#hataraku saibpu fanfiction
devintrinidad · 5 years
a human cells at work au, hazel (red blood cell) and shiro (white blood cell) adopting little ginger (platelet). im a sucker for fluff
Thanks for the prompts! :D
“All right, Shiro, here’s the thing.” Hazel looked around nervously before her voice dropped into a conspiratorial tone. “I may have given her hints about the...” Here, her voice dropped even lower. “...the you-know-what.”
Shiro sighed as he gave his wife a side hug before slightly scolding her. “Come on, we’ve been working on this for months, if Ginny finds out--”
“I don’t know, I think she’s oblivious.”
“Hazel,” Shiro sighed, “you are the very definition of oblivious. You didn’t know we were dating until one of your older friends asked you about us.”
“And Shiro,” Hazel added, “you are also the second most oblivious person in the world because you didn’t know we were engaged until one of your friends asked--”
Suddenly, the couple were interrupted by a young girl approaching them, a smile on her cherubic face. Inwardly, both of the adults cooed at the girl and were somewhat alarmed when Ginger asked, in her cute, but serious manner, “Are you adopting me today?”
Both Hazel and Shiro were floored.
“H-how...how did you...?”
Shiro smacked his forehead with a gloved hand. “I think you may have been a little too liberal with the hints.” He whispered to his wife.
Hazel just hid her face in her hands while an over ecstatic Ginger hugged them around their legs.
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devintrinidad · 6 years
Red Blood Cell, Sighted! Ch. 3
The loud screams of his enemies echoed through his ears as 2626 tried in vain to wriggle his way out of a trap. Unfortunately, he could feel his bonds constricting his movements; the feel of ropes and weights held him down. Furiously, he tried to kick his feet for traction, but apparently his captors also thought about other avenues of escaping.
“Hmm, they’re smarter than I thought,” he muttered proudly despite himself. However, he thought wickedly, were they expecting this? Despite the tightness of his bonds, the neutrophil managed to get his arm to reach around his back and grab his knife. Just a few more moments and—
“Oy, Big Brother Neutrophil is trying to escape!”
“Big Brother, using your knife is cheating!”
“You shouldn’t cheat, Big Brother.”
2626 found himself rolling his eyes underneath the fringe of his bangs. Still, he had to hand it to those platelets, even if he couldn’t see their eyes, their annoyance and cuteness radiated off them. Out of respect for their need for play, he let go of the handle of his knife and pretended to struggle even more.
“Help, I’m being attacked by vicious parasites!” Dramatically, he flailed about as the platelets tried their best to hold down his shaking form. “Have you not any mercy for a poor neutrophil such as I?”
And a dozen small bodies dropped upon him.
Although he was quite used to discomfort and pain, he couldn’t help but release a gigantic heaving breath when he felt the impact. Were the platelets supposed to be this heavy? Or were they wearing their packs with the coagulation factors?
“Sorry, Big Brother!”
2626 wanly smiled up at one of the platelets who heard his small gasp of discomfort. Even when they were supposed to be playing the parts of common enemies, some of them were still sweet enough to apologize. And some of them…
“Begone, germ!”
2626 spluttered as his face was suddenly splashed by a cup of water.
And some of them were just plain evil whenever they didn’t act the part of the helpful platelet.
“That’s it,” 2626 muttered loud for the perpetrator to hear, “death to all!”
And with a roar that could have put the Anisakis parasites to shame, 2626 leaped up to his feet, which dislodged most of the platelets that hung off him. For a moment, he stood triumphant as the platelets screamed in mock terror.
And yet.
All of his glory fell to the wayside when he teetered to the side and—
“Damn it.”
AE-3803, as per usual, was minding her own business until she saw that one of her favorite platelets began tugging  her in a direction opposite to her delivery route. The redhead tried to protest because she didn’t want to get lost this time, but it was all for nothing. The erythrocyte beheld the platelet’s most innocent expression and caved immediately.
It was not a proud moment for the red blood cell.
