#hating that hard in a fictional teenage girl is kind of like
lavendorii · 6 months
adults cannot be normal on my posts
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snowviolettwhite · 2 months
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Spent today working on the mood-board for my upcoming 9-1-1 Alternative Universe Fan-Fiction Set In 2011. Making moodboard and doing interested boards help inspire me and get ideas flowing. So I want to share it. Look how adorable teenage Buck, Eddie and Shannon are. They look so young, little cutie pies.
It will be called "don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up." It is from Harry Style's Matilda.
Below is what I have written so far, it is still in the works. You can also check out my 9-1-1: Lone Star Fan-Fiction.
Set in the early 2010s with barely eighteen and barely out of high school Buck and Eddie running away from home to California and joining the fire academy and eventually joining the 118. Eddie would bring baby Christopher with him. Eddie's parent did not think he was mature and adult enough to take care of Chris as a 20-something year old, so is would be even worse for teenagers, people who are transiting from childhood/teenage-hood to young adulthood and still being treated like kids.
It is June of 2011. The schools wide across the nation are all out for summer vacation from Hershey, Pennsylvania to El Paso, Texas.
Evan Buckley is the blonde, blue eye rascal who is always getting hurt and in trouble. He is the baby of the family but the only person who has ever paid attention to him is his big sister Maddie.
Edmundo Diaz is the young teen dad who got his best friend and girlfriend pregnant. He is the middle child and was the sane one compared to sisters until now.
They say if you want to be treated like an adult act like an adult. How are supposed to act like an adult at eighteen years old, haven’t been out of high school even a month, being dragged home by the cops and being scolded at the front door or being yelled in your childhood bedroom. Sometimes this makes you want to run away.     
It is June of 2011.
The city of El Paso, Texas school district has let for summer break and held graduation for this year’s high school seniors, they are no longer twelfth graders.
They are adults or as much as one can feel like an adult at eighteen years old, and silently sobbing in your childhood bedroom, hugging your worn-out stuffed animal dog with your back pressed against the door, trying not to wake your napping infant son who in his crib as your mother is yelling at you.
“Edmundo Diaz, you are in so much trouble young man. Open this door right now! You live under in my house. You live by my rules and aren’t too old to be put over my knees. Just wait until your father gets home. I can’t do deal with you.”
Edmundo Diaz or Eddie as he prefers being called was a good catholic boy. He never misbehaved or caused trouble but a little too soft, that was until Shannon showed up. They met in the eighth grade. They became best friends and were inseparable until they lose touch but found their way back to each other. She introduced herself being all sweet and friendly. She was sunshine. His family hated Shannon. They said she was a bad influence on him and he started acting different after meeting her. She was his first kiss, his first girlfriend, this first time. Good catholic boys wait until marriage, she is his first and only.
Shannon will back soon, she is visiting colleges in California. When she comes back they will make a plan for themselves and for their beautiful baby boy, Christopher. For now, he has been having never ending fights with his parents. It is about how stupid he was getting a girl pregnant while still in high school and a teenager or how he needs to toughen up or grow up. It is kind of hard to grow up when nobody goes around hiring eighteen-year-old and your parents are still treating you like a child.
“Edmundo, how could you let this happen? You and Shannon are still kids. You are barely able to take care of yourselves. How are you supposed to take care of a baby?”
Inspired By This Photo:
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Yeah I think a lot of people's gripes with Zoe (and a majority of the hero team as a whole tbh) is that you can argue "this character doesn't need to be a hero, they haven't really earned it nor do they add anything to the hero side of the plot." You can tell the hero team as it is now is full of extras because they crammed several new heroes in one episode. But also why have new heroes when you can have a few trusted ones and do fusion? Why have new heroes when you can use the forgotten power ups? Why have any of this at all (new heroes, new characters, all the pointless retcons) if you weren't going to put your whole ass into making these relevant outside of one or two episodes? You want these heroes here? You want to say with full fucking confidence that Zoe is the better bee? Fine. But you have to be dedicated to that choice enough to want to convince your audience that that is 100% the correct choice because otherwise she's just another extra that you put in because you hate a fictional teenage girl of your own creation that much.
Yeah no like
While I /do/ adore all these characters and the idea of a very large Hero Team, I 100% think that the show would have been better off with just the Main Five Heroes and none of the Zodiacs. It helps the focus stay on the characters that need it.
And yeah the powerups got dropped so hard it's been three and a half seasons and we still don't know what half of them do.
Fusion is so many kinds of ??? because it was originally established as something that was super dangerous to do so they should only do it once in a while. Then Mari kept fusing Miraculous throughout Season 3-4, then Gabriel fused all of them and only suffered any consequences for about 5 minutes before negating the 'consequences' entirely.
But yeah just. A lot of the secondary cast suffers from this because there's no time to show them off properly unless you do what we thought Season 5 was going to do and give them all their own spotlight episodes.
Zoé absolutely suffers for this double because not only is she introduced so late(Season 4 compared to the rest of the Heroes being early Season 2 at the latest).
But also that everything about Zoé revolves around Chloé. She's the half-sister. She's the Nice One. She's the replacement Bee after Chloé 'went full darkside'. What little screentime Zoé has is used to bash Chloé and praise Zoé as being 'better' while giving us very little of what makes Zoé better outside of 'not being Chloé'.
Sabrina actually suffers in a very similar way, a lot of her screentime being used as part of Chloé's plots. Sabrina is a touch better because, even though she's always with Chloé, we have some of them just acting normal and casual and even friendly rather than hammering something in.
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
Glimmer is the lifeblood of this show
She IS.
Listen. I love all these characters. So much. But Glimmer? I fucking LOVE her! I will never be over how good a character she is.
I'm going to bust out a screenshot...
