley x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: You're a medic on Task Force 141 and Ghost finds out you have a thing for him when you get flustered stitching him up. Once you guys get back to the barracks, he fucks your throat under a desk.
Word Count: 1.0k+
Ref Account: @kaionyx
TW: Dom Ghost, Face Fucking, Rough Smut, BJ Under Desk
It was easy to separate yourself from all the stories being told while studying to be a combat medic. Tales about women falling for soldiers and then being immortally traumatized from watching the war take its effect on him. Whether it be emotionally or physically, the horror stories were gruesome. One teacher talked about how she had to treat her fiance after he’d been shot in the arm, apparently it fucked her up for a while. In a way, you would mock the fact that anyone would put themselves in that situation. Falling in love with someone with such a high risk job. It seemed like common sense not to put your heart on the line, especially when it could affect your job. 
That was until I met Simon and you started to understand that those wives tales weren’t so far fetched. The two of you didn’t talk much but it always felt like there was so much tension. Constantly making eye contact, becoming flustered and tongue tied whenever he spoke to you. Avoiding him when you could, not liking the feeling of your heart racing when you did. He held so much emotion in his eyes, like he was projecting his thoughts through eye contact. On a recent mission, a bullet brushed past the area above his hip bone; creating a laceration that needed stitches. Barding into the tent and pulling his pants down and shedding his gear.
 Immediately you get on your knees, pulling everything you needed to treat him out of your tactical vest. Looking up just before starting the first stitch, he was already looking down at you. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were narrowed onto you. Blood was running down, trailing down the contour of his v-line. Hands started shaking slightly, especially as he started to moan and curse in pain. Even though you were fully aware his reaction was from discomfort, you couldn’t but imagine if it… wasn’t. 
He was watching you like a hawk, swiveling his head to watch you whenever you grabbed gauze. All hope that he didn’t notice you acting flustered was ditched when you started feeling dizzy, swaying a little. He grabbed your arm to prevent you from falling, your partner taking over. Now back in the barracks, you took a long hot shower. Trying to figure out why you got so in your head, the water began to run cold. Prompting you to get out and get dressed, walking back into your room. Ghost who was stripped of gear, laying back on the bed supporting his weight with his elbows. 
“Do you need me to redress that for you?” you asked, assuming he was waiting to see you about his wound. 
“No. Do you need me to undress you?” he asked, sitting up. 
“I- What?” you asked, taken off guard. 
“Do you. Need me to. Undress you?” he asked slower, like you were too dumb to answer the question. 
“I don’t understand-” you began saying. 
“No no, I saw you today. The way your eyes widened when you were on your knees in front of me. The desperation and neediness was so potent I could practically smell it on you. I could have taken you right there if I wanted, forced myself into your throat. So hot and bothered you couldn’t even do your job, I consume your thoughts. Don’t act like I don’t” he said, backing you against the desk that was in the corner. 
“I don’t-” he interrupted. 
“Wanna say something you regret,” he said, running his thumb over your bottom lip. Dipping it into your mouth, feeling around to see your reaction, “I think it safe to say that if you didn’t want my cock, you wouldn’t be sucking my finger like a whore. Would you?” he asks, you shake your head and in response he gives you a sharp smack on the cheek.
“Would you?” he asks again, giving you a chance to correct your answer. 
“Yes sir,” you say, melting at the way he looked at you. 
“Good girl, get under the desk.” He said, which you did without hesitation. 
He unzipped his fly, struggling for a second to free his member but finally got there. Sitting down in the office chair, rolling into the small space under the desk. Completely trapping you inside the small space. No longer being able to see above his shoulders, not that it mattered when his cock was right in front of you. Every time your lips finally encased his tip, he would use his hand and pull it away. You reach up and try to take his length into your hand. His voice booming through the room as he pulls away a couple inches to look you in the eyes. 
“Put your fucking hand down, you haven’t done anything to deserve it,” he said, scooting back in, using his hand to guide your head down. 
After all the teasing, the feelings of his cock pushing past your lips felt like heaven. Ever since you met him all you could think about was him ravaging you. Using your body for whatever he wanted. A loud groan coming from the back of your throat, his other hand was stroking your cheek. Slowly starting to push your head down further, you gagged which made him chuckle. 