“All right! All right!” The red blood cell giggled as she found herself surrounded by a bunch of other platelets. All of them were clamoring for her attention by either tugging at her arms or pushing her legs in a certain direction. As she complied, she found that there was an adult cell wrapped in what appeared to be layers of fibrin and coagulation factors. “Umm…”
“Big Sister Red Blood Cell,” one of the platelets called out. Once she got the red blood cell’s attention, she asked, “Can you watch Big Brother Neutrophil? We need to get scissors or else we can’t get him out!”
“All of you?” AE-3803 couldn’t help but ask disbelievingly. “Can’t—”
The erythrocyte couldn’t help but agree. No one could resist the pull of the platelets.
With that, the dozen or so platelets began storming off towards where they stored their scissors. Wherever that was.
“Erm, are you okay?” AE-3803 knelt down to the fallen neutrophil, slightly awed that the immune cell allowed himself to be taken over by a bunch of cute platelets. Unlike her friend, U-1146, his hair had bangs that completely covered his eyes. Due to some roughhousing, his bangs were plastered to his face—maybe the platelets had thrown some water on him. Further observation had her noticing that from his struggle, his hat had fallen off, leaving his receptor askew. “You look a little worse for wear.”
“Ah, I’m technically not on duty so the platelets decided to use me as their playmate since their assigned region isn’t undergoing construction. Unfortunately, they might have overdone it with the whole ambush-and-capture aspect of their games.” The neutrophil squirmed under his bonds as he tried to make himself more comfortable. “We were supposed to play tea party but the boys decided to do...this.”
AE-3803 nodded in understanding before wondering if the neutrophil could actually see her. Did she need to say something to affirm that she agreed? How much time had passed? Would it still be considered acceptable to answer now? Before AE-3803 could analyze her social faux pas further, the neutrophil spoke again.
“You’re the red blood cell who likes to hang out with 1146?”
“Yup! I haven’t seen him in a while, though.” She knelt down beside him and asked, “Can you see anything under your hair?”
“Hmm? My hair?” He chuckled much to her confusion. “It’s supposedly against regulation, but I like keeping it long because it makes me look awesome, yeah?”
“Erm...but can you see anything?”
“Not really, no.”
Perturbed by this sudden reveal of information, the red blood cell gasped, “But how you can defeat bacteria?”
2626 smirked at the erythrocyte’s naivete before answering, “Trade secret.”
It took a moment before AE-3803 realized that he was probably making fun of her. With a scowl, she rolled her eyes, she made as if to leave, but 2626 pulled her back down with a question.
“How’s 1146, by the way?”
“Fine? I think?” She furrowed her brows as she contemplated his unforeseen question. “Why do you ask? I thought that you were one of his closest colleagues?”
2626 nodded, pleased that she somehow recognized him.
“His head is up in the clouds more often than not. I thought you would know why.” He shrugged, but he only succeeded in moving a tiny fraction of a bit—the fibrin must have dried to the point where it would be nigh impossible to move. “Miss Red Blood Cell? Favor?”
She hummer in assent, wondering what he was going to ask next.
“Do you mind using one of the buckets the platelets use to douse the fibrin in water? In my experience, fibrin doesn’t stick as well when constantly wet.”
Nodding, the redhead quickly hastened to do what she was told. If there was one thing to be admired about red blood cells, it was that they could move faster than the entire immune system when properly motivated. As her hurried footsteps faded into the distance, 2626 found himself musing the past few moments of conversation with the vivacious redhead.
Unlike the others, he had a gut feeling that wouldn’t let him go, especially concerning the relationship between 1146 and his red blood cell. When he was a young myelocyte, he found it easier to rely on his other senses, hence why he wore his hair long. That, and it made him look cool. Regardless, gut instinct and natural observations utilizing his other senses always served him well whether it be in battle or in everyday situations.
When he had first got a glimpse of his friend and the erythrocyte together, he had hinted at something to 4989, but the goofball didn’t understand. Considering that they were blood cells with differing types and abilities, 2626 understood, but at the same time...wasn’t it a little too obvious that the lines of professionalism and friendship blurred so unevenly that it became this weird grey area?
It could have been 2626’s naturally bad eyesight.