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Look at my girl. Bisexual lighting, so true, but this is our lead princess on a show about friendship and rainbows and magic and she WILL fuck you up. She's stocky and rough around the edges and badass as hell while dressed head to toe in sparkly pastels. She's a girly girl and she kicks ass, next question.
She's feminine and insecure and tough and arrogant AT THE SAME TIME and we SO RARELY get that combo of traits in a female character! Usually the badass character hates femininity or the character in the poofy dress is a meek shy thing, but Glimmer's out here in a tulle prom dress punching bitches in the face. She is stockpiling weapons while squealing about fashion makeovers, get on her level!
She's also a mess of contradictions, flawed but in realistic ways. She's trying so hard to do the right thing she doesn't realize she's becoming the bad guy, so terrified her friends will leave her she doesn't realize she's pushing them away and taking them for granted, so determined to save her planet she accidentally dooms it. She's an extraordinary girl with powers of both the royal and magic kind, but that's twisted up with ordinary problems like trying to prove herself to her mom, living up to her dad's legacy, making friends and crushes. She's compelling because she's REAL in a way fictional media so rarely does right with teenagers.
Which is especially impressive because, story wise, she only exists as push and pull to Catra and Adora's arcs. She's a character made of filler, what the narrative needed for other characters, but it's woven so well into the rest of the story that she becomes a lead in her own right.
Just The Most character ever.
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cherry-lemonade-kiss · 9 months
film review: buffalo '66
rating: 4/5
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the brown grain of a 35mm camera, the stark contrast of a rough, rugged man and the sweet angel of a teenage girl with big beautiful eyes painted with blue, the americana of diners, bowling alleys, football- that's buffalo '66.
it was the beauty of christina ricci playing that sweet teenage girl, dressed in the angelic baby blue dress, adorned with bright blue eyeshadow and sparkling tap shoes, that really drew me to the film. of course next was the short, concise summary: a man gets released from prison and kidnaps a girl to play the facade of his loving wife to impress his parents.
what seems like a simply dark twisted film delves into something else. we have a hurt man, emotionally neglected by his parents- a father abrasive and resentful of his son and a mother who regrets her only experience of childbirth because it cost her a football game. it's really no wonder billy brown (played by the film's own director, vincent gallo) is so rough and tempestuous throughout the film, harsh and aggressive to his victim, layla. he's a man hurt and scorned, cheated by his parents, cheated by his first (and only, it seems) unrequited love, cheated by the bookie who forces him to go to prison for a crime he didn't commit...but even though this film seems somewhat autobiographical, it's hard not to think this man is so utterly pathetic.
he's a man who is angry at the world, angry at himself, angry at everything and would want to see everything burn. and like every cliche film following a man so wronged and 'haunted by his demons', billy avoids self-destruction by softening to the sweetness of layla. maybe it's the feminist in me but it was aggravating to watch layla be so kind and sweet and loving to a man who forces her into her own car, a man who pulls her hair and threatens her, a man who forces her to act in a twisted play of happy families, a man who deserts her at a diner- it's endless cruelty but somehow we see the film end with sweet layla being cradled close by billy.
i didn't dislike the film- there were valid criticisms of both the fiction but also the reality of filming (the difficulty of the director and actor vincent gallo, his poor treatment of christina ricci etc etc) but i'd be lying if i said it wasn't an enjoyable watch. i think there's something quite addictive about watching characters you hate, especially those you despise because they're so pitiful, so pathetic, so desperate and angry and fail to take accountability for anything- everything that essentially makes up the character of billy brown. it's particularly addictive when you see those turbulent storms of characters tamed by their complete opposites, someone calm and collected, sweet and sensitive and emotional in contrast to their anger and scorn and resentment i.e. layla.
i do wish the film explored layla more- i'd be curious of her backstory, her life as a dancer, her dreams and ambitions, her family life and why she's so drawn to a man like billy brown. is she self-destructive? does she believe herself a healer? if the girls watching this film are anything like me, something is drawing them to layla. do they see themselves in her, a girl slightly insane who would give everything to a man, a man that doesn't deserve her?
overall, buffalo '66 is a film worth watching. an hour and fifty minutes passes by quickly when you're observing such dysfunctional characters in a world of beautiful american cinematography.
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booksandchainmail · 8 months
My Hugo Award thoughts:
Best Novel: Nettle and Bone
this makes sense to me! It was my second choice (and my first choice, Nona the Ninth, is a controversial entry in controverial series) (controversial in that people tend to either love or hate them). I think I've made it clear that I think this year's Novel nominees were weak: while this was at the top of the nominees it is nowhere near the best sff novel of last year.
Best Novella: Where the Drowned Girls Go
this one confuses me. I very much like Seanan McGuire's Wayward Children series, but I don't think this was one of the best of that series, and it is heavily context dependent. It's a good novella! But the novella category was so strong this year that I don't know why it won. This was actually my lowest ranked novella. My first choice was Ogres, with Into the Riverlands as a close second.
Best Novelette: The Space-Time Painter
Confession time: I did not read this or include it in my rankings. There was no English translation provided, and I was running low on time and energy and didn't machine-translate it myself. Sorry. That said, I've heard good things about it elsewhere, and it is of course nice to have a work from the host country/language win. My vote was for Murder by Pixel, and in general I thought this was a good category.
Best Short Story: Rabbit Test
yeah this was always going to win. Excellent short story, well written and topical, it was my top vote. I'm interested to see how the voting metrics break down: this category was a mix of chinese and english entries, and I'm curious as to how that impacted results.
Best Series: Children of Time
YES! YESSSSS! This category was incredible this year, six well-deserving nominees, very hard for me to choose between them. But this was my top vote (a hard decision), and I'm delighted it won. Three hefty volumes of the best kind of drawn out philosophical science fiction, deeply moving, with incredible worldbuilding and alien minds. This was absolutely the highlight of works I read because they were nominated.