“Fuck, I knew i’d eventually have you gagging around my dick,” he cooed, letting his head fall back. You looked up, now being able to see his exposed jawline. Reaching your hand down and starting to play with yourself. Spreading your wetness around and circling your clit. Moaning as drool and pre-cum started sliding down his shaft. He grabbed your hair and starting to fuck your mouth. His eyes were rolling back, feeling feral hearing the wet slobbering and slapping sounds. There was a knock at the door which made you squeal and try to pull away. 
“Shhhhh!” He hisses before clearing his throat and answering the door. However just before he does, he presses your head down, applying pressure with both hands on the back of your head. Forcing your lips all the way down to the base of his cock. 
“Yeah!” he yelled, Soap opened the door but remained in the doorway. 
“Have you seen y/n? We have training soon,” Soap asked while you were digging your fingernails into his boots, swallowing around his length which hurt slightly.
“Yeah, I think she went to get some fresh air,” Ghost said, stars were forming in your vision. Soap thanked him and promptly exited and Ghost finally let you pull back. Gasping for air and wiping the tears out of your eyes. He moaned as the cold air hit his dick just after getting used to your hot throat. 
“That’s a good girl, just breathe. Yeah, you’re a such a good fucking girl,” he snarled and pulled you back down on you. 
He stood up and balled his fist in your hair, and pinning his hands onto the top of the desk. Essentially locking you into place and he obliterated your throat. Making sure your nose was pressed into his base with every thrust. Not bothering to pull his cock out as he started came. Warm cum flooding down your throat and into your stomach. He pulled out, not wasting any time putting his dick away. You rested your upper body on the now empty chair that sat in front of you. Ghost squatted down and grabbed your wet chin to look up at him before speaking, 
“Firstly, you should thank me for feeding you before training. Secondly, I didn’t make you cum because you left scratch marks on my boot,” he said, walking out of the room.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Dabi pours water/bleach (i think) on his head to wash out the black dye and reveal his identity.
Reader: Dad… dye washes out over time when you shower… and you’ve had jet black hair this entire time.
Reader: Dad… have you not showered this entire time?
Reader:… Dad answer me
100% but I think ever since daughter reader came into his life, he's been taking showers because... well, he wants to set good morals for you and also not be a total embarrassment to you.
I mean, imagine it's toddler reader's first day at school and Dabi is there to drop her off because of course he can't fucking miss your first day! That's just the beginning of a very spicy traumatic childhood, and he's not gonna let you have one!
So, Dabi is all nervous on the inside because of course everyone's fucking staring at him and he thinks it's because they either recognise him or are scared of him because he's ugly looking with all his burns and staples but in reality, everyone- moms, dads, teachers- they're all staring because wowoowowow who is this fine specimen of a man in a black fitted tee with sweatpants, bulging muscles (because this is evolution towards dad bod) and messy hair. There's just something about his rugged handsomeness, with a resting bitch face, a total bad boy vibe radiating off him.
And what's more attractive than a nonchalant bad boy??? A bad boy who's soft for his daughter🥺🥺🥺🥺
I mean, almost every adult feels something carnal inside them when they see Dabi bent down to pick you up, his muscles flexing, and a soft smile that's ONLY FOR YOU on his face as you giggle and kiss his nose and he returns the kiss on your cheeks, a tender look in his eyes as he wishes you well and hands you your pink school bag that looks extra small and cute in his rough hands🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Immediately, every parent there has made it their mission to be super nice and kind to you particularly because you clearly are your father's soft spot, so yes- they will manipulate you to be liked, no- at least ACKNOWLEDGED by Dabi.
They're all looking at Dabi with hearts in their eyes while Dabi just glares at them as a warning not to mess with you. On the inside, Dabi just wants to rush home so that he's not stared because he's very conscious and a little insecure of his appearance.
And then who is it that finally woos him over???
Pre school teacher Keigo Takami.
Okay maybe not "woo". More like "wears Dabi down enough and he only dates Keigo because you said that he was your favourite teacher".
Anyways, with a child in his life, Dabi decides its time to get a more stable job and leave the villainous life because he can't endanger you. I could see Dabi doing a lot of jobs- a professional chef, a mechanic, a race car driver, also a doctor (but not in this au, we already have platonic yandere Surgeon Dabi x reader x Lawyer Hawks), a farmer, lumberjack, firefighter(only cause of his quirk, not because he likes saving people) etc.