Still, once he had conversed with the redhead, he felt like he could relate to 1146. The girl was very kind and outgoing, a little scatterbrained, and not as quick on the uptake. That was okay anyhow—1146 had the same problem when he wasn’t killing germs.
She just had this welcoming aura that could easily bend others to her will...which was kind of terrifying if you asked 2626. Better to leave her in the dark about that interesting trait of hers.
Harried footsteps and the sounds of sloshing water could be heard aiming in his direction.
“Oh, by the way, could you warn—“
She outdid herself.
Two buckets of ice cold water were poured over him with barely any time for him to spout out his warning.
“—me when you’re about to pour water all over me?”
Was he expecting laughter? Definitely.
A mumbled apology? That was ideal, but rare.
To see her angelic face mere micrometers from his own? Nope. Not at all.
“I’m so sorry,” she apologized. “I kind of tripped and dropped the water all over your face and not the fibrin and I’m—“ Her face, much to his utter delight, suddenly lit up in realization as she began struggling against the pull of fibrin. Unfortunately, that only led to him being jostled around and while it wasn’t particular pleasant, it wasn’t a bad thing either.
The view was quite nice.
As she continued to struggle, he could hear the sound of whispers and rumbles from surrounding cells. He didn’t hear any neutrophils (he was the one on patrol anyway), but there was quite a crowd of red blood cells and normal cells standing around and just talking. 2626, for the most part, didn’t care. After all, it was just one incident in their short lives, it had no impact on anything else. On the other hand, the gut feeling that he had prided himself for having told him that he should probably calm down the erythrocyte before she exacerbated the suggestive position they were in.
(A part of him wondered if she had caught onto that fact or their audience, but he’d rather not take that chance).
“Relax,” he pursed his lips for a second before allowing a catlike smirk to darken his features just a bit, “Miss Red.” Hmm, did she like that nickname? “We just have to sit tight until the platelets come back with their scissors.”
How come he wasn’t informed that erythrocytes looked quite fetching when their hemoglobin rose to the surface of their cellular membrane? Her blush was so adorable!
“But I’m lying on top of you...doesnt it...isn’t it…” She couldn’t continue; it was far too embarrassing of her to continue further.
“So you are. It doesn’t really matter, Miss Red!” He put on a little cheer and smiled gently at her. “I’ve been through worse, actually. Have I ever told you about the time I was up against a Toxicara canis parasite? I had to wait for Eosinophil to show up—I was a micrometer away from dying!”
For several minutes he regaled her with stories of when he was a rookie neurotrophil to when he was a wee myelocyte who wanted to play tag. In return, the young red blood cell laughed and countered with her own stories of getting lost in the body and what adventures she had been up to. It was an overall nice chat—it was made even more special by the way she continuously relaxed into him as time went by. If there was one thing 2626 hated, it was when people were awkward or uncomfortable around him.
She far exceeded any of his expectations, that was for certain.
Sooner than he would have liked to admit, however, the platelets had arrived. Each of those tiny little cells bore a pair of scissors and matching looks of exasperation and cheer as they saw that not only Big Brother Neutrophil had gotten himself twisted in the fibrin, but also Big Sister Red Blood Cell had managed to fall on top of him. Even by his standards, this was a bit much for any public affair.
“Well, looks like the kids are here. See? Not so bad, right?”
“Oh, no! Not at all!”
The hemoglobin in her cheeks proved a different story, but 2626 let her be.
“Please hold still!” The platelets chorused.
As if working under some hive mind, the childlike cell’s began trimming away the fibrin to release the red blood cell first and then subsequently releasing the neutrophil moments after.
Once free from his bonds, the neutrophil pretended to stalk after several of the platelets who were the most vocal in his demise, which scared most of them away. Satisfied that he had fulfilled his duty as designated babysitter, he turned back to the red blood cell who was busy giggling to herself. Despite himself, he ended up softly smiling as well.
“Do you like playing with the platelets? They seem pretty fond of you.”
He shrugged.
“Who wouldn’t? Besides, because of them I got to spend some time with a charming red blood cell.”
Wow, she could get really red when shamelessly complimented.
He noted that.
For future reference.
For science.