Best Related Work: Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes
No surprise here, Terry Pratchett is beloved and this book was well written. This was in my top three, which I had a very hard time choosing between and all I would have been happy to see win. My own top vote ended up going to Chinese Science Fiction, an Oral History, which was also the only work I couldn't read, aside from the translated introduction and table of contents. I voted for it on the grounds that what was translated made an excellent case for it being an important work, not just a good one, digging into the history of science fiction in China in a way that had never been done before, and I felt that nonfiction about a specific person or movie, no matter how well-written or informative, couldn't compete with that scope.
Professional Artist: Enzhe Zhao and Fan Artist: Richard Man
this is fine! Neither was my top pick, but both were near the top, and I will freely admit I know little about art.
Lodestar (Not a Hugo): Akata Woman
Not my top pick, but a perfectly good winner. I suspect my ranking of it suffered from a) being in a reading slump that made me have to push to get through it and b) this being the conclusion of a trilogy I last read six years ago, and remember very little of. There were a lot of moments of resolving emotional conflicts that I had no context for, which left the book a little flat. My top vote was for The Golden Enclaves, which I think was by far the best nominee, but also dubiously qualified (while the books, especially the earlier ones, certainly feel like YA, and center around teenagers in a magical high school, they are published as adult fantasy). My runner up was Into the Serpent's Wake, the sequel to Tess of the Road, a book I am still bitter did not win in the first year of the Lodestars.
Astounding (Not a Hugo): Travis Baldree
... ok. I do not get the hype for Legends & Lattes, and by extension Travis Baldree. The book was delightful! But it was also fluff, not something that provoked any strong thought or emotion, not any great work of prose, not innovative or creative in any new way that would mark a rising new author. This was my lowest ranked nominee (leaving out Weimu Xin, whose work did not have an english translation). This would be less disappointing, given I found most of the nominees so-so, were it not for Isabel J. Kim, whose short stories were miles above any of the other nominees.
Other Awards:
I didn't vote in the other categories, or read/watch/listen to their nominees. Nothing in their results jumps out at me, though I'm happy EEAAO won.
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n-evermores · 1 year
“Besides, you’re still in love with your old girlfriend.”
Let’s talk about this trope. I see this often with older male characters, and my only question is why? It’s so tiring and honestly, a little silly. And this is not me trying to diminish real feelings that teenagers can have. Many people marry their high school sweethearts and live long happy lives together. But you also grow together and build a life with one another. It’s very different.
If my math is correct, Joy and Parker dated when they were 15/16 years old. They went their separate ways their junior year of high school so they were probably 16 when they broke up. Our brains don’t fully develop until we’re about 26. Parker and Joy, even at 21, would be very different people from who they were at 16, and even more so at 26. They’re like 60 now. It’s safe to say they are strangers at this point.
This trope is so unhealthy to me, and usually painted as romantic by writers. Him not able to have a healthy long lasting relationships with women because he’s still obsessed with his high school girlfriend is not romantic. One could argue it's toxic. Honestly he needs therapy because this has to be some form of trauma. Yet, the writers love using women for male pain, and this isn’t any different. You’ll never see them write a female character incapable of having an adult relationship because they can’t get over their old flame, because they don’t use men as plot devices like they do with women.
It’s like when ALL of Gibbs’ relationships and marriages failed because he couldn’t move past Shannon. I totally understand this for him because they built a life together and had a child, (but it’s still unhealthy) As we get older the way we love changes. We mature and so does the way we love and how we love matures with us. There’s no reason Viv had to compete with a ghost from his teenage years. It’s downright silly and kind of unrealistic if we’re being honest.
I love Joy as a character and I love the actress. I feel like the writers need an excuse to prevent Parker from being happy just as they did with Gibbs. And I hate that. A part of me wishes they used Joy’s actress as Viv (I wasn’t too fond of the actress they used. Perhaps it was the way she was written or portrayed, but I’m not a fan), and just gave us a slow burn of him getting back with his ex wife of many years. I feel like that’s the direction they were originally going in until they retconned it with the Joy plot line.
And when Constance broke up with Parker, I felt sad for him, and then suddenly she hits us with the “you’re still in love with your old girlfriend” line, and I just eye rolled so hard. Like why? It’s so stupid. It pulled me out of the story and I love Parker, I do, but it kind of ruins his character for me just a little. It’s just weird. Like you were a child when you loved her, you haven’t seen her since you were 16. Move on, my guy. Move on. I just know a man wrote this into his story, that or I want to know who’s 14 year old child went into the writing room and suggested it. Because it’s silly.
Also just to reiterate that they usually don’t do this with women: Joy herself is a good example. When Parker asked if she was over him, we never saw her response. Clearly, that conversation didn't go in his favor because nothing came from it. Most likely, she rejected him. However they did allow Jimmy to fall in love again and be in a healthy happy relationship after his wife died, but Parker can't get over a girl he dated at 16? It's just a badly written plot and a trope that needs to die. It's not romantic, its not cute. I'm not sitting at my tv and going, “awww, he's stuck in his past which is preventing him from having healthy long lasting relationship, so sweet and romantic.” Yuck no.
Also please note this is not me hating on Parker. He is one of my favorite fictional characters ever. I adore him. This is just me complaining about NCIS writers. I love the show to pieces, but when it comes to characters like Parker and Gibbs, they love to throw these toxic tropes at us. One of those tropes being unbridled anger = masculinity (hello old wounds.) Anyway. Rant over ha ha.
TL;DR: Unless you have an unhealthy obsession, real people don't stay in love with the person they dated at 16, especially after 40-something years. That person would be so far from your mind. It's unrealistic and I wish writers would stop using this trope to prevent characters from happiness or having any healthy long-lasting relationships.