And now that he's got a stable income coming in, he's also gotta look sharp and nice for you. After all, he does want you to get into the best schools and be well mannered and groomed (minus a few times where he does actually want you to be a menace🥺 please do something evil😟). So, he's cleans up well, keeps himself well dressed and has you well dressed, and as far hair colour goes... professionals do his hair now! Complete with $$$ skincare and shit.
If Dabi was hot before, he's irresistible now.
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mellowwillowy · 8 months
Yandere Reader × DOL
Warning: Extreme Content, unsafe sex, Crazy Reader
Bailey - Eden (M), Sydney, Ivory, Whitney, Kylar - Mason, Avery, Harper, Alex, Wren, Great Hawk, Black Wolf, Robin
Bailey's boobs! Eden's boobs! These 2 squeezeing your face! DIE! HAPPILY!1!1!
"What are you doing? I'll be charging you for this." Bailey spat as he watched you sucked his tits, hands groping it like a squishy. Eden on the other hand lets you use his tits as some sort of pillow. Ah... heaven... bless.
Sydney's anal bead, I'll squeeze it down your throat instead of using it as a rosary!
Sydney's hand gripped yours tightly as you used the anal bead inside their throat, fuck, they didn't expect this at all. Please, don't stop. Better yet, use your hand or your cock/strap-on on their throat now!
"Mwooh... mhoreeee....!"
Ivory's Necklace, right, fuck you wanna do if I swallow it whole?
"Get it out..." Ivory throatfucked you as their hands and tentacles choked you, "get it out right now, fuck, get it out!" Actually, you doubt they were throatfucking you to get this shit out. They were just trying fuck their cum out.
Walking Whitney
Whitney and a leash on your hand, no, not a leash to you but to them! Crawling the school hallway naked, how did it feel like to have the table turned now? Oh... look at how turned on they are, "fucking slut, you like people seeing your sex hmm??"
"Shut up..." they growled back but the trail of cum they left said otherwise ♡
Kylar and Mason the undies sniffer
Look at them. You understand if it's Kylar but Mason? Really? Sniffing your undies while you were swimming?
"K-Kylar did it! He did it first!"
"That still doesn't change the fact that you are a teacher. Oh, aren't you a perverted one? Just how down bad are you to the point you are caught sniffing with this," you pulled Kylar by his hoodie, "damn fucking loser who jerks off to my picture?"
"Uuu... you look so cute in that jacket so..."
Avery and alcohol
Fuck, you are sick of them raging at you every now and then. So? What to do? You eyed on the alcohols they got for the two of you and...
You hit their head with it. Just before they could say anything, you forced the alcohol down their throat, burning it. Just as you noticed they were wasted from the hit and burning sensation, you stripped them down and,
"I think you'll look great with your hole stuffed with this," you showed them a bottle of alcohol, "I don't give a shit about safe sex, feel free to have a check with Harper soon."
Doctor Harper...
Harper groaned as you plunged yet another syringe into their arm, the content? It's empty. Better be empty than fill it in with the drug they would use on you right?
"I bet it feels good, getting injected here and there right you fucker?"
Wren the smuggled
"Ehehe~ look at you~ so adorable in my bag, all tied up hm?"
The smuggler had been smuggled. Fuck, you were so going to enjoy fucking them while charging everyone fortune just to watch you fuck them dumb.
Milking Alex~!
Oh, the farm was growing. Look at it, the milk production got better in both quantity and quality! As expected of Alex! Now, it's time to milk Alex with your mouth and hand again!
Great Hawk the terrored
"Come on now, walking is better than flying right?" Great Hawk whimpered as you handed him his daily food. You caressed his bandaged wings that you broke with your own hands. "Good boy~ now eat, you'll need the energy to mate."
Black Wolf, awooooooo
Black Wolf did so as you fucked him dumb. What a pack leader he is, a great breedable alpha all along.
Robin, burn your fat down.
At this point, they were probably either traumatized or suffered from the masochist traits. Look, look at those marks ♡ how many times have you whipped the fuck out of them? It'll help burning down some of the fat they had.
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