“Anyway, I better return to my duties.” He waved a goodbye, but before he could disappear into a transmigration vent, he felt a faint tugging at his sleeve. He raised an eyebrow at that action, but turned around to see that the erythrocyte was looking up at him with concern.
“Something wrong?”
“Bend down.”
Perplexed and apprehensive, he bent down to her level before she took off one of her gloves and began stroking his bangs until they appeared to be symmetrical and even before his eyes.
“There you go!”
“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed,” she turned away from him with a renewed look of embarrassment on her face, “but your hair got messed up when I threw water on you and I kind of remember you from before and you like your hair in front of your eyes even though you have beautiful eyes—“
“I have beautiful eyes?”
Noting that for future reference as well.
“Don’t worry too much about it, Miss Red—“ He took off her hat, ignoring her squawks of indignation, and proceeded to ruffle her hair “—and get back to work. Later!”
“Hey, 4989.”
“You’re up to something, aren’t you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You only seek me out whenever you want to enact some master scheme where I always get the blame.”
“Tsk, tsk,” 2626 clicked his tongue, “we were myelocytes back then! We’re neutrophils, which means we’re older, more experienced, and—“
“In your case, ten times as immature.”
“Last time I checked, you were the only who used sticks and steamed buns as your weapons.”
“It’s called innovation and ingenuity. It’s not my fault that others can’t see it.”
2626 rolled his eyes good naturedly.
“Fine, we’ll save that gem of a conversation for later. For now, though…” Suddenly, 2626 straightened and whispered, “Actually, tell me again about that one incident when we were up against that allergen? When you decided to climb on top of 2048’s shoulders?”
“Hey, tactics are fair game against a viral invasion. Killer T-Cells don’t know how to improvise and have fun!” 4989 thought for a moment. “And I like being tall.”
Feminine laughter, light and airy, but interspersed with unseemly snorts, could be heard behind 4989’s back.
4989’s mouth never looked so good on the floor. It was that wide open.
“Nice seeing you again, Miss Red!”
“Nice to see you, too, Mr. Neutrophil!” She turned to 4989 and greeted him as well.
“Wait you know each other?”
“He nearly impaled me with a knife on a stick!”
2626 laughed.
That girl was definitely something.
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devintrinidad · 6 years
Red Blood Cell, Sighted! Chapter 1
Guys...I don’t know how to say this, but I think I made a reverse harem fic for Cells at Work/Hataraku Saibou. Partially based off @lunchtimerushin​‘s beautiful fanart and my need for more neutrophil content.
U-2001 is too old for this.
If anyone were to ask him how the whole thing started, he would merely shrug, knock back a drink of barley tea, and sigh. He's not an old neutrophil, but he sure likes to stay away from the immature adventures his close colleagues like to embark on. Days for him, other than the occasional bacterium or a virus, pass by slowly while time seems to meander without much reason for worry. One would think that 2001 would have gone mad, or at the very least, bored without the lack of any activity.
That was simply not the case.
Most of the time.
"2001," U-1146 greeted casually. Like most neutrophils, 1146 was dressed in the standard uniform of a white blood cell, but he was covered head to toe in cytosol. The dark red shade contrasted starkly against the usual white color that it had 2001 recoiling in shock. Usually 1146 would have enough sense to clean himself up immediately after a mission before seeking out a friend.
2001 definitely was not expecting his colleague at all.
"1146," 2001 answered in kind. He raised a pale eyebrow, although it wasn't apparent due to his wearing of a hat. "What brings you to this marginating pool?"
Normally, 1146 would bring up a topic that could be easily answered, 2001 would offer some insight relative to the question, and they would sit in companionable silence. It was a habit that had originated back in their youth as myelocytes. Over the course of the maturation, they kept up with the tradition and it had benefited them both; for 2001, it offered a sense of companionship that he didn't always receive due to his aloof nature and as for 1146...well, 2001 hoped that his friend also received the same sense of security and friendship.
1146 seemed to frown under the visor of his hat before vaguely commenting on the state of affairs within the body.
2001, not sure how to take this unexpected turn of events, remarked that all systems within the body were doing well.
And, for a few minutes, that was that.