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msfenriss · 4 months
Rayati, honored readers
When I was a baby lesbian in the 80s I frequented the legendary bookstore Lambda Rising, which was located in the rather upscale gayborhood of DuPont Circle in DC. My favorite part of that store was the rack of zines made by queers of all kinds for various queer niches. I picked one up called Artemis, which purported to be for women who like women who look like women. I thought “that kind of sounds like me,” and I avidly read and reread it. It was clear that the community who made this zine were UK-based, and I was a pretty miserable teenager on the east coast of the US, struggling with more than my own share of stuff, so nothing more came of it.
About 10 years later, it was the mid-90s and I was using gopher to read Usenet. I kid you not! That is how ancient I am. I confess that I was poking around a number of groups at that time that fell into the “alt.sex” category. One day there appeared a message on the femdom group about a Feminine Empire where only girls were allowed, and that I must jump through the “shimmering portal” quickly as it would close in short order. There was a URL, which was a thing of which I had only become aware within a year or so of that fateful afternoon.
The site was called Femmeworld, and it was an absolute delight! I won’t go into any detail here about that site, as several very intelligent and competent blogesses here on Tumblr have done that. I learned about blondes and brunettes, and I was struck with a bolt of revelation that I was a brunette, and that explained me! I made sense! Of course I understood that this was all within a fantasy world and that there was no such thing as an Aristasian brunette, but it revealed to me that other women had these feelings and experiences, and had thought about and discussed it enough to invent a fictional designation.
To cut to the chase, here were these women, some of whom were enby, but also female essentialist. They were anti-patriarchal, but anti-feminist. Advocates of complete state welfare (see the “colleges” that girls can choose to live in) but entirely anti-socialist, and in fact monarchical. And of course one can’t hear about “blondes and brunettes” without immediately detecting at least a bit of racism. When questioned about that, they always insisted that in lands where girls were dark-skinned, the blondes simply had hair of silver or white, and honestly it’s a trivial point, and could I please drop the subject?
I won’t go into an extensive discussion of the implications here, but I am sensitive to them. I was raised in an actively anti-racist white family. I always strive to be aware of racism and white supremacy wherever I go in the real world and the virtual. I can only tell you that because all of my interactions were virtual, it would be hard for me to absolve the Aristasians of any such allegations, but I can say that the welcoming, vulnerable, friendly nature of these ladies suggests that hate of any kind would be quite alien to them. There were a couple of girls in Second Life whose avatars appeared to be Black, and they were accepted with as much joy and enthusiasm as all other girls present. More than that I can’t say.
For another 10 years, I popped in and out of Aristasian spaces. I contributed to forums, and even took part for a short time in an online schoolgirl RP by email. Some time in the mid aughts, it was announced that an Aristasian Embassy would be established in the virtual world of Second Life. I immediately started an SL account so I could go there (and how I spent the next 15 or so years in SL is a whoooole other narrative that isn’t particularly relevant.) I attended a couple of balls at the Embassy, and was very graciously complimented on my gown. I was present for Operation Bridgehead, but was privy to very little inside information about the disagreements that ensued. If I knew anything about that, I would not share it here. Despite any philosophical differences with these ladies, I have great respect and affection for them, and would be unwilling to air their dirty laundry, so to speak.
I was privileged to get to know Sushuri Madonna, who was at that time the undisputed leader, at least of the contingent that could be found in SL. She was entirely delightful, intelligent, and kind, and had an extremely delicate nature. Despite my best efforts not to offend, I am sure my most carefully curated speech had to seem terribly coarse to her. We exchanged some email, and she was kind enough to offer editorial assistance with a few bits of Aristasian fiction I was toying with. What little I learned about her personally, I will of course not disclose, but I felt that we were friends, and I cared for her very much. I hope she is still alive and well, and that the demise of the persona called Cure Dolly does not indicate her real life death.
Thank you for reading, and I would very much welcome discussion on the topic from anyone interested.
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arggghhhsstuff · 1 year
Here's your reminder that straight up trashing on lily evans because you prefer james in a mlm relationship is Not Okay and deeply rooted in misogynity. She is a fictional character whose only action was to protect her son with her life. She did nothing wrong; she just saved her son by loving him. That's literally it. That's all we know about her. That and the description made by remus later in the books: a loving and kind woman. Now if you don't like her character, that's fine, I don't care. I don't necessarily agree with you but I won't come at you either. But don't you dare shit on her just bc she's a woman getting 'in the way' or your favorite mlm ship because that's fucked up on so many levels. And don't get mad at people calling out your behavior, because it is misogynistic.
I think many people in the fandom aren't ready for this conversation, but it has to be said: This fandom is deeply, deeply misogynistic. It has a problem with female characters, not matter the era we're talking about. They are ignored, underestimated, left out in favour of male characters. It's not a mistake or an oversight: it's decision, a choice made by writers and artists to not focus on the girls.
Like, do you know how hard it is to find a fanfiction where a woman is the main character? And it's even worse if she's in a wlw relationship. I don't think i've ever read a 'marylily raising harry' fic, when we have dozens of fics where harry is raised by wolfstar or jegulus. No hate against those, they're great, but come on. Don't tell me you don't see a pattern here. It's the same as everywhere else: people just don't care about the girls. It's exhausting. It's fucking exhausting and I'm sick of seeing the same bullshit over and over again. Like. I am a queer teenage girl. I would like, too, to see myself represented by and in a fandom constituted (mostly) of queer individuals, just like me.
But no. It's like the world is not aware of the existence of lesbians. They exist! They are very much a real thing and would like fics where they are represented, for fuck's sake. The worst part is that I'm not even surprised; angry, yes, and disappointed, but bot surprised. It happens every time.
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afra-blueraz · 1 year
Did u ever tried to imagine yourself as yui. I think u are similar.
Imagine myself as Yui?
Well NO.
It's a big NO. Because we are really really different. I love Yui from the bottom of my heart and she will be always my favourite character and my comfort character from the all fictional characters ever. But I can't imagine myself as Yui. She is a great personality that I can't be. I'll explain why.
Well, let me start by telling you some of my and Yui's differences that make us very different from each other and I can't be Yui.
1_ Yui is really very strong. Yui is so strong that she was able to survive in very difficult situations with faith and hope in God. Well, I'm not really like that. I can't be as strong as Yui and endure such harsh conditions. Let's not forget that as a teenager I live in a country that is full of problems and a lot of people die every day and it is so hard for me that I sometimes thought of suicide. But Yui was the one who saved me. This is one of the simplest reasons for my love for Yui.
2_ Yui has a very pure heart and can easily forgive someone who has hurt her. But I really can't. I try to be kind and forgive if someone upsets me for a small reason, but sometimes it's really hard for me. Sometimes people hurt me very badly and I can never forget or forgive them. Some people may think that I am very selfish or spiteful. But the truth is that some people can break you by saying the simplest words. I'm sure Yui is more broken than anyone else. But Yui's heart is so pure and kind that she even forgives the people who broke her and loves them, but I can't be as kind as her.
3_ Yui is very simple and attracts people with the smallest kindness. Maybe it's because as a teenage girl she hasn't received much love. But this is opposite for me. I can't trust others easily, which is probably because of my life circumstances.
4_ Yui hates being alone, but I love being alone. I don't like to be social or participate in group activities, which is probably because of my introverted personality, which always makes me nervous. Even though I believe that Yui is an introvert, I feel that unlike me, Yui hates being alone. In my opinion, the reason for Yui's introversion is her poor social connection because she was a church girl and did not have many friends.
5_ Yui loves kids. But me really not. Kids always make me nervous. Even though I work as an English teacher for kids in a kindergarten but sometimes I feel I should leave my job.
All this makes Yui and I very different.
But now that I have said the differences between me and Yui, it is not bad to say one of our similarities. It is true that we are really different, but we have some similarities.
1_ We both love books. Yui likes reading books for her own reasons. I also love books because books have always been my companion when I was alone. I am sure if Yui and I were together, we would spend many hours talking about our favorite books.
2_ Both Yui and I have weak social relations, which makes us have few friends. Of course, I believe Yui has weak social relationships and has few friends due to growing up in the church. I am the same. I have no real friends in the real world because of my introverted and withdrawn personality. Of course, I am very happy that I found many friends in the virtual world, especially in this fandom. Especially a very special friend who was my first friend in this fandom. She will be my best friend forever and no one can take her place for me. Although she left the fandom for some time, I hope she will come back. I love her from the bottom of my heart.
3_We are both introverts. Yui is ISFJ and Me INTJ. The social ties of both of us are weak and we can't find friends in the real world.
4_I have a skinny body like Yui. Maybe even thinner than Yui. And it makes me very angry that some people make fun of Yui because of her body. Let's not forget that there are many people like Yui in the real world. When I see some people call Yui "chichinashi" or "ugly" just because of her body, sometimes I feel that I am also ugly just because I have a thin body. Let me also say that both of us have been mocked by others in the real world because of our body type.
5_ Yui likes doddling in her books. I think it's obvious how much I love drawing arts. 😁
With all these issues that have been said, in one word, we have few similarities, Yui and I are very different in terms of personality. But that doesn't change anything about my love for Yui. Yui is my hero and my favorite character. I love her forever. I love and will love Yui more than any other fictional character.
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my beautiful angel. For me, you are more beautiful, kinder, braver and smarter than anyone else. I love you.
This art is a gift from my friend [diabolik_heaven] on Instagram.
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greenerteacups · 1 year
i read the last chapter and it was AMAZING! i love these characters so much. YULE BALL DID NOT COME TO PLAY. it did have me slightly owrried, and u can choose to not answer this, but should we be worried about daphne causing issues between hermione and draco?
Hey, thank you! I'm so glad you liked it!
So, the shortest answer is, I can't tell you that without spoiling the fun. The slightly less short answer is — actually, hang on, I'm going to give you the less short answer under a cut.
Okay, cool, spoiler liability waived. The less short answer is: yeah, probably! I mean, at the risk of being too cheeky, there have to be problems for there to be a story, right?
Long answer, though, because I think I get what you mean: there's this really old cliché where girls in fiction can only be friends if there's no possibility of them being romantic rivals — like, if one or both of them is taken, or if one is the sister of the other's love interest, or if they have different sexual orientations — and it goes hand-in-hand with the classic conflict of "girls are catty to each other because they like the same boy," which is a pretty tired trope, and doesn't terribly interest me. At least, I'm interested in taking it a level deeper than "women be crazy," because usually, when women are romantic rivals, the actual tension isn't even about the man at all, it's about the way women are perceived in perpetual competition for male validation and are encouraged to treat romance as The Defining Quest of female existence.