"The normal cells do a fine job of replicating copies of themselves," 1146 said casually. "I wonder what their lives must be like, to continuously make copies of themselves, train their copies their ways, and finally let them go. Wouldn't that make life seem so boring and fleeting?" 1146 paused before continuing. "But they also seem so close knit; they're always playing games with each other. It's admirable, honestly, given that they're usually the ones who are targeted under bacterial or viral infections."
1146 stopped. Clearly, it was the time for 2001 to say something—anything that could provide validation or add on to 1146's observation, but 2001 didn't know what to do with this information.
Normal cells? Replication? Having fun? What was his colleague insinuating?
Shrugging, 2001 murmured, "It's their job and their nature, regardless of how mundane or trivial it may seem. All cells serve purpose; you should know this. We protect and the others serve."
1146 hummed thoughtfully as he processed those words.
"And the red blood cells...carrying those packages of oxygen or carbon dioxide continuously with little to no breaks…"
Was it 2001, or was 1146 looking wistful?
"They're always running around, destination to destination with no end in sight. Do they ever truly stop? We white blood cells are permitted breaks here and there; bacterial invasions or infections are frequent, yes, but not to the point where we never stop."
"They're born to do that," 2001 shrugged as he relaxed against the vessel wall. "At the bone marrow, they're trained so that they could travel great distances without feeling tired." Really, what was 1146 getting at with this inane conversation? Truly, it was thought provoking to think about the occupations of other cells, but this was elementary. All myelocytes knew why certain progenitor cells differentiated to become monoblasts, erythroblasts, promegakaryocytes, and so on.
2001 happened to glance at 1146 at that moment.
His colleague appeared lost in thought; his eyes were furrowed and covered in shadow, his body was hunched over as he contemplated. His dead stare, which was typical of all neutrophils, seemed even more probing and blank than normal. Typical 1146 pose, atypical cause for it.
"Why are you so interested in the erythrocytes anyway?"
"Oh. I met one who kept getting lost recently. You probably saw her in that one abrasion incident."
"Hmm, yes. That incident was definitely scarring."
1146 stared deep into 2001's eyes and barked a short note of laughter. Gone was his look of contemplation; it was now replaced with his favorite companion of the neutrophil bunch.
Finally. A reaction that 2001 fully calculated and expected.
"Well, 1146, I think we should head back to work."
He was patrolling an area near the foot—probably the ankle if he remembered correctly—at a capillary. Here, the roads were thin and crowded with red blood cells busy delivering the oxygen to their designated recipients. As 2001 observed from a narrow passageway, he thought back to 1146's words from earlier.
From an objective standpoint, it made sense that immune cells were allowed to have breaks every once in a while. They expended incredible amounts of energy defeating bacteria; therefore, they needed time to regroup and refresh. On the other hand, red blood cells ran around all the time, but they were trained to endure. They could withstand resistance longer and were allowed to walk on their way back on the circuit back to the lungs. For practical reasons, it made sense; different jobs yielded different needs.
So deep in thought he was, that he was completely blindsided when he heard a sudden crash and several curses from a group of passing red blood cells. Even though this situation could have been handled by others, he casually strolled from his hiding spot to see if there was any trouble. It appeared that one red blood cell (one with brilliantly red hair befitting of her cell type) had mistakenly bumped into another red blood cell (this one not as ostentatiously colored or differentiated). The situation looked like the red blood cells could deal with affairs within their circle (the redhead was already apologizing and gathering up the boxes of oxygen) so 2001 merely shrugged and moved back.
For several minutes, 2001 contented himself with his thoughts while he passively observed the red blood cells and a few platelets walking or running to their destinations. One of those who were running was a red blood cell (the very same who was the inciting incident for that accidental crash) who walked past him. Nothing interesting.
Well that in itself wasn't interesting until he saw that the clumsy red blood cell had walked past him again.
And again.
After seeing that the red haired erythrocyte had passed by his hiding spot twenty-two times in a span of fifteen minutes, 2001 decided to step in.
On the twenty third attempt, the erythrocyte had neglected to tighten her shoelaces. The result was, and this should have been obvious, was halfway disheartening to any aspiring red blood cell.