It's also not how I see Hermione, necessarily. Does she get jealous? Sure, man. Absolutely. She's a teenager. Does she get catty? Yeah, sometimes! Does she have a little bit of difficulty connecting with other women, especially women who are more feminine or less academically oriented than she is? Totally! Is that probably due to some internalized misogyny that she may even be aware of and yet still can't overcome? I think so!! And most of all, I think exploring those ideas is more interesting than yet another story where two girls hate each other for no reason except that they're competing for a boy's attention. Hermione is irritated by Daphne, but on some level, she understands that neither Daphne nor Draco is the reason she's feeling badly; or, rather, they are, but it's not something they're doing on purpose. One of the big things Hermione's taking away from the Yule Ball experience was the realization that if she doesn't ask for what she wants, she can't expect to get it, and that means she's going to have to put on her big girl boots and get better at expressing her desires. We see this in how her attitude towards Draco changes drastically from the start to the end of the chapter — mostly because (a) she had a good night and realized the date thing Wasn't That Deep, but also (b) she might've realized that he does care for her — he dances with her, he helps her to bed — and, crucially, so does Daphne! Who spends Chapter 43 trying to metaphorically windmill her arms and throw out every signal she can, like: Hey, we're not rivals! I know I kind of fucked this up, but I really want to be your friend here, I swear!
At the end of the day, Daphne is a new initiate to a cliquey friendgroup, and she's the first person to join the Gryffindor Four who has a significant amount in common with Draco. Moreover, Draco hasn't really brought anyone into the friendgroup before — he's always been a satellite to the main three, heavily leaning toward Hermione's end (it's kind of hard to imagine that he'd be friends with Harry or Ron if Hermione hadn't been first). So, naturally, she's the most sensitive to it when she feels that balance shifting, and he becomes a more central locus in the group, especially since Daphne shares things with Draco that none of the other Gryffindors do (and that Hermione, in particular, very much does not). Draco doesn't really care about that — I think it's fairly obvious that Draco's feelings for Daphne are totally platonic, even brotherly, if anything — but Hermione is attentive to it, and it plays into her insecurities. So, yeah, it does cause issues, but not the kinds of issues that make everyone act insufferable and OOC. (In my opinion, anyway. You'll have every right to judge for yourself, and I hope you end up agreeing with me.)
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Feel free not answer, by the way.
Is there a healthy version of feminism that focuses on women's rights without becoming a cesspool of negativity and hatred for men, while still keeping in touch with traditional values? I don't know if something like that exists but I thought I'd ask anyways.
In your opinion, do you believe women—in the past, at least—were truly oppressed? I feel like the narrative told by radical feminists is incomplete, since they like to approach things primarily from a men hate women perspective.
One last thing, what are your thoughts on SCUM Manifesto? Reading the book, even back then when I was more radfem-aligned, made me feel uncomfortable. I couldn't relate to weird ramblings that she wrote about. Looking back now, I feel like Valerie was a deeply unwell women with a lot of unresolved issues that she dumped entirely on men. A well-adjusted person wouldn't harbour such extreme hatred. I find the same 'unwellness' in most radical feminists and it kind of makes me sad.
"Is there a healthy version of feminism that focuses on women's rights without becoming a cesspool of negativity and hatred for men, while still keeping in touch with traditional values?"
The only things I'm aware of are small pockets called "Individualist Feminism" or more recently "Ifeminism", which focus on equal rights for both women and men and leave it at that. But the women going by that label are such a incredibly tiny minority and are often distrusted or even attacked by the other feminists who, particularly from the 1970s onwards, are so deeply rooted in man-hating "Patriarchy Theory" that anyone refusing to join in is instantly categorized a traitor and enemy.
My point is, women who refuse to blame men (or the fictional "Patriarchy") for everything will never be welcome within the larger movement, so I'm not able to see the point of identifying that way myself.
"do you believe women—in the past, at least—were truly oppressed?"
I suppose I think the great majority of people could be said to be "oppressed" in some way at some point in their lives: any time an individual or the state uses violence against you, any time a person in authority targets you unfairly or discriminates against you, or compels you to do something you wouldn't choose to do, you have some sort of argument for being "oppressed". Feminism is idiotic and actively harmful because it puts forth a conspiracy theory collectively blaming exactly half of the entire human race for things individuals of all sexes, races, sexualities and political affiliations can do, and it wrongly presents that model as the best way of understanding all past and present human events.
Universal gender roles are overwhelmingly a product of evolution, of adapting to the hostile world over millions of years to best survive: if there ever was a society that sent its women out to hunt and to war while the men stayed home and played with the kids while baking bread, that society was quickly wiped out by war or starvation or population decline, and entirely eradicated from history because of how stupid and delusional it was.
The societal demands on both sexes must have seemed unfair to many people at points throughout history, and there must have been individuals who felt hard-done to and constrained by societal expectations in every age, whether it be the teenage boys being shipped off to die in war against their will or sent down a coal mine every day of their life, or the bored middle class Victorian girls who wanted to make more of themselves in work or travel the world having unaccompanied adventures. I've said before that the most repressive societies in regard to women - such as Islamic societies today - can be best understood as overprotection rather than misogyny: the more warlike or under attack a society perceives itself to be, the more it locks its women away to keep them from being stolen or killed.
Don't know if that fully answers your question but those are some of my thoughts on those matters.
"what are your thoughts on [the] SCUM Manifesto?"
I used to own a copy of that book in my feminist youth. Valerie Solanas was obviously a mentally sick, hysterical and evil woman, but sadly she was the canary in the coal mine for what was to come: There are tens of thousands of Valerie Solanases wandering the world today, making life worse for everyone, and they all seem to have a Tumblr.
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Alastor he doesn’t hate you. He most likely is suffering from a mix of PTSD (posibly CPTSD. Can you blame him? He got yeeted from his home by his father and siblings because he dared to love. I got CPTSD from much less) and autism. (The rubber ducks are not a neurotypical thing Luci I see you! I’m neuro spicy too it’s okay short king)
He literally got abandoned by his entire family and everyone he knew for falling in love with Lilith, is it that surprising the idea of love terrifies him? He probably thinks loving you back will break him like it did with Lilith
I know this doesn’t make the rejection hurt less. Alastor you have your own rejection issues and I’m sure you and Lucifer’s competing needs are very painful! Unfortunately love is. Love hurts and that simultaneously is what makes it beautiful and awful.
PREFERABLY WITH OZZIE OR ROSIE (or both so yall can’t go ‘this is so biased to him!!’) TO MEDIATE
In addition may I say as an autistic person myself that his ability to express how he feels may be naturally stunted even without that huge chunk of trauma? Not every autistic person is bad at the feels but I sure am, so I can see that as a possibility. If that’s the issue then try reassuring him that his different way of thinking doesn’t make him less lovable and if anything you find it intriguing or something like that
Sometimes when I feel unlovable I just want my gf to sit in silence with me. I don’t wanna talk I just want her there. Try that.
This won’t get you where you want to be overnight. It won’t be fast. But if you love him as your drunken statements suggest, this will help. Basically:
-He doesn’t hate you he’s broken and traumatized. He needs your love he just can’t admit it. He’s the sin of pride
-Autism can effect your capacity for different kinds of intimacy and communication
-He’s pushing you away and respect that, but make it clear you’re there if he wants to talk or just sit in silence. You don’t need to be doing anything for it to be quality time!
-When he feels self loathing you tell him everything he hates is something you love about him
-but look at responses, sometimes too much praise is uncomfortable!
-it’s going to be hard and take a while, but it is possible you can get your family you obviously want.
-But don’t hound him. And if he confirmed you were right and it isn’t just fear of love and he does dislike you, respect it. Co parent. Be his friend and treat him better than you have been none the less
(Lucifer I’m coming after you to give advice next >:3. I’m advising Alastor while he’s drunk so maybe he’ll actually stop being stubborn and listen)
Nickie the girl who took 4 psychology courses and thinks she knows shit now <3
(Disclaimer: talk a lot for a girl with no official degree. This isn’t advice for real life. I’m a teenager not a therapist. This advice is for fictional characters. It is my best advice and genuine to my experience but don’t blame tumblr if you try this irl and it goes bad <3)
Bunny: Wow that is a lot to take in 😳
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watchmakermori · 11 months
so I’m finally reading twilight in 2023. I was never interested in it as a teenager, and if i’m honest i’m even less interested in it now, but it was a massive pop culture phenomenon that caused huge shifts in teen fiction, so I wanted to meet it on its own terms and see if i can understand why it had such a huge following.
i’m about 17% of the way in and my thoughts so far are:
the writing is not great, which I pretty much expected. there are so many transitional scenes (bella cooks steaks, bella starts up the truck, bella parks at school, bella walks from one class to another) which could very easily be cut out to keep the pace a bit tighter. meyer also has that annoying habit of explaining the tone of dialogue when it was already obvious from the dialogue itself. standard show/tell balance issues, nothing major
so edward is actually kind of gingery-haired in the books? can’t believe the blueprint for the brooding dark hair YA love interest was actually ginger
I assumed everyone was exaggerating about how often bella goes on about edward’s ‘perfect face’ but no, she really will not shut up about it. we don’t really get any interesting description about how it is perfect - his features outside of his hair, eyes, and skin don’t really get any airtime.
did you know that it rains a lot in Forks? well, get ready for bella to remind you of that every two pages 
bella and edward seem to have...slighty more personality in the books compared to the films? but the emphasis is on slight. bella’s clearest character trait is that she hates attention and gets really stupidly wound up over people noticing her, which definitely isn’t the most riveting of traits, but hey, it’s better than nothing.
edward seems to have marginally more snark than in the films but he’s still dangerously dull. if he and bella had any actual charisma and chemistry it would make the story so much better
I can sort of see why bella works as a protagonist though, because she straddles that happy line between ‘relatable to teenage girls’ and ‘unattainable fantasy for teenage girls’. like a lot of romance protagonists, she has the standard laundry list of flaws that aren’t really flaws, including:
not athletic (but she’s still thin, don’t worry)
too pale (apparently this makes her stand out in this white-ass town??????)
not very social (but the entire school is obsessed with her anyway)
I feel like the premise of ‘girl moves to small boring town and falls for a mysterious boy who may or may not be a supernatural creature’ is actually excellent basis for a story. the problem comes from the fact that bella and edward are both incredibly dull characters and it’s hard to care about their romance.
nontheless. I will keep reading and keep adding to this post with my thoughts
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Meet the villain/love interest: Eric
There's this teacher, let's call him Eric, that teaches chemistry at my school.
He is SUPER popular amongst students. Even though I take no asignatures related to science, many of friends do and they looooove this guy.
He's 34. Attractive. Funny. Easy-going. Gets along with students. Even the low lives pay attention in his classes. They love how fun he makes his classes and dynamic that his bright attitude brings.
I liked him. I used to get along with him, made a lot of jokes about history vs chemistry. I loved how, even though I wasn't his student, he had been super friendly with me since day one.
I trusted him. He seemed like the teacher who genuinely cared about students. Who listened to them.
I have always liked older men. I am mexican and used to go to an all girl schools. However, after the pandemic, my family and I moved to Spain. The new school i attended was mixed.
Quickly I realized that a girl like me with a strong personality and attitude wouldnt get along with teengae boys. They were awful. Disrespectful. Perverts. I hated them.
Till this day I have no guy friends. I get along with some of them but wouldnt call them friends. I am, however, friends with almost every girl of my grade.
That being said, my attraction was obviously directed towards older men. Fictional characters, actors (Mads Mikkelsen oh my god) and so.
But no teachers.
Until Eric.
I found about eric's existence the second year i was living in spain. He taught in another building so i had literally never seen this man in my life before.
Like i said, i used to get along with him. Eventually i started to slightly crush on him. Not real hard, but crushing nevertheless.
He was perfect in my eyes. Intelligent, passionate, caring, hot?, and gave me attention without me having to ask for it. I had it very clear that if i ever had an issue, i would run to eric before any other teacher. Including my assigned tutor.