The scene was halfway disheartening because 2001 didn't want any cells under his watch to end up getting hurt—even if it was her own undoing.
Due to his quick reflexes and ideal spot, 2001 managed to grab her by the back of her shoulders and righted her up in record timing. For a moment, her eyes were dazed and confused; her mouth gaped open in a shrill scream that had 2001 wincing because of the pitch and frequency. Heavens above, such a sound at such punishing decibels shouldn't have been possible. However, she quickly turned to him and began apologizing—all of which he managed to deflect with the proper "oh's" and "mm-hhms".
"—orry, Mr. Neutrophil! I didn't—I mean, I'm kind of clumsy and I'm still trying to learn all my routes and—"
2001 held up a hand, which immediately quieted the red blood cell.
"Turn left on the main road and go straight for 100 micrometers. There, you'll see a checkpoint that has a reliable map and plenty of red blood cells who could help you." After observing the package of carbon dioxide that the red blood cell was carrying in her arms, he immediately deduced that her next destination was for the lungs.
Gobsmacked, the erythrocyte looked from the main road to 2001 and back. Was she dreaming? Was another neutrophil helping her out? Were all immune cells this nice?
Gratefully, she bowed again and thanked him graciously. However, when there was no reply, she found that he was no longer there. A little confused, but still overly grateful, she saluted the deserted area and headed off the main road. For now, she was content that she was back on track.
She hoped that she would find that kind, aloof neutrophil again in the future.
U-2001 couldn't help but...soften at the sight of the red blood cell saluting and then leaving with a smile so bright, that it could rival that of Dendritic Cell's. It wasn't every day that 2001 managed to see such a happy smiling cell in person. It was rare that cells would approach him, rarer still to see one so willing to thank him for such a trivial action.
Was it a habit of red blood cells to be so emotional and helpful?
Or was it just a trait of this particular red blood cell?
Briefly entertained with this thought, 2001 idled away until he heard his transceiver inform him that help was needed elsewhere.
This time, it was 2001 who approached his friend 1146 in a marginating pool. After the usual greeting and pleasantries, they lapsed back into silence. Again, the atmosphere felt safe and companionable; a far cry from the heat of battle and the call of bloodlust. It was soothing and for once, 2001 relaxed and let his back touch the wall of the blood vessel, fully at ease and a micrometer away from taking a nap, germs be damned.
"Something good happened today," 1146 commented as he watched his colleague sag against the wall in uncharacteristic tiredness.
Not a question; it was an observation.
"Depends on perspective."
"Then let me rephrase, from your perspective, did something good happen?"
2001 could have said anything. He could have said that he had a quiet time patrolling the foot. He could have said that he spent his entire patrol philosophizing and that he came across some great discovery before it disappeared like plasma. He could have said that his day was relatively peaceful other than that allergen that happened to run amok. If this were any other day, he would have said any of the above, but for some odd reason, images of a sweet smiling red blood cell who looked so earnest and trusting made him want to-to—
"I stopped a red blood cell from tripping." 2001 stared resolutely forward—no, he wasn't avoiding his companion's eyes. "It was all in a good day's work, I suppose."
Even without looking at his right, 2001 knew that 1146 was staring disbelievingly at him. Looking back, 2001 knew that this was a weak way to explain the feelings that were circulating throughout his nucleus. But really, what could he say? It wasn't a particularly big achievement or anything worth remembering. Heck, the only reason he remembered the event was because it was jarring to be thanked so honestly and with such vigor.
"It's our job to help all cells, regardless of circumstances." 2001 tried to justify. " If it was a platelet, you would do the same. It's our job."
1146 hummed in assent.
2001 could hear an underlying current of sarcasm, but he didn't mind. After all, he technically wasn't lying.
After a while, they said their goodbyes and left the marginating pool together before going their separate ways. Like any other meeting with his fellow white blood cell, 2001 was left with a sense of...not exactly loneliness, but an awareness that once again, he was alone with only his thoughts to keep him company.
On most days he was quite all right with that.
Today...today, he felt too old, too tired to be alone.
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