Then everything went to shit.
See, like i said, i didnt get along with teenage boys, like, at all. They were literally calling me satanic for not wanting to make out with random people (like tf?). However, on my second year i made a closer relationship with a group of guys who were nice enough. They made me laugh, I cracked jokes with them.
One of them, lets call him Chris, turned out to be a total creep. One day, while we were discussing the World Cup of 2022, I noticed that chris had decided to sit down while we all remained standing.
Odd, i thought.
eventually the word cup talk got veryyyy boring for me, so, i glanced down to see what chris was doing. and low and behold, i see him "subtely" filming me up my school uniform skirt.
Everything changed after that. I froze. Processing what was happening was very difficult. I literally just froze. Didnt move. And chris continued recording, oblivious to me having caught him.
Then I jumped him.
I literally threw myself at him and tried to take the phone off his hands. He started insulting me and called me a crazy bitch. The friend i thought he was had completely disappeared and someone else had taken his place.
He managed to push me off. Hard. I scratched my knee real bad.
My other guy friends? Called me crazy. Said Chris would neverrrr. Such a nice guyyyyyy.
I literally ran into the school building (this happened during recess) in search of eric.
i didnt found him. instead, i found Emmanuel, the head of studies who is hella strict. I broke down crying and told him what happened. He literally told me that "that's why we dont allow phones is school". even though he was kind of "understanding" he still though the big issue was that a phone had been used, not that i had been harrassed by a classmate.
The rest of the day was a nightmare.
Everyone found out. The guys made a joke out of it, saying they too would have recorded me to get a peak of my underwear. ALL the girls supported me. That was sweet. Literally, girls i had never spoken too came rushing to my side and hugged me. saying they were gonna kill him for me. Peak feminism i tell ya
Anyway, later on, eric pulled me out of class.
I was expecting a hug. Words of understanment.
Absolutely nothing
Not even crumbs
He completely let me down.
Bc of my storming off, chris got to delete the videos, so there was no proof. and eric, being chris' assigned tutor, pulled him aside to talk and apparently broke down crying.
eric told me that i probably had committed a mistake and misunderstood what chris was filming (even though HE LITERALLY WAS FILMING ME UP MY SKIRT AND I SAW HIM REWATCH THE VIDEO DOING ZOOM IN BETWEEN MY THIGHS)
Eric told me that bc little baby chris was crying that he probably regretted whatever had happened, i obviously hit him with the "hes not sorry about doing it, hes sorry he got caught". But nooooo, eric though that sweet fun chris would never harm a fly, let alone record a girl without her consent.
Keep in mind that while i retold eric the whole story of what had went down, i was crying. i was a MESS that day. Like, a guy i trusted had turned out to be a creep and he was getting away with it. not to mention this had happened at school , a place i used to feel safe, where i thought i could rely on adults.
boy was i fucking wrong.
i remember when eric started telling about chris being sorry and all that BULLSHIT, I stopped crying and let out a fucking broken whisper of desbelief, "what do you mean by that?" i told him literally holding back tears of utter BETRAYAL and disappointment.
He started to feed that lie about chris being sorry down my throat again but i fucking spitted it out and threw at his face.
Knowing that eric was NOT telling me what i hoped he would AT ALL, I told him , with dried tears, to fuck off.
Not literally with those words, but i told him that i couldnt listen to him anymore. That i expected to hear something else from him.
And i left. I returned to my class. Left him standing alone on the hallway.
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rimouskis · 2 years
The NHL really tried so hard to make Sidney some kind of sex symbol and it just didn’t work out. They sure gave a good go though, I’m honestly so grateful they gave up on it though because they were so adamant about it
I'm of the mind that it both did and didn't work, I think. or, perhaps, that it didn't work as the NHL intended.
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(side note to say: I'm so creeped out by all of these, I wish none of them existed, and I find the second one to be particularly reprehensible and insensitive)
I feel confident in saying that sid does do well with the ladies. funnily enough, at the bachelorette party I was just at, we played a game where we all submitted men (fictional and real) with clues as to their identity and had to play "guess the bachelor" and at one point one of the women yelled out "SIDNEY CROSBY!" when a hint was about one guy's attractiveness, haha.
but it also feels, to me, that he didn't really sweep the nation in the sort of... god, who's an appropriate comparison.... justin bieber-y type way? that's not quite right, but I feel like sid's "sex appeal" was very localized, like it only really worked in the pittsburgh market, because people outside of pittsburgh were too busy hating him. also he was just WAY too young, and I feel like he didn't bring in that many young girls/girls his age range/teen girls. like, go into the instagram/facebook comments and it's all women in their 40s or 50s leaving hilarious comments about him being handsome.
it's funny, the locals-who-are-only-casually-into-hockey I know who are my age (so, much younger than sid) were more into other players. one liked flower because she was into the p!atd look and flower definitely was the lanky/boy band-y one. another liked duper (she liked older guys lol) and yet another is not a hockey fan but finds tanger to fit her taste. I ironically don't know many Sid Fans who are fans in the carnal sense.
I've gotten away from myself, sorry—I think he's gained sex appeal more as he aged, hitting his 20s. now he's got pretty broad recognition for that (like, you can see tiktoks saying he's hot now or whatever). it flopped when he was younger because he was... y'know
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that was a baby!!! NHL, you can't do too much with that! sure he's nonthreatening but you need to stick him back in the oven to finish baking for a bit!
you're so right in that: god, they tried. they tried so hard. but he was still a chunky-faced teenager, and he (at the time) was displaying the personality of a boiled peanut, and it just wasn't gonna happen. you've gotta let it happen naturally, nhl.
and hey, he got there in the end!